Introduction: Discovering the origin of a civilization that was devastated and buried deeply by
numerous deluges, is quite difficult since the depth prevents their identification and excavation.
Under such circumstances, reliance on literary evidence comes to our rescue.
Epistemology: Intelligent human race existed several million years ago. They spread their
wisdom to their fellow men. Their decedents discovered controlling nature and utilized power
of air, gas, magnetism, etc., to enable mode of travel across earth, oceans and sky. They
discovered that humans die leaving their body while the world renovates its body after natural
calamities like great floods, earthquakes, etc. Their cultural literature were stored in an iron
chest, preserved under deep water reservoir, so that the water bed will reduce the impact of
great floods and save the literature for future generation that spread across the deformed
lands of the tilted globe on all directions. Their logical penetration towards knowledge, could
pave way towards stable science, which is not possible otherwise through the mundane
approach. It is believed that, even the glorified races like the Greeks and Egyptians possessed
lesser knowledge than this race. Their great scientific secrets were inscribed upon palm leaves
and made indestructible by transforming them into stone, preserved in stony caves and thus
immortalized their wisdom (This idea is supported by Chinese mythology also). Their knowledge
is still evidenced on the structure of temples, scientific beliefs, nature-dependent health care
traditions, and mythological faith on immortality, found in India.
Conclusion: Analyzing the above literary evidences resemble similar to that of Atlantis
civilization. Since, all these literary evidences are available in Tamil, the language perfected by
the immortals in ancient times, it is strongly believed that the land of the Tamils, in and around
India, could be the remains of the origin of the ancient glorious Atlantis.
Discovering the origin of a civilization that was devastated and buried deeply by numerous
deluges, is quite difficult since the depth prevents their identification and excavation.
Especially, in the case of Atlantis, very little description is available for research. But,
considering the fact that the concept got its inception through Solon the noble poet whose
social attitude expressed in Greek legends attests his righteousness, which in deed encourages
believing the hypothesis. Added to this, the hypothesis was discussed by scholars like Critias,
etc., in the presence of world famous scholar, Socrates, and further analyzed by Plato the
learned disciple of Socrates adds weightage to its credibility. In the light of the above facts, it is
attempted to solve the enigma of Atlantis from an Indian’s angle, using the myths, beliefs and
textual references from Tamil, an ancient language of India.
2.1 Where could the Atlantis Civilization have had its origin?
2.2 When could the Atlantis Civilization have got its inception?
2.3 Who would have been, the role model of Atlantis land reforms.
3.1 Platos incomplete discussion that took place before Socretis, initiated by Creto (English)
3.2 Historical findings of Indian and international researchers about ancient India.
3.5 Descriptions mentioned in poetic notes of Tamil scholars of ancient Tamil Academies
(Sangams), etc.
3.6 Information contained in the books of Tamil immortals, parallel to the gods of Atlantis.
Since the dialogues of Timeaus and Critias, hold the only known original references to the
island of Atlantis, the hints found therein are considered for this research. Since the research
findings on ancient Tamil civilization seemed to have similar details the same are used in
comparative sense.
Critias begins his narration with a warning to his discussion group that they must not be
surprised when they hear Hellenic names given to foreigners and explains the system of naming
conventions used in their discussion. Critias’ caution to his audience throws some light on the
hypothesis with regard to origin of Atlantis as follows:
The names used in the Atlantis description are in Hellenic because they were translated from
Egyptian language by Solon to make it comprehensible to the audience of his prospective
poetry, which was not written as planned.
The names recorded by Egyptians are in fact translated ones from yet another language.
So, the Hellenic names should not be considered to arrive at a conclusion regarding the
geographic location of Atlantis, as strictly around Greece or Egypt.
Hence, it could be any part of the earth that had descriptions similar to that of Atlantis can be
considered as suited to the discussion.
Poseidon had discovered an island, married a woman and then slowly developed that island
into a glorious civilization through his children. At the time of the above cultural evolution of
Atlantis, there were other societies headed by equals or seniors to Poseidon, which were also
Probably, this must have been the early stage of several societies developing upon earth. If this
is the fact, then Poseidon and other immortals would have sprung from a common origin which
could be the cradle of human race on earth. Following is the statement about the cradle of
civilizations by an eminent historian.
