Compass Level 5 Reading Log Teacher's Guide 4-6

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Teacher’s Guide
Topics 4–6

Teacher’s Guide
Topics 4–6
Elaine Hodgson
Susan Ford-Bennett
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Introduction ............................................................................................................................. iv

Reading Strategies ........................................................................................................ vii

Topic Structure ................................................................................................................ ix

Topic Features .................................................................................................................... x

Scope and Sequence ................................................................................................. xiii

Teaching Notes

Topic 4 Why do we like music? ................................................................... T129

Major Tom in Space ........................................................................................ T130

Music Recording Eras .................................................................................... T150

Topic 5 Who wants to live forever? ........................................................... T169

The Box of Immortality ................................................................................ T170

Brain Backup ........................................................................................................ T192

Topic 6 How do living things change? ................................................... T209

The River Dragon .............................................................................................. T210

What is Evolution? ........................................................................................... T230

Glossary ................................................................................................................................... A1

Compass is a six-level English program for bilingual
primary schools. The Compass program includes five
interrelated modules for students.
Through its integrated English as a Foreign Language
and English Language Arts programs, Compass offers
a robust curriculum incorporating the rich authentic
content and scaffolded learning outcomes available
to English language learners in an immersive
English-speaking environment.
Compass topics are developed from big questions—
life’s essential questions—about students themselves,
about society and humankind, and about the natural
world. In each log, learners examine the same big
questions from different perspectives. These questions
arouse curiosity in the topics and encourage exploration,
personalization, explanation and elaboration.

Compass English Language Arts

Modules: Reading Log, Writing Log,
Phonics and Spelling Log
• All modules align to US Common Core Standards
• Early literacy support with the Reading Log and
Phonics and Spelling Log
• Comprehensive reading strategy development in the
Reading Log
• A scaffolded writing program in the Writing Log

Compass English as a Foreign Language

Modules: Language Log, Vocabulary and
Grammar Log
• Focus on communication
• Explicit vocabulary and grammar development
• Development of all four skills (reading, listening,
speaking, writing)
• Grammar, skills and assessments aligned to the
Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR)

The objective of reading instruction is to help learners the text type for each story or text in the topic.
become fluent, analytical readers. The Compass Every story and text has a Reading Strategy Focus and
Reading Log presents students with engaging original a Literary or Author Technique. Key Words provide
stories, extracts and adaptations—many contributed by students with support for unfamiliar vocabulary, so
award-winning children’s book authors—with vibrant, that they are equipped to understand each story or text.
eye-catching illustrations. Young readers will encounter Flashcards (Levels 1-3) help students learn and review
a broad range of fiction and nonfiction genres, such the Key Words. A Glossary at the end of the book gives
as short stories, fables, poems, graphic novels and the part of speech and the definition of each Key Word.
informative texts. After each story or text, two pages of Comprehension
The Compass Reading Log prepares students for literacy activities confirm students’ understanding of the story
through a hybrid approach that combines English or text. A Making Connections page at the end of each
Language Arts instruction with EFL support. Students topic helps students examine the Big Question.
will acquire a sequential, scaffolded set of reading
strategies based on the US Common Core Standards Comprehension Activities
for Reading: Literature and Reading: Informational Comprehension activities are based on the PIRLS
Text. The Compass Reading Log combines these (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study)
standards—geared toward native speakers of English— framework, which recommends four scaffolded
with extensive vocabulary and comprehension support processes of comprehension that guide learners from
for English language learners. All texts are graded by lower- to higher-order thinking by: understanding
the Lexile® Framework and the CEFR so that students explicitly-stated information, making straightforward
encounter authentic, but level-appropriate language. inferences, interpreting and integrating information
Students are guided to understand and apply these and examining and evaluating content, language and
reading strategies through dynamic and intuitive textual elements. Within this framework, students
age- and level-appropriate activities. also continue developing the Reading Strategy Focus
and Literary or Author Technique skills. An Active
Grade Lexile® Range CEFR
Reading activity (with Cutouts for selected stories
1 230L to 420L A1 in Levels 1 and 2) increases student interest and
2 450L to 570L A1+ engagement with the story or text, and the final
activity requires students to analyze the theme or
3 600L to 730L A2
Big Question and relate it to their own lives.
4 640L to 780L A2+

5 730L to 850L B1
Making Connections
After reading a fiction story, students complete the
6 860L to 920 L B1+
Connect to Me activity, which helps students examine
the theme of the story in a personalized way.
Reading Log After reading a nonfiction text, students complete the
Each level of the Compass Reading Log is divided Connect to… task, which integrates topic content with
into nine topics. The titles of the topics are in the other academic subject areas such as Science, History
form of Big Questions, which are shared across all or Social Studies.
components. Each topic contains two texts, a fiction
story and a nonfiction text, each with six lessons of Reading Log Audio
class material. Genre entries in the Topic Openers Each story or text is accompanied by full audio so that
(Levels 3-6) provide easy-to-understand descriptions of students can listen as they read.

Teaching Notes Reading Strategies
For each story or text in the Compass Reading Log, Literary / Author Techniques
there are two overview pages. A Lessons Preview chart The Compass Reading Log equips students to become
serves as a quick reference to identify the focus of each stronger readers through the development of reading
lesson and any required resources. There is also a strategies, and by building students’ awareness of literary
Summary of the story or text, a description of the and author techniques. These strategies and techniques,
Genre, a list of Key Words and their definitions and based on US Common Core Standards, give students
explanations of the Reading Strategy Focus and a repertoire of skills that can be applied across a range
Literary or Author Technique. of text genres to increase overall comprehension and
Each lesson features a lesson overview that outlines promote critical thinking.
the required resources and lesson focus, including The Reading Strategy Focus is the principal reading
descriptions of additional reading strategies. Each 50-60 strategy for a story or text. Activities at the beginning
minute lesson plan begins with a Lead in to the Lesson of the story or text and in the Comprehension sections
activity to engage learners, followed by easy-to-read, help to develop the Reading Strategy Focus. In addition
step-by-step instructions that guide students through to the Reading Strategy Focus, other reading strategies
the reading process, with comprehension and reading are developed in the Teaching Notes over the course
strategy development. Most lessons end with a Take of six lessons. Recycling and repetition of reading
the Lesson Further activity to personalize learning and strategies across different texts help students internalize
confirm students’ understanding. Each story or text these skills and become more proficient readers.
lesson set also offers a cross-curricular Connection task Each fiction text also highlights a Literary Technique,
to extend learning opportunities to other subject areas. such as Nemesis and Epiphany. Each nonfiction text
Throughout the Teaching Notes, level-appropriate highlights an Author Technique, which helps students
teacher language is suggested in green text (for fiction notice text features, such as photo captions, section
stories) or in orange (for nonfiction texts). In addition, headings and functional language, and extend their
Know Your Students entries provide insight into understanding beyond basic comprehension.
students’ abilities and offer suggestions for supporting
differentiated learning. Manage Your Class entries give Photocopiable Worksheets
teaching or class management tips related to lesson Each story or text lesson set contains two photocopiable
content. Answers for activities appear in the Teaching worksheets that reinforce and confirm understanding
Notes for each lesson. of Key Words and help students develop Reading
Strategies. Instructions and answers for Worksheet
activities are included in the Teaching Notes.

Audio Scripts
In Compass Reading Logs 3 and 4, each Comprehension
section contains an extra listening comprehension
activity. The audio scripts for these tracks are located at
the back of the teacher’s guides.

Compass Reading Log 5 Topics 4–6 Identifying Story Sequence
Reading Strategies The ability to identify the sequence of events in a story
helps students organize main ideas and supporting
Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings
details of a story so they are able to better understand
Students develop the ability to identify and analyze the
the development of a story and its characters.
similarities and differences between events and settings
in order to understand and organize key details in Identifying the Theme
a story. The theme is the central idea of story, and characters’
actions often reflect the theme. By analyzing characters’
Determining the Meaning of Words and Phrases
actions, students can identify the theme of the story.
Context clues are key words that help determine the
meaning of unknown words and phrases. Sometimes Identifying the Topic and Main ideas
the clue is a definition or a description. Sometimes The topic is the most important idea in the text. It is
it’s a cause and effect relationship. It may also be a usually in the first paragraph and answers the question,
comparison. Students should look for context clues to What is the text about? Main ideas support the topic.
help them understand new words in a text. Each section of a text usually has its own main idea.

Five-finger Retell Making Inferences

The five-finger retell strategy helps students analyze Making inferences is the ability to use explicit
and summarize a story by organizing the elements information from a story to support an educated
and sequence of a story. Students are able to make guess or conclusion about the characters and events.
connections to information they already know and It is critical to story analysis and is a prerequisite for
understand. higher-order thinking.

Identifying Characters’ Traits Making Predictions

Effective readers identify and analyze information about The strategy of making predictions actively engages
a character—actions, words, feelings and thoughts—in students and connects them to the story or text by
order to make inferences about a character and predict asking them what they think might happen in it.
how a character will behave later on in the story. Effective readers use pictures, titles, headings, text and
personal experiences to make predictions before they
Identifying Key Details
read. Predicting also involves thinking ahead while
Key details are all the facts and information that support
reading and anticipating information and events in the
the main ideas. Being able to identify the key details that
story or text. After making predictions, students can
provide evidence or support the main ideas gives readers
read through the story or text and revise and verify
a better understanding of the text.
their predictions.
Identifying a Point of View
The point of view is the narrator’s perspective of events
Scanning is the ability to quickly look for and find
in a story. Sometimes the narrator sees the story through
specific information in a story or text. Effective readers
one character’s eyes. This point of view is known as third
can scan a text for specific words or text features that
person limited.
help them answer questions about text content.

Summarizing Compass Reading Log 5 Topics 4–6
Summarizing is the ability to identify the most relevant Literary and Author Techniques
features and main events or ideas of a story or text, and
Characters’ Personality Traits
to consolidate key details that support them. Proficient
Authors provide clues to characters’ personality traits.
readers are able to focus on crucial ideas and phrases
Look for information about characters in how they act,
and reduce the main points for concise, memorable
what they say and how they say it.
Quoting Explicitly from a Text
A suffix is a set of letters that is added to the end of
A quote is a word, phrase, sentence or paragraph taken
a root word. These letters change the meaning of the
directly from a text. A direct quote from a text can
word. They also change the part of speech. Being able
support an explanation or summary of a story or text.
to identify suffixes helps students improve reading
comprehension and active vocabulary.

Limited Point of View

In some stories, the reader only knows what one
character can see, hear or experience.

Text Citations
There are phrases students can use to introduce a
direct quote and cite a text, such as the author says, the
author explains, the author believes and according to
the author.

Transitions are words or phrases that connect different
ideas and make a text clearer and easier to understand.
Transitions can work to show a comparison or a
contrast between ideas. They can also summarize
information or indicate results.

Topic Opener

Fiction Story
Nonfiction Text


Making Connections

The Topic Opener visually
presents the Big Question
of the Topic.

Genre entries describe

the literary or text type.
Key Words help
students understand
the story or text.

The Reading Strategy Focus

entry describes the reading
strategy students will learn.

Colorful pictures
Students listen
help tell the story.
while they read.

Students complete a
pre-reading activity based
on the Reading Strategy
Focus in Activity 1.

The Literary or Author
Students complete Technique entry describes
PIRLS-informed A Reading Strategy features authors use in
Comprehension activities. Focus activity helps their stories and texts.
learners become more
proficient readers.

Students confirm Students have fun

their understanding with a dynamic Active Students analyze
of the Literary or Reading activity. the story or text in a
Author Technique. personalized activity.

Making Connections
activities help students
answer the Big Question.

The Connect to Me section encourages

students to reflect on how the
Big Question relates to them.

Connect to… activities approach

the Big Question through other
academic subject areas.

All the Key Words and

their definitions are in
the Glossary.

Topic Story / Text Reading Strategies Key Words Connections

Back to the Past • Comparing and attic, boom, chuckle, cool, Connect to
by Nigel Barnsley Contrasting Events eccentric, garment, IT, rule, Social Studies
Pages 10-19 and Settings stagger, sternly, vintage, yell Page 30
• Characterization

Pages 9-30 Being Bilingual • Supporting a Position benefit, bilingual, colony, diversity,
by David Crystal • Facts and Opinions evidence, fluent, frustration,
Pages 20-29 monolingual, multilingualism,
neuron, practice, punish

One Wish • Finding Context Clues achieve, antique, consequence, Connect to

by Ann Gianola • Similes and Metaphors contribution, disadvantage, genie, Social Studies
Pages 32-41 glamorous, lightning, oil lamp, Page 48
Pages 31-48 scavenger, sensible, worthless

Make a Wish! • Identifying Main Ideas baked, blow out, candle, crop,
by Nigel Barnsley and Key Details fate, handkerchief, peculiar, seed,
Pages 42-47 • Main Ideas shooting star

Holpweed’s Big Case • Comparing and firework, frantically, fridge, Connect to Math
by Hilary Crystal Contrasting Characters gingerly, gloomy, patiently, rear, Page 68
Pages 50-59 • Suspense regain, scorn, sieve, website,
work out

Pages 49-68 Puzzles and • Comparing and baffle, coded, copper, crack,
Mysteries Contrasting Text decipher, moss, puzzle, riddle,
by Abigail Kinem Structure rotor, top-secret
Pages 60-67 • Transitions

Major Tom in Space • Comparing and astronaut, blast, drift, Connect to History
by Ann Gianola Contrasting Events extravehicular activity, leak, orbit, Page 88
Pages 70-79 and Settings pressurized, propel, spacecraft,
Pages 69-88 • Transitions stage, tethered, uneasy

Music Recording Eras • Summarizing amplification, dynamic range,

by Aaron Burkholder • Transitions format, harmonize, mix, pitch,
Pages 80-87 precedent, synchronize

The Box of • Identifying the Theme agile, ambition, bury, confidence, Connect to Science
Immortality • Characters’ Personality errand, greedy, outgoing, Page 108
by Nigel Barnsley Traits premonition, sparkle, tantrum,
Pages 90-101 trinket, volunteer

Pages 89-108
Brain Backup • Quoting Explicitly from backup, digitalize, firewall,
by Margarita Dueñas a Text futurist, hacking, interface,
Pages 102-107 • Text Citations preserve, simulated, store, unique,
upload, vulnerable

Topic Story / Text Reading Strategies Key Words Connections

The River Dragon • Identifying a Point conceal, drought, fortune, Connect to Science
by Jennifer Li of View gaunt, parched, resolve, Page 128
Pages 110-119 • Limited Point of View scorching, soil, transform,
villager, wither

Pages 109-128
What is Evolution? • Determining the adaptation, ancestor,
by Julia McKie Meaning of Words camouflage, fossilized, gene,
Pages 120-127 and Phrases inhabit, inherit, naval chart,
• Suffixes neutral, offspring, trait, yeast

The Herb Lady • Quoting Accurately bolt, claw, hover, jolt, kneel, Connect to History
by Laura Resau • Mood limp, paw, rumble, sprout, Page 152
Pages 130-141 stoop over, tattered, throng

Pages 129-152 How Ruby Bridges • Comparing and barricade, bravery, equal
Helped Change America Contrasting Two rights, freedom, integrate,
by Simone T. Ribke Accounts of an Event Mardi Gras, nightmare,
Pages 142-151 • Author's Opinion principal, protest, racism,
recess, segregation

Hold the Phone • Describing Events alienation, companion, Connect to Science

by Ann Gianola • Rhyme consternation, convenience, Page 170
Pages 154-161 cramped, dim, distraction,
dominion, interaction,
isolation, malcontent,
Pages 153-170
Nuclear Power and the • Integrating Information demands, element,
Future • Primary and Secondary hazardous, poison, remains,
by Patricia Hamill Sources renewable, repository,
Pages 162-169 source, split, unstable, waste

A Stop Along the Way • Analyzing Visual Content aftershock, bulldozer, Connect to Art
by Abigail Kinem • Setting collapse, come back, Creole, Page 188
Pages 172-181 generator, grieve, injured,
missing, rubble, shelter,
Pages 171-188

Hiroshima’s Paper • Explaining the atomic bomb, cancer,

Cranes Relationship destroy, disease,
by Simone T. Ribke Between Events headquarters, hope, legend,
Pages 182-187 • Facts military supplies, monument,
poisonous, surrender

Glossary Pages 189-192

To p ic 4

TOM Genre: Realistic Fiction

IN SPACE Realistic fiction is about

characters, events and places that
by Ann Gianola could exist in real life, but the story
is invented.
"Major Tom in Space" tells the
story of an imaginary astronaut
who has some strange similarities
to—and differences from—
another astronaut featured in
a famous song.

Genre: Informational Text Aaron Burkholder
An informational text informs
readers about history, music or
other subjects.
"Music Recording Eras" is
about music throughout history
and the effects technological
developments have had on it.


U4COrl5.indd 69 10/18/17 4:11 PM

T 129
hen David Bowie’s song “Space Oddity” began to play on the car radio, Major
Key Words Tom Decker quickly turned it off. Although he had always liked the song’s
haunting melody and interesting connection to space, it now made him feel uneasy.

drift After all, Major Tom was an astronaut, like the Major Tom in the song. He was also
extravehicular activity
leaving Earth soon to fix a problem on the outside of the International Space Station. He
orbit didn’t want to think about the tragic end of the Major Tom in the song. He didn’t want

pressurized to imagine how or why that fictional character never returned to Earth. And he didn’t
spacecraft ever want to hear the words: Ground Control to Major Tom… There’s something wrong.
stage Major Tom took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Worrying wasn’t productive. He
uneasy believed that his trip would be successful, in spite of the strange coincidence of being

by Ann Gianola another astronaut named Major Tom. Nevertheless, he did not turn the radio back on.

Comparing and
Contrasting Events
and Settings
Comparing means looking
for similarities between two
or more things. Contrasting
means looking for their
differences. Events are the
actions in a story. Settings
are the places and times
where the actions happen.

1 Look at the pictures on

pages 70 and 71. What
do the people and the
places have in common?

2 Listen and follow. 8

70 Topic 4 Major Tom in Space 71

U4COrl5.indd 70 6/12/17 08:51 U4COrl5.indd 71 6/12/17 08:51

Lessons Preview
Pages Lesson Focus Teaching Resources

1 69 and 70 Key Words • Topic 4 Fiction Worksheet page 138

Making Predictions • A picture of an astronaut
Comparing and Contrasting
Events and Settings

2 70-77 Comparing and Contrasting • Audio Track 8

Events and Settings • Note cards with Key Words

3 70-77 Comparing and Contrasting • Audio Track 8

Events and Settings • Topic 4 Fiction Worksheet page 139
Identifying Story Sequence

4 70-77 Making Inferences • Internet access

Five-finger Retell
History and Science Connection

5 78 and 79 Comprehension • Note cards

Comparing and Contrasting
Events and Settings

6 88 Connect to Me • Sheets of paper

• Colored pencils and crayons
• Music: Space Oddity by David Bowie

T 130 Topic 4
Key Words
“Major Tom in Space” tells the story of an imaginary astronaut who has some strange
similarities to another astronaut featured in a famous song. A few weeks before Major astronaut (n.) a person who travels
Tom Decker leaves for the International Space Station, the song Space Oddity by David into space
Bowie comes on the radio. It is about a fictional Major Tom who also went into space, but blast (n.) a strong force or explosion
whose mission did not go as planned. This causes Major Tom Decker some worry, but he drift (v.) to move slowly on water
launches into space as planned. While in space, his mission is marked by moments when or in the air, without control over
he recalls different lyrics from the song: while floating in zero gravity, observing the Earth, direction
walking in space and being notified of a problem with his space suit. Fortunately, Major
extravehicular activity (n.) activity
Tom Decker returns safely to Earth to describe his experiences.
outside of a spacecraft
Genre: Realistic Fiction leak (n.) when a gas or liquid slowly
Realistic fiction is about characters, events and places that could exist in real life, but the escapes a container
story is invented. orbit (v.) to follow a path around a
planet, moon or other space object
Reading Strategy Focus
pressurized (adj.) when gas is forced
Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings into a container so that it pushes on
What is it? Comparing means looking for similarities between two or more things. the walls of the container, especially
Contrasting means looking for their differences. Events are the actions in a story. with airplanes and spacecraft
Settings are the places and times where the actions happen.
propel (v.) to push forward
What will students do? Students will compare and contrast events and settings in
spacecraft (v.) a vehicle for traveling
this story about an astronaut, Major Tom Decker, and the astronaut in the song Space
in space; spaceship
Oddity, who is also called Major Tom.
stage (n.) a single step in a process
Why is it important? It is important for students to develop the ability to identify and
analyze the similarities and differences between events and settings. It helps students tethered (adj.) attached to
understand and organize key details in a story and further enhances comprehension. something with a rope or a cable
How will students build on previous knowledge? In previous Compass Reading Logs, uneasy (adj.) worried or
students learn to identify key details in stories and compare and contrast them. uncomfortable
In Compass Reading Log 5 Topic 1, students compare and contrast events and
settings. In Topic 4, students will continue to practice this strategy and become more
competent in it.
Compass Reading Log 5 students may still need teacher guidance with this strategy.
Teachers can help students by asking:
• What does Major Tom have in common with the astronaut in the song?
• How are their missions similar? How are they different?

Literary Technique
What is it? Transitions are words or phrases that connect different ideas and make a
text clearer and easier to understand. Transitions can also work to show a comparison
or a contrast between ideas. In this story, the transition words that express comparison
and contrast are: also, although, as well as, but, have in common, however, in spite of,
like, likewise, nevertheless, similarly and yet.
What will students do? Students will identify the transition words and learn how the
author uses them to express similarities and differences between events and settings.
Why is it important? It is important for students to be able to identify and analyze
transition words as they contribute greatly to the cohesion and coherence of a story.

Topic 4 T 131
Lesson 1
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 69 and 70 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings
Topic 4 Fiction Worksheet page 138 Reading Strategy
A picture of an astronaut Making Predictions
The strategy of making predictions actively engages students and connects them to the story
by asking them what they think might happen in it. Effective readers use pictures, titles,
text and personal experiences to make predictions before they begin to read. Predicting also
involves thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the story.
After making predictions, students can read through the story and revise and verify
their predictions.

Lead in to the Lesson (15 min.) • Form pairs. Have students complete the second part of
• Cover the picture of an astronaut with a large piece of paper activity 1 in the worksheet by answering the questions.
or a book so that students can’t see it yet. • Encourage students to share their answers with the class.
• Ask: What is it? Answers: 1. Would you like to be an astronaut? 2. Do you ever feel a blast of
• Reveal the picture little by little until students identify it. hot air when you walk outside? 3. Have you ever drifted slowly down a river
in a boat? 4. Would you be afraid of extravehicular activity on the moon?
• Draw a T-chart on the board. Write Advantages on the left 5. Do you know how to fix a leak in a bicycle tire? 6. What planets orbit the
side and Disadvantages on the right. sun? 7. What gas is pressurized? / What is pressurized gas? 8. What can you
• Form pairs. Ask: What are the advantages of being an use to propel a boat? 9. What would your spacecraft have on it?
10. How many stages are there in a butterfly’s life cycle? 11. Is it fair to tether
astronaut? What are the disadvantages? Have students a dog outside all day? 12. What makes you feel uneasy?
brainstorm ideas with their classmates and write them in
their notebooks. Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
• Elicit ideas from students and write them on the T-chart on • Form small groups. Have students discuss the question:
the board. How are our lives different from an astronaut’s?
• Encourage students to share their ideas.
Reading Strategies (10 min.)
• Say: Open your books to page 69. Read the title of the first
story and look at the picture. What do you see?
• Have students briefly describe the cover. Ask: What do you
think the story is about? Elicit ideas from the class.
• Draw students’ attention to the Genre entry and read it
aloud. Ask: How might the two astronauts be similar? How
might they be different? Elicit a few ideas from the class.
• Explain to students that predicting what happens in a story
is a very useful reading strategy as it helps make connections
between what they already know about a topic and what they
are going to read.

Teach the Key Words (25 min.)

• Draw students’ attention to the Key Words list on page 70.
• Read the words to the class and have students repeat each
word chorally.
• Have students compare the words in the list to the
information in the T-chart on the board. Ask: Are there any
Key Words already in the chart?
• Form pairs. Tell students to give definitions and example
sentences using the words they know.
• Elicit example sentences or simple definitions for the words
they are familiar with to confirm understanding.
Give example sentences for the words they do not know.
• Have students complete the first part of activity 1 in the
worksheet individually.
• Elicit answers from the class.

T 132 Topic 4
Lesson 2
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 70-77 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings
Audio Track 8
Note cards with Key Words

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) • At the end of the story, ask: What are the two settings in the
• Display the note cards with Key Words around the room. story? What, in your opinion, is the main difference between
• Form pairs. Have students walk around the room, look at the the characters? What do they have in common?
Key Words and make example sentences. • Elicit answers from the class. It is not necessary that students
explain the settings and characters in detail as they will do
Reading Strategy Focus (5 min.) this in future lessons.
• Direct students’ attention to the Reading Strategy entry on
Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
page 70. Read it to the class and have students follow along.
• Tell students that understanding the characters, events and • Write on the board: What I really liked about this story was…
settings will help them interpret the story better and become • Tell students to copy the sentence in their notebooks and
more fluent and independent readers. complete it.
• Remind students that the text is a realistic fiction story about • Form small groups. Have students share their sentences.
a fictional astronaut called Major Tom and an astronaut also
Know Your Students
called Major Tom from a famous song.
Some students may be curious about the song Space Oddity.
• Explain that, throughout the story, students will have the
Tell them that David Bowie (1947-2016) was a famous and
chance to compare and contrast the events and settings in
innovative British singer and composer, who wrote the song
the lives of both astronauts.
in 1969. You can also tell them that the first man to go into
1 Look at the pictures on pages 70 and 71. What do the space was the Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin, in 1961. The
people and the places have in common? (10 min.) first man to walk on the moon was the American astronaut
Neil Armstrong, in 1969.
• Direct students’ attention to the picture of Major Tom on
page 70 and the other Major Tom on page 71.
• Form pairs. Have students identify and briefly describe the
characters and settings they see. Encourage them to compare
and contrast them.
• Elicit ideas from the class. Write any new words on the board.

