Digital Marketing Crash Course
Digital Marketing Crash Course
Digital Marketing Crash Course
By¡ Lori
Table Of Contents
Module ¡ Introduction To Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an
electronic device or the internet§ Businesses leverage digital channels
such as search engines¢ social media¢ email¢ and other websites to
connect with current and potential customers§ In today«s digital age¢
having a strong digital marketing strategy is crucial for businesses of all
si|es§ It allows them to reach a wider audience¢ engage with customers in
real·time¢ and track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns§
Whether you«re a small start·up or a large corporation¢ embracing digital
marketing can help you stay competitive in the ever·evolving online
landscape§ So¢ why should you care about digital marketing¨ Because it
has the power to transform your business and drive success in the digital