11.In-Flight Hebrew

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The words in this insert use the Roman (English) alphabet to repre-
sent Hebrew sounds. The guide below will give you a general idea of
Hebrew pronunciation.
a a as in father b’vakasha

e e as in met Tel Avív

eh e as in met; used kafeh

when e sound occurs
at the end of a word

ay ie as in pie layla tov

i i as in sit miday

í ee as in bee Tel Avív

o o as in open toda

u u as in flute ishun

’ uh as in abound v’shíva
kh gutteral ch as in German slíkha
ach, gargled at the back
of the throat

r r rolled at the back of rotzah

the throat

tz ts as in cats rotzah
Most words are accented on the last syllable, although some words
have the accent on the next to the last.
A note on male/female verbs: You will notice that Hebrew verbs
change endings according to the gender of the subject. Verb endings
also change according to the gender of the person being addressed in
a sentence. Throughout this program, when there is a difference in
gender, you will see the male version first, followed by the female.
The first few are marked with (m) and (f) to help you get started.
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Bokhím a Bokhím! Welcome to Living Language In-Flight

Hebrew. This short and simple program is designed to give you
just enough of the basics that you’ll need to get by in Hebrew.
Just listen to the native speakers of Hebrew and repeat in the
pauses. Let’s get started.

Lesson 1: Saying Hello

Shalom! Ma shimkha (m)/
Hello! Ma shmekh (f)?
What’s your name?
Bohker tohv!
Good morning! Shmí adon Kohen.
My name is Mr. Kohen.
Yom tov!
Good day! Shmí gveret Kohen.
My name is Mrs. Kohen.
Erev tov!
Good evening! Naím l’hakír otkha (m)/
otakh (f).
Ma shlomekh (f)/ It’s nice to meet you.
Ma shlomkha (m)?
How are you? Shalom.
Fine. Lehítraot.
See you later.
Tov m’od.
Very well. Lehítraot bekarov.
See you soon.
Kakha kakha.
So so. Layla tov.
Good night.

Lesson 2: Basic Expressions

Toda. B’vakasha. Please.
Thank you.
Ken. Yes.
Toda raba.
Thank you very much. Lo. No.

En b’ad ma. Slíkha.

You’re welcome. Excuse me.
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Tislakh lí. Ata medaber anglít?

Pardon me. Do you speak English?

Aní mitztaer/ Aní lo medaber/medaberet

mitztaeret.* ívrít kol kakh tov.
I’m sorry. I don’t speak Hebrew very well.

Aní lo mevin/mevína. Daber l’at b’vakasha.

I don’t understand. Speak slowly, please.

Aní lo medaber/medaberet Od haraam b’vakasha.

ívrít. Repeat, please.
I don’t speak Hebrew.

Lesson 3: Numbers
effes 0 esrím v’arba’a/v’arba 24
ekhad/akhat* 1 esrím v’khamesh/v’khamísha 25
shnayím/shtaym 2 esrím v’shísha/v’shesh 26
shalosha/shalosh 3 esrím v’shíva/v’sheva 27
arba’a/arba 4 esrím v’shmona/v’shmoneh 28
khamísha/khamesh 5 esrím v’tísha/v’tesha 29
shísha/shesh 6 shloshim 30
sheva/shíva 7 arbaim 40
shmona/shmoneh 8 khamishim 50
tísha/tesha 9 shíshím 60
asara/eser 10 shívím 70
ekhad asar/akhadesreh 11 shmoním 80
shnaym asar/shtem esreh 12 tíshím 90
shlosha asar/shlosh esreh 13 mea 100
arba’a asar/arba esreh 14 mea v’ekhad/v’akhat 101
khamísha asar/khamesh esreh15 mea v’shnayím/v’shtaym 102
shísha asar/shesh esreh 16 mea v’shlosha/v’shalosh 103
shíva asar/sh’va esreh 17 matayím 200
shmona asar/shmoneh esreh 18 shlosh me-ot 300
tísha asar/tesha esreh 19 arba me-ot 400
esrim 20 khamesh me-ot 500
esrím v’ekhad/v’akhat 21 elef 1,000
esrím v’shnaym/v’shtaym 22 mílyon 1,000,000
esrím v’shosha/v’shalosh 23

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Lesson 4: At the Airport

Efo? Efo hakníssot?
Where? Where are the arrivals?

