Ag en All
Ag en All
Ag en All
18 2
22 Light Up Your Lips to Mirror Your Mood 4 Founders Diamond 17 Digital Hotspot
24 Fall 2016: ARTISTRY #Hi-Tech Metallics Thomas Kiew & Josephine Lau 26 A Brand New Website,
6 Diamond A Whole New ABO Experience
Chin Kok Fai & Jane Soong Wern Chin 30 Rules of Conduct
8 Emerald & Founders Sapphire
C K Liew & Mee Yee
Chong Juang Kai & Patricia Li Siok
9 Hisamudin & Zaili
34 “Design for the Environment” is now
CUSTOMER CARELINE Yoo Chai Ni “Safer Choice”
10 Sapphire
A good reputation is the foundation for any strong business. Our
business is no exception. And companies that want to grow like we
do, are especially tied to their reputation.
19 If we follow the values that Rich and Jay founded this company on,
our reputation and our company will grow. If we all remain focused
on freedom, family, reward, hope – and if we put a special emphasis
on integrity – we can achieve a level of success we never thought
24 possible.
Our reputation is about doing the right thing, even when no one is
19 Lock & Lock Nutritional Blender On-The-Go
Nutrition & Wellness Products
30 Philips Avance Grill Pan
Philips Air Fryer XL
NutriliteMalaysia amwaymy
The AMAGRAM™ magazine is published for AMWAY Business Owners (ABOs) by AMWAY
(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. No. 28, Jalan 223, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03–7946 2288. © Copyright 2016 AMWAY (B) Sdn Bhd and AMWAY (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
(22062-P) AJL93010. All rights reserved. ABOs are hereby granted permission to reproduce
any article appearing in this AMAGRAM provided the said article is printed in its entirety and the
reprint bears the following notice: REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION OF AMWAY (MALAYSIA)
SDN. BHD. Printed by Percetakan Zanders Sdn. Bhd. No 16, Jalan BK 1/11, Bandar Kinrara,
47180 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia.
I used to think that AMWAY was a small
scale direct selling business that used the
“people-to-people” approach to promote
their products. However, after attending
an AMWAY talk with my sponsor, I was
astonished to find out that it is indeed a
wonderful and unique business opportunity.
Thomas Kiew &
Josephine Lau
Sibu l
Ang Seng Chai &
Chong Foong Kiaw
AG (M) 0916 Pg 4-5 F.DIA Thomas Kiew & Josephine Lau.indd 4 8/15/16 11:31 AM
AG (M) 0916 Pg 4-5 F.DIA Thomas Kiew & Josephine Lau.indd 5 8/15/16 11:31 AM
6 september 2016
Before joining AMWAY as full-time AMWAY
Business Owners (ABOs), I ran my own
name-card printing business while Jane was
an assistant manager in an international bank.
Kuala Lumpur l
Chong Juang Kai &
Patricia Li Siok
AG (M) 0916 Pg 6-7 DIA Chin Kok Fai & Jane Soong Wern Chin_new.indd 4 8/10/16 9:10 AM
surprisingly, I was inspired by another person and more distinguished. We strongly believe Siok, Diamond Shawn Lee & Priscilla Liau,
who had also joined AMWAY at the same time in the “Sharing is Caring” mindset and have Founders Emerald Lee See Hik & Wong Ching
as me. After gaining better knowledge about always shared the AMWAY business and its Beng, Diamond Gan Yok Lee & Huang Chen
AMWAY’s business philosophy and values, I products with those around us. We’re pleased Tow, Executive Diamond Robert Yap Kim
realised that AMWAY could actually offer the to see that our hard work has paid off and Choo & Lily Yee Lai Wah, Executive Diamond
lifestyle Jane and I have always desired. that our parents, who initially had a negative Cheong Kwee Fatt & Ng Kim Mooi, and Crown
impression about direct selling, have now Siew Fang & Celia Wong for their support and
To me, the biggest challenge was trying to become our enthusiastic business associates. encouragement.
convince Jane about AMWAY, as she had
always viewed direct selling negatively. I We’ve been invited to join the AMWAY We would also like to take this opportunity to
explained that I would barely have time to Leadership Seminar in Alaska, Japan, Los thank Crown Ambassador Peter Lee & Choi
spend with her and there would be no financial Angeles, Dubai, Paris, Sydney, Hokkaido, Kit, Crown Ambassador Lee Yin Chuan &
security if I continued running my conventional Auckland and Las Vegas. We’ve realised that Gek Hong and all leaders in our organisation
business. After she understood the reasons the pursuit of wealth is not the sole purpose of for their guidance, other AMWAY business
why I wanted to build the AMWAY business, life. We’ve fulfilled our dreams and now we’re associates, and AMWAY staff for their
we attended various AMWAY events together, equipped with an even stronger sense of cooperation.
where she managed to learn that anyone who mission to help more people to succeed and
nurtures a dream and believes in AMWAY enjoy the quality lifestyle like we do. Dare to dream, and dare to charge ahead!
will succeed in this equal and transparent This is the only way for us to succeed!
business opportunity, regardless of their Believe in what you do and persevere.
educational or personal background. AMWAY provides an excellent platform for
people to build their own business and, in the
Making the right choice goes hand-in-hand process, to help others succeed.
with working hard. We focused on building up Your downlines will look up to you
our business, one step at a time, and took one for guidance and inspiration. Set
year to become full-time ABOs. Our mentors, a good example - that’s the only
Diamond Shawn Lee & Priscilla Liau, were way to take your team members
always there to guide us with useful advice on to greater heights.
personal growth and team leadership.
