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Gerhard Roehrl
y 1. OVERVIEW The purpose of this manual is two-fold. First, we will provide a brief description of how the 8086/88 microprocessors handle interrupts. Second, we will give an overview of interrupt processing. Finally, we will describe how to use the system service routines in PC/MS-DOS and how to write both Assembly Language and PASCAL programs that make use of PC/MS-DOS system services.

1.1 Interrupt Sources

The 8086/88 microprocessors allow normal program execution to be interrupted by external signals or by special instructions embedded in the program code. When the microprocessor is interrupted, it stops executing the current program and calls a procedure which services the interrupt. At the end of the interrupt service routine, the code execution sequence is returned to the original, interrupted program. An interrupt can be generated by one of three sources. First, an interrupt can be generated as a result of a processor state violation, called an exception. An example would be a divide-by-zero interrupt produced when the DIV instruction is interpreted to have a zero divisor. Program execution is automatically interrupted and control transferred to an interrupt handler. Conditional interrupts such as this are referred to as internal interrupts. An interrupt can also be generated by an external device requesting service. This happens when a device signals its request on either the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) or on the INTR interrupt input lines of the processor. The NMI interrupt is generally used to signal the occurrence of a catastrophic event, such as the immanent loss of power. The INTR interrupt is used by all other devices. An interrupt caused by a signal applied to either the NMI or INTR input is referred to as a hardware interrupt. Since there is only one INTR input, and multiple devices may have an interrupt capability, an Intel 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) can be used to manage multiple interrupt requests. The PIC receives requests from peripheral

equipment, decides which request has the highest priority and issues an interrupt request to the CPU. Finally, interrupts may be generated as a result of executing the INT instruction. This is referred to as a software interrupt.

1.2 Interrupt Vectoring

Interrupt service routines are called in a manner similar to FAR procedures. Two 16 bit data words are used to specify the location of the interrupt service routine. one word is used to load the CS register and points to the base address of the code segment containing the service routine. The second word is used to load the IP with the offset value for the desired routine within the specified code segment. The base and offset words for all interrupt types are grouped together in an interrupt vector table. Figure 1 shows the vector table for the 86/88 processors. Note that interrupt vectors are assigned a location based on the type of the interrupt. Although some of the 256 possible interrupt vectors are reserved by Intel, most are available to the programmer. Finally, in the IBM PC (and of course, like-wise in the ATT 6300) some of the interrupt TYPES are reserved for PC/MS-DOS system service routines. Figure 2 shows which interrupt types are reserved for this case.
Interrup t Dec Hex Address 0000 Use Generated by CPU when division by services in BIOS zero is attempted 1 1 0004 Interrupt generated keyboard break with DEBUG) BIOS; a routine is invoked if we create it under Used to single-step through programs (as 27 1B 006C on Interrup t Dec 26 Hex 1A Address 0068 Use Invokes

0 0 time and date

2 2 0008 Interrupt generated clock tick; a

Non-maskable interrupt; in PCir, NMI has some special



0070 at each routine we

is invoked if uses create it 3 3 to table of control programs (as with parameters DEBUG) 4 4 to disk base 0010 Generated when arithmetic result overflows 5 5 to high video 0014 Invokes print-screen service routine in graphics characters BIOS 8 8 0020 Generated by hardware clock tick 32 20 0080 Invokes service in DOS 9 all 9 0024 In most models, generated by function-call keyboard action; services in DOS simulated on PCjr for model compatibility 13 D create it, an 0034 Generated during CRT vertical retrace for interrupt routine is video control at program end under DOS 14 E create it, an 0038 Signals diskette attention (e.g. to interrupt routine is 35 23 008C If we invoked 34 22 0088 If we 33 21 0084 Invokes 31 1F 007C 30 1E 0078 Points table Points 000C Used to set break-points in 29 1D 0074 Points video


signal completion) on keyboard

invoked break

under DOS 15 F create it, an 003C Used in printer control interrupt routine is invoked at critical error under DOS 16 10 absolute 0040 Invokes video display services in diskette read service BIOS 17 11 absolute diskette write service in BIOS in DOS 18 12 program, but it in memoryunder DOS 19 13 to low video 004C Invokes diskette services in BIOS graphics characters; only on PCjr 20 14 program to translate PCjr services in BIOS keyboard into PC keyboard 21 15 0054 to translation for BIOS keyboard-supplement devices Invokes cassette tape services in 73 49 0124 Points table 0050 Invokes communications 72 48 0120 Invokes 68 44 0110 Points 0048 Invokes memory-size service in BIOS 39 27 009C Ends keeps service 0044 Invokes equipment-list 38 26 0098 in DOS Invokes 37 25 0094 Invokes 36 24 0090 If we




