Analysis of Gas Turbine Performance
Analysis of Gas Turbine Performance
Analysis of Gas Turbine Performance
965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
Gas and steam power generation units often experience changes in load according to the requested
electricity needs. Changes in generator workload will also affect the efficiency of the generator. The different
efficiency in each workload will have an effect on the amount of heat rate production produced when
compared. By calculating the efficiency at each load, it will be useful to find out the workload with the best
performance. From the results of the enthalpy calculation process based on the temperature of each gas
turbine process, in this study the gas turbine performance is calculated, and then it compares the turbine
performance with variations in operating load. The turbine performance that will be calculated includes
compressor power, turbine power, net power, thermal efficiency, compressor efficiency, combustion chamber
efficiency, turbine efficiency, heat input, and heat rate. The results of the calculation of the highest average
thermal efficiency at 27 MW load were 35.18%; the average compressor efficiency experienced the highest
increase at 25 MW load of 83.24%, followed by an average increase in combustion chamber efficiency and
an average decrease in turbine efficiency at each increase in load, as well as experiencing the lowest
decrease in heat rate at 27 MW load conditions of 2,842 kJ/kWh.
Electrical Energy is the main source of energy that is widely used and needed in the development of
a country. This can be seen from the increasing growth in industry, education and the economy which has
resulted in an increase in the rate of electricity consumption [1]. Therefore, increasing efficiency in the
operation of generating units is very important as a provider of electrical energy in the present and in the
Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) is a type of power plant in Indonesia that is chosen to meet
the demand for electricity which in operation experiences load changes every time, depending on consumer
demand. The PLTGU load that changes every time will affect the gas turbine which is a constituent
component of gas and steam power plants [2].
Gas turbine is an internal combustion engine that utilizes air and gas as the fluid. Gas turbines that
experience variations in loading will affect the performance of each of its components such as the
compressor, combustion chamber and gas turbine [3]. When a load change occurs, the combustion air, fuel
supply, and exhaust gas that will be processed into the HRSG will also change[4].
Research conducted by Budiono,Lukman (2013) analysis of the efficiency of the gas turbine against
the operating load of PLTGU Muara Tawar Block 1. The results obtained for unit 1 are efficiency values
with variations in load of 90 MW, 100 MW, 110 MW, 125 MW, and 136 MW in gas turbines with Maximum
Capacity Rate or installed capacity of 145 MW. The resulting thermal efficiency values are 34.25%, 34.79%,
35.21%, 36.09% and 36.35%. In this study it is known that the greater the loading process, the greater the
efficiency. If the efficiency decreases as the load increases, the gas turbine components that are damaged and
fail must be maintained or even overhauled [5].
Research conducted by Muhammad Nafi Annur (2017) The Effect of Load Variation on Gas
Turbine Performance in PLTGU Block GT 1.3 PT. Indonesia Power Grati, Pasuruan. In this study it was
concluded that there was an increase in temperature from the start of the compressor discharge temperature to
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
the end of each process which determines the enthalpy for each load and affects the performance of each gas
turbine component [6].
PT Mitra Energi Batam's Panaran 1 gas and steam power plant (PLTGU) has 2 power units with a 2-
2-1 configuration, including MEB 1 and MEB 2 with a capacity of 82.1 MW. In the PLTGU MEB 1 unit, the
gas turbine operates at a fairly high temperature and works for a long time at variations in operating load.
Under these conditions, over time the performance of the gas turbine will decrease[7] . To monitor the
performance of the gas turbine, it is necessary to analyze the performance of the gas turbine related to the
factors of safety, efficiency and reliability as a determinant of maintenance and overhaul of gas turbines [8]
Research Methods
The data collection used for this study was obtained from several related sections, namely the CCR
(Central Control Room) PLTGU and the Engineering Team. In addition, data and information were obtained
from literature studies obtained from manual books, scientific journals [9]. The theory of gas turbine
performance calculations uses a thermodynamic formula that works with the Brayton cycle [10][11]. This
cycle is an ideal cycle for a simple gas turbine system with an open cycle. The ideal cycle is a cycle that is
built based on the following assumptions [12][13].
