Berg 2017
Berg 2017
Berg 2017
The microbiome of plants plays a crucial role in both plant and ecosystem health. Rapid
advances in multi-omics tools are dramatically increasing access to the plant microbiome and
consequently to the identification of its links with diseases and to the control of those
diseases. Recent insights reveal a close, often symbiotic relationship between microorganisms
and plants. Microorganisms can stimulate germination and plant growth, prevent diseases, and
promote stress resistance and general fitness. Plants and their associated microorganisms form
a holo-biont and have to be considered as co-evolved species assemblages consisting of
bacterial, archaeal, and diverse eukaryotic species. The beneficial interplay of the host and its
microbiome is responsible for maintaining the health of the holo-biont, while diseases are
often correlated with microbial dysbioses. Microbial diversity was identified as a key factor in
preventing diseases and can be implemented as a biomarker in plant protection strategies.
Targeted and predictive biocontrol approaches are possible by developing microbiome-based
solutions. Moreover, combined breeding and biocontrol strategies maintaining diversity and
ecosystem health are required. The analysis of plant microbiome data has brought about a
paradigm shift in our understanding of its role in health and disease and has substantial
consequences for biocontrol and health issues.
Key words
Plant-associated diversity, plant microbiome, plant pathogens, biocontrol, plant protection,
The plant microbiome has been known to be one of the key determinants of plant health and
productivity for more than a century. Lorenz Hiltner began intensive research on this topic as
early as 1901 (Hartmann et al., 2008). Important discoveries relating to plant-associated
microorganisms followed, for example the rhizosphere effect and the importance of
rhizosphere microorganisms in the protection of roots against soil-borne pathogens was
discovered (Cook et al., 1995; Weller et al., 2002) as well as the communication of
microorganisms with their plant host (Ryu et al., 2003; Hartmann & Schikora, 2012). Despite
a taxonomic and functional overlap within the plant microbiota (Bai et al., 2015), distinct
microbiomes were identified for each organ (Vorholt, 2012; Philippot et al., 2013; Hardoim et
al., 2015) and plant species (Berg & Smalla, 2009). The enrichment of microorganisms by the
plant root is not a random, but rather a targeted process. The current model shows the
involvement of seed- and soil-borne microorganisms (Adam et al., 2016a; Johnston-Monje et
al., 2016) and the attraction of microbes to roots by nutrients such as carbohydrates and
amino acids in combination with plant-specific secondary metabolites (Moe, 2013; Weston &
Mathesius, 2013). Differences in plant root exudates play an important role in the functioning
of both chemo-attractants and repellents (Badri & Vivanco, 2009). Plant defense signaling
plays an additional role in these processes (Doornbos et al., 2012). Although the structure of
plant microbiomes is well-studied, there are many knowledge gaps due to the plant species-
specific component and because most of the studies were performed on crops and model
plants like Arabidopsis (Bulgarelli et al., 2012). The gaps are especially related to plants in
natural ecosystems and their relationship to plant health.
Multi-omics technologies allow much deeper insights into the structure of plant-
associated microbial communities, which support and often extend the current body of
knowledge (Berg et al., 2016; Jansson & Baker, 2016). In addition, the tools revealed new
functions of the plant microbiome and interactions within the ecosystem. Altogether the plant
microbiota has profound effects on soil, plant, and agro-ecosystem health (Sessitsch & Mitter,
2015). Moreover, the One Health and EcoHealth concepts, which emphasize a holistic and
interdisciplinary understanding of health, needs plant health involvement and strategies,
which are just in the beginning stages of investigation (Zinsstag et al., 2011). This overview
of the state-of-the-art in current literature in addition to own research insights shows that the
analysis of plant microbiome data has brought about a paradigm shift in our understanding of
its role in health and disease and has substantial consequences for biocontrol and beyond.
Novel insights into plant microbiomes
in many plant species (Adam et al., 2016a; Johnston-Monje et al., 2016; Klaedtke et al.,
2016). There are still only a few plant species being analyzed but it seems that seeds transfer a
core microbiome to the new plantlets similar to all other organisms including mosses (Bragina
et al., 2012) and humans (Blaser, 2014). However, in textbooks and international trade rules
there is evidence that the use of pathogen-free seeds is very important in the production of
healthy crops. A large amount of physical and chemical treatments have been developed to
obtain pathogen-free seeds. These measures can also lead to the general reduction of
microbial diversity and could potentially cause diseases in seedlings due to fact that beneficial
microorganisms supporting germination and growth were also killed. Therefore, we
recommend the evaluation of existing methods by omics technologies. We also believe that a
combination with biologicals (biopesticides, biostimulants, biofertilizers) can improve the
effects of common seed disinfection techniques as suggested by Adam et al. (2016b).
found in a study by Schmid et al. (2011). Aureobasidium pullulans, a copper-detoxifying
fungus and biocontrol agent, played a key role in explaining these differences.
an alteration in defense pathways or as an improvement of plant vigor (e.g. via the production
of hormones). On the one hand we know that microorganisms can support the pathogens
(Erlacher et al., 2014). These are often members of the Enterobacteriacea family, known for
their degrading capacity of plant tissues. Both responder groups, those who support and
antagonize the pathogen, have to be considered as interesting targets for biocontrol
approaches in the development of plant protection methods.