Manage Your Class

Encourage students to make note of new words that come
up during the lessons. Developing the habit of writing new
words and expressions, and reviewing them regularly, can
expand their active vocabulary.

2 Listen and follow. 8 (30 min.)

• Tell students they are going to listen to the story about Major
Tom. Explain that they should focus on identifying the two
settings and events in the story.
• Encourage students to underline any words or expressions
that are unclear to them.
• Play track 8. Have students listen to the story and follow in
their books.
• Pause the track at the end of each page to clarify vocabulary,
and to ask students general comprehension questions
about the settings and the story events: Where is he?
What happened? What do you think will happen next?

Topic 4 T 133
Lesson 3
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 70-77 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings
Audio Track 8 Reading Strategy
Topic 4 Fiction Worksheet page 139 Identifying Story Sequence
The ability to identify the sequence of events in a story is a critical comprehension strategy.
It helps students organize main ideas and supporting details of a story so they are able to
better understand the development of a story and its characters.

Lead in to the Lesson (5 min.) Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)

• Before class, write the following quote on the board: “When I • Form small groups. Have students discuss the question.
first looked back at the Earth, standing on the Moon, I cried.” Say: We can relate to the lyrics from songs because they often
• Say: A real astronaut, Alan Shepard, said this in 1971. describe experiences or feelings we have had, too. Ask: Is there
Ask: Why do you think he cried? Encourage students to share a song that you relate to? What is it? Why is it meaningful to
their ideas. you? Encourage students to share their ideas.

Reading Strategy (15 min.)

• Form pairs. Tell students to think about the sequence of
events in the story.
• Have students complete activity 2 in the worksheet.
• Have students look at the pictures in the story and confirm
their answers.
Answers: 4, 6, 2, 1, 7, 5, 3

Manage Your Class

Some students are easily distracted, especially when working
in groups. Make sure you give instructions step by step.
This will help your students stay focused.

Reading Strategy Focus 8 (35 min.)

• Ask: Who are the two Major Toms? (Major Tom Decker and
Major Tom from the song Space Oddity.)
• Tell students they are going to read the story again.
• Play track 8. Have students listen and underline passages that
compare or contrast the two Major Toms.
• Form pairs. Tell students to compare the passages
they underlined.
• Have students match the story events to the lyrics from
the song in the first part of activity 3 in the worksheet.
• Form small groups. Have students answer the question in the
second part of activity 3 in the worksheet.
Answers: 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. b 6. d

A 1. Major Tom is about to go into space. He doesn’t want to think about the
Major Tom from the song because that Major Tom never returned to Earth.
2. The launch was successful: they made the grade. 3. Major Tom thinks the
Earth is so blue and very beautiful. 4. Stepping into space and floating is
exactly what Major Tom does on his extravehicular activity. 5. Major Tom
couldn’t speak for a moment when they told him about the leak in his space
suit. Ground Control asks if he can hear them. 6. He, too, went far above the
world. 7. Most astronauts take protein pills and wear helmets.

T 134 Topic 4
Lesson 4
Teaching Resources Reading Strategies
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 70-77 Making Inferences
Internet access Making inferences is the ability to use explicit information from a story to support an educated
guess or conclusion about the characters and events. It is critical to story analysis and is a
prerequisite for higher-order thinking.
Five-finger Retell
The five-finger retell strategy helps students analyze and summarize a story by organizing the
elements and sequence of a story. Students are able to make connections to information they
already know and understand.

History and Science Connection

Conducting research requires students to develop their reading and investigation strategies
as well as critical-thinking skills. Learning about history and science creates a “connection”
between the students, the past and the future.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) • Form pairs. Have students read and discuss the questions.
• Write the sentence on the board: Traveling to space is like Tell them to refer to the story to find key details that support
because . their answers.
• Have students write the sentence in their notebooks and • Encourage students to share answers.
complete it. Answers: 1. He’s about to go into space. The fact that he may not return is
• Form small groups. Have students share their sentences. frightening. “He didn’t want to think about the tragic end…” 2. “Major Tom
began to relax. He was relieved.” 3. He is amazed by the beauty of the Earth.
“The view of the Earth and its unbelievable beauty…” 4. He was frightened
Reading Strategies (30 min.) and nervous. “It was frightening to imagine… To help him calm his nerves…”
• Draw a hand on the board and write characters, setting, 5. There was an air leak in his space suit. He could die. 6. “It gave him a whole
new view of Earth…” 7. He may be referring to the space exploration and
situation, events and outcome, one on each finger, starting continued investigation on Earth.
with the thumb.
• Explain to students that they can use five fingers to Take the Lesson Further (20 min.)
remember all the important parts of a story. Histor y and Science Connection
• Hold up your hand. Point to your thumb and say: Identify
• Form pairs. Assign either “History” or “Science” to each pair.
the characters. Point to your index finger and say: Describe
• Say: You are going to research a past space mission if you are
the setting. Point to your middle finger and say: Identify
“history.” If you are “science,” you are going to research future
the situation. Point to your ring finger and say: Describe
space missions.
the events in the story. Point to your pinky finger and say:
• Form pairs. Have students use their mobile devices or school
Describe the ending.
computers to conduct research. Tell them they have fifteen
• Say: Let’s retell the story “Major Tom in Space.”
minutes to investigate. Remind them to take notes about
Guide students to use their fingers and retell the story
their findings.
and events.
• Form small groups (two pairs): one from “History” and one
• Write the questions on the board before class:
from “Science.” Have students share their findings.
1 Page 71: Why didn’t Major Tom want to listen to the radio?
2 Page 72: How did Major Tom feel after the launch?
3 Page 73: Why did Major Tom feel emotional when he saw
planet Earth from the ISS?
4 Page 74: How did Major Tom feel when moving into space?
5 Page 75: What went wrong during the mission? What could
the consequences of the problem be?
6 Page 76: How did the experience in space change
Major Tom?
7 Page 77: What do you think Major Tom means when
he says, “There are some things that we can do to better
understand this beautiful place—and other places in
the universe?”
• Explain that the answers to some questions are not explicitly
(directly) stated in the story, and that sometimes students
have to use information from the story to make an educated
guess called an inference.

Topic 4 T 135
Lesson 5
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 78 and 79 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings
Note cards (7 per group) Literary Technique

Comprehension (60 min.) 5 Transitions Circle the correct transition words to

Lead in to the Lesson complete the sentences.
• Write the following sentence without any spaces between the • Tell students to read the sentences and decide if they are
letters on the board: comparing or contrasting.
althoughhehadalwayslikedthesong’shauntingmelodyandintere • Have students complete the activity.
stingconnectiontospaceitnowmadehimfeeluneasy Answers: 1. Although 2. like 3. in spite of 4. but 5. However 6. like
• Have students write the sentence, using correct punctuation,
in their notebooks. 6 Active Reading Work in a small group. Make a list of
• Tell them to check the answer on page 71. all the things Major Tom does in the story.
• Elicit the meaning of the line from the story. • Form small groups. Tell students to recall story events and
Answer: “Although he had always liked the song’s haunting melody and write them. Encourage them to look back at the story to find
interesting connection to space, it now made him feel uneasy.” out if there are more details they would like to include.
• Have students share their notes and confirm story events
1 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings with the class.
Mark (✓) the sentences that make a comparison.
• Elicit the meanings of compare and contrast. A Write each activity on a card. Choose a card. Act it
(Similar and different.) out with gestures and facial expressions for other
• Form pairs. Have students read the sentences and choose students to guess.
the answers. Remind students to look for words that indicate • Hand out six or seven note cards to each group.
comparison. (Like.) Have students write one activity on each card.
Answers: 1, 2, 4 • Have students place the note cards face down in the middle
of the group. Tell them to take turns acting out a scene from
2 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings the story while other students in the group guess what it is.
Mark (✓) the sentences that show a contrast.
7 Work with a classmate. Write a dialogue.
• Direct students’ attention to the activity and have them read
the sentences. • Form pairs. Assign the role of Major Tom to one student and
• Form pairs. Have students choose the answers. Ground Control to the other.
Remind students to look for words that indicate contrast. • Have students write a dialogue in their notebooks and then
(In spite of, even though, however.) rehearse it.
Answers: 1, 3, 5
A Share your dialogue with the class.
3 Scan pages 71 to 73. Circle the correct meanings. • Have students present their dialogues to the class.
• Ask: What does scanning mean? (Look quickly for specific
information or answers.)
• Have students scan the story and complete the activity.
Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c

4 Transitions Read the transition words or phrases

below. Write them in the correct category.
• Direct students’ attention to the Literary Technique entry.
Read it to the class and have students follow along.
• Tell students to read the words in the box. Elicit example
sentences that include the transition words.
• Have students complete the chart.
Answers: Comparison Transitions: also, as well as, have in common, like,
likewise, similarly
Contrast Transitions: although, but, however, in spite of, nevertheless, yet

T 136 Topic 4
Lesson 6
Teaching Resources
Compass Reading Log 5 page 88
Sheets of paper (1 per student)
Colored pencils and crayons
Music: Space Oddity by David Bowie

Connect to Me (45 min.)

Lead in to the Lesson
• Have students close their eyes.
• Tell them they are going to listen to the song Space Oddity
by David Bowie—the same song mentioned in the story.
Say: Imagine you are Major Tom and you are on the
space station.
Ask: What would that feel like?
• Play the song Space Oddity by David Bowie.

1 Think and draw. Imagine you live on a space station.

What would it look like inside? What would you
do there?
• Direct students’ attention to the activity on page 88.
Read the instructions to the class.
• Tell students they can draw in the space on page 88 or on a
separate sheet of paper.
• Hand out sheets of paper, colored pencils and crayons.
• Have students draw their space stations.
• Display their drawings around the classroom.
Encourage students to ask each other questions about
their space stations.

Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)

• Form small groups. Have students listen to Space Oddity
again and discuss the questions: How does this song make you
feel? Did it affect your drawings of the space stations?
• Encourage students to share their opinions with the class.

Topic 4 T 137
To p ic 4 Major Tom in Space
1 Sort the words and phrases to make questions.
1 astronaut? / to be / you / an / like / Would

2 a blast / ever feel / of hot air / Do / you / when you walk outside?

3 down a river / you / ever / Have / drifted / in a boat? / slowly

4 Would / extravehicular activity / be afraid of / on the moon? / you

5 a leak / Do / know / in a bicycle tire? / you / how to fix

6 planets / What / sun? / the / orbit

7 gas / What / pressurized? / is

8 can / a boat? / use / propel / What / you / to

9 have / your / What / spacecraft / on it? / would

10 stages / How many / butterfly’s / in a / are there / life cycle?

11 fair / a dog / all day? / outside / to tether / Is it

12 uneasy? / makes / What / feel / you

A Work with a classmate. Answer the questions.

T 138 Fiction Worksheet Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable
2 Number the story events in the correct order.
Major Tom goes outside the spacecraft for an extravehicular activity.

Major Tom returns to the airlock, and six days later, he returns to Earth.

Major Tom and two other astronauts blast off into space.

Major Tom Decker hears the song Space Oddity on the radio. It makes him feel uneasy.

Major Tom attends a press conference and talks about the repairs he and his team made at the

International Space Station.

Ground Control tells Major Tom there may be an air leak in his space suit.

Major Tom gets used to zero gravity. He often goes to the Cupola module to observe the Earth.

3 Match the story events to the lyrics from Space Oddity.

1 Major Tom Decker feels uneasy. a “Planet Earth is blue… And there’s

2 He launches into space. nothing I can do.”

3 He observes Earth from the b “Can you hear me, Major Tom?”

Cupola module. c “Ground Control to Major Tom… There’s

4 Major Tom goes on his first something wrong.”

space walk. d “…take your protein pills and put your

5 Major Tom learns there’s a leak helmet on?”

in his space suit, and he’s afraid. e “I’m stepping through the door… And I’m

6 Major Tom answers questions floating in a most peculiar way… And the

at a press conference. stars look very different today.”

f “You’ve really made the grade!”

A Work with two classmates. Read the lyrics from Space Oddity. How do they relate to Major Tom
Decker and his situation?

Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable Fiction Worksheet T 139
Key Words
astronaut MAJOR
extravehicular activity

by Ann Gianola
Comparing and
Contrasting Events
and Settings
Comparing means looking
for similarities between two
or more things. Contrasting
means looking for their
differences. Events are the
actions in a story. Settings
are the places and times
where the actions happen.

1 Look at the pictures on

pages 70 and 71. What
do the people and the
places have in common?

2 Listen and follow. 8

70 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 70 6/12/17 08:51

T 140
hen David Bowie’s song “Space Oddity” began to play on the car radio, Major
Tom Decker quickly turned it off. Although he had always liked the song’s
haunting melody and interesting connection to space, it now made him feel uneasy.
After all, Major Tom was an astronaut, like the Major Tom in the song. He was also
leaving Earth soon to fix a problem on the outside of the International Space Station. He
didn’t want to think about the tragic end of the Major Tom in the song. He didn’t want
to imagine how or why that fictional character never returned to Earth. And he didn’t
ever want to hear the words: Ground Control to Major Tom… There’s something wrong.
Major Tom took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Worrying wasn’t productive. He
believed that his trip would be successful, in spite of the strange coincidence of being
another astronaut named Major Tom. Nevertheless, he did not turn the radio back on.

Major Tom in Space 71

U4COrl5.indd 71 6/12/17 08:51

T 141
A few weeks later, Major Tom and two other astronauts
launched into space. It was unforgettable. He was more
excited than he’d ever been in his entire life. Major Tom’s heart
pounded as he heard the countdown: 10...9...8...7...6... Then
the rocket launched. Even though he’d practiced for hours with
a simulator, it was still nothing like the real thing. The power of
the blast was incredible; Major Tom felt like he was sitting on
top of an enormous explosion. If something went wrong at this
stage, then it would be a disaster. Obviously, there were huge
risks in this job. Other people had died in his exact position,
but this launch went perfectly. Ten minutes later they were out
of the Earth’s atmosphere and orbiting in space.
Major Tom finally began to relax when he heard the voice
from the Mission Control Center—a voice that spoke for all
the people supporting the astronauts on Earth. The voice
said, “You’ve really made the grade!” The expression from
“Space Oddity” meant that he had done very well.
Actually, Major Tom was delighted that
Ground Control had a sense of humor,
especially in this stressful situation.
Now, the words from the song
were funny. He was relieved.
“Thank you, Ground
Control!” responded
Major Tom, laughing.
“You don’t know how
happy I am to hear your
voice. We have made the
grade today. We’ve left
the planet, and I’m still
talking to you. That is an

72 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 72 6/12/17 08:51

T 142
It took several hours for Major Tom and his team to reach the International Space Station—an
enormous structure about the size of a football field. They were 350 kilometers from Earth, traveling
at 28,000 kilometers per hour. Consequently, it was not easy to link their spacecraft to it. They
had to arrive at the same orbit and get very close to each other. Finally, Major Tom and the other
astronauts were able to connect and join the people working inside.
During the days before his spacewalk, Major Tom did many things on the International Space
Station (ISS). He got used to the sensation of zero gravity, the feeling of floating in a tin can that
Bowie described in his song. He talked with the other astronauts and learned more about their
experiments. He also thoroughly checked his equipment. However, his favorite activity was visiting
the Cupola module. This area had large windows where Major Tom observed Earth. Because the
spacecraft orbited the world about every ninety minutes, he was able to see the dramatic shifts
from daylight to darkness every forty-five minutes.
The view of the Earth and its unbelievable beauty brought tears to Major Tom’s eyes. He saw
brilliant white streaks of clouds over the oceans. He observed the awesome land formations on the
continents of the world, and imagined the uncountable activities—both good and bad—that were
happening on them. He thought about all the creatures that lived on the Earth. He imagined the
evolution of those creatures over years and years. He thought about the knowledge that came from
that world—his world—that now allowed Major Tom to see it from this distance. Instantly, Bowie’s
song flowed through his mind: Planet Earth is blue… And there’s nothing I can do. Major Tom wiped
his eyes and swallowed hard. He had an emotional connection to this song. And he felt a special
relationship to other astronauts—real and imagined—who had viewed the Earth from far away.

Major Tom in Space 73

U4COrl5.indd 73 6/12/17 08:51

T 143
After three days on the space station, Major Tom was ready to perform his extravehicular
activity (EVA). He and the other two astronauts put on their space suits. These were extraordinary
outfits that had their own life-support systems. The pressurized suit provided the oxygen that they
needed to breathe and the water that they needed to drink. It also protected them from exposure to
extreme hot and cold. In addition, it guarded them from the dust and radiation in space.
Major Tom and the other engineers left their space station through a special door called an
airlock. It had two doors. They went through the first door and locked it tightly behind them. Then
they opened the second door, so no air escaped the spacecraft. Once outside, they tethered
themselves to each other and then to the ISS to avoid drifting away. Although these tethers were
very, very strong, it was frightening to imagine them breaking—and getting lost in space. Major Tom
told himself that these tethers would not break. He felt the jetpack on his back, too. If for some
reason he became separated, then he could propel himself back to the space station. Still, Major
Tom was nervous. Of course, it was natural to feel nervous. He had never walked in space before.
At every moment, Major Tom and his team remained in contact with Ground Control on Earth.
To help calm his nerves, Major Tom decided to use humor and repeated some lines from “Space
Oddity”: “I’m stepping through the door… And I’m floating in a most peculiar way… And the stars look
very different today.” The laughter coming back from Ground Control on Earth was actually welcome.
Major Tom laughed, too. Then he and his fellow astronauts began to move through space. It felt
much like they were walking through the deep water of a swimming pool.

74 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 74 6/12/17 08:51

T 144
Major Tom and the other astronauts started to make their
specific repairs. The work was very precise and challenging.
All of their tools were also tethered to their space suits so
they couldn’t float away. And after five and a half hours,
their work was finished.
At that point, there was a message from Ground Control:
“Major Tom, there’s something wrong.” Major Tom felt his heart
beat faster.
“Please tell me that this is a joke,” said Major Tom. “Is this the
song—or a real problem?”
“This isn’t a joke, I’m afraid,” said the very serious voice from Ground Control. “We definitely
have a problem. There may be an air leak in your space suit. You must all return to the air lock
Major Tom felt sick to his stomach. For a moment, he couldn’t speak. “Can you hear me, Major
Tom?” asked Ground Control. He hated hearing that line from the song—the really sad part when
it’s clear that Major Tom is lost forever.
“Yes, I hear you,” said Major Tom.
He tried to be calm about the situation. Clearly, they had been monitoring his vital signs. They
checked if things weren’t right, or if someone was breathing too hard or getting too hot. Perhaps
his glove was slightly torn by one of the tools. In any case, there was something very wrong. His
space suit was losing oxygen faster than it should. Major Tom had to return at once to avoid
getting decompression sickness—or even dying.
“Please try to relax,” said the voice. “You have at least thirty minutes to get back to the
pressurized environment on the space station.”

Major Tom in Space 75

U4COrl5.indd 75 6/12/17 08:51

T 145
Naturally, Major Tom had trained
for an event like this before. However,
real life was not like imagined
emergencies. He was in space—and
he was frightened. Suddenly, he
thought about all the people on Earth
that he loved, people he might never
see again if something happened to
him. But he tried to stay positive. This
Major Tom would return to safety—and
eventually to the world that he came
from. Within twenty minutes, Major
Tom made it back to the airlock.
Six days later, Major Tom was
happy to go back to Earth. He was
glad to return to his regular life, even
as just a tiny speck on this interesting
planet. His trip to space gave him a
whole new view of Earth. And now
he felt a much closer connection to
everyone and everything else on it. He
went far above the world to think more
about what it means to live in it.

76 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 76 6/12/17 08:51

T 146
At a press conference after his mission in space, Major Tom talked about the repairs that he
and his team had made to the International Space Station. Then he answered several questions
from the media.
One was a silly reference to the song: “So, tell us, Major Tom, did you ever forget to take your
protein pills and put your helmet on?”
Everyone laughed at that one. But others were more serious. One reporter even asked how he
felt when his space suit began to lose oxygen.
“Well,” Major Tom said honestly, “that incident was pretty scary. But the voice at Ground
Control was with me every step of the way. I owe my life to that person—to all of the people who
helped to keep me alive.”
“And how was that view of Earth from outer space?” asked another.
“It was magnificent,” said Major Tom. “It has forever changed the way I’ll look at my life on this
planet. By the way, I must add that planet Earth is, in fact, mostly blue as David Bowie said. But
there are some things that we can do to better understand this beautiful place—and other places in
the universe. Many people are working very hard to do that. I’m so glad that I had this opportunity.
Thank you for the questions!”
When the press conference was over, Major Tom headed toward his car. As he walked, he
quietly hummed the melody of a very famous David Bowie song. It happened to be about an
astronaut with the same name.

Major Tom in Space 77

U4COrl5.indd 77 6/12/17 08:51

T 147
1 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings Mark (✓) the sentences that
make a comparison.

1 After all, Major Tom was an astronaut, like the Major Tom in the song.

2 Major Tom felt like he was sitting on top of an enormous explosion.

3 They were 350 kilometers from Earth, traveling at 28,000 kilometers per hour.

4 He got used to the sensation of zero gravity, the feeling of floating in

a tin can that Bowie described in his song.

5 He saw brilliant white streaks of clouds over the oceans.

2 Comparing and Contrasting Events and Settings Mark (✓) the sentences that show a contrast.
1 He believed that his trip would be successful, in spite of the strange

coincidence of being another astronaut named Major Tom.

2 Major Tom’s heart pounded as he heard the countdown.

3 Even though he’d practiced for hours with a simulator, it was still nothing like the real thing.

4 He talked with the other astronauts and learned more about their experiments.

5 However, real life was not like imagined emergencies.

3 Scan pages 71 to 73. Circle the correct meanings.

1 When David Bowie’s song “Space Oddity” began to play on the car radio,
Major Tom Decker quickly turned it off.
a He didn’t like David Bowie’s song b He didn’t like thinking about c He didn’t like the haunting
about an astronaut. another Major Tom’s tragedy melody or interesting
in space. connection to space.

2 Major Tom took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

a He didn’t want to go to the b He didn’t want to see the Earth c He wanted to relax and
International Space Station. from high above. stop worrying.

3 If something went wrong at this stage, then it would be a disaster.

a Other people had died when they b Other people had successfully c Other people had leaks in
launched into space. orbited the Earth. their gloves before he did.

4 The voice said, “You’ve really made the grade!”

a It meant that his space suit was b It meant that there was c It meant that he had
quickly losing oxygen. something seriously wrong. done well.

78 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 78 6/12/17 08:51

T 148
4 Transitions Read the transition words or phrases below. Write them in
the correct category. Transitions
Transitions are words or
also although as well as but have in common however phrases that connect different
in spite of like likewise nevertheless similarly yet ideas and make a text clearer
and easier to understand.
Transitions can also work
Comparison Transitions Contrast Transitions to show a comparison or a
contrast between ideas.

5 Transitions Circle the correct transition words to complete the sentences.

1 Although / Similarly he had always liked the song ... it now made him feel uneasy.

2 After all, Major Tom was an astronaut, like / yet the Major Tom in the song.

3 He believed that his trip would be successful nevertheless / in spite of the strange coincidence of being

another astronaut named Major Tom.

4 ...but / ...likewise this launch went perfectly.

5 However / As well as, his favorite activity was visiting the Cupola module.

6 It felt much also / like they were walking through the deep water of a swimming pool.

6 Active Reading Work in a small group. Make a list of all the things Major Tom does in the story.

A Write each activity on a card. Choose a card. Act it out with gestures and facial expressions for other
students to guess.

7 Work with a classmate. Write a dialogue.

Imagine you are Major Tom or Ground Control. How would you both feel? Rewrite the dialogue between
Ground Control and Major Tom when he discovers that his spacesuit has a leak.

A Share your dialogue with the class.

Major Tom in Space 79

U4COrl5.indd 79 6/12/17 08:51

T 149
Music is important. It’s important to each
Key Words
individual, it’s important to us as human
dynamic range beings and it influences technology.
Recording What kind of music do you like? Pop?
Rock? Classical? Today, we have instant
access to music from different cultures

Eras by
and eras. But have you ever stopped to
think about how your favorite music was
recorded? And imagine this… Before we
A text usually has two or started recording music, the only way to
three main ideas and key
Aaron Burkholder
details to support the main hear it was by listening to someone sing or
ideas. Retelling the main play. Or by learning to play an instrument!
ideas and key details in
a few sentences is called So how did we get from only listening to
live music to where we are today? And how did each
innovation influence music? Here is a brief history
of music recording.

1 Look at the pictures and read

the introduction on page 81.
What do you think the main
ideas of the text are?

2 Listen and follow. 9

80 Topic 4 Music Recording Eras 81

U4COrl5.indd 80 6/12/17 08:51 U4COrl5.indd 81 6/12/17 08:52

Lessons Preview
Pages Lesson Focus Teaching Resources

1 80 Key Words • Topic 4 Nonfiction Worksheet page 158

Making Predictions • Recordings of different kinds of music
• Note cards
• Red, yellow and green cards

2 80-85 Summarizing • Audio Track 9

Identifying the Topic and Main • Pictures related to music

3 80-85 Identifying Key Details • Audio Track 9

Scanning • Topic 4 Nonfiction Worksheet page 159

4 80-85 Summarizing • Topic 4 Nonfiction Worksheet page 159

Making Inferences • Internet access
History Connection

5 86 and 87 Comprehension

6 88 Connect to History • Poster paper

• Colored pencils and markers
• Internet access

T 150 Topic 4
Key Words
“Music Recording Eras” is about music throughout history and the effects technological
developments have had on it. It focuses on four recording eras: acoustic, electronic, amplification (n.) an increase in the
magnetic and digital, and describes the recording equipment used in each. loudness, or volume, of a sound,
often using an electronic device
Genre: Informational Text dynamic range (n.) how loud or quiet
An informational text informs readers about history, music or other subjects. an instrument sounds
format (n.) the way music is recorded
Reading Strategy Focus
in order to play it later, for example,
Summarizing on a disc or a tape
What is it? A text usually has two or three main ideas and key details to support
harmonize (v.) to play or sing higher
the main ideas. Retelling the main ideas and key details in a few sentences is
and lower musical notes that sound
called summarizing.
good together
What will students do? Students will identify the main ideas and supporting key
mix (n.) a combination of things
details, incorporating transition words to better summarize the salient points of a text.
pitch (n.) how high or low an
Why is it important? It is important for students to be able to identify and organize
instrument sounds
the main ideas and supporting key details into a clear, concise summary. The ability
to summarize is an important aspect of reading comprehension and retention of text precedent (n.) a way something is
content. done now that is based on a way
something was done in the past
How will students build on previous knowledge? In previous Compass Reading Logs,
students learn to identify main ideas and key details. In Compass Reading Log 4, students synchronize (v.) to play different
learn to summarize the main ideas and key details of a text. In Compass Reading Log 5 recordings at the same time so that
Topic 2, students continue refining their ability to identify main ideas and key details. they sound like one recording

In this topic, students will focus on summarizing the main ideas and key details.
Teachers can help students develop their summarizing skills by asking them:
• What is summarizing?
• Why is it important?
• How can you identify the main ideas in a text?
• How can you identify the key details that support them?
• How can you organize information from the text in a clear and concise way?

