Proposal For ICT Tools For EFL Classroom
Proposal For ICT Tools For EFL Classroom
Proposal For ICT Tools For EFL Classroom
A Seminar Paper
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This research consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction of the study, statement
of the problem, objectives of the study. Likewise, second chapter consists of review of related literature
i.e. theoretical, policy, empirical and implications of the review for the study of the seminar paper.
Similarly, third chapter deals with methodology adopted to carry out the research. It consists of research
design and method of Study along with analysis of method. In the same way, the fourth chapter
encompasses analysis and interpretation of the results. Similarly, the fifth chapter consists of the
findings, conclusion of the study and followed by references and appendices. ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) tools have become increasingly valuable in EFL (English as a
Foreign Language) classrooms. It identifies the student perception towards using ICT tool in EFL
classroom. The study was aimed to explore the perceptions of teachers towards using ICT tools in ELT
and problems and challenges faced by English teachers while using ICT tools in the classroom. The use of
ICTs helped teachers to make their classroom livelier and more interesting. ICTs made students active
learners in the classroom and it has increased their participation in different class work.
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools have become increasingly valuable in
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classrooms. They offer a variety of ways to engage learners,
cater to diverse learning styles, and create authentic language experiences. EFL tools is one of
the increasingly valuable in our classroom. It provides wide opportunities to teacher to use
modern and well facilitate equipment for teaching and learning process. It is easy and quick
communication with student and teacher. It encourages innovation and creative including active
participating of all student. It focusses on creation of new ideas and job to the student. It can include
variety of learner
Webster (2010) states that communication is a process by which information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. It means said communication play
vital role in learning and creating environment for effective teaching learning process. It erases gab
between student and teacher in class room activities. Even though teacher-student relation, it does not
show the space between them in indoor and outdoor activities. It provides common system to all
students that measure the indicators of student performance.
The research study was limited to the teachers' use of ICT Tools in ELT. The study was limited to the 5
teachers from 5 schools and 10 teachers from 5 schools. The population of this study will be all English
Lalitpur District, Kathmandu valley. The research study used questionnaires as the tools for collecting
primary data. The research study was based on survey research design. This study will focus on EFL
teachers and their effect use of ICT tools in classroom. This study will focus on teacher of EFL classroom
along with pedagogical, academic and innovation ideas and implication. The area will be concentrated
on English teacher on their professional skills and ideas for implication, specially, focusing on teacher
professional development and effective use of ICT tools in classroom.
The world of EFL teaching has been transformed by the influx of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) tools. From interactive presentations to immersive virtual experiences, these tools
offer a treasure trove of opportunities to engage learners, personalize learning, and create authentic
language experiences.
Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) as the name suggests, is the use of technologies in
service of learning. The implementation of technological resources is straightly related to the way
teachers perceive their use and functionality (Yunus, 2007).
English language learning and teaching methodologies undergone many changes over the last four
decades: moving from a traditional grammar-translation method to more student-centered methods
such as Total Physical Response, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Task-Based Learning (TBL)
which are more popular among language teachers (Richards &Rodgers, 2001). As the recent innovations,
Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MAAL), Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Technology
Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) and E-learning have been increasingly used in English language
classroom (Holmes & Gardner, 2016).
Teachers in the 21st century must have to integrate technologies to teach languages effectively in the
classroom. In technology integrated instruction, teachers and students make use of e-devices. E-devices
are those devices which accomplish their purpose electronically. ICT can be seen as empowering tools
which provide people with access to opportunities and choices for grammar exercises and activities.
Technology is a way in which people use the ideas of science to make their task easier, faster and
available (James, 2015, p.36).
Objective of the Problem
The research study will have the following objectives.
To identify the student perception towards using ICT tool in EFL classroom.
Policy Review
According to (Alkamel & Chouthaiwale, 2008) some of the ICT tools in English language teaching and
learning are as there are two types ICT tools, they are web based and non-web-based tools.
Information and communication technology in Nepal. Nepal has been starting the ICT to process census
data since 1992. Government of Nepal purchased the machine for further data processing in the Bureau
of statistics and established a separate organization called Electronic Data Processing Centre (EDPC) in
1995. After six years, the EDPC converted into National Computer Centre (NCC).
Email and internet service were introduced in 1994 and 1995 respectively. Nepal’s first information
technology (IT) policy was announced in (NPC, 2000). Recently the government of Nepal has formed a
new body, High level commission for information technology (HLCLT), which is playing the role of
facilitator between the private and public sector in the development of ICT in Nepal.
