Classical Poetry Solved
Classical Poetry Solved
Classical Poetry Solved
Classical Poetry II
Solved Past Papers (Short Questions)
Papers included
2018 – 2019 – 2019 b – 2020 – 2020 b – 2021
Classical Poetry 2 solved past papers
Ans. John Donne’s “Go and catch a falling star,” is a fantastical take on a
traditional and misogynistic theme: women’s supposedly inevitable infidelity.
In other words, it seems to endorse belief that all women (or all beautiful women,
anyway) are unfaithful and shouldn’t be trusted.
14) What is role of Sun and why does the speaker has problem with that
Ans. The problem that the poet has with the sun is that it is shining in and
disturbing him and his lover in bed. The sun should go away and do perform it’s
other roles like waking up ants, rushing late schoolboys to start day, telling the
king’s hunting party that the king is about to ride out on a hunt, and urging lowly
farm workers to start their harvesting duties.
suffered for his love for humanity and true contentment can be learned only
learned by following Christ and his teachings.
16) What idea do you get from poem HIDDEN FLAME? (2021, 2019)
Ans. Unconfessed love is the idea we get from the poem HIDDEN FLAME. The
poet talks in a woman’s perspective who is in extreme pains of hiding her love
from the person she loves. She refers to her feelings as pleasing pain.
3) What is Spleen?
Ans. In Pope’s time, spleen was a fairly general term for various forms of bodily
disfunction, all of which were believed to be primarily female characteristics. It
was thought that the spleen sent up vapors to the brain which would result in
migraines, hysteria, fainting and melancholy. Pope’s fantastical Cave of Spleen
is thus a kind of hell of female bodily disfunction.
4) Explain the given line below with the name of the poet, (2020,2019,2018)
Must to thy motions lovers seasons run?
Ans. This is line 4 of John Donne’s poem “The Sunne Rising”.
In this poem, Donne apostrophizes the sun because he creates disturbance
in poets room when he is with his beloved. In this line, poet asks a question that
why must lovers be controlled by the sun? Love does not obey the hours and days.
It knows no season or situation.
passions and anguish of love when a lover hides their feelings from those they
12) Explain the following with the name of the poem, (2020, 2019, 2018)
I feed a flame which so torments me
That it both pains my heart yet contents me
Ans. These verses are the opening lines of the poem “ Hidden Flame” written by
John Dryden. This poem is written from a female’s perspective who states
anguish of unconfessed love. In these lines, she states that the painful feelings of
hiding her love hurt her heart but still she is satisfied. It means that it is a painful
pleasure to hide love’s fire.
13) What are “Spring Tides” according to John Dryden? (2020, 2018)
Ans. The words “spring tides” are used in Dryden’s poem “Ah How Sweet It is
to love”. Spring tides are used as a symbol for youthful love. Love is fascinating
and on its peak when we are young but this time is as short as the duration of
spring tides because they decay in no time.
14) Why does Cowper Dryden call “Young Desire” gay? (2020, 2018)
Ans. In the second line of poem “Ah, How Sweet It Is To Love,” Dryden calls
young desire gay because he believes that desire is endowed with special sort of
pleasure when it is felt by the young. Love is fascinating and is on its peak when
we are young.
Ans. The description of time and river is given in William Cowper’s poem “A
Comparison.” In this poem, he compares time and river and says that both of them
are irrevocable. Once the time passes, it can never come back just like the flow
of river.
Ans. Classicism refers to the following of ancient Greek or Roman principles and
style in art and literature, generally associated with harmony, restraint, and
adherence to recognized standards of form and craftsmanship, especially from the
Renaissance to the 18th century.
6) Define monologue.
Ans. Monologue is a literary device featuring a “speech” made by a single
character in a work of literature or dramatic work.
To say that the poem is a monologue means that these are the words of one
solitary speaker with no dialogue coming from any other characters.
7) Define the term “mock epic”. (2021, 2020, 2020 b, 2019, 2019 b, 2018)
Ans. Mock-epic or mock-heroic works are typically satires or parodies that mock
common Classical stereotypes of heroes and heroic literature. They adapt the
elevated heroic style of the classical epic poem to a trivial subject.
The ancient Mock-epic The Battle of the Frog and Mice, a parody of
Homer’s Iliad, Mack Flecknoe by John Dryden, and Alexander Pope’s Dunciad
and The Rape of the Lock, are the finest examples of the Mock-epic.
8) Define “wit”.