Jane and I would like to express
During the course of building our business, our heartfelt gratitude to Lum
we faced various objections from friends and Swee Meng & Chan Betty Lee
family. However, we have always viewed those San for introducing AMWAY to us.
challenges as a source of motivation that Special mention goes to Emerald
spurs us to grow while making us stronger Chong Juang Kai & Patricia Li
It takes an accomplished
you to create a more
accomplished team!
AG (M) 0916 Pg 6-7 DIA Chin Kok Fai & Jane Soong Wern Chin_new.indd 5 8/10/16 9:10 AM
8 september 2016
We initially joined AMWAY™ to oblige our Success is an option. If you choose to work
sponsors. At first, we thought we were just hard, you’ll find many ways to solve your
giving a chance to others to start a business, problems. If you choose to be thankful, you’ll
but it turned out that we were actually giving kick start a smooth journey. If you keep an
ourselves a chance to build our dreams. optimistic, positive and forgiving attitude,
you’ll be filled with positive energy that attracts
In AMWAY, you don’t need a particular good luck!
qualification to succeed. People from all
walks of life have built a successful AMWAY We would like to thank Diamond Chin Kok Fai
business. It’s not whether you can or cannot, & Jane Soong Wern Chin, Emerald
it’s whether you want to make it happen Chong Juang Kai & Patricia Li Siok, Diamond
or not. Shawn Lee & Priscilla Liau, Founders Emerald
Lee See Hik & Wong Ching Beng, Diamond
We believe in AMWAY as it provides us with Gan Yok Lee & Huang Chen Tow, Crown
C K Liew & Mee Yee a platform to seek continuous personal Siew Fang & Celia Wong, Crown Ambassador
Puchong l development and overcome challenges. We Peter Lee & Choi Kit, all leaders in our
Chin Kok Fai & Jane Soong Wern Chin constantly take in the positive energy from our organisation for their assistance and our team
surroundings to deal with matters related to members, including business associates in
business or daily life. Singapore, for their trust and support.
We had never been interested in direct selling and attended meetings. One unforgettable
initially. However we eventually realised the moment during the course of developing our
potential of the AMWAY business, thanks AMWAY business was when I was expecting
to our best friends, Diamond Shawn Lee & my third child. I had to handle everything
Priscilla Liau, who kept following up with us single-handedly as my husband was still
despite our initial hesitance. in employment. Despite the difficulty, our
business continued to grow. This proved
After joining AMWAY, we saw the true that our children had become our source of
value of this business and we were deeply motivation. We pledged to work hard and
impressed by the rewards it offered, including make a successful career in order to give
the inheritable income, financial security and them a better future.
absolute freedom. That changed our initial
perception of the company and the business. Our warmest gratitude to our parents and
I started to learn about AMWAY in depth while children, our sponsors Diamond Shawn Lee &
Chong Juang Kai & Patricia Li Siok developing my business. Two years later, I quit Priscilla Liau, Founders Emerald Lee See Hik
Shah Alam l my job as a professional quantity surveyor & Wong Ching Beng, Diamond Gan Yok Lee
Shawn Lee & Priscilla Liau and went full-time into the business. & Huang Chen Tow, Executive Diamond
Robert Yap Kim Choo & Lily Yee Lai Wah,
During the initial stages, we faced various Crown Siew Fang & Celia Wong, Crown
challenges, including objections from our Ambassadors Peter Lee & Choi Kit and all
family, friends and relatives. Nevertheless, leaders in our organisation as well as all team
we took these challenges in our stride and members for their coordination.
we continued to learn from our uplines
Initially, I ventured into this business with invited to the AMWAY Leadership Seminars
the intention to help my husband. However, in Sydney, Hokkaido, Auckland, and Las
after seeing the true potential of the AMWAY Vegas. We’ve also had the opportunity to visit
business, I quit my job to focus on AMWAY for AMWAY Headquarters in Ada, Michigan.
a better future for our family.
We would like to thank our parents, family,
We worked hard to build the business, and our children - Isyraf Fikri, Irsyad Dzikri,
while continuing to learn and understand Izzah Hannani, Iman Nushhi, Imad Difaie
the principles and philosophy of AMWAY. and Islah Husaini - for their constant
Although busy with the business, we always encouragement. We also extend our gratitude
have time for our children, attending to all their to Founders Emerald Siti Rohani & Nik Azmi,
needs. The AMWAY business strengthens Emerald Mahizan Din & Asiah, and Executive
our Family, which is one of the Founders Diamond Nortini Yacob & Ramly Abu Bakar.
Fundamentals, besides Hope, Freedom and Special mention goes to Founders Diamond
Hisamudin & Zaili Reward. Abdul Aziz & Saleha, and Founders Executive
Setapak l Diamond Harun & Murni. Not forgetting
Siti Rohani & Nik Azmi We are very grateful to qualify as Emerald. The AMWAY Co-founders Rich and Jay, and all
business has provided great rewards. Among AMWAY staff.
others, the opportunity to perform umrah
with AMWAY in 2012 and 2013, and being
At first I joined AMWAY somewhat reluctantly, plenty of obstacles and challenges, but I
without expecting that the business would managed to overcome each of them. The
usher in a new beginning to my life. I had been AMWAY Opportunity can certainly help us
looking for a career which promises a higher realise our dreams and aspirations.
income and financial security, thus I decided
to join the direct selling business after noticing I would like to thank my parents, and my
the potential of network marketing. However, siblings for their support. My deepest
I picked the wrong company and all my efforts appreciation goes out to all the leaders in
ended up in vain. All the time and money I my organisation for their guidance. I’d also
had invested, and the personal network I like to extend my gratitude to some of the
had built up, went to waste. However, the most important people in my life, including
bad experience gave me valuable lessons - Choo Chuan Ju & Leong Sau Kuen, Emerald
hard work doesn’t necessarily produce good Steven Wong & Cecilia Tan, Sapphire Amy Li &
Yoo Chai Ni results, and your choice is more important
than hard work alone!
