Chunghsing2021fall Assignment6
Chunghsing2021fall Assignment6
Chunghsing2021fall Assignment6
(b) 10011100.
Instructions: This assignment consists of two sec-
tions. Section A consists of four questions. Section B (c) 10011001.
consists of three questions. You have to answer all of
them. (d) 00111101.
Question 4
For this representation format, zero is the smallest
nonnegative number that can be represented. It bi- Given that X and Y are two numbers represented in
nary code is given below. following format.
(a) What is the second smallest nonnegative number Their actual bit patterns are given below.
(in decimal form) that can be represented?
X = 00011100
(b) What is the binary code for the second smallest Y = 10010010
nonnegative number that can be represented?
What is the value X × Y in the above 8-bit sign-
(c) What is the precision error of this fix-point for- magnitude format?
(d) What is the total number of decimal numbers
that can be represented by this format? Processor and Computer
Precision error of a number representation format is The following questions are about the concepts pre-
defined as the absolute value between two consecutive sented in the lecture note ’Processor and Computer’.
numbers that can be represented by the format.
Question 5
Question 2
(a) Apart from the clock speed, state other factor(s)
Suppose a binary number is represented by the fol- that could determine the completion time of an
lowing 8-bit sign-magnitude fix-point format. instruction. (b) State the reason(s) why the set of instruction
What are the values of the following binary numbers? provided by one processor could be different from
the set of instruction provided by another pro-
(a) 00011100. cessor.
(c) In a processor, a special unit is responsible
for the generation of the sequence of micro-
instructions for an instruction. This process is
called instruction decode. State the name of the
unit which is responsible for instruction decode.
(d) What is(are) the usage(s) of the registers in a
Question 6
With reference to the four-logic-gate processor as
shown in Figure 1, design the micro-instructions for
the following logical operations. It is assumed that
the value of A (resp. B) has already been stored in
the register RA (resp. RB). The outcome Z is going
to be stored in the register RZ.
(a) R1 = ¬A.
(b) Z = ¬A ⊕ ¬B.
(c) Z = A + (¬A ⊕ ¬B).
Here, ⊕ is the XOR operator and ¬A = Ā.
Question 7
With reference to the four-logic-gate processor as
shown in Figure 5, design the micro-instructions for
the following logical operations. It is assumed that
the value of A (resp. B) has already been stored in
the register RA (resp. RB). The outcome Z is going
to be stored in the register RZ.
(a) R1 = ¬A.
(b) Z = ¬A ⊕ ¬B.
(c) Z = A + (¬A ⊕ ¬B).
Here, ⊕ is the XOR operator and ¬A = Ā.