Author Technique
What is it? Transition words or phrases help authors and readers move from one topic
to another. They can summarize information. They can also indicate results. In this
text, several transition words are used to summarize or express “result”: so, as a result,
because, in summary and in fact.
What will students do? Students will identify and learn how to use transition words
that summarize or express “result.”
Why is it important? It is important for students to be able to identify and analyze
transition words as they contribute greatly to the cohesion and coherence of a text.

Topic 4 T 151
Lesson 1
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy
Compass Reading Log 5 page 80 Making Predictions
Topic 4 Nonfiction Worksheet page 158 The strategy of making predictions actively engages students and connects them to the text
by asking them what they think it is about. Effective readers use pictures, titles, headings,
Recordings of different kinds of music
text and personal experiences to make predictions before they read. Predicting also involves
Note cards (8 per student) thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the text. After making
Red, yellow and green cards (1 of each predictions, students can read through the text and revise and verify their predictions.
per student)

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
• Hand out a set of cards (one green, one red, one yellow) to • Write the questions on the board:
each student. Say: We are going to listen to pieces of different 1 How often do you listen to music?
kinds of music. If you like it, raise the green card. If you don’t 2 Why is music important to you?
like it much, raise the yellow card. If you hate it, raise the 3 What kind of music do you like?
red card. 4 What kind of music don’t you like?
• Play the recordings of different music genres and 5 Do you have a favorite band or singer? If so, what/who is it?
have students indicate their preferences by raising the 6 Do you have a favorite song? If so, what is it?
colored cards. • Form small groups. Have students discuss the questions.
• Ask: Do you recognize any of the music genres?
Know Your Students
Teach the Key Words (25 min.) If you have students from different countries in your class,
• Use example sentences to elicit or teach Key Words. encourage them to talk about music genres that are popular
Write the words on the board. Have students repeat the in their countries.
words chorally.
• Point to the word amplification. Repeat the example sentence
for it. Ask: What does amplification mean? Write the
definition next to the word.
• Point to the next word on the list and continue the process
until all the words have been defined.
• Hand out note cards: eight per student.
• Have students create flashcards for the Key Words. Say: You
are going to make your own flashcards. Write the Key Word on
one side and the definition on the other.
• Have students complete activity 1 in the worksheet.
Answers: Across: 3. mix 4. pitch 5. dynamic range 6. synchronize 7. format
Down: 1. amplification 2. harmonize 4. precedent

Reading Strategy (15 min.)

• Tell students they are going to predict what the text is about.
• Point to page 80. Say: What are some things we could do to
predict the content of the text? (Look at the title, the pictures
and the headings.) Write students’ ideas on the board.
• Say: Look at the title. Ask: What is an era? (Age, period of
time.) What do you think this text is about? (Different periods
of music recording.)
• Say: Look at the text. Ask: What are the headings?
(The Acoustic Recording Era, The Electronic Recording Era,
The Magnetic Recording Era and The Digital Recording Era.)
• Have students write their predictions in activity 2
in the worksheet.
• Encourage students to share their predictions.

T 152 Topic 4
Lesson 2
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 80-85 Summarizing
Audio Track 9 Reading Strategy
Pictures related to music: a composer (e.g., Identifying the Topic and the Main Ideas
Mozart), a phonograph, an old record player, a The topic is the most important idea in the text. It answers the question, “What is the text
cassette or cassette player, a CD and an online about?” Main ideas support the topic. Each section of a text usually has its own main idea.
radio station

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) 2 Listen and follow. 9 (25 min.)

• Display pictures related to music on the board. • Play track 9. Have students listen to the text and follow in
• Ask: What is the common theme in the pictures? (Music.) their books.
• Draw a timeline on the board. • Pause the text after each section to clarify vocabulary, and
• Form pairs. Tell students to look at the pictures and put them ask a general comprehension question: What’s the main idea
in chronological order. Do not confirm or refute students’ in this section?
ideas at this point. If possible, leave pictures on the board for • Have students look at the timeline and pictures on the
students to check answers later. board. Tell them to confirm if the order is correct, according
to the text.
Reading Strategies (10 min.)
• Write on the board before class: Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
Music is part of our lives. It is everywhere and we can’t • Form pairs. Have students discuss the questions. Ask: Which
escape it. We listen to it on the radio, on our smartphones, music era interests you the most? Why? Encourage students
on television, at the cinema, etc. You may even listen to music to share ideas.
during recess at school.
• Direct students’ attention to the Reading Strategy entry on
page 80. Read it to the class and have students follow along.
• Confirm understanding of main ideas. (Main ideas provide
evidence for the topic.)
• Ask: Why is it important to summarize ideas? (It helps us
understand the text better, and we remember the main ideas
and key details better, too.)
• Have students read the paragraph on the board and write a
one-sentence summary in their notebooks. (Possible answer:
Music is an important part of our lives.)
• Form pairs. Have students read their sentences to their
classmates. Elicit a few sentences from class.

1 Look at the pictures and read the introduction on

page 81. What do you think the main ideas of the text
are? 9 (10 min.)

• Play track 9 for page 81. Have students listen and follow in
their books.
• Form pairs. Tell students to come to agreement about the
main ideas in the text.
• Elicit ideas from the students and write them on the board.

Topic 4 T 153
Lesson 3
Teaching Resources Reading Strategies
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 80-85 Identifying the Key Details
Audio Track 9 Key details are all the facts and information that support the main ideas. Being able to identify
the key details that provide evidence or support to the main ideas gives readers a better
Topic 4 Nonfiction Worksheet page 159
understanding of the text.
Scanning is the ability to quickly look for and find specific information in a text.
Effective readers can scan a text for specific words or text features that help them answer
basic questions about text content.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.)

• Elicit the headings from the text and write them on the
1 The Acoustic Recording Era
2 The Electronic Recording Era
3 The Magnetic Recording Era
4 The Digital Recording Era
• Form small groups. Have students recall the main idea for
each heading. Encourage students to share ideas.

Reading Strategies 9 (35 min.)

• Confirm understanding of key details. (Key details support

the main ideas.)
• Play track 9. Have students listen and underline the key
details in each section.
• Form small groups. Tell students to compare the key details
they underlined.
• Confirm key details with the class.
• Have students read the sentences in activity 3 in the
• Confirm understanding of scanning. (Look quickly through
the text for specific information.)
• Tell students to scan the text and circle the true sentences in
the worksheet.
• Form groups to check answers. Ask: Which of these sentences
provides a key detail?
Answers: True sentences: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10

Take the Lesson Further (15 min.)

• Write 3–2–1 on the board.
• Tell students to write about three things they learned, two
interesting things and one question they still have.
• Form groups. Have students share their information and

T 154 Topic 4
Lesson 4
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus History Connection
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 80-85 Summarizing Conducting research requires students to
Topic 4 Nonfiction Worksheet page 159 develop their reading and investigation
Reading Strategy
strategies as well as critical-thinking skills.
Internet access Making Inferences Learning about the history of music creates
Making inferences is the ability to use explicit a “connection” between the students, the
information from a text to support an educated past and the future. Listening to the music
guess or conclusion about the main ideas and establishes a multisensory link that makes
key details. It is critical to text analysis and is a the music and the text more memorable.
prerequisite for higher-order thinking.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (15 min.)
• Say: Let’s play board race! Histor y Connection
• Divide the class into three teams and have each team form a • Form pairs.
line in front of the board. • Have students choose a music genre they like.
• Write Music at the top of the board and divide it into three • Tell students to use their mobile devices or the school
sections, one for each team. computers to conduct research. Tell them they have ten
• Tell students that when you say Go!, the first student in line minutes to investigate. Remind them to take notes about
has to go to the board and write a word related to the topic. their findings.
• Explain that when students are finished writing, they must • Form small groups (two pairs). Have students share
quickly pass the markers to the next students in line and then their findings.
go to the end of the line.
• Tell them they have five minutes. Say: Go! Manage Your Class
• After five minutes, have students stop writing. Count the It is important students look for information on reliable
number of music terms on the board and decide which team and safe sites. Be ready to provide information for
wrote the most. appropriate sites.

Reading Strategy Focus (20 min.)

• Ask: What does a good summary include? (A good summary
includes the main ideas and the most important
key details.)
• Have students write their summaries in activity 4 in the
worksheet. Encourage students to refer to the text to confirm
main ideas and key details.
• Monitor and help them as necessary.
• Form pairs. Have students share their summaries.

Reading Strategy (15 min.)

• Write the questions on the board.
Why is music important to us as individuals?
How did music influence technology?
How did technology influence music?
Will developments in technology ever substitute live music?
Do you think other styles of music will be created in
the future?
• Explain that the answers to some questions are not explicitly
(directly) stated in the text, and that sometimes students
have to use information from the text to make an educated
guess (or inference). Other questions ask students for their
opinions on the topic.
• Form small groups. Have students read and discuss the
questions. Tell them to refer to text to find key details to
support their answers.
• Encourage students to share answers.

Topic 4 T 155
Lesson 5
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 86 and 87 Summarizing

Author Technique

Comprehension (60 min.) 5 Transitions Find the blue transition words in the text.
Lead in to the Lesson Do they show the result of another action? Sort the
words to complete the chart.
• Write the word MUSIC vertically on the board.
• Have students copy it into their notebooks. • Draw students’ attention to the Author Technique entry.
• Tell them to write five words related to music, one for each Read it to the class and have students follow along.
letter of the word music. • Confirm understanding of summary and result.
• Form pairs. Have students share their acrostic poems. • Draw a chart similar to the one in the book on the board.
• Tell students to scan the text and find the transition words
1 Write the names of the recording eras. in blue.
• Draw students’ attention to the pictures. • Have volunteers read the sentences and, as a class, decide if
• Have students identify the recording eras and write their the transition word is used for summary or result.
names on the top lines. • Tell students to complete the chart in their books.
If time allows, have students write sentences using the
A Write one musical genre that started in each era. transition words.
• Have students refer back to the text and scan it for mention Answers: Summary: In summary, In fact
of musical genres. Result: so, as a result, because
• Tell students to write their answers on the bottom lines,
6 Active Reading Choose an era and write notes
under the pictures.
about it. Summarize it. Share your summary with
Answers: 1. Acoustic, 2. Electronic, Jazz 3. Magnetic, Rhythm and Blues a classmate.
4. Digital, New Wave
• Have students brainstorm ideas and write them in their
2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. notebooks. Encourage them to refer to the text.
• Direct students’ attention to the words in the box and elicit • Tell students to use their notes to write a summary.
their meanings. Monitor and help as necessary.
• Have students complete the activity. Tell them to refer to • Form small groups. Have them share their summaries.
the glossary if necessary.
7 Work in a small group. Talk about your favorite
Answers: 1. precedent 2. amplification 3. mix 4. synchronized 5. format music genres.
3 Match the headings with the descriptions. • Form small groups.
• Have students discuss their favorite music genres. If they
• Have students read the descriptions.
have mobile devices, encourage them to share pieces of
• Tell them to match the headings with the descriptions.
music they like and describe them.
• Form pairs. Have them scan the text to confirm
• Elicit a few answers from the class.
their answers.
Answers: 3, 1, 4, 2

4 Summarizing Sort the key details by their main ideas.

Write the numbers of the sentences in the chart.
• Have students read the key details and then match them to
the main ideas.
Answers: Acoustic Era: 3, 4 Magnetic Era: 2, 7 Electronic Era: 5, 6
Digital Era: 1, 8

T 156 Topic 4
Lesson 6
Teaching Resources
Compass Reading Log 5 page 88
Internet access
Poster paper (1 per pair)
Colored pencils and markers

Connect to Histor y (60 min.)

Lead in to the Lesson
• Write Music genres on the board.
• Form small groups. Tell students they have five minutes to
brainstorm and write the names of music genres in
their notebooks.
• Have groups exchange and confirm lists.
• Ask: Which music genres on your lists were discussed in
the text?

1 Research music from one of the recording eras.

Find some songs that show how records sounded
then. Play the songs for your classmates. What are
the songs like? Which one is your favorite?
• Write the questions on the board before class:
1 When did (music genre) become popular?
2 What’s it like?
3 What musicians were famous for it?
4 What instruments did the musicians use?
5 Is it still popular today? Why (not)?
• Form pairs. Have students choose a music genre from
the text.
• Tell students to use their mobile devices or the school
computers to conduct research. Tell them they have
twenty-five minutes to investigate the music genre they’ve
chosen. Remind them to use the questions to guide their
investigation and to take notes about their findings.
• Have students create a poster about their music genre.
• Form small groups (two pairs). Have students play a sample
piece of music from their genre and share their posters.
Encourage students to ask questions.

Topic 4 T 157
To p ic 4 Music Recording Eras
1 Complete the crossword with the correct words.

Across Down
3 a combination of things 1 an increase in the loudness or volume of a sound
4 how high or low an instrument sounds 2 to play or sing higher or lower musical notes that
5 how loud or quiet an instrument is sound good together
6 to play different recordings at the same time so 4 a way something is done based on how
they sounds like one recording something was done in the past.
7 the way music is recorded in order to play it later

2 Look at the headings in the text. What is it about? Write your predictions.

T 158 Nonfiction Worksheet Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable
3 Circle the true sentences.
1 The phonograph was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

2 The phonograph was patented in 1878.

3 The phonograph used special cylinders to play music.

4 The sound quality of the phonograph was bad, so it didn’t become very popular.

5 Jazz became very popular during the electronic recording era.

6 The magnetic recording era came about after World War II.

7 The sound quality of magnetic tapes was worse when compared to live radio.

8 During the magnetic recording era people began listening to music from all over the world.

9 Serious musicians did not like to record digitally.

10 It is not possible to predict how technology will change music.

4 Write your summary for the text.

Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable Nonfiction Worksheet T 159
Key Words
dynamic range

Eras by
A text usually has two or
three main ideas and key
Aaron Burkholder
details to support the main
ideas. Retelling the main
ideas and key details in
a few sentences is called

1 Look at the pictures and read

the introduction on page 81.
What do you think the main
ideas of the text are?

2 Listen and follow. 9

80 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 80 6/12/17 08:51

T 160
Music is important. It’s important to each
individual, it’s important to us as human
beings and it influences technology.
What kind of music do you like? Pop?
Rock? Classical? Today, we have instant
access to music from different cultures
and eras. But have you ever stopped to
think about how your favorite music was
recorded? And imagine this… Before we
started recording music, the only way to
hear it was by listening to someone sing or
play. Or by learning to play an instrument!
So how did we get from only listening to
live music to where we are today? And how did each
innovation influence music? Here is a brief history
of music recording.

Music Recording Eras 81

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T 161
The Acoustic Recording Era
The first recordings were made on an instrument called a Phonograph
phonograph. Have you ever seen one? The phonograph was
invented by Thomas Edison and was patented in 1878.
So how did it record? Well, you sang or played into a tube
or a horn. The sound energy made a diaphragm vibrate. The
vibrations then cut paths into cylinders. The cylinders were
turned by a clockwork motor. To play music back, the processs
was reversed on the same machine:
another needle pressed into the
he paths,
another diaphragm and horn amplified the
vibrations and turned them back into sounds.
Musicians selected instruments based on how high
or low its sounds were. This is called pitch. There was
a very limited pitch range for the recordings, so they couldn’t
use some instruments or some singers! For example, bass drums didn’t sound good on
the recordings. They used other drums instead. Musicians also sat at different distances
from the machine. This made their instruments sound louder or softer on the recording.
Early recordings had no amplification, so all the musicians had to play loudly.
As a result, there was very little dynamic range.
(This is how loud or quiet music sounds.) Cylinder
If you listen to this music now, it sounds terrible! Tube

Because the sound quality was poor, serious musicians

did not like the new recordings. Also, phonograph cylinders
could only play two to three minutes of music at a time. So,
many songs had to be made shorter. This set a precedent
for the length of popular songs that still exists today.
In summary, despite the limitations and poor sound quality, people were amazed!
Companies that made phonograph cylinders (and later, gramophone discs) started making
a lot of money. Later, the phonograph evolved into the record player. The record player was
an invention that people could afford, and it brought recorded music into many homes.

82 Topic 4

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T 162
The Electronic Recording Era
In the mid-1920s, a new form of recording technology
helped change popular music. Inventors added electronic
amplification to the old phonograph recording devices. This
new electronic recording technology produced the same
type of records for phonographs. But the sound was much
better. It also had much greater dynamic and pitch ranges.
The new system used
electronic microphones.
Microphones could go anywhere
in the
t room. They also introduced another important
element of recording: the producer. The producer
could now adjust the volume of each microphone
sseparately. This resulted in different mixes of the
iinstruments. All of these changes had an important
result: for the first time, a recording could sound
different from live music.
These new electronic recordings allowed
musicians freedom of dynamics and pitch
that brought new
instruments and
vocal styles.
For example,
l ffor the first time,
h fi i jazz could use basss
guitars and bass drums.
Suddenly, jazz was everywhere! It was the big, swinging
music of young people and rebellion. Some people hated it.
Some newspapers even wrote that it was silly. But even today,
the 1920s and 30s are still called “The Jazz Age.”
During the 1920s, listening to the radio became
popular, too. But it wasn’t until the next recording era that it
would become a common way to listen to music.

Music Recording Eras 83

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T 163
The Magnetic Recording Era
After World War II, a new technology changed the
recording industry again. This time, magnetic tape
recording improved sound quality. It also had other
advantages over records. The tapes could play for a
longer time. They could also be cut apart and taped back
together, like movie film. The recordings sounded as good
as live radio. Radio stations started playing a lot more pop
music recordings.
By the
t middle of the 1950s, experimental musicians
were using magnetic technology to record
songs in new ways, too. Professional magnetic
recording tapes had multiple tracks. These
tracks were on the same tape, so they were
always synchronized. This allowed musicians
to record a song on one track using a few
Then, they could go back and record the same song again
using different instruments on the same tape. They
could also add new sounds or harmonizing vocals. The
technology became a part of the creativity.
Musical genres exploded during this time.
This included new forms of jazz, rhythm and blues
(R&B), country and folk, and classical music. Later came
disco, punk and early electronic music. People around
the world started listening to the music of other cultures in ways they
never did before—for example, afrobeat from West Africa, reggae
from Jamaica and many others.
In 1958, RCA introduced the RCA tape cartridge.
By 1983, more cassettes were sold than records for the
first time, thanks to the Walkman and similar devices.

84 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 84 6/12/17 08:52

T 164
The Digital Recording Era
By the 1980s, almost all professional musicians were recording digitally. This means that
musicians recorded on computers instead of disc or tape. The
CD (compact disc) became the new digital format. It
gave an exact copy of the digital studio recording.
At the same time, more musicians developed
and used electronic instruments. Electric
organs, synthesizers and drum machines were
some of the new instruments that worked very
easily with the digital recording format.
Once again, the
combination of new recording
methods and instruments
ruments led
to new genres of music. Various
ic. Variou
forms of electronic music, new
wave, metal and rap all developed in the digital era. Later, CDs
were replaced with compressed digital files.
The Internet has removed the barriers from music.
As new musicians grow up, they are listening to music
genres from anywhere in the world. In fact, there is
no way to predict the way all these musical genres will
influence each other in the next generation, or the ways thatt new
technology will change our music (and our lives) again.

Music Recording Eras 85

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T 165
1 Write the names of the recording eras.

Acoustic Digital Electronic Magnetic

1 2 3 4

A Write one musical genre that started in each era.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

amplification format mix precedent synchronized

1 Short phonograph recordings set the for the length of songs.

2 In the acoustic era, all musicians had to play loudly. There was no .

3 With the invention of microphones, producers could use a of instruments.

4 During the magnetic era, multiple tracks could be and set in one recording.

5 CDs are an example of music in a digital .

3 Match the headings with the descriptions.

1 The Acoustic Recording Era 3 The Magnetic Recording Era

2 The Electronic Recording Era 4 The Digital Recording Era

A small number of people could record a song with dozens of different instruments and voices.

Musicians could not use some instruments or singers.

People could listen to music from any part of the world.

Producers could make songs that sounded different from live music.

86 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 86 6/12/17 08:52

T 166
4 Summarizing Sort the key details by their main ideas. Write the numbers of the sentences in the chart.
1 It is easy to hear music from anywhere in the world.

2 Multiple tape tracks meant artists could record different parts of songs separately.

3 Musicians had to play all the instruments loudly.

4 Phonographs could not record some instruments and singers.

5 Producers could adjust the volume of each microphone separately.

6 Singers could sing softly for the first time.

7 Tape could be cut apart and put back together like film.

8 With computers, there are no limits to the recording process.

Acoustic Era Magnetic Era Electronic Era Digital Era

5 Transitions Find the blue transition words in the text. Do they show
the result of another action? Sort the words to complete the chart. Transitions
Transition words or phrases
Summary Result help authors and readers
move from one topic to
another. They can summarize
information. They can also
indicate results.

6 Active Reading Choose an era and write notes about it. Summarize it.
Share your summary with a classmate.

7 Work in a small group. Talk about your favorite music genres.

Music Recording Eras 87

U4COrl5.indd 87 6/16/17 11:17

T 167
Connect to Me
1 Think and draw. Imagine you live on a space station. What would it look like inside?
What would you do there?

Connect to History
1 Research music from one of the recording eras. Find some songs that show how records sounded
then. Play the songs for your classmates. What are the songs like? Which one is your favorite?

88 Topic 4

U4COrl5.indd 88 6/12/17 08:52

T 168
To p ic 5

The of Genre: Fantasy

A fantasy story can take place
in either the real world or an
by Nigel Barnsley imaginary one, and it contains
elements of magic or the
“The Box of Immortality” is a
story about five friends and what
happens when they each wear a
ring with special powers.

by Margarita Dueñas

Genre: Informational Text

An informational text informs
readers about science, technology
and other subjects.
“Brain Backup” is about the idea
of creating a digital copy of the
human mind so all of its contents
can last forever.


U5COrl5.indd 89 6/12/17 10:23

T 169
Key Words
premonition by Nigel Barnsley

Identifying the Theme

The theme is the central
idea of a story, and
characters’ actions often
reflect the theme. By
analyzing characters’
actions, you can identify the
theme of the story.

T his is the story of The Five. They were children once. Children with dreams and ambitions.
Doubts, too. Kate loved painting and she wanted to be a famous artist. But she wondered if she
was creative enough. Jake was athletic and agile. He wanted to be a world famous acrobat and work in a
circus. However, he was very shy. Could he become more outgoing and work well in a team? Grace was
fascinated by medicine. She wanted to be a great medical researcher. But was she determined enough?

1 Read page 91. Identify the Mark was very ambitious. He wanted to be a senator or even president, even though he wasn’t very caring.
main characters. Complete Peter loved to fly. He wanted to be a pilot or even an astronaut someday. The problem was that he always
this chart in your notebook. thought he was right. Could he be respectful enough of others’ ideas?
Name Dream Problem The children lived in a beautiful city. A wise old woman also lived there. She sold trinkets in the
park. Aside from all her necklaces, bracelets and earrings, she had five steel rings and a beautiful wooden
Kate be a creative
famous enough? box. Each ring was marked with a strange symbol. She kept the rings in the box. A box she called
“The Box of Immortality.” It had been buried deep in her garden for many years. But she had had a
premonition—a feeling something was about to happen. It was time to dig up the box. It was time to
2 Listen and follow. 10
take the rings out of the box. It was time to take the rings and the box to the park.

