Newsweek 2903
Newsweek 2903
Newsweek 2903
The online baby boom in unconventional families
M a r c h 2 9 - a p r i l 0 5 , 2 0 2 4 _ VO l . 1 8 2 _ N O. 1 0
for Sperm
Making motherhood a
reality in the face of virtually
every cultural taboo.
by Valerie Bauman
Workplaces for
Job Starters 2024
Newsweek and Plant-A
teamed up to identify the best
companies to begin your career.
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isabella antonelli/Getty
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Kekova, Antalya
Turkish Riviera
Magnificent natural beauty, majestic weather, and rich history! The Turkish Riviera’s wondrous skies and idyllic
blue sea welcome you all year long. This citrus-scented coastal region offers ancient ruins, pristine beaches,
charming cities, and lavish resorts where the art of Mediterranean living is elevated to new heights.
magine a 1000-kilometer-long coast, protected festivals, yacht regattas, golf, swimming and and glamping spots, ranging from off-grid rustic
by soaring mountains on one side, with a year- cycling tournaments, as well as a diverse array of cabins in forests and lakelands to beach huts that
round mild Mediterranean climate and 300 days aquatic and mountain sports that will keep you score top marks for their setting.
of sunshine. The Turkish Riviera offers an amazing busy for the duration of your stay. From stunning
holiday escape for every type of traveler, from accommodation options and refined delicacies to The soothing effects of the balmy Mediterranean
families or honeymooners to solo adventurers extensive historical heritages, the Turkish Riviera climate make the Turkish Riviera the ideal spot for
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encounters with well-preserved ancient cities A PAMPERING BREAK ALONG herbs, fish and produce, you can turn your visit
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Grand swimming pools, aquapark facilities, a not only to get yourself squeaky clean, but also to
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entertainment facilities, luxurious spas and
golf courses comprise a full vacation package
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from the city of Fethiye to Alanya also offers —
several boutique hotels, rental houses and villas Once you choose your accommodation, you
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centers and on private terraces carved into shores, forests and mountains each peppered
mountainsides, overlooking the azure sea from with millennia-old ruins, the Turkish Riviera is
tranquil infinity pools. For those who would the perfect destination for history buffs. Three
like to have a splendid back-to-nature holiday, magnificent ancient regions, Lycia, Pamphylia and
there is also a wide selection of rural retreats Pisidia, merge within the borders of Antalya and
Ramadan Reflections
A Kashmiri Muslim elder recites the Quran at Dastgeer Sahib,
a Sufi shrine in indian-controlled Kashmir, on March 12, the
first day of ramadan in the region. The ninth month of the
islamic lunar calendar, ramadan is a time of deep spiritual
reflection and observance commemorating the Quran’s
revelation to the prophet Muhammad. Throughout this
holy month, many practicing Muslims fast from dawn to
dusk, beginning with a pre-dawn meal known as “suhoor”
and breaking their fast after sunset with “iftar,” typically a
substantial meal shared with family and community members.
Nearly two billion Muslims celebrate ramadan worldwide.
The month concludes with the celebratory Eid al-Fitr.
Biden’s Age
Problem Tears
Democrats Apart
After being depicted as an ‘elderly man with a poor memory,’ questions
surrounding the president’s advanced years are dividing his party
Just over a month after a special counsel that Biden isn’t making a more forceful case for why
report brought questions over Joe Biden’s age he can serve as president well into his 80s, Democrats
to the forefront of the 2024 presidential campaign, disagree over what the best message is to dispel the
Democrats are torn about the best way of addressing public’s fears about his age—and whether Biden or
what is becoming one of the election’s defining issues. his surrogates are the most effective messengers.
The president, 81, and his advisers struck back after The concerns and competing theories about
Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on February 8 Biden’s best path to winning reelection reflect the
depicted him as an “elderly man with a poor memory.” anxiety many Democrats feel about a general election
Biden staged a rare evening press conference rematch against former President Donald Trump, the
within hours. In the days that followed, Vice Pres- presumptive Republican nominee.
ident Kamala Harris called the report “politically Biden’s historically low job approval numbers
motivated,” and First Lady Jill Biden joined a chorus and lackluster showing in head-to-head polls against
of surrogates vouching for Biden’s fitness and energy. Trump have fueled increasingly intense chatter that
But as the president and his team have tried to Democrats would be better off picking someone else.
move on from the damage caused by the report, “Democrats have a better option than Biden,” Ezra
White House allies and other Democrats Klein, a progressive columnist and vocal
have grown increasingly worried that the Trump critic, wrote in The New York Times
strategy of downplaying Biden’s age as a dis- by soon after Hur’s report came out. Hur
traction is the wrong approach to an issue added more fuel to the fire by drawing
that can’t be easily swept under the rug. BUSH
attention to what polls show is one of
While party insiders are privately fretting Biden’s biggest vulnerabilities. “In a way,
the special counsel did Biden a favor Defending Biden’s to lean too heavily on surrogates to
because some of us have been scream- Mental Capacity defend him, or for supporters to make
ing aggressively from the sidelines Harris was far from the only Dem- claims about his health that may come
that people who work with him on ocrat with sharp words for Hur’s across to some voters as exaggerated.
a regular basis need to come out and characterization of Biden. Democrats “Surrogates going out there and say-
say” that he’s doing his job well, said in Congress, administration offi- ing he’s as sharp as a tack, that doesn’t
a former senior Biden administration cials and other supporters have also get him anywhere,” said Tad Devine, a
official who remains in contact with responded in recent weeks by heap- veteran Democratic strategist. “Biden
the White House and asked not to be ing a steady diet of praise on Biden’s has to do most of this himself.”
named in order to speak candidly. energy and work ethic. Yet when Biden has tried to defend
Despite growing calls for Biden and “Joe is 81, that’s true, but he’s 81 himself, the effort has sometimes back-
his surrogates to mount a more robust doing more in an hour than most fired. The press conference he held
defense, there’s debate in the party people do in a day,” Jill Biden wrote in the day the special counsel report was
for remembering names. The Biden Trump began running for president
campaign did not respond to a request in earnest last year and favors big
from Newsweek for comment. campaign rallies that often draw thou-
One longtime Biden adviser argued sands of supporters.
