Savage Age Werewolf - 101 Kinfolk

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101 Savage Kinfolk

Credits Suggested Resources

Written By: Neal Litherland, Christopher The Broken Brother (Epic Jumpstart)
Gunning, Brandon Steward
The Savage Age Vol 1
Developed By: Christopher Gunning
The Savage Age Vol 2
Editing By: Brandon Steward
The Savage Age Vol 3
Art By: Paul Way, Glenn Moyer
Tribebook: Khara

Tribebook: Naghaluu

Tribebook: Ceilican

Tribebook: Wlewa (forthcoming)

Tribebook: Urkama (forthcoming)

The “100 Kinfolk” Series is Courtesy of Neal Litherland.

Questions? Comments? Found an error? Contact us at

Author’s Introduction: Welcome, again! This was a fun product to work on, bringing together some
great people. This is the Savage Age’s first “crossover” with another Storyteller’s Vault line – Neal
Litherland’s very successful and very helpful ‘100 Kinfolk’ line. Neal is an amazing writer – the rare gift of
prolific and insightful. He has a large lineup on STV and DriveThru. Trust products that include his work
(including this one!). It was a please working with his words.

This book was conceptualized to help fill out a world that might be intimidating or alien to some. The
entries in this book focus on the Fera were highlight in other Savage Age books. In these pages are well
over a hundred ideas for stories, enemies and, of course, kin. With 101 Savage Kinfolk in your hands
you have the easy tools to build an entire community of living, breathing and interesting allies.

Want to talk about the Savage Age? Hit us up at Discord:, and Facebook:

Version: 1.0 (x, x, 2021)


101 Savage
In the early days, when the land was fresh and man was still young, Gaia’s children roamed the
earth in all their true glory. With fang and claw and talon, drawing on the mystic power that was
their birthright, they were the stuff of legends that would be remembered in song and tale for
thousands of years.

This book is about them.

There were others, though, who walked beside the skin changers and shapeshifters. Those who
shared their blood, but who often did not possess the same blessings and gifts. These people who
were kin to Gaia’s chosen; they loved them, and stood by them. They fought alongside them, and
they were the mothers and fathers, the daughters and the sons of the changing breeds. They were
their kin.

This book is also about them.

As a guideline (and for ease of navigation), the kinfolk herein are organized according to their
connections to the various Fera of the Savage Age. Most of the characters presented here are
nonetheless written to work with whichever Fera the Storyteller desires. A Bilai could certainly
count a bold hunter as kin, but they could just as easily share blood with a quiet seer or a curious
craftsman. As always, Storytellers are encouraged to make any changes to suit their chronicle.

The Garou Nation

(Garou, Jackal)

Unto you, the Anupu-Ba-El, I demand that you watch and manage the spirits of the Umbra.
Ensure there is a balance so that I may be spiritually strong.

Rath: Long and thin, with pale skin and

eyes the color of poisonous milk, Rath
unsettles most who lay their gaze upon him.
Able to see the spirits that haunt the world,
and to smell the true scent of those who can
change their skin, Rath is valued when his
unique talents are needed. His presence is
often taken as an ill omen, though, as it’s
whispered that this cousin to the jackals
dreams of death before it comes, and that he
often arrives unannounced to see it take

San: With her strong fingers usually caked

in mud, and with streaks of the same on her
cheeks and in her hair, San uses the heat of
the sun to bake bricks. While the process
takes time, and it is an intense amount of
work, is has allowed her people to build
something more permanent for themselves
from the clay of the earth. Though not all of
her tribe like the idea of halting their
wandering ways, most agree that having
shelters to return to is valuable. After all,
even a set of low walls can keep out the
wind, and San has ambitions far beyond
such basic structures.

Be’Lan: Rarely seen except by those who

are lost within the blowing winds of
sandstorms, Be’Lan is a tall, rawboned man
burned dark by the desert sun. Garbed in
skins and rags whenever he ventures forth
from the oasis he calls home, he guides the
lost across the wastes - both physical and
spiritual - and away from the heart of his

territory. The warning he gives his charges
is to never listen to voices they may hear on Makora: One of the Watchers of the
the wind, and to never leave the circle of the Waters, Makora is a tall, dark-skinned man
firelight once the sun goes down. There is a who has the rippling muscles of a hunting
deeper darkness that lurks among the sands, beast, and the sharp eyes of a hawk.
and to those without Gaia’s gifts fire is one Carrying the black stone knife given to all
of the only things that will keep it at bay. the Watchers (blades which are blessed by
the spirits of the mountains), Makora and his
Larshan: Deep-chested, Larshan is brethren help guide people and spirits across
sometimes called Night Eyes by his people. the Gauntlet at a place called Gaia’s Eyes. A
Able to see clearly by little more than the sacred place, the waters of the spring have
moon and the stars, he stands the night powers to imbue the non-spiritual with
watches to ensure that whatever might lurk Gnosis – for a short time. Though
in the darkness does not come upon his occasionally asked to join a pack for a hunt,
people unawares. He does not speak of what Makora and the other Watchers rarely leave
he sees beneath Luna’s light to most, their duty unless death or old age manages
though. The knowledge of the creatures that to claim them.
move in the shadows of the world would be
a comfort to no one. Karek: Young and swift, Karek is nearly as
fast as some of his lupus kin. It is his
Reika: The eldest girl among the young, endurance, even more than his speed, that
Reika is something of a child tender among has earned him a place as his tribe’s runner.
her people. She plays games with them, Conveying messages and fetching help
ensures they are safe and fed, and teaches quickly is something he’s ready to do any
them the skills they will need when they time of day or night, and he is one of the few
grow older. For the past season, though, kin who’s been shown the trick of finding
she’s noticed a large jackal shadowing her the Garou’s lands deep in the wild lands.
as she tends the young ones. He never More than that, Karek is one of only a
comes close enough to either threaten or handful of kin who have standing
befriend… he’s simply there, constant as a permission to enter their lands when seeking
shadow. Over time she began to leave gifts aid, or bringing news.
for him, but she never tried to get closer to
the beast. When her charges were threatened Mordok: A man who lives with only one
by a strange beast she’d never seen before, it foot in the world of stone and sand, Mordok
was the dog who stood between it and the was born with the gift to step into the umbra.
children. She watched it drive the creature As a child he was lost within the realm of
away, and though the wolf was injured in spirits, until he was found by One-Eyed
the battle it fled before she could even try to Caul. The ragabash managed to coax the
help it. It was after the moon once more half-feral Mordok back to the material
waxed full that Reika met Sulin, a young world, and to teach him the skills he needed
man with strange scars across his cheek. The to survive there. While his speech is strange,
lean, gray beast no longer follows her, but and his mannerisms odd, Mordok has seen
Sulin seems to have taken its place. Though more of the realms beyond than many Fera
Reika suspects there is more, she is still with twice his years… and when he arrives
waiting to see if her jackal will draw close at a gathering it is often with tales to tell and
enough to tell her who he truly is. gifts to give from the further reaches.

Uruz: A rangy, raw-boned man with skin later when there is no one to watch their
like ash and eyes as black as ebony, Uruz is flanks.
known by many of his jackal kin simply as
the Speaker. He is an fierce advocate for the Darkspeaker: The jackal known as
formation and maintenance of the Garou Darkspeaker dreams of death and the dead.
Nation. He wears the feathers of eagles They speak to him, and though him, their
across his shoulders, the mantle presented to living kin. This is no simple gift however,
him as a trophy in battle and a mark of for Darkspeaker saw things in the
respect from the Bilai. He knows the laws of underworld he refuses to speak of. When
Gaia, and he travels to spread that word to questioned he pleads with his people to stay
others. For man must learn to bind away from the darkest places of the Umbra
themselves together as packs and tribes if and spare themselves from what he saw.
they are to survive. Lone wolves, no matter
how fearsome, are always slain sooner or

(Garou, Grey/Arabian Wolf)

Unto you, my Nahau, I demand you master the mechanics of my being - my essence, my blood
and bone - so that you may better understand me and my goals.