90 Topic 5 The Box of Immortality 91

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Lessons Preview
Pages Lesson Focus Teaching Resources

1 89 Key Words • Topic 5 Fiction Worksheet page 178

Making Predictions • Note cards with Key Words
• Shoe boxes

2 90-99 Identifying the Theme • Audio Track 10

3 90-99 Five-finger Retell • Audio Track 10

Summarizing • Topic 5 Fiction Worksheet page 178
• Strips of paper with the names of main characters

4 90-99 Making Inferences • Audio Track 10

Scanning • Topic 5 Fiction Worksheet page 179
Characters’ Personality Traits • Internet access
Science Connection

5 100 and 101 Comprehension

Identifying the Theme
Characters’ Personality Traits

6 108 Connect to Me • A soft ball

• Colored pencils and crayons

T 170 Topic 5
Key Words
Five friends, known as “The Five,” have dreams and ambitions for their futures. In the
same city, a wise old woman has a premonition: it’s time to dig up the box of immortality agile (adj.) able to move quickly
and the five rings inside it. After digging up the box, she takes the rings out of it. and easily
Then she takes the box with her to the park, where she sells trinkets. That same day, a ambition (n.) a strong desire to
girl—Abigail—is walking through the park with her parents when she sees the old woman. reach a certain goal in life
She notices the box, and when the old woman says it’s the box of immortality, Abigail bury (v.) to place something in the
declares she must have it. To avoid a tantrum, her father buys it. After they leave, the ground and cover it with dirt
wise old woman takes the five rings out of her pocket and places them among her trinkets.
confidence (n.) trust in a person
When The Five come to the park, Kate sees the wise old woman and walks closer.
or thing
She calls her friends over, and the woman asks them what they want most in life. The Five
tell her. She gives them each a ring, telling The Five to treasure them. At home, Abigail errand (n.) a quick trip to complete
opens the box and realizes there are five rings missing. She can see The Five and decides a task
to find them to get the rings. Abigail searches for The Five, but she does not find them greedy (adj.) wanting more for
right away—they’re too busy working toward their goals. Then one day, Abigail sees them yourself than what is fair
at the swimming pool. She watches as they take off the rings and get in the pool. Then she outgoing (adj.) able to interact easily
steals the rings. However, The Five see her do it. They use their skills to search for Abigail. with others; friendly or extroverted
They eventually find her in the park, and the wise old woman appears, too.
premonition (n.) a thought or vision
She congratulates The Five for having learned the lessons of the rings but scolds Abigail.
about something that will happen in
The Five realize the way to achieve immortality is through their actions
the future
and achievements.
sparkle (v.) to shine with many little
Genre: Fantasy flashes of light
A fantasy story can take place in either the real world or an imaginary one, and it contains tantrum (n.) crying and shouting
elements of magic or the supernatural. in anger
trinket (n.) a small object that is
Reading Strategy Focus
not valuable
Identifying the Theme
volunteer (v.) working to help others
What is it? The theme is the central idea of a story, and characters’ actions often reflect
without pay
the theme. By analyzing characters’ actions, you can identify the theme of the story.
What will students do? Students will identify the central idea of the story (the theme)
and how the actions of the characters in the story are related to it.
Why is it important? It is important for students to develop the ability to analyze
characters’ actions and understand how they provide clues to the theme as it is often
not explicitly stated.
How will students build on previous knowledge? In Compass Reading Logs 3 and 4,
students begin analyzing characters and identifying the themes of stories.
In Compass Reading Log 5, students continue to analyze characters and identify the
themes of stories. Students may have become more proficient at analyzing characters, but
identifying the theme requires higher-order thinking and the ability to make inferences.
Most students will need teacher support in identifying the theme. Teachers can guide
students by asking about:
• characters
• setting
• events in the story
• problems the characters face
• solutions to the problems

Literary Technique
Characters’ Personality Traits
What is it? Authors provide clues to characters’ personality traits. Look for
information about characters in how they act, what they say and how they say it.
What will students do? Students will identify and analyze the characters’ actions
and words in order to correlate them to the personality traits.
Why is it important? It is important for students to identify explicitly stated
personality traits and correlate them to characters’ actions and dialogue because
it helps students understand the characters better and is a first step to identifying
the theme.
Topic 5 T 171
Lesson 1
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy
Compass Reading Log 5 page 89 Making Predictions
Topic 5 Fiction Worksheet page 178 The strategy of making predictions actively engages students and connects them to the story
by asking them what they think might happen in it. Effective readers use pictures, titles,
Note cards with Key Words (1 set per group)
headings, text and personal experiences to make predictions before they read. Predicting also
Shoe boxes (1 per group) involves thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the story.
After making predictions, students can read through the story and revise and verify
their predictions.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Reading Strategy (15 min.)

• Before class, write the Key Words on note cards. Make one • Say: Open your books to page 89. Look at the title and the
set for each group of four or five students. Put each set of Key pictures.
Words in a shoe box. • Have students briefly describe the picture. Ask: Based on the
• Form groups. Hand out a shoe box to each group. Tell them words from the box and from the picture, what do you think
to keep it closed. the story is about? Encourage students to use Key Words in
• Say: These are special boxes. They contain clues to the story. their predictions.
• Ask: What do you think the clues are like? • Draw students’ attention to the genre entry and read it aloud.
Encourage students to guess. Ask: Which special powers do you think children would like
to have? Which special powers would you like to have? Elicit a
Teach the Key Words (25 min.) few answers from the class.
• Tell students to open the shoe boxes and take out the note • Remind students that predicting what happens in a story
cards. Have students arrange the Key Words in alphabetical is a useful reading strategy as it makes connections between
order in front of them. what they already know about a topic and what they are
• Read the words to the class and have students repeat each going to read.
word chorally. • Have students write their predictions in activity 2
• Elicit example sentences or simple definitions for the words in the worksheet.
they know. Write the Key Words and students’ definitions on • Form pairs. Have students share their predictions.
the board. Tell students they will confirm or reject their predictions
• Have students put the note cards with known Key Words to as they read the story.
one side.
• Tell students you are going to give a simple definition or Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
explanation for the remaining Key Words, and they are going • Form groups of four or five students. Make sure each group
to match the definitions to the words. Write the remaining has a shoe box with a set of Key Words in it.
Key Words and their definitions on the board as students • Say: Now the special box is going to select a few words for you.
identify them. • Have each student take out two words.
• Have students complete activity 1 in the worksheet. • Tell them to read their words and write a sentence for each in
Answers: 1. agile 2. bury 3. volunteer 4. confidence 5. ambition 6. sparkle their notebooks.
7. errand 8. premonition 9. greedy 10. outgoing 11. tantrum 12. trinket • Have students share their sentences in their groups.

T 172 Topic 5
Lesson 2
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 90-99 Identifying the Theme
Audio Track 10

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) 2 Listen and follow. 10 (25 min.)

• Write the Key Words without spaces in between them on • Play track 10. Have students listen to the story and follow in
the board. agileambitionburyconfidenceerrandgreedyoutgo their books.
ingpremonitionsparkletantrumtrinketvolunteer • Pause at the end of each page to clarify vocabulary, and ask
• Form pairs. Have students identify the Key Words and say general comprehension questions about setting (Where are
example sentences. they?), characters (Who is in this scene?), events (What’s
• Encourage students to share sentences with the class. happening?) and predictions (What do you think will happen
Reading Strategy Focus (5 min.) • Have students confirm who the main characters are (the five
• Direct students’ attention to the Reading Strategy entry on friends, Abigail and the wise old woman) and what the main
page 90. Read it to the class and have students follow along. events were.
• Tell students that a first step in identifying the theme is to
identify the main characters in the story and analyze their Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
motivations and actions. • Write the following sentence on the board: The character I
liked most in this story was…
1 Read page 91. Identify the main characters. • Tell students to copy the sentence and complete it in
Complete this chart in your notebook. 10 (15 min.)
their notebooks.
• Have students copy the chart into their notebooks. • Form small groups. Have students express their opinions.
Explain that they should copy the information in the example Encourage them to give reasons for their answers.
and add four more rows for the other characters.
• Remind students to focus only on the characters’ ambitions
and problems at this point.
• Play track 10 for page 91.
• Have students listen and follow along in their books.
• Tell them to complete their charts.
• Form small groups. Have students compare answers.
Encourage them to share their ideas with the class.
Possible Answers:

Name Dream Problem

Kate be a famous artist creative enough?

Jake be a world famous acrobat become more outgoing? work

and work in a circus well in a team?

Grace be a great medical determined enough?


Mark be a senator or even be caring enough?


Peter be a pilot or even an respectful enough of others’

astronaut ideas?

Manage Your Class

While students are reading and completing the chart in
their notebooks, draw a similar chart on the board.
This will help students visualize answers more clearly
when you check them.

Topic 5 T 173
Lesson 3
Teaching Resources Reading Strategies
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 90-99 Five-finger Retell
Audio Track 10 The five-finger retell strategy helps students analyze and summarize a story by organizing the
elements and sequence of a story. Students are able to make connections to information they
Topic 5 Fiction Worksheet page 178
already know and understand.
Strips of paper with the names of main characters
(1 per student)
Summarizing is the ability to identify the most relevant features and main events of a story
and to consolidate key details that support them. Proficient readers are able to focus on crucial
ideas and phrases and reduce the main points for concise, memorable understanding.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
• Elicit the names of the main characters in the story. (Kate, • Form small groups. Have students review their
Jake, Grace, Mark, Peter, Abigail and the wise old woman.) predictions in activity 2 in the worksheet.
• Have students pick a strip of paper with a character’s name • Ask: Were your predictions accurate? Remind students it is
on it. OK if they predicted something else would happen in the
• Say: Stand up and find someone who has a different character. story.
Describe your characters to each other. Then exchange strips of
paper with characters’ names and find a new partner.
• Have students mingle and talk to each other.

Reading Strategies (20 min.)

• Form pairs.
• Tell students they are going to retell the story. Hold up a
hand. Point to your thumb and elicit: Identify the characters.
Point to your index finger and elicit: Describe the setting.
Point to your middle finger and elicit: Identify the situation.
Point to your ring finger and elicit: Describe the events in
the story. Point to your pinky finger and elicit: Describe the
• Have students open their books, look at the pictures and
retell the story together.
• Confirm the meaning of summarizing. (To say or write the
most relevant features and main events of a story and to
consolidate key details to support them.)
• Have students write a three- to four-sentence summary
in their notebooks. Encourage students to share their

Read and Discuss the Story 10 (25 min.)

• Write the questions on the board before class. Have students

read them before they read the story again.
1 What premonition did the wise old woman have?
2 Why was the box special to the wise old woman?
3 Why didn’t the wise old woman sell the rings to Abigail?
4 How did Abigail find out there had been five rings
in the box?
5 What effect did the rings have on The Five?
6 How did Abigail get the rings she wanted so much?
7 What plan did The Five have to recover the rings?
8 How did Abigail feel when The Five caught her?
9 According to Kate and Grace, how can we be immortal?
• Play track 10. Pause at the end of each page to ask the
corresponding question.

T 174 Topic 5
Lesson 4
Teaching Resources Reading Strategies Science Connection
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 100 and 101 Making Inferences Conducting research requires students to
Audio Track 10 Making inferences is the ability to use develop their reading and investigation skills
explicit information from a story to support as well as critical-thinking skills. It fosters
Topic 5 Fiction Worksheet page 179
an educated guess or conclusion about the recognition of bias and develops students’
Internet access characters and events. It is critical to story self-confidence. Learning about science-based
analysis and is a prerequisite for higher-order topics also creates a “connection” between
thinking. the students and the scientific and
Scanning technological world.
Scanning is the ability to quickly look for
and find specific information in a text.
Effective readers can scan a text for
specific words or text features that help
them answer questions about text content.

Literary Technique
Characters’ Personality Traits

Lead in to the Lesson (15 min.) Take the Lesson Further (15 min.)
• Form pairs. Have students brainstorm personality traits. Reading Strategy
• Encourage students to share their ideas. Write them on Science Connection
the board.
• Form pairs. Say: You are going to research about the
• Ask: Which traits are positive? Which are negative?
possibility of living forever.
• Ask: Which characters display these traits?
• Confirm understanding of scanning. (Looking quickly for
Literary Technique (10 min.) specific information.)
• Have students use their mobile devices or school computers
• Tell students they are going to review the characters’
to scan websites on the Internet for scientific information
personality traits.
supporting or rejecting immortality. Set a ten-minute time
• Have them complete activity 3 in the worksheet.
limit for research and note taking.
Answers: 1. agile 2. spoiled 3. greedy 4. ambitious, determined 5. creative • Form small groups (two pairs). Have students share
6. caring, respectful 7. intuitive 8. outgoing
their findings.
Read and Discuss the Story 10 (30 min.)
Manage Your Class
Reading Strategy It is important students access reliable and safe sites.
• Have students read the questions in activity 4 Be ready with a list of appropriate websites.
in the worksheet.
• Explain that the answers are not explicitly stated in the
story. Tell them they will have to interpret parts of the story
in order to make inferences (educated guess) or to provide
evidence to support their conclusions.
• Play track 10. Have students listen and underline passages
that will help them answer the questions.
• Form pairs. Have students compare underlined passages
and agree on answers to the questions. Tell them to write
their answers in the worksheet.
• Encourage students to share answers with the class.
Answers: Answers will vary.

Topic 5 T 175
Lesson 5
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 100 and 101 Identifying the Theme

Literary Technique
Characters’ Personality Traits

Comprehension (60 min.) 4 Identifying the Theme Think and write. What theme is
Lead in to the Lesson expressed in these excerpts?
• Write the quote on the board: “Great ambition is the passion • On the board, write: Theme.
of a greater character. Those endowed with it may perform • Ask: What does theme mean? Elicit the meaning from the
very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles that class. If necessary, have students read the Reading Strategy
direct them.” –Napoleon Bonaparte entry on page 90 again.
• Form pairs. • Have students complete the task individually.

Read the quote to the class and clarify vocabulary.
Ask: Which good acts in the story were motivated by ambition?
A Share your answers with a classmate.
Which bad acts were? • Form pairs. Tell students to compare their ideas.
• Have students discuss the questions. Encourage them to Possible answer: The power to make one’s dream come true does not lie in
share their ideas. magical objects. It comes from confidence, determination and hard work.

Know Your Students 5 Active Reading Work in a small group. Write a new
If your students are not familiar with Napoleon Bonaparte, ending for the story.
explain that he was a French military and political leader. • Form small groups. Tell students to brainstorm possible
He rose to power during the French Revolution and was, endings for the story and to choose one.
for a short time, Emperor of France. • Have them write their ending. Monitor and help as needed.

1 Number the events of the story in the correct order. A Act out the ending for the class.
• Tell students to rehearse their new ending of the story.
• Form pairs. Have students summarize the main events
• Have groups present their endings to the class or to
in the story.
another group.
• Tell them to read the sentences and then number them
in the correct order. 6 Read the excerpt. What does legacies mean?
Answers: 7, 1, 3, 6, 2, 4, 5 What legacy do you want to leave for the world?
Share your ideas.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. • Have students read the excerpt. Ask: What does legacies
• Ask: Which dreams did the children have? Elicit answers mean? Elicit a few ideas.
from the class. • Form pairs. Tell students to discuss the legacies they want to
• Direct students’ attention to the activity. Have them read the leave for the world.
sentences before completing them. • Have them share their ideas with the class.
Answers: 1. artist 2. acrobat 3. researcher 4. senator 5. astronaut
6. immortal

3 Characters’ Personality Traits Match the excerpts

with the descriptions and the characters.
• Ask: What are personality traits? Elicit answers from class.
• Direct students’ attention to the Literary Technique entry.
Read it to the class and have students follow along.
• Tell them to look back at the text if necessary.
Answers: 1. bad-tempered /Abigail 2. creative / Kate 3. outgoing / Jake
4. caring / Mark 5. determined / Grace 6. intuitive / the old woman
7. respectful / Peter

T 176 Topic 5
Lesson 6
Teaching Resources
Compass Reading Log 5 page 108
A soft ball
Colored pencils and crayons

Connect to Me (55 min.)

Lead in to the Lesson
• Have students sit in a circle. Sit among them.
• Say a sentence about yourself using an adjective that
describes one of your personality traits, for example,
I’m determined.
• Throw the ball to another student in the circle, and have him
or her say a sentence.
• Tell students that even if they have talked once, they can be
chosen again.
• Keep the activity going until all students have participated.

Manage Your Class

If you have a very large group, divide the class into two
groups and give each group a ball. Remember to model the
activity to both groups.

1 Think and draw. What do you want to do in the

future? What skills or personality traits will you need?
• Ask: What do you want to do in the future? What skills or
personality traits will you need? Encourage students to
share ideas.
• Hand out colored pencils and crayons.
• Have students draw pictures of themselves in the future.
• Tell students to leave their books open to their pictures.
Have them walk around and look at their classmates’
pictures. Encourage them to ask questions and comment.

Know Your Students

Some students might like to make larger pictures or use
other materials, such as seeds, buttons, cotton, etc.
Consider having these materials ready before class.

Topic 5 T 177
To p ic 5 The Box of Immortality
1 Look at the definitions. Complete the words.

1 moves quickly and easily G L

2 to place in the ground B R Y

3 to work to help others without pay V L N T R

4 trust C N F D N C

5 desire or aspiration M B T N

6 to shine or glow S P R K L

7 quick trip to complete a task R R N D

8 idea or vision about the future P R M N T N

9 selfish G R D

10 friendly, extroverted T G N G

11 crying and shouting in anger T N T R M

12 inexpensive jewelry or objects T R N K T

2 Write your predictions. What do you think the story is about?

T 178 Fiction Worksheet Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable
3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

agile ambitious caring creative determined greedy

intuitive outgoing respectful spoiled

1 Lisa is a good acrobat. She’s very .

2 Ben cries and throws tantrums if he doesn’t get what he wants. He’s so .

3 Sam never wants to share his games and books. He’s such a boy.

4 Anna is and . She knows what she wants and works hard to

make her dreams come true.

5 People say Frida Kahlo was one of the most painters ever.

6 Good doctors need to be and of other people’s feelings.

7 Most people have an sense of what is right or wrong.

8 My brother is so . He plays soccer and basketball, and he volunteers at the

nursing home in our town.

4 Answer the questions.

1 Why did the wise old wise woman call the box, “the box of immortality?”

2 If you were one of The Five, would you have talked to the woman in the park? Why? Why not?

3 Why was Abigail so angry when she realized something was missing from the box?

4 Do you believe it was the rings that had an effect on the children?

5 If you were at the pool and had seen Abigail stealing the rings, what would you have done?

6 The Five worked together to find the rings. What are the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork?

7 What did the wise old woman mean when she said they have “learned the lesson of the rings?”

8 Who do you think the old wise woman was? Do you believe some people have special powers?

Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable Fiction Worksheet T 179
Key Words
premonition by Nigel Barnsley

Identifying the Theme

The theme is the central
idea of a story, and
characters’ actions often
reflect the theme. By
analyzing characters’
actions, you can identify the
theme of the story.

1 Read page 91. Identify the

main characters. Complete
this chart in your notebook.

Name Dream Problem

Kate be a creative
famous enough?

2 Listen and follow. 10

90 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 90 6/12/17 10:24

T 180
T his is the story of The Five. They were children once. Children with dreams and ambitions.
Doubts, too. Kate loved painting and she wanted to be a famous artist. But she wondered if she
was creative enough. Jake was athletic and agile. He wanted to be a world famous acrobat and work in a
circus. However, he was very shy. Could he become more outgoing and work well in a team? Grace was
fascinated by medicine. She wanted to be a great medical researcher. But was she determined enough?
Mark was very ambitious. He wanted to be a senator or even president, even though he wasn’t very caring.
Peter loved to fly. He wanted to be a pilot or even an astronaut someday. The problem was that he always
thought he was right. Could he be respectful enough of others’ ideas?
The children lived in a beautiful city. A wise old woman also lived there. She sold trinkets in the
park. Aside from all her necklaces, bracelets and earrings, she had five steel rings and a beautiful wooden
box. Each ring was marked with a strange symbol. She kept the rings in the box. A box she called
“The Box of Immortality.” It had been buried deep in her garden for many years. But she had had a
premonition—a feeling something was about to happen. It was time to dig up the box. It was time to
take the rings out of the box. It was time to take the rings and the box to the park.

The Box of Immortality 91

U5COrl5.indd 91 6/16/17 10:08

T 181
A mother and father, along with their extremely spoiled daughter, Abigail, were walking
through the park. They had always given Abigail anything she wanted, and Abigail even saw a
walk in the park as a shopping opportunity. They stopped to look at the wise woman’s trinkets.
“Look at that beautiful box!” exclaimed Abigail’s mother.
“It is beautiful,” said Abigail, admiring it.
“This is the Box of Immortality,” responded the old woman. “It was given to me by my mother,
and her mother gave it to her…”
The parents nodded at the wise woman’s words, but they didn’t believe her. “It’s impossible to
live forever,” declared Abigail’s father.
But Abigail wanted the box. The Box of Immortality…she thought, I would live forever!
“Father, I WANT the box. Buy it for me!” she insisted as she stamped her foot angrily.
He looked at the box for a moment. He didn’t think Abigail needed a box, but he knew Abigail.
She would throw a tantrum if he didn’t buy it. He slowly took out his wallet and gave the money
to the old woman.
“Be careful,” warned the woman. “It’s very powerful.”
Abigail wasn't listening. She grabbed the box and walked away. Her parents turned and
followed their bad-tempered, greedy daughter.
92 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 92 6/12/17 10:24

T 182
Now the wise old woman took the rings from
her pocket and looked at them. They were small.
Too small for adults’ fingers. She took off her white
shawl and lay it on the grass. Then, she put the
rings on top of it.
They are coming, she thought, the ones who will wear
the rings.
She didn’t have to wait long. The five children
were playing nearby. Kate saw the old woman first.
She watched the woman sitting in the shade.
I’d like to paint a picture of her, she thought.
Then, she saw something sparkling on the
woman’s shawl. She walked closer and saw the rings.
“Hey!” she called to her friends. “Come look
at these.”
The Five circled around the mysterious
old woman.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” the woman
whispered. “What do you want most in life?”
Her question surprised them, but the woman’s voice and words were kind. One by one they
told her about their dreams.
“I want to be a famous artist,” Kate explained.
“I think I’d like to be an acrobat in the circus,” Jake whispered timidly.
“I’d like to be a medical researcher and help people get better,” Grace said quickly.
“I want to be a senator, and then president,” Mark continued rather aggressively.
“Well, I would like to be a pilot, or even an astronaut,” Peter told the old woman.
The old woman leaned forward and handed a ring to each of them. As they took the rings,
they felt a strange sensation.
“Always take care of your ring. Treasure it. Respect it. Listen to it. It will bring you everything
you want,” the old woman said in a quiet voice.
Then, the expression on her face changed.
“Leave now,” she snapped, standing upright. “And remember everything I’ve said.”
They walked away slowly and put the rings on. They couldn’t explain it, but they felt stronger
and more confident.

The Box of Immortality 93

U5COrl5.indd 93 6/12/17 10:24

T 183
At about the same time, Abigail was examining the box. She opened the lid. It had a small
compartment with spaces for five rings. There were also five flat crystals. And in the crystals,
she could see the faces of Kate, Jake, Grace, Mark and Peter. She could also see the rings
glowing on their fingers. She realized the rings had been in her box. The idea of someone else
having things she thought should be hers enraged her.
“The box is mine and so are those rings!” she declared angrily. “I want them back!”
She began to think of ways to get the rings from them. She decided to go to the park and
look for them.
They probably bought the rings from the woman, she thought to herself, and they probably go to the
park to hang out.

94 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 94 6/12/17 10:24

T 184
But they didn’t. The Five were listening to their
rings and following their dreams. Kate was
painting every day. She had so many new ideas!

Jake was practicing at the gym every

afternoon. His trainer had even asked him
to help teach younger kids, and he loved it.

Grace was spending hours reading and

researching online.

Mark was volunteering at city hall. He

was also busy running errands for older
people who couldn’t leave their homes.

Peter was volunteering at the planetarium. He

was learning a lot from the people who worked
there. He had come to realize other people had
very good ideas, too!

The Box of Immortality 95

U5COrl5.indd 95 6/12/17 10:24

T 185
One day, they decided to go swimming at the pool near the park. That same afternoon, Abigail
was walking to the park. She passed the swimming pool and saw The Five going in.
This is it! she thought. I can get the rings today.
Kate, Jake, Grace, Mark and Peter were putting their clothes on the grass when Abigail
arrived. She hid behind a huge oak tree and watched them. The five children took their rings off
and left them on top of their clothes.
“It’s better if we take them off,” Mark said. “We don’t want to lose them in the pool.”
Abigail couldn’t believe her luck. As soon as The Five were in the pool, she came out from
behind the tree. She ran over, picked up the rings and put them into her pocket. She began to walk
toward the exit, but then she heard a voice call out.
“Hey, you!” he shouted. “What are you doing?”
Jake had gotten out of the pool and was walking toward her. Now he began to run after
Abigail. The others looked around in surprise. When they realized the girl had stolen their rings,
they got out quickly. But they were too late. The girl was gone.

96 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 96 6/12/17 10:24

T 186
The Five were really upset.
We’ve lost our rings! they all thought. How can we make our dreams come true without them?
But then they began to think.
“You know,” said Mark, “we need to make a plan.”
“I know!” exclaimed Kate. “I saw her face. I can draw a picture of her.”
“Great idea, Kate!” said Peter. “Grace, can you use the picture to search for her online?”
“Yes, I could do that!” smiled Grace.
“I can make copies of her picture and ask people if they’ve seen her!” said Jake.
“And I can help Jake,” declared Peter.
They all felt a little better. Together they would find their rings.
Kate drew a picture of the girl. Jake made copies of it. Grace began searching for her online.
Peter, Mark and Jake walked around town with the picture. They asked people if they knew who
the girl was.

The Box of Immortality 97

U5COrl5.indd 97 6/12/17 10:24

T 187
Finally, someone recognized her.
“I know who she is,” said a storekeeper. “This girl walks by here when she goes to the park.”
“The park!” they all yelled in unison.
“Why didn’t we think of that?” groaned Jake.
The Five were thrilled. They were closer to getting their rings back!
The following afternoon, they walked together to the park. They looked for the old woman,
but she wasn’t there. So they decided to sit and wait. About an hour later, Abigail entered the
park. She saw them and started to run away, but Jake was too quick this time.
“You took our rings!” he yelled when he reached her. “Why did you do that?”
“Those rings are mine! The box is mine and they were in the box,” Abigail shouted back.
The Five stood in front of Abigail now.
“Those rings were given to us,” Mark said quietly. “We were told to take good care of them.
We want them back.”
Abigail sobbed in frustration, “the box is mine so the rings are, too!”

98 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 98 6/16/17 10:09

T 188
Then suddenly, from nowhere, the wise old woman appeared. But she was different. She wasn’t
wearing her white shawl, and she seemed taller.
“Kate, Jake, Grace, Mark and Peter, you have learned the lesson of the rings. Perhaps without realizing it,
you used their powers to improve yourselves. You now have the confidence to work toward your dreams.”
“She’s right,” said Peter. “Kate, your paintings are beautiful. You’re so creative.”
“Thank you!” said Kate proudly. “And Grace, you’re very focused and determined. You will be a great
“Jake, you are a very good acrobat and teacher. And Mark, you’ve become very good at helping others,”
continued the wise woman.
“And Peter now listens to us!” laughed the four.
The old woman stretched out her hand. “You no longer need the rings. One day in the future, five more
children will come and the rings will be theirs for a time.”
The children smiled. “Abigail, you still have much to learn: you will never achieve anything, least of all
immortality, through jealousy and theft.”
“Immortality?” asked the children. “Is that what Abigail
“It was,” whispered Abigail, looking at the ground. “I wanted
to live forever.”
Grace thought a moment, then said, “But we do live forever.
In our actions.”
Abigail looked puzzled.
Kate continued, “Our actions, our achievements. They may
be remembered for only a moment or for centuries to come.”
The wise woman smiled, “As I said, you’ve learned the lesson
of the rings.”
The Five continued to work toward their dreams in the years
to come. Some became famous. Others didn’t. But they all lived
on through their legacies.
Abigail soon realized she wasn’t happy buying so many things.
She began to try different activities and found she loved music.
So, in a different way, she learned the lesson of the rings, too.
But none of them ever saw the wise old woman again.
However, if you should ever see an old woman wearing a
white shawl in a park and carrying an old wooden box…

The Box of Immortality 99

U5COrl5.indd 99 6/16/17 10:09

T 189
1 Number the events of the story in the correct order.
The five friends confront Abigail in the park.

