KVS Lucknow XII BST QP & MS Pre-Board (23-24)
KVS Lucknow XII BST QP & MS Pre-Board (23-24)
KVS Lucknow XII BST QP & MS Pre-Board (23-24)
General Instructions:
(i) This question paper contains 34 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(iii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
some questions.
(vi) Answers to the questions carrying 4 marks may be about 150 words.
(vii) Answers to the questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.
(viii) If there is any discrepancy in Hindi Version, English Version will be acceptable.
Q.1 Management required in all types of organization, whatever may be the size orNature
(either economic or non-economic organization).Identify the feature of management
(iv)Intangible force
(i) लक्ष्योन्मख
ु ीप्रक्रिया
(ii) सर्वव्यापक/सार्वभौमिकगतिविधि
(iii) प्रबंधनएकगतिशीलकार्यहै ।
(iv) अमर्त
ू बल
Q.2.Dealing with employees as individuals and as a group of people and take care
प्र.2कर्मचारियोंकेसाथव्यक्तियोंकेरूपमें औरलोगोंकेसमह
ू केरूपमें व्यवहारकरनाऔरदे खभालकरनाउनकीजरूरतोंकेबारे में
(i) कार्यकाप्रबंधन
(ii) प्रचालनोंकाप्रबंधन
(iii) लोगोंकाप्रबंधन
Q.3 Mona Ltd. Is leading automobile company in which the various departments are
setting up their own objectives without paying any interest to the organizationalObjectives.
(d) Discipline
मोनालिमिटे डद्वाराप्रबंधनकेकिससिद्धांतकाउल्लंघनकियागयाहै ?
(क)आदे शकीएकता
(ख) व्यक्तिगतहितकोसामान्यहितकेअधीनकरना।
ु ासन
Q.4.Assertion (A): Techniques are procedures or methods which involves series ofsteps to
be takento desired goals.
Reason (R) principles are the guideline to take decisions or action while
Q.5. With a revolution taking place in the manufacturing of mobile phones with super
class cameras, the business of cameras in the consumer market has taken a hit. Studies
show that mobile phone photography has devastated the camera industry.The dimension
of business environment highlighted in the above(1)
Case is:
ु रक्लासकैमरोंवालेमोबाइलफोनकेनिर्माणमें होरहीक्रांतिकेसाथ,
उपभोक्ताबाजारमें कैमरोंकाव्यवसायप्रभावितहुआहै ।अध्ययनोंसेपताचलताहै किमोबाइलफोनफोटोग्राफीनेकैमराउद्योग
कोतबाहकरदियाहै ।उपरोक्तमें रेखांकितव्यावसायिक पर्यावरणहै :(1)
(d) The Haryana Government's announcement of free bus rides for females on the
occasion of Rakshabandha.
प्र.6निम्नलिखितमें सेकौनसीवस्तआ
ु र्थिकपर्यावरणकाएकघटकहै ?(1)
(ख) मोबाइलऐपकेमाध्यमसेरेलटिकटबक
ु करनेकीसवि
ु धा।
(d) हरियाणासरकारद्वारारक्षाबंधनकेअवसरपरमहिलाओंकेलिएमफ्
ु तबसयात्राकीघोषणा।
Q.7Liberalization is(1)
ु औ
ं रसेवाओंकामक्
ु तप्रवाह
(d) राजनीतिकदलोंकेबीचएकता
Q.8 Ram was given a task by his superior to prepare a plan in 15 days. He asked two
of his subordinates to work upon two aspects of his task, one of the subordinate met
with an accident and could not complete his work. Who is answerable for this task?(1)
Picture -1 / चित्र-1
(a) Effective leadership is getting work done. Task completed on the time and goals
achieved at minimum cost.
(b) Leadership indicate ability of an individual to influence others.
(c) Leadership is the continuous process.
(d) Leadership tries to bring change in the behavior of the others.
प्र.9 चित्र-1में सचित्रनेतत्ृ वकेबिंदम
ु हत्वकोपहचानें:(1)
(क) प्रभावीनेतत्ृ व कार्यकराया जारहाहै ।कार्य समय पर परू ा किया गया और न्यन
ू तम लागत पर अपने
उद्दे श्यों को प्राप्त किया गया।
(a) Optional (b) Compulsory(c) Both (a) and (b)(d) None of above
(a) Physiological need (b) social need (c) safety security need (d) esteem need
प्र.10. प्रत्यायोजनक्याहै ?
