mutual-fund-insight - Jan 2025
mutual-fund-insight - Jan 2025
mutual-fund-insight - Jan 2025
*Investors should consult their financial advisers, if in doubt about whether the
product is suitable for them.
# For latest Riskometer, investors may refer to the Monthly Portfolios
disclosed on the website of the Fund viz.
Fund Advisor
Subscription copy of []. Redistribution prohibited.
Dual advantage
of Equity and Debt
Invest in
ICICI Prudential
Equity & Debt Fund
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ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund (An open ended hybrid scheme Moderately
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ĐƵƙƙğŨƭ͘ņŨĐųŦğ͘Ďǔ͘ņŨǍğơƭņŨĸ͘ņŨ͘ğƘƵņƭǔ͘ñơ͘ǎğŝŝ͘ñơ͘ǦǓğė͘ņŨĐųŦğ͘ Very
Low High
̴UŨǍğơƭųƙơ͘ơŀųƵŝė͘ĐųŨơƵŝƭ͘ƭŀğņƙ͘ǦŨñŨĐņñŝ͘ñėǍņơğƙơ͘ņķ͘ņŨ͘ėųƵĎƭ͘ñĎųƵƭ͘ 5LVNRPHWHU
whether the product is suitable for them. The risk of the scheme is very high
Please refer for more details on scheme riskometers.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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Mirae Asset ELSS Tax Saver Fund (ELSS Fund: An open ended equity linked 0RGHUDWH 0RGHUDWHO\
saving scheme with a statutory lock in of 3 years and tax benefit.) is suitable 5LVN +LJK5LVN SURGXFWGHWDLOV
for investors who are seeking* /RZWR +LJK5LVN
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Editorial Principles
Value Research is an independent
investment research company. Our goal
is to serve our readers with data, Cover Story 34
information and knowledge that inform
them about savings and investments
and help them learn how to make
better choices.
The basis of our work is the trust
reposed in us by our readers. We are
`100 cr
independent, fair and honest. We are
committed to achieving the highest
level of accuracy and impartiality in
everything that we publish.
We recognise that the nature of
our work is such that it influences
decisions that affect our readers’
future. We strive to bear this
responsibility with humility. We
recognise that while it is not possible to
It’s possible with mid- and small-cap
be 100 per cent accurate, it is possible
to always strive to achieve that
funds! Let Mario guide you!
standard to the best of our abilities.
Dhirendra Kumar
Agnisheik Chatterji, Khyati Simran
Nandrajog & Ujjal Das
Venkat K Naidu: +91-9664048666 Interview 30
Biswa Ranjan Palo: +91-9664075875
The habit machine
10%>15%, if sized well
MANUJ JAIN, CFA These are a few of the books we added to our Library, in 2024.
Tentative list of trading holidays for the NSE Capital Market Segment, at the time of going to print.
Disclaimer: This is merely a list curated with the objective of showcasing the diversity of our reading habits. We are not
endorsing any particular book herein. We also do not earn any incentive - monetary or otherwise - from the sale of any of
these books.
AMC: PPFAS Asset Management Private Limited [CIN: U65100MH2011PTC220623], Sponsor: Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services Limited, Trustee Company: PPFAS Trustee Company Private Limited
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
The contents of Mutual Fund Insight published by Value Research India Private Limited (the “Magazine”) are not intended to serve as professional advice or guidance and the Magazine takes no
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The Magazine contains information, statements, opinions, statistics and materials that have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and the publishers of the Magazine have made best
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Reproduction of this publication in any form or by any means whatsoever without prior written permission of the publishers of this Magazine is strictly prohibited. All disputes shall be subject to the
jurisdiction of Delhi courts only. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Stretching towards
the impossible
Dhirendra Kumar
here’s this concept called making patterns. When you set a innovation, time is not
‘stretch targets’, defined as ‘a goal like `100 crore, something the enemy in investing – it’s your
challenging, ambitious goal that interesting happens to your greatest ally.
goes beyond what would normally financial mindset. Suddenly, that The real power of stretch targets
be expected or easily achievable.’ expensive car purchase doesn’t in investing lies in their ability to
‘Stretch targets’ stretch the mind seem so important. The latest extend our time horizons. When
and make it possible to achieve iPhone? A mid-priced Android you set a goal like `100 crore, you’re
something you may have phone may be a better choice. forced to think of it in decades
considered impossible. Here is That’s because stretch targets force rather than years. This longer time
something that Elon Musk said us to think in orders of magnitude horizon naturally guides you toward
when he was questioned about the rather than increments. better investment decisions. You’re
insane goals that he sets for his Remember, the surest way to less likely to panic during market
businesses, “Stop being patient and have more savings is to save more. corrections, more likely to invest in
start asking yourself, how do I Consider this: if your goal is to high-growth but volatile assets, and
accomplish my 10-year plan in six accumulate `5 crore, saving more inclined to reinvest your gains
months? You will probably fail but `20,000 on a purchase feels rather than book quick profits.
will be a lot further ahead of the significant. But when aiming for So, is `100 crore from a `10,000
person who simply accepted it `100 crore, you start thinking about SIP realistic? Perhaps only for some
would take 10 years.” ways to deploy `20,000 into high- investors. But that’s missing the
In a somewhat different way, our growth opportunities. Your mental point entirely. The value lies not in
cover story of the month is about a math shifts from “how much can I achieving the exact number but in
stretch target for mutual fund invest- save?” to “how can I multiply how pursuing such an ambitious
ing: can a monthly `10,000 SIP get this?” This is where stretch targets target reshapes your entire
you to `100 crore? When asked the become transformative rather than approach to wealth creation.
question without context, 10 out of just ambitious. Someone aiming for `100 crore
10 people would say, “No, such a The counterpoint to what I’m might reach ‘only’ `40 crore – but
feat is impossible”, and they are saying is obvious. People will say that’s still far more than they might
probably right. However, this is that such astronomical targets can have achieved with a more
where Musk’s concept needs to be be demotivating when progress ‘realistic’ goal of `10 crore.
applied. Simply setting an implausi- seems slow. They’re not entirely As we enter 2025, it’s time to
ble goal and working towards it will wrong. The journey from `10,000 rethink what’s possible in our
get you much, much closer to it monthly SIPs to `100 crore is not investment journeys. I’ve always
than someone who considers it just about returns and been a realist, but maybe the
impossible and never tries. compounding – it’s about traditional wisdom of setting
But a deeper psychology is at maintaining conviction through realistic goals is holding us back. In
play here that goes beyond goal market cycles that would test even a world where technological
setting. The beauty of stretch targets the most seasoned investors. But advancement is creating wealth at
in investing lies in their ambitious here’s where I diverge from Musk’s unprecedented speeds, perhaps the
nature and how they fundamentally ‘10 years in six months’ truly unrealistic approach is to
alter our behaviour and decision- philosophy. Unlike in business think too small.
am tempted to rename Value Research Fund resume when ready, maintaining the
Advisor to ‘Fund Investment Habit Machine’. psychological framework of the habit while
That’s because the most powerful force in accommodating real-life circumstances.
personal finance isn’t knowledge or money But the habit machine goes beyond just
itself – it’s habit. While it may sound surprising, automated transactions. It’s built on our deep
decades of watching Indian investors taught me understanding of Indian families’ investment
that the difference often comes down to whether patterns, which have accumulated over two
investing becomes an ingrained habit or remains decades. Every feature is designed to reinforce
an occasional activity. This lies at the heart of positive investment behaviours, and this is
Value Research Fund Advisor’s design, where woven into every aspect of our platform.
we’ve created what I like to call a ‘habit machine’ Our goal-oriented portfolio building transforms
– a system that transforms the tough task of abstract financial targets into concrete, habitual
regular investing into an effortless routine. actions. Instead of merely thinking about your
The science of habit formation tells something child’s education 15 years from now or planning
fascinating: habits aren’t created only through for retirement, you’re taking small, regular steps
willpower. Instead, they emerge from systems toward them through automated investments.
that make the right behaviour automatic. This is The system helps break down these life goals
precisely what our automated SIP feature At Fund into actionable investment plans with clear
accomplishes. When you set up an SIP through Advisor, the milestones, making the habit-building process
Fund Advisor, you’re not just scheduling a ‘habit more tangible and meaningful.
transaction – you’re establishing an investment machine’ The platform’s advanced fund selection
habit that is automated. The system handles the doesn’t just algorithms work quietly in the background,
complexities, ensures regularity and removes the automate sifting through 7,673 schemes of 1,745 funds in
friction that hinders consistent investing. transactions, 48 categories from 42 AMCs to find those that
Of course, we understand that life isn’t always but helps match your needs. This isn’t just about past
predictable. There might be months when your transform the returns – our evaluation methodology considers
finances are stretched thin, so we’ve included a tough task of many factors that impact long-term performance.
‘pause’ feature. This flexibility is crucial because investing into By automatically aligning your investments with
it prevents complete abandonment of the an effortless your goals and risk tolerance, we make it easier
investment habit during temporary financial routine to maintain good investment habits through
constraints. You can pause when needed and market fluctuations.
Our continuous re-evaluation system ensures build and maintain healthy investment habits.
your investment habits stay productive and This approach is effective, as behavioural
purposeful. Markets change, fund performances scientists highlight the importance of habit
vary and life circumstances evolve. The habit formation. Small, consistent actions can yield
wealth isn’t
machine doesn’t just automate investments – it significant long-term results when automated.
about making
constantly evaluates these dynamics, filtering out Instead of aiming for dramatic changes or perfect
the noise and focusing on what truly matters. market timing, focus on a system of regular,
The direct transaction capabilities remove automated investments that grow over time.
decisions but
another barrier to habit formation – friction. I’ve seen this transformation many times.
When our system suggests a portfolio adjustment Investors who initially struggled with sporadic
or you modify your investment routine, you can investments now effortlessly build substantial
act immediately. This integration ensures that portfolios with our automated systems. The habit
habits. At
good investment intentions translate into habits machine takes care of the mechanics while they
Fund Advisor
rather than getting lost in procedural delays. focus on their lives. This is particularly powerful
we’ve made a
Our regular updates and alerts system is during market volatility when emotional
system that
designed to reinforce investment habits without responses can disrupt investment patterns.
puts this into
overwhelming you. We understand the difference The blend of behavioural science and
between important information and market technology makes investing simpler and more
noise, delivering updates focusing on what truly sustainable. When you join us, transferring your
matters to your portfolio. These are crafted to portfolio is effortless. Our system analyses your
help you maintain your investment habits, investments to understand their impact on your
providing clear and actionable insights in a financial journey, offering suggestions that align
language to help you make informed decisions. with your goals.
Our family-centric approach allows you to Ultimately, creating wealth isn’t about making
extend these good habits across generations. perfect investment decisions every time. It’s
With coverage for up to six family members about building and maintaining good investment
under one subscription, you can build a culture habits over the long term. With Value Research
of systematic investing within your entire Fund Advisor, we’ve made a system that puts it
household. The platform makes it seamless to into practice, helping transform your financial
manage all your family’s investments with a future one automated investment at a time.
single, intuitive interface. Whether you’re consolidating scattered
The habit machine’s foundation in investments, seeking expert guidance or planning
transparency and trust makes it particularly your family’s financial future, our habit machine
effective. Unlike platforms that push you toward offers the tools, expertise and support you need
certain funds for commission, our fee structure to make successful investing an effortless part of
ensures that our only interest is helping you your daily life.
alue Research is releasing have grown significantly: mandate’ also enforces rebalancing,
ratings for multi-cap funds z Asset base: `1.75 lakh crore making multi-cap funds tax-efficient.
for the first time, following (compared to `5.97 lakh crore for 3. No liquidity constraints: Multi-cap
the completion of three years for flexi-caps funds). funds avoid liquidity issues affect-
10 such funds. z Number of multi-cap funds has ing mid- and small-cap funds by
With five stars, Nippon India grown from eight in early 2021 to limiting exposure to them to
Multi Cap Fund is the class topper, 33 today. 25 per cent each.
while Quant Active scrapes the bar-
rel at the other end as seen in the What has worked for multi-cap Our take
table below. funds? While multi-cap funds have fared
1. Superior performance: Multi-cap well so far, whether they sustain
Multi-cap funds: A quick history funds grew at 21.9 per cent every the trend during downturns
2020 SEBI regulations: ‘Forced man- year over the last three years, out- remains uncertain. Historically,
dates’ by SEBI for multi-cap funds, performing flexi-cap funds’ mid- and small-cap stocks tend to
required them to allocate at least 17.6 per cent. This is mainly due to fall more sharply in bear markets.
25 per cent each to large, mid and the strong performance of mid- and So, consider investing in multi-
small caps. small-cap stocks, to which these cap funds only if:
Flexi cap or multi cap: Initially, many funds must allocate at least z You have an investment horizon
viewed the distinction between 50 per cent of their assets. of at least five years.
flexi-cap and multi-cap funds as 2. Structured asset allocation: SEBI’s zYou have a high-risk appetite to
redundant, as flexi-cap funds could mandate ensures multi-cap funds handle the volatility of mid and
invest freely across market caps. have at least 50 per cent exposure to small caps.
Ratings and returns are for direct plans as of November 30, 2024. Assets are as of October 31, 2024.
By Ameya Satyawadi
Lower the equity expsoure, lower the volatility
ooking for a less volatile, tax-efficient investment Net equity exposure
with growth potential? Consider equity savings Fund name Earlier Current
funds. They enjoy significant tax advantages over Franklin India 30-45% Since Jul '23:
conservative hybrid funds. Equity Savings Fund 15-18%
ICICI Prudential 30-50% Since Apr '21:
Equity Savings Fund 16-20%
PGIM India 30-40% Since Sep '21:
Equity Savings Fund 16-18%
Post-tax performance
Post-tax returns of avg.
Post-tax returns after new conservative hybrids after
Fund equity allocation (%) new equity allocation (%)
What are conservative What are equity savings funds?
Franklin India 10.03 8.3
hybrid funds? z They invest in a mix of equities,
Equity Savings
zThese funds combine debt debt and arbitrage opportunities.
investments (for safety) with a small z Like conservative hybrid funds, ICICI Prudential 8.09 6.36
portion of equity (for growth) to they too, offer safety through debt Equity Savings
create a balanced, low-risk portfolio. and growth through equity.
PGIM India Equity 6.24 5.67
Shortcomings Advantages Savings
z The gains from these funds are z As they invest 65 per cent of
money in equity and arbitrage, they Equity savings returns are taxed at 12.5 per cent, while conservative hybrid funds are
now taxed as per your income tax
taxed at 30 per cent. Returns since implementation of new equity allocation.
slab rate. Just like any regular enjoy equity fund-like tax benefits.
debt fund. z What’s that? If you stay invested
z It is not very tax-efficient if you for over a year, gains only above volatile compared to other equity savings funds.
fall under the highest 30 per cent `1.25 lakh will be taxed at Not just that, they are also more tax-efficient than con-
tax bracket. 12.5 per cent. servative hybrid funds, as they continue to maintain a
gross equity exposure of above 65 per cent.
Are there standout equity savings funds?
z ICICI Prudential Equity Savings Fund The final verdict
z Franklin India Equity Savings Fund zThese three equity savings funds offer stable returns
z PGIM India Equity Savings Fund with tax benefits from equity-like taxation.
Like other equity savings funds, they are tax-efficient, zIdeal for investors in the highest tax brackets who
stable and most importantly, offer low volatility. want tax-efficient returns and lower equity allocation.
Why do they offer lower volatility? Why they may not suit retirees
z These funds limited their net equity exposure to just These three funds may not suit retirees because they
15-16 per cent (the average for this category is 30 per cent) allocate only 15-16 per cent to equities. Generally,
in recent years. retirees should have at least one-third of their money
z This low allocation to equity ensures they are less in equities.
urrently, we would say no. Three of the four 500 by approximately
value index funds – BSE Enhanced Value, Nifty 9 per cent this year and
500 Value 50 and Nifty 200 Value 30 – can be did better than most
avoided. While the fourth one – Nifty 50 Value 20 – has active value funds.
demonstrated strong long-term returns, we have one
concern regarding them. But before we delve deeper, Consistency in
let’s understand what value funds are. performance
zIf you consider five-year
Types of value funds rolling returns (to look at
Active value funds: These mutual funds actively pick an investment’s long-term
stocks of companies they believe are undervalued. consistency), active value
Passive value funds: Unlike active funds, these funds funds fared better.
don’t have a manager picking stocks; they simply zIn fact, 11 of the 14
invest in a list of stocks present in value indices,
which are chosen based on parameters like ROCE
(return on capital employed), P/E (price-to-earnings) Three of four value indices are inconsistent
ratio, P/B (price-to-book) value and dividend yield. They rarely do well based on daily five-year rolling returns
We are looking at these funds because one-third of all Index name % of times outperforming BSE 500 and value category
value funds follow a passive approach, with five of the
Nifty 50 Value 20 97
13 launched in 2024 and net inflows surging nearly
fourfold, reaching `1,700 crore by December 5, 2024. BSE Enhanced Value 34
Now that we know the difference between active and Nifty 500 Value 50 28
passive value funds, let’s look at how they compare. Nifty 200 Value 30 28
TRI data used for calculating returns for the period from November 2019 to 2024.
