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Student’s Book Answer Key

1 3 02

1. I’ll tell you where everyone sits in the office.

Office Orientation, page 4 2. The Human Resources department is on the first
1 01
3. You will be assisting him in your new role.
1. Bruce Larson
4. Marketing is on the same floor as us.
2. Financial Director
5. Where do the senior management sit?
3. Human Resources Director
6. Bruce Larson, the CEO, is in room 301.
4. Lucy Grant
5. Gerald Trent page 5
6. Marketing Managers 4 1. c 3. g 5. h 7. d 9. a
7. Financial Supervisors 2. b 4. f 6. e 8. i
8. Personnel Manager
5 1. Personnel Manager
2 2. Production Team Leader
02 3. Financial Supervisor
4. Accounts Assistant
Eve: Hi, Lisa. I’ll show you to your new desk
now. On the way, I’ll tell you where everyone 5. Senior Manager
sits in the office. 6 1. a. sell b. get
Lisa: That would be great, thanks. 2. a. make b. hire
Eve: OK, as you can see, the Human Resources 3. a. explain b. show
department is on the first floor. That’s where
you’ll be. 4. a. describe b. attend
Lisa: Great. 5. a. develop b. reply to
Eve: Your desk is in the same area as the 6. a. be in charge of b. pay
Personnel Manager, Jamie O’Donnell, and 7
you will be assisting him in your new role.
Lisa: OK. That sounds good.
Eve: Now, Marketing is on the same floor as us. Good morning, Mark. I’d like to take
So, you will see Lucy Grant and her team you around the Marketing Department
a lot – they are a nice group. and introduce you to my staff.
Lisa: Excellent. What about Operations? Where Mark: Thank you, Mrs Smith.
are they? Catherine: Please, call me Catherine. First, let me
Eve: The Operations Department is on the introduce you to my personal assistant,
second floor. It’s a very large department, Jen Baker. Jen, this is Mark Hall.
so they’ve got their own floor. The Finance Mark: Nice to meet you, Jen.
Department is on the third floor. Jen: Nice to meet you, too, Mark.
Lisa: Where do the senior management sit? Now I’d like you to meet Ed Harris,
Eve: They’re also on the third floor. Bruce Larson, one of our marketing managers. He’s in
the CEO, is in room 301. Julie Black, his charge of market research. Ed, this is
personal assistant, is in room 302. Mark Hall, a new marketing manager.
Lisa: OK. I hope I remember all this. He’ll be in charge of producing
Eve: Don’t worry. There’s a map of our facilities promotional material.
in your handbook. Now let me explain to Mark: 
Good morning, Ed. It’s a pleasure to
you how to use the photocopier and how to meet you.
clock in and out. Welcome, Mark. I look forward to
working together.
1. first Catherine: O
 ur third manager, Clare Jackson, is
2. Personnel Manager on holiday right now, so you’ll meet her
3. Marketing when she gets back. She’s in charge of
customer relations.
4. second
Mark:  re any members of the sales team in
5. third the office today?

6. 302


Student’s Book Answer Key

Catherine: W
 ell, the reps are usually out of the
5 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a
office, meeting customers, but there’s 6 06
a special meeting in the office today, so
1. cafeteria 4. 601, 603
you’ll actually get to know the whole
team. 2. stockroom 5. warehouse
Mark: Great. Thank you, Catherine. 3. Finance Department 6. toilets
Catherine: M
 y pleasure. Now, let’s go to my office.
I’d like to discuss the new catalogue
with you. 2
Office Routines, page 8
1. d 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. a
1 07

Finding Your Way, page 6 1. T ‘answering incoming calls’

