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96 pages
Euro 15.00
EAN 2000000006208
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Dzogchen Teachings
Merigar, 6-11 July 2001
“It is important when we are doing a retreat, that you try to DZOGCHEN &
listen to what is being transmitted and what is being said. BUDDHISM
You must be aware of this and try to listen attentively. I have
had this experience again and again that I explain something DZOGCHEN
today and repeat it again the next day. Then the day after INTRODUCTION
that someone wants to talk to me and they ask me something REQUIRED
that I had already just explained over the last couple of days.
This product is intended only
Then, I sometimes say, “But you didn't listen to what I told
for those who have received
you". If you really listen well, then you will get all the
direct introduction from a
answers. It is sufficient that you observe yourselves a little
qualified master.
and listen carefully. This is important because the teaching is
not only a technique about how you sit and how you do
practice. The teaching is also about how to live your life
within society. This is what we need to know above all. For
example, even if the teaching doesn't tell you how to work in
your shop, when you are there, it can show you how to work
with your mind and your existence. Through the teaching,
you can learn how to guide your mind and how to deal with
your situation."
124 pages
Euro 17.00
EAN 2000000006185
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Dzogchen Teachings in
Gutenstein, Austria, 12-
14 June, 1998
Including teachings on the Daki Mantri text
belonging to the Longsal Cycle
This book contains the transcription of the whole retreat DZOGCHEN &
held in Gutenstein in 1998, including the oral teachings on BUDDHISM
the Daki Mantri text of Thangtong Gyalpo belonging to the
Longsal Cycle which is the collection of Chögyal Namkhai PARTICULAR
Norbu's rediscovered teachings (see Longsal Teachings, TRANSMISSION
Volume One, Shang Shung Publications 2001). It contains the REQUIRED
Tibetan text and a useful glossary of Tibetan names and
Please be sure that you have
received the teachings and
transmissions corresponding
to this product.
128 pages
Euro 15.00
EAN 2000000005966
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
104 pages
Euro 13.00
EAN 2000000006550
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Dzogchen
This book contains the main documents and teachings on the DZOGCHEN &
Dzogchen Community that Chögyal Namkhai Norbu wrote BUDDHISM
or said during the last twenty years, therefore it is very useful
to all practitioners interested in Dzogchen teachings and DZOGCHEN
especially to the most active members engaged in the Gakyils INTRODUCTION
and other activities of the Dzogchen Community. This book REQUIRED
was first published on behalf of the International Gakyil in
This product is intended only
2001, but the present reprint is an abridged version because
for those who have received
many details and guidelines on the organization and
direct introduction from a
management of the Dzogchen Community are now changing
qualified master.
because of the reorganizing work in progress within the
International Dzogchen Community.
78 pages
Euro 10.00
EAN 2370000055996
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Essence of the
Three Statements of
Garab Dorje
Based on Oral Advice by Khyenrab Chökyi
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 8.80
EAN 2000000002217
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Four Dharmas of
Tsegyalgar East, July 16-20, 2014
During the retreat held in Tsegyalgar East, July 16-20, 2014, DZOGCHEN &
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu explained Longchenpa's Four BUDDHISM
Dharmas — similar to the Four Dharmas of Gampopa —
together with the instructions on how to integrate their DZOGCHEN
essential meaning with the daily life of aspiring Dzogchen INTRODUCTION
practitioners. REQUIRED
190 pages
Euro 10.00
EAN 2000000008264
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Luminous Clarity of
the Universe -
A Clear Exposition of
the Primordially Pure
Ka dag khregs chod kyi dgongs pa gsal bshad
klong chen ’od gsal
“I pay homage to the Guru, whose kindness is unequaled.
Essence of all the Sugatas of the three times,
Lord Guru who reveals the equality of the four times,
Now that I call you with my yearning voice
Always hold me with your great love and compassion.
Having been cared for by kind masters of the fortunate kalpa
Due to the strong power of merits accumulated over many Paper
564 pages
kalpas, Euro 35.00
I shall set down the essence of primordial purity transmitted ISBN 9788878342170
to me, the fortunate one,
To benefit beings who have been wandering for kalpas.
The Practice in Daily
Transcription from Oral Teachings
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
“What do we do from the early morning until the evening? DZOGCHEN &
Everybody works. In the daytime we go to our job in an office BUDDHISM
or in a shop, and tomorrow what do we do? We repeat what
we did yesterday. The day after tomorrow what do we do? DZOGCHEN
We repeat. This is called samsara, we are always repeating. INTRODUCTION
Repeating because we eat repeatedly, we consume repeatedly, REQUIRED
and we go ahead that way. This is our concrete life. So when
This product is intended only
can we do our practice? In this case we have to deal with it in
for those who have received
relation to time: we must integrate the teaching in our
direct introduction from a
daytime. But integrating doesn't mean becoming like
qualified master.
Milarepa, renouncing everything and going to live on a
mountain. Some people may have that possibility, but it is
very rare in this modern society; we have our family, our
children, our children's children, we have to help them, and
we have to work to make money. We must understand that
we can't renounce all these things. But if we don't renounce
them how can we practice? We have to go to the essence of
the teaching. There is not much time, there is not much
possibility, so we should not live in a fantasy."
52 pages
Euro 11.00
EAN 2370000078742
The Practice of the
Night and the Dark
Retreat of Twenty-Four
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
32 pages
Euro 9.00
EAN 2000000006987
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 7.20
EAN 2000000006970
An Introduction to the
Practice of
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
78 pages
Euro 17.00
ISBN 9788878341425
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
An Oral Commentary on
The Total Space of
Dorje Sempa Namkha Che
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 13.60
EAN 2000000003214
An Oral Commentary to
Longchenpa's Precious
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
192 pages
Euro 20.00
EAN 2000000005638
Shine and Lhagthong in
the Dzogchen Teaching
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Dzogchen Semde series explains that after having been SEMDE
introduced to knowledge of the primordial state by a
qualified teacher, it is of paramount importance for DZOGCHEN
practitioners to dedicate themselves to specific methods to INTRODUCTION
stabilize their understanding of the non-duality of Shine and REQUIRED
Lhagthong. Realization is none other than the integration of
This product is intended only
such a state in one's awareness in every moment of daily life.
for those who have received
This book is divided into three parts related to the three direct introduction from a
aspects of the path: view, meditation, and behavior. qualified master.
EAN 2000000007748
Teachings on Semde by
Sodogpa Lodrö
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
134 pages
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000006635
The Four
Contemplations of
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 8.00
EAN 2000000008189
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
When You Discover
One, You Discover All
Practice Instructions Related to
Changchubsem Gompa Dola Serzhun By
96 pages
Euro 17.00
EAN 2000000005539
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Oral Commentary of the
Root Upadesha on the
Vajra Bridge of Longde
Merigar , July 5 - 9 2002
96 pages
Euro 16.00
ISBN 9788878342606
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Cycle of Day and
Night and Its Relation to
the Original Teaching.
The Upadesha of
The Upadesha of Vajrasattva
The Cycle of Day and Night or The Application of the Path of the DZOGCHEN
Primordial Yoga called 'The Cycle of Day and Night' (gDod ma'i INTRODUCTION
rnal 'byor gyi lam khyer nyin mtshan 'khor lo ma zhes bya ba) is an REQUIRED
extraordinary upadesha on how to achieve the capacity of
total contemplation in one's life. Chögyal Namkhai Norbu This product is intended only
wrote it spontaneously in 1983, and later he discovered that it for those who have received
was based on a teaching found in the Vai ro rgyud 'bum called direct introduction from a
The Upadesha of Vajrasattva (rDo rje sems dpa'i man ngag), qualified master.
which he had also received in a dream. The history of its
discovery and the two texts for comparison are presented
here for the first time. The Tibetan text is included.
Available in formats:
108 pages
Euro 18.00
ISBN 9788878342569
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 12.80
EAN 2000000003306
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Cycle of Day and
Night. An Oral
Root text translated by John Reynolds LONGDE
96 pages
Euro 18.00
EAN 2000000005447
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Root Upadesha on
the Vajra Bridge of
Longsal Commentaries, Volume One
The Root Upadesha on the Vajra Bridge of Longde (Klong sde rdo PARTICULAR
rje zam pa'i man ngag gi rtsa ba) was written down in 1983. It TRANSMISSION
offers fundamental guidance on the main points of the REQUIRED
practice of the four Das of Dzogchen Longde, the oral
tradition of which is known as the Vajra Bridge (rDo rje'i zam Please be sure that you have
pa). This tradition originated with eighth-century Tibetan received the teachings and
master Vairochana, who transmitted it to Pang Mipham transmissions corresponding
Gönpo. It flourished in Tibet until the fourteenth century, to this product.
with the result that many practitioners achieved the Rainbow
Body.The dreams through which the Upadesha was
discovered are connected to Vairochana himself, to Negyab
Rinpoche, and to Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's root guru
Rigdzin Changchub Dorje (1826-1961). The auto-
commentary, Brilliant Moon: Commentary on the Root Text of
the Upadesha on the Vajra Bridge of Longde (Klong sde rdo rje
zam pa'i man ngag gi rtsa 'grel rab gsal zla ba), written in 2005,
includes many quotations from the traditional texts of the
Vajra Bridge of Dzogchen Longde that clarify and expand on Available in formats:
numerous topics contained in the root text. Paper
288 pages
This book is intended only for those who have received the Euro 24.00
related transmissions of the teaching from the Master or the EAN 2000000006772
EAN 2000000002477
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Collected Upadesha
Teachings on Rushen of
Body, Voice and Mind
In order for an authentic state of contemplation INTRODUCTION
to arise in the practitioner, it is indispensable to REQUIRED
separate or distinguish the mind from the state of
pure instant presence (rigpa). In general the This product is intended only
methods having this aim are called Khorde for those who have received
Rushen (separation of samsara and nirvana). direct introduction from a
qualified master.
The present book aims to collect and collate, in a
single container, the teachings on Rushen of
body, voice, and mind spread over a period
ranging from 1982 to 2018. The various groups of
Rushen connected to each of the three doors of
body, voice and mind have been divided by
tradition and origin into four chapters.
This book contains, in order, the translation of the original INTRODUCTION
Tibetan text of Rigdzin Changchub Dorje’s terma called REQUIRED
Quintessential Instructions on the Main Practice (dngos
gzhi’i don khri yang snying bcud dril bzhugs) and the edited This product is intended only
transcripts of three oral commentaries on the terma that for those who have received
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu gave: at Namgyalgar in Australia direct introduction from a
during a retreat that took place from the seventeenth to the qualified master.
twenty-second of April 2009; in Taiwan from the twenty-
third to the twenty-seventh of October 2015; and in Barcelona
from the twenty-eighth of December 2016 to the third of
January 2017. The Quintessential Instructions on the Main
Practice belongs to a Dzogchen Upadesha cycle of terma
teachings of Rigdzin Changchub Dorje called Black
Quintessence of the Supreme Heart Essence (bla med snying
thig yang tig nag po) comprising of a tantra and various texts
on the practice. This particular text contains essential
instructions on the practice of Rushen and the two practices
of Dzogchen Upadesha, Tregchöd and, in brief outline,
Thögal, as well as the manner in which practitioners,
depending on their capacity, attain liberation in their lifetime
or in the bardo, and a description of the state which is the
final result. Paper
558 pages
Euro 35.00
An important lay Dzogchen master, Rigdzin Changchub
ISBN 9788878344488
Dorje (1863– 1963) lived in Khamdogar, in Eastern Tibet. He
was not a common Dzogchen or Tantric master who spent all
his time teaching. He lived and practiced as an exceptionally
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Nine
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente UPADESHA
268 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000007557
Outer Rushen: Going
Beyond Limitations
Oral Instructions on Vimalamitra's Dra
Thalgyur Commentary
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
EAN 2000000003245
Teachings on Lojongs,
Rushens, and Semdzins
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
spyi'i khyad par gyi khrid yig lam bzang ye shes snying po). EAN 2370000188496
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 13.60
EAN 2000000008165
The 21 Semdzins of
Dzogchen Upadesha
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
104 pages
Euro 16.00
ISBN 9788878342583
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 12.80
EAN 2000000007793
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Four Chogshag
The Practice of Tregchöd
20 pages
Euro 7.00
EAN 2000000007472
The Song of the Vajra
An Oral Commentary
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
We can find the principle of the Song of the Vajra in the UPADESHA
Upadesha tantra called Nyida Khajor, meaning Union of Sun
and Moon. The Song of the Vajra is like a key for all of the DZOGCHEN
methods we can learn in the Dzogchen teachings, from INTRODUCTION
Semde to Longde and Upadesha. We can learn the Song of REQUIRED
the Vajra in three different ways: through sound, where each
This product is intended only
sound represents the different functions of our chakras;
for those who have received
through the meaning of the words, which are not easy to
direct introduction from a
understand because each word is like a symbol; and through
qualified master.
our real condition. This threefold nature of the Song of the
Vajra is related to the three aspects of our existence (body,
speech, and mind).
Available in formats:
168 pages
Euro 17.00
ISBN 9788878342446
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 13.60
EAN 2000000000893
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Yangti Experiential
The Yangti Nagpo Terma and Clarifications
of Tungtso Repa
This book is exclusively for those who have received the UPADESHA
transmission of Dzogchen Yangti from Chögyal Namkhai
Norbu. It contains the instruction for developing the state of YANGTI
contemplation through the practice in the dark. TRANSMISSION
Yangti Transmission is
238 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000008813
The Five Principal Points
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
40 pages
Euro 10.00
ISBN 9788878342316
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 8.00
EAN 2000000002460
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Ati Samten Gongdzod
The Ati Treasury of
First Level of Santi Maha Sangha
346 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000003108
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Santi Maha Sangha
Kumar Kumari for Boys
and Girls
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente SANTI MAHA SANGHA
41 pages
Euro 12.00
EAN 2000000007090
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Santi Maha Sangha
Preliminary Practices of
the Base
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente SANTI MAHA SANGHA
Available in formats:
28 pages
Euro 5.00
EAN 2000000007274
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 4.00
EAN 2000000002361
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Teaching in a Perfect
The Words of the Master for the Dzogchen
Community Teachers
“For many years I have transmitted the Dzogchen teaching, SANTI MAHA SANGHA
and for many years many of you have been following
this teaching and we collaborate with each other. So we must DZOGCHEN
continue to transmit the understanding and knowledge of INTRODUCTION
this teaching. This is the responsibility of all of us. REQUIRED
First of all I have this responsibility because I transmit This product is intended only
this teaching to you. You also have a responsibility, and then for those who have received
we share this responsibility. With this responsibility we must direct introduction from a
keep the transmission in the correct way, and to keep the qualified master.
transmission in the correct way we should not mix it with
any- thing else. We should not modify or change the
transmission nor should we create any problems related to it.
If we learn in the correct way then we can continue the
transmission. We all need to accept this responsibility.
Available in formats:
504 pages
Euro 22.00
EAN 2000000003009
Ebook [Mobi
& ePub]
Euro 18.00
EAN 2000000003610
The Practice of Guru
Medicine Buddha
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
33 pages
Euro 9.00
EAN 2000000001319
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Precious Vase
Instructions on the Base of Santi Maha
The textbook for the study and practice of the Base Level of DZOGCHEN
Santi Maha Sangha training. Includes a clear outline of the INTRODUCTION
individual categories of study as well as a list of the practices REQUIRED
required for the Base Level examination.
This product is intended only
for those who have received
direct introduction from a
qualified master.
Available in formats:
324 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000005331
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 20.00
EAN 2000000007496
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Three Paths of
The Three Paths of Liberation is a straightforward guide to the SANTI MAHA SANGHA
understanding of the essence of all paths, Buddhist or not,
leading to spiritual realization. The book explains that all DZOGCHEN
paths can be described as three main methods, no matter INTRODUCTION
what tradition is being considered. Those three paths, in an REQUIRED
approach that is part of Dzogchen knowledge found in a
This product is intended only
teaching called the tharlam desum, are that of renunciation,
for those who have received
transformation, and self-liberation. We can recognize that in
direct introduction from a
Buddhist terminology the path of renunciation is Sutra, that
qualified master.
of transformation, Tantra, and that of self-liberation,
Once released from an ironclad identification with a
particular school or current of dharma born from a limited
point of view, we become free to take Rinpoche’s advice:
“We can apply all three paths of liberation, and a practitioner
of Dzogchen who understands the essence of the teaching
always integrates all three. I will try to communicate and
explain these paths so you can have a clear idea of them and
will find no conflict between Sutra and Tantra, or among
Available in formats:
different schools and traditions.”
Because this book contains Dzogchen practices, it is intended 198 pages
Euro 16.00
for those who have already received transmission.
EAN 2370000017703
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 12.80
EAN 2000000002262
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Dzogchen Teachings
Tashigar South, 26
December - January 1,
Oral Commentary on the Longsal Terma The
Opening of the Gate to the State of Ati
112 pages
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000006345
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Khorwa Yedal
Teachings and Practice
Available in formats:
52 pages
Euro 12.00
EAN 2000000002675
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 10.00
EAN 2000000003283
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Eight
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente LONGSAL
320 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000006574
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Five
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente LONGSAL
214 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000006147
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Four
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente LONGSAL
Available in formats:
288 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000005812
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 20.00
EAN 2000000003382
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Seven
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente LONGSAL
276 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2370000034465
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Ten
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente LONGSAL
This tenth and last volume of this series of teachings from the PARTICULAR
Longsal cycle contains upadeshas and instructions received TRANSMISSION
through dreams in the period from 1967 to 2003. REQUIRED
The Direct Introduction to the State of Primordial Pervasiveness in Please be sure that you have
Samsara is a method of direct introduction that the Author received the teachings and
received from his root teacher Rigdzin Changchub Dorje. transmissions corresponding
The Way to Practice the Profound Path of Guru Kalachakra, to this product.
received through various dreams in 2002 and 2003, contains
Anuyoga instructions on the practice of Kalachakra. The
Instructions on the Outer, Inner, and Secret Rushen, received
between 1987 and 1998, contains instructions on the practice
of Rushen according to the Dzogchen Upadesha series. An
explanation of the practice of the Rushen of the Voice
written by the Author in 2017, titled The Upadesha on the Four
Voice Trainings from the Longsal Rushen, is also included. The
Annotated Instructions on the Twenty-Five Spaces contains an
upadesha already published in Longsal Teachings, Volume
Seven, together with explanations that clarify the profound
meaning of these mantras. The dream on The Upadesha of
Buddhamati was published in 2006 as a special edition for
To conclude the series, the translator chose a short upadesha Paper
that encapsulates the essence of Atiyoga in four lines. 232 pages
Euro 25.00
ISBN 9788878342804
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Three
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente LONGSAL
Available in formats:
254 pages
Euro 25.00
ISBN 9788878342330
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 20.00
EAN 2000000003375
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Longsal Teachings,
Volume Two
Translated from Tibetan by Adriano Clemente LONGSAL
220 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2370000071897
Oral Instructions on the
Yoga of Prana for
Clarity and Emptiness
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
356 pages
Euro 21.00
EAN 2370000147158
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 16.80
EAN 2000000007762
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Crucial
Preliminaries of the Path
of Ati
Longsal Commentaries, Volume Three
The Crucial Preliminaries of the Path of Ati (A ti’i lam gnad PARTICULAR
sngon ’gro) contains unique instructions on how to practice TRANSMISSION
the outer, inner, and secret Rushen of the Dzogchen REQUIRED
Upadesha series, including the seven main Semdzins. In
particular, it contains a practice of purification of the six Please be sure that you have
lokas based on the principle of the “reversal” (ru log) of received the teachings and
samsara, combined with the Vajrasattva purification. The transmissions corresponding
detailed commentary on this extraordinary upadesha is to this product.
followed by an abridged version of this practice, known as
the Preliminaries of the Path of Ati (A ti lam gyi sngon ’gro).
Available in formats:
402 pages
Euro 30.00
EAN 2000000002507
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 24.00
EAN 2000000003290
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Preliminaries of the
Path of Ati
Longsal Commentaries Volume Six
The Preliminaries of the Path of Ati (A ti lam gyi sngon ’gro) LONGSAL
is a special Vajrasattva purification belonging to the same
genre of preliminary Longsal teachings as The Crucial DZOGCHEN
Preliminaries of the Path of Ati, and it is of particular INTRODUCTION
importance as in its central part it focuses on the principle of REQUIRED
the three dimensions, or tal (dal), of Guru Vajrasattva and
This product is intended only
elucidates the way to access them. The detailed commentary
for those who have received
is followed by a dream in which Nyagse Gyurmed Gyaltsen,
direct introduction from a
son of Changchub Dorje and an important teacher of the
qualified master.
Author, reveals a particular way to apply the Purification of
the Six Lokas combined with the visualization of Vajrasattva.
This book continues the Longsal Commentaries series, which
aside from the histories and root texts includes the
autocommentaries written by the Author himself,
occasionally supplemented with additional material to gather
all information concerning a specific teaching in a single
172 pages
Euro 25.00
ISBN 9788878342927
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Upadesha of the
King of Space
Longsal Commentaries, Volume Four
The King of Space is one of the eighteen major lung scriptures LONGSAL
forming the basis of Dzogchen Semde. The Upadesha of the
King of Space received by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu as part of PARTICULAR
the Longsal cycle contains two different texts: the first, TRANSMISSION
closely related to the original lung, appeared in a dream in REQUIRED
1963, and the Author later also received it together with a
Please be sure that you have
partial oral commentary from his root master Changchub
received the teachings and
Dorje (1863–1961).
transmissions corresponding
The second text is a special upadesha received in a dream in
to this product.
1993 directly from the mahasiddha Dharmaraja of Oddiyana.
It shows the essence of the view of Ati in relation to the
principle of the three kayas. The Author’s commentary,
which includes quotations from the original sources,
elucidates the meaning of this extraordinary teaching.
112 pages
Euro 18.00
EAN 2000000002668
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Upadesha on the
Primordially Pure
Longsal Commentaries Volume Five
EAN 2000000003658
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
[book+mp3] The
Longsal Rushen
An Oral Commentary
These practices allow practitioners to swiftly discover their This product is intended only
real nature by separating the mind and instant presence using for those who have received
various methods related to the body, voice and mind.This direct introduction from a
book contains Rinpoche’s oral commentary to two main qualified master.
texts published in Longsal Teachings, Volume Ten: The
Instructions on Outer, Inner, and Secret Rushen and the
related commentary clarifying the practices of the voice: The
Upadesha on the Four Voice Trainings from the Longsal
Rushen, given in Dzamling Gar, Tenerife, 27 January – 3
February, 2017.
Ebook [Mobi
& ePub]
Euro 18.00
EAN 2000000004013
Prima Mai
Chögyal Namkhai
Norbu’s Vajra Dance of
Space of the Song of
the Vajra
Working Notes and Essential Diagrams
The present booklet contains drawings and notes that can VAJRA DANCE
serve as an aide-memoire to people who have participated in
a course of Vajra Dance of Space of the Song of the Vajra DZOGCHEN
and need a concise manual to practice on their own in the INTRODUCTION
correct way. REQUIRED
Available in formats:
60 pages
Euro 10.00
ISBN 9788878342903
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 8.00
EAN 2000000008875
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Dance of the Vajra
Original Text and Commentary
These two volumes, that in fact should always go together, VAJRA DANCE
comprise the official translation of the Root Tantra of the
Dance of the Vajra and its commentary by Chögyal Namkhai DZOGCHEN
Norbu, The Light of the Precious Lamp. In this commentary all INTRODUCTION
the steps, mudras and movements of the three main Vajra REQUIRED
Dances — The Dance of the Song of the Vajra, The Dance
This product is intended only
That Benefits Beings and the Dance of the Three Vajras —
for those who have received
are described and explained in detail, with amazing precision.
direct introduction from a
Written by the Author on the basis of numerous dreams of qualified master.
clarity (all contained in the book) between 1990 and 1997, and
edited by him in its final form in 2002, the Tibetan original of
this extraordinary work was translated by Adriano Clemente
in 2009-2010; subsequently the steps and movements, as
described in the translation, were thoroughly studied by the
main Teachers of the Dance of the Vajra who submitted any
doubt to the Master, who kindly clarified them with infinite
patience and compassion.
76 pages
Euro 9.00
EAN 2000000006468
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Essential Instructions
for the Practice of
The practice of Jnanadakini Gomadevi belongs to the LONG LIFE
precious cycle of teachings The Luminous Clarity of the
Universe, Heart Essence of the Dakinis (Klong chen 'od gsal mkha' DZOGCHEN
'gro 'i snying thig), and was received by Chögyal Namkhai INTRODUCTION
Norbu through a series of revelations in dreams in a period REQUIRED
going from 1985 to 2007. This practice, which can be
This product is intended only
combined with the Dance of the Song of the Vajra, has been
for those who have received
transmitted in different forms: long, medium, and short. This
direct introduction from a
book contains all three versions.
qualified master.
The practice can be performed using ritual instruments such
as the damaru and the vajra and bell, or only with the vajra
and bell, or with mudras only, without using ritual
instruments. The first part of the book contains essential
instructions for doing the practice and the second part
contains the text of the practice, complete with illustrations
for the visualization and with instructions for the use and the
timing of ritual instruments. The appendix contains
instructions for ritual offerings and the benefits of the
practice. Available in formats:
0 pages
Euro 14.00
EAN 2000000006642
Ebook []
Euro 11.20
EAN 2000000000916
Long-Life Practice and
Chülen of Guru
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
40 pages
Euro 10.00
EAN 2000000007120
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 8.00
ISBN 9788878342965
Mandarava Tsalung
Teachings on the Profound Crucial Upadesha
of the Long-Life Practice “The Vajra Vital
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
370 pages
Euro 25.00
EAN 2000000006420
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 20.00
EAN 2000000008196
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Long-Life Practice
of Amitayus and the
Chülen of the Three
The Long-Life Practice of Amitayus and the related instructions LONG LIFE
on The Chülen of the Three Kayas are terma teachings of
Padmasambhava discovered by Nyagla Pema Düdul. This PARTICULAR
book contains Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s oral commentary TRANSMISSION
on the two texts, given during a retreat in 2014 at Merigar REQUIRED
West, Italy. Rinpoche’s explanations alternate with relevant
Please be sure that you have
passages he had selected for the occasion, translated here
received the teachings and
from the original Tibetan.
transmissions corresponding
The complete translations from the Tibetan ofThe Long-Life to this product.
Practice of Amitayus from the original Tsedrub Gongdü and of
The Chülen of the Three Kayas from Nyagla Pema Düdul’s
terma cycle The Self-Liberation That Encompasses Space
(Khakhyab Rangdrol) are provided in the appendix.
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 12.00
EAN 2000000007779
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Long-Life Practice
of the Immortal Dakini
New practice book for the Long-Life Practice of Mandarava. LONG LIFE
Similar in design to our Thun book, it contains four different
versions of the practice: PARTICULAR
two long versions complete with the optional Ganapuja REQUIRED
(one with instruments and one with mudras only)
two short versions (one with mantras and mudras only Please be sure that you have
and the other more essential) received the teachings and
transmissions corresponding
The practices selected are representative of recent teachings to this product.
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu gave on the Long-Life Practice
“Thigle of Vajra Life" of the Immortal Dakini Mandarava.
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 18.00
EAN 2000000008509
The Practice of Long
Life and Chüdlen of
Mandarava. An Oral
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
112 pages
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000005782
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Practice of Long
Life of the Immortal
Dakini Mandarava
Translated from Tibetan by Iacobella Gaetani LONG LIFE
132 pages
Euro 17.00
ISBN 9788878342415
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Teachings and Practice
The practice of Chöd is widespread throughout Tibet, not PROTECTION
only in the Dzogchen teachings but also in all schools of
Buddhism, as well as in the Bönpo tradition. DZOGCHEN
Its origins can be traced principally to the female master REQUIRED
Machig Labdrön (1031-1129). She was a great Tibetan
practitioner, a manifestation of Vajrayogini. This product is intended only
for those who have received
The Chöd practice came into being as the essence of all the direct introduction from a
teachings she had received, but above all, it derived directly qualified master.
from her own experience and knowledge.
Ebook []
Euro 20.80
EAN 2000000006857
Practice of Vajrapani
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
28 pages
Euro 5.00
EAN 2000000005928
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Teachings on the
Practice of Dorje Trolöd
from the Terma of Adzom Drugpa
141 pages
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000008288
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Four Methods of
The twelve-year cycle in Tibetan astrology is combined with PROTECTION
the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) and
with alternate female and male years. On the basis of these PARTICULAR
astrological periods, one can ascertain both the elemental TRANSMISSION
condition of the present year and the elemental condition of REQUIRED
the birth year. When, on the basis of the mother-son-enemy-
Please be sure that you have
friend relationship, conflict exists between the elements of
received the teachings and
life, body, capacity, and fortune of the year of birth, and the
transmissions corresponding
corresponding elements of the current year, it is important to
to this product.
eliminate the negative factors by means of the fourfold
method to increase one's life, body, capacity, and fortune.
Available in formats:
170 pages
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000006796
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 12.00
EAN 2000000003979
The Garuda Practice
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
32 pages
Euro 9.00
EAN 2000000005393
Ebook [Mobi
& ePub]
Euro 7.20
EAN 2000000007731
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Practice and Action
Mantras of Dark Garuda
+ Audio CD
Terma of the Great Rigdzin Changchub Dorje
with Oral Commentary of Chögyal Namkhai
The Practice and Action Mantras of Dark Garudais reserved for PROTECTION
those who received the direct transmission of these mantras
from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and were thus physically PARTICULAR
present at the Dark Garuda retreat at Merigar West on the TRANSMISSION
days when the mantras were transmitted or at a later retreat REQUIRED
on this Dark Garuda (closed webcast from Kunsangar North,
Please be sure that you have
July 25-29, 2012).
received the teachings and
This book contains an explanation of the practice of Dark transmissions corresponding
Garuda along with the practice text and a collection of to this product.
related mantras extracted from the Quintessence of the
Profound Instructions of the Master (bLa ma zab don snying
thig), a terma of the great Rigdzin Changchub Dorje.
The translation has been expanded with brief commentary EAN 2370000074775
EAN 2000000006918
The Practice of Guru
Transcription from Oral Teachings
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
56 pages
Euro 8.00
EAN 2000000006406
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 6.40
EAN 2000000008707
The Practice of Wözer
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Maritse or Wözer Chenma ('od zer can ma, “She who has rays PROTECTION
of light"), a particular manifestation of Tara, is associated
with the light of the sun. This teaching also includes an PARTICULAR
invocation written by Rinpoche's paternal grandmother, TRANSMISSION
Lhundrub Tso (1864-1945), who was a direct disciple of REQUIRED
Adzom Drugpa, and a short sadhana.
Please be sure that you have
received the teachings and
transmissions corresponding
to this product.
24 pages
Euro 7.00
EAN 2000000005225
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Vajra Armor
Teachings on the Healing Mantra called
Dorjei Kotrab
52 pages
Euro 8.00
EAN 2000000006383
Yuchen Namkhai and Costantino Albini
The Yoga of Green Tara
Explanation and Commentary by Yuchen
Namkhai and Costantino Albini
82 pages
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000008639
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Preliminary Practice
from the Longsal Cycle
A Bouquet of White Lotuses, Method to
Purify the Seats of the Six Lokas through the
Practice of Guru Vajrasattva
20 pages
Euro 5.00
EAN 2000000005713
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Practice of
Self-Liberation of the
of Six Lokas
From the Longsal Cycle
Available in formats:
120 pages
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000006055
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 12.80
ISBN 9788878342040
The Stairway to
Instructions on Ngòndro
80 pages
Euro 13.00
EAN 2000000006192
Guru Jnanadakini
Teachings and Practice
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
“Before learning about the practice of Jnanadakini, it is Please be sure that you have
important to understand what is meant by Jnanadakini. We received the teachings and
should not think of her as a kind of lady or a sort of statue. transmissions corresponding
Jnanadakini is related with our knowledge, our to this product.
understanding. The instant presence we talk about is
Jnanadakini. If we are not in that state, Jnanadakini does not
exist. She is the essence of all Jnanadakinis or wisdom
dakinis, the union of all three kayas. The dharmakaya aspect
is Samantabhadri; the sambhogakaya aspect is Guhyajnana
(Sangwa Yeshe in Tibetan); one nirmanakaya manifestation
is Gomadevi and another is Mandarava. Her real essence is
the state of our teacher manifesting in the form of the
Wisdom Dakini. This is why we call her Guru Jnanadakini."
168 pages
Euro 15.00
EAN 2000000005058
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Guru Wisdom Dakini
Gomadevi Retreat
The very first teachings on Wisdom-Dakini Guru Gomadevi JÑANADAKINI
given by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu are contained in this book. PRACTICES
The text is a precise transcription of these special revealed
teachings, as explained by the treasure-discoverer himself, PARTICULAR
during the retreat in Tashigar Norte, Margarita Island, TRANSMISSION
Venezuela, in March 2004. As the master said when he gave REQUIRED
these teachings:
Please be sure that you have
“We must understand what Jnanadakini means, what
received the teachings and
Gomadevi means... Jnanadakini is what we call instant
transmissions corresponding
presence: it is our real knowledge, our understanding. If we
to this product.
are not present in that state, Jnanadakini does not exist."
Available in formats:
144 pages
Euro 17.00
EAN 2370000103604
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 13.60
EAN 2000000008028
Longsal Thugthig of
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
72 pages
Euro 15.00
EAN 2370000069818
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Practice of Guru
Essential Instructions
84 pages
Euro 17.00
EAN 2000000001661
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Chang Chog Ritual of
Purification for the
Connected to the Shitro Teachings of Namchö Mingyur FOR THE DECEASED /
Dorje, the Chang Chog ritual can be easily performed by BARDO
anyone who has received its transmission and wishes to help
his or her deceased father, mother, partner, friends, or PARTICULAR
relatives. The purpose of the ritual is to purify the negative TRANSMISSION
karma and obstacles of the deceased and to give the deceased REQUIRED
a chance to access higher knowledge. In addition to being
Please be sure that you have
one of the best ways to help the deceased, practicing this
received the teachings and
ritual gives us the strength to overcome the suffering of
transmissions corresponding
having lost our loved ones and a sense that we can do
to this product.
something for those who have died.
Available in formats:
68 pages
Euro 11.00
EAN 2000000006543
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 8.80
EAN 2258467651084
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Bardo Instructions
Sealed with the HUM
Based on the Transcript of the Teachings
given in Merigar, Italy, 13 - 17 August 2015
The Bardo Instructions Sealed with the HŪṂ is an FOR THE DECEASED /
extraordinary teaching belonging to the cycle of The BARDO
Luminous Clarity of the Universe, Heart Essence of the
Dakinis rediscovered by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. It DZOGCHEN
contains experiential instructions related to different types of INTRODUCTION
intermediate states (bardo), including explanations of the REQUIRED
moment of death and the states afterwards as well as various
This product is intended only
ways of attaining liberation in these special moments.
for those who have received
The Bardo Instructions Sealed with the HŪṂ: An Oral direct introduction from a
Commentary is based on the teachings given by Chögyal qualified master.
Namkhai Norbu at Merigar West, Italy, 13–17 August 2015,
accompanied by notes from the retreat on the same topic in
Kyoto, Japan, 15–18 October 2015.
154 pages
Euro 16.00
ISBN 9788878342354
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Longsal Divination
of Dorje Yudrönma +
dice set
The art of divination or Mo has always been widespread in DIVINATION
Tibetan culture. Various methods of prediction have been
practiced and passed down from ancient times. PARTICULAR
The Tag-ril Divination of Dorje Yudrönma (Rdo rje g.yu sgron REQUIRED
ma’i phywa mo’i brtag ril) is a short, cryptic text on divination
that the Author received in 2009 as part of the Longsal cycle Please be sure that you have
of teachings. Dorje Yudrönma, queen of the Pramohas, is the received the teachings and
guardian of the Longsal teachings. The All-Illuminating Lamp transmissions corresponding
(Kun gsal sgron me) is a detailed commentary meant to be to this product.
used as a practical manual.
28 pages
Euro 7.00
EAN 2000000007298
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Collective Practices for
Special Days
Revised edition of the six collective practices for special days: MISCELLANEOUS
Long Life Practice of Guru Padmasambhava (U.W.U), Long SECONDARY
Life Practice of Guru Amitayus (U.P.E.), Long Life Practice PRACTICES
of Mandarava (C.L.V.), Guruyoga of Garab Dorje with the
White A, Shitro, and the Purification of the Six Lokas. PARTICULAR
Available in formats:
96 pages
Euro 10.00
EAN 2000000005126
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 8.00
EAN 2000000003870
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Concise Experiential
Instructions on the
Short Thun as a Daily
Practice for the
Dzogchen Community
A short but precise explanation of the Short Thun, an MISCELLANEOUS
essential practice combining the most important points of SECONDARY
the practice of Anuyoga and Dzogchen, based on the PRACTICES
principle of Guruyoga, written by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
for the practitioners of the Dzogchen Community. The PARTICULAR
Tibetan is included. TRANSMISSION
72 pages
Euro 12.00
EAN 2370000055743
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
56 pages
Euro 12.00
EAN 2000000007489
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Mantras and Invocations
for the Practices of the
Dzogchen Community
The purpose of this book is to ensure the correct MISCELLANEOUS
pronunciation of the mantras and invocations as transmitted SECONDARY
by the Master. It comes with a recording recently made by PRACTICES
Rinpoche specifically to accompany the book. Contains a
large collection of mantras and invocations transmitted by PARTICULAR
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, including all Guruyoga practices, TRANSMISSION
Yidam transformation practices, all series of Ganapuja, long- REQUIRED
life practices, purification practices, protection mantras, and
Please be sure that you have
Guardian invocations as well as Medicine Buddha mantras,
received the teachings and
the Naga rite, Sang, and Serkyem.
transmissions corresponding
The emphasis of these recordings is specifically on the to this product.
pronunciation of the mantras. The melodies are not
included. The book gives all of the mantras and invocations
in Drajyor transliteration as well as Tibetan script.
