KAPA LibQuant Illumina TDS KR0405 v7.16 A41
KAPA LibQuant Illumina TDS KR0405 v7.16 A41
KAPA LibQuant Illumina TDS KR0405 v7.16 A41
Effective date: October 2016 For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KAPA Library Quantification Kit
Illumina® Platforms Technical Data Sheet
Product Description recommended for high-throughput NGS pipelines. Please
refer to the KAPA Library Quantification Technical Guide
KAPA Library Quantification Kits for Illumina platforms for more information.
provide all the reagents needed for absolute, qPCR-based
quantification of Illumina libraries flanked by the P5 and
P7 flow cell oligo sequences. Kits contain:
Product Compatibility
KAPA Library Quantification Kits for Illumina platforms are
• Library Quantification DNA Standards 1 – 6 (a 10-fold
suitable for the quantification of any NGS library (prepared
dilution series of a linear, 452 bp template)
for Illumina sequencing) which contains the P5 and P7
• Library Quantification Primer Premix (10X), containing flow cell sequence motifs. Libraries constructed using
the following primers: full-length universal or indexed TruSeq™ adapters can
Primer 1: 5'-AAT GAT ACG GCG ACC ACC GA-3' be quantified after adapter ligation. Libraries prepared
with partial or stem-loop adapters can only be quantified
with this kit after library amplification, during which
• KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix (2X), available indexes (and flow cell sequences) are added. To ensure
with various passive reference dyes (Table 1). compatibility, compare the adapter sequences used
Library quantification is performed by amplifying the set of during library preparation with the library quantification
six pre-diluted DNA Standards and diluted library samples primer sequences in Product Description.
by qPCR, using the KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix Ensure that the correct KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master
and primers targeting the Illumina P5 and P7 flow cell oligo Mix is used, in accordance with the reference dye
sequences. The average Cq score for each DNA Standard requirements (if any) of the qPCR instrument to be used
is plotted against log10(concentration in pM) to generate for library quantification (Table 1).
a standard curve. The concentrations of diluted library
samples are then calculated against the standard curve, Product Specifications
using absolute quantification.
Shipping and Storage
KAPA Library Quantification Kits are rigorously tested to KAPA Library Quantification Kits are shipped on dry
ensure minimal lot-to-lot variation. The kit contains the ice or ice packs, depending on the destination country.
novel KAPA SYBR FAST DNA Polymerase, engineered Upon receipt, immediately store all components at
through a process of directed evolution for high- -15ºC to -25ºC in a constant temperature freezer. When
performance SYBR Green I-based qPCR. The ability stored under these conditions and handled correctly, the
of the engineered polymerase to amplify diverse DNA kit components will retain full activity until the expiry date
fragments with similar efficiency enables the use of a indicated on the kit label.
universal standard for the reliable quantification of all
Illumina libraries with an average fragment length of up to Handling
1 kb, irrespective of library type or GC content. Always ensure that components have been fully thawed
and thoroughly mixed before use. The KAPA SYBR FAST
KAPA SYBR FAST is an antibody-mediated hot start DNA
qPCR Master Mix may not freeze solidly, even when stored
polymerase formulation. KAPA Library Quantification Kits
at -15ºC to -25ºC.
are therefore suitable for use with automated liquid handling
systems for high-throughput sample quantification. The SYBR Green I dye (contained in the KAPA SYBR
FAST qPCR Master Mix) and ROX dyes are light sensitive.
Product Applications Exposure to direct light for an extended period of time will
result in loss of fluorescent signal intensity.
KAPA Library Quantification Kits for Illumina platforms are
designed for the accurate and reproducible quantification All components of KAPA Library Quantification Kits, as
of libraries prepared for Illumina sequencing. Any library well as the combined KAPA SYBR FAST/Primer Premix
with a concentration >0.0002 pM that contains sequences solution, are stable through 30 freeze-thaw cycles.
complementary to the primers in the Primer Premix (10X) Ensure that all reagents are stored protected from light
can be quantified with the kit, irrespective of the library at -15ºC to -25ºC when not in use. When protected from
type, how it was constructed, or on which Illumina light, reagents are stable in the dark at 2ºC to 8ºC for
instrument it will be sequenced. long-term storage, and may be stored at this temperature
for short-term use, provided that they do not become
The kit supports quantification of libraries across a range contaminated with microbes and/or nucleases.
of GC contents and average fragment lengths up to 1 kb.