Chen Qishun, Executive Diamond Marcel Ho
& Carol Chan, and Crown Ambassador Sonny
Johor Bahru l & Guat Hwa Ho for their encouragement and
Franky Kwek & Grace Lam After realising AMWAY’s true potential, I support.
decided to become an AMWAY Business
Owner in 2008. During the course of
developing my AMWAY business, I encountered
Steven Yaw & Kitty Yip | Kuala Lumpur | C K Yaw & Susan Yeen
Initially I had my doubts when Steven first Our gratitude extends to my parents
introduced AMWAY™ to me but he persisted Yip Tuck Moon and Woon Peck Hah, and my
in explaining the opportunity. He invited me parents-in-law Yiau Ching & Pang Koi Moi
to a sharing session about AMWAY’s Sales & for supporting our dreams. Special mention
Marketing Plan and also accompanied me to goes to Emerald C K Yaw & Susan Yeen,
several meetings. Diamond Ken Yaw & Kara Lee, Emerald
Calvin Yaw & Serene Chong, Founders
AMWAY provides a platform for people to Emerald Lee See Hik & Wong Ching Beng,
realise their dreams. After working hard for Diamond Gan Yok Lee & Huang Chen Tow,
the past few years, we have gained financial Executive Diamond Robert Yap Kim Choo
independence and freedom of time. Being & Lily Yee Lai Wah, Crown Siew Fang &
part of AMWAY-sponsored ‘travel in style’ Celia Wong, Crown Ambassador Peter Lee &
overseas trips has also been a dream come Choi Kit, and all leaders and business partners
true for us. Above all, we find ourselves for their guidance.
benefiting the most from the valuable personal
growth and friendship we have gained in this
Wilson Ong & Tan Scaik Lin | Gelugor | Kok Sieu Yen & Chan Joo Leong
Since young, it was instilled in us that studying for many ALS trips at such a young age, and
hard and having an excellent education were we’re now definitely eager to qualify for the
the keys to success. However, we found AMWAY 60 Year Anniversary in Las Vegas in
that, even though we both graduated from 2019!
university, life was far from easy.
From the bottom of our hearts, we want
When we first joined AMWAY, it was merely to thank our upline sponsor Sapphire
to oblige my upline, who is also my cousin Kok Sieu Yen & Chan Joo Leong,
sister. At the time I did not see the value of Sapphire Ong Lee Ling & Lee Chee Kan,
AMWAY at all as direct selling wasn’t my cup Diamond Tee Cheun Wah & Ong Mei Ling,
of tea. However, by learning more about the Diamond Daniel Er & May Ho,
business, we discovered the AMWAY values and all AMWAY ABO leaders for their guidance
which, I can say, most of us pursue throughout and continuous support along the journey.
our lives to attain. Thus, we decided to give
it our all in making our business a success,
and focused on it full-time. We have qualified
Wong Woon Fui & Chin Lee Fong | Seri Kembangan | Wong Voon Kong & Chong Choon Moi
My journey into the world of AMWAY started of “benefitting ourselves by helping others”
because of its quality products. After that, I and find pleasure in working together with
followed my leaders and attended meetings people who are willing to put in the effort and
to learn more about the company. I wanted to work hard.
transform myself into a better person with the
knowledge I acquired, and influence people We would like to express our gratitude to
through the changes I made. AMWAY Co-founders Rich & Jay, leaders in our
organisation and AMWAY staff for their support
Our biggest gain as we build our AMWAY and encouragement. Special mention goes
business is personal development. We have to our sponsor Emerald Wong Voon Kong &
managed to overcome our initial fear of Chong Choon Mooi, Executive Diamond
approaching strangers and are now more Choong Soong Yew & Soy Fong, Crown
comfortable when speaking in public. We have Siew Fang & Celia Wong, Diamond
a clearer perspective on life and our respective Chew Teik Huat & Chok Mee Lian, and
careers, and we have developed stronger Diamond Tommy & Esther Ho for their guidance
inner strength. We believe in the concept and support.
Chan Kin Leong & Teo Siew Kiaw “When we believe in ourselves, “There is no free lunch in this world, you
Johor Bahru “Your fate lies in your hands.”
Liew Chooi Hoong & Tio Seng Ching
we can do it!” must work hard in order to succeed."
Chong Voon Wei & Huan Qiu Yi & Ding Poh Choo Kho Boon Seng &
Lee Chin Suan Joan Puchong Corinne Ting San Hooi
Klang C K Liew & Mee Yee Kuala Lumpur
Chong Yet Chin & Wong Jing Tyng Chong Juang Kai & Patricia Li Siok
“AMWAY business is the best “With belief, hard work and persistence, Owen Pua Khang Wen &
choice! You reap what you sow!” “You can make it if you have a strong belief!” you can create miracles.” Then Kai Jun
Shah Alam
Gan Jye Wey & Wong Yoke Peng
Lim Kim Seng & Lee Shook Fun Lim Yee Fang & Lim Sow Fong Maxmond Chong Fu Hsiang &
Cheras Kepong Shyween Teh Ching Sin
Jason Lee Kum Kheung Shawn Lee & Priscilla Liau Kuala Kedah
Darien Lee Mun Wai & Lim Chai Tuan
Sherry Goh Huan Yan & “The degree of your ambitions will “Mindset and foresight determine the
“Dare to dream! Go Emerald!” Lee Hin Jit determine the extent of your success.” path and extent of your success.”