Sarkan: With his wild mane of hair and

mismatched eyes, Sarkan is a figure who
generates as much fear as he does awe in
ordinary people. Brother to wolves, friend to
crows, and welcomed by cats great and
small, most say that Sarkan has the heart of
a beast in the skin of a man. While many
may grumble about his presence, none
would raise a hand to him no matter how
bizarre his manner or how unkempt his
appearance; because when he raises a call to
Gaia’s great beasts, they come to his aid.

Lashunta: Often seen walking with her

sharp-ended planting stick, Lashunta drops
seeds she has collected from her meals
everywhere she travels. Rather than simply
growing food in a single place, she believes
that by spreading fruit-bearing trees and
edible roots along common paths that, in the
future, her children and grandchildren will
always have food waiting for them
whenever they walk along the road. Some
consider it a foolish goal, but others save
their seeds for her to ensure she always has
something to plant when she walks a fresh

Nesha: A trail blazer, Nesha has the taut

muscle and ground-eating pace of a young
wolf. She walks ahead of where her people
must tread, identifying dangers and guiding
them along the best route. She carries small
pots of purple ungents at her waist, the paste
dyed with dark berries to help her leave sign
for those who come behind her. She presses
her right palm over a tree or stone to signal

that she’s come that way, and leaves a large fungi even more thoroughly than many of
X to signal a path that should not be taken. her skin changing cousins. Regarded as an
She can also read the Garou’s glyphs, and oracle by several theurges, the visions
has committed them to memory to ensure Tintali has by the fireside have sent several
that she never leads her people into packs onward to glory, and warned no few
another’s territory by mistake. warriors of the death that awaited them if
they did not turn from their current paths.
Child-Of-The-Rainbow: A rambunctious
wolf, Child-Of-The-Rainbow was born just Aramadi: Referred to derisively as
as the rain ceased and the sun came out from “Magpie” by those who think him foolish,
behind the clouds. Always shining, the bronze-hued young man has an
particularly when compared to the dour insatiable curiosity that has led him to try to
disposition of several of his litter maters, master every skill he’s ever come across. A
there are few things that will bring the woodworker, weaver, stone chipper, tanner,
pack’s fury down faster than something and more, Aramadi is always seeking new
threatening Child-Of-The-Rainbow. No innovations. Recently he has been trying to
matter how gloomy his kin may seem, they combine metals from veins he’s dug from
love him fiercely, and woe to any who the earth, wrapping his mouth in cloth and
would try to take their sunshine away. his body in heavy leathers to avoid the
fumes and burning sparks of his endeavors.
Truga: A big man with a deep voice that he Some think him mad, but others wonder if
rarely raises, Truga has a way of making he hears the song of the Weaver as he sets
people listen to him. Though he prefers his clever fingers to mastering these new
telling tales of times gone past to those too materials.
young to remember, he is also the peace
speaker for his small clan. His words are the Doma: A woman with round cheeks and
ones offered to strangers, and he is the first strong hands, Doma has pulled dozens of
to extend the hand of hospitality to those his children kicking and squealing into the
people find hurt, hungry, or alone in the world. Among the most difficult of births,
wilderness. Being peaceful is not the same though, have been the metis children born to
as being harmless, though, as more than one those who broke the litany. To prove it,
guest has learned to their cost when they Doma has scars along her arms and chest
tried to take more than they were offered. from the flailing claws and gnashing teeth of
these young ones. Not only that, but she has
Tintali: Referred to as the Mushroom often been the one to give them a name and
Woman in stories told at the edges of the a home when others turned their backs on
treeline, Tintali lives deep in the forest, their duty to protect the weakest among the
away from the prying eyes of most people. tribe. While these metis may not be of her
Attended by wolves and clothed in ragged flesh, Doma is as fierce as any den mother,
furs, she cuts a frightening figure to those and she is not shy about shaming any Garou
who come upon her unexpectedly. The wolf who would look down upon her children.
pack that watches over her territory is made
up of her brothers and sisters, perhaps not Tintaka: Tintaka is a fireside legend to most
literally, but in all the ways that matter to kin who know his name. It’s said that no
kinfolk. Tintali is a student of the Wyld, and matter how hard he trained, what skills he
she understands the properties and uses of mastered, or what oaths he swore, that he

never had his first change. Envious of what While he has the skill of a great warrior, and
he was denied, Tintaka searched the world an intimate knowledge of the Garou, it is the
until he found the wolf’s bane; silver. flashing, silver blade at his hip that has
Prizing this metal from the earth he studied made him a foe to be reckoned with.
it, and over time he learned to shape it.

(Garou, Grey Wolf)

Unto you my Bilai, I command you chronicle the stories that bind the past and future that is my

Niera: Despite her relative youth, Niera’s

hair has already begun to turn white. Not
only that, but her brow is seamed with
troubles and worry far beyond her years.
Though slight, and lacking skill with either a
blade or a staff, the proudest of warriors
bow their heads to Niera. For they may be
the hands that accomplish deeds, but Niera
is the mind that conceives of the plans they
follow. She is the architect of their victories,
and without her commands they would be
lost in the chaos of the fight.

Ketal: A wood carver, Ketal’s gift is that

she can see the potential in any piece of
wood she touches. Whether it’s the face of
an old man lurking within a tree stump, or
the perfect notch for a cooking spit just
waiting to be put into a branch, she creates
things that are both beautiful and practical.
Though the teak-skinned woman has trained
many others in the techniques she uses, few
of her students share the insight that makes
her carvings so utterly unique

Korkalpa: While she may lack the raw

might and powers of her Garou kin,
Korkalpa has learned her lessons from some
of the most vicious strategists among the
wolves. Making her home atop a flat butte
where she can see in all directions, traps and
fallback positions litter every approach to he
territory. From hidden pits with stakes in the
bottom of them, to snares that will sweep
one off their feet, to rock slides held in
check by little more than a slender branch,
the only truly safe approach to the top of her