ICT Master Plan (2013-17) stated that, the Ministry of Education has endorsed the guidelines for the
implementation of ICT in school education in Nepal.
Similarly, IT policy (2067) stated that the expansion of the access of the internet to all schools also
helpful for promoting coordination, collaboration with national and international institution to develop
skilled human resources for continuous, relevant and quality education formulation and implementation
of IT programs focusing on teachers, students and schools to develop competent human resources.
The SSRP has envisioned implementing and expanding the ICT assisted teaching and learning process in
all schools. The SSRP further argues that ICTs in education are an innovative and effective teaching and
learning tool. ICTs do not only help the urban area students; they also help to remote area students
through digital devices.
ICT based English language teaching and learning. English language teaching and learning methodologies
has been changes over the last few decades, 11 moving from a traditional grammar translation method
to move student centered methods such as Total Physical Response, Communicative Language Teaching
(CAL) and Task –Based Learning (TBL) which are more popular among language teacher (Richards and
Rodger , 2001 ).As the recent innovations, Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), Computer
Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) and E-learning have
been increasingly used in English language classroom (Holmes & Gardner, 2016).
Khanal, (2008) conducted research on "Attitudes of higher secondary teachers towards the use of
computers and internet."
Hennessy, Harrison and Wamakote (2010) in their article entitled “Teacher Factors Influencing
Classroom use of ICT in sub-sharan Africa” synthesized the research literature on teachers’ use of
information and communication technology in primary and secondary school in sub-sharan Africa, with
a particular emphasize on improving the quality of subject teaching and learning.
Ibrahim (2010), in his article entitled “Information and Communication Technology in ELT” opines that
information communication technology should be exploited effectively to shift from teacher centered
approach to the student-centered approach in teaching or learning English.
Bhandari (2012) studied “Use of Cassette and CDs in Teaching Spelling and Pronunciation." The objective
of the study was to find out whether teachers use teaching materials to teach spelling and
pronunciation or not and find out the practicalities of the use of spelling and pronunciation materials at
the lower secondary level.
Similarly, Shrestha (2012) carried out a study on “Use of ICT resources for English language Teachers
personal Development” The main objectives of this study were to find out the usefulness of online
resources for lectures of English in their Professional Development and to identify the percentage of
lectures of English they make use of online resources via internet through various synchronous and
asynchronous tools. He selected fifty-four lectures from nine colleges of their districts Kathmandu,
Bhaktapur and Lalitpur.
Likewise, Yadav (2016) studied entitled “Beliefs of English teachers in using multimedia in their classes”
The main objectives of the study was to find out the students’ perception on use of online sources in
term of Website, G-mail, E-book, Blogs, Facebook and find out the usefulness of online resources for
students’ academic development.
Ghavifekr, Kunjappan, Ramasamy & Annreetha (2016) conducted research on "Teaching and Learning
with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers Perceptions". This study aimed to analyze teachers'
perceptions of the challenges faced using ICT tools in classrooms.
Thanet (2017) conducted research on "Students' Perception on the Use of Internet as a Learning Source"
to find out the perceptions of students towards the use of the internet as a learning source by using
survey design.
Nepal (2018) conducted research on "Use of ICT in English Language Teaching at Secondary Level" to
assess the role of ICT in English language learning and to explore the teachers’ use of ICT in English
language teaching.
Rokaya (2018) conducted research on "Information and Communication Technology in English Language
Learning” to explore the use of ICT in Bachelor level 1st year students. He selected forty students of
Kathmandu valley as a sample for this study following non-probability sampling procedure. This study
found that students are positive towards the use of ICT in English language learning and they are using
ICT for developing their English.
Implication of the Review of the Study
Reviewing the related literature is the central and most task for research in any research. It assists to
bring clarity and focus on research problem, improve methodology and contextualize the findings. It
provides insights about objectives, research question and methodology procedures and other important
aspects of research. Kumar (2000, p20) states that “reviewing literature can be time consuming,
daunting frustrating but it is also rewarding”.