This publication should be treated with the greatest respect and is Ebook [PDF]
addressed to those who have received the transmission of the Euro 17.60
teaching from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. EAN 2000000006895
Sang Offering and
Serkyem of the Eight
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
This very short Sang Offering was written by Adzom Drugpa, MISCELLANEOUS
a great Dzogchen master gifted with profound understanding SECONDARY
and a discoverer of many termas. The Sang rite is principally PRACTICES
for purification and, in particular, for purifying the energy of
the individual. It is said, in fact, that every individual PARTICULAR
possesses five divinities corresponding to five types of energy TRANSMISSION
that protect and maintain the positive aspects of the REQUIRED
individual. When one's own protective energy is weakened,
Please be sure that you have
one becomes passive and vulnerable to negative influences,
received the teachings and
so the Sang rite purifies the obstacles and negative forces
transmissions corresponding
linked to the place in which one lives, because the local
to this product.
guardians and their energy also influence the individual.
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 10.40
EAN 2000000002408
Secondary Practices of
the Dzogchen
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The practices are presented in the sequence generally This product is intended only
followed by the Master, with references to the relevant for those who have received
publications published by Shang Shung Edizioni for studying direct introduction from a
the individual practices. qualified master.
Available in formats:
44 pages
Euro 7.00
EAN 2000000001159
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 5.60
EAN 2000000007755
Teachings on Shitro and
Transcript of Oral Teachings
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
212 pages
Euro 20.00
EAN 2370000055750
Teachings on Thun and
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 20.00
EAN 2000000008868
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Book of the Tun
and the Ganapuja
This edition of the Tun Book contains the Tibetan and MISCELLANEOUS
English text of the various Tuns (Short, Medium, Long), SECONDARY
Ganapujas (Simple, Short, Medium, Long), the Invocation PRACTICES
of the Lamp, and the Namkha and Lungta practices. Beautiful
color illustrations indicate the visualizations, mudras, DZOGCHEN
masters, deities, and guardians of these practices. This INTRODUCTION
important practice book also provides instructions for REQUIRED
playing the bell and the drum, including the position of the
This product is intended only
drum depending on the required action.
for those who have received
direct introduction from a
qualified master.
Available in formats:
152 pages
Euro 20.00
EAN 2000000006451
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 16.00
EAN 2000000007786
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Phowa Practice
According to the terma of Rigdzin
Changchub Dorje
76 pages
Euro 13.00
EAN 2000000005423
The practice for the
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The practice for the Naga is a short offering for the class of MISCELLANEOUS
beings called the Naga. It is not meant to be practiced SECONDARY
independently but integrated in the Thun session on special PRACTICES
days marked in the Tibetan calendar. The text of the booklet
is based on the teachings given in Merigar in 1993. PARTICULAR
20 pages
Euro 5.00
EAN 2000000005003
The Practice of Lungta
and Chogur Purification Practice
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
Available in formats:
32 pages
Euro 6.00
EAN 2000000006833
Ebook [PDF]
Euro 4.80
EAN 2000000002453
Small Glossary for the
Dzogchen Community
Compiled by
Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team
on the basis of the teachings of
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
32 pages
Euro 6.00
EAN 2000000006956
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
The Upadesha on the
Self-Perfected Thögal
Longsal Commentaries Volume Two
380 pages
Euro 40.00
EAN 2000000002491
Downloadable videos
and DVDs
The Dzogchen Community Video Journal covers the travels GO TO THE WEBPAGE
and teachings of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and the rich life of
the worldwide Dzogchen Community. Each issue is
composed of three main chapters: Teachings, Archives and
© 2020 Shang Shung
Chronicles. From time to time special features may be
included in the Archives section.
Dzogchen Invocations
Dzogchen Teachings Merigar, 6-11 July 2001
Dzogchen Teachings in Gutenstein, Austria, 12-14 June, 1998
Teachings at Sinabelkirchen
The Dzogchen Community
The Essence of the Three Statements of Garab Dorje
The Four Dharmas of Longchenpa
The Luminous Clarity of the Universe - A Clear Exposition of the
Primordially Pure Tregchöd
The Practice in Daily Life
The Practice of the Night and the Dark Retreat of Twenty-Four Hours
Tibetan Medicine
Vajra Dance
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s Vajra Dance of Space of the Song of the Vajra
The Dance of the Vajra
The Dance of the Vajra - Mandala Diagrams
Yantra Yoga
Long Life
Tibetan Language
Special Teaching
The Long-Life Practice of Amitayus and the Chülen of the Three Kayas
The Long-Life Practice of the Immortal Dakini Mandarava
The Longsal Divination of Dorje Yudrönma + dice set
The Luminous Clarity of the Universe - A Clear Exposition of the
Primordially Pure Tregchöd
The Phowa Practice
The Practice and Action Mantras of Dark Garuda + Audio CD
The practice for the Naga
The Practice in Daily Life
The Practice of Self-Liberation of the Causes of Six Lokas
The Practice of Guru Medicine Buddha
The Practice of Guru Nirmanakaya Jnanadakini
The Practice of Guru Tragphur
The Practice of Long Life and Chüdlen of Mandarava. An Oral
The Practice of Long Life of the Immortal Dakini Mandarava
The Practice of Lungta
The Practice of the Night and the Dark Retreat of Twenty-Four Hours
The Practice of Wözer Chenma
The Precious Vase
The Preliminaries of the Path of Ati
The Root Upadesha on the Vajra Bridge of Longde
The Song of the Vajra
The Stairway to Liberation
The Three Paths of Liberation
The Upadesha of the King of Space
The Upadesha on the Primordially Pure Tregchöd
The Upadesha on the Self-Perfected Thögal
Contents in Alphabetical Order