English (BS-3-D) Morning
English (BS-3-D) Morning
English (BS-3-D) Morning
Dilawar Hussain
Semester Second Semester (Evening)
Course Title Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan
Credit Hours 2 Hours Per Week
This Course is offered to familiarized students with the historical trajectories which led to
the partition of India and eventually to create a new state, Pakistan, in August 1947. It offers a
structural overview of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 to understand the
government system, working of the federal parliament, constitutional rights and responsibilities,
embedded in it.
a. Mid-term exams (30)
b. Class participation (05)
c. Attendance (05)
d. Presentations (10)
e. Final-term exams (50)
British Raj and Response of Indian Muslims, 1857-1947
1. Arrival of Islam in South Asia: Factors and Consequences
2. Muslim Rule in India, (1206-1526 and 1526-1858)
3. Decline of Muslim Rule in India: Causes and Impacts
4. British Rule in India and Response of Indian Muslims, (1858-1947)
Constitutional and Parliamentary History of Pakistan, 1947-1971
1. Political Developments (1947-1958) and the Constitution of 1956
2. Ayub Regime (1958-1969) and the Constitution of 1962
3. First General Elections and Separation of East Pakistan (1969-1971)
Constitutional and Parliamentary History of Pakistan, post-1971
1. The ‘New Pakistan’ and Constitution-making 1971-1972
2. The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973
3. Structural and Thematic Overview of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973
Contemporary Pakistan
1. Geo-strategic Importance of Pakistan
2. Foreign Policy of Pakistan: Challenges and Prospects
3. Socio-cultural Profile of Pakistan
Recommended Readings:
a. Constitutional Documents
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (as passed by the Second Constituent Assembly
on February 29, 1956) (Karachi: Government of Pakistan Press, 1956).
Constitution of the Republic of Pakistan 1962 (Karachi: Government of Pakistan Press, 1962).
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as passed by the National Assembly of
Pakistan on April 10, 1973 (Islamabad: National Assembly of Pakistan, 1973).
The Constitution of Pakistan as modified up to May 31, 2018 (Islamabad: National Assembly of
Pakistan, 2018).
b. Books
Afzal, M. Rafique. Pakistan: History and Politics 1947-1971 (Karachi: Oxford University Press,
Choudhury, G. W. Constitutional Developments in Pakistan (London: Longman Group Ltd.,
Hayat, Sikandar ed. Pakistan Studies: A Book of Readings (Lahore: Sang-e-Meel
Publications, 2023).
Niaz, Ilhan. Culture of Power and Governance in Pakistan, 1947-2008 (Karachi: Oxford
University Press, 2010.
Rais, Rasul Bakhsh. State. Society and Democratic Change in Pakistan (Karachi: Oxford
University Press, 1996).
Rehman, Tariq. Language and Politics in Pakistan (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1996).
Sayeed, Khalid. The Political System of Pakistan (Kingston: Queens’s University Press, 1966).
Talbot, Ian. Pakistan: A Modern History (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1999).