(a) शारीरिकआवश्यकता (b) सामाजिकआवश्यकता (c) सरु क्षासरु क्षाकीआवश्यकता (d) सम्मानकीआवश्यकता
Q.11.Match the items given under column I with the suitable statement under column II(1)
Column I Column II
A. Measurement of actual performance i) Only significant deviations which go
beyond the permissible limit should be
brought to the notice of management.
a) iii iv i ii
b) I ii iii iv
c) ii I iii iv
d) I iii ii iv
प्र.11 कॉलमI केतहतदिएगएआइटमोंकामिलानकॉलमII केतहतउपयक्
ु तकथनकेसाथकरें (1)
कॉलमI कॉलम II
अ. वास्तविकप्रदर्शनकामापन (i)
ु ेयसीमासेअधिकमहत्वपर्ण
ू विचलनोंकोप्रबंधनकेध्यानमें लायाजाना
ब. प्रदर्शनमानकोंकोस्थापितकरना चाहिए।
(ii) तल
ु नासेवास्तविकऔरवांछितपरिणामकेबीचविचलनकापताचलताहै ।
ग. अपवादद्वाराप्रबंधन (iii)
निष्पादनकोउन्हींइकाइयोंमें मापाजानाचाहिएजिनमें मानकनिर्धारितकिएगएहैं
द.मानकोंकेसाथवास्तविकप्रदर्शनकीतु (iv)
लना मानकोंकोगण
ु ात्मकऔरमात्रात्मकदोनोंशब्दोंमें निर्धारितकियाजासकताहै ।
a) Iii iv iii
b) I ii iii iv
c) ii I iii iv
d) I iii ii iv
Q.12 Statement I: Electronic holdings can be converted into physical certificates with the
process ofDematerialization.
प्र.12कथनI:इलेक्ट्रॉनिकहोल्डिंग्सकोअभौतिकीकरणप्रक्रियाकेसाथभौतिकप्रमाणपत्रमें परिवर्तितकियाजासकताहै ?
कथनII:अभौतिकीकरणमें शय
े रप्रमाणपत्रकीचोरी, हानियाजालसाजीकाकोईखतरानहींहै।
निम्नलिखितमें सेसहीविकल्पचनि
ु ए:(1)
अ. कथनI सत्यहै औरकथनII असत्यहै ।
ब.कथनII सत्यहै औरकथनI असत्यहै ।
Q.13 Raghav's friend Raman works as a Chartered Accountant in Solutions Ltd. Raman,
in a meeting with the Board of Directors of the company, came to know that the firm
would soon be declaring a bonus issue which would result in increase in the price of
shares. Considering this, Raman advised Raghav to purchase the shares of Solutions
Ltd., who acted on his advice and bought the shares before time. Which function of
SEBI can control such malpractices?(1)
Q14-It is a document issued by the stock broker showing the details of bought or
sold after the order has been executed electronically.
(ए) प्राथमिकबाजार
(बी) द्वितीयकबाजार
(सी) मद्र
ु ाबाजार
Q.16.Prateek Singh opened a jewellery store 'Fashion Jewels' offering workwear, light
jewellery with modern designs for young working women. Good jewellery designs not only
made the jewellery attractive for young working women, but also gave him a competitive
edge in the market. The jewellery was a hit with working women and 'Fashion Jewels'
was able to report a profit of 3 crore in the first year itself.