Year-wise performance
zSince 2021, most active value funds have consistent-
ly outperformed the BSE 500 in the post-Covid era but active value funds have outperformed BSE Enhanced
have lagged behind the BSE Enhanced Value, Nifty 200 Value, Nifty 500 Value 50 and Nifty 200 Value 30.
Value 30 and Nifty 500 Value 50 indices. zNifty 50 Value 20 is the only index to consistently
zThe resurgence of the three value indices this year outperform the active value category.
can be credited to their 60 per cent allocation to
PSU stocks. These stocks have grown at a rapid clip
since 2021. Key takeaways
zOn the other hand, active value funds didn’t do as zYou can avoid three of the four passive value indices (BSE
Enhanced Value, Nifty 500 Value 50 and Nifty 200 Value 30).
well owing to reduced exposure to PSU stocks from
zAlthough Nifty 50 Value 20 shows strong long-term returns,
17 per cent in December 2023 to 13 per cent (as of
80 per cent of its portfolio is in just 10 large-cap stocks and
October 2024). one-third is cornered by the IT sector, which can be risky.
zIndices like BSE Enhanced Value, Nifty 500 Value 50
Liquid funds vs
short-duation funds
Where should retirees invest for regular income?
iquid funds, known for their stability and low- parked in liquid funds, waiting to be withdrawn, is
risk profile, stand out as a better option than relatively small compared to the overall portfolio.
short-duration debt funds for SWPs (systematic While short-duration funds may offer marginally higher
withdrawal plans). With consistent positive returns returns, the difference in earnings for this small
and minimal fluctuations, they provide peace of mind, portion is negligible. For instance, the additional
ensuring your money is protected from market volatili- returns on a `10 lakh corpus parked in a short-duration
ty. Let’s find out why. fund might only amount to a few thousand rupees
annually – hardly worth the added risk.
Advantages of using a liquid fund for SWP Earn peace of mind: The primary benefit of using
Preservation of capital: Liquid funds almost never go down liquid funds is intangible yet invaluable – peace of
in value, even over short periods like a week or a month. mind. Knowing that your withdrawal money is secure
For instance: and unaffected by market
z A typical liquid fund, such as fluctuations allows you to sleep
Kotak Liquid Fund, shows soundly at night, free from the
consistently positive worry of short-term losses.
one-week (99.78 per cent
of the time in the last Our take
decade) and one-month Using a liquid fund for SWP
(100 per cent of the time withdrawals is a practical
in the last decade) and risk-free choice. The
rolling returns. potential higher returns from
z On the other hand, a short-
ort- sshort-duration funds are not
duration fund, such as Kotak
tak Bond worth the
th small risk of temporary
Short Term Fund, can experience especially when this money is
dips, esp
brief dips in value, as seen
n in earmarked for immediate needs. By
occasional negative one-week
week combining a liquid fund for
(15.8 per cent of the time in the last withdrawals and growth funds for
decade) or one-month (7 per cent of the long-term capital appreciation, you
time in the last decade) rolling
lling returns due to stability, simplicity and peace
achieve stabi
interest rate movements orr credit events. of mind.
hirendra Kumar’s
Editor’s Note titled
‘Ignore it all...’,
published on November
16, received considerable
feedback from readers.
His message about
cutting through the
market noise and staying
disciplined with
investing struck a chord
with our audience,
reflecting their strong
engagement with
the topic. As a token
of appreciation, we
dedicate this section
to our valued readers,
whose insights
help enrich
these discussions.
AI-generated image
’m sorry for being blunt, but the Adding to the confusion is the jar- your financial goals, investment
Indian stock market’s ups and gon experts use to disguise guess- horizon and risk tolerance.
downs often reveal self-pro- work. The same tools explain a Successful investing is boring.
claimed experts swinging like rally in one month and justify a Like nurturing a fruit tree, nothing
weather vanes in shifting winds. crash in the next. exciting happens daily, but consis-
One week, they proclaim a bull run; This endless cycle of contradicto- tent care yields abundant produce.
the next, they predict doom. What’s ry expertise can severely impact Build diversified portfolios aligned
remarkable is their unshakable con- retail investors. Ordinary savers, with your life, not trendy sectors.
fidence, hoping audiences forget bombarded by urgent calls to action Treat market declines as opportuni-
their earlier flip-flops. – ‘Buy now before it’s too late!’ or ties, not disasters. Stick to consis-
When markets dipped in ‘Sell everything immediately!’ – tent SIPs, rebalance portfolios and
October, the narrative was that often make poor decisions based on stay invested through cycles.
FIIs (foreign institutional inves- these shifting views. The secret to investing isn’t
tors) were shifting to China. So, what should savers do? knowing more but ignoring most of
Articles and reels praised China. Recognise what to ignore: breath- the noise. Avoiding the daily deluge
When markets reversed, so did the less headlines, WhatsApp for- of commentary and focusing on dis-
opinions, repeating this cycle wards touting the next big thing ciplined, long-term strategies is the
within weeks. Investors are some- and anyone claiming to know real path to financial success. In
how expected to glean wisdom where the market is headed. These investing, knowing what not to
from these contradictions. are all noise, not signals. Focus on know often makes all the difference.
Your article is very much in sync avoid unnecessary soundbites Absolutely bang on.
with the times we are going and remained a long-term inves- Unfortunately, our complex
through. Really, all analyses by tor in both quality shares and human mind fails to act ratio-
so-called experts are full of jar- mutual funds. nally when required most. As
gon. However, being a retired Thank you for your unwaver- you always say, discipline and
person and having been in this ing support of our old-school planning are the most import-
mutual fund industry since the way of thinking. ant, not being swayed by
time of US-64 and UTI S Chakraborty WhatsApp/YouTube University.
Mastershare, I have learned to Hemanth Kumar
Very useful to me as a distrib- Today’s note is perfect. It’s not positive mindset and believe
utor to stay invested. just market noise but nonsense tomorrow will be better.
Nowadays, investors are pru- being fed to serve vested inter- Markets move the same way.
dent and ignore the market’s ests. No one really knows (and The business channels exist for
hue and cry. Your essay is they’re not supposed to) which their own reasons, not to make
timely and encourages way the market is headed. money for viewers. Good article.
investors to invest more Like our lives, there are ups It reflected my views.
during downturns. and downs. We need to have a Vinay Nair
Gopala Krishnan
Market soothsayers have two Thanks for all the valuable your wisdom and guidance.
lists of reasons: one when the insights you have given us over I wish to share with you some
market goes up and another the years. This week, too, your insights from my life’s journey,
when the market goes down. letter is of immense value to us. perhaps on some other day.
Depending on the market I have benefited a lot, and I God bless you always.
movement, they just tick a few hope my children and grand- Charles Nobbay D’Souza
items from one list, with some children will also benefit from
jargon thrown in. Market ups
and downs are the very rea-
sons for their existence. For
every groom, there has to be a Thank you very much for your again and again whenever I
bride for a marriage to happen. great insight. It was a wonderful feel confused.
Sarawgi article, which I wish to read Amitabh Nathroy
10 fund houses with largest AUM growth in 2024 Big cities, bigger stakes
Zerodha Fund House bagged the number one spot with a Collectively, these 10 cities hold the lion’s share (62 per cent) of
staggering 1,976 per cent surge in its asset base! the mutual fund industry’s total AUM
z Growth in AUM (%)* z Current AUM (` cr)
% of AUM
250 | 2,971
179 | 1,536
JM Financial 12.2
178 | 13,560
0.9 Delhi
Bajaj Finserv 2.9 3.5
163 | 18,086 0.9
Ahmedabad Vadodara Kolkata
Quant 3.9
Mumbai 2.1
Zerodha Fund House 101 | 96,085
1,976 | 4,274 Hyderabad
100 | 763 5.4 2.9
Motilal Oswal
99 | 91,870 Chennai
Sankaran Naren
Rama Iyer Srinivasan
Chirag Setalvad Gopal Agrawal Ihab Dalwai
1.42 1.41 1.35
Where are equity funds investing their money? Leading the inflow charts
Financials leads the pack, while sectors like Consumer staples These are the 10 most popular fund houses this year
and Real estate are attracting the least interest
Real estate z % of equity AUM Inflows in 2024 (` cr)
-49% -62% -20% -9% -4% BSE 100 TRI 20.2 0.8 - -
BSE Mid Cap TRI 31.9 6.0 - -
The truth: Equity generates positive returns in the long run.
So, stay invested. BSE Small Cap TRI 35.2 12.1 - -
10Y 15Y 20Y 25Y BSE 500 TRI 21.4 1.2 - -
4% 7% 8% 8% *On an average for the respective fund categories.
Data from January 1, 1995 until October 28, 2024. In the case of mutual funds, only active funds in their
Fact: Equity is a long-term game respective categories have been considered.
Know the risks, suitability, return potential, tax benefits and how Saver’s
to invest in various investment options Guide saving
Complete guide to all
and investing option
‘Large caps
after recent
Sanghavi on which pockets of
the market seem appealing CIO – Equities, Mahindra Manulife
after the recent downturn Mutual Fund
s the markets correct, Krishna management may be slightly more
Sanghavi of Mahindra Net assets across actively-managed ambitious and dynamic. Usually, the
Manulife AMC views this as a equity funds: `11,517 crore re-rating opportunity is evaluated in
a chance for mid and small caps to Market-cap mix a span of around 18 months.
‘consolidate’, noting that these stocks Mid cap 41% Anything longer represents a
need time to align with their earnings potentially challenging decision, as
after a strong rally. While their visibility may suddenly diminish
valuations remain high, they Large cap 39% Small cap 15% when the timeframe is extended.
typically correct over time. Portfolio related data as of October 31, 2024
Sanghavi, CIO – Equities of What key factors do you look for
Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund, The thought process has been that as when deciding to buy a stock?
manages a portfolio worth the economy grows, the incremental At Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund,
`11,517 crore across four equity profit pool participation changes we select stocks using a framework
schemes, including the four-star across sectors. Along with changes in known as GCMV. Regarding growth,
rated Mahindra Manulife Focused profit participation, the multiples the idea is simple – we try to
Fund. In this interview, he shares his associated with those sectors also evaluate every company based on its
views on the current market correc- change, a phenomenon termed merit. Is there growth potential? Does
tions, the principles driving his ‘re-rating’. The idea is to concentrate the company’s growth stem from
investing strategy, the GCMV on companies that have the potential volume growth or the pricing power
(growth, cash flows, management to increase their current multiples to of premium products?
and valuation) framework followed a higher level. Typically, a shift in The second aspect involves the
by the fund house and the reasons corporate earnings profile or company’s ability to generate cash
for the outperformance of his funds. management drives these changes. flow independently, which is crucial
Occasionally, a change in for future growth. We have observed
How would you describe your management initiates a new growth numerous instances where
investment philosophy? phase for the company, as the new companies with growth find
Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related document carefully.
Subscription copy of []. Redistribution prohibited.
INTERVIEW Co-CIO, Equity, ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund
‘Our underlying
belief is to be
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund’s Tawakley on
his fund house’s investment philosophy
nish Tawakley, Co-CIO, progressed, and how much of it
Equity at ICICI Prudential was planned?
Mutual Fund, began his That’s difficult, but let me explain
career as a consultant but soon how it worked out. At IIM Bangalore,
realised his passion for the where I pursued my post-graduation,
analytical aspects of the field. This I fell in love with economics.
led him to transition to the markets, Consulting was a natural progression,
which he saw as a ‘better place’ to particularly strategy consulting, as it
apply his skills. was all about applying economic
Currently, Tawakley manages principles to business strategies. I
assets worth nearly `97,000 crore used to love the analytical aspects of
across five equity schemes, including consulting. Over time, I realised that
the ICICI Bluechip Fund, the AMC’s markets would be a better place to
largest fund. In this interview, he apply the same thinking.
shares insights into his stock-picking In consulting, you are helping
approach, emphasising the businesses develop their strategy and
importance of avoiding ‘recency bias’ plan execution. In markets, it’s the
in investing. He also explains the other side of the coin – you’re
‘barbell’ strategy applied across his choosing between companies based
funds, his outlook on on if their strategy is
the Manufacturing right or if they can
sector, and why the Net assets across execute that strategy.
fund house does not actively-managed So, while my fund
equity funds:
follow a ‘value’ management is very
`96,926 crore
investment philosophy. research-oriented, I
like to understand
Market-cap mix
You have diverse and form an
Mid cap 8%
experience working for independent view of
organisations like what I think will
McKinsey, Bernstein, happen to this
Barclays and Credit Small cap
industry and what
Suisse. Now, you are Large cap will happen to this
77% 4%
the Co-CIO of Equity at company over time.
Portfolio related data as of
ICICI Prudential AMC. October 31, 2024
A lot of time is
How have things focused on forecasting
An open-ended equity linked saving scheme that helps you save tax under Section 80C* and aims to generate long term capital appreciation.
Source : and Internal research.*Taxes have been computed as per income tax rules for the year 2024- 25 assuming the
*Investors should consult their financial advisor if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
The above riskometer is based on the scheme portfolio as on 30th November 2024. An addendum may be issued or updated on the website for new riskometer.
Mutual fund investments are subject
Subscription copy to market risks, read all scheme
of []. related
Redistribution documents carefully.
`100 cr
It’s possible with mid- and small-cap funds!
Let Mario guide you!
34 Mutual Fund Insight January 2025
Subscription copy of []. Redistribution prohibited.
Illustrations: ANAND
`100 crore club, in spite of market sitting on `42 crore now. Going by
adies and gentlemen, fasten volatility and unexpected twists historical averages, if the person kept
your seatbelts, for we are acting as roadblocks. going for another five to six years,
about to step into the shoes If you are thinking we have lost they would hit the incredible
of Mario, the beloved video our marbles, steady on. Let’s give `100 crore mark. But just like
game hero. But instead of jumping you a real-life example of the Mario’s quest to save his princess is
over Goombas and dodging fireballs Franklin India Prima Fund, the oldest filled with excitement – good and
to save Princess Peach, our path will mid-cap fund in the country. If one bad – reaching the `100 crore club
be one of discipline to build wealth. had invested `10,000 per month too is an adventure where the stakes
A path where we keep moving since the fund’s inception in 1993 are high, the risks are many but the
ahead with the help of mid- and and stepped it up by 10 per cent rewards are life-altering.
Odds of small and micro caps increasing in size has been minimal in last 20 years
Only 21 per cent of small caps have maintained their status quo or grown larger in last 20 years. It is only 3 per cent in micro caps’ case.
% of the category Average returns (%)
Large Large 2
46 9
cap cap
32 42
Mid Mid 5 1
25 17 44
cap cap
14 25 33
14 2
Small Small
15 27 26 39
cap cap
9 18 15
Micro 14 Micro
47 5 79 10 97
cap cap
Based on market cap as of March 31, 2000 to March 31, 2024. Average of 20-year rolling periods have been considered
Use the
l l to plan all your dreams, systematically. Visit:
Scan to know more An investor education and awareness initiative by Kotak Mutual Fund
Visit: to know more about the process to complete a one-time Know Your Customer (KYC) requirement to invest
in Mutual Funds, procedure w.r.t. change of address, phone number, bank account details, etc. Investors should only deal with registered Mutual Funds,
details of which can be verified on the SEBI website ( For any queries, complaints and grievance redressal, investors
may reach out to the AMCS and/or Investor Relations Officer. Additionally, investors may also lodge complaints on if they are unsatisfied
with the resolution given by AMCS. SCORES portal facilitates you to lodge your complaint online with SEBI and subsequently view its status.
Subscription copy
Mutual fund of [].
investments are subject to market risks, readRedistribution prohibited.
all scheme related documents carefully.
