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United States Patent (19) (11) 3,895,642

Bird et al. (45) July 22, 1975

54 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MIXING 2,145,114 11939 Gibbs et al...................... 137/100 X
GASES 2,780,412 2/1957 Holley............................... 137/98 X
3,182,677 5/1965 Thiem................................... 37/98
75) Inventors: Forrest M. Bird; Henry L. 3,443,583 5? 1969 Webb........ ... 137.1505. 2
Pohndorf, both of Sandpoint, Idaho 3,565,289 2/1971 Erickson.... ... 137/100 X
3,605,785 9/1971 Dobritz................................. 13719
73) Assignee: Bird Corporation, Palm Springs, f OZ 198
Calif.; a part interest Primary Examiner-Robert G. Nilson
22 Filed: Jan. 21, 1974 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Flehr, Hohbach, Test,
(21) Appl. No.: 435,320 Albritton & Herbert
Related U.S. Application Data 57) ABSTRACT
60 Continuation of Ser. No. 316,849, Dec. 20, 1972, A method and apparatus for mixing gases from sepa
abandoned, which is a division of Ser. No. 54,934,
July 15, 1970, Pat. No. 3,727,627. rate pressurized gas circuits for use in applications
such as medical respirators. The pressures of the gases
52) U.S. Cl................................. 137f7; 137.1505.12 in the two circuits are accurately balanced to provide
(5ll Int. Cl. ........................................... G05d 11/03 an equal pressure drop across a differential mixing
58) Field of Search..... 137/7, 98, 100, 101, 505. 12 valve for precise control of the ratio of flow rates of
the gases being mixed. In one embodiment, a double
56) References Cited stage pressure balancing mechanism is provided for
UNITED STATES PATENTS increased accuracy of pressure balance.
1,798,317 3/1931 Eaton.................................. 1371 100 2 Claims, 6 Drawing Figures
PATENTED JUL 22 1975 3.895,642
PATENTED JUL 22 1975 3,895,642

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PATENTED JUL 22 1975 3,895, S42


PATENTED JUL 22 1975 3,895.642

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METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MIXENG GASES structures. When a venturi with a constant driving pres
sure functions against variable pulmonary resistance, a
This application is a continuation of application Ser. variable flow results. A venturi functioning as a recip
No. 316,849, filed Dec. 20, 1972, now abandoned, rocal flow pressure converter serves to enhance the dis
which is a division of application Ser. No. 54,934, filed tribution of inspired gases during mechanical ventila
July 15, 1970, now U.S. Pat. No. 3,727,627. tion of the lung.
Conventional means of delivering elevated oxygen
tensions in inspired gases with a venturi stabilized me
Mechanical respirators are used as pulmonary venti chanical ventilator include that of powering the respi
lators in the therapeutic management of cardio rator by oxygen in lieu of compressed air. Compressed
pulmonary or other physiological conditions of a pa air can be used as a primary motivating gas with supple
tient. These respirators are operated by a compressed mental oxygen added into the breathing circuit to ob
gas source, such as the 50 psi compressed oxygen tain higher tensions. Another method is to pre-mix oxy
source which is commonly plumbed in hospital rooms. gen and other respiratory gases and deliver the mixture
When plumbed oxygen is not available, commercial 15 through the venturi. The same gas must be supplied on
high-pressure oxygen cylinders are used to provide demand to satisfy venturi entrainment.