Efo hamekhes? Efo shaar meah shloshím

Where is customs? v’shtayím?
Where is gate 132?
Efo bíkoret hadarkoním?
Where is passport control. Efo dukhan hamodí’ín?
Where is information?
Yesh l’kha mashehu l’hatzhír?
Do you have anything to
Aní m’vakesh/m’vakeshet...
I would like...
En lí ma l’hatzhír.
Aní m’vakesh/m’vakeshet
I have nothing to declare.
moshav khalon.
Yesh lí mashehu l’hatzhír. I would like a window seat.
I have something to declare.
Aní m’vakesh/m’vakeshet
Efo tvíat hamízvadot? moshav ma’avar.
Where is the baggage claim I would like an aisle seat.
Hineh kartís knísa shelkha.
Efo yetzíot habenl’umíot? Here is your boarding pass.
Where are the international
N’sía tova!
Have a good trip!

Lesson 5: Getting Around

Efo hamonyot? Kakh otí l’ktovet hazoht
Where are the taxis? b’vakasha.
Take me to this address, please.
Efo habus?
Where is the bus? Ma m’hkhír?
What is the fare?
Efo harakevet?
Where is the subway (train)? Atzor poh b’vakasha.
Stop here, please.
Efo hayetzíah?
Where is the exit?
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Haim habus hazeh nosea Mapat haír b’vakasha.

lírkhov Ben Gurion? A map of the city, please.
Does this bus go to Ben Gurion
Street? Mapat harakevet b’vakasha.
A train map, please.

Lesson 6: Asking Directions

Slíkha efo…? Yemín hashení.
Excuse me, where is...? The second right.

Lekh… Go... Haím zeh karov?

Is it near?
Lekh yashar.
Go straight ahead. Haím zeh rakhok?
Is it far?
Lekh lakhívon hazer.
Go that way. Etzel…
Next to...
Lekh akhora.
Go back. rahmzor
the traffic light
Sohv... Turn...
Sohv yemína. the street
Turn right.
Sohv smohla. the intersection
Turn left.
Sohv b’magal. the park
Turn around.
takhanat habus
B’sof harkhov. the bus stop
At the end of the street.
takhanat harakevet
B’apína. the subway station
On the corner.
Smol haríshon. the hotel
The first left.
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Lesson 7: At the Hotel

Aní rotzeh/rotzah Yesh l’kha kheder akher?
l’hírahshem. Do you have another room?
I’d like to check in.
Im sheyrut prahtí?
Aní m’vakesh/m’vakeshet With a private bathroom?
I’d like a room. Im sheka lamakhshev?
With a dataport?
L’ben ahdam ekhad.
For one person. Yesh kheder yoter shakeht?
Is there a quieter room?
L’shnei bnei ahdam.
For two people. Yesh kheder yoter gahdol?
Is there a larger room?
Yesh lí makohm shamur.
I have a reservation. Yesh kheder hitahmlut?
Is there an exercise room?
L’kahma leyloht?
For how many nights? Haím yesh breykhat skhíya?
Is there a pool?
L’laylah ekhad.
For one night. Efo kheder hav’ídoht?
Where is the conference room?
L’shney leyloht.
For two nights. Efo hamkhonat fax?
Where is the fax machine?
L’shahvuah ekhad.
For one week. Efo hashoeyr?
Where is the concierge?
Hínay hamahfteyakh
shelkha. Aní rotzeh/rotzah l’sahder et
Here is your key. hayetzíah.
I’d like to check out.
Hínay hakartis mahfteyakh
Here is your keycard.
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Lesson 8: Making Friends