2021 400 3,730 11
However, discipline and per-
sistence always pay off. A come- 2022 435 4,110 11
hail, come-shine SIP strategy will
go a long way in amassing a large 2023 455 4,015 11
next level.
Short-termism been demolished to give low single-
How easy it would be for Mario to digit returns. Fast-forward to 2024,
give up after repeated failures. But and the numbers are significantly
would he ever be able to save more cheerful. Funds that were
Princess Peach if he didn’t have the showing 10-year SIP returns of as
big picture in mind? low as 1 per cent are now boasting
Similarly, think back to the upwards of 20 per cent. Imagine
Covid crash. Returns were bleak. those investors who redeemed their
Most mid- and small-cap funds had investments during Covid. They’d
ABSL DSP Midcap Franklin HDFC Mid-Cap ICICI Pru Kotak Emerging Sundaram
Mid Cap India Prima Opportunities Midcap Equity Mid Cap
Stock-selection skills Nerves of steel: Investors must be comfortable with volatility. If short-
term market fluctuations cause anxiety, this is not the path for you.
Entering the mid- and small-cap
universe without a skilled fund Long-term commitment: This strategy demands at least a
manager is not for the faint of 15 to 20-year time horizon. It is not suitable for those with immediate
heart. Mid- and small-cap funds are or medium-term financial goals.
like a live minefield, full of high- Disciplined SIP investors: The systematic investment approach works
risk, high-reward challenges. Good wonders when dealing with market fluctuations. Investors must be
luck making it out alive. That’s disciplined enough to continue their SIPs, especially during
challenging times when the temptation to exit might be high.
because mid- and small-cap
segments have a high mortality
rate. Companies can go bust, get gobbled up or simply lose their identify companies that are built
edge. While you may be thinking of to last. The graph ‘Fund managers’
staying invested for a very long choice’ on page 40 shows just how
time, 60 per cent of mid-cap selective fund managers are.
companies and 62 per cent of the About 90 per cent of the small-cap
top 250 small-cap companies universe is deemed uninvestable
shrink in relative size over 10 years by them. As of March 2024, only
and fail to deliver market returns. about 13 per cent of small, micro
This is where you need the and penny stocks made the cut
expertise of a fund manager. You into the portfolios of mid- and
need someone with a sharp eye to small-cap funds.
Mutual Fund investors need to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, which can be done by submitting completed KYC Form along with the required documents
at any AMC’s branch Office or Official Points of Acceptance. Please refer to know about KYC documentary requirement,
procedure for change of address, phone number, bank details etc. The investors are cautioned to invest only with SEBI registered Mutual Funds, the details of which can be
verified on SEBI’s website under ‘Intermediaries / Market Infrastructure Institutions’ ( For any complaints and grievance redressal,
investors can contact the Investor Relations Officer of the respective AMC and if not satisfied with the resolution given by the AMC, he/she can approach SEBI by registering
the complaint on SEBI SCORES Portal ( and/or escalate the compliant through Online Dispute Resolution Portal (
hen equity markets investors. However, it’s worth
experience turbulence keeping in mind that returns might
like it is right now, debt not increase much further in the
funds’ much-needed stability near future.
comes to the forefront. Continued exposure to longer-duration
For retail investors, a core debt bonds: With potential rate cuts antici-
portfolio should emphasise safety, pated, these funds have kept their
reasonable returns (marginally allocation to longer-duration bonds
higher than bank fixed deposits), high this year. Reason? If interest rates
flexibility to invest across different fall, these bonds could boost fund
kinds of bonds and limited returns a bit by raising the NAVs. So,
exposure to bonds of high maturity. there may be a slight increase in
In this regard, the short-duration value, albeit a modest one.
funds tick all the boxes.
These funds’ versatility works Our handpicked funds Illustration: Prakriti Rana
through the ups and downs of an zAxis Short Duration
interest rate cycle. So, if you are a zBandhan Bond Fund Short ideal for investors looking to invest
fixed-income investor who wants Term Plan with a limited horizon of 2-3 years.
to keep it simple, this is your zHDFC Short Term Debt Optimised risk-return: Both HDFC
go-to bucket. zHSBC Short Duration and Axis funds offer a balance of
risk and return, as they take
Highlights & trends Conservative choices: The HSBC and calculated risks. Given their
Performance: These funds continue Bandhan funds are managed selective bets on duration and
to offer one-year return of around conservatively. These funds stand out credit, these funds are suitable for
8 per cent, making them an for their resolve to stay away from the fixed-income allocation in your
attractive choice for fixed-income lower-rated bonds, making them longer-term portfolio.
Category snapshot
26 1.15 0.36% 7.72% 91% 2% 3.62 2%
No. of Assets (in Average Cat. returns Avg. high quality Avg. medium quality Avg. maturity Avg. worst 1-yr
funds ` lakh crore) expense ratio for 2024 bonds exposure bonds exposure (in years) return in 5 yrs
Returns as of November 30, 2024; Rest of the figures as of October 31, 2024.
Funds at a glance
High-quality Medium-quality Avg. maturity Yield to Expense Assets
Name 1Y returns (%) exposure (%) exposure (%) (in years) maturity* ratio (%) (` cr)
ABSLife Retirement Fund-The 50s Plus-Debt Plan 7.74 96.13 - 7.23 6.92 0.84 15
Aditya Birla Sun Life Short Term Fund 8.85 94.40 2.70 3.84 7.64 0.38 8,924
Axis Short Duration Fund 8.81 93.06 1.08 3.72 7.50 0.36 9,304
Bandhan All Seasons Bond Fund 8.64 - - 3.56 7.37 0.07 125
Bandhan Bond Fund Short Term Plan 8.82 88.55 - 3.72 7.31 0.33 9,725
Baroda BNP Paribas Short Duration Fund 8.60 66.23 2.55 3.22 7.47 0.38 197
Canara Robeco Short Duration Fund 8.04 76.22 - 3.40 7.27 0.43 351
DSP Short Term Fund 8.59 88.56 - 3.79 7.50 0.34 2,829
Edelweiss CRISIL IBX 50:50 Gilt Plus SDL SD Index 8.64 95.28 - 3.01 6.93 0.20 154
Groww Short Duration Fund 8.48 75.74 - 2.39 7.05 0.40 55
HDFC Short Term Debt Fund 8.74 65.97 5.26 4.05 7.57 0.40 14,972
HSBC Short Duration Fund 8.40 88.98 - 3.43 7.35 0.27 3,786
ICICI Prudential Short Term Fund 8.67 91.15 6.35 3.99 7.76 0.45 19,922
Invesco India Short Duration Fund 8.53 62.37 1.13 3.58 7.45 0.35 444
JM Short Duration Fund 8.17 87.05 - 2.96 7.35 0.36 126
Kotak Bond - Short Term Fund 8.81 80.59 - 4.72 7.43 0.38 16,895
LIC MF Short Duration Fund 8.79 85.99 - 3.32 7.29 0.37 109
Mahindra Manulife Short Duration Fund 8.95 82.23 2.26 2.65 7.65 0.29 67
Mirae Asset Short Duration Fund 8.69 91.87 4.11 3.63 7.45 0.28 366
Nippon India Short Term Fund 8.77 74.56 6.69 3.67 7.57 0.38 7,586
SBI Short Term Debt Fund 8.49 81.86 3.90 3.52 7.48 0.35 13,303
Sundaram Short Duration Fund 8.79 92.29 - 3.78 7.39 0.31 223
Tata Short Term Bond Fund 8.53 67.81 - 4.09 7.41 0.36 2,904
TRUSTMF Short Duration Fund 7.94 96.96 - 3.35 7.28 0.23 147
UTI Short Duration Fund 8.69 78.54 3.37 2.85 7.36 0.42 2,676
Returns and Expense ratio as of November 30, 2024. All other data as of October, 2024; Funds with a suspended rating due to recent recovery have been excluded. High-quality bond
exposure includes SOV, AAA and AA+ exposures and medium quality includes AA and AA- exposures. *Yield to maturity is net of expenses.
quity savings funds invest
about a third of the money Category snapshot
each in equity, debt and
arbitrage opportunities (a strategy 22 42,424 0.63% 28% 23%
where the fund aims to profit from No. of funds Assets Asset-weighted Avg. net equity Avg. mid &
temporary price differences (in ` crore) expense ratio exposure small-cap as a
% of net equity
between related securities
across markets).
This set-up lets you tap into the 49% 11.30% -10% 17.78% 8.55%
growth of equities while Avg. top 10 Asset-weighted Avg. worst 1-yr Average return Avg. return of
holdings (as % returns return in of top quartile bottom quartile
cushioning you from market drops. of net equity) 5 years funds funds
What’s more, with over 65 per cent
of the money in equity and Returns as of November 30, 2024; Rest of the figures as of October 31, 2024
Returns, ratings, risk grade and expense ratio as of November 30, 2024. Assets as of October 31, 2024. Equity and Arbitrage allocation are averages for 2024.
* The individual is assumed to earn a taxable income of more than Rs. 5 Crore. The effective tax rate is 30% marginal tax + 37% surcharge on the tax rate +
4% Health and Education Cess = 42.74% i.e. highest marginal tax bracket. The individual is assumed to utilise the complete tax deduction limit of Rs. 150,000
per financial year under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. This deduction is allowed to an individual or a HUF. This is only to illustrate the tax-saving potential
of ELSS and is not tax advice. Please consult your tax consultant for tax purpose. This is applicable assuming the person is in the old tax regime. As per New
Income Tax Regime most of the deductions/exemptions such as section 80C, 80D, etc. are to be foregone. The new Income-Tax regime will be the default
option for Assessment Year 2024-25. However,the choice to remain with the old tax regime will still be available for the taxpayer.
An Open-Ended Equity Linked Saving Scheme with a statutory lock in of 3 years and tax benefits
Of all the number of investment options that can give you tax-saving benefits, ELSS could play a role of an efficient tax saving
instrument from the view point of a working professional. It is considered to be a suitable tax-saving instrument offering
potential for capital growth along with tax benefits, with the shortest lock-in period of 3 years,
as compared to other tax-saving instruments.
Investors can also avail SIP facility to spread out the period of investment over a long
period of time and utilize it to average the cost, which can reduce the tax incidence and may
garner competitive returns.
Gateway to Equity
New to equity? ELSS can be an apt option to get Mr. Harsha Upadhyaya heads the equity desk at
yourself exposed to equity & the power of compounding. Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company.
Harsha has over two decades of experience, spread
Lowest Lock-in across equity research and fund management.
There is a mandatory lock-in period for all major tax saving He completed his Bachelor of Engineering
investment schemes and plan. However, ELSS has the (Mechanical) from National Institute of Technology,
lowest lock-in period of just 3 years that is enough time to Surathkal, and holds a Post Graduate
instill discipline. Diploma in Management (Finance) from Indian
Institute of Management, Lucknow. He also holds
Comprehensive Investment Strategy Chartered Financial Analyst charter from the CFA
Emphasis on bottom-up stock selection with top-down Institute, US.
thematic overlay helps identify stock opportunities.
ust a few months ago, everything seemed did, the belief was that the market would
very clear and optimistic. The risks were bounce back in the following days.
forgotten, and animal spirits were flying Now, we all seek answers to the following
high. ‘IPOs’ (initial public offerings), ‘NFOs’ questions: how much more FII money is likely
(new fund offers), ‘futures’ and ‘options’ were to exit if the Fed cuts or doesn’t cut tax rates?
the buzzwords. All of us were waiting for the Are we headed for tariff wars and subsequent
US election results as the next major global imported inflation? With a slowdown in
event. At the same time, we were convinced consumption, is the domestic scenario
that foreign events wouldn’t impact Indian positive? Is this a cyclical slowdown or a
markets. The DIIs (domestic institutional structural one?
investors), ‘unintended flows’ from EPFO
(Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation), Why downturns are not all bad
pension funds, insurance companies and SIPs A plethora of questions have plagued
(systematic investment plans) would keep investors while they are still holding onto the
market levels rising. ropes. Their concern? How much more
Come November, just like the Delhi air correction is expected? Even though
quality, our vision turned hazy. Commentaries benchmarks have corrected around
on the slowing economy, muted urban and 10 per cent, a few frothy small caps have lost
rural demand and poor corporate results came Investors are
to the forefront. Higher summer temperatures, worried how
general election rallies and the not-so-spatial much more
distribution of rain were blamed. Globally, the correction
US rate cut had the reverse impact on bonds will happen.
from what we all knew thus far about bond Though
dynamics. The US election results and benchmarks
Republican manifestos increased the ongoing corrected by
onslaught of foreign exodus. The intensity 10 per cent,
and speed at which FIIs (foreign institutional some small
investors) were selling was unimaginable and caps lost
had not been seen in many years. 50-70 per
A couple of months ago, a large percentage cent of their
of market players did not believe that value.
corrections would happen. And even if they
-7 -7 -8
-10 -9 -10 -10 -10
-11 -12
-12 -12
-14 -13 -13 -12 -14
-17 -15 -17 -16 -15 -16 -16
-19 -19 -21 Average: - 21%
-27 -26 -27 -27 -26
-28 -29
-34 -33
-39 -38
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2024
Source: Ace MF, FundsIndia Research. Sensex drawdowns from 1980 until 2024 YTD considered. Drawdowns of 2024 updated until October 31, 2024.
50 to 70 per cent of their value. What would happen in the near term, so we shouldn’t base
happen to them now? How long will they take our investments on short-term predictions.
to return to our purchase price, if at all?
All equity investors should brace How should you prepare?
themselves for such setbacks. If we study how 1. Always stick to your asset allocation: Never be
the index has behaved in the last, there have swayed by what others do. Invest only as much
been more years of intra-year correction of in equity, and ensure that you will not need the
close to 10 per cent than not. Equity markets money for five or more years.
are not linear, and each correction should be 2. Focus on investing regularly: In the last four
viewed as an opportunity to invest more as years, for most SIP instalments, there has been
long as we have invested in businesses with an upward revision of NAV (net asset value).
good growth. We are getting a chance of averaging
For the many newcomers, this is a great downward, which is the true essence of an SIP.
time to unlearn the rash bets that were Therefore, we should either increase or
successful in the last couple of years. Equity continue with our SIP commitments.
investment is for the long term – at least five 3. Don’t fall for investment fads: Avoid taking on
years. No one knows anything that can aggressive sector bets without having a strong,
Equity diversified equity portfolio. When markets cor-
markets face rect sharply, all fall like Humpty Dumpty. But
corrections the smart ones fall less than the markets.
nearly every Fortunately, as market experts say, the
year. Yet, each medium to long term looks good for the
correction economy and the markets. Nothing changes if
should be we tone down our return expectations to more
seen as an realistic levels.
opportunity to
invest more as Shyamali has been navigating the asset
management world for over 20 years,
long as they’re working with everyone from the seasoned
businesses super wealthy to absolute beginners.
with good She has a knack for understanding the
human side of investing and empathising
growth. with investors, something that shines
through in her writing.
Illustration: ANAND
veryone wants to make the most of
their investments. We all aspire to pick Indian household asset ownership
the next multi-bagger stock or invest Cash Equities
in a thematic fund that will provide the 3 6.9
highest possible returns. Often, we hear PPF
friends and relatives asking for investment Property
recommendations, adding a side note that 5.6 50.7
In %
they are willing to take risks but want the
maximum returns, especially after witnessing Bank deposits
strong past market performance. 13.1 Gold
Year Amount Return (%) Year Amount Return (%) Year Amount Return (%)
- 1,000 - - 1,000 - - 1,000 - Huge gap
1 1,120 12 1 1,191 19 1 1,191 19 between
‘Expected’ and
2 1,254 12 2 910 -24 2 910 -24 ‘Actual’ return
in the initial
3 1,405 12 3 1,164 28 3 973 7 years
4 1,574 12 4 1,289 11 4 1,042 7
5 1,762 12 5 1,700 32 5 1,115 7
6 1,974 12 6 1,637 -4 6 1,193 7 Typical
7 2,211 12 7 1,694 3 7 1,276 7 response:
"This is not
8 2,476 12 8 2,195 30 8 1,365 7 meant for me.
Let's go back
9 2,773 12 9 2,353 7 9 1,461 7 to traditional
10 3,106 12 10 2,722 16 10 1,563 7 fixed-income
11 3,479 12 11 3,189 17 11 1,673 7
12 3,896 12 12 3,930 23 12 1,790 7
For understanding purposes only. Returns shown in the middle (Reality) table are calendar year returns for BSE Sensex TRI from CY10 onward. Past performance may or may not
be sustained in future and is not a guarantee of future returns.
returns, the absolute wealth creation remains (multi-asset allocation fund) categories. These
insignificant. For instance, consider earning schemes aim to manage volatility while
10 per cent on a `1 crore investment versus targeting reasonable returns over time. They do
earning 15 per cent on a `10 lakh investment, so by rebalancing between equity (a volatile
with the remaining `90 lakh earning only asset class with the potential to earn high long-
7.5 per cent. Thus, the difference lies in sizing Sizing is term returns), debt (a stable asset class with
(note: the percentage returns used directly relatively lower returns) and other permissible
in the example are intended to explain the proportional asset classes based on market valuations.
concept of sizing and volatility in to confidence, While these schemes may not necessarily
investments and are not indicative of which, in turn, generate the highest possible returns, they
future returns). negatively instil confidence to invest a greater portion of
Sizing is directly proportional to correlates your corpus due to their inherent structure. It’s
confidence, which, in turn, negatively with volatility. important to keep in mind that not all BAF and
correlates with volatility. This means if we can MAAF schemes are the same. This is because
find an investment avenue that reduces different fund houses target varying risk-return
volatility without significantly compromising profiles, use different valuation models and
on returns, we will have greater confidence in operate within different net equity ranges.
its short- to medium-term performance. As a Therefore, it’s advisable to consult a financial
result, instead of earning disproportionately advisor to select a scheme that aligns with
higher returns on only a small fraction of our your investment objectives.
investment, the entire corpus can generate
Manuj Jain, a CFA charterholder, is a Director and
moderate but higher absolute returns. Head of Product and Strategies at WhiteOak
Capital Asset Management Company. He has been
Asset allocation: A potential solution with the company for three years and has over
16 years of experience in asset management. Part
Two investment avenues that aim to achieve
of the WhiteOak Capital Group, WhiteOak Capital
this balance are mutual fund schemes under Asset Management Company is the sponsoring
the BAF (balanced advantage fund) and MAAF entity of WhiteOak Capital Mutual Fund.
umit, 26, started his investing journey around two
years back. Through monthly SIPs of `5,000 in
mutual funds, he has accumulated a corpus
of `1.82 lakh so far. But since the market has been falling
for the last couple of months, Sumit wonders if he should
stop investing or take a more opportunistic bet and invest
his savings of `2 lakh in one go and capitalise on the dip,
or play it safe. He was also contemplating if he should
aggressively invest in stocks right now.
Sumit is hardly alone. Equity markets have been chop-
py of late, making many investors ponder if this is the
opportune time to go all in and invest. So, should he take
the plunge, or can this strategy backfire? Let's find out.
Time taken
to recover
Period 1986-88 1990-91 1992-93 1994-96 2000-01 2004 2006 2008-09 2010-11 2015-16 2020
Align your investments with your financial goals z Focus only on stocks and sectors you understand
There’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution that z If you are a newcomer, use this time as a learning
will help you achieve all your financial experience rather than a profit-maximising exercise
goals. Thus, you need to spread your
money across investments, keeping in What should Sumit do then?
mind your risk tolerance, the time needed to z Don’t stop your SIPs. Continuing them during
fulfil each goal and level of importance. downturns allows you to accumulate more units at
Here is a framework to help you invest smartly: lower prices.
Short-term goals (1-3 years): Invest in liquid funds, z Focus on your financial goals
fixed deposits or short-duration debt funds for your than the market noise.
near-term goals. These investments carry low risks and Corrections are
provide moderate yet stable returns. temporary; your long-
Medium-term goals (3-5 years): If your goals fall within term objectives are not.
this range and are somewhat flexible (like upgrading a z Revisit your asset
car or saving for a wedding), consider a balanced allocation. At the same
approach. Allocate some portion (30-40 per cent) time, avoid impulsive
to equity, with the rest in fixed-income options changes based on short-term
for stability. market events.
Long-term goals (over five years): Invest in equity
mutual funds, as they are your best bet to grow wealth.
Don’t forget these
Though volatile in the short run, equity earns
inflation-beating returns, helping you accumulate a goals: Break them down into
sizable corpus over time. short, medium and long term Stay disciplined:
and spread your money across Focus on consistency and
them accordingly. patience rather than reacting to
When it comes to stocks, tread with caution short-term market movements.
Continue with your SIPs: Stick
Unless you are an expert at stocks, it’s best with the `5,000 monthly SIP for Create a safety net: Build a
to not invest in them directly. Without your long-term goals. Change or contingency fund covering at
ADJUSTONLYIFYOURlNANCIAL least six months of your
proper research, you run the risk of expenses, secure health
priorities change.
incurring losses. insurance and buy a term
Experiment wisely: Allocate life plan if you have
Yet, if you are keen on buying stocks only a small amount to invest in any dependents.
directly, here’s what you can do: stocks directly.
z Start by investing small amounts (`10,000-20,000)
Portfolio Composition
Equity: ELSS
253 Quant ELSS Tax Saver Fund 26.8 21.1 32.9 22.3 24 8 1 1 88 5 1 7 2.8 0.6 +Avg 0.59 10,980 5.0
254 Quantum ELSS Tax Saver 33.5 20.3 19.5 12.8 11 11 24 23 67 13 3 17 4.4 0.7 -Avg 0.90 211 2.2
255 Samco ELSS Tax Saver 14.8 - - - 36 - - - 16 79 5 0 - - - 0.98 120 NR -
256 SBI Long Term Equity 39.7 26.1 25.3 15.5 3 2 3 9 67 17 7 9 8.0 1.9 -Avg 0.93 27,559 3.7
257 Sundaram ELSS Tax Saver 24.1 16.0 19.5 13.1 31 28 23 21 74 16 5 5 0.5 -0.2 Avg 1.67 1,351 2.9
258 Tata ELSS Tax Saver 30.1 18.9 19.6 16.5 19 16 22 6 63 18 15 4 2.3 0.5 +Avg 0.70 4,680 3.0
259 Union ELSS Tax Saver 25.0 16.8 21.1 12.9 28 25 14 22 71 14 12 2 1.3 -0.1 -Avg 1.33 931 3.6
260 UTI ELSS Tax Saver 24.1 13.4 18.8 13.4 32 31 27 19 72 23 3 2 -2.6 -0.7 +Avg 0.91 3,873 2.6
261 WhiteOak Capital ELSS Tax Saver 38.0 - - - 5 - - - 52 26 18 4 - - - 0.70 293 NR -
Equity: ELSS 30.6 18.8 21.0 14.9 36 33 33 25 66 23 7 4 2.5 0.4 0.86 7,295
BSE 500 TRI 27.0 16.8 19.6 14.0
Equity: Sectoral-Banking
262 ABSL Banking & Financial Services 18.9 15.4 13.6 14.6 15 11 6 2 69 21 8 2 1.5 0.2 High 1.08 3,264 2.6
263 Bandhan Financial Services 29.6 - - - 2 - - - 68 21 7 4 - - - 0.63 951 NR -
264 Baroda BNP Paribas Banking & Fin Srvcs 25.0 17.8 12.6 11.6 5 5 9 7 84 13 - 2 3.8 0.6 Avg 0.98 192 Ç 2.0
265 DSP Banking & Financial Services - - - - - - - - 73 16 1 10 - - - 0.70 993 NR -
266 HDFC Banking & Financial Services 19.2 17.0 - - 14 8 - - 72 18 10 0 3.3 0.4 Avg 0.78 3,650 4.0
267 Helios Financial Services - - - - - - - - 66 26 8 1 - - - 0.76 127 NR -
268 ICICI Pru Banking & Financial Services 20.7 15.5 12.7 14.0 9 10 8 4 82 9 3 5 2.3 0.2 Avg 1.02 8,850 3.0
269 Invesco India Financial Services 29.5 20.9 17.0 16.2 3 1 1 1 71 19 9 1 7.0 0.8 -Avg 0.88 1,072 3.7
270 ITI Banking and Financial Services 17.3 - - - 16 - - - 76 19 2 2 - - - 0.44 268 NR -
271 Kotak Banking & Financial Services 24.5 - - - 6 - - - 77 17 4 2 - - - 0.68 986 NR -
272 LIC MF Banking & Financial Services 12.3 13.4 10.9 - 17 13 11 - 61 27 9 2 -0.4 -0.1 +Avg 1.05 261 1.5
273 Mirae Asset Banking and Fin Srvcs 22.6 17.3 - - 8 7 - - 64 25 11 0 3.4 0.5 Avg 0.60 1,845 È 3.9
274 Nippon India Banking & Financial Srvices 20.7 20.1 15.2 13.5 11 3 4 5 77 19 2 2 5.8 0.9 Avg 1.08 6,238 3.3
275 Quant BFSI 25.7 - - - 4 - - - 45 36 17 1 - - - 0.69 630 NR -
276 SBI Banking & Financial Services 32.0 19.1 15.6 - 1 4 3 - 76 20 3 2 5.5 0.7 -Avg 0.73 6,457 4.2
277 Sundaram Financial Services Opp 19.4 20.1 16.8 14.1 13 2 2 3 65 17 14 5 5.9 0.8 Low 0.78 1,453 4.6
278 Tata Banking & Financial Services 20.0 17.7 15.0 - 12 6 5 - 64 22 13 1 3.9 0.5 Avg 0.53 2,374 3.8
279 UTI Banking and Financial Services 22.6 16.3 12.2 11.1 7 9 10 8 71 22 7 1 2.6 0.3 +Avg 1.22 1,159 1.6
280 WhiteOak Capital Banking & Fin Srvices - - - - - - - - 67 23 8 2 - - - 0.68 282 NR -
Equity: Sectoral-Banking 22.4 17.4 14.0 13.4 17 13 11 8 70 21 8 2 3.7 0.5 0.81 2,161
BSE Bankex TRI 19.0 14.2 11.0 11.5
Equity: Sectoral-Infrastructure
281 ABSL Infrastructure 36.4 27.4 27.3 14.9 16 15 14 17 47 25 24 4 4.3 -0.7 High 1.34 1,195 1.7
282 Bandhan Infrastructure 51.8 31.2 31.6 18.0 3 8 4 8 41 25 33 1 5.6 -0.4 +Avg 0.82 1,777 2.1
283 Bank of India Manufacturing & Infra 38.8 28.1 32.1 18.3 13 13 2 4 39 32 21 8 6.3 -0.5 -Avg 0.86 519 3.8
284 Canara Robeco Infrastructure 54.0 31.3 30.4 17.5 2 7 7 9 61 29 5 5 8.6 -0.4 -Avg 1.03 848 3.4
285 DSP India T.I.G.E.R. 48.6 33.9 30.1 18.0 5 3 8 7 38 34 24 5 10.1 -0.3 Avg 0.84 5,406 3.1
286 Franklin Build India 44.0 31.9 28.8 19.4 8 6 11 2 51 32 12 5 8.4 -0.4 Avg 0.94 2,825 3.1
287 HDFC Infrastructure 39.4 34.7 25.6 11.9 12 2 16 19 46 22 25 7 9.2 -0.2 High 1.09 2,516 1.1
288 HSBC Infrastructure 44.5 29.9 27.7 18.1 6 11 13 5 55 30 13 2 7.8 -0.4 Avg 0.97 2,611 2.9
289 ICICI Pru Infrastructure 42.8 35.3 31.0 17.2 10 1 6 11 57 28 9 7 11.2 -0.2 Avg 1.21 6,779 4.0
290 Invesco India Infrastructure 50.1 30.3 32.1 19.0 4 9 3 3 48 41 8 3 7.4 -0.4 -Avg 0.74 1,591 4.6
291 Kotak Infrastructure and Economic Reform 44.1 30.0 29.6 18.0 7 10 9 6 40 34 23 3 9.7 -0.4 -Avg 0.62 2,368 4.5
292 LIC MF Infrastructure 61.6 33.8 29.1 16.6 1 4 10 14 27 27 40 6 11.3 -0.3 -Avg 1.06 786 3.6
293 Nippon India Power & Infra 43.9 33.0 31.0 17.3 9 5 5 10 61 28 9 2 8.2 -0.3 Avg 0.95 7,402 2.8
294 Quant Infrastructure 40.7 26.4 36.1 19.7 11 16 1 1 62 11 17 9 -0.4 -0.8 +Avg 0.66 3,599 4.8
295 SBI Infrastructure 32.4 28.0 26.8 17.1 17 14 15 12 42 30 21 7 7.0 -0.6 Low 0.92 4,963 3.9
296 Sundaram Infrastructure Advantage 37.4 24.2 24.9 14.9 15 17 17 16 57 27 12 5 2.5 -0.8 +Avg 1.80 1,000 2.4
297 Tata Infrastructure 38.3 28.6 28.6 16.9 14 12 12 13 42 33 21 4 5.8 -0.5 Avg 1.10 2,451 3.1
298 UTI Infrastructure 32.3 22.9 21.5 13.0 18 19 19 18 71 14 10 5 1.4 -0.9 +Avg 1.81 2,293 2.0
Equity: Sectoral-Infrastructure 42.8 29.7 28.8 16.9 19 19 19 19 49 28 18 5 6.9 -0.5 1.04 2,829
BSE India Infrastructure TRI 54.8 36.9 32.1 15.7
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of November 30 2024.