YS Chin & Woon Hwa
Sean Ng Shaw Yen & Suki & Jiun Tan Boon Tat & Shirley Jong
Dorothy Chen Pou Chin Kuala Lumpur Bandar Seri Begawan
Muar Chin Kok Fai & Jane Soong Wern Chin Ong Yak Beng & Ching Chek Wong
Thian Kok Wah &
Jasmine Swee Ching Shin
Timothy Kua & Jacqueline Wong “When we believe, anything is “Where there is a will,
“Life is all about choices.” Seri Petaling truly possible to achieve." there is a way!”
Patrick & Edna Kua
Tang Kah Tee & Wee Yian Lui Willie Ng & Jennifer Winnie Wong Pei Sze &
Bintulu Bangsar Vincent Lim Min Shen
Chong Jun Chiong & Lau Ling Chuen James Tang & Yi Shan Petaling Jaya
Nelson Tan & Grace Tan
“If you believe you can, you can! Opportunity Zarina Muslim &
“Keep the faith and work on it!” “All things are possible to the believing heart!” Mohd Fouad Rahmat
doesn't come to those who wait!”
Mohd Sukri Md Den
Wong Ah Dek & Kon Lian Ying Wong Chee Fui & Chin Swee Yee Yau Shi Bei
Bahau Klang Petaling Jaya
C K Liew & Mee Yee Allen Tang Chee Hooi & Ho Kah Moon Yeap Choon Haw & Beh Tze Ying
Alvin Ice Chen Che Soon & Aw Siew Lan & Ng Hock Sen Nasywah Nasir & Quek Peck Keow &
Lau Wan Nee Muar Mohd Mohehafiz Nordin Koh Kok Cheng
Perai Soo Chee Heong & Carmen Kow Ampang Johor Bahru
Kit C K & Lee Huey Sin Rohani Ismail & Mohd Said Mohd Yunus Kun Fock & Soh Cheng Chan
Azizah Mustafa & Jacky Hooi & Jeff Tan Kitty Yip & Steven Yaw K K Chong &
Janee Jaafar Lam Wen Huey Kepong Kuala Lumpur T M Chong
Sungai Buloh Puchong Steven Yaw & Kitty Yip Steven Yaw & Kitty Yip Petaling Jaya
Tan Lee Huang & Ken Yaw & Kara Lee C K Yaw & Susan Yeen
Gan Hee Jeng
Lee Yan Tung & Pang Chan Wee & Tiffany Tan
Yeoh Chieh Ngie Tan Tian Hua “You will become Kuala Lumpur “Work hard and success
Kota Kinabalu Port Dickson Jeff Tan
Lee Yu Fong & Chai Yin
who you believe.” will follow.”
Wong Swait Foong &
Jojoh Tan
Ah Leong Amy Low Chien Huei & C.H. Chin Celestine See Jia Yee Charles Yip & Chong Ka Yee &
Seri Kembangan Sunny Lee Hon Meng Cheras Segamat Christy Chung Liau Chin Hui
Tay Karh Wai Juru Johnny & Margarette Lim See Tian Sew & Lay Kee Ipoh Alor Setar
Lee Soon Cheong & Y K Phong Teh Khai Yee & Soh Pui Ling
Kelly Goay
Ding Siew Chye & Er Le Le & Fred Chan Hong Wei Kit & Ismail (Mero) & Linda Ker Siew Hsia &
Cheng Lee Foo Engu Kah Lam Teluk Intan Ooi Pooi Yee Rawang Teo Ser Chong
Petaling Jaya Jenjarom Keith Ong Kuala Lumpur Shafyeenaz Nadia Abdullah Batu Pahat
Ding Min Tien & Yong Seng Aik & Lee Ken Fatt & Lim Fei Chee & Zulkarnian Redzuan Ker Zi Xiang &
Cho Hui Yin Lim Siew Ching Choo Hui Jheng Celynn
Lee Li Yeen Lee Victor Lee Wan Theng Lee Yee Ling Lim Pei Yee Loh Siew Jin &
Seri Kembangan Kuching Cheras Petaling Jaya Pontian Leong Weng Keong
Vincent Teh & Tan Gilbert Hoon Hui & Tee Cheun Wah & Lee Siad Huey Danny Lee Chia Yong & Johor Bahru
Ramani Lee Chua Bee Lian Ong Mei Ling Lim Si Hui Nick Leong Weng Keong &
Jiin Loh
Low Chia Ren Mohd Hafidzudin Abd Nasywah Nasir & Nooramisah Jamil & Royce & Bernice Rusni Binchin
Kulim Razak & Nik Nur Naseela Mohd Mohehafiz Nordin Noor Samsul Selamat Kepong Tutong
Wong Chee Fui & Fathin Nik Mohd Sabri Ampang Shah Alam Justin Hau Yan Keat Nur Limbau Izzati Ya'akub &
Chin Swee Yee Pekan Rohani Ismail & Norhafiza Mansor & Muhammad Nizam Abdullah
Zakie & Marohaini Mohd Said Mohd Yunus Mohd Faizal Abd Raup Bungok
Seow Sin Yee Cindy & Sia Moon Ping & Siaw David Chen Tung Siti Syaffurah Mohd Shariff Soe Cheng Tian & Sue Fang Xia
Kelvin Tan Koon Wah Sia Ting Kiong & Ling Ping Hua & Ahmad Wazi Ramli Maggie Lee Bee Yoke Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur Miri Sibu Kuala Terengganu Klang Man Cheong Meng &