The old woman digs up the box.

Kate sees the old woman in the park.

Abigail steals the rings from the five friends.

Abigail’s father buys the box.

The old woman gives the rings to the five friends.

Abigail realizes the rings used to be in the box.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

acrobat artist astronaut

immortal researcher senator

1 Kate wants to be a famous .

2 Jake wants to be an .

3 Grace wants to be a .

4 Mark wants to be a .

5 Peter wants to be an .

6 Abigail wants to be .

3 Characters’ Personality Traits Match the

Characters’ excerpts with the descriptions and the characters.
Traits 1 “…stamped her foot angrily.” creative Abigail
Authors provide 2 “…had so many new ideas!”
clues to characters’ intuitive Grace
personality traits. 3 “…teach younger kids...”
Look for information
4 “…running errands for older bad-tempered Jake
about characters in
how they act, what people...”
they say and how 5 “…spending hours reading outgoing Kate
they say it.
and researching online.”
determined Mark
6 “…had had a premonition,
a feeling...”
respectful the old woman
7 “…other people had very
good ideas, too!” caring Peter

100 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 100 6/12/17 10:24

T 190
4 Identifying the Theme Think and write. What theme is expressed in these excerpts?
a “The Five were really upset. We’ve lost our rings! they all thought. How can we make our dreams
come true without them?”

b “Kate, Jake, Grace, Mark and Peter, you have learned the lesson of the rings. Perhaps without
realizing it, you used their powers to improve yourselves. You now have the confidence to work
toward your dreams.”

c “Abigail, you still have much to learn: you will never achieve anything, least of all immortality,
through jealousy and theft.”

A Share your answer with a classmate.

5 Active Reading Work in a small group. Write a new ending for the story.

A Act out the ending for the class.

6 Read the excerpt. What does legacies mean? What legacy do you want to leave for the world?
Share your ideas.

“The five continued to work toward their dreams in the years to come. Some became famous.
Others didn’t. But they all lived on through their legacies.”

The Box of Immortality 101

U5COrl5.indd 101 6/16/17 10:20

T 191
Key Words
by Margarita Dueñas

Quoting Explicitly In the Beginning

from a Text
A quote is a word, phrase, In early times, around 35,000 years ago, humans started painting. The
sentence or paragraph first paintings were found in caves. They show how early humans illustrated
taken directly from a text. A
direct quote from a text can their world. What motivated those humans to paint? What reasons did
support an explanation or they have for doing that? Some people believe these early humans were
summary of a text.
recording their life experiences. They were preserving their stories for
future generations. As time passed, humans continued to paint. They also
developed other ways to collect and store their memories. They used oral
history, journals, literature and film.

How Do We Save Memories?

Nowadays, we collect our memories in more detail than ever before. And
the tools we use are even more advanced. We use computers, the Internet
and social networks to record our most significant life events. We create
personal timelines to store our favorite images and videos. We save what
we think is important. But what if we could save everything we have inside
1 Read page 103. Why
did early humans make our minds? Is it possible to save everything we know and remember? Do we

drawings in caves? want to record every detail about our families and friends, our achievements,
Find the information to our favorite movies and books? Imagine you could save every moment of
support your answer. your life, store it and save your mind like a computer’s hard drive. If you did,

2 Listen and follow. 11

you could access these memories with just a quick search later.

102 Topic 5 Brain Backup 103

U5COrl5.indd 102 6/12/17 10:24 U5COrl5.indd 103 6/12/17 10:24

Lessons Preview
Pages Lesson Focus Teaching Resources

1 102 and 103 Key Words • Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 200
Making Predictions • Pictures of a computer and a human brain

2 102-105 Quoting Explicitly from a Text • Audio Track 11

Scanning • Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 200
Identifying the Topic

3 102-105 Identifying the Main Ideas • Audio Track 11

History Connection • Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 201
• Internet access

4 102-105 Quoting Explicitly from a Text • Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 201
Identifying Key Details

5 106 and Comprehension

107 Quoting Explicitly from a Text
Text Citations

6 108 Connect to Science • Sheets of paper

Art Connection • Colored pencils and crayons

T 192 Topic 5
Key Words
“Brain Backup” is about the idea of creating a digital copy of the human mind so all of its
contents can last forever. The author of this text employed a variety of structures aimed backup (n.) information saved from
at helping the reader find information easily, such as photos, pictures and headings. one place in another place
She also begins by exemplifying how human beings have always been interested in digitalize (v.) to transform
recording their memories: first with drawings on cave walls and then with other written, information, such as pictures or
oral and visual means. She then considers the future of storing human memories, the sounds, into information that can be
possibility of developing a digital brain and the risks of doing so. She also raises an ethical processed by a computer
question about the people’s choice in having all their memories stored and who would firewall (n.) a program that protects
have access to them in the future. a computer from damage or illegal
Genre: Informational Text
futurist (n.) a scientist who studies
An informational text informs readers about science, technology and other subjects.
and makes predictions about life in
Reading Strategy Focus the future

Quoting Explicitly from a Text hacking (n.) illegal access to

What is it? A quote is a word, phrase, sentence or paragraph taken directly from a text. computer systems, often by finding
A direct quote from a text can support an explanation or summary of a text. mistakes in computer programs

What will students do? Students will use quotations from the text to support interface (n.) a connection between
ideas and explanations. They will also learn the importance of making the source of computer systems or devices
information explicit and clear. preserve (v.) to protect from loss or
Why is it important? It is important for students to develop the ability to use quotes decay
from a text to support their ideas or explanations. simulated (adj.) imitating a real-life
How will students build on previous knowledge? In previous Compass Reading Logs, experience
students learn to identify key details that support main ideas and summarize them. store (v.) to keep something in a
In Compass Reading Log 5, students will learn how to quote accurately and explicitly from place
a text so as to support their ideas. Teachers can help students develop this strategy and unique (adj.) the only one of its kind
further improve their summarizing skills by asking: upload (v.) to put information online
• What is a quote? or on a computer system
• Why is it important?
vulnerable (adj.) not protected
• How can we identify a quote?
• Why does quoted text help us support arguments?

Author Technique
Text Citations
What is it? There are phrases you can use to introduce a direct quote and cite a text.
Here are a few:
• The author says,...
• The author explains...
• The author believes...
• According to the author,...
Remember, if you use the exact words from the text, you have to put them in
quotation marks.
What will students do? Students will identify quotes and the expressions often
used to preface them. Students will also learn how citing text can support their
ideas or arguments.
Why is it important? It is important for students to be able to identify and to learn
how to use quotes when analyzing text content. It is a common practice across genres
and text types.

Topic 5 T 193
Lesson 1
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 102 and 103 Making Predictions
Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 200 The strategy of making predictions actively engages students and connects them to the text
by asking them what they think it is about. Effective readers use pictures, titles, headings,
Pictures of a computer and a human brain
text and personal experiences to make predictions before they read. Predicting also involves
thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the text. After making
predictions, students can read through the text and revise and verify their predictions.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
• Display the pictures of a computer and a human brain on the • Form pairs.
board. Ask: What are they? • Have students quiz each other on the spelling and meaning
• Form pairs. Ask: What do a computer and a human brain of the Key Words. Tell them to refer to the glossary,
have in common? How are they different? Have students if necessary.
brainstorm similarities and differences.
• Encourage students to share their ideas. Know Your Students
• Say: Our brains stores our memories, like a computer stores If your students like competitions, tell them they get one
data. Ask: How long do our memories last? How long does point for each word spelled correctly. At the end of the
data in a computer last? activity they can tally the points earned.

Teach the Key Words (25 min.)

• Have students open their books to pages 102 and 103 and
read the title of the text.
• Direct students’ attention to the pictures on pages 102 and
103, and ask: What do you think brain backup means?
Elicit answers from class.
• Say: We’re going to read a text about preserving our
memories forever.
• Direct students’ attention to the Key Words on page 102.
• Read the words to the class and have students repeat each
word chorally.
• Form pairs. Have students give definitions and examples for
the Key Words they already know. Confirm understanding.
Write the Key Words and students’ definitions on the board.
• Teach the Key Words that are new to students. Write the Key
Words and definitions on the board.
• Have students complete activity 1 in the worksheet.
• Tell students to look up the Key Words in the glossary
and read the definitions to confirm their answers to the
activities in the worksheet.
Answers: 1. g 2. i 3. d 4. h 5. a 6. f 7. k 8. l, e 9. j 10. b 11. c

Reading Strategy (15 min.)

• Direct students’ attention to the text. Have students recall
their ideas about the meaning of brain backup. Ask: Do you
agree with your previous definitions of brain backup or would
you like to revise it? Encourage students to share their ideas.
• Say: Look at the headings. Ask: What information will the
author include? Elicit a few ideas.
• Have students complete activity 2 in the worksheet.
Encourage students to use Key Words in their predictions.
• Form pairs. Have students share their predictions.
• Tell students they will confirm or reject their predictions as
they read the text.

T 194 Topic 5
Lesson 2
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 102-105 Quoting Explicitly from a Text
Audio Track 11 Reading Strategies
Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 200 Scanning
Scanning is the ability to quickly look for and find specific information in a text.
Effective readers can scan a text for specific words or text features that help them answer
questions about text content.
Identifying the Topic
The topic is the most important idea of the text. It is usually in the first paragraph.
The author then uses main ideas and key details and examples to develop the topic.

Lead in to the Lesson (20 min.) 2 Listen and follow. 11 (20 min.)

• Say: Let’s see how well you remember information about the • Play track 11. Have students listen to the text and follow in
text from the previous lesson. their books.
• Ask: What’s the title of the text? Can you remember any of the • Pause the track at the end of each section, and ask general
headings? comprehension questions: What is this section about?
• Have students check the text to confirm their answers. • Confirm understanding of topic. (The most important idea in
• Form pairs. Say: I’m going to say a Key Word. Use it the text.) Ask: What is the topic of the text? Elicit ideas from
in a sentence. the class.
• Continue the activity until students have made sentences Possible answer: Digitalizing memories
with all the Key Words.
Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
Reading Strategy Focus (5 min.)
• Form small groups.
• Direct students’ attention to the Reading Strategy entry on • Tell students to review their predictions in activity 2 in
page 102. Read it to the class and have students follow along. the worksheet. Have them confirm or reject their predictions.
• Say: We often quote key details explicitly from a text to
support the topic or main ideas.

1 Read page 103. Why did early humans make

drawings in caves? Find the information to support
your answer. (10 min.)
• Write on the board: The author says, “ .”
• Point out the comma after says and the quotation marks.
Say: The quotation marks indicate a direct quote from a
source. Ask: What will be your source? (This text.)
• Have students copy the sentence into their notebooks.
• Confirm understanding of scanning. (Look quickly for
specific information.)
• Tell students to scan page 103 for the answer to the question.
Have them complete the sentence in their notebooks.
Elicit the answer.
• Say: This is how you quote explicitly from a text.

Topic 5 T 195
Lesson 3
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy History Connection
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 102-105 Identifying the Main Ideas History is essentially preserved stories.
Audio Track 11 Main ideas support the topic. Each section Conducting research about historical events
of the text usually has its own main idea. requires students to develop their reading
Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 201
The ability to identify the main ideas and and investigation strategies as well as
Internet access relate them to the topic is an essential critical-thinking skills, and learning about
reading strategy, required for general text history helps students understand change
comprehension. and development. It also creates a
“connection” between the students and the
world around them.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (20 min.)
• Write the following scrambled Key Words on the board Histor y Connection
before class: • Ask: According to the text, how did early humans record their
1 pubcak life experiences? (Painting on cave walls.)
2 tailedzigi • Form pairs. Assign a country or area to each pair.
3 hangick Options include: Bulgaria, Spain, France, Romania, Russia,
4 tesor Finland, India, Brazil, Argentina, Thailand, Indonesia,
5 verserep Australia and Mongolia.
6 euqinu • Tell students they have fifteen minutes to research early
• Form pairs. Say: Let’s test your memory again. human cave paintings around the world.
Unscramble the Key Words. (1. backup 2. digitalize • Have them use their mobile devices or the school computers
3. hacking 4. store 5. preserve 6. unique) to research the topic. Remind them to take notes about their
• Have students say how each word relates to the text. findings. Monitor and help as needed.
• Form small groups (two pairs). Have students share
Reading Strategy 11 (30 min.)
their findings.
• Elicit the topic of the text. (Digitalizing memories.) • Encourage students to share some of their findings with
• Say: The author presents a number of ideas to develop the the class.
topic. Ask: What are those called? (Main ideas.)
How are main ideas organized in an informational text?
(There’s usually one main idea per section.)
• Play track 11. Have students listen and underline the main
ideas in the text. Pause at the end of each section if students
needs more time to find the main idea.
• Form small groups. Have students confirm the main ideas.
• Have students complete the first part of activity 3
in the worksheet.
Answers: In the Beginning: Early humans painted cave walls to record their
experiences. How Do We Save Memories?: We use more advanced tools to
save our memories. A Digital Brain: Futurists and neuroscientists think it’s
possible to keep a digital version of the brain. Making Digital Brains a Reality:
Brain backup may be possible in a few decades because of technological
advances. A Complex Process: It will be difficult to create a digital record
of the brain because the memory of a human brain is very different from
a computer’s. A Risky Project: It might be risky to create a brain backup
because the brain might be damaged in the process. Do You Want Your
Brain Digitalized?: The author asks if people will really want all their
memories stored.

T 196 Topic 5
Lesson 4
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 102-105 Quoting Explicitly from a Text
Topic 5 Nonfiction Worksheet page 201 Reading Strategy
Identifying Key Details
Key details are all the facts and information that support the main ideas. Being able to identify
the key details that provide evidence or support to the main ideas gives readers a better
understanding of the text.

Lead in to the Lesson (15 min.)

• Form small groups.
• Tell students to refer to the text and write three statements
about it: two true statements and one false statement.
Explain they are going to challenge another group, so it is
better if they do not write statements that are very obvious.
• Form groups (two small groups combined).
• Have students read their sentences. The other half of the
group guesses if the sentences are true or not.

Reading Strategies (30 min.)

• Confirm understanding of key details. (Information that
supports or provides evidence for the main ideas.)
• Remind students of the reading strategy focus: quoting
explicitly from a text. Have students refer to the Reading
Strategy entry on page 102, if necessary.
• Ask: Why would you explicitly quote text? (To support an
explanation or summary of a text.) What information
do you think we quote, main ideas or key details?
(Usually key details.)
• Form pairs. Have students review the main ideas in
activity 3 in the worksheet. Tell them to scan the text and
identify the key details that support the main ideas.
Say: Instead of summarizing or writing the key details in your
own words, explicitly quote from the text.
• Form small groups (two pairs). Have students compare key
details. (Answers will vary, but should support main ideas.)

Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)

• Form small groups.
• Have students recall how the main characters in the story
“The Box of Immortality” gain immortality. (Through their
• Tell students to compare and contrast the topic of
immortality in the story and this text.
• Encourage students to share their ideas.

Topic 5 T 197
Lesson 5
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 106 and 107 Quoting Explicitly from a Text

Author Technique
Text Citations

Comprehension (60 min.) 5 Active Reading Work with a classmate. Imagine you
Lead in to the Lesson are scientists working on the brain backup project.
Draw and write an advertisement to convince people
• Write the incomplete quotation and words on the board
to participate in the project.
before class.
• Form pairs. Have students brainstorm ideas.
brain do mysteries remains surprises thought • Elicit phrases used in advertising to persuade buyers.
“Everything we , every we have ever Write students’ ideas on the board.
had, is produced by the human . But exactly how • Tell them to create their advertisement.
it operates one of the biggest unsolved • Form small groups. Have them present their advertisements.
, and it seems the more we probe its secrets, the Encourage classmates to express their opinions about the ads
more we find.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson and help improve them.
• Have students complete the quotation. (do, thought, brain,
Know Your Students
remains, mysteries, surprises)
If your students like displaying their work, you can have
Know Your Students them prepare posters with the final versions of their ads and
If your students are not familiar with Neil deGrasse organize an exhibition at the school. The students can decide
Tyson, tell them he is an American astrophysicist, author, which ads are more persuasive.
researcher and science communicator.
6 Work in small groups. Read the paragraph A Risky
1 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Project again. Would you like to have every moment
of your life recorded and saved? Why or why not?
• Elicit the meanings of the Key Words in the box.
• Have students complete the activity. • Form small groups.
• Have students read “A Risky Project” again and discuss
Answers: 1. store 2. futurists 3. vulnerable 4. firewall 5. unique
the questions.
2 Quoting Explicitly from a Text Read the section • Encourage students to share their opinions with the class.
A Digital Brain. Which part of the process to create
a digital copy of a human mind may be dangerous?
Use evidence from the text in your answer.
• Direct students’ attention to the A Digital Brain section
on page 104.
• Have students quote from the text. Monitor and help
as needed.
• Encourage students to share their answers and give
reasons why.

3 Circle the correct answers.

• Have students read the questions and answer options.
Tell them to refer to the text if they are unsure about
their answers.
Answers: 1. b 2. d

4 Text Citations Read the quotes from the text.

Use one of the phrases from the box on the right to
cite the text.
• Direct students’ attention to the Author Technique entry.
Read it to the class and have students follow along.
• Tell students to read the quotes carefully and complete
the activity.
• Have students share their text citations with the class.

T 198 Topic 5
Lesson 6
Teaching Resources Art Connection
Compass Reading Log 5 page 108 Drawing pictures about the theme or main ideas of a text is a way to create a multisensory
Sheets of paper (1 per student) connection to the text. It also serves to further engage students and make the text
more memorable.
Colored pencils and crayons

Connect to Science (30 min.)

Lead in to the Lesson
• Write on the board: What? When? Where? Who?
• Have students prepare Wh- questions about the text in
their notebooks.
• Form small groups. Have students ask and answer
their questions.

1 Imagine the brain backup project becomes a reality

and you are able to preserve your mind forever!
Complete the chart. Share your answers.
• Direct students’ attention to the chart headings and
confirm understanding.
• Have students complete the chart.
• Write on the board: In my opinion,… I think…
I believe that…
• Direct students’ attention to phrases used to express
opinions. Elicit more and write them on the board.
• Form small groups. Tell students to use the expressions and
share their opinions.
• Encourage students to share their opinions with the class.

Art Connection (25 min.)

• Hand out sheets of paper, colored pencils and crayons.
• Tell students to think of a memory that they would like to
have immortalized and draw it.
• Display pictures around the classroom. Encourage students
to share descriptions of their favorite memories.

Topic 5 T 199
To p ic 5 Brain Backup
1 Read the extracts from the text. Match the words with the correct definitions.

1 They were preserving their stories for future a information saved from one place in
generations. another place
2 They also developed other ways to collect
b to transform information, such as
and store their memories.
pictures or sounds, into information that
3 The idea of copying the human brain to
can be processed by a computer
a computer is supported by futurists
and neuroscientists. c a program that protects a computer
4 Finally, the collection of the person’s mind from damage or illegal access
must be recreated on a simulated human brain.
d a scientist who studies and makes
5 Some people think that mind transfer or
predictions about life in the future
brain backup will be possible in a few decades.
6 Brain-computer interfaces that can e illegal access to computer systems,
effectively read your mind are advancing often by finding mistakes in computer
quickly, too. programs
7 …would you really like to have your brain
f a connection between computer
uploaded to a computer?
systems or devices
8 The digital copies of minds would be
vulnerable to hacking. g to protect from loss or decay
9 Our memories remind us that we are
h imitating a real-life experience
unique individuals.
10 If scientists succeed, will future generations i to keep something in a place
question our decision to digitalize our minds?
j the only one of its kind
11 Computers use a firewall to protect
themselves from damage and illegal access. k to put information online or on a
computer system

l not protected

2 Write your predictions about the text.

T 200 Nonfiction Worksheet Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable
3 Look at the text. Write the main ideas.

Main Idea:
In the
Beginning Key Details:

Main Idea:
How do
we save Key Details:

Main Idea:
A Digital
Key Details:

Making Main Idea:

Key Details:
Brains a

Main Idea:
A Complex
Key Details:

Main Idea:
A Risky
Key Details:

Do You Main Idea:

Want Your
Key Details:

A Find the key details in the text. Quote them explicitly.

Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable Nonfiction Worksheet T 201
Key Words

Quoting Explicitly
from a Text
A quote is a word, phrase,
sentence or paragraph
taken directly from a text. A
direct quote from a text can
support an explanation or
summary of a text.

1 Read page 103. Why

did early humans make
drawings in caves?
Find the information to
support your answer.

2 Listen and follow. 11

102 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 102 6/12/17 10:24

T 202
by Margarita Dueñas

In the Beginning
In early times, around 35,000 years ago, humans started painting. The
first paintings were found in caves. They show how early humans illustrated
their world. What motivated those humans to paint? What reasons did
they have for doing that? Some people believe these early humans were
recording their life experiences. They were preserving their stories for
future generations. As time passed, humans continued to paint. They also
developed other ways to collect and store their memories. They used oral
history, journals, literature and film.

How Do We Save Memories?

Nowadays, we collect our memories in more detail than ever before. And
the tools we use are even more advanced. We use computers, the Internet
and social networks to record our most significant life events. We create
personal timelines to store our favorite images and videos. We save what
we think is important. But what if we could save everything we have inside
our minds? Is it possible to save everything we know and remember? Do we
want to record every detail about our families and friends, our achievements,
our favorite movies and books? Imagine you could save every moment of
your life, store it and save your mind like a computer’s hard drive. If you did,
you could access these memories with just a quick search later.

Brain Backup 103

U5COrl5.indd 103 6/12/17 10:24

T 203
A Digital Brain
The idea of copying the human brain to a computer
is supported by futurists and neuroscientists. Stephen
Hawking, a famous scientist, is one of them. He says it is
possible to keep a digital version of the brain and have
the mind live on forever. He also thinks that the brain is
like a computer—a program in the mind. According to
scientists’ research, three stages would be required to
transfer a human brain onto a computer. In the first stage,
scientists must discover how to preserve someone’s brain
without hurting it. During the second stage, the content
of the preserved brain must be analyzed and stored.
Finally, the collection of the person’s mind must be
recreated on a simulated human brain.

Making Digital A Complex Process

Brains a Reality Scientists recognize that creating a digital
Some people think that mind transfer or brain record of a human’s memory is a very difficult
backup will be possible in a few decades. Artificial process. The memory of a computer and the
intelligence experts are developing smarter and memory of a human mind are completely
smarter machines. These machines can reason, different. The information in a human mind is not
think and learn by imitating a human’s brain. Brain- stored and organized like the files on a computer.
computer interfaces that can effectively read your In a computer, you can easily create an index and
mind are advancing quickly, too. Scientists are also then store and organize the information. What
working hard to create an artificial human brain to happens in a human mind is much more complex.
back up human memories. Today, some prestigious The memory of a human mind consists of an
institutes already offer courses in the emergent extensive network of associations. And many
science of connectomics. This is the study of how of these are activated every time we remember
to create a complete map of the connections in a something. It seems almost impossible to copy
human brain. these memories and all their associations.

104 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 104 6/12/17 10:24

T 204
A Risky Project People would have to create a personal firewall
There are people who believe there are to protect themselves from damage or illegal
important benefits in digitalizing the human access. An uploaded mind may never be safe.
brain. Some scientists think it will be possible to
understand and learn more about the way in Do You Want Your
which human minds function. For example, we Brain Digitalized?
are still learning how memories are stored and Scientists in many parts of the world are
remembered. However, there are some other working hard on this, but there is still an
important aspects to consider. A brain might be important question to ask. Do people really want
damaged in the process. Would you donate your to have their brains backed up? Our memories
brain if it could be hurt? Even if you were absolutely remind us that we are unique individuals. From
certain that the process was safe, would you really the moment we are born and as we grow up, we
like to have your brain uploaded to a computer? like to create the best stories of our lives. We share
It would be something similar to knowing that our thoughts, ideas and opinions with family and
everything you do is being recorded on camera. friends. It sounds exciting to be able to have all
And there’s more. The digital copies of minds our memories saved. But sharing everything in
would be vulnerable to hacking. Backed-up minds your mind with strangers might not be exciting
are basically computer files. These files would be at all. If scientists succeed, will future generations
connected to computer networks. question our decision to digitalize our minds?

Brain Backup 105

U5COrl5.indd 105 6/12/17 10:24

T 205
1 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

firewall futurists store unique vulnerable

1 Early humans used stories and paintings to their memories.

2 Many think it is possible to keep a digital version of the brain.

3 A digitalized brain could be to hacking.

4 Computers use a to protect themselves from damage and illegal access.

5 Our memories remind us that we are individuals.

2 Quoting Explicitly from a Text Read the section A Digital Brain. Which part of the process to create
a digital copy of a human mind may be dangerous? Use evidence from the text in your answer.

I think it is the stage because in the text it says

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 According to the paragraph Making Digital Brains a Reality, what do people study in connectomics?
a how to create an artificial human brain
b how to create a map of brain connections
c how to mimic a human brain
d how to simulate a human brain

2 Which of these quotes helps you understand the structure of the human mind?
a “...creating a digital record of a human’s memory is a very difficult process.”
b “The memory of a computer and the memory of a human mind are completely different.”
c “The information in a human mind is not stored and organized like the files on a computer.”
d “The memory of a human mind consists of an extensive network of associations.”

106 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 106 10/18/17 4:15 PM

T 206
4 Text Citations Read the quotes from the text. Use one of the phrases from
the box on the right to cite the text. Text Citations
1 “The memory of a human mind consists of an extensive network of associations.” There are phrases you can
use to introduce a direct
quote and cite a text. Here
are a few:
• The author says,…
2 “From the moment we are born and as we grow up, we like to create the best • The author explains…
stories of our lives.” • The author believes…
• According to the
Remember, if you use the
exact words from the text,
3 “Artificial intelligence experts are developing smarter and smarter machines. you have to put them in
quotation marks.
These machines can reason, think and learn by imitating a human’s brain.”