butte is flying. And even then, Korkalpa’s snappish until the time comes to rip and tear
aim with her bow is enough to worry any once more.
who might approach that way with ill intent.
Keeper-Of-Songs: Charged with the stories
Tail Chaser: Considered foolish even by of her people, Keeper-Of-Songs would have
other lupus, Tail Chaser has never lost the been a galliard to be reckoned with if she
exuberance and playfulness of his puppy had ever undergone her first change. Though
years. A poor hunter, he tends to stay behind short in stature, her voice commands both
to watch over the cubs, playing with them attention and respect when she raises it.
while the rest of the pack stalks and kills. Mate to the ahroun Roars-In-Morning,
While he is quite friendly, those who have Keeper-Of-Songs has borne three children
posed a danger to the cubs are reminded so far. Each of them have learned their
rather quickly that for all his immaturity, mother’s songs, but as they age many
Tail Chaser is still a wolf. And if someone wonder which of them (if any) will be the
gets too close to the pups in his care, that’s one who inherits their father’s gift of
when the games stop, and the teeth come changing forms.
Foe Fang: A hulking brute, Foe Fang is not
Anasti: Referred to simply as the Goat the fastest wolf, nor is he the most cunning.
Woman by those who don’t know her well He is one of the strongest beasts in the
enough to be trusted with her true name, wilds, though, able to rend and crush with
Anasti lives atop a rocky crag reached by a his powerful jaws. Though he ranges for
slick, narrow footpath. Only she and her hunts with other four-legged kin, he often
small group of sure-footed goats seem to be returns to the edge of the village that shelters
able to reach it with ease, and more than one the men who share the blood of the Garou.
person who has tried to come upon her with Most predators smell his scent on the wind
ill intent has fallen, shattered to the ground and walk wide of the territory, but those
below. She keeps to herself for the most who haven’t have found Foe Fang is more
part, but she sees much from the mouth of than willing to defend his people with fang
her home. And when she sees something and claw.
that does not belong, something that would
send those without a blood tie to the Garou Maruk: A spear fisherman, Maruk’s eyes
mad, she seeks out the highland packs to are keen, and his fire-hardened point darts
bring them crashing down like an avalanche faster than a lunging serpent. Able to ensure
upon the threat. his people always have fresh food from the
rivers, Maruk has also had to use his spear to
Red Eye: Born beneath a blood moon, this chase off predators on more than one
wolf has had a craving for conflict since he occasion. Sometimes they’ve gone on four
was a cub. Most were certain the battle legs, but many times they’ve gone on two.
hunger he had meant he would be gifted When that has happened, Maruk throws
with the change, but it never came upon their bodies into the river, allowing their
him. Though he may fight in the same skin flesh to feed the fish, letting him give back,
he was born with, Red Eye lives to rend and in a way, for the things he’s taken from the
tear… to the point that when his teeth and burbling waters.
claws are not needed he grows pensive and

(Garou, Dholes and African Hunting Dogs)

Unto you, my Kucha, I demand you destroy my enemies who prove too difficult for your brothers and
sisters to manage on their own

Dira: Called the Bone Woman by those who

know of her, Dira’s skilled fingers turn the
remains of nearly any kill into useful tools
for daily life. From bowls made from skulls,
to hooks used for leather working, to
needles, knife handles, and more, most of
her people have at least one tool that’s been
shaped by the old woman’s hands. Her skill
is such that other Garou approached her,
asking for her to help form their notable kills
into practical trophies that could become the
basis for a fetish. Dira has done so perhaps a
dozen times in her whole life, handling the
bones of strange, fearsome creatures whose
like she has never seen before. Every time
she’s turned her hands to the canids’
purposes, though, she has demanded a price
for her craft. A favor, a child named in her
honor, or a service that only one of the
Garou’s skill and strength could hope to

In-Dow: A surly, black wolf with scars

across his face and neck, In-Dow is both a
survivor, and a brute. While he will answer
the call to fight alongside the Garou, he
never stays for long once the blood has been
spilled and the enemies felled. While
honored in song and tale by many of his
allies, even those who have fought alongside
this dog have very little love for the wild,
unpredictable beast.

Ynaru: A wild man of the savannahs, there

are tales among many tribes that Ynaru was
raised by literal beasts of the Wyld, and that
each gave him a portion of their power.
Rarely seen, those who have caught a they try to put miles of distance between
glimpse of him describe Ynaru as a huge them. While his strategy may seem
figure with a thick pelt of hair almost like inglorious to some, particularly those who
fur on his body. Swift and silent, he fights live for the thrill of the kill, Sela’s methods
with the courage of a dozen people, and the work. Not only that, but they’ve been
savagery of an entire wolf pack when roused adopted by many others who are more
to anger. What only a few know is that interested in full bellies than empty stories.
Ynaru can speak the tongues of men as
easily as he can the language of wolves. Ta’Ren: Living near the black sands,
Though few outside the Kucha know of his beneath the smoking gaze of the Burning
deeds, those who share his blood are proud Mountain, Ta’Ren knows every tree, bush,
to sing of the battles he’s fought, and the and trail for miles. Walking the game tracks
foes he has bested. with his bone-tipped spear, he catches what
small animals he can, and plucks fruit from
Parent-Of-Many: A pale she dog who was the trees to supplement the meat. He always
raised several litters of her own pups, she’s leaves the choicest bits on the black basalt
also been the mother to abandoned homid altars that sit alongside the paths, though.
kin as well. While those born of man’s flesh Carved in the likeness of howling dogs and
lack the teeth and strength of wolves, they wolves, the offerings are always gone the
had other skills that made them particularly next day. Despite not being great warriors,
useful once they grew into their own. outsiders have learned not to attack
Though the homid babes she raised Ta’Ren’s people… for as they keep the
eventually returned to the places where men shrines, so too do the spirits of the wolves
live, the mark of the wolf will always be keep their lands.
upon them. Her people are her home.
Daruk: There is an art to the hunt as well as
Delura: A far wanderer, Delura is a spirit- to the kill, but the meat must be prepared
dreamer since she was a child; dreams that properly if it is to become a true meal.
will only grow stronger if she tries to fight Though never much for the hunt, Daruk’s
against them. Her dreams always guide her broad belly is testament enough to his skill
toward thin places in the Veil; places where in turning raw ingredients into a feast at
spirits are restless, or where lost items of least as worthy of song as the hunt itself
power made by the Garou have lain was. When his Garou cousins hold their
forgotten in the earth. Accompanied by her moots, he is the one they often invite to
older sister, the philodox known as Milara prepare the food for the guests. For while
Trueheart, Delura, they have seen wonders there are many Garou who will eat a kill
the likes of which few Kucha (and even raw, there is much to be said for turning the
fewer kin) could claim. flesh into something more delectable for the
Sela: Sela may lack the speed, power, and
teeth of his canid kin, but he makes up for it Weru: A young girl with large eyes that see
with a determination and sense of entirely too much, Weru witnessed the dark
cooperation that sees success more times wrath that lurks behind the war with the
than failure. A persistent hunter, Sela has Grondr early in her life. She hasn’t spoken a
brought down game far more dangerous than word since the day her father was torn to
himself simply by outlasting the prey when pieces in front of her by the Grondr.. From

smudges on stone with a charcoal stick, to
stains rubbed onto pale trees with her
fingers, the snarling, red-eyed monsters
show the Fera at their most horrific. As
terrified of what she saw that night, though,
Weru’s greatest fear is that someday she
may perpetuate the violence and hatred
shared between the Kucha and Grondr.

(Gurahl, Cave Bears)

Unto you, my Saksom Aknami, I demand that you protect the boundaries and places of transition
of the world.

Breather of Stale Air: Sister to a Gurahl

seer, Breather of Stale Air had several cubs,
many of whom have gone on to experience
their first changes. When lost Garou kin
were chased to her cave, she mauled the
strange beasts who were doing the chasing,
giving the lost wolf kin warmth and comfort
as best she could. Though the lost kin had
only two legs and no fur, Cave Mother could
smell the wolf on them below the stink of
man. Little Bear and Sharp Stone, she called
them. When the Garou found what she had
done they were touched, and the story of her
deeds have been told at moots for years
since then… sometimes even by the kin she
saved, who have since grown up, and taken
both mates and deed names of their own.

Konar: With his carefully-carved bone

hooks, and line woven from his own hair,
Konar has the skill to catch enough fish to
feed everyone in his tribe on a good day.
Spending most of his time alone near the
water’s edge, Konar has time to think long
thoughts, and to compose the tales he’ll tell
that evening while his kith and kin eat the
bounty he pulls from the river. Even when
he brings a companion with him, Konar will
remain silent for hours while he waits for
that short, fierce battle before he drags
another catch out of the water.

Lemeross-The-Builder: With an untamed

mane of tangled hair, and eyes that seem

only half-focused on the world those around bones, and pulling teeth. While rarely
him can see, Lemeross builds bizarre pleasant, his ministrations have saved more
structures to honor the spirits and totems of than a few lives over the years.
the Garou nation – for each and every tribe.
He cuts no stones and carves no branches, Gan: A wind speaker, Gan lives up near the
but when he brings his gathered materials peak of the mountain. Those who seek his
together it is as though wind, rain, and time aid must journey to the summit, and plead
shaped them for this singular purpose; as if their case to him directly. Though he never
Lemeross were simply reassembling the leaves the mountaintop, when travelers
pieces of something that had been broken return to the lands below they often find that
long ago. Though several of the altars he astonishing changes have been wrought.
builds are small, others are towering They find rivers that have moved their
structures that no man (least of all one as banks, or which are now twisting in new
rangy as he is) should have been able to directions. They find forests that have
raise on his own. He builds in a fury, parted, allowing passage that was previously
working day and night to complete impossible. Sometimes they even find fish
something, and then when he’s finally returning to waters they’ve left behind. A
achieved his goal he sleeps for days at a cunning bargainer, Gan travels through the
time. He barely recovers his faculties, never umbra, entreating spirits with a silver tongue
resting for more than a week, before he and generous offerings. A time or two he’s
heads off into the world once more, drawn even managed to trick powerful spirits, who
to where he is next needed like iron slivers have done what he desired simply to prove
to a lodestone. to Gan that they could when he jeered and
doubted their strength.
Ragga: An old, half-blind woman Ragga
heard the voices of her ancestors ever since Minma: Short and wide, Minma has spent
she was a girl. They have taught her many many of her days harvesting oysters from
things, guided her actions, and in several the waters. While prying open their
cases given her and her people warnings of recalcitrant shells isn’t easy, years of
dangers to come. Not only that, but a experience have made her quite proficient at
lifetime of listening to the dead has given shucking these delicious creatures. As she’s
her the peculiar talent of being able to hear grown older Minma has sent her sons and
the echo of an old soul in new flesh. Such an daughters to collect the bounty from the
event has only happened thrice in her life, waves, telling them to bring them to her for
but every time the children grew up to preparation. While she sits and pries, she
become noted servants of Gaia whose names tells stories to those gathered around to help.
and stories are still whispered around the This helps ensure that her practical skills, as
moot fires. well as the stories of her people, will live on
long past when she’s returned to the cycle.
Valgar: Any fool can cut the flesh, but it
takes skill to put it back together again. Mara: With her thick tangles of dark hair,
Stern and big-boned, with a heavy beard and wide hips, and strong shoulders, Mara is a
bushy brows, Valgar is a noted healer difficult woman to miss. Among her
among his people. While no stranger to herb community she holds the honored position
lore, he is more skilled with the more brutal of brew keeper. She is speaker-for-the-bears
aspects of the craft; closing wounds, setting to the nearby Garou and serves as a diplomat

of sorts. She was once skeptical of the Temper understands wrath and blood as few
alliance between canids and the cave bears, others do. Though he has slain many of the
but has since come to trust the Garou tribes, Garou’s foes, his greatest responsibility is to
and now speaks of the benefits of the larger train cubs so they’re ready when it comes
community. time to fight. Around the moot fires many of
his former students have said of all the
Temper: Beasts fight for food, or to protect challenges they’ve faced, from slavering,
themselves. When men fight, they fuel their bloodthirsty beasts to wrathful banes, none
fists and teeth with jealousy, hatred, envy, were a greater trial than stepping into the
and rage. Temper knows these emotions, ring with Temper.
and has honed them until they’ve become
weapons in their own right. Covered in scars
from claws and teeth, stones and fire,

(Garou, Beringian Wolf)

Unto you my Siberakh, I demand that you combat the Wyrm in all its forms.

Ranakin: The daughter of a storm mother,

Ranakin is said to be one of those children
who have been touched by thunder. She can
smell Gaia’s furies on the wind for days in
advance, warning those who go out into the
waters to be wary. When the blackbirds caw,
Ranakin often tilts her head as if she were
listening to their words. Despite her youth,
Ranakin’s people have learned to heed her
words when she chooses to share them.

Bitter Teeth: Bitter Teeth lost most of her

first litter of pups to the freezing cold the
season they were born. The one pup who
survived grew up strong, and when it was
her time she had her first change. While she
was proud of her daughter, Black Claw was
slain by a corrupted creature not long after
she’d finally been recognized as grown in
the eyes of the Garou. Bitter Teeth tracked
the creature through the hinterlands to its
lair, waiting until it slept. When it did she
crippled it, ripping and tearing at its tendons
so it could neither flee, not fight back. She
let the creature thrash and crawl, biting at it
until it could barely move. She then watched
as the frigid wind claimed it, sucking away
its warmth and letting it perish in agony.
While the cruelty of her vengeance tainted
her, making her an outcast among wolves
and the Garou alike, Bitter Teeth regrets

Gray Mane: An old wolf, Gray Mane has

fathered a number of pups, and has led his
pack through more winters than he can
readily recall. Though he has fewer teeth

now than he once did, they remain as sharp Arak: Called ‘Wolf Tooth’ by some, Arak is
as both his nose, and his mind. Honored a wily old man who is far stronger and faster
when he moves among the Garou, several of than he may appear at first glance. A student
which are his sons and daughters, Gray of the ragabash False Eye, Arak has passed
Mane looks to his twilight years with on much of the skill and philosophy that his
satisfaction knowing that he did all Gaia master imparted to him. One of his favorite
asked of him. things to tell his students is, “Just because
you wag your tail or show your belly, that
Runs-in-Shadows: Long and dark as his doesn’t mean you don’t have teeth. But if
namesake, Runs-In-Shadows can go for you keep them to yourself until your enemy
miles before his breath begins coming faster. has decided you’re not a threat, then they
Some say he’s never so much as barked, let will never see you coming in time.”
alone howled, allowing no sound to escape
his maw except for a single growl before his Ro: Born to a mother who had been savaged
jaws snap closed on his prey. Stories of his by a corrupted creature while she was
stealth have been told many times, but few pregnant, the experience left a scar on Ro’s
truly believe the tales until the black wolf soul. Though she carries a permanent taint
suddenly appears at their side seemingly of the Wyrm on her, the Garou have found
stepping out of thin air. that it’s given Ro an unusual connection to
the minions of destruction. Able to sense
Summer Storm: A mercurial beast at the when creatures of the Wyrm are near, Ro
best of times, Summer Storm loves with the can also see into the past when brought to a
same ferocity that she hates. She tends to person or a place where Wyrm’s taint
roam the forests, and though she’s known to lingers. Closely watched, and regularly
many packs, none can truly claim her as one purified, her strange talent has proven useful
of their own when all is said and done. The to the Garou over the years.
time she spends with others is as intense as
her namesake, but she always moves on Myrath: A dark-eyed woman with a fast
sooner rather than later. fury and an even quicker hand, Myrath is a
scout for her adopted people’s nomadic
Mountain Shade: Claiming the whole of a movements. Whether it’s tracking herds of
sky island as her territory, the slender, black great game across their territory, or finding
wolf can pass with no more trace than an the signs of dangerous predators before they
afternoon breeze would leave on a flat rock. stumble into a confrontation, Myrath moves
She knows every inch of her highland, and through the wilderness as if she were born to
outsiders are not welcome within her it. Raised by the Garou, her skills have only
domain. She tolerates the Garou when they sharpened over the years. She ranges far
come to call upon her for aid or hospitality, from the packs that taught her the ways of
but she only respects those who can either stealth and battle, however, and the reason
sneak up on her, or spot her before she why is known only to Harkan “Letter-Of-
sneaks up on them. Blood,” her last living relative.

The Independents

(Hyenas and Cave Hyenas)

“Unto you my twin sisters, I call upon you to tend my form and nourish it so that corruption and
decay are kept in the greater balance.”

Ta-ina: It is known that she is a favorite of

Gaia. A short, stocky woman, Ta-ina spent
the majority of her years following in her
mother’s footsteps leading their clan. She
was so focused on her duty that the time of
motherhood came and went before she
noticed. She trusted that if the title of
mother was meant to be hers, then Gaia
would bless her. Her faith rang true deep
into her elder years and Gaia gifted her a
child. When she felt the strength in which
her youngling gripped her finger, Ta-Ina
knew that he was bound for greatness. A
matriarch of her tribe, she still leads them
through their annual migrations. Her
steadfast faith and dedication to her tribe
instilled the values that her son Raya Cenek
relies upon in his endeavors. Even now, Ta-
ina is looked upon for guidance in the Ajah
community, especially if a question of
culling arises.

Ajem: Just as the Ajah must strive to

remove the corruption and decay of the
world, so must they remember the mistakes
that created the decay. Ajem embraces this
role with a relish. As the tribal Ilo-n (term
for Memory of the Tribe), she knows the
importance of learning from the mistakes of
the past.

A stocky powerful Neanderthal man, KeseR this mattered because he was not Ajah nor
is a proud man. This pride enabled him to female. This frustration drove him to
rise to the position of Liduŋ (defender of the perform more and more dangerous Ka-
tribe), but it was his successful and cunning aCays -- cullings in service to Gaia. The
take down of one of the Nameless of the incautiousness of these actions would
Wyld that sealed his position. Although is ultimately cost him a leg and position within
not Abah or Ajah, he is rapidly becoming the pack. Now in his twilight years, he truly
known to the people as what the kin can understands humility and what his purpose
aspire to with steadfast dedication and a in the pack is. The scarring on his left flank
willingness to make hard decisions. and stump of his front leg is a constant
reminder of the need to balance ferocity and
Other-Face: Other-Face seeks to prove that with obligation.
even though he is not Ajah like his twin, he
is still worthy of his name and tribe. He is a Wyrm Singer: She dreams of the glory of
powerful hyena with a gift for languages and the Destroyer and revels in her task of
empathy. He frequently travels between his assisting the Abah in their sacred task of
hyena kin to the nearby Abah cave-hyena nurturing the land to make Gaia strong.
communities to serve as both a messenger Wyem Singer’s cunning and insights into
and a diplomat. the Triat’s manifestations in the physical
world brought her respect and renown even
Marrow-Hoarder: Marrow-Hoarder was amongst the Wyrmfolk of the Grondr. Now
always smarter than his pack mates. Taking as a pack leader, Wyrm Singer seek an
after his ancestors, the Dire Hyena (Giant heir… and is clandestinely considering a
Short-Faced Hyena [Pachycrocuta]), he was male to take her place.
also much larger than his brethren. None of


Unto you, my Apis, I demand that you serve as visionaries, and seek to improve this world that is
me. Look beyond your own to the generations that will come after

Mishran: A matchmaker, Mishran has the

ability to choose mated pairs among kin (as
well as between kin and Apis) that are most
likely to lead to children who experience
their first change. Her decisions aren’t
always popular, and more than one couple
she’s selected has found they are less than
pleased with their choice of mate. However,
Mishran has been correct significantly more
often than she’s been wrong, and for those
Apis, who wish to not only maintain but to
bolster their numbers, that is enough reason
to listen when she speaks.

Lortan: A gentle young man, Lortan has the

uncanny ability to gain the trust of prey
animals. From sheep and horses to wild
aurochs and great-horned deer, they greet
him as an old friend. To the amazement of
many, these beasts often aid in Lortan’s
endeavors, allowing him to ride on their
backs, or letting him yoke them to haul great
burdens. When their aid is complete, though,
he always turns them loose with thanks.
Some think this the act of a fool, but others
believe that it is the foundation of the trust
he’s built with so many otherwise untamable

Panar: Bread is one of the staples of

civilization, and while everyone in Panar’s
tribe pitches in to make enough flat loaves
for everyone, hers are always the best
somehow. Whether carried in small pouches
while out on the trail, or kept in food baskets
hung from notched poles to keep them out of

the reach of children and scavengers alike, people. Considered an oracle by many, he is
Panar’s food is the foundation of most of her the one who dreams of the spirits’ opinions
people’s meals. Not only that, but more than on fairness when a dispute cannot otherwise
once her loaves have been requested at be solved. He has no children of his own to
moots, which is a point of pride for her. worry for, no ties through an extended
family, he wants for nothing, and he cannot
Keeps-The-Stone: Dark haired and dark even be swayed by an earnest face. For these
skinned, Keeps-The-Stone is one of the reasons, his judgment is considered free of
keepers of the Triat shrines that were raised bias by many. There have been times when
by the Apis in the deep forests. The huge the Apis sought him for the same reasons as
blocks of stone were hewn by his people his community, though Gaia’s protectors
many, many lifetimes ago, and the structures send a representative to lead Sees-The-Heart
were formed through potent bargains with to them, as their affairs are best discussed
the very spirits of the earth. Keeps-The- far away from prying ears.
Stone and her kin maintain this place,
ensuring the necessary rituals are conducted Kina: A spirit walker, Kina learned early on
and the proper sacrifices made while they in her life how to step across the gauntlet
keep watch over the holy ground. One or and tread the paths of the umbra. Her
two older Apis are always in residence, gnostic talents are nearly as strong as some
acting as honored caretakers of the shrines. theurges, but Kina’s true skill is in coaxing
They are also the only ones allowed below, the spirits of plants to her cause. From the
into the chambers where the most hallowed stoic souls of oak trees, to the smallest and
of rites take place. shyest of flowers, she is beloved by the
green of the world. Something that has
Some whisper that Keeps-the-Stone loves helped her greatly in serving as a senior
the Weaver above all, and gives special advisor to her Apis kin on the measures
attention to those glyphs and shrines. needed to forge the future.

Drus: Called ‘Drus the Chopper’ by many Larus: Leaning on her staff for support,
of his people, his ax bites deep into a tree Larus was crippled since she was mauled by
with every swing, and few trees can stand a wild beast as a young woman. Though she
his attentions for very long. With powerful kept her leg, she has moved slowly ever
shoulders, and a grip strong enough to crush since. Rather than being a burden on her
bones, Drus refuses to let the challenge of people, though, Larus puts her sharp eyes to
his labors harden his heart along with his use as a watcher – measuring the Apis’
hands. A father of many children, he spends social constructions and environmental
as much time with them as he can. Every changes in spans of years and decades. Her
field he clears, and every stump he uproots, insight is greatly valued when Apis Elders
lays the foundation for the generations to evaluate the efficacy of their shepherding of
come… or so he comforts himself when the civilization.
days grow long and the task seems too big
for him to ever complete. Kanarra: With fingers that are as long as
they are skilled, Kanarra weaves baskets
Sees-The-Heart: An old man who has been noted for their strength and suppleness.
blind since he was young, Sees-The-Heart From food, to firewood, to children,
has a place of respect and honor among his Kanarra’s weaves are tight enough to handle

all sorts of tasks, and they can last through young man, he speaks with the wisdom of
generations of daily use. The same precision ancients. His umbral aura suggests he is
that makes her art so strong also makes her a only partly related to the Apis, and that his
deadly archer, and her bow is often close to
lineage may be older than the Aurochs
hand when she’s working on her latest
project… just in case someone (or themselves – some of the shamans suggest
something) may try to take her unawares he is connected to the grandfather-predators
while her attention is focused elsewhere. to the Apis. If this is true, does this mean
bigger things?
One-White-Eye: One-White-Eye is an
oddity amongst oddities. While still just a


Unto you, my Grondr, I demand that you hunt the Wyrm in all its forms. Cleanse me of poisons
so that I may be hale

Lud: With his sloping brow, heavy

shoulders, and thick teeth, Lud is one of the
oldest people who managed to survive in
this harsh world. He shares his blood with
the Grondr, and much like the boar shifters
Lud is suspicious and territorial by nature.
Though few understand his thick, slurred
words, his bellowing cry of rage leaves little
room for miscommunication. A small and
frail man now, he was once a mighty hunter
and his voice remains strong. In his day,
even the Kucha-Sakurai, the age old enemy
of the Grondr, had their bones shattered by
Lud’s stone maul.

Swims-In-Sorrows: He lives at the edge of

the great salt sea, with his tangled hair and
thick beard in constant disarray. Swims-In-
Sorrows is a hermit who keeps himself apart
from the doings of man, dhole, and boar
alike. Though some may come to him in
search of wisdom, they’re far more likely to
receive the heavy end of his walking stick,
as well as a bellow for them to leave him be.
He will tolerate other kin, and grudgingly
offer hospitality to Fera who come to his
doorstep, but he has no love for any form of
canid-shifter. He rarely says why, but those
who know the tales of Swims-In-Sorrows’s
youth say it was because the woman he
loved was taken from him, and though she
and the Kucha she was mated to have been
dead for years, he has never forgiven the
tribe for the wound they dealt his heart.

Umaya: Short, wide-hipped, and with calves enough, Banna also finds that a few well-
like an oak tree, a single cast of Umaya’s placed stones flung down from her new
spear can bring down an antelope. Able to height tends to discourage any creatures who
fling a stone hard enough to shatter a skull at would wait around the trunk for her to
two dozen paces, she has taught an entire eventually come down.
generation of children how to hunt the way
she does. Though she hopes none of her Turint: The hunt master of his people,
students will ever need to use what she’s Turint teaches the younger members of the
taught them to kill another human, much tribe the skills of the stalk, and to recognize
less the corrupt things that lurk in the the signs of both the Corruptor and
shadows of the world, she would rather they Destroyer. While the gruff man often sits
have the skills and not need them than to back and lets his charges do the work, those
need them and not have them. who have seen a hunt go wrong know just
how fast he can explode into action when
Lontuil: With strong, scarred hands, and a necessary. But if there is no need, he doesn’t
ragged cloth worn over one eye more often want to detract from the young one’s
than not, Lontuil is what his people call a victory. Instead, he will dress and drain their
stone shaper. Able to chip and grind fine kill while they celebrate, offering
arrowheads, hunting blades, ax heads, and congratulations alongside admonishments
more, with proper maintenance the tools he for what they will need to improve next
makes will last for a generation before they time.
need replacing. It is a dangerous craft,
though, and while Lontuil yet has both eyes, Rhiki: With ropy muscles and an easy
the heavy cloth has caught its share of smile, Rhiki pilots his barge along the great
shards that would have blinded him had he jungle-rivers through a combination of skill
not protected himself against just such an and strength. Carrying animals, goods, and
accident. people, he’s known by three dozen
settlements all along the shore. Though he
Gut Ripper: A prickly-natured boar with tries to mind his own affairs, when the
tusks that can uproot trees, Gut Ripper’s Grondr call upon him he does what he can to
sides are crisscrossed with scars from the offer them aid. Though no weakling, he
battles he’s fought both alongside and knows that to fight spirits and skin changers
against half a dozen different changing would be akin to diving into the water to
breeds. Among the wyrmfolk it is said that fight a crocodile; it’s a battle he could win,
had Gut Ripper been given the changer’s but only through the grace of Gaia rather
gift then it would take an entire pack to slow than his own prowess. Fortunately all the
his rampages once Rage claimed him… and Grondr usually ask for is him to transport
even then, it would be a near thing. them, or for him to take potent fetishes
further down the river and away from their
Banna: Low-hanging fruit is often the first enemy’s clutches.
to be plucked, but Banna always climbs into
the higher branches in order to claim the Buntan: Long-limbed and black-haired,
sweeter, riper fruits. Able to clamber up a Buntan has a feral air about her. Dressed in
tree in a flash, it’s a skill that has proven ragged pelts and sporting nails that are more
extremely helpful to have when predators try like claws, many fear her… and for good
to take her unawares. Once she’s up high reason. Capable of wielding the very

essence of Gaia, Buntan’s gifts can summon path offer those spirits both their thanks, and
fire from the ether, and heal even the most their reverence. Those who anger the spirits
grievous of wounds with nothing more than have found that Buntan often shares their
a touch of her hand. Though none can see wrath, and that is a fate the wise wish to
the spirits she speaks to, all who cross her avoid.


Unto you, my dearest Kor, I give you the Great Form. Defend Me.

Smiles: Smiles is insane in a way humans at Smiles, turn away, and say that she
should not be, especially for such a young radiates power well beyond the ken of
woman. She speaks with the old tongue, a humans. She is beyond their help – if ‘help’
speech not meant for human vocal cords. is what she even needs.
Her restricted lineage is old, older than
humans, older than mammals, older than To those that can speak the First Tongue,
dinosaurs… to a time when Gaia only had some words and phrases may sound vaguely
one protector. Reconciling the eons in her familiar. Words like “cataclysm,” “death,”
mind broke her. She is tended to by her “extinctions,” and “form.” There is a story
family in the hope that powerful shamans or in Smiles’ babbling, and if someone were to
spirit-speakers can help Smiles emerge from translate it, all hell might break loose.
her fugue. Yet, most shamans take one look

(Dire Wolf)

Unto you, my Naghaluu, I demand that you protect Me and my form from the chaos that is the

Tends-The-Garden: Found within a sacred

valley, Tends-The-Garden is a Wyld
gardener – one who can manage the
outbursts of creation that come from Wyld
fonts. Tends-The-Garden has a sense of the
natural world, and a deep knowledge of
every leaf and vine in Gaia’s splendor.
While some will pilgrimage to the mouth of
the valley, waiting before the glyph-marked
skulls that act as the barrier, none who wish
to live will enter without permission and a
guide. For while the mahogany-skinned
Tends-The-Garden might call the territory
he watches over a garden, the Wyld runs red
through the valley, and outsiders take their
lives in their hands if they explore it blindly.

Torana: Feared and respected in almost

equal measure, Torana is the bearer of the
dead among her people. She is the one who
conducts the rites and rituals to ensure the
deceased’s spirit returns to the cycle, and in
matters of death her word is as final as the
grave itself. While her duty is often a
solemn task, there are times when it is also a
dangerous one. Spirits do not always wish to
leave this world behind, and many will
attempt to claw their way back from the
world of the dead. It is Torana who speaks
with them, empowering her words with her
gnostic talent, to ensure that once the dead
cross the Veil they will not return.


Unto you, my Urkama, I demand that you travel to the darkest places far from Me, above and
below, and warn others of what you see.

Sweet Teeth: A huge bat, Sweet Teeth

feasts on the abundant fruits that grow near
the sea. Often snatching melon pieces or
bananas from those people in the
surrounding land, she keeps her large ears
open for all signs of strife and danger that
might be of concern to the Kama Atil. More
than once she has been the one who sounded
the alarm, and it has been her warning that
has brought the claws and fangs of Gaia’s
protectors down on the dangers that would
threaten the fledgling communities she
watches over.

Riza: Found among the tidal pools and

crashing waves along the cliffs, many who
have caught glimpses of her believe that
Riza is a spirit rather than a woman of flesh
and blood. Slender and dark, she makes her
home within the caverns carved by the
waves, which are often hidden by the whims
of the tides. While most would never dream
of going into the darkness after her, those
few who have tried and survive say that Riza
has maps of the stars patterned in her caves,
and can summon the night’s own darkness.

The Bastet

(Bastet, European Lion)

Unto you. My Ceilican, I ask that you explore the secrets I have hidden in and around my form,
so that you can come to understand Me.

Krilo: An odd man who lives apart from

most other people, Krilo cultivates plants
that are simultaneously sacred and
dangerous as a way to explore Gaia’s
bounty. Whether smoked, eaten, or snorted,
his garden opens the mind to possibilities
someone would never have otherwise
contemplated. It’s said that the smoke from
his pipe allows one to hear the voice of
Gaia, and that one who eats the proper
mushrooms from his stores will be able to
see both the spirits of the world, and the true
forms of any person they meet regardless of
the skin they wear now.

Ghost-Of-Woods: Long-haired and long-

limbed, with callouses on her bare feet,
Ghost-Of-Woods is known to her people as
a woods Wys. She learned at the feet of her
aunt, the Ring Dancer called Moon Song,
the true names of nearly every spirit and
glamour-creature in the forest-sea. Able to
break a fever, sooth burns, and even to know
the whims and needs of the beasts of the
woods, she is greatly respected by those who
live near her territory. Always present at the
birth of new kin, she began to seek an
apprentice to ensure none of her knowledge
is lost when she returns to the cycle.

Nana: An old woman who cares for the

young among the tribe, Nana tells the
children the many tales of the First’s
cleverness. Strength, speed, surety, and
honor matter, but cleverness is often the
spark that begins any true adventure. What
only a few know, however, is that many of

her tales are actually the exploits of her mate Shadow-Of-Death: Dark and silent, and
Smile-Of-Stars. Smile-of-Stars was old with the look of a panther-like Bastet,
many years ago, and is long dead now, but Shadows-of-Death seems to materialize out
his legends will live on for many of the night without warning. Though the
generations to come. Nana’s gift to her lover Ceilican often keep to their own affairs, she
is the knowledge that children will tell his has fought alongside the Khara and the
story over and over… even if the protagonist Wlewa against the upstart Garou Nation and
is a bit off. their simpering canid-shifts.

Wind-And-Storms: A large, black lion Leatty: A salt wife and fae-speaker, Leatty
whose eyes shine like the sun, Wind-And- lives on a spit of land near the sea in a
Storms is one of the thousand Ceilican tale- ramshackle dwelling built from driftwood.
tellers. She prefers the mountains, so she can Women who need a midwife come to her for
survey the world below and catch sight of her unique skills, but those who find
events in time to learn how the people and themselves pregnant with a child they do not
the land interact. Her keen eye and catch want also come to Leatty’s home. With her
danger from leagues away. Able to speak a filed teeth and flat eyes, many assume that
few words of several human languages, Leatty eats the flesh left behind, whether the
many of the Killi regard Wind-And-Storms mother left with her child or not. In truth,
as guardian of all the Ceilican who warns Leatty throws the bloody remnants of her
them of looming catastrophe. trade into the waves for the water-fae – the
payment of a pact made many generations

(Bastet, Smilodon and Homotherium)

Unto you, my Khara, I demand that you seek out the most dangerous secrets, so that you and
your sisters are safe from knowledge-given-darkness.

Naraka: Though his thickly muscled arms

and deep chest mark out Naraka as a
powerfully-built man, he is far faster than
someone of his size should be. Silent, with
eyes that gleam in the night, his black skin is
seamed with scars left by heavy claws.
Raised by big cats, the “gentle” play and
mild reprimands he earned from the elders
would have slain weaker men. Though he
rarely speaks, Naraka comes to the Garou on
the behalf of the bastet when words needed
to be had. Sometimes he comes as an ally,
and sometimes he comes as an enemy, but
whatever the occasion the sight of him is
rarely considered a case for rejoicing.

Volstenri: A tanner’s daughter, Volstenri

can preserve the hide of nearly any creature
she’s ever seen… and more than a few that
she hasn’t. Often charged with turning the
skins of powerful animals into trophies, she
has earned the praise of the Garou for her
skill in creating items of beauty. She has
even been gifted with several garments that
have been spirit-worked by the moon-
favored out of both respect and gratitude for
her endeavors; clothes that mark her out as
an honored kin to any who can sense the
presence of a fetish.

Sargas: Though his hands are heavy, and his

fingers blunt, Sargas is a scrimshaw artist of
some skill. Often spattered with and ochre
up to his elbows, he has spent his life
mastering his art of stories-in-bone. Though
many tribes may not know his name, his
three-clawed maker’s mark has become a

rather common sight throughout the region. lurks beyond the light of a campfire. While
Sargas’s delicately carved items are not all the corrupted beasts will be driven
spreading like seeds in a spring wind – away by Bara’s staff and sling, even the
prized by everyone who sees them and twisted aberrations cry out in pain when
giving considerable noteriety to his struck by one of the glyph stones Bara keeps
community as a result. He began passing the in a special pouch on his left hip. He’s even
skill on to others… and using the medium of been honored at gatherings where tales of
bone, keratin and ivory as a way to hide the his bravery have been told among the
stories of the Khara in plain sight. T Khara… memories that always stiffen his
spine when he feels fear creeping in while
Pheria: A story-keeper, Pheria spent her life he’s out with his flock and something howls
at the knee of the elders recording their tales in the night.
in her mind. Considered gifted in her powers
of recall, Pheria has recently been given a Kanis: A man with black skin and a bald
place by the fire to tell the tales of her head, many of the stories about Kanis dub
people in her own way. It was only after she him Firehand. The last of a small tribe
proved herself among the homids that she claimed by the night walkers (creatures that
was brought to a gathering of the Folk by bear the cold of the grave and who have no
her uncle Moon Dagger, and allowed to bear blood in their veins), the stories say it was
witness to the secret stories and histories of his hatred of these abominations that lit the
the Bastet. These tales have been entrusted fires inside Kanis. Erupting from his hands,
to her one at a time, and that she has eagerly the fire blackened and burned many of the
devoured them to ensure they won’t be lost things, and sent the others scuttling back
as long as she draws breath. into the shadows. Filled with a rage, Kanis’s
small reserve of Gnosis burns hot. He travels
Dulla: A basket walker who can go for the empty places of the world, seeking the
miles before she loses a step or starts parasites that feed on the blood of the living
breathing hard, Dulla gathers berries, bulbs, to deliver Gaia’s judgment.
tubers, and other food to bring back home
for the rest of her people. Some say she has Harak: An outrider among the Folk,
the nose of a hound, able to sniff out troves Harak’s people move from one settlement to
of Gaia’s bounty that others would walk the next through the pitiless forests,
right past. What most don’t know, however, following the seasons and surviving off the
is that Dulla always brings hard kernels and thin bounty of the harsh land. Outcasts who
shiny stones on her long walks, giving them fled homes that are only dimly remembered
to crows she sees. It’s the blackbirds’ cries in their fireside tales of an evening, the
as often as her own sharp eyes that lead her harsh winds of their home have scoured
to bushes of ripe berries, or trees hidden off softness from Harak and his people. The sun
the well-trodden paths. baked away their hesitation - and their
mercy. It is under the full moon that Harak
Bara: A young man whose beard is only just stops walking and starts hunting. His people
beginning to grow in, Bara has been a are the last remnants of a Garou attack, and
shepherd almost since he’s been able to they will die to a person exacting their
walk. Accompanied by Listra, a large revenge on the canid-shifters.
scimitar-tooth he calls sister, Bara has seen
all sorts of strangeness in the darkness that

