Genetic Studies of Autism: From The 1970s Into The Millennium
Genetic Studies of Autism: From The 1970s Into The Millennium
Genetic Studies of Autism: From The 1970s Into The Millennium
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology PL114-45 February 2, 2000 15:53 Style file version June 09, 1999
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2000, pp. 3–14
Michael Rutter1
Received July 26, 1999; revision received August 20, 1999; accepted August 20, 1999
Reviewers in the 1960s and early 1970s were skeptical about any substantial role for genetic factors
in the etiology of autism. A realization that the 2% rate of autism in siblings (as estimated at that
time) was far above the general population base rate, and that this suggested a possible high genetic
liability, led to the first small-scale twin study of autism. The replicated evidence from both twin
and family studies undertaken in the 1970s and 1980s indicated both strong genetic influences and
the likelihood that they applied to a phenotype that was much broader than the traditional diagnostic
category of autism. Medical and chromosomal findings also indicated genetic heterogeneity. Advances
in molecular genetics led to genome-wide scans of affected relative pair samples with a positive log of
the odds to base 10 score for a location on chromosome 7. The major remaining research challenges
and the likely clinical benefits that should derive from genetic research are considered in relation to
both current knowledge and that anticipated to emerge from research over the next decade.
KEY WORDS: Autism; quantitative genetics; molecular genetics; functional genomics; clinical practice.
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Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology PL114-45 February 2, 2000 15:53 Style file version June 09, 1999
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greater the familial loading tended to be, as indexed by ei- lems (Landa, Wzorek, Piven, Folstein, & Isaacs, 1991;
ther symptomatology or verbal IQ, but this seemed to be a Landa et al., 1992), of social abnormalities (Piven et al.,
graded phenomenon rather than a categorical distinction. 1990, 1991), and of unusual personality features (Piven
Some data on families (August, Stewart, & Tsai, 1981) had et al., 1994). The early findings had particularly empha-
suggested that autism that was accompanied by profound sized the role of language delay but, although this does
mental retardation might be somewhat different from the seem to be part of the overall picture in some cases, the
rest of autism in which the nonverbal IQs were above 50. later findings have suggested the probably greater im-
Accordingly, the Maudsley Hospital group undertook a portance of social deficits (Bailey, Palferman, Heavey, &
further family study to determine whether this might be Le Couteur, 1998; Folstein & Piven, 1991; Piven, Palmer,
the case (Starr et al., 1999; Pickles et al., in press). The Jacobi, Childress, & Arndt, 1997; Rutter et al., 1997.)
findings were largely negative. The rate of autism and of As the evidence accumulated from a range of stud-
the broader phenotype in the relatives was not significantly ies of varying quality, more and more clinical features,
different from the rates in the first family study. The only including affective disorder and social anxiety (DeLong
possible lead was the uncertain indication that cognitive & Nohria, 1994; Smalley, McCracken, & Tanguay, 1995),
problems in the relatives might be more common when the came to be added to possible variations of the broader
autism was associated with profound retardation. What did phenotype. Clearly, there was a danger that it would be-
emerge, however, from the combination of the two studies come unhelpfully overinclusive and it was important to
was the finding that the linear association between sever- have a means of ruling out, as well as ruling in, possi-
ity of autism and familial loading seemed to apply only bilities. In that connection, two largely negative findings
to cases of autism in which there was some useful speech (with respect to cognitive impairment and to depression)
(Pickles et al., in press). The implication is that, when warrant mention. First, Fombonne, Bolton, Prior, Jordan,
autism is associated with a very severe lack of language & Rutter’s (1997) detailed analysis of cognitive patterns
skills, it might be genetically different in some way. in relatives in the Maudsley Hospital family study showed
that neither low IQ nor specific problems in reading or
spelling showed an increased loading in the families of
PHENOCOPIES individuals with autism if these problems were not ac-
companied by other manifestations of the broader phe-
Over the past 10 years, evidence has accumulated, notype. Somewhat contrary to earlier impressions, it now
however, on the existence of what seemed to be pheno- seems that such specific cognitive deficits, when they oc-
copies—meaning clinical pictures that look like autism but cur in isolation, are not indicators of a genetic liability to
that are not due to the same genetic liability. Thus, atypical autism. On the other hand, language impairments do con-
syndromes of autism have been found to be associated with stitute an important part of the broader phenotype; it is just
congenital blindness (Brown, Hobson, & Lee, 1997), with that they do not ordinarily appear to be related to autism if
profound institutional privation (Rutter, Andersen-Wood, they occur without social deficits or circumscribed inter-
et al., 1999), and with a mixed bag of medical conditions or est patterns. The same findings also showed the apparently
with profound mental retardation (Rutter, Bailey, Bolton, surprising finding that the relatives tended to show a cog-
& Le Couteur, 1994). The evidence to date does not show nitive pattern with verbal skills that were superior to visual
decisively that these syndromes do not involve any of the or spatial skills—namely, the opposite of what is ordinarily
same genetic liability but that is the implication of the found in autism. Piven and Palmer (1997) found the same.