Shalom! Ma Aní ahl n’siaht asahkím.
shmekh/shímkha? I’m here on a business trip.
Hello, what’s your name?
Aní noseyah im mishpahkhtí.
Aní yakhol lashevet poh? I’m traveling with my family.
May I sit here?
Anahkhnu tahyahrím.
Efo ata gahr? We are tourists.
Where do you live?
Ata ohev/At ohevet lahlekhet
Aní gahr b’Tel Avív. l’srahtím?
I live in Tel Aviv. Do you like to go to the
Zeh khavehrí.
This is my friend. Ata ohev/At oheved lirkod?
Do you like to dance?
Zoht khavehrí.
This is my boyfriend. Nelekh!
Let’s go!
Zoht khavrahshelí.
This is my girlfriend. Haím aní yakhol lifgosh et
Zoht ishtí. Can I meet your friend?
This is my wife.
Ma míspar telefon shelkha?
Zeh ba’alí. What is your telephone
This is my husband. number?

Hamdína shelkha m’od yafa. Tvahker ohtí b’vakasha.

Your country is beautiful. Please visit me.

Haím hayita b’eartzot Mey odna heyneti.

habrít? I had a wonderful time.
Have you been to the U.S.?

Aní m’od ohev et haokhel poh.

I like the food here very much.
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Lesson 9: At the Restaurant

Efo yesh mísahdah tova? Kafe im khalav.
Where is a good restaurant? Coffee with milk.

Shulkhan lishnahyím bíra

b’vakasha. beer
A table for two, please.
Yesh l’kha mana tzímkhonít?
Ishun o lo ishun? Do you have a vegetarian dish?
Smoking or non-smoking?
Ze hakol.
Tafrít b’vakasha. That’s all.
The menu, please.
Hakheshbon b’vakasha.
Rshímat yayín b’vakasha. The check, please.
The wine list, please.
Hatesher kalul?
mana ríshona Is the tip included?
arukhat boker
mana íkarít breakfast
main course
arukhat tsoharayim
mana akhrohna lunch
arukhat erev
Aní rotzeh/rotzah mashehu dinner
I would like something to B’teyavon!
drink. Enjoy the meal!

Kos mayím b’vakasha. Laybríut!

A glass of water, please. To your health!

Kos te b’vakasha. Ze taím!

A cup of tea, please. This is delicious!
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tzalakhat salat
plate salad

mazleg lekhem
fork bread

sakín khem’ah
knife butter

kapít ítríyot
spoon noodles

mazleg síní orez

chopsticks rice

mapít gvína
napkin cheese

sefel y’rakot
cup vegetables

kos b’sar off

glass chicken

bakbuk yayín khazír

bottle of wine pork

kubíyot kerakh basar bakar

ice cubes beef

melakh Aní ohev et hasteak shelí lo

salt m’vushal.
I like my steak rare.
pepper Aní ohev et hasteak
m’vushal beynohní.
sukkar I like my steak medium.
Aní ohev et hasteak shelí
marak m’vushal hetev.
soup I like my steak well done.
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mítz Taavír lí b’vakasha et ha…

juice Please pass the...

pashte’eda metubal
pie spicy

glída matohk
ice cream sweet

Od ekhad b’vakasha. khamutz

Another, please. sour

Od b’vakasha.
More, please.

Lesson 10: Telling Time

Ma hasha’ah? Akhshav shalosh dakot
What time is it? akhrah sheva.
It’s 7:03.
noon Haseret matkhíl b’tesha
khatzoht laylah The movie starts at 9:30.
Harakevet ohzevet shva esrey
Akhshav hashaah achat. dakot akhrey akhad asar.
It’s 1:00. The train leaves at 11:17.