Kras: Tall, dark-skinned, and silent, Kras days, depending on the nature of what was
holds the position of the scar-maker among done, and the scarring process is intensely
his people. Whenever someone painful. The process is more than worth it
accomplishes a deed of note, or is elevated for those whose skin bear Kras’s marks,
to an important position, Kras is the one announcing their deeds to any who look
who marks that occasion upon their flesh. upon them.
His rituals can take anywhere from hours to

(Bastet, Hamaal, Cave Lion)

Unto you, my Wlewa, I demand that you judge what should be a secret or no.

Agari: With her hair cropped short, and a

plethora of scars along her hands and arms,
Agari is curiosity wrapped in flesh. Though
many of her endeavors end in cautionary
tales told to her people’s younger children,
she has also made several notable
discoveries in her explorations. From fire-
starting crystals that focus the sun’s light, to
methods of preserving stores of meat and
fish during the long winter months, Agari’s
wisdom has allowed her people some
measure of security in a world of teeth, and
chance, despite her setbacks.

Ukar: A hunter with few rivals, Ukar has

the uncanny ability to see past even the most
cunning natural camouflage, letting fly with
arrow or stone at prey others hadn’t even
suspected was hiding in the brush. Those
who know him well understand that most of
his skill comes from long practice and
discipline, but that Ukar also bears an
unusual secret; he was born without the
ability to see any color. This often strips
away the patterns in the brush, throwing
beasts into stark relief rather than hiding
them in the foliage, giving him a unique

Follows-The-Darkness: At a glance,
Follows-The-Darkness looks completely
unremarkable. Her features are plain, her
voice soft, and her clothes hang on her in
such a way that they hide even the shape of
her body. Far more lurks beneath the surface
she allows others to see, however. Follows-
The-Darkness is able to blend into the
darkness almost faster than the eye can

blink, and to move through the shadows him since he was a young man, Laros does
with barely a whisper to mark her passing. his weaving more by feel than he does by
She is the acknowledged best Wlewa hunter sight. Easily identified by the tapping of his
for many days travel. When one of the walking stick that he uses to ensure nothing
judged run from the Wlewa, the pride turns blocks his path, Laros is greatly valued by
to Follows-the-Darkness to bring justice. the Wlewa because his ropes are the best to
make restraints with. Many Wlewa judges
Slicktooth: The biggest homid male anyone seek Laros’ work and then imbue those
ever saw, Slicktooth’s dark black hide is ropes with Gnosis to bind and punish those
riddled with scars from battles with humans who must be punished.
and beast alike. He is the judge-of-judges,
and relishes in the opportunity to lord his Laros is hated by the other Fera. The Khan
wisdom over the Fera, especially those who and Khara have a bounty on his head.
actively resist the primacy of the Wlewa and
their role as masters of secrets. Gora: Gora has an almost mousy look about
her. Her hair is a dull brown, her frame thin,
The Grund: An imposing figure, one of The and her hands are nervous, and quick. Her
Grund’s eyes is covered with a heavy, only friends, it seems, are the ever-present
leather patch, and line of white runs through rats who always dog her heels, or who steal
his dark hair and beard alike. Able to hear close to her for scraps whenever she has a
the spirits since her youth, Grund’s pride meal to share. Those who have looked into
lives in a cave overlooking the foothills her dark eyes, or who have seen how fast
where the local tribes of people graze their she can pull a bone dagger from the folds of
flocks. She uses her gnostic gifts to call her robe, are reminded that a rat’s teeth are
water from nowhere during times of just as sharp as any wolf’s. Rarely a
drought, and to walk the secret paths of the welcome sight, Gora is treated with respect
umbra in search of knowledge to push back by most… those who don’t are often found
the shadows. dead, their bodies being made a feast for the
Thursa: With powerful hands, thick, rolling
shoulders and a glimmer of madness lurking Suma: Suma is a slave within the Hamaal –
in his eyes, Thursa is seen as something of a the tiered-servants of the Wlewa. He was
beserker to those who know of him. once the kin to the Swara, but the Wlewa
Running with Hamaal servants, Thursa goes decided his strong back and keen eyes was
where the Elder Judges send him, often better served under their guidance. So, he
bringing at least one of two of his four- was “gifted” as penance to the Wlewa when
legged brothers and sisters along for the his clowder was found guilty. He is
journey. Disliked by many of the Bastet, and conflicted about his new responsibilities.
the Khara in particular, he has torn out He loves his old life, but the Hamaal gives
enough throats that even the sabretoothed him purpose.
know and fear him.

Laros-The-Binder: With his dextrous

fingers, Laros can weave cord and rope
more tightly than nearly anyone else. Barely
able to see more than a few feet in front of

Designer Notes:

This book is a ‘show-don’t-tell’ toolbox.

101 Savage Kinfolk is an ideal way for us to show off the setting. The kinfolk in this book are
designed to exemplify the breadth of what is possible. Each kinfolk is written to also serve as
story ideas and many are designed to ‘upgrade’ into full shape-shifting Fera with very little work.

This book was born of a desire to make things easier for Storytellers. I assume that not everyone
who picks up the Savage Age is steeped in the minutiae of paleo-biology and prehistoric
archaeology and running the Savage Age can be a bit intimidating. This is why Broken-Brother
came into being – as an opportunity for us to make it easier to drop into the setting.

…but that was not enough. I want to provide all the resources to easily build a full community.
I have always loved the idea of building out the kinfolk as a way to make a Werewolf game feel
richer and more real. So, when I was thinking along those lines, Neal Litherland’s 100 Kinfolk
line came to mind.

It was easy enough to reach out to Neal and we came to an agreement pretty quick. This was the
first time I was going to really cede all of the writing to someone out of the core Savage Age
writing team, but it was an easy decision. Neal then went silent and just around the time I
thought th project may be dead, Neal shows up with his part completely done. So, in my head
101 Savage Kinfolk went from “oh well” to “this is happening!”

Neal’s wordcount came to me at a weird point in my freelancing career. I had a large project
outside of the Savage Age eating up my time and mental bandwidth. I turned to Brandon
Steward, a veteran Savage Age writer who knows the setting almost as well as I do, to help out.
Brandon dug in. There was some editing work and some organizational effort to coax forward
the best parts of Neal’s writing, and Brandon did an excellent job. The Savage Age has a very
specific tone and style, and Bradon’s work added to Neal’s to make 101 Savage Kinfolk feel like
it fits with our vision.

Then it came to me for layout and editing. I added some extra nuggets – this is the first
introduction of the Kor and the Ajah-Abah as well as an expansion of the concepts in Khara,
Ceilican, Naghaluu, and Wlewa. This is intentional – I want to show off some of the stuff still to
come and start exploring what works for those concepts.

Let us know if this is the sort of resource you appreciate?

As always, reach out to us at

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