that his verbal miscues should not be Biden waited until the start of the
viewed as evidence that he’s not up to election year to hold his first official
the job of being president and said not campaign rally, following a play-
enough attention is paid to Biden’s book used by recent Democratic and
physical fitness for a man his age. Republican incumbent presidents
“He works out several days a week seeking reelection. Biden has ramped
with a trainer, and he’s in better physi- up his 2024 schedule since then,
AGE DISCRIMINATION Despite being 77, Trump
cal shape than he was 15, 20 years ago,” has not faced the same criticism as Biden, below
including campaign appearances in
said the adviser, who asked not to be left with Kamala Harris and Mike Johnson. South Carolina, Michigan, Nevada
named. “He got more attentive to his and North Carolina.
physical condition.” Biden and Trump both secured
Biden’s physical stamina and mental more stable than Trump, pointing to enough delegates to clinch their par-
acuity were also under the microscope Trump’s tendency to forget facts, mis- ty’s nominations on March 12 after
more recently in his State of the Union speak and make false claims. Polls con- big victories on Super Tuesday the
address. More than 32 million people sistently show most Americans think week before, but the former has held
watched the speech, one of the largest both men are too old to serve another few large campaign rallies. Biden
audiences Biden will have between term, but also reveal more think that has opted instead for smaller events
now and Election Day in November. way about Biden than about Trump. that allow him to connect with indi-
The president spoke for over an hour Among American adults, 59 per- viduals but that lack the energy of a
and took time to address his age directly, cent said they thought both of them big campaign event.
a possible preview of his messaging on were too old to serve second terms as The strategy lets him showcase
the issue in the general election. Biden president, according to an ABC News/ his skills as a retail politician, said
noted that he’s faced questions about Ipsos poll conducted after the special Seth Harris, Biden’s former top labor
his age since he was elected to the U.S. counsel report was released. Yet 27 adviser and a senior fellow at the
Senate in 1972 at age 29. percent said only Biden was too old, Burnes Center for Social Change. The
“In my career I’ve been told I’m compared with just 3 percent who more of those types of events Biden
too young and I’m too old,” he said. said only Trump was. does, the better he’ll be able to show
“Whether young or old, I’ve always “Biden is really the one that is seen Americans that he is up to the task of
known what endures. Our North Star. as having an age problem,” said Cliff serving another four years, Harris said.
The very idea of America.” Young, the president of public affairs “He just needs to be seen in public
Biden also joked about his age, at Ipsos. “It’s definitely a partisan issue.” more doing ‘Biden’ things,” Harris said.
something he’s done in speeches and He added: “Republicans are much “People need to see him interacting
during a recent appearance on NBC’s more critical of Biden’s age than Dem- with other Americans.”
Late Night with Seth Meyers. ocrats are critical of Trump’s age.” Other Democrats agreed Biden
“I know I may not look like it, but I’ve Perhaps wary of age-related attacks needs to start campaigning more and
been around a while,” Biden said. himself, Trump has not put Biden’s age address his age more directly in light
at the center of his campaign. “Biden of the special counsel report.
Trump Would Be Second is not too old, he’s too incompetent!” “There has to be a recognition,” said
Oldest President Trump wrote on his social media plat- Devine, “that the issue of the presi-
The president’s allies also claimed form, Truth Social, days after the Hur dent’s age is going to be front and cen-
that he is in better shape than Trump, report. Newsweek contacted the Trump ter in the election.”
who is 77 and would be the second campaign about the comment.
oldest U.S. president ever after Biden. Biden and Trump’s speaking ▸ Daniel Bush is newsweek’s White
Democrats argued that in campaign styles and approach to campaign- House correspondent. Follow him on
appearances Biden comes across as ing accentuate their differences. X @DanielBush
gone, you’re done until the next cash a screen.” reached at
I’m Suing
always there—a Jewish exception.
A double standard that polices the
actions that harm and demean
My personal introduction to
antisemitism at Harvard began in
the first month of my first semes-
I applied to the university’s Divinity School to be an ter, when Harvard’s Palestine Sol-
ambassador for Orthodox Jews and build bridges with idarity Committee student group
other cultures; instead I’m battling discrimination invited Mohammed el-Kurd to
speak on campus.
As noted by the Anti-Defama-
tion League, el-Kurd has a history
In JudaIsm, there Is an Idea Jew in the program, I wanted to of “unvarnished, vicious antisem-
of passing down knowledge be an ambassador for my people. I itism” and claims Zionists have
and traditions “l’dor v’dor”—from wanted to share my culture with “internalized the ways of the Nazis.”
generation to generation. As if called other community leaders and learn Just the other day, el-Kurd called
to fulfill my part, I learned that I was about theirs. I came to Harvard for the world to be “de-Zionized”
accepted to Harvard Divinity School to build bridges. and proclaimed “we must normal-
while visiting the Auschwitz-Birke- Never would I have imagined ize massacres.” Although he claims
nau concentration camp in Poland. that I’d need to fight for my right to to have misspoken, his rhetoric
I have always b e en p assion- exist on campus. Never would I have speaks for itself.
ate about my Jewish identity and thought that I’d have to sue Harvard When Jewish students, myself
wanted to explore to be treated as an equal. included, protested el-Kurd’s invi-
that identity from an As my lawsuit lays tation to Harvard’s campus, we
academic and plural- by
out in great detail, the were met with shrugs. For a uni-
istic perspective. SHABBOS v i c i ous attacks on versity that has a record of rescind-
As the only Orthodox KESTENBAUM Jewish students since ing speaker invitations, Harvard’s
silence was deafening.
I was also shocked to learn that
Harvard permits the Palestine Soli-
darity Committee and other groups
to hold an annual “Israeli Apartheid
Week,” funded with Harvard money
designed to fund student initiatives,
as my lawsuit lays out.
During these events, student activ-
ists have built what they call “apart-
heid walls” meant to criticize Israel’s
efforts to prevent terrorist attacks;
plastered Harvard Yard with imag-
ery designed to compare Israel to the
direct chants at me to “globalize that feature any Zionist or pro-Is- in a forum for Harvard Divinity
the intifada”—to kill all Jews in the rael perspectives. School students, for which a key-
world—or to “free Palestine from Instead, the school regularly note speaker had said October 7 was
the river to the sea”—to annihilate “about time” and, as it was happening,
the only Jewish state and its Jewish live-tweeted their glee.
inhabitants, including my family. When I asked the student how
One might expect that Harvard she could promote an event where
Divinity School—with its mission “On my way to class, one of the speakers advocates for
emphasizing “Diversity, Inclusion, people direct chants the murder of Jews, the student
and Belonging,” and with religious
tolerance one of its core tenets—
at me to ‘globalize the responded: “I’m comfortable pro-
moting this event.”
would be a safe place for Jews.
intifada’—to kill all I was horrified at how normal-
Harvard Divinity, however, has, Jews in the world—or ized and accepted antisemitism is
as my lawsuit alleges, proven to be to ‘free Palestine from among my colleagues.
a fount of anti-Jewish sentiment the river to the sea.’” There is also no safe space for
Periscope OPINION
Jews to grieve at Harvard. When I feature of Harvard, not a bug. In a placed in Harvard Yard had been
put posters up of Jewish children profoundly telling move, in January, vandalized with antisemitic slo-
who have been taken hostage by Harvard selected a professor who gans. In but one shocking example,
Hamas on a Harvard Divinity bul- has been widely criticized for his someone scrawled “head still on” on
letin board—where students are anti-Israel views as the head of its the poster of Kfir Bibas, the baby
encouraged to post about victims of latest antisemitism task force. abducted by Hamas death squads on
violence—every single time, without The new semester has brought October 7. Other vandalism claimed
exception, they were ripped down. no change. After our lawsuit was that Jews were responsible for the
I tried working with Harvard on file d during Harvard’s winter September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
the problem. I repeatedly expressed break, I returned to campus to One Harvard employee chal-
my concerns to administrators see that Jewish hostage posters lenged me in an email to “debate”
about what I have experienced. But him on a secluded bridge while
time and time again, as I allege in my telling me he “hate s Zionism
lawsuit, evidence of uncontrolled with a passion.”
discrimination and harassment In a video later that same day,
fell on deaf ears. he made his intentions clear when,
Harvard has made it clear that it
“In a profoundly telling while holding a machete, he spoke
is either unable or unwilling to com- move, in January, about his “plan” while featuring
bat antisemitism: Antisemitism is a Harvard selected a an image of my social media post
professor who has been regarding the vandalized Israeli
widely criticized for hostage posters.
COMMUNITY Harvard Hillel’s building
provides a central gathering place for
his anti-Israel views It is incredible to think Har-
vard was not aware of their own
Jewish students on campus. Kestenbaum
as the head of its latest employee’s public rantings which,
wants to protect Jewish students. antisemitism task force.” long before my lawsuit, included
one claiming that “Israel should be
wiped off the map.”
Standing in Auschwitz when I was
accepted at Harvard, I thought about
all the positive change I could create
for myself and others. I was excited
to seize the promise of Harvard and
its incredible opportunities.
But for myself and many
other Jewish students, this has not
been our reality. I have been unable
to be the cultural ambassador I
had hoped to be.
Maybe, however, my fulfillment
of l’dor v’dor at Harvard is less
about passing on my traditions
to others, and more about finally
doing something to protect the
generations of Jewish students that
come after me.
Learn more
Contact us at or scan the
QR Code below to read a case study.
i n c o n c e i va b l e
search for
out scrolling through the sperm bank websites, donor’s education, hobbies and basic medical his-
analyzing donor profiles and squinting at their tory. Some companies, at no extra cost, offer short
baby pictures. I even made a color-coded spread- recordings of the donors’ voices, usually with the
sheet (green for positive attributes, red for negative men explaining why they want to donate or describ-
ing a relationship that has been meaningful in their
lives. For me, it just felt so sterile. There was no way
to get a real read on these guys. Plus, they were
“Shopping for a sperm donor getting paid—was it just about the money? Could
they really be prepared to face my kid in 18 years,
at a bank felt a lot like SHOPPING ON AMAZON if he or she showed up seeking a relationship? And
damn, 18 years seemed like a long time for that kid
minus the real-world reviews.” to wait for answers.
FASCINATING as it is seedy.”
nagging fears and uncertainties that were prevent-
ing me from pulling the trigger on a bank donor.
When my kid asked me who their biological father
was, or why he helped me make a baby, I wanted to
Shopping for a sperm donor at a bank felt a lot have good answers.
like shopping on Amazon minus the real-world This was a path that would allow me to get to
reviews. You often can select several donors and know the donor and potentially allow the child to
then compare them directly on the bank websites meet him before age 18. I could make sure that the
with their key stats listed side by side. It was exactly biological father of my child was someone I would
Bauman (right, with her
like the product comparisons Amazon offers to baby brother Jack) had
feel confident introducing to my future kiddo. Even
allow customers to weigh which humidifier or dreamed of becoming better, I discovered some donors had private Face-
vacuum they want to purchase. But this was so a parent herself. She book groups for the parents of the donor children
much more important than the average consumer used longer-lasting to connect so half-siblings could meet each other
fresh sperm to get
decision. It was making me scrutinize the men and have a sense of family.
pregnant rather than
based on physical attributes as if I were shopping frozen (below).
This was extremely enticing to me as someone
for a designer baby. I care a lot less about hair and who was going to be raising a child without a father.
eye color than I do about the kind of person these The more family, the more love, the better.
donors are. And damn my journalistic instincts, but
I was having a hard time trusting someone else to
do the screening for me. I wanted to know this per-
son. I wanted a baby, yes. But it was important to
me that the baby grow up to be a kind and happy
person. None of this information was going to help
me make that happen. I wasn’t totally sure what I
wanted, but this wasn’t it.
Restless, I did what I always did when I needed
to think: took to the streets of Washington, D.C.
I walked mile after mile for nearly two hours
when something occurred to me. I stopped
short, pulled out my phone and Googled: “sperm
donor that you know.”
I scanned for a few minutes—enough time to
realize that finding a sperm donor who I could
actually meet was a thing that could happen. I put
my phone away and rushed home.
Online Matching
So many intereSting thingS appeared before my
eyes...something called the Known Donor Registry,
which allows people to search for sperm donors.
Facebook groups where sperm donors listed their ser-
vices—for free? And an app called Just a Baby, where I
could swipe left or right on potential donors?!