Quality Control
In addition to NGS library quantification, the kit can also
All kit components are subjected to stringent functional
be used to detect library contamination in work spaces
quality control, are free of detectable contaminating exo-
used during the preparation of Illumina libraries.
and endonuclease activity, and meet strict requirements
The KAPA Library Quantification assay consists of with respect to DNA contamination. Please contact
repetitive pipetting steps, which can easily be automated. Technical Support at kapabiosystems.com/support for
The use of an automated liquid handling system is highly more information.
5 mL KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix (2X)
® Record date and lot numbers of reagents used.
Reagent Preparation Store at -20°C and protect from light.
1 mL Primer Premix (10X) Minimize freeze-thaw cycles.
0.2 mL ROX High or Low (50X) (optional)
Dilute library DNA and any internal Prepare fresh dilutions for each assay
controls with library dilution buffer
Sample Preparation Keep diluted DNA on ice
[10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 – 8.5
(25°C) + 0.05% Tween® 20 (optional)] to prevent degradation
Per 20 µL reaction:
12 µL of KAPA SYBR FAST + Primer Premix*
Reactions may be scaled down to 10 µL
4 µL of each DNA Standard/library dilution
Include no-template control reactions
Reaction Setup
PCR-grade water up to 20 µL
Work from lowest to highest DNA Standard
*If ROX is included, use 12.4 µL per 20 µL to avoid cross-contamination
reaction. ROX can also be added separately
(0.4 µL per reaction)
95°C – 5 min
35 cycles of 95°C – 30 sec Increase combined annealing/extension
qPCR Cycling to 90 sec for libraries with average
60°C – 45 sec [data acquisition] fragment length >700 bp.
Melt: 65 – 95°C (optional)
(12.4 µL per 20 µL reaction or 6.2 µL per 10 µL the qPCR Master Mix with Primer Premix and ROX per reaction.
For ABI Prism™, Bio-Rad iCycler™, LightCycler
1.4 R
ecord the lot numbers of all reagents, as well
480 or ROX Low qPCR Master Mix
as the date on which the primers (and ROX) were
added to the qPCR Master Mix. KAPA SYBR FAST 12.0 µL
Mix (2X) + Primer Premix (10X)
qPCR Master Mixes with primers (and ROX) are
stable through 30 freeze-thaw cycles, and should PCR-grade water 4.0 µL
be stored protected from light at -20°C when not Total volume: 16.0 µL
in use. Mixes may be stored in the dark at 4°C for
≤1 week, provided that they are not contaminated Reaction setup: 10 µL reactions
with microbes and/or nucleases during preparation For Universal qPCR Master Mix ROX No ROX
or subsequent use in reaction setup. KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master
6.0 µL 6.0 µL
Mix (2X) + Primer Premix (10X)1
2. Sample Preparation 50X ROX High or Low
0.2 µL 0 µL
2.1 P
repare the appropriate library dilutions (using (see Table 1)
DNA dilution buffer). Depending on the expected Total volume: 6.2 µL 6.0 µL
concentration of the library, 1:1,000 – 1:100,000 1
If ROX was added to the qPCR Master Mix and primers, use 6.2 µL of
dilutions may be appropriate. At least one additional the qPCR Master Mix with Primer Premix and ROX per reaction.
he recommended reaction setup results in a total reaction volume of
2-fold dilution of each library is recommended. 10.2 µL if ROX is added during reaction setup. This does not impact
2.2 Prepare the required internal control dilutions.
Instrument ROX KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Master Mix (2X) 6.0 µL
+ Primer Premix (10X)
Applied Biosystems® 5700, 7000, 7300, 7700, ROX
7900HT, StepOne™, and StepOnePlus™ High Total volume: 6.0 µL
Optional; see Data Analysis and Interpretation (p. 9) for more details.
2 4.6 M
ost qPCR software will calculate the concentration
of the library and control dilutions using absolute
4. Data Analysis quantification against the standard curve. However,
we recommend exporting qPCR data to the KAPA
NOTE: A working example of library quantification
Library Quantification Data Analysis Template to
data analysis is provided in Working Example
perform the following calculations to determine the
(step 5).
undiluted library concentration:
4.1 A
nnotate the DNA Standards as outlined below.