findings. As in the Johns Hopkins study (Piven et al., 1994),
the Maudsley Hospital study showed an increase in the
rate of unusual personality traits in the relatives of autistic
BROADER PHENOTYPE individuals (Murphy et al., 1999). The traits of shyness
and aloofness were especially frequent in those with other
During the past 20 years, there has been a grow- manifestations of the broader phenotype and the traits of
ing number of family studies of one kind or another that anxiety and oversensitivity were especially frequent in
have sought to delineate more precisely the nature of relatives who also had anxiety or depressive disorders.
the broader phenotype of autism, together with identifi- The rates of clinically significant affective disorder were
cation of its boundaries. The Johns Hopkins study, ini- also increased in the relatives of individuals with autism
tially planned in collaboration with the Maudsley Hospital (Bolton, Pickles, Murphy, & Rutter, 1998).
study, was particularly important because of its evidence The finding that a phenomenon is increased in rela-
on the probable importance of pragmatic language prob- tives does not, in itself, necessarily mean that it reflects a
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology PL114-45 February 2, 2000 15:53 Style file version June 09, 1999
genetic liability. It is important to go on to test alternative availability of good, well-standardized diagnostic mea-
possibilities. This could be done, indirectly, in the family sures of proven reliability. The disadvantages lay in the
studies by determining whether depression was associ- absence of good candidate genes, the lack of evidence on
ated at the individual level with the broader phenotype of the mode of genetic transmission, and considerable un-
cognitive and social deficits and similarly whether it was certainty on the boundaries of the phenotype. This meant
associated at the family level. The findings were clear-cut that linkage studies of large families were inappropriate,
in indicating that it was not at either level. Depression was the lack of candidate genes meant that there were poor
associated with depression in other family members but leads for any association study and hence the choice of an
not with the broader phenotype. At an individual level, too, affected sib-pair design was the obvious way to go.
it overlapped with other manifestations of affective disor- It was possible to use well-standardized diagnostic
der but not with cognitive or social deficits. Also, unlike measures to focus on a well-validated narrow diagnos-
the broader phenotype, the familial loading for affective tic concept. It was appropriate, and possible, to exclude
disorder was not associated with the severity of autism. individuals with profound retardation, to rule out cases
The cause of the increased rate of depression in the fami- that might be due to medical causes, and, in addition, in
lies of individuals with autism remains unclear but it does view of the evidence on phenocopies, it seemed sensible to
not seem to reflect a genetic liability to autism. exclude individuals who had experienced unusually pro-
Putting together the findings on the broader pheno- found psychological privation. Also, systematic screening
type, it can be concluded that there is good evidence from for multiplex families (meaning families with at least two
both twin and family studies that the genetic liability in- affected members) was essential.
cludes patterns of social and cognitive deficits accompa- The likelihood of genetic heterogeneity, together with
nied by circumscribed interest patterns that are very sim- the fact that the search needed to be for multiple suscep-
ilar to autism in quality but much milder. However, there tibility genes, meant that a large sample of sib pairs was
seem to be two crucial differences between the broader essential. Accordingly, an international consortium was
phenotype and autism as traditionally discussed. Unlike established, standard methods were set up to check on
autism, the broader phenotype is not associated with men- reliability, and a total genome scan was undertaken by
tal retardation and it is not associated with epilepsy. As Monaco and colleagues at the Wellcome Trust Centre for
yet, we do not know why that is so. Questions arise as to Human Genetics. The findings produced a positive log of
whether the broader phenotype represents a lesser “dose” the odds to base 10 (LOD) score for a location on chro-
of genetic liability, a different pattern of susceptibility mosome 7, together with more weakly positive findings
genes, or some kind of “two-hit” mechanism, in which for locations on five other chromosomes (International
some additional risk factor is required in order to take in- Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium, 1998).