As I scanned through the various links, a warm
sense of certainty came over me. Then I had to
either party to stay in touch. Sometimes the exchanges
involved sex, other times it was just a hand off of a
sterile cup full of sperm in a brown paper bag.
Now, two decades later, unregulated, gray-market
sperm donation was exploding online, just as I started
dipping my toe in. My reporter senses were set ablaze.
This was going to be a huge story. And I was living
it. I started taking screenshots of interesting posts on
the pages and noting different donors and recipients
who seemed to be particularly active in the Face-
book groups. I spoke to the people who dominated
the world and asked questions as I tried to grasp the
nuances of this bizarre social interaction.
But this story is bigger than any one player. It’s
about the confluence of demand and supply—espe-
cially at a moment when millions of Americans were
sitting at home, quarantined during a pandemic with
nothing to think about but their mortality. These
factors spurred an online baby boom.
In 2021, nearly 3.7 million births were recorded in
the U.S.—a 1 percent increase compared with 2020,
according to CDC data. That may seem small, but keep
in mind that the prior five years before this uptick, their backseat DIY insemination.
birthrates were steadily declining by roughly 1 per- “I kept my legs up for 15 minutes, then we drove off
cent a year. Despite the turnaround, the number of and went about our day,” she said.
births in 2021 failed to catch up with the 2019 total The couple hadn’t anticipated getting the golden
due to a drop in births between 2019 and 2020. ticket: a first-time success. But a few weeks later
Latrice had a vivid dream that she was pregnant.
One Couple’s Story “It felt so real,” she said.
Latrice, a stunning african american woman with The next morning, she took a test, and it was posi-
long black hair and a penchant for bright red lipstick, tive. Now the couple has an 18-month-old son.
had her head on a pillow, her legs in the air and
her toes squished against the ceiling of her bright A Different Kind of Baby Boom
blue Chevy Equinox. one factor that resuLted in this boom in the
Her wife had just inseminated her using a “lube- unregulated market is that many fertility clinics
launcher”—a syringe-like device designed to shoot closed their doors as “nonessential” medical proce-
lubricant into a vagina. The couple had traveled an dures were put on the back burner during the pan-
hour from their Michigan home to pick up a cup of demic, and as sperm banks had to pause accepting
sperm from Ron, a super donor who estimates he’s new donations—leading to a shortage. Even after
produced 65 children and has more on the way. clinics reopened, people who couldn’t afford to spend
For three days in a row, they had a conception rou- thousands of dollars on sperm from a bank, or costly
tine with Ron’s help. After picking up the sperm in a fertility procedures, increasingly went online to find
cup inside a paper bag from Ron, they would drive free or cheap sperm. PRODUCTIVE
a short distance before pulling into a quiet hospital Another upside to a freelance sperm donor is that Bauman found a
parking lot. Then Latrice laid down and scooted her you’re getting fresh sperm (which lives up to five days sperm donor online,
resulting in a successful
5-foot-1-inch frame as far into the backseat as she in a woman’s body), and sometimes receiving multi-
pregnancy. The
could. Her wife crouched on the edge of the opposite ple donations per cycle. By comparison, frozen sperm mom-to-be and an
seat, her legs dangling out the partially open rear door. is almost exclusively administered once per cycle, and ultrasound picture
It only took a few seconds for the couple to complete it only lives in a woman’s body for up to 24 hours— of her unborn child.
to be able to GIVE MY KID ANSWERS Similarly, donors will post photos of themselves
and/or their successes. Think: cute baby pictures
and insights into where they came from.” and positive pregnancy tests. All of this is a bid to
attract new recipients.
The groups are also a place where everyone is
encouraged to video chat first before meeting in
making timing around ovulation incredibly critical. a preferably public place for the first time. The
Many of these women, like me, seemed to be in moderators are mostly donors, but there are a few
their later 30s and realizing that they were in a now- recipients, too.
or-never moment. There’s data to back up this existen- Moderators do their best to screen out the
tial crisis: In 2021, new births among women ages 20 creeps and trolls. But like any other internet com-
to 24 declined by 3 percent, but they rose as much as munity, I quickly learned that it’s tough to keep
5 percent for women ages 25 to 44. up with sometimes.
Many people gain access to unregulated sperm All of this was wildly new territory for me. But
donation through the Known Donor Registry, a there was a palpable sense of empowerment among
website where donors and recipients can draft pro- successful recipients: They had gamed the system,
files and seek each other out. The KDR describes found a shortcut around the reproductive industry
itself as a free community resource and platform for and still wound up with a baby—and a complete
connecting donors and recipients. As such, it has a family. It intrigued me, particularly in the larger
lengthy “terms of use,” in which it makes clear that social context of humanity and how we define fam-
members are responsible for vetting the accuracy of ilies. Increasingly, women are becoming parents
donor profiles and for any interaction that may take without a father present, and LGBTQ+ couples are
place. It’s not clear how legally binding the terms finding ways to build families on their own terms.
of use are; however, people have been kicked off These online spaces make it possible for many people
and blocked from KDR for not complying with the in marginalized groups to have biological children
rules. The site’s code of conduct requires users to be since the conventional health care system largely
respectful and abstain from using illegal drugs and favors coupled heterosexual people with plenty of
transmitting STIs. It also recommends legal contracts financial resources.
and bars any requests for payment in exchange for This is a moment when people are talking more
gametes. Members may not “state or imply” that sex openly about what it means to build different kinds
is a more effective way to get pregnant than artificial of families and reproductive rights are at the fore-
insemination methods. front of politics and culture. Along my personal jour-
One of the most popular sperm donation Face- ney, I’ve explored the psychological, legal and ethical
book pages saw its membership grow by thousands ramifications of finding free or cheap procreation
per month at times, tripling between June 2020 and assistance online and going through with the pro-
June 2022, and eventually reaching about 24,000 cess of starting a family with the help of a stranger.
members. By August 2023, membership had grown Could this be a critical moment of empowerment
175 percent. As more recipients flocked to the page, for new kinds of families? Or a risky prospect with
the donor population has grown, too. myriad complications to consider?
I found Facebook groups to be the real lifeblood of What does it mean if the answer is both?
this world. Unlike Just a Baby, which is essentially Tin-
der for getting knocked up and an extremely unreg- ▸ Adapted with permission from inconceivable:
ulated setup, the Facebook groups allowed recipients super sperm donors, off-the-grid insemination,
and donors to exchange information on a semi-public and unconventional family planning by Valerie
forum, so there’s a little bit more accountability. The Bauman. © 2024. Published by Union Square & Co.