Invokes standard keyboard services in BIOS Invokes printer services in BIOS Activates ROM-BASIC language, or override for it Invokes boot-strap start-up routine in BIOS










Figure 2 The interrupt TYPES reserved for use by the IBM family of personal computers. A comparison of the reserved locations in Figures 1 and 2 show that some of the locations are actually reserved by the processor manufacturer for specified exceptions (e.g., TYPES 0-4).

Figure 3 presents, in flowchart form, how the 86/88 processors handle internal, nonmaskable (NMI), single step and INTR interrupts. If an INTR interrupt occurs, the CPU checks to see if this kind of interrupt is enabled (through the use of the STI instruction) and if so, acknowledges the interrupt request by generating an interruptacknowledge (IAK) bus cycle. As a result of the IAK bus cycle, the uP reads an 8 bit TYPE number provided by the interrupting device. This TYPE number is used as an index into the interrupt vector table to get the address of the interrupt handler. If Trap Flag (TF) is set, the single step operation is activated. After every instruction, a Type I interrupt is generated and a single step interrupt handler is called. If several interrupts occur simultaneously, the single step function is temporarily disabled during the execution of the INTR vectored interrupt service routine.

2.1 INT Instruction

Software interrupts produced by the INT assembler instruction have many uses. For example, one use would be for the testing of the various interrupt service routines. You could use an INT 2 instruction to start the execution of an NMI interrupt service

procedure. This would allow you to test the NMI procedure without needing to apply an external signal to the processors NMI input line. Software interrupts can also be used to call commonly used procedures from many different programs. The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) procedures of an IBM computer or compatible are a good example of this use of the INT instruction. The specific functions and use of these procedures will be covered in detail in Section 3, below. Figure 3 The interrupt recognition and processing sequence for the 8086/88 family of processors is shown in flowchart form. In general, INT activates the interrupt procedure specified by the instruction's TYPE operand. To return from an interrupt service routine, the IRET instruction is used. IRET is used to exit any interrupt procedure, whether activated by hardware or software. The specific action of INT and IRET can be found in any reference on the 8086/88 instruction set.

2.2 Loading and Examining IR Pointers

To be able to vector to your own interrupt service routines, you have to load the interrupt pointer table with the complete two-word start address of your interrupt hander corresponding to the desired interrupt TYPE number. The following example shows how this is done using interrupt type 36. Good programming practices dictate that you should first store the original contents of the part of the pointer table you want to change. The following code segment does this operation. xor ax, ax ; first clear the AX register mov es, ax ; load ES with segment address ; of interrupt pointer table ; (use 0000h for this example) mov bx, 36 ; load BX with interrupt type mov ax, word ptr es:[bx] ; load AX with the offset ; for interrupt type 36 push ax ; save the old interrupt pointer

; table content mov ax, word ptr es:[bx+2] ; Load AX with the segment ; address of interrupt type 36 push ax ; store the old interrupt pointer ; table content Now, the interrupt table can be loaded with the new vector locations for the handler you have written. xor ax, ax ; first clear AX mov es, ax ; load ES with the segment address ; for the interrupt pointer table mov bx, 36 ; load BX with interrupt type cli ; disable interrupts during the ; changes to the interrupt table mov word ptr es:[bx], BBBB ; load the lower interrupt pointer ; table word with the base address ; (BBBBH) of the user's interrupt ; service routine mov word ptr es:[bx+2],SSSS ; load the higher interrupt pointer ; table word with the segment address ; (SSSSH) of the user's interrupt ; service routine sti ; re-enable interrupts


