Clarity Calls Guide v3 SM

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Clarity Calls

This guide teaches you how to use 1:1
interviews to get explosive clarity about
what works with any audience, fast.

Written by Katelyn Bourgoin

Designed by Sarah Hart
We all stand on the shoulders of giants. This guide
wouldn’t have been possible without the work of Bob
Moesta and his team. Thank you, Bob!


5 FAQ 15 Interview Mastery

Your #1 Objective

7 Understanding Why People Really Buy Best Practices

Listening Cues
10 Who To Interview

21 From Insight To Action

11 Where To Find Interview Prospects
Mapping Your Growth to the Buying
Using A Survey To Pre-screen Prospects Journey Cheatsheet

Casper Case Study

11 Getting People To Commit To Interviews Awesome Resources

Ready for your first Clarity Call? It’s a simple 5-step process. On average, you can expect to
invest about ~90 minutes to schedule, conduct and summarize each interview.


Identify interview prospects Request interview
Ask your team or client to connect Use our Interview Request
you with recent customers or reach Templates to get people to
out to ideal customers commit to an interview

Conduct interview
Use our Interview Script to help
Schedule interview
Once the customer agrees to talk,
lead the discussion and extract
send them a calendar invite
useful details

Summarize key findings
Use our Interview Summary Template to
summarize the most valuable intel from the
call and extract ideas to action

Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions. Use this as a quick reference
and see the suggested pages for more detailed answers within this guide

Q Who should I talk to? Q How long should interviews take?

A: You’ll get the most valuable insights by talking to A. The average interview will take 25-45 minutes. We
people who recently bought from you. That’s the best recommend scheduling a 30-minute meeting with the
approach. If you can’t talk to your own customers, interviewee and blocking off another 30 minutes in your
there are other options. Read more on pg. 10 own calendar afterward (60 mins total). This gives extra
time if the call runs long and will ensure you have time to
complete the Interview Summary immediately after the
Q How many people should I interview?
call when everything is fresh in your mind.
A. It depends. If you’re just starting out and know very
little about an audience, typically 5 interviews with
your target segment is enough to start seeing useful
Q Should I invite anyone else to participate in the calls?
patterns—10 is even better. If you know your audience
pretty well and are looking for marketing inspiration A. While it’s not necessary, it can be valuable to invite
and customer language to use in your marketing another teammate or client to join you on the call.
collateral, oftentimes one or two interviews can be Interviewing in pairs allows one person to lead the
extremely powerful. interview while the other takes notes. After the interview
you can complete the Interview Summary together and
discuss exciting insights heard.
Q How do I find people to interview?
A. Reach out to recent buyers directly or ask your
team or client for a list of recent buyers you can Q Should I do video calls or audio only?
contact. If you can’t talk to your own customers, there A. While video calls can be great for picking up on non-
are other ways to find people. Read more on pg. 11 verbal cues, video is not mandatory. It’s often easier to
get people to commit to audio calls and sometimes
people will open up more when they’re not on video
Q How can I get people to commit to an interview? because they feel more comfortable.
A. Send a short, personalized message asking for a 25-
minute call at their convenience. Sometimes offering an
incentive is worthwhile. Read more on pg. 15 and check
out the Interview Request Templates for specific
outreach scripts you can use.

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 05

Q Should I record interviews?

Q What questions should I avoid?
A. Recording interviews is highly recommended.
A. People are terrible predictors of their own
Recording allows you to relisten to calls to spot
behaviour and their actions rarely align with their
patterns or to share soundbites with your team or
opinions. That’s why you should avoid asking
client—which is a great way to persuade them to take
hypothetical questions or asking them to speculate
your recommendations. Another major benefit of
about the future. Instead, ask them to retrace real
recording interviews is that you can get them
life events.
transcribed to pull out powerful customer wording to
use in your marketing and sales efforts.
Q What should I be listening for?
A. While interviewing, you’re listening for key details
Q Do I need any tools or software? that can help you to retrace the person’s buying journey.
Use the Interview Summary after each interview to
A. Scheduling tools like Calendly make booking calls
document important details that you can share with
easier and there is a free version. You can record
your team and action later. Read more on pg. 16
calls using your smartphone or Zoom for free or use
a conference software like UberConference which
includes free transcription, easy keyword search, and Q How can I action my interview findings?
automatically highlights emotional language.
A. Practically everything you learn from your Clarity
Calls can be mapped directly to your marketing
strategy. Better yet? You can use your customer’s own
Q What questions should I ask?
words to improve your messaging and make research-
A. Simply put, the goal of a Clarity Call is to focus backed improvements to your overall customer
on one specific purchase and retrace the experience. Read more on pg. 21
customer’s buying journey in as much detail as
possible. This allows you to focus on a real buying
story—rather than asking hypothetical questions.
Read more on pg. 16 and check out the Interview
Script Template for specific questions.