1 04 2. T ‘distributing incoming mail’
1. e 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. g 6. f 7. a 3. F They will need to attend the meetings when
they are ‘taking minutes’.
2 4. F ‘Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.’
5. T ‘Candidates must be proficient in Microsoft
Conversation 1
6. F ‘Candidates must be proficient in ... Excel.’
A: Excuse me. I’ve got an appointment with Mr
Chandler at Cosmic Electronix. 7. T ‘Candidates must be proficient in ... desk
B: He’s in room 411. Take the lift to the fourth floor.
When you come out of the lift, turn right and 2
then left. His room is at the end of the corridor.
A: And where’s the lift?
B: It’s over there, opposite the stairs. Mr Robbins: Ah, Kate. Thanks for coming.
A: One more question. How do I get to the toilets? Kate: No problem at all, Mr Robbins.
B: There are toilets here in the lobby, next to the lift. Mr Robbins: I’d like to talk to you about your duties
at the office.
A: Thanks for your help!
Kate: Sure.
B: You’re welcome.
Mr Robbins: First of all, as my assistant, you’re
Conversation 2 responsible for receiving visitors.
C: Good morning, Mrs Landy. Welcome to Cosmic Always offer them a drink when they
Electronix. I’m Amy Adams, a production team arrive.
leader. Kate: Should I keep a log of the visitors?
D: Nice to meet you, Amy. Your offices are lovely. Mr Robbins: Yes, here’s the log. You must record
C: Thank you. Would you like something to drink the time they arrive and who they’re
before your meeting with Mrs Carlyle? visiting. They will also need a visitor’s
pass. Then, record the time they leave
D: No, I’ve just had a coffee, thanks.
and don’t forget to get the pass back
C: Then I’ll show you around our offices and from them.
introduce you to everyone.
Kate: OK. That all sounds straightforward.
D: That would be lovely.
Mr Robbins: You’ll also be in charge of office
C: The Operations Department is on the top floor, supplies. You must keep track of them
so we’ll take the lift. by taking an inventory each week and
you should order new supplies when
1. 411 3. question 5. Mrs Carlyle necessary.
2. fourth 4. leader 6. lovely Kate: Who do I order the supplies from?
3 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F Mr Robbins: Barbara, the Senior Administrative
Assistant, can give you the shop’s
page 7 details. You’ve met Barbara, right?
4 1. conference room 7. kitchen Kate: Yes, I’ve spoken to her. She’s very
2. ground floor 8. warehouse
Mr Robbins: She is, isn’t she? Did she give you
3. toilets 9. car park
your log-in details for the IT system?
4. cafeteria 10. corridor
Kate: Yes. I’m all set up on the system.
5. top floor 11. stockroom
6. reception, lobby
Student’s Book Answer Key

Mr Robbins: Great. Well, could you book a room Andrea: Y

 es, they are. I’ll take a look at the
for this month’s budget review presentation when you’re done. Finally,
meeting, please? It’s at 10.30 am would you check the stockroom to see if
next Thursday. we need to order anything? After you take
Kate: How many people will attend? the inventory, make a list of what we need
and I’ll order the supplies this afternoon.
Mr Robbins: There will be eight of us.
Hollie: Sure. I’ll take care of everything.
Kate: OK. I’ll do that now.
Mr Robbins: Thanks, Kate.
Tick: 1, 3, 6, 8
Kate: My pleasure.
Purchasing Office Equipment, page 10
1. drink 4. week
1 10
2. who 5. 10.30 am
1. Mr Preston 4. £177.22
3. (visitor’s) pass 6. eight
2. No 5. black-and-white
3 1. at all 5. when necessary
3. ten 6. 15% off
2. responsible for 6. set up
3. keep a log 7. book a room
4. in charge 11

Janice: Hello, Leon. Mrs Jackson asked if you

page 9
could order some office supplies.
4 1. d 2. b 3. f 4. a 5. e 6. c Leon: Sure, Janice. What would you like me to
5 1. keep 3. schedule 5. distribute order?
2. screen 4. receive 6. prepare Janice: First – two packets of ten highlighters. One
green and one yellow. Do you know how
6 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b much they cost?
7 Leon: I think it’s a little under £6 per pack.
Janice: OK. We also need a dozen staplers.
Leon: Which type do you want? They have ones
Andrea: C
 an you come into my office, please, that staple up to 50 sheets – they are
Hollie? I’d like to discuss your tasks for about £8 each – or ones that can staple up
today. to 150 sheets.
Hollie: Certainly. Janice: How much are they?
Andrea: W
 ell, first of all, Jay Carter is arriving at Leon: They’re about £15 each.
11.00. I’d like you to receive him and show Janice: Let’s get the cheaper ones.
him around before his meeting with Arnold.
Leon: Sure. Is there anything else we need?
Hollie: Should I show him all the departments?
Janice: Yes. We need 100 writing pads They aren’t
No. Just take him to Operations and
Andrea:  expensive, are they?
Leon: No. A pack of ten is only £11.
Hollie: Is there anything else?
Janice: Great. That’s everything. When will our
Andrea: Y
 es. Arnold has prepared agendas for order arrive?
several meetings that are scheduled for
Leon: It’s not midday yet, so if I do the order now,
next month. I’d like you to type them and
it should be here by 11.00 tomorrow.
send them by e-mail to the relevant people.
I’ve attached a list of participants for each
meeting. 1. two 4. £15
Hollie:  ine. I’ll type the agendas and send them to
F 2. green 5. writing pads
all the participants. 3. 50 6. midday
Andrea: N
 ext, I’m giving you the notes Arnold has 3 1. DS 5. DS
prepared for his presentation next Thursday.
2. T 6. DS
Could you please prepare a presentation
using PowerPoint? 3. F 7. F
Hollie:  o problem. I’ll prepare the presentation
N 4. T 8. T
today. Are these all the notes?
page 11
4 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c