William Seow & Ice Ng Daryl Su Yeong Kiong & Peter Siaw Siong Seam & Juliana Abdullah & Eric Tan & May Soo Poh Swan
Chai Jia Ni Wong Kwong Kiew Mohd Ainuddin Said
Tai Siew Mooi Tan Choon Wah & Terry Kang Cun Fai Tian Kim Seong Wan Norazni & Wan Ruhaniah Meor
Melaka Nyai Hui Won Petaling Jaya Shah Alam Hazlina Hashim Zakaria & Mohamad Tajul
Jazmyn & Chong Shin Melaka Lau Kon Fat Chen Kuey Wah Seri Kembangan Akwam Idris
Reeves Koon & Annie Lim Norazah Aziz & Kuala Kangsar
Salehuddin Salleh Normahani Mohamed Nazir &
Rosli Karim
Wong Siew Suan Wong Wei Kang & Wong Woon Long & Yap Ming Hao Yap Seow Chui & Yap Song Hong &
Kuching Chee Jee Qant Yan Pei San Banting Yong Wee Siew Kew Suang Ling
Chieng Anne Chin Chin Ipoh Puchong See Sian Leong Ampang Seremban
Loo Sing Gee & Wong Woon Fui & Suki & Jiun Chua Keng Foo &
Wong Sau Lean Chin Lee Fong Lim Siew Peng
Ahmad Zikrillah Yusoff Choo Siew Cheng & Lim Guat Lu & Norazura Mohamad Nazry Sew Wai Ling Teo Chin Keong &
Kuala Terengganu Tan Eng Kong Choy Jun How & Nor Arisfazlee Saat Ipoh Lim Li Ying
Hanizah Abdul Aziz & Kajang Cheras Ampang Lai Yan Keat Emerson Klang
Mohd Fauzy Abd Ghani Wong Swait Foong & Lee Kwang Yong & Zainab Ahmad & Eric Tan & May Soo
Jojoh Tan Ng Yee Nee Mohd Salleh She Kim Wa
Ang Beng Gee & Bentong Tiong Wei Wei Irene &
Low Siew Lian Choo Yee Chau Loh Wai Thing Nur Hayati Husain Chan Ee Chai Chan Junren
Kajang Johor Bahru Butterworth Batu Caves Kuala Lumpur
Kok Hock Chai & Tan Pek Ho Teo Juin Herng & Raymond Khoo & Brenda Loh Ishak Al-Ahmadi Husain Sieo Chih Chuan & Jesmon Pang
Ong Ee Wen Doreen Yap May Yee
Angel Tay Kaile Loh Wai Wong Rabiatuladawiah Daud & Kuala Lumpur Vithya Amman Rajindaran
Tangkak Chua Zhen Lun Kota Tinggi Basri Alias Yap May Yee & Pachiappan
Ong Wei Ching Petaling Jaya Lim Chee Yang & Tan You Min Pasir Mas Karunanethi
Yeap Joo Ho & Chua Soo Ng Norul Huda Musa & Siti Aisah Haji Ramli Johor Bahru
Cheah Ching Yee & Loo Yun Fei Che Zaki Abdul Ghafar Kuala Belait Nanthini Nadaraja &
Loong Mei Lien Erwan Badaruddin & Johor Bahru Jozy Julaihi Tivanesvaran Subramaniam
Petaling Jaya Norlyzma Mohd Ramly Lok Chooi Ling Rohayah Marzuki
Teh Tong Ngee Batu Caves Petaling Jaya Suhaini Anang & Wong Phooi Sun
Nortini Yacob & Low Kee Nian Vivien Yoong Fui Kien Mohammed Irfan Salleh Kuala Lumpur
Cheong Jin Woon Ramly Abu Bakar Batu Caves Kemaman Tan Lee Huang &
Seri Kembangan Deson Tang Song Guan & Ros Mastura Md Supar & Juliana Abdullah & Gan Hee Jeng
Yap May Yee Fam Hui Xian Candy Chong Phay Ching Md Sah Abd Rahman Mohd Ainuddin Said
Kota Kinabalu Melaka Yap Zhen Yan
Chia Chee Zhe James Edmond Chain Wee Tat Mohd Zahri Md Sah Lias & Mewah Tan Peh Voon Kuala Lumpur
Ulu Tiram Kemaman Kulai Peter & Emily Kwong
Chia Koh Him & Teresa Chai Jaafar Abdul Rahman & Zuraini Md Sah & Rosidah Haroon & Tan Yit Huat & Giok Mui
Nurafizi Hashim Mohamad Sham Ramli Azhar Hasan Yong Li Fong Fiona
Chin Xin Shen Gurun Seberang Perai Tee Chuan Yien Kuala Lumpur
Kulai Zulkefli Non & Sharifah Ng Siew Boey & Mazlina Omar & Mansor Din Johor Bahru Ding Min Tien & Cho Hui Yin
Chin Yong Kong & Zaharah Syed Ayob Kee Kah Ghim Voo Tze Keong
Wong Siew Ying Sungai Bakap San Yee Shi
Khoo Boon Kiet William Ooi & Celine Lau Limbang Tee Yok Kau &
Shah Alam Ang Yuan Hong Koh Eng Hoe
Choo Qian Hui John Han Noor Azian Yaacob & Batu Pahat
Johor Bahru Mohamad Fikri Sau Fook Chay & Thio Siew Lee
Choo Kok Leong & Lee Le Xuan Muhammad Tan Hooi Ling
Choon Lien Batu Caves Batu Kikir Cheras
Lydia Tan Siew Lai Norzaini Yaakob & Wan Lee Ping & Pang It Liang
Muhammad Hilal Arshad
Afifah Arifin Mohd Zainordin Zainol & Lam Ji Jun Khairulredzuan Kamarudin Goh Kean Seng & Mohd Husni Mohd Said