dividuals over the threshold from the broader phenotype The LOD score is a statistical term that quantifies the like-
to a more seriously handicapping disorder. lihood that two loci are linked or unlinked (Burmeister,
1999), in this case a linkage between the location on chro-
mosome 7 and one of the postulated loci for susceptibility
MOLECULAR GENETICS genes for autism. A score of +3 or more is commonly
accepted as showing linkage; in the study, the score found
During the 1990s, it became evident that use of mole- for the UK sample exceeded that cutoff. This finding con-
cular genetic strategies was indicated and that the technol- stituted the first crucial step in the search for susceptibility
ogy had reached a point at which when the enterprise was genes for autism—meaning genes that are causally impli-
feasible. In particular, the development of robotic tech- cated in the liability to autism but which do not, on their
niques and the availability of a very large number of poly- own, cause it directly. They provided the basis for a pos-
morphic microsatellite genetic markers had made a to- sible breakthrough but it is important to recognize that it
tal scan of the genome a practical possibility (Maestrini, was the beginning of the beginning, not the end of the
Marlow, Weeks, & Monaco, 1998). In planning a molec- beginning, and certainly not the end of the search.
ular genetic study, there were three features that made The history of psychiatric genetics is full of early
autism a very good disorder for this approach and there claims for positive findings that subsequently could not
were three features that presented problems. The pluses be replicated and have had to be withdrawn, or at least
lay in the very consistent evidence of a strong genetic very substantially modified (Rutter, 1994; Rutter, Silberg,
liability, with a heritability for the underlying liability to O’Connor, & Simonoff, 1999a,b). Several further imme-
autism above 90%, the evidence of a relatively small num- diate steps needed to be taken. To begin, the International
ber (probably less than 10) of susceptibility genes, and the Consortium increased the size of the affected-relatives
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology PL114-45 February 2, 2000 15:53 Style file version June 09, 1999
8 Rutter
sample to determine whether the LOD score holds up; 1997, 1998) from the TDT. Genes expressed in the brain
it does. Even more crucially, as is the rule throughout sci- (i.e., affecting brain structure and/or function) can be sys-
ence, replication in independent samples is mandatory. No tematically tested for autism susceptibility variants, with
finding is valid until it has been confirmed by other investi- putative variants tested in patients and controls.
gators. Discussions with other research groups throughout Identification of a susceptibility gene on chromo-
the world who have comparable sib-pair samples has led some 7 will, of course, only deal with a small part of
to informal reports that they have similar, albeit weaker, the genetic liability and it will be necessary to go through
positive findings in much the same position on chromo- similar search processes, using larger samples, to identify
some 7 (see also Philippe et al., 1999). What is needed other susceptibility genes. However, the power to detect
now is some form of meta-analysis across the different them will have been increased by the identification of the
studies and that is being planned. gene on chromosome 7.