high-pressure oxygen storage, and reduction regulators Another existing method employs the mixing of oxy
are used to reduce this pressure to the 50 psi driving gen and air in a metering system which combines the
pressures of the respirators. gases in a controlled ratio of flows of each gas. The me
The advent of the routine use of oxygen-powered tering system of this method provides two adjustable
medical respirators has led to an increased incidence of orifices linked together by mechanical means so that
oxygen toxicity, and the need has been recognized for the orifice area for one gas is increased as the orifice
a practical and ethical method and apparatus for accu area for the other gas is decreased. The orifice areas
rate control of oxygen delivery to a patient for reducing are controlled by needle valves mounted on indepen
the danger of oxygen toxicity. 25 dent shafts and mechanically linked by a gear arrange
Physiologically, the average patient receiving pulmo ment to a percent oxygen control. The means used to
nary therapy does not require oxygen tensions or pres balance and control the pressures so that the pressure
sures above ambient 21 percent. There are, however, drop across the metering system is equal for both gases
a sufficient number of medical respirator patients with comprises the use of two separate flow controllers lo
diffusion and profusion alterations to warrant elevated 30 cated downstream from the metering system and func
oxygen tensions in the inspired respiratory gases. tioning from pressure references from the inlet and out
With the advent of a practical clinical means for the let gases to maintain the ratio of flows as selected by
rapid analysis of arterial oxygen tensions, the need for the metering system. The pressure drop across the me
a respirator delivering exact oxygen tensions is justi tering system is equalized by varying the pressures
35 downstream from the metering orifices with reference
fied. By looking at the arterial oxygen levels of a patient
being ventilated with a mechanical ventilator, the total to the inlet and outlet pressures. This method is not en
therapeutic efficiency can be determined. If the venti tirely satisfactory as a result of certain design limita
lator is maintaining a ventilatory level sufficient to tions and inherent sources of error in flow control. A
maintain the normal carbon dioxide tensions, arterial 40
regulator must be employed for the downstream pres
oxygen tensions can be theoretically adjusted to de sure, and an alarm system must be employed to indi
sired levels by increasing or decreasing oxygen tensions cate low outlet pressures inasmuch as the system may
until desired arterial titration is achieved. Accordingly, continue to operate if one of the gas supplies fails. If the
the need has been recognized for a method and appara differential in inlet gas pressure varies more than 5 psi,
tus effective to provide accurate oxygen tension adjust 45
an ever-increasing error develops. Further, constant
entS. ambient bleed of gas totaling approximately 9 liters/mi
Existing medical respirators commonly employ a nute must be maintained to obtain a 95 percent accu
venturi both as an oxygen-air dilution system and a racy, and accuracy drifts progressively when constant
pneumatic clutch functioning against pulmonary resist or intermittent flows below 15 liters/minute are de
ances. The dilutor venturi of these respirators allows manded.
mechanical selection of oxygen concentrations within Accordingly, the need has been recognized for a gas
the range of 40 to 100 percent, but these calibrations mixing method and apparatus providing a high degree
are not accurate when the variables associated with of flow and pressure control accuracy, which is smaller,
mechanical ventilation of the lung are considered. lighter, less expensive and more versatile than existing
Thus, a medical respirator rated at 40 percent dilution 55 designs, and which is capable of delivering controlled
may deliver oxygen tensions as high as 100 percent at oxygen ratios to patients by means of respirators, venti
the top of inspiration. The original 40 percent index is lators and free flow apparatus.
primarily increased by nebulizer flow and secondarily SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION AND OBJECTS
by progressive venturi entrainment breakdown as pres
sures distal from the lung rise. The mean oxygen con 60 This invention relates generally to methods and appa
centration would be somewhere between 40 percent ratus for mixing the flow from separate pressurized gas
and 100 percent, dependent upon driving pressures at sources for use in applications such as medical respira
the venturi jet, nebulizer flow, and pulmonary resist tors and the like.
a CCS. It is an object of the invention to provide a method
Medical respirators utilizing the venturi as a pneu 65 and apparatus for controlling the mixing of separate
matic clutch create nonlinear gross pulmonary resis pressurized gases.
tance during inspiration as a result of variables such as Another object is to provide a method and apparatus
elastic and non-elastic resistances within pulmonary for the differential mixing of gases in separate pressur
3 4
ized gas circuits for delivery into a flow path at pre pressure control 21, expiratory time for apnea control.