The data processing technique was carried out to find out the comparison of changes in the load
variations of the PLTGU MEB 1 gas turbine which describes the data processing as follows.
1. Process gas turbine performance data, such as temperature and pressure for each load variation. The
processed data will be used to determine the enthalpy in each work cycle of the gas turbine which is then
used to calculate the efficiency of the Panaran 1 Unit 1 PLTGU MEB 1 gas turbine.
2. The pressure data obtained will be processed to determine the pressure ratio which is specifically used to
determine the ideal gas turbine cycle work and is also used to assist actual calculations.
3. Process data related to load variations carried out on the compressor, combustion chamber and turbine
sides at Panaran 1 Unit 1 PLTGU MEB 1
4. Quantitative methods are used in calculating existing data and parameters at PLTGU MEB unit 1, then
using formulas related to gas turbine efficiency.
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
Performance Calculation of PLTGU Panaran 1 Unit 1 Gas Turbine PT Mitra Energi Batam with
different load variations
This sub-chapter will describe how to calculate the performance of the Panaran 1 Unit 1 gas turbine
PLTGU PT Mitra Energi Batam. The data used in the calculation example is PLTGU Panaran 1 Unit 1
operational data, in October 2022 at a load variation of 22.21 MW.
22210 𝐾𝑊 𝐾𝑔 𝑘𝐽 𝑘𝐽
– 1,505 (2226,950 – 1059,007 )
𝐴 0,9876 𝑠 𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔
( )= 𝐾𝑔 𝑘𝐽 𝑘𝐽 𝐾𝑔 𝑘𝐽 𝑘𝐽
𝐹 1,505 (2226,950 – 1059,007 ) – 1,505 (743,73 – 299,467 )
𝑠 𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔 𝑠 𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔
( ) = 19,034
After obtaining the results of the calculation of the Air Fuel Ratio, it is possible to find the air flow rate
with the following equation:
ṁ a = × ṁ f
ṁ a = 19,034 × 1,505 Kg/s
ṁ a = 28,646 Kg/s
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
From the calculations that have been obtained above, to find the efficiency value for each component with
the following equation:
Determine Compressor Efficiency Value (ηca)
h2’ − h1
ηca = × 100 % (10)
667,860 kJ/kg − 299,467 kJ/kg
ηca = × 100 %
743,730 kJ/kg − 299,467 kJ/kg
ηca = 82,92 %
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
In the calculation above, the calorific value entering the turbine (Qin) and thes value of the difference
between the work of the compressor and the work of the turbine (Ẇnett) have been obtained, so the thermal
efficiency at a load of 22.21 MW is obtained by the following equation:
η𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 = × 100 % (13)
22488,292 kJ/s
η𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 = × 100 %
66511,744 kJ/s
η𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 33,81 %
The results of property calculations at each point and performance calculations for different load
variations can be simplified in tabular form to make it easier to read the calculation results and compare.
Calculation of gas turbine properties and performance with different load variations can be seen in the
following table.
Table 2.a. Operational Data and Calculation of Properties for each Point on Load Variations
Tabel 2.b. Operational Data and Calculation of Properties for each Point on Load Variations
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
From table 3. is the result of calculating the performance of the gas turbine at various loads, showing net
work, air fuel ratio, mass flow rate of fuel, air flow rate, compressor work, and gas turbine work needed in
calculating thermal efficiency, compressor, combustion chamber , turbine, back work ratio, heat rate, work
out and work into the gas turbine at each load variation.