5 Active Reading Work with a classmate. Imagine you are scientists working
on the brain backup project. Draw and write an advertisement to convince
people to participate in the project.

6 Work in small groups. Read the section A Risky Project again. Would you like
to have every moment of your life recorded and saved? Why or why not?

Brain Backup 107

U5COrl5.indd 107 10/18/17 4:17 PM

T 207
Connect to Me
1 Think and draw. What do you want to do in the future? What skills or personality traits will you need?

Connect to Science
1 Imagine the brain backup project becomes a reality and you are able to preserve your mind forever!
Complete the chart. Share your answers.

Two reasons for having my mind digitalized: Two reasons for not having my mind digitalized:

Memories I’d like to access when I grow up: I’d like to share my memories with these people:

I think scientists or people with great intelligence I think scientists or people with great intelligence
or artistic skills should have their brains backed or artistic skills should not have their brains
up because: backed up because:

108 Topic 5

U5COrl5.indd 108 6/12/17 10:25

T 208
To p ic 6

The River
Dragon retold by Jennifer Li
Genre: Folktale
A folktale is a traditional story.
Some folktales are particular
to one culture, and others are
common across many cultures.
“The River Dragon” is a retelling
of a folktale from China. Dragons
are popular figures in Chinese
culture. They are the mythological
gods of the rivers and the
heavens, and are often pictured
holding a magical pearl in their
mouths. This story suggests why.

What is
by Julia McKie

Genre: Informational Text

An informational text informs
readers about history, science or
other subjects.
“What is Evolution?” is about the
theory of evolution and natural


U6COrl5.indd 109 6/12/17 09:03

T 209
The River
Xiao Long might have continued this simple existence year after year, if not for a terrible drought
Key Words that descended on the village. The rainy season passed without a single drop of rain or a cloud in
the sky. Then the dry season began, with its relentless heat. The plants withered and died. The land
fortune became brown and dusty. Every day, there was a little less water in the lake.
There was less rice for everyone, too, for all the rice paddies had dried up, and the few grains of
resolve rice that had survived were being sold at high prices. And when Xiao Long went out to the fields, he
scorching saw that there were fewer and fewer grasses. Soon, there were none to be found at all.
soil retold by Jennifer Li
transform Each day, Xiao Long traveled farther from the village in search of grasses for his animals.

Identifying a
Point of View
The point of view is the
narrator’s perspective of
events in a story. Sometimes
the narrator sees the story
through one character’s
eyes. But this perspective
can limit what the reader
sees, too.

1 Think about a well-known

fairy tale, the story of
Cinderella. First, tell the
story from Cinderella’s point
of view. Is she happy at the
end of the story? Now, tell
the story from a different
character’s point of view.
How would Cinderella’s
wicked stepmother tell it?
L ong ago, in the days before the great rivers flowed through
the mountain valleys of China, there was a boy named Xiao
Long. He lived with his mother in a small house at the edge of a
How would she feel about
village in the mountains of Guanxi Province. No one in the village
what happens at the end?
paid much attention to Xiao Long, but Xiao Long didn’t think
2 Listen and follow. 12 much about them, either. He simply went about his tasks, which
were to care for his mother and to cut fresh grasses to feed their
few farm animals.

110 Topic 6 The River Dragon 111

U6COrl5.indd 110 10/18/17 4:21 PM U6COrl5.indd 111 6/12/17 09:03

Lessons Preview
Pages Lesson Focus Teaching Resources

1 109 and 110 Key Words • Topic 6 Fiction Worksheet page 218
Making Predictions
Identifying a Point of View

2 110-117 Identifying a Point of View • Audio Track 12

• Topic 6 Fiction Worksheet page 218

3 110-117 Identifying a Point of View • Audio Track 12

Identifying Character Traits
Five-finger Retell
Making Inferences

4 110-117 Identifying a Point of View • Topic 6 Fiction Worksheet page 219

Summarizing • Internet access
Social Studies Connection

5 118 and 119 Comprehension

Identifying a Point of View
Limited Point of View

6 128 Connect to Me

T 210 Topic 6
Key Words
“The River Dragon” is a retelling of a folktale from China. Dragons are popular figures in
Chinese culture. They are the mythological gods of the rivers and the heavens, and are conceal (v.) to hide something
often pictured holding a magical pearl in their mouths. This folktale is the story of a young drought (n.) an extended period of
boy called Xiao Long who lived with his mother in a small village in China. The village had dry weather
been devastated by a severe drought. One day, in his search for water and grass to feed fortune (n.) luck
his animals, Xiao Long finds a pearl that has magical powers. He takes it home and soon
gaunt (adj.) very thin because of
realizes it is the key to abundance. However, Xiao Long’s good fortune changes when the
insufficient food
villagers begin to ask questions about his newfound luck. One night, the villagers go to his
home. When the villagers see the pearl glowing from his pocket, they force their way into parched (adj.) extremely dry; very
his home and take him to the town square. Xiao Long is desperate, so he decides to hide thirsty
the pearl in his mouth and accidentally swallows it when the villagers try to make him resolve (v.) to decide to do
spit it out. The pearl burns down his throat, so he runs to the lake for water, but it is too something
late. Xiao Long transforms into a dragon. When he jumps to the top of the cliff and looks scorching (adj.) hot enough to burn
down, he sees the starving villagers below and feels sad. He begins to form clouds with his something
breath—clouds that bring rain to the valley. But the rain threatens to flood the village, so
soil (n.) the top layer of ground that
Xiao Long dives into the lake and winds his way down the valley. The water flows behind
plants grow in; earth or dirt
him, creating a great river now known as the Lipu River. All the people in the province
know that the river dragon is the guardian of the river, protecting the river and the people. transform (v.) to change into
Genre: Folktale villager (n.) a person who lives in a
A folktale is a traditional story. Some folktales are particular to one culture, and others are very small community
common across many cultures. wither (v.) to show signs of dying,
usually with plants
Reading Strategy Focus
Identifying a Point of View
What is it? The point of view is the narrator’s perspective of events in a story.
Sometimes the narrator sees the story through one character’s eyes. But this
perspective can limit what the reader sees, too.
What will students do? Students will identify the point of view in the story— the third
person limited—by identifying who is “telling” the story.
Why is it important? It is important for students to develop the ability to identify the
point of view in a story as it helps them understand not only the story events but also
the characters’ motivations.
How will students build on previous knowledge? In Compass Reading Logs 2–4,
students practice identifying different points of view.
Most Compass Reading Log 5 students will be able to identify the point of view in the
story, but they may still need support in understanding how point of view supports
character development, alters perspective and influences events. Teachers can help
students by asking:
• Who is telling the story?
• Would the story be different if it were told by another character?
• What would the story be like if it were told by Xiao Long’s mother?
• What would the story be like if it were told by one of the villagers?

Literary Technique
Limited Point of View
What is it? In this story, the narrator is limited to Xiao Long’s point of view.
This means the reader only knows what Xiao Long can see, hear or experience.
How might this limit the reader’s understanding of the story?
What will students do? Students will analyze and discuss how a story can change
depending on who is telling it.
Why is it important? It is important for students to be able to analyze a story and
consider how a change in point of view can also change story events and readers’
interpretation of story events and characters.

Topic 6 T 211
Lesson 1
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 109 and 110 Identifying a Point of View
Topic 6 Fiction Worksheet page 218 Reading Strategy
Making Predictions
The strategy of making predictions actively engages students and connects them to the story
by asking them what they think might happen in it. Effective readers use pictures, titles,
text and personal experiences to make predictions before they begin to read. Predicting also
involves thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in
the story. After making predictions, students can read through the text and revise and verify
their predictions.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) • Have students complete activities 2 and 3
• Write the title of the story on the board, scrambling the in the worksheet.
letters: het vierr gradno. • Tell students to refer to the glossary if they are unsure
• Form pairs. Have students sort the words. about definitions.
• Write The River Dragon on the board. Answers: Activity 2: 1. c 2. h 3. e 4. i 5. j 6. b 7. k 8. f 9. a 10. g 11. d
• Explain to students that is the title of the story they are going Activity 3: 1. gaunt 2. withering 3. concealed 4. transformed 5. fortune
6. drought 7. resolved 8. villagers 9. scorching 10. parched 11. soil
to read.
• Form small groups. Have them discuss the questions. Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
Ask: Do you know any stories about river dragons? What do
• Form pairs. Have students refer to their predictions in
you think a river dragon does? Write students’ ideas on
activity 1 in the worksheet.
the board.
• Ask: Now that you know some of the words in the story, what
Know Your Students more can you predict?
Some students may have difficulty sorting the letters to • Say: You can add or change your predictions.
form the title of the story. Consider giving clues by acting • Tell students they will continue to confirm or reject their
out “river” and “dragon” or by capitalizing the first letter of predictions as they read the story.
each word.

Reading Strategy (15 min.)

• Say: Open your books to page 109.
• Direct students’ attention to the Genre entry and read it to
the class. Ask: Are folktales based on facts or are they fiction?
• Say: Look at the picture for “The River Dragon.” What do
you see?
• Have students briefly describe the picture. Say: How would
you describe the setting? The boy? How do you think he feels?
Encourage students to share their ideas.
• Remind students that predicting what happens in a story
is a useful reading strategy because it makes connections
between what they already know about a topic and what they
are going to read.
• Have students write their predictions for the story in
activity 1 in the worksheet.
• Form pairs. Tell students to share their predictions.

Teach the Key Words (25 min.)

• Direct students’ attention to the Key Words list on page 90.
• Read the words to the class and have students repeat
each word chorally.
• Form pairs. Tell students to look at the words and give
definitions or example sentences for the word they know.
• Confirm understanding. Elicit definitions and sample
sentences for the Key Words.
• Teach any words that are unfamiliar to students.

T 212 Topic 6
Lesson 2
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 110-117 Identifying a Point of View
Audio Track 12
Topic 6 Fiction Worksheet page 218

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
• Say: In some folktales, people are changed, or transformed, • Write the following sentence on the board: I think Xiao
into animals or animals into people. Ask: Do you know any Long is…
stories with transformations? Write students’ responses on • Form small groups. Have students describe Xiao Long.
the board. • Encourage them to share their ideas with the class.
• Ask: What’s the title of the story we’re going to read?
(The River Dragon.) What transformation do you think is in
this story? Encourage students to share their predictions.

Reading Strategy Focus (5 min.)

• Direct students’ attention to the Reading Strategy entry on
page 110. Read it to the class and have students follow along.
• Ask: If the story is told by a character, how will we “see” the
story? (Only from that character’s perspective.)
• Say: As you read, it is important to identify who is telling the

1 Think about a well-known fairy tale, the story of

Cinderella. First, tell the story from Cinderella’s point
of view. Is she happy at the end of the story?
Now, tell the story from a different character’s point
of view. How would Cinderella’s wicked stepmother
tell it? How would she feel about what happens
at the end? (10 min.)
• Form pairs. Have students tell the story from Cinderella’s
point of view and then from another character’s.
• Ask: What do you learn about the story when it is told by
another character? (Answers will vary.) Encourage students to
share their ideas.

Know Your Students

If the fairy tale Cinderella is unfamiliar to your students,
have them choose a different one to discuss.

2 Listen and follow. 12 (30 min.)

• Tell students they are going to read the story “The River
Dragon.” Remind them to identify who is telling the story.
• Play track 12. Have students listen and follow the story in
their books.
• Pause the track at the end of each page to clarify vocabulary,
and ask general comprehension questions about setting,
characters, story events, the problem, the solution.
• At the end of the story, ask: Who tells the story? (A narrator.)
From whose point of view, Xiao Long, his mother, the villagers?
(Xiao Long.)

Topic 6 T 213
Lesson 3
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 110-117 Identifying a Point of View
Audio Track 12 Reading Strategies
Identifying Characters’ Traits
The ability to identify and describe characters’ personality traits in a story is an essential
comprehension strategy. Effective readers analyze characters through their actions, words,
feelings and thoughts in order to make inferences about them and predict how they will behave
later on in the story.
Five-finger Retell
The five-finger retell strategy helps students analyze and summarize a story by organizing the
elements and sequence of a story. Students are able to make connections to information they
already know and understand.
Making Inferences
Making inferences is the ability to use explicit information from a story to support an educated
guess or conclusion about the characters and events. It is critical to story analysis and is a
prerequisite for higher-order thinking.

Lead in to the Lesson (25 min.) 6 Why were the villagers angry with Xiao Long?
Reading Strategies 7 Why was Xiao Long so thirsty?
8 How did Xiao Long save the village from the floods?
• Hold up your hand. Point to your thumb and elicit: Identify
• Tell students that some of the answers to the questions
the characters. Point to your index finger and elicit: Describe
are not explicitly stated in the story. They will have to use
the setting. Point to your middle finger and elicit: Identify
information from the story to support their answers and
the situation. Point to your ring finger and elicit: Describe
make inferences.
the events in the story. Point to your pinky finger and elicit:
• Play track 12. Have students listen and underline passages
Describe the ending.
that either answer or support their answers to the questions.
• Say: Let’s retell the story of “The River Dragon.”
• Form small groups. Have students agree on the answers.
• Form pairs. Tell students they can also use the pictures in the
• Elicit answers from the class.
story to help retell it.
• Have students recall their descriptions of Xiao Long from the Answers: 1. They are poor. The text says they lived in a small house, had a few
animals and lived a simple existence. 2. There was less rice for everyone, and
previous lesson. Write the personality traits on the board. there was less grass to feed the animals. 3. The grass he had cut had already
• Ask: What information in the text led you to believe that grown back. 4. It seemed to shine with its own inner light. 5. He left the pearl
Xiao Long is (personality trait)? Encourage students to use in an almost-empty rice jar overnight. The next morning, the jar was full.
6. Because he hadn’t shared his good fortune with them. 7. The pearl burned
information from the story to support their answers. his throat. 8. He dived into the lake and began winding his way down the
• Form small groups. Ask: Imagine you are Xiao Long. Do you valley. The water flowed down the valley after him.
agree with the words used to describe you? Elicit ideas.
• Ask: Would Xiao Long agree with your opinion about him? Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
Why? Why not? • Form pairs. Say: Imagine you are a hungry and thirsty
• Encourage students to share their ideas and give reasons for villager. How would you feel? Would you react the same way?
their answers. Would you react differently? Why?
• Encourage students to share their ideas.
Read and Discuss the Story 12 (30 min.)

Reading Strategy
• Tell students they are going to read the story again.
• Write the questions on the board before class. Have students
read the questions before they read the story again.
1 Was Xiao Long rich or poor? How do we know that?
2 What effect did the dry weather have on the village?
3 Why was Xiao Long surprised when he went to the
ruins again?
4 How was the pearl different from other pearls?
5 How did Xiao Long find out the pearl was magical?

T 214 Topic 6
Lesson 4
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus Social Studies Connection
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 110-117 Identifying a Point of View Learning about other countries provides students
Topic 6 Fiction Worksheet page 219 with a conceptual link between home, school
Reading Strategy
and the world beyond. Folktales offer a wealth of
Internet access Summarizing information about other countries, their people
Summarizing is the ability to identify and their cultures. They inspire learners to
the most relevant features and main investigate more about the country and cultures in
events of a story and to consolidate the story as well as their own.
key details that support them.
Proficient readers are able to focus
on crucial ideas and phrases and
reduce the main points for concise,
memorable understanding.

Lead in to the Lesson (20 min.) Take the Lesson Further (25 min.)
Reading Strategies Reading Strategy
• Have students recall the meaning of point of view. (Who is Social Studies Connection
telling the story.) Tell them to refer to the Reading Strategy • Form pairs.
entry on page 110 if they cannot remember. • Say: You are going to do some research about China.
• Write Actually, that’s not what happened on the board. • Ask: What do you want to know about China? Write students’
• Have students recall their discussions in the previous lesson ideas on the board. Tell them to use this information to guide
about how the villagers would feel. Elicit ideas. their search.
• Form pairs. Have students retell the story from a villager’s • Have students use either their mobile devices or school
point of view. computers to conduct basic research about China. Set a
• Encourage students to share their ideas. fifteen-minute time limit for research and note taking.
• Elicit the names of the main characters. (Xiao Long, Xiao • Have students summarize their findings in a few sentences.
Long’s Mother, the villagers and the dragon.) • Form small groups. Have students exchange and
• Have students complete activities 4 and 5 in read summaries.
the worksheet. • Encourage students to share information with the class.
• For activity 5, ask: What are the elements of a good summary?
(Describes the setting, characters, problem, story events and Manage Your Class
solution or ending.) It is important students look for information on reliable and
Answers: Activity 4: 1. Xiao Long 2. Dragon 3. Dragon 4. Villager 5. Xiao safe sites. There are sites that are specially designed for kids,
Long’s mother 6. Villager such as
Activity 5: b facts.html.
Discuss the Story (15 min.)
• Write the questions below on the board before class:
1 Why didn’t Xiao Long share his secret with the other people
in the village?
2 Was he right to do so? Why? Why not?
3 Why did the villagers go to Xiao Long’s house?
4 What are the advantages of being transformed into
a dragon?
5 What are the disadvantages of being transformed into
a dragon?
• Form small groups. Explain that there are no “right”
answers, but that the answers to questions depend on their
interpretation of the story.
• Encourage students to share ideas.

Topic 6 T 215
Lesson 5
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 118 and 119 Identifying a Point of View

Literary Technique
Limited Point of View

Comprehension (60 min.) 5 Limited Point of View Read and circle. Which details
Lead in to the Lesson could the reader NOT know, based on Xiao Long’s
point of view?
• Write the title of the topic How do living things change? on
the board. • Direct students’ attention to the Literary Technique entry
• Form pairs. Ask: How did Xiao Long change in the story? on page 119. Read it to the class and have students
• Have students discuss the question with their classmates. follow along.
Encourage them to focus on the psychological changes rather • Have students recall the point of view in the story.
than on the physical changes. Say: Different points of view give us insight into characters’
• Elicit answers from class. thoughts and feelings. Ask: What do we know? What don’t
we know? Elicit ideas.
1 Answer the questions. • Have students read the instructions and complete
• Have students read the questions. Confirm understanding. the activity.
• Form pairs. Have students compare answers. Answers: The villagers meet in the market to plan their attack on Xiao Long.
A dragon lived in the temple long before Xiao Long finds a pearl there.
Answers: 1. It was in a jar hidden underneath the grass of the ruins of an Xiao Long’s mother wants to share her good fortune with the whole village.
ancient temple. 2. It fills with rice. 3. He felt as if real flames were inside him.

6 Active Reading Work in a small group.

2 Mark (✓) the words with the same meanings.
Choose one scene from the story. Imagine the scene
• Point out the underlined words in the sentences. frozen in time. Pose your bodies to create a picture
• Elicit definitions for the words. of the action.
• Have students choose the correct synonyms.
• Form small groups. Have students choose a scene from
Answers: 1. dry weather 2. hides 3. die 4. thin 5. changes the story.
• Tell them to decide how to represent the scene.
3 Circle the correct answers. • Have groups present their scenes to the class.
• Have students read the questions and choose the correct
answers. Encourage them to refer to the story if they are 7 Think and draw. Have you ever been in a high
unsure of the answers. place—on a hillside or in an airplane? How does
Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c your perspective change from when you were on
the ground? Do things look different? Do you feel
4 Identifying a Point of View Sort the sentences to differently? Draw a picture of this perspective.
complete the table. How does Xiao Long’s point of Share your ideas.
view change throughout the story? • Form pairs. Have students discuss the questions together
• Write Point of view on the board. and brainstorm ideas.
• Ask: What does point of view mean? (Who is telling the story.) • Tell students to draw their pictures.
What are the two points of view in the story? (Xiao Long’s and • Form small groups. Have students share their pictures and
the dragon’s.) describe them.
• Have students refer to the Reading Strategy entry on page • Encourage students to share their pictures with the class.
110 if they are unsure about the meaning of point of view.
• Read the instructions aloud.
• Direct students’ attention to the table. Have them read the
headings and confirm understanding about the two points
of view.
• Have students read the options and complete the table.
Answers: Xiao Long as a boy: He is frightened of the villagers. He is only
interested in his own family. Xiao Long as a dragon: He cares about the whole
village. He takes pity on the villagers.

T 216 Topic 6
Lesson 6
Teaching Resources
Compass Reading Log 5 page 128

Connect to Me (45 min.)

Lead in to the Lesson
• Form pairs.
• Tell students to choose a folktale or fairy tale they know.
• Have them choose a character from the story.
• Explain that they should retell the story from that character’s
point of view.

Know Your Students

If students are from different cultural backgrounds,
encourage them to retell traditional folktales from those
regions or countries.

1 Think and write. Write about one way you have

grown or changed. Have you become stronger or
healthier? What new things have you learned?
Do you see a situation in a new way compared to
when you were younger?
• Read the instructions to the class and have students
follow along.
• Read the questions. Elicit a few answers.
• Have students brainstorm ideas and take notes before they
start writing.
• Tell students to answer the questions. Monitor and help
as needed.
• Form pairs. Have students share their answers.
• Encourage students to share their answers with the class.

Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)

• Form small groups. Have students discuss the question.
Ask: What do you think Xiao Long learned from the
experience of being transformed into a dragon?
• Encourage students to share their ideas with the class.

Topic 6 T 217
To p ic 6 The River Dragon
1 Write your predictions. What’s the story about?

2 Match the words with the definitions.

1 conceal a to change into something different

2 drought b to decide to do something

3 fortune c to hide something

4 gaunt d to show signs of dying, usually referring to plants

5 parched e luck

6 resolve f top layer of ground that plants grow in

7 scorching g a member of a small community

8 soil h an extended period of dry weather

9 transform i very thin

10 villager j extremely dry

11 wither k hot enough to burn something

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 The gaunt / parched boy was hungry and tired.

2 The flowers were all withering / resolving because of the hot weather.

3 The girl concealed / transformed her secret from everybody.

4 Is it possible to be withered / transformed into a dragon?

5 Do you believe in soil / fortune tellers? You know, those people who say they can predict the future?

6 A drought / villager can be a serious environmental problem.

7 The tennis player concealed / resolved to practice more often.

8 The villagers / soil lived in small but comfortable houses.

9 I don’t like this parched / scorching hot weather. It makes me feel tired.

10 The scorching / parched fields looked yellow from the top of the mountain.

11 Vegetables are only as nutritious as the soil / fortune they’re grown in.

T 218 Fiction Worksheet Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable
4 Complete the chart. Whose point of view is it? Write Xiao Long, Xiao Long’s mother, Villager
or Dragon.


1 I worked very hard, even though I was very young.

2 When I saw the village from above, I felt sad and sorry for the people.

3 I saved the village by bringing rain and creating a river.

4 My family was hungry and thirsty. How did the boy have enough to eat
and drink?

5 I was old and weak and couldn’t help him in the fields.

6 I thought he was selfish and did not care about the people in the village.

5 Choose the best summary for the story.

a Xiao Long lived in China. One day, he found a magical pearl and never had to look for food or water
again. However, the villagers got angry and he was transformed into a dragon and it changed life in the

b Xiao Long was a young boy who lived with his mother in a small village in China. The village was
devastated by a severe drought, and all plants and animals were dying. One day, in his search for
water and grass to feed his animals, Xiao Long found a pearl with magical powers that gives him food
and water. However, the villagers got angry and while pursuing him, Xiao accidentally swallowed the
pearl. He was then transformed into a dragon, and it changed life in the village forever.

c Xiao Long was a young boy who lived with his mother in a small village in China. One day, he walked
for a long time. The village was devastated by a severe drought, and all plants and animals were dying.
He found a pearl. The pearl had magical powers. He showed the pearl to his mother, but the villagers
were angry. Xiao Long tried to escape, but he accidentally swallowed the pearl. He was thirsty and
drank water from the lake. He made clouds and there was a lot of rain. Then he made rivers.

Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable Fiction Worksheet T 219
The River
Key Words
soil retold by Jennifer Li

Identifying a
Point of View
The point of view is the
narrator’s perspective of
events in a story. Sometimes
the narrator sees the story
through one character’s
eyes. But this perspective
can limit what the reader
sees, too.

1 Think about a well-known

fairy tale, the story of
Cinderella. First, tell the
story from Cinderella’s point
of view. Is she happy at the
end of the story? Now, tell
the story from a different
character’s point of view.
How would Cinderella’s
wicked stepmother tell it?
L ong ago, in the days before the great rivers flowed through
the mountain valleys of China, there was a boy named Xiao
Long. He lived with his mother in a small house at the edge of a
How would she feel about
village in the mountains of Guanxi Province. No one in the village
what happens at the end?
paid much attention to Xiao Long, but Xiao Long didn’t think
2 Listen and follow. 12 much about them, either. He simply went about his tasks, which
were to care for his mother and to cut fresh grasses to feed their
few farm animals.

110 Topic 6

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T 220
Xiao Long might have continued this simple existence year after year, if not for a terrible drought
that descended on the village. The rainy season passed without a single drop of rain or a cloud in
the sky. Then the dry season began, with its relentless heat. The plants withered and died. The land
became brown and dusty. Every day, there was a little less water in the lake.
There was less rice for everyone, too, for all the rice paddies had dried up, and the few grains of
rice that had survived were being sold at high prices. And when Xiao Long went out to the fields, he
saw that there were fewer and fewer grasses. Soon, there were none to be found at all.
Each day, Xiao Long traveled farther from the village in search of grasses for his animals.

The River Dragon 111

U6COrl5.indd 111 6/12/17 09:03

T 221
One scorching afternoon, looking for a shady spot to rest, he climbed up a small hill toward
the ruins of an ancient temple. But as he approached, a flash of brilliant green caught his eye.
His weariness forgotten, he ran past the temple toward an area of beautiful, tall, emerald-colored
grass. He cut all he needed, and joyfully he began the trip home.
The next day, Xiao Long made the long journey again. He thought that perhaps there might
be a few blades of grass left from the day before. But to his great surprise, all the grass appeared
just as he had found it at first. The grasses he had cut had already grown back to their previous
height! Xiao Long guessed that the grass must be magic, and he bowed quickly toward the temple
in thanks. This time, he cut as much as he could carry away.
But Xiao Long soon grew tired of the long journey back and forth each day. Surely, he thought
to himself, the grass would grow just as well in his own yard, and it would save him many hours
of travel! On his next trip, he cut a large square of soil and roots and grass to take home with him.
But as he was lifting up the grass, he saw something underneath. It was a small jar of water, and
at the bottom was a pearl.