Akhshav shtaím. bohker

It’s 2:00. morning

Akhshav shalosh vakhetzí. akhrey tzohrayím

It’s 3:30. afternoon

Akhshav arba. erev

It’s 4:00. evening

Akhshav reva l’shesh. laylah

It’s 5:45. night
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hayohm akhshav
today now

makhar yoter m’ukhar

tomorrow later

etmol míyad
yesterday right away

Lesson 11: Money

kesef Aní rotzeh l’hakhlíf ktzat
money kesef.
I’d like to change some money.
Unit of currency:
shekel Ma shaar hakhalífín?
What is the exchange rate?
The bank Aní rotzeh et zeh b’shtaroht
Efo habank? I would like that in small bills.
Where is the bank?
Ma hakomisyon?
What is the commission?

Lesson 12: Shopping

Kama zeh oleh? Ma ata m’vakesh?
How much does that cost? What would you like?

Ktov et zeh b’vakasha. Aní yakhol laazor lekha?

Write that, please. Can I help you?

B’eyzeh shaah hakhanut Aní rotzeh et zeh.

níftahat? I would like this.
At what time does the store open?
Aní rotzeh/rotzah solelot.
B’eyzeh shaah hakhanut I would like batteries.
At what time does the store Aní rotzeh/rotzah fílm.
close? I would like a roll of film.
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Aní rotzeh/rotzah mapat haír. Bigdey g’vahrím

I would like a map of the city. men’s clothes

Híney hí. Mikhnsayím, khultzah,

Here it is. anívah
pants, shirts, tie
Zeh hakohl?
Is that all? Nalayím v’garbayím
shoes and socks
Aní rotzeh/rotzah l’shalem
b’mzumaním. jeans
I’d like to pay in cash. jeans

Aní rotzeh/rotzah l’shalem khanut s’farím

b’kartis ashray. bookstore
I’d like to pay by credit card.
Efshar lehazmín et zeh online? bakery
Can I order this on-line?
khanut kolbo supermarket
department store
bigdey nahshím butcher shop
women’s clothes
khultzah, khatzayít, sim- market
blouse, skirt, dress

Lesson 13: Staying in Touch

telefon Aní yakhol l’híshtamesh
telephone b’telefon shelkha?
May I use your (cell) phone?
Aní khayav laasot telefon.
I have to make a phone call. Ehzeh mispar b’vakasha?
What number please?
Yesh po telefon tzíburí?
Is there a public phone here? Hakav tafus.
The line is busy.
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fax Efo hadohar?

fax Where is the post office?

Aní tzrikha lishlohakh fax. Aní rotzeh/rotzah kama bulím

I need to send a fax. b’vakasha.
I’d like some stamps, please.
Yesh fax bíshvílí?
Is the there a fax for me? l’mikhtahv
for a letter
dohar elektroní
e-mail l’gluya
for a postcard
Efo hamakhshev?
Where is the computer? Kama dmey dohar?
How much is the postage?
Aní tzrikha lishlohakh dohar
elektroní. l’artzoht habrít
I need to send an e-mail. to the United States

Aní yakhol l’aaloht al hain- dohar ahvír

ternet? airmail
Can I get on the Internet?
haavaraht bin laylah
Yesh l’kha atar internet? overnight delivery
Do you have a Web site?

Lesson 14: At the Train Station

Aní rotzeh/rotzah kartis Makhlaka ríshona oh
b’vakasha. makhlaka shníya?
I would like a ticket please. First class or second class?

L’Tel Avív. Efshar l’kabel luakh z’mah-

To Tel Aviv. nim?
May I have a schedule?
derekh akhat
one way Ezeh platforma?
Which platform?
halokh v’khazohr
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Matay harakevet ohzehvet? Yesh karon ohkhel?

When does the train leave? Is there a dining car?

Matay harakevet m’gíah? Yesh karon sheynah?

When does the train arrive? Is there a sleeping car?

Harakevet b’zman?
Is the train on time?