Choo Kai Jie Samsulilawati Samsudin Mohd Arshard Mansur & Tiang Pei Ling Tan Peh Chin
Low Boon Tatt Natifah Abu Khairi & Siti Aisharh Syed PERAK Norhayati Che Mohd Yuzilawati Mohamad Yusof
Nor Hirdawati Ismail & Zulkifli Mohd Isa Kamarudin Anisah Abd Rahman & Yusoff & Mohd Sabri & Ahmad Safwan
Rafee Suhaimin Rosmawati Hami & Mohd Fairos Saberon & Mohd Rawi Md Suffi Hassan Mohamed Makki
Tan Mee Lee & Zainol Mustaffa Aiza Syafinaz Shahak Sakinah Mohamad Gazali Nurul Jihadah Hayati Abdullah
Sia Poh Huat & Azmi Rashid & Mohamad Nazri Zuhir
Zaidah Hamidon & KELANTAN MELAKA
Juradi Durjari Nur Murnisa Mustapha & Cheong Wei Kiat Jackson
Mohd Shakrie Palan
18% Norliza Husain &
Mohd Suffian Baba
Nur Amirah Mustafa
Kamal & Nasrul
Hafizah Man &
Md Saiful Azri
12% Asiah Daud & Mohd
Rosdan Idris
Chong Kah Seng
Lee Shee Wei
Md Saiful Azri
Razali Mohamad & Fadzly Khalid Sahingan Faridah Petah Tai Lu Soang & Kok Chiau Yih
JOHOR Norhashimah Tiew Lee Choo & Yong Yook Choy & JOHOR & Zulkarnai Tan Soo Lee Mohammad Azrul
Chuo Shu Hien Ibrahim Eik Chai Huat Gan Poh Thuan Bong Zheng Chung Muhammad Wong Hai Yen & Azhar
Eik Baut Lian Wong Taik Lin & Ying Hooi Keng Zainudin Karjan Chock Shiunn Farn Mahani Muhammad Loo Siew Feh Raja Rosnah Raja
Har Siao Hui Wong Chee Kiong Jackie & Hasmady Che Yusof
Lai Sy Ting SARAWAK TERENGGANU Chong Fook Yoon & Mat PERAK Siti Hajar Ibrahim
Tay Hui Chin LABUAN Tay Hui Leng Hamdan Husain & Tey Hui Ying Muhammad Naufal Chong Yew Mun Tan Chern Cheat
Tay Hui Tieng Teoh Hon Chun & Fatahimah Thahirah Choong Jing Ting Marzuky Nur Atika Johari Zaleha Md Taib &
Low Yoke Foong Ali Muhamaad Goh Choon Cheng Nik Nor Azira Nik Zalina Mohd Nor & Saidi Bundan
KEDAH Gwee Ming Hui Abdullah & Anuar Mohd Faizu Mat
Shahrulnizan Md Desa MELAKA Lee Siew Guat Ab Rahim Hussin TERENGGANU
& Hasnah Sulaiman Lim Ying Swen Lok Yuan Ling Rozita Hassan & Farah Hanan Azimi &
Ng Ching Poh Nik Ahmad Nik PULAU PINANG Mohd Amiridwan
Tan Yew Boon Abdullah Ooi Wei Wen Abdul Rahman
Voon Yen Chung Siti Nurkhaizana Abu Rusnani Mohd Yusof
Yap Lip Phang Bakar & Mohd SABAH & Yahya Susah
Wong Soon Fatt & PULAU PINANG TERENGGANU Syamsul Ya Voo Min Hung Salina Ismail & Nik
15% Yong Chui Jian
Wong Taik Lin &
Tan Yee Hong Daniel
Zainah Hamid &
Ahmad Farhan
Ahmad Rais Zubir KUALA LUMPUR
Lawrence Rusli Embong
Wong Chee Kiong Shamsulkamar Sapri Kamar Bahnu Mohammad Nor Mohd Ermin Yudi SARAWAK
JOHOR T. Mohamed & Azam Ahmad & & Nurul Asyikin
Chong Suet Lay MELAKA SABAH Lee Wee Seng
Che Hamzah Abd Zulaida Mat Radzi Jusoh
Lim Lay Cheok Lau Ye Min Meow Yun Hong Latif Noor Haslinda Wan Nor Mahizah
Nyeow Weoi Hong Norlili Omar & SELANGOR
Ahmad Solme Wan Mahmud &
Selvaraju Ponnan & NEGERI SEMBILAN SELANGOR Syairuz Goh Pau Choo
Nurul Syuhada Md Bahari Muslim
Thanapakiam K M Wong Hai Yen & Gan Heng Kai Kelvin Kamarulzaman Murad & Mohd Wong Taik Lin &
Kuppusamy Loo Siew Feh Hafizah Man & Md Sakinah Ismail & Hashimuddin Wong Chee Kiong
Zainiyah Zainal & Saidul Azri Sahingan Bahri Chik Mohd Rudin
KELANTAN Wan Ladin Wan Ho Yee Chon & Suhaiza Sheikh
Nik Sabariah Nik Par Jusoh Mok Chee Yong Abdullah
Nur Khuzaimah Liew Lee San JOHOR Theivanay Maniam PERAK
Lokhman & PERAK Nurul Hannan Ali & Selvapuranam Santhi G Muniady
Mohd Izani Ismail Fatimah Yang Ahmad Mohd Zainal Fitri Selvarasha & & V Kalimuthu T
Salmiah Othman & & Azmi Yusof Hassan Basri Murugan Vadivelu Veerappan
Nik Asmawie Nik Seah Kah Huei Siti Syazawani
Saleh Kamarozaman &
PERLIS Muhammad Khalaf
Lu Haw Yin Fasharina Mohhid & Leong Hoi Wan
Mohd Hanif Omar & Muhammad Zainol
Rosnawati Kassim Abdin Bakim
& Achievers Night
Venue : Berjaya Waterfront Pre-Event : 7.00 p.m.
Hotel, Johor Bahru Event Starts : 8.00 p.m.
WONG MEE SAN & KEE KOK JOO Date : 14 September (Wed) Language : Bahasa Malaysia & English
Stay tuned for more details on and Amway Malaysia Facebook
The AMWAY™ Business Opportunity offers unlimited potential for
you to build a long-term business that rewards your effort. Explore
the new Growth Incentive Programme (GIP) website to find out
more on the unlimited income potential, how you can achieve
higher income, and what awards and rewards await you!
A Journey of Rewards
Find out what awards and rewards
are in store for you when you qualify
as Platinum and above.
Method 1 Method 2
We’re featuring not one, not two but THREE NUTRILITE™ bestsellers in the limited
edition Foundational Trio featuring the DOUBLE X™ Golden Tray and Flash Cards
in conjunction of AMWAY Malaysia 40th Anniversary! Achieving optimal health,
naturally, has never been this easy.
1 Protein (any flavour)
4 NUTRILITE Products*
OR any Wellness Pack
* excluding Iron Folic, Bee Pollen, Daily 60, Tropical Herbs Formulation for Men, Tropical Herbs Formulation for Women, Tropical Herbs Baby Oil, BSM and sales aids which are non-PV/BV.
GET Notice: Due to unavoidable delays in shipment, there will be limited premium stocks available up to 14 September 2016.
Complete stock fulfilment from 15 September 2016 onwards. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Limited to 6ea per ABOship This promotion is valid in Malaysia and Brunei in the month of September 2016 only, while stocks last. AMWAY reserves the right to
per day from replace the premium with another item of model of equivalent value or to discontinue the promotion should the premium run out of
stock. All promotional items do not come with warranty and are not returnable unless due to manufacturing defect. There is no sales or
30 August – 7 September 2016 repair by AMWAY. Read care and use instructions in manual carefully before use.
Gear Up for
1. BodyKey Fitness
Community Events
AMWAY will identify local events related to fitness and wellness
where ABOs can register themselves with the respective
event organisers and subsequently with AMWAY for
collaterals* support.
How to Participate?
Upcoming Events:
Form “Team BodyKey” (minimum
Step 1 5 pax per team) and appoint a
PAX Team Leader (must be an ABO).
23 Great Eastern Bubble Dash
Venue: Dataran Merdeka
OCT Website:
Register with respective event 2016
organisers accordingly.
The BodyKey Fitness Community (BFC) is a programme designed to support AMWAY Business Owners
(ABOs) by enhancing retailing opportunities, while creating a healthy and fit community at the same time.
Since BFC was launched in April 2016, it has attracted more than 5500 participants from our ABO force,
prospects and customers. From marathon and hiking to Zumba and water rafting, our participants created
a positive buzz within their communities as they partook in various health and wellness activities.
Supporting Events
You may also organise your own fitness or wellness-
related BodyKey events. Just send in your request
via NUTRILITE Facebook for collaterals* support
for the community. Terms and conditions
How to Participate?
Form “Team BodyKey” (minimum
Step 1 20 pax, maximum 150 pax
PAX per team) and appoint a Team
Leader (must be an ABO).
* Notes:
Criteria: ABOs are required to increase the awareness of BodyKey Fitness Community with the collaterals provided by the company.
Collateral: BodyKey Fitness Community T-shirt.
The in-cap mini-spotlight and sneak-a-peek mirror make it easier than ever to create a lasting look on-the-go,
or for touch-ups throughout the day no matter where you are.
Available in eight shades – cream, shimmer and sparkle – all specially-formulated with Jojoba and Avocado
oils to keep your lips deliciously lush, while giving you show-stopping shine.
SIGNATURE COLOR Light Up Lip Gloss (6 ml) 118568
MY (RM) 21.50 85.00 90.10 112.50
BR (B$) 21.50 32.50 32.50 40.50
118573 118572
119783 PV BV AP CP
MY (RM) 33.00 132.00 139.90 175.00
BR (B$) 33.00 49.00 49.00 61.50
Define your eyes with precise perfection and
ultra- glide ease. Waterproof technology and
day to night 24-hour staying power holds
up in heat, humidity, and constant activity
without transfer or smudging.