Q A &
donor-conceived child. That’s how
you wind up with a donor who has
severe psychological issues that
ient—to choose a donor carefully.
Finding someone who has self-im-
posed limits, good motivations and
coerce them into performing sex goals of any prospective recipients.
acts. Unfortunately, some women
You lay out many pitfalls in trying Do super donors create a problem
to conceive in the unregulat- for donor-conceived people? How
ed market. How can would-be can their rights be protected?
parents avoid getting burned? Most donor-conceived people I’ve
The key is taking your time to vet spoken with are extremely troubled
potential donors properly and by super donors who create chil-
establishing some trust. Unlike a dren by the dozens without limits or
sperm bank, you have the op- any intention to connect half-sib-
portunity to truly get to know lings or maintain relationships
the person who is donating half with the offspring. protecting their
the DNA that will create your rights is tricky, because the U.S.
child. Take advantage of that legal and legislative systems are
and don’t rush that process. loathe to place any formal limits on
Additionally, i often see people how many children any one person
focusing only on a donor’s phys- can have—or how they go about it.
ical attributes and seeking donor
anonymity. They may just want to
EXPECTANT Bauman’s book includes
have sperm shipped to them, or her own experiences and those of
even meet a donor at a roadside others looking to become moms. She
motel without ever exchanging is looking forward to welcoming a son.
A M E R I C A’ S
etting a career started is never easy. to get a real sense of which companies will help
First-day stumbling blocks can give them flourish as they begin their careers. ¶ To
way to larger questions about choosing the right help improve the job-finding process, Newsweek
career path. Imposter syndrome, information has partnered with Plant-A, a data intelligence
overload, the challenge of new colleagues: it’s firm, for the second annual ranking of companies
almost enough to make you miss the routine of that excel at hiring people getting their careers off
sending out endless résumés to online job de- the ground.. The data, divided into small, medium
scriptions. ¶ The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and large segments based on each company’s size,
reported in December 2023 that there were more is compiled from responses from workers with
job openings than applicants (with 0.7 applicants less than five total years of employment experi-
per opening), a trend that has held since May ence who are currently at companies with more
2021. That means the landscape favors people than 500 employees. ¶ This survey aims to benefit
on the lookout for work. But even with an abun- people early in their career by surfacing compa-
dance of open positions, people just entering the nies that could be a good fit for them. It presents
workforce should consider their options carefully a portrait across industries—including advertis-
ing and marketing, engineering, health care and
software firms, among others—to highlight com-
panies that are making the best moves to attract
fresh talent. ¶ We hope the ranking serves as a
resource for helping to find matches between job
starters and the companies looking to hire them.
Nancy Cooper, Global Editor in Chief
Citizens Alorica
Facilities Management
GTT Global
Healthcare Linen
CSLBehring Services Group
Genentech ITG Communications
HBCS Incorporated
Lilly Kaman’s Art Shoppes
Natera Maximus
RMS Merchandising
Hampton Affiliates
Haggar Idaho Forest Group
Apple Automotive
Madewell Kohler
Samuels Jewelers Automotive Parts MarinoWare BASF
Sun & Ski Sports MI Windows and Doors Cabot
Tom James Pella Dow
Bob Moore Auto Group
Windsor Techo-Bloc Ecolab
Zumiez Wells Concrete L&L Products
Lithia Motors
AUTO PARTS Mercedes-Benz
Tiara Yachts
Ada Technologies Techniplas
Toyota Carlsbad Builders FirstSource
ATC Drivetrain
Walser Ferguson
White Cap
Dakkota Integrated Systems BANKS Halco
Banc of California
Bank of America 2020 Companies ENGINEERING
Industrial Group Bank OZK AAA Landscape
A.J. Kirkwood
Michelin Banner Bank Access & Associates (AJK)
Wagmans GovCIO
& SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTORS 1st Franklin Financial
Academy Mortgage
ABC Bus Companies
ACE Cash Express
Hahn Automotive
Warehouse, Inc. AmCap Mortgage Ltd.
Imperial Dade American Advisors Group
Mac Papers and Packaging American Express
Ross Video DAI
AATA International GE Johnson
Construction Company GoodLeap
General Production Homeside Financial
Ahern Service
Marketing Alliance Group New American Funding
Allstate Sales Group Goodfellow Bros.
Taylor USA Mortgage
Ambassador Services H&M
Veterans United
Atlas Halff Associates Home Loans
Baker Group HR Green & OFFICE SUPPLIES
Icon Mechanical
Construction & Engineering A10 Networks
21st Century HealthCare
J.F. Shea American Banknote
C.S. McCrossan Corporation Ambarella
C&S Companies J.J. White
Bad Boy Mowers AMCON Distributing
CHA Consulting Jacobs Solutions Company
C&K Trucking
Champion JH Findorff & Son Apple
Digital Diagnostics
Classic Floors Ferrazzano John E. Green Fender Musical
Duke Manufacturing Instruments Corporation
Cleveland Group Johnson Controls
HIS ITG Brands
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Labor Contractors
Construction Partners Verifone Systems
CVC & Technology Voyant Beauty
Peco Foods
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Adams and Associates Smithfield Foods, Inc. Adams Resources & Energy
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Arizona State University Welch’s Alaska Air
Pet Food Experts
Boston University
Restaurant Depot Wells Enterprises BNSF Railway
Duke University
Festivals of Music
Harvard University
LeafSpring School
National American
Oregon Health
& Science University
School Specialty
Teachers on Reserve
General Dynamics
Hallmark Aviation Services
Transport America
Union Pacific
A Caring Heart
Case Management
Wadhams Enterprises
Abrazo Community
XPO Health Network
Altamonte Springs
Adventist Health Partners
Ascension Texas
HealthEquity Presbyterian
Athletico Physical Therapy
Help at Home Privia Health
ATI Physical Therapy
Henry Ford Health Providence Health
Aveanna & Services
Barnes Healthcare Services Riverside Community
HonorHealth Hospital
Adapt Health BayCare
Saint Francis
Joerns Healthcare Behavioral Health Works
Human Care Hospital - Memphis
Carelon Behavioral Health T & N Reliable Nursing Care
Incare Home
Centene Take Care of Sarasota
Bio-Techne Children’s Specialty Group James A. Haley
VA Medical Center Telecare
Boston Scientific Community Care Health Trinity Health
Kindred Healthcare
Brookdale Concentra U.S. Renal Care
Legacy Health Services
Cardinal Health Dana-Farber
McLaren Health Care UC Davis Health
Haemonetics Dignity Health
Medical Facilities UPMC CCP
Hanger Erickson Senior Living of America, Inc.