“Of the five now existing continents, ” writes Ernst Haeckel, in his great work “The History of
Creation,” (Vol. II., pp. 325-6.) “neither Australia, nor America, nor Europe can have been this
primaeval home (of man), or the so-called ‘Paradise,’ the ‘cradle of the human race.’ Most
circumstances indicate Southern Asia as the locality in question. Besides Southern Asia, the only
other of the now existing continents which might be viewed in this light is Africa. But there are
a number of circumstances (especially chronological facts) which suggest that the primeval
home of man was a continent now sunk below the surface of the Indian Ocean’ (W.Scott-Elliot,
Lost Lemuria).
Hence, the continent now sunk below the surface of the Indian Ocean could be the origin of
Critias explains how heavy deluges leave continuous small islands resembling the bony
structure of a perished land in the following lines:
`Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years’. `The consequence is,
that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body,
as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the richer and softer parts of the soil
having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left’.
The following is the opinion of geologists about the sunken Indian subcontinent: `With regard
to the geographical evidence, a glance at the map will show that from the neighbourhood of
the West Coast of India to that of the Seychelles, Madagascar, and the Mauritius, extends a line
of coral atolls and banks, including Adas bank, the Laccadives, Maldives, the Chagos group and
the Saya de Mulha, all indicating the existence of a submerged mountain range or ranges. The
Seychelles, too, are mentioned by Mr. Darwin as rising from an extensive and tolerably level
bank having a depth of between 30 and 40 fathoms; so that, although now partly encircled by
fringing reefs, they may be regarded as a virtual extension of the same submerged axis. Further
west the Cosmoledo and Comoro Islands consist of atolls and islands surrounded by barrier
reefs; and these bring us pretty close to the present shores of Africa and Madagascar. It seems
at least probable that in this chain of atolls, banks, and barrier reefs we have indicated the
position of an ancient mountain chain, which possibly formed the back-bone of a tract of later
Paleozoic Mesozoic, and early Tertiary land, being related to it much as the Alpine and
Himalayan system is to the Europaeo-Asiatic continent, and the Rocky Mountains and Andes to
the two Americas’ (W.Scott-Elliot, Lost Lemuria).
Hence, the chains of islands, etc., could be the mountains surrounding the submerged Atlantis.
Critias refers to Poseidon as god and explains that he lived with Cleito daughter of one of the
earth born primeval men of that country.
So, there were human beings at the time of Poseidon’s arrival to the island of Atlantis and that
they lived in a small society.
It is earlier noted that there were similar societies around this island.
Poseidon had not created mankind on earth.These facts could only be possible around an area
where human species would have originated. Since, no species would, in its very early stage of
origin, migrate to distant places and develop itself.Probably, Poseidon came from a culturally
elevated society, and his advanced ideas gained the devotion of those primeval men on that
island as a god, and Critias refers to Cleito as mortal’s daughter. So, origin of mankind would
have taken place somewhere around that island. The following conclusions of researchers
would help identify the island of Atlantis.
Thomas Huxley, an associate of Darwin’s who investigated the origin of man assumed that
Homo sapiens, that is, man regarded as an organic species, arose on the now sunken continent
of’ Lemuria (Alexander Kondratov, The riddles of Three Oceans).
4.5 The status of Poseidon when he arrived to the prospective island of Atlantis:
Critias says that Poseidon `himself being a god’, `begat children by a mortal woman (Cleito)’.
So all mortals are humans and those who are immortal are gods.
Had Critias stated the above fact as `himself being a god married a woman’ Poseidon’s status
would be vague but with the above clear statement the state of god is defined by immortality.
Elsewhere, Critias explains that children of Poseidon have built temples for them beside a grand
temple for a superior god who stood upon a chariot with six winged horses controlled by a
So the god upon that chariot was the superior God and Poseidon was lesser or equal to that
god because from him had originated the race of Atlantis.It is worth considering the statement
of a immortal (god according to Atlantians) may be a contemporary to Poseidon, about how
gods were created by the great God, in the following verse:By God’s grace some become
Angels,By god’s grace sins will not accrue, and,(Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram-3000:1649)The
above defining verse was written in Tamil, which itself was the language of Dravidians the
primeval people of Lemuria.Hence, Poseidon could have attained immortality using Tamil
Critias also recalls his earlier remark about some other gods by saying `the allotments of the
gods, that they distributed the whole earth into portions differing in extent, and made for
themselves temples and instituted sacrifices’.
He implies a kind of priestly rule before the inception of Atlantis. The gods in fact ruled their
followers through Temples and accepted the sacrifices offered by them.
On the ancient Tamil land, each god or immortal had his own territory defined by dwelling
therein with his disciples and supporters, usually on land situated upon mountains. For, in those
days the earth was filled with numerous mountains chained and scattered into different ranges
across the continental plates of the earth. But these lands were very rich in greeneries and
forests of woods that they can fulfill the bare needs of humans who dwell therein. This must be
the allotment of gods explained by Critias. Agathiyar, an immortal in ancient Tamil land,
enumerates thirty-eight such mountains in his book Agathiyar-12000 (5:330-335).