• Use the standard curve to convert the average
Note that the specified values correspond to the
Cq score for each dilution of every library and
concentrations of the DNA Standards, and not
internal control that was assayed to average
the final DNA concentration in each reaction.
concentration (in pM).
It is not necessary to convert these to the actual
concentrations in the reaction, as long as the same • Calculate the average size-adjusted
volume of template (DNA Standard, diluted library concentration (in pM) for each dilution of
or internal control) is used in all reactions. every library and control that was assayed,
by multiplying the calculated average
DNA Standard 1 20 pM concentration with the following factor:
DNA Standard 2 2 pM
Size of DNA Standard in bp (452)
DNA Standard 3 0.2 pM
DNA Standard 4 0.02 pM Average fragment length of library in bp
DNA Standard 5 0.002 pM Please refer to Data Analysis and Interpretation
DNA Standard 6 0.0002 pM (p. 9) for more information about the size-
adjustment calculation.
4.2 R
eview the background-subtracted (normalized) • Multiply the average size-adjusted
amplification curves and the Cq scores for concentration calculated for each dilution of
replicate data points (DNA Standards, libraries and every library or control that was assayed with
controls), and exclude obvious outliers. Replicate the appropriate dilution factor to calculate
data points should differ by ≤0.2 cycles. If the data final concentration for the undiluted library or
set contains many outliers, results are unlikely to control from each of the dilutions assayed.
be reliable. Repeat the assay with particular focus
on improving pipetting accuracy. 4.7 R
eview the final calculated concentrations and
determine the working concentration for each
4.3 E
xclude all library dilutions that fall outside the
sample to be used for downstream processing
dynamic range of the assay, i.e., that return an
(e.g., pooling for target enrichment or cluster
average Cq score lower than that of Standard 1 or
higher than that of Standard 6. If all the dilutions of
DNA Conc Cq Average Triplicate Cq scores for each dilution of the three
Standard (pM) score Cq libraries and internal control are given in Table 2,
7.15 row 4. Outliers (>0.2 Ct difference) for the 1:20,000
1 20 7.22 7.20 – dilution of Library 1 and the 1:10,000 dilution of
7.23 Library 3 were excluded before the average Cq
score (row 5) was calculated for each sample.
2 2 10.90 10.66 3.46 For an indication of the reliability of concentrations
to be calculated, the ΔCq for the two dilutions of
each library and the internal control was calculated.
For consecutive 2-fold dilutions of a sample, a
3 0.2 14.12 14.13 3.47 ΔCq of 1.0 is expected, and values between 0.9
14.13 and 1.1 are acceptable. This indicates that the
17.72 concentration of a library calculated from two or
4 0.02 17.65 17.68 3.55
more dilutions is likely to differ by <10%. If the ΔCq
values for consecutive dilutions of a sample fall
outside the acceptable range, indications are that
21.01 quantification may not be reliable, as a result of
5 0.002 21.14 21.08 3.40 poor liquid handling and/or sample contamination.
21.08 Next, the average Cq score for each library/
25.00 control dilution was converted to concentration
6 0.0002 24.45 24.44 3.36 (in pM) using the standard curve (Table 2, row 7).
24.42 The average size-adjusted concentration of each
library dilution was subsequently calculated (as
outlined in Detailed Protocol (step 4.6); Table 2,
NTC N/A ND >34 N/A row 8). Finally, the average final concentration
33.9 (in nM) of each undiluted library and the control
*Should be 3.1 – 3.6 for a 10-fold template dilution series. was calculated from each of the dilutions that
were assayed (Table 2, row 9). The calculated
concentration of the internal control (205.4 pM
and 207.8 pM, from the 1:10,000 and 1:20,000
dilutions, respectively) was within 10% of the given
value, indicating that no gross errors occurred Data Analysis and Interpretation
during sample dilution, or setup and execution of
the assay. Early Amplification of DNA Standard 1
The concentration of DNA Standard 1 is much higher than
To calculate the working concentration of each that of samples that are typically analyzed by qPCR. As
library, the variation between the two different a result, DNA Standard 1 is amplified at a very early Cq.
dilutions was determined. Since calculated Most qPCR instruments establish a signal baseline during
concentrations varied by <10% for all libraries, the the first 3 – 15 cycles of the qPCR, and any increase
average value of the two dilutions was selected as in fluorescence during those cycles is interpreted as
the working concentration. If the values differ by background. This can result in significant problems with
>10%, working concentrations should be based the standard curve, since Standard 1 can be interpreted
on one of the following: purely as background or its Cq score can be somewhat
• The average value from dilutions that returned delayed. To avoid problems with DNA Standard 1, the
final calculated concentration values that cycles used for baseline/background subtraction should
varied <10%. be manually adjusted to cycles 1 – 3.