Upstream Rehabilitation
ICU Medical Essentia Health Memorial Hermann
Virginia Health Services
Healthcare System
Mass General Brigham Family Care Network
Mercy Medical Center
McKesson Family Healthcare HEALTH CARE SERVICES
Associates Michigan Healthcare
Medtronic Professionals
Good Samaritan A Place For Mom
Mercy Health Hospital San Jose Montefiore
A&T Health Care
MICRO Halcyon Home Novant Health
Acadian Companies
Philips HCA Healthcare Oak Street Health
Stryker Health Connect America Orlando Health Healthcare Staffing
Sutter Health
Home Medical
Equipment Specialists Taconic Biosciences
Hamilton Company
Itron Amalgamated Life
Safe Fleet Holdings Bankers Insurance Group
Tech International Capital Blue Cross
Tech-Etch CNA Financial
Technimark Country Financial
Wall Colmonoy Fidelity National Financial
Waters Hagerty Insurance Agency
Zebra Technologies Health Plans (HPI)
Highmark Health
Engineering Research
Faegre Drinker
Jefferies Group Fair Isaac Corporation
JPMorgan Chase Ford Audio-Video Systems
R.J. O’Brien & Associates GEA
Saddle Creek Logistics Taghleef Industries
Intermountain Health
& FINANCIAL ADVISORY U.S. Xpress Enterprises
J.J. Keller & Associates
Edward Jones Warehouse Services Georgia-Pacific
Jefferson Hospital
Fidelity Warehouse Specialists Kimberly-Clark Association
RGIS G3 Enterprises Castle Metals
Wildlife Conservation
Ryder System, Inc. Pratt Industries Chicago Transit Authority Society
Hal Leonard
D’Aprile Properties
Daniel Corp.
Fairfield Residential
Garden Commercial
Goldrich Krest
Greystar Real
Estate Partners
HRI Properties
Jack Conway
MACO Management
Freddy’s Frozen
Custard & Steakburgers ADT AMC Bridge Indeed
Beauty Management
Best Friends PLANT-A INSIGHTS GROUP is a research, analytics and technology firm that produces inde-
pendent, unbiased company rankings and recognition across a wide variety of industries, cat-
Brake Masters
egories and sectors through extensive market research and analytics. All research projects are
CareGivers independently administered and performed by the highest standards of neutral and transparent
research methods.
Engine & Transmission
A total beauty brand, Co-medical ter just one bottle, users will notice
boasts a comprehensive variety improved skin hydration and re-
of products designed to leave cus- duced fatigue,” Mr. Sedei explains.
tomers feeling happy and healthy. Co-medical’s products have
“We aim to inspire pride and received awards recognition. No-
smiles – so when someone looks tably, the hugely popular Shonan
in the mirror, they feel a sense of Beauty Eyelash Serum has been
achievement,” says the company’s given ‘best buy’ status by
president, Akira Sedei. the prestigious cosmetics ANDO
Be it skin, hair, eye or oral magazine LDK the Beauty.
care, Co-medical’s world- “Our serum is formu- ANDO men’s line is meticulously
“We want to help make class products cover ev- lated without ingredients refined to protect the skin from
people happy, make ery cosmetic need. What’s that could stain the skin, everyday stress,” Mr. Sedei reveals.
them enjoy the beauty more, the Japanese firm highlighting our commit- The result of extensive re-
also promotes inner health, ment to products that are search into men’s skin, ANDO is
of themselves.” thanks to its leading-edge both high-performing and typical of Japanese companies’
dietary supplements. safe,” Mr. Sedei says. dedication to remaining in step
Akira Sedei, President,
For example, the CO Meanwhile, Co-medi- with clients’ needs.
Co-medical Co., Ltd.
Moist Goddess Placenta cal’s product range also “We’re always thinking about
Drink not only offers reflects a growing inter- what customers want,” Mr. Sedei
outer benefits, but also Shonan Beauty est in skin care among declares. “We tailor our products invigorates the body. “Af- Eyelash Serum male customers. “Our to meet those requirements.”
The Fall
release on YouTube, it garnered
by over 60 million views. Countless
R YA N snippets of Williams’ cognac-fu-
SMITH eled chat with NFL legend
and Rise
Sharpe have become viral hits
on social media. And, according to research by
Booking Agent Info, Google searches for the come-
of Katt
dian exploded by 1,328 percent, rising from 85,900
to 1.2 million searches just 24 hours after the inter-
view. Per the celebrity database, Williams’ pre-Club
Shay Shay Instagram following stood at 798,052. As
cursing in his stage acts has seen him comic genius, only one of a few who perspective and a comeback story,”
shut out of “mainstream” comedy. He consistently pack arenas. Nierman said. “Katt...told his side of
also said Joe Rogan would not want “His appeal with audiences is not the story, and didn’t shy away from
him on his powerhouse podcast, The simply because he makes them laugh, tough questions. He spoke unapolo-
Joe Rogan Experience, because of this. but because he also makes them getically and in a way that resonated
“If you were a comedian that think. Katt’s authenticity and fearless- with the audience. Fans are ready to
cussed, you were ridiculed by the ness in addressing controversial top- love him again and see him succeed.
mainstream comedy-geist,” Williams ics has created a loyal fan base that “The public now realizes that not
explained. “That would be like me appreciates his unapologetic style.” everything they read or hear has
being on Joe Rogan. Joe don’t want “ When people ask, ‘ Where has truth behind it. This time when Katt
me on there. I need to be on Shannon. Katt Williams gone wrong?’ I say he spoke, they were ready to listen, and
Joe’s got six comedians that’s never hasn’t,” Durden added. “He’s simply it has been doing wonders for his
been funny [that] he wants to push faced his fair share of challenges like career ever since.”