Agathiyar, after enumerating the above mountainous lands, stresses that `these are all the
lands of great immortals as far as I knew’. According to the imagination of the immortals of
each land, different cultures rose on different areas. Some raised spiritual academia, while
some others great kingdoms, countries, etc. For instance Ayodhinadu and Ravananaargir
represent the two opponent countries in the Epic Ramayana, said to have existed during
Dwapara yugam.
These gods or immortals or siddhas as known in Tamil, could be considered as the first set of
thinkers who spent their time for pondering upon the nature and causes of self, nature,
cosmos, and beyond. They rose from ordinary men and upon realizing their unique
predisposition lead isolated life on different places, especially on hilly places inaccessible by
animals and protected against natural calamities.
The amazing point in the nature of Siddhas was their faith in nature and its contribution to
They considered human body is a parallel to cosmos and following the ways of cosmos can
perfect human body.
They discovered that the earth is female and the sky (cosmos excluding earth) is male and
extended their thought that earth alone can produce living beings. But, Egyptians and others
believe that the sky is female and the earth is male. But this is not correct since no planet other
than earth is reported to have life on them.
They have witnessed deluge several times, lost their precious books (Agathiar-12000:1:271) as
such preserved their cultural books under a water reservoir, it is said in iron chests, covered
with a special spell bound wooden plank, bound the same with iron chains. (Agathiar-
As an extension of their theory they discovered that human lifespan could be extended to any
desirable extent by following the secret science that nature employs to create life on earth.
They made an icon to represent this finding (the Lingam) and made people to worship it. They
made their sciences according to nature and its five factors earth, water, fire, air and sky. They
preached that everything is ruled by these factors and adhering to them strictly will result in
stable science.
They considered that a continuous motion is taking place between cosmos and earth and
understanding the same could produce better societies. Siddhas like Bogar have fabricated
many devices steam ship, steam engine, space ship run using magnetism, etc. All his scientific
thoughts are explained in technical Tamil in his book Bogar-7000.
They inscribed their great scientific secrets on palm leaves, named it as The Legacy of Eighteen
Siddhas, spelled it to turn into a stone and immortalized the same for future generation who
have a fate to get it (Gorakkar, Namanasa Thiravukol-100:11-14). In Chinese mythology there is
a belief that `in a stone house on the mountain Po-sung were concealed certain ancient works
which could teach the art of ascending to Heaven’ through preparation of elixir (Nemisharan
Mital, World famous mythologies, pp.21).
They believed that, life was for gaining wisdom and for that reason, body’s mortality should be
ruled out by adhering to alchemy, the secret doctrines of cosmic science.Each immortal had his
own territory defined by way of his dwelling therein with his disciples, supporters, etc.Hence,
the island chosen by Poseidon could have situated within the kingdom of Tamil immortals.4.7
The powers and limitations of Gods during Atlantian age: It is said that Poseidon, `himself as be
was a god, found no difficulty in making arrangements’; this includes how Poseidon developed
Atlantis by `breaking the ground’, `making alternate zones of sea and land’, `bringing two
streams of water under the earth’, etc. But, there is no mention that Poseidon created
additional land to develop his island, which god, the creator could do as per the belief of all
religions.Finally, during the earthquakes and floods there was no attempt from Poseidon to
save Atlantis and thereby conquering the natural calamities.
There is an expression `so that no man could get to the island’ made after Poseidon united with
Leucippe and protected the island with two lands and three waters. Which means that
Poseidon thought to prevent men only. It is implied that gods can enter but for some reason
they will not.
Could not fight against nature and save their race.The gods, immortals or siddhas of ancient
Tamil land also had these three limitations.They traveled to all landed space upon early
formation of continental plates on earth and spread their race by living with women of those
planes. This is confirmed by the words of an immortal as follows:`In order to raise a long lived
human race, we (the immortals) had coition with young women!’ (Gorakkar Chandraregai-
200:21)If we wish to know why they did so and what was lacking in humans of their time, the
Siddhas themselves have answered as follows:`Because the men were not clever and lacked
wisdom, we could not get wise disciples (to spread wisdom)!’ (Bogar Jenanasagram-
557:68).Similar to Poseidon Bogar, and immortal settled at china continually for a long time,
taught them arts and science (4:121) at one stage, had sexual relations with Chinese women
and gave birth to eighteen sons (Bogar, Bogar-7000:2:654). He presented diamonds by breaking
a big diamond rock from the South Podhigai mountain range and gained their love (Agathiyar,
Agathiyar 12000:2:532). Thus almost all immortals had coition with many women and gave
birth to numerous children (Gorakkar Mutharam-91:86-89).