Table 4. Calculation of Average Performance for each Load Variation
Efisiensi (%)
Load Load Combution Qin (kJ/s)
Thermal Comp Turbin rate(kJ/kWh)
(MW) Chamber
22 MW 33,82 82,89 95,14 89,26 2,957 67,439,815
23MW 33,95 82,98 95,13 89,20 2,946 69,994,220
24 MW 24,7
34,25 83,08 95,31 89,15 2,919 72,356,381
25 MW 34,57 83,24 95,54 89,10 2,893 73,936,311
26 MW 35,06 83,16 95,65 89,06 2,853 75,760,886
27 MW 35,18 83,08 95,88 88,98 2,842 79,931,943
Table 4 shows the results of calculating the average gas turbine performance for each load variation
classified into 22 MW, 23 MW, 24 MW, 25 MW, 26 MW and 27 MW loads, with the aim of facilitating the
analysis and discussion of thermal efficiency, compressors, space fuel, turbine, heat rate, and work entering
the gas turbine.
Analysis and Discussion of Gas Turbine Performance Calculation of PLTGU Panaran 1 Unit 1 with
different Load Variations
The calculation of the average gas turbine performance in Panaran 1 Unit 1 can be seen in table 5. in the
previous sub-chapter. In this sub-chapter, you can see the difference in efficiency, heat rate, and heat input
for each variation of the generator load. If we present these differences in graphical form the results will be as
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
Efisiensi Thermal
35.06 %
35.00 35.18 %
34.50 34.25 %
34.57 %
Efisiensi (%)
33.82 %
33.95 %
22 MW 23 MW 24 MW 25 MW 26 MW 27 MW
Beban (MW)
83.10 83.08 %
83.08 %
Efisiensi (%)
83.00 82.98 %
82.89 %
22 MW 23 MW 24 MW 25 MW 26 MW 27 MW
Beban (MW)
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
95.54 %
95.60 95.65 %
95.31 %
Efisiensi (%)
95.20 95.14 %
95.13 %
22 MW 23 MW 24 MW 25 MW 26 MW 27 MW
Beban (MW)
89.30 89.26 %
89.15 %
89.15 89.20 %
89.06 %
Efisiensi (%)
89.05 89.10 %
88.95 88.98 %
22 MW 23 MW 24 MW 25 MW 26 MW 27 MW
Beban (MW)
Kalor Masuk
82000.000 79931.943 kJ/s
78000.000 75760.886 kJ/s
Kalor Masuk (kJ/s)
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 20xx, pp.965 - 974
ISSN 2407-0939 print/ISSN 2721-2041 online
In the chart above, heat input has increased which is influenced by the LHV (Low Heating Value) value
and Fuel Gas Mass Flow or the mass flow rate of fuel. In the input data, the LHV value is the same for each
load variation of 44193.85 kJ/kg and there is a change in the increase in Fuel Gas Mass Flow at each load of
1.505 kJ/s, 1.561, 1.659 kJ/s, 1.680, 1.684 and 1.815 kJ/ s and so on. Thus the value of Fuel Gas Mass Flow
affects the incoming calorific value, as shown in graphic 20. that the increase in average heat input has
increased at a load of 27 MW up to 79931.943 kJ/s.
Perbandingan Heat rate pada tiap Variasi Beban
Heat Rate
2.980 2.957 kJ/kWh
2.960 2.946 kJ/kWh
2.920 2.919 kJ/kWh
Heat Rate (kJ/kWh)
2.900 2.893 kJ/kWh
2.853 kJ/kWh
2.820 2.842 kJ/kWh
22 MW 23 MW 24 MW 25 MW 26 MW 27 MW
Beban (MW)
Based on the research process and calculated data, it can be concluded that the highest average
thermal efficiency at 27 MW load is 35.18% and the lowest efficiency at 22 MW load is 33.82%. While the
average efficiency of the compressor experienced the highest increase of 83.24% at 25 MW load. So that the
average efficiency of the gas turbine combustion chamber shows a tendency to increase with changes in each
load. The average efficiency of the turbine decreases with every increase in load.
The average heat rate measurement experienced the smallest decrease at a 27 MW load of 2.842
kJ/kWh, where the smaller the heat rate value obtained, the higher the thermal efficiency of the gas turbine
and vice versa the greater the heat rate value obtained, the value of efficiency gas turbine thermal will
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