Microprocessor Assignment
Microprocessor Assignment
Microprocessor Assignment
2. Interrupt is the method of creating the temporary halt during program execution
and allows the peripheral device to access the microprocessor.
4. It decreases the waiting time of CPU. Stops the wastage of instruction cycle.
5. The 8086 has two hardware interrupt pins, i.e. NMI and INTR. NMI is a non-
maskable interrupt and INTR is a maskable interrupt having lower priority. One more
interrupt pin associated is INTA called interrupt acknowledge.
7. Interrupt vectors are addresses that inform the interrupt handler as to where to
find the ISR (interrupt service routine, also called interrupt service procedure).
8. The interrupt vector table is normally located in the first 1024 bytes of memory
at addresses 000000H–0003FFH.
9. 256
11. Type 0 interrupt 8086 will automatically do a type 0 interrupt if the result of
a DIV or IDIV operation is too large to fit in the destination register For a type
0, 8086 pushes the flag register on the stack, resets IF &TF, pushes the return
address (CS & IP) on the stack.
13. The Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) is a binary data structure specific to the
IA-32 and x86-64 architectures. It is the Protected Mode and Long Mode counterpart
to the Real Mode Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) telling the CPU where the Interrupt
Service Routines (ISR) are located (one per interrupt vector).
14. A real mode pointer is defined as a 16-bit segment address and a 16-bit offset
into that segment. Protected mode: The IDT is an array of 8-byte descriptors stored
consecutively in memory and indexed by an interrupt vector. These descriptors may
be either interrupt gates, trap gates or task gates.
15. BOUND ensures that a signed array index is within the limits specified by a
block of memory consisting of an upper and a lower bound. Each bound uses one word
for an operand-size attribute of 16 bits and a doubleword for an operand-size
attribute of 32 bits.
18. The IRET instruction is used to return from an interrupt service routine (ISR)
and resume the execution of the interrupted program. It is similar to the RET
instruction, which is used to return from a subroutine. However, IRET also restores
the flags register and the values of CS and IP registers from the stack, which were
pushed onto the stack by the INT instruction that caused the interrupt.
19. The IRETQ instruction is an Intel processor instruction that is used to return
from an interrupt when using the 64-bit operand size 1. It is also used to return
from exceptions and nested tasks
20. Interrupt vector type number 7 is reserved for future use and is not currently
assigned to any specific interrupt request.
21. When an interrupt is triggered, the following actions are taken automatically
by the microcontroller:
--The current Program Counter is saved on the stack, low-byte first.
--Interrupts of the same and lower priority are blocked.
--In the case of Timer and External interrupts, the corresponding interrupt flag is
--Program execution transfers to the corresponding interrupt handler vector
--The Interrupt Handler Routine executes.
22. The Interrupt flag (IF) is a flag bit in the CPU’s FLAGS register that
determines whether or not the CPU will respond immediately to maskable hardware
interrupts. If the flag is set to 1, maskable interrupts are enabled. If reset (set
to 0), such interrupts will be disabled until interrupts are enabled. The Interrupt
flag does not affect the handling of non-maskable interrupts (NMIs) or software
interrupts generated by the INT instruction. The Interrupt flag can be set or
cleared using the CLI (Clear Interrupt) and STI (Set Interrupt) instructions. In
systems that support privileged mode, only privileged applications (usually the OS
kernel) may modify the Interrupt flag.
The IF flag is set by executing an instruction that sets it, such as the STI
instruction. The STI instruction sets the IF flag to 1. The IF flag is cleared by
executing an instruction that clears it, such as the CLI instruction. The CLI
instruction clears the IF flag to 0.
25. I’m assuming you’re asking about the trap flag (TF) in the context of assembly
programming. The 8086 processor does not have an instruction to directly set or
reset the trap flag.
26. On x86 NMIs are always on interrupt vector 2. The number is hard-coded just as
common exceptions (division by 0, page fault, etc). You can find this in the CPU
documentation from Intel/AMD.