Interestingly, soil microbiota was identified as causal agent of suppressive soils.
Historically, crop rotation is one of the oldest plant protection methods as cited in biblical
teachings. In recent decades, crop rotations became shorter and in the US there is a long
tradition of monocultures. There is no doubt that crop rotation is a highly efficient method of
controlling many diseases and this can be explained by the great extent of specificity of the
plant microbiome, which enhances the overall microbial diversity in soil. A multitude of
pathogens existing as normal members of these communities have a low outbreak potential. In
monocultures, an increase of pathogen density resulted in severe disease followed by an
increase of antagonistic microorganisms which in a best case scenario cause suppressiveness
(Mazzola, 2004). This phenomenon was intensively studied in wheat monocultures in the
Pacific Northwest (Weller et al., 2002) and was recently defined as soil immune response to
pathogens (Raaijmakers & Mazzola, 2016).
There are important future perspectives for linking plant microbiome and diseases by
monitoring. Microbiome-wide association studies in human medicine revealed complex
interactions among the microbiome and the environment as first keys for developing precision
diagnostics and therapies that are based on the microbiome (Gilbert et al., 2016). This can be
endorsed as a worthy objective not only for the promotion of plant health but also for the
promotion of soil health, which are closely connected.
Most of the potential biocontrol agents were screened by in vitro antagonisms against
the pathogen. Despite of the fact that many of these screenings yielded in successful
biocontrol agents, there is a long and intense debate about this screening assay. One reason is
that many of the efficient plant growth promoting and biocontrol organisms in vivo show no
or only modest in vitro antagonisms (Adesina et al., 2009; Schreiter et al., 2014a). High
throughput ad planta assays were developed, but they also showed disadvantages because of
their artificial character. For example, treatment of oilseed rape seeds with Paenibacillus
showed a negative effect on the plant growth under gnotobiotic conditions, no effect in sterile
soil, but plant growth promotion in natural soil (Rybakova et al., 2016a). Thus, testing of the
potential plant growth promoting and biocontrol strains needs to be done in soils and the
effects of plant species and soil types need to be tested. Schreiter et al. (2014b) could show
that similar genera, among them Pseudomonas, were enriched in the rhizosphere of lettuce
grown under field conditions in three different soil types. This finding might explain that the
soil types did neither influence the rhizo-competence nor the biocontrol activity. Recently,
microbiome shifts were discussed as potential novel mechanisms for biocontrol (Schmid et
al., 2011; Grosch et al., 2012; Erlacher et al., 2014; Schreiter et al., 2014a). The potential
mechanisms of microbiome shifts are not well-studied but it is assumed that they might
include several direct interactions with plant pathogens as well as indirect interactions via the
plant by stimulation of the plant immune system (Berg, 2009; Lugtenberg & Kamilova,
2009). Bacillus amyloliquiefaciens FZB42, which is a commercialized and efficient plant
strengthener is able to enhance overall microbial diversity (Erlacher et al., 2014). Targeting
enhanced diversity as biomarker for screening methods, will be an interesting objective.
The development and application of biological control products is an increasingly
attractive objective world-wide. While single organisms were mainly used in the past, often
correlated with inconsistent effects, it is now possible to develop microbiome-based
biocontrol strategies (Berg et al., 2013). Emmert & Handelsman (1999) recommended Gram-
positive bacteria as a good potential candidate for biocontrol applications. And indeed,
looking on the registered products and those which are in the pipeline, most of the products
are based on Bacillus (e.g. EU pesticides database). There are mainly technological reasons
for the prevalent use of Bacillus as a base product: in comparison to Gram-negative bacteria,
bacilli are able to develop spores to survive unfavorable conditions. These spores are easy to
formulate and have a high shelf life. When we examined the plant-associated microorganisms
which comprise thousands of bacterial species, we came to the realization that only a small
proportion of their taxonomic diversity is currently being exploited for biocontrol purposes.
Moreover, Firmicutes (e.g. Bacillus) normally presents a small proportion of the plant
microbiome; Janssen (2006) reported them as being contributors to a mean of only 2% (range
0-8%) in the total bacterial soil community. Exceptions were published by Köberl et al.