3.1 What is the BIOS? The ROM BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is part of the ROM based control system of an IBM PC or compatible that both defines the architecture of the computer to the software, and provides the fundamental I/O services that are needed for the operation of the computer. The BIOS is actually a collection of procedures. Each procedure performs a specific function such as reading a character from the keyboard, writing characters to the screen, or reading information from disk. The ROM BIOS in the AT&T PC 6300 is located starting at physical address FC000 (F000:C000). 3.2 Using BIOS Procedures System I/O procedures are called with the INT instruction (Section 2). The advantage to calling procedures using this instruction is that the programmer need not know the absolute address of the procedure being called or how to link the procedures into the calling program. All you have to know is the interrupt TYPE for the procedure and the format for the parameter(s) that have to be passed to the procedure. There are twelve BIOS interrupts in all, falling into five groups (Figure 4). For example with INT 10h you can access the video display services. This interrupt includes 20 subroutines. Obviously, one of the INT 10h parameters is a data value indicating which one of the twenty subroutines is required. In this case, the AH Register is loaded with the number of the subroutine. In addition, the AL, BX, CX and DX registers are used to provide the parameters for this subroutines.
Interrupt Dec Hex Use

Peripheral Devices Services 16 19 20 21 22 10 13 14 15 16 Video-display services Diskette services Communications services Cassette-tape services Standard keyboard services



Printer services

Equipment Status Services 17 18 11 12 Equipment-list service Memory-size service

Time/Date Service 26 1A Time and date services

Print-Screen Service 5 5 Print-screen service

Special Services 24 25 18 19 Activate ROM-BASIC language Activate bootstrap start-up routine

Figure 4 The twelve BIOS service routines supported by the IBM PC (and compatibles). As a simple example of the use of the BIOS routines, let us assume that we want to set the AT&T PC 6300 monitor to the super high graphic resolution mode 64Ox4OO pixel. Normally the is a tricky programming job if you program the video display controller hardware directly. However, when using the BIOS routines, the control change is extremely simple. mov ah,00h ; load AH with service ; number 0 = "Set video model" mov al,48h ; load AL with mode number ; 48 = "Super high resolution model"

int 10h ; call the BIOS procedure to set ; the desired video mode As a second example we will write some pixels to the screen and create graphics. The code shown below will turn ON one pixel at screen position (0,639): mov ah,OCh ; load number OCh = "write ; pixel dot" mov al,O1h ; set code for pixel color mov dx,0000h ; load DX with row number = 0 mov cx,027Fh ; Load CX with column number = 639d int 10h ; call the BIOS procedure to set ; one pixel on the screen Finally, examine the organization and operation of a program that will send characters to the printer. Note that the BIOS interrupt 17h is used. ; this program initializes the ; printer port and sends a character ; string to the printer code segment ; defines that this is a code segment org 100h ; starting at offset 100h assume cs:code, ds:code ; and assuming the registers CS and ; DS are loaded with the segment ; address for this routine ; for more information, see the ; TURBO-ASSEMBLER manual!

enter proc far; ; this procedure (ENTER) will simply call print ; call the PRINT routine written below ret ; info: see TURBO-ASSEMBLER manual enter endp message db 'Hallo printer, how are you?' db 0dh, 0ah ; a carriage return & line feed is used ; to terminate string messages print proc near mov ah, 01h ; Service number 01 = "Initialize ; printer port" mov dx, 00h ; Use printer port 0 int 17h ; Call procedure to initialize ; printer mov si, offset message ; Load SI with offset of string mov cs,29 ; Load CX with length of string again: mov ah, 00h ; service number 01 = "Print ; character" move al, byte ptr [si] ; Load character to be sent in AL int 17h ; Call procedure to print character cmp ah, 01h ; If character not printed then AH=1 jnz next jmp exit

next: inc si ; Address of next character loop again ; Send next character exit: ret print endp code ends end Note: If you use BIOS Interrupts, make sure, that you save all registers which could be affected by the BIOS routine. Reference [4] provides more details on the operation of the various BIOS routines. 4. SYSTEM CALLS 4.1 Comparing DOS and BIOS Services When you turn on your PC there are several jobs to do. One is to load the operating system from the system disk. If you use MS-DOS (MicroSoft - Disk Operating System), three system files are loaded;IBMBIO.COM, COMMAND.COM and IBMDOS.COM. The file IBMDOS.COM contains DOS service routines. The DOS services, like the BIOS services, can be called by programs through a set of interrupts whose vectors are placed in the interrupt vector table (Section 1.2). The ROM-BIOS routines can be thought of as the lowest-level system software available, performing the most fundamental and primitive input and output operations. The DOS service routines provide more sophisticated and efficient control over the I/O operations than the BIOS routines do, particularly for disk file operations. 4.2 Using DOS interrupts There are nine DOS interrupt services and they are listed in Figure 5. Five of them, interrupts 20h, 25h through 27h and 2fh are "true" DOS interrupt services, each one having a specifically-defined task associated with it.
Interrupt Dec Hex Description