out. That’s really how it is.” all of us. Every struggle Katt faced was
“I love Katt,” Rogan responded on X a triumph. Every mistake he’s made ▸ Ryan Smith is a newsweek enter-
last month. “He’s one of my favorite was a lesson learned. His trials and tainment reporter. You can contact
comics, and I’d love to have him on. tribulations never overshadowed his him at
Japan’s SMEs Innovate Amid Global Manufacturing Shifts
In the tapestry of global manufacturing, Japa- “Japan is at a very interesting time right now, companies can be digitized, there remains a
nese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) due to the supply chain disruptions caused by substantial part of the process that relies solely
have emerged as pivotal players, contributing COVID-19 and the tensions between China and on the expertise of human craftsmen. Transfer-
significantly to Japan’s thriving semiconductor, the U.S.,” he says. “Japanese products on the ring knowledge and skills from one generation to
electronics, and advanced machinery sectors. global scene are very attractive once again.” another can prove to be a challenging endeavor. “
These industries have long been synonymous Michihiro Tamenori, President of Seishin Trad- Confronting such challenges, Fumiyuki Kanai,
with Japan’s technological prowess and commit- ing – a manufacturer of switchgear and switch- President of KOKUSAI Electric Group – a global
ment to innovation, and SMEs play a crucial role board apparatus – further elaborates on Japan’s leader in batch deposition equipment and single-
in upholding this reputation on the global stage. strengths, especially amidst challenges like the wafer treatment technology – emphasizes the
Japan’s journey in manufacturing excellence COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions. importance of dialogue (Tai-wa) and technological
dates back decades, with the post-World War “The yen’s depreciation is indeed driving in- innovation in meeting customer needs, noting:
II era witnessing a remarkable resurgence fu- creased business demand,” says Mr. Tamenori. “We always value Tai-wa as our company phi-
eled by a relentless focus on quality, precision, “Despite the growing dominance of China losophy, whilst our strategy is to compete in a field
and continuous improvement. This era birthed and Southeast Asia in the market, Japanese where we can leverage our unique technological
iconic names like Toyota, Sony, and Panasonic, products maintain a reputation for superior capabilities. We think that this is critical; not only
setting the stage for Japan’s dominance in quality. And although Japanese companies understanding their needs but also communicat-
various technological domains. might not be as quick to act, their longstand- ing how we can best meet those needs.”
However, the landscape has evolved, with ing and consistent business practices over the Meanwhile, Yasuhiro Hara, President of UL-
regional competitors emerging and global dy- years serve as an advantage for us.” VAC-PHI, Inc. – a company born from a stra-
namics shifting. Masayoshi Imoto, President of tegic alliance between U.S. company Physical
IIX INC. – a display technology manufacturer – Challenges and Opportunities Electronics and ULVAC – sheds light on strategic
notes this evolution, stating: “There is often an Tadashi Naruse, President of Shinhokoku Material, initiatives aimed at global expansion and supply
assumption that Japanese high-quality and high- agrees with this sentiment, whilst also highlight- chain diversification. He says: “We actively utilize
pricing can be considered over-specification, and ing the challenges and opportunities faced by the ULVAC Group’s supply network. From that
to some extent, I do agree with this assumption. Japanese SMEs in the global market. He notes: perspective, our major business was dealing
However, multiple Japanese companies are able “The way the world has unfolded over the past few with the United States, and from that core, we
to compete in the global market as niche players.” years has meant that there are plentiful disrup- are now steadily starting to expand to other
Mr. Imoto emphasizes the unique strengths tions within supply chains. Additionally, with the countries. This strategic approach aims to have a
of Japanese SMEs, particularly their ability to depreciation of the yen, Japanese companies have significant impact on the business as a whole, and
provide bespoke, high-quality solutions. “Japa- been put in an advantageous position for export.” we are expecting to generate a notable impact.”
nese companies can provide special unique Masato Tozawa, President of Restar Embed-
services that cater to specific needs and things ded Solutions – a supplier of electronics, business Leading with Innovation and Quality
that no one can copy,” he says. and office services – stresses the demographic Japanese SME manufacturers continue to up-
challenges faced by Japan’s manufacturing sec- hold Japan’s legacy of innovation, quality, and
Niche Excellence and Global Competition tor, particularly the aging workforce. He states: reliability in the semiconductor, electronics,
Ken Kitano, Chairman of Logic & Design Co. – a “There is certainly a decline in the labor force... and advanced machinery industries. As they
specialist in enhancing and restoration tech- The aging of the labor force, including the expe- navigate challenges and seize opportunities
nology – echoes this sentiment, highlighting rienced craftsmen who have been the backbone in a rapidly evolving global landscape, these
Japan’s attractiveness in the global market due of Japan’s manufacturing history, presents a SMEs remain at the forefront of technological
to supply chain disruptions, favorable exchange formidable challenge for the sector. While cer- advancement and economic growth, showcas-
rates, and the reliability of Japanese products. tain aspects of business within manufacturing ing Japan’s enduring commitment to excellence.
* The KOKUSAI Electric Group refers to a technique for thin-film deposition at an atomic layer level involving a process of cyclical supply
of multiple gases as "ALD.”
** Tai-wa is a Japanese word meaning dialogue or conversation between people face-to-face who are willing to understand each other with a
sense of empathy. At times, the subject of Tai-wa can be things besides people. For us, Tai-wa implies respecting everyone, being sincere, and
acting wholeheartedly – that is our attitude towards work. This is our group’s DNA that we value to last forever.
IIX INC.: Pioneering Sustainable Display Solutions Globally
IIX INC. leads the world in
innovative display technology, “Dedicated to sustainability,
emphasizing sustainability, our unique DeMura process
global expansion, and exemplifies our global com-
strategic partnerships for mitment to environmental
industry excellence. responsibility and techno-
Eco-friendly biodegradable resins
logical innovation.”
able resins, underscoring its
Masayoshi Imoto, commitment to sustainability.