112 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 112 6/12/17 09:03

T 222
Xiao Long could not stop staring at the pearl. It was the largest pearl he had ever seen, but
more than that, it seemed to shine with its own inner light. Other pearls gleamed softly, he
knew, but this pearl could light up a whole room on a dark night. No other pearl could match
it, he felt sure. He resolved to bring it home as a present to his mother.
When Xiao Long arrived home, he planted the square of grass behind
nd the house. Then hee
went inside and presented his mother with the pearl. In the twilight, thee pe
pear shone
arll sh
ne even
brightly. His mother’s eyes widened in awe, and she reached for it with shakingg
hands. Though his mother thanked him for the gift, she warned him to hide it
carefully. Even the most honest villager would fight to steal such a jewel.
Xiao Long hid the pearl in the rice jar in the kitchen. Even though the
he jar
was nearly empty, there was one last cup of rice that would cover the pearl.
He pressed the lid on tightly, concealing the pearl’s brilliant shine. Xiao
Long went to bed that night satisfied with all his accomplishments. He had
limitless grass for his animals, right outside his door. And he had presented
his mother with a valuable gift.

The River Dragon 113

U6COrl5.indd 113 6/12/17 09:03

T 223
The next morning, Xiao Long eagerly opened the door to see how his grass had grown. But the grass
looked like all the other plants in his yard: withered by the drought, yellow and dry. Xiao Long stood as
still as a stone. He was terribly disappointed. Why hadn’t it worked? Was it all a trick? Had his mother’s
beautiful present been ruined, too? He raced to the rice jar and tore off the lid. But the jar, nearly empty
just yesterday, was filled to the brim with bright white grains of rice! And the pearl was still there
underneath it all. He brought the jar to his mother to show her their good fortune.
The drought continued mercilessly around them, but Xiao Long and his mother forgot all about it.
When they wanted more water, they dropped the pearl into their water jar, and overnight it filled with
cool, clear water. The animals had all the grasses they could wish for. Xiao Long and his mother had
so much rice that they never went to the village to buy more. Why should they pay high prices, when
the pearl would give them all they wanted? Xiao Long began to carry the pearl in his pocket, in case he
should think of anything he needed. But he would soon learn what a terrible mistake that was.

114 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 114 6/12/17 09:03

T 224
One night, there was a loud knock at the door of the little house.
“Open this door!” shouted several voices. “Show us the source of your good fortune. Why is yours the
only house with green grass? Why are you the only family who never needs to buy rice from the market?
Do you not see we are starving to death in this drought? You have not shared your good fortune with us,
but now you will, or face the consequences.

“Shocked by their anger, Xiao Long told his mother to hide and then opened the door to reply.
He began to say that his only concern was his mother and his animals. But soon he realized the
villagers were not listening. Instead, they were staring at his pocket. The pearl he kept there was
shining, filling the whole room with light. He had forgotten to hide it.
Xiao Long tried to cover the light with his hand, but it was too late. The villagers pressed into
the house.
“Stop!” cried Xiao Long’s mother, but it was no use.
Fearing that his mother could be crushed in the crowd, Xiao Long ran out the back door.
The villagers chased Xiao Long round and round the house, grabbing for the pearl. Xiao Long
was small and quick, and he ducked and dived through the animals’ pens, trying to escape. But all
too soon, he found himself dragged into the center of a crowd of angry villagers. In desperation, he
hid the pearl in his mouth. The village leader saw what he had done. He put both hands on Xiao
Long’s shoulders and gave him a rough shake to make him spit out the pearl. But instead, he only
caused Xiao Long to swallow it.
The pearl seemed to burn a long, fiery path to Xiao Long’s stomach. He felt as if real flames were
inside him. Xiao Long could think of nothing but his thirst. He cried for water so loudly and so many
times that the villagers drew back, afraid.

The River Dragon 115

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T 225
Breaking through the crowd, he ran to the lake.
There was only a little water left, and as he lowered
his head to drink, he realized that his mouth could
not reach it.
Xiao Long frantically stretched his neck toward
the water, and suddenly he found that he could reach
right into the deepest center of the lake. He drank
and drank, until he had finished every last drop. He
stopped to breathe, but when he exhaled, he saw two
plumes of smoke rising in front of his eyes.

He raised his hand to brush them away, but he saw that his fingers had become
enormous claws. Terrified, he jumped up in the air, and the jump carried him all the way
to the top of a cliff. He turned to see how it had happened, and only then did he see that
the rest of his body had changed, too. He was long and red and covered in scales as hard
as armor. His gigantic tail whipped back and forth. He had transformed into a dragon.
“Xiao Long!” He heard his mother’s heartbroken cry from far below.
But as he looked down, trying to find her face in the crowd, he also saw the other
villagers as if for the first time. Their faces were gaunt, and their legs and arms were thin
and bony. As a small boy, just minutes ago, he had found them a terrifying army. Now,
from high above, he saw that they were weak, hungry, as desperate for food as he had
been for water. And from his bird’s-eye view of the land, he saw that it was true: his was
the only house with green grass, a pearl of good fortune in the midst of a wasteland.

116 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 116 6/12/17 09:03

T 226
Suddenly, Xiao Long knew what he had to do. He bounded still higher into the mountains. Opening
his dragon mouth, he breathed hot, moist air into the sky, forming thick clouds with every breath. The
clouds opened, and rain poured onto the parched land. The storm would be his gift not only to his
mother but also to the whole village and even the whole land. When he had filled the sky with rain
clouds, he raced back down the mountain in victory.
As he approached the village, he heard
the terrified cries of the villagers. His gift
had been too much. The lake was flooding
its banks and threatening to wash the village
away. Xiao Long dived into the lake, and
the villagers ran from him in fear. But soon
he was winding his way down the valley,
turning his snake-like body to left and right,
cutting a path away from the village. The
water flowed down the valley after him,
becoming a great river.

Ever since then, the dragon Xiao Long has

guarded the Lipu River in Guanxi Province.
The river is always full of water, so that all
who live along its banks are never hungry or
thirsty. And whenever clouds form among the
mountains, the villagers know that Xiao Long
is breathing into the air to protect them from
drought, just as he did all those years ago.

The River Dragon 117

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T 227
1 Answer the questions.
1 Where does Xiao Long first discover the pearl?

2 What happens to the rice jar after Xiao Long places the pearl inside?

3 How does Xiao Long feel after he swallows the pearl?

2 Mark (✓) the words with the same meanings.

1 The land has a long period of drought. dry weather floods

2 Xiao Long conceals the pearl in a jar. burns hides

3 The plants wither in the heat. grow die

4 The villagers are gaunt and starving. thin afraid

5 Xiao Long transforms into a dragon. sees changes

3 Circle the correct answers.

1 Why does Xiao Long decide to cut a square of soil, roots and grass?
a He wants it to grow b He is looking for c He is looking
near his house. a beautiful pearl. for water.
2 Why do Xiao Long and his mother forget there is a drought?
a There is a huge b The pearl supplies all c Their neighbors bring
rainstorm. their needs. them extra water.
3 How do the neighbors find out about Xiao Long’s good fortune?
a He tells them about b He becomes a dragon c He has green grass and
the grass. and helps them. no longer goes to buy rice.
4 Why does Xiao Long dive into the lake at the end of the story?
a He wants to cause b He wants to frighten c He wants to carve a new
a flood. the villagers. path for the water.

118 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 118 6/12/17 09:04

T 228
4 Identifying a Point of View Sort the sentences to complete the table.
How does Xiao Long’s point of view change throughout the story? Limited Point
of View
He cares about the whole village. He takes pity on the villagers. In this story, the
He is frightened of the villagers. He is only interested in his own family. narrator is limited to
Xiao Long’s point of
view. This means the
Xiao Long as a Boy Xiao Long as a Dragon reader only knows what
Xiao Long can see, hear
or experience. How
might this limit the
reader’s understanding
of the story?

5 Limited Point of View Read and circle. Which details could the reader NOT know,
based on Xiao Long’s point of view?

The villagers meet in the market to A dragon lived in the temple long
plan their attack on Xiao Long’s house. before Xiao Long finds a pearl there.

As a dragon, Xiao Long feels responsible Xiao Long’s mother wants to share her
for guarding the people from drought. good fortune with the whole village.

6 Active Reading Work in a small

group. Choose one scene from the
story. Imagine the scene frozen in
time. Pose your bodies to create a
picture of the action.

7 Think and draw. Have you ever

been in a high place—on a hillside
or in an airplane? How does your
perspective change from when
you were on the ground? Do
things look different? Do you feel
differently? Draw a picture of this
perspective. Share your ideas.

The River Dragon 119

U6COrl5.indd 119 6/16/17 10:22

T 229
Key Words What is Throughout the voyage, Darwin wrote detailed notes, drew pictures

and collected specimens and bones. Along the coastline of Argentina, he

Evolution? found fossilized skeletons. He was sure they didn’t come from any animal

that still lived in South America. On the Galapagos islands, he wrote about

and drew pictures of the large tortoises and birds that lived there. The
inhabit by Julia McKie
governor of one of the islands told Darwin he could identify the island any
naval chart tortoise came from by looking at the patterns on its shell. Later, Darwin
offspring noticed that the birds on each island looked different. He collected a few
trait A Curious Mind and a Sense of Adventure from each island to take back to England.
Have you ever dreamed of going on an adventure? When he returned to England, he continued his investigation, and he
Traveling around the world on a boat? Charles Darwin hadn’t, asked a specialist in birds to examine them. Darwin thought they were
Determining the but he did have a curious mind. So when he was invited to different types of birds, such as blackbirds, wrens and finches. He was wrong.
Meaning of Words
and Phrases join a five-year voyage around the world The ornithologist told Darwin the birds were all finches. Each one was
Context clues are key words beginning in December 1831, he was very a separate species no one in England had seen before. These observations
that help determine the
meaning of unknown words excited! The main purpose of the trip was increased his interest in natural
and phrases. Sometimes to make more accurate naval charts
the clue is a definition or
science—an interest that became
a description. Sometimes for the British Empire. However, they a life-long investigation, and
it’s a cause and effect
wanted a naturalist to go, too. eventually led to the
relationship. It may also
be a comparison. Look for
theory of evolution.
context clues to help you
understand new words
in a text.

1 Find the words in blue on

pages 120 and 121. What do
you think they mean?

2 Listen and follow. 13

0 Topic 6 What is Evolution? 121

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Lessons Preview
Pages Lesson Focus Teaching Resources

1 120-125 Key Words • Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 238

Making Predictions • Note cards

2 120-125 Determining the Meaning of • Audio Track 13

Words and Phrases • Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 238
• Students’ flashcards

3 120-125 Identifying the Topic, Main Ideas • Audio Track 13

and Key Details • Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 239
Scanning • A picture of the evolution of the whale

4 120-125 Summarizing • Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 239

• A picture of the evolution of humans

5 126 and 127 Comprehension • Students’ flashcards

Determining the Meaning of • Pictures of interesting plants
Words and Phrases

6 120-125, Connect to Science • Internet access

128 Art Connection • Colored pencils

T 230 Topic 6
Key Words
“What is Evolution?” is about the theory of evolution and natural selection. It describes
how Darwin developed the theory of evolution. It explains the concepts for evolution and adaptation (n.) changes that
natural selection, specifically, how genetic variation, heredity, environmental changes and improve a life form’s chance of
an organism’s niche are key concepts in the selection of which organisms survive. survival and reproduction
ancestor (n.) a person who is related
Genre: Informational Text to you but who lived in former times
An informational text informs readers about history, science or other subjects. camouflage (v.) to have the colors
and patterns of your environment in
Reading Strategy Focus
order to hide from other animals
Determining the Meaning of Words and Phrases
fossilized (adj.) organic material that
What is it? Context clues are key words that help determine the meaning of unknown
has become rock over a period of
words and phrases. Sometimes the clue is a definition or a description. Sometimes it’s
thousands or millions of years
a cause and effect relationship. It may also be a comparison. Look for context clues to
help you understand new words in a text. gene (n.) a unit of genetic
information that is passed
What will students do? Students will identify context clues such as definitions,
from parent to offspring and
descriptions, cause-and-effect relationships and comparisons that provide information
can be responsible for specific
to help them determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Why is it important? It is important for students to develop the ability to identify
inhabit (v.) to live in a place with
context clues as it improves reading comprehension and reduces time lost looking up
specific conditions
unknown words in a dictionary.
inherit (v.) to get genetic
How will students build on previous knowledge? In Compass Reading Log 3,
characteristics from parents
students learn to identify antonyms as context clues and use them to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar words. In Compass Reading Log 4, students expand on this naval chart (n.) a map showing
strategy practice to identify context clues that give meaning to unfamiliar academic information that is important
(domain-specific) vocabulary. for sailing, such as the depth
of the water, the direction of
In Compass Reading Log 5, students continue expanding on this strategy to include
ocean currents or the presence of
various types of context clues. Most Compass Reading Log 5 students will be able to
dangerous obstacles
identify definitions and descriptions, but they may need teacher guidance in identifying
context clues in the forms of cause/result relationships and comparisons. neutral (adj.) not harmful or helpful
offspring (n.) one or more new
Author Technique plants or animals as a result of
Suffixes reproduction
What is it? A suffix is a set of letters that is added to the end of a root word. trait (n.) a characteristic inherited
These letters change the meaning of the word. They also change the part of speech. from one’s parents
For example, if you add –ion to the verb express, the word becomes a noun: expression.
yeast (n.) a substance made from
What will students do? Students will identify five suffixes (-tion, -ist, -al, -ful and -or) fungi, for making bread
added to root words and use this information to help them understand the parts of
speech and meanings of these unfamiliar words.
Why is it important? It is important for students to be able to identify suffixes as it
gives students an accurate predictive tool in determining the meanings of unfamiliar
words. It also improves reading comprehension and expands active vocabulary.

Topic 6 T 231
Lesson 1
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 120-125 Making Predictions
Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 238 The strategy of making predictions actively engages students and connects them to the text
by asking them what they think it is about. Effective readers use pictures, titles, headings,
Note cards (12 per student)
text and personal experiences to make predictions before they read. Predicting also involves
thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the text. After making
predictions, students can read through the text and revise and verify their predictions.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (5 min.)
• Write the Big Question for the Topic on the board: How do • Form pairs. Say: Use your flashcards to practice the key words.
living things change? One student will hold up the side with the definition for the
• Form small groups. Have students brainstorm and make a list word. The other student will read the definition aloud and
of the ways living things change. guess the word.
• Write students’ ideas on the board. • Have students practice until they have correctly identified all
• Direct students’ attention to the cover on page 109. the Key Words.
Say: We’re going to read a text about evolution.
Ask: What does evolution mean? (Change.) Encourage students
to give examples of animals that have evolved over time.

Teach the Key Words (25 min.)

• Use example sentences to elicit or teach Key Words.
Write the words on the board. Have students repeat the
words chorally.
• Point to the word adaptation. Repeat the example sentence
for it. Ask: What do you think adaptation means? Write the
definition next to the word.
• Point to the next word on the list and continue the process
until all the Key Words have been defined.
• Have students complete activity 1 in the worksheet.
• Hand out note cards: twelve per student.
• Have students create flashcards for the Key Words.
Say: You are going to make your own flashcards. Write the
Key Word on one side and the definition on the other.
Tell them to refer to the definitions on the board or in the
glossary to confirm answers.
Answers: 1. naval chart 2. fossilized 3. Camouflage 4. inhabit 5. ancestors
6. genes, inherited 7. adapt 8. traits 9. neutral 10. offspring 11. Yeast

Reading Strategy (20 min.)

• Tell the student they are going to predict what the text
is about.
• Point to the cover on page 62. Say: What are some things we
could do to predict the content of the text? (Look at the title,
the pictures and the headings.)
• Say: Look at the title. Ask: What is the text about? (Evolution.)
• Say: I also use the headings and pictures to predict what
the text will be about. Look at page 120. Ask: What is the
heading? What does the picture show? (“A Curious Mind
and a Sense of Adventure,” a man sitting near the shore and
taking notes.)
• Say: The pictures, headings and captions can help you predict
what the text is about. Look at the pages.
• Form pairs. Have students look at the pictures, headings
and captions. Tell them to complete activity 2 in the
• Encourage students to share their predictions.

T 232 Topic 6
Lesson 2
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 120-125 Determining the Meaning of Words and Phrases
Audio Track 13
Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 238
Students’ flashcards

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) 2 Listen and follow. 13 (25 min.)

• Have students take out their flashcards. • Play track 13. Have students listen to the text and follow in
• Form pairs. Tell students to quiz each other about their books.
their meanings. • Pause the track at the end of each section to confirm the
meanings of unfamiliar words (by looking for context clues),
Reading Strategy Focus (5 min.) and ask general comprehension questions: Who is the subject
• Direct students’ attention to the Reading Strategy entry on of the text? Where did he go? What did he do? What is
page 120. Read it to the class and have students follow along. his theory? What are the features of the theory?
• Explain that they will learn to identify unfamiliar words
and use context clues, or other information in the text, to Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
determine the meaning of these words. • Form pairs. Have students look at their predictions in
• Ask: What is this text about? (Evolution.) What subject area activity 2 in the worksheet. Tell them to confirm or
will the unfamiliar words most likely be from—history, science reject them.
or technology? (Science.)

1 Find the words in blue on pages 120 and 121. What do

you think they mean? (10 min.)
• Tell students they’re going to find the words in blue.
Say: Pay attention to the text around the words. It provides
context clues.
Form pairs. Have students decide what the context clues are
for the words in blue.
• Say: What are the words? (Voyage, naturalist, ornithologist.)
• Ask: What words and phrases tell you what these words
mean? (Voyage: “The main purpose of the trip… .”
Naturalist: “…collected specimens and bones…”, “drew pictures
of tortoises and birds… .” Ornithologist: “…told Darwin the
birds were all finches.”)
• Form pairs. Have students agree on the meanings of
the words.
• Confirm meanings. Ask: What do the words mean?
(Voyage: trip; Naturalist: a person who studies things in
nature; Ornithologist: a person who specializes in birds.)

Topic 6 T 233
Lesson 3
Teaching Resources Reading Strategies
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 120-125 Identifying the Topic, Main Ideas and Key Details
Audio Track 13 The topic is the most important idea of the text. It is usually in the first paragraph. Main ideas
support the topic. Each section of the text usually has its own main idea. Key details are all the
Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 239
facts and information that support the main ideas. Being able to identify the key details that
A picture of the evolution of the whale provide evidence or support to the main ideas gives readers a better understanding of the text.
Scanning is the ability to quickly look for and find specific information in a text.
Effective readers can scan a text for specific words or text features that help them answer
questions about text content.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.) Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
• Ask: What is the topic of this text? (Evolution.) What does • Write 3-2-1 on the board.
evolution mean? (The gradual change of a species.) • Tell students to write three things they learned, two things
• Say: The evolution of whales is interesting. Life began in the they found interesting and one question they still have in
oceans and eventually moved on to land. Mammals evolved their notebooks.
on land. Whales are mammals. Their ancestors returned to • Form pairs. Have students share their information. Elicit a
the ocean. few ideas from the class.
• Show the picture of whale evolution.
• Ask: If whales evolved on the land and had legs, why don’t
they have legs now? (If you look closely at the skeletons of
whales, you can see the remnants of a pelvis and hind legs.
As the whale ancestors lived in the oceans, they adapted to
swimming and no longer used their hind legs.)
• Ask: What do you think caused the ancestors of whales to
return to the ocean? (Student answers will vary. The goal is
to inspire students to brainstorm and possibly investigate on
their own time.)

Reading Strategies 13 (40 min.)

• Play track 13. Have students listen and identify the

main ideas.
• Pause the track at the end of each section to confirm the
main ideas.
• Form pairs. Have students look at activity 3 in the
worksheet. Tell them to write the main ideas.
• Confirm answers with the class.
• Ask: What are key details? (Information that supports the
main ideas.) How do we identify key details? (By asking How?,
What? or Why?)
• Have students recall the meaning of scanning. (Look quickly
for specific information.)
• Have students scan the text, identify the key details and write
them in activity 3 in the worksheet.
• Confirm answers with the class.
Answers: Main ideas: Darwin went on a five-year voyage to collect and
document things in nature. Key concepts of Darwin’s theory of evolution are
variation, hereditability, changing environments and niche. The theory of
evolution is that species gradually change over millions of years.
Many species have a common ancestor. The peppered moth uses camouflage
to adapt and survive. Many insects have camouflage to protect themselves.
Animals and plants only evolve if there are changes in their environments
that require them to change to survive.

T 234 Topic 6
Lesson 4
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 120-125 Summarizing
Topic 6 Nonfiction Worksheet page 239 Summarizing is the ability to identify the most relevant features and main events of a story
and to consolidate key details that support them. Proficient readers are able to focus on crucial
A picture of the evolution of humans
ideas and phrases and reduce the main points for concise, memorable understanding.

Lead in to the Lesson (10 min.)

• Say: Humans evolved from a creature that was similar to
today’s primates and walked on all fours.
• Ask: What do you think caused human ancestors to evolve to
walk upright and develop a larger brain?
• Say: Look at this picture showing the evolution of the humans.
What do you notice? Write students’ ideas on the board.
• Ask: What types of environments would encourage the
survival of individuals with these adaptations?
(Student answers will vary. The goal is to inspire students to
brainstorm and possibly investigate on their own time.)

Reading Strategy (30 min.)

• Elicit the meaning of summarizing. If necessary, remind
students that a summary is a comprehensive yet concise
restatement of the text. The ability to summarize helps
them organize the most important information in order to
remember it better.
• Form pairs. Have students refer to activity 3 in the
worksheet. Tell them to decide what the most important
information is.
• Tell students to write a two- or three-sentence summary for
each section in the text in their notebooks.
• Form small groups (two pairs). Have students exchange and
read their summaries.
• Encourage students to share their summaries with the class.

Know Your Students

Some students may find summarizing challenging.
Be ready with guiding questions to help students decide
what information to include and how to word their

Take the Lesson Further (15 min.)

• Say: Many things about who we are come from
inherited traits.
• Write on the board:
1 widow’s peak / no widow’s peak
2 can roll tongue / can’t roll tongue
3 straight hair / curly hair
4 attached earlobes / unattached earlobes
5 freckles / no freckles.
• Say: Look around the classroom. Do you see these inherited
traits in your classmates?
• Tally the number of people who have the traits.
• Ask: What are the dominant traits in our class?

Topic 6 T 235
Lesson 5
Teaching Resources Reading Strategy Focus
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 126 and 127 Determining the Meaning of Words and Phrases
Students’ flashcards Author Technique
Pictures of interesting plants (1 per pair) Suffixes

Comprehension (60 min.) 5 Suffixes Scan the text. Write the words that have
Lead in to the Lesson these suffixes.
• Form pairs. Give each pair a picture of a plant. • Direct students’ attention to the Author Technique entry.
• Say: We have learned a lot about the evolution of animals. Read it to the class and have students follow along.
Look at the picture of your plant. Brainstorm ideas about • Review the example words with the students. Say: Look at
where and why the plant evolved to what it looks like today. the first word: investigation. If you remove the suffix, you
• Form small groups (two pairs). Have students share have investigate. Investigation is a noun, while investigate is
their ideas. a verb.
• Say: Look at the next word: naturalist If you remove the suffix,
1 Number the sentences in the correct order. you have natural.
• Have students read the sentences. • Ask: What is the difference between natural and naturalist?
• Encourage students to refer to the first section of the text if (Natural: something that comes from nature. Naturalist: a
they are unsure about the order of events. person who studies nature.)
• Say: Look through the text for words with the suffixes on the
Answers: 2, 5, 4, 1, 6, 3
chart. Circle the words as you find them. Then go back and
2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. add them to the chart.
• Elicit definitions or example sentences for the Key Words Answers: 1. –tion (evolution, selection, investigation, observation,
adaptation, population, generation, pollution, revolution 2. –ist (specialist,
in the box. ornithologist, scientist, archeologist 3. –al (naval, natural, physical) 4. –ful
• Encourage students to use their flashcards if they (harmful, helpful); 5. –or (governor, ancestor)
don’t remember.
Answers: 1. inhabit 2. ancestors 3. traits 4. offspring 5. camouflage
A Match the suffixes with their meanings. Check your
answers with a classmate.
3 Determining the Meaning of Words and Phrases • Say: Look at the possible meanings of the suffixes. Then look at
Find the words in the text. Underline and write the the words you wrote under each suffix in the chart. Guess the
information that defines their meaning. meaning of the suffixes. Check your answer with a classmate.
• Form pairs. Have students find the words in the text and Answers: 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b
identify the context clues that provide information about
their meanings. 6 Active Reading Choose and summarize a key
concept. Ask a classmate to guess what it is.
Answers: 1. Variation: “…means no two organisms are exactly the same.”
2. Hereditability: “…no one is an exact copy of his or her parents. However, • Refer students to the section on key concepts.
they are similar.” 3. Physical traits: “…the differences you can see.” Say: A summary is brief and concise. It does not restate the
4. Niche: “Sometimes these adaptations are caused by changing
environments. Organisms that are best adapted to their environment are entire section.
more likely to survive and have more offspring. …this is how nature ‘selects’ • Have students complete a two- to three-sentence summary
the adaptations that ensure survival.” 5. Natural selection: “…adaptations for one of the key concepts in the box.
are caused by changing environments…are passed from generation to
generation.” 6. Camouflage: “…lighter-colored moths…on lighter-colored • Tell students to take turns reading and guessing what the key
trees… darker-colored moths…on darker-colored trees.” concepts are for their summaries.

Manage Your Class 7 Think and discuss. What will humans be like in a
Students may appreciate or even need a break between million years? What will we eat? Where will we live?
activities. Have students stand and “shake” themselves out Share your ideas with a classmate.
or jump up and down. • Say: As you are thinking about what might happen to
humans, think about what happened to the dinosaurs or the
4 Circle True or False. mammoths. Ask yourself, how did these species evolve?
• Say: Read the sentences aloud. Think about what they say. What was the environment like? What will happen to our
• Remind students to refer to the text and answers from environment over a million years?
previous activities to confirm answers. • Form pairs. Have students discuss the questions.
Answers: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False

T 236 Topic 6
Lesson 6
Teaching Resources Art Connection
Compass Reading Log 5 pages 120-125, 128 Drawing pictures about the theme or main ideas of a text is a way to create a multisensory
Internet access connection to the text. It also serves to further engage students and make the text
more memorable.
Colored pencils

Connect to Science (50 min.)