MY (RM) 21.50 85.00 90.10 112.50
BR (B$) 21.50 32.50 32.50 40.50
Easy shopping on
Mobile Tablet PC/Laptop
AG (M) 0916 Pg 26-27 Hybris & Business Process Change.indd 26 8/17/16 11:13 AM
AG (M) 0916 Pg 26-27 Hybris & Business Process Change.indd 27 8/17/16 11:14 AM
28 september 2016
A N D O PE R 2 0 1 6only
E PTEM vited
G uests
2 0 S preview for In
Exclu G
CIAL 201 6
21 to pub
18 9
Enjoy 1 HOUR* Complete Service for
+ One-Stop
eSpring and ATMOSPHERE.
* Terms and conditions apply.
15 19 27
Order Processing, PJ Shop Important:
Collection Counter and • Pick-Up service will be discontinued.
• After 27 Sep, orders not picked up
SEP 2016 After Sales Area. SEP 2016 SEP 2016 will be delivered to you.
Be inspired to wow your prospects and enjoy deluxe retailing at the brand
new AMWAY™ Product Pavilion in PJ HQ. Get up close and personal with
all our AMWAY Brands. Each Brand section has been specifically
designed to help you and your prospects feel and experience
each AMWAY product.
This promotion is vendor-supported and is valid in Malaysia and Brunei for Selling is an integral part in creating a successful AMWAY
orders placed from 30 August – 30 September 2016 only, while stocks last. business. However, to sell ethically means conducting business
Promotion will be discontinued once premium stocks deplete. with your upline, downlines, customers, and the Company with
integrity so that you may generate a sustainable business and
strengthen your relationship with your customers, as well as
with your Line of Sponsorship (LOS).
Philips Air
Fryer XL
FREE Philips Avance Grill Pan
• Maximised surface for enhanced cooking
• Perfect for frying, browning and searing
• Non-stick aluminium coating
PWP Option
Each ABOship can purchase only ONE (1)
additional Avance Grill Pan at:
Philips Avance Grill Pan
MY (RM) 207.00
BR (B$) 80.00
(worth RM349.00)
CASH 252568
ZIPP 252569
AG (M) 0916 Pg 35 PSC Philips Air Fryer / Rules Of Conduct.indd 30 8/10/16 9:42 AM
01 02
AG (M) 0916 Pg 31 OBO Saturday Day Show Post Event.indd 31 8/15/16 11:30 AM
32 september 2016
our face is your best asset. A healthy, hy NUTRILITE? Why are phytonutrients used in
glowing complexion exudes confidence, NUTRILITE supplements? Can NUTRILITE supplements
which is especially advantageous when meeting clients replace medication or be taken as medicine? Do the
and prospecting. questions sound familiar? Equip yourself with the answers
to those questions and more when you sign up for this
Learn more on how to increase your sales through the workshop. Discover how you can retail effectively and help
ARTISTRY Home Spa Service and lymphatic massage. your customers and prospects choose NUTRILITE with
Key takeaways include an introduction to the new ARTISTRY confidence.
SPECIAL Care range as well as how to detox and relieve
stress through a special massage technique. KEY LEARNING:
Interested to know more? Join us in the upcoming workshops. > LEARN how and when to say what.
> SHARE how the brand’s good practices enhance
Hurry up! Register early as seats are limited.
your confidence in retailing.
> EARN your bonuses by sharing “Why NUTRILITE”
with others.
> How to grow your business with the ARTISTRY Home > Introduction to the Foundational Trio.
Spa Service and the new ARTISTRY SPECIAL Care range.
> Discover the essential products for a good health
> Product feature and formulation. foundation.
> ARTISTRY Home Spa Service + Lymphatic Drainage
Receive a complimentary “8 Reasons WHY NUTRILITE” and
"Foundational Trio" booklets when you attend the workshop.
ou must have already heard the buzz around our new website
that is coming in Q4 2016! Excited? Eager to know more about the newly
reworked features that will enhance your EXPERIENCE?
> Discover new apps specifically designed to help you in your business.
> These meetings and workshops are open to all AMWAY Business Owners (ABOs). Check out the latest
activities in your region and mark them down in your calendar. E - English AMWAY TRAINING WORKSHOP + LW, LM
> Closing date for registration is 2 weeks before workshop commences. Walk-ins will not be entertained. BM - B. Malaysia Register for the Workshops at or at your nearest Shop.
M - B. Mandarin
To expedite the reimbursement of payment due to cancellation of workshops, we will now pay directly to your ABO account in the form of a Credit Voucher. You may use this voucher to purchase any AMWAY products.
The Design for the Environment programme is now called Safer Choice. The name has changed, but the criteria and focus of the programme remains the same. A nd there’s a new logo. The Safer Choice
logo helps consumers quickly identify products with safer chemical ingredients and more responsible environmental packaging, without sacrificing performance.
AMWAY Training Workshop
E Thu Nov 10 8.00pm - 10.00pm Brunei Rizqun Hotel ARTISTRY Home Spa Service Workshop Christene Tang
M Fri Oct 14 8.00pm - 10.00pm Brunei Rizqun Hotel LEARN, SHARE + EARN with NUTRILITE Workshop Teo Juin Herng
BM Mon Oct 10 8.00pm - 10.00pm Brunei Rizqun Hotel LEARN, SHARE + EARN with NUTRILITE Workshop Shela Devi
Disc o v e r T h e
Be a u t y o f
All visuals are for illustrative purpose only. Itinerary may be subject to change.