32 come


Program terminate: to normal ending

33 34 35 36

21 22 23 24

Function-call umbrella interrupt Terminate address Break address Critical error-handler address Absolute disk read Absolute disk write Terminate-but-stayt

37 38 39 residen 47

25 26 27


Print spool control (DOS-3 versions only)

Figure 5 The Nine DOS Interrupts. In Section 4.4 we will examine the DOS service routine called by INT 21h. This routine provides under one "umbrella" a set of universal functions we can use in our programs. 4.3 DOS Interrupts Except INT 21h INT 20h "Program Terminate" This interrupt terminates the current process and returns control back to the parent process. For example, if you run a com.file program, INT 20 terminates your program and returns to DOS.
INT 22h, INT 23h, INT 24h

This three interrupts are used to hold segmented addresses. our programs set these addresses to point to special routines. Then, when the appropriate circumstances arise, DOS invokes the routines located at these addresses through these three address interrupts. This interrupts are used for advanced programming. More information about these interrupts are provided in references [1] and [4].

INT 25h, INT 26h

These two interrupts are used to read and write specific disk sectors. They are the only DOS services that ignore the logical structure of a disk and work with individual sectors.
INT 27h "Terminate But Stay Resident"

The Terminate But Stay Resident call is used to establish a section of code as resident in the system after its termination. This system call is often used to install device drivers in memory. 4.4 The Universal Functions of DOS INT 23Lh All of the DOS function calls are invoked by INT 21h. Individual functions are selected in the same way as BIOS functions, placing the function number in the AHRegister. To see how easy the use of DOS functions are, compare the following sample programs with the programs in Section 2.2.
Function "Get Interrupt Vector"

mov ah,35h ; function number in AH-Register mov al,36 ; interrupt type in AL-Register int 21h ; get interrupt vector push bx ; save offset address push es ; save segment address
Function "Set Interrupt Vector

mov dx,xxxx ; offset address in DX-Register mov ds,yyyy ; segment address in DS-Register mov ah,25h ; function number in AH-Register mov al,36 ; interrupt type in AL-Register int 21h ; set interrupt vector

The program "Stopwatch" shows you the use of some other INT 21h functions. More information about these functions is provided in reference [1] and [4].
Range Description DMA controller (8237A-5) 01F Interrupt controller (8259A) 03F Timer (8253-5; 8254.2 in AT) 05F PPI (8255A-5; 8255-5 in PCir) Keyboard (8042) 06F DMA page register (74LS612) 09F NMI (non-maskable interrupt) mask 07F register Interrupt controller 2 (8259A) 0BF Sound generator (SX76496N) DMA controller 2 (8237A-5) 0DF Clear/reset math coprocessor 0F1 Math coprocessor 0FF Joystick (game controller) 207 Expansion unit Parallel printer (secondary) 27F Serial port (primary) 3FF Serial port (secondary) 2FF PCjr n/a PC/XT 000-00F AT 000-

020-027 040-047

020-021 040-043


060-067 n/a

060-063 n/a

n/a 060-

n/a 0A0-0A7

080-083 0A





0C0-0C7 n/a

n/a n/a

n/a 0C0-

n/a n/a

n/a n/a





n/a n/a

210-217 n/a

n/a 278-

2F8-2FF n/a

3F8-33FF 2F8-2FF


Prototype card 31F Fixed disk 1F8 Parallel printer (primary) 37F SDLC (secondary bisynchronous 38F communications in AT only) Bisynchronous communications (primary) 3AF Monochrome adapter/printer 3BF Color/graphics adapter 3DF Diskette controller 3F7




n/a n/a

320-32F 378-37F





n/a n/a

n/a 3B0-3BF








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