selected, accurately controlled ratios. 22, inspiratory pressure control 24, sensitivity pressure
Another object is to provide a method and apparatus control 26, gauge 27 measuring pressure in the breath
of the type described to provide an equal pressure drop ing chamber, and a compliance bag or test lung 28 con
in each of two separate pressurized gas circuits across 5 nected through bleeder tube 29 and connector adapter
differential mixing valve means controlling the ratio of 31 with the inlet gas flow into controller 12.
flows of the two gases for mixing into a delivery flow Gas mixing apparatus 10 is mounted above respirator
path. 11 and is provided with a pair of inlet fittings 32,33
Another object is to provide a method and apparatus adapted for connection with gas inlet tubing, not
for mixing oxygen with respirator, therapeutic, or anes- 10 shown, from separate gas circuits or pressurized gas
thetic gases with accurate and selectively adjustable sources which are to be mixed or blended. In the pre
pressures and flow rates for use in applications such as ferred embodiment oxygen pressurized at, for example,
a mechanical respirator for therapeutic management of 50 psi would be introduced into apparatus 10 through
physiological conditions. fitting 33 for blending with the desired therapeutic, an
The invention broadly provides a method and appa- 15 esthetic or respiratory gas, such as air, introduced
ratus for controlling the mixing of gases in separate under pressure through inlet fitting 32.
pressurized gas circuits in which pressure balance Apparatus 10 comprises a modular construction pro
means are employed as the first stage, or alternatively, viding a first pressure balance stage 34, a second pres
a pair of pressure balance means in series are em sure balance stage 36 downstream of the first stage, and
ployed, to provide a highly accurate pressure equaliza- 20 a differential gas mixing device 37 adapted to control
tion in the two circuits for delivery to a differential mix the ratio of flows of the two gases during mixing for de
ing valve arrangement adapted to selectively control livery through outlet fitting 38 into connector adaptor
the ratio of flows in the two circuits for mixing into a 31 of the respirator. The first and second pressure bal
delivery flow path. ance stages are connected in series to provide a highly
Additional objects and features of the invention will 25 accurate pressure balance between the two inlet gases
appear from the following description in which the pre so that the delivery pressures of both gases to differen
ferred embodiments of the invention have been set tial gas mixing device 37 are equal and the desired gas
forth in detail in conjunction with the drawings. mix is maintained as the pre-selected ratio of flows
across the differential mixing device remains constant.
30 While double pressure balance staging is illustrated as
FIG. 1 is an elevational view of a preferred embodi preferred for increased accuracy in pressure and flow
ment of the gas mixing apparatus of the invention rate control, it is understood that the invention contem
shown in use with a mechanical respirator, plates that a single pressure balance stage could be em
FIG. 2 is a top-plan view of the apparatus of FIG. 1; ployed.
FIG. 3 is a cross-section elevational view to an en- 3 Each of the pressure balance stages 34,36 are sub
larged scale taken along the line 3-3 of FIG. 1; stantially identical in construction and are shown as de
FIG. 4 is a cross-section elevational view taken along fined by pairs of flat blocks of a suitable material such
the line 4-4 FIG. 3; as a synthetic polymer. The blocks are bored and re
FIG. 5 is a cross-section elevational view taken along lieved to define the various cavities and gas passage
the line 5-5 of FIG. 3; and 40 ways. First pressure balance stage 34 is defined by a
FIG. 6 is a partially schematic view of the apparatus pair of abutting blocks 39,41 and second pressure bal
of the invention illustrating the operation thereof. ance stage 36 is defined by a pair of abutting blocks
42,43. The four blocks are secured together in the illus
trated assembled relationship by suitable means such as
bolts, not shown.