Lead in to the Lesson Manage Your Class
• Form small groups. When students use mobile devices or computers, they may
• Say: We talked about many different animals in this text. become distracted. Monitor student research, and be ready
You have three minutes to write as many as possible. to redirect students if they are on off-topic websites.
• Say: Go!
• Have students write the names of animals from the text in Take the Lesson Further (10 min.)
their notebooks.
• Form small groups. Have students present their pictures and
• After three minutes, check the lists and agree on which
what they learned about the evolution of the animal.
groups recalled more animals from the text.

1 Work with a classmate. Choose an animal and

research its evolution. Draw a picture of what it
looked like at different stages of the evolutionary
process. Write a short summary.

Art Connection
• Say: We have been learning about evolution and natural
selection in this topic. Today you will choose an animal and
research its evolution.
• Form pairs. Say: Brainstorm with your classmate about what
animal you want to research. Write the name of the animal in
your notebooks.
• Have students use their mobile devices or school computers
to research the evolution of the animals they chose.
Remind them to take notes.
• Say: When researching a subject, try using different
combinations of words and different browsers if you have
trouble finding information.
• Set a thirty-minute time limit for research. Monitor students
and offer support and guidance as needed.
• Hand out colored pencils. Have students draw the
evolutionary process of their animal and then write a short
summary about it.

Topic 6 T 237
To p ic 6 What is Evolution?
1 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

adapt ancestor camouflage fossilized genes inhabit

inherited naval chart neutral offspring traits yeast

1 Sailors have to be able to read a .

2 Archeologists found plants at the dig site.

3 helps some animals and insects protect themselves from predators.

4 Bears the forests in Yellowstone Park.

5 Some of his are from Greece.

6 Do you know what you from your parents?

7 Plants and animals that do not often do not survive.

8 Eye color and blood type are examples of biological .

9 A trait that does not help or hurt a species is considered .

10 Some diseases are transmitted from parent to .

11 makes bread rise.

2 Look at the headings. What are the sections about? Write your predictions.
1 A Curious Mind and a Sense of Adventure

2 Key Concepts

3 The Theory of Evolution

4 A Common Ancestor

5 Camouflage and the Peppered Moth

6 Camouflage and Other Creatures

7 Do all species evolve?

T 238 Nonfiction Worksheet Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable
3 Look at the text. Write the main ideas. Write the key details.

A Curious Main Idea:

Mind and
Key Details:
a Sense of

Main Idea:
Key Details:

Main Idea:
The Theory
Key Details:
of Evolution

Main Idea:
A Common
Key Details:

Camouflage Main Idea:

and the
Key Details:

Main Idea:
and Other Key Details:

Main Idea:
Do all
species Key Details:

Compass 5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Photocopiable Nonfiction Worksheet T 239
Key Words What is
inhabit by Julia McKie
naval chart
trait A Curious Mind and a Sense of Adventure
Have you ever dreamed of going on an adventure?

Traveling around the world on a boat? Charles Darwin hadn’t,

Determining the but he did have a curious mind. So when he was invited to
Meaning of Words
and Phrases join a five-year voyage around the world
Context clues are key words beginning in December 1831, he was very
that help determine the
meaning of unknown words excited! The main purpose of the trip was
and phrases. Sometimes to make more accurate naval charts
the clue is a definition or
a description. Sometimes for the British Empire. However, they
it’s a cause and effect
wanted a naturalist to go, too.
relationship. It may also
be a comparison. Look for
context clues to help you
understand new words
in a text.

1 Find the words in blue on

pages 120 and 121. What do
you think they mean?

2 Listen and follow. 13

0 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 120 10/18/17 4:25 PM

T 240
Throughout the voyage, Darwin wrote detailed notes, drew pictures

and collected specimens and bones. Along the coastline of Argentina, he

found fossilized skeletons. He was sure they didn’t come from any animal

that still lived in South America. On the Galapagos islands, he wrote about

and drew pictures of the large tortoises and birds that lived there. The

governor of one of the islands told Darwin he could identify the island any

tortoise came from by looking at the patterns on its shell. Later, Darwin

noticed that the birds on each island looked different. He collected a few

from each island to take back to England.

When he returned to England, he continued his investigation, and he

asked a specialist in birds to examine them. Darwin thought they were

different types of birds, such as blackbirds, wrens and finches. He was wrong.

The ornithologist told Darwin the birds were all finches. Each one was

a separate species no one in England had seen before. These observations

increased his interest in natural

science—an interest that became

a life-long investigation, and

eventually led to the

theory of evolution.

What is Evolution? 121

U6COrl5.indd 121 6/12/17 09:04

T 241
Key Concepts
Do you know what variation, hereditability, changing

environments and niche mean? Well, these key concepts are

important to understanding Darwin’s theory of evolution.

First, variation means no two organisms are exactly the

same. Every person or animal is a unique combination of Brothers and sisters may look alike,
but they are not exactly the same.
genes that are inherited from his or her parents. Do you

have brothers or sisters? Do you all look alike? Do you all have the same capabilities?

Second, hereditability means no one is an exact copy of his or her parents. However, they are similar.

Do you look like anyone else in your family? Perhaps you have the same hair color as your mother,

but your sister may have the same eye color as your father. These are examples of heritable traits. You

get some genes from your mother and some genes from your father. But you do not get the same genes

as your sisters or brothers. Many heritable traits are physical traits—the differences you can see. These

traits are an expression of the combination of genes passed on from parent to offspring.

Third, scientists have found that changes in the

A tortoise from
a dry island environment have affected species differently. The weather

patterns in most parts of the world stay the same from one year

to the next. This means it’s usually cold in the winter, wet in

the spring, hot in the summer and cool in the fall. However, we

know that the Earth’s climate has changed over the centuries.

The changes help create different niches around the world.

Fourth, niche refers to a specific ecosystem. It is where a

creature lives and what it eats. Creatures inhabit a niche

that fits best with the genes they have. For example, all the

tortoises on the Galapagos Islands have the same ancestor.

But they changed because of the niche they inhabit on each

island. On the rainy islands, the tortoises are bigger and

have short necks. On the dry islands, they are smaller and

A tortoise from have long necks. The tortoises on the rainy island eat plants
a rainy island
on the ground. However, the ones on dry islands have to

reach plants that are higher up.

2 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 122 6/12/17 09:04

T 242
The Theory of Evolution
Evolution is usually the gradual change of a species. It doesn’t happen quickly.

It happens over many—even millions of—years. These changes, or adaptations, occur in order

to help a species survive. Sometimes these adaptations are caused by changing environments.

But whatever the cause, genes are passed on from generation to generation. This process is

known as natural selection. Organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more

likely to survive and have more offspring. According to Darwin, this is how nature “selects”

the adaptations that ensure survival. If a species survives, there are more members that have

the same beneficial adaptations. As harmful, helpful and neutral genes are passed on, a new

species may evolve! And that is why the finches and tortoises on the Galapagos Islands were

different species. Each population had adapted over time to the niche of each island!

A Common Ancestor
The path of

evolution for a species

rarely follows a

straight line. It looks

more like a tree with

many branches. Some

branches grow new

branches. Other branches

die. This is how some species

are related. They have a

common ancestor.

You may have heard that

humans are related to chimpanzees.

We share 98 percent of the same genes. But

did you know that humans are also related to

yeast and bananas? We share 31 percent of the same

genes with yeast and 50 percent with bananas. Sounds

crazy, but it’s true!

What is Evolution? 123

U6COrl5.indd 123 6/12/17 09:04

T 243
Camouflage and the Peppered Moth
The peppered moth is a good example of

natural selection. In the 1800s, most of these

moths had lighter-colored wings. Only a few

had darker-colored wings. The lighter-colored

moths rested on lighter-colored trees. The darker-

colored moths rested on darker-colored trees.

Both were camouflaged this way. A peppered moth with

lighter-colored wings

But the story of the moths isn’t over!

In the 1950s, England passed air pollution

laws. Factories could no longer pollute as

they did before. In time, lighter-colored trees

were common again. The darker-colored

moths became visible again and birds ate

them. By the 1990s, the environment had

A factory smokestack
changed again. The lighter-colored moths had

better camouflage with the clean trees and

But during the Industrial Revolution in were harder for birds to find. So most of the

England, the factories created a lot of air surviving moths are the lighter-colored ones!

pollution. Many trees were covered in black soot.

This meant that the lighter-colored moths were

no longer camouflaged. The birds could see them

more easily and eat them. The darker-colored

moths, however, were still camouflaged. They

survived better. They also passed their genes for

darker-colored wings to their offspring. By 1900,

scientists found that 98 percent of the moths had

darker-colored wings. Only a few lighter-colored

A peppered moth with
moths survived.
darker-colored wings

124 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 124 6/12/17 09:04

T 244
Camouflage and Other Creatures
Like the peppered moth, many animals and insects

have camouflage to protect themselves and survive. In

fact, camouflage is one of the most common forms of

adaptation. The green tree frog is the same color as the

grass it lives in. The gray owl is often hard to distinguish A green tree frog

from the branches of trees. The chameleon is the m


interesting of all! It doesn’t have just one set of colors.


It changes color according to its environment.

A chameleon
A gray owl

Do all species evolve?

Natural selection and adaptation only lead to significant evolutionary changes if a species’

environment is changing, too. Animals and plants that live in a stable environment do not have

to evolve. Take a look at the horseshoe crab.

Horseshoe crabs live on sandy beaches and in shallow ocean waters. Archaeologists have

found fossils of horseshoe crabs that are two hundred million years old.

They look the same as crabs today! Horseshoe crabs haven’t

evolved because their environment hasn’t changed

much. No changes in the environment means the

crabs don’t have to evolve to survive.

How do you think the changes in our world

will affect humans? Will we be very different

one thousand years from now?

What is Evolution? 125

U6COrl5.indd 125 6/12/17 09:04

T 245
1 Number the sentences in the correct order.
He observed tortoises and birds on the Galapagos Islands.

Darwin asked an ornithologist to examine the birds.

He took birds from each island back to England.

Darwin was invited on a five-year voyage around the world.

He learned that birds were all finches.

Darwin noticed that the birds on each island looked different.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

ancestors camouflage inhabit offspring traits

1 Horseshoe crabs the sandy beaches and shallow ocean waters.

2 Our came from Spain and Portugal.

3 The characteristics we inherit from our parents are called .

4 Most animals care for their until they can take care of themselves.

5 The fox’s white fur makes for good in the snow.

3 Determining the Meaning of Words and Phrases Find the words in the text. Underline and write
the information that defines their meaning.

1 variation:

2 hereditability:

3 physical traits:

4 niche:

5 natural selection:

6 camouflage:

4 Circle True or False.

1 Variation means all organisms are different. True False

2 Hereditability means you are exactly the same as your mother or father. True False

3 Changes in the weather don’t affect animals. True False

4 A niche is a place that adapts to the organisms that live in it. True False

126 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 126 6/12/17 09:04

T 246
5 Suffixes Scan the text. Write the words that have these suffixes.

–tion –ist –al –ful –or

investigation naturalist gradual harmful governor

A Match the suffixes with their meanings. Check your answers with a classmate.
1 –tion a full of…
A suffix is a set of letters
2 –ist b a person who… that is added to the end of
a root word. These letters
3 –al c an action or process
change the meaning
4 –ful d a person, one who does the action of the word. They also
change the part of speech.
5 –or e relating to… For example, if you add
–ion to the verb express,
6 Active Reading Choose and summarize a key concept. the word becomes a noun:
Ask a classmate to guess what it is. expression.

changing environments hereditability niche variation

7 Think and discuss. What will humans be like in a million years? What will we eat? Where will we live?
Share your ideas with a classmate.

What is Evolution? 127

U6COrl5.indd 127 6/12/17 09:04

T 247
Connect to Me
1 Think and write.
Write about one way you have grown or changed. Have you become stronger or healthier? What new
things have you learned? Do you see a situation in a new way compared to when you were younger?

Connect to Science
1 Work with a classmate. Choose an animal and research its evolution. Draw a picture of what it looked
like at different stages of the evolutionary process. Write a short summary.

128 Topic 6

U6COrl5.indd 128 6/12/17 09:04

T 248
achieve (v.) to do something successfully (Topic 2) camouflage (v.) to have the colors and patterns of
adaptation (n.) changes that improve a life form’s your environment in order to hide from other
chance of survival and reproduction (Topic 6) animals (Topic 6)
aftershock (n.) a small earthquake soon after a larger cancer (n.) a life-threatening disease caused by
earthquake (Topic 9) changes to the cells of the body (Topic 9)
agile (adj.) able to move quickly and easily (Topic 5) candle (n.) an object made with wax with a string in the
alienation (n.) isolation from other people (Topic 8) middle that can be burned to produce light (Topic 2)
ambition (n.) a strong desire to reach a certain goal chuckle (v.) to laugh quietly (Topic 1)
in life (Topic 5) claw (n.) a sharp, curved nail on the foot of a bird
amplification (n.) an increase in the loudness, or animal (Topic 7)
or volume, of a sound, often using an electronic coded (adj.) using symbols to hide a message (Topic 3)
device (Topic 4) collapse (v.) to fall down or fall apart (Topic 9)
ancestor (n.) a person who is related to you but who colony (n.) a region that is governed and controlled by
lived in former times (Topic 6) a more powerful country (Topic 1)
antique (n.) an object that is very old, such as jewelry come back (v.) to return (Topic 9)
or furniture (Topic 2) companion (n.) a person who spends time with
astronaut (n.) a person who travels into space (Topic 4) another (Topic 8)
atomic bomb (n.) a type of weapon that uses a nuclear conceal (v.) to hide something (Topic 6)
reaction to cause a large explosion (Topic 9) confidence (n.) trust in a person or thing (Topic 5)
attic (n.) a room under the roof of a building (Topic 1) consequence (n.) the result of an action or
backup (n.) information saved from one place in situation (Topic 2)
another place (Topic 5) consternation (n.) worry or frustration (Topic 8)
baffle (v.) to surprise and confuse (Topic 3) contribution (n.) something that you give or do in order
baked (adj.) cooked in an oven (Topic 2) to help others (Topic 2)
barricade (n.) objects placed around an area to prevent convenience (n.) something that makes life
people from entering (Topic 7) easier (Topic 8)
benefit (n.) something that is good or helpful; cool (adj.) fun or interesting (Topic 1)
an advantage (Topic 1) copper (adj.) made from a soft, reddish-orange
bilingual (adj.) able to speak or write in two metal (Topic 3)
languages (Topic 1) crack (v.) to break something, such as a code (Topic 3)
blast (n.) a strong force or explosion (Topic 4) cramped (adj.) with uncomfortable muscle
blow out (v.) to extinguish fire with air (Topic 2) contractions (Topic 8)
bolt (v.) to run without warning (Topic 7) Creole (n.) a language spoken in Haiti (Topic 9)
boom (v.) to say something in a very loud voice (Topic 1) crop (n.) a plant that is grown in large quantities, usually
bravery (n.) the strength of character to face a scary or for food (Topic 2)
dangerous situation; courage (Topic 7) decipher (v.) to understand the symbols in a
bulldozer (n.) a type of tractor that can push or lift code (Topic 3)
heavy things (Topic 9) demands (n.) needs (Topic 8)
bury (v.) to place something in the ground and cover destroy (v.) to completely damage something (Topic 9)
it with dirt (Topic 5)

Glossary 189

GlossaryCOrl5.indd 189 10/18/17 4:54 PM

digitalize (v.) to transform information, such as pictures freedom (n.) the ability to do things that you want to do,
or sounds, into information that can be processed by without restriction (Topic 7)
a computer (Topic 5) fridge (n.) a device where food is kept at a cool
dim (adj.) not bright or smart (Topic 8) temperature; refrigerator (Topic 3)
disadvantage (n.) a negative aspect of frustration (n.) anger or irritation because you cannot
something (Topic 2) do something (Topic 1)
disease (n.) a serious illness or medical futurist (n.) a scientist who studies and makes
condition (Topic 9) predictions about life in the future (Topic 5)
distraction (n.) something that interrupts your garment (n.) an item of clothing (Topic 1)
concentration (Topic 8) gaunt (adj.) very thin because of insufficient
diversity (n.) with people from many food (Topic 6)
backgrounds (Topic 1) gene (n.) a unit of genetic information that is passed
dominion (n.) a land or area that you control (Topic 8) from parent to offspring and can be responsible for
drift (v.) to move slowly on water or in the air, without specific characteristics (Topic 6)
control over direction (Topic 4) generator (n.) a machine that produces
drought (n.) an extended period of dry weather (Topic 6) electricity (Topic 9)
dynamic range (n.) how loud or quiet an genie (n.) a magical being that lives in a lamp
instrument sounds (Topic 4) or a bottle and can give people what they
eccentric (adj.) odd, strange or unusual (Topic 1) wish for (Topic 2)
element (n.) a basic chemical substance (Topic 8) gingerly (adv.) done with delicate actions in a
equal rights (n.) a system in which people careful way (Topic 3)
of all backgrounds have the same rights glamorous (adj.) famous, exciting and full
and freedoms (Topic 7) of luxury (Topic 2)
errand (n.) a quick trip to complete a task (Topic 5) gloomy (adj.) unhappy; miserable (Topic 3)
evidence (n.) something that indicates that a fact greedy (adj.) wanting more for yourself than what
is true; proof (Topic 1 ) is fair (Topic 5)
extravehicular activity (n.) activity outside of grieve (v.) to experience sadness because of
a spacecraft (Topic 4) tragic circumstances, such as the death of a
fate (n.) a power or force some people believe controls person (Topic 9)
the future (Topic 2) hacking (n.) illegal access to computer systems, often
firewall (n.) a program that protects a computer from by finding mistakes in computer programs (Topic 5)
damage or illegal access (Topic 5) handkerchief (n.) a small piece of cloth for wiping the
firework (n.) a device that burns or explodes to make nose or face (Topic 2)
loud noises and bright, colorful patterns (Topic 3) harmonize (v.) to play or sing higher and lower musical
fluent (adj.) able to speak or write well in another notes that sound good together (Topic 4)
language (Topic 1) hazardous (adj.) extremely dangerous (Topic 8)
format (n.) the way music is recorded in order to play it headquarters (n.) the main location of an
later, for example, on a disc or a tape. (Topic 4) organization (Topic 9)
fortune (n.) luck (Topic 6) hope (n.) a belief in a good result (Topic 9)
fossilized (adj.) organic material that has become hover (v.) to float in the air (Topic 7)
rock over a period of thousands or millions inhabit (v.) to live in a place with specific
of years (Topic 6) conditions (Topic 6)
frantically (adv.) done in a wild and hurried inherit (v.) to get genetic characteristics from
way (Topic 3) parents (Topic 6)

190 Glossary

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injured (adj.) with damage to the body; hurt (Topic 9) offspring (n.) one or more new plants or animals as a
integrate (v.) to permit people of all races to enter result of reproduction (Topic 6)
a place (Topic 7) oil lamp (n.) a container that holds oil that can be
interaction (n.) the act of communicating and doing burned to produce light (Topic 2)
things with other people (Topic 8) orbit (v.) to follow a path around a planet, moon or
interface (n.) a connection between computer systems other space object (Topic 4)
or devices (Topic 5) outgoing (adj.) able to interact easily with others;
isolation (n.) the state of being away from other friendly or extroverted (Topic 5)
people or things (Topic 8) parched (adj.) extremely dry; very thirsty (Topic 6)
IT (n.) Internet Technology (Topic 1) patiently (adv.) done in a way that is calm and not
jolt (v.) to move suddenly (Topic 7) annoyed (Topic 3)
kneel (v.) to rest the body on one or both knees (Topic 7) paw (n.) an animal’s foot (Topic 7)
leak (n.) when a gas or liquid slowly escapes peculiar (adj.) strange or unusual (Topic 2)
a container (Topic 4) pitch (n.) how high or low an instrument sounds (Topic 4)
legend (n.) a famous story, often about poison (n.) a harmful or toxic substance (Topic 8)
ancient times (Topic 9) poisonous (adj.) harmful or toxic (Topic 9)
lightning (n.) a flash of electricity that illuminates the practice (n.) an action based on a belief (Topic 1)
sky, usually because of a thunderstorm (Topic 2) precedent (n.) a way something is done now that
limp (v.) to walk with an irregular step because of is based on a way something was done in
an injury (Topic 7) the past (Topic 4)
malcontent (n.) the state of being unhappy or premonition (n.) a thought or vision about something
unsatisfied with something (Topic 8) that will happen in the future (Topic 5)
Mardi Gras (n.) an annual celebration when people preserve (v.) to protect from loss or decay (Topic 5)
wear costumes and have parades (Topic 7) pressurized (adj.) when gas is forced into a container
military supplies (n.) supplies for a military group, so that it pushes on the walls of the container,
such as weapons or food (Topic 9) especially with airplanes and spacecraft (Topic 4)
missing (adj.) in an unknown location; lost (Topic 9) principal (n.) the director of a school (Topic 7)
mix (n.) a combination of things (Topic 4) propel (v.) to push forward (Topic 4)
monolingual (adj.) able to speak or write in only protest (n./v.) people expressing disapproval of the
one language (Topic 1) actions of a government, organization or company,
monument (n.) a statue, building or structure that often by forming a large group and carrying signs;
honors something (Topic 9) to do actions that express disapproval (Topic 7)
moss (n.) a small green plant that grows on wet areas punish (v.) to cause a person to experience something
of soil, rocks or trees (Topic 3) unpleasant, usually for breaking a rule (Topic 1)
multilingualism (n.) when many languages are spoken puzzle (n.) something that is difficult to
in a country or region (Topic 1) understand (Topic 3)
naval chart (n.) a map showing information that is racism (n.) a system of attitudes, beliefs and actions
important for sailing, such as the depth of the water, against people of a particular race (Topic 7)
the direction of ocean currents or the presence of rear (v.) to stand up or lean backwards
dangerous obstacles (Topic 6) suddenly (Topic 3)
neuron (n.) a nerve cell (Topic 1) recess (n.) a pause in the school day for
neurosis (n.) a mental disorder (Topic 8) recreation activities (Topic 7)
neutral (adj.) not harmful or helpful (Topic 6) regain (v.) to get something back again;
nightmare (n.) a bad dream (Topic 7) recover (Topic 3)

Glossary 191

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remains (n.) dead plants and animals in a state of store (v.) to keep something in a place (Topic 5)
decay or fossilization (Topic 8) surrender (v.) to stop fighting and accept that an
renewable (adj.) sustainable, endless, infinite (Topic 8) opponent or enemy has won; to give up (Topic 9)
repository (n.) storage; a warehouse (Topic 8) synchronize (v.) to play different recordings at the same
resolve (v.) to decide to do something (Topic 6) time so that they sound like one recording (Topic 4)
riddle (n.) a kind of puzzle using questions or tantrum (n.) crying and shouting in anger (Topic 5)
statements; an enigma (Topic 3) tattered (adj.) old and torn (Topic 7)
rotor (n.) a part that rotates in a machine (Topic 3) tethered (adj.) attached to something with a rope
rubble (n.) pieces of a collapsed building (Topic 9) or a cable (Topic 4)
rule (v.) to be the best (Topic 1) throng (n.) a large crowd of people (Topic 7)
rumble (v.) to make a loud, deep noise (Topic 7) top-secret (adj.) when only specific people are allowed
scavenger (n.) a person who searches through trash to see something; confidential (Topic 3)
and other unwanted items in order to find valuable trait (n.) a characteristic inherited from
or useful items (Topic 2) one's parents (Topic 6)
scorching (adj.) hot enough to burn something (Topic 6) transform (v.) to change into something (Topic 6)
scorn (n.) a lack of respect or approval (Topic 3) trinket (n.) a small object that is not valuable (Topic 5)
seed (n.) a small, hard part of a plant that can grow into uneasy (adj.) worried or uncomfortable (Topic 4)
a new plant (Topic 2) unique (adj.) the only one of its kind (Topic 5)
segregation (n.) separation of people according unstable (adj.) changeable, volatile (Topic 8)
to their race (Topic 7) upload (v.) to put information online or on a
sensible (adj.) having good sense or computer system (Topic 5)
judgment (Topic 2) villager (n.) a person who lives in a very small
shelter (n.) protection from bad weather (Topic 9) community (Topic 6)
shooting star (n.) an object from outer space, made vintage (adj.) from a decade in the past (Topic 1)
of rock or metal that burns brightly as it enters the volunteer (v.) working to help others
atmosphere of a planet; meteor (Topic 2) without pay (Topic 5)
shudder (v.) to shake or tremble suddenly (Topic 9) vulnerable (adj.) not protected (Topic 5)
sieve (n.) a kitchen utensil that is like a net, for waste (n.) trash; garbage (Topic 8)
separating solid pieces from a liquid (Topic 3) website (n.) a set of webpages on the Internet (Topic 3)
simulated (adj.) imitating a real-life experience (Topic 5) wither (v.) to show signs of dying, usually
soil (n.) the top layer of ground that plants grow in; with plants (Topic 6)
earth or dirt (Topic 6) work out (v.) to do exercises in order to become fit
source (n.) the origin of something (Topic 8) and strong (Topic 3)
spacecraft (v.) a vehicle for traveling in space; worthless (adj.) with no value or use (Topic 2)
spaceship (Topic 4) yeast (n.) a substance made from fungi, for
sparkle (v.) to shine with many little flashes making bread (Topic 6)
of light (Topic 5) yell (v.) to shout or scream (Topic 1)
split (v.) to divide (Topic 8)
sprout (v.) to grow, like a plant from the ground (Topic 7)
stage (n.) a single step in a process (Topic 4)
stagger (v.) to walk in a weak or clumsy way (Topic 1)
sternly (adv.) strictly or severely (Topic 1)
stoop over (v.) to bend the body forward
and downward (Topic 7)

192 Glossary

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• How can I do better in school?
• What do I wish for?
• Am I a logical thinker?
• Why do we like music?
• Who wants to live forever?
• How do living things change?
• What influences who I am?
• How will technology change the world?
• What events changed the world?

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