They had miraculous beads made of coagulated mercury and treated with qualities of many
natural products in an ingenious manner, by secret techniques which could temporarily change
the nature of their fleshy body to that of birds, aquatic creatures, etc. and traveled to places.
They had 12 different beads for 12 kinds of supernatural activities.
They emphasized that every individual as well as society should qualify to live on this earth, by
leading a virtuous generous life like nature does. They respected the God the ultimate creator,
who is one and only, and never interfered in his verdict as to whether a society should survive
or perish.Hence, Poseidon may be an immortal of ancient Tamil land.4.8 The times of
Atlantis: At the very inception of Atlantis, Poseidon found a land and modified it into his
residence. He gave birth to 5 pairs of male children. This can be considered as the first
generation of Poseidon.After explaining the first generation as above, Critias makes three more
statements, viz., “`the eldest son handing it on to his eldest for many generations,’ `the plain ..
was fashioned .. by the labours of many generations of kings through long ages’ and, `all these
(kings) and their descendants for many generations were the inhabitants and rulers of divers
islands in the open sea.’” These three statements imply that there was a longer gap of time that
elapsed during the time referred by these statements.But, Critias mentions only 9000 years as
the full span of Atlantis civilization, adds that `many great deluges had taken place during the
nine thousand years’.So, there was an unknown span of period in between the inception of
Atlantis and the golden times it made amidst other islands and lands.Hence, the inception of
Atlantis could have been happened around gods’ time during Dwapara yugam (according to
Tamilians) when Agathiyar explained the existence of different mountainous societies then
prevailed; and the fall of the civilization would have happened during the First Tamil Sangam
(academia) period, i.e., before 9600 B.C. (A.Chidambaranaar, Tamil Sangangalin Varalaru)
approximately.4.9 The Atlantis architectureDuring the development of Atlantis, different stages
of architecture undertaken by Posiedon and, his sons and their successors. These will be
enumerated below one by one:4.9.1 Pre-Atlantis architecture (inception): Stage-1: This is the
stage of inception of Atlantis after Poseidon’s settlement. Poseidon took extreme care to
protect Cleito, is explained by forming `two of land and three of water, which he turned as with
a lathe’ in order to prevent men from getting to the island at the center, he never expected
ships or voyages.Stage-2: This is the stage of development of Atlantis. During this stage
Poseidon partitioned the circular lands around his island into nine pieces and inclusive of the
middle hilly space, he had 10 lands to confer to his 10 successors.The following information
about South Madurai with its amazing architectural beauty is presented below for comparison.
The management of base land in a circular style is unusual and only a few countries of ancient
Tamil land had this style, of which South Madurai is said to be the first one. Mayan, the divine
architect of prehistoric India, had written on this style as evidenced in sculpture and
architecture manuscripts (confirmed by Dr.Ganapathi Stapathy, Retired Principal of Sculpture
College, Mamalapuram).South Madurai (around 30,000 B.C.) was situated amidst water.
Because of this it was call as Aalavai. Considering its divinity it was also known as Thiru Aalavai
(Divine country amidst water). The divinity of this country is something similar to Atlantis. The
king, First Nilantharu Thiruvir Pandian otherwise known as Nediyon, restructured his country by
cutting the chain of Meru mountain range that containing 49 peaks. In ancient days a Tamil
proverb was in use as an advise to kings. It says `The king who fails to dig channels and
distribute water to his country is not at all a king’. So in ancient days all kings used to make
channels of water in and around their countries. But, the Nediyon’s country is different. It was a
mountainous country full of hard black rocks. But, he had divine powers to dug from Meru
mountain range and created a separate country and named it as South Madurai considering the
fact that it was situated on the southern side of the then existing seven other countries, called
as a group as seven Madurai countries. The Nediyon made South Madurai as his capital and
ruled the vast Tamil country (that submerged later under the Indian ocean) containing
countries like Oli Nadu (land of luster), Peruvala Nadu (Land of abundance), Kumari Nadu (Land
enriched by river Kumari), The Land of Pandias and several other countries around. South
Madurai was constructed in a circular fashion like a full-bloomed lotus. The kings palace was
situated like pollens in the center of the lotus, the passage towards place were arranged like
space in between petals, the citizens of the country moved all around like the honey flowing on
all sides from lotus in full bloom on fertile ponds, and thus the whole South Madurai looked like
a living lotus amidst channels of water routed from Bakruli, the blessing of Meru.A broad
channels of water that was deep enough to touch the earth beyond the rocks surrounded South
Madurai. This channel was connected to Vaigai River on the North of the country. The
overflowing Vaigai filled fresh water into the channel that was circuiting around South Madurai.