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One question has plagued marketers and People don’t buy because of who they are...
business leaders since the dawn of time... People buy because of who they want to become

Why do customers really buy? Whether you sell lip gloss, copywriting services, software or
alarm clocks, that’s not what your customer is really buying.
If you want to market smarter and sell more stuff, you must be What your customer is really buying is a better version of
able to answer this question. themselves.

The challenge? Finding the answer can be tricky. Why did I *really* buy an old school alarm clock?
We’ve been looking for answers in the wrong places

Many marketers are obsessed with gathering data about their

customers. We use this data to segment our customers into tidy The Problem
personas based on shared attributes like age, gender, interests, Keep hitting snooze and sleeping in
and company size.

What I Bought
Old school alarm clock with NO
snooze button

What I *Really* Bought

This approach can be helpful when it comes to figuring out Help me break my bad habit of
how to target the right prospects, but it doesn’t tell us *why* sleeping in and force me out of bed
they buy. sooner so that I have the stamina to
commit to my workout

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People want their lives to be better. They have a vision of where Answering these questions will begin to give insight into what
they want to go, but there are obstacles in their path. really motivates people to buy.

You could almost say that customers “hire” products and

services to help them move forward. They have a specific “job”
they’re trying to get done and purchasing your solution will
enable them to make progress towards their vision of a better
life. This is what Clayton Christenson explains in his famous
milkshake marketing video.

So how do you get below the surface to the good stuff—the

emotion-driven backstory that actually explains why people
buy? The real story?

The absolute best method for understanding why people buy

is conducting 1:1 interviews with actual buyers. I like to call
these Clarity Calls.
Knowing who your buyers are isn’t enough
Your customer’s buying story contains priceless
If you want to sell more, more predictably, you must understand insight ripe for the taking
why people began the buying journey in the first place and the
specific context of their situation. Gathering customer stories will give you explosive clarity
about what makes people tick, click and buy. When you
• What triggered them to begin looking for a new solution? understand why people *really* buy, you’ll market smarter
• What progress were they trying to make? and sell more stuff.
• What held them back from achieving their desired outcome?
Let’s dig in!
• What else did they consider or try and why didn’t it work for them?
• Why did they choose one product over another?
• What does success look like?

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Case Study
Why do people really buy milkshakes?
~ Peter Drucker, Management Consultant
Watch this 4-minute video to find out. I bet the answer will
surprise you.

Watch Video >

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If you want to figure out how to get more Direct and Indirect Competitors
prospects to buy, you should talk to actual If you can’t find someone to talk to who bought from one of
buyers your direct competitors—or you don’t have any direct
competitors, which is sometimes the case for new startups
that are trying to disrupt a market with an innovative new
This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how often
solution—you can talk to people who bought from an indirect
people get this wrong when doing customer discovery.
Instead of interviewing people who recently bought a solution to
An indirect competitor does the same job you do but in a
solve a similar problem or people who are actively in the buying
different way. For instance, for people who want to grab a
journey, they’ll talk to people who fit some pre-defined profile of
quick bite on the go, a vending machine or granola bar could
who they THINK their customers will be. These insights can be
be an indirect competitor to Mcdondalds. You’ll still gather
valuable, but these conversations can also lead you astray.
great insights by exploring these buying stories that you can
use in your marketing materials.
Most people will happily talk at length about their opinions on
certain topics, but that doesn’t mean that they’d actually spend
money to solve the problem you solve. That’s why you should Direct Competitors
always talk to actual buyers if possible. You’ll learn so much
more from these conversations.
vs vs
Who to interview
Quickbooks Xero

Gold Indirect Competitors

People who recently bought from YOU

Silver vs vs
People who bought from a direct or
indirect competitor

#3 Bronze
People who are currently in the buying
vs vs
journey and actively looking to buy a
solution to solve the problem you solve
Quickbooks Accountant Spreadsheet

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 10

There are plenty of ways to find people to talk to I’ve always found that sending a personalized email works
much better than sending a mass email out to your whole list.
6 Ways To Recruit Interview Prospects

Ask your own customers / audience

Ask your network for intros or


Scan marketplaces or online review


Spy on your competitor’s websites and

social media

Post in niche communities

Use a paid service to recruit prospects You can also ask your customers to opt-in to an interview
themselves. This can be a good solution if you’re nervous
about “bugging” their customers.
See the Interview Request Templates for specific outreach
scripts you can swipe. You could post on your social media asking for volunteers or
ask your website visitors using a chat app or notification.

