f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk dsUnz VkWy izQh uacj % 1800 180 9393, bZ&esy %
Learner Support Centre Toll Free No.: 1800 180 9393, E-mail:
,uvkbZvks,l % fo'o esa lcls cM+h eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk iz.kkyh vkSj
lhch,lbZ@lhvkbZ,llhbZ ds led{k Hkkjr ljdkj dk ,d ijh{kk cksMZ
NIOS: The Largest Open Schooling System in the World and an
Examination Board of the Government of India at par with CBSE/CISCE
vè;{k dk lan's k Chairperson’s Message
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ifjokj esa vkidk gkfnZd A warm welcome to National Institute of Open Schooling
family and you are now a proud and privileged member of
Lokxr gSA vc vki ,uvkbZvks,l ifjokj ds ,d xkSjokfUor vkSj the NIOS community. It is a great pride for me that you
fo'ks"kkf/dkj çkIr lnL; gSaA esjs fy, ;g cgqr gh xoZ dh ckr gS believe in the Open Learning System and select the NIOS to
fd vki eqDr f'k{kk iz.kkyh esa fo'okl djrs gSa vkSj eqDr ,oa continue your Secondary or Senior Secondary Education
nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ekè;e ls viuh ekè;fed vFkok mPprj ekè;fed from Open and Distance mode of learning.
f'k{kk tkjh j•us ds fy, vkius ,uvkbZvks,l dk p;u fd;kA
jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr] 2020 dh Hkfo";ksUeq[kh n`f"V rsth ls cnyrs The futuristic vision of National Education Policy, 2020
le; esa ,d lexz] ,dhÑr] lq•n vkSj vkd"kZd 'kSf{kd vuqHko attempts to extend a holistic, integrated, enjoyable and
engaging educational experience in the fast changing time.
dk foLrkj djus dk ç;kl djrh gSA ubZ f'k{kk uhfr 2020 Hkkjr ds NEP 2020 is a transformative initiative to usher India to
21oha lnh ds lekt dh Kku laca/h pqukSrhiw.kZ ekaxksa ds vuq:i prepare itself to meet the challenging demands of a 21st
Lo;a dks rS;kj djus ds fy, ,d ifjorZudkjh igy gSA bls ,d century knowledge society. Considering, NEP 2020 as a
iFkizn'kZd ds :i esa ekurs gq,] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk guiding philosophy, National Institute of Open Schooling
laLFkku (,uvkbZvks,l) jk"Vª dks çxfr vkSj fodkl ds ekxZ ij ys (NIOS) is committed to drive the nation on the path of
progress and development in its every endeavor. As we are
tkus ds fy, viuk gj laHko ç;kl djus ds fy, çfrc¼ gSA ge well aware, the 21st century is experiencing an
lc cgqr vPNh rjg tkurs gSa] 21oha lnh ,d vf}rh; rduhdh unprecedented technological revolution that is ushering in
Økafr dk le; gS ftlosQ dkj.k f'k{kk ds {ks=k esa vla[; ifjorZu a myriad of changes in the field of education. The adoption
gks jgs gSaA lwpuk vkSj lapkj çkS|ksfxdh (vkbZlhVh) dks viukus ls of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has
jk"Vªh; lhekvksa ls vyx Hkh fMftVy f'k{kk ds fy, jkLrs •qy x, opened up avenues for digital education that transcend
national boundaries, marking a substantial shift from
gSa tks f'k{kd&dsafær ls f'k{kkFkhZ&dsafær 'kSf{kd n`f"Vdks.k esa i;kZIr teacher-centered to learner-centered educational
cnyko dks n'kkZrk gSA approaches.
orZeku f'k{kkFkhZ viuh xfr vkSj LFkku ij f'k{kk çkIr djuk ilan The learners of present era prefer to pursue education at
djrs gSa vkSj viuh ilan ds fo"k;ksa ds çfr vf/d ftEesnkj gksrs their own pace and place and are found to be more
responsible towards their choice of subjects. When the
gSaA tc f'k{kkFkhZ Lo;a vf/xe dh ftEesnkjh ysrs gSa] rks f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
learners take responsibility for their own learning,
ds vf/xe izfriQy vkSj vf/d egRoiw.kZ gks tkrs gSaA ikjaifjd relationships become more important to the outcome of
d{kkvksa ls brj laca/ cukus ds fy,] ,uvkbZvks,l ,d lgk;d learners’ learning. To build relationships beyond the
vkSj lekos'kh vf/xe dk ekgkSy rS;kj djrk gS tgka f'k{kkFkhZ Lo;a traditional classroom setting, NIOS creates a supportive and
vf/xe dh ftEesnkjh ysrs gSa vkSj 'kSf{kd vkSj O;fDrxr :i ls inclusive learning environment where learners take
dke;kc gksrs gSaA bl lanHkZ esa] ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks viuh responsibility for their own learning and thrive academically
iwjh {kerk dks le>us vkSj viuh xfr ls vkxs c<+us ds fy, and personally. In this context, NIOS provides tremendous
tcjnLr volj çnku djrk gSA jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk opportunities for learners to explore their full potential and
laLFkku (,uvkbZvks,l) dh foojf.kdk vkids fy, f'k{kk dh •kst grow at their own pace. The prospectus of National Institute
of Open Schooling (NIOS) is brought to you as a torch bearer
ds ekxZ esa ,d e'kky okgd ds leku dk;Z djrk gS D;ksafd ^vki
in your path to educational pursuit as there is a shift from
ogh lh•rs gSa tks ge vkidks iznku djrs gSa* ls ^cnydj ge ogh ‘you learn what we offer’ to ‘we offer, what you want to
iznku djrs gSa tks vki lh•uk pkgrs gSa* fopkj esa cnyko vk;k gS] learn’ be it curricular or beyond curricular areas like sports,
fiQj pkgs og ikB~;p;kZ] [ksy] laxhr] isafVax vkfn tSlk dksbZ Hkh {ks=k music, painting, etc.
D;ksa u gksA
,uvkbZvks,l ,d eqDr fo|ky; gS tks eqDr nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ekè;e NIOS is “Open School” to cater to the needs of a
ls iwoZ&Lukrd Lrj rd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ,d fo"ke lewg dh t:jrksa heterogeneous group of learners up to pre-degree level
through ODL mode. It is the largest Open School in the world
dks iwjk djrk gSA ;g nqfu;k dk lcls cM+k eqDr fo|ky; gS] ftlesa
with largest enrolment and number of courses available
lcls vf/d ukekadu vkSj ikB~;Øeksa dh la[;k miyC/ gS] with an aim to ‘reach the unreached’. NIOS study material
ftldk mís'; ^f'k{kk oafprksa rd f'k{kk igqapkuk* gSA ekè;fed Lrj is available in 13 (thirteen) mediums at Secondary level and
ij ,uvkbZvks,l dh vè;;u lkexzh 13 (rsjg) ekè;eksa esa vkSj in 7 (seven) mediums at Senior Secondary level. NIOS
mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij 7 (lkr) ekè;eksa esa miyC/ gSA renders quality education through print media such as ‘Self
,uvkbZvks,l ^Lo&f'k{k.k iz.kkyh* tSls fçaV ehfM;k ds ekè;e ls Learning Material followed by ‘Personal Contact
xq.koÙkkiw.kZ f'k{kk çnku djrk gS] ftlesa ^O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe* Programme’ and Tutor Marked Assignments. This is further
supplemented by various ICT forums like audio and videos
vkSj f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z 'kkfey gksrs gSaA blds vfrfjDr
on NIOS website platform and
,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV IysViQkWeZ live interactive programmes of PM e-Vidya channel number
ij vkWfM;ks vkSj ohfM;ks tSls fofHkUu vkbZlhVh eapksa vkSj ih,e 17 - Secondary, 18 – Senior Secondary, 19 – IKT/ISL/OBE
bZ&fo|k pSuy uacj 17&ekè;fed] 18&mPprj ekè;fed] and 20 - Vocational courses. These resources are further
19&vkbZdsVh@vkbZ,l,y@vkschbZ vkSj 20&O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds augmented by podcasting the contents at secondary and
ltho baVjSfDVo dk;ZØeksa }kjk iwjd fd;k tkrk gSA eqDr fo|k senior secondary level courses through Mukta Vidya Vani (,eohoh) ds ekè;e ls ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed (MVV). Community issues such as Guidance and
Counseling, Skill Development, Gender Sensitization, Issues
Lrj ds ikBÔØeksa esa lkexzh dks ikWMdkfLVax djds bu lalk/uksa dks of Divyangjans, Yoga, Environment etc., are also podcast
vkSj vf/d c<+k;k tkrk gSA ekxZn'kZu vkSj ijke'kZ] dkS'ky fodkl] through its Community Radio Station - Radio Vahini FM 91.2
tsaMj laosnhdj.k] fnO;kaxtuksa ds ekeys] ;ksx] i;kZoj.k vkfn tSls MHZ.
lkeqnkf;d ekeyksa dks Hkh blds lkeqnkf;d jsfM;ks LVs'ku&jsfM;ks
okfguh ,iQ,e 91-2 esxkgV~tZ ds ekè;e ls ikWMdkLV fd;k tkrk gSA
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku (,uvkbZvks,l) Ldwy f'k{kk The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is one of
ds nks jk"Vªh; cksMks± esa ls ,d gSA ,uvkbZvks,l ds ikBÔØeksa esa the two National Boards of School Education. The courses
vU; jk"Vªh;@jkT; Lrjh; Ldwy f'k{kk cksMks± ds vè;;u ds ikBÔØeksa at NIOS have the same standard and equivalence as the
courses of study of other national/state level Boards of
ds leku ekud vkSj lerqY;rk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l ijh{kkvksa dh
School Education. The quality and rigour of assessment
ewY;kadu çfØ;k dh xq.koÙkk vkSj dBksjrk vU; cksMks± dh rqyuk esa process of the NIOS examinations is identical, if not more
;fn vf/d dfBu ugha rks muds leku gh gSA ,uvkbZvks,l us difficult, compared to other Boards. NIOS has implemented
vf/xe dh liQy •kst esa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk leFkZu djus ds fy, various strategies to support learners in their pursuit of
fofHkUu j.kuhfr;k¡ ykxw dh gSaA iwjs ikBÔØe ds nkSjku] f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa successful learning. Throughout the course, learners will
dks f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z (Vh,e,) ds ekè;e ls vkarfjd undergo internal assessment through Tutor Marked
Assignments (TMAs). These assignments serve as a tool for
ewY;kadu ls xqtjuk gksxkA ;s dk;Z (vlkbuesaV) f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy,
learners to gauge their progress, measure their
mudh çxfr] miyfC/;ksa dks ekius vkSj yxkrkj mudh vè;;u dh achievements, and cultivate consistent study habits. The
vknrksa dks fodflr djus ds fy, ,d midj.k ds :i esa dk;Z TMAs are accessible on the NIOS website, allowing learners
djrs gSAa Vh,e, ,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV ij lqyHk gS]a ftlls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa to download and upload TMAs through their dashboard
dks ij vius MS'kcksMZ ds ekè;e ls on Skilled tutors will assess the
Vh,e, MkmuyksM vkSj viyksM djus dh vuqefr feyrh gSA dq'ky Assignment Response Sheets, offering valuable feedback
f'k{kd (V~;wVj) vlkbuesaV mÙkj i=kd dk vkdyu djsaxs] rFkk and suggestions for improvement. I strongly recommend
that you approach these assignments with dedication and
lq/kj ds fy, viuh ewY;oku çfrfØ;k vkSj lq>ko çnku djsaxsA eSa
seriousness for fruitful results.
n`<+rk iwoZd vuq'kalk djrh gwa fd vki vPNs ifj.kkeksa ds fy,
leiZ.k vkSj xaHkhjrk ds lkFk bu dk;ks± (vlkbuesaV) dks iw.kZ djsaA
,uvkbZvks,l us fMftVy Hkkjr dh çfØ;k esa viuh izos'k izfØ;k In the process of Digital Bharat, NIOS has shifted to 100%
dks osclkbV ( ds on-line admissions through its website
ekè;e ls 100» vkWu&ykbu esa LFkkukarfjr dj fn;k gSA ,uvkbZvks,l ( The complete cycle of NIOS
learner; starting from admission to final certification is
f'k{kkFkhZ dk iwjk pØ_ ços'k ls ysdj vafre çek.ku rd available on website/student portal learner’s dashboard.
osclkbV@f'k{kkFkhZ iksVZy ds MS'kcksMZ ij miyC/ gSA vkids ços'k Upon confirmation of your admission, NIOS promptly sends
dh iqf"V gksus ij] ,uvkbZvks,l vkidh vè;;u lkexzh fcuk fdlh your study materials to your provided address without any
vfrfjDr 'kqYd fy, rqjar vkids }kjk fn, x, irs ij Hkstrk gSA additional cost. AI (Study Centre) will inform you about the
vè;;u dsaæ (,vkbZ) vkidks ijke'kZ dh frfFk;ksa ds ckjs esa lwfpr Counseling Schedules, commonly known as the Personal
djsxk] ftUgsa vkerkSj ij O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe (ihlahih) ds Contact Programme (PCP), designed to provide academic
assistance and address any doubts you may have in your
:i esa tkuk tkrk gS] ftUgsa 'kSf{kd lgk;rk çnku djus vkSj fo"k; subject. Attending PCP classes give you opportunity to
lacaf/r vkids lansg dks nwj djus ds fy, fMtkbu fd;k x;k gSA interact with your Tutors for solving your difficulties related
ihlhih d{kkvksa esa Hkkx ysus ls vkidks fo"k;ksa lacaf/r dfBukb;ksa to subjects.
dk lek/ku djus] vius f'k{kd ds lkFk ckrphr djus dk volj
feyrk gSA
,uvkbZvks,l us çkFkfed Lrj ij ^vkjafHkdk* ikB~;Øe rS;kj fd;k NIOS has developed a course ‘Aarambhika’ at the
gS] ftldk mís'; mu {ks=kksa esa fganh cksyus okyksa ds lkFk jkstejkZ dh elementary level with an objective to nurture the capability
to engage in everyday conversations with Hindi speakers in
ckrphr esa 'kkfey gksus dh {kerk dks c<+kuk gS tgka vkerkSj ij regions where Hindi is commonly spoken. Additionally, it
fganh cksyh tkrh gSA blds vfrfjDr] ;g ikB~;Øe fganh ds ekè;e intends to impart knowledge about Indian society, lifestyle,
ls Hkkjrh; lekt] thou 'kSyh] laLÑfr] Hkkstu vkSj lacaf/r culture, food, and related aspects through the medium of
igyqvksa ds ckjs esa Kku çnku djrk gSA blds vykok] ,uvkbZvks,l Hindi. Also, NIOS has formulated an Inclusive Education
us lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fof'k"Vrk ds vuqlkj Lokxr ds fy, ,d Policy to welcome all learners according to their
uniqueness’s. The policy recommends that all learners be
lekos'kh f'k{kk uhfr rS;kj dh gSA uhfr esa laLrqfr dh xbZ gS fd assessed on the basis of their abilities and facilitated
lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewY;kadu mudh {kerkvksa ds vk/kj ij fd;k according to their specific education needs. For facilitating
tk, vkSj mUgsa fof'k"V f'k{kk vko';drkvksa ds vuqlkj lqfo/k education of Divyangjans, study material has been
çnku dh tk,aA f}O;kaxtuksa dh f'k{kk dks lqfo/ktud cukus ds developed in Digitally Accessible Information System (DAISY)
fy, fMftVy :i ls lqyHk lwpuk ç.kkyh (Msth) vkSj lkadsfrd and in Sign Language; both are available on NIOS website/
YouTube/DIKSHA platform. Also NIOS focuses on
Hkk"kk esa vè;;u lkexzh rS;kj dh xbZ gS] nksuksa ,uvkbZvks,l dh understanding the problems of dropouts and creates
osclkbV@;wV;~ cw @nh{kk eap ij miyC/ gSAa blds vykok ,uvkbZvks,l pathways to take them into the fold of NIOS.
chp esa Ldwy NksM+us okyksa dh leL;kvksa dks le>us ij è;ku
dsafær djrk gS vkSj mUgsa ,uvkbZvks,l ds nk;js esa ykus dk ekxZ
iz'kLr djrk gSA
vkxs ds lanHkks± vkSj vf/xe ds fy,_ ,uvkbZvks,l us viuk For further references and learning; NIOS has launched “The
bZ&iqLrdky; & ^Mhi* (fMftVy f'k{kk vkSj bZ&lalk/u eap) dk E-Library of NIOS- ‘DEEP’ (Digital Education and E Resource
Platform) which enable learners to gain access to manifold
vkjaHk fd;k gS] ftlds ekè;e ls f'k{kkFkhZ vè;;u lkexzh] bZ&iqLrds]a
information documents including study material, e -Books,
if=kdk,a] tuZy] i=k&if=kdk] lanHkZ iqLrdksa lfgr 'kCndks'k vkSj Magazines, Journals, Periodicals, Reference Books including
fo'odks'k vkfn lfgr dbZ xquk lwpuk nLrkostksa rd igqapus esa Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias etc. Multi-dimensional e-
l{ke gks ik;k gSA nhi mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa vkSj vU; mi;ksxdrkZvksa dks contents available on a single platform at DEEP shall support
,d gh eap ij cgq&vk;keh bZ&lkexzh miyC/ djkdj Kku iznku fight against knowledge scarcity among the students and
all the users who want to quench the thirst for knowledge.
djsxk tks Kku izkIr djus ds fy, ykykf;r gSaA
vkidks çR;sd dne ij ,l,e,l vyVZ feyrs jgsaxsA vki gekjs You will keep receiving SMS alerts at each step. You can
Vksy Úh 1800&180&9393 VsyhiQksu uacj }kjk vkSj also reach us through our toll free telephone number 1800-
ij bZ&esy ds ekè;e ls Hkh gels laidZ dj ldrs gSaA ;fn vki esjs 180-9393 and e-mail: In case, you wish to
share something with me then you can write to me on my
lkFk dqN lk>k djuk pkgrs gSa rks vki esjh bZesy vkbZMh
email id ij fy• dj Hkst ldrs gSaA
,uvkbZvks,l ifjokj esa ,d ckj fiQj vkidk Lokxr gSA Welcome once again to the NIOS fraternity.
2- lqfo/k 2. Flexibility
,uvkbZvks,l fuEufyf[kr lqfo/kk,¡ nsrk gS % The NIOS provides flexibility with respect to :
fo"k;ksa dk p;u % f'k{kkFkhZ mÙkh.kZ gksus ds ekunaM dks ❖ Choice of Subjects: The learner has the
è;ku esa j[krs gq, nh xbZ lwph ds vuqlkj vki viuh option to choose subjects of his/her choice
from the given list keeping in view the
ilan ds fo"k;ksa dk pquko dj ldrs gSA
passing criteria.
izos'k % f'k{kkFkhZ ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed Lrjksa ❖ Admission: The learner has the option to take
ij fofHkUu LVªheksa ds varxZr vkWu&ykbu izos'k ys ldrs admission Online under various streams or
through Study Centre, Facilitation Centre,
gSa vFkok ekè;fed rFkk mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe ds Regional Centre for the Secondary and the
fy, vè;;u dsUnzksa] lqfo/k dasnzksa] {ks=kh; dsanzksa }kjk izos'k Senior Secondary Education Courses.
ys ldrs gSaA
ijh{kk % lkoZtfud ijh{kk,¡ o"kZ esa nks ckj vk;ksftr ❖ Examination: The Public Examinations are
gksrh gSaA f'k{kkFkhZ dks ik¡p o"kks± esa ukS ckj ijh{kk nsus ds held twice in an year. Nine examination
volj fn, tkrs gSAa bl vofèk ds nkSjku tc Hkh f'k{kkFkhZ chances are offered to the learner in five
years. A learner can appear in examination
vPNh rjg rS;kj gks rHkh ijh{kk ns ldrs gSAa vkSj ØsfMV during this period as and when he/she is well
,df=kr djus dh lqfoèkk Hkh ys ldrs gaAS prepared and can avail the facility of credit
tc pkgks rc ijh{kk % f'k{kkFkhZ ds ikl ekè;fed vkSj ❖ On Demand Examination: The learner has
mPprj ekè;fed Lrjksa ij ,uvkbZvks,l dh tc pkgks also the option to appear under the On-
rc ijh{kk (vksM~l) esa cSBus dk fodYi gSA og uks,Mk Demand Examination System (ODES) of
NIOS at the Secondary and the Senior
fLFkr ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky;] uks,Mk] rFkk iwjs Hkkjr esa Secondary levels at the NIOS Headquarters,
fLFkr osaQnzh; fo|ky;ksa esa tc pkgks rc ijh{kk (vksM~l) NOIDA, and at designated Kendriya
esa cSB ldrs gSaA f'k{kkFkhZ viuh igyh lkoZtfud ijh{kk Vidyalayas across India. A learner is eligible
ds ckn tc pkgks rc ijh{kk esa cSBus dk@dh ik=k for On Demand Examination after the first
public examination.
3- izklafxdrk 3. Relevance
,uvkbZvks,l ikB~;Øe vkSj dk;ZØe] dk;Z vkèkkfjr] fnu&izfrfnu The NIOS courses and programmes are functional,
ds thou esa vR;ar mi;ksxh gSa vkSj f'k{kk dk ekxZ iz'kLr djrs gSaA useful in daily life and also set pathways for further
,uvkbZvks,l ds liQy iwoZ f'k{kkFkhZ vkbZ vkbZ Vh] fnYyh studies. Successful alumni of NIOS are pursuing higher
fo'ofo|ky;] tkfe;k gennZ] tkfe;k fefYy;k bLykfe;k] studies in institutions of international and national
vyhx<+ fo'ofo|ky;] iatkc fo'ofo|ky;] bykgkckn repute like IITs, the Delhi University, the Jamia
Hamdard, the Jamia Millia Islamia, the Aligarh Muslim
fo'ofo|ky; vkSj cgqr ls vU; izfl¼ vkSj O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa
University, the Punjab University, the Allahabad
esa mPp f'k{kk izkIr dj jgs gSaA University and many other reputed institutions of
higher learning and in professional institutions.
4- ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k 4. Transfer of Credits
,uvkbZvks,l iwoZ Kku dks egÙo nsrk gS vkSj blh ds varxZr dqN The NIOS acknowledges previous knowledge by
,sls varjkZ"Vªh;] jk"Vªh; vkSj jkT; ijh{kk cksMks±@jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa allowing transfer of credits upto two subjects passed
ls mÙkh.kZ fd, x, vfèkdre nks fo"k;ksa ds ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k dh from International, National and State Boards of
Examination / State Open Schools.
vuqefr nsrk gSA
1. ,uvkbZvks,l esa ços'k ysus dh çfØ;k D;k gS\ 1. What is the procedure for taking admission in
mÙkj % ,uvkbZvks,l us ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij Ans: The NIOS has 100% Online admission at the
100» vkWu&ykbu ços'k vkjaHk fd;k gS rkfd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks Secondary and the Senior Secondary Education
levels in order to facilitate learners to register.
viuk iathdj.k djkus esa lgk;rk fey ldsA
bl ;kstuk ds varxZr] f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ikl rhu fodYi gSa% Under this scheme, the learner has three options:
(i) f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZ v ks , l dh os c lkbV vFkZ k r~ (i) Learner can register online directly by visiting ij tkdj çR;{k :i ls Lo;a the website of NIOS i.e., and
viuk iathdj.k djk ldrk@ldrh gSA
(ii) f'k{kkFkhZ vius fudVre ,vkbZ (vè;;u dsUæ@lgk;rk (ii) Learner may visit his/her nearest AI (Study
dsUæ) ij tkdj ogka¡ vkWu&ykbu iathdj.k ds fy, Centre)/Facilitation Centre and take help for
mudh lgk;rk ys ldrk@ldrh gSA online registration.
(iii) f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUæksa ij tk dj (iii) Learner may visit the concerned Regional
vkWu&ykbu iathdj.k ds fy, mudh lgk;rk ys Centre of NIOS and take help for online
ldrk@ldrh gSA registration.
(iv) f'k{kkFkhZ ns'kHkj esa vkWuykbu iathdj.k ds fy, (iv) Learner can use the services of the Common
Hkkjr ljdkj ds tu lsok dsUæ dh lsokvksa dk Services Centres of the Govt. of India for Online
ç;ksx Hkh dj ldrk@ldrh gSA registration throughout the country.
2. ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa ços'k ds fy, ;ksX;rk ekunaM 2. What is the eligibility criteria for admission to the
D;k gSa\ Secondary Course?
mÙkj % ➤ dksbZ f'k{kkFkhZ ftlus vkBoha d{kk ikl dh gks vkSj Ans: ➤ A learner who has passed class VIII and has a
mlds ikl 14 o"kZ dh vk;q iwjh djus dk oSèk valid proof that Learner has attained 14 years
ç gks rks og ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa iathdj.k of age can apply for registration to the
Secondary Course.
ds fy, vkosnu dj ldrk@ldrh gSA
➤ f'k{kkFkhZ Lo&ç nsrk@nsrh gS fd ^^eSaus ekè;fed ➤ The learner who gives a self certificate stating
ikB~;Øe djus ds fy, i;kZIr vè;;u fd;k gS vkSj that “I have studied and able to pursue the
eSa ekè;fed ikB~;Øe djus ;ksX; gw¡A** nsdj Hkh secondary course” is also eligible for admission
to the Secondary Course.
f'k{kkFkhZ ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa ços'k ds fy, ;ksX;
gks ldrk@ldrh gSA
➤ dksbZ f'k{kkFkhZ ftlus ekè;fed Lrj dh f'k{kk izkIr ➤ The learner who had studied at the Secondary
dj yh gS og Hkh vius ikB~;Øe dks iwjk djus ;k level can also seek admission in NIOS either
to complete his course or to improve his
vius vadksa esa vkSj lqèkkj djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l
ds ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa ços'k ys ldrk@ldrh gSA
➤ Residential proof of the learner.
➤ f'k{kkFkhZ dk vkoklh; izek.kA
3. tUe frfFk dk oSèk çek.k D;k gS\ 3. What is the valid proof of date of birth?
mÙkj % uxj fuxe uxj ikfydk fudk;] xzke iapk;r ;k jftLVªkj] Ans: The certificate of date of birth issued by a Municipal
tUe ,oa e`R;q] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk çkfèkÑr dksbZ vU; fudk; Corporation, a Municipal Body, a Village Panchayat
}kjk tkjh tUe frfFk ç rFkk ljdkjh ,tsalh }kjk tkjh or any other body authorised by the Registrar, Birth
and Death, Government of India, and the Aadhaar
vk/kj dkMZ ,d oSèk çek.k gSA ;|fi] vukFk] cs?kj cPpksa
Card issued by Govt. Agency is a valid proof of date
vkfn ds ekeys esa ljdkjh vLirkyksa }kjk tkjh mudh vk;q of birth. However, in case of orphans, street children
lacaèkh fpfdRlk ç dks Hkh tUe frfFk ds oSèk çek.k ds etc., a medical certificate in respect of age issued by
:i esa Lohdkj fd;k tkrk gSA a Government Hospital is also acceptable as a valid
proof of date of birth.
4. ços'k dh oSèkrk vofèk D;k gS\ 4. What is the validity period of admission?
mÙkj % izos'k (,d ckj iathÑr gksus ij)] izos'k dh frfFk ls vxys Ans: The Admission (once registered) is valid for a period
5 o"kks± dh vof/ rd oSèk jgrk gSA of 5 years from the date of admission.
5. D;k ,uvkbZvks,l 'kqYd esa fdlh çdkj dh NwV çnku 5. Does NIOS allow any fees concession?
djrk gS\
mÙkj % ,uvkbZvks,l ds fu;ekuqlkj efgykvksa rFkk v-tk-@v-t-tk- Ans: The fee concession is provided to females, SC/ST/
@HkwriwoZ lSfudksa rFkk fHkUu :i ls v{ke f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks 'kqYd Ex-Servicemen and differently abled/Divyang learners
as per NIOS norms.
esa NwV çnku dh tkrh gSA
6. D;k dksbZ f'k{kkFkhZ lhèks mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øeksa esa 6. Can any learner take direct admission in the
ços'k ys ldrk gS\ Senior Secondary courses?
mÙkj % th ughaA mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa ços'k djus ds fy, Ans: No. In order to take admission in the Senior Secondary
f'k{kkFkhZ dks ,d ekU;rk izkIr cksMZ ls ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa course, the learner must have passed the Secondary
ikl gksuk vfuok;Z gSA course from a recognised Board.
7. mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa ços'k ds fy, U;wure 7. What is the Minimum age to take admission in the
vk;q lhek D;k gS\ Senior Secondary Course?
mÙkj % mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa ços'k ds fy, U;wure vk;q 15 Ans: The minimum age to take admission in the Senior
o"kZ gSA Secondary Course is 15 years.
8. ,uvkbZvks,l esa i<+kbZ ds ekè;e ds :i esa dkSu lh 8. What are the mediums of studies available in
Hkk"kk,¡ miyCèk gSa\ NIOS?
mÙkj % ,uvkbZvks,l esa ekè;fed ikB~;Øe vaxzsth] fgUnh] mnZw] ejkBh] Ans: The NIOS offers the Secondary course in English,
vksfM;k] rsyqxw] xqtjkrh] rfey] ey;kye] iatkch] vlfe;k] Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Odia, Telugu, Gujarati, Tamil,
laLd`r] rFkk dUuM+ ekè;eksa esa rFkk mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe Malayalam, Punjabi, Assammese, Sanskrit and
v¡xzsth] fgUnh] mnZw] vksfM;k] xqtjkrh rFkk ckaXyk ekè;eksa esa Kannada mediums; and the Senior Secondary course
miyCèk gSA in English, Hindi, Odia, Bengali, Gujarati, Sanskrit and
Urdu mediums.
9. ekè;fed ikB~;Øe (d{kk&X) ds fy, dkSu ls fo"k; 9. What are the subjects available for the Secondary
miyCèk gSa\ Course (Class-X)?
mÙkj % fganh] vaxzsth] mnZw] laLÑr] ckaXyk] rsyqxq] xqtjkrh] dUuM+] Ans: Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Bengali, Odia, Marathi,
Telugu, Gujarati, Kannada, Punjabi, Assamese,
iatkch] vlfe;k] usikyh] ey;kye] vjch] iQkjlh] rfey] Indian Sign Language, Nepali, Malayalam, Arabic,
fla/h] Hkkjrh; lkadsfrd Hkk"kk]] foKku ,oa çkS|ksfxdh] Persian, Tamil, Sindhi, Mathematics, Science and
lkekftd Kku] vFkZ'kkL=k] O;olk; vè;;u] x`g foKku] Technology, Social Science, Economics, Business
euksfoKku] Hkkjrh; laLÑfr vkSj fojklr] fp=kdyk] MkWVk ,UVªh Studies, Home Science; Psychology, Indian Culture
dk;Z] ys[kkadu] fganqLrkuh laxhr] dukZVd laxhr] osn vè;;u] and Heritage, Painting, Data Entry Operations,
Accountancy, Hindustani Sangeet, Carnatic
laLd`r O;kdj.k] Hkkjrh; n'kZu] laLd`r lkfgR;] ukV~;dyk]
Sangeet, Veda Adhyan, Sanskrit Vyakaran, Bharatiya
yksd dyk (19 Hkk"kkvksa lfgr 39 fo"k;)A Darshan, Sanskrit Sahitya, Natyakala, Folk Art,
Enterpreneurship (39 subjects including 19
10. mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe (d{kk&XII) ds fy, dkSu 10. What are the subjects available for the Senior
ls fo"k; miyCèk gSa\ Secondary Course (Class-XII)?
mÙkj % fgUnh] vaxzsth] mnZw] laLÑr] ckaXyk] vksfM;k] rfey] xqtjkrh] Ans: Hindi, English, Bengali, Odia, Tamil, Urdu, Sanskrit,
iatkch] iQkjlh] vjch] ey;kye] fla/h]] HkkSfrdh] Gujarati, Punjabi, Persian, Arabic, Malyalam, Sindhi,
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History,
jlk;u foKku] tho foKku] bfrgkl] Hkwxksy] jktuhfr foKku] Geography, Political Science, Economics, Business
vFkZ'kkÐ] O;olk; vè;;u] ys•kadu] x`g foKku] euksfoKku] Studies, Accountancy, Home Science, Psychology,
dEI;wVj foKku] lekt'kkL=k] fp=kdyk] i;kZoj.k foKku] tu Computer Science, Sociology, Painting,
lapkj] MkVk ,UVªh dk;Z] dkuwu dk ifjp;] iqLrdky; vkSj Environmental Science, Mass Communication, Data
lwpuk foKku] osn vè;;u] laLd`r O;kdj.k] Hkkjrh; n'kZu] Entry Operations, Introduction to Law, Library and
Information Science, Veda Adhyan, Sanskrit
laLd`r lkfgR;] ukV~;dyk] fyax vè;;u] 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ,oa Vyakaran, Bharatiya Darshan, Sanskrit Sahitya,
;ksx] lsuk vè;;u] lsuk dk bfrgkl rFkk izkjafHkd f'k'kq Natyakala, Gender Studies Physical Education and
ns[kHkky ,oa f'k{kk (13 Hkk"kkvksa lfgr 44 fo"k;)A Yog, Military Studies, Military History and Early
Childhood Care and Education (44 subjects including
13 languages).