Ans. Wit has originated from an old English term wit, which means “to know.”
It is a clever expression of thought; whether harmless or aggressive, with or
without any disparaging intent toward something or someone. Wit has
paradoxical and mocking quality, and evokes laughter through apt phrasing.
9) Who is Ariel and what is his role in “The Rape of the Lock”? (2020 b,
Ans. Ariel is a sylph, an airy spirit. He is Belinda’s guardian sylph and his role is
to protect her beauty and chastity.
15) What is the main theme of Dryden’s poem: “Ah, How Sweet it is to
Love”? (2020 b, 2019 b)
Ans. The theme of this poem is straight away connected to the title. The word
“sweet” is used to describe love. The poet calls it a “friend” as well. The words
“Love” and “Time” are personified in this poem. John Dryden also says that even
though love is painful, the pain is sweet. Love is sweet enough to be worth the
pain it brings.
why must lovers be controlled by the sun? Love does not obey the hours and days.
It knows no season or situation.
14) Explain with the name of poet and the poem, (2020, 2019)
To keep the lamp alive,
With oil we fill the bowl
Ans. These verses are opening lines of William Cowper’s poem “Dependence”.
In this poem, the poet discusses the relation between god and man. He says that
just as we fill a bowl with oil to keep the fire alive, we need to keep faith in god.
We should show our devotions to him because we are completely dependent on
15) What is the central idea of the poem Hidden Flame? (2021, 2019)
Ans. Unconfessed love is the central idea of the poem HIDDEN FLAME. The
poet talks in a woman’s perspective who is in extreme pains of hiding her love
from the person she loves. She refers to her feelings aa pleasing pain.
6) Why does the poet call the Sun “busy, old, and unruly”?
Ans. In “ The Sun Rising”, John Donne calls the sun busy, old and unruly because
the sun is peeking through the curtains of the window of their bedroom, signaling
the morning and the end of their time together. The speaker is annoyed, wishing
that the day has not yet come.
honest and faithful assertion that that day belonged fully to him. happiness
belongs to anyone who has taken control of his life in the present.
15) To which thing the poet compares his tears in the poem “Hidden
Flame”? (2019 b, 2018)
Ans. In the poem Hidden Flame, John Dryden uses a simile for tears. He says that
tears fall silently on heart as “dew on roses”. Dew drops are symbol which is used
for tear.
16) What is the central idea of the poem “Ah! How sweet”? (2020b, 2019b)
Ans. The theme is straight away connected through the title. The word “sweet”
is used to describe love. He calls it a “friend” as well. The words “Love” and
“Time” are personified in this poem. John Dryden also says that even though
love is painful, the pain is sweet. Love is sweet enough to be worth the pain it
10) Which symbol is used by Dryden for “Tear” in the poem Hidden
Flame? (2019 b, 2018)
Ans. In the poem Hidden Flame, John Dryden uses a simile for tears. He says that
tears fall silently on heart as “dew on roses”. Dew drops are symbol which is used
for tear.
12) Explain the following with the name of the poem, (2020, 2019, 2018)
I feed a flame which so torments me
That it both pains my heart yet contents me
Ans. These verses are the opening lines of the poem “ Hidden Flame” written by
John Dryden. This poem is written from a female’s perspective who states
anguish of unconfessed love. In these lines, she states that the painful feelings of
hiding her love hurt her heart but still she is satisfied. It means that it is a painful
pleasure to hide love’s fire.
13) What are “Spring Tides” according to John Dryden? (2020, 2018)
Ans. The words “spring tides” are used in Dryden’s poem “Ah How Sweet It is
to love”. Spring tides are used as a symbol for youthful love. Love is fascinating
and on its peak when we are young but this time is as short as the duration of
spring tides because they decay in no time.
14) Why does Cowper Dryden call “Young Desire” gay? (2020, 2018)
Ans. In the second line of poem “Ah, How Sweet It Is To Love,” Dryden calls
young desire gay because he believes that desire is endowed with special sort of
pleasure when it is felt by the young. Love is fascinating and is on its peak when
we are young.
16) Explain,
Neglected leaves a dreary behind
Ans. This verse is the last line of the poem “ A Comparison” by William Cowper.
This line implies that the time that we have in hand must be used to enrich or
enhance the quality of nobler mind (mind of high morals). Else, if time is not
made use of, it would go wasted and they would never ever get a chance to
improve themselves.
Note: If you have any other past paper that is not solved here, kindly email it to
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