In the drawings, FIG. 1 illustrates generally at 10 an First pressure balance stage 34 comprises a pair of
apparatus for controlling the mixing of gases in accor frusto-conical flow control valve elements 44,46
dance with the method of the invention. Apparatus 10 mounted for conjoint movement on common valve
is shown in operating relationship for blending a mix 50
spool 47 which is axially positioned within bore 48. The
ture of gases such as oxygen and air for delivery to a valves 44,46 regulate the flow from respective cham
mechanical respirator indicated generally at 11. While bers 52,53 through tapered valve seats 49.51 communi
the preferred embodiment is illustrated in conjunction cating with bore 48. Chamber 52 is in communication
with a respirator ventilating a patient's lungs it is under with one gas circuit, e.g., the source of pressurized oxy
stood that the invention will find broad application in 55
gen, through passageway 54 leading to fitting 33 and
the controlled mixing of disparate gases from separate chamber 53 is in communciation with the other of the
pressurized sources for delivery to a common flow gas circuits, e.g., the source of pressurized air, through
path. passageway 56 leading to fitting 32.
The ventilating apparatus or respirator 11 may Pressure responsive valve operating means compris
broadly be of the type disclosed in the Bird et al U.S. 60 ing a flexible diaphragm 57 is provided to operate con
Pat. No. 3,331,368 issued July 18, 1967. Suffice it to trol valves 44,46. The two blocks 39,41 are relieved at
say here that a respirator of the type disclosed in the their interface to define a flat cylindrical cavity 58
Bird etal patent would in general comprise a controller communicating at its inner periphery with bore 48. Di
12 adapted to receive the mixture of gases under pres aphragm 57 comprises an inner rigid disk 59 secured to
sure through inlet 13. The controller is connected 65 valve spool 47 and bonded to a flexible annulus 61 of
through outlet tubes 14 and 16 with a suitable patient a suitable elastomer material mounted in fluid sealing
adapter 17 provided with a nebulizer 18. Controller 12 engagement at its outer periphery between blocks 39
includes an inspiratory flow rate control 19, negative and 41. Diaphragm 57 divides cavity 58 into two pres
S 6
sure chambers each communicating with the down tance when a respiratory or anesthetic gas other than
stream flow of gases from a respective valve 44,46. De air is being mixed with oxygen.
flection of the diaphragm responsive to an imbalance In an embodiment of the invention utilizing an oxy
in pressure in the two chambers of cavity 58 urges valve gen inlet pressure of 50 psi and an air inlet pressure of
spool 47 in an axial direction to open one of the control 70 psi, it has been found that the use of a single stage
valves while simultaneously closing the other valve. for pressure balancing results in an error of 25 cm H2O.
Whichever gas circuit is at a higher pressure will pro Greater accuracy in pressure balancing was obtained
duce a resultant force on the diaphragm for urging it in utilizing the illustrated two-stage system and with the
a direction tending to close the valve associated with same 20 psi inlet differential where the error was re
the high pressure side and to conjointly and recipro O duced to 4 cm H2O, or an accuracy of 99.6 percent.
cally open the other valve associated with the low pres The 4 cm H2O balancing error results in a t 2 percent
sure gas circuit a proportional amount. The reduced error in the percent of oxygen delivered.
gas flow into the high pressure side of the diaphragm The differential gas mixing device 37 comprises a
and the concomitant increased flow into the low pres housing 84 mounted below the pair of blocks 42,43 by
sure side reaches a null point at which the two gas pres 15 suitable bolts, not shown, and with the housing formed
sures downstream of their respective valves are bal with a pair of passages 86,87 communicating with re
anced. The pressure balanced gases next flow in series spective passages 82,83 from the outlets of second
to the second pressure balance stage 36 for further re pressure balance stage 36. Suitable sealing means such
finement in a balancing of the two pressures. The gas, as O-ring type seals 90 are mounted in grooves formed
such as oxygen, flowing past valve 44 enters passage in the interface between housing 84 and the underside
way 62, while the gas, such as air, flowing past valve 46 of blocks 42,43 for precluding gas escape from the pas
enters passageway 63. Sages.