11. D;k ,d f'k{kkFkhZ vius ços'k dh oSèkrk vofèk ds nkSjku 11. Whether a learner can change his/her subjects
vius fo"k;ksa dks cny ldrk@ldrh gS\ during the validity period of his/her admission?
mÙkj % th gkaA f'k{kkFkhZ vius ,d ;k vfèkd fo"k;ksa dks cny ldrk Ans: Yes. A learner has the option to change one or more
gS c'krZs mlds fo"k;ksa dh oqQy la[;k lkr ls vfèkd ugha subjects, provided the total number of subjects does
gksuh pkfg,A mÙkh.kZ fd, tk pqds fo"k;ksa esa ifjorZu ugha not exceed seven. Subjects already passed cannot
be changed.
fd;k tk ldrk gSA
12. mÙkh.kZ ç izkIr djus ds fy, fdrus fo"k; visf{kr 12. How many subjects are required to be taken for
gSa\ obtaining the pass certificate ?
mÙkj % ekè;fed Lrj ij mÙkh.kZ ç izkIr djus ds fy,] Ans: For obtaining a pass certificate at the Secondary level,
a learner is required to pass in minimum five subjects
f'k{kkFkhZ dks ,d ;k vfèkdre nks Hkk"kkvksa ds lkFk vfèkdre including one or maximum two languages.
ikap fo"k;ksa esa mÙkh.kZ gksuk vko'k;d gSA
13. D;k f'k{kkFkhZ vfrfjDr fo"k;ksa esa Hkh ços'k ys ldrk gS\ 13. Can the learner seek admission in additional
subjects also?
mÙkj % th gka] f'k{kkFkhZ nks vfrfjDr fo"k; pqu ldrk gSA bl çdkj] Ans: Yes. A learner can opt upto two additional subjects.
og vfèkdre lkr fo"k; ys ldrk gSA Thus, in all, a learner can choose maximum of seven
14. iathdj.k vkSj ijh{kk ds fy, ços'k 'kqYd fdruk gS\ 14. What is the admission fee for registration and the
examination fee?
mÙkj % iathdj.k vkSj ijh{kk ds fy, uohure 'kqYd dh :ijs•k Ans: The latest fee structure for registration and
,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV vkSj foojf.kdk esa Hkh miyCèk gSA examination has been given on NIOS website and
also in the Prospectus.
15. D;k ,d f'k{kkFkhZ ,d Ldwyh f'k{kk dks vkSipkfjd cksMZ 15. Can a learner take admission in the Secondary/
ls ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa mÙkh.kZ gksus Senior Secondary Course of NIOS after passing
ds i'pkr ,uvkbZvks,l ds ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed the Secondary/Senior Secondary course from a
formal Board of School Education?
ikB~;Øe esa ços'k izkIr dj ldrk gS\
mÙkj % th gka A ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ us fdlh jk‘ª h ;@jkT; cks M Z ls Ans: Yes. In case the learner has completed the
ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe dh f'k{kk izkIr dh gS Secondary/Senior Secondary Course from any
National/State Board of School Education and wish
vkSj og ,uvkbZvks,l esa leku ikB~;Øe esa ços'k izkIr djuk
to seek admission in NIOS for the same course, he/
pkgrk gS rks bls ,uvkbZvks,l esa pkj fo"k;ksa ds lkFk ços'k she will be allowed to take admission in NIOS in upto
izkIr gks ldrk gSA bl ikB~;Øe dks iwjk djus ds i'pkr four subjects. On successful completion, the learner
f'k{kkFkhZ dks dsoy vad rkfydk çnku dh tk,xhA nksgjh@vkaf'kd will get only the Marksheet. No Certificate is issued
ços'k ;kstuk ds varxZr ç tkjh ugha fd;k tkrk gSA under the Dual/Part Admission Scheme.
16. f'k{kkFkhZ dks mlds ços'k dh iqf‘ fdl çdkj izkIr gksxh\ 16. How do the learner get confirmation of his/her
mÙkj % ,d ikB~;Øe fo'ks"k esa ços'k dh iqf"V lkekU;r% ,uvkbZvks,l Ans: The admission to a particular course is normally
}kjk ,d igpku i=k tkjh djds gksrh gS ftlesa ,uvkbZvks,l confirmed by NIOS by issuing an Identity Card having
his/her admission particulars as per the records
ds ikl miyCèk fjdkMks±a ds vkèkkj ij f'k{kkFkhZ ds ços'k available with NIOS. On confirmation of admission,
lacaèkh fooj.k gksrs gSaA ços'k dh iqf‘ ds ckn f'k{kkFkhZ dks Enrolment Number is also informed to the learner.
mldh ukekadu la[;k ds ckjs esa Hkh lwfpr fd;k tkrk gSA
17. f'k{kkFkhZ dks Lo&vè;;u lkexzh dSls izkIr gksxh\ 17. How does the learner get the self-instructional
mÙkj % fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ds fy, fo'ks"k :i ls rS;kj dh xbZ eqfær Ans: The specially designed printed Self Instructional
Lo&vè;;u lkexzh vU; lgk;d lkexzh lfgr Mkd }kjk Material for different subjects alongwith other support
material is provided to the learner through post at his/
f'k{kkFkhZ ds ?kj ds irs ij Hksth tkrh gSA vr% f'k{kkFkhZ vius
her home address. A learner is, therefore, expected
?kj dk lgh vkSj iwjk irk nsaA to give his/her correct and complete home address.
18. ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ dks bl lkexzh dk iklZy izkIr ugha gksrk gS 18. How can a learner procure his/her study material
rks og Lo;a fdl çdkj ;g vè;;u lkexzh izkIr dj in case the parcel is not delivered?
ldrk gS\
mÙkj % ;fn vè;;u lkexzh dk iklZy f'k{kkFkhZ ds ikl ugha igqaprk Ans: In case of undelivered parcel of study material, the
gS rks mls og vius vkokl ij vè;;u lkexzh ds iqu% çs"k.k learner is required to pay Rs. 100/- (Rupees one
ds fy, mi funs'kd] lkexzh forj.k bdkbZ] lhMCY;wlh] hundred only) through online Credit Card/Debit Card/
Net Banking for re-despatch of study material at his/
eksguuxj] lkfgckckn] xkft;kckn] m-iz- dks #- 100@& (,d her residence to the Material Distribution Unit, C/o
lkS #i, dsoy) dk fMekaM MªkWÝV Hkst ldrk gS vkSj ;g
fMekaM MªkWÝV lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l ds i{k esa vkSj fnYyh esa CWC, Mohannagar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar
ns; gksxkA Pradesh.
19. D;k izos'k fjdkWMZ esa la'kks/u fd, tkus dk dksbZ izko/ku 19. Is there any provision for correction in admission
mÙkj % pwafd izos'k 100% vkWu ykbu gS] blfy, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ls Ans: Since the admission is 100% online, the learner is
vkosnu iQkeZ esa è;ku ls izfof"V;k¡ djus dk vuqjks/ fd;k required to be careful while making entries in him/her
application form. However, the correction will be done
tkrk gSA fiQj Hkh ,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ij fn, x, as per the Guidelines displayed on NIOS website.
funsZ'kkuqlkj lq/kj fd;k tk,xkA
20. D;k ,uvkbZvks,l igpku i=k dh nwljh çfr tkjh djrk 20. Whether NIOS issues Duplicate Identity Card?
mÙkj % th gk¡] igpku i=k •ks tkus dh fLFkfr esa] lacafèkr iqfyl Ans: Yes, In case of loss of Identity Card, a duplicate
LVs'ku esa bldh çFke lwpuk fjiksVZ (,iQvkbZvkj) ntZ djkus Identity Card can be issued. For obtaining Duplicate
ds i'pkr igpku i=k dh nwljh çfr tkjh dh tkrh gSA Identity Card, first lodge an FIR with the concerned
igpku i=k dh nwljh izfr izkIr djus osQ fy, lcls igys Police Station. Than apply online through E-Service
lacafèkr iqfyl LVs'ku esa ,iQvkbZvkj (izFke lwpuk fjiksVZ) and the learner may upload the copy of FIR and pay
ntZ djk,¡A bZ&lsok }kjk vkWuykbu vkosnu dj vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ the fee of Rs. 100/- through online mode and second
,iQvkbZvkj dh ewy LdSu dh xbZ izfr viyksM djsa vkSj #- time for obtaining the duplicate Identity Card, the
100@& dk 'kqYd vkWuykbu ekè;e ls Hkqxrku djsAa nwljh ckj learner will have to pay the fee of Rs. 500/-.
igpku i=k dh nwljh izfr izkIr djus ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ dks #-
500@& dk 'kqYd nsuk gksxkA
21. D;k f'k{kkFkhZ dksbZ Hkh fo"k; la;kstu pqu ldrk gS\ 21. Can a learner choose any subject combination?
mÙkj % th gk¡] f'k{kkFkhZ mÙkh.kZ gksus dk ekunaM vkSj çek.ku ekunaM Ans: Yes, a learner has the option to choose subjects of
ds lkFk&lkFk vkxs dh f'k{kk ds fy, vU; cksMks±@fo'ofo|ky;ksa his/her choice from the list of subjects provided at
dh vko';drkvksa dks Hkh è;ku esa j•rs gq, ,uvkbZvks,l dh NIOS website and Prospectus keeping in view the
Pass Criteria and Certification Criteria, as also the
osclkbV vkSj foojf.kdk ij nh xbZ lwph ls viuh ilan ds requirement of other Boards/Universities for further
fo"k; pqu ldrk@ldrh gSA education.
22. D;k f'k{kkFkhZ ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij 22. Whether a learner has the option to take vocational
'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds lkFk O;kolkf;d fo"k; ys ldrk subjects along with academic courses at the
gS\ Secondary and the Senior Secondary levels?
mÙkj % th gk¡A ,uvkbZvks,l ds ikB~;Øeksa dks vkSj vfèkd lkFkZd Ans: Yes, in order to make NIOS courses more meaningful,
cukus ds fy, ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed Lrjksa ij Vocational Education Courses are offered
O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe Hkh Lora=k :i ls ;k 'kSf{kd fo"k;ksa ds independently and also in combination with academic
subjects at the Secondary and the Senior Secondary
lkFk pyk, tkrs gSaA levels.
23. D;k Hkkjr ljdkj ds tu lsok dsaæ ,uvkbZvks,l ds 23. Are the Common Services Centres of the
lgk;rk dsaæksa ds :i eas dk;Z djus ds fy, çkfèkÑr gSa\ Government of India authorised to act as NIOS
Facilitation Centres?
mÙkj % th gk¡A ,uvkbZvks,l us lh,llh bZ&xouZsal bafM;k Kkiu Ans: Yes, NIOS has entered into an MoU with CSC e-
lwpuk vkSj çkS|ksfxdh ea=kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds lkFk le>kSrk Governance India Ltd., Ministry of Information and
Kkiu ij gLrk{kj fd, gSaA bl ,evks;w ds varxZr ns'k Hkj ds Technology, Government of India. All the Common
Services Centres throughout the country act as
lHkh tu lsok dsaæ ,uvkbZvks,l ds lgk;rk dsaæksa ds :i esa Facilitation Centres of NIOS where any prospective
ogk¡ dk;Z djsaxs tgka dksbZ Hkh Hkkoh f'k{kkFkhZ fuèkkZfjr njksa ij learner can avail various online facilities of NIOS at
,uvkbZvks,l dh fofHkUu vkWuykbu lqfoèkk,a ys ldrs gSaA the prescribed rates.
f'k{kkFkhZ dks bu njksa ds vuqlkj jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxk The amount as per their rates is to be paid by the
vkSj ;g jkf'k ,uvkbZvks,l ds iathdj.k 'kqYd ds vfrfjDr learner and will be in addition to the registration fee
of NIOS.
f'k{kkFkhZ dh ftEesnkfj;k¡ % ,d ut+je
Learner's Responsibilities : At a Glance
➤ foojf.kdk esa fn, x, funsZ'kksa dks Bhd ls i<+s fcuk ➤ Do not fill up the Online Application Form for
vkosnu iQkWeZ u HkjsaA Admission without reading the instructions.
➤ vkosnu&iQkWeZ esa dksbZ Hkh dkWye [kkyh u NksM+saA ➤ Do not leave any column blank in the Online
Application Form for Admission.
➤ lgk;d dkxtkr viyksM fd, fcuk izos'k ds fy, ➤ Do not submit Application Form for Admission
vkosnu&iQkWeZ tek u djsaA without uploading the supporting documents.
Please note that admission fee is to be sent online
➤ ,slh >wBh ,tsafl;ksa osQ cgdkos esa ugha vk,¡ tks ➤ Do not get influenced by unauthorized agencies
mÙkh.kZ djkus dk >wBk oknk djrh gSaA that falsely guarantee success of learners.
➤ ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh) ds fy, vkosnu djrs gq, ➤ Do not forget to submit original Marksheet while
ewy vad lwph layXu djuk u HkwysaA applying for Transfer of Credit (TOC).
➤ tSlk fd izos'k osQ fy, vkosnu iQkWeZ esa Hkh fy[kk ➤ Do not pay anyone extra amount for online
x;k gS izos'k rFkk ijh{kk osQ fy, fuèkkZfjr 'kqYd ls admission and examination.
vf/d jkf'k fdlh dks u nsaA
➤ vius vè;;u osQUnz esa vk;ksftr gksus okyh izR;sd ➤ Do not miss the Personal Contact Programmes
fo"k; esa O;fDrxr lEioZQ d{kkvksa (ihlhih) esa (PCPs) in each subject which AIs (Study Centres)
voa'; Hkkx ysa ftUgsa lHkh ,vkbZ dks vfuok;Z :i have to provide on compulsory basis.
ls vk;ksftr djkuk gksrk gSA
➤ ijh{kk ds nkSjku udy djus] vius LFkku ij nwljs ➤ Do not indulge in unfair means such as copying,
O;fDr ls ijh{kk fnykus tSls vuqfpr lkèkuksa osQ impersonation etc., during examinations.
mi;ksx esa fyIr u gksaA
➤ Please note that Examination Fee is also required
➤ d`i;k uksV djsa fd ijh{kk 'kqYd Hkh dsoy vkWuykbu
to be paid online only.
ekè;e ls gh tek fd;k tk,xkA
➤ ,l,e,l vyVZ~l ds fy, viuh dk;Z dj jgha bZ&esy ➤ Learner is required to provide valid E-mail ID and
the mobile number for SMS alerts.
vkbZMh vkSj eksckby uacj nsaA
o"kZ 2023–24 esa LVªhe&1 ds CykWd&I vkSj CykWd&II A learner seeking admission through
esa izos'k ysus okyk f'k{kkFkhZ igyh ckj o"kZ 2024 eas Stream-1 in Block I and Block II in
2023-24 can appear first time only in
Øe'k% ekpZ&vizSy vkSj flracj&vDrwcj
March-April and September-October
esa gh ijh{kk ns ldsaxsA Examinations respectively
in the year 2024.
f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l osQ ckjs esa vf/dka'k tkudkjh] ftldh viuh i<+kbZ osQ nkSjku mls vko';drk gks ldrh gS]
,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV ij miyC/ gksxhA
o`Qi;k ij ykWx vkWu djsaA
tc Hkh f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l vè;;u dsUnz vFkok lacaf/r {ks=kh; dsUnz dks i=k fy[ksa] d`i;k viuk uke]
viuh ukekadu la[lk vkSj viuk iwjk irk vo'; fy[ksaA
Information about NIOS that the learner needs during the course of his/her studies is available on NIOS website.
Please log on at
Whenever the learner communicates with NIOS Study Centre or the concerned Regional Centre, he/she should not
forget to mention his/her reference number, name, enrolment number and complete address.
1- ,uvkbZvks,l % ,d vuks[kh fo|ky;h 1&16 4-5 vad lwph vkSj tkjh djuk
4-6 izkIr djus ds fy, ekun.M
f'k{kk iz.kkyh
4-7 ijh{kk ;kstuk
1-1 ,uvkbZvks,l esa fo'ks"krk,¡ rFkk lgwfy;rsa 4-8 mÙkjiqfLrdkvksa dh iqu% tk¡p
1-2 dk;ZØe] ikB~;Øe vkSj ekxZ 4-9 vuqfpr lk/u
1-3 vè;;u ;kstuk 4-10 f'k{kk dk Lrj vkSj ekU;rk
1-4 O;kolkf;d ,oa 'kSf{kd fo"k;ksa dk la;kstu 4-11 lkoZtfud@tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ds ifj.kkeksa esa
la'kksèku dh izfØ;k
2. izos'k 17&52 4-12 ,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, iqjLdkj vkSj othiQs
2-1 vkWu&ykbu izos'k dh izfd;k 5- f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z (Vh,e,) 78&82
2-2 lh/s f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk vkWuykbu izos'k dh izfØ;k
2-3 vkjlh@lh,llh ds ekè;e ls vkWuykbu izos'k dh izfØ;k 6- ,uvkbZvks,l ijh{kkvksa ds nkSjku lkekU; 83&93
2-4 izos'k vko';drk,¡ rFkk fo'ks"k izko/ku (v{kerkuqlkj)
2-5 ,uvkbZvks,l ds iwoZ&f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk iqu% izos'k
6-1 izfØ;k laca/h vko';drk,¡
2-6 ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh)
6-2 lkekU; izko/ku
2-7 nksgjk ukekadu vkSj vkaf'kd izos'k
6-3 fo'ks"k izko/ku
2-8 izos'k ds fy, 'kqYd dk fooj.k
2-9 izos'k dh iqf"V ifjf'k"V 94&116
2-10 izos'k ds ckn bZ&lsokvksa }kjk vU; lqfo/k,¡
ifjf'k"V d % ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dh lwph
2-11 ,vkbZ@vè;;u dsUnz ds ckjs esa
ifjf'k"V [k% fofHkUu jkT;ksa esa tu lsok dsanzksa ds
2-12 izos'k fjdkWMZ esa la'kks/u dh izfØ;k ukeksa dh lwph (lh,llh)
ifjf'k"V x % f'k{kk ea=kky; }kjk ,uvkbZvks,l ds vkschbZ
3- ,uvkbZvks,l esa vè;;u izfØ;k 53&58 dk;ZØeksa dks ekU;rk nsus okys i=k dh izfr
3-1 Lo&vè;;u lkexzh ifjf'k"V ?k % f'k{kk ea=kky; }kjk ,uvkbZvks,l dks
ijh{kk ysus vkSj iznku djus ds
3-2 O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe (ihlhih) vf/dkj iznku djus okys ladYi dh izfr
3-3 vkWfM;ks vkSj ohfM;ks dk;ZØe ifjf'k"V M-% ,uvkbZvks,l ikB~;Øeksa dh led{krk ds
3-4 eqDr fo|k laca/ eas Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky; la?k }kjk
3-5 f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z (Vh,e,) tkjh ifji=k dh izfr
ifjf'k"V p % Hkkjrh; Hks"kth ifj"kn~ }kjk tkjh
3-6 izdkj&2] 3 rFkk 4 ds varxZr vkWu&ykbu izos'k ifji=k dh izfr
4- ewY;kadu iz.kkyh 59&77 ifjf'k"V N % Hkkjrh; vk;qfoZKku ifj"kn~ }kjk
tkjh ifji=k dh izfr
4-1 lkoZtfud ijh{kk,a ifjf'k"V t % lsuk eq[;ky; dekaM vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l
4-2 tc pkgks rc ijh{kk iz.kkyh (vksM~l) {ks=kh; dasanzksa dk {ks=kkf/dkj
4-3 ikl fo"k;ksa ds vadksa dks ,d=k djuk ifjf'k"V > % ekè;fed rFkk mPprj ekè;fed f'k{kk ds
4-4 vadksa dh fLFkfr esa lq/kj ekU;rkizkIr cksMks± dh lwph
2.1 Procedure for Online Admission 5. Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) 78-82
2.2 Procedure for Online Admission directly by
learners 6. General and Specific Provisions 83-93
2.3 Procedure for Online Admission through RC/CSC (Disability wise) in the context of
2.4 Entry Requirements NIOS Examinations
2.5 Re-admission of Ex-NIOS students 6.1 Procedural Requirements
2.6 Transfer of Credit (TOC) 6.2 General Provisions
2.7 Dual Enrolment and Part Admission 6.3 Specific Provisions
2.8 Fee Structure for Admission
Appendices 94-116
2.9 Confirmation of Admission
2.10 Other Facilities after Admission through e-service Appendix A: List of Regional Centres of NIOS
2.11 About AI (Study Centre) Appendix B : Nomenclature of Common Service Centres
2.12 Procedure for Correction in the Admission .... (CSC) in different states
Appendix C : Copy of the letter from MHRD
recognising OBE Programmes of NIOS
3. Instructional Process at NIOS 53-58
Appendix D : Copy of resolution of MHRD vesting
3.1 Self Instructional Material authority of examination and certification to
3.2 Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs) NIOS
3.3 Audio and Video Programmes Appendix E : Copy of the Circular issued by the
3.4 Mukta Vidya Vani Association of Indian Universities regarding
3.5 Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) equivalence of NIOS courses
3.6 For Online Admissions under Appendix F : Copy of the Circular issued by the
Streams-2, 3 and 4 Pharmacy Council of India regarding
equivalence of NIOS Certificates
4. Evaluation System 59-77 Appendix G : Copy of the Circular issued by the
Medical Council of India
4.1 Public Examinations Appendix H : Jurisdiction of Army HQ Command vis-a vis
4.2 On Demand Examination System (ODES) NIOS Regional Centres
4.3 Credit Accumulation Appendix I : List of Recognised Boards of Sec.and
Sr. Sec. Education
➤ o"kZ 2022&23 ds nkSjku fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa esa 4.30 yk[k ls vfèkd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us izos'k fy;kA
➤ ns'kHkj esa rFkk fons'kksa esa iQSys 23 {ks=kh; dsUnzksa] ,d mi {ks=kh; dsUnz] nks ,uvkbZvks,l izdks"Bksa rFkk 7700
ls vf/d vè;;u dsna kz as (,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ) ds usVodZ ds ekè;e ls lHkh rd igq¡prk gSA
➤ Lo&vè;;u eqfnzr lkexzh] vkWfM;ks] ohfM;ks vkSj ,vkbZ ij O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe dk mi;ksx djrs
gq, nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh ds ekè;e ls f'k{kk iznku djrk gSA lkFk gh ih,e bZ&fo|k pSuy ua- 10 vkSj
12 ds ekè;e ls jsfM;ks izlkj.kksa (lkeqnkf;d jsfM;ks)] Vh-oh- dk;ZØe vkSj eqDr fo|k
(,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV ij baVjusV }kjk vkWfM;ks LVªhfeax) Hkh lgk;d gksrs gSaA
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
➤ More than 4.30 lakh learners were admitted during 2022-23 in various courses
of NIOS.
➤ NIOS imparts education through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode
using a mix of self-instructional print material, audio and video programme
supported by Personal Contact Programme (PCP) at AIs. These are further
supplemented by Radio broadcast (Community Radio), T.V. programmes
through PM e-Vidya channel No. 10 and 12. and Mukta Vidya Vani (audio
streaming through internet on NIOS website).
1 ,uvkbZvks,l% ,d vuks[kh fo|ky;h f'k{kk iz.kkyh
NIOS: A Schooling System with a Difference
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku (,uvkbZvks,l) dh LFkkiuk The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was
lu~ 1989 esa ,d Lok;Ùk laLFkk osQ :i esa Hkkjr ljdkj osQ set up as the National Open School in 1989 by the
ekuo lalk/u fodkl ea=kky; }kjk jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; ds :i Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government
esa dh xbZA ;g ,sls yksxksa dks f'k{kk ds volj iznku djrk gS tks of India, as an autonomous organisation. It provides
educational opportunities to persons who wish to study
vkxs i<+uk pkgrs gSa vkSj mÙkh.kZ gksdj csgrj Hkfo"; cukuk pkgrs further and qualify for a better tomorrow. The Mission
gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l dk fe'ku ^^lcdks f'k{kk** iznku djuk gS rFkk of NIOS is to provide education to all with special
bldh fo'ks"k izkFkfedrk mu ckfydkvksa vkSj efgykvksa] xzkeh.k concern for girls and women, rural youth, working men
;qokvksa] dkedkth iq#"kksa ,oa efgykvksa] vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr and women, SCs and STs, differently abled persons and
tutkfr] v{ke O;fDr;ksa vkSj vU; lqfo/k oafpr oxks± dks other disadvantaged persons who because of one or
f'kf{kr djuk gS] tks fdlh u fdlh dkj.k ls vkSipkfjd f'k{kk other reasons could not continue their education in the
formal system of education. The aim of NIOS is to reach
iz.kkyh }kjk ugha i<+ ik, gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l dk mís'; f'k{kk the unreached. The NIOS has taken special initiatives
oafprksa rd f'k{kk igq¡pkuk gSSA ,uvkbZvks,l us HkkjrHkj dh tsyksa for imparting education to Jail Inmates by setting up
esa vè;;u dsUnz LFkkfir djds vkSj 'kqYd esa iw.kZ :i ls NwV Study Centres in Jails across the country and granting
nsdj] tsy ds dkjkokfl;ksa dks f'kf{kr djus ds fy, fo'ks"k full fee exemption. The NIOS operates through a network
uokpkj fd, gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l rsbZl {ks=kh; osQUnzksa] ,d mi {ks=kh; of Twenty Three Regional Centres, one Sub-Regional
dsUnz] nks ,uvkbZvks,l izdks"Bksa] lkr gtkj pkj lkS ls vf/d Centres, Two NIOS Cells and more than Seven thousand
four hundred Accredited Institutions (AIs) and
izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa (,vkbZ) rFkk izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laaLFkk,¡ Accredited Vocational Institutions (AVIs) popularity
(,ohvkbZ) osQ ,d usVooZQ osQ ekè;e ls dk;Z djrk gS] bu known as Study Centres. These Centres are located in
,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ dkss lkekU;r% vè;;u dsanzksa ds :i esa tkuk India, Nepal and Middle East Countries.
tkrk gSA
1.1 ,uvkbZvks,l esa fo'ks"krk,¡ rFkk lqfo/k,a 1.1 Features and Flexibilities in NIOS
➤ vk;q lhek % izos'k osQ fy, dksbZ vfèkdre vk;q ➤ Age Limit: There is no upper age limit for
lhek ugha gSA fiQj Hkh ekè;fed ikB~;Øe esa ukekadu admission. However, the minimum age for
osQ fy, U;wure vk;q 14 o"kZ vkSj mPprj ekè;fed enrolment is 14 years for the Secondary
ikB~;Øe osQ fy, 15 o"kZ gS tSlk fd rkfydk&3 course and 15 years for the Senior Secondary
course as per information given in the entry
esa izos'k vko';drkvksa esa nh xbZ tkudkjh esa n'kkZ;k requirements in Table-3.
x;k gSA
➤ vè;;u osQ ekè;eksa dk fodYi % ➤ Choice of Medium of Instructions:
➣ ekè;fed Lrj ij fganh] vaxzsth] mnwZ] ejkBh] ➣ Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi, Telugu,
rsyqxw] xqtjkrh] ey;kye] rfey] vksfM;k] Gujarati, Malayalam, Tamil, Odia,
iatkch] vlfe;k] laLd`r rFkk dUuM+ ekè;e Punjabi, Assammese, Sanskrit and
miyC/ gSaA Kannada mediums at the Secondary
➣ mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij fganh] vaxzsth] mnwZ] ➣ Hindi, English, Urdu, Bengali,
ckaXyk] xqtjkrh] laLd`r vkSj vksfM;k ekè;e Gujarati, Sanskrit and Odia mediums
miyC/ gSaA at the Senior Secondary stage.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 1
uksV % (1) rkfydk&1 eas nh xbZ vè;;u ;kstuk esa Note: (1) The subjects under the title
^^Hkkjrh; Kku ijaijk** 'kh"kZd ds varxZr "Indian Knowledge Tradition"
mentioned in the Scheme of
vkus okys fo"k; ekè;fed vkSj mPprj
Studies in Table-1 at the Secondary
ekè;fed Lrj ij miyC/ gSaA and the Senior Secondary levels.
(2) izR;sd fo"k; ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l (2) The NIOS Study Material for
vè;;u lkexzh rkfydk&1d eas mfYyf[kr subject is available in Mediums as
ekè;eksa eas miyC/ gSA mentioned in Table-1A % Note:
f'k{kkFkhZ vius mPp vè;;u] fo'ks"k ukSdfj;ksa vkSj lacaf/r The learner should choose subjects carefully
cksMks± dh vko';drkvksa vkfn dks è;ku esa j[krs keeping in view the plans for higher studies, specific
gq, vius fo"k;ksa dk p;u djsA jobs, and requirement of the concerned Boards, etc.
➤ fo"k;ksa dk p;u % f'k{kkFkhZ rkfydk&1 esa nh xbZ ➤ Choice an Subjects: The learner has the
vè;;u dh ;kstuk esa fn, x, ekunaM osQ vuqlkj option to choose any subject combination
fo"k;ksa dh lwph esa ls fdlh Hkh fo"k; la;kstu dk from the list of subjects offered as per the
p;u dj ldrk@ldrh gSA criteria given in the Scheme of Studies in
;fn f'k{kkFkhZ mPp vè;;u osQ fy, ,uvkbZvks,l In case the learner wishes to use NIOS dk iz;ksx djuk pkgrk@pkgrh gS rks ;g certificate for higher studies, it is in his/her
mlds fgr esa gksxk fd og ,uvkbZvks,l ls own interest that he/she keeps in mind the
ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe mÙkh.kZ djds requirements of the Boards/Universities
ftu cksMks±@ fo'ofo|ky;ksa esa tkuk pkgrk@pkgrh gS] where he/she wish to join after passing the
mldh vko';drkvksa dks è;ku esa j[ksaA oqQN Secondary/Senior Secondary course from
NIOS. Some Boards / Universities require
cksM@Z fo'ofo|ky; viuh lEc¼ laLFkkvksa esa izos'k
specific subject combinations for admission
osQ fy, fo'ks"k fo"k; la;kstu pkgrs gSaA mnkgj.k osQ in the Institutions affiliated to them. For
fy,] esfMdy ikB~;Øe osQ fy, cgqr ls laLFkku ;g example, for Medical course, various
pkgsaxs fd f'k{kkFkhZ jlk;u foKku] HkkSfrdh vkSj tho institutes will expect the learner to have
foKku@tho izkS|ksfxdh osQ la;kstu osQ lkFk&lkFk nks passed with a combination of Chemistry,
Hkk"kkvksa esa mPprj ekè;fed ijh{kk esa mÙkh.kZ gksaA Physics and Biology/Bio-technology and
,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks ,uvkbZvks,l dh nloha d{kk mÙkh.kZ any other two as languages. A learner who
djus ds ckn X;kjgoha d{kk esa vkSipkfjd fo|ky; wish to join formal School Board in class
XI after passing NIOS examination of class
cksMZ esa izos'k ysuk pkgrs gSa] os ,sls fo"k; la;kstu X may opt for subjects combinations (in 5
(5 vFkok 6 fo"k; tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks) pqu ldrs or 6 subjects as the case may be) which are
gSa tks bl izdkj ds vkSipkfjd fo|ky; cksMZ }kjk acceptable in class XI by such formal School
,uvkbZvks,l ds vf/dkjksa ls HksnHkko fd, fcuk Boards, without prejudice to the rights of
Lohdk;Z gksrs gSaA NIOS.
➤ vfrfjDr fo"k; % ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ pkgrk@pkgrh gS ➤ Additional Subjects : The learner has the
vFkok ;fn vko';d gks rks f'k{kkFkhZ ds ikl izos'k option to select one or two additional
osQ oDr vFkok vè;;u osQ nkSjku ,d vFkok nks subject(s) either at the time of admission or
during the course of study, if he/she so
vfrfjDr fo"k; pquus dk fodYi gSA desires or if it is required.
➤ izos'k dh oSèkrk % f'k{kkFkhZ dk izos'k ikap o"kks± ➤ Validity of Admission: The learner's
osQ fy, oSèk gSA ekè;fed rFkk mPprj ekè;fed admission is valid for a period of five
years. For Public Examination at the
Lrj ij lkoZtfud ijh{kk osQ fy, f'k{kkFkhZ
Secondary and the Senior Secondary
ikB~;Øe iwjk djus osQ fy, izos'k dh oS/ level, a learner may take nine or fewer
vof/ ds nkSjku vfèkdre ukS ;k mlls de chances to complete the course
volj ys ldrk@ldrh gSA successfully during the validity period of
➤ vkaf'kd izos'k % bl ;kstuk osQ varxZr] f'k{kkFkhZ ➤ Part Admission: Under this scheme, the
,d ;k ,d ls vfèkd ysfdu vf/dre pkj learner may take admission in one or more
subjects but not more than four subjects. On
fo"k;ksa esa gh izos'k ys ldrk@ldrh gSA mRrh.kZ gksus passing, the learner will be issued only the
ij f'k{kkFkhZ dks dsoy vadlwph&lg& gh Marks-cum-Certificate.
nh tk,xhA
➤ oafpr lewgksa osQ fy, f'k{kk % 'kkjhfjd ,oa ➤ Education of Disadvantaged Groups: To
ekufld n`f"V ls v{ke] lkekftd rFkk HkkSxksfyd cater to the special needs of people who are
n`f"V ls vyx&Fkyx iM+ tkus okys ,oa oafpr oxks±] physically, mentally challenged, socially and
geographically isolated marginalised and are
tSls& iqQVikFk ij jgus okys cPps] dke djus okys from disadvantaged sections of the society
cPps] xzkeh.k efgykvksa dh fo'ks"k vko';drkvksa such as street children, working children,
dh iwfrZ ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l us fo'ks"k izR;kf;r rural women, NIOS has set up Special
laLFkk,¡ LFkkfir dh gSa] ftUgsa oafprksa dh f'k{kk osQ Accredited Institutions called Special
fy, fo'ks"k izR;kf;r laLFkk,¡ (,l,vkbZbMZ h) dgk tkrk Accredited Institutions for Education of the
gSA Disadvantaged (SAIEDs).
