Agri Fishery II Syllabus
Agri Fishery II Syllabus
Agri Fishery II Syllabus
First Semester 2023– 2024
Vision: CFCST: haven of intellectuals in 2023
Mission: CFCST shall endeavor to be a potent vehicle in uplifting the socio-economic status of its clientele and neighboring communities through the provision of custodial care services, access to education and relevant
training in science and technology.
Core Values: Culture-Sensitive; Adherent to Laws; Relevant and Responsive; Efficient and Effective; and Spiritually-oriented (CARES)
Program Educational Objectives. After 3-5 years of completing all academic requirements of the program, graduates of BTLEd could
A. Demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge in the practice the teaching profession in the field of Technology and Livelihood Education and passed Licensure Examination for Teachers.
B. Quality as TVET trainer and assessors after they have obtained the appropriate Certification.
C. Professionally practice careers in various sectors of industry as entrepreneurs or as employees.
D. Proceed to advanced studies aligned with their field of specialization.
PO1 1. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET Trainers-Assessors Qualification Framework (PTTQF)
PO2 2. Demonstrate broad, meaningful and coherent knowledge and skills in any of the specific fields in technical and vocational education.
PO3 3. Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in any of the specific fields in technical teacher education.
PO4 4. Demonstrate higher level of literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning.
PO5 5. Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students.
PO6 6. Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes.
PO7 7. Apply wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment and
teaching approaches).
PO8 8. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and other
factors affecting educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices.
Course Outcome
After completion of the course, the students should be able to: PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8
CO1 Examine the principles of crop production and animal production P P P D P P
Week 10-15 Chapter V. Organic Agriculture
6hours a. Principles of Organic Farming
b. Types of Organic Farming
c. Methods and Techniques in Organic Farming
d. Advantages and disadvantages of Organic Farming
Week 16-18 Chapter VI. Fish Farming Materials and Resources.
3 hours a. Building a pond
b. Fish Farming Equipment.
Learning Plan
Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Teaching and Assessment Task Resource Time Table
Outcomes(DLO) Subject matter References Learning (ATs) Materials (54 hours)
Activities (TLAs) Theory Based Practice Based Assessment
At the end of the semester, the Course Content/Subject CFCST student handbook Teacher Centered Reflective First CFCST student Week 1
students must: Matter Writing Formative handbook, 3 hours
a. be oriented about the I.Orientation ISO Process Discussion Test operation
school’s VMGO A.VGMO
B.Classroom policy
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01
Issue Status 01
Revision No. 00
Date Effective : 30 September, 2017
Approved by : President
Republic of the Philippines
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax No. (064) 577-1343
email address website:
CO1 Chapter I. Crop Aribido, Samson O. Group activity Laptop Week 2-3
Production Principles of Animal 6 hours
a. Identify the different a. Principles of crop Production; National oral Recitation Modules
principles of crop production production Summative test
Open University of Every after
b. Factors Affecting whole class Books
Crop Production Nigeria, 2008. discussion, and, the Chapter
b. Determine the factors
affecting Crop production. c. Classification of sharing of ideas Internet
CO1 Chapter II. Animal Aribido, Samson O. Group activity Summative test Every after Laptop Week 4-5
Production Principles of Animal the Chapter 6 hours
a. Discuss the principles of Importance of Production; National oral Recitation Modules
animal production Animal Production Open University of
Types of Animal whole class Books
Nigeria, 2008. discussion, and,
b. Identify the types of Animal Production
Production -Feeding sharing of ideas Internet
-Housing Connection
-Marketing topic/animal-production
CO1, CO2 Chapter III. Aribido, Samson O. Group activity Summative test Every after Laptop Week 6-7
Aquaculture Principles of Animal the Chapter 6 hours
a. Define what is Aquaculture Production; National oral Recitation Modules
a. Various types of
Open University of
b. Determine various types of aquaculture whole class Books
b. Importance of Nigeria, 2008. discussion, and,
aquaculture and Its
importance. Aquaculture sharing of ideas Internet
Principles and practices
of Sustainable Dairy Connection
Farming 2015
CO1 Chapter IV. Aribido, Samson O. Group activity Summative test Every after Laptop Week 8-9
Fish Capture Principles of Animal the Chapter 6 hours
a. Discuss the different Fish Production Production; National oral Recitation Modules
methods of fish Methods of Fish Open University of
Farming Farming. whole class Books
Nigeria, 2008. discussion, and,
sharing of ideas Internet
https:// Connection
CO1 Chapter VI. Aribido, Samson O. Group activity Laptop Week 16-18
Principles of Animal 9 hours
a. Identify the materials Fish Farming Materials and Production; National oral Recitation Summative test Every after Modules
and Resources and its Open University of the Chapter
a. Building a pond whole class Books
uses for farming and b. Fish Farming Nigeria, 2008. discussion, and,
fishing. Equipment. sharing of ideas Internet
b. Determine the factors
need to consider in Principles and practices of Connection
Building a pond. Sustainable Dairy Farming
Suggested Readings and References 1. Aribido, Samson O. Principles of Animal Production; National Open University of Nigeria, 2008.
2. Principles and practices of Sustainable Dairy Farming 2015
3. Sharma, Rajeev S. “ Farmer’s Handbook on Basic Agriculture second edition 2016”
4. Liesbeth van der waaj “Textbook Animal breeding Animal Breeding and Genetic for BSc students.
Classroom Policies 1. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness of the physical classroom environment.
Form No. : FM -DPM- CFCST PRS—01
Issue Status 01
Revision No. 00
Date Effective : 30 September, 2017
Approved by : President
Republic of the Philippines
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Telefax No. (064) 577-1343
email address website:
2. Students who are late 15 minutes and beyond are considered absent.
3. Students with four absences without valid reason are automatically dropped.
4. Students who are not in proper uniform are considered absent.
5. Any form of cheating is strictly prohibited. If caught cheating, the student will be automatically marked FAILED on that particular examination/quiz.
6. No using of cellphones or gadgets when the class is going on unless necessary.
BSEd/BTLE Coordinator College Librarian