The function of marketing performed by Prateek Singh in the above case was:(1)
a. Packaging and labelling b. Promotion
c. Customer support service d. Product designing and
प्र.16.प्रतीकसिंहनेएकज्वैलरीस्टोर'फैशनज्वेल्स' खोला,
जिसमें यव
ु ाकामकाजीमहिलाओंकेलिएआधनि
ु कडिजाइनोंकेसाथवर्क वियर,
ू णपेशकिएगए।अच्छे आभष
ू णडिजाइनोंनेनकेवलयव
ु ाकामकाजीमहिलाओंकेलिएआभष
ू णोंकोआकर्षकबनादि
या, बल्किउन्हें बाजारमें प्रतिस्पर्धीबढ़तभीदी।यहआभष
ू णकामकाजीमहिलाओंकेबीचहिटरहाऔर'फैशनज्वेल्स'
पहलेसालमें ही3 करोड़कामन
ु ाफादर्जकरनेमेंसफलरहा।उपरोक्तमामलेमेंप्रतीकसिंहद्वाराकिएगएविपणनकाकार्यथा:(1)
अ. पैकेजिंगऔरलेबलिंगब. ग्राहक सहायता सेवा
स. प्रचारद. उत्पादडिजाइनिंगऔरविकास।
Identify the tool of promotion used by 'Safe Life Technologies Private Ltd' in the above
a. Advertising b. Sales
सेफलाइफटे क्नोलॉजीजप्राइवेटलिमिटे डभारतमें एकप्रसिद्धदवाकंपनीहै ।इसनेउच्चरक्तचापकेइलाजकेलिएएकनईदवा
लॉन्चकीहै ।नईदवाकेबारे मेंजागरूकतापैदाकरनेऔरइसकेबारे मेंसकारात्मकछविबनानेकेलिए,
जिसमें विभिन्नअस्पतालोंकेडॉक्टरोंऔरदवाओंकेडीलरोंनेभागलिया।संगोष्ठीकेदौरान,
कंपनीकेप्रतिनिधियोंनेरासायनिकसंरचनाऔरदवाकेकामकाजकेबारे मेंचर्चाकी।
d. In this it is possible to take a direct feedbackfrom the customer and to adopt the
presentationaccording to the needs of the prospects.
स. यहएकविक्रेताव्यक्तिकोसंभावितग्राहकोंकेसाथव्यक्तिगतसंबध
ं विकसितकरनेकीअनम
ु तिदे ताहै ।
द.इसमें ग्राहकसेसीधाफीडबैकलेनाऔरसंभावनाओंकीजरूरतोंकेहिसाबसेप्रेजेंटेशनकोअपनानासंभवहै ।
Q.19. A bottle of anti-dandruff shampoo mentions "clean your hair and get rid of dandruff
in one squeeze." The product related decision involved is:(1)
ू ीएकबोतलमें "अपनेबालोंकोसाफकरें औरएकनिचोड़में रूसीसेछुटकारापाएं"
काउल्लेखकरें ।इसमें शामिलउत्पादसेसब
ं धि
ं तनिर्णयहै :(1)
अ. ब्रांडिग
ं ब. उत्पादकीगण
ु वत्तास. लेबलिंगद. लेबलिंग
Q.20.Sheela went to a free eye camp and got her eye operated for cataract. The surgery
was not done properly, due to which she lost her vision. Where can she file a complaint
under Consumer Protection Act.
ु कनेत्रशिविरमें गईऔरमोतियाबिंदकेलिएअपनीआंखकाऑपरे शनकिया।सर्जरीठीकसेनहींकीगईथी,
जिसकेकारणउसकीदृष्टिचलीगई।वहउपभोक्तासंरक्षणअधिनियमकेतहतशिकायतकहांदर्जकरासकतीहै ।(1)
Rama, who was a vegetarian, went to a bakery and bought a vanilla cake. On reaching
home. She found that it had non-vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the
packaging of the product displayed that the product had non-vegetarian content. Will
Raman be able to claim compensation? Which right is violated here?
रामा, जोएकशाकाहारीथा,
एकबेकरीमें गयाऔरएकवेनिलाकेकखरीदा।घरपहुंचनेपर।उसनेपायाकिइसमें मांसाहारीसामग्रीथी।नतोविज्ञापनऔरनहीउ
त्पादकीपैकेजिंगनेप्रदर्शितकियाकिउत्पादमें मांसाहारीसामग्रीथी।क्यारमनमआ
ु वजेकादावाकरनेमेंसक्षमहोगा?
यहांकिसअधिकारकाउल्लंघनकियाजाताहै ? (1)
प्र.21प्रबंधनकोकलाकेरूपमें समझाएं?
Q.22.At Wipro, Project Readiness Program [PRP] a 68 day structured training program is
offered to all campus recruits coming from varied background (Engineers + Non-
engineers) to be trained on essential behavioral and technical skills that prepare them to
work in live customer projects. E-learning has been introduced in this training for
engineering campus new hires. About 25% of the training duration has been adopted in
E-Learning mode. (3)
(a) Identify the method of training being described in the above paragraph. Will it be
categorised as an off the job training method why or why not?
(b) Name any two other methods of training which fall in the same category training
उपर्युक्तपैराग्राफमें वर्णितप्रशिक्षणकीविधिकीपहचानकीजिए।क्याइसेनौकरीप्रशिक्षणपद्धतिकेरूपमें वर्गीकृतकियाजाए
गा, क्योंयाक्योंनहीं?