The space outside the water channel had dense growth of thorny trees forming an outer forest
(Milai) for protecting the country from unauthorized enemies’ entry. The inner circle of the land
was in deed a circular thoroughfare to enter into the country. This thoroughfare was
surrounded on both sides with very tall stonewalls with ample breadth to accommodate
soulders to guard the country. These walls were called inner protection walls (Aran). There
were several kinds of weapons that could attack the enemies from a distance in those days, and
all kinds of such weapons were kept upon those walls ready to protect the country at any time.
The Outer wall had two gates on the east and west. One had to access to these gates by walking
upon bridges laid upon the water channel that protected the Country. The Inner wall had four
gates on north, south, east and west, so that people could enter into any quarter of the
countries interior places. The gateway doors were opened and closed using mechanical devises
operated from within. Yavana (Greek) soldiers guarded on both sides of those gateways.
There was no bridge to connect South Madurai from Vaigai but there were artistic boats with
faces like elephant, lion, horse, etc.
The outer most protective forests had saints and seer who opted for isolated life.
The inner wall covered circular layers of land, further segmented into a petal like fashion,
accommodating various buildings. The exterior circular petals like layer of land had four broad
passages leading to the Palace at the center. The innermost circular petal like layer of land had
eight broad passages leading to Palace at the Center.
In between the protective walls was situated the external residency. This place mostly occupied
by people who reared cattle and bullocks for agricultural work. They were usually very brave
and never feared death. Their hereditary bullfight games were much spoken of in Sangam
Merchants who gained world fame by their fair trade populated landed buildings in the inner
petal like land space.
The jewelers sold world famous diamonds, eye-catching emeralds, lustrous rubies, biggest
pearls, best quality coral, golden ornaments with delicate workmanship, varieties of silverware,
and so on.
The grocery merchants sold their nutritious pulses and grains in vast quantities.
The weavers sold their exceptional textiles, like the Indian linen used on Egyptian kings and
their mummies too.
Numerous items of interest were sold in those streets. Each street dealt with same kind of
material. So, practically these streets were called by the name of the merchandise sold in it.
The buildings in the petal like land had individual sewerage channels which filled their waste
into common cesspits in that streets, the outlets of these cesspits connected to bigger ones in
the next external street, thus the last biggest cesspit discharged water with great force into the
external water channel that leads to sea. The sewerage outlets were properly covered.
There were temples for the protection god and others too. (Venkatasamy, Mayilai Seeni,
Sangakala Varalatru Aivugal, pp 184-196).4.9.2 Pre-Atlantis arctecture (inception): This includes
the town and shipping port arrangements architectured by the Atlantians. In ancient days, the
Tamil land had great shipping ports like Poompuhar, Musiri, etc., with towns side by side, with
day time and night time markets, dealing with all kinds of objects needed for comfortable life in
those days. These informations are found in abundant in Tamil Sangam literature.4.9.3 Atlantis
temple architectureCritias explains how Poseidon’s children build the temple of their great god
using precious and rare metals like gold, silver and Orichalcum.During the days of immortals, in
the submerged nation of the Tamils, metals were got on the surface it is said. Even gold dust
used to flow with rivers after a rain on the moutain Meru and that is why the golden dust was
known as gold sand (aema manal) and Meru’s rain. Meru had a separate mountain known as
Manimalai (gems’ mountain) that produced gems, which are more precious than the purest
gold. The deep ocean around that old land produced superior pearlsThe great temple of the
Tamil immortals was build with precious gems and metals as follows:`On the southern side of
Meru, about 800 yosani distance (about 11500 km), there was a temple with 1000 pillars,
surrounded by streams and ponds containing white lotus. There was a temple of grandeur built
of strong rocks while the pillars were covered with precious stones emitting different light. The
entire temple was arranged as several stages like a staircase. Each stage had pillars on it corners
and sides. Thus the entire structure had 1000 pillars. The 1st stage was arranged like a dais upon
which there was a Siva lingam, the sacred idol of creation. The second stage had pillars covered
with precious glittering diamonds. The third stage had pillars covered with precious pearls, the
fourth stage had pillars covered with precious emerald stones. The fifth stage had pillars
covered with precious ruby stones. The sixth stage had pillars covered with precious red corals.