Ask your own customers / audience

Pro Tip
If you already have customers, the quickest way to It’s always best to talk to your own customers if
find interview prospects is to reach out to your own possible. If you already have customers to talk to
customers. You can get access to your team’s CRM then you can skip ahead to the next chapter now.
or email management software and cherry-pick a
few customers to reach out to personally.

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 11

Ask your network for intros or referrals

If you can’t talk to your own customers, you can talk

to people who recently bought from a direct or
indirect competitor.

You can start by reaching out to your own network.

There’s a good chance that someone in your
network is already using a competitor’s solution or
that they know someone who is. You can post an
open call on social media.

Scan marketplaces or online review sites

Another hack for finding the right people is

If you don’t get any interest from your own personal searching online marketplaces or review sites.
network, don’t be afraid to email a friend or
colleague to ask for an introduction. B2C B2B
Facebook Reviews ProductHunt

Amazon Reviews G2 Crowd

E-commerce Reviews iTune/Andriod/Get App

Yelp Capterra

Quora Competitor’s website

(testimonials, case studies, logo bar, ect.)

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You can check out Facebook reviews, Yelp, G2
Crowd or Amazon. These sites often allow you to
click on the profile of the person who wrote the
review. If you can find the original review writer on
social media, you may be able to send them a direct
message and ask them for an interview.

If the reviewer works for a business, you can try

reaching out via social media or directly through
their website.

Obviously reaching out to a competitor’s customer

must be done delicately. See the Interview Request
Templates for more details.
Post in niche communities

Spy on your competitor’s websites

and social media
You can also try posting your ask in niche
communities where your customers hangout. You
Check out your competitor’s websites for can often find relevant Facebook groups,
testimonials, case studies or logo banners. You can SubReddits or even Slack channels where potential
attempt to contact your competitor’s clients. customers gather.

Many companies use social media as a way to offer

customer support. If you know who your Facebook groups LinkedIn groups
competitors are, you can scan their social media
feeds to see them interacting with their customers, Subreddits Niche online forums
or see posts that customers have tagged them in,
and then you can try reaching out to those Slack communities Quora spaces
customers directly to request an interview.

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 13

Using a survey to pre-screen prospects

Remember, your goal is to talk to actual buyers—not just

people who could hypothetically be interested in your
solution. You’ll learn so much more from these conversations.

If you want to reach out to your own audience or personal

network to find interview prospects, a great way to find the
right people is to start by using a short survey to pre-screen
potential interview prospects and get them to opt-in to a
follow-up call.

When using a survey to pre-screen potential interview

applicants, make sure to keep the survey brief and to gather
only relevant details that will help you decide which people
you’d like to reach out to personally to conduct an interview.

Use a paid service to recruit prospects

Survey example walkthrough

Lastly, if you try all the other methods and none
work, you can use a paid service to find people to Click here to view the original pre-screener survey
interview. There are businesses specifically for this, (this was created using Google Forms). You can tweak
like User Interviews and this version to create your own pre-screener survey.

You may also consider services like or Video Link

Upwork. is a network of specialists across
many disciplines who charge by the minute to
answer questions.

Paid Services

User Interviews Upwork

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 14

How to convince people to say “yes” A perk to using a calling software like UberConference is that
it includes easy call recording, free transcription and keyword
Getting people to commit to a quick interview is often easier search, and automatically highlights emotional language.
than you’d think.
Incentivise them
Below are a few tips to get people to say yes to an interview. Incentives aren’t always necessary, but they can be helpful.
See the Interview request templates for specific outreach
scripts you can swipe. You can incentivise your own customers by offering them a
free product, a gift certificate or an Amazon gift card. Avoid
Ask nicely offering discounts as an incentive since it can appear less
People will be far more likely to commit to an interview if you genuine.
personalize your ask. Remember to keep the request concise
and don’t be afraid to stroke their ego a bit to butter them up If you’re reaching out to non-customers, offering a $25
to the idea. Amazon gift card or a donation to their favourite charity tends
to work well.
Make it easy for them
Once someone agrees to be interviewed, you want to make it
super easy for them. Be clear that you’re only asking for 25
minutes of their time and that you can do an audio call (ie. no
dressing up required)

Consider using a scheduling tool like Calendly to allow them

to choose a convenient call time. Rather than doing a video
meeting, offer to call them instead. This takes some of the
pressure off of having to prepare for the call. UberConference
or Skype make long-distance calling very easy and affordable.