Q.23 One day, the management instructor of BBA classes organised a "Panel
Discussion" on important topics of management. The students were given the following
clues for discussion each student was given 3 minutes for elaborating on the clues given
below: (3)
संकेत1: वेअविभाज्यजड़
ु वांहैं।
संकेत2: वेएक-दस
ू रे परनिर्भरहैं, अंतर-संबधि
ं तहैंऔरएक-दस
ू रे कोमजबत
ू करतेहैं।
1. ऊपरदिएगएसंकेतोंमें लिखेगएप्रबंधनकेकार्योंकीपहचानकरें ।
2. 3संकेतोंपरविस्तारसेबताएं।
Q.24 Differentiate between Money market and Capital market on the following basis:
ु ाबाजारऔरपज
ंू ीबाजारकेबीचनिम्नलिखितआधारपरअंतरकीजिए: (3)
निम्नलिखितआधारपरप्राथमिकऔरद्वितीयकबाजारकेबीचअंतरकरें : (3)
Q.25." Filling vacancies from within the organization has some advantage as well as
Q.26.Rahim was working in an enterprise on daily wages basis. It was difficult for him to
fulfill the basic needs of his family. His daughter fell ill. He had no money for his
daughter's treatment. To meet the expenses of her treatment, he participated in a cycle
race and won the prize money. The cycle company offered him a permanent pensionable
job which he happily accepted. (4)
(ii) By quoting the lines from the above para identify the needs of Rahim that are
satisfied by the offer of Cycle Company.
(iii) Also, explain two other needs of Rahim followed by above that are still to be
रहीमदै निकमजदरू ीकेआधारपरएकउद्योगमें कामकररहाथा।अपनेपरिवारकीबनि
ु यादीजरूरतोंकोपरू ाकरनाउनकेलिएमु
श्किलथा।उनकीबेटीबीमारपड़गई।उनकेपासबेटीकेइलाजकेलिएपैसेनहींथे।उसकेइलाजकेखर्चोंकोपरू ाकरनेकेलिए,
उन्होंनेएकसाइकिलदौड़में भागलियाऔरपरु स्कारराशिजीती।साइकिलकंपनीनेउन्हें स्थायीपें शनयोग्यनौकरीकीपेशकश
ु ीसेस्वीकारकरलिया। (4)
(i) निर्देशनकाकौनसातत्वऊपरदर्शायागयाहै ।
ृ करकेरहीमकीउनआवश्यकताओंकीपहचानकीजिएजोसंतष्ु टहैं।साइकिलकंपनीकीपेश
Q.27.Read the extract given below and answer the questions (1 to 4) on the basis of the
their earning by working overtime and on holidays Aman also stated that who work
effectively and efficiently will be appreciated at the end of every month as "the employee
of the month. All the employees were happy and this leads to higher output of
Q1. "He directs his immediate subordinates and is directed by his immediate boss."
Q2. Identify the type of needs being fulfilled by R.H. Ltd. by appreciating its employees.
a. Financial incentive
b. Non-financial incentive
c. Physical safety
ओवरटाइमऔरछुट्टियोंपरकामकरकेउनकीकमाईअमननेयहभीकहाकिजोलोगप्रभावीढं गसेऔरकुशलतासेकामकरतेहैं,
उन्हें हरमहीनेकेअंतमें "महीनेकेकर्मचारी"
केरूपमें सराहाजाएगा।सभीकर्मचारीखश
ु थेऔरइससेउत्पादनकाउच्चउत्पादनहोताहै ।
"वहअपनेतत्कालअधीनस्थोंकोनिर्देशितकरताहै औरउसकेतत्कालबॉसद्वारानिर्देशितहोताहै ।निर्देशनकीविशेषताकोपह
1. निर्देशनकार्रवाईशरू
ु करताहै ।
ब.निर्देशनएकसतत्प्रक्रियाहै ।
स.निर्देशनऊपरसेनीचेकीओरबहताहै ।
द.निर्देशनप्रबंधनकेहरस्तरपरहोताहै ।
Q3. अमन कर्मचारियों को दे कर उन्हें और अधिक काम करने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं।
अ. वित्तीय प्रोत्साहन
ब. गैर-वित्तीय प्रोत्साहन
किन्हींचारकारकोंकोबताइएजोनिर्णयकोप्रभावितकरतेहैंकिकितनालाभवितरितकियाजानाहै औरव्यवसायमें कितनालाभ
बनाएरखाजानाहै । (4)
Q.29.TVR Ltd. is renowned multiplex operator in India. Presently, it owns 234 screens in
45 properties at 20 locations in the country. Considering the fact that there is a growing
trend among the people to spend more of their disposable income on entertainment, two
years back the company had decided to add more screens to its existing set up and
increase facilities to enhance leisure, food chains, etc. It had then floated an initial public
offer of equity shares in order to raise the desired capital. The issue was fully subscribed
and paid. Over the years, the sales and profits of the company have increased
tremendously and it has been declaring higher dividend and the market price of its
shares has increased manifolds. In the context of the above paragraph:
(i) Name the different kinds of financial decisions taken by the company by quoting lines
from the paragraph.
(ii) Do you think the financial management team of the company has been able to
achieve its prime objective? Why or why not? Give a reason in support of your answer.
प्र.29टीवीआरलिमिटे डभारतमें प्रसिद्धमल्टीप्लेक्सऑपरे टरहै ।वर्तमानमें , यहदे शमें 20 स्थानोंपर45 संपत्तियोंमें 234
स्क्रीनकामालिकहै ।इसतथ्यकोध्यानमें रखतेहुएकिलोगोंमें मनोरं जनपरअपनीडिस्पोजेबलआयकाअधिकखर्चकरनेकीप्रव ृ
त्तिबढ़रहीहै , दोसालपहलेकंपनीनेअपनेमौजद
ू ासेटअपमें अधिकस्क्रीनजोड़नेऔरअवकाश,
ं ृ लाआदिकोबढ़ानेकेलिएसवि
ु धाओंकोबढ़ानेकाफैसलाकियाथा।
ंू ीजट
ु ानेकेलिएइक्विटीशेयरोंकीआरं भिकसार्वजनिकपेशकशजारीकीथी।इश्यक
ू ोपरू ीतरहसेसब्स
ु तानकियागया।पिछलेकुछवर्षोंमें ,
ु ाफेमें जबरदस्तवद्
ृ धिहुईहै औरयहउच्चलाभांशकीघोषणाकररहीहै औरइसकेशेयरोंकाबाजारमल्
ू यक
ु ाबढ़गयाहै ।उपरोक्तअनच्
ु छे दकेसंदर्भमें :
(i) पैराग्राफकीपंक्तियोंकोउद्धत
ृ करकेकंपनीद्वारालिएगएविभिन्नप्रकारकेवित्तीयनिर्णयोंकेनामलिखिए।
Q.30.Since childhood, Niru and Janak had been watching their grandmother procuring
wheat from the market, washing it well, drying it and getting it converted into atta. They
conducted a survey to collect data to identify whether there is demand for readymade
atta and realised that with the growing number of working women, it is the need of the
hour to manufacture high quality atta. They named their product 'Srijan Atta' and set up
'Srijan Atta Factory', at Jaunpur Village. To penetrate in the market, they decided to keep
the price low. For maintaining smooth flow of their product into the market and avoiding
delays in delivery, it was decided to store wheat at SKM Services which had scientific
processes and logistics facilitating quick delivery.
By quoting the lines from the above paragraph, state four marketing functions undertaken
by Niru and Janak for successful marketing of 'Srijan Atta'.
ृ नआटा' रखाऔरजौनपरु गांवमें 'सज
ृ नआटाफैक्ट्री'
कीस्थापनाकी।बाजारमें प्रवेशकरनेकेलिए,
उन्होंनेकीमतकमरखनेकाफैसलाकिया।बाजारमें अपनेउत्पादकेसच
ु ारूप्रवाहकोबनाएरखनेऔरडिलीवरीमें देरीसेबचनेकेलि
ए, एसकेएमसेवाओंमेंगेहूंकाभंडारणकरनेकानिर्णयलियागया,
जिसमें वज्ञ
ै ानिकप्रक्रियाएंऔररसदत्वरितवितरणकीसवि
ु धाप्रदानकरतेथे।
ृ करके, 'सज
ृ नआटा'
केसफलविपणनकेलिएनीरूऔरजनकद्वाराकिएगएचारविपणनकार्योंकाउल्लेखकरें ।
टे लरद्वारादीगईप्रबंधनकीतकनीक
प्र.32 योजनानिश्चितरूपसेमहत्वपर्ण
ू है क्योंकियहहमें बतातीहै किकहाँजानाहै ,
यहदिशाप्रदानकरतीहै औरपर्वा
ू नम ु ानतैयारकरकेअनिश्चितताकेजोखिमकोकमकरतीहै ।यहकथननियोजनकेमहत्वपरप्र
ु क
ं ोगिनाताहै ।नियोजनकेमहत्वकेकिन्हींतीनबिंदओ
ु क
ं ाउल्लेखकरें जिनकाकथनमें उल्लेखनहीं
कियागयाहै ।
(i) Identify the step of organising process which has not been carried out properly and
contributed to this problem.
(ii) Explain the two steps of the organising process which have been taken by Kanaputti
to respond to the complaint of Ramdas.
(iii) Also explain two points of importance of organising as reflected in the above
paragraph. (6)
49सालकेरामदासएकएविएशनकंपनीमें कामकरतेहैं।वहअपनेडिवीजनमें सबसेवरिष्ठकर्मचारीहैं।वहडिवीजनमैनेजर,
ु टीसेभीवरिष्ठहैं।रामदासकोसबसेप्रतिबद्ध,
सक्षमऔरमेहनतीकर्मचारियोंमें सेएकमानाजाताहै ।उनकीयोग्यताओंऔरवरिष्ठताकेपरिणामस्वरूप,
उन्हें आमतौरपरअपनीपसंद के अनस
ु ार कार्यप्राप्तहोतेहैं ।
फिरभीउन्होंनेउन्हें नियमितरूपसेसभ
ं ाला।एकसमस्यातबउत्पन्नहुईजबएकसक्षमऔरबद्
ु धिमानव्यक्ति, नागार्जुन,
उम्र33 वर्ष, कोकनपट्
ु टीद्वारानियक्
ु तकियागया,नागार्जुनको उसी तरह के कार्यमें पिछलेतीनवर्षोंकेअनभ
ु वने,
ु नामें अधिकतेजीसेकरनासंभवबनादिया।कईमौकोंप
र, कनपट्
ु टीनेदोनोंकर्मचारियोंकेबीचबढ़तेतनावकोदे खा।हालाँकि,
ु दोंमें शामिलनहींहोनाचाहताथाजबतककिकामउनकेद्वाराप्रभावीढं गसेऔरकुशलतासेपरू ा
ु टीसेशिकायतकीकिउनकेकर्तव्योंकोकाफीहदतकनागार्जुनद्वारा
संभालाजारहाहै ।कनपट्
ु टीनेदोनोंकेबीचनौकरियोंऔरसंबधि
ं तकर्तव्योंकेस्पष्टआवंटनकोबतातेहुएआदे शजारीकिया।उन्हों
नेयहनिर्दिष्टकरकेकिकिसेकिसेरिपोर्टकरनाहै , उनकेबीचकामकाजीसंबध
ं कोऔरस्पष्टकिया।इससेकार्यभारकमकरने,
उत्पादकताबढ़ानेऔरअस्पष्टतादरू करनेमेंमददमिली।
Shan Spices Ltd. is the manufacturer of different food specific spices like Rajma Masala,
Choley Masala, AalooParantha Masala, etc. Mr. Raga, the owner of the company, has
created different departments for purchase, production, marketing, finance and human
resource. There are thirty employees working in the organisation. Planning is of
paramount importance to the company as Mr Raga believes that effective planning leads
to achievement of organisational objectives. So, in order to make employees focus on
objectives, he issued instructions that during working hours, only official matters will be
discussed. He made certain rules and code of conduct for the employees to follow,
according to which employees are not allowed to visit and talk to the employees of other
departments except for official work. He emphasised on work performance which resulted
in smooth functioning of the organisation.
(i) Identify and briefly explain the type of organisation mentioned in the above
(ii) Explain one feature of the concept identified in point (i) as mentioned in the above
(iii) What was the purpose behind the formulation of rules for the employees that
restricted their personal communication with the employees of other departments?
शान स्पाइसेस लिमिटे ड विभिन्न खाद्य विशिष्ट मसालों जैसे राजमा मसाला, छोले मसाला, आलू परांठा
मसाला आदि का निर्माता है । कंपनी के मालिक श्री रागा ने खरीद, उत्पादन, विपणन, वित्त और मानव
संसाधन के लिए अलग-अलग विभाग बनाए हैं। संगठन में तीस कर्मचारी कार्यरत हैं। कंपनी के लिए
योजना अत्यंत महत्वपर्ण
ू है क्योंकि श्री रागा का मानना है कि प्रभावी योजना से संगठनात्मक उद्दे श्यों की
प्राