UMS Short and Long Case
UMS Short and Long Case
UMS Short and Long Case
Revised: 14 / 2 / 12
Wong & Low O & G Short Cases Record
Sir, this patient is a middle age Malay lady who appears to be well. She has a normal body built.
In the peripheral examination, there is no clubbing, palmar pallor, pulse rate is 80bpm. She has no
conjunctiva pallor or sclera icterus. No palpable cervical LN. No pedal edema.
In the abdomen examination, abdomen is distended at the suprapubic region. There are no cutaneous
stigmata of pregnancy, surgical scars or superficial veins noted. Umblicus is central & inverted. Hernia
orifices are intact.
On palpation, abdomen is soft, non-tender. The suprapubic mass corresponds to 14 weeks pregnancy size.
It is globular in shape, firm in consistency, smooth surface, regular margin, non-tender, mobile sideways
but not up & down, cannot get below the mass & scoop up sign negative. There is no sense of urgency
when pressure is applied over the mass. Both iliac fossa are empty. There is no other mass felt in the
abdomen. Liver & Spleen are not palpable. Kidneys are not ballotable. Percussion over the mass reveal
dullness. No flank dullness. No palpable inguinal lymph nodes!
On auscultation, I can hear normal bowel sounds, no bruit heard over the mass.
In the speculum examination, I would like to look for any bleeding, local lesions on the cervix, and do a
Pap’s smear if the patient had not had one before.
In the bimanual examination, I would like to confirm the origin of the mass. If it’s a uterine mass, when
the mass is moved upwards, the cervix will move away along with the mass from the examining finger. If
it’s an ovarian mass, when the mass is moved upwards, the cervix will not move. I would also like to feel
at the adnexae for any mass, POD for bogginess as it suggests presence of fluid or nodularity which
suggest malignant infiltration.
In summary, I think the suprapubic mass is uterine in origin and most likely a fibroid (or leiomyoma). She
is clinically not anemic.
Appropriate medical management with Mefenamic acid & Tranexamic acid should be offered for
menorrhagia along with hematinic. Heavy & prolonged menses can be controlled by oral contraception
(COC) or danazol. Levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system (mirena) is effective in reducing fibroid
related menorrhagia provided the uterine cavity is not distorted. It can cause shrinkage of the fibroid as
well. Progesterone receptor modulators (asoprisnil) or progesterone receptor antagonist (mifeprostone)
may also be used.
If medical treatment fails, symptomatic menorrhagia, reproductive failure problem, rapidly growing
fibroids (12-14 weeks uterus), if it is subserous and pedunculated (prone to torsion), if it is likely to
complicate a future pregnancy, if tere is doubt about its nature, then surgery will be offered. The options
for surgery will be myomectomy or hysterectomy. Hysterectomy option will depend on her age & need
for fertility. I will counsel her about the advantages & possible complications of the surgery (like
hemorrhage, infection, recurrence). If she wants to preserve her fertility, myomectomy may be an option
if the number & size of the fibroids is limited. If there is uncontrolled bleeding during myomectomy, she
might need to undergo hysterectomy.
GnRH analogues have high adverse effects & should not be use > 6/12 as it can cause osteoporosis. They
can be used selectively to reduce the fibroid size, less bleeding intra-operatively & enable a suprapubic
incision rather than a midline abdominal incision.
that stimulate production of fibronectin & collagen, major components of extracellular matrix that
characterizes these lesions.
Given a 14 weeks size suprapubic mass, how would you differentiate it between a bladder,
pregnancy or myoma?
Bladder : Cystic consistency, urge to urinate upon pressure.
Pregnancy : Cutaneous stigmata of pregnancy, fetal poles, external ballottement.
Myoma : Firm consistency.
How do you differentiate myoma from adenomyosis?
Myoma Adenomyosis
Mechanism of action These drugs work by initially increasing the release of gonadotropins,
followed by desensitization and downregulation to a
hypogonadotropic, hypogonadal state that clinically resembles
Side effects Severe hypoestrogenism like hot flashes, sleep disturbance, vaginal
dryness, myalgias, arthralgias, possible impairment of mood &
cognition. Osteoporosis.
Sir, my patient is a middle-aged lady lying supine comfortably on the bed supported by one pillow. She is
not wasted/cachexic/emaciated, pale or jaundiced. There is also no facial flushing.
On peripheral examination, there are no stigmata of chronic liver disease, pulse rate is 80 beats/minute
with regular rhythm, no cervical lymphadenopathy and no pedal oedema. I would like to measure her
blood pressure.
On inspection, the right/left iliac fossa is distended. Otherwise, the abdominal wall moves with respiration,
umbilicus is centrally located and inverted, no superficially dilated veins, hernial orifices are intact and no
visible peristalsis or pulsation seen.
On palpation, the abdomen is soft and non-tender. A mass can be appreciated at the right/left iliac fossa,
which measures 5cm X 6cm, oval in shape, has a smooth surface, cystic in consistency, has a well-defined
margin, mobile vertically and horizontally. I am able to get below the mass. I could not appreciate any
other mass at the contralateral side. There are no hepatomegaly, splenomegaly or ballotable kidneys. No
palpable inguinal lymph nodes.
On auscultation, there is no bruit heard over the mass. Bowel sounds are present.
To complete my examination, I would like to examine the breast, inguinal and supraclavicular lymph
nodes and perform a bimanual examination. In the bimanual examination, if it is ovarian in origin the
cervix will not move along with the mass. Cleft sign can also be appreciated.
Based on the clinical findings, my impression is that the mass is of ovarian origin and it is benign. (if
elderly, malignant ovarian tumour). The reason I think is ovarian in origin is because of the location of the
mass, I can get below the mass & it is mobile in all direction. I think it is benign because the general
condition of the patient looks fit, not lethargic or cachexic, the mass is well defined, single, unilateral,
patient age, no hepatomegaly or ascites.
Since my patient is young, my differential diagnoses include benign functional (follicular, corpus luteal,
theca luteal), inflammatory (tubo-ovarian abscess, endometrioma – which are not freely mobile) and germ
cell (benign teratoma) tumours.
Since she is an elderly lady, my differential diagnoses include benign epithelial (serous cystadenoma,
mucinous cystadenoma, Brenner tumour) and sex cord stromal (fibroma, thecoma) tumours.
However, I would also like to consider the possibility of malignancy by calculating the risk of malignancy
index (RMI) score, which is the product of ultrasound scan score, menopausal status and Ca125 level.
Wong & Low O & G Short Cases Record
My differential diagnosis are pedunculated fibroid, appendicular mass, tumor arising from GIT especially
terminal ileum & rectum and bladder/kidney mass.
To confirm my diagnosis, I would like to proceed with transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound scan,
which my yield information about the origin and nature (benign or malignant) of the mass. Besides, I
would also like to check the tumour marker levels, which include Ca125, Ca19-9, Inhibin, B-HCG and
AFP. Both USG and ca125 level will be used in the scoring of RMI.
To provide baseline data, I would like to do renal and liver function tests. Renal function may be impaired
if the tumour has caused obstruction urinary flow obstruction. Liver function may be deranged if there is
secondary metastasis.
Since my patient is young and the tumour size is < 5 cm in diameter, I will manage her conservatively. If
the tumor is > 5cm I will also treat her conservatively if there is no signs or symptoms of malignancy.
I will re-examine in 12 weeks for diminution in size. If persists, she will be scheduled for follow-up
6monthly with USG and CA125 levels. However, if the tumour enlarges further evaluation may need to
be done by laparoscopy or laparotomy. If she becomes symptomatic, such as an acute painful episode,
emergency laparotomy/laparoscopy is indicated.
Since she is an elderly lady and the tumour size measures more than 5 cm, she should be offered surgical
management (TAHBSO).
Ovarian Uterine
RIF/LIF Suprapubic
Cystic Firm
Mobile vertically/horizontally Mobile horizontally
Can get below Cannot get below
Cervix doesn’t move with mass Cervix moves with mass
Exception: Exception:
Endometriosis causing adhesions Pedunculated fiboid
Scoop up sign positive
Cleft sign positive
Differentiate between benign and malignant ovarian tumor based on clinical features
Differentiate between benign and malignant ovarian tumour based on laparotomy findings
How do you differentiate benign from malignant ovarian tumor through ultrasound?
Benign Malignant
Unilateral lesion Bilateral lesion
Thin wall Thick wall/septum, Breaching capsule
Simple cyst Solid tumor / Mixed solid & cystic mass
No loculations Multilocular cyst
Internal papillary projections
Evidence of metastasis
Increased vascularity on Doppler
In summary, the SFH is > 37 cm, >3cm greater than the gestational age of 34 weeks. Clinically, amniotic
fluid is adequate. No pelvic mass felt.
To complete my examination, I would like to take a detailed history (LMP, EDD, GDM, Anomaly scan),
through examination (BMI) & relevant investigations to find the possible cause. I would also like to
arrange for an ultrasound to look for evidence of multiple pregnancies, pelvic mass, AFI, EFW, evidence
of placenta abnormality.
Dear Sir, my patient has uterus smaller than date. First of all, I would like to rule out wrong dates. Then, I
will proceed to look for the cause. Serial USG should be done and growth parameters plotted on growth
charts for the detection of IUGR. IUGR may be suspected if there is a single measurement below the 5 th
centile. Besides, an USG may also yield information about the liquor amount, as oligohydramnios may
also cause uterus smaller than date. A detailed fetal anomaly scan can also be done to detect congenital
anomalies, such as renal agenesis. Doppler study of the umbilical arterial flow maybe be done to detect
placental insufficiency as a cause of IUGR.
Other tests which may be valuable are urine dipstick for glycosuria and proteinuria, MOGTT and FBC.
GDM is associated with congenital anomalies (renal agenesis) and IUGR, if there is nephropathy and
vasculopathy. PIH and Pre-eclampsia is also associated with IUGR. Furthermore, anaemia in pregnancy is
associated with IUGR.
Once the cause is found, management is tailored accordingly to treat the cause.
What do you understand by the term symmetrical and asymmetrical IUGR? What are the causes?
Symmetrical IUGR is less common, begins early in pregnancy, manifested as generalized growth
restriction. Causes of symmetrical IUGR include:
chromosomal abnormalities
TORCH infections
maternal smoking
maternal alcohol/opiate abuse
chronic maternal nutritional deficiency
ionising radiation
sickle cell disease
Asymmetrical IUGR is more common, usually begins late in pregnancy, manifested as restriction of
weight followed by length, but the head continues to grow at normal or near-normal rates.
Wong & Low O & G Short Cases Record
Uteroplacental insufficiency: pre-eclampsia, maternal renal or cardiac disease, multiple gestation,
Breech Presentation
In summary, SFH is … weeks. This is a singleton fetus in longitudinal lie, breech presentation, fetal back
on maternal left side. FHR 150 bpm, strong & regular. Amniotic fluid is clinically adequate. Estimated
fetal weight is 3kg.
Elective C-section at 39 weeks is now the safest mode of delivery (Term breech trial). However, there is
inherent risk of a surgical procedure like thromboembolism, bleeding & infection. If spontaneous labour
start before scheduled surgery, EMLSCS maybe required which carries higher morbidity.
Finally, I would like to document meticulously the counseling & women’s decision in her case records.
How are you going to monitor the mother post successful ECV?
My aim is to monitor both maternal & fetal wellbeing. For the maternal wellbeing, I will monitor her BP,
PR 4 hourly, ask her for any signs/symptoms of labour, per vaginal bleeding, unusual abdominal pain,
increased contraction pain. If mother is rhesus negative, I would like to give anti-D prophylaxis. For fetal
monitoring, I will do a post ECV CTG, measure the fetal heart rate by pinard stestoscope, fetal kick chart,
and look for contractions.
Which type of breech presentation is associated with the highest ECV success?
Flexed/Complete breech.
What are the prerequisites for breech vaginal delivery? (Singleton Vaginal breech delivery is no
longer practiced)
Type of breech (Flexed or extended, footling not allowed), Normal uterus with no scars or abnormalities,
no placenta praevia, fetal weight 2.5-3.5Kg, no hyper-extended head.
What are the possible complications of vaginal breech delivery? (Singleton Vaginal breech delivery
is no longer practiced)
Prolonged labour, fetal distress, entrapment of head (preterm head), maternal/fetal injury.
Which type of breech presentation is favorable for vaginal delivery? (Singleton Vaginal breech
delivery is no longer practiced)
Frank or extended breech.
RCOG : How should delayed second stage of labour with breech presentation be managed?
Caesarean section should be considered if there is delay in the descent of the breech at any stage in the
second stage of labour.
RCOG : How should delayed engagement in the pelvis of the aftercoming head be managed?
Suprapubic pressure by an assistant should be used to assist flexion of the head. The Mauriceau-Smellie-
Veit manoeuvre should be considered, if necessary, displacing the head upwards and rotating to the
oblique diameter to facilitate engagement.
Unstable Lie
In summary, SFH is … cm. This is a singleton fetus in transverse lie, with its head at the right
hypochondrium and back facing downwards. Amniotic fluid is adequate and estimated fetal weight is
3.0kg. Fetal heart rate is 142 bpm, strong and regular.
How would you manage this patient if the lie is changing everyday and she is currently at 36 weeks
of gestation?
My diagnosis for this condition is unstable lie. Antenatally, she should be managed expectantly, as 85 %
of fetal lies will become longitudinal before rupture of the membranes or labour. The causes for unstable
lie should be sought, such as wrong dates, mechanical causes like polyhydramnios, placenta praevia,
fibroids, multiple pregancnies; and pelvic size and shape may be assessed by pelvic examination. If no
abnormalities are detected, she should be reassessed at 37 weeks. If unstable lie persists, she should be
admitted to hospital until delivery. Fetal lie should then be monitored using a lie chart daily. She can be
discharged if there is longitudinal lie for 3 days. My patient should also be informed of need for prompt
admission to hospital if membranes rupture or when labour starts.
Immediate clinical assistance should be given if membranes rupture or there are signs of labour.
Intrapartumly, vaginal and pelvic assessment should be done to establish presentation, exclude cord
presentation and assess cervical dilatation. If the lie is longitudinal, it can be managed normally. If the lie
is not longitudinal, ECV may be considered early in labour and ARM done with caution. If the lie is not
longitudinal and cannot be corrected, Caesarean section should be done.
Alternatively, a stabilizing induction can be done at 38 weeks, if the cervix is favourable according to
bishop score.
What is lie?
Relationship between the longitudinal axis of the fetus to the longitudinal axis of the mother.
Prevention of head descending: Cephalopelvic disproportion, cervical fibroid, Placenta praevia,
Uterine surgery, Multiple gestation, Fetal abnormality (anencephaly), Fetal neuromuscular
Condition that permit free fetal movement: Polyhydramnios, Uterine laxation (multipara)
In summary, SFH is 37 cm, there is a singleton fetus in longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation, fetal back
on maternal right side. FHR is 150 bpm, strong & regular. Clinically, amniotic fluid is adequate. EFW is
3kg. There is presence of a transverse suprapubic scar, measuring ?cm, healed by primary/secondary
intention, no scar tenderness or incisional hernia. (if new or recent scar comment on signs of
inflammation, infection, induration, tenderness.
To complete my examination, I would like to know the type of C-section, indication (emergency or
elective), how many times she had a scar, last scar date (>2 years for good healing), any complications
from previous C-section, any medical conditions complicating this pregnancy & the current baby
I would like to do an ultrasound to locate the placenta (r/o placenta praevia), confirm number of
pregnancy, lie/presentation of fetus, AFI, growth parameters, EFW.
Delivery should be conducted in suitably staffed and equipped delivery suit, with continuous
intrapartum care and monitoring, available resources for immediate CS and advance neonatal
resuscitation facilities.
During the first stage of labour, I will monitor her vital signs closely & do continuous electronic fetal
monitoring, monitoring progress with partogram. I will provide adequate analgesia. I would be extra
caution & vigilance in monitoring for evidence of scar dehiscence & rupture. I would do 4 hourly VE to
look for OS dilatation & fetus position. I would also prepare her as if she is going for OT by monitoring
her vital signs, insert 2 large bore cannula, GSH 4 units blood + FBC (hb), NBM (good hydration), counsel
& take consent.
In the second stage of labour, my aim is to monitor vigilantly. (2-3 fold increased risk of uterine rupture
and 1.5 fold increased CS rate in induced and augmented labour than spontaneous labour.)
IOL wit prostin in patient with previous LSCS is extremely high risk, need to carefully monitor patient.
I would like to actively manage the third stage of labour by giving IM syntocinon after the anterior
shoulder is out, early cord clamping, rubbing of uterine fundus & CCT. I would watch actively for signs of
PPH by monitoring her vital signs.
If during any stage of labour there is scar dehiscence or rupture, I would like to manage the patient in
the OT by doing laparotomy.
What are the possible complications of vaginal birth with previous scar?
Uterine rupture (disrupt uterine serosa), uterine dehiscence (intact uterine serosa).
Non- recurrent causes : Breech, Placenta praevia, secondary arrest, fetal distress, eclampsia.
Recurrent cause : Gross CPD
Should include maternal and perinatal risk and benefits of planned VBAC versus elective LSCS.
Contraindications to VBAC
Women with a prior history of one classical CS (200-900/10000 risk of uterine rupture)
Previous uterine rupture (risk is unknown)
3 or more previous CS (risk is unknown)
Rupture rates
Inverted T or J incision (190/10,000 risk)
Low vertical incision (200/10,000 risk)
LSCS (22-74/10,000 risk)
Multiple Pregnancy
In summary, the SFH is …cm. There are 2 fetuses, both in longitudinal lie. The leading twin is in cephalic
presentation, whereas the second twin is non-cephalic. The head of the leading twin is 3/5 palpable, hence
not engaged. Estimated fetal weight of the individual twins is 2.0kg. The liquor amount is adequate. Fetal
heart rate of the leading twin is … bpm, whereas the second twin is …bpm (at least 10 bpm difference,
different intensity, audible at 2 different areas)
Remark : In a twin pregnancy, both fetal back will be at the maternal sides.
Antenatally, regular clinic attendance is strongly advised because all the major hazards of pregnancy are
increased. Maternal complications such as anaemia, pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia,
gestational diabetes mellitus, preterm prelabour rupture of membranes and placentae praevia should be
identified, monitored and treated appropriately. Iron and folic acid supplementation from the 1st trimester
is recommended. I also like to monitor for fetal growth and well-being. (As for the fetus, an early dating
scan, ideally in the 1st trimester should be done and chorionicity determined.) A monochorionic twin
require much greater surveillance as the perinatal mortality is 5 times greater than dichorionic twins. A
detailed anomaly scan should be done at 20 weeks of gestation. Serial growth scans should also be done,
2 weekly for monochorionic and 4 weekly for dichorionic, as fetal growth restriction complicates 30% of
twin pregnancies. Complications such as TTTS, TRAP, IUGR and IUD should be identified. Fetal well-
being should also be monitored regularly, in the form of fetal kick counts, fetal heart rate and
cardiotocography. My patient should counseled that if pain, contractions and leaking of liquor occur, she
should seek medical attention immediately. If it is preterm, corticosteroids should be given.
If no complications arise, the timing of delivery should be at 38 weeks. The mode of delivery of choice is
vaginal delivery, as the leading twin is in cephalic presentation.
What is Hellin’s rule? Expected incidence in twins is 1:80, triplets is 1:802, and so on.
Mother Fetus
Antepartum Excessive symptoms of Miscarriage
(Divide into pregnancy Unexplained IUD
1st, 2nd, 3rd o Hyperemesis gravidarum IUGR
trimesters) o Backache, abd discomfort Congenital malformations
o Varicose veins, haemorrhoids TTTS
o Edema TRAP
Anaemia Prematurity
PIH/PE (5-10x more common)
APH (Placenta praevia)
Compressive symptoms (e.g.
Intrapartum Prolonged labour Preterm labour
Increased likelihood for Malpresentation
operative delivery (instrumental, Fetal hypoxia/distress
LSCS) Cord prolapsed
Uterine rupture (due to internal Retained 2nd twin
podalic version, prolonged Fetal trauma
labour) Difficulty in monitoring 2 fetus
Postpartum PPH, Retained placenta, delayed Prematurity associated problems
uterus involution. (RDS, sepsis, jaundice, hypothermia
Puerperium infection. Cerebral palsy
Highest risk of pre-eclampsia in
48 hours.
Social, financial, personal
problems (breastfeeding and
care for 2 babies)
In summary, she has PIH diagnosed at 30 weeks POA. BP is 130/80mmHg & there is no signs &
symptoms of IE.
I would like to complete my examination by measuring her weight, performing a complete examination of
the cardiovascular system, neurological examination to look for neurological deficits, clonus,
hyperreflexia; fundoscopy do look for hypertensive retinopathy & dipstick urine for proteinuria.
What are the predisposing factors for hypertensive disorders during pregnancy?
Primigravida, genetic (mother & fetal), predisposing factors medically (essential hypertension,
thrombophilia, migraines, DM), socioeconomy (Poor maternal nutrition).
Why pre-eclamptic / eclamptic patient who goes for emergency LSCS bleeds more?
Hypertension & Thrombocytopenia (HEELP).
Since my patient has GDM, I would like to manage her by a multidisciplinary team, which consists of
obstetricians, physicians and dieticians. Antenatally, the aims of my management are to achieve a good
blood glucose control and to prevent complications. To control the blood sugar level, a strict diet
control should be adopted. This can be achieved by taking high fibre diet with correct calorific intake as
advised by the dietician. If indicated, an insulin therapy may be initiated. The usual insulin treatment is
combined soluble intermittent soluble insulin with each meal and an intermediate-acting insulin in the
evening. If my patient is on insulin, she should be instructed on the use of glucagon for hypoglycaemic
attacks. To assess her blood glucose control, blood sugar profile monitoring should be done for 2-3 times
per week. Ideal pre and post-prandial levels are <5.0 and <7.0 respectively. Urinalysis should also be
done at each visit for glycosuria and evidence of UTI (leucocyte esterase, nitrites). HbA1c or
fructosamine tests may also be done regularly to assess blood glucose control.
For maternal health, her weight, optic fundi, blood pressure and renal function should be monitored
regularly. Fetal monitoring, on the other hand, consists of fetal well-being and growth. This can be done
by counting of fetal movements by the mother and recording it on a fetal kick chart (>10 in 12 hours),
symphysiofundal height, fetal heart rate and CTG should be done at each follow up. Serial USG should
also be done fortnightly to assess for fetal growth, as GDM is associated with macrosomia. Liquor
amount should also be assessed as GDM is associated with polyhydramnios. A detailed anomaly scan
should be done at 20 weeks, as there is associated increase in incidence of congenital anomalies (e.g.
cardiac and cranio-spinal defects) in DM mothers.
For labour and delivery, if diabetes is well-controlled and pregnancy is uncomplicated, the timing of
delivery should be at 38 weeks, by induction of labour. I will not allow post date. The mode of delivery of
choice is normal vaginal delivery, unless contraindicated. During labour, close control of blood glucose is
achieved by a continous infusion of soluble insulin using a sliding scale, and a separate infusion of
dextrose and KCl. Regular blood glucose control monitoring should be undertaken (hourly DXT) and the
insulin infusion titrated to keep levels between 5-7 mmol/L. If a syntocinon infusion is needed, should be
made up using normal saline. Continous electronic fetal monitoring should be done.
If my patient is going for ELSCS, keep her NBM from 12 midnight. Baseline U&E and RBS should be sent
at 6am. Morning dose of insulin is omitted. DXT to be monitored regularly. Close control of blood
glucose is achieved by hourly assessment of BS level, a continuous infusion of soluble insulin using a
sliding scale, and a separate infusion of dextrose and KCl.
During the post partum period, following the delivery of placenta, insulin infusion should be discontinued.
DXT for both mother and baby to be checked before transferred out to post-natal ward. Mother should be
encouraged to commence breast feeding early. Blood glucose level should be maintained at 4-10mmol/L.
Contraception should be advised.
Increasing age
Certain ethnic groups (Asian, African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans and Pima Indians)
High BMI before pregnancy (three-fold risk for obese women compared to non-obese women)
Smoking - it doubles the risk of GDM
Change in weight between pregnancies - an inter-pregnancy gain of more than three units (of BMI)
doubles the risk of GDM
Short interval between pregnancies
Previous unexplained stillbirth
Previous congenital anomaly
Previous macrosomia
Family history of type 2 diabetes or GDM - more relevant in nulliparous than parous women
Common Q & A
(Alternatively, Fetal back, identify the anterior shoulder then move 3.75 cm (1.5-2 inch) laterally).
What are the indications of doing a emergency LSCS in a major placenta praevia case?
Major bleeding, in labour, fetal distress, placenta abruption.
Magpie trial
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students (Obstetric Cases)
List and Answer to Commonly Asked Questions by Lecturers
And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his
mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show
gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal [Q31:14]]
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
1) How do you access the favorable of
2) What is cervical effacement?
3) Are there any differences if the cervix is
1 cm dilated in primid vs. Multipara
who presented with contraction pain at
term? Image from: Joan Pitkin et al, Obstetrics and
4) Can we induce the labour with Prostin Gynaecology: An Illustrated colour Text
with the present of recorded contraction
pain? Differences if the cervix is 1 cm dilated in
primid vs. Multipara who presented with
Answer contraction pain at term?
Cervical score
In HUSM, we used Modified Bishop Score. Nulliparous women have small external os at
Cervix is favorable if Bishop score > 5 cervix center. In multiparous woman, cervix is
bulkier and the external os has a more slit like
appearance. Therefore, dilatation of 1 cm is
significant in primid and not in multigravida.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Case: G1P0, Post EDD, currently in labour (VE Impression: Patient is already in active phase of
5cm) first stage of labour.
Post date patient who are already in labour will
Question: not change the management and spontaneous
a) Patient is a primid, never experience vaginal delivery should be expected except there
before, how are you going to ask her in is indication for caesarian section or
Hx whether it is a true labour. instrumental deliveries.
b) How to manage this patient
General management
Notes: A Braxton Hicks contraction is a normal 1) Transfer patient to Labour room
irregular uterine contraction starts occurring 2) FBC and GSH
from fourth months of pregnancy. It acts as
preparation for uterus to contract properly later. First stage of labour
1) Review history and problems
True vs. False Labour pain 2) Abdominal exam and VE +ARM
1) Timing of contractions 3) Starts partogram
False Labor: Often are irregular and do not 4) Review patient after 4H since cervix is
get closer together <6cm (if >6cm VE when full dilatation
True Labor: Come at regular intervals and as is expected)
time goes on, get closer together. Contractions 5) Monitor
last about 30-70 seconds. a) Maternal BP, PR, Uterine
2) Change with movement b) 4H temperature
False Labor: contractions stop in association c) FHR auscultation/ CTG
with walking or change in position.
True Labor: Contractions continue, despite Second stage of labour
movement or changing positions 1) Leave patient for 30 minutes if no
pushing contraction. Notify MO if not
3) Strength of contractions deliver after 1H of active pushing
False Labor: Contractions are usually weak 2) Episiotomy
and do not get much stronger (may be strong
first, then get weaker) Third stage of labour (30 Minutes)
True Labor: Contractions steadily increase 1) Syntometrine (Oxytoxin 5U+
in strength ergometrine 0.5 mg) IM
2) Delivery of placenta by controlled cord
4) Pain of contractions traction
False Labor: contractions are usually only 3) Repairing of episiotomy wounds
felt in the front of the abdomen or pelvic region
True Labor: Contractions usually start in the Signs of placenta separation
lower back and move to the front of the - Uterus contract and fundus become
abdomen. Referred pain from uterus felt at the globular and firm
buttock. - Small gush of blood flow out
- Lengthening of umbilical cord.
Management of this patient
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
28 years old Malay lady, G1P0 at 38W + 5/7 Before, any decision to discharge this patient,
days POA was admitted because of contraction few measures needs to be look at.
pain. There is no show or leaking liquar.Below 1) If the contraction pain starts to subside
is her Bishop score on admission. 2) Pre discharge vagina examination did
not show any cervical progression
3) No Pre labour ruptures of membrane.
4) CTG has been performed and reactive
5) Baby is not in mal presentation.
6) Patient can easily come back to hospital
if anything happen.
a) Short distance
b) Access to transportation
c) People to take care of her.
7) With advice that patient must come to
hospital if any PROM or show or if the
contraction become strong and in close
Bishop Score
3.5 CM
Requested to be discharged
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
1) Engagement
1) Types of pelvis
2) Descent
2) What is engagement
3) Flexion
3) Outline the mechanism of labour
4) Internal rotation
4) What is the layer cut during the
5) Extension
episiotomy procedure?
6) External rotation
5) The structures supporting the uterus.
7) Expulsion
Layers of cutting:
1) Skin
2) Subcutaneous tissue
3) Vaginal mucosa
4) Bulbospongiosus muscle
5) Deep and superficial transverse perineal
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Case: Unsure LMP/ Unsure of Date to pregnancies at gestations greater than the
legal definition of fetal viability (24 weeks).
a) Neagele’s rule Divided into mechanical (Sweep & scratch,
b) Investigation ARM,) and pharmacological (IV Syntocinon,
c) Management Prostin).
d) Induction of labour
e) Complication of Prostin Others; breast stimulation, relaxin,
hyaluronidase, sexual intercourse, acupuncture,
Neagele’s rule homeopathic method
1) Sure of date
2) Menstrual cycle is regular of 28 days
(ovulation occur 14 days prior to the Indication for IOL
next menses) 1) Fetal
3) Not on any form of hormonal a) IUGR
contraception within 3 months b) PIH/PE
4) Not lactating within 2 months c) GDM at 38w
d) Post EDD
Investigation e) Twin at term
1) Cardiatocography (CTG) to access fetal f) Hx of unexplained APH
well being g) Transverse oblique/unstable lie
2) Ultrasound for physical biometry of the h) Hemolytic disease
baby, and amniotic fluid index i) Fetal abnormality incompatible with
life (anencephaly)
2) Maternal
Management a) Medical disorder aggravated by
1) Confirmation of the date of pregnancy pregnancy like DM, SLE, PE, Renal
a) Early ultrasound scan (<20w) disease.
b) 1st UPT positive (6-8w) b) IUD with risk of DIC
c) Quickening c) Spontaneous/ PROM>24h
d) Uterine size correspond to d) Abruption of placenta
e) Onset of signs and symptom of
pregnancy Complication of prostin
f) Conception date 1) Failed IOL (require c-sec)
2) Bishop score (>5 is favorable) 2) Uterine hyper stimulation
3) Elicit any medical problem. 3) Uterine rupture.
4) Fetal distress.
Induction of labour 5) C/I in patient with asthma/glaucoma
An intervention designed to artificially initiate 6) Abruptio placenta
uterine contractions leading to progressive
dilatation and effacement of the cervix and the
birth of the baby. The term is usually restricted
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
27 years old Malay lady, G2P1 at 38 weeks of In woman whom deliver more than two babies
pregnancy was admitted to ward because of (not grand Multipara) and 1 caesarean section
PROM more than 24 hours. She was council for scar, the dose for each cycle is 1.5 mg.
induction of labour.
If labour is not progress after the second dose,
Question then it is considered as failed induction [NICE
1) Common organism causing Guidelines] and emergency C-sec will be done.
chorioamnionitis in PROM and how to HUSM did not follow this guidelines and IOL
manage. with prostin is based on clinical experience.
2) Dose of Prostin
3) Instruction to the patient before inserting Some might consider failed induction after the
the Prostin third dose, 6 hours after the second dose.
Notes: Prostin is contraindicated if presence of
Common organism causing chorioamnionitis uterine contraction to avoid uterine hyper
in PROM and how to manage? stimulation.
1) Risk of getting infection arises after 12 Instruction to patient before inserting the
hours of PROM. Prostin
2) Antibiotic prophylaxis should be given
based on common isolated organism 1) Ask the patient to urinate first because
which is group B Streptococcus (IV she needs to lie on bed for one hour
Penicillin) 2) Ask the patient to lie down on bed for
3) Chorioamnionitis is more dangerous to one hour
fetus as compared to mother 3) Ask the patient to inform the doctor if
4) IOL should be suggested to the mother the contraction pain is strong.
if PROM > 24 hours. 90% of patient 4) Do CTG after one hour to access uterine
with ruptured membrane will deliver the contraction and any evidence of fetal
baby within 24 hours. distress
5) If chorioamnionitis develop, patient 5) After one hour, do the VE to access the
should be covered with antibiotic cervical dilatation.
against GBS, gram negative and 6) If cervix is more than 3 cm, remove the
anaerobes. residual Prostin and sent patient to
labour room.
Dose of Prostin 7) If less than that, and suspect uterine
Notes: I suppositories equals to 3 mg. hyper stimulation, remove the residue
Prostin as well and send patient to
In primid, we can insert 1 suppository and labour room and monitor with CTG.
access the Bishop score 6 hours later. If cervix is KIV tocolytic agents (salbutamol). If
favorable, then we may proceed with artificial fetal distress, emergency cs.
rupture of membrane. If not, second dose of 8) If CTG normal, patient can regain her
Prostin may be given. activity. Recheck cervical score 6 hour
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
26 years old Malay lady, housewife, G2P1 at 38 4) Forceps application and breech extraction
weeks of gestation with second husband and once full cervical dilatation achieves
history of previous caesarean section was 5) Elective caesarean section
admitted because of c-sec scar tenderness. 6) Explore the genital tract after difficult or
instrumental delivery
Questions 7) Blood FBC and GSH
1) S&S of impending scar rupture
2) Management for patient come with Once the ruptured occur
impending scar rupture
3) Elicit the scar tenderness on PE 1) Secure the ABC. 02 100%, 3L/min increase
4) The anterior abdominal wall layer cut oxygenation to tissue if hemorrhage occurs.
during the c-sec operation. 2) 2 large bore IV line
3) Blood transfusion and shock management
Uterine scar rupture 4) Emergency laparatomy
5) Delivery of fetus and placenta
A complete uterine rupture is a tear through the 6) Exploration of the rupture site
thickness of the uterine wall at the site of a prior a) Try to repair the lesion
cesarean incision. b) Hysterectomy of not salvageable
7) Internal iliac artery ligation in case of broad
Patient might present with: ligament hematoma because uterine artery is
usually retracted and difficult to be identified.
1. Fetal distress evidence by abnormalities 8) Vaginal repair if there is cervical tear
in fetal heart rate
2. Vaginal bleeding Layer cut through caesarean section
3. Sharp onset of pain at the site of (Pfannenstiel approach)
previous scar
4. Sharp pain between contractions 1) Curved transverse cut just below hair
5. contraction become less intense (finally border
lead to atony) a) skin
6. Diminished baseline uterine pressure b) superficial fascia (Camper and
7. Abdominal tenderness Scarpa)
8. Recession of the presenting fetal part c) Rectus sheath (contains fascia of
9. Hemorrhage EO, IO and TM)
10. shock
2) Vertical incision for access into lower
Management to impending scar ruptures abdomen
Management a) Separation of rectus abdominis
muscle in midline
Prophylactic management b) Dividing of the fascia transversalis
c) periperitoneal fat tissue
1) Close monitoring for woman with high risk of d) peritoneum
uterine rupture
2) Early detection of causes of obstructed labour
3) Use Oxytoxin with caution
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
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Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Case: 41/M/F, G1P0 at 29W+2d POA 5) PE profile twice a week (severe PE) or
High blood pressure and proteinuria 3+ once a week(mild PE) compose of
a) Platelet count (decrease)
Question b) Uric acid (1st indication of renal
a) Investigation and reason impairment)
b) Treatment plan c) Sr Creatinine level (renal function)
c) Time of delivery and why? d) Liver enzyme, AST (liver damage)
e) Urine albumin as mention in above.
My impression: High blood pressure with 6) Clotting study if platelet < 100 x 106/l
proteinuria could lead to Pre eclampsia which is 7) Input/output Fluid Chart.
worrisome due to serious complication. 8) CTG for fetal well being.
Therefore, PE should be ruled out first before 9) Serial ultrasound measurements of fetal
considering other condition that may falsely give size, umbilical artery Doppler and liquor
positive result to proteinuria like UTI volume
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Case: 19/M/F, G1P0 at 32W of pregnancy 1g/h for at least 24h after last seizure or delivery
diagnosed with pre eclampsia at 28W of Add 4 vials (10g) to 50cc of normal saline & run
gestation. at 5cc/h
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
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Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
25 Years Old Malay lady, Nurse, G1P0 at date b) 2 hour post glucose load: 7-8
+ 5/7 was admitted to wards because of mmol/L
contraction pain and URTI. Patient also was 2) Level of blood glucose control: Blood
investigated for GDM because of excessive Sugar Profile (4-6 mmol/L) and Serum
weight gain during 21 week of pregnancy. HBA1c concentration (< 6.5%)
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Answer Intrapartum
1) Management based upon modes of
Patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus delivery either chooses induction of
should not be allowed to proceed with labour with spontaneous vaginal
pregnancy beyond 38 weeks of pregnancy. delivery or caesarean section.
2) Patient should be started on DKI
Therefore, it is crucial to determine the correct regimes (5% dextrose solution with 1
date of pregnancy to avoid pre term delivery. gram KCL) together with sliding scale
Furthermore, fetus of diabetic mother is insulin infusion. If patient go for c-sec,
associated with delay lung maturity. morning dose of insulin should be
Mode of delivery 3) Presence of senior obstetrician to
In this patient, mode of delivery should be standby in case any complication occur.
balanced between benefit and risk. The decision 4) Pediatrician needs to be informed
should always be discussed with the patient. regarding this case.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
35 Years old Malay lady, G1P0 at 37W + 5/7 b) > 4,250 g = elective caesarean section
with gestational Diabetes Mellitus was admitted Notes: Ultrasound is specific for determination of
for review for intrapartum management estimated fetal weight but only with sensitivity of 60-
70% at term. There will be a + of 500 mg
Questions discrepancy of estimated and real fetal weight.
1) What should you elicit before allowing Macrosomic baby of diabetic vs. non diabetic
patient to deliver by vagina delivery? mother
2) What is macrosomic baby?
3) Are there any differences between Macrosomic baby of non diabetic mother is at
macrosomic baby who is belonging to low risk for developing shoulder dystocia as
diabetic mother and non diabetic compared to baby of diabetic mother. This is due
mother? to present of excessive fat tissue growth at
4) If this patient keen on SVD even though shoulder region in baby of diabetic mother. The
the estimated fetal weight is 4 Kg and disproportionate excessive growth of the
the labour is complicated with shoulder shoulder will predispose them to the risk of
dystocia, what would be your shoulder dystocia during SVD.
Steps in managing Shoulder dystocia
1) Call for help, inform senior obstetrician
and pediatric colleague
Before allowing diabetic mother deliver via
SVD, few thing needs to be excluded first. 2) Experienced obstetrician should be
present during second stage of labour
1) The size of baby is not macrosomic 3) Mc Roberts’ maneuvers (Flexion and
2) Cephalic presentation abduction of the maternal hips,
3) Longitudinal lie positioning the maternal thighs on her
4) Not a candidate for Caesarean section abdomen)
a) Major placenta previa 4) If not successful, apply suprapubic
b) Footling or flexion breech pressure together with Mc Roberts
c) 2 previous c-sec scar without prior (External suprapubic pressure is applied
normal delivery in a downward and lateral direction to
d) Unstable lie push the posterior aspect of the anterior
e) Any obstruction to descending of shoulder towards the fetal chest )
fetus (fibroid, ovarian cyst, 5) If fail, proceed with Wood-Corkscrew
Cephalopelvic disproportion) Maneuvers (The hand is placed behind
the posterior shoulder of the fetus. The
Macrosomic Baby shoulder is rotated progressively 180° in
a corkscrew manner so that the impacted
For undergraduate level, macrosomic is the anterior shoulder is released.
estimated weight of fetus > 4 kg. However, it is 6) If still fail, then deliver the posterior arm
further classified into categories first.
a) 4,000 - 4,250 g (discuss with patient 7) If fail, do Zavanelli maneuvered (push
regarding mode of delivery) the baby back) and prep for emergency
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
35 years old Malay lady, G3P2 at 26W POA moderate (AFI 30.1-35) and severe (AFI >35)
was admitted for further management after she [Naser Omar et al]
persistently worried about her current
pregnancy because her belly was too big Causes of polyhydramnios
compared to previous pregnancy
1) 60% is idiopathic
Questions 2) Maternal causes
1) What is polyhydramnios and how do a) Gestational diabetes mellitus
you grade them? 3) placental abnormalities (placental
2) What is the causes of polyhydramnios abruption, placenta accreta)
3) How do you manage this patient? 4) Fetal factor
a) congenital anomalies ( anencephaly,
Answer hydrocephalus, spina bifida,
tracheoesophageal fistula, duodenal
atresia, hydrops fetalis and many
b) Multiple pregnancy
95th percentile c) chromosomal abnormalities such as
Down's syndrome and Edwards
Mean value syndrome
5) Skeletal dysplasia and syndrome.
5th percentile 6) others like chorioangioma of the
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Case: 32/M/F, G2P1, decreased fetal movement Tocolysis has also been advocated for the
management of intrapartum fetal distress,
Question impaired fetal growth, pre term labour and to
1) H(x) and P(e) facilitate external cephalic version at term
2) Management of decrease fetal
movement MgSO4
3) Use of tocolytic (function/type) 1. works as membrane stabilizer,
4) Fetal kick chart (indication and competitive inhibition of Ca; therapeutic
component) at 4-7 mEq/L
2. SE: flushing, nausea, lethargy, pulm
Reduce fetal movement? Baby goes through edema
normal sleep cycle. As long as baby moves 3. Toxicity: cardiac arrest (tx: calcium
every couple of hour, then it’s fine. gluconate), slurred speech, loss of
patellar reflex (@ 7 -10), resp problems
History (@15-17), flushed/warm (@9-12),
Exclude Abruptio placenta muscle paralysis (@15-17), hypotonia
-Decreased fetal movement, abdominal pain, (@10-12)
bleeding after 22w
-shocks, tender uterus, fetal distress/absent fetal Nifedipine
heart sound 1) calcium channel blocker: 10 mg q 6 h;
se: nausea and flushing
Exclude fetal distress
-Decreased/absent fetal movement, abnormal B2 agonist
fetal heart rate 1. ritodrine/ terbutaline
- Thick meconium stained fluid 2. dec. uterine stimulation; may cause
DKA in hyperglycemia, pulm edema,
Other history n/v, palpitations (avoid with h/o cardiac
- What did patient do? Working mother seems to disease or if vaginal bleeding) 0.25 mg
perceive less fetal movement. sq q 20-30 min x 3 then 5 mg q 4 po
- Any history of trauma?
- Elicit maternal medical illness Indomethacin/prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor
1. 50 mg po/100 mg pr SE: premature
PE and investigation closure of PDA in an
1) Auscultation of fetal heart rate and hour,oligohydramnios
confirmation with ultrasound.
2) CTG monitoring for ½ hour. Fetal kick chart
3) Umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound in 1) Screening by caregivers to alert them about
high risk cases. their fetal condition which might compromised.
This will aid early intervention to reduce
Tocolysis perinatal mortality.
The administration of medications to stop 2) Routine or done in women with increased risk
uterine contractions during premature labor of complication in baby
3) Decision of management shouldn’t be made
based on fetal kick chart.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Survival rate: 23 w 0-8% 24w 15-20% Imidazoles are best but pregnant women may
25w 50-60% 26-28w 85% 29w 90% need longer (7 not 4 day) courses. Thrush is a
common vaginal infection in pregnancy causing
Drugs in management of premature labour itching and soreness. There is no evidence that
1) Corticosteroid therapy this yeast infection harms the baby. Antifungal
- Betamethasone, 12mg, IM, 24 hours creams are effective. Imidazoles (such as
apart. clotrimazole) are more effective than older
- In USM, Dexamethasone, 12 MG, IM, treatments such as nystatin and hydrargaphen.
12 hours apart. Longer courses (7 days) cured more than 90% of
- Function is to increase lung maturity. women whereas standard (4 day) courses only
Usage of corticosteroid below 24w is no cured about half the cases. [Cochrane Database
beneficial since pneumocyte not develop of Systematic Reviews, Issue 4, 2009]
yet. Also not recommended >34W.
- Possible long-term effects on cognitive
or neurological development, impaired
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Case: 42/M/F G11P7+3A at 36/52 with history fetal, placenta abnormalities (PE, Anruptio
of 5 premature deliveries, electively admitted for placenta, PP), multiple pregnancy, Medical
removal of cervical cerclage condition like Hypertension, DM and anemia,
aneuploidy and fetal anomalies, increase
Questions maternal mortality. [The older obstetric patient,
a) Risk of grandmultiparae Current Obstetrics & Gynecology (2005) 15,
b) Risk of pregnancy at old age 46–53]
c) How to prevent PPH in this patient
d) Indications of cervical cerclage Cervical cerclage
e) When to do and remove cervical
cerclage. Cervical cerclage is a procedure in which sutures
are inserted around the cervix in women
Grandmultiparae suspected to have cervical weakness. This is
Definition: a woman who has had five or more thought to prevent cervical dilatation and
pregnancies resulting in viable fetuses. Great membrane exposure, thus helping the uterus to
grand multipara if > 10 retain the pregnancy in women who are prone to
miscarrying, mostly in the mid-trimester.
The results showed high in incidence of anemia [Cervical cerclage, Current Obstetrics &
(80%). Cesarean section (38% vs 35%), Gynaecology (2006) 16, 306–308]
inversion of uterus (0.2% vs nil) and rupture of
uterus (0.2% vs nil), hypertension and PIH Cervical cerclage can be classified as an elective
superimposed on chronic hypertension (12.5- procedure (based on previous history and/or
25% vs 8-14%). The incidence of postpartum investigation), a selective procedure (based on
hemorrhage, abruptio placentae, preterm labour, evidence obtained by ultrasound examination
obstructed labour, puerperal sepsis and wound that shows shortening of the cervix) or an
infection was also high in grand multi parous emergency procedure (when the cervix is dilated
group. There were 9 maternal deaths out of 1000 with the membranes seen or bulging via the
cases of study group as compared to 4 deaths in cervical os).
control group. Similarly the perinatal mortality
rate was 180/1000 births as compared to An elective procedure is performed around 12–
150/1000 in para 2-4. [Grand Multiparity: Still 14 weeks’ gestation (Dr Amir HUSM-16W)
an Obstetric Risk Factor,Khadija H Asaf. Pak J after confirming fetal viability. The TAC is
Obstet Gynaecol May 1997;10(1,2):24-8] performed around the same time. Emergency
cerclage is performed when the cervix is noted
Pregnancy at old age to be dilating.[Cervical cerclage, Current
an age over 35 years for the ‘elderly Obstetrics & Gynaecology (2006) 16, 306–308]
primigravida’(FIGO, 1958)Improvements in
women’s general health have led to this term It is removed when term is achieved or
tending to be reserved for pregnancies in women premature contraction (Dr Amir HUSM)
at or above 40 years of age.[Current Obstetrics
& Gynaecology (2005) 15, 46–53]
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
31 years old Malay lady, G6P5 at date + 9/7 In this patient, we however need to go through a
with 1 previous scar for transverse lie and 4 broad perspective before deciding the
VBAC management for this patient. Patient’s problem
1) What is post term? a) Post date
2) What is the complication of the post b) 1 previous c-sec with successful 4
term? VBAC (low risk patient)
3) In this patient, how will you manage her c) Grand multi para (deliver > 5 times)
and give reasons.
Therefore, risk and benefit on method of
Post term
A pregnancy that has extended to or beyond 42 delivery should be considered.
weeks of gestation (294 days, or estimated date
of delivery [EDD] +14 days) [ACOG Roughly, this is the overview of the
guidelines] management.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
A healthy 25-year-old nulliparous woman has such events. Contraction stress tests assessing
an uncomplicated pregnancy at 42 weeks. fetal heart responses to oxytocic-induced
Induction of labour is fully discussed, suggested contractions have largely gone out of use as the
and declined. Evaluate the tests that may be high false-positive rate has led to a high level of
arranged to monitor fetal health until labour intervention. They also take longer and are more
begins. [Journal review] complicated to conduct than NSTs.
Where the advice over induction is unacceptable The assessment of liquor volume that may be
to the patient, various measures may be used to related to placental function and fetal health has
review fetal health. Several tests are described become an accepted part of surveillance of
for this situation, but the problem remains that women such as this. A measurement of the
no test or group of tests has been shown to amniotic fluid index of less than 5 cm or of the
improve the perinatal outcome. maximum vertical pocket depth of less than 2
cm (various other levels are quoted) suggest
Fetal movement charts have long been used in fetal compromise and lead to a recommendation
late pregnancy as a form of fetal monitoring. for delivery. The biophysical profile combines
They require the woman to note the time taken an ultrasound assessment of fetal movements
for 10 fetal movements. A large randomised- and tone, breathing movements and amniotic
controlled trial (RCT), however, demonstrated fluid volume. This combination would seem to
no reduction in fetal mortality compared with be the most appropriate, but a recent RCT
the control group, and the use of these charts showed no advantage over CTG with amniotic
may increase anxiety without a beneficial depth measurement. Doppler studies of
effect. Various forms of fetal acoustic umbilical artery velocimetry have not been
stimulation test have been developed using a shown to be of benefit in predicting outcome.
transabdominal sound source and assessing the
fetal reaction in terms of cardiotocograph (CTG) There are clearly considerable limitations in the
changes and fetal movements. Although such value of all these tests in detecting fetal
tests have the advantage of taking less time than compromise and enabling rescue, but NICE
other tests, there is no evidence for an improved recommends twice-weekly CTG and
perinatal outcome. measurement of amniotic pool depth, and this
will remain the advice until further advice based
The standard non-stress test (NST) using a on RCTs is available. The advice and its reasons
CTG relies on the observation of two or more must be discussed with this woman, and a
episodes of fetal cardio acceleration of 15 beats sensitive approach is most likely to lead to a
or more occurring within 20 minutes of the onset compromise, although there remains a
of the test. It is generally thought, and advised possibility that the woman will wish for no tests
by the National Institute for Health and Clinical and will await nature’s decision.
Excellence (NICE), that twiceweekly tests
should be performed, although the optimum Simon G. Crocker Department of Obstetrics &
scheme is not known. Furthermore, the NST Gynaecology Norfolk & Norwich University
used alone has a low sensitivity. The most Hospital, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY, UK
common cause of perinatal death in such cases is [OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND
meconium aspiration due to an acute asphyxial REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 17:1,2007
event, and the NST is not adequate to preclude Published by Elsevier Ltd.]
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
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Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
PP VS Placenta abruptio
Other name for low transverse scar Association with pain: PP is painless
Pfannenstiel (traditional) scar, Joel--Cohen scar. US: abruptio shows Retro placental blood clot
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
21 Years Old Malay Lady, G1P0 at 36/52 + 4/7 Management for this patient
was admitted since 30 Week POA after history 1) FBC to access the level of hemoglobin
of sexual intercourse and strenuous activity. of this patient
Currently, there are no more bleedings. 2) GSH as patient may lose lot of bloods
Ultrasound reveals placenta previa type III during delivery. GXM 2 unit should be
prepared before delivery.
Questions 3) Tocolysis as bleeding in PP patient may
1) How to differentiate PP type III and PP also due to contraction of uterus (not the
type IV on ultrasound lower segment)
2) What is the risk factor for placenta 4) Assessment of fetal well being
previa 5) Complete bed rest and avoid any
3) Can this patient be discharged? excessive activity.
4) Management for this patient 6) Discuss with patient regarding caesarian
section as mode of delivery.
How to differentiate PP type III and PP type IV Prior to delivery, all women with
on ultrasound placenta praevia and their partners
PP type III- Placenta partially covers the os. should have had antenatal discussions
PP type IV- Placenta is symmetrically implanted regarding delivery, hemorrhage,
in the lower uterine segment possible blood transfusion and major
surgical interventions, such as
Risk factor for placenta previa hysterectomy, and any objections or
- Multiple gestation queries dealt with effectively.[RCOG]
- Previous caesarian section 7) To prepare the patient for caesarian
- Uterine structure anomaly section.
- Assisted conception
- Dilation & Curettage Notes:
1) Trans vaginal ultrasound is safe in the
Can this patient be discharged? presence of placenta praevia and is more
No, accurate than trans abdominal
ultrasound in locating the placenta
Women with major placenta praevia who have [RCOG Guideline No. 27
previously bled should be admitted and managed 2) Placenta migration occurs during second
as in patients from 34 weeks of gestation. and third trimester except in posteriorly
[RCOG] located PP and present of C-sec scar.
3) A scan should be performed at 32 weeks
All women at risk of major ante partum in case suspected PP major and 90% of
hemorrhage should be encouraged to remain the patient who is diagnosed with PP
close to the hospital of confinement for the major will remains so.
duration of the third trimester of pregnancy 4) Elective caesarean section should be
[Royal Australian and New Zealand College of deferred to 38 weeks to minimize
Obstetricians and Gynecologists] neonatal morbidity.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Clinical evidence of head and buttock 1) Cord prolapsed leading to fetal hypoxia/
Head: Hard, round and ballotable fetal death.
Buttock: Soft, broad and not ballotable. 2) Compound presentation
3) Uterine rupture
Causes of unstable lie
1) Admit patient to antenatal wards Prevention of head descending
a) Daily observation for fetal lie a) Cephalopelvic disproportion
b) Provide active management to b) Fibroid
correct lie c) Ovarian cyst
c) Provide immediate clinical d) Placenta previa
assistance upon membrane rupture e) Uterine surgery
2) Exclude factors contributing to unstable
f) Multiple gestation
lie g) Fetal abnormality (anencephaly)
3) Expectant vs Emergent management h) Fetal neuromuscular disorder
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Case: Breech
Mode and timing of delivery
a) Causes and complication of breech <28 weeks, weight <1 SVD
b) Management, mode of delivery and time kg
of delivery for breech.
c) ATT- Type of immune 28-32 weeks, weight LSCS
1.0 - 1.5 kg
It is the most common type of malpresentation. 32-37 weeks Weight Depend on case
Presentation of the fetal buttocks and feet in 1.5 – 2.5 kg 1) Assisted
labour breech
delivery for
Incidence: 26W 40%, 30W 20%, term 3% Extended and
Type: Extended, Flexed, Footling flexed
2) LSCS for
Causes breech
1) Multiparous woman with lax uterus and > 37 weeks Preferably Caesarean
abdomen section
2) Prematurity
3) Fetal structural anomalies; anencephaly, ATT
hydrocephalus Tetanus vaccine is an inactivated toxin (toxoid)
4) Uterine anomalies; uterus bicornu, made by growing the bacteria in a liquid
fibroids medium and purifying and inactivating the toxin.
5) Multiple gestation; twins Type II Immune response
6) Hydramnios; oligo or poly
7) Placenta previa It is administer once the quickening felt and can
8) Contracted maternal pelvis be repeated 2-3 months after first injection in
9) Pelvic tumours primid women as a booster injection. (Usually
5th and 7th months of pregnancy)
1) PROM Notes: It is different from Anti tetanus human
2) Cord prolapsed [common in footling immunoglobulin which are preparation
presentation and lesser in flexed breech containing IgG immunoglobulin derived from
presentation] plasma of donors sensitized to tetanus toxoid. It
3) Difficulty in delivering the shoulder acts by The IgG antibodies acts to neutralize the
4) Difficulty in delivering the head[ may free circulating exotoxisn of clostridium tetani
lead to intracranial bleeding d/t tear of and prevent its fixation in tissue and its
tentorium or delay delivery of head can consequences.
cause prolonged compression of cord
and asphyxia]
5) Birth trauma such as fracture, viscera
damage, Erb Duchenne paralysis,
dislocation of hip joint.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
35 years old Malay lady, G5P5 (1 pair twin) at b) Number of fertilized egg (zygosity;
26/52 of pregnancy was admitted to wards mono,di)
because of premature contraction and twin c) Number of placenta (chorionicity)
pregnancy. d) Number of amniotic cavity (amnionicity)
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
29 Years old Malay lady, G1P0, twin pregnancy Management to this patient
at 24/52 was admitted because of frothy color 1) Evaluation on severity of the pre
urine and headache. eclampsia
- Close monitoring of blood pressure (15
Questions minutes interval until BP stable)
- Repeat Dipstick testing within 6H
1) What is your provisional diagnosis and - 24 hour urinary protein
justify your answer? - PE Profile (platelet count, uric acid
2) What is twin to twin transfusion level, sr Creatinine level, liver enxyme)
syndrome? - Clotting study if platelet < 100 x 106/l
3) Factors contributes to preterm delivery 2) Management of hypertension
4) How do you manage this patient?
Mild PE
T. Methyldopa 250mg tds, max
Answer 3g/day or
T. Labetolol 100 mg tds, max 300mg
Provisional diagnosis tds
Pre eclampsia Or, Tab. Nifedipine 10 mg tds stat
- Occur at 24w of gestation. dose
- Primigravida
- Twin pregnancy Severe PE
- Symptoms of impending pre eclampsia IV hydrallazine start 5mg, double if
no effect until 35mg. change drug if
(frothy urine suggestive of proteinuria
fails or
and headache.)
IV Labetolol start 10 mg, double if
no effect until max 300mg/day)
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
** MgSo4 slow infusion 4g 10-15
- Intrauterine blood transfusion from minutes. Maintenance dose IV
donor twin to another recipient twin ig/hour
- Donor twin has smaller size and anemic 3) Fetal surveillance
- Recipient twin will be plethoric - CTG for fetal well being.
- Only occur in monozygotic twin with - Biophysical profile (Ultrasound
monochorionic placenta monitoring of fetal movement, fetal tone
and fetal breathing, ultrasound
Factors contributes to preterm delivery assessment of liquor volume with or
without assessment of fetal heart rate)
- Lower and upper genital tract infection
- Uterine over distension 4) Anticipating in preterm delivery by
- Cervical incompetence giving IM Dexamethasone, 12 MG, and
- Maternal medical complications, 12 hours apart.
maternal stress
- Fetal, placental or uterine abnormalities 5) Others
- Bed rest
- Reduce physical activity
- Reduce high cholesterol and salty diet.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Multiple Pregnancies
Level B Evidence
Tocolytic agents should be used judiciously in Cerclage, hospitalization, bed rest, or home
multiple gestations uterine activity monitoring has not been studied
in high order multiple gestations, and, therefore
Women with high-order multiple gestations should not be ordered prophylactically. There
should be queried about nausea, epigastric pain currently is no evidence that their prophylactic
and other unusual 3rd-trimester symptoms use improves outcome in these pregnancies
because they are at increased risk to develop
HELLP syndrome, in many cases before Because the risks of invasive prenatal diagnosis
symptoms of preeclampsia have appeared. procedures such as amniocentesis and chorionic
villus sampling are inversely proportional to the
The higher incidence of gestational diabetes and experience of the operator, only experienced
hypertension in high-order multiple gestations clinicians should perform these procedures in
warrants screening and monitoring for these high-order multiple gestation.
Women should be counseled about the risks of
Level C (expert opinion) high order multiple gestation before beginning
The national Institutes of Health recommends
that women in preterm labor with no Management of discordant growth restriction of
contraindication to steroid use be given one death of one fetus in a high-order multiple
course of steroids regardless of the number of gestations should be individualized, taking into
fetuses consideration the welfare of the other fetus (es)
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
36 years old Malay lady, housewife, G5P4 at 2. Prop up the patient 45o.
30W+ 5/7 POA with known history of chronic 3. Oxygen 100% 3L/min via nasal prong
rheumatic heart disease and on single drug 4. Intravenous access.
therapy presented with sudden onset shortness 5. Take the blood for arterial blood gas
of breath on the day of admission, cannot lie flat (ABG).
on night and reduce effort tolerance. There was 6. 12 lead ECG.
no sign and symptoms suggestive of lung 7. Intravenous furosemide, 40 – 80 mg stat
infection. Currently she is not in labour and and maintenance.
fetal movement is good. 8. Intravenous digoxin and intravenous
diamorphine 2.5 – 5 mg slowly –
Questions depending on medical request.
1) What sign and symptoms that you
would like to elicit to suggest that this is Further management:
a case of heart failure 1. Admit the patient to antenatal ward.
2) How do you manage this patient 2. Carry out all the investigations as
mentioned above.
Answer 3. Continue oxygenation.
4. Prop up the patient 45o.
Sign and symptoms of heart failure 5. Close monitoring of
Cardiac symptoms: exertional dyspnoea, a) vital signs
orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, b) input output chart
dyspnoea at rest, acute pulmonary edema, chest c) Cardiotocography ( CTG )
pain, palpitation. 6. Continue IV furosemide. May change to
tablet form when necessary.
Non cardiac symptoms: anorexia, nausea, weight 7. Tab slow potassium.
loss, bloating, fatigue, weakness, oliguria,
8. Consider IM dexamethasone 12 mg b.d,
nocturnal, and cerebral symptoms 6 hours apart to anticipate pre term
Physical examination: Clubbing, prolong 9. Should be managed together with
capillary refilling, weak, rapid, and thready medical team.
pulse, tachycardia, diaphoresis, pallor,
Advice on discharge:
peripheral cyanosis with pallor and coldness of
the extremities, pulmonary rales, edema, 1. Semi bed rest at home and avoid
hepatomegally, pleural effusion, ascites, vigorous activity
cardiomegally, murmurs. 2. Regular follow up at combined clinic.
3. If the patient develops any symptoms of
Management to this patient urinary tract infection, upper respiratory
Acute management tract infection or chest infection, come
early to the hospital.
Similar to managing non pregnant patient where 4. Advise to deliver in the hospital.
the aim is to stabilize the patient 5. Admit when the patient at term OR
admit earlier if the patient has symptoms
1. Secure the ABC – airway, breathing and of HF.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
29 years old Malay lady, G3P2 at 27/52 W POA withstand stress of normal labour. The
with mitral valve prolapses (not in failure) same thing goes for Induction of labour.
3. Patient should be placed on high risk
Questions category with present of senior
1) What is Eisenmenger’s syndrome obstetrician and consultation from
2) How do you manage this patient cardiologist.
4. Close monitoring of vital signs, CTG
Answer and oxygen saturation. Each patient
must be attended by one staff nurse or
Heart disease complicates approximately 1% of all mid wife
pregnancy with chronic rheumatic heart disease is 5. Patient must be in prop up position with
the commonest cause in Malaysia apart from oxygen is freely available.
congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathies, 6. Pain management – in form of epidural
myocarditis and coronary artery diseases.
anesthesia (if the patient has no
contraindication) or opiates.
Eisenmenger’s syndrome
7. Prophylactic antibiotic to give adequate
Pulmonary hypertension secondary to
protection: Ampicillin or Gentamicin or
uncorrected congenital heart disease
characterized with right-to-left shunting and the
8. Prolonged second stage labour must be
associated cyanosis
9. Syntocinon is used in third stage of
Management to this patient
labour instead of ergometrine or
1. Should be managed in combined clinic.
Management of postpartum:
2. Advice on
1. Adequate rest for maternal.
a) Avoid doing vigorous activities
2. Encourage breast feeding unless she
b) Avoid from getting infection – i.e.
cannot cope with it.
good oral hygiene, treat UTI or
3. Continue oral antibiotic for 5 days.
4. Adequate anti coagulant prophylaxis i.e
3. Medication – T.frusemide, hematinic,
warfarin to prevent deep vein
folic acid and anticoagulant prophylaxis
thrombosis and thromboembolism.
i.e. LMWH
5. Discussion about family planning.
4. Come to the hospitals if develops any
Based on
symptoms of heart failure, UTI, URTI
a. Severity of the heart disease
or chest infection
b. Completed family
5. Advise to deliver in the hospital.
6. Admit when the patient at term OR
admit earlier if the patient has symptoms
a. Hormonal contraception - COC will
of HF.
increase risk of TE.
b. IUCD should be discouraged due to
Management of intrapartum:
risk of infection.
1. Aim for SVD
c. Sterilization
2. C-sec if any obstetric problem or in
view of cardiologist that patient cannot
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
19 Years old Malay lady, G2P0+1(abortion) at microcephaly, optic atrophy, and blindness,
39 W POA with history of chronic rheumatic seizures, Dandy-Walker syndrome, and focal
heart disease with mitral valve replacement, cerebellar atrophy),absent or non-functioning
infective endocarditis and completed treatment kidneys, anal dysplasia, deafness, hemorrhagic
and history of overwafarinization at 15W POA complications, premature births, spontaneous
currently admitted for elective heparin infusion abortions, stillbirths, and death
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
38 Years old Malay lady, housewife, due to any structural or functional cardiac
G9P6+2(abortion) at 12/52 POA and known conditions [Hunt SA et al]
case of Mitral Valve Prolapse with mild Mitral
regurgitation for more than 10 years According to European Society of Cardiology,
HF is a syndrome whereby the patient should
Questions have the following features; typically shortness
1) Type of murmur in mitral regurgitation of breath at rest or exertion, and/fatigue sign,
and stenosis and Pathophysiology signs of fluid retention and objective evidence of
2) What is heart failure? an abnormality of the structure or function of the
3) Contraindication for pregnancy in heart heart at rest.
There have been a confusing in defining the type
Types of murmur and Pathophysiology of heart failure especially involving the acute or
chronic state. Furthermore, many clinicians use
Mitral regurgitation it interchangeably to refer to severity of the
- Pan systolic murmur disease. Therefore, the ESC guidelines have
- Occur when ventricles leak to a lower come across with new definition which
chamber or vessel because there is distinguishes between new onset HF, transient
pressure gradient from the moment HF and chronic HF.
ventricle begin to contract.
- Blood then flow and murmur begin at New onset HF is self-explanatory and refers to
beginning of first heart and continue first presentation.
until the pressure equalize
- Other causes of pan systolic murmur Transient HF refer to symptomatic HF over a
include tricuspid regurgitation, VSD, limited time period, although long-term
and Aortopulmonary shunts. treatment may be indicated, for examples;
patient with mild Myocarditis with nearly
Mitral stenosis complete recovery, patient with MI who needs
- Mid diastolic murmur. diuretic in CCU but not require it in long term
- Begin later in diastolic and may be short treatment or transient HF caused by ischemia
or extend right up to first heart sound. that resolve with revascularization
- Due to impairs flow during ventricular
filling either because of stenosis, or Meanwhile chronic heart failure is a persistent
obstruction by tumor mass (atrial heart failure with stable, worsening or
myxoma) decompensated state.
- Can also due to Austin Flint murmur of
aortic regurgitation and Carey Coombs Contraindication for pregnancy
murmur of acute rheumatic fever,. 1) Pulmonary hypertension
2) Eisenmenger’s Syndrome
What is Heart failure? 3) Aortic dilatation > 4cm and this should
be suspected in Marfan syndrome
Heart failure is a syndrome manifesting as the 4) Mother on warfarin treatment.
inability of the heart to fill with or eject blood 5) Severe cyanotic heart disease with low
oxygen saturation and high hematocrit
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
18 years old Malay lady, G1P0 at 32/52 POA 6) Excludes the differential diagnosis of
was admitted because of severe lethargy, lethargy, shortness of breath and light-
shortness of breath and light-headedness. headedness
a) Cardiovascular problem
Questions b) Respiratory tract infection
1) Define anemia c) Multiple pregnancy
2) Common cause of anemia in pregnancy d) Diabetes mellitus
3) Management to this lady 7) For iron deficiency anemia
4) What is haematinic a) Iron supplement like ferrous
5) 1 pack cell blood can increase how sulphate and ferrous fumarate
much hemoglobin level (increase approximately 1 Hb in 1
6) Complication of anemia week)
# may consider double hematinic
(doubling the dose)
Answer b) Parenteral iron
c) Packed cell transfusion.
Anemia 8) Maternal transfusion should be
Hemoglobin concentration <11.0 g/dL [WHO] considered for fetal indications in cases
a) Mild (Hb 8-10 g/dL) of severe anemia.
b) Moderate (Hb 5-8 g/dL) 9) Course of treatment should be based on
c) Severe (Hb less than 5 g/dL clinical judgment and individualized;
period of gestation, severity of anemia,
Common cause of anemia in pregnancy type of anemia.
1) Microcytic anemia (Iron deficiency
anemia. Needs to exclude Thalassemia Haematinic
as both will give low MCV of <85 fL) a) Iron
2) Macrocytic anemia (folate deficiency) b) Folate
3) Trauma c) Vitamin C (increase absorption of iron)
4) Hemolytic anemia
a) Sickle cell syndrome One packed cell
b) Sickle cell disease - Is 450 ml of blood. Ideally it will
c) Sickle cell traits increase 1 Hb level
d) Sickle cell hemoglobin C disease.
Complication of anemia
Management for this lady 1) To mother
1) Admit to wards for observation a) Aggravate heart failure
2) Monitoring of vital sign. b) Risk of post partum hemorrhage
3) Full blood count (pay attention on c) Increase risk of infection
hemoglobin level for grading and MCV
for type of anemia), serum ferritin level, 2) To fetus
total iron binding capacity. a) Fetal hypoxia
4) Full blood picture if iron deficiency b) IUGR
anemia is unlikely c) Spontaneous abortion.
5) Establish the causes of anemia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
28 Years old Malay lady, housewife, G2P1 at Management of pregnant lady with fibroids
38W + 5/7 POA was admitted in view of
1) Management of fibroids during
1. One Previous scar a year ago due to pregnancy is just a monitoring of its
fetal distress, uncomplicated CS growth. Drugs rarely being prescribed.
2. Uterine fibroid diagnosed during first 2) Fibroids can cause miscarriage.
pregnancy Therefore, advise patient not to
undergone vigorous activity.
Questions 3) Corticosteroid injection if pre term
labour is anticipated.
1) Why fibroid increase in size during 4) Monitoring of the fetus for fetal well
pregnancy being, lie and presentation.
2) What fibroid changes can occur during 5) Observation of fetal lie and presentation
pregnancy is crucial before allowing patient to go
3) Expected findings during PE for SVD.
4) How do you manage the pregnancy 6) Furthermore, obstructed labour should
patient with fibroids? be excluded.
7) If patient is scheduled for caesarean
Answer section, do not remove the fibroid
during the surgery as it will cause heavy
Why fibroid increase in size during pregnancy bleedings.
8) Fibroids will shrink after pregnancy.
Fibroid is an estrogen-dependant for its growth. Management post pregnancy includes
During pregnancy, the level of estrogen rise a) Ablation of the fibroids
steadily until term. b) Surgery to remove the fibroids
c) Hysterectomy
Fibroid changes during pregnancy d) Medications to shrink the fibroids
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
16 years old Malay lady, single parent with e) Leading causes of death for girls aged
G1P0 at 37 w + 6/7 POA with history of 15 to 19 in developing countries
f) Predispose to un safe abortion
1) Bronchial asthma on MDI salbutamol g) High risk for HIV infection due to
and MDI inflammide unprotected sex
2) Anemia on double hematinic. History of
blood transfusion at 26/52 Dexamethasone
3) Ante partum hemorrhage secondary to
PP type I at 34/52. Completed Pre term labor associated with complication of
dexamethasone. respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular
4) Currently admitted because of hemorrhage and necrotizing enterocolitis.
contraction pain. Multiple randomized controlled trials has
5) Pre marital sex demonstrated that the admission of
corticosteroid to the mother resulting significant
reduction in these complication.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
33 Years old Malay lady, housewife, G7P6 at 38 2) Counseling on mode of delivery and
W POA was admitted for further management in reason why patient can not be allowed
view of for SVD.
3) Plan for Caesarean section. Can be
1) Grand multi para performed at 38 week to 39 week of
2) Maternal obesity but MOGTT test is gestation.
normal 4) Counseling for bi tubal ligation because
3) Placenta previa type III anterior but no patient is in high risk to develop uterine
history of APH. rupture, hemorrhage and uterine atony
4) Biggest baby is 3.9 kg. after this c-sec delivery due to
5) Clinically, suspected macrosomic baby. a) Grand multi para
On ultrasound, estimated fetal weight is b) 1 c-sec scar.
4.0 to 4.2 kg.
6) Not in labour yet. Intrapartum management
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
40 Years old Malay lady, housewife, G15P12+2 than in the multiparous group (P < .05). Similar
(abortion) at 36W + 3/7 from low frequency of maternal diabetes, infection,
socioeconomic status presented with this uterine wall scar rupture, variations in fetal heart
problem list rate, fetal death, and neonatal mortality was
found in the 3 groups. [Agota Babinszki et al]
1) Elderly pregnancy
2) Great grand Multipara (para >10) Principles of management in this patient
3) Unstable lie
1) Daily observation for fetal lie
Questions 2) Exclude factors contributing to unstable
lie such as fetal abnormality, placenta
1) Complication associated with great previa, uterine abnormality
grand Multipara 3) Pelvic abnormality
2) Principles of management in this patient 4) Polyhydramnios
3) What is the contraindication for ECV? 5) Discuss on mode of delivery which is
Answer expectant vs. active management (C-sec,
ECV or stabilizing induction)
Notes: The risk of cord prolapses leading to fetal 6) Advise on contraception. Tubal ligation
hypoxia and fetal death is very high once the should be offered in view of
membrane ruptures. Therefore, it is highly a) Advanced maternal age
recommended that patient with unstable lie b) Great grand multi parity
should be admitted to antenatal wards at 37 c) Two history of abortion.
weeks onward for observation [The Practical d) Low socio economic status.