Second pressure balance stage 36 is similar in con Differential gas mixing device 37 further comprises
struction and operation to that of first stage 34 and is a backlash-free metering valve for establishing a pre
defined by the two blocks 42,43 bored and relieved to 25 determined ratio of the flow rates for the two gases
provide a chamber 64 in communication with passage being mixed or blended. Housing 84 is formed with a
way 62 and a chamber 66 in communication with pas bore 88 receiving a valve spool 89. Valve spool 89 is
sageway 63. Chamber 66 is sealed from opposing formed with opposed frusto-conical valving ends 92,93
chamber 53 of the first stage by a suitable sealing disk having identical tapers and diameters and adapted to
67. Suitable gas sealing means, such as the O-ring type move in relation to respective orifices 94.95 formed
seals 68, are mounted in grooves provided at the block with identical diameters in bushings 96.97 threadably
interfaces around each of the passages 56,62,63 to pre received in bore 88. An operating shaft 98 mounted at
clude escape of the pressurized gases. one end of the valve spool is provided with external
Second stage 36 further includes a pair of frusto 35
threads 99 engaging internal threads formed in bushing
conical flow control valve elements 69,71 mounted for 96. A shaft 100 at the other end of the valve spool is
conjoint movement on common valve spool 72 which of identical diameter to that of shaft 98 and extends
is axially positioned within bore 73. Valve element 69 through orifice 95 for support on a bearing 101. The
moves relative to tapered valve seat 74 to control gas distal end of shaft 98 projects from the housing for at
flow from chamber 66 and valve element 71 moves rel
tachment by a set screw with an oxygen percent control
ative to tapered valve seat 76 to control gas flow from knob 101. Suitable compression spring means 102 is
chamber 64. The valve operating means for these provided between the inner cavity of knob 101 and a
valves comprises a flexible diaphragm 77 mounted retainer nut 103 on bushing 96 to urge the valve spool
within cavity 78. The diaphragm includes an inner rigid shaft outwardly in an axial direction to eliminate thread
disk 79 secured to valve spool 72 and bonded to a flexi 45 backlash. Suitable calibrations are provided on the
ble annulus 81 mounted in fluid sealing engagement at control knob for indicating the desired range of oxygen
its outer periphery between blocks 42,43 to divide cav mixing, which is from 21-100 percent in the illustrated
ity 78 into two chambers communicating the pressure embodiment. Manual angular adjustment of the control
of gases downstream from valves 69,71 to act against knob displaces valve spool 89 so that the flow areas of
the diaphragm. An imbalance in gas pressure on either 50
orifices 94.95 are reciprocally opened and closed by
side of the diaphragm produces a resultant force urging the translatory movement of tapered ends 92,93. The
the valve spool in a direction tending to close the valve gases moving past the two orifices enter the central seg
on the high pressure side while conjointly opening the ment of bore 88 serving as a central mixing chamber.
valve on the low pressure side until a null point is This mixing chamber delivers the mixed gas into bore
reached at which the downstream pressures of the two 55 104 and outlet fitting 38. Since the gas pressures deliv
gases are balanced. The gas flowing past valve 69 is di ered to the differential gas mixing device are balanced
rected through outlet passageway 82 while the gas to a high degree of accuracy, and since the pressures
flowing past valve 71 is directed through outlet pas downstream of the orifices are equal in the mixing
sageway or delivery flowpath 83, and these two pas chamber, the pressure drop across the orifices will be
sageways in turn communicate with differential gas 60 equal for both gases. As a result, the preselected ratio
mixing device 37. of gas flows for mixing will be maintained at a constant
In the pressure balancing system of the invention value regardless of differences in inlet pressures and
final delivery pressure is always that of the inlet value flow rates. The invention thus will provide automatic
of the lowest pressure gas. For example, if the oxygen compensation for any changes in inlet pressures.
inlet pressure is 50 psi and the air inlet 80 psi, final de 65 In the diagram of FIG. 6 the use and operation of the
livery pressure would be 50 psi. An important feature invention is illustrated in schematic form. The gas flow
is that if either gas source fails, the other gas flow is au paths from inlet passageways 54,56 of the two gas cir
tomatically shut down. This is of paramount impor cuits, e.g. oxygen and air, are illustrated in flowing from
7 8
first pressure balance stage 34 into second pressure bal material, steps, and arrangement of parts, which have
ance stage 36 for delivery at a precise pressure balance been described and illustrated in order to explain the
to differential gas mixing device 37. Gas mixing device nature of the invention, may be made by those skilled
37 is illustrated in modified form with valve element in the art within the principal and scope of the inven
106 sliding within bore 107 on a gas seal 108. Gas is tion as expressed in the appended claims.
metered outwardly through tapered valve ends 109,111 We claim:
into orifices 112,113 for delivery through branch pas 1. A method for mixing gases from separate pressur
sageways 114,116 connecting with outlet bore 117 ized gas circuits in a gas mixing device having a differ
serving as the mixing chamber. ential gas mixing valve, the gas mixing valve having a
Various functions of the apparatus may be modified 10 pair of orifices opening through a mixing chamber,
as required by certain design considerations. In the comprising the steps of controlling the gas flow in each
pressure balance stages the maximum gas flow is deter circuit at a respective flow control location, sensing the
mined by the size of the openings for the control valves gas pressure in each circuit at a respective zone down
44,46 and 69,71. The higher the balancing gas pres stream of each control location, each zone being in a
sures, then the smaller the diaphragm and valve area 15 path which leads without branching from said control
for a given flow and area of accuracy. Also, the lower location to said gas mixing valve, detecting an imbal
the durometric values designed for the flexible annulus ance between the downstream pressures at said zones
of the diaphragms, then the greater the response to of the two circuits, increasing the gas flow rate through
flow and pressure variations with a concomitant in the control location having a lower downstream gas
crease in accuracy for a given diaphragmatic area. 20 pressure while simultaneously decreasing the gas flow
The modular design of differential gas mixing device rate through the control location having the higher
37 provides flexibility for interchanging differential gas downstream gas pressure, directing the downstream
mixing devices of varied valve geometry with the pres gases in each circuit across a second flow control loca
sure balance stages. The flow limits are controlled by tion in each of said circuits, sensing the gas pressure in
the geometry of valving element 89 in the differential 25
each circuit at a second respective zone downstream of
gas mixer. Thus, one turn calibration for a given scale said second control location, each second zone being
is controlled by reducing the distance between the ori in a path which leads without branching from said sec
fices to contract the calibrated scale, and by increasing
this distance to expand the scale. Also, linearization of ond control location to said gas mixing valve, detecting
the calibrated mixing knob 101 can be obtained with 30 an imbalance between the pressures downstream of
two gases of different viscosity and density by suitable said second control location, increasing the gas flow
design of the geometry of valving element 89. Thus, the rate through the second control location having a lower
valve element diameter in the orifice would be in downstream gas pressure while simultaneously decreas
creased to flow a gas of lesser density, and decreased ing the gas flow rate through the second control loca
to flow a gas of higher density. Increments of calibra 35 tion having a higher downstream gas pressure to bring
tion can also be expanded or contracted by changing said last mentioned pressures into balance, directing
thread pitch for valve operating shaft 98. A fine thread the gas flows from the second zones downstream of the
pitch provides slow travel to spread the calibrated scale second control locations in respective paths leading
and a coarse thread pitch provides faster travel to con across said orifices into the mixing chamber in said dif
tract the scale. The radius of control knob 101 can also 40 ferential mixing valve, and reciprocally varying the
be increased to expand a calibrated scale. The flow areas of respective orifices to selectively vary the
interchangability of mixing devices 37 having varied ratio of gas flow rates from the separate circuits which
design features allows a common pressure balance are mixed in the mixing chamber.
mechanism to deliver a number of respiratory and an 2. A method as in claim 1 in which said orifices are.
esthetic gases to selected mixing devices calibrated to 45 disposed at opposite ends of said mixing chamber and
mix specific gases. a flow control member is disposed within said mixing
It is apparent from the foregoing that we have pro chamber, and the method includes the step of moving
vided a new and improved method and apparatus for said flow control member axially between said orifices
mixing gases which has many advantageous features. It to reciprocally vary said flow areas.
will be understood that various changes in the details, 50 ck ck ck ck ck




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