(2011) who found up to 37% of Firmicutes (Bacillus and Paenibacillus) in soils of arid
environments. There is still an ongoing debate regarding the mode of action of Bacillus on
plants as well as towards plant pathogens, and although induced resistance and plant growth
hormones are reported to be involved in plant-microbe interaction, it is clear that all Bacillus
and Paenibacillus strains are able to produce a long list of bioactive substances and antibiotics
(Cawoy et al., 2015; Rybakova et al., 2016b). Due to the fact that Bacillus and Paenibacillus
strains and spores are highly persistent in the environment, a reduction of plant-associated
microbial diversity may be an outcome. Therefore, we would again like to emphasize our
demand for more diversity amongst and within biocontrol products. New cultivation strategies
should be developed and applied to exploit the entire antagonistic diversity associated with
plants (Zachow et al., 2013).
Antibiotic resistances are spreading globally, threatening our ability to treat common
infectious diseases, resulting in prolonged illness, disability, and death. Unfortunately,
agricultural practices such as the use of antibiotics in the livestock industry lead to increased
levels of resistance (Ferber, 2002; Jechalke et al., 2014). The spreading of manure can
transfer resistances into plant production systems; due to their bioactive secondary
metabolites plants often enriched resistant bacteria in their rhizosphere (Berg et al., 2005).
Although antibiotic resistance is ancient and widespread in environmental bacteria, risk
assessment studies to minimize the emergence and impact of resistance for the whole cycles
are needed. Although many biocontrol agents showed a low persistence on plants and in soil
(Scherwinski et al., 2008), the massive application of spore-forming bacteria could change
this picture. Moreover, as most soil bacteria, bacterial antagonists in general, and
Paenibacillus in particular, contain not only antibiotic production genes but show also high
numbers of antibiotic resistance genes resulting from their ecological background and their
antagonistic function within the microbiome. The potential mobilization of these resistance
genes via different routes of horizontal gene transfer needs further investigation.
microbiome (Erlacher et al., 2014), but also by the application of microbial consortia. In this
context, crop-specific biological consortia can be taken together from a pool of selected
biocontrol agents. Unfortunately, the application of several microbial strains for biocontrol
reasons is currently limited in the European Union by the necessity of registering each of the
strains, which is a very long and expensive process.
David et al. (2014) showed that food-borne microbes from diet are able to survive and
transiently colonized the gut. The plant-associated microbial diversity can be transferred to
the gut microbiome because fruits and vegetables are the major component of a healthy diet.
However, outbreaks are due to alterations of the gut microbial diversity and are associated
with chronic disease, e.g. allergies, obesity, mental diseases (Gilbert et al., 2016). Increasing
chronic diseases in children can be explained by the “missing microbe theory” published by
Blaser (2014). Microbial diversity is already established as a key factor in preventing human
diseases and should be implemented in plant protection measures.
Concluding remarks
Continued advances in phytopathology and microbial ecology are needed to improve disease
control, and to keep pace with changes in disease pressure caused by the ongoing evolution
and movement of plant pathogens and changes in agricultural practices. In order to effectively
address this issue, all crop plants have to be recognized as holo-bionts. Plant-associated
microbial diversity is a crucial factor for plant health. Although the task remains for us to
clarify the question of what specifically constitutes a healthy microbiome, microbial diversity
can be used as a biomarker for healthy plant microbiomes, e.g. in breeding and biocontrol
strategies. Targeted and predictive biocontrol approaches are possible by taking a holistic
approach and integrating microbiome-based solutions. Moreover, combined breeding and
biocontrol strategies maintaining diversity and ecosystem health are required. These systemic
approaches are required in order to avoid further losses of our biodiversity and to ensure
sustainable agricultural practices.
This work was supported by the EU-Egypt Innovation Fund [RDI ENPI/2014/342-707] and
by the European Union in frame of FP7-KBBE-2013-7-single-stage [BIOCOMES; No.
612713]. The cooperation of G.B. was funded by a project in the Austrian Centre of Industrial
Biotechnology, which has been supported by the Austrian BMWFW, BMVIT, SFG,
Standortagentur Tirol and ZIT through the Austrian FFG-COMET-Funding Program. M.K.
acknowledges support by the Austrian Science Fund FWF [J 3638, T 847].
We would like to thank Timothy Mark (Graz) and Elisabeth Jungkurth (Braunschweig) for
English revision.
Conflict of interest. None declared.
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Fig. 1. The interplay between the plant and its microbiome in health and disease. Healthy
plants are associated with their microorganisms by metabolic co-operation and exchange of
signals, hormons and nutrients. Diseases are characterized by a microbial dysbioses and a
response of specific microbes, which can act as antagonists or synergists towards pathogens.
Fig. 2. The relationship between plant habitats and its interconnection with the