The other stages had pillars covered with gold sheets. Each step seated a number of immortals
comfortably. There was a big water tank nearby, with a spacious hall were sheltered and there
upon the divine dais, Jodhi maharishi used to meditate standing upside down’ (Agathiar-
12000:2:876-878).Critias describes the god in the glorious temple built by Atlantis kings as `the
god himself standing in a chariot–the charioteer of six winged horses’ and adds `around him
there were a hundred Nereids riding on dolphins’.The Sun god of Mohenjo Daro civilization, (an
extension of Tamil civilization on the Indian Ocean), said to have six heads and six rays flashing
from above them, as evidenced in a talisman collected from the excavated spot (Kandia,N.C.,
Varalatruk Kalathuku Murpatta Tamizar, pp.46). Hence the myth behind the God statue of
Atlantis could be that: `The Sun protects Atlantis with his six rays with the help of sea god by
maintaining affinity with sea god’s daughters’. According to the Greek mythology the sea god
has only fifty daughters, but the temple at Atlantis shows them as hundred which is strange. To
express this strangeness Critias adds his comment `for such was thought to be the number of
them in that day’. May be that, Atlantis was situated in between two seas (possibly the Arabian
sea and the Indian sea) which encouraged the extension of the myth fifty, to hundred.Sun was
worshipped in early Tamil land in human form as Siva; everything connected with Sun are
attributed to adorn him. Bull is considered to be his riding animal. Similarly Moon is considered
as the spouse of Siva; everything connected with moon is attributed to Sakthi. Lion is
considered to be her riding animal. The same god forms were worshipped in Syria, Rome, Asia
Minor, Babylonia, etc., as their father god and mother god respectively.The Egyptian priest
explains how the goddess created first civilization receiving the seed from the Earth and
Hephaestus (god of fire), found a part of earth with congenial season for producing mankind, is
purely an alchemical version about the creation of life on earth. Here, the goddess is water,
Hephaestus is fire and the earth is the body of divine union. It is apparent from explanation of
this as a myth that the Egyptians as well as Hellenes were not aware of this fact. Their ancestor
the Atlantians also does not seemed to know this fact that is why they had temples for the Sun
god, Poseidon and Cleito. But they acquired this knowledge from somewhere, probably from
the origin of their civilization, the sunken Tamil land below India, where an idol of Lingam
representing the act is worshipped.While the mortals worshipped Sun and Moon as father and
mother gods, the immortals worshipped them in a different form, which explained their
creative role in the form Lingam, an esoteric conception cosmos creative activity.Hence the
religious faiths of people of Atlantis are similar to that of the submerged civilization of the
ancient Tamil.4.11 Natural wealth of Atlantis4.11.1 Fertility of Atlantis:Critias explains
elaborately about the natural wealth of Atlantis comparable with the ancient Tamil land. The
following is the description of fertility of lands in the sunken land of the Tamils. The constant
alchemy that the earth played to produced these metals and minerals has left the residue
containing both mineral and metal qualities and produced endless deposits of manure that
enriched the scenario with greeneries of all kinds. The plant species were suspected to grow at
a giant size that one researcher recalls the grammar that categorizes tall trees, like coconut
tree, etc., as grass. Not only grass, the humans were also grown in astonishing heights. But, this
human growth was direction specific it seems. The ancient submerged mountain Meru was the
center of Tamil culture. On its four sides, the humans have grown unusually tall that their
heights were measured using an ancient measure Panai (palm tree). Their heights were about
6ft on the southern side, 12 feet on the western side, 18 feet on the eastern side and 24 feet on
the Northern side. Even now certain countries have dug out skeletons of tall human beings,
which is called as giant skeletons (China on the north). Excepting those on the south who ate all
kind of vegetable sources and others and drank different kinds of waters (this gave them
blackish colour and reduced life span to 120 years); while others ate fruits and drank water
stagnated around those fruit trees (this water is called udhagam, a natural decoction of
beneficial aspects of those trees, which enriched their complexion and life span upto thousands
of years according to their quality). These facts were recorded by immortals of ancient Tamil
land (like Chaittaimuni, Bogar, Agathiyar, Pulippani, etc.)4.11.2 The metals of Atlantis:Atlantis
naturally had an abundant source of metals especially gold and the rare metal like
Orichalcum.The ancient land of the Tamils also had great mines of gold and red-gold. They used
gold chiefly for making ornaments, metal currency and idols of god. The golden coins prized to
Tamil poets by Pandia king Nediyon was appreciated in a comparative sense with a river Bakruli
that was submerged in the above continent (Sangam literature, Purananuru-9).It is also said
that around Atlantis there were rivers that showed up golden dust like sand. This golden dust
was available around Meru, the ancient Mountain range that extended below India; that is why,
gold dust has a synonym `The rain of Meru’ (Chattaimuni Nikandu-1200:139).Oricalcum:
According to Critias, Oricalcum was lavishly used in Atlantis. Orichalcum is a legendary metal
mentioned in several ancient writings, which literally means “gold copper” (Wikipedia, online
encyclopedia)Natural Orichalcum appears in places where the True Elements are brought
together, such as near volcanoes; and where this a large quantity of Elemental Earth, Living
Crystal, and/or a manaline/power site. It is interesting to note that the natural sources where
some quantity of Orichalcum extracted (especially during the year of comet) includes places in
Australia, western and southern Africa, South America, Antarctica region, etc. Also, it is a
known fact that presently Africa and Australia have numerous gold mines even today. The
ancient land on the Indian Ocean was believed to comprise these two nations. For instance,
Navalam islands otherwise referred to as Sambu islands, comprising of a cluster of seven islands
which produced four kinds of gold Sadharupam, Sambunadham, Kilisirai and Aadagam of the
four the Kilisirai resembled the parrots yelowish green colour while Aadagam was in reddish
yellow spreading luster around (Abidhana Sindhamani). The word Sem Pon (Red gold) is very
often used in Tamil literature. According to Agathiyar-12000, during Dwaparayugam king
Rama’s metal currency was made of redgold.In another reference red-gold was used for making
idols of Lingam, Sakthi and Ganesan (Konganar, Nadu Kandam-1000:956)Hence, the metal
Aadagam that was abundant at Navalam (Sambu) Islands must be the Orichalcum that was used
by Atlantians.Artificial Orichalcum There seems to be artificial methods for producing red gold.
Chattaimuni one of the senior immortals who lived around Kredha yugam explained this
alchemical work, where mercury, zinc, gold, thalagam, sudham the poison added together, with
twice the quantity of an unknown mineral Thirugunasal will after laboratory processing will
produce a substance which if added one part in 1000 part of gold produce 18 touch pure red
gold (Chattaimuni, Vaadhakaviyam-1000:968).Hence, based on the availability of rare metal
oricalcum, the land of the ancient Tamils could be the origin of Atlantis.4.12 The geographic
details of Atlantis:Critias explains a great war that happened between the Atlantis and others
kingdoms. The explanation would to some extent help fixing the geographic details of
Atlantis.Before explaining the great war of Atlantis, Critias invokes Mnemosyne (goddess of
memory) and says `for all the important part of what I have to tell is dependent on her favor’.
Probably, he is recalling his memory with an awfulness; because, it is difficult to describe this
part of past history of a geographically changed landscape. Let us continue with this
assumption. 4.12.1 Critias then says ` this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a
harbor, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, the surrounding land may be
most truly called a continent. Observe the usage of words `this sea’ and `that other is a real
sea’. He is referring to two different places and not just the two sides of one place. Thus, by the
word `this’ he refers to the Meditarian sea within the Straits of Heracles, the close end of which
forms a harbor. By the words `that other’ he refers to the Arabian sea and Indian Ocean. Within
this place the wonderful empire he explains exists according to him.While referring to straits of
Heracles he says `narrow entrance’ and while referring to the sea leasing to Atlantis he says `a
real sea’, which means he is referring to the endless breadth that a sea should possess.
4.12.2 Critias says, `the island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire, which had
rule over the whole island and several others, as well as other parts of the continent’. He adds
on saying `they subjected the parts of Libya within the Columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and
of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia’.
Here he refers to a big island surrounded by smaller ones, ruling parts of continents on both of
its west and east, and also controlling the two more lands on its northwest side. The following
part of past history is quite comparable except the additions of lands in Africa, which will be
explained later.
The Nediyon (30,000 B.C.) made South Madurai as his capital and ruled the vast Tamil country
(that was submerged later under Indian ocean) containing countries like Oli Nadu (land of
luster), Peruvala Nadu (Land of abundance), Kumari Nadu (Land enriched by river Kumari), The
Land of Pandias and several other countries around. Of these countries the Oli Nadu was
situated near Antarctica was lighted by Aurora Borialis, thus it had not the sun rays but its light
through clouds hence called Oli nadu.
A group of this Oli nadu army crossed across the present Indian land and conquered upto
Kayilai one of the 13 peaks of Himalayas. The Mohenjo Daro, Harappa civilization raised during
this time only Chidambaranaar, A, Tamil Sangangalin Varalaru, pp.13).
4.12.3 Also Critias explains that ` the whole of the land which was within the straits’. It is
presumable that he recollects the geographic map and considers the western border or India
and the eastern border of Africa as logical extension of the straight of Hiracles.
4.12.4 Further Critias adds that `your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and
strength, among all mankind; for she was the first in courage and military skill, and was the
leader of the Hellenes’.
Here he appreciates the successive Tamil Academia that was organized by Nediyon, the king of
the Tamil country and other scholars while recollecting their victories around their land. With
virtue and strength, he confirms that Tamil country of Nediyon was the leader of the whole big
group of countries.
4.12.5 Critias further adorns Atlantis as `when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to
stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed
over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjected, and freely
liberated all the others who dwelt within the limits of Heracles’.
During 16,500 B.C. the Pandias’ rule became weak and then Peruvalanadu was captured by
three Nirudhar (Negroid) kings of Africa, referred to as The Muppuraadhis (the three side
enemies). They ruled the Tamil land for 500 years. All Tamil Kings went to the immortal god of
their race Parameswaran (the immortal god) and besought him to release them from the rule of
Muppuradhi. Parameswaran sent his army headed by Agathiyar then he himself, riding upon a
chariot, lead a bigger army conquered Tripuradhis at a place Thiruvadhigai and then burnt the
countries of those those three African kings, Tripuradhis and started to rule his country
assuming mountain range Mayendram as his capital (Chidambaranar, A., Tamil Sangangalin
Varalaru, pp.13-15).
4.12.6 Finally, Critias explains how the how deluge happened and how it drowned the brave
men of Atlantis.
It appears that, here Critias explains how the great civilization of the Tamils had its end due to
unforeseen deluge. It is said that the great country of South Madurai faced with four deluges
out of which, it managed to withstand the first three. The fourth was very fatal and has turned
the ancient glory into an age of myth (A12:5:800). When South Madurai was affected the
surrounding countries were submerged one by one, but for the old South Ilangai, ruled by king
Ravanan spoken of in the epic Ramayanam. The South Ilangai was situated upon a great
mountain surrounded by an artificial water circuit known as Ezkadal had submerged four times
and the fourth time, it was fully submerged (Agathiar-12000:1:888) and probably the whole
land on the Indian ocean also submerged. The South Ilangai in its submerged state was said to
have seen underwater by Bogar using a diving suit made of iron sheet with tube like
arrangement for breathing the atmospheric air (Bogar-7000:3:402).
Hence, Critias’ accounts of bravery and deluge quite comparable to the history of the Tamil, it
is certain that Atlantis was a part of the submerged ancient land of the Tamils.
In the light of the above epistemology the following information are arrived at:
5.1 Probable location of the Atlantis civilization the sunken island on the Indian ocean known as
Kumari, Navalam and Lemuria.
5.2 Probable time of the Atlantis civilization: Its origin would have taken place several
thousands of years before, when countries and lands were newly setup, and rare metals were
abundant, say around Thredhayugam. But, the drown of Atlantis would have happened after
16,500 when the Tamil land was submerged.
5.3 Probable civilization that could have seeded the Atlantis ideology: Would certainly be the
Tamils who lived in the submerged island, Lemuria on the Indian Ocean.
Analyzing the above literary evidences, corroborate that the submerged land of the Tamils,
around India, could the origin of the ancient glorious Atlantis.
Agathiyar, (reprint) (1996) Agathiyar 12000 (a) Perunool Kaviyam, Thamarai Noolagam,
Chennai-26,India. (First printed from palm-leaves 1895).
Bogar (reprint) (1993) Bogar Jenanasagram-557, Thamarai Noolagam, Chennai-26, India. (First
printed 1892).
Bogar (reprint) (1999) Bogar Nikandu-1200, Thamarai Noolagam, Chennai-26, India. (First
printed, 1869)
Bogar, (reprint) (1960) Bogar 7000 (a) Bogamunivar Saththa Kaandam-7000 , Chennai,
Parthasarathi Naidu Sons (First printed, 1888).
Kondratov, Alexander, (19??) The riddles of Three Oceans, Moscow, Progress Publishers. (internet text
of section-2 alone used)
Southworth, John Van Duyn, (1), (1954), The story of the world, New York, Pocket Books, Inc., pp xiv-
Venkatasamy, Mayilai Seeni,Ravanan aanda Ilangai edhu?, Senthamiz Selvi, Silambu 22 (requited).