One of the limitations of linkage studies (examining Association strategies have the advantage over link-
co-inheritance, that is, inheritance within families in which age strategies of being better able to detect very small
there is linkage between the gene locus being studied and genetic effects (Risch & Merikangas, 1996). Up to now,
the condition being investigated) is that a positive finding however, they have relied on the availability of candidate
covers a large area on the chromosome. Association stud- genes. These have been singularly lacking in relation to
ies (based on the quite different strategy of using linkage autism. Nevertheless, some groups have attempted this
disequilibrium to search for differences between cases and approach, but the findings so far (with the possible excep-
controls in allelic patterns) can help to narrow this, and, tion of the chromosome 15 finding—Cook et al., 1998;
in any case, it is always desirable to check whether a find- but see Maestrini et al., 1999) have been contradictory
ing holds up using different strategies. The transmission and inconclusive (Cook et al., 1997; Klauck, Poustka,
disequilibrium test (TDT; Spielman & Ewens, 1996) con- Benner, Lesch, & Poustka, 1997). The development of
stitutes the best method because it controls for stratifica- the technique of DNA pooling (i.e., combining DNA sam-
tion biases and because it tests for both association and ples across cases and similarly across controls) provides
linkage (Malhotra & Goldman, 1999). The stratification a possible way forward (Barcellos et al., 1997; Daniels
bias arises because cases and controls may differ in their et al., 1998). It should be possible to use this technique
allelic patterns because they differ in their ethnic origins in a way that controls for stratification biases (meaning
rather than for any reason to do with the disorder being that cases and controls are genetically different for rea-
studied. In that connection, it is important that the crucial sons that have nothing to do with autism). The use of
ethnic variations may be quite subtle, such as the differ- parents as the control strategy, as in the TDT, overcomes
ence between having a Finnish rather than Swedish back- the problem. Accordingly, at least in theory, it should be
ground. The TDT has the advantage of requiring DNA possible to undertake genome scans, using DNA pool-
samples from only the affected child and both parents. ing and an association strategy. This has yet to be shown
Accordingly, it can and should be undertaken with single- to be a successful strategy and there are two main issues to
ton samples as well as multiplex family samples. That is be dealt with. First, the number of markers required will
under way in the laboratories of several of the research be very much greater than in linkage studies because the
groups in the international consortium. In addition, it is association strategies can produce positive findings only
desirable, too, to make use of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in relation to a susceptibility gene that is very close to the
approaches predicated on the expectation that susceptibil- markers used or is the trait marker itself. Second, there
ity genes may have effects on gradations in a continuously are statistical problems in determining the significance of
distributed phenotype, and not just on the extreme disor- case-control differences when a very large number of gene
der (Allison, 1997; Fulker & Cherny, 1996; Kruglyak & markers have to be tested. Nevertheless, this does consti-
Lander, 1995). tute one additional possible way forward.
Genomic clone contigs for chromosome 7q will need In addition, there needs to be a follow-through on
to be identified from genome maps or library screening, findings that apply to specific genetic disorders associated
and then sequenced. These are cloned short sequences with autism. Tuberous sclerosis constitutes one possible
of human DNA that have been inserted into some other lead because of the evidence that a significant minority
organism. Then, computer analyses can be used to re- (less than 5%) of autistic individuals have tuberous scle-
assemble the shorter sequences into longer ones (Watson, rosis and because the rate of autism has been shown to
Gilman, Witkowski, & Zoller, 1992). Analyses of can- be much increased in individuals with tuberous sclero-
didate genes can focus on those at the already identified sis (Smalley, 1998). Chromosome 15 anomalies have also
peak of the linkage disequilibrium curve (Merriman et al., provided a lead that needs to be followed (Cook et al.,
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology PL114-45 February 2, 2000 15:53 Style file version June 09, 1999
1997; Schroer et al., 1998). It is notable that the associa- serotonin level, and other correlates of autism might be
tion between autism and an intrachromosomal duplication informative.
of 15q11-q13 seems to depend on maternal transmission. One obvious priority concerns research to under-
The possibility of genomic imprinting needs to be con- stand the phenomenon of the broader phenotype. Up to
sidered. The precise mechanism involved in imprinting now, it has largely been conceptualized and measured as
remains uncertain but the term means that the expression a lesser variant of autism. Its assessment needs to rely on
(or effect) of a gene is influenced by whether it is inherited a combination of social deficits, communicative deficits,
from the father or the mother. It seems that, in some way, and repetitive stereotyped interests as observed and as re-
the gene is marked (imprinted) in the process of trans- ported by the individuals themselves and by others. As
mission from parent to offspring. Several such genes have always, multiple methods of assessment, using different
been identified in mice and humans (Barlow, 1995) and data sources, are necessary. Some guidance may be pro-
one is known to cause both Angelman and Prader-Willi vided by the age of first manifestation. In addition, there is
syndromes (both are neuropsychiatric conditions) accord- considerable potential in using the pattern of social cog-
ing to whether the gene comes from the mother or the nitive abnormalities as a validating criterion. There are
father (see Rutter et al., 1999a). a variety of indications in the literature that this might
It may be anticipated confidently that, over the next be fruitful (see, e.g., Hughes, Leboyer, & Bouvard, 1997;
few years, these various research approaches will be suc- Hughes, Plumet, & Leboyer, 1999) but, to apply the leads
cessful in identifying several susceptibility genes for in a systematic way, such abnormalities would need to be
autism. However, in itself, that will not have clinical bene- dimensionalized and quantified, and then related to other
fits. Much more needs to be done (Wahlsten, 1999). Thus, measures of social functioning. Probably the greatest po-
it is necessary to go on to clone the susceptibility genes, to tential lies in some combination of theory of mind skills as
determine the gene effects on proteins, and to delineate the tested in naturalistic ways (see, e.g., Baron-Cohen, 1995;
route from these gene effects to the autism phenotype. The Happé, 1994; Heavey, Phillips, Baron-Cohen, & Rutter, in
application of this approach to traditional autism clearly press) and pragmatic qualities in conversational language
constitutes the first application to be undertaken. Never- (Landa et al., 1991, 1992), but central coherence features
theless, it will be necessary to go on to validate the broader (Frith & Happé, 1994) and aspects of executive plan-
phenotype and to apply the range of molecular genetic ning (Hughes, et al., 1999; Ozonoff, Rogers, Farnham,
strategies to that phenotype. It will be important to seek & Pennington, 1993; Piven & Palmer, 1997) also need to
to develop dimensional phenotype measures and, having be considered. However, it is likely that executive plan-
done so, to use QTL approaches with markedly discordant ning deficits may well prove to lack diagnostic specificity
sib pairs. At present, we do not know whether there is a (Griffith, Pennington, Wehner, & Rogers, 1999).
dimensional equivalent of autism but that remains a real Two key comparisons are required. First, there is a
possibility that needs to be explored. need to determine the difference in frequency of the lesser
variant between relatives of probands with autism and rel-
atives of probands with schizophrenia or some other con-
NEED FOR QUANTITATIVE GENETIC STUDIES dition that is genetically distinct from autism but which
involves a familial loading for social problems. This needs
It is sometimes thought that the day of quantitative to be followed by an analysis to determine the differences
genetics is over, but it is not. Thus, in relation to autism, in the particular pattern of the phenotype between those
there is a need for twin and family studies of broader phe- with abnormalities in the two groups. The point is that
notypes. At the moment, we know something about the there are many different causes of social communicative
occurrence of such phenotypes in the relatives of indi- and behavioral problems in human beings and it is cru-
viduals with autism but there are no adequate studies in cial to be able to determine what is distinctively different
which the starting point is probands with the broader phe- about those that index autism.
notype. There is also more scope for studies of within- How can we get to that point? The start, I suggest, is
and across-MZ pair variations in order to explore possible a focus on abnormalities found in individuals with autism
clinical indicators of genetic heterogeneity. For example, who have normal levels of nonverbal intelligence. The first
this needs to be done with respect to both epilepsy and task, then, is to determine the confluence among the varied
language level. The cause of the marked male preponder- measures; that is, the extent to which, say, theory of mind
ance in cases of autism is quite unknown and leads might deficits is associated with abnormalities in social reci-
be provided by male/female comparisons within multi- procity and pragmatic language impairment. This needs to
plex families. Also, family studies of head circumference, be followed by the validation of group differentiation and
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology PL114-45 February 2, 2000 15:53 Style file version June 09, 1999
10 Rutter
molecular epidemiological research). If all of this is suc- to be a focus on possible protective genes as much as on
cessful in its aims, it then should be possible to move on to nongenetic influences. This focus might throw light on
the further step of outlining the disease model. That will why autism is so much more frequent in males, as well
require integrative biological studies that are combined as on the mechanisms involved in the transition from the
with experimental testing in order to determine whether broader phenotype to the handicapping disorder of autism.
the model is correct in its details as well as in its overall Sixth, there is the potential of molecular genetic findings
form. Of course, even the construction of a valid disease for leads on effective drug treatments. This will involve a
model does not in itself provide clinically effective meth- focus on specific pharmacological actions and, most espe-
ods of prevention or treatment. That requires yet further cially, on individual differences in response to medication.
research steps, which there is not space to consider here. The extent to which this will lead to effective interventions
will depend to a considerable extent on what proves to be
the nature of the underlying neural processes and on how
Finally, there is the potential of molecular genetic
Let me end, nevertheless, on a more positive note findings in aiding the identification of environmental risks.
by outlining the potential benefits that may be anticipated This will require a focus on nature–nurture interplay and
from these research endeavors. The topic may be con- on the delineation of the role of environmental media-
sidered under the broad question of how genetic findings tion of risks. Autism is a complex multifactorial disor-
might matter for families that contain an autistic individ- der and the evidence suggests that the risks are likely to
ual. There are seven main benefits, some of which have involve nongenetic, as well as genetic, factors, although
already been obtained. First, the genetic findings have al- the latter are probably much the most powerful influence.
ready had an effect on the prevailing concepts of the na- At present, we know very little about these nongenetic
ture of autism. We now focus on genetically influenced factors and it may be that the nongenetic vulnerabilities
neurodevelopmental deficits rather than on maladaptive could be proven to reside in random developmental vari-
patterns of upbringing. There are, of course, still queries ations (Goodman, 1991; Kurnit, Layton, & Matthysse,
on the nature of these deficits, and the possibility of inter- 1987; Molenaar, Boomsma & Dolan, 1993) rather than ei-
acting environmental risks has not been ruled out. ther obstetric or postnatal influences (Bolton et al., 1997).
Second, the findings raise the need for the availabil- Still, we need to understand what these factors are and
ity of genetic counseling. In such counseling, it is nec- how they operate. It is possible, in that connection, that
essary to focus on the contrast between the rather low dermatoglyphic patterns (Davis & Bracha, 1996) or mi-
level of absolute risk and the high level of relative risk of nor congenital anomalies (Meyers, Elias, & Arrabal, 1995)
autism in other family members. The queries in this con- might provide some index of developmental perturbations.
nection mainly concern the risks for autism-related but
less-handicapping disorders.
Third, there is the potential of molecular genetic find- CONCLUSION
ings to provide a better identification of the broader phe-
notype. This will allow a focus on which developmental The past 30 years has seen tremendous advances
delays, cognitive features, and social deficits are part of an in the understanding of the role of genetic influences in
autism liability. However, the connections between autism autism. We have come a long way from the views of the
and the broader phenotype may prove to be quite complex early 1970s when even behavior geneticists doubted that
and difficult to determine. there were any genetic effects to be investigated in autism.
Fourth, there is the potential of molecular genetic We now know that, despite that early skepticism, genetic
findings for leads on biological research that will identify influences are hugely important in the liability to autism,
the causal neural processes that underlie the development that they involve the operation of several interacting genes,
of autism. These will allow a focus on the specific neuro- and that the liability extends well beyond traditional con-
biological effects of susceptibility genes and on the routes cepts of a handicapping disorder usually accompanied by
by which such effects predispose to autism. As I have in- some degree of mental retardation, and often with the de-
dicated, the identification of causal processes could lead velopment of epilepsy in adolescence. In concluding this
to effective means of prevention or intervention, but the paper, I have tried to look ahead into the next 30 years.
research route is likely to prove long and arduous. I think there is every reason to be optimistic about the
Fifth, there is the potential of molecular genetic find- likelihood that the genetic research will lead to biological
ings for leads on possible protective factors. There needs studies that will, at last, delineate the underlying causal
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology PL114-45 February 2, 2000 15:53 Style file version June 09, 1999
12 Rutter
neural processes and that their understanding will have Bolton, P., Murphy, M., Macdonald, H., Whitlock, B., Pickles, A., &
substantial clinical benefits. For this research program to Rutter, M. (1997). Obstetric complications in autism: Consequences
or causes of the condition? Journal of the American Academy of
be successful, it will need to combine clinical, epidemi- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36, 272–281.
ological, and basic science strategies and it will depend Bolton, P., Pickles, A., Murphy, M., & Rutter, M. (1998). Autistic, affec-
on crucial advances in several of these fields. Only time tive and other psychiatric disorders: Patterns of familial aggregation.
Psychological Medicine, 28, 385–395.
will tell whether my optimism on the likely success of Brown, P. O., & Hartwell, L. (1998). Genomics and human disease—
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in Barcelona, Spain, July 16–20, 1999. The ideas and find- Clegg, J., Hollis, C., & Rutter, M. (1999, June). Developmental language
ings in this paper owe much to the many splendid collab- disorders: A longitudinal study of cognitive, social, and psychiatric
functioning. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the Interna-
orators with whom it has been my good fortune to work tional Society for the Study of Child and Adolescent Psychopathol-
in the field of the genetics of autism. I would like to ex- ogy, Barcelona, Spain.
press particular appreciation of the contributions over the Cook, E. H., Courchesne, R. Y., Cox, N. J., Lord, C., Gonen, D., Guter,
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