PHD Researchbrain
PHD Researchbrain
PHD Researchbrain
mg is a search engine for academic papers. Whether you are looking for a specific paper, or
for research from a field, or all of an author’s works – is the place to find it. Research
papers can be found by using by following these steps:
8.Citationsy Archives
Citationsy Archives allows you to look up journals and papers to download, download them, and
(obviously) incorporate them into your work.It is important to note that you can access
Citationsy Archives with or without an account.
All you have to do is make a request, and it will then search for the exact phrase in all research
papers around the world and show the pertinent matches to you. Click on each of them to view
more information, and then access it directly from the search results.
The platform also allows you to download the papers using a number of different and totally
open access and legal options.
CORE is the world’s largest aggregator of open access research papers from repositories and
journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission. They serve the global
network of repositories and journals by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open access
Enter your search terms into the search box.
Hit the “Search” link.
Select on the “Get PDF” button to download any research document you are looking for.
10. PaperPanda
PaperPanda is a Chrome extension that uses some clever logic and the Panda’s detective skills to
find you the research paper PDFs you need. Essentially, when you activate PaperPanda it finds
the DOI of the paper from the current page, and then goes and searches for it. It starts by
querying various Open Access repositories like OpenAccessButton, OaDoi, SemanticScholar,
Core, ArXiV, and the Internet Archive. You can also set your university libraries domain in the
settings (this feature is in the works and coming soon). PaperPanda will then automatically
search for the paper through your library. You can also set a different custom domain in the
Dimensions covers millions of research publications connected by more than 1.6 billion
citations, supporting grants, datasets, clinical trials, patents and policy documents. Dimensions is
the most comprehensive research grants database which links grants to millions of resulting
publications, clinical trials and patents.
Dimensions includes datasets from repositories such as Figshare, Dryad, Zenodo, Pangaea, and
many more. It hosts millions of patents with links to other citing patents as well as to
publications and supporting grants.