Student’s Book Answer Key

5 1. laptop, desktop 6. shredder Sarah: Ah, yes. Oh, and one more thing. Is
2. photocopier 7. recycling bin there anywhere where I can buy
a bottle of water?
3. filing cabinet 8. pen drive
Receptionist: Yes. There’s a cafeteria here on the
4. projector 9. pedestal
ground floor.
5. scanner
Sarah: Great. Thanks for your help.
6 1. c 2. e 3. f 4. d 5. a 6. b Receptionist: You’re welcome. Good luck with the
7 12 interview!

1. run out of 5. special offer

1. 12 o’clock 5. right
2. Payment 6. run low on
2. two people 6. opposite
3. discount 7. quantity
3. accounts assistant 7. the same floor as
4. charged
4. third

Review 1, page 12 5
1 13 15

1. T Paul: Thanks for showing me how to order office

2. F Victoria says she is off today. supplies, Fiona.
3. T Fiona: No problem, Paul. So, let’s see … for things
4. T like pens and paper, we use an office supply
tracking system. It’s a really good way of
5. F Victoria says that the toilets are past the
making sure that we don’t run out of anything.
conference room.
Paul: OK. So where do we start?
6. DS
Fiona: Well, we have just taken an inventory of what
7. DS
is in the stockroom.
8. T
Paul: Mm-hmm.
9. F HR will talk to the new employees today.
Fiona: And now we enter the quantity of each item
10. DS into the system like this …
Paul: I see.
page 13
Fiona: And when we have entered everything, the
3 tracking system will tell us what we need to
14 order to maintain the necessary stock levels.
Paul: So, what is it saying that we need to order?
Sarah: Hello.
Fiona: Well, we need 50 black pens, 20 red ones
Receptionist: Hello. Welcome to Brightside and 30 blue ones, ten packets of paper for
Windows. How may I help you? the photocopier, a box of 5,000 staples and
Sarah: I’ve got an interview at midday today. five rolls of sticky tape.
Receptionist: OK. Who is it with? Paul: And what about ordering computer
Sarah: It’s with Michelle Robson and Joanna equipment?
Jacobs. Fiona: The IT Department sends us requests of
Receptionist: Let me see. Ah, yes. It’s for the role what they need. So, this month, they’ve
of accounts assistant. Is that right? asked for a laptop for the new Marketing
Director, who is starting next week.
Sarah: Yes, that’s the one.
Paul: Do they say what model of laptop?
Receptionist: So, here’s your visitor’s pass.
Fiona: Yes. It’s all in the request form that they sent.
Sarah: Thank you. They said the interview is
in Room 6B. How do I get there? Paul: Ah, good.
Receptionist: Go to the end of this corridor to the Fiona: They also want 20 pen drives for the sales
lifts. Take the lift to the third floor. reps.
When you come out of the lift, turn Paul: OK.
right and you will see Room 6B Fiona: The IT Department also checks the
opposite you. equipment that we have and tells us if
Sarah: Thank you. And where are the something needs to be replaced. I have a
toilets? request here from them for a new projector
Receptionist: They’re over there on the other side for the conference room, as the one we
of the lobby – opposite the stairs. currently have is broken and cannot be


Student’s Book Answer Key

Paul: Got it. 1. PIN 6. 4

Fiona: A
 nd then we complete the online order 2. 151# 7. 2
form. We always order from the same 3. menu 8. 7
company. They are called … 4. 1 9. 8
5. 3 10. #
1. order office supplies 5. new Marketing Director
2. run out of 6. 20 pen drives 3 17

3. taken an inventory 7. a new projector 1. check 5. press

4. packets of paper 2. enter 6. Can
3. What’s 7. When
3 4. after

Using Voicemail, page 14 page 15

1 16 4 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b
1. new 4. messages 5 1. save 4. silent
2. IT Department 5. PIN 2. retrieve, location 5. re-record
3. long 6. Lucy Forbes 3. dial
2 6 1. loudspeaker 5. headset
2. contacts 6. receiver
3. delete 7. replay
Sebastian: Hello, Kim. Thanks for coming to show
4. contact 8. PIN
me how to use the voicemail system.
Kim: You’re welcome, Sebastian. So, what 7
would you like to know first?
Sebastian: Well, to start with, how do I check my
incoming messages? Julie: Tom, can you help me, please? I need to
record a couple of outgoing messages, but
Kim: First, enter your PIN.
I’m not sure I remember how to use the new
Sebastian: I see. What’s my PIN? voicemail system.
Kim: You will need to send a request to Hugh Tom: Sure, Julie. Right … first, enter your PIN.
Jenkins in IT and he will send your PIN
Julie: OK. I’ve entered that. Now what?
to you.
Tom: Dial 500 star.
Sebastian: OK. And what do I do after I’ve
entered my PIN? Julie: 500 star.
Kim: Dial 1-5-1-hash to go to the voicemail Tom: Now press 1 to record a daytime message
menu. or 2 to record a nighttime message. Have
you got a message ready?
Sebastian: 1 … 5 … 1 … hash. Got it. What next?
Julie: Yes. It’s right here. I wrote it yesterday.
Kim: Then press 1 to listen to your
messages. Tom: Fine. All you need to do is press the
‘program’ button and begin speaking. When
Sebastian: Great. How do I replay messages?
you have finished, press 3 to stop recording.
Kim: Press 3 to replay messages, press 4 to
Julie: ‘Program’ before I speak and 3 to stop
save messages or 2 to delete
recording. OK. That sounds easy enough.
How can I check my message?
Sebastian: Can I fast forward or rewind messages?
Tom: Press 4 to check your message. Then, if you
Kim: Yes, you can. Press 7 to fast forward or want to change something, press 5 and you
8 to rewind. can modify the message.
Sebastian: When I’m not in the office, can I retrieve Julie: I’m not sure if my nighttime message is OK. I
my messages from any location? 18
wrote ‘This is Allan Hill Tours. Our offices are
Kim: Yes, you can. closed at the moment. Please leave
Sebastian: How do I do that? a message or call back between 9 am and
5 pm. For emergency situations, please
Kim: First, you call your own office number.
press the hash key now.’ How does that
Then, when it goes to voicemail, press
hash and then enter your PIN.
Tom: Great!
Sebastian: OK. That all sounds straightforward.
Julie: Really? Thanks, Tom.
Kim: Yeah, it’s very easy to use.
Tom: Sure. Call me if you have any problems.