President, IIX INC. In pursuit of global expansion,
IIX has strategically focused on
of IIX’s success is its pioneering emplified by its holistic approach China, establishing partnerships
DeMura process, a sophisticated to problem-solving and innova- that leverage synergistic effects and
Suriawase-DeMura engineering method for correcting unevenness tion. By embracing the Japa- drive innovation, adopting a pay-as-
Founded in 1999, under the vision- in OLED displays, which is also nese concept of Suriawase, the you-go service billing model which
ary leadership of President Masay- compatible with next-generation company has mastered the art eliminates the need for customers’
oshi Imoto, IIX INC. has emerged displays such as MiniLED and μLED. of collaborative solutions, secur- initial investment in equipment with
as a beacon of innovation in the This proprietary technology not ing its position as a global niche on-site field engineer services.
electronics manufacturing industry, only ensures the highest quality of leader. This strategy extends As IIX marches towards an
with a focus on advanced display display products but also signifi- beyond its primary focus on dis- IPO and further diversification
technologies. As it celebrates its cantly reduces play solutions, of its business portfolio, its ethos
25th anniversary, the company is waste, thereby incorporating of sustainability, innovation, and
driven by a commitment to “Infi- contributing to environmen- global collaboration continues to
nite Harmony and Unity,” aiming to environmental tal building guide it toward industry leader-
make a positive impact on society sustainability. control sys- ship and a lasting global impact.
through delivery of high-quality IIX’s dedi- tems and de-
products and services, while also cation to ex- velopment of
prioritizing employee well-being cellence is eco-friendly
and development. At the core further ex- DeMura process offers the highest quality biodegrad-
Ramy Youssef
Describing ramy youssef’s work isn’t easy, because he refuses to Your first special was Feelings and
settle on just one thing. “I feel really inspired to connect in the way that your new one is called More Feelings.
it makes sense.” That started out with stand-up, but has since morphed into So, how have your feelings changed?
acting, writing, directing and producing. The New Jersey native’s next endeavor, A lot of my life changed [since] the
on the heels of his appearance in the Oscar-winning film Poor Things, is the first special. All of a sudden, I was
new HBO stand-up special More Feelings (March 23). “I’m definitely living on a going to a show [Ramy, and] a stand-
prayer, and that’s probably the magic piece in this special, where it kind of feels up special. [Now] we’ve done a few
like everything’s just hanging by this really thin string.” A key to his material is seasons of Ramy, we’re entering
“looking for what allows it to feel like almost a weird, linear thought, but going the second season of Mo, I got to
into a lot of different things ... somehow it’s kind of all one thought.” But for do this film, I got married, so a lot of
Youssef, no matter if it’s for stand-up, his Hulu series Ramy or Netflix’s Mo, the those shifts are clear in this show.
process dictates creativity. “Some ideas are just so good for stand-up and some
you want to put on TV. I’ve started to think of what would really be best fit for What about your feelings
film. I’ve been dabbling in how to take my first swing at that.” do you like sharing?
It’s my favorite thing about stand-
up. I get into things that could be
perceived politically. I don’t like
getting into political conversations.
It’s more like, these are my feelings
about things that are happening that
do affect me directly, and the name
“feelings” is always really nice to me,
“I’m definitely because that’s all these thoughts are.
living on a
prayer, and Poor Things is your first big film.
How was working with Emma Stone?
that’s probably She has the best timing of
the magic piece anyone I’ve ever been near. She
in this special.” is just on another level.
ITH ITS BUDGET ELECTRIC CARS ceptance of EVs across the country.
targeting rural dwellers, se- This year, Apatech Motors will
nior citizens and new driv- open its own factory in Fukushima
ers, Tokyo startup Apatech Motors prefecture, which suffered immense
wants to change perceptions not damage in the 2011 Tohoku earth-
just about electric vehicles (EV), quake and tsunami and was also the THE CEO OF APATECH MOTORS, FENG SUN,
but about cars in general. Since the site of a nuclear accident. Apatech ELECTRIC CARS ARE PERCEIVED.
company’s launch in May of 2022, Motors has named its current series
chief executive officer Feng Sun and of cars ‘Ohkuma’, after the town
his team have been on a mission that was completely evacuated
to spread the idea that cars used following the accident. Apatech Introducing EVs Through
mostly for short distances, or only Motors’ new factory is expected to Car Sharing and Subscriptions
occasionally, do not need to be have an annual production capacity IN ADDITION TO THE SALE OF EVS,
fancy or pricey. of 200,000 cars per year. Apatech Motors’ offerings include
The biggest hurdle – also what “It’s about how much of the car sharing and subscription services.
Sun refers to as the “blue ocean” of market share we can capture. In the Unlike some existing share models,
opportunity – is that Japan, with a Japanese market, there are about where the company owns the cars, it
penetration of just three percent, 2.5 million compact cars. We’re is car owners who will be encouraged
lags behind players in the global EV aiming for a 10% share. For example, to lend their cars to others when
market. As a former fund manager, our goal for this year is to reach they are traveling, for example. Some
Sun was jolted into entrepreneurship about 10,000 units. We’ve taken a of the benefits include offsetting high
during the pandemic that caused him good look at trends in previous fis- maintenance costs such as parking
to reexamine how he could contrib- cal years, and we are inviting more and insurance fees.
ute to solving issues such as sustain- and more investors to partner with Subscription-based services have
ability and post-disaster recovery. us,” Sun said. found success among Japanese
“In the process, I turned my consumers. Apatech Motors wants to
attention to the EV industry, which use subscriptions to introduce EVs to
I had been interested in for a while. beginners uncertain about product
Additionally, with the expected quality and give them a chance to try
restart of nuclear power plants, the “It’s about how out vehicles with the latest features.
cost of electricity is predicted to Eventually, it hopes to convert these
become even cheaper,” Sun said. much of the market users into owners. Currently, the
share we can capture. company’s compact model rents for
200,000 Cars a Year from In the Japanese market, about $350 monthly, and its bigger,
New Factory commercial model $700.
there are about
APATECH MOTORS NOW USES ORIGINAL “We don’t see ourselves in direct
equipment manufacturing (OEM) to competition with giant players like
design cars made in Chinese factories Toyota and Honda. If they repre-
according to Japanese requirements sent the JAL (Japan Airlines) and
as well as user needs. Pet owners and ANA (All Nippon Airways) of the
last mile delivery services are part of We’re aiming for
E N . A P AT E C H - M O T O R S . C O M
Apatech Motors
is doing their part to
achieve the goal of
by 2050 that was
set by the Japanese