Exam Template
Exam Template
Exam Template
INSTRUCTION: Circle the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1. What is Criminal?
a. A law abiding citizen c. A future law enforcer
b. A criminology student d. A person who is legally convicted of a
2. Refers to the investigation of the nature of criminal law and its administration.
a. Etiology of crimes c. Penology
b. Sociology of law d. Criminal Etiology
3. It is a single act constituting two or more grave felonies or an is a necessary means for
committing the other.
a. Complex Crime c. Simple Crime
b. Complex Crime Proper d. Compound Crime
4. He was the one who introduced the definition of criminology.
a. Raffaelle Garofalo c. Edwin Sutherland
b. Cesare Beccaria d. Paul Topinard
5. In 1889, __________ French Anthropologist, used the term criminology in French Criminologie
for the first time
a. Edwin Sutherland c. Raffaelle Garofalo
b. Paul Topinard d. Jakol JalJalani
6. A crime can be classified according to its stages of commission. What crime is committed when
the offender merely commences the execution of an offense by overt act but which nevertheless
did not perform all acts of execution which would produce the felony by reason of some cause
other than his own spontaneous desistance?
a. Attempted crime c. Consummated crime
b. Frustrated crime d. Complex crime
7. The study of the relationship between criminality and population
a. Criminal demography c. Criminal psychology
b. Criminal ecology d. Criminal epidiomology
8. When the person failed to perform an act that is commanded by law.
a. Act of Omission - b. Act of Commission
9. He was former student of Edwin H. Sutherland and he became his assistant.
a. Raffaelle Garofalo c. Mang Jaja Kol
b. Edwin Sutherland d. Donald Cressey
10. The study of the role of the victim in the commission of a crime.
a. Victimology c. Criminal demography
b. Criminal physical anthropology d. Criminal psychiatry
11. Stage in the commission of crime, wherein all the elements necessary for its accomplishment and
execution are present.
a. Attempted crime c. Consummated crime
b. Frustrated crime d. Complex crime
12. Are those which the law punishes with penalties which in their maximum period are correctional.
a. Grave c. Light
b. Less grave d. Afflictive
13. It is a single act constituting only one offense.
a. Complex Crime c. Simple Crime
b. Complex Crime Proper d. Compound Crime
14. An act or omission in violation of a special law
a. Infraction c. Felony
b. Crime d. Offense
b. Frustrated crime d. Complex crime
15. The study of the relationship between criminality and population
c. Criminal demography c. Criminal psychology
d. Criminal ecology d. Criminal epidiomology
16. When the person failed to perform an act that is commanded by law.
b. Act of Omission b. Act of Commission
17. He was former student of Edwin H. Sutherland and he became his assistant.
a. Raffaelle Garofalo c. Mang Jaja Kol
b. Edwin Sutherland d. Donald Cressey
18. The study of the role of the victim in the commission of a crime.
c. Victimology c. Criminal demography
d. Criminal physical anthropology d. Criminal psychiatry
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