Student’s Book Answer Key

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c
Using the Intranet, page 16 Handing Mail, page 18
1 19
1 21
1. T 3. F 5. T 7. F
1. DS It might, but it doesn’t actually say that here.
2. F 4. F 6. T
2. F ‘It is the responsibility of our team of administrative
2 assistants to handle the incoming mail.’
20 3. F ‘Open the mail that does not have “Private” or
“Confidential” on it and stamp each document
Sandra: Jackie, can you have a look at this with the correct date.’
report Mr Bryant asked me to put on the 4. T ‘Document the mail in the mail log. Put the date
intranet? Do you think it’s OK? and list the sender’s name and address and the
Jackie: Sure, Sandra. Well, what you have recipient’s name.’
written is fine. The heading says exactly 5. F ‘Distribute the mail by leaving it in each
what it is about. The flow chart you have department’s mail basket. Any mail marked
embedded is clear. But I would move this “Confidential” or “Private” must be given directly
paragraph to the beginning. to the recipient.’
Sandra: OK. I’ll cut and paste that.
Jackie: Also, I think you should bold the key
dates. For most people, that will be the 22
most important information.
Miss Harris: OK, Richard, I’d like to explain the
Sandra: Good idea. Should I bold the names of procedures for handling outgoing mail.
the people involved in the project, too?
Richard: Thank you, Miss Harris.
Jackie: I think you should underline them so that
Miss Harris: First, you collect the mail from
they are different from the dates.
the outgoing mail basket in each
Sandra: Good point. What about the font? Is it big department.
Richard: At 11.00 and 2.00. Right?
Jackie: Yes, it’s fine.
Miss Harris: Yes. Then bring it here to the mailroom
Sandra: Great. I’ll post it on the intranet now. and check all of the items.
Jackie: Don’t forget to choose the correct tags Richard: What exactly should I check?
for it. I think this one should have the tags
20 Miss Harris: Make sure all letters are signed and
‘HR’ and ‘flexible working’.
enclosures are included. Also, check
Sandra: Ah, yes. That will help people to find it. that the address includes the correct
Thanks. postcode – it’s very common for people
to get this wrong.
1. look at 4. people Richard: How do I know what the postcode is?
2. written 5. fine Miss Harris: Use the postcode finder on the Royal
3. important 6. find Mail’s website.
3 Tick: 2, 3, 4, 6 Richard: Right.
Miss Harris: Then seal the letters and put them in
page 17 the correct place in the sorting tray
according to what type of postage they
4 1. username 7. bold
2. password 8. strikethrough
Richard: How do I know what postage to use for
3. underline 9. cut each item?
4. italics 10. copy Miss Harris: You weigh the envelopes and determine
5. upper-case letters 11. paste the postage using this chart.
6. lower-case letters 12. flow chart Richard: I see. And do we usually use first-class
or second-class post?
5 1. i 3. a 5. c 7. h 9. j
Miss Harris: We usually use second-class post
2. b 4. e 6. d 8. f 10. g unless the item must reach its
6 1. e 2. a 3. c 4. f 5. b 6. d destination the next day. Oh, and all
legal documents must be sent by
registered post.

1. e 2. b 3. d 4. f 5. a 6. c


Student’s Book Answer Key

3 22
Sam: What’s a routing slip?
1. First, you collect the mail. Monica: Here, I’ll show you. It’s a special form for
2. Check all of the items. distributing a letter with several recipients.
3. Make sure all letters are signed. You list all the people or departments who
should see the letter in this form. Each
4. Check that the address includes the correct
person who reads the letter ticks his or
her name and passes it on to the next
5. You weigh the envelopes. person on the list. If the letter is very
6. All legal documents must be sent by registered important, don’t use the routing slip.
post. Photocopy the letter and give a copy to
each director.
page 19 Sam: Thanks, Monica. You’ve been a great help.
4 1. junk mail 4. bill
2. contract 5. subscription Tick: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7
3. delivery Find out more
5 Tick: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
Street = St. Boulevard = Blvd.
6 1. international mail 5. sort Road = Rd. Lane = Ln.
2. sender 6. registered post Avenue = Ave.
3. collect 7. postcode
4. mail log Using a Courier Service, page 20
7 1 24