Labour suite Management] ! As a Muslim, permanent method of
contraception should only be performed
Complication associated with great grand if specialist agrees that next pregnancy
Multipara will be harmful to the patient’s life.
The incidence of malpresentation at the time of Contra indication for ECV
delivery, maternal obesity, anemia, preterm
delivery, and meconium-stained amniotic fluid Absolute contraindication
increased with higher parity, whereas the rate of 1) Multiple pregnancy
excessive weight gain and cesarean delivery 2) APH
decreased. Compared with grand multiparas, 3) PP
great-grand multiparas had significantly elevated 4) PROM or PPROM
risks for abnormal amounts of amniotic fluid, 5) Significant fetal abnormality
abruptio placentae, neonatal tachypnea, and 6) Any indication for caesarean section.
malformations but lower rates of placenta
previa (P < .05). The incidence of postpartum Relative
hemorrhage, preeclampsia, placenta previa, 1) Previous c-sec
macrosomia, postdate pregnancy, and low Apgar 2) IUGR
scores was significantly higher in grand 3) Severe proteinuric hypertension
multiparas than in multiparas, whereas the 4) Rhesus iso-immunization
proportion of induction, forceps delivery, and 5) Evidence of macrosomia
total labor complications was significantly lower 6) Any suspected fetal compromise.
Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students
University Science Malaysia
26 Years old Malay lady, G1P0 at 38 W POG a) Severe cognitive, neurological and
currently presented with this problem developmental activity
1) Mother
a) No symptoms in mild
b) Maternal anemia
c) Maternal myopathy
d) Congestive heart failure
e) Pre eclampsia
f) Placental abnormalities
g) Low birth weight infants
h) post partum hemorrhage
2) Baby
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Asherman’s syndrome (intrauterine Fibroids, due to their mere presence, cause the
adhesion) is associated with: entire uterus to enlarge, thereby stretching the
blood vessels that supply the various parts of the
A) Amenorrhea uterus. When the fibroids are removed, the
B) Placenta previa remaining uterus collapses down to a smaller
C) Subfertility volume and some of the blood vessels that
D) Salphingitis supply the endometrium may become blocked.
E) Menorrhagia Because of the lack of oxygen and nutrients, that
area of tissue may die and a scar may form
leading to Asherman’s syndrome.
History: Named after Dr Asherman, an Israeli
gynaecologist, who first described the condition Other cause: radiation cause ischemia to
in the mid 20th century when he noted that some myometrium tissue
women who had surgical treatments at the
time of pregnancy stopped having periods Signs and symptoms
after this treatment 1) Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea
2) Pain (increase work by uterine muscle to get
Def: A reduction or absence in menstruation rid blood through scar tissue)
that may be due to scar tissue formation inside 3) Infertility
the uterus and can occur as a result of 4) Haematometra (large bruise inside uterus that
pregnancy and delivery, infection or diagnosed by pelvic US)
gynaecological surgical procedure
**differ from endometrial ablation: induce
1) Placenta previa, accrete
scar tissue in the uterus to prevent heavy periods
2) Infertility
Classification according to 17th Congress of the 3) IUGR
Federation of Frenchspeaking Societies of 4) Ectopic pregnancy
Gynaecology and Obstetrics [1957]
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In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
1) cephalopelvic disproportion
(small pelvis or large fetus)
2) abnormal presentations, e.g.
- brow
- shoulder
- face with chin posterior
- aftercoming head in breech
3) Fetal abnormalities, e.g.
- hydrocephalus*
- locked twins*
4) abnormalities of the reproductive
tract, e.g.
- pelvic tumour*
- stenosis of cervix or vagina**
- tight perineum.**
* Rarer causes.
** This may be associated with scarring caused
by female genital mutilation, or previous
“gishiri” cut.
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
During pregnancy and puerperium, fibroid However, without pathologic examination of the
A) increase in size uterus, this determination is not possible.
B) Undergo red degeneration Uterine leiomyosarcomas are found in
C) Become infected approximately 0.1% of women with leiomyomas
D) May undergo sarcomatous changes and are reported to be more frequently
E) Cause post partum hemorrhage associated with large or rapidly growing
Uterine leiomyomas, commonly known as
fibroids, are well-circumscribed, non-cancerous The two most common symptoms of fibroids
tumors arising from the myometrium (smooth (also called leiomyomas) are abnormal uterine
muscle layer) of the uterus. In addition to bleeding and pelvic pressure.
smooth muscle, leiomyomas are also composed
of extracellular matrix (i.e., collagen, Leiomyomas are also associated with a range of
proteoglycan, fibronectin). Other names for reproductive dysfunction including recurrent
these tumors include fibromyomas, fibromas, miscarriage, infertility, premature labor, fetal
myofibromas, and myomas. malpresentations, and complications of labor.
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Placenta previa is associated with * Multiple gestation (larger surface area of the
A) Painless vagina bleeding placenta)
B) Abnormal fetal heart rate * Erythroblastosis
C) Twin pregnancy * Prior uterine surgery
D) Android pelvis * Recurrent abortions
E) Diabetes Melitus * Nonwhite ethnicity
* Low socioeconomic status
Placenta previa involves implantation of the * Short interpregnancy interval
placenta over the internal cervical os. Variants * Smoking
include complete implantation over the os * Cocaine use
(complete placenta previa), a placental edge * Other causes include digital exam, abruption
partially covering the os (partial placenta previa) (pre-eclampsia, chronic hypertension, cocaine
or the placenta approaching the border of the os use, etc) and other causes of trauma (eg,
(marginal placenta previa). A low-lying placenta postcoital trauma).
implants in the caudad one half to one third of
the uterus or within 2-3 cm from the os. Grade.
A leading cause of third trimester hemorrhage,
placenta previa presents classically as painless I Placenta Lateral Minor
bleeding. Bleeding is thought to occur in encroaches on
association with the development of the lower the lower
uterine segment in the third trimester. Placental uterine segment
attachment is disrupted as this area gradually but does not
thins in preparation for the onset of labor. When reach the
this occurs, bleeding occurs at the implantation
cervical os.
site as the uterus is unable to contract adequately
and stop the flow of blood from the open
vessels. Thrombin release from the bleeding II Placenta marginal major if
sites promotes uterine contractions and a vicious reaches the posterior
cycle of bleeding-contractions-placental margin of the located
separation-bleeding. cervical os but
does not cover
Placental migration occurs during the second
and third trimesters, owing to the development
of the lower uterine segment, but it is less likely
if the placenta is posterior or if there has been a III Placenta
previous caesarean section. partially cover
the os.
IV Placenta is Complete Major
* Hemorrhaging, if associated with labor,
would be secondary to cervical dilatation and symmetrically
disruption of the placental implantation from the implanted in the
cervix and lower uterine segment. The lower lower uterine
uterine segment is inefficient in contracting and segment
thus cannot constrict vessels as in the uterine
corpus, resulting in continued bleeding.
* Advancing age (>35)
* Multiparity
* Infertility treatment Answer: T, F, T, F, F
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Hemorrhage/coagulopathy: Disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC) may occur as a Answer: F(risk factor), T, T, T, T(uterine atony)
sequela of placental abruption. Patients with a
placental abruption are at higher risk of
developing a coagulopathic state than those with
placental previa. The coagulopathy must be
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
A patient with severe placental abruption will 2. Early Rupture of Membranes (AROM)
need 3. Internal Fetal Monitoring (fetal scalp
A) CVP line electrode)
B) Artificial Rupture Of Membrane 4. Tocometry
C) Sedation with morphine 5. Intrauterine Pressure Catheter
D) Beta adrenergic drug 6. Cautious use of Pitocin
E) Arterial Blood Gas analysis E. Risks
1. Preterm birth
Sher Severity Grading system 2. Intrauterine Growth Retardation
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
The following are associated with placental Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is
insufficiency the result of an intrauterine blood transfusion
A) Diabetes Mellitus from one twin (donor) to another twin
B) Post maturity
(recipient). TTTS only occurs in monozygotic
C) Twin pregnancy
D) Cigarette smoking (identical) twins with a monochorionic placenta.
E) Dieting during pregnancy The donor twin is often smaller with a birth
weight 20% less than the recipient's birth
Definition: weight. The donor twin is often anemic and the
Placental insufficiency is the failure of the recipient twin is often plethoric with hemoglobin
placenta to supply nutrients to the fetus and differences greater than 5 g/dL. [EMedicine
remove toxic wastes.
article 271752]
In post maturity of the baby [before term,
growth of placenta is proportional to growth of
fetus. However after term, placenta start to Answer: T, T, T, T, T
regress while the baby continue to grow]
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Dopamine serves as the major prolactin-
inhibiting factor or brake on prolactin secretion. A minimum of 5 cigarettes significantly
It is secreted into portal blood by hypothalamic decreases prolactin concentration in smokers. A
neurons, binds to receptors on lactotrophs, and matched pair’s comparison confirmed that
inhibits both the synthesis and secretion of smoking reduces the level of prolactin [Gabriela
prolactin. Agents and drugs that interfere with et al, 1995]
dopamine secretion or receptor binding lead to
enhanced secretion of prolactin. Answer: F, T, F, T, T
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
With regards of the blood volume and its [Wikipedia] In pregnancy, liver produces more
composition during pregnancy transferrin.
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Pre eclampsia is associated with booking (1.55, 1.28 to 1.88), or maternal age ≥
A) Diabetes Mellitus 40 (1.96, 1.34 to 2.87, for multiparous women).
B) Rhesus iso immunization Individual studies show that risk is also
C) Urinary tract infection increased with an interval of 10 years or more
D) Polyhydramnios since a previous pregnancy, autoimmune
E) Twin pregnancy disease, renal disease, and chronic hypertension.
[Duckitt & Harrington]
Severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are
relatively rare but serious complications of The most significant risk factors for developing
pregnancy, with around 5/1000 maternities in pre-eclampsia are a history of pre-eclampsia and
the UK suffering severe pre-eclampsia and 5/10 the presence of Antiphospholipid antibodies.
000 maternities suffering eclampsia. In [Duckitt & Harrington]
eclampsia, the case fatality rate has been
reported as 1.8% and a further 35% of women Pre-existing diabetes and a pre-pregnancy BMI
experience a major complication [RCOG of ≥ 35 almost quadruple the risk; nulliparity, a
Guideline No. 10(A)] family history of pre-eclampsia, and twin
pregnancy almost triple the risk; and maternal
Who is at risk of getting pre-eclampsia? age ≥ 40, a booking BMI of ≥ 35, and a systolic
1) First pregnancy blood pressure ≥ 130 at booking double the risk.
2) First pregnancy with a new partner [Duckitt & Harrington]
3) Aged 40 or over
4) Mother or sister had pre-eclampsia Pre-existing hypertension, renal disease, chronic
during pregnancy autoimmune disease, and ≥ 10 years between
5) Pre-eclampsia in a previous pregnancy pregnancies increase the risk but it is not clear
6) Body mass index (BMI) of 35 or more by how much. [Duckitt & Harrington]
(you weigh 90 kg or more)
7) Multiple pregnancy These data demonstrates a significant positive
8) Medical problem such as high blood relation with maternal age, diabetes in
pressure, kidney problems and/or pregnancy, and fetal macrosomia with
diabetes. polyhydramnios. Anemia during pregnancy,
9) Pregnant from egg (oocyte) donation. cesarean delivery rate, and congenital anomalies
were significantly higher in the study
Controlled cohort studies showed that the risk of group.[Mathew Mariam et al]
pre-eclampsia is increased in women with a
previous history of pre-eclampsia (relative risk Answer: T, F, F, F, T
7.19, 95% confidence interval 5.85 to 8.83) and
in those with antiphospholipids antibodies (9.72,
4.34 to 21.75), pre-existing diabetes (3.56, 2.54
to 4.99), multiple (twin) pregnancy (2.93, 2.04
to 4.21), nulliparity (2.91, 1.28 to 6.61), family
history (2.90, 1.70 to 4.93), raised blood
pressure (diastolic ≥ 80 mm Hg) at booking
(1.38, 1.01 to 1.87), raised body mass index
before pregnancy (2.47, 1.66 to 3.67) or at
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In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Question1: Which of the following statements alone have been described. The Cochrane
are true regarding the pharmacological induction Database indicates that with the available
of fetal respiratory maturity? evidence, antenatal TRH cannot be
recommended for clinical practice at the present
a) Maternally administered thyroid releasing time. Adverse maternal side-effects were
hormone (TRH) alone may cause lung significant for women receiving antenatal TRH
maturation. and these included hypertensive episodes.
b) Antenatal TRH has no maternal side-effects.
c) Treatment with antenatal corticosteriods Q11: Beta sympathomimetic drugs:
between 28 and 32 weeks reduces the incidence a) Increase maternal stroke volume.
of fetal intraventricular haemorrhage. b) Decrease fetal heart rate.
d) The use of antenatal cortiosteriods between c) Increase maternal bowel motility.
28 and 32 weeks with pre-labour ruptured d) Decrease intracellular potassium in maternal
membranes is associated with a significant cells.
increase in neonatal infection. e) Decrease maternal urinary output.
e) Antenatal corticosteriods may cause long-
term cognitive disabilities in infants treated Answer: T, F,F,F,T
Beta adrenergic agonists, currently the most
a) False widely used tocolytic drugs in the UK, include
b) False ritodrine, salbutamol and terbutaline. These
c) True pharmacological agents act via Beta-1 and Beta-
d) False 2 adrenergic receptors. Beta-I receptor responses
e) False include an increase in maternal heart rate and
stroke volume, a decrease in bowel motility and
The meta-analysis of 36 prospective studies an increase in metabolic lipolysis. The Beta-2
indicate that treatment between 28 and 32 weeks adrenergic response includes an increase in renal
with antenatal corticosteriods prior to the onset renin production and a decrease in urinary
of premature labour resulted in a substantial output.
reduction in the incidence of respiratory distress
syndrome. The reduction in respiratory Question, answer and discussion are taken from
morbidity was associated with overall reductions Self-assessment questions: Premature labour, by
in the incidence of neonatal intraventricular M.Kilby, Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology
haemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and early (1996) volume 6 issue 3
neonatal death. There was no strong evidence of
any adverseeffects of corticosteroids in these
trials. Long-term follow-up of children in
several of these studies indicated no adverse
effect on growth, physical development or
cognitive skills.
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
a) True
a) True b) False
b) True c) False
c) False d) True
d) True e) True
e) False
Analgesia and anaesthesia of choice for preterm
Antepartum haemorrhage of whatever cause is a labour and delivery are not well established.
contraindication to the suppression of preterm Epidural anaesthesia may well have benefits
labour as is intrauterine infection and severe especially in the management of the first and
pregnancy induced hypertension which may be second stage of a preterm vaginal breech
life threatening to the mother. In prelabour delivery. However, such a choice of analgesia is
rupture of membranes, although there is no contraindicated in chorioamnionitis. Although
absolute contraindication to tocolysis as long as both an elective episiotomy and low forceps
there is no overt evidence of delivery have been historically discussed as
chorioamnionitis,there is little evidence to useful in reducing the length of second stage and
suggest that tocolysis significantly improves protecting the premature fetus at delivery, there
perinatal mortality. In selected cases of mild are no data to support this as a potential benefit
intrauterine growth restriction in which the fetus to the fetus.
is not compromised, it may be beneficial to
suppress labour to allow antenatal Administration of antibiotics prophylactically to
corticosteriods to be administered. women with prelabour ruptured membranes
preterm delays delivery and reduces both
However, any evidence of fetal compromise maternal and neonatal infection. No effect has
should lead to prompt delivery of the fetus. yet been shown demonstrating an improvement
in perinatal mortality. In particular, in women
known to be carrying Group B Streptococci,
Question3: During a preterm delivery: intrapartum antibiotics should be adopted as
standard care.
a) Epidural anaesthesia is contraindicated if
chorioamnionitis is present. Question, answer and discussion are taken from
b) Elective episiotomy is advised for all vaginal Self-assessment questions: Premature labour, by
deliveries. M.Kilby, Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology
c) The elective use of low outlet forceps delivery (1996) volume 6 issue 3
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Q4: The following drugs significantly reduce There is no evidence that corticosteriod
preterm labour when administered: administration suppresses preterm labour and
there is anecdotal evidence indicating that intra-
a) Ritodrine. amniotic injection of betamethasone may
b) Indomethacin. actually be used to induce labour.
c) Nifedipine.
d) Pethidine. Q5: The following are useful predictors of
e) Dexamethasone. preterm labour:
a) A previous history of preterm labour.
ANSWER 4 b) Maternal plasma oestradiol concentration 14
a) True days prior to onset of labour.
b) False c) Fetal fibronectin.
c) False d) Multiple pregnancy.
d) False e) Uterine anomaly.
e) False
Answer: T, F, T, T, T
Although beta-sympatho-mimetics themselves
may not have beneficial effects for the fetus they The background rate of preterm labour in the
are effective at postponing delivery, especially UK is approximately 7%. If a patient has had a
for short intervals of up to 24 h. This suggests previous preterm labour this rises to between 14
that they may have a place if, for instance, and 18%. A uterine anomaly is proven in
corticosteriods could be administered to promote between 5 and 16% of all preterm deliveries.
pulmonary maturity. However, injudicious use Multiple pregnancy is associated with preterm
of corticosteriods and beta-sympathomimetics delivery and this is paticularly true with
have been reported to precipitate acute monochorionic placentation. The majority of
pulmonary oedema. The only statistically biochemical prediction indices, including serum
significant differences in prospective trials oestradiol concentrations, have a poor predictive
comparing the use of calcium antagonists with index at detecting preterm delivery. Fetal
beta-sympatho-mimetics have indicated that fibronectin, a component of the extra cellular
there were fewer neonates of less than 2.5 kg matrix in the cervix, has been shown both in
and there were more admissions to neonatal' cross sectional studies, and more recently in
intensive care after the treatment with calcium longitudinal studies, to have a positive predictive
antagonists. At the present time, only a small value of preterm delivery in high risk patients of
number of prospective studies are reported. 46%.
Meta-analysis from the Cochrane Database does
not support the use of calcium antagonists or Question, answer and discussion are taken from
magnesium sulphate in preference to beta- Self-assessment questions: Premature labour, by
sympatho-mimetics in the suppression of M.Kilby, Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology
preterm labour. (1996) volume 6 issue 3
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
a) True
b) False
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In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Q7: which of the following statements Q5: Concerning placenta praevia, which of the
concerning placental abruption is/are true: following statements is/are true:
a) The incidence of placenta praevia is 1 in
a) In western society placental abruption is 5000.
commonly associated with poor nutrition. b) Placenta praevia is more common in
b) Placental abruption can occur in association Caucasian women.
with external cephalic version. c) Owing to the position of the placenta in
c) Placental abruption is more common with placenta praevia, prolapsed cord is much less
multiple pregnancy. likely.
d) Placental abruption is more common with a d) Previous lower segment Caesarean section is
history of previous abruption. a risk factor for placenta praevia.
e) Postpartum haemorrhage is a common e) There is no association between the incidence
complication of placental abruption, which often of placenta praevia and maternal age.
requires hysterectomy to control the bleeding.
a) False. The true incidence is 0.3-1.0%.
a) False. Poor nutrition has previously been b) False. Placenta praevia is more common in
reported as being associated with placental black women.
abruption, but within the western world this is c) False. Prolapsed cord is up to three times
now a rare finding. more likely with placenta praevia.
b) True. External cephalic version is associated d) True.
with placental abruption, especially if the e) False. More common in older women and
manoeuvre is carried out under general multiparous women.
anaesthetic. Presumably, if the manoeuvre is
carried out under general anaesthetic, the Question, answer and discussion are taken from
operator exerts more 'energy' into the procedure Self-assessment questions: The Placenta, by
as she/he does not have the benefit of S.Smith, Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology
appreciating the maternal perception of (1998) volume 8 issue 1
c) True.
d) True.
e) False. Postpartum haemorrhage is a common
sequel of placental abruption, but only rarely is
hysterectomy required for its control. Senior
obstetric input is mandatory in the management
of postpartum haemorrhage under these
circumstances, as it is of the utmost importance
that a hysterectomy is performed neither too
early nor too late.
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Question 4: Anti phospholipid syndrome: Question, answer and discussion are taken from
a) The mechanism of action of antiphospholipid Self-assessment questions: Recurrent Abortion
antibodies is unknown. by H.J.A. Carp, Current Obstetrics &
b) In the presence of antiphospholipid Gynaecology (1999) volume 9 issue 1
antibodies, pregnancy losses occur with equal
frequency in all three trimesters.
c) The treatment of choice is with steroids and
d) Anticardiolipin antibody is a very specific
marker of pregnancy loss.
Answer: T, F, F, F, T
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In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Question 7: Changes in the coagulation system levels of fibrinopeptides in women with pre-
in pre-eclampsia include: eclampsia as compared with normal pregnant
a) An increase in maternal levels of antithrombin women. Anti-thrombin III is produced by the
III. liver and is an important inhibitor of
b) An increase in maternal levels of factor VIII coagulation. Levels are unchanged in normal
related antigen. pregnancy but are decreased in the majority of
c) A decrease in maternal levels of women with pre-eclampsia. The decline in anti-
fibrinopeptide A. thrombin III activity is thought to result from
d) A decrease in maternal levels of protein C. increased consumption and has been reported to
e) An increase in maternal levels of protein S. precede the development of clinical signs by as
much as 13 weeks. Protein C is a potent
Answer: F, T, T, T, F inhibitor of activated factor V and VIII, and is
an activator of fibrinolysis. Levels are
In normal pregnancy, the overall state of the substantially reduced in pre-eclampsia.
coagulation system is one of activation. Activated protein C resistance resulting from a
Evidence for this comes from studies which mutation in coagulation factor V has now
report increased concentrations of clotting emerged as a leading cause of thrombosis in
factors and raised levels of highmolecular- pregnancy and a recent report links the HELLP
weight fibrinogen complexes. Sensitive studies syndrome with factor V mutation. Protein S
of coagulation factors provide evidence that serves as a cofactor for activated protein C.
pre-eclampsia accentuates a state of Levels of protein S in pregnancy may decrease
hypercoagulability already created in normal to levels similar to those with congenital protein
pregnancy. During normal pregnancy, the levels S deficiency. Furthermore, levels of protein S
of factor VIII coagulation activity and factor- decrease further in women with pre-eclampsia,
VIII-related antigen show a proportional rise as compared with normal pregnant controls.
and, thus, their ratio remains constant. In pre-
eclampsia, there is an early rise in the factor- Question, answer and discussion are taken from
VIII-related antigen:coagulation activity ratio Self-assessment questions: The pathogenesis of
which correlates with the severity of the disease. pre-eclampsia, by L.C. Kenny, Current
This increased ratio is a result of increased Obstetrics & Gynaecology (1999) volume 9
levels of factor- VIII-related antigen. This issue 4
substance is synthesized by endothelial cells and
megakaryocytes and is released by aggregating
platelets. It, therefore, seems probable that the
increase in circulating levels is a result of
endothelial damage and platelet aggregation.
The action of thrombin on fibrinogen is a crucial
step in the coagulation cascade. Thrombin
cleaves two pairs of peptides, fibrinopeptides A
and B from fibrinogen to produce fibrin.
Fibrinopeptide concentrations are considered to
be the best markers of accelerated thrombosis.
The majority of studies have reported increased
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In Pursuit to Excel MCQ Exam for Professional III Examination (MCQ)
Question 9: Regarding drug treatment in pre- intrauterine growth retardation, oliguria, renal
eclampsia: failure and neonatal anuria in late pregnancy,
and are thus contraindicated in pregnancy.
a) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are
not associated with serious side effects in the Question, answer and discussion are taken from
antenatal period. Self-assessment questions: The pathogenesis of pre-
b) Peak plasma levels of methyldopa are reached eclampsia, by L.C. Kenny, Current Obstetrics &
24 h after an oral dose. Gynaecology (1999) volume 9 issue 4
c) Labetolol is a combined a- and b-
adrenoceptor blocker.
d) Nifedipine can be safely used concomitantly
with magnesium sulphate.
e) Hydrallazine has no effect on uteroplacental
blood flow.
Answer: F, F, T, F, F