Equity: Sectoral-Pharma
299 ABSL Pharma & Healthcare 37.8 19.1 25.5 - 11 9 8 - 55 32 6 6 -0.8 -0.3 +Avg 0.93 882 2.2
300 DSP Healthcare 48.1 23.7 32.7 - 3 3 1 - 42 39 15 3 3.8 0.5 +Avg 0.59 3,138 3.1
301 HDFC Pharma And Healthcare 53.6 - - - 1 - - - 50 37 12 1 - - - 0.92 1,383 NR -
302 ICICI Pru Pharma Healthcare and Diagnost 49.6 25.1 31.2 - 2 1 2 - 53 24 21 2 5.0 1.0 Low 1.09 5,024 4.6
303 ITI Pharma and Healthcare 47.8 22.6 - - 5 4 - - 53 35 11 2 2.9 0.4 -Avg 0.47 208 4.0
304 Kotak Healthcare - - - - - - - - 58 28 13 1 - - - 0.74 406 NR -
305 Mirae Asset Healthcare 40.4 19.6 30.2 - 10 8 3 - 60 38 1 1 -0.3 -0.2 +Avg 0.47 2,770 3.0
306 Nippon India Pharma 36.5 20.0 28.6 16.1 12 7 6 1 59 26 11 4 0.6 -0.1 Avg 0.91 8,689 3.5
307 Quant Healthcare 42.3 - - - 8 - - - 25 34 39 1 - - - 0.69 437 NR -
308 SBI Healthcare Opportunities 45.5 24.7 30.1 14.9 7 2 4 2 52 31 14 3 5.1 0.8 -Avg 0.89 3,416 4.7
309 Tata India Pharma & Healthcare 41.7 22.0 28.6 - 9 5 7 - 60 20 14 5 2.2 0.4 Avg 0.69 1,208 3.6
310 UTI Healthcare 46.0 22.0 28.8 14.0 6 6 5 3 39 44 15 2 1.8 0.4 Avg 1.25 1,187 3.0
311 WhiteOak Capital Pharma and Helthcr - - - - - - - - 55 31 13 1 - - - 0.69 232 NR -
Equity: Sectoral-Pharma 44.8 21.8 29.0 15.0 12 10 9 3 51 32 14 3 2.3 0.3 0.79 2,229
BSE Healthcare TRI 44.6 20.4 27.1 12.0
Equity: Sectoral-Technology
312 ABSL Digital India 27.9 11.7 29.8 19.6 8 4 3 1 68 20 8 3 2.1 0.3 - 0.82 5,046 NR -
313 Edelweiss Technology - - - - - - - - 73 18 5 3 - - - 0.55 647 NR -
314 Franklin India Technology 36.2 16.9 28.6 17.7 5 1 5 4 69 10 12 9 7.2 0.6 - 1.04 1,845 NR -
315 HDFC Technology 42.6 - - - 1 - - - 68 25 1 6 - - - 0.95 1,317 NR -
316 ICICI Pru Technology 35.7 10.8 31.7 18.9 6 5 1 2 70 15 7 8 1.2 0.1 - 0.98 13,495 NR -
317 Invesco India Technology - - - - - - - - 52 42 - 5 - - - 0.77 292 NR -
318 Kotak Technology - - - - - - - - 75 19 2 4 - - - 0.96 551 NR -
319 Quant Teck 37.9 - - - 3 - - - 24 52 20 4 - - - 0.78 424 NR -
320 SBI Technology Opportunities 35.3 13.4 28.9 17.9 7 3 4 3 66 22 9 3 3.8 0.5 - 0.83 4,304 NR -
321 Tata Digital India 41.3 14.0 31.5 - 2 2 2 - 74 18 3 5 4.1 0.9 - 0.40 11,835 NR -
322 WhiteOak Capital Digital Bharat - - - - - - - - 58 24 15 4 - - - 0.66 252 NR -
Equity: Sectoral-Technology 36.8 13.4 30.1 18.5 8 5 5 4 63 24 8 5 3.7 0.5 0.79 3,637
BSE IT TRI 31.2 9.7 25.9 16.6
Equity: Thematic
323 360 ONE Quant 35.7 25.6 - - 17 7 - - 94 5 - 1 5.8 1.3 - 0.43 562 NR -
324 ABSL Business Cycle 28.5 - - - 39 - - - 64 24 10 2 - - - 0.96 1,829 NR -
325 ABSL Manufacturing Equity 39.7 20.4 21.2 - 9 14 15 - 44 37 16 2 3.2 0.7 - 1.26 1,209 NR -
326 ABSL Quant - - - - - - - - 72 28 - 0 - - - 0.50 2,614 NR -
327 ABSL Special Opportunities 32.0 16.8 - - 27 21 - - 56 31 9 4 -0.2 0.0 - 1.25 774 NR -
328 ABSL Transportation and Logistics 36.5 - - - 15 - - - 67 10 17 6 - - - 0.66 1,572 NR -
329 Axis Business Cycles 31.6 - - - 29 - - - 60 29 7 3 - - - 0.68 2,613 NR -
330 Axis India Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 67 22 6 6 - - - 0.41 6,054 NR -
331 Axis Innovation 35.4 12.7 - - 19 28 - - 67 22 8 2 -2.6 -0.5 - 1.30 1,226 NR -
332 Axis Quant 24.3 16.0 - - 45 22 - - 72 20 6 2 0.0 -0.2 - 0.67 1,092 NR -
333 Bandhan Business Cycle - - - - - - - - 37 11 10 41 - - - 0.39 1,652 NR -
334 Bandhan Innovation - - - - - - - - 34 38 23 5 - - - 0.59 1,285 NR -
335 Bandhan Transportation and Logistics 30.6 - - - 35 - - - 53 18 21 7 - - - 0.92 541 NR -
336 Bank of India Business Cycle - - - - - - - - 50 13 18 19 - - - 1.17 607 NR -
337 Baroda BNP Paribas Business Cycle 33.4 20.4 - - 21 15 - - 70 18 7 5 3.2 0.9 - 0.85 591 NR -
338 Baroda BNP Paribas Innovation - - - - - - - - 56 31 9 4 - - - 0.25 1,138 NR -
339 Baroda BNP Paribas Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 58 30 7 5 - - - 0.39 1,429 NR -
340 Canara Robeco Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 51 35 11 3 - - - 0.48 1,677 NR -
341 DSP Quant 19.7 9.4 15.8 - 50 30 18 - 87 12 - 1 -6.2 -1.2 - 0.55 1,070 NR -
342 Edelweiss Business Cycle - - - - - - - - 73 24 - 3 - - - 0.29 1,827 NR -
343 Edelweiss Recently Listed IPO 26.8 11.3 24.2 - 41 29 - - 16 33 45 6 -4.1 -0.4 - 1.00 937 NR -
344 Franklin India Opportunities 49.3 29.1 29.0 17.5 2 2 2 1 46 26 20 8 10.8 1.2 - 0.50 5,623 NR -
345 HDFC Business Cycle 24.0 - - - 46 - - - 67 17 9 8 - - - 0.78 2,978 NR -
346 HDFC Defence 66.9 - - - 1 - - - 56 9 33 2 - - - 0.73 4,117 NR -
Equity: Thematic 32.5 20.2 23.3 14.7 53 30 19 9 56 25 13 7 3.7 0.5 0.72 2,425
BSE 500 TRI 27.0 16.8 19.6 14.0
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of November 30 2024.
igh Risk
The risk of the scheme is moderate risk
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1RWH3OHDVHUHIHUWR6FKHPH *Investors should consult their financial advisers if in
doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
,QIRUPDWLRQ'RFXPHQW 6,' IRU The risk of the scheme is very high risk
GHWDLOHG$VVHW$OORFDWLRQLQWKH Note:Please visit the website address for latest Riskometer updates:> Statutory Disclosures ---> Product Label of the Schemes.
Mutual Fund investments are subject
Subscription copy to market risks, read all Redistribution
of []. scheme related documents carefully.
Performance Portfolio Composition (%)
Returns (%) Rank Large Mid Small Cash & Info. Risk Expense Assets Fund Average
S.No. Fund Name 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Cap Cap Cap Others Alpha Ratio Grade Ratio (%) (` cr) Rating Rating
Equity: Thematic
347 HDFC Housing Opportunities 27.3 23.3 20.6 - 40 10 16 - 66 15 18 0 5.6 0.8 - 1.20 1,453 NR -
348 HDFC Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 69 20 9 2 - - - 0.46 12,772 NR -
349 HDFC Transportation and Logistics 38.6 - - - 10 - - - 60 27 11 2 - - - 0.98 1,300 NR -
350 HSBC Business Cycles 45.7 26.1 24.4 15.3 4 6 7 3 43 31 23 3 8.3 1.3 - 1.15 995 NR -
351 HSBC India Export Opportunities - - - - - - - - 36 23 7 34 - - - 0.63 1,780 NR -
352 ICICI Pru Business Cycle 33.0 23.6 - - 23 9 - - 68 5 2 24 7.5 1.0 - 0.73 11,782 NR -
353 ICICI Pru Commodities 23.5 21.7 32.7 - 47 12 1 - 55 32 10 3 3.6 0.5 - 0.95 2,438 NR -
354 ICICI Pru Exports & Services 33.1 20.8 22.6 14.9 22 13 12 4 74 12 4 10 5.7 0.6 - 1.67 1,483 NR -
355 ICICI Pru FMCG 9.5 15.8 15.1 13.5 53 23 19 8 80 11 6 3 2.6 -0.1 - 1.30 1,763 NR -
356 ICICI Pru Housing Opportunities 29.8 - - - 37 - - - 65 8 15 12 - - - 1.01 2,542 NR -
357 ICICI Pru India Opportunities 32.3 28.0 28.2 - 24 4 3 - 71 14 2 13 11.1 1.5 - 0.63 24,143 NR -
358 ICICI Pru Innovation 40.8 - - - 8 - - - 78 13 2 8 - - - 0.67 6,323 NR -
359 ICICI Pru Manufacturing 37.6 28.4 27.9 - 11 3 4 - 65 28 4 2 10.1 1.8 - 0.72 6,717 NR -
360 ICICI Pru Thematic Advantage (FOF) 30.7 20.0 25.5 - 33 16 6 - 56 14 8 22 5.2 0.5 - 0.54 1,990 NR -
361 ICICI Pru Transportation and Logistics 37.0 - - - 12 - - - 73 8 16 3 - - - 0.77 2,975 NR -
362 Invesco India Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 43 47 9 1 - - - 0.67 801 NR -
363 Kotak Business Cycle 36.5 - - - 16 - - - 66 18 14 2 - - - 0.52 2,640 NR -
364 Kotak Manufacture in India 35.4 - - - 18 - - - 65 25 8 2 - - - 0.46 2,434 NR -
365 Kotak Pioneer 36.7 18.3 26.1 - 13 17 5 - 58 19 6 16 2.5 0.2 - 0.49 2,629 NR -
366 Kotak Quant 31.8 - - - 28 - - - 70 28 - 2 - - - 1.16 846 NR -
367 Kotak Special Opportunities - - - - - - - - 39 46 13 1 - - - 0.56 2,275 NR -
368 LIC MF Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 28 22 13 37 - - - 0.42 909 NR -
369 Mahindra Manulife Business Cycle 43.8 - - - 5 - - - 57 24 14 5 - - - 0.43 1,165 NR -
370 Mahindra Manulife Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 55 19 23 3 - - - 0.64 885 NR -
371 Mirae Asset Nfty MidSC400 MomQlty 100ETF - - - - - - - - 38 61 2 -1 - - - 0.21 184 NR -
372 Mirae Asset Nfty SC250 M Qlty100 ETF FoF - - - - - - - - 1 89 10 0 - - - 0.31 178 NR -
373 Mirae Asset Nifty Ind Manftng ETF FoF 36.6 - - - 14 - - - 84 16 - 0 - - - 0.07 113 NR -
374 Motilal Oswal Business Cycle - - - - - - - - 45 27 18 10 - - - 0.49 1,136 NR -
375 Motilal Oswal Manufacturing - - - - - - - - 47 43 7 3 - - - 0.98 697 NR -
376 Motilal Oswal Quant - - - - - - - - 14 34 48 3 - - - 0.69 156 NR -
377 Nippon India Innovation 31.0 - - - 32 - - - 46 41 7 6 - - - 0.69 2,224 NR -
378 Quant Business Cycle 32.3 - - - 25 - - - 55 22 19 3 - - - 0.51 1,546 NR -
379 Quant Commodities - - - - - - - - 35 30 27 8 - - - 0.87 493 NR -
380 Quant Manufacturing 41.0 - - - 7 - - - 45 23 28 3 - - - 0.71 1,043 NR -
381 Quant Momentum 47.0 - - - 3 - - - 72 19 3 6 - - - 0.75 2,117 NR -
382 Quant Quantamental 31.1 29.9 - - 31 1 - - 83 14 0 3 10.4 1.3 - 0.58 2,428 NR -
383 Samco Active Momentum 30.7 - - - 34 - - - 17 27 14 42 - - - 0.88 850 NR -
384 Samco Special Opportunities - - - - - - - - 16 56 27 1 - - - 0.77 198 NR -
385 SBI Automotive Opportunities - - - - - - - - 61 23 12 5 - - - 0.62 6,003 NR -
386 SBI Equity Minimum Variance 17.5 15.4 18.5 - 52 25 17 - 100 - - 0 -0.2 -0.2 - 0.41 219 NR -
387 SBI Innovative Opportunities - - - - - - - - 48 35 10 8 - - - 0.57 7,793 NR -
388 SBI Magnum COMMA 25.3 14.8 22.8 15.6 43 27 11 2 57 17 20 6 -2.2 -0.2 - 1.89 655 NR -
389 Sundaram Business Cycle - - - - - - - - 37 33 12 18 - - - 0.38 1,497 NR -
390 Sundaram Services 25.5 17.5 23.0 - 42 19 9 - 55 26 15 5 1.4 0.1 - 0.76 3,875 NR -
391 Tata Business Cycle 31.2 25.3 - - 30 8 - - 64 21 13 2 7.7 1.9 - 0.50 2,885 NR -
392 Tata Ethical 25.2 15.1 21.8 14.1 44 26 13 6 57 33 3 7 -0.3 -0.2 - 0.66 3,202 NR -
393 Tata Housing Opportunities 22.9 - - - 48 - - - 46 28 20 6 - - - 0.70 610 NR -
394 Taurus Ethical 32.1 17.6 21.7 14.2 26 18 14 5 62 31 4 3 1.4 0.1 - 0.92 251 NR -
395 Union Business Cycle - - - - - - - - 75 11 8 6 - - - 1.07 560 NR -
396 Union Innovation & Opportunities 42.0 - - - 6 - - - 35 33 27 5 - - - 0.78 848 NR -
397 UTI Innovation 17.8 - - - 51 - - - 24 43 26 7 - - - 0.79 810 NR -
398 UTI Transportation & Logistics 30.3 27.7 23.7 13.2 36 5 8 9 76 16 5 4 10.7 0.9 - 0.87 3,478 NR -
399 WhiteOak Capital Special Opportunities - - - - - - - - 53 25 17 6 - - - 0.61 620 NR -
Equity: Thematic 32.5 20.2 23.3 14.7 53 30 19 9 56 25 13 7 3.7 0.5 0.72 2,425
BSE 500 TRI 27.0 16.8 19.6 14.0
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of November 30 2024.
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of November 30 2024.
Equity: International
441 ABSL Global Emerging Opportunities 27.6 6.3 13.7 7.6 23 29 10 16 - - - - - - - 0.61 238 NR -
442 ABSL Global Excellence Equity FoF 26.7 9.3 9.4 7.1 24 16 17 18 - - - - - - - 0.68 196 NR -
443 ABSL International Equity 17.6 6.7 9.5 8.8 38 26 16 9 74 3 8 15 - - - 2.07 183 NR -
444 ABSL NASDAQ 100 FOF 33.7 13.0 - - 12 10 - - - - - - - - - 0.26 388 NR -
445 Axis Global Equity Alpha FoF 25.8 11.6 - - 27 14 - - - - - - - - - 0.89 811 NR -
446 Axis Global Innovation FoF 26.6 7.7 - - 25 21 - - - - - - - - - 0.86 498 NR -
447 Axis Greater China Equity FoF 8.1 -4.9 - - 54 47 - - - - - - - - - 0.54 331 NR -
448 Axis NASDAQ 100 FoF 33.3 - - - 14 - - - - - - - - - - 0.30 169 NR -
449 Bandhan US Equity FoF 40.4 14.0 - - 3 4 - - - - - - - - - 0.80 322 NR -
450 DSP Global Clean Energy Fund of Fund 6.0 0.4 6.9 3.7 56 38 23 24 - - - - - - - 1.54 131 NR -
451 DSP Global Innovation FoF 29.8 - - - 19 - - - - - - - - - - 1.16 882 NR -
452 DSP US Flexible Equity Fund of Fund 23.1 11.8 16.5 14.0 33 12 4 3 - - - - - - - 1.49 853 NR -
453 DSP World Gold FoF 26.1 7.4 10.6 8.5 26 23 13 11 - - - - - - - 1.66 1,120 NR -
454 DSP World Mining FoF 8.6 6.7 15.0 8.7 52 24 7 10 - - - - - - - 1.51 141 NR -
455 Edelweiss Emerging Market Opp Eqt Offshr 8.3 -2.3 3.2 4.5 53 44 28 23 - - - - - - - 0.55 118 NR -
456 Edelweiss Greater China Equity Off-shore 9.2 -8.3 4.6 7.7 51 48 26 15 - - - - - - - 0.68 1,596 NR -
457 Edelweiss US Technology Equity FoF 39.9 8.3 - - 4 18 - - - - - - - - - 0.66 2,257 NR -
458 Edelweiss US Value Equity Offshr 31.0 13.7 14.8 11.8 18 7 8 4 - - - - - - - 0.67 122 NR -
459 Franklin Asian Equity 16.0 -0.5 4.6 6.5 40 41 27 19 93 5 - 2 - - - 1.67 250 NR -
460 Franklin India Feeder Franklin US Opp 36.6 7.7 17.6 15.6 5 20 3 1 - - - - - - - 0.61 3,514 NR -
461 HDFC Developed World Indexes FoF 28.5 12.0 - - 22 11 - - - - - - - - - 0.23 1,249 NR -
462 ICICI Pru Global Advantage (FOF) 22.2 6.1 8.1 - 35 30 18 - - - - - - - - 0.59 323 NR -
463 ICICI Pru Global Stable Equity (FOF) 14.8 9.9 9.9 9.4 44 15 15 7 - - - - - - - 1.05 119 NR -
464 ICICI Pru US Bluechip Equity 24.3 13.9 16.5 14.9 31 6 5 2 95 4 - 2 - - - 1.18 3,221 NR -
465 Invesco India Global Consumer Trends 33.8 -1.8 - - 10 43 - - - - - - - - - 0.60 295 NR -
466 Invesco Ind-Invsco EQQQ NSDQ-100 ETF FoF 33.9 - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - 0.16 406 NR -
467 Kotak Global Innovation FoF 31.2 5.5 - - 17 32 - - - - - - - - - 0.45 646 NR -
468 Kotak Nasdaq 100 FOF 33.8 13.7 - - 11 8 - - - - - - - - - 0.30 3,184 NR -
469 Mirae Asset NYSE FANG+ ETF FoF 61.6 23.8 - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 0.07 1,502 NR -
470 Mirae Asset S&P 500 Top 50 ETF FoF 56.6 20.8 - - 2 2 - - - - - - - - - 0.09 551 NR -
471 Mirae Asset X Arti Int & Tech ETF FoF 32.3 - - - 15 - - - - - - - - - - 0.25 309 NR -
472 Motilal Oswal Nasdaq 100 FOF 35.2 13.4 24.1 - 8 9 1 - - - - - - - - 0.24 5,138 NR -
473 Navi NASDAQ 100 FoF 33.4 - - - 13 - - - - - - - - - - 0.16 966 NR -
474 Navi US Total Stock Market FoF 35.5 - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - 0.06 939 NR -
475 Nippon India Japan Equity 15.8 4.7 7.1 7.9 41 33 21 13 88 - - 12 - - - 1.27 259 NR -
476 Nippon India Taiwan Equity 25.7 - - - 28 - - - 26 44 17 13 - - - 1.04 364 NR -
477 Nippon India US Equity Opportunities 28.7 11.7 16.0 - 21 13 6 - 95 - - 5 - - - 1.28 679 NR -
478 PGIM India Global Equity Opportunities 28.9 4.1 17.8 11.6 20 36 2 5 - - - - - - - 0.61 1,322 NR -
479 SBI International Access-US Equity FoF 35.9 13.9 - - 6 5 - - - - - - - - - 0.90 925 NR -
480 Sundaram Global Brand 15.1 8.6 13.6 9.4 43 17 11 8 - - - - - - - 1.36 112 NR -
Equity: International 22.8 6.8 9.9 7.9 60 48 31 27 0.78 916
BSE 500 TRI 27.0 16.8 19.6 14.0
Equity: Multi Cap
481 ABSL Multi-Cap 31.5 18.5 - - 13 9 - - 46 38 12 3 2.5 0.3 Avg 0.79 6,234 3.0
482 Axis Multicap 40.9 - - - 1 - - - 53 32 8 6 - - - 0.69 6,577 NR -
483 Bandhan Multi Cap 30.6 - - - 17 - - - 54 28 15 4 - - - 0.56 2,427 NR -
484 Bank of India Multi Cap 32.8 - - - 11 - - - 45 33 17 5 - - - 1.21 719 NR -
485 Baroda BNP Paribas Multi Cap 38.8 21.2 24.3 16.0 5 6 - - 51 39 6 4 4.7 0.7 Avg 0.93 2,739 3.0
486 Canara Robeco Multi Cap 31.3 - - - 14 - - - 51 40 5 4 - - - 0.43 3,701 NR -
487 DSP Multicap - - - - - - - - 30 48 19 3 - - - 0.51 1,757 NR -
488 Edelweiss Multi Cap 40.2 - - - 3 - - - 59 34 4 3 - - - 0.30 2,473 NR -
489 Franklin India Multi Cap - - - - - - - - 50 37 9 4 - - - 0.29 4,436 NR -
490 HDFC Multi Cap 30.0 - - - 18 - - - 55 31 13 1 - - - 0.67 16,733 NR -
491 HSBC Multi Cap 36.9 - - - 8 - - - 53 34 11 2 - - - 0.59 4,165 NR -
Equity: Multi Cap 33.3 21.9 23 10 0 0 49 32 13 6 4.8 0.9 0.63 6,224
BSE 500 TRI 27.0 16.8 19.6 14.0
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of
November 30 2024. Market cap breakup for underlying funds in international FOFs is unavailable.
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of
November 30, 2024. # Funds launched less than a year ago.
Debt: Overnight
868 Shriram Overnight 0.5 1.6 6.7 - 28 28 24 - 100 - - 0 - - - 0.11 381 3.0
869 Sundaram Overnight 0.5 1.6 6.7 5.9 14 17 18 18 100 - - 0 1.2 7.4 - 0.07 849 2.5
870 Tata Overnight 0.5 1.6 6.8 5.9 5 4 4 6 100 - - 0 1.2 7.4 - 0.06 4,311 3.3
871 TRUSTMF Overnight 0.5 1.6 6.7 - 16 1 19 - 100 - - 0 - - - 0.07 311 3.0
872 Union Overnight 0.5 1.6 6.7 5.9 19 21 6 14 100 - - 0 1.2 7.5 - 0.07 372 3.0
873 UTI Overnight 0.5 1.6 6.7 5.9 13 15 10 13 100 - - 0 1.2 7.4 - 0.06 5,517 3.0
Debt: Overnight 0.5 1.6 6.7 5.9 30 30 30 25 100 0 1.2 7.4 0.08 3,228
CCIL T Bill Liquidity Weight 0.3 1.1 4.8 3.9
Debt: Dynamic Bond
874 360 ONE Dynamic Bond 0.3 2.0 10.4 6.7 24 9 6 11 94 - - 7 0.7 0.7 Avg 0.27 755 4.1
875 ABSL Dynamic Bond 0.5 2.0 10.0 7.7 14 7 14 2 97 - 3 15 1.6 0.8 Avg 0.64 1,697 4.3
876 Axis All Seasons Debt FoF 0.5 1.8 9.6 6.5 16 20 17 13 98 2 1 - 0.4 0.4 Avg 0.23 146 3.8
877 Axis Dynamic Bond 0.5 1.9 9.2 5.9 12 16 20 22 100 - - 21 -0.1 -0.1 Avg 0.25 1,604 2.2
878 Bandhan Dynamic Bond 0.1 1.4 12.1 6.5 26 25 1 12 100 - - 29 0.5 0.2 High 0.71 3,048 1.9
879 Baroda BNP Paribas Dynamic Bond 0.8 2.2 10.0 7.0 2 4 11 5 100 - - 16 0.9 1.0 Avg 0.71 166 2.7
880 Canara Robeco Dynamic Bond 0.3 1.4 9.6 6.3 22 26 16 16 100 - - 24 0.2 0.3 +Avg 0.66 119 2.4
881 DSP Strategic Bond 0.3 1.9 11.5 6.9 23 12 2 8 100 - - 31 0.9 0.6 +Avg 0.53 1,717 2.9
882 HDFC Dynamic Debt 0.5 1.8 10.0 6.4 15 18 13 14 98 - - 16 0.4 0.4 Avg 0.75 787 4.2
883 HSBC Dynamic Bond 0.6 1.9 10.0 6.1 9 10 10 19 100 - - 15 0.1 0.1 Avg 0.20 159 2.7
884 ICICI Pru All Seasons Bond 0.7 2.2 9.3 7.3 3 2 19 4 81 17 - 6 1.2 1.5 -Avg 0.59 13,133 5.0
885 ICICI Pru Retirement Pure Debt 0.6 1.9 8.6 6.2 6 13 24 18 89 7 4 5 0.1 0.1 Low 1.19 116 3.3
886 Kotak Dynamic Bond 0.1 1.8 10.8 6.8 25 17 4 10 94 - - 19 0.7 0.6 +Avg 0.58 2,971 3.4
887 Mirae Asset Dynamic Bond 0.5 1.9 8.4 5.5 11 15 26 24 100 - - 2 -0.5 -0.4 -Avg 0.16 138 2.4
888 Nippon India Dynamic Bond 0.4 1.8 9.9 6.0 20 19 15 20 100 - - 6 0.0 0.0 +Avg 0.32 4,395 1.7
889 Quantum Dynamic Bond 0.4 1.7 10.5 7.0 18 23 5 6 100 - - 10 0.9 0.8 +Avg 0.51 111 3.2
890 SBI Dynamic Bond 0.3 1.8 10.0 7.4 21 21 12 3 100 - - 20 1.3 1.0 Avg 0.62 3,305 3.8
891 UTI Dynamic Bond 0.6 2.1 10.2 8.9 7 5 9 1 100 - - 8 2.8 0.6 Avg 0.67 560 2.9
Debt: Dynamic Bond 0.5 1.9 9.9 6.6 26 26 26 25 97 9 2 14 0.7 0.5 0.53 1,940
VR Bond Index 0.3 1.6 8.8 6.0
Debt: Corporate Bond
892 ABSL Corporate Bond 0.6 2.1 9.0 6.7 9 4 2 4 100 - - 6 0.6 0.7 +Avg 0.34 23,337 4.2
893 Axis Corporate Bond 0.6 2.0 8.9 6.7 1 11 6 3 100 - - 5 0.7 0.7 Avg 0.32 6,104 4.3
894 Bandhan Corporate Bond 0.6 2.0 8.0 5.8 8 12 21 15 100 - - 4 -0.2 -0.2 -Avg 0.33 14,098 2.5
895 Baroda BNP Paribas Corporate Bond 0.5 2.1 8.9 5.8 21 9 5 16 100 - - 5 -0.2 -0.3 High 0.20 196 1.8
896 Canara Robeco Corporate Bond 0.5 2.0 8.4 6.0 20 18 18 13 100 - - 6 0.0 0.0 -Avg 0.42 136 2.8
897 DSP Corporate Bond 0.5 1.9 8.3 5.5 18 20 20 19 100 - - 2 -0.5 -0.4 +Avg 0.28 2,533 2.3
898 Franklin India Corporate Debt 0.6 2.1 8.3 6.2 2 2 19 10 94 5 - 4 0.2 0.2 Low 0.23 765 3.5
899 HDFC Corporate Bond 0.5 2.1 9.0 6.5 17 3 4 6 100 - - 6 0.4 0.5 Avg 0.36 32,072 3.2
900 HSBC Corporate Bond 0.5 2.0 8.7 5.7 15 17 9 18 100 - - 4 -0.3 -0.3 High 0.30 6,535 1.3
901 ICICI Pru Corporate Bond 0.6 2.0 8.4 6.8 5 16 16 2 99 - - 4 0.7 0.6 Low 0.35 27,164 4.6
902 Invesco India Corporate Bond 0.6 2.0 8.8 6.1 11 13 8 11 100 - - 5 0.1 0.1 Avg 0.28 5,644 3.0
903 Kotak Corporate Bond 0.6 2.1 8.9 6.5 10 5 7 5 100 - - 5 0.4 0.5 Avg 0.34 14,163 3.3
904 Nippon India Corporate Bond 0.6 2.2 9.1 6.9 6 1 1 1 100 - - 5 0.8 0.9 Avg 0.36 5,946 5.0
905 SBI Corporate Bond 0.6 2.1 8.6 6.3 3 6 11 8 100 - - 5 0.2 0.2 Avg 0.35 20,570 2.8
906 Sundaram Corporate Bond 0.6 2.0 8.5 6.1 13 14 14 12 100 - - 6 0.0 0.0 Avg 0.33 740 3.4
907 Tata Corporate Bond 0.5 2.1 9.0 - 14 8 3 - 100 - - 5 - - -Avg 0.32 2,771 3.6
908 Union Corporate Bond 0.5 2.0 8.6 5.8 16 15 10 17 100 - - 5 -0.3 -0.3 +Avg 0.38 279 1.9
909 UTI Corporate Bond 0.6 2.0 8.5 6.3 4 10 15 9 100 - - 5 0.2 0.2 Avg 0.29 4,669 2.9
Debt: Corporate Bond 0.6 2.0 8.6 6.2 21 21 21 19 99 5 5 0.2 0.2 0.32 9,318
VR Bond Index 0.3 1.6 8.8 6.0
Debt: Credit Risk
910 ABSL Credit Risk 0.6 5.2 13.2 9.5 8 1 1 3 43 43 6 3 7.1 2.4 Avg 0.67 936 3.5
911 Axis Credit Risk 0.7 2.2 9.0 7.1 3 5 6 9 40 44 14 3 5.0 4.7 -Avg 0.80 424 3.5
912 Bandhan Credit Risk 0.6 2.0 8.6 6.2 10 9 11 13 44 56 - 4 4.6 3.0 +Avg 0.69 305 2.4
913 Bank of India Credit Risk 0.5 1.4 6.5 40.0 11 13 14 1 54 45 - 1 -6.4 0.6 Avg 1.18 115 1.7
914 Baroda BNP Paribas Credit Risk 0.6 2.4 9.3 7.5 9 3 3 6 47 52 - 4 4.8 5.1 Low 0.79 165 4.7
Debt: Credit Risk 0.6 2.2 9.0 9.9 14 14 14 14 43 48 11 3 4.9 3.0 0.77 1,508
CCIL T Bill Liquidity Weight 0.3 1.1 4.8 3.9
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of November 30, 2024.
Data pertains to the direct plans of the 1,000 largest funds by AUM. ETFs and index funds are excluded and covered in their own scoreboards. Portfolio and AUM data as of October 31, 2024; all other data as of November 30, 2024.
LIC MF Nifty 50 Index Jan '13 20.9 13.4 44 29 0.1 100 - - 0 +Avg 0.18 319
LIC MF Nifty Next 50 Index Jan '13 47.3 19.7 11 5 0.2 100 - - 0 High 0.32 94
Mirae Asset Nifty 50 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.1 100 - - 0 - 0.10 9 NR
Motilal Oswal BSE Low Volatility Mar '22 19.4 - 59 - - 81 19 - 0 - 0.43 100 NR
Motilal Oswal Nifty 200 Momentum 30 Feb '22 37.5 - 16 - 0.2 99 1 - 0 - 0.32 862 NR
Motilal Oswal Nifty 50 Index Dec '19 21.0 13.5 32 17 0.0 100 - - 0 Avg 0.15 570
Motilal Oswal Nifty Next 50 Index Dec '19 47.5 19.7 8 4 0.1 100 - - 0 High 0.35 297
Navi BSE Sensex Index Sep '23 20.2 - 54 - 0.1 100 - - 0 - 0.14 13 NR
Navi Nifty 50 Index Jul '21 20.9 13.5 38 18 0.0 100 - - 0 Avg 0.06 2,450
Navi Nifty Next 50 Index Jan '22 47.1 - 13 - 0.3 101 - - -1 - 0.12 675 NR
Nippon India Index BSE Sensex Jan '13 20.2 13.0 52 32 0.0 100 - - 0 +Avg 0.20 747
Nippon India Index Nifty 50 Jan '13 20.9 13.5 41 25 0.1 100 - - 0 Avg 0.07 2,003
Nippon India Nifty Alpha Low Vol 30 Aug '22 29.8 - 22 - 0.3 98 2 - 0 - 0.35 1,102 NR
SBI BSE Sensex Index May '23 20.2 - 51 - 0.0 100 - - 0 - 0.19 226 NR
SBI Nifty Index Jan '13 20.9 13.5 36 20 0.0 100 - - 0 +Avg 0.20 8,465
SBI Nifty Next 50 Index May '21 47.6 19.7 3 7 0.1 100 - - 0 High 0.33 1,395
SBI Nifty50 Equal Weight Index Jan '24 - - - - 0.0 100 - - 0 - 0.52 1,067 NR
Sundaram Nifty 100 Equal Weight Jan '13 30.9 17.4 21 13 0.7 99 - - 1 +Avg 0.57 95
Tata BSE Sensex Index Jan '13 20.1 12.9 55 35 0.1 100 - - 0 +Avg 0.26 364
Tata Nifty 50 Index Jan '13 20.8 13.4 46 26 0.1 100 - - 0 Avg 0.19 990
Tata Nifty200 Alpha 30 Index Sep '24 - - - - 0.2 97 3 - 0 - 0.34 174 NR
Taurus Nifty 50 Index Jan '13 19.8 12.8 57 37 0.3 99 - - 1 - 0.80 5 NR
UTI BSE Low Volatility Index Mar '22 19.5 - 58 - - 81 19 - 0 - 0.46 540 NR
UTI BSE Sensex Index Jan '22 20.2 - 53 - 0.0 100 - - 0 - 0.21 187 NR
UTI Nifty 50 Index Jan '13 20.9 13.5 37 19 0.0 100 - - 0 +Avg 0.18 19,626
UTI Nifty Next 50 Index Jun '18 47.6 19.7 2 6 0.1 100 - - 0 High 0.36 4,692
UTI Nifty200 Momentum 30 Index Mar '21 37.7 20.7 15 1 0.2 99 1 - 0 High 0.42 8,121
UTI NIFTY50 Equal Wght Index Jun '23 21.0 - 31 - 0.1 100 - - 0 - 0.60 91 NR
Edelweiss NIFTY Large Mid Cap 250 Index Dec '21 28.1 - 2 - 0.1 71 29 - 0 - 0.21 214 NR
HDFC Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.0 71 29 - 0 - 0.25 458 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Index Mar '24 - - - - 0.1 71 29 - 0 - 0.29 170 NR
Mirae Asset Nifty LargeMidcap 250 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.2 71 29 - 0 - 0.22 11 NR
Zerodha Nifty Large Midcap 250 Index - - - - - 71 29 - 0 - 0.27 652 NR
Axis Nifty 500 Index Jul '24 - - - - 0.1 79 19 2 0 - 0.10 223 NR
Bandhan Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.1 77 17 - 6 - 0.35 12 NR
Bandhan Nifty Total Mkt Index Jul '24 - - - - 0.0 76 19 5 0 - 0.40 34 NR
Groww Nifty Total Market Index Oct '23 26.8 - 1 - 0.1 76 19 5 0 - 0.30 241 NR
HDFC BSE 500 Index Apr '23 26.0 - 3 - 0.2 80 18 2 0 - 0.30 184 NR
Mirae Asset Nifty Total Mkt Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.1 76 19 5 0 - 0.22 29 NR
Motilal Oswal Nifty 500 Index Sep '19 26.6 16.4 2 1 0.1 79 19 2 0 +Avg 0.20 2,022
Motilal Oswal Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Indx Sep '24 - - - - 0.1 82 19 - 0 - 0.30 402 NR
All data as of November 30, 2024. Portfolio-related data as of October 31, 2024. Risk Grade measures a fund’s downside volatility against a risk-free return. Based on underperformance, funds are rated: High (Top
10%), +Avg (Next 22.5%), Average (Middle 35%), -Avg (Next 22.5%), and Low (Bottom 10%).
Nippon India Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.2 82 19 - 0 - 0.25 486 NR
SBI Nifty 500 Index Sep '24 - - - - 0.0 79 19 2 0 - 0.37 817 NR
ABSL Nifty Midcap 150 Index Apr '21 31.7 23.6 3 1 0.3 42 58 - 0 +Avg 0.44 285
Axis Nifty Midcap 50 Index Mar '22 28.6 - 10 - 0.2 62 38 - 0 - 0.25 398 NR
Bandhan Nifty Midcap 150 Index Sep '24 - - - - 0.1 42 58 - 0 - 0.21 19 NR
Edelweiss Nifty Midcap150 Momentum 50 Nov '22 39.4 - 1 - 0.5 70 30 - 0 - 0.46 709 NR
HDFC NIFTY Midcap 150 Index Apr '23 30.9 - 8 - 0.1 42 58 - 0 - 0.30 246 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty Midcap 150 Index Dec '21 30.9 - 9 - 0.1 42 58 - 0 - 0.30 566 NR
Kotak Nifty Midcap 150 Momentum 50 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.2 70 30 - 0 - 0.28 48 NR
Kotak Nifty Midcap 50 Index Aug '24 - - - - 0.3 62 38 - 0 - 0.27 44 NR
Motilal Oswal Nifty Midcap 150 Sep '19 31.4 23.6 4 2 0.1 42 58 - 0 +Avg 0.30 1,894
Navi Nifty Midcap 150 Index Mar '22 31.1 - 5 - 0.2 42 58 - 0 - 0.22 209 NR
Nippon India Nifty Midcap150 Feb '21 31.1 23.3 7 3 0.1 43 57 - 0 +Avg 0.30 1,590
SBI Nifty Midcap 150 Index Oct '22 31.1 - 6 - 0.0 42 58 - 0 - 0.41 670 NR
Tata Nifty Midcap 150 Momentum 50 Index Oct '22 38.2 - 2 - 0.7 70 30 - 0 - 0.43 633 NR
ABSL Nifty Smallcap 50 Index Apr '21 37.2 20.9 2 4 0.4 - 97 3 0 High 0.46 243
Axis Nifty Smallcap 50 Index Mar '22 37.0 - 3 - 0.4 - 97 3 0 - 0.27 447 NR
Bandhan Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Dec '23 - - - - 0.2 - 83 17 0 - 0.20 44 NR
Edelweiss Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Nov '22 34.1 - 5 - 0.2 - 83 17 0 - 0.14 91 NR
Groww Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Feb '24 - - - - 0.2 - 83 17 0 - 0.45 91 NR
HDFC NIFTY Smallcap 250 Index Apr '23 33.4 - 9 - 0.2 - 83 17 0 - 0.30 348 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Nov '21 33.5 23.9 8 2 0.1 - 83 17 0 High 0.33 424
Kotak Nifty Smallcap 50 Index Apr '23 37.0 - 4 - 0.4 - 97 3 0 - 0.25 108 NR
Motilal Oswal Nifty Microcap 250 Index Jul '23 39.6 - 1 - 0.3 - 15 85 0 - 0.44 1,667 NR
Motilal Oswal Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Sep '19 33.7 24.0 6 1 0.1 - 83 17 0 High 0.36 820
Nippon India Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Oct '20 33.4 23.8 10 3 0.3 - 83 17 0 High 0.35 1,883
SBI Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Oct '22 33.5 - 7 - 0.1 - 83 17 0 - 0.41 1,191 NR
Axis Nifty500 Value 50 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.2 72 24 4 0 - 0.19 76 NR
Bandhan Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.2 71 24 4 1 - 0.35 7 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty200 Value 30 Index Oct '24 - - - - 0.3 84 15 - 0 - 0.35 65 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty50 Value 20 Index Feb '24 - - - - 0.1 100 - - 0 - 0.30 79 NR
Motilal Oswal BSE Enhanced Value Aug '22 41.9 - 2 - 0.3 85 15 - 0 - 0.45 837 NR
Nippon India Nifty 50 Value 20 Index Feb '21 29.4 18.6 3 1 0.1 100 - - 0 High 0.25 865
UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index May '23 43.9 - 1 - 0.5 72 24 4 0 - 0.56 494 NR
360 ONE ELSS Tax Saver Nifty 50 Index Dec '22 20.9 - 3 - 0.1 99 - - 1 - 0.27 75 NR
Navi ELSS Tax Saver Nifty 50 Index Mar '23 20.9 - 2 - 0.1 100 - - 0 - 0.10 70 NR
Zerodha ELSS Tax Saver Nifty LargeMidcap - - - - - 71 29 - 0 - 0.27 135 NR
Axis Nifty Bank Index May '24 - - - - 0.1 92 8 - 0 - 0.09 123 NR
All data as of November 30, 2024. Portfolio-related data as of October 31, 2024. Risk Grade measures a fund’s downside volatility against a risk-free return. Based on underperformance, funds are rated: High (Top
10%), +Avg (Next 22.5%), Average (Middle 35%), -Avg (Next 22.5%), and Low (Bottom 10%).
Axis Nifty SDL September 2026 Debt Index Nov '22 8.4 - 59 - 0.6 100 - - 2 7.0 0.17 75 NR
Bandhan CRISIL IBX 90:10 SDL+Gilt Apr 32 Nov '22 10.6 - 7 - 3.4 100 - - 7 7.2 0.08 544 NR
Bandhan CRISIL IBX 90:10 SDL+Gilt Nov 26 Nov '22 8.5 - 58 - 1.0 100 - - 2 7.0 0.08 114 NR
Bandhan CRISIL IBX 90:10 SDL+Gilt Sep 27 Nov '22 8.9 - 36 - 0.4 100 - - 3 7.0 0.08 151 NR
Bandhan Crisil IBX Gilt April 2026 Index Oct '22 7.9 - 77 - 0.1 100 - - 1 6.8 0.16 486 NR
Bandhan CRISIL IBX Gilt April 2028 Index Mar '21 8.6 5.6 47 1 0.1 100 - - 3 6.8 0.19 4,748 NR
Bandhan Crisil IBX Gilt April 2032 Index Feb '23 10.2 - 14 - 0.3 100 - - 7 6.9 0.20 414 NR
Bandhan CRISIL IBX Gilt June 2027 Index Mar '21 8.5 5.5 54 4 0.2 100 - - 3 6.8 0.18 7,122 NR
Baroda BNP Paribas Nifty SDL Dec 2026 Jan '23 8.6 - 51 - 0.7 100 - - 2 6.9 0.19 114 NR
Baroda BNP Paribas NIFTY SDL Dec 2028 Mar '23 9.6 - 20 - 1.2 100 - - 4 7.0 0.19 32 NR
DSP CRISIL SDL+G-Sec Apr 2033 50:50 Indx Jan '23 10.6 - 8 - 0.5 100 - - 8 7.1 0.16 373 NR
DSP Nifty SDL Plus G-Sec Jun 2028 30:70 Mar '22 8.9 - 40 - 0.4 100 - - 3 6.9 0.16 2,213 NR
DSP Nifty SDL+G-Sec Sep 2027 50:50 Index Feb '23 8.7 - 44 - 0.5 100 - - 3 6.9 0.16 92 NR
Edelweiss CRISIL IBX 50:50 Gilt+SDL 2027 Oct '22 8.6 - 48 - - 100 - - 3 6.9 0.20 95 NR
Edelweiss CRISIL IBX 50:50 Gilt+SDL 2028 Nov '22 9.1 - 26 - 0.5 100 - - 4 7.0 0.20 178 NR
Edelweiss CRISIL IBX 50:50 Gilt+SDL 2037 Oct '22 11.5 - 1 - - 100 - - 12 7.1 0.20 1,065 NR
Edelweiss CRISIL PSU+SDL 50:50 Oct 2025 Mar '22 7.7 - 80 - - 100 - - 1 7.2 0.21 821 NR
Edelweiss NIFTY PSU Bond+ Apr 2026 50:50 Mar '21 7.9 5.5 74 6 0.4 100 - - 1 7.3 0.20 8,509 NR
Edelweiss NIFTY PSU Bond+ Apr2027 50:50 Oct '21 8.5 5.6 52 2 0.5 100 - - 2 7.2 0.20 2,282 NR
HDFC NIFTY G-Sec Apr 2029 Index Mar '23 9.3 - 25 - 0.1 100 - - 4 - 0.20 164 NR
HDFC Nifty G-sec Dec 2026 Index Nov '22 8.2 - 70 - 0.4 100 - - 2 - 0.20 1,306 NR
HDFC Nifty G-Sec July 2031 Index Nov '22 10.0 - 16 - 0.6 100 - - 7 - 0.20 660 NR
HDFC Nifty G-Sec Jun 2027 Index Dec '22 8.5 - 56 - 0.2 100 - - 3 - 0.20 738 NR
HDFC NIFTY G-Sec Jun 2036 Index Mar '23 11.4 - 2 - 0.8 100 - - 11 - 0.20 804 NR
HDFC Nifty G-Sec Sep 2032 Index Dec '22 10.4 - 11 - 0.7 100 - - 8 - 0.20 598 NR
HDFC Nifty SDL Oct 2026 Index Feb '23 8.4 - 62 - 0.6 100 - - 2 - 0.20 191 NR
HDFC NIFTY SDL+G-Sec Jun 2027 40:60 Indx Mar '23 8.6 - 49 - 0.4 100 - - 2 - 0.20 48 NR
HSBC CRISIL IBX 50:50 Gilt+SDL Apr 2028 Mar '22 8.9 - 34 - 0.4 100 - - 3 7.0 0.23 1,884 NR
HSBC CRISIL IBX Gilt June 2027 Index Mar '23 8.5 - 57 - 0.2 100 - - 3 6.9 0.17 194 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty G-Sec Dec 2030 Index Oct '22 9.6 - 17 - 0.6 100 - - 6 6.9 0.20 946 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty SDL Dec 2028 Index Oct '22 9.6 - 18 - 1.2 100 - - 4 7.1 0.20 969 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty SDL Sep 2026 Index Dec '22 8.4 - 63 - 0.6 100 - - 2 7.0 0.19 266 NR
ICICI Pru Nifty SDL Sep 2027 Index Mar '22 9.0 - 31 - 0.8 100 - - 3 7.0 0.20 1,745 NR
ICICI Pru Nty PSU + SDL Sep 2027 40:60 Sep '21 8.8 5.6 43 3 0.6 100 - - 3 7.2 0.20 8,786 NR
Invesco India Nifty G-sec Jul 2027 Index Mar '23 8.5 - 53 - 0.2 100 - - 3 6.9 0.14 68 NR
Invesco India Nifty G-sec Sep 2032 Index Mar '23 10.3 - 13 - 0.2 100 - - 7 6.9 0.14 46 NR
Kotak CRISIL IBX AAA Fin Srv Ind-Sep2027 Sep '24 - - - - 0.4 100 - - 3 7.6 0.20 415 NR
Kotak Nifty AAA Bond Jun 2025 HTM Index Mar '24 - - - - 0.2 100 - - 1 7.5 0.15 20 NR
Kotak Nifty G-Sec July 2033 Index Oct '23 10.1 - 15 - 0.2 100 - - 8 6.9 0.14 18 NR
Kotak Nifty SDL Apr2027 Top12 Equal Wght Feb '22 8.8 - 42 - 0.7 100 - - 2 7.0 0.20 7,945 NR
Kotak Nifty SDL Apr2032 Top12 Equal Wght Feb '22 10.6 - 9 - 1.4 100 - - 7 7.2 0.20 2,904 NR
Kotak Nifty SDL Jul 2026 Index Dec '22 8.3 - 65 - 0.6 100 - - 2 7.0 0.20 121 NR
All data as of November 30, 2024. Portfolio-related data as of October 31, 2024. Risk Grade measures a fund’s downside volatility against a risk-free return. Based on underperformance, funds are rated: High (Top
10%), +Avg (Next 22.5%), Average (Middle 35%), -Avg (Next 22.5%), and Low (Bottom 10%).
Kotak Nifty SDL Jul 2033 Index Feb '23 10.7 - 6 - 1.4 100 - - 8 7.2 0.22 206 NR
Kotak Nifty SDL+AAA PSU Bond 2028 60:40 Oct '22 9.0 - 29 - 0.7 100 - - 3 7.2 0.21 584 NR
Mirae Asset CRISIL IBX Gilt Indx-Apr2033 Oct '22 10.4 - 12 - 0.2 100 - - 8 7.0 0.11 250 NR
Mirae Asset Nifty AAA PSU Bond+SDL Apr26 Oct '22 8.0 - 73 - 0.3 100 - - 1 7.2 0.12 94 NR
Mirae Asset Nifty SDL June 2027 Index Mar '22 8.9 - 32 - 0.8 100 - - 2 7.0 0.19 760 NR
Mirae Asset Nifty SDL June 2028 Index Mar '23 9.4 - 24 - 1.1 100 - - 3 7.1 0.11 69 NR
Nippon Ind Nifty AAA Bnd+SDL-Apr27 60:40 Mar '22 8.4 - 64 - 0.3 100 - - 2 7.3 0.15 3,531 NR
Nippon Ind Nifty AAA PSU Bnd+SDL-Sep2026 Oct '22 8.1 - 71 - 0.3 100 - - 2 7.2 0.20 450 NR
Nippon India CRISIL IBX AAA Fin Sr-Dec26 Oct '24 - - - - - 100 - - - - 0.15 81 NR
Nippon India CRISIL IBX AAA Fin Sr-Jan28 Oct '24 - - - - - 100 - - - - 0.15 127 NR
Nippon India Nifty G-Sec Jun 2036 Mtrty Dec '22 11.3 - 3 - 0.7 100 - - 11 7.0 0.20 676 NR
Nippon India Nifty G-Sec Oct 2028 Mtrty Mar '23 8.7 - 45 - 0.3 100 - - 4 6.9 0.20 118 NR
Nippon India Nifty G-Sec Sep 2027 Mtrty Dec '22 8.5 - 55 - 0.2 100 - - 3 6.9 0.20 413 NR
Nippon India Nifty SDL+G-Sec-Jun 2028 Nov '22 9.1 - 28 - 0.6 100 - - 3 7.0 0.20 400 NR
Nippon India Nifty SDL+G-Sec-Jun 2029 Feb '23 9.6 - 19 - 1.0 100 - - 4 7.1 0.20 286 NR
PGIM India CRISIL IBX Gilt Apr 2028 Feb '23 8.4 - 60 - 0.1 100 - - 3 6.8 0.26 30 NR
SBI CPSE Bond Plus SDL Sep 2026 50:50 Jan '22 8.2 - 68 - 0.3 100 - - 2 7.2 0.22 9,804 NR
SBI CRISIL IBX Gilt Index-April 2029 Oct '22 9.4 - 23 - 0.3 100 - - 4 6.9 0.21 2,219 NR
SBI CRISIL IBX Gilt Index-June 2036 Oct '22 11.2 - 4 - 3.3 100 - - 11 7.0 0.28 2,400 NR
SBI CRISIL IBX SDL Index-September 2027 Oct '22 8.9 - 33 - - 100 - - 3 7.0 0.23 1,094 NR
Tata CRISIL-IBX Gilt Index-April 2026 Sep '22 7.9 - 75 - 0.2 100 - - 1 6.8 0.12 1,070 NR
Tata Nifty G-Sec Dec 2026 Index Jan '23 8.2 - 67 - 0.4 100 - - 2 6.8 0.14 108 NR
Tata Nifty G-Sec Dec 2029 Index Jan '23 9.5 - 21 - 0.3 100 - - 5 6.9 0.13 178 NR
Tata Nifty SDL+AAA PSU Bond Dec 27 60:40 Mar '22 8.8 - 41 - 0.7 100 - - 3 7.2 0.22 855 NR
UTI CRISIL SDL Maturity April 2033 Index Dec '22 10.9 - 5 - 3.6 100 - - 8 8.2 0.15 337 NR
UTI CRISIL SDL Maturity June 2027 Index Jan '23 8.9 - 39 - 0.6 100 - - 2 7.0 0.18 77 NR
UTI Nifty SDL+AAA PSU Bond Apr2026 75:25 Feb '23 8.1 - 72 - 0.4 100 - - 1 7.1 0.18 177 NR
UTI Nifty SDL+AAA PSU Bond Apr2028 75:25 Mar '23 9.1 - 27 - 0.8 100 - - 3 7.2 0.24 41 NR
All data as of November 30, 2024. Portfolio-related data as of October 31, 2024. Risk Grade measures a fund’s downside volatility against a risk-free return. Based on underperformance, funds are rated: High (Top
10%), +Avg (Next 22.5%), Average (Middle 35%), -Avg (Next 22.5%), and Low (Bottom 10%).
Mirae Asset Hang Seng TECH ETF 15.79 18.54 7.40 14.1 32.1 - - - 89 10 - 1 0.61 315 High
Mirae Asset NYSE FANG+ ETF 103.48 111.44 4.20 51.7 61.7 21.5 23.9 2.7 100 - - 0 0.66 2,387 High
Mirae Asset S&P 500 Top 50 ETF 47.05 53.36 2.67 37.8 56.8 16.3 21.0 1.2 100 - - 0 0.65 750 High
Motilal Oswal NASDAQ 100 ETF 172.83 175.88 -0.07 33.1 35.4 12.9 13.5 1.1 100 - 0 0 0.58 8,223 High
Motilal Oswal Nasdaq Q50 ETF 74.61 74.40 0.79 37.1 37.5 - - - 97 0 - 2 0.47 45 Moderate
Nippon India ETF Hang Seng BeES 301.54 331.65 6.10 19.8 29.2 0.5 2.7 0.2 89 2 8 2 0.93 740 High
Mirae Asset Nifty500 Multicp 50:25:25ETF 15.91 15.97 0.09 - - - - 0.2 60 35 4 0 0.16 35 Moderate
Mirae Asset Nfty100 ESG Sec Leaders ETF 40.81 40.86 -0.02 22.6 23.1 11.9 11.9 0.1 100 - - 0 0.41 125 Moderate
Bajaj FinSrv Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-Gr 1002.91 1003.11 0.03 - - - - 0.1 100 - - - - 0.19 6 High
DSP BSE Liquid Rate ETF 1043.55 1043.91 0.01 - - - - - 100 - - - - 0.30 2,360 High
DSP NIFTY 1D Rate Liquid ETF 1000.00 999.99 0.00 6.4 0.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 100 - - - - 0.30 762 High
Groww Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF 101.20 101.23 0.01 - - - - 0.0 100 - - 0 6.4 0.29 62 High
HDFC NIFTY 1D RATE LIQUID ETF 1000.00 1000.00 0.00 6.2 0.0 - - 0.0 100 - - 0 - 0.50 33 High
ICICI Pru BSE Liquid Rate ETF 1000.00 999.99 0.00 6.5 0.0 5.7 0.0 - 100 - - 0 6.3 0.25 2,771 High
Kotak Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF 1021.53 1021.71 0.00 6.5 2.2 - - 0.0 100 - - 0 6.3 0.19 622 High
Mirae Asset Nfty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-IDCW 1000.00 999.99 0.00 6.4 0.0 - - 0.0 100 - - 0 6.3 0.28 474 High
Mirae Asset Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF-Gr 1004.32 1004.50 0.01 - - - - 0.0 - - - - - 0.14 - High
Nippon India ETF Nifty 1DRate LiquidBeES 1000.00 999.99 0.00 6.0 0.0 5.1 0.0 0.0 99 - - 0 - 0.69 12,968 High
SBI NIFTY 1D Rate ETF 1000.17 1000.01 0.00 6.3 0.0 - - 0.0 100 - - - - 0.35 47 High
Shriram Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF 1025.25 1025.41 0.00 - - - - 0.0 100 - - 0 0.0 0.39 29 High
Zerodha Nifty 1D Rate Liquid ETF 105.63 105.67 0.01 - - - - 0.0 100 - - - - 0.26 2,735 High
ABSL CRISIL Liquid Overnight ETF 1000.00 1000.00 0.00 6.4 0.0 - - 0.0 100 - - - - 0.43 54 High
ABSL CRISIL Broad Based Gilt ETF 103.89 103.83 0.19 - - - - 0.5 100 - - - - 0.19 43 Low
ICICI Pru Nifty 5 yr Benchmark G-SEC ETF 58.59 58.49 0.35 9.1 8.9 - - 0.1 100 - - 5 6.9 0.20 80 Low
LIC MF Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec ETF 26.65 26.51 0.11 10.4 9.7 5.8 5.2 0.1 100 - - 9 7.0 0.16 2,422 Moderate
Mirae Asset Nifty 8-13 yr G-Sec ETF 27.43 27.40 0.19 10.4 10.7 - - 0.1 100 - - 9 7.0 0.10 86 Low
Motilal Oswal Nifty 5Y G-Sec ETF 58.10 58.19 -0.01 8.9 9.1 5.6 5.6 0.1 100 - - 4 6.8 0.24 96 Moderate
Nippon India ETF Nifty 5Y Benchmark GSec 58.53 58.54 0.05 9.2 9.3 5.8 5.8 0.1 100 - - 5 6.9 0.09 183 High
Nippon India ETF Nifty 8-13Y GS LT Gilt 27.07 27.02 0.11 10.4 10.0 5.8 5.7 0.1 100 - - 9 7.0 0.10 2,274 High
UTI Nifty 5 yr Benchmark G-Sec ETF 58.94 58.53 1.27 - - - - 0.3 100 - - - - 0.20 21 Moderate
ABSL CRISIL 10 Year Gilt ETF 102.69 102.78 0.17 - - - - 0.3 100 - - - - 0.10 18 Moderate
ICICI Pru Nifty 10yr Benchmark G-Sec ETF 241.49 240.44 0.20 10.1 9.3 - - 0.9 100 - - 10 6.9 0.14 555 Low
SBI Nifty 10Y Benchmark G-Sec ETF 241.78 241.26 0.14 10.2 9.1 5.5 5.4 0.9 100 - - - - 0.14 3,091 Moderate
Performance snapshot
Performance data of the Indian mutual fund industry as of November 2024
Category/benchmark 1 mth 3 mths 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs 20 yrs 1 mth 3 mths 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs
Equity: Large Cap -0.12 -5.14 27.84 15.50 16.95 11.91 14.16 -0.09 -5.02 28.67 16.11 17.50 12.70
Equity: Large & MidCap 0.64 -3.26 31.75 18.81 21.24 14.57 16.69 0.71 -2.99 32.86 20.15 22.53 15.68
Equity: Flexi Cap 0.40 -3.14 28.33 16.34 18.12 13.43 16.10 0.51 -2.82 29.83 17.64 19.37 14.49
Equity: Mid Cap 0.57 -3.65 33.59 22.42 26.16 16.88 18.20 0.67 -3.21 35.39 23.60 27.45 18.11
Equity: Multi Cap 0.63 -2.52 31.61 20.34 — — — 0.75 -2.22 33.31 21.89 — —
Equity: Small Cap 0.24 -1.35 32.68 23.12 31.19 18.25 — 0.35 -1.03 34.06 24.58 32.76 19.45
Equity: Value Oriented -0.07 -4.60 32.67 20.90 22.50 14.88 18.00 -0.02 -4.20 34.12 22.56 23.93 15.94
Equity: ELSS 0.30 -3.15 28.65 17.51 19.62 13.83 15.88 0.39 -2.93 30.02 18.80 20.96 14.92
Equity: Thematic-ESG 0.53 -3.71 26.22 13.18 16.93 12.37 16.26 0.67 -3.37 28.04 14.68 17.85 13.23
Equity: International 2.53 4.85 23.17 6.74 9.27 7.36 8.27 2.42 4.24 23.11 7.07 9.93 7.93
BSE Sensex TRI 0.56 -2.94 20.59 13.28 15.74 12.16 15.14 0.56 -2.94 20.59 13.28 15.74 12.16
BSE Sensex Next 50 TRI 1.46 -4.49 38.93 21.82 22.74 14.60 — 1.46 -4.49 38.93 21.82 22.74 14.60
BSE 500 TRI 0.06 -4.44 27.01 16.85 19.56 13.96 15.49 0.06 -4.44 27.01 16.85 19.56 13.96
BSE Large Cap TRI 0.07 -4.41 23.90 14.38 16.74 12.46 — 0.07 -4.41 23.90 14.38 16.74 12.46
BSE Mid Cap TRI 0.32 -5.96 35.75 24.50 26.40 17.48 16.62 0.32 -5.96 35.75 24.50 26.40 17.48
BSE Small Cap TRI 0.45 -1.31 37.57 26.46 33.49 18.20 18.17 0.45 -1.31 37.57 26.46 33.49 18.20
Equity: Sectoral-Banking 0.41 -0.12 19.71 16.47 12.36 10.78 16.42 0.13 0.34 21.29 17.13 13.74 13.36
BSE Bankex TRI 1.08 1.69 18.98 14.23 10.99 11.49 16.52 1.08 1.69 18.98 14.23 10.99 11.49
Equity: Sectoral-Infrastructure -0.32 -4.95 40.53 28.11 27.36 15.56 16.86 -0.18 -4.48 42.76 29.69 28.82 16.90
BSE India Infrastructure TRI -2.20 -13.48 54.83 36.92 32.06 15.70 — -2.20 -13.48 54.83 36.92 32.06 15.70
Equity: Sectoral-Pharma -0.74 -0.14 40.88 19.25 27.35 13.86 17.52 -0.29 0.92 43.20 21.21 28.96 15.00
BSE Healthcare TRI -0.54 1.17 44.55 20.42 27.06 11.99 15.61 -0.54 1.17 44.55 20.42 27.06 11.99
Equity: Sectoral-Technology 6.01 0.69 35.09 10.40 28.62 17.44 17.27 5.65 0.56 36.29 13.36 30.09 18.53
BSE IT TRI 5.84 -1.05 31.21 9.73 25.90 16.57 16.80 5.84 -1.05 31.21 9.73 25.90 16.57
Hybrid: Aggressive Hybrid 0.38 -2.00 24.11 14.29 16.10 11.84 14.03 0.48 -1.71 25.60 15.65 17.43 12.92
Hybrid: Balanced Hybrid 0.58 -0.34 18.00 10.49 11.19 9.01 10.26 0.65 -0.12 19.05 11.11 11.83 9.61
Hybrid: Conservative Hybrid 0.42 0.59 12.77 8.53 8.81 7.98 9.10 0.49 0.81 13.74 9.48 9.81 8.92
VR Balanced TRI -0.20 -3.65 19.84 12.85 14.80 11.46 13.06 -0.20 -3.65 19.84 12.85 14.80 11.46
VR MIP TRI 0.06 -1.12 14.07 9.25 9.72 8.70 8.88 0.06 -1.12 14.07 9.25 9.72 8.70
Debt: Long Duration 0.15 1.52 11.86 5.99 6.42 7.43 7.74 0.19 1.64 12.43 6.44 6.88 8.15
Debt: Medium Duration 0.56 2.01 8.49 6.10 6.01 7.04 6.89 0.62 2.17 9.19 6.80 6.75 7.81
Debt: Short Duration 0.60 1.89 7.93 5.91 6.07 6.75 7.44 0.65 2.05 8.62 6.63 6.81 7.48
Debt: Ultra Short Duration 0.51 1.72 7.08 5.90 5.33 6.14 6.64 0.56 1.85 7.63 6.45 5.87 6.65
Debt: Liquid 0.55 1.70 7.24 6.23 5.23 6.26 6.97 0.57 1.76 7.44 6.35 5.33 6.36
Debt: Dynamic Bond 0.42 1.72 9.13 5.82 6.23 7.07 6.99 0.48 1.89 9.87 6.56 6.96 7.81
Debt: Corporate Bond 0.54 1.94 8.22 5.80 6.28 7.12 6.78 0.57 2.04 8.64 6.21 6.70 7.60
Debt: Credit Risk 0.51 2.01 8.18 9.01 6.55 6.45 — 0.58 2.21 9.01 9.85 7.38 7.34
CCIL All Sovereign Bond - TRI 0.43 1.75 11.63 6.71 7.21 8.27 7.74 0.43 1.75 11.63 6.71 7.21 8.27
CCIL T Bill Liquidity Weight 0.33 1.14 4.84 3.86 3.35 3.95 4.25 0.33 1.14 4.84 3.86 3.35 3.95
VR Bond 0.32 1.59 8.76 6.03 5.71 6.52 6.57 0.32 1.59 8.76 6.03 5.71 6.52
Category averages, including ETFs and index funds. Returns data (%) for regular and direct plans as of November 30, 2024.
RATING DOWNGRADE List of funds that moved out of the five- and four-star grades in November 2024
Baroda BNP Paribas Agrssv Hybrid Reg
Funds suspended for sale have been excluded.
mutual fund ratings are revised every month. The above ratings are as of November 30, 2024. For rating methodology, refer to Scoreboard Guide.
SIP value SIP value
SIP returns (%) SIP returns (%)
(` lakh) (` lakh)
Motilal Oswal
38.19 6.15 PGIM India Large Cap 14.38 4.46
ELSS Tax Saver
Axis Aggressive
ITI Small Cap 37.67 6.11 14.47 4.46
Motilal Oswal LIC MF BSE
37.47 6.10 14.58 4.47
Large and Midcap Sensex Index
SIP value SIP value
SIP returns (%) SIP returns (%)
(` lakh) (` lakh)
Axis Aggressive
Motilal Oswal Midcap 40.58 16.03 13.95 8.51
Nippon India PGIM India
37.90 15.07 13.99 8.52
Small Cap Hybrid Equity
Shriram Aggressive
HSBC Small Cap 35.63 14.30 14.20 8.56
Bank of India
35.24 14.17 Axis Bluechip 14.23 8.57
Small Cap
SIP value SIP value
SIP returns (%) SIP returns (%)
(` lakh) (` lakh)
PGIM India
Quant Small Cap 27.55 51.77 10.56 20.75
Hybrid Equity
Nippon India Shriram
26.06 47.78 11.21 21.48
Small Cap Aggressive Hybrid
Motilal Oswal Midcap 24.84 44.73 11.28 21.56
Aggressive Hybrid
Quant ELSS
23.62 41.86 LIC MF ULIS 11.77 22.13
Tax Saver Fund
HSBC Small Cap 23.53 41.66 ABSL ELSS Tax Saver 11.98 22.38
All equity funds and aggressive hybrid funds except sectoral, thematic, international, ETFs, FoFs and solution-oriented funds. All data for regular plans as of November 30, 2024.
Nippon India Multi Asset Allocation Fund
Markets are unpredictable, and different asset classes react differently to changing conditions. That’s why it’s
essential to have a balanced mix of Equity, Debt, and Commodities. The Nippon India Multi Asset Allocation Fund
strategically diversifies your investment, helping you stay invested across asset classes and aiming to optimize
risk-adjusted returns.
Invests across Seeks to deliver optimal LTCG holding period now
multiple asset classes returns by balancing risk reduced to 24 months,
IRUGLYHUVLƬFDWLRQ and reward taxed at 12.5% **
• Investment in equity and equity related securities, debt & Low to Moderate Risk High Risk Low to Moderate Risk High Risk
about whether the product is suitable for them. The risk of the scheme is Very High The risk of the benchmark is Very High
Note: Probable allocation – the anticipated asset allocation would be as follows: Equity & Equity related securities – 50% to 80%, Debt & Money Market Instruments – 10% to 35% , Commodities Including
Gold ETF, Silver ETF and Exchange Traded Commodity Derivatives (ETCDs) – 10% to 30%. The above exposure/strategy is subject to change within the limits of SID depending on the market conditions.
LTCG – Long Term Capital Gains. **w.e.f. 23rd July 2024
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.