23 1. DLT Electronics 5. 17.9 kg

2. Cardiff, UK 6. 12 cm, 8 cm
Sam: Monica, can I ask you some questions
about the incoming mail procedure? 3. 11.00 am 7. dry, heat
Monica: Sure, Sam. What do you want to know? 4. computer parts 8. 03/02/2023, 4.00 pm
Sam: Well, basically, what is the best way to sort 2
the mail? 25
Monica: First, separate the mail marked ‘private’ or
‘confidential’ and the mail that isn’t marked  Manager: You are responsible for organising the
‘private’ and ‘confidential’. I’d recommend shipment of goods. This includes
dealing with registered mail first. Then you preparing packages, filling in the
should sort the standard mail and leave the necessary forms and any other
magazines and advertising material for last. paperwork, and tracking shipments.
Sam: OK. That sounds sensible. Can I throw the Clerk: How do I prepare packages?
envelopes away after opening the letters?  Manager: First, you must put the goods in a box.
Monica: Yes, but check that you’ve emptied each Any fragile items need extra protection,
envelope and make sure the name and such as bubble wrap. Then weigh and
address of the sender are on the letter. If not, measure each package.
attach the envelope to the back of the letter. Clerk: Do I label the packages?
Sam: What happens if I open a confidential letter Manager: Yes, you must attach our company label
by mistake? and any relevant special instruction labels.
Monica: If you accidentally open a confidential or Always print a label with the recipient’s
personal letter, close it, write on the address – don’t write it by hand.
envelope, ‘opened in error’ and sign your Clerk: Right. What about the forms?
initials. You can also apologise to the
Manager: We use an online system to create our
person the letter is addressed to.
waybills. It’s called On Its Way. You fill in
Sam: Do I need to enter all the mail into the log? the form there. I’ll show you how to log
Monica: Not the junk mail, but everything else on in a moment.
needs to be entered into the system so Clerk: OK. How do I track the shipments?
that we can keep track of what we have
Manager: You can do that on the On Its Way
website – it gives regular updates of the
Sam: What do I do if a letter should go to more package’s exact location.
than one director or department?
Monica: In that case, you should attach a routing 1. forms 4. print
slip to the letter.
2. fragile 5. online
3. measure 6. website
Student’s Book Answer Key

page 21 Felicity: Oh, yes. I see it.

3 1. Put the goods in a box. Mike: That’s the icon for the intranet.
2. Weigh and measure each package. Felicity: Oh, right. Do I just need to click on that to
3. Print a label with the recipient’s address. get in?
4. We use an online system to create our waybills. Mike: Well, double-click on it to start.
5. How do I track the shipments? Felicity: OK. Ah, now there’s a login page.
4 1. a, c 3. b, c Mike: Yes, so enter your username. For you, it
will be ‘f’ dot ‘bryson’, all lower case.
2. a, b 4. a, b
Felicity: So, I’ll type that in …
5 1. this way up 3. handle with care Mike: And then enter the same password that
2. keep away from heat 4. keep dry you use to log in to your computer.
6 26 Felicity: Oh, good. That will make it easier to
1. measure 5. wrap
Mike: That’s the idea! Are you in?
2. bubble wrap 6. tracking update
Felicity: It’s just taking a moment … and … yes,
3. inspect 7. height
that has worked. Thank you so much.
4. good condition 8. weight
Mike: No problem at all.
7 1. signature 4. forms
2. parcel 5. insure 1. T 2. 
F 3. 
T 4. 
F 5. F
3. pick up 5
Review 2, page 22
1 27 Eleanor: OK, Chris. Would you like me to tell you
about some of the procedures that you
1. They aren’t as helpful or professional as they will need to follow when sending out
should be. mail?
2. their name, job title and the name of the Chris: Yes, please, Eleanor. That would be really
company helpful.
3. They must say when they will be back. Eleanor: Well, as you know, a lot of the products
4. an alternative person that the caller can contact that we sell are fragile.
5. This might not be possible, meaning that you Chris: Mm-hmm.
break this promise. Eleanor: So, we have to pack them very carefully.
6. They should ask for the caller’s name, number Any glasses, plates, cups or anything like
and the reason why he / she is calling. that needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap
page 23 Chris: Where do you keep the bubble wrap?
3 Eleanor: It’s all in the stockroom. You will also find
things like envelopes and sticky tape in
Mike: Hello. Mike speaking. How can I help you? Chris: Great.
Felicity: Is that the IT Department? Eleanor: Then, you put the item into the box and
Mike: Yes, it is. put a copy of the invoice in with it.
Felicity: Great. My name is Felicity Bryson. I just Chris: Right – so the items in the order and the
started today, and I was wondering if you invoice go into the box. Anything else?
could help me to access the intranet. Eleanor: Well, sometimes we put some
I can’t find it! promotional material in there as well to
Mike: Don’t worry! I often have to help people advertise our products.
find it. Chris: Ah, yes. Good idea.
Felicity: I’m glad it’s not just me. Eleanor: We also send out some promotional
Mike: Are you at your computer now? material to the people who’ve signed
up to our mailing list. If you are sending
Felicity: Yes, I am.
promotional material, it goes second
Mike: OK. Can you see an icon that is a blue class.
circle with a red square in the middle?
Chris: Promotional material, second class. Got
Felicity: Erm … it.
Mike: It’s quite small, so it is easy to miss.


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