Uniparental Disomy
Uniparental Disomy
Uniparental Disomy
Uniparental disomy (UPD) is the presence of a chromosome pair derived only from one parent present in a disomic cell line. UPD can occur as a random event during the formation of egg or sperm cells or may happen in early fetal development. It can also occur during trisomic rescue.
The concept of UPD was introduced in 1980 into medical genetics by Eric Engel. In 1987 the first case of UPD proven by molecular methods was described. In theory there are 48 possible uniparental chromosomal pairs, plus 2 whole genomic variants of UPD which could exist. Up to present no maternal UPD was reported for chromosome 19 (and Y), and no paternal UPD for chromosomes 4, 17, 18 and 19.
Chromosomal contribution to UPD. Maternal (matUPD) and paternal (patUPD) are presented in different colors. Abbreviations: # = number; chr. = chromosome.
hUPD and iUPD can cause disease if affecting a gene underlying genomic imprinting. iUPD can further and independent of imprinting, result in functional reduction to hemizygosity and thus can cause a recessive disease to occur in the offspring of one carrier patient. Meiotic and mitotic origin of the UPD has been shown to be assorted in different imprinting disorders. Meiotic origin is e.g. suggested in 58% of matUPD(7)-, in 89% of matUPD(15)- and in 16% in patUPD(15)- cases.
As "imprinting disorders" are nowadays regarded and registered in the database Online Mendelian Inheritance of Man (OMIM): patUPD(6): transient neonatal diabetes (TND; OMIM #601410), matUPD(7): Silver Russel syndrome (SRS; OMIM
matUPD(15): Prader Willi syndrome (PWS; OMIM #176270), patUPD(15): Angelman syndrome (AS; OMIM #105830).
Frequency of UPD
frequency of UPD in newborn is considered to be about 1 in 3,500 which equals a rate of 0.029%. the rate of UPD in human population might be 1 in 5,000 or less. UPD also can be present the patients with small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC), is only 0.044% in newborn. At present almost 4,000 sSMC cases and only ~1,100 UPD cases are reported in the literature.
Frequency of UPD
In SRS about 5% of the cases show a matUPD. For AS a UPD rate of 7% . For PWS of 25% is given. BWS has segmental UPD(11p) in 20% of the cases. In TND a patUPD(6) is reported in 40% of the patients. > 95% of TS cases show matUPD(14) For patUPD(14) syndrome no cases without UPD are reported yet.
Detection of UPD
UPD can be detected based on cytogenetic data and chromosomal heteromorphisms or rearrangements, microsatellite analysis, methylation test or SNP-bases array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Also molecular cytogenetics taking advantage of the so called copy number variations (CNV) within the human genome can be used to characterize UPD. Interestingly, UPD is in at least 30% of the case observed together with a chromosomal aberration . Thus, (molecular) cytogenetics is essential when concentrating on this putatively exclusive molecular genetic topic.
> 3,900 entries with sSMC; ~3,300 of those are reported not in connection with a Turner syndrome. at least 1.3% of those sSMC cases present with a UPD.
Segmental UPD-cases
Overall, 11% of all known UPD cases are of the segmental type. At present there are 122 reports on segmental UPD. ~65% of segmental UPD cases are provided by Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and segmental paternal UPD 11p. The remainder cases were found in connection with chromosomal rearrangements in ~12%.