• The final calculated concentration for the Size-adjustment Calculation
lowest dilution of each library that appears to Size-adjustment must be performed to compensate for the
be reliable. difference in average fragment length between the library
that was assayed and the DNA Standard. The fluorescent
signal generated by SYBR® Green I is dependent on the
total mass of DNA. Therefore, a longer amplicon at a lower
concentration may produce the same amount of signal as
a shorter amplicon at a higher concentration.
The size-adjustment calculation is a simple multiplication
of the concentration derived from the standard curve with
the ratio between the size of the DNA Standard (452 bp)
and the average fragment size for that particular library
(see Detailed Protocol and Working Example).
Symptom Possible causes
fficiency above 100% may be indicative of contamination, where Standard 6 is <3.1 cycles from
Efficiency not in Standard 5, and NTC reactions amplify less than 3 cycles from Standard 6. Examine melt curves to
specified range determine the source of contamination (Standard DNA or library DNA).
(90 – 110%) •B
aseline setting may delay Cq score for Standard 1, affecting efficiency. Adjust baseline manually.
oor liquid handling
oor liquid handling. Ensure that all reagents are thoroughly mixed before use.
Poor R2 value (<0.99)
• Instrument-related issues. Ensure that the correct reference dye was used, at the correct concentration.
Cq of <3.1 between DNA Standards 5 and 6 is indicative of contamination. Examine melt curves to
determine whether contaminant is Standard or library DNA.
Cq of <3.1 between DNA Standards 1 and 2 may be indicative of problems with background
Standards are not subtraction. Adjust the baseline manually.
spaced correctly •Δ
Cq of >3.6 points to poor reaction efficiency. Ensure that all reagents are thoroughly mixed before use.
(3.1 – 3.6 cycles apart) Confirm that all reaction components were added at the correct concentration, and that the correct
cycling protocol was used.
evere light exposure of KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix will reduce total fluorescence and may
result in a delay of Cq scores, resulting in ΔCq values of >3.6.
Poor reproducibility • Poor liquid handling. Ensure that all reagents are thoroughly mixed before use.
between replicates • Instrument-related issues. Ensure that the correct reference dye was used, at the correct concentration.
ΔCq of library dilutions • Poor liquid handling in preparation of library dilutions.
is not within expected
• Library is challenging to amplify, i.e., extremely GC- or AT-rich, or has an average fragment length >1 kb.
range (0.9 – 1.1 for
2-fold dilutions) • Library DNA has degraded. Prepare fresh dilutions and keep on ice during reaction setup.
Concentrations • Poor liquid handling in preparation of library dilutions.
calculated from different
•L ibrary is challenging to amplify, i.e., extremely GC- or AT-rich, or has an average fragment length >1 kb.
library dilutions differ by
more than 10% • Library DNA has degraded. Prepare fresh dilutions and keep on ice during reaction setup.
• Dilutions that amplify before DNA Standard 1 should not be used. Use only those dilutions that fall
Library dilutions do within the range of the standard curve. If no such dilutions were assayed, repeat the assay with a more
not fall within dynamic appropriate dilution factor.
range of standard curve • Libraries that amplify after Standard 6 are unlikely to contain a significant amount of library DNA. Repeat
the quantification to confirm the result.
Standard 1 amplification • Instrument is subtracting early amplification as background. Adjust the baseline settings to use cycles
plot appears abnormal before any signs of amplification (1 – 3).
Standards amplify, but
libraries do not, or very • Library does not contain the appropriate adapter sequences for quantification primers to bind to.
late amplification of • Gross error with initial dilution, or library DNA has degraded. Re-assay fresh dilutions.
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