Lesson 15: Getting Help

Ata yakhol laazor lí? Aní lo yodaat efo baalí.
Can you help me? I don’t know where my
husband is.
N’evdu lí hamízvadot.
I’ve lost my baggage. Aní lo yodeah/yodaat efo
hayeled shehlí.
Ibadetí et haarnak shelí. I don’t know where my child is.
I’ve lost my wallet.
N’ebahd lí hadarkohn. I’m hurt.
I’ve lost my passport.
Aní zakuk l’rofeh.
Íkhartí larakavet shelí. I need a doctor.
I’ve missed my train.
Tzaltzel l’ambulance.
Aní ahvud/ahvuda. Call an ambulance.
I’m lost.
Aní ellergí l’penicillín.
Hatsílu! I’m allergic to penicillin.
Yesh lí skharkhoret.
Míshtara! I’m dizzy.
Aní margísh b’khílah.
Níshdadetí. I feel nauseous.
I’ve been robbed.
Hazroa shelí koevet/koev.
Aní lo yodeah efo íshtí. My arm hurts.
I don’t know where my wife is.
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Haregel shelí koevet/koev. Roshí koevet/koev.

My leg hurts. My head hurts.

Lesson 16: Days and Months

yom shení yuní
Monday June

yom shlíshí yulí

Tuesday July

yom r’víí owgust

Wednesday August

yom khamíshí september

Thursday September

yom shíshí october

Friday October

yom shabbat november

Saturday November

yom ríshon detzember

Sunday December

yanuar yom hashení hazeh

January this Monday

februar shavua shehahvar

February last week

mertz khodesh haba

March next month

apríl B’esrím l’mertz.

April On March 20th.

may Ma hataríkh hayom?

May What is the date today?
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Hayom esrím v’khamesh

It’s April 25th.

Lesson 17: Going Out

Ata yakhol l’hamlítz al Ma hem atare hatayahríyot?
mísada? What are tourist attractions?
Can you recommend a
restaurant? Efo aní yakhol lískhot?
Where can I go for a swim?
Ata yakhol l’hamlítz al bet
kafe? Efo aní yakhol linsoa al
Can you recommend a café? ofanaim?
Where can I go to bike?
Yesh teatron karov?
Is there a movie theatre Efo aní yakhol laasot ritza
nearby? kahla?
Where can I go to jog?
Yesh muzehon karov?
Is there a museum nearby? Efo aní yakhol lalekhet
Yesh bahr tov karov? Where can I go to dance?
Is there a good bar nearby?

Lesson 18: Asking Questions

and Describing Things
Efo? Mí zeh?
Where? Who is that?

Efo hayítzía? Matay?

Where is the exit? When?

Ma? Matay hatisa megiya?

What? When does the flight arrive?

Ma doar elektroní shehlkha? Eykh?

What is your e-mail address? How?

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Eykh aní m’khayeg l’artzot karov / rakhok

habrít? near / far
How do I dial the U.S.?
Kama? red
How much?
Kama ze oleh? blue
How much does this cost?
gadol / katan yellow
big / small
tov / ra green
good / bad
yafeh / m’khoar orange
beautiful / ugly
kham / kar purple
hot / cold
gavoah / nahmukh black
tall / short
shamen / razeh white
fat / thin
yashan / khadash brown
old / new
zaken / tzaír That’s great!
old / young
Zeh nora!
sahmehakh / ahtzuv That’s terrible!
happy / sad
mahhehr / l’aht
fast / slow Aní lo yodea.
I don’t know.
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Zeh hashuv. Taaseh khayím!

It’s important. Have fun!

Tízahhehr! B’hatzlakha!
Be careful! Good luck!

That brings us to the end of Living Language In-Flight Hebrew. If

you master just the words and expressions you’ve heard in this short
survival course, you’ll be able to get by in Hebrew. Of course, you
may decide that you had a great time learning just a little bit, and
now you’d like to learn more. If that’s the case, Living Language
offers great complete courses in a variety of languages, too. For now,
though, we wish you the best of luck using all the Hebrew that you’ve
learned with us so far.

© Copyright 2001 Living Language, a Random House Company

ISBN-10: 0-609-81069-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-609-81069-9
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