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 5
Z y eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk (ohvks,l) ds fuEufyf[kr The following are the advantages of the Virtual
ykHk gSa %& Open Schooling (VOS):
➤ vkWu ykbu izos'k] vkWu ykbu fo"k; lkexzh] vkWu ➤ Online admission, Online content, Online
ykbu ewY;kadu dk;Z tek djuk] vkWu ykbu d{kk,¡ assignments submission, Online classes, and
rFkk vkWu ykbu ijh{kk Online examination
➤ yphykiu % dgha Hkh] dHkh Hkh f'k{kk izkIr djuk] ➤ Flexibility: Anywhere Anytime access
➤ mPp xq.koÙkk iw.kZ f'k{kk izkIr djuk % f'k{kdksa ➤ Access to high quality education: Access to
,oa fe=k lewgksa ls laidZ] lg;ksx esa c<+ksrjh quality teachers and peers increases
➤ l'kDr uokpkj % ;g f'k{kk izkIr djus ds volj ➤ Powerful innovation: It expands educational
c<+krk gSA opportunities
bl ;kstuk ds varxZr] vkbZVhvkbZ ds ,sls fo|kFkhZ tks Under this scheme, ITI students get an opportunity
vkbZVhvkbZ ds ekè;e ls f'k{kk izkIr dj jgs gSa vFkok to earn the Secondary and the Senior Secondary
viuk vkbZVhvkbZ ikB~;Øe mÙkh.kZ dj pqds gSa mUgsa (mudh Certificate (as per their eligibility) who are
;ksX;rkuqlkj)ekè;fed rFkk mPprj ekè;fed pursuing eduction through ITIs or have cleared
izkIr djus dk volj feyrk gSA ;s izkIr djus their ITI courses. For achieving this, they need to
ds fy, mUgsa FkksM+k lk iz;kl djus dh vko';drk gSA mUgsa make a small effort. They will be receiving
vkbZVhvkbZ ls mudh VªMs ds ds vykok ,uvkbZvks,l Secondary and Senior Secondary Certificate from
NIOS apart from their trade certificates from ITI.
ls ekè;fed rFkk mPprj ekè;fed izkIr gksxkA
,uvkbZvks,l us dkS'ky fodkl rFkk m|ferk ea=kky; NIOS has signed a Memorandum of
(,e,lMhbZ)] Hkkjr ljdkj ds varxZr izf'k{k.k egkfuns'kky; Understanding with the Directorate General of
Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill
(MhthVh) ds lkFk ,d le>kSrk Kkiu fd;k gSaA bl ;kstuk
Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE),
dk ykHk izkIr djus ds fy, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks rhu ØsfMV Govt. of India to offer this scheme. The learner
vkbZVhvkbZ ls feysaxs rFkk mUgsa ,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØe ls nks will receive three credits from ITI, and he/she will
vfrfjDr fo"k;ksa dh i<+kbZ djus dh vko';drk gksxhA need to study two additional subjects from the
NIOS programme.
,uvkbZvks,l ds nks fo"k;ksa esa liQyrkiwoZd mÙkh.kZ gksus ij] Upon successful completion of two subjects from
f'k{kkFkhZ dks Vhvkslh ;kstuk ds varxZr la;qDr vadrkfydk NIOS, the candidate will get the combined
feysxhA p;u djus gsrq f'k{kkFkhZ ds fy, fuEufyf[kr mark sheet under the TOC scheme of NIOS. The
following options will be available to the learners
fodYi gksaxs % to choose from:
d) ,uvkbZvks,l ls ,d Hkk"kk ikB~;Øe a) One language course of NIOS.
[k) ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk djk;k tkus okyk dksbZ ,d 'kSf{kd b) One academic subject offered by NIOS.
vf/d tkudkjh ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV More details can be seen at the NIOS website ns[ksaA
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 7
Ø-la- dksM fo"k; S.No. Code Subject
➥ ik¡p fo"k;] ftuesa ls lewg ¶d¸ ls ,d vFkok nks Hkk"kk,¡ vkSj lewg ➥ Five subjects with either one or two languages from Group
¶[k¸ ls 'ks"k fo"k;A A and the remaining subjects from Group B.
➥ nksuksa lewgksa esa ls fdlh lewg ls Hkh nks vfrfjDr fo"k; fy, tk ldrs ➥ Two additional subjects can be taken from either of the
gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l ds fu;ekuqlkj vfrfjDr 'kqYd ds lkFkA two groups with additional fees as per NIOS norms.
# esa ^^Hkkjrh; Kku ijEijk** dk mYys[k ekè;fed@mPprj #
There will be a mention of "Indian Knowledge Tradition"
ekè;fed Lrj ij laLd`r Hkk"kk fo"k; ds lkFk mi;qZDr pkj fo"k; on the certificate upon successful completion of above four
liQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ djus ij fd;k tk,xkA ;s fo"k; dsoy laLd`r subjects along with Sanskrit Language subject at
ekè;e esa miyC/ gSaA Secondary/Senior Secondary level.
** This can be opted as a language subject in lieu of any other ** This can be opted as a language subject in lieu of any other
language by deaf/hard of hearing learners. Other learners language by deaf/hard of hearing learners. Other learners
(except deaf/hard of hearing learners) who wish to study (except deaf/hard of hearing learners) who wish to study
Indian Sign Language can opt this as an additional subject. Indian Sign Language can opt this as an additional subject.
10- (376) izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky ,oa f'k{kk 10. (376) Early Childhood Care & Education*
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 9
Ø-la- dksM fo"k; S.No. Code Subject
lewg ^x* Group 'C'
Group 'F'
lewg ^p*
28- (330) dEI;wVj foKku* 28. (330) Computer Science*
➥ lewg d ls ,d vFkok nks Hkk"kkvksa lfgr ikap fo"k; vkSj 'ks"k fo"k; lewg ➥ Five subjects with either one or two languages from Group
[k] x] ?k] M- vkSj p ls (x] ?k] M- vkSj p ds izR;sd lewg ls dsoy A and the remaining subjects from Group B, C, D, E and F
,d fo"k;) (only one subject from each group C, D, E and F).
➥ ,uvkbZvks,l ds fu;ekuqlkj vfrfjDr 'kqYd ds lkFk fdlh lewg ls ➥ Two additional subjects can be taken from any group (only
dsoy nks vfrfjDr fo"k; fy, tk ldrs gSaA (x] ?k] M- vkSj p ds izR;sd one subject from each group C, D, E and F) with additional
lewg ls dsoy ,d fo"k;)A fee as per NIOS norms.
# esa ^^Hkkjrh; Kku ijEijk** dk mYys[k ekè;fed@mPprj #
There will be a mention of "Indian Knowledge
ekè;fed Lrj ij mi;qZDr pkj fo"k; liQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ djus ij Tradition" on the certificate upon successful completion
fd;k tk,xkA of above four subjects at Secondary/Senior Secondary level.
uksV % 1- * okys fo"k;ksa eas fl¼kar ,oa iz;ksx nksuksa gSaA Note 1: Subjects with asterisk *have theory as well as
practical work.
uksV % 2- f'k{kkFkhZ] x] ?k] M- vkSj p eas izR;sd lewg esa ls dsoy ,d Note 2 : The learner has the option to choose one subject
fo"k; pqu ldrk@ldrh gSA only from each of Group C, D, E and F.
1 211 & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡
2 212 & foKku ,oa izkS|ksfxdh gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡s
3 213 & lkekftd foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡s & gk¡
4 214 & vFkZ'kkL=k gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & & gk¡s
5 215 & O;olk; vè;;u gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡s gk¡s
6 216 & x`g foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡s gk¡s
7 222 & euksfoKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡s &
8 223 & Hkkjrh; laLo`Qfr ,oa fojklr gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & & &
9 224 & ys[kkadu gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & &
10 225 & fp=kdyk gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & & &
11 226 & MkVk ,aVªh dk;Z gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ &
12 242 & dukZVd laxhr gk¡ & & & & & & & & & & & &
13 243 & fganqLrkuh laxhr gk¡ gk¡ & & & & & & & & & & &
14- 244 & yksd dyk gk¡ gk¡ & & & & & & & & & & &
15 245 & osn vè;;u & gk¡ & gk¡ & & & & & & & & &
16 246 & laLd`r O;kdj.k & gk¡s & gk¡s & & & & & & & & &
17 247 & Hkkjrh; n'kZu & gk¡s & gk¡s & & & & & & & & &
18 248 & laLd`r lkfgR; & gk¡s & gk¡s & & & & & & & & &
19 249 & m|ferk gk¡ gk¡ & & & & & & & & & &
20- 285 & ukV~;dyk & gk¡ & & & & & & & & & &
Ø-la- fo"k; (mPprj ekè;fed Lrj) vaxzsth fganh mnwZ laLd`r vksfM;k xqtjkrh caxkyh
1 311 & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡
2 312 & HkkSfrdh gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡
3 313 & jlk;u foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡
4 314 & tho foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡
5 315 & bfrgkl gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡
6 316 & Hkwxksy gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡
7 317 & jktuhfr foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ gk¡
8 318 & vFkZ'kkL=k gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
9 319 & O;olk; vè;;u gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
10 320 & ys[kkadu gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
11 321 & x`g foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
12 328 & euksfoKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
13 330 & dEI;wVj foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
14 331 & lekt'kkL=k gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡s gk¡
15 332 & fp=kdyk gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
16 333 & i;kZoj.k foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
17 335 & tulapkj gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
18 336 & MkVk ,aVªh dk;Z gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & gk¡ gk¡ &
19 337 & i;ZVu gk¡ gk¡ & & & & &
20 338 & dkuwu dk ifjp; gk¡ gk¡ & & & & &
21 339 & iqLrdky; ,oa lwpuk foKku gk¡ gk¡ gk¡ & & & &
22 340 & fyax vè;;u gk¡ & & & & & &
23 345 & osn vè;;u & gk¡ & gk¡ & & &
24 346 & laLd`r O;kdj.k & gk¡ & gk¡ & & &
25 347 & Hkkjrh; n'kZu & gk¡ & gk¡ & & &
26 348 & laLd`r lkfgR; & gk¡ & gk¡ & & &
27 373 & 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ,oa ;ksx gk¡ & & & & & &
28 374 & lsuk vè;;u gk¡ & & & & & &
29 375 & lsuk dk bfrgkl gk¡ & & & & & &
30 376 & izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky ,oa f'k{kk gk¡ & & & & & &
31 385 & ukV~;dyk & gk¡ & & & & &
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 11
Table 1.A - Availability of Study Material for subject in different Mediums
S.No. Subject (Secondary level) English Hindi Urdu Sanskrit Odia Gujarati Marathi Telugu Malayalam Tamil Punjabi Assamese Kannada
1 211 - Mathematics Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes
2 212 - Science & Technology Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes
3 213 - Social Science Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes
4 214 - Economics Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes
5 215 - Business Studies Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 216 - Home Science Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7 222- Psychology Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
8 223 - ICH Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
9 224 - Accountancy Yes Yes Yes - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - -
10 225 - Painting Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - -
11 226 - Data Entry Operation Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes -
12 242 Carnatic Music Yes - - - - - - - - - - - -
13 243 - Hindustani Music Yes Yes - - - - - - - - - - -
14. 244 - Folk Art Yes Yes - - - - - - - - - - -
15 245 - Veda Adhyayan - Yes - Yes - - - - - - - - -
16 246 - Sanskrit Vyakarana - Yes - Yes - - - - - - - - -
17 247 - Bharatiya Darshan - Yes - Yes - - - - - - - - -
18 248 - Sanskrit Sahitya Yes Yes - Yes - - - - - - - - -
19 249 - Entrepreneurship Yes Yes - - - - - - - - - -
20. 285 - Natyakala - Yes - - - - - - - - --
S.No. Subject (Senior Secondary level) English Hindi Urdu Sanskrit Odia Gujarati Bengali
1. ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øeksa esa 1. The learners taking online admission in
vkWuykbu ços'k ysus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks 'kSf{kd secondary and senior secondary courses are
being offered one vocational subject along
fo"k;ksa ds lkFk ,d O;kolkf;d fo"k; iznku
with academic subjects.
fd;k tk jgk gSA
2. ;s ikB~;Øe f'k{kkFkhZ }kjk 'kSf{kd fo"k;ksa ds fy, 2. These courses will be offered in the same
Accredited institution (AI) selected by the
pqus x, mlh izR;kf;r laLFkku (,vkbZ) esa djk,
learner for academic subjects. These will be
tk,axsA ços'k 'kqYd dh x.kuk ds mís'; ls bu considered as academic subjects for the
fo"k;ksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l ekunaMksa ds vuqlkj 'kSf{kd purpose of calculation of admission fee as
fo"k;ksa ds :i esa ekuk tk,xkA per NIOS norms.
3. ftu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us ekè;fed Lrj ij 'kSf{kd 3. The learners who have opted any one of the
fo"k;ksa ds varxZr miyC/ fuEufyf•r O;kolkf;d following vocational subjects available under
Academic at Secondary level shall not be
fo"k;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; dks pquk gS] mUgsa
given option to choose any other vocational izkIr djus gsrq fdlh vU; O;kolkf;d subject for certification.
fo"k; dks pquus dk fodYi ugha fn;k tk,xkA
1. Data Entry Operations (229)
1- MkVk ,aVªh vkWijs'kal (229)
2. Entrepreneurship (249)
2- m|ferk (249)
Similarly, the learners who have opted any
blh çdkj] ftu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us mPprj ekè;fed
one of the following vocational subjects at
Lrj ij fuEufyf•r O;kolkf;d fo"k;ksa esa ls
Senior Secondary level shall not be given
fdlh ,d fo"k; dks pquk gS] mUgsa ç izkIr
option to choose any other vocational
djus gsrq fdlh vU; O;kolkf;d fo"k; dks pquus subject for certification.
dk fodYi ugha fn;k tk,xkA
1. Data Entry Operations (336)
1- MkVk ,aVªh vkWijs'ku (336)
2. Early Childhood Care and Education (376)
2- çkjafHkd f'k'kq ns•Hkky ,oa f'k{kk (376)
3- i;ZVu (337) 3. Tourism (337)
4- 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ,oa ;ksx (373) 4. Physical Education and Yog (373)
4. ,dhdj.k ds varxZr] O;kolkf;d fo"k; ikap 4. Under integration, the vocational subject
can be one of the five subjects. There is no
fo"k;ksa esa ls ,d gks ldrk gSA 'kSf{kd foojf.kdk
change in the passing criteria as given in
dh rkfydk 8 esa fn, x, mÙkh.kZ ekunaMksa esa dksbZ table 8 of the Academic Prospectus.
cnyko ugha gSA ;|fi] ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ O;kolkf;d However, it is mandatory to pass in the
fo"k; lfgr dsoy 5 fo"k; ys jgk gS rks O;kolkf;d Vocational subject in case the learner is
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 13
fo"k; esa mÙkh.kZ gksuk vfuok;Z gSA ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ taking only 5 subjects including the
,d O;kolkf;d fo"k; lfgr 6@7 fo"k; ysrk gS vocational one. If the learner is taking 6/7
subjects including one vocational subject and
vkSj O;kolkf;d fo"k; esa mÙkh.kZ ugha gks ldk] rks
could not pass the vocational subject, the
'kSf{kd foojf.kdk esa mfYyf•r 1 Hkk"kk vkSj 4 pass certificate will be issued taking
vU; fo"k;ksa vFkok 2 Hkk"kkvksa vkSj rhu vU; cognizance of pass in 1 language and 4 other
fo"k;ksa esa mÙkh.kZ gksus dk laKku ysrs gq, f'k{kkFkhZ subjects or 2 languages and three other
dks mÙkh.kZ gksus dk ç tkjh fd;k tk,xkA subjects as mentioned in the Academic
5. ,dhdj.k ds varxZr fo"k;ksa@ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, 5. The assessment criteria for the subject/
ewY;kadu ekunaM 'kSf{kd fo"k;ksa ds leku gh gksaxsA courses under integration will be same as
blfy,] fdlh fo"k; esa mÙkh.kZ gksus ds fy,] ,d those for academic subjects. Hence, to pass
in a subject, a learner needs to secure a
f'k{kkFkhZ dks U;wure dqy 33» (fl¼kar $ izk;ksfxd)
minimum 33% aggregate (Theory plus
çkIr djus dh vko';drk gksrh gS vkSj ekè;fed Practical) and 33 marks out of 100 is
Lrj ij fl¼kar vkSj izk;ksfxd ijh{kk ds dqy ;ksx required after including the Internal
esa vkarfjd ewY;kadu vadksa dks 'kkfey djus ds Assessment marks in the aggregate of theory
ckn 100 esa ls 33 vad çkIr djuk vko';d plus practical at secondary level. However,
gksrk gSA ;|fi mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij fdlh passing separately in Theory and Practical
with minimum 33% each and min. 33% in
fo"k; esa mÙkh.kZ gksus ds fy, fl¼kar vkSj izk;ksfxd
aggregate including Internal Assessment is
esa vyx&vyx U;wure 33» vkSj vkarfjd ewY;kadu necessary to pass in a subject at senior
lfgr dqy 33» vad vfuok;Z gSaA Secondary level.
ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed Lrj osQ ikB~;Øe esa izos'k ysrs While seeking admission in the Secondary/Senior
gq, f'k{kkFkhZ rkfydk&2 esa lwphc¼ ,sls i`Fkd :i ls fy, Secondary Course, a learner may opt for one of
tkus okys O;kolkf;d fo"k;ksa esa ls dksbZ ,d fo"k; ys the stand alone Vocational subjects listed in Table-
ldrk@ldrh gS] tks rkfydk&1 lewg ^[k* esa ugha n'kkZ, x, 2, but not mentioned in Group 'B' in Table-1.
Separate admission for such subject is required to
gSaA bl izdkj osQ fo"k; osQ fy, fdlh ,ohvkbZ ij izos'k ysuk
be taken at one of the AVIs. Information regarding
gksxkA ,ohvkbZ laca/h tkudkjh ls izkIr AVIs can be obtained from the website:
dh tk ldrh gSA f'k{kkFkhZ ds vuqjks/ ij fo"k; esa izkIr vad The pass credit obtained in the
ekè;fed vFkok mPprj ekè;fed ijh{kk dh vadlwph esa subject can be transferred, on request, in the
LFkkukarfjr fd, tk ldrs gSaA blosQ fy, lkns dkxt ij Secondary/the Senior Secondary Examination
,uvkbZvks,l osQ funs'kd (ewY;kadu) osQ uke vkosnu iQkWeZ Certificate. The concerned learner is required to
rFkk nLrkost+ osQ lkFk ekè;fed@ mPprj ekè;fed Lrj dh submit a request on a plain paper with documents
to the Director (Evaluation) of NIOS. It should
ewy vad lwph ,oa O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ijh{kk dh vad lwph
be accompanied with the original Secondary/
dh iQksVksdkWih layXu djsaA Senior Secondary Marksheet and photo copy of
the Marksheet of the Vocational Education
rkfydk 2 % ,sls O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa dh lwph ftUgsa 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds la;kstu eas pyk;k tk jgk gS
Table-2 : List of Vocational Education Courses offered in combination with Academic Courses
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 15
mPprj ekè;fed Lrj@Senior Secondary Level
Ø-la- dksM fo"k; S.No. Code Subject
1- (322) Vad.k (fganh) 1. (322) Typewriting (Hindi)
8- (354) iQuhZpj vkSj oSQfcusV fuekZ.k 8. (354) Furniture and Cabinet Making
12- (360) gksVy Lokxr dk;kZy; lapkyu 12. (360) Hotel Front Office Operation
13- (362) e`nk vkSj [kkn izca/u 13. (362) Soil and Fertilizer Management
egRoiw.kZ lwpuk
tgk¡ rd ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk tkjh dk laca/ gS] os mPprj f'k{kk] ljdkjh ukSdfj;ksa vkSj vU; lHkh mís';ksa
ds fy, Lohdkj fd, tkrs gSaA lkFk gh ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk tkjh lHkh jk"Vªh;@jkT; cksMks± vkSj fo'ofo|ky;ksa
}kjk Lohdkj fd, tkrs gSaA ;|fi] dqN ekeyksa esa fofHkUu cksMks±@fo'ofo|ky;ksa us viuh fof'k"V vko';drkvksa ds
vk/kj ij ,d ;ksX;rk ekunaM fuf'pr fd;k gSA vr% ,uvkbZvks,l eas izos'k ysus okys f'k{kkFkhZ fofHkUu cksMks±@
fo'ofo|ky;ksa ds uohure ;ksX;rk ekunaM Hkh è;ku ls i<+saA
As far as the certificates issued by NIOS are concerned, these are accepted for higher education, Govt.
jobs and all other purposes. The certificates issued by NIOS are accepted by all National/State Boards and
Universities. However, in certain cases, various Boards/Universities have fixed eligibility criteria based on
their specific requirements. Hence, the learners seeking admission in NIOS must go through the latest
eligibility criteria of concerned/desired Boards/Universities.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 17
LVªheksa esa izos'k ,d nwljs ls vyx gSa vFkkZr~ different needs. The admissions in these
f'k{kkFkhZ buesa ls dksbZ ,d gh pqu ldrk@ four streams are mutually exclusive i.e.,
learner can opt for one of them only.
ldrh gSA
2.1.1 lHkh f'k{kk£Fk;ksa osQ fy, vkWu&ykbu izos'k 2.1.1 Online Admission for all learners
(Stream-1): This stream for Online
(LVªhe&1) % lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, bl fo'ks"k Admission is open for all the learners as
izdkj osQ vkWu&ykbu izos'k ekè;fed o mPprj per the laid down eligibility criteria for the
ekè;fed osQ fy, fu/kZfjr ;ksX;rk osQ vuqlkj Secondary and the Senior Secondary
gksaxsA izos'k l=k 2023&24 ls LVªhe&1 ds fy, o"kZ courses. The dates for Online Admission
Hkj (24×7) vkWu&ykbu izos'k dh frfFk;k¡ bl for stream-1 throughout the year (24×7)
from the admission session 2023-24 and
izdkj gSa % onwards are as follows:
CykWd&1 16 ekpZ & 31 tqykbZ] 2023 foyac 'kqYd ds fcuk ekpZ&vizSy] 2024
1 vxLr & 15 vxLr] 2023 #- 200@& foyac 'kqYd ds lkFk
16 vxLr & 31 vxLr] 2023 #- 400@& foyac 'kqYd ds lkFk
1 flracj & 15 flracj] 2023 #- 700@& foyac 'kqYd ds lkFk
CykWd&2 16 flracj] 2023&31 tuojh] 2024 foyac 'kqYd ds fcuk flracj&vDrwcj] 2024
1 iQjojh & 15 iQjojh] 2024 #- 200@& foyac 'kqYd ds lkFk
16 iQjojh & 28 iQjojh] 2024 #- 400@& foyac 'kqYd ds lkFk
1 ekpZ & 15 ekpZ] 2024 #- 700@& foyac 'kqYd ds lkFk
Block-1 16th March - 31 July 2023 without late fee March-April, 2024
1 August - 15th August 2023 with late fee of Rs. 200/-
16th August - 31 August 2023 with late fee of Rs. 400/-
st th
1 September - 15 September, 2023 with late fee of Rs. 700/-
Block-2 16th September 2023 - 31 January 2024 without late fee September-October, 2024
1 February - 15th February 2024 with late fee of Rs. 200/-
16th February - 28th February 2024 with late fee of Rs. 400/-
1 March - 15th March 2024 with late fee of Rs. 700/-
2.1.2 mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, vkWu&ykbu izos'k tks 2.1.2 Online Admissions for learners who
flracj&vDrwcj 2023 (LVªhe&2) ijh{kk esa cSBuk want to appear in September-October,
pkgrs gSa % vkWuykbu izos'k osQ fy, ;g LVªhe ,sls 2023 examinations (Stream-2): This
stream for Online admission is open from
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, 01.05.2023 ls 30.06.2023 01.05.2023 to 30.06.2023 for such learners
rd [kqyh gS] tks igys gh fdlh ekU;rkizkIr who have already passed the Secondary
ijh{kk cksMZ ls ekè;fed ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ dj pqds gSa Examination from the recognised Board
vkSj viuh ;ksX;rk dks c<+kus ds fy, ,d fo"k; and wish to take Part Admission in one
vFkok 04 fo"k;ksa eas vkaf'kd izos'k ysuk pkgrs gSa] subject or up to 4 subjects for updating their
vFkok ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks ijh{kk esa cSBs ysfdu qualification, or learners who had appeared
lkoZtfud ijh{kk esa mifLFkr ugha gks losQ vFkok but could not clear or who were eligible
but could not appear in the Public
,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks ijh{kk eas cSBus ;ksX; Fks ijUrq Examination of the Secondary/Senior
fdlh Hkh ekU;rk izkIr ijh{kk cksMZ ls ekè;fed@ Secondary level from any recognised
mPprj ekè;fed Lrj dh lkoZtfud ijh{kk esa Examination Board and fulfil entry
mÙkh.kZ ugha gks lds vkSj rkfydk 3 ds vuqlkj requirement of age, address proof as per
vk;q] irs ds izek.k dh izos'k vko';drk iwjh Table 3. The learner has to upload the
djrs gksaA f'k{kkFkhZ dks izos'k dh iqf"V ds fy, vkWu failed Marksheet/Admit Card (Hall Ticket)
alongwith relevant/supporting documents
ykbu izos'k iQkeZ esa fn, x, mfpr LFkku ij
and photograph on appropriate space
lacaf/r@lgk;d nLrkostksa rFkk iQksVksxzkiQ ds available in the Online Admission Form
lkFk&lkFk vuqÙkh.kZ vadrkfydk@izos'k i=k (gkWy for confirmation of admission. The learner
fVdV) Hkh viyksM djuk gksxkA ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ who has applied for Transfer of Credit
ftUgksua s ozQs fMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh) ds fy, vkosnu (TOC) have to send original failed
fd;k gS] os ewy vuqÙkh.kZ vad rkfydk ds ihNs Marksheet mentioning the Reference
lanHkZ la[;k fy[kdj ifjf'k"V&d ds vuqlkj Number alongwith the Admission Form to
the respective Regional Centre of NIOS as
,uvkbZvks,l ds lacaf/r {ks=kh; dasnz dks HkstsaA bl
per Appendix-A. The learners of this
LVªhe ds varxZr 'kkfey gksus okys f'k{kkFkhZ stream will be eligible to appear in the
,uvkbZvks,l dh flracj&vDrwcj] 2023 dh September-October, 2023 Secondary/
ekè;fed ,oa mPprj ekè;fed lkoZtfud ijh{kk Senior Secondary Public Examinations of
esa cSBus ds ik=k gksaxsA NIOS.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 19
2.1.3 vkWu&ykbu izos'k mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, tks 2.1.3 Online Admission for learners who want
ekè;fed Lrj ij tc pkgks rc ijh{kk to appear under the On Demand
Examination System (ODES) of NIOS
(vksM~l) esa cSBuk pkgrs gSa (LVªhe&3) % blosQ
for the Secondary level (Stream-3): This
varxZr vkWu&ykbu izos'k mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, stream for Online admission is open
iwjs o"kZ [kqyk jgsxk ftUgksaus fdlh ekU;rk izkIr throughout the year for such learners who
cksMZ ls ekè;fed ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ dh gS vkSj viuh have already passed the Secondary
;ksX;rk dks ,d vFkok vf/dre pkj fo"k;ksa esa Examination from the recognised Board
and wish to take Part Admission in one
izos'k ysdj c<+kuk pkgrs gSa vFkok ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ
subject or up to 4 subjects for updating their
ftUgkasus fdlh Hkh ekU;rk izkIr ijh{kk cksMZ ls qualification, or learners who had appeared
ijh{kk nh ijarq mÙkh.kZ ugha gks losQ vFkok tks but could not clear, or who were eligible
ijh{kk eas cSBus ;ksX; Fks ijUrq lkoZtfud ijh{kk esa but could not appear in the Public
cSB ugha lds vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l dh tc pkgks rc Examination of the Secondary level from
any recognised Board and want to appear
ijh{kk iz.kkyh ls dsoy ekè;fed ijh{kk esa 'kkfey through On Demand Examination System
gksuk pkgrs gSa vkSj rkfydk 3 ij fn, vk;q] irs of NIOS for the Secondary level only and
ds izek.k ds vuqlkj izos'k vko';drk iwjh djrs entry requirement of age, address proof as
gksaA f'k{kkFkhZ dks izos'k dh iqf"V ds fy, vkWu per Table 3. The learner should upload the
ykbu izos'k iQkeZ esa fn, x, mfpr LFkku ij failed Marksheet/Admit Card (Hall Ticket)
alongwith relevant/supporting documents
lacaf/r@lgk;d nLrkostksa rFkk iQksVksxzkiQ ds and photograph on appropriate space
lkFk&lkFk vuqÙkh.kZ vadrkfydk@izos'k i=k (gkWy available in the Online Admission Form
fVdV) Hkh viyksM djuk gksxkA ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ for confirmation of admission. The learner
ftUgksua s ozQs fMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh) ds fy, vkosnu who has applied for Transfer of Credit
(TOC) have to send original failed
fd;k Fkk mUgsa ewy vuqÙkh.kZ vad rkfydk ds ihNs
Marksheet mentioning the Reference
lanHkZ la[;k fy[kdj bls vkWu ykbu izdks"B] Number alongwith the Admission Form to
,uvkbZ v ks , l] d{k la - 408] ,&24&25] Online Cell, NIOS, Room No. 408, A-24-
baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62] uks,Mk&201309] 25, Institutional Area, Sector-62, NOIDA-
mÙkj izns'k dks Hkstuk gksxkA ekè;fed Lrj ij 201309, Uttar Pradesh. The Subjects
presently available for appearing through
vksM~l }kjk ijh{kk esa cSBus ds fy, miyC/ fo"k;
ODES at the Secondary level are Hindi
gSa fganh (201)] vaxzsth (202)] laLd`r (209)] (201), English (202), Sanskrit (209), (211)] foKku ,oa izkS|ksfxdh (212)] Mathematics (211), Science & Technology
lkekftd foKku (213)] vFkZ'kkL=k (214)] (212), Social Science (213), Economics
O;olk; vè;;u (215)] x`g foKku (216)] (214), Business Studies (215), Home
Science (216), Psychology (222), Indian
euksfoKku (222)] Hkkjrh; laLd`fr ,oa fojklr
Culture & Heritage (223), Painting (225)
(223)] ys[kkadu (224)] fp=kdyk (225)] MkVk and Data Entry Operations (229) ,
,aVªh vkijs'kUl (229)] Hkkjrh; n'kZu (247) rFkk Accountancy (224), Bharatiya Darshan
laLd`r lkfgR; (248)A (247) and Sanskrit Sahitya (248).
2.1.4 vkWu&ykbu izos'k ,sls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, tks 2.1.4 Online Admission for learners who want
mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij ,uvkbZvks,l dh to appear under the On Demand
mi;qZDr pkj LVªheksa ds lanHkZ esa vkWuykbu izos'k dh izfØ;k The procedure for Online Admission in the context
bl izdkj gS %& of above four streams is as follows :
2.2.1 ,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV vFkok 2.2.1 Log on to NIOS website
2.2.2 f'k{kkFkhZ fuEufyf[kr nLrkostksa dh LdSu dh xbZ 2.2.2 The learner has to be ready with Original
izfr@lkWÝV izfr ds lkFk rS;kj jgsa ftUgsa ekè;fed scanned copy of the following documents
vFkok mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øeksa esa izos'k ds which will be required to be uploaded
fy, viyksM djuk gksxk %& while registering for the Admission to the
Secondary or the Senior Secondary
➤ gky gh dk ikliksVZ vkdkj dk jaxhu iQksVks ➤ Recent Passport size colour Photograph.
➤ f'k{kkFkhZ ds gLrk{kj (csgrj gksxk ;fn dkyh ➤ Signature of learner (preferably in Black
L;kgh esa gksaA) Ink).
➤ igpku dk oS/ izek.k (tSls vk/kj uacj] ➤ Valid Identity Proof (like Aadhaar
vk/kj ukekadu la[;k] ikliksVZ uacj] jk'ku Number, Aadhaar Enrolment number,
dkMZ uacj] cSad [kkrk la[;k vFkok vU; dksbZ Passport number, Ration Card number,
ljdkjh igpku i=k vkfn) Bank Account number or any other
valid government Identity Card etc.)
➤ tUe frfFk dk oS/ izek.k (tUe vFkok ➤ Valid proof of Date of Birth in case of the
ikliksVZ vFkok LFkkukarj.k|ky; NksM+us Secondary Course (Birth Certificate or
Passport or Transfer Certificate / School
dk vFkok vk/kj dkMZ ftlesa tUe
Leaving Certificate or Aadhaar Card with
frfFk@fnu@ekg@o"kZ izk:i eas eqfnzr gks] tUe date of birth printed on it in the dd/mm/
vkfn) yyyy format)
➤ fuokl dk oS/ izek.k (jk'ku dkMZ vFkok vk/kj ➤ Valid proof of Residence (like Ration Card,
dkMZ] vFkok fu;ksDrk ls izkIr mlds i=k 'kh"kZ ij or Aadhaar Card, or Appointment Letter
fu;qfDr i=k] vFkok ikuh@VsyhiQksu@fctyh fcy@py from the Employer on Letter Head, or
jgs cSad [kkrs dk fooj.k vFkok vk;dj vkadyu water/Telephone/Electricity Bill/Statement
of running Bank Account or Income Tax
vkns'k@fuokZpu vk;ksx dk ernkrk igpku i=k]
Assessment Order/ Election Commission’s
ukckfyx ds ekeys esa ekrk&firk dk ikliksVZ] Voter Identity Card, Parents Passport in
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 23
vxj fdjk, ds ?kj esa jg jgs gSa rks LFkk;h irs ds case of minor, if living in rented ds lkFk fdjk, ds orZeku vuqca/ dh accommodation, copy of proof of
izfrA Permanent Address along with present
Rent Agreement)
➤ vkBoha d{kk dh vadlwph vFkok Lo& ➤ Class 8th Marksheet or Self Certificate (in
(ekè;fed ikB~;Øe ds ekeys esa) nloha d{kk case of the secondary course). Class 10th
Marksheet/Certificate (in case of Senior
dh vadlwph (mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe ds
Secondary Course)
ekeys eas)A nloha d{kk dh vadlwph (mPprj
ekè;fed ikB~;Øe ds ekeys esa)
➤ lkekftd oxZ@tkfr dh Lo& ➤ Self attested true copy of Social Category/
okLrfod izfr (;fn f'k{kkFkhZ vuq- tkfr@vuq-t- Caste Certificate (in case the learner
tk-@vkschlh lkekftd oxZ dk gS) belongs to SC/ST/OBC social category).
➤ HkwriwoZ lSfud (;fn og HkwriwoZ lSfud ➤ Ex-serviceman Certificate (in case the
gS) learner is an Ex-Serviceman)
➤ v{kerk (;fn mls fdlh izdkj dh ➤ Disability Certificate (in case the learner
v{kerk gS) is having any kind of disability)
➤ ewy Ldwy f'k{kk cksMZ }kjk tkjh ewy vuqÙkh.kZ ➤ Original scanned copy of Failed
vadlwph dh LdSu dh xbZ izfr ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ Marksheet issued by the Parent Board of
the School Education in case learner
,uvkbZvks,l dh LVªhe 2@3@4 esa iathdj.k
registers in NIOS for Stream- 2/3/4.
djkrk@djkrh gSA
2.2.3 uhps vkWuykbu vkosnu iQkWeZ Hkjus ds fy, 2.2.3 Steps to be followed to fill in the
pj.k % Application Form Online:
➥ f'k{kkFkhZ ftl jkT;@dsanz 'kkflr izns'k ds gSa] og ➥ Select the State/UT to which the learner
pqusaA belongs to.
➥ igpku ds nLrkosT+k dh la[;k Vkbi djsaA bl la[;k ➥ Type the Identity Document Number. This
number will be validated. The learner will
dh oS/rk tkaph tk,xhA f'k{kkFkhZ dks pqus gq, igpku
also need to upload the scanned color copy
nLrkossT+k dh LdSu dh xbZ izfr viyksM Hkh djuh of the selected original Identity Document.
➥ f'k{kkFkhZ ftl ikB~;Øe (ekè;fed vFkok mPprj ➥ Select the Course (Secondary or Senior
Secondary) for which the learner intends to
ekè;fed) esa izos'k ysuk pkgrk@pkgrh gS] mldk
take admission.
p;u djsaA
➥ vk/kj uacj dk lR;kiu vius vki esa ,d iwjh ➥ Authenticating the Aadhaar Number is a
complete process in itself. The Aadhaar
izfØ;k gSA vki tks vk/kj ua- uke (vk/kj dkMZ ij
number provided by you along with Name
Nis vuqlkj) vkSj fyax (vk/kj dkMZ ij Nis (as printed on the Aadhaar Card) and Gender
vuqlkj) nsaxs mls vk/kj tkjhdrkZ izkf/dkjh (;wuhd (as printed on the Aadhaar Card) will be
vkbMs a f VfiQds ' ku vkW F kkfjVh vkW i Q ba f M;k validated from the Aadhaar Issuing
(;wvkbZMh,vkbZ) & lR;kfir fd;k tk,xkA ;fn Authority (Unique Identification Authority
iathdj.k izfØ;k esa nh xbZ dksbZ tkudkjh (vk/kj of India - UIDAI). If any information
uacj] uke vkSj fyax) vk/kj dkMZ ls esy ugha (Aadhaar Number, Name and Gender) given
[kkrh rks lR;kiu izfØ;k vliQy gks tk,xh vkSj in the Registration process does not match
f'k{kkFkhZ dks vkxs izos'k iQkWeZ Hkjus dh vuqefr ugha with Aadhaar Card then the Authentication
Process will fail and the learner will not be
nh tk,xhA allowed to continue to fill in the Admission
➥ vk/kj MkVk dk liQyrkiwoZd lR;kiu ds ckn gh ➥ After successful Authentication of the data,
the learner will be redirected to the
f'k{kkFkhZ dks izos'k iQkeZ esa vkjafHkd fooj.k ij iqu%
Admission Form starting with the Basic
Hkstk tk,xkA details.
➥ izos'k ds fy, vkosnu iQkWeZ vkjafHkd fooj.k] ➥ The Application Form for Admission is
divided into Sections, namely, Basic
oSdfYid fooj.k] fo"k; p;u] vè;;u dsanz Details, Optional Details, Subjects
p;u vkSj nLrkost lsD'ku uked Hkkxksa esa caVk selection, Study Centre selection and
gSA documents section.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 25
➥ ,uvkbZvks,l esa izos'k ys jgs vkosnd dk uke] firk ➥ Fill in the Name of the Applicant seeking
dk uke vkSj ekrk dk uke] tUe frfFk] fyax] admission in NIOS, Father’s Name and
vk/kj uacj] ,d oS/ eksckby uacj vkSj ,d oS/ Mother’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender,
Aadhaar Number or any valid govt. identity
bZesy vkbZMh HkjsaA
No., a valid Mobile Number, and a valid
email address.
➥ ou Vkbe ikloMZ (vksVhih) eksckby uacj ij vkSj ➥ Click on Generate OTP button to get One
bZ esy vkbZMh ij ysus ds fy, ^tujsV vksVhih* cVu Time Password (OTP) on the Mobile
ij fDyd djsa ftlls laizs"k.k ds nksuksa ekè;eksa dk Number and email address for
lR;kiu fd;k tk ldsA authenticating both modes of
uksV % ,d bZesy vkbZMh dsoy ,d ckj iz;ksx NOTE: One email address can be used only
fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj ,d eksckby uacj vkSj ,d once and one Mobile Number and one
irk vf/dre rhu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds iathdj.k ds fy, Address can be used for registration of
iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA maximum three learners.
uksV % bl fcanq ij igq¡pdj] f'k{kkFkhZ ds fy, NOTE: At this point of time, a User Name
,d ;wtj uke vkSj ikloMZ lR;kfir bZesy irs and a Password will be created for the
ij Hksts tk,axs ftldk f'k{kkFkhZ ds vkjafHkd learner and the details will be sent to the
fooj.k esa mYys[k fd;k x;k gSA bl esy esa authenticated email address which was
mentioned in the basic details of the
vkxs dh izkslsflax ds fy, funsZ'k Hkh jgsaxsA
learner. This email will also contain the
vius ;wtj fooj.k (;wtj uke vkSj ikloMZ) instructions for further processing. Keep
lqjf{kr j[ksaA the user Credentials (user name and
Password) safe.
➥ eksckby uacj vkSj bZesy vkbZMh ds liQyrkiwoZd ➥ After successful authentication of the
lR;kiu ds ckn f'k{kkFkhZ dks vU; fooj.k tSls Mobile Number and email address, the
LFkk;h irk vkSj Mkd dk irk] lkekftd oxZ@tkfr learner will be allowed to fill up other details
like Permanent Address and Postal Address,
dk fooj.k] vè;;u dk ekè;e vkfn dks Hkjus ds
details about Social Category/Caste,
fy, vuqefr feysxhA Medium of Study etc.
➥ vxys Hkkx esa] oSdfYid fooj.k tSls ifjokj dh ➥ In the next section, fill in the optional details
vk;] ekrk&firk dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk vkfn HkjsaA like Family Income, Qualification of Father
and Mother etc.
➥ ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe ds fy, ➥ In case the learner is registering for the
iathdj.k dj jgk@jgh gS rks mls viuh fiNyh Senior Secondary course, then learner needs
to fill the details of his/her pervious
'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk (nloha) dk Hkh fooj.k Hkjuk gksxkA
qualification (Class 10th) also.
➥ cksMZ dk uke] jksy uacj vkSj o"kZ pqusa tc vki ➥ Select the name of the Board, Roll Number
fiNyh ijh{kk esa cSBs FksA and the Year in which you appeared in the
last examination.
➥ os fo"k; pqusa] tks vki ,uvkbZvks,l esa i<+uk pkgrs ➥ Select the subjects which you want to study
gSa vkSj os fo"k; Hkh Li"V djsa ftuds fy, vki in NIOS and also specify the subjects for
ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh) ysuk pkgrs gSaA Vhvkslh which you want to take Transfer of Credit
ds fy, fo"k;ksa dk pquko ,uvkbZvks,l ds fu;ekuqlkj (ToC). Selection of the subjects for ToC will
be as per the NIOS norms.
➥ vxys Hkkx esa] vè;;u dsanz pqusaA f'k{kkFkhZ vf/ ➥ In the next Section, select the Study Centre.
dre 3 izkFkfedrk,a pqu ldrk gSA vè;;u dasnz The learner can select a maximum of 3
preferences. The Study Centre will be
mlds }kjk pqus x, jkT; vkSj ftys ds vk/kj ij
available on the basis of the State and the
miyC/ gksxkA vè;;u dasnz Lopkfyr iz.kkyh }kjk District selected by him/her. The Study
vè;;u dsanz eas lhVksa dh miyC/rk ds vk/kj ij Centre will be allocated by the automated
iznku fd;k tk,xkA vè;;u dsanz f'k{kkFkhZ }kjk pqus system based on the availability of the seats
x, ikB~;Øe] ekè;e vkSj fyax vkfn tSls fofHkUu in the Study Centre. The Study Centre will
p;uksa ds la;kstu ds vk/kj ij p;uksa ds fy, be available for selection on the basis of the
miyC/ gksaxsA combination of various selections made by
the learner like Course, Medium, and
Gender etc.
f'k{kkFkhZ dks iQkWeZ dh gkMZ izfr vkSj The learner is not required to send/submit
the hard copy of the Admission form and
nLrkost Hkstus@tek ugha djus gSa ijUrq
the documents but it is mandatory to
vko';d nLrkostksa dks vkWuykbu viyksM upload the original scanned copy of
djuk vfuok;Z gSA ;fn ,uvkbZvks,l izca/u required documents online. If required by
}kjk ekaxs x, vFkok tek fd, x, NIOS Management or if any other
vkWuykbu vkosnu iQkWeZ@nLrkost+ksa esa dksbZ discrepancy is found in the submitted
avU; vfu;ferrk ikbZ tkrh gS] rks f'k{kkFkhZ online Application Form/Documents, the
dks eqfnzr vkosnu iQkWeZ ,oa nLrkost+ vkSj learner shall be required to submit the
printed application form along with the
iQksVks tek djus gksaxsA bldh lwpuk f'k{kkFkhZ
Documents and Photograph. This
dks bZ&esy vFkok ,l,e,l }kjk Hksth requirement will be communicated to him/
tk,xhA her through email and SMS.
➥ f'k{kkFkhZ dks bl Hkkx eas vko';d nLrkost+ viyksM ➥ The learner will have to upload the required
djus gksaxsA Documents in this Section.
➥ fooj.k Hkjus vkSj nLrkost+ viyksM djus ds ckn] ➥ After filling the details and uploading the
vkxs c<+us ds fy, Next cVu dks fDyd djsaA documents, click on the NEXT button to
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 27
28 Æ jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku@National Institute of Open Schooling
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 29
30 Æ jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku@National Institute of Open Schooling
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 31
➥ fooj.k Hkjus vkSj vko';d nLrkost+ksa dks viyksM ➥ After filling in the details and after
djus ds ckn REVIEW SECTION eas iwjs iQkeZ uploading the required documents, review
dk ifj'kks/u djsa ftlesa 'kqYd fooj.k Hkh 'kkfey the entire Admission Form including Fee
Details in the REVIEW SECTION. In
gSA ;fn] f'k{kkFkhZ Hkjh gqbZ fdlh lwpuk esa dksbZ
case, the learner wants to change any of the
ifjorZu djuk pkgrk@pkgrh gS rks og gj Hkkx ds information filled by him/her, then he/she
EDIT cVu@cnyus ds ckn Review Hkkx ij igqapus can click on the EDIT button/icon of each
ds fy, NEXT cVu ij fDyd djsaA Section. After changing the information, the
learner has to again click on NEXT button
to reach the Review section.
d`i;k è;ku nsa fd 'kqYd dk Hkqxrku dsoy vkWuykbu Please note that the fee payment is to be made
gh fd;k tk,xkA 'kqYd ds Hkqxrku ds fy, dksbZ cSad online only. No Bank Draft/Demand Draft/
Cash/Cheque or any other mode of fee payment
MªkWÝV@fMekaM MªkWÝV@udn@pSd vFkok dksbZ vU; ekè;e
is acceptable. All CSC and NIOS AIs (Study
Lohdk;Z ugha gSA lHkh lh,llh vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ,vkbZ
Centres) are authorized for facilitating the
(vè;;u dsanz) vkWu ykbu izos'k ys jgs f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh learners to take admission online. There are no
lgk;rk ds fy, izkf/d`r gaSA vkWu ykbu izos'k djus ds other Agencies/Cybercafe/any other institutions
fy, ,uvkbZvks,l us fdUgha vU; ,tsafl;ksa@lkbcj recognized by NIOS for doing Online
dSiQs@dksbZ vU; laLFkkvksa dks ekU;rk ugha nh gSA Admission.
➥ ;fn iathdj.k izfØ;k esa f'k{kkFkhZ }kjk fn;k x;k ➥ If all the information, given by the learner
fooj.k lgh gS] rks f'k{kkFkhZ vkxs tkjh j[kdj in the Registration Process is Ok, then the
miyC/ Hkqxrku xsVost tSls vkbZMhchvkbZ] ;wchvkbZ] learner can continue to make online payment
by selecting the available Payment
vkbZlhvkbZlhvkbZ] ,pMh,iQlh cSad vkfn pqudj
Gateways like IDBI, UBI, ICICI, HDFC
vkWuykbu Hkqxrku dj ldrs gSaA izos'k 'kqYd ds Bank etc.CSC wallet can be used by CSC
vkWu ykbu Hkqxrku ds fy, lh,llh xzkeh.k Lrj Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) for
m|eh (oh,ybZ) }kjk lh,llh okWysV iz;ksx fd;k making admission fee payment online.
tk ldrk gSA
➥ 'kqYd dk liQyrkiwoZd Hkqxrku djus ds ckn] ➥ After successful transaction, the learner will
,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkFkhZ ds iathd`r bZesy esa vkSj receive the Fee Payment Receipt in the
mlds iathd`r eksckby uacj ij ,l,e,l }kjk learner’s registered email and also through
'kqYd Hkqxrku dh jlhn izkIr gksxhA SMS on his/her registered Mobile Number.
➥ 'kqYd ds liQy Hkqxrku ds ckn vkidks ,d lanHkZ ➥ After successful transaction, a Reference
la[;k nh tk,xh ftls vki vius izos'k dh iqf"V Number will be generated which can be used
gksus rd ,uvkbZvks,l ls i=kkpkj djrs gq, iz;ksx for communicating with NIOS until your
dj ldrs gSaA ,d ckj Hkqxrku liQyrkiwoZd gks admission is confirmed. Once the payment
is done successfully, the learner will be
tkus ij] f'k{kkFkhZ dks vius ykWx bu esa MS'kcksMZ
allowed to see the dashboard in his/her login.
ns[kus dh vuqefr gksxhA
➥ iathdj.k ds le; f'k{kkFkhZ }kjk tek fd, x, ➥ After successful verification of the
nLrkost+ksa] izos'k 'kqYd vkSj lwpuk dk liQyrkiwoZd documents, admission fee and the
lR;kiu gksus ds ckn] mlds izos'k dh iqf"V dh information submitted by the learner during
tk,xh vkSj ,d ukekadu la[;k nh tk,xhA registration, his/her admission will be
,uvkbZvks,l izca/u }kjk izos'k dh iqf"V ds ckn confirmed and an Enrolment Number will
be generated. Appropriate communication
f'k{kkFkhZ dks mi;qDr lwpuk bZ&esy vkSj ,l,e,l
will be sent to the learner through email and
}kjk Hksth tk,xhA SMS after the admission is confirmed by
the NIOS Management.
➥ ;fn Hkqxrku vliQy jgrk gS rks f'k{kkFkhZ dks fiQj ➥ If the transaction fails, then the learner has
ls Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA to make the transaction again.
➥ f'k{kkFkhZ vius ;wt+j uke vkSj mlds iathd`r bZ&esy ➥ The learner can make the payment later as
ij Hksts x, ikloMZ dk iz;ksx djds ,uvkbZvks,l per norms by logging into the Student Portal
ds f'k{kkFkhZ iksVZy ( esa ykWx of NIOS ( using the User
Name and Password sent to his/her
bu djds ckn esa Hkqxrku dj ldrk@ldrh gSA
registered email.
➥ f'k{kkFkhZ dk ykWx bu MS'kcksMZ f'k{kkFkhZ laca/h ➥ The dashboard in the learner’s login will
xfrfof/;ka tSls vkosnu iQkWeZ eqfnzr djuk] 'kqYd provide the feature to manage all the student
related activities like Printing the
Hkqxrku dh jlhn eqfnzr djuk] igpku i=k eqfnzr
Application Form, Printing the Fee Payment
djuk] vè;;u lkexzh ftls ,uvkbZvks,l ls f'k{kkFkhZ Receipt, Printing the Identity Card/ID Card,
dks fu%'kqYd Hksth tk,xh dh fLFkfr ns[kuk] ijh{kk checking the status of the Study Material
ds fy, iathdj.k] ijh{kk 'kqYd Hkqxrku vkSj vU; which will be sent to the learner by NIOS
bZ&lsok,¡ iznku djsxkA free of cost, registering for exams,
examination fee payment and other e-
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 33
f'k{kkFkhZ dks lq>ko fn;k tkrk gS fd lgh The learner is suggested to furnish
vkSj izkekf.kd lwpuk nsa vkSj vkosnu iQkWeZ ds correct and authentic information and
should upload valid, authentic and
lacaf/r Hkkxksa esa oS/ izkekf.kd vkSj lacaf/r
relevant color photo/color documents in
iQksVks@nLrkost+ viyksM djsaA Hkqxrku gksus ds the respective sections in the Application
ckn vkosnu iQkWeZ esa dksbZ ifjorZu djus dh Form. No changes shall be permitted in
vuqefr ugha gksxhA v/wjh@xyr tkudkjh vFkok the Application Form after the payment
vlacaf/r iQksVks@nLrkost+ viyksM djus ls is done. Furnishing incomplete/wrong
,uvkbZvks,l fdlh Hkh le; iathdj.k@izos'k information or uploading irrelevant
Photo/Documents will make NIOS to take
jn~n dj ldrk gSA action to cancel the Registration/
Admission at any point of time.
2.3 {ks=kh; dsæa @,vkbZ (vè;;u dsUnz)@tu lsok 2.3 Procedure for Online Admission
dsUnz@izkf/d`r lgk;rk dsUnz ds ekè;e ls through Regional Centres/AIs
vkWu&ykbu izos'k dh izfØ;k (Study Centre)/Common Service
Centres (CSCs)
,uvkbZvks,l ds lHkh ,vkbZ (vè;;u dsUnzksa) dks All AIs (Study Centres) of NIOS are
vf/dkj gS fd os vkWu&ykbu izos'k djkus okys authorised to open an Online Registration
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, vkWu&ykbu iathdj.k Counter for facilitating learners to take
Online admission. They will also help
dkmaVj [kksysaA os f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izos'k&iwoZ ijke'kZ]
learners in pre-admission counselling,
vè;;u dsUnzksa@ikB~;Øeksa ds pquko] vè;;u ds choice of study centres/Course, Medium of
ekè;e] ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k] ØsfMV lap;u vkSj Instruction, transfer of credit, Credit
,uvkbZvks,l dh vU; fo'ks"krkvksa ds ckjs esa lgk;rk Accumulation and other features of NIOS.
djsaxsA ,vkbZ mi;qZDr Hkkx 2.2 esa vkWu&ykbu The AI will follow the same procedure for
iathdj.k ds fy, ogh izfØ;k viuk,¡xsA nwjnjkt Online registration as mentioned in
ds {ks=kksa rd igq¡pus ds mn~ns'; ls] ,uvkbZvks,l us section 2.2 above. Further, with a view to
tu lsok dsUnz (lh,llh)] vkbZVh ea=kky;] Hkkjr reach far-flung areas, NIOS has signed an
MoU with the Common Service Centres
ljdkj vkSj vU; lqfo/ktud dsUnzkas ds lkFk ,evks;w
(CSCs), Ministry of IT, Govt. of India. Now
ij gLrk{kj fd, gSaA vc ,d yk[k ls vf/d more than one lakh Common Service
lh,llh ,uvkbZvks,l lgk;rk dsUnz f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks Centres (CSCs) will provide Online services
,d iwoZ fuf'pr 'kqYd ij ,uvkbZvks,l dh vkWu to the learners at a pre-fixed charges. The
ykbu lsok,¡ iznku djsaxsA iwoZ fu/kZfjr 'kqYd dk details of pre-fixed charges are available on
fooj.k osclkbV ij miyC/ gSA NIOS website.
(d) izos'k
16.03.2023 ls 31 tqykbZ]
2023 dks 14 o"kZ 31 tq y kbZ ] 2023 dks 15 o"kZ
LVªhe&1 15.09.2023 (31-7-2009 dks vFkok mlls igys tUes) (31-7-2008 dks vFkok mlls igys
(izFke CykWd) tUes)
LVªhe&2, 3 ,oa 4
16.09.2023 ls 31 tuojh] 2024 dks 14 o"kZ 31 tuojh] 2024 dks 15 o"kZ
LVªhe&1 15.03.2024 (31-1-2010 dks vFkok mlls igys tUes) (31-1-2009 dks vFkok mlls igys
(f}rh; CykWd) tUes)
(i) fuxe osQ vf/dkjh vFkok tUe ,oa e`R;q fdlh ekU;rkizkIr ekè;fed@gkbZ LowQy
osQ jftLVªkj osQ ftyk dk;kZy; ls tkjh ijh{kk osQ dh lR;kfir izfr
tUefrfFk ds tUe izek.k&i=k dh lR;kfir izfr mu ftlesa tUefrfFk vafdr gksA (mPprj
fy, vfuok;Z lHkh ds fy, ftudk tUe 26-01-1989 ekè;fed izos'k gsrq vk;q dk dksbZ Hkh
nLrkost+ dks vFkok mlds ckn gqvk gksA vU; izek.k ekU; ugha gksxk)
(ii) Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk ikliksVZ dh lR;kfir
(iii) fiNys fo|ky; ls izkIr fo|ky; NksM+us
dk i=k@LFkkukarj.k izek.k&i=k dh ewy izfr
ftlesa vkosnd dh tUe&frfFk fy[kh gksA
ljdkjh fo|ky; ds ekeys esa LFkkukarj.k|ky; NksM+us osQ izek.k&i=k ij
iz/kukpk;Z ds gLrk{kj gksus pkfg, tcfd
izkbosV fo|ky; gksus ij mls jkT; osQ
l{ke f'k{kk izkf/dkjh @ ;k ftyk f'k{kk
vf/dkjh }kjk izfrgLrk{kfjr gksuk pkfg,A
(iv) Hkkjr ljdkj dh lacaf/r ,tsalh }kjk tkjh
vk/kj dkMZ dh lR;kfir izfrA (i) vukFk@fd'kksj@cs?kj cPpksa osQ fy, fpfdRlk fof/ izek.k&i=k ds lkFk izFke eftLVªsV }kjk tkjh 'kiFk i=k
vFkok vk/kj dkMZ dh izfr tUefrfFk osQ izek.k ds :i esa vo'; nh tk,A
(ii) vkosnu iQkWeZ esa fy[kh tUe&frfFk esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha fd;k tk,xkA vr% tk¡p ysa vkSj vkosnu iQkeZ esa lgh
tUefrfFk fy[ksaA
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 35
2.4 Entry Requirements
Table-3 : Entry Requirements
Entry Cut off Dates Secondary Course Senior Secondary Course
Stream-1 16/03/2023 to 14 years as on 31st July 2023 (born on or 15 years as on 31st July 2023 (born
(Block-I) 15/09/2023 on or before 31/07/2008)
before 31/07/2009)
16/09/2023 to
15/03/2024 14 years as on 31st January 2024 (born 15 years as on 31st January 2024
Stream-1 (born on or before 31/01/2009)
(Block-II) on or before 31/01/2010)
Note: (i) In case of Orphan/Juvenile/Street Children, the Medical Legal Certificate alongwith an Affidavit issued by First
class Magistrate or copy of Aadhaar Card has to be provided as proof of Date of Birth.
(ii) Date of birth once given in the Admission Form shall not be changed. Please check and state the correct date of
birth in the Admission Form.
1. jk'ku dkMZ vFkok vk/kj dkMZ vFkok fu;ksDrk ds 'kh"kZ 1. Ration Card, or Aadhar Card, or Appointment
Letter from the Employer on Letter Head, or
i=k ij vkosnu i=k vFkok ikuh@VsyhiQksu@fctyh dk
Water/Telephone/Electricity Bill/Statement of
fcy@py jgs cSad [kkrs dh LVsVesaV vFkok vk; dj fu/ running Bank Account or Income Tax Assessment
kZj.k vkns'k@pquko vk;ksx dk igpku i=k] ukckfyx gksus Order/ Election Commission’s Voter Identity Card,
ds ekeys esa ekrk&firk dk ikliksVZA Parents Passport in case of minor.
2. tks f'k{kkFkhZ fdjk, ds edku esa jgrs gSa muds LFkk;h irs 2. For the learner living in a rented accommodation,
ds izek.k ds lkFk orZeku fdjk, ds ?kj ds irs dk izek.k any proof of permanent address along with any
proof of present rented accommodation will be
Lohdk;Z gksxkA
3. ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks cs?kj fuLLkgk;@izoklh@>qXxh fuoklh@vukFk 3. A learner belonging to the category of street
children/destitutes/migrants/slum dwellers/
gSa] orZeku eas ftuds ?kj dk dksbZ irk ugha gS mls viuh orphans not having any residential address of his/ (mi;qZDr eas ls) fy[krs gq, ,d Lo% nsuk her own at present will have to furnish a self
gksxk vkSj djuk gksxk fd mudk viuk irk ugha certificate stating the category (mentioned above)
gSA fiQj Hkh ,uvkbZvks,l ls i=kkpkj ds fy, lEidZ djus and certify that learner do not have own residential
gsrq mUgsa ,d irk miyC/ djkuk gksxkA ;g Lo% address. However, for the purpose of
correspondence with NIOS, such learner will have
,uthvks@vukFkky; lfgr foÙkiks"kd vfHkHkkod }kjk
to furnish a contact address. The self certificate
izfrgLrk{kfjr gksuk pkfg, rFkk fdlh ljdkjh deZpkjh@ has to be countersigned by the sponsoring
iapk;r Lrj ds dkfeZd@uxj fuxe vf/dkjh@ CykWd Lrj Guardian including NGO/Orphan Home and
ds vf/dkjh@ftyk Lrj ds vf/dkjh vFkok mPp Lrj ds attested by a Govt. Servant/ Panchayat level
vf/dkjh }kjk gksuk pkfg,A izk;kstd rFkk Official/Nagar Nigam Officer/Block level Officer/
District level Officer or higher level Officer. Both
djus okys izkf/dkjh nksuksa viuk iwjk uke] inuke] dk;kZy;h
the sponsoring and the attesting authorities are
eksgj ds lkFk iwjk irk nsaA required to furnish complete name, designation
and address with their official stamp.
uksV% (i) vkWuykbu vkosnu iQkWeZ osQ lkFk vko';d lgk;d Note: (i) Online Admission Form without uploading
nLrkost+ viyksM gksus ij vkosnu iQkWeZ jn~n dj fn;k required supporting documents will be
rejected and fee will not be refunded.
tk,xk vkSj iQhl ykSVkbZ ugha tk,xhA
(ii) fons'kh cksMZ@fo'ofo|ky; ls gkbZ LowQy@ekè;fed (ii) In case a learner possesses a High School/
Secondary Certificate from any Foreign izkIr djus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks jk"Vªh; eqDr
Board/University and wants to take
fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku osQ mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;ozQe admission in the Senior Secondary course
esa izos'k ikus osQ fy, lacaf/r nwrkokl rFkk Hkkjrh; of NIOS, he/she will be required to attach a
fo'ofo|ky; la?k (,vkbZ;w) }kjk ;g nsuk certificate from the concerned Embassy and
gksxk fd mudh ijh{kk Hkkjrh; gkbZ LowQy@ekè;fed the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
to the effect that the examination passed by
ijh{kk osQ led{k gSA
him/her is equivalent to the Indian High
School/Secondary Examination.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 37
(iii) ;fn dksbZ f'k{kkFkhZ fdlh cksMZ }kjk fdlh Lrj ij (iii) In case a learner has been debarred by any
vuqfpr xfrfof/;ksa eas fyIr gksus ds dkj.k fooftZr other Board for using unfair means at any
stage, he/she will not be eligible for
fd;k x;k gS rks og ,uvkbZvks,l eas izos'k ds fy,
admission in NIOS.
;ksX; ugha gSA
(iv) f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk vko';d tkudkjh fNikus ij] mudk (iv) In case a learner conceals the requisite
izos'k ckn esa Hkh jí dj fn;k tk,xkA information, his/her admission will be
cancelled, even at later stage.
(v) tks f'k{kkFkhZ vk;q çek.k ds fy, nksuksa nLrkosT+k viyksM (v) The learner who are uploading both
dj jgs gSa vFkkZr~ vk/kj dkMZ vkSj Ldwy NksM+us dk document i.e. Aadhar Card and School
çek.k i=kA bl ekeys esa Ldwy NksM+us dk çek.k i=k leaving Certificate for age proof. In this case
f'k{kkFkhZ ds vk;q çek.k ds :i esa ekuk tk,xkA the School Leaving Certificate would be
taken as a age proof of the learner.
2.5 ,uvkbZvks,l osQ iwoZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk iqu%izos'k 2.5 Re-admission of Ex-NIOS Learners
,uvkbZvks,l ds ekè;fed@ mPprj ekè;fed f'k{kkFkhZ] The learners of NIOS at Secondary/Senior
ftudh ik¡p o"kZ dh izos'k vof/ iwjh gks pqdh gS] ijUrq Secondary level, who have completed their
os ikB~;Øe iwjk u dj ik, gksa] os ,uvkbZvks,l esa iqu% validity period of five years of admission, but
izos'k ys ldrs gSaA could not complete
,uvkbZvks,l ds mu Re-admission is not
ewy tek the course, are allowed to the learner of
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk iqu% izos'k
eligible to take Re- NIOS whose admission is
ugha gksxk ftudk izos'k vHkh djus ij fiNys
Hkh oS/ gSA admission in NIOS. still valid.
izos'k osQ mÙkh.kZ The credit of
fo"k;ksa (vf/dre pkj fo"k;ksa) osQ ozsQfMV u, izos'k esa subjects passed (maximum of four subjects) in
LFkkukarfjr dj fn, tk,axs c'krsZ ,uvkbZvks,l ls ;s fo"k; the previous admission will be transferred on
fiNys nl o"kks± esa mÙkh.kZ fd, tk pqosQ gksa (vFkkZr~ ;fn submission of the original Marksheet for seeking
2014 osQ nkSjku vFkok mlosQ ckn mÙkh.kZ gq, gksa) f'k{kkFkhZ fresh admission, if these subjects are passed by
dks rkfydk&6d esa fn, fooj.k ds vuqlkj Vhvkslh the learners through NIOS during the last ten years
(i.e., if passed during 2014 or later). The learner
'kqYd dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxk ftlesa dksM la- ^^9901 &
is required to pay TOC fee as per details in Table-
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku** Hkh fy[kasA 6A by mentioning Code No. “9901 National
Institute of Open Schooling”.
2.6 ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh) 2.6 Transfer of Credit (TOC)
Ldwy f'k{kk ekU;rk izkIr cksMZ ds ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed Ex-Secondary/Senior Secondary learners of the
Lrj osQ iwoZ f'k{kkFkhZ] ftUgksaus de ls de ,d fo"k; Recognised Boards of School Education, who
have passed in at least one subject but have not
mÙkh.kZ fd;k gks ijUrq ikB~;Øe mÙkh.kZ u dj ik, gksa] os
qualified in the course, may seek admission in the
,uvkbZvks,l osQ ikB~;Øeksa esa izos'k ys ldrs gSa rFkk respective course of NIOS and avail the facility
ozsQfMV LFkkukarj.k dk ykHk mBk ldrs gSaA of TOC.
f'k{kkFkhZ izos'k osQ le; gh ,uvkbZvks,l dh vè;;u A learner should seek Transfer of Credit (TOC) at
;kstuk esa 'kkfey fo"k;ksa esa ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh) the time of admission in the subjects which are
osQ fy, vkosnu djsaA included in NIOS scheme of studies.
fuEu fLFkfr;ksa esa Vhvkslh dh lqfo/k dh vuqefr gksxh% The facility of TOC will be permissible under the
following conditions:
(i) f'k{kkFkhZ ewy cksMZ ls vf/dre nks fo"k;ksa osQ (i) The learner will have the option to get the
ozsQfMV LFkkukarj.k djk ldrs gSa] ;fn ;s fo"k; credit transferred up to a maximum of two
fiNys ik¡p o"kks± esa 33% vadksa ds lkFk ikl fd, subjects from the Parent Board, provided
these subjects are passed with at least 33%
x, gksa (vFkkZr~ 2019 osQ nkSjku vFkok mlosQ ckn
marks in the last five years (i.e., passed
ikl fd;k gks)A
during 2019 or later).
(ii) osQoy mUgha fo"k;ksa esa gh ozsQfMV fn, tk,axs] tks (ii) The credits will be given only in those
,uvkbZvks,l dh vè;;u dh ;kstuk vkSj ijh{kk subjects which are included in NIOS
;kstuk esa 'kkfey gSaA iz;ksx okys fo"k;ksa esa mPprj Scheme of Studies and the Scheme of
ekè;fed Lrj ij Vhvkslh rHkh fn, tk;saxs tc Examination. TOC in the subjects having
f'k{kkFkhZ fl¼kar ,oa iz;ksx esa vyx&vyx ikl practicals at the Senior Secondary level will
gksaA be allowed only when the learner has
cleared (pass) in theory and practical
(iii) f'k{kkFkhZ dks izos'k iQkWeZ esa Vhvkslh fo"k;ksa] izkIr (iii) The learner will have to give complete
vadksa] vuqØekad bR;kfn dk iwjk fooj.k nsuk gksxkA details of the TOC subjects, marks obtained,
roll number etc., in the Admission Form.
(iv) ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k (Vhvkslh) ds fy, vkosnu djrs (iv) While applying for Transfer of Credit
gq,] f'k{kkFkhZ dks ewy cksMZ dh vuqÙkh.kZ vadlwph (TOC), the learner is required to send parent
,uvkbZvks,l ds lacaf/r {ks=kh; dsanz esa vkWuykbu Boards fail Marksheet within 10 days of
izos'k ds 10 fnuksa esa vkWuykbu izos'k iQkWeZ dh online admission to the concerned Regional
ikorh@izfr dh izfr ds lkFk Hkstuh gksxhA ;fn tek Centre of NIOS alongwith a copy of the
djus esa nsjh gksrh gS vFkkZr~ 10 fnuksa ds ckn tek Acknowledgement Receipt/Copy of the
online Admission Form. In case of delay in
fd;k tkrk gS rks bZ&lsok ds }kjk Vhvkslh ds izR;sd
submission i.e., submission after 10 days,
fo"k; ds fy, #-500@& dk foyac 'kqYd fy;k
a late fee of Rs. 500/- per subject of TOC
tk,xkA will be charged through e-service.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 39
(v) f'k{kkFkhZ dks izos'k osQ fy, ftrus fo"k;ksa esa Vhvkslh (v) The learner will have to pay requisite fee
pkfg,] mrus fo"k;ksa osQ ozsQfMV LFkkukarj.k osQ fy, for Transfer of Credit for the number of
fu/kZfjr 'kqYd dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA 'kqYd dk subjects in which TOC is required. Details
fooj.k rkfydk&6d esa fn;k x;k gSA of fee are given in Table 6A.
(vi) foLr`r ekud dk;Z iz.kkyh (,lvksih) vyx ls (vi) Detail Standard Operating Procedures
tkjh fd, x, gSa vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV ij (SOPs) have been issued separately and
nh xbZ gSA Vhvkslh dh vf/d tkudkjh ,lvksih eas hosted on NIOS website. More details
about TOC are given in SOPs.
nh xbZ gSA
2.7 nksgjk ukekadu vkSj vkaf'kd ØsfMV 2.7 Dual Enrolment and Part
bl izko/ku osQ varxZr ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ vkSipkfjd Under this provision, in case a learner is
fo|ky; esa i<+kbZ dj jgk gS ;k igys gh fdlh studying in a regular school, or has already
passed the Secondary/Senior Secondary
cksMZ@ fo'ofo|ky; ls ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed
examination or any other higher course from
;k dksbZ vkSj mPp ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ dj pqoQk gS] rks any recognised Board/University, he/she
og Kku dks v|ru djus vkSj 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk may opt for upto four subjects of his/her
c<+kus osQ fy, viuh #fp osQ vuqlkj dksbZ Hkh vf/ choice, to update knowledge and
dre pkj fo"k; ys ldrk gSA ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ dks educational qualifications. However, on
mÙkh.kZ gksus ij osQoy vad lwph gh nh tk,xhA mls passing, only the Marksheet will be issued
and no other Certificate will be issued. The
dksbZ vkSj ugha fn;k tk,xkA nksgjk ukekadu
entry requirement for Dual Enrolment and
vkSj vkaf'kd izos'k ds fy, izos'k vko';drk Part Admission will be as per NIOS
,uvkbZvks,l izos'k fu;e (rkfydk & 3 izos'k admission rules (Table-3 Entry
vko';drk) ds vuqlkj gksxkA Requirements).
2.8 izos'k osQ fy, 'kqYd dk fooj.k 2.8 Fee Structure for Admission
(d)ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed ikB;Øeksa osQ fy, (a) Admission fee payable for the
ns; 'kqYd dk fooj.k rkfydk&4 esa fn;k x;k Secondary/Senior Secondary courses as
gSA bl 'kqYd esa gh iathdj.k] vè;;u lkexzh] given in Table-4 includes charges for
O;fDrxr laioZQ dk;ZØe (ihlhih)] igpku registration, cost of study materials,
Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs),
i=k] ewY;kadu dk;Z vkfn dk 'kqYd 'kkfey gSA Identity Card, evaluation of
uhps nh xbZ rkfydk esa fn, x, fooj.k ds Assignments, etc. Do not pay any
vfrfjDr izos'k osQ fy, dksbZ vfrfjDr jkf'k additional amount for admission other
dk Hkqxrku u djsAa than specified in below mentioned
yík[k {ks=k dh efgyk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks iathdj.k 'kqYd ,oa Female learners of Ladakh are exempted from
vè;;u lkexzh dh dher esa NwV nh xbZ gSA fiQj Hkh] payment of Registration Fee and Cost of Course
material. However, TOC fee, if applicable, will
Vhvkslh 'kqYd] ;fn ykxw gS] rks nsuk gksxkA
have to be paid.
* mi;qZDr 'kqYd ds vfrfjDr izR;sd vkWuykbu ysu&nsu ds fy, #- 50@& dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk,xkA
*NwVizkIr djus osQ fy, vuq- tkfr@vuq- tutkfr] HkwriwoZ lSfud vkSj v{ke O;fDr vkosnu iQkWeZ ds lkFk lgk;d nLrkost+ksa
dh ewy LdSu dh xbZ izfr viyksM djsaA
tsy dkjkokfl;ksa ds fy, eqÝr f'k{kk % ,uvkbZvks,l us tsy dkjkokfl;ksa dks eqÝr f'k{kk dh fo'ks"k lqfo/k nh gS ftlls
tc os tsyksa esa gksa] rks mUgsa viuh vthfodk dekus eas enn fey lds vkSj mUgsa tsy ls fjgk gksus ds ckn lekt dh eq[;
/kjk esa yk;k tk ldsA
Hkkjrh; lsuk ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kk ifj;kstuk (usfi;k) fo'ks"k :i ls Hkkjrh; lsuk ds tokukas dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk
c<+kus ds fy, cuk;k x;k gSA ,uvkbZvks,l us lsuk f'k{kk dksj (,bZih) ,dhd`r eq[;ky; j{kk ea=kky; (lsuk)]
Mh,pD;w] ihvks] ubZ fnYyh ds lkFk ,d le>kSrk Kkiu gLrk{kj fd;k gSA lsuk eq[;ky; dekaM ifjf'k"V&^t* esa n'kkZ,
x, lacaf/r ,uvkbZvks,l {ks=kh; dsanzksa ds lkFk dk;Z djsxkA
(i) vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr • mik;qDr] eftLVªsV ;k vk;qDr v-tkfr@vuq-tutkfr vFkok fdlh vU;
ds f'k{kkFkhZ l{ke izkf/dkjh }kjk tkjh tkfr dh izfr
(ii) HkwriwoZ lSfud • fu;ksDrk ds dh ewy izfrA
(iii) v{ke f'k{kkFkhZ • ljdkjh vLirky }kjk tkjh vkSj tks izkbosV u²lx gkse dk u
gksA mlesa v{kerk dh izo`Qfr vkSj Lrj Li"V :i ls fy[ks x, gksaA
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 41
Table-4 : Fee Structure for Online Admission of Stream-1
General Category Exempted Category*
NOTE Course SC/ST, Ex-Servicemen,
Male Female/Third Gender Persons with
The admission fee
does not include the
examination fees. Secondary Course
The examination
fee must be paid (i) for 5 subjects Rs. 1800/- Rs. 1450/- Rs. 1200/-
separately within (ii) for each additional subject Rs. 720/- Rs. 720/- Rs. 720/-
the specified dates,
Senior Secondary Course
if the learner wishes
to appear in (i) for 5 Subjects Rs. 2000/- Rs. 1650/- Rs. 1300/-
examination. (ii) for each additional subject Rs. 720/- Rs. 720/- Rs. 720/-
* In addition to the above, Rs. 50/- will be paid for every online transactions.
*For claiming exemption, SC/ST, Ex-servicemen and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) should upload original scanned copy of the
supporting documents
Free Education to Jail Inmates : The NIOS offers special facility of free Education to Jail Inmates so that
during stay in jail, then could earn for their livelihood, and bringing them into the mainstream of society after release
from jail.
The NIOS Education Project for Indian Army (NEPIA) has been specially designed to upgrade the educational qualifications of
Jawans of the Indian Army. NIOS has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Army Educational Corps (AEP),
Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), DHQ, PO, New Delhi. The Army HQ Command will work in collaboration
with concerned NIOS Regional Centres as reflected at Appendix - H.
Table - 5 : Original Scanned Copy of Supporting Documents required from the Exempted
Categories for Admission in NIOS Secondary/Senior Secondary Education Courses
(iii) Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) • A certificate in original from a Govt. Hospital, and not from a
private nursing home, clearly indicating nature and extent of
mPprj ekè;fed #- 480 (izfr fo"k;) #- 400/- (vfuok;Z) #- 180/- izfr fo"k;
* Vhvkslh Hkkx 2.6 osQ varxZr fn, x, ekun.M osQ vuqlkj fn;k tk,xkA
rkfydk&6 [k % vkWu&ykbu izos'k ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, 'kqYd dk fooj.k (LVªhe 2, 3 rFkk 4)
Ø-la- ikB~;Øe iathdj.k 'kqYd ijh{kk 'kqYd ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k *fo"k; ifjorZu@
'kqYd vfrfjDr fo"k;
1. ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed #- 480/- • fl¼kar osQ fy, #- 180/- #- 720/-
(LVªhe&2 osQ varxZr) izfr fo"k; #- 250/- izfr fo"k; (izfr fo"k;) (izfr fo"k;)
vkWu&ykbu izos'k • blds vykok iz;ksx ds
fy, #-120@& izfr fo"k;
2. ekè;fed #- 480/- • fl¼kar osQ fy, #- 180/- #- 720/-
(LVªhe&3 osQ varxZr) izfr fo"k; #- 500/- izfr fo"k; (izfr fo"k;) (izfr fo"k;)
vkWu&ykbu izos'k • blds vykok iz;ksx ds
fy, #-200@& izfr fo"k;
3. mPprj ekè;fed #- 480/- • fl¼kar osQ fy,
(LVªhe&4 osQ varxZr) izfr fo"k; #- 500/- izfr fo"k; #- 180/- #- 720/-
vkWu&ykbu izos'k • blds vykok iz;ksx ds (izfr fo"k;) (izfr fo"k;)
fy, #-200@& izfr fo"k;
* LVªhe&2] LVªhe&3] LVªhe&4 eas iathdj.k djkus okys ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks ewy cksMks± ls fHkUu fo"k; vFkok vfrfjDr fo"k; ysuk pkgrs gSa
mUgsa izos'k@iathdj.k 'kqYd] ijh{kk 'kqYd vkSj Vhvkslh 'kqYd ds vfrfjDr #- 720@& izfr fo"k; dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA
uksV % mi;qZDr 'kqYd ds vfrfjDr #- 50@& (ipkl #i, dsoy) izR;sd vkWu&ykbu VªkalsD'ku ds 'kqYd ds :i esa tksM+s
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 43
For Dual Enrolment/ Part Admission, fee structure for Stream-1 is given in the Table-6A, and fee
structure for Online learners under streams- 2, 3 and 4 is given in Table-6B.
Table-6A : Fee Structure for Dual Enrolment/Part Admission/TOC (Stream -1)
Course Registration Cost of Course Material Fee for Transfer
Fee for each Subject of Credit (TOC)*.
Secondary Rs. 480/- Rs. 360/- Rs. 180/- Per Subject
(per subject) (Mandatory)
Senior Secondary Rs. 480/- Rs. 400/- Rs. 180/- Per Subject
(per subject) (Mandatory)
3. Senior Secondary (Under Stream-4) Rs. 480/- • Rs. 500/- per subject for
Online admission (per subject) Theory. Rs. 180/- Rs. 720/-
• Additional Rs.200/- (per subject) (per subject)
for Practical per subject.
*A learner registering under Stream-2, Stream-3, Stream-4 and desirous to take different subjects or additional
subject from parent boards will have to pay Rs. 720/- per subject in addition to Admission/Registration Fee,
Examination Fee and TOC fee.
Note : In addition to above Fee, Rs. 50/- (Rs. Fifty Only) will be charged for every online
(c) How to Pay the Fee
Fee for Online Admission : There will be two options for the payment of
fee: NOTE
Learners must choose
Option-I their Study Centres very
The fee can be deposited Online through Credit Card /Debit Card/Net carefully.
Banking, available Payment Gateways.
In case admission is done through Common Services Centres, fee can be paid via Electronic Wallet
of CSCs.
vkidk izos'k jn~n dj fn;k tk,xk ;fn Learner's admission will be cancelled in case : % 1- ,d ckj izo's k jn~n djus ij iqu% fopkj ugha Note: 1. Admission once cancelled will not be
fd;k tk,xkA re-considered.
2- ,d ckj fn;k x;k 'kqYd fdlh Hkh fLFkfr 2. Fee once paid will not be refunded on
esa ykSVk;k ugha tk,xkA any account.
Ñi;k igpku&i=k esa fn, x, vius fooj.k Do check the particulars given in the Identity
dh tk¡p dj ysaA ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ ds O;fDrxr Card. In case, there is any discrepancy in learner’s
fooj.k] irs] iQksVks vkfn esa dksbZ xyrh gS rks bls personal details, address, photo etc., the same
bZ&lsok }kjk rqjar Bhd djk,aA f'k{kkFkhZ viuk igpku should be corrected through E-service
i=k ,uvkbZvks,l esa ikB~;Øe iwjk gksus rd l¡Hkkydj immediately. The Learner should retain his/her
j[ksaA Identity Card carefully till he/she completes his/
her study in NIOS.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 45
izos'k fjdkWMZ eas la'kks/u ,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV The Correction in the Admission Record will
ij miyC/ fu;eksa ds vuqlkj gh fd;k tk,xkA be made as per rules only (which are available
on NIOS website).
lkoZtfud ijh{kk@vksMl ~ esa cSBus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa The learners appearing in NIOS external
dks ijh{kk ds le; ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk tkjh public examination/ODES will be required to
fd;k x;k igpku i=k fn[kkuk gksxk vU;Fkk produce the Identity Card issued by NIOS at
mUgsa ijh{kk esa ugha cSBus fn;k tk,xkA the time of appearing in examinations, failing
which they will not be allowed to appear in the
2.10 izos'k osQ ckn bZ&lsokvksa }kjk vU; 2.10 Other Facilities after Admission
lqfoèkk,¡ through E-services
2.10.1 bZ&lsokvksa }kjk izkIr dh tkus okyh f'k{kkFkhZ 2.10.1 Learner centric activity which can be
dsafnzr xfrfof/ bl izdkj gS %& availed through e-services are:
(d) igpku i=k dh nwljh izfr tkjh djuk (a) Issue of Duplicate Identity Card
igpku i=k [kks tkus ij] nwljh izfr nh tk ldrh In case of loss of Identity Card, a duplicate
Identity Card can be issued. For obtaining
gSA igpku i=k dh nwljh izfr izkIr djus osQ fy,
Duplicate Identity Card, first lodge an FIR
lcls igys lacafèkr iqfyl LVs'ku esa ,iQvkbZvkj with the concerned Police Station. Then
(izFke lwpuk fjiksV)Z ntZ djk,¡A mlds ckn bZ&lsok apply online through E-Service and learner
}kjk vkWuykbu vkosnu djsa vkSj ,iQvkbZvkj dh ewy may upload the original scanned copy of FIR
LdSu dh xbZ izfr viyksM djsa vkSj #- 100@& dk and pay the fee of Rs. 100/- through online
'kqYd vkWuykbu ekè;e ls Hkqxrku djsAa nwljh ckj mode, and second time for obtaining the
igpku i=k dh nwljh izfr izkIr djus ds fy, duplicate Identity Card the learner will have
f'k{kkFkhZ dks #- 500@& dk 'kqYd nsuk gksxkA to pay the fee of Rs. 500/-.
([k) lHkh LVªhekas ds fy, fo"k; cnyuk@vfrfjDr (b) Change of Subject/Additional Subject for
fo"k; All Streams
ik¡p o"kks± dh izos'k vof/ osQ nkSjku] f'k{kkFkhZ During the admission period of five years, a
,d ;k vf/d fo"k;ksa dks cny ldrs gSa ;k learner can change one or more subject(s),
,d@nks vfrfjDr fo"k; ys ldrs gSa ijUrq oqQy provided the total number of subjects does
fo"k; lkr ls vf/d ugha gksus pkfg,A tks fo"k; not exceed seven. Subject(s) already passed
f'k{kkFkhZ mÙkh.kZ dj pqds gSa] os cnys ughaa tk by a learner cannot be changed.
fo"k; ifjorZu@vfrfjDr fo"k; osQ fy, f'k{kkFkhZ For change of subject/additional subject, a
learner has to apply online through E-
dks bZ&lsok }kjk vkWuykbu vkosnu djuk gksxkA
Service and he/she is required to pay the
vkSj uhps fn;k x;k 'kqYd vkWuykbu ekè;e ls prescribed fee through online mode as given
Hkqxrku djuk gksxk % below :
ekè;fed ikB~;Øe gsrq For Secondary Course
#- 720/- izfr fo"k; Rs. 720/- per subject
mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øe gsrq For Senior Secondary Course
#- 720/- izfr fo"k; Rs. 720/- per subject
f'k{kkFkhZ vius vè;;u dsUnz@,vkbZ cgqr è;ku ls The learner must choose his/her Study
pqusaA ;fn dksbZ f'k{kkFkhZ viuk vè;;u dsUnz ,d Centre/AI very carefully. In case a learner
dsUnz ls nwljs dsUnz esa ifjofrZr djuk pkgrk@pkgrh wishes to change his/her Study Centre from
gS rks os bZ&lsok ds ekè;e ls vkWuykbu vkosnu one centre to another centre, he/she should
djsa vkSj mfpr dkj.k vkSj mi;qDr nLrkost+ksa apply online through E-Service and should
upload valid reasons and documents, and a
rFkk #- 400@&(pkj lkS #i, dsoy) dh jkf'k
fee of Rs. 400/- (Rs. Four Hundred only) to
dk Hkqxrku vkWuykbu ekè;e ls djsaA bl laca/
be paid though online mode. Detailed
eas foLr`r fn'kk&funsZ'k osclkbV
guidelines in this regard have been displayed
( ij fn, x, gSaA
on NIOS website (
bZ&lsok ds ekè;e ls vè;;u dsanz esa ifjorZu The dates to apply for CHANGE OF STUDY
djus ds fy, vkosnu djus dh frfFk;k¡ & CENTRE through
e-service are till 30th April for September-
flracj&vDrwcj ijh{kk ds fy, 30 vizSy rd rFkk
October Examination and till 30th October for
ekpZ&vizSy ijh{kk ds fy, 30 vDrwcj rd gSaA March-April Examination.
(?k) nLrkosT+kksa dh nwljh izfr tkjh djuk (d) Issue of Duplicate Documents
(N) tUe frfFk] uke] firk dk uke] ekrk dk uke] (h) Correction of Date of Birth, Name, Father’s
vfHkHkkod ds uke esa la'kks/u Name, Mother’s Name, Guardian’s Name
(t) Vhvkslh ekè;e esa ifjorZu vkfnA (i) TOC, change of medium etc.
2.11 vkiosQ ,vkbZ@vè;;u dsUnz osQ ckjs esa 2.11 About AI/Study Centre of the
izos'k osQ le; f'k{kkFkhZ }kjk pquh xbZ izR;kf;r laLFkk,¡ The Accredited Institute (Study Centre) chosen
(vFkkZr~ vè;;u osQUnz) vkidks fuEufyf[kr lsok,¡ fcuk by the learner at the time of online admission
fdlh vfrfjDr 'kqYd ds iznku djsaxh % will provide the following services without any
additional charges:
– ,uvkbZvks,l ds fu;ekuqlkj ,vkbZ }kjk fl¼kar – Conduct 30 Personal Contact Programmes
osQ fy, oqQy feykdj 30 O;fDrxr laioZQ dk;ZØeksa (PCPs) as per NIOS Norms for theory and
five PCPs for practical classes as prescribed
(ihlhih) vkSj ik¡p izk;ksfxd d{kkvksa dk vk;kstuA by NIOS. The learner should visit the
f'k{kkFkhZ ihlhih dh le; lwph tkuus ds Study Centre to know the PCP Time
fy, vius vè;;u ds U nz tk,¡ vFkok Table or view the same on NIOS website.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 47
,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ij ns[ksaA fiQj Hkh However, the learners can also get response
f'k{kkFkhZ viuh fo"k; laca/h iz'uksa ds lek/ku ds to their subjects related queries through e-
fy, ij bZ&esy dj ldrs gSaA mail to:
– 'kqYd osQ Hkqxrku dh frfFk;k¡] ijh{kk frfFk;k¡ vkSj – Informing the dates of payment of fees,
ijh{kk osQUnz rFkk vU; egÙoiw.kZ lwpuk iznku examination date sheet, examination centre
djukA and other important information.
2.12 dsoy bZ&lsokvksa ds ekè;e ls izos'k 2.12 Procedure for Correction in the
fjdkWMks± eas la'kks/u ds fy, izfØ;k Admission Records through e-
services only
➤ ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk fdlh ikB~;Øe esa izos'k dh ➤ The admission to a particular course is
i`f"V ,d vkWuykbu igpku i=k tkjh djds dh confirmed by NIOS by issuing an online
tkrh gS tSls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk uke] tUe frfFk] pqus Identity Card having details of Learner’s
x, fo"k; vkfnA ;s fooj.k ogh gSa tks f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa Name, Date of Birth, Subjects opted etc.
These details are the same as filled in by
us ,uvkbZvks,l esa izo's k ds le; Hkjs FksA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
the learner at the time of admission in NIOS.
ls vuqjks/ gS fd os fuEu eas vius fooj.k rqjar The learner is requested to check the details
tkap ysa %& immediately on:-
(i) f'k{kkFkhZ iksVZy ( ij f'k{kkFkhZ (i) Student dashboard on the student portal
MS'kcksMZ (
(iii) vkWuykbu igpku i=k izkIr djukA (iii) received online I-card.
;fn f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds O;fDrxr fooj.k] irs] iQksVks In case, there is any discrepancy in learner’s
vkfn esa dksbZ vfu;ferrk gS rks bls bZ&lsokvksa personal details, address, photo etc.,
}kjk la'kksf/r djk;k tk,A the same should be corrected through
1 f'k{kkFkhZ ds uke esa ifjorZu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds uke esa ifjorZu fcuk 1- nks lekpkji=k] ftuesa visf{kr ifjorZu
fdlh le; lhek ds fd;k tk,xk çdkf'kr fd, x,A
2- blls lacaf/r jkti=k vf/lwpuk
2 f'k{kkFkhZ ds uke] ekrk ds uke vkSj 'kSf{kd l=k 2018&2019 ls] ços'k 1- lacaf/r uxjikfydk@ LFkkuh; Lo'kklu@
firk dk uke esa la'kks/u ds fy, iathdj.k dh rkjh• ls vpy vf/dkjh dk;kZy;@ç•aM fodkl
10 o"kZ dh vof/ esa orZuh dh vf/dkjh@mi çHkkxh; eftLVªsjV@ ftyk
v'kqf¼;ksa] f'k{kkFkhZ ds uke] firk eftLVªVs @tUe ,oa e`R;q jftLVªkj }kjk tkjh
ds uke] ekrk ds uke esa rF;kRed oS/ nLrkost+A
v'kqf¼;ksa ds la'kks/u ij fopkj 2- #- 10@& ds xSj&U;kf;d LVkEi isij ij
fd;k tk,xkA 'kiFk i=k ij vko';d la'kks/u ds fy,
fd, x, fuosnu ds laca/ esa ?kks"k.kk
djrs gq, rhljs i{k }kjk bl rjg ds
la'kks/uksa ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l dks {kfr
ls lqjf{kr fd;k tk,A
3 tUefrfFk esa la'kks/u ,d ckj ,uvkbZvks,l ds fjdkWMZ 1- lacaf/r uxjikfydk@ LFkkuh; Lo'kklu@
esa ntZ gksus ds ckn tUefrfFk esa vpy vf/dkjh dk;kZy;@ç•aM fodkl
dksbZ cnyko ugha fd;k tk,xkA vf/dkjh@mi çHkkxh; eftLVªsjV@ ftyk
fiQj Hkh okLrfod Vad.k v'kqf¼@ eftLVªVs @tUe ,oa e`R;q jftLVªkj }kjk tkjh
rF;kRed v'kqf¼;ksa dk la'kks/u oS/ nLrkost+A
2- #- 10@& ds xSj&U;kf;d LVkEi isij ij
fd;k tk ldrk gSA 'kSf{kd l=k
'kiFk i=k ij vko';d la'kks/u ds fy,
2018&2019 ços ' k ds fy,
fd, x, fuosnu ds laca/ esa ?kks"k.kk
iathdj.k rkjh• ls 10 lky dh djrs gq, rhljs i{k }kjk bl rjg ds
vof/ ds Hkhrj tUefrfFk esa la'kks/uksa ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l dks {kfr
la'kks/u ij fopkj fd;k tk,xkA ls lqjf{kr fd;k tk,A
4 csesy rLohj dks cnyuk csesy iQksVks] çFke ijh{kk esa cSBus
ls igys cnyus ij fopkj fd;k
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 49
Details are as under :
1 Change in Learner’s Name Change in the name of learners 1. Two Newspapers in which the desired
will be considered without any change has been published.
time restriction
2. Gazette Notification to this effect.
2 Correction in Learner’s name, From the Academic session 2018- 1. Valid documents issued by the concerned
other’s name and Father’s name 2019 onwards, Correction of Municipal Corporation / Local Self
spelling errors, factual errors in Government / Office of the Circle
learners’ name, fathers’ name, Officer/ Block Development Officer /Sub
mothers, name will be considered Divisional Magistrate / District
within a period of ten years from Magistrate / Registrar of Births and
the date of registration for deaths.
2. A sworn affidavit on a non-judicial stamp
paper of Rs. 10/- making necessary
declaration with respect to the request
made for necessary corrections
indemnifying the NIOS from any claim
against such corrections by the third
3 Correction in Date of Birth No change in the date of birth once 1. Birth certificate from the concerned
recorded in the NIOS records shall Municipal Corporation / Local Self
be made. However, correction to Government / Office of the Circle
rectify the genuine typographical Officer/ Block Development Officer /Sub
error/ factual errors can be made. Divisional Magistrate / District
From the Academic session 2018- Magistrate / Registrar of Births and
2019 onwards, the correction in deaths.
date of birth will be considered
within a period of ten years from 2 A sworn affidavit on a non-judicial stamp
the date of registration for paper of Rs. 10/- making necessary
admission declaration with respect to the request
made for necessary corrections
indemnifying the NIOS from any claim
against such corrections by the third
uksV % blds vfrfjDr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks Hkkx 4-5 esa mfYyf[kr ,uvkbZvks,l ds fu;ekuqlkj la'kksf/r@uohd`r nLrkost+ksa dh nwljh
izfr ds 'kqYd dk Hkqxrku djuk Hkh vko';d gSA
* vR;ar dBksj ifjfLFkfr;ksa rFkk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh vifjgk;Z dkj.kksa osQ dkj.k ;fn vko';d gks rks] ,uvkbZvks,l dh
lkoZtfud@izk;ksfxd ijh{kkvksa osQ vkjaHk gksus ls igys gh {ks=k esa gh vanj ijh{kk osaQnz esa ifjorZu ds lkFk&lkFk {ks=k osQ
ckgj ijh{kk osaQnz esa ifjorZu osQ fy, ewY;kadu foHkkx }kjk funs'kd (ewY;kadu)] ,uvkbZvks,l osQ vuqeksnu ls laLrqfr
dh xbZ gksA
NOTE : The learners are also required to pay revised/renewed duplicate document fee as per NIOS norms mentioned
in Section 4.5.
* In extreme circumstances and due to unavoidable reasons of the learner, if need be, the change of examination
centre within the region as well as outside the region before the commencement of Public/Practical
Examination of NIOS, has to be recommended to the Department of Evaluation, NIOS for approval of the
Director (Evaluation), NIOS.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 51
f'kdk;rksa@leL;kvksa osQ fy, laioZQ dk irk
,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks iw.kZr;k vuqdwy okrkoj.k iznku djus ds fy, lHkh iz;kl fd, x, gSaA fiQj Hkh muds
le{k dksbZ leL;k vkus ij f'k{kkFkhZ vius vè;;u osQUnz (,vkbZ) vFkok {ks=kh; dsUnz ls laioZQ
dj ldrk@ldrh gSA (ifjf'k"V ^d* ns[ksa)A
;fn fdlh leL;k@f'kdk;r dk fuokj.k vè;;u osQUnz vFkok {ks=kh; osQUnz }kjk ugha fd;k tkrk]
rks Ñi;k bl irs ij fy[ksa %
funs'kd (fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡)
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,&24&25] baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62] uks,Mk] m-iz-&201309
vFkok ij bZ&esy djsa vFkok
Vksy izQh ua- 1800&180&9393 ij iQksu djsa
,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ij vDlj iwNs tkus okys iz'u Hkh miyC/ gSaA
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku esa f'k{kkFkhZ dks Lo;a In NIOS, a learner has to learn on his/her own i.e.,
vè;;u djuk gS vFkkZr~ og Lo;a lh[kus okyk@okyh gSA he/she is a self-learner. He/she can learn at his/her
;gk¡ og viuh xfr vkSj lqfo/k ls vè;;u dj ldrk@ldrh own pace and convenience. The instructional
gSA vè;;u izfØ;k esa Lo&vè;;u eqfnzr lkexzh i<+uk] process comprises studying self-instructional print
materials, listening to and viewing audio and video
vkWfM;ks vkSj ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa dks lquuk vkSj ns[kuk] vè;;u
programmes, attending Personal Contact
osQUnz esa O;fDrxr laioZQ dk;ZØeksa (ihlhih) esa mifLFkr gksuk Programmes (PCPs) at the Study Centre, and doing
vkSj f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z djuk 'kkfey gSa ftudk Tutor Marked Assignments that are evaluated. All
ewY;kadu fd;k tkrk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; }kjk iwjh instrucitonal materials are designed and developed
vè;;u lkexzh fMtkbu dh tkrh gS vkSj rS;kj djds by the NIOS Headquarters and are sent to the
lh/s f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks Hksth tkrh gSA learners directly.
Course fee includes the price of the study
ikB~;Øe 'kqYd esa vè;;u lkexzh dk ewY; 'kkfey gSA
materials. Do not pay any extra money for
blds fy, vyx ls dksbZ Hkqxrku u djsaA the same.
f'k{kkFkhZ vius vkosnu iQkWeZ esa Mkd dk lgh irk viyksM Learner must upload his/her correct postal address
djsaA vè;;u lkexzh dk iklZy okil vkus ij lkexzh in the Application Form. For undelivered parcel
of study material, learner shall be required to pay
mlds vkokl ds irs ij iqu% Hkstus ds fy, mls (ØsfMV
Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) through
dkMZ@MsfcV dkMZ@usV cSafdax ds ekè;e ls) #-100@& (lkS Credit Card/Debit Card/ Net Banking for re-
#i;s ek=k) dk fMekaM MªkÝV Hkstuk gksxkA vè;;u lkexzh despatch of study material at his/her residential
ds iqu% izs"k.k ds fy, lkexzh forj.k bdkbZ (,eMh;w)] address. The request for re-despatch of the study
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku }kjk&lsVªy material may be sent to the Material Distribution
os;jgkmflax dkWjiksjs'ku&1] eksguuxj] lkfgckckn&1 Unit (MDU), National Institute of Open
Schooling, C/O Central Warehousing
xkft;kckn] m-iz- dks vuqjks/ HkstsaA
Corporation-I, Mohan Nagar, Sahibabad-I,
Ghaziabad (U.P.).
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 53
3.2 O;fDrxr laioZQ dk;ZØe (ihlhih) 3.2 Personal Contact Programme
,uvkbZvks,l esa izko/ku gS fd izos'k osQ izFke o"kZ
There is a provision in NIOS that one
esa ,vkbZ (vè;;u dsUnz) }kjk ,d ifjp; l=k induction session and 30 PCP sessions will
vkSj fl¼kar okys fo"k;ksa osQ fy, izfr fo"k; be organized per subject for theory and 05
vf/dre 30 ihlhih l=k rFkk iz;ksx okys fo"k;ksa additional sessions for subjects having
esa 05 vfrfjDr l=k vkeus&lkeus vk;ksftr fd, practical on face to face basis, generally on
tk,axsA ;s ik¡p (05) ihlhih iz;ksx l=k i<+kbZ djus week ends and holidays, in the first year of
admission, by the AI (Study Centre). The five
vkSj jpukRed ewY;kadu ds fy, iz;ksx fd, tk,axsA (05) PCP Practicals will be utilized for
jpukRed vkdyu (05 izk;ksfxd d{kkvksa) ds learning and Formative Assessment. A
fy, vadksa dk 50% vadHkkj fn;k tk,xk vkSj weightage of 50% of the marks will be
;ksxkRed ewY;kadu ds fy, NBh iz;ksx d{kk (vafre) awarded for formative assessment (05
ds fy, 50% vad fn, tk,axsA ;s ihlhih l=k Practical classes) and 50% marks for the 6th
Practical class (Last) for Summative
lacaf/r vè;;u osaQnz (,vkbZ) esa CykWd&I ds fy,
Assessment. These PCP sessions will be
uoacj ls vkSj CykWd&II ds fy, ebZ ls vk;ksftr conducted at the assigned Study Centres
fd, tk,axsA (AIs) from November onwards for Block-I
and from May onwards for Block-II.
ihlhih d{kkvksa ds fy, ,vkbZ dks vyx ls Hkqxrku Do not pay any extra amount to the AI for
u djsaA attending PCP classes.
vkarfjd ewY;kadu ds fy, foLr`r fn'kk&funsZ'k The detailed Guidelines for internal
,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV ij fn, x, gSaA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks assessment are displayed on NIOS website.
The learners are advised to read the
lykg nh tkrh gS fd fn'kk&funsZ'k è;kuiwoZd i<+saA Guidelines carefully.
;fn f'k{kkFkhZ ços'k ds izFke o"kZ esa 05 ihlhih izk;ksfxd esa If the learner miss the 05 PCP Practical in the first
Hkkx ugha ys ikrk gS] rks ,uvkbZvks,l mls 05 ihlhih year of admission, NIOS allows him/her to re-
izk;ksfxd ds fy, fiQj ls iathdj.k djus dh vuqefr nsrk gSA registration for 05 PCP practical. For this purpose,
the learner should pay the examination fee for the
blds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ dks lacaf/r fo"k; gsrq ijh{kk 'kqYd dk
concerned subject. This chance can be avail by
Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA f'k{kkFkhZ bl volj dk ykHk ços'k dh the learner during the valid period of admission.
vof/ ds nkSjku mBk ldrk gSA
laioZQ l=k ikB~;Øe iwjk djus osQ mís'; ls ugha gSaA The contact sessions are not meant for
vkSipkfjd f'k{kk iz.kkyh dh rjg ijEijkxr <ax covering the curriculum. DO NOT EXPECT
ls d{kk esa i<+kbZ djus dh mEehn u j[ksaA ogk¡ FULL TIME CLASSROOM TEACHING as
f'k{kd f'k{kkFkhZ dh lgk;rk djus] ihlhih l=kksa ds in the formal education system. The teachers
are there to help and guide the learners with
nkSjku vkus okyh leL;kvksa dk lek/ku ,oa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa regard to difficulties faced during PCP
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 55
LVwfM;ks ls baVjusV dusD'ku rd igq¡pus okys fdlh has access to internet connection from the
Hkh Jksrk ds lkFk nks rjiQk laioZQ djus esa l{ke gSA studio located at the Headquarters in NIOS.
blus ,d iz;ksx ls vkjaHk gksdj fo'oHkj esa fo'ks"k In its commendable journey from an
exploratory mode to an effective and popular
:i ls eqDr nwjLFk f'k{kk (vksMh,y) ds ifjizs{; esa
platform, it has created a new milestone
,d izHkko'kkyh vkSj yksdfiz; eap cuus dh egRoiw.kZ particularly in the context of Open and
;k=kk esa ,d ehy dk iRFkj r; fd;k gSA Distance Learning (ODL) mode of
eqDr fo|k dk;ZØeksa dk eq[; mís'; eqfnzr The main objective of the Mukta Vidya Vani
ikB~; lkexzh osQ vfrfjDr osc LVªhfeax ds ekèee ls programmes is to empower the learners of
i<+us okys ekè;fed] mPprj ekè;fed vkSj the Secondary, the Senior Secondary and the
O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks l'kDr Vocational Education Courses of NIOS
through web streaming in addition to printed
djuk gSA ;g 24×7 ltho O;fDrxr laioZQ dk;ZØe
course materials. It is a live Personal Contact
(ihlhih)gSA Programme (PCP) 24×7.
le; % Timings:
lkseokj&'kqØokj% Monday to Friday
lk;a 2-00 & 5-00 cts From 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
'kfuokj ,oa jfookj% Saturday & Sunday
izkr% 10-30 & lka; 12-30 cts From 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
jktif=kr vodk'k% Gazetted Holiday (s)
From 10:30 am to 01:30 pm
izkr% 10-30 & lk;a 01-30 cts
f'k{kkFkhZ gels Vksy izQh & 1800&180&2543 ,oa ySaM The learner can reach us via: Toll free - 1800 180
ykbu 0120&4626949 ij laidZ dj ldrk@ldrh gSA 2543 and Landline - 0120 4626949.
f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z (Vh,e,) fganh@vaxzsth
Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) in Hindi/
ekè;e esa eqfær ugha fd, tk,axs] ysfdu f'k{kkFkhZ }kjk English medium will not be printed but will be
p;ukRed :i ls MkmuyksM djus rFkk fo"k;okj vFkok hosted on the NIOS website for the learners to
vko';drkuqlkj Vh,e, dk fçaV ysus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l download selectively and print TMAs subject
osclkbV ij miyC/ djk, tk,axsA wise or as required.
3.6 LVªhe 2] 3 vkSj 4 osQ varxZr vkWu&ykbu 3.6 Important Information about Online
izos'k osQ ckjs esa egÙoiw.kZ tkudkjh Admissions under Streams 2, 3 and 4
➤ LVªhe 2] 3 rFkk 4 esa vkWu&ykbu izos'k izfØ;k ➤ The Streams 2, 3 and 4 of Online
fo'ks"kdj mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, cukbZ xbZ gS tks Admission have been specifically
vè;;u ikB~;Øe igys gh iw.kZ dj pqds gSa designed for those learners who have
already completed the course of study
ysfdu ,uvkbZvks,l dh ijh{kkvksa dks igys ls but wish to appear in NIOS
miyC/ voljksa osQ vk/kj ij nsuk pkgrs gSAa vr% examinations at the earliest available
,uvkbZvks,l LVªhe 2] 3 rFkk 4 osQ varxZr izo's k opportunity. Therefore, NIOS will not
ysus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fuEufyf[kr lqfo/k,¡ miyC/ provide the following to the learners
ugha djk;sxk % seeking admission under Streams 2, 3
and 4:
➣ vè;;u lkexzh (Lo&vè;;u lkexzh)
➣ Study Material (Self Learning
➣ O;fDrxr laioZQ dk;ZØe (ihlhih) rFkk Material)
➣ Personal Contact Programmes
➣ vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z (Vh,e,) (PCPs) and
➣ Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs)
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 57
➤ rnuqlkj] ,uvkbZvks,l bu rhuksa LVªheksa osQ ➤ Accordingly, NIOS is not charging any
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ls iwjs ik¡p o"kZ dh ukekadu vof/ money for the study material, for conduct
osQ nkSjku vè;;u lkexzh] ihlhih osQ vk;kstu of PCP and Assignments for these three
streams of learners for the entire period
rFkk ewY;kadu dk;Z osQ fy, dksbZ 'kqYd ugha ys
of enrolment of five years. However, the
jgk gSA fiQj Hkh] blosQ varxZr 'kkfey f'k{kkFkhZ learners can access the study material by
,uvkbZvks,l osQ osclkbV ( ) downloading it from the NIOS website
}kjk vè;;u lkexzh MkmuyksM dj ldrs gSa ( or on payment through
vFkok {ks=kh; osQUnzksa vFkok lkexzh forj.k bdkbZ online (as per Table-6A) from the
(,eMh;w)] fnYyh ls (rkfydk&6 d osQ Regional Centres or from the Material
vuqlkj) vkWu&ykbu Hkqxrku djosQ izkIr dj Distribution Unit (MDU), Delhi.
ldrs gSaA
➤ tks f'k{kkFkhZ vYidkfyd lwpuk ij ,uvkbZvks,l ➤ A learner who opts to appear in NIOS
ijh{kk esa cSBus dk fu.kZ; ysrk@ysrh gS mls examinations at a short notice is required
vfuok;Z :i ls izos'k osQ le; gh ijh{kk 'kqYd to pay examination fee compulsorily at
the time of admission and fill up the
tek djkuk gksxk vkSj vkWu&ykbu izos'k osQ
Examination Form/ information at the
le; gh ijh{kk iQkWeZ@lwpuk Hkjuh gksxhA time of seeking Online Admission.
➤ izos'k osQ le; f'k{kkFkhZ dks vius lHkh pqus gq, ➤ At the time of admission, the learner has
fo"k;ksa dk mYys[k izos'k iQkWeZ esa djuk gksxk to mention all subjects opted by him/her
ftuesa os ijh{kk nsuk pkgrk@pkgrh gSa ;fn Vhvkslh for appearing in examinations in the
dh vko';drk gS rks mlls lacaf/r fooj.k Hkh Admission Form including Tranfer of
nsuk gksxkA Credit (TOC), if needed.
➤ LVªhe&2 ds f'k{kkFkhZ dks ijh{kk esa 09 (ukS) ckj ➤ All other facilities like 9 chances to appear
cSBus] fo"k; ifjorZu vkfn tSls vU; lqfo/k,¡ in examinations, change of subjects, etc.,
nh tk,axhA fiQj Hkh] f'k{kkFkhZ izos'k dh oS/rk will be provided to the learner of Stream-
ds vanj ^tc pkgks rc ijh{kk* iz.kkyh (vksMl ~ ) 2. However, the learner is free to appear
ds ekè;e ls (ekg eas dsoy ,d ckj) fdruh any number of times (limited to once in a
gh ckj ijh{kk eas cSBus ds fy, Lora=k gSA month) through On Demand Examination
System (ODES) till the validity of
➤ fo"k; ifjorZu osQ fy, foojf.kdk osQ vè;k; ➤ For change of subject, NIOS rules
2 iSjk 2-10 ([k) esa fn, x, ,uvkbZvks,l mentioned in Chapter 2 - para 2.10 (b)
fu;e ykxw gksaxsA of the Prospectus will be applicable.
➤ iz R ;s d f'k{kkFkhZ dks Hks t h x;h vè;;u ➤ Status of despatch of study material to
lkexzh dh fLFkfr ,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV individual learners can be seen on NIOS ij ns[kh tk ldrh gSA tkudkjh website The learners
izkIr djus ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l ds may use the facility to get the information
VkWy izQh ua 1800&180&9393 dk iz;ksx Hkh from NIOS Toll free No. 1800-180-9393.
dj ldrs gSaA
➤ Once admission is confirmed under a
➤ ,d LVªhe fo'ks"k ds varxZr ,d ckj izos'k dh particular stream, the learner can not
iqf"V gksus ds ckn f'k{kkFkhZ vkxs dh vof/ esa change the Stream of Admission for the
izos'k dk LVªhe ugha cny ldrk@ldrhA remaining period.
58 Æ jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku@National Institute of Open Schooling
ewY;kadu iz.kkyh
4 Evaluation System
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku dh ewY;kadu iz.kkyh The National Institute of Open Schooling has
esa oqQN egÙoiw.kZ fo'ks"krk,¡ gSaA lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa esa certain significant features in its evaluation system.
lafo/ku }kjk vf/lwfpr fdlh Hkh {ks=kh; Hkk"kk esa iz'uksa osQ One such feature is freedom to answer the questions
in Public Examinations in any one of the scheduled
mÙkj fy[kus dh Lora=krk] ;|fi iz'ui=k lkekU; rkSj ij
regional languages, although the Question Papers
vaxzsth vkSj fganh ;k miyCèk {ks=kh; ekè;e esa gh fn, supplied would generally be in English and Hindi/
tk,¡xsA buosQ vfrfjDr ,uvkbZvks,l ijh{kk iz.kkyh dh available Regional mediums only. NIOS has been
izkekf.kdrk vkSj Lrj dks cuk, j[kus osQ oqQN u, iz;ksx doing innovations in the evaluation system to
dj jgk gSA iathÑr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, ekè;fed vkSj maintain its credibility and standards. The On
mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij ^tc pkgks rc ijh{kk iz.kkyh*] Demand Examination System (ODES) at the
blh izdkj dk ,d egRoiw.kZ uokpkj gSA Secondary and the Senior Secondary levels for the
registered candidates is one such innovation.
Unless examination fee is paid within the prescribed
;fn vkius fu/kZfjr frfFk;ksa eas ijh{kk 'kqYd tek fd;k gS rHkh dates, learner will not be allowed to appear in the
vkidks ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr nh tk,xhA examinations.
uksV Only one Answer Book will be issued to the learner in a
mÙkj fy[kus ds fy, ijh{kkFkhZ dks ,d fo"k; esa dsoy ,d mÙkj subject to complete the Answers. No additional Answer
iqfLrdk nh tk,xhA dksbZ vfrfjDr mÙkj iqfLrdk ugha nh tk,xhA Sheet will be provided.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 59
(d) LVªhe&I rFkk LVªhe&II ls vuqÙkh.kZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa (a) Registration for Public Examination for
dks vkWu ykbu ds ekè;e ls izos'k gsrq lkoZtfud admission through Online under
ijh{kk ds fy, ukekadu Stream-1 and unsuccessful learners from
,uvkbZvks,l dh ijh{kk esa cSBus ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ dks For appearing in NIOS examination, the learner
lacaf/r vè;;u osaQnz (,vkbZ) ds ekè;e ls uhps nh xbZ must register himself/herself by filling up the
fufnZ"V frfFk;ksa ij ijh{kk iQkWeZ Hkjdj iathdj.k djkuk Examination Form online by paying requisite
gksxk rFkk rkfydk&7 ds vuqlkj ijh{kk 'kqYd tek djuk examination fee as given in Table 7 as per schedule
given below.
gksxk %
(i) March-April Examination :
(i) ekpZ&vizSy ijh{kk,a
For fresh and unsuccessful learners of previous
u, vkSj fiNyh ijh{kkvksa esa vliQy f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, examinations
➣ 21 uoacj ls 20 fnlacj (fcuk foyac 'kqYd) ➣ 21st November to 20th December (Without late fee)
mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, tks fiNyh ijh{kk vFkkZr~ vDrwcj dh For learners who have been unsuccessful in the preceding
ijh{kkvksa esa vliQy jgs gSa examination i.e., October Exams.
➣ 01 fnlacj ls 20 fnlacj (fcuk foyac 'kqYd) ➣ 1st December to 20th December (Without late fee)
lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, For all learners
➣ 21 fnlacj ls 31 fnlacj ➣ 21st December to 31st December
(#- 100@& izfr fo"k; foyac 'kqYd lfgr) (With late fee of Rs. 100/- per subject)
([k) lkoZtfud ijh{kk ds fy, iathdj.k (b) Registration for Public Examinations
➤ ijh{kk osQUnz fuf'pr djuk ,uvkbZvks,l dk fo'ks"kkf/dkj ➤ Fixation of Examination Centre is the prerogative
gSA ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk lkekU;r% ftyk eq[;ky;ksa vkSj of NIOS. However, the Examination Centres are
mi&eaMy eq[;ky;ksa vkSj ,vkbZ ds utnhd miyC/ normally fixed at District Headquarters, Sub-
Divisional Headquarters and other available
txgksa ij ijh{kk osQUnz fuf'pr fd, tkrs gSaA places near the AIs.
➤ Ñi;k vius ijh{kk osQUnz vkSj ijh{kk frfFk;ksa ls lacaf/r ➤ Please contact the concerned AI or log on to NIOS
fooj.k tkuus osQ fy, ijh{kk vkjaHk gksus ls nks lIrkg website about two weeks prior to commencement
of examination for finding out details regarding
igys vius lacfa /r ,vkbZ ls laioZQ djsa vFkok ,uvkbZvks,l
Examination Centre and Date Sheet.
dh osclkbV ij ykWx vkWu djsaA
➤ ijh{kk ds fy, gkWy fVdV ,oa vadlwph&lg& ➤ Hall ticket for examination and Marks Statement-
lwpuk i=kksa vkSj ij f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds iQksVks LdSu cum-Certificate have scanned photographs of the
learners. The information about Examination
fd, x, gSAa ijh{kk dsna kz as vkSj ifj.kke dh lwpuk ,uvkbZvks,l Centres and Result are made available on the
dh osclkbV ij miyC/ djkbZ tkrh gSA NIOS website.
➤ f'k{kkFkhZ dks ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk vkcafVr fd, x, ijh{kk ➤ The learner has to appear in the Examination
osQUnz ij gh ijh{kk esa cSBuk gksxkA ijh{kk osQUnzksa osQ vkcaVu Centre allotted to him/her by NIOS. The decision
ls lacaf/r laLFkku dk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxkA of NIOS with regard to allotment of the
Examination Centre will be final.
➤ ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk vkcafVr fd, x, ,d ➤ In case a learner appears in an Examination
ijh{kk osQUnz osQ vfrfjDr fdlh vU; osQUnz ls ijh{kk Centre other than the allotted one by NIOS, his/
nsrk@nsrh gS rks mlds ifj.kke dh ?kks"k.kk ugha dh tk,xh her result will not be declared and his/her case
vkSj mldk ekeyk vuqfpr lk/uksa osQ iz;ksx osQ varxZr will be treated as having resorted to unfair means.
ekuk tk,xkA
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 61
ijh{kk ds nkSjku fofHkUu :i ls v{ke O;fDr;ksa ds Provisions for Persons with Disabilities during
fy, izko/ku Examination
➤ fdlh ijh{kk fo'ks"k ds fy, iathdj.k ds le; ,d ➤ A written request alongwith Medical Certificate
indicating the nature and extent of disability from
fyf[kr vuqjks/ ds lkFk fdlh ljdkjh vLirky dk
a Government Hospital is required to be
fpfdRlk tek djsa] ftlesa v{kerk dh izÑfr submitted at the time of registraion for a specific
vkSj fdruh v{kerk gS] bldk mYys[k gksuk vko';d gSA examination.
➤ ys[kd dk izko/ku ➤ Provision of an Amanuensis (Writer).
➤ ns[kus esa v{ke vFkok fofHkUu izdkj dh v{kerkvksa okys ➤ One hour additional time will be allowed to
O;fDr;ksa vFkok ekufld i{kk?kkr okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, visually impaired or Differently Abled Persons
,d ?kaVk vfrfjDr le; dh vuqefr nh tk,xhA or spastic learners.
➤ vkdfLed vLoLFkrk@nq?kZVuk ls xzLr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ➤ Provisions for the learners suffering from sudden
izko/ku illness/accident.
foLr`r tkudkjh ds fy, Ñi;k vè;k; 6 ns[ksaA For detailed information, please see
Chapter 6.
➤ tc pkgks rc ijh{kk (vksMhbZ) ds ekeys esa f'k{kkFkhZ dks ➤ In case of On Demand Examination (ODE) the
ys[kd@fyfid dk izca/ djuk gksxkA fiQj Hkh ijh{kk esa learner has to arrange a Writer/Amanuensis.
dsoy ,d ?kaVk vfrfjDr le; dh vuqefr nh tk,xh However, one hour extra time is allowed for the
examination and no other facilities are available
vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l dh vksM~l ijh{kk esa vU; lqfo/k,¡
in ODE Examination of NIOS
miyC/ ugha gSaA
vksMl ~ ds ekè;e ls mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij Subjects available for appearing through
miyC/ fo"k; gSa % fganh (301)] vaxt sz h (302)] ODES at the Senior Secondary level are
Hindi (301), English (302), Sanskrit (309),
laLd`r (309)] (311)] HkkSfrdh (312)] jlk;u
Mathematics (311), Physics (312), Chemistry
foKku (313)] tho foKku (314)] bfrgkl (315)] (313), Biology (314), History
Hkwxksy (316)] jktuhfr foKku (317)] vFkZ'kkL=k (318)] (315),Geography (316), Political Science
O;olk; vè;;u (319)] ys[kkadu (320)] x`g (317), Economics (318), Business Studies
fOkKku (321)] euksfoKku (328)] dEI;wVj foKku (319), Accountancy (320), Home Science
(330)] lekt'kkL=k (331)] fp=kdyk (332)] (321), Psychology (328), Computer Science
i;kZoj.k foKku (333)] tulapkj (335)] MkVk (330), Sociology (331), Painting (332),
,aVªh vkWijs'kUl (336)] dkuwu dk ifjp; (338) Environmental Science (333), Mass
Communication (335), Data Entry
rFkk iqLrdky; ,oa lwpuk foKku (339)A
Operations (336), Introduction to Law (338),
and Library and Information Science (339).
mi;qZDr fo"k;ksa ds fy, ^tc pkgks rc ijh{kk* The On-Demand Examinations (Secondary
(ekè;fed ,oa mPp- ekè;fed)] (i) ,uvkbZvks,l] and Sr. Secondary) for the above said subjects
are conducted at : (i) NIOS, A-31,
,&31] baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62] uks,Mk
Institutional Area, Sector 62, Noida - 201309,
&201309] ftyk xkSre cq¼ uxj (m-iz-) esa vkSj District Gautam Budh Nagar (Uttar Pradesh),
(ii) iwjs Hkkjr esa fufnZ"V osQa nzh; fo|ky;ksa esa vk;ksftr and (ii) Designated Kendriya Vidyalayas
dh tkrh gSA across India.
tc pkgks rc ijh{kk (vksM~l) osQ fy, iathdj.k Registration for On Demand Examination
➤ tc pkgks rc ijh{kk (vksM~l) dh lqfo/k ysus osQ ➤ In order to avail the facility of On Demand
fy, f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l dk iatho`Qr f'k{kkFkhZ gksuk Examination Sysetm (ODES), the learner has
pkfg, rFkk mlds ikl ukekadu la[;k vkSj ,d oS/ to be a registered one as a bonafide learner
igpku i=k gksuk pkfg,; of NIOS having the Enrolment Number and
a valid Identity Card.
➤ vksMl~ ds fy, iathdj.k igys ls ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ➤ The registration for ODES is available for
ds fy, dsoy vkWu&ykbu ds ekè;e ls miyC/ existing learners through Online only. In
gSA bldh izfØ;k tkuus ds fy, vki ,uvkbZvks,l order to know the ODE registration
procedure, you may visit the NIOS website:
dh osclkbV (click on On
ij tk,¡ (tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ij fDyd djsa vkSj Demand Examination System – thereafter
mlds ckn iwoZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vkWu&ykbu vksMhbZ click on online ODE registration for existing
iathdj.k ij fDyd djsa); learners).
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 63
➤ LVªhe&1 ds CykWd&I vkSj II ds f'k{kkFkhZ ekpZ&vizSy] ➤ The learners of Stream-1 Blocks I & II can
2024 vkSj flracj&vDrwcj] 2024 dh lkoZtfud seek online ODE registration only after
ijh{kkvksa ds ckn gh vksMhbZ esa vkWu&ykbu iathdj.k March/April, 2024 and September/October,
djk ldrs gSa; 2024 public examinations.
➤ vksM~l esa cSBus ds fy,] f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk ➤ For appearing in ODE, the learner must bring
fn, x, igpku i=k ds lkFk&lkFk iQksVks lfgr dksbZ the Original Identity Card issued by NIOS
vU; igpku ds izek.k tSls okgu ykblsal] ernku along with any other valid photo identity
proof e.g., Driving Licence, Voter Identity
igpku i=k] ikliksVZ] vk/kj dkMZ] iSu dkMZ bR;kfn
Card, Passport, Aadhaar Card, PAN Card
vo'; yk,aA lkFk gh og daI;wVj fu£er vksMhbZ etc., and the complete print out of the
iathdj.k ds vkosnu dh eqfnzr izfr Hkh yk,; computer generated ODE Registration
➤ vksMhbZ ds fy, ijh{kk 'kqYd bl izdkj gS %& ➤ The Examination fee for ODE is as under :
➣ ekè;fed Lrj % ➣ Secondary level
#- 500@& + #- 200@& vfrfjDr ftu Rs.500/- + Rs.200/- extra for subject
fo"k;ksa esa iz;ksx 'kkfey gSa involving practical
➣ mPp- ekè;fed Lrj % ➣ Senior Secondary level
#- 500@& + #- 200@& vfrfjDr ftu Rs.500/- + Rs.200/- extra for subject
fo"k;ksa esa iz;ksx 'kkfey gSa involving practical
➤ f'k{kkFkhZ vksMhbZ ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; (uks,Mk) ➤ A learner can appear for ODE at NIOS
vFkok lacaf/r osaQnzh; fo|ky; esa cSB ldrk@ldrh Headquarters, Noida or in the concerned
gSA fons'kh f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l ds fdlh Hkh Kendriya Vidyalaya. Overseas learner can
appear from any of the ODE Centres of
vksMhbZ dsUnz esa cSB ldrs gSaA
➤ ^tc pkgks rc ijh{kk* (vksM~l) ds 'kqYd dk Hkqxrku ➤ On Demand Examination fee can be paid
ØsfMV dkMZ@MsfcV dkMZ ;k usV cSafdax ds ekè;e ls either through Credit Card , Debit Card or
fd;k tk ldrk gSA Net Banking.
4.3 mÙkh.kZ fo"k;ksa osQ vadksa dks 'kkfey djuk 4.3 Credit Accumulation
4.3.1 A learners is offered as many as nine
4.3.1 f'k{kkFkhZ iathdj.k dh frfFk ls ik¡p o"kZ dh vof/
chances to appear in the Public
esa vf/dre ukS ckj lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa esa cSB Examination, spread over a period of five
ldrk@ldrh gS ftu fo"k;ksa esa f'k{kkFkhZ us ijh{kk nh years from the date of registration. NIOS
vFkok mÙkh.kZ gqvk gS] ,uvkbZvks,l bu fo"k;ksa dk will maintain the record of subjects in
fjdkWMZ rc rd j[ksxk tc rd fd f'k{kkFkhZ which the learners has appeared or declared
gsrq vko';d fo"k;ksa esa liQyrk gkfly u dj ysAa pass and credits awarded to him/her are
mnkgj.k ds fy, ,d f'k{kkFkhZ ftlus vizSy&2023 accumulated till eligibility certification
esa izo's k fy;k] mls vizy
S &ebZ] 2028 rd lkoZtfud norms are met. To illustrate, a learner
admitted in April, 2023, can avail chances
ijh{kkvksa@vksMhbZ ijh{kk esa cSBus dk volj izkIr
to appear in the public Examination/ODE
gksxkA upto April/May 2028 Examinations.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 65
j[kk tk,xkA fl¼kar vkSj izk;ksfxd ijh{kk nksuksa esa ls Accumulation and calculation of the result.
ftlesa csgrj vad izkIr gksaxs] mUgsa ekU; le>k The better of the two marks obtained in
Theory/Practical will be taken in to
4-4 vadksa dh fLFkfr esa lq/kj 4.4 Improvement of Performance
Hkys gh dksbZ f'k{kkFkhZ fdlh fo"k; esa mÙkh.kZ gks x;k Even though a Learner might have passed
gks] ysfdu ifj.kke esa lq/kj djus ds fy, in a subject, NIOS may allow him/her to
re-appear in that subject for improvement
,uvkbZvks,l mls ml fo"k; esa iqu% ijh{kk nsus dh
of performance. For this purpose, the
vuqefr ns ldrk gSA bl ç;kstu ds fy,] f'k{kkFkhZ learner should apply through the prescribed
dks visf{kr 'kqYd ds lkFk fu/kZfjr ekè;e ls mode alongwith the requisite fee. This
vkosnu djuk pkfg,A bl volj dk ykHk f'k{kkFkhZ chance can be availed by the Learner within
ços'k dh frfFk ls ikap o"kZ (iathdj.k dh oS/ five years (valid period of registration) from
vof/) rd mBk ldrk gSA vad rkfydk& the date of admission. Better of the two
lg&ç esa nksuksa ijh{kk dk ifj.kke n'kkZ;k results will be reflected in the Marks
tk,xkA f'k{kkFkhZ dks mlh ikB~;Øe vkSj ijh{kk dh Statement – Cum - Certificate. The learner
will be required to follow the same syllabi,
;kstuk dk ikyu djus dh vko';drk gksxh D;ksafd
courses and the Scheme of Examination as
;g ijh{kk ds mlh o"kZ ij ykxw gksrh gS ftlesa it is applicable to the year of Examination,
f'k{kkFkhZ lq/kj ds fy, mifLFkr gksxkA vkaf'kd in which the learner shall be appearing for
lq/kj dh vuqefr dsoy mPprj ekè;fed ikB~;Øeksa improvement. Part improvement is
esa gSA allowed only in the Senior Secondary
f'k{kkFkhZ (ç f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa lfgr) dks ços'k The learner (including certified learners)
ik=krk ds 5 o"kks± dh oS/rk vof/ ds nkSjku is allowed to appear in the examinations
ftruh ckj gks lds mÙkh.kZ fo"k; esa lq/kj ds (Public/ ODE) for improvement in
passed subject until as many as times
fy, ijh{kkvksa (lkoZtfud@vksMhbZ) esa mifLFkr during the validity of 5 years of
gksus dh vuqefr gSA ifj.kke esa lq/kj ds admission eligibility. For already
bPNqd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ftUgsa igys gh certified learners appearing for
izkIr gS mUgsa vad rkfydk lg&ç improvement, Marks Statement - Cum
^mifLFkr% lq/kj* ds lkFk tkjh fd;k – Certificate will be issued with
tk,xkA the remarks “Appeared for
4-5 lkoZtfud ijh{kk ds fy, vad rkfydk& 4.5 Issue of Marks Statement-cum-
lg&ç vkSj ekbxzs'ku ç Certificate & Migration Certificate
tkjh djuk for Public Examination
vad rkfydk&lg&ç vkSj ekbxzs'ku ç The Marks Statement -Cum - Certificate and
dsoy lHkh fo"k;ksa esa mÙkh.kZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks tkjh Migration Certificate will be issued only for
fd;k tk,xk vkSj mlh f'k{kkFkhZ dks lacaf/r {ks=kh; overall Pass Learners and provided to
individual learner through concerned
dsaæ ij çnku fd;k tk,xkA
Regional Centre.
(i) la'kksf/r nwljs nLrkostksa dk 'kqYd Åij fy[ks vuqlkj fy;k tk,xkA
(ii) ijh{kk 'kqYd lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk fn;k tkuk vfuok;Z gSA
(iii) ijh{kk 'kqYd ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed ijh{kkvksa osQ fy, leku gSA
(iv) ijh{kk osQ fy, ,d ckj tek fd;k x;k 'kqYd fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa okil ugha fd;k tk,xk vkSj u gh lek;ksftr fd;k tk,xkA
(v) vad lwph] izek.k i=k vkSj ekbxzs'ku dh nwljh izfr izkIr djus osQ fy,] bZ&lsok ds ek?;e ls vkWuykbu vkosnu djsaA
(vi) vLFkk;h] ekbxzs'ku rFkk vad lwph dh nwljh izfr esa ls dksbZ Hkh vfr'kh?kz izkIr djus ds fy, fu/kZfjr 'kqYd 400 #i;s@&
izfr gS vkSj ;s nLrkost+ vkidks vkosnu izkIr gksus dh frfFk ls nks dk;Z fnol ds Hkhrj tkjh fd, tk,axsA (futh laLFkku vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ)
(vii) vkosnu izkIr gksus dh frfFk ls nks dk;Z fnolksa ds vanj vfr'kh?kz lR;kiu ds fy, fu/kZfjr 'kqYd izR;sd nLrkosT+k(tksa) ds fy,
#- 1000@& gSA
(viii) LihM iksLV ds ekè;e ls nwljs i=k ds izs"k.k dh vko';drk ds ekeys esa f'k{kkFkhZ dks 'kqYd ds lkFk #-50@& vfrfjDr izHkkj
dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA
(ix) izkIr f'k{kkFkhZ dks igpku i=k dh nwljh izfr ugha nh tk,xhA
uksV % ;fn lkoZtfud ijh{kk@tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ds ifj.kke dh ?kks"k.kk ds ckn f'k{kkFkhZ ifj.kke esa dksbZ xyrh ikrk gS rks mls ifj.kke
dh ?kks"k.kk ds 30 fnuksa ds vanj ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk tkjh =kqfViw.kZ nLrkost+ksa ds lkFk lacaf/r {ks=kh; dsanz dks vkosnu djuk gksxkA
,slk u djus ij dksbZ fuosnu Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 67
Table-7 : Examination Fee and Other Miscellaneous Fee
(i) Fee for the Secondary and the Senior Secondary Public Examinations
Nature of Fee Amount of Fees
➣ Examination fee Rs. 250/- per subject
➣ Additional fee for Practicals in subjects
having both theory and practicals. Rs. 120/- per subject
➣ Late fee for examination (for First 10 days) Rs. 100/- per subject
➣ Consolidated late fee to be received
at the concerned Regional Centre only (See para 4.1)
for next 10 days after late fee Rs. 1500/- per subject
(ii) Other Miscellaneous Fees
➣ Duplicate copy of the Pass Certificate Rs. 200/-
➣ Duplicate Provisional Certificate Rs. 200/-
➣ Duplicate Migration Certificate Rs. 200/-
➣ Duplicate Marksheet Rs. 200/-
➣ Duplicate Identity Card Rs. 100/-
➣ Postal Charges (If the above Rs. 50/-
documents are required by Speed Post)
➣ Re-checking of Answer Script Rs. 300/- per subject
➣ Re-evaluation of Answer Script
(Senior Secondary Examination) Rs. 800/- per subject
➣ Re-evaluation of Answer Script
(Senior Secondary On Demand Examination) Rs. 1000/- per subject
➣ Verification of NIOS documents (for Private organisation
and individual learners) Rs. 500/- per document
➣ Issue of photocopy of Answer scripts to Learner
(Secondary and Sr. Secondary or equivalent courses) Rs. 700/- per Answer script
within 15 days from the declaration of result.
➣ Transcription/verification for foreign Institutions/
Universities for NIOS certificates After Rs. 5000/-
➣ Marks Statement-cum-Certificate (Revised) correction in Rs. 200/-
➣ Migration Certificate (Revised) record Rs. 200/-
Note: (i) The revised duplicate documents fees will be charged as mentioned above.
(ii) The examination fee is required to be paid by all learners.
(iii) Examination fee is same for both the Secondary and the Senior Secondary Courses.
(iv) The fee once paid for examinations will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances.
(v) Apply online through E-service for obtaining duplicate copy of Marks Statement-cum-Certificate and Migration
(vi) The prescribed fee for issue of Migration Certificate and Duplicate Marks Statement-cum-Certificate on urgent
basis is Rs. 400/- and these documents will be issued within 02 working days from the date of receipt of
(vii) The prescribed fee for the verification of document(s)/certificate(s) on urgent basis is Rs. 1000/- for each
document(s)/certificate (s) within 02 working days from the date of receipt of application (for Private organisation
and individual learners).
(viii) In case the duplicate certificate/document/identity card needs to be despatched through Speed Post, additional
charge of Rs. 50/- is to be paid by the learner alongwith the fee.
(ix) Duplicate I-cards will not be issued to certified candidates.
Note: In case any discrepancy is noticed by the learner in the result after declaration of the result of
Public Examination/On Demand Examination, he/she will have to apply for the same to the
concerned Regional Centre within 30 days of declaration of the result alongwith the incorrect
documents issued by NIOS, failing which no request will be entertained.
ekè;fed ikB~;Øe lkoZtfud ijh{kk esa de ls de oqQy 33% izkIrkad de ls de ,d ijUrq vf/dre
(d{kk nloha) (fl¼kar ,oa iz;ksx nksuksa esa feykdj tgk¡ ykxw gks) nks Hkk"kkvksa lfgr 5 fo"k;ksa esa mÙkh.kZA
vkarfjd ewY;kadu esa izkIr vadlwph esa vyx ls n'kkZ, tk,axsA
UkksV % vadlwph] LFkkukarj.k&lg&LFkkukarj.k rFkk vLFkk;h tSls rhu nLrkosT+k lHkh liQy f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks tkjh fd, tk,axsA ijh{kk eas vliQy
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks dsoy fMftVy vad lwph tkjh dh tk,xh ftls ,uvkbZvks,l@laLFkku dh osclkbV ls MkmuyksM fd;k tk ldrk gSA
Senior A minimum of 33% marks in the aggregate including Pass in 5 subjects including at least one but not
Secondary TMA as well as minimum of 33% marks more than two languages.
Course (Class XII) separately in Theory and Practical of the Examination
excluding allotted marks of TMA.
Note: The documents i.e Marks Statement-cum-Certificate, and Migration Certificate will be issued to the learners who has passed
the examination in overall. A learner could not succed in the examination shall not be issued Marks Statement-cim-Certificate.
They can download a digital Marks Statement from NIOS website.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 69
rkfydk 9 % ijh{kk ;kstuk
d) ekè;fed ijh{kk
Ø-la- dksM fo"k; iz'ui=kksa vfèkdre vad vofèk
dh la[;k (?kaVs)
lewg d
1. 201 fganh 1 100 3
2. 202 vaxzsth 1 100 3
3. 206 mnwZ 1 100 3
4. 209 laLd`r 1 100 3
5. 203 ckaXyk 1 100 3
6. 204 ejkBh 1 100 3
7. 205 rsyqxw 1 100 3
8. 207 xqtjkrh 1 100 3
9. 208 dUuM+ 1 100 3
10. 210 iatkch 1 100 3
bu fo"k;ksa dh ijh{kk
11. 228 vlfe;k ,d gh fnu vkSj 1 100 3
12. 230 Hkkjrh; lkadsfrd Hkk"kk (fl¼kar) le; ij vk;ksftr 1 40 2
(iz;ksx) dh tk,xhA 1 60 2
12. 231 usikyh 1 100 3
13. 232 ey;kye 1 100 3
14. 233 vksfM+;k 1 100 3
15. 235 vjch 1 100 3
16. 236 iQkjlh 1 100 3
17. 237 rfey 1 100 3
18. 238 fla/h 1 100 3
lewg [k
1- 211 (fl¼kar) 1 85 2½
(iz;ksx) 1 15 3
2- 212 foKku ,oa izkS|ksfxdh (fl¼kar) 1 85 2½
(iz;ksx) 1 15 3
3- 213 lkekftd foKku 1 100 3
4- 214 vFkZ'kkL=k 1 100 3
5- 215 O;olk; vè;;u 1 100 3
6- 216 x`g foKku (fl¼kar) 1 85 2½
(iz;ksx) 1 15 3
7- 222 euksfoKku 1 100 3
8- 223 Hkkjrh; laLd`fr ,oa fojklr 1 100 3
9- 224 ys[kkadu 1 100 3
10- 225 fp=kdyk (fl¼kar) 1 30 2½
(iz;ksx) 1 70 3
11- 229 MkVk ,aVhª vkijs'kUl(va-) (fl¼kar) 1 40 2
(iz;ksx) 1 60 2
12- 242 fganLq rkuh laxhr (fl¼kar) 1 40 2
(iz;ksx) 1 60 2
13- 243 dukZVd laxhr (fl¼kar) 1 40 2
(iz;ksx) 1 60 2
14- 244 yksd dyk (fl¼kar) 1 40 2
(iz;ksx) 1 60 2
15- 245 osn vè;;u # 1 100 3
16- 246 laLd`r O;kdj.k # 1 100 3
17- 247 Hkkjrh; n'kZu ijEijk # 1 100 3
18- 248 laLd`r lkfgR; # 1 100 3
19- 285 ukV~;dyk # (fl¼kar) 1 40 2
(iz;ksx) 1 60 2
20- 249 m|ferk 1 100 3
# esa ^^Hkkjrh; Kku ijEijk** dk mYys[k ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij laLd`r Hkk"kk fo"k; ds lkFk mi;qDr pkj fo"k; liQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ djus ij fd;k tk,xkA (rkfydk 9 lewg ^d* ds fy, ykxw)
ekU;rk izkIr djus ds fy, lewg d ls U;wure ,d vkSj vf/dre nks Hkk"kk,¡ yh tk ldrh gaSA fiQj Hkh] rhljh Hkk"kk vfrfjDr fo"k; osQ :i esa yh tk ldrh gSA
a) Secondary Examination
Group A
In the Certificate, mention of "Indian Knowledge Tradition" will be made on successful completion of above four subjects
alongwith Sanskrit Language subject at Secondary/Senior Secondary level.
NOTE (Applicable for Table 9 Group A)
Minimum one and Maximum two language subjects from group A are permissible for certification. However, third language can be
offered as an additional subject.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 71
[k) mPprj ekè;fed ijh{kk
lewg x*
16- 312 HkkSfrdh (fl¼kar) 1 80 3
(iz;ksx) 1 20 3
17- 315 bfrgkl 1 100 3
18- 333 i;kZoj.k foKku (fl¼kar) 1 80 3
(iz;ksx) 1 20 3
19- 339 iqLrdky; ,oa lwpuk (fl¼kar) 1 80 3
foKku (iz;ksx) 1 20 3
lewg ?k*
20- 313 jlk;u foKku (fl¼kar) 1 80 3
(iz;ksx) 1 20 3
21- 317 jktuhfr foKku 1 100 3
22- 335 tu lapkj (fl¼kar) 1 80 3
(iz;ksx) 1 20 3
23- 374 lsuk vè;;u 1 100 3
lewg M-*
24- 314 tho foKku (fl¼kar) 1 80 3
(iz;ksx) 1 20 3
25- 320 ys[kkadu 1 100 3
26- 338 dkuwu ,d ifjp; 1 100 3
27- 375 lsuk bfrgkl 1 100 3
lewg p*
28- 330 dEI;wVj foKku (fl¼kar) 1 60 3
(iz;ksx) 1 40 2
29- 331 lekt'kkL=k 1 100 3
30- 337 i;ZVu 1 100 3
31- 373 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ,oa ;ksx (fl¼kar) 1 70 3
(iz;ksx) 1 30 3
* bu fo"k;ksa dh ijh{kk ,d gh fnu vkSj le; ij vk;ksftr dh tk,xhA
# esa ^^Hkkjrh; Kku ijEijk** dk mYys[k ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij laLd`r Hkk"kk fo"k; ds lkFk mi;qDr pkj fo"k; liQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ djus ij fd;k tk,xkA (rkfydk 9 lewg ^d* ds fy, ykxw)
ekU;rk izkIr djus ds fy, lewg d ls U;wure ,d vkSj vf/dre nks Hkk"kk,¡ yh tk ldrh gaSA fiQj Hkh] rhljh Hkk"kk vfrfjDr fo"k; osQ :i esa yh tk ldrh gSA
Group C*
16. 312 Physics (Th) 1 80 3
(Pr) 1 20 3
17. 315 History 1 100 3
18. 333 Enviornmental Science (Th) 1 80 3
(Pr) 1 20 3
19. 339 Library and Information (Th) 1 80 3
Science (Pr) 1 20 3
Group D*
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 73
S.No. Code Subject No. of Max. Duration
Papers Marks (hours)
Group E*
24. 314 Biology (Th) 1 80 3
(Pr) 1 20 3
25. 320 Accountancy 1 100 3
26. 338 Introduction to Law 1 100 3
27. 375 Military History 1 100 3
Group F*
28. 330 Computer Science (Th) 1 60 3
(Pr) 1 40 2
29. 331 Sociology 1 100 3
30. 337 Tourism 1 100 3
31. 373 Physical Education (Th) 1 70 3
and Yog (Pr) 1 30 3
In the Certificate, mention of "Indian Knowledge Tradition" will be made on successful completion of above four subjects
alongwith Sanskrit Language subject at Secondary/Senior Secondary level.
NOTE (Applicable for Table 9 Group A)
Minimum one and Maximum two language subjects from group A are permissible for certification. However, third language can be
offered as an additional subject.
4.8.1 mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij mÙkjiqfLrdk dk iqu% 4 .8.1 Re-evaluation of Answer Scripts at the
ewY;kadu Senior Secondary level
mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa ds iqu% For re-evaluation of Answer Scripts at the
Senior Secondary level, a learner may apply
ewY;kadu ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l lkoZtfud
for Re-evaluation of the Answer Script in
ijh{kk dk ifj.kke ?kksf"kr gksus ds 15 fnuksa ds any subject within 15 days from the date
vanj fdlh Hkh fo"k; ds iqu% ewY;kadu ds fy, of declaration of the NIOS Public
vkosnu dj ldrs gSaA mÙkj iqfLrdk dh tkap ds Examination result. Application may be
fy, vkosnu vkWu&ykbu fd;k tk,xkA f'k{kkFkhZ dks made online. The learner has to pay the
izfr fo"k; #- 800@& (vkB lkS #i, dsoy) prescribed fee of Rs. 800/- (Rupees Eight
dk fu/kZfjr 'kqYd ØsfMV dkMZ@MsfcV dkMZ@usVcSfa dax Hundred only) per subject to the NIOS
ds ekè;e ls djuk gksxkA iqu% ewY;kadu dk dk;Z through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net
vkils izkIr vkosnu izkfIr ds 45 fnuksa ds Hkhrj iwjk Banking. The Re-evaluation will be
completed within 45 days from the last date
gksxkA ;g lqfo/k dsoy fl¼kar ds vadksa ds fy, of application. This facility is available in
miyC/ gSA theory marks only.
mPprj ekè;fed Lrj ij vks M ~ l dh Re-evaluation of Answer Scripts of On
mÙkjiqfLrdkvksa ds iqu% ewY;kadu ds fy, % Demand Examination at the Senior
f'k{kkFkhZ ,uvkbZvks,l vksM~l ijh{kk ifj.kke ?kksf"kr Secondary level: The learner may apply
gksus ds 15 fnuksa ds vanj fdlh Hkh fo"k; ds iqu% for re-evaluation of the Answer Script in
ewY;kadu ds fy, vkosnu dj ldrk gSA vkosnu any subject within 15 days from the date
of declaration of the NIOS On Demand
vkWuykbu fd;k tkuk pkfg,A mPprj ekè;fed
Examination result. Application may be
Lrj ij vksMl ~ mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa ds iqu% ewY;kadu made online. For re-evaluation of ODES
ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ dks izfr fo"k; 1000@&#- Answer Scripts at the Senior Secondary
(,d gtkj #i, dsoy) dk fu/kZfjr 'kqYd level, the learner has to pay the
ØsfMV dkMZ@MsfcV dkMZ@usVcSafdax ds ekè;e ls nsuk prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One
gksxkA iqu% ewY;kadu dk dk;Z vkils izkIr vkosnu Thousand only) per subject to NIOS
izkfIr ds 45 fnuksa ds Hkhrj iwjk gks tk,xkA through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net
Banking. The Re-evaluation will be
completed within 45 days from the last date
of application.
4.9 vuqfpr lk/u (;w,iQ,e) 4.9 Unfair Means (UFMs)
lHkh vuqfpr lk/uksa ls lacfa /r ekeys ijh{kk mifu;eksa All unfair means csaes are to be dealt as
ds vuqlkj fuiVk, tkus pkfg,A ijh{kk esa vuqfpr per the Examinations Bye-Laws. In case of
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 75
lk/uksa dk iz;ksx djus ij f'k{kkFkhZ dh ijh{kk jn~n use of unfair means by the learner in
dj nh tk,xh vkSj mls vkxkeh ijh{kkvksa esa cSBus ls examination, the examination will be
Hkh jksdk tk ldrk gS ;gk¡ rd fd mldk izos'k Hkh cancelled and learner could be further
debarred from appearing in the future
jn~n fd;k tk ldrk gSA vuqfpr lk/uksa osQ iz;ksx
examinations. Even learner's admission can
ls lacaf/r fu;e lkoZtfud ijh{kk dh mRrjiqfLrdk also be cancelled. Instructions regarding
osQ nwljs i`"B ij Nis gSaA f'k{kkFkhZ mUgsa è;kuiwoZd unfair means are printed on the second page
i<s+A ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ dks ;w,iQ,e ds fy, fdlh vU; of the Examination Answer Books. The
Ldwy f'k{kk cksMZ }kjk jksdk x;k gS rks og f'k{kkFkhZ learner should read the same carefully. In
,uvkbZvks,l esa Hkh izos'k ysus ds ;ksX; ugha gksxkA case, the lerner has been debarred by some
other School Education Board for UFM, he/
she will not be eligible for admission in
4.11 lkoZtfud ijh{kk@tc pkgks rc ijh{kk 4.11 Procedure for correction in the
ds ifj.kkeksa esa la'kks/u ds fy, izfØ;k results of Public Examination/On
Demand Examination
fdlh lkoZtfud@tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ds ifj.kke In case of a discrepancy in the result of
esa =kqfV ds ekeys esa f'k{kkFkhZ ifj.kkeksa dh an Public/On Demand examination, the
(ii) fiNys foRrh; o"kZ esa lHkh Ïksrksa ls gqbZ f'k{kkFkhZ osQ (ii) Family income of the learner from all sources
ifjokj dh vk; ,d yk[k #i;s ls de gksuh should be less than Rs. 1 lakh in the preceding
pkfg,A financial year.
(iii) f'k{kkFkhZ us ,uvkbZvks,l lfgr fdlh Hkh ekU;rk (iii) The learner should have appeared in any of
izkIr jkT;@vf[ky Hkkjrh; f'k{kk cksMks± esa ls fdlh the recognised State/All India Boards of
,d dh ijh{kk nh gks vkSj ekè;fed ijh{kk Education including NIOS and should have
scored not less than 50% marks in the
esa mlosQ oqQy vad 50» izfr'kr ls de ugha gksus
aggregate in the Secondary Certificate
pkfg,A Examination.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 77
vkarfjd ewY;kadu f'k{kd
5 vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z (Vh,e,)
Internal Assessment
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)
,uvkbZvks,l us f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks vPNh rjg ls lh[kus esa The NIOS has developed several means and
lgk;rk igq¡pkus vkSj mUgsa liQy cukus ds fy, vusd mik, strategies to help learners to learn well and be
successful. Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) is
fd, vkSj j.kuhfr;k¡ cukb±A Vh,e, muesa ls ,d lk/u gS one such Tool which plays a very important role
tks eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh ds ekè;e ls f'k{kk izfØ;k in the learning process under the Open and
esa ,d egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkrk gSA Vh,e, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks Distance Learning (ODL) System. TMAs help
mldh izxfr ,oa miyfC/ tkuus esa lgk;rk igq¡pkrk gS learner to know his/her progress and attainment
level and develop regular study habits. TMAs also
vkSj fujarj i<+us dh vknr fodflr djrk gSA lkFk gh og
helps in designing diagnostic and remedial
O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe (ihlhih) ds nkSjku uSnkfud rFkk teaching strategies during Personal Contact
mipkjkRed j.kuhfr cukus esa lgk;d gksrk gSA Programmes (PCPs).
f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z (Vh,e,) fganh@vaxt sz h ekè;e Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) in Hindi/
esa eqfnzr ugha fd;s tk,axs cfYd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ fy, English medium will not be printed but will be
,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ij viyksM fd;s tk,axs rkfd hosted on the NIOS website for the learners to
f'k{kkFkhZ vius fo"k;ksa osQ vuqlkj ;k tSlh vko';drk gks] download selectively and print TMAs subject wise
Vh,e, pqudj MkmuyksM dj losaQ vkSj fizaV ys losaQA or as required.
izR;sd fo"k; esa f'k{kkFkhZ dk vkarfjd ewY;kadu ,d vuqf'k{kd The learner's Internal Assessment is done through
vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z ds ekè;e ls fd;k tkrk gSA ;g one Tutor Marked Assignment in each subject.
The Assignments are supplied in a booklet form.
ewY;kadu dk;Z ,d iqfLrdk ds :i esa fn;k tk,xkA ,vkbZ The Subject Tutors at AIs correct the Assignments
esa fo"k; f'k{kd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa osQ ewY;kadu dk;ks± dh tkap of learners and provide their feedback and
djsaxs vkSj iQhMcSd iznku djsaxs rFkk lq/kj ds mik; crk,¡xsA suggestions for improvement. The Assignments are
ewY;kadu dk;Z ,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ij Hkh viyksM uploaded on NIOS website from where learners
can download them.
fd;k x;k gSA tgk¡ ls f'k{kkFkhZ mUgsa MkmuyksM dj ldrs gSaA
ekè;fed@mPprj ekè;fed ijh{kk eas vkarfjd ewY;kadu Internal Assessment (IA) in Secondary/Sr. Senior
dk;Z ds fy, fl¼kar ijh{kk esa 20% vadHkkj vad fu/kZfjr examination will carry 20% weightage of theory
fd;k x;k gS] tks fd lrr ,oa O;kid ewY;kadu ds leku as continious and comprehensive evaluation.
vè;;u dsUnz ij Vh,e, ds mÙkj tek djus ds fy, dksbZ Do not pay any additional amount for submitting
vfrfjDr Hkqxrku u djsaA Assignment Response Sheets at Study Centre.
Vh,e, LVªhe II, III vkSj IV ds varxZr iathdj.k TMA is not applicable to learners seeking
djkus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ykxw ugha gSA registration under the Streams II, III & IV.
f'k{kkFkhZ vius ewY;kadu dk;Z uhps nh xbZ rkfydk ^10* The learner is required to upload the Assignment
dh frfFk;ksa ds vuqlkj vius MS'kcksMZ ij ,uvkbZvks,l (TMA) online at their Dashboard through NIOS
iksVZy ds ekè;e ls vkWuykbu tek djsaA Vh,e, vkWiQykbu portal as per Schedule given below in Table-10.
No Assignment (TMA) will be accepted through
ekè;e ls Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA ftu fo"k;ksa esa Vh,e,
offline mode. A list of subjects for TMA is given
ykxw gksrk gS mudh lwph rkfydk&11 esa nh xbZ gSA in Table-11.
(i) ;fn dksbZ f'k{kkFkhZ xyr Vh,e, viyksM djrk gS] (i) In case a leaarner upload incorrect TMA,
rks f'k{kkFkhZ xyr Vh,e, viyksM djus dh rkjh• learner can re-upload the correct TMA
ls lkr fnuksa ds Hkhrj lgh Vh,e, viyksM dj with in the seven days from the date of
ldrk gSA uploading incorrect TMA.
(ii) Vh,e, ds fy, iqu% tkap vkSj iqueZYw ;kadu miyC/ (ii) Re-checking and Re-evaluation is not
available in TMA.
ugha gSA
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 79
rkfydk (10) % ekpZ&vizSy vkSj flracj&vDrwcj esa vk;ksftr gksus okyh lkoZtfud ijh{kk
esa cSBus ds fy, ewY;kadu dk;Z tek djus dh frfFk;k¡
;fn fu/kZfjr vafre frfFk dks lkoZtfud vodk'k@ In case the last date so specified happens to be a
Public Holiday/Saturday/Sunday, the next working
'kfuokj@jfookj gksxk rks blds fy, vxys dk;Zfnol
day will automatically be treated as the last date
dks Lor% gh vafre frfFk ekuk tk,xkA for the purpose.
uksV % Note:
;fn f'k{kkFkhZ f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z le; jgrs vè;;u In case a learner could not submit Tutor Marked
osaQnz esa tek ugha dj ikrk gS rks og f'k{kkFkhZ vafre frfFk lekIr Assignment on time at the Study Centre learner, may submit
gksus ij rFkk ifj.kke dh ?kks"k.kk osQ i'pkr vizSy ijh{kk ds fy, the Assignments alongwith late fee of Rs.1500/- (to online
only on the NIOS website) per subject after due date and
15 tqykbZ rd rFkk vDVwcj ijh{kk osQ fy, 15 tuojh rd izR;sd after declaration of result till 15th July for April
fo"k; osQ fy, #- 1500@& (,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ij dsoy examination and till 15th January for October
vkWuykbu }kjk) osQ 'kqYd osQ lkFk lacfa /r {ks=kh; osQa nz esa ifjf'k"V&d examination, at concerned Regional Centre (Appendix-
osQ vuqlkj vius ewY;kadu dk;Z tek djsaA A).
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 81
Table-11: List of Subjects for Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs)
n`f"Vghurk] n`f"Vckf/rk] okdckf/rk] xfr v{kerk vkSj The learners with disabilities like blindness, low
vU; izdkj dh v{kerk okys ftu (v{kerkuqlkj) v{ke vision, speech impairment, locomotor disability
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ijh{kk fy[kus esa dfBukbZ gksrh gS muds fy, and any other disability which causes difficulty
in writing the examinations are to be provided with
vko';drk ds vk/kj ij ys[kd] rduhdh midj.kksa vkfn
need based provisions such as amanuensis,
dh lqfo/k dk izko/ku gSA ,uvkbZvks,l dh le;≤ technological devices etc. The provisions shall be
ij vf/lwfpr izfØ;k ds vuqlkj mudh v{kerkvksa ds according to their disabilities as per procedure
vk/kj ij lkekU; lqfo/kvksa dk izko/ku gSA notified by NIOS from time to time.
Li"Vrk ds fy, micaf/r izko/kuksa dks [k.Mksa rFkk mi&[k.Mksa The provisions made have been precisely defined
esa ifjHkkf"kr fd;k x;k gSA in clauses and sub-clauses for clarity.
v{ke f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, fuEukafdr esa ls fdlh ds }kjk A Medical Certificate issued by any of the
tkjh fd;k x;k fpfdRlk izkIr djuk vko';d following authorities is required for availing
gSA specific provisions by learners with disability:
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 83
,lksfl,'ku vkWiQ CykbaM] LiSfLVd] lkslk;Vh vkWiQ institutes of national level such as National
bafM;k }kjk tkjh v{kerk Association for the Blind, Spastic Society
of India etc.
iii) lacfa /r jkT;ksa ds xSj&ljdkjh laxBuks@a Hkkjrh; iquokZl iii) Disability Certificate(s) issued by non-
ifj"kn~ ds lkFk iathd`r fpfdRldksa@dasnz ljdkj@ governmental organizations/ practitioners
lacaf/r jkT;ksa dh jkT; ljdkj }kjk tkjh v{kerk registered with Rehabilitation Council of India/Central Government/State
Government of the respective States.
ijh{kk esa cSBus ds nkSjku f'k{kkFkhZ esa n'kkZ, While appearing in the examination, the
vuqlkj mÙkj iqfLrdk ds Åij viuh v{kerk fy[ksaA learner should write his/her disability as
bls ijh{kk dsanz ds dsanz v/h{kd }kjk lR;kfir mentioned in the certificate on the top of
fd;k tk,xkA the answer book . This will be authenticated
by the concerned Centre Superintendent of
the Examination Centre.
6.2 lkekU; izko/ku 6.2 General Provisions
6.2.1 vfrfjDr le; dk izko/ku 6.2.1 Provision of Additional Time
v{ke f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vfrfjDr le; dh vko';drk The condition of learners with disabilities will
fu/kZfjr djus ds fy, v{kerkvksa okys lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh have to be certified as per approved procedure as
mentioned in para 6.1 above for determining
fLFkfr 6-1 esa of.kZr vuqeksfnr izfØ;k ds vuqlkj
requirement of additional time.
dh tk,A
i) ys[kd }kjk i<+us] iz'ui=kksa dks le>us] ys[kd dks i) An additional 20 minutes per hour of
fMDVs'ku nsrs gq, yxkrkj cSBs jgus] Fkdku vkfn dh examination for each of the subject will be
iwfrZ djus ds fy, izR;sd fo"k; dh ijh{kk ds fy, provided to compensate for additional time
20 feuV izfr ?kaVs dk vfrfjDr le; iznku fd;k required for reading by the amanuensis,
understanding the questions, fatigue while
dictating to the Amanuensis, sitting
continuously etc.
ii) ;fn 6-1 ij fufnZ"V fpfdRlk eas mfYyf[kr ii) If the condition indicated in the Medical
y?kq varjky dh vko';rk gks rks mi;qDZ r ds vfrfjDr Certificate specified in para 6.1 above
nl feuV izfr ?kaVs ds y?kq varjky dh vuqefr nh requires short break, a break of not more
tk,xhA than ten minutes per hour will be permitted
in addition to above.
6.2.2 ys[kd dk izko/ku 6.2.2 Provision of Amanuensis
ys[kd] jhMj] iz;ksx'kkyk lgk;d dh lsokvksa dk ykHk The services of an amanuensis, reader, lab
dsoy lacaf/r fo"k; dh vko';drkuqlkj mBk;k tk ldrk assistant can be availed as per requirement of the
gSA fuEufyf[kr Jsf.k;ksa ds f'k{kkFkhZ bl lqfo/k ds ik=k subject concerned. The following categories of
learners will be eligible for this facility:
gksaxs %
d- vkWfVT+e ls xzflr f'k{kkFkhZ a. Learners with Autism
[k. ekufld i{kk?kkr b. Cerebral Palsy
iii) vpkud chekj gksus s ds ekeys eas tgka vLFkk;h iii) In case of sudden illness resulting in
izd`fr dh v{kerk gks] ys[kd dh lsok dh temporary disability, services of an
vuqefr 6-1 eas fu/kZfjr fof/or amanuensis will be allowed on
fpfdRlk nsus ds ckn nh tk,xhA furnishing duly certified Medical
Certificate specified in para 6.1
iv) ,sls v{ke f'k{kkFkhZ ftlus ys[kd dh lqfoèkk iv) A learner with disabilities who may
dk p;u fd;k gS] ;fn og f'k{kkFkhZ bPNqd choose the use an amanuensis may be
gS rks mls fp=k vkfn Lo;a cukus dh vuqefr permitted to draw the diagrams etc.,
nh tk,A himself/herself if learner so desires.
v) v{ke f'k{kkFkhZ dks izk;ksfxd fo"k; dh v) A learner with disabilities may be
vko';drkuqlkj iz;ksx'kkyk lgk;d dh provided a Lab Assistant as per
requirement of the particular subject.
lqfoèkk iznku dh tk,A
vi) v{ke f'k{kkFkhZ dks vko';drk iM+us ij vi) A learner with disabilities may be
jhMj dh lqfo/k iznku dh tk,A provided the services of a Reader as
and when required.
vii) ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ dks ijh{kk ds nkSjku ijh{kk gkWy vii) In case a learner needs a Care Giver
esa ,d lgk;d dh vko';drk gS rks vkosnu inside the Examination Hall during the
examination, a prior application in the
iQkWeZ ds lkFk gh] fn, x, izksiQkekZ esa iwoZ given format is required to be
vkosnu vo'; tek djsa vkSj vuqefr izkIr submitted along with the Application
djsAa Form, and permission has to be
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 85
viii) ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ dks ijh{kk d{k eas igqapus rFkk viii) In case a learner needs a Care Giver to
mldh lhV <wa<us esa lgk;d dh vko';drk help him/her reach the examination
gS rks vkosnu iQkeZ ds lkFk fn, x, izksiQkekZ room and find his/her particular seat,
a prior application in the given format
esa igys gh vkosnu tek djsa vkSj vuqefr
is required to be submitted along with
izkIr djsaA the Application Form and permission
has to be obtained.
ix) fo'ks"k ekeyksa esa f'k{kkFkhZ dks dsoy izsfjr ix) In specific cases, near relative, Care
djus rFkk leFkZu ds fy, mlds fudV Giver or concerned teacher may be
laca/h] lgk;d vFkok lacaf/r vè;kid present in the examination hall only
ijh{kk gkWy esa mifLFkr gks ldrs gSaA blds for the purpose of motivation and
support to the candidate. Prior
fy, lacf/r {ks=kh; funs'kd] {ks=kh; dsan]z
permission for this needs to be
,uvkbZvks,l ls iwoZ vuqefr izkIr djuk obtained from the concerned Regional
vko';d gSA Director, Regional Centre, NIOS.
uksV % Note:
i) fyfid rFkk ys[kd ,d nwljs ds i;kZ; gSa vkSj i) The terms scribe and amanuensis are
bl dk;Z ds fy, iz;ksx fd;k tk jgk dksbZ vU; synonymous and any other term signifying
uke Hkh blds fy, iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA bl the same can be used for this purpose. In
nLrkost+ esa blds fy, ys[kd dk iz;kssx fd;k x;k this document, the term amanuensis has
been used.
ii) ;fn vko';d gks rks] f'k{kkFkhZ dks fHkUu fo"k;ksa ds ii) The learner is allowed to opt for different
fy, fHkUu&fHkUu ys[kdksa dk p;u djus dh vuqefr amanuensis for different subjects, if
necessary. The learner will have to clearly
gSA f'k{kkFkhZ dks Li"V :i ls crkuk gksxk fd mls
specify the language in which the
fdl Hkk"kk esa ys[kd dh vko';drk gSA Amanuensis is required.
iii) ijh{kk dasnz ifjlj esa ns[kHkky djus okys dh izfof"V iii) The format of application for the entry of
gsrq vkosnu izkis QkekZ] ijh{kk dsnz esa vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l the Care Giver inside the premises of the
osclkbV ij miyC/ gSA Examination Centre is available in the
Examination Centre and on the NIOS
iv) ys[kd@fyfid dk izca/ f'k{kkFkhZ }kjk Lo;a fd;k iv) Amanuensis/scribe can be arranged by the
tk ldrk gS vFkok dsanz v/h{kd }kjk Hkh fd;k tk learner himself/herself or can be provided
ldrk gSA vuqeksnu dh izfØ;k rFkk ys[kdksa dh by the Centre Superintendent. The
ik=krk bl vè;k; esa fufnZ"V izko/kuksa ds vuqlkj procedure of approval and eligibility of
amanuensies is subject to provisions
mentioned of in this chapter.
v) iz;ksx'kkyk lgk;d dh vko';d lgk;rk dsoy v) Assistance of a Lab Assistant is required to
dsanz v/h{kd }kjk iznku dh tk,xhA be provided by the Centre Superintendent
ii) ys[kd fdlh Hkh vk;q vFkok d{kk dk fo|kFkhZ gks ii) The amanuensis may be a student of any
ldrk gSA age or class.
iii) ys[kd mlh fo"k; dk ugha gksuk pkfg, ftl fo"k; iii) The amanuensis should not be from the same
esa f'k{kkFkhZ ijh{kk ns jgk gSA fiQj Hkh] ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ subject(s) in which the learner shall be
appearing for the examination. However, if
vkSj ys[kd] ikBd] iz;ksx'kkyk lgk;d ,d gh
the learner and the amanuensis, reader, lab
fo"k; ds gSa rks ys[kd] ikBd] iz;ksx'kkyk lgk;d
assistant are from the same stream, then the
dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk ijh{kk esa cSBus okys fnO;kax educational qualification of the amanuensis,
f'k{kkFkhZ ls de ls de ,d d{kk de gksuh pkfg,A reader, lab assistant should be at least one
class lower than that of the learner with
disability appearing for examination.
iv) There will be flexibility in accommodating
iv) vkikrdkyhu voLFkk esa ys[kd] ikBd] iz;ksx'kkyk any change in amanuensis, reader, lab
lgk;d esa ifjorZu djus dh lqfo/k gksxhA f'k{kkFkhZ assistant in case of emergency. More than
dh vko';drkuqlkj fofHkUu fo"k;ksa esa fy[kus ds one amanuensis, reader, lab assistant for
fy, ,d ls vf/d ys[kdksa] ikBd] iz;ksx'kkyk writing different papers as per requirement
lgk;d dh vuqefr gksxhA of the learner will be allowed.
v) The learner shall also have the option of
v) f'k{kkFkhZ ijh{kk ls ,d fnu igys dsanz v/h{kd dh meeting the amanuensis a day before the
mifLFkfr esa ys[kd ls fey Hkh ldrk gSA examination in presence of the Centre
vi) The Centre Superintendent will ensure that
vi) dasnz v/h{kd lqfuf'pr djsaxs fd fnO;kax f'k{kkFkhZ
the facilitative provisions are granted to the
dks ;s lqfo/k,¡ nh xbZ gSa vkSj {ks=kh; funs'kd] {ks=kh; learner with disabilities and inform the
dasn]z ,uvkbZvks,l dks blds ikyu dh lwpuk nsaxsA compliance to the Regional Director,
lacaf/r ijh{kk dsanz v/h{kd tgka rd laHko gks] Regional Centre, NIOS. The Centre
Ldwy ls ,d mi;qDr O;fDr pqusaxs vkSj mudk uke Superintendent of the Examination Centre
,oa iQksVks laacaf/r {ks=kh; dsanz dks 'kh?kz gh Hkstsaxs concerned may choose a suitable person
ftlds lkFk f'k{kkFkhZ vkSj ys[kd] ikBd] iz;ksx'kkyk from the school as far as possible and
lgk;d fooj.k nsrs gq, iwjh fjiksVZ fopkjkFkZ ,oa forward his/her name with photograph
immediately to the concerned Regional
vuqeksnukFkZ HkstasxsA
Centre with a report giving full particulars
of the learner and of the amanuensis, reader,
lab assistant for consideration and
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 87
6.2.2 ([k) ys[kd] ikBd] iz;ksx'kkyk lgk;d] 6.2.2 (b) Fee for amanuensis, reader, lab
lkadsfrd Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx djus okys nqHkkf"k, ds assistant , interpreter using sign language:
fy, 'kqYd
(i) ijh{kk dsUnz ds v/h{kd }kjk izR;sd f'k{kkFkhZ (fnO;kax) (i) A fee of Rs. 100/- per session of examination
will be given to the amanuensis per learner
dks ijh{kk ds izR;sd l=k ds fy, ys[kd dks #-
(with disability) by the Superintendent of
100@& dk 'kqYd fn;k tk,xkA ikBd] iz;ksx'kkyk the Examination Centre. The remuneration
lgk;d rFkk lkadsfrd Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx djus okys of the categories such as reader, lab assistant
nqHkkf"k, dks ekuns;] LVkiQ ds 3-2-1 Hkqxrku fu;eksa and interpreter using sign language will be
ds vuqlkj fd;k tk,xkA 6-2-2 (iv ds vfrfjDr) as per the Para 3.2.1 payment norms of the ds varxZr vkus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fdlh staff as mentioned in the Guidelines for the
izHkkj@'kqYd dk Hkqxrku djus dh vko';drk ugha Centre Superintendents. The learners under
gSA the category Para 6.2.2 (except for iv) will
not be required to pay any charge/fee.