In literature review, the central focus is to examine and evaluate what has been done before on a topic
and establish the relevance of the information to our own research. By the review of theoretical and
empirical literature. I got the significant ideas, information and guideline about Use of ICT in classroom
by EFL Teacher. I found some of the related works in Department of English Education. I went through
those works and got some ideas about in which factors does impact of EFL Teacher in implicating
practice of ICT tools in front of that particular student.
This review of the study may obtain from the variety of the sources including books, journals and
articles. This entire source helps to bring the clarity of my research work. I have got lots of ideas from
the research studies conducted by different researchers. Those researches and their findings really help
to be more curious about Use of ICT Tools in Classroom by EFL Teacher. So, the review of this works
supports me to build the general and specific concept of my study. After reviewing these research
works, I developed a deeper understanding in the matters of effect use of ICT tools in EFL classroom and
experience teacher, setting its background, types of ICT tools used by EFL teacher so on. In addition, I
got an idea as to how a narrative research is designed.
To be more specific, in this study I received altogether five researchers which are related in the field of
Use of ICT tool in classroom by EFL Teacher. I hope research will help to carry out some pedagogical
implications for the special who are new appointment in their teaching profession.
Chapter: 3
Analysis of Method
In this section I have presented the teachers’ response on the use of ICT for language learning. In this
section I included 4 closed- ended questions to find out the perception of teachers on the use of ICT for
language learning. It provides access to a wide range of up-to-date learning materials, provides a
platform that engages students, enhances learning through interaction, collaboration. Teachers can
have different views regarding the benefit of ICT in the 28-language learning process. In this concern,
the research aimed to find out the benefits of using ICT tools in ELT.
Chapter: 4
Analysis and Interpretation of Results
This chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the collected form narrative. The data collected
from narrative will be coded and presented under the two broad themes. The necessary sub- themes
will be developed and data will be analyzed on the basis of my research question.
In this chapter the collected data were analyzed and interpreted in terms of Teachers’ perception on the
use of ICT tools in ELT. The data were collected using questionnaires consisting of both close-ended and
open-ended questions. The data were presented descriptively and through tabulation. On the basis of
collected data, the results were derived in terms of use of ICT tools in EFL classroom by teacher. The
questions were constructed on the basis of the objectives of the study.
Information and communication technology have been used in almost all fields of life, including in
education. It is a necessary part of language learning. It plays a vital role in language learning. ICT
encourages independent and active learning, and students’ responsibility for their own learning. It
proves that students who used educational technology felt more successful in school. They are more
motivated to learn more and have increased self- confidence and self-esteem. It is also important that
the use of ICT is introduced and supported in a sustainable way and in a range of pedagogical
approaches that promote lifelong learning. When they use technologies, It Provides learners with a lot
of opportunities to practice English and involve themselves in authentic environments of use, promote
interaction and communication, and enhance digital literacy skills.
It helps to reduce the dependency on printing materials. ICT provides immediate feedback and access to
a variety of learning sources, increases independence, 26 helps to develop knowledge and skills,
increases independence, self-confidence, helps to develop knowledge and skills, builds confidence and
brings change in teaching learning process. In this section I have presented the teachers’ response on
the use of ICT for language learning. In this section I included 4 closed- ended questions to find out the
perception of teachers on the use of ICT for language learning. The items with their respective are
presented in the table below:
Table 1
Use of ICT Tools for language learning
SN Activities Responses
The first item was asked to respond whether ICT tools facilitate language learning or not. The table
shows that the 37.5% students strongly agreed, 25% agreed, 12.5% 27 strongly disagreed, 20 %
disagreed and 5% were unsure with the statements. It showed that the majority of teachers believe that
using ICT tools facilitates learning language. Similarly, the second item was asked to respond to whether
all sorts of language skills can be developed by using ICT tools in the classroom or not. The data
presented in the table shows that 45% teachers strongly agreed, 30% agreed, 20% strongly disagreed,
5% disagreed and no one unsure with the statement that all sorts of language skills can be developed by
using ICT tools in the classroom. This data shows the majority of them responded that ICT tools
contributes to learning all sorts of language skills.
Likewise, the third item was asked to find out to what extent they agree with the statement that using
ICT tools reduces the dependency on printing materials. The data presented in the table shows that 50%
respondents strongly agreed, 25% agreed, 12.5% strongly disagreed, 7.5% disagreed and 5% were
unsure. It shows that the majority of the teachers responded that using ICT tools reduces the
dependency on printing materials. Furthermore, the fourth item was asked to respond to whether use
of ICT tools helps to prepare classroom presentations or not. The data presented in table 1 shows that
30% teachers strongly agreed, 50% agreed, 20% strongly disagreed and no one disagreed with the
statements that use of ICT tools helps to prepare classroom presentations. This data shows that the
majority of teachers believed that using ICT tools helps to prepare classroom presentations.
To sum up, it is found that teachers have positive beliefs on the use of ICT tools for English language
learning. They believe language learning is facilitated by using ICT. ICT tools also helps to develop all
sorts of language skills by providing varieties of materials.
Benefits of ICT
Information and Communication Technology in education is an essential part of a modern study. ICT
plays a vital role in the English language learning and teaching process. It helps in several ways. Like
reading, writing and sharing their thoughts and ideas with the world via social media and creating
assignments and presentations easily by using computers. It provides access to a wide range of up-to-
date learning materials, provides a platform that engages students, enhances learning through
interaction, collaboration. Teachers can have different views regarding the benefit of ICT in the 28-
language learning process. In this concern, the research aimed to find out the benefits of using ICT tools
in ELT. Three close-ended Questions were asked to find out their beliefs on the benefits of using ICT. The
Questions with their respective percentage are presented in the table below.
Table 2
Benefits of ICT
SN Activities Response
Students easily 4 10 10 25 20 50 4 10 2 5
understand the subject
when they are taught with
ICT Tools
Using ICT Tool in the 2 5 12 30 6 15 20 50 0 0
classroom is frustrating.
The above table shows teachers' beliefs on the benefits of ICT in English language learning. The first item
was asked to respond if use of ICT tools motivates the students in learning or not. It shows that the 15%
teachers strongly agreed, 50% agreed, strongly disagreed 25% and 10 % disagreed with the statements.
It shows that the majority of teachers believe that use of ICT tools motivates the students in learning, so
we can say that ICT tools plays a vital role in learning language.
Similarly, the second item was asked to respond whether Students easily understand the subject when
they are taught with ICT or not. The data presented in table shows that 10% students strongly agreed,
25% agreed, 50% strongly disagreed, 10% disagreed and 5% unsure with the statement that ICT tools
helps students easily understand the subject when 29 they are taught with ICT. Similarly, the third item
was asked to respond if using ICT tools in the classroom is frustrating or not. The data presented in the
table shows that 5% of teachers strongly agreed, 30% agreed, 15% strongly disagreed, 50% disagreed
and no one was unsure with the statements that using ICT tools in the classroom is frustrating. This data
showed that the majority of teachers believed that using ICT tools in the classroom is not frustrating,
rather it helps to motivate students in teaching learning activities.
ICT is a powerful resource and plays a key role in learning. ICT is a central tool that supports teaching
and learning at all stages of education and across all areas of the curriculum. It can help to improve
achievement levels, inspire creative thinking and encourage the development of skills that will prove
invaluable in the real teaching learning process. It exercises collaboration and interaction amongst peers
and also between students and teachers. ICT resources not only provide the tools for promoting and
developing language skills but also encourages them to engage confidently in imaginative learning and
makes teaching and learning more effective and fun for everyone involved. ICT enables self-paced
learning through various tools such as assignment, computer as a result of this the teaching learning
enterprise has become more productive and meaningful. It helps to facilitate the transaction between
producers and users by keeping the students updated and enhancing teacher’s capacity and ability
fostering a live contact between the teacher and the student through e-mail, chalk session, e-learning,
web-based learning including internet, intranet, extranet, CD-ROM, TV audio-videotape.
Technology has become very powerful media for interactive participation of experts and learners and it
reaches the unreachable. Emerging learning Technology of bogging, Integrated Learning Modules, a
podcast, Wikis, Enhancement of Browsers, e-learning, M-learning, U-learning have started making rapid
strides in teaching learning processes. ICT represents one of the current applications of technology
towards teaching- learning processes. 34 In this section I have presented the teachers' responses about
how ICT can generate, restore and retrieve different learning materials, and how we can get a lot of
knowledge related to subject matter from ICT sources. In this section I have included 3 close ended
questions. The items with their respective percentage are presented in the table below:
Table 3
ICT Sources of Learning Materials
SN Activities Responses
The above table shows teachers' perceptions on ICT sources of learning materials. The first item was
asked to respond whether ICT tools helps to generate, restore and retrieve different learning materials
or not. The data presented in the table shows that 35% teachers strongly agreed, 25% agreed, 20%
strongly disagreed, 15 % disagreed and 5% were unsure with the statements. It shows that the majority
of teachers believe ICT tools helps to generate, restore and retrieve different learning materials.
Similarly, the second item was asked to respond whether we can get a lot of knowledge of related
subject matter or not. The data presented in table shows that 10% teachers 35 strongly agreed, 40%
agreed, 10% strongly disagreed, 20% disagreed and 20% were unsure with the statement. It shows that
the majority of teachers believed that they can get a lot of knowledge of related subject matter from ICT
sources. Likewise, the third item was asked to respond whether students enjoy learning with the ICT or
not. The data presented in the table shows that 50% teachers strongly agreed, 25% agreed, 25% strongly
disagreed, no one disagreed and was unsure with the statement. It shows that the majority of teachers
believed students enjoy learning with ICT.
Problems and Challenges Faced by English Teachers While Using ICT Tools in the Classroom
In this digital era ICT use in the classroom is important for giving teachers opportunities to teach and
apply four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). The use of ICT in the classroom is very
important in providing opportunities for students to learn to operate in an information age. Studying the
obstacles to the use of ICT in educational institutions may assist educators to overcome these barriers
and become successful technology adopters in the future. Regarding the question. "What are the
problems and challenges faced by English teachers using ICT tools in the classroom?" One of the
teachers said, "I think the major problem and challenge for using ICT faced in ELT classroom are lack of
motivation from both teachers and student side to use ICT, lack of proper training skills, lack of expert
technical staff, poor administrative support, poor course curriculum and lack of ICT based resources are
the major problem and challenge for using ICT in the classroom teaching and learning. Similarly, another
teacher said: "Lack of access, genuine software low speed of internet of ICT resources and unavailability
of latest ICT equipment are the major problems for technology integration in the classroom" The above
response of teachers interprets that problem and challenges faced by English teachers using ICT tools in
the classroom. Lack of proper training skills, poor administrative support and lack of ICT based resources
are the major problems and challenges of using technology in the classroom. One of the main challenges
of using ICT in education is the lack of planning ICT activities for teachers that can develop their ICT
capabilities. This is sometimes associated with a teacher's lack of confidence, competence and skills.
Lack of Sufficient Teacher Training in ICT
To implement ICT in teaching, training for teachers is the major component. Without a trained teacher
in ICT all the government's initiatives have not been effective. ICT related training helps to build the
capacity of the teachers to implement ICT in the ELT process. It means lack of training to implement
technology is one of the major challenges which was narrated by the respondents. All the respondents
told that they had never been trained and some of them mentioned that they did not use ICT in their
daily lessons due to lack of training.
Lack of Infrastructure
Most of the respondents mentioned lack of infrastructure is one of the issues, which prevent teachers
from using ICT in teaching. Development of Infrastructures is one of the basic pillars and the
fundamental requirements to promote ICT in education. ICT infrastructure mainly includes ICT
equipment, internet connectivity, multimedia classroom, virtual data center and educational resource
sharing platform. (ICT Master Plan 2013, p.13). Many public schools are suffering to integrate ICT in
teaching due to lack of infrastructures or lack of resources. Resources refer to physical resources and
human resources. Some schools have computers even though they cannot integrate because of the less
or no human resources to use those equipment's. Many teachers are illiterate in technology. Most of
the respondents narrated that lack of infrastructure was one of major barriers towards effective
implementation of ICT. All the barriers are equally responsible to discourage us from implementing ICT
in ELT. Some challenges like Lack of Internet access, lack of sufficient ICT tools like computers, laptops,
Printer, lack of financial support for the school administration and lack of human resources.
Motivation is internal derive which helps to develop self-confidence and achieve their goals. Personal
motivation and administrative motivation is very essential to implement ICT in the ELT process. Due to
lack of motivation, unskilled human resources and competent human resources both feel frustrated.
Unskilled people are frustrated because they cannot get any chance to learn something new and
competent people are frustrated because they cannot get any opportunity to practice what they have
even though some people are really role models, who are always self-motivated and optimistic. One of
the respondents narrated "I did not get any formal training from the government to implement it in the
classroom even though I frequently use it in my teaching. I feel it is only possible through my own
motivation…." The respondent experienced that motivation can change everything by creating different
constructive ways to learn and gain something. The same respondent articulated that she 46 committed
herself to learn to type for own purpose and later thought of working for economical purposes.
Therefore, she bought a computer, printer and connected internet but still she was unknown about the
internet, she did not have any idea how to use it. She had asked one of her friends about ways to use
the internet. After all, she gradually learnt most basic ideas related to computers. It means no one learns
before his or her birth but experience, our activities and environment help to learn it.
Summary of Findings
On the basis of the analysis of data and interpretation of results, the findings of the study were derived.
The study was aimed to explore the perceptions of teachers towards using ICT tools in ELT and problems
and challenges faced by English teachers while using ICT tools in the classroom. The following findings
about the perceptions of teachers' towards using ICT tools and challenges faced by English teachers
while using ICT tools in the classroom have been outlined.
It was found that teachers have positive beliefs on use of ICT for English language learning. They
believed language learning is facilitated by using ICT and students are engaged in lessons which helps
students with their learning.
Benefits of ICT
ICT tools help to motivate students teaching learning activities. The use of ICTs helped teachers to make
their classroom livelier and more interesting. In the same way, ICTs made students active learners in the
classroom and it has increased their participation in different class work.
It was found that the use of ICTs helped to foster students' learning by providing them with a variety of
learning materials. ICTs increase students' participation in English language teaching and learning.
ICTs make students active and engage in lessons which help students with their learning. ICT can help to
evaluate their learning.
ICT Sources of Learning Materials
ICTs helped to foster students' learning by providing them with a variety of learning materials. Students
enjoy learning with the ICT learning materials.
It is found that ICT tools improve achievement levels, inspire creative thinking and encourage students
to become self-learners to have access to the authentic and verities of learning materials. ICT tools to
make learning sustainable and reliable.
The Internet helps students to expand their knowledge in the related field. In the same way it motivates
students towards learning. It plays a positive role in students' learning.
The use of ICT enhances the students to be more active and engaging in the lesson. ICT makes learning
more effective in the classroom. Similarly, it helps students to learn more effectively as well as it helps
students to get related knowledge and information for learning.
Teachers should encourage students to use ICTs for their self-learning. Similarly, students should select
the materials from the internet by analyzing his/her level. ICTs should be used only as a supportive tool
to read.
Chapter: 5
In this chapter, I will present the conclusion of the study and the recommendation of the study on the
basis of presentation, analysis and interpretation of collected data and explored findings.
The analysis and interpretations of the data obtained from the respondents have led the researcher to
reach some conclusions. The design of this study was mixed because I followed both approaches;
quantitative and qualitative in general and survey design in particular. The aim of the study was to
explore the perceptions of teachers' towards using ICT tools in ELT and problems and challenges faced
by English teachers while using ICT tools in the classroom. The study investigated the real situation that
ICTs play a positive and important role in teaching language learning and educational achievement.
Similarly, it revealed that sometimes, according to the demand of the topic, teachers use ICT in the
classroom. Teachers can get knowledge through different medium but ICTs are the best mediums for
them to get teaching learning materials easily which helps them to expand their pedagogical knowledge.
Almost all the teachers showed strong positive attitudes towards the role and use of ICT for English
language learning. Similarly, they anticipated that ICTs should be used more frequently and
appropriately in English teaching and learning. ICTs are making major differences in the teaching
approaches and the ways students are learning. It helps to create a learning environment more
appropriate which makes students more active, collaborative, creative, integrative, and evaluative
In other words, the use of ICTs helped teachers to make their classroom livelier and more interesting.
ICTs made students active learners in the classroom and it has increased their participation in different
class work. Using ICT to support English language learners pose challenges for teachers of how to exploit
new and emerging such technologies. We as language teachers should consider new strategies in
teaching but ICT without correct 53 strategies cannot help us in the classroom. So, training regarding use
of ICT should be provided by the government and school administration.
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