Scheduling Calling long distance

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Your #1 Objective Retracing the buying journey

Your #1 objective of each Clarity Call is to explore the Your objective during each interview is to try to retrace the
customer’s buying journey in exacting detail whole buying journey. You want to start at the very beginning
—the trigger that motivated the customer to begin the buying
If you want to figure out how to get more people to buy, the journey—and retrace every step of the buying journey in
most powerful insights will come from exploring the detail. Every question you ask is designed to fill in the gaps.
motivations that led to actual purchase decisions. Think of it like you’re filming a documentary and you need to
gather all the relevant details so you can retell the story
Understanding why a customer switched from their old accurately.
solution to a new one will reveal an enormous amount of
actionable insight that can inform everything from marketing When done successfully, you should be able to map the whole
and messaging to product design. customer’s buying journey with specific details. The best part?
Everything you learn can be applied directly to your
Stages of a Buying Journey marketing.

A typical buying journey includes several steps. It begins with This might seem like a lot to remember, but don’t worry—the
a trigger event—a specific moment when the customer first Note Taking Template will help you to keep the interview on
realizes that they may need a new solution—and ends with the track.
customer using the product and evaluating whether they are
satisfied with it.

Credit: Revised from Rewired Group

Watch video walkthrough of each step >

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Trigger Passive Looking Catalyst Active Looking

Ally gets a puppy who sleeps in Talks to colleague about sleep Sleeps in after a restless night Begins Googling sleep training dog,
bed and now she can’t sleep problem, notices friend’s post on and is late for important meeting online search for dog beds, DM’s friend
Instagram showing off their new asking about her new mattress, explores
mattress, gets flyer from IKEA Casper website, explores Endy website,
with sale on bedroom furniture reads mattress reviews online, watches
YouTube videos on dog training

Using Bought/First Use Deciding Catalyst

Measures bedroom to see if she can

Mattress works will for solo sleep New boyfriend spends the
Orders IKEA bedframe and fit a Queen bed, searches IKEA site
with puppy but its still crowded night and neither of them can
Casper mattress on same day, for bed frames, reads more online
with the puppy and the boyfriend, sleep because puppy whimpers
tracks deliveries online, boyfriend reviews and watches YouTuber
considers getting a dog bed, asks outside the door all night
helps setup bedframe and reviews, friend offers Casper
dog trainer for recommendations mattress, very happy with look of discount code, Casper sends email
bedroom, new sheets smell funny offering free bedding with purchase
and must be washed so she sleeps
without sheets first night, good
first solo sleep with puppy
See how many rich details can come from just one interview?
There are so many actionable insights in this buying story.
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Best Practices Avoid Opinions and Speculation

Conducting customer interviews is a skill. And like any skill, the Avoid asking questions like...
more you practice, the better you’ll get. That said, following
these best practices will help you to start out on the right foot. “Why did you _________?”

Interview Tips “How do you feel about _________?”

Record Interviews “Do you think you would buy / use

So you can stay present in the moment and [new product]?”
relisten later

Prepare Questions
But don’t be robotic—it should feel more
like a conversation than an interrogation
Focus on the “What”
Listen More Than You Talk Ask questions that focus on what
Awkward silences can lead to wow insights customers actually did...

“Take me back to life before

Avoid Assumptions [product]. What was it like?”
Ask follow-up questions to dig in and explore
“What happened that compelled you
Listen for Emotions to start looking for something
95% of decisions are driven by subconcious different?
emotional triggers
“What happened when you tried
Create Interview Summary Immediately [product] that made you confident it
Don’t rely on your memory—document it was right for you?”

“What can you do now, that you

couldn’t do before?”


~Jakob Nielson, Usability Expert

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 18

Listening Cues
Dig In And Ask For Details Each buyer interview contains valuable intel that you can
Use these deep dive question at any time action. In addition to asking questions to help your customer
during your interview to get the person you’re to retrace the buying interview, there are also specific details
interviewing to share more details that you should be listening for during the interview.

Each listening cue can be divided into one of two categories:

“Interesting. Can you tell me more about that?”

“And why do you [CARE ABOUT/ NEED / WANT] that?” Drivers

“What led to that decision? Walk me through your thought

process?” Drivers speed purchase decisions and lead to increased
retention and loyalty
“Why did you decide to do it that way? What else was going
on that made that the right choice?” Identifying drivers will help you to get in front of prospects
sooner (often in less crowded channels) and improve your
messaging and overall customer experience.
If they use negative words:

“That seems to really bug you — Barriers

I bet there’s a story here.”

If they use positive words: Barriers slow or even stall purchase decisions and lead
to increased churn
“You seem pretty excited about
that — why was that a big deal?” Identifying barriers will help you to adjust your
approach or find ways to answer possible objections.

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 19

Drivers (Opportunities to explore/action) Barriers (Threats to avoid/overcome)

Trigger Pains Alternate Solutions Anxieties

What first triggered them to What pain or problems did the What else did the buyer What fears or concerns did the
realize they may need a new buyer have with existing consider, try or buy? This buyer have before making the
solution? solutions? What was stopping can include both direct purchase? What objections or
them from making progress? competitors and indirect constraints did the need to
competitors overcome?
Goals Channels
What specifically did the buyer Where did the buyer look for
want to get done? What motivated solutions? Who or what Friction
them to seek a new solution? influenced their buying What specifically did the buyer
(Goals can be functional, social & decision? dislike about the product and
emotional) overall customer experience?
What frustrated them or
Winning Value Proposition concerned them?
Desires What was the #1 reason the
How did the buyer hope that buyer chose this solution?
their life would be better once What finally persuaded them
they found a solution? What to say yes?
was their dream outcome? You don’t have to remember all of this. After each interview
What did the promised land you’ll use the Interview Summary Template to summarize
look like? the most important details from each interview.

What specifically did the
buyer like about the product
and overall customer
experience? What brought
them joy?

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 20

We named these Clarity Calls because everything you learn Know how to your strengthen your core
will give you clarity about what *really* motivates #7
customers to buy
Use customer language to write high-
When you understand that makes people tick, click and buy, converting copy
you market smarter. You’ll stop guessing about what might
work with your audience and have real evidence about what Generate new marketing campaign
does work. ideas

The insights you gather through customer interviews and Identify new topics for content
document in your Interview Summary Template can be used marketing
across your whole customer experience—from product design
to demand generation to loyalty/retention strategy. #11 Identify purchase catalysts that you
can leverage

16 Powerful Ways to Action Your Interview Insights #12 Know how to answer potential
objections upfront
Create research-backed customer
personas #13 Know how to improve your product

Map each step of customers’ buying

#2 Identify potential partners to
journey #14
collaborate with

#3 Identify new market segments to

#15 Get specific ideas to improve your
target product/service

#4 Identify new marketing channels to

#16 Identify and remove friction from CX
test to increase loyalty/retention

#5 Figure out how to strengthen your

product positioning

#6 Understand who your competitors are

in your customer’s eyes

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 21

Mapping Your Growth to the Buying Journey Cheatsheet

Everything you learn from your interviews can be immediately used in your growth plan. By
documenting your customer’s buying journey, you’ll get clues that will allow you to help prospective
customers to move faster through the buying journey.

Use the tips below to map your growth strategy to your customer’s buying journey.

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 22

Casper Case Study

Watch this X-minute video presentation to see
how Casper used customer insight to map their
customer’s buying journey (and to grow from $0 to
$750M in four years.)

Watch Video >

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 23

Awesome Resources

Copyhackers’ VOC Webinar Obviously Awesome book

Check out this Copyhackers tutorial with Nikki Elbaz to see Positioning is the foundation of everything we do in marketing
how you can use interview transcripts to pull out the specific and sales. It forms the backbone of your go-to-market strategy.
customer language needed to write high-converting copy April Dunford has written the definitive guide on how to
expertly position your product so people get it, buy it and love
it. It’s a must-read.

Watch Video>

Learn More >

Legal: This guide book is a private document meant for the personal use of the purchaser of this Customer Camp program. Any retransmission, distribution or sharing of this privately licensed copy will result in legal indemnification. 24

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