(ii) tks f'k{kkFkhZ vLFkk;h v{kerkvksa ds dkj.k ys[kd (ii) The learners with temporary disabilities
dh lqfo/k dk iz;ksx dj jgs gSa] mldk 'kqYd os using the facility of amanuensis will have
Lo;a nsaxsA to pay the fee themselves.
6.2.3 dEI;wVjksa dk iz;ksx 6.2.3 Use of Computers
,sls f'k{kkFkhZ ftuds gkFk U;wure dk;Z djrs gSa] ns[kus esa The learners with minimal hand function,
v{ke rFkk n`"V ckf/r] lh[kus esa v{ke] ekufld i{k?kkr] blindness and low vision and learners with
vkWfVTe rFkk vU; fdlh v{kerk okys f'k{kkFkhZ dks dEI;wVj learning disability, cerebral palsy, autism and any
iz;ksx djus dh vuqefr nh tk,xh] ;fn og lacaf/r {ks=kh; other disability will be allowed to use computer
if learner makes a request in advance to the
funs'kd ls igys gh blds fy, vuqjks/ djrs gSaA
concerned Regional Director.
i) ;fn os dEI;wVj dk iz;ksx djuk pkgrs gSa rks i) The learners may bring their own computers
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lgk;d midj.kksa lfgr viuk dEI;wVj along with assistive devices if they so
ykuk gkssxkA wish.
ii) mÙkj nsus ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ dks vko';d lkWÝVos;j ii) The learner may also bring the required
(VSDLV jhfMax lkWÝVos;j lfgr) Hkh ykuk gksxkA software (including the Text Reading
Software) to enter the responses to the
iii) dasnz v/h{kd i;kZIr fctyh vkiwfrZ rFkk dEI;wVj iii) The Centre Superintendent would ensure
dk iz;ksx djus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa adequate power supply and a printer to print
ds eqn.z k ds fy, fizaVj dh O;oLFkk lqfuf'pr the answer scripts of the learners using
djsaxsA computers.
uksV % dans z v/h{kd dks e'khuksa dh tkap djus dk vfèkdkj Note: The Centre Superintendent will have the
gS fd igys ls iQhM dh xbZ tkudkjh e'khuksa esa u right to check the machines for no pre-fed
gksA f'k{kkFkhZ dks bu lc vkSipkfjdrk,¡ iwjh djus information. Learners will need to report
one hour in advance to complete these
ds fy, ijh{kk vkajHk gksus ls ,d ?kaVk igys fjiksVZ
djuk gksxkA
?k- fiQj Hkh ;fn vko';d gks rks] fof'k"V v{kerk okys d. However, a single room with an invigilator
may be made available for learners with
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ,d fujh{kd lfgr ,d vyx
specific disability, if so required.
d{k dk izca/ fd;k tk,xkA
M- ijh{kk d{k 'kksjxqy ls nwj rFkk iw.kZ :i ls izdk'ke; e. The examination room should be well lit,
ventilated and away from noise and
vkSj goknkj gksuk pkfg,A
6.2.5 dsanz v/h{kd v{kerkvksa okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh mÙkj 6.2.5 The Centre Superintendent(s) will print and
iqfLrdkvksa dk fizaV ysaxs vkSj ,d vyx fyiQkiQs eas pack the answer scripts of the learners with
ijh{kkFkhZ dh Øe la[;k ds vuqlkj iSd djds disabilities as per the serial number in a
,uvkbZvks,l ds lacaf/r {ks=kh; dk;Zy; dks HkstsaxsA separate envelope and send to the concerned
Regional Office of NIOS. The envelope
fyiQkiQs ij ^^v{ke f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh mÙkj iqfLrdk,¡** should be superscribed with “Answer
fy[kk gksuk pkfg,A rkfydk 12 ds vuqlkj v{kerk Sheets of Learners with Disabilities”. A
dh bafxr djrs gq, mÙkj iqfLrdk ds eq[; i`"B separate column will be provided on the title
ij ,d vyx dkWye fn;k tk,xkA page of the answer book for indicating the
category of disability as per Table 12.
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 89
rkfydk la- 12 fofHkUu v{kerkvksa ds fy, cuk, x, dksM
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 91
6.3.2 lquus esa v{ke f'k{kkFkhZ 6.3.2 Learners with Hearing Impairment
i. nqHkkf"k;s (b'kkjksa dh Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx djus okys i. Interpreter using sign language may be
O;fDr) dks lquus esa v{ke f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks iz'u allowed in the Examination Room to help
le>kus ds fy, ijh{kk d{k esa tkus dh vuqefr nh the learner with hearing impairment to
tk,xhA understand the instructions.
ii. ,d ijh{kk d{k eas ,d nqHkkf"k;k i;kZIr gksxkA ii. One interpreter may be adequate for each
nqHkkf"k, ds izca/ ds ckjs esa dsUnz v/h{kd fu.kZ; Examination Room. The Centre
ys ldrs gSaA Superintendent may take decision regarding
arrangement of an Interpreter.
uksV % ;fn vko';d gks rks] f'k{kkFkhZ dks fofHkUu fo"k;ksa Note: The learner is allowed to opt for different
ds fy, fofHkUu fyfid@ys[kd pquus dh vuqefr scribes for different subjects, if necessary.
gSA f'k{kkFkhZ dks Li"V :i ls crkuk gksxk fd mls The learner will have to clearly specify the
fdl Hkk"kk eas ys[kd dh vko';drk gSA language in which the scribe is required.
6.3.3 vkWfVTe] ekufld i{kk?kkr] ckSf¼d v{kerk 6.3.3 Learners with Autism, Cerebral Palsy,
(ekufld chekjh) vkSj cgqfo/ v{kerk,¡ Intellectual Disability (Mental
Retardation), Multiple Disabilities
i. ekml ds LFkku ij VªSdckWy] lapkj cksMZ bR;kfn i. Computers with adapted hardware like
le:i gkMZo;s j okys daI;wVj dh vuqefr nh tk,xhA trackball instead of mouse, augmentative
communication boards (illustrative and not
exhaustive) may be allowed.
ii. ckSf¼d v{kerk (eancqf¼) f'k{kkFkhZ izk;ksfxd ijh{kk ii. Intellectual disability (Mentally Retarded)
ds fodYi ds :i esa ifj;kstuk dk;Z pqu ldrs gSaA learners may opt for Project Work as an
alternative for Practical.
iii. ;fn f'k{kkFkhZ fo'ks"k :i ls v{ke gksa rks mUgsa iii. Adapted chair, table, bed, etc., may be
vkjkenk;d dqlhZ] est] csM bR;kfn ijh{kk d{k eas allowed in the Examination Room in case
miyC/ djk, tk,axsA of learners with specific disabilities.
iv. ftUgsa vko';drk gks ogk¡ iz'ui=k i<+us dh iv. Provision may also be made for reading the
questions wherever necessary.
O;oLFkk Hkh dh tk,xhA
uksV % f'k{kkFkhZ vius midj.kksa dk Lo;a izca/ djsaxsA Note: The learners may arrange for their own tools
and equipment.
6.3.4 lh[kus eas v{ke f'k{kkFkhZ 6.3.4 Learners with Learning Disability
6-1 esa fofufnZ"V izfØ;k vkSj lkekU; 'krks± esa Hkh mfYyf[kr Provision of amanuensis, use of computer and
fd, vuqlkj ys[kd] dEI;wVj dk iz;ksx vkSj vfrfjDr additional time is permitted as per procedure
le; ds izko/ku dh vuqefr gSA specified under section 6.1 and also as mentioned
under General Conditions.
6.3.5 dq"B mipkfjr f'k{kkFkhZ 6.3.5 Leprosy-Cured Learners
tSlk fd 6-1 esa mfYyf[kr gS fpfdRlk tek General provisions will be applicable to leprosy
djus ij dq"B mipkfjr gq, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, lkekU; cured learners on submitting Medical Certificate
NwV ykxw gksxhA as mentioned under Section 6.1.
funs'kd (ewY;kadu) OR
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku Write to the
,&24&25] baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62] Director (Evaluation)
uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k A-24-25, Institutional Area, Sector-62,
bZ&esy % NOIDA-201309, Uttar Pradesh
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 93
ifjf'k"V & d
5- paMhx<+ jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku gfj;k.kk (xqM+xkao] iQjhnkckn] iyoy vkSj >Ttj
{ks=kh; dsUnz] okbZ,elh, dkWEiySDl lsDVj&11lh] paMhx<+-160011 ftyksa dks NksM+dj)] iatkc vkSj paMhx<+
iQksu % (dk) 0172-2744915, 3950979; iSQDl % 0172-2744952
6- psUubZ jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku rfeyukMq] ikafMpsjh
{ks=kh; osQUnz, ysMh fofyaxVu dSEil] dkejktj lykbZ] fVªiyhdsu] psUubZ&600005
iQksu% 044-28442237(iQSDl) 044&28442239
7- nsgjknwu jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
{ks=kh; dsUnz] ve`r Iyktk fc¯YMx] fu;j caxkyh dksBh pkSd] mÙkjk[kaM vkSj mÙkj izns'k ds esjB] ckxir]
eksB jksoyk jksM] ih-vks- vtkiqj dyk¡] nsgjknwu&248001 lgkjuiqj rFkk eqtiQ~iQjuxj] eqjknkckn]
iQksu% 0135-2532566, 2532592 iQSDl% 0135-2629166 rFkk ts-ih- uxj (vejksgk)
bZ&esy% ftys
11- xaxVksd jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku flfDde vkSj if'pe caxky ds flyhxqM+h vkSj
{ks=kh; dsUnz] VhplZ xsLV gkml] l;kjh] nktZfyax ds lhekorhZ ftys
xaxVksd&bZLV flfDde&737102
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 95
{ks=k dk uke irk vf/dkj {ks=k esa 'kkfey jkT;
mi {ks=kh; dsanz
,uvkbZvks,l izdks"B
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 97
Name of the Region Address of the Regional Centre Jurisdiction
25. SHILLONG NIOS Cell Shillong
Directorate of Educational Research
& Training Campus (DERT), Laithumkhram Meghalaya
Shillong, Meghalaya-793011
foojf.kdk@Prospectus 2023-24 Å 99
ifjf'k"V & [k
fofHkUu jkT;ksa esa tu lsok dsæa ds ukeksa dh lwph
Ø-la- jkT; lh,llh uke
1- vkaèkz çns'k jktho ukxfjd lsok dsaæ
2- vaMeku ,oa fudksckj }hi bZ }hi
3- v#.kkpy çns'k tu lsok dsanz (lh,llh)
4- vle v#.kksn; dsaæ
5- fcgkj olqèkk
6- paMhx<+ xzke laidZ dsaæ
7- NÙkhlx<+ xzkeh.k p;u dsaæ
8- fnYyh thou dsaæ
9- xksok yksd lsok dsaæ
10- xqtjkr bZ&xzke
11- gfj;k.kk bZ&fn'kk
12- fgekpy çns'k yksd fe=k dsaæ
13- tEew ,oa d'ehj f•ner dsaæ
14 >kj[kaM çKk dsaæ
15- duZkVd usEeknh dsaæ
16- dsjy v{k;k dsaæ
17- y{k}hi vkJ;
18- eè; çns'k ukxfjd lqfoèkk dsaæ
19- egkjk‘ª egk bZ lsok dsaæ
20- ef.kiqj tu lsok dsaæ
21- es?kky; jsucks dsaæ
22- fetksje fetksje vkWu ykbu dsaæ (ekWd)
23- ukxkySaM ukxkySaM ,d] tu lsok dsaæ
24- vksfM'kk tu lsok dsaæ
25- iqMqpsjh tu lsok dsaæ
26- iatkc xzke lqfoèkk
27- jktLFkku bZ&fe=k
28- flfDde tu lsok dsaæ
29- rfeyukMq tu oaQI;wVj dsaæ
30- f=kiqjk bZ&ifjlsok dsaæ
31- mÙkj çns'k tu lsok dsaæ
32- mÙkjk•aM bZ&mÙkj
33- if'pe caxky rF; fe=k dsaæ
la ,iQ 3-11/2002 bZ th ,l -I
Hkkjr ljdkj
ekuo lalkèku fodkl ea=kky;
çkjafHkd f'k{kk ,oa lk{kjrk foHkkx
ubZ fnYyh - 110001
11 fnlacj 2002
lsok esa]
lHkh f'k{kk lfpo
lHkh jkT;@dsUæ 'kkflr çns'k
fo"k; % jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku {iwoZr % jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; (jk-eq-fo-)} }kjk vk;ksftr çkFkfed vkSj fefMy
Lrj ikB~;Øeksa dh ijh{kk dks ekU;rk nsus ds lacaèk esaA
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku (,u vkbZ vks ,l) iwoZr jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; (jk-eq-fo-) fnukad 21.11.1989 ds
iQk- 6-2/89 vuq- III }kjk tkjh ladYi ds vuqlkj Hkkjr ljdkj ds ekuo lalkèku fodkl ea=kky; }kjk 1989 esa LFkkfir ,d Lok;Ùk laxBu
gS ftldk mn~ns'; ,sls yksxksa dks iwoZ Lukrd Lrj rd f'k{kk çnku djuk gS tks fdlh u fdlh dkj.k ls vkSipkfjd f'k{kk ç.kkyh ls f'k{kk
çkIr ugha dj ldsA ,u vkbZ vks ,l iQk- 5-24/90 vuq III fnukad 14.09.1990 }kjk tkjh ladYi ds vuqlkj Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk ekè;fed
vkSj mPprj ekè;fed Lrj dh ijh{kk,¡ vk;ksftr djus vkSj ç çnku djus dk vfèkdkj Hkh fn;k x;k gS (çfr layXu)A
Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky; la?k (, vkbZ ;w) us vfèklwpuk la- bZ oh /11(354)91/fnukad 25.7.1991 (çfr layXu) }kjk lHkh Hkkjrh;
fo'ofo|ky;ksa ds jftLVªkjksa dks bl fu.kZ; dh lwpuk nh gS fd Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky;ksa esa v/;;u ds mPp ikB~;Øeksa esa ços'k ds fy, ,u
vkbZ vks ,l ds ikB~;Øeksa dks ekU;rk çkIr cksMks± dh vU; ijh{kkvksa dh led{krk çnku dh xbZ gSA
tSlk fd vkidks Kkr gksxk jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku (,u vkbZ vks ,l) çkFkfed Lrj ij nwjLFk f'k{kk ç.kkyh (eqDr f'k{kk
ç.kkyh) }kjk eqDr csfld f'k{kk dk;ZØe Hkh pykrk gS rFkk xSj ljdkjh laxBuksa ds lkFk lgHkkfxrk ls rhu Lrjksa ij la;qDr ç çnku
djrk gS & , Lrj (d{kk III vFkok nf{ jkT;ksa dh d{kk II ds led{k tgk¡ çkFkfed f'k{kk dsoy d{kk VII rd gksrh gS] ch Lrj (d{kk
V/IV ds led{k vkSj x Lrj (d{kk VIII/VII ds led{k)A ;g nwjLFk f'k{kk dk;ZØe ds varxZr led{krk ds muds dk;ZØe ij ykxw gksrk
gS tgk¡ led{krk ds leku Lrj ij ;gh ç fn, tkrs gSaA
vki lHkh lacafèkr foHkkxksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l ,oa lgHkkxh ,u th vks }kjk mi;qZDr Lrjksa ds fy, la;qDr :i ls tkjh ç dks ços'k ,oa
jkstxkj vkfn ds ekeyksa esa f'k{kk ds lacafèkr Lrj ds led{k Lohdkj djus ds fy, vko';d funsZ'k tkjh djsaA
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku }kjk vk;ksftr ijh{kkvksa dks ekU;rk çnku djus ds lacaèkk esa vkSipkfjd laçs"k.k@vfèklwpuk tkjh dh tk,
vkSj lHkh lacafèkkr foHkkxksa esa Hkstk tk,A
bl lacèa k esa vkSj vfèkd fooj.k@Li"Vhdj.k ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds vè;{k ls ,uvkbZvks,l ch -31 ch dSyk'k dkWyksuh] ubZ fnYyh -110048
ij laidZ fd;k tk ldrk vFkok muds osclkbV http:/ vFkok http/ [kksyh tk ldrh gSAa
(vfer dkSf'kd)
nwjHkk"k 23382604
lwpuk ds fy, çfr fuEufyf[kr dks vxzsf"kr dh tk, %
1. Hkkjr ljdkj ds lHkh ea=kky;@foHkkxA
2. çkFkfed f'k{kk ,oa lk{kjrk foHkkx vkSj ekè;fed f'k{kk foHkkx ds lHkh vfèkdfj;ksa@vuqHkkxksaA
3. vè;{k] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku] ch-31 ch dSyk'k dkWyksuh] ubZ fnYyh-110048 dks muds fnukad 10 vDrwcj] 2002 ds
i=k la- jk-eq-fo-f'k-la-@vè;{k dk-@1-1/02/2607 ds lanHkZ esa A
(vfer dkSf'kd)
No. F 3-11/2002-EGS-I
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Elementary Education & Literacy
New Delhi-110001
11th December 2002
Education Secretaries,
All States/UTs
Subject: According recognition to the Examinations at Primary and Middle level Courses conducted by
National Institute of Open Schooling (formerly National Open School (NOS).
The National Institute of Open Schooling (N.I.O.S.) (formerly National Open School (NOS) is an autonomous
organization set up the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, in 1989 as per the Resolution
issued vide No. F 6-2/89-Sch. III dated 21.11. 1989 to provide education upto pre-degree level to those who for one
or the other reason could not make use of the formal education system. N.I.O.S. has also been vested with the
authority to conduct and certify examinations for Secondary and Senior Secondary levels by the Government of India
as per the resolution issued vide No. F 5-24/90-Sch. III dated 14.9.1990 (copy enclosed).
The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) has also intimated the Registrars of all Indian Universities vide their
Notification No. EV /11 (354)91/ dated 25.7.1991 (copy enclosed) of its decision to grant equivalence to N.I.O.S.
courses with those of other examinations of recognized Boards for purposes of admission to higher courses of study
at Indian Universities.
As you would be aware, the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) also runs Open Basic Education Programmes
through Distance Education Mode (Open Learning System) at the Elementary stage and awards Joint Certificate with
the partnering NGOs at three levels- A level (equivalent to’ class III or class II of the Southern States where elementary
stage is only till class VII), B level (equivalent to class V /lV) and C level (equivalent to class VIII/VII). This is applicable
to their programme of equivalency under distance education programme where similar certificates are provided at the
same level of competency and equivalency.
You may like to issue necessary instructions to all concerned to consider certificates issued by N.I.O.S. jointly with
partnering NGOs for the above levels as equivalent to concerned stage of education in matters of admissions and
employment etc. Formal communication/Notificatian regarding grant of recognition to the examination conducted by
National Institute of Open Schooling may issue and the same widely circulated to all concerned.
For further details / clarifications in the matter, the Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling may be contacted
at N.I.O.S., B-31 B, Kailash Colony, New Delhi-110048 or visit their Website at http: //
ours faithfully.
(Amit Kaushik)
Tel No. 23382604
Copy for forwarded for information to :-
1. All the Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India.
2. All the Officers / Sections in the Deptt. of Elementary Education and Literacy and Department of Secondary
and Higher Education.
3. Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling, B-31 B, Kailash Colony, New DeIhi-l10048 with reference to
his letter No. NIOS/CMOI1-l/02/2607 dated the 10th October 2002
(Amit Kaushik)
fo"k; % jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslkbVh dks fo|ky; Lrj ij nwjLFk vkSj eqDr f'k{kk ç.kkyh }kjk fu/kZfjr ijh{kk,¡ vk;ksftr djus
vkSj muds fy, ç nsus dk vf/dkj çnku djukA
la-,Q- 5-24/90 vuq- 3 Hkkjr ljdkj us 23 uoacj] 1989 dks jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslkbVh] ,d Lok;Ùk ,oa iathÑr fudk;
dh LFkkiuk dh gS] tks chp esa i<+kbZ NksM+us okys] dkedkth çkS<+] x`fgf.k;ksa] lkekftd n`f"V ls lqfo/koafpr oxks± dks fo|ky; Lrj
ij nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ek/;e ls f'k{kk çnku djsxkA lkslk;Vh jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; dk çca/u pyk,xh] tks nwjLFk vkSj eqDr f'k{kk
ç.kkyh }kjk ikB~;Øe çLrqr dj jgh gS vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; ijh{kkvksa ds fy, rS;kj
djrh gS vkSj lsrq (iwoZ rS;kjh) ikB~;Øe Hkh çLrqr djrh gSA
vc ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gS fd jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslkbVh ds le>kSrk Kkiu ds vuqPNsn 3(ii) dk ikyu djrs gq, lkslkbVh
iwoZ Lukrd Lrj rd fo|ky; f'k{kk ds fy, mi;qZDr ijh{kk,¡ vk;ksftr djs] pkgs os 'kS{kf.kd] çkS|ksfxd vFkok O;kolkf;d {ks=k
ds fo"k; gksa] tks jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; }kjk Lo;a vFkok vU; laLFkkvksa ds lg;ksx ls fodflr fd, x, gksa vkSj tks lkslkbVh ds
dk;Zdkjh cksMZ }kjk LohÑr gkas vFkok mUgsa Hkkjr ljdkj] ekuo lalk/u fodkl ea=ky;] f'k{kk foHkkx }kjk vk;ksftr djus ds fy,
dgk x;k gksA bl çdkj ds ikB~;Øeksa vkSj dk;ZØeksa ds fy, lkslkbVh ç çnku djus dk vf/dkj Hkh j[ksxh vkSj tc Hkh
vko';d gksxk bu mn~ns';ksa ds vuq"kaxh dk;Z djsxhA dsUæh; ek/;fed f'k{kk cksMZ] ftls jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslk;Vh dh vksj
ls ijh{kk,¡ ysus vkSj ç nsus dk vf/dkj Fkk] mls Hkkjr ds xtV esa vf/lwpuk tkjh djus dh frfFk ls ,slk djus ls jksd
fn;k tk,xkA
vkns'k fn;k tkrk gS fd ladYi dh ,d çfr lHkh jkT; ljdkjks]a dsUæ 'kkflr çns'kksa ds ç'kkldksa] lHkh ea=kky;ksa] Hkkjr ljdkj
ds lHkh foHkkxksa] fo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx] ç/kuea=kh dk;kZy;] jk"Vªh; 'kSf{kd vuqlaèkku ,oa çf'k{k.k ifj"kn] ekè;fed f'k{kk cksMZ]
Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky; la?k] dsUæh; ekè;fed f'k{kk cksMZ] Hkkjrh; fo|ky; ç ijh{kk ifj"kn~ vkSj jkT; f'k{kk cksMks± dks Hksth
;g Hkh vkns'k fn;k tkrk gS fd lkekU; tkudkjh ds fy, ladYi Hkkjr ds xtV esa Hkh çdkf'kr fd;k tk,A
'kfuokj 20 vDrwcj] 1990 dks Hkkjrh; xtV ds la- 42 ds Hkkx I esa çdkf'krA
Subject: Vesting of authority in the National Open School Society for holding certain examinations through
distance and open learning system at the school stage and for certification thereof.
No. F5.24/90 Sch.3 -The Government of India had setup the National Open School Society. an autonomous
and registered body on 23rd November. 1989 to cater to the educational needs of school dropouts, working
adults, housewives and socially disadvantaged sections, through distance education at the school stage.
The Society runs the management of the National Open School which, through distance and open learning
system, has been offering courses, preparing students for the Secondary and Senior Secondary School
Examinations and also offers Bridge (Preparatory) Courses
It has now been decided that in pursuance of Section 3 (ii) of the Memorandum of Association of the
National Open School Society, the Society shall conduct the above examinations at the school stage of
education upto predegree level, whether academic, technical or vocational, which are developed either by
the National Open School itself or in collaboration with other agencies, subject to the approval of the
Society’s Executive Board or as it may be called upon to conduct by the Government of India, Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Department of Education. The Society shall also be the certifying authority
for such courses and programmes and do such acts ancillary to these objects as may be necessary. The
Central Board of Secondary Education which was the certifying and examining authority on behalf of the
National Open School Society, will cease to be so with effect from the date of issue of this Notification in the
Gazette of India.
Ordered that a copy of the Resolution be sent to all State Governments, Union Territory Administrations, all
Ministries Departments of the Government of India, University Grants Commission. Prime Minister’s Office,
National Council of Educational Research and Training. Council of Boards of Secondary Education,
Association of Indian Universities, Central Board of Secondary Education, Council for the Indian School
Certificate Examinations and the State Boards of Education.
Ordered also that the Resolution be published in the Gazette of India for general information.
Jt. Secy.
Published in part I Sec. OF No. 42 of the Gazette of India on Saturday the 20th October, 1990
la- bZ oh 11/(354)/91/
25 tqykbZ] 1991
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;
dE;qfuVh lsaVj
fnYyh 110052
lanHkZ % jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; & mPprj ekè;fed ç ijh{kk dh led{krkA
gesa Kkr gqvk gS fd Hkkjr ljdkj us 23 uoacj] 1989 dks jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; dh LFkkiuk dh gSA
jk-eq-fo- vU; ikB~;Øeksa ds vfrfjDr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ekè;fed vkSj mPprj ekè;fed fo|ky; f'k{kk ds fy,
ikB~;Øe çLrqr djrk gSA Hkkjr ljdkj us fnukad 14 flracj 1990 ds la- ,Q- 5/23/90 }kjk ,d ladYi
ds ek/;e ls jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; dks vius f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ijh{kk ysus vkSj ç nsus dk vf/dkj
fn;k gSA
Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky; la?k us viuh gky esa vk;ksftr cSBd esa jk-eq-fo- ds ikB~;Øeksa dks ekU;rk çkIr cksMksZ
dh vU; ijh{kkvksa dh led{krk çnku dh gS ftlls os Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky;ksa esa mPp vè;;u ds fy, ços'k
ys ldsaA ;g ekeyk lHkh fo'ofo|ky;ksa dh tkudkjh esa yk;k x;k gS] ftlls mi;qDr dkjZokbZ dh tk ldsA
;fn f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks dksbZ dfBukbZ gks rks Ñi;k gesa fy[ksaA ge rnuqlkj fo'ofo|ky;ksa ls laidZ djssaxsA
NO.EV 11/(354)/91/
25 July, 1991
The Secretary
National Institute of Open Schooling
Community Centre, Delhi - 110052
Dear Sir.
We have noted that Govt. of India have set up the National Open School on 23 November, 1989. The ‘NOS’
offers courses preparing students for the Secondary and Senior Secondary School Examinations, apart
from other courses. The Govt. of India, through a Resolution, vide No. F5/23/90 dated 14 September 1990,
vested the National Open School with authority to examine and certify its students.
The Association of Indian Universities, at their recent meeting has granted equivalence of the courses of
NOS with those of other examinations of recognized boards for purposes of admission to higher studies at
Indian Universities. The matter has been brought to the notice of all Universities in the country for their
appropriate action.
Kindly write to us in case of any difficulty by the students; we would approach the Universities accordingly.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully.
(K. C. Kalra)
la- ,elhvkbZ&34(1)/(;wth)(tu.)/2012-,ebZMh-/129570
fnukad % 14-09-12
(izks- lat; JhokLro)
Yours faithfully,
(Prof. Sanjay Shrivastava)
miyC/ tkudkjh ds vuqlkj] cksMks± dh LFkkiuk %& As per available information, Boards are established by:
(i) dsUnz@jkT; ljdkj dk ,d vf/fu;e] (ii) dsUnz@jkT; ljdkj (i) An Act of Central/State Government, (ii) A Gazette
dh ,d jkti=k vf/lwpuk (iii) dsUnz@jkT; ljdkj }kjk tkjh Notification of Central/State Government, (iii) Executive
dk;Zokgh vkns'kksa }kjk gksrh gSA orders issued by Central/State Government.
uhps nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vuqlkj fuEufyf[kr cksMZ LFkkfir fd, x, gSa %&
The following Boards have been established as per details given below :
1401 ukxkySaM fo|ky; f'k{kk cksMZ] dksfgek 1401 Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima
y[kuÅ] mÙkj izns'k 2103 Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad,
Shahmina Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
27- mÙkjk[kaM 27. UTTARAKHAND
3401 mÙkjk[kaM fo|ky; f'k{kk ifj"kn (;wch,lbZ) jke uxj] 3401 Uttarakhand Vidhyaleye Shiksha Parishad (UBSE),
uSuhrky Ramnagar, Nanital.
28- if'pe caxky 28. WEST BENGAL
2201 West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Calcutta
2201 if'pe caxky ekè;fed f'k{kk cksMZ] dksydkrk
2202 West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education,
2202 if'pe caxky mPprj ekè;fed f'k{kk ifj"kn~] dksydkrk] Calcutta
2203 jfcUnz eqDr fo|ky;] if'pe caxky ifj"kn~ 2203 West Bengal Council for Rabindra Open Schooling
2204 if'pe caxky enjlk f'k{kk cksMZ 2204 West Bengal Board of Madrasa Education
9809 baVjus'kuy cSdkykWfj;sV ,f'k;k iSflfiQd 9809 International Baccalaureate - Asia Pacific
9810 laiw.kZukuan laLd`r fo'ofo|ky;] okjk.klh (iwoZ eè;e 9810 Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi
(Poorva Madhyama Examination)
9999 Any recognised Board of foreign countries
9999 fons'k dk dksbZ ekU;rk izkIr cksMZ
For learners who possess a High School/Secondary
fons'kh cksMZ@fo'ofo|ky; ls gkbZ Ldwy@ekè;fed izkIr Certificate from any Foreign Board/University and take
djus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l ikB~;Øe esa izos'k ikus ds admission in Senior Secondary course of NIOS are
required to attach a certificate from Association of
fy, Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky; la?k }kjk ;g nsuk gksxk fd
Indian Universities (AIU) to the effect that the
mudh ijh{kk Hkkjrh; gkbZ Ldwy@ekè;fed ijh{kk ds led{k gSA examination passed is equivalent to the Indian High
School/Secondary Examination.