Elta CC 14 2022
Elta CC 14 2022
Elta CC 14 2022
Paper: CC-14
Full Marks : 50
Answer question no. 1 and any four questions from the rest.
() double i) half
) 4 times (i)
(ii) doubled (iv) unchanged.
)stimulated emission
i) population inversion
11) amplification of a particular frequency emitted by the system
(iv) All of the above.
Which of the following laws can be explained by Huygen's principle?
) Diffraction Gi) Reflection
ii) Refraction (iv All of these.
tThe ditference of refractive index of core and cladding is very small. The acceptance angle of
optical fibre is
)large i) medium
ii) small (iv) zero.
1) The reverse current of a photo diode is modulated by
A width of certain interference pattern is bandwidth (B) =0.002 cm. What is the distance of sth
(c) a
dark fringe from center?
(3) X(6th Sm.)-Electronics-HCC-14/CBCS
4. (a) Write down the differences between
Fresnel's and Fraunhoffer's diffraction.
(6) What is a Diffraction Grating? What are the advantages of
using a Diffraction Grating over prismE
(c) What is the resolving power of an
optical instrument? 3+(2+2)+3
5. (a) Differentiate between spontaneous emission and
stimulated emission.
6) Explain the working principle of a basic two-level
Laser system with suitable diagram.
(c) What is the threshold condition for Laser
Oscillation? 3+5+2
6. (a) What the
advantages and disadvantages of LCD over LED?
(b) Write the advantages of photo transistor and p-i-n
photo diode.
(c) Which materials are used in manufacturing of LEDs?
(d) What are the internal and external quantum efficiencies of LED?
7. Write short notes on.the following:
(a) Bolometer
(b) Photo transistor
(c) Photomultiplier tube. 3+3+4
8. (a) Derive the expression of numerical aperture of optical fibre.
(b) In a step index fibre, core index n = 1.45 and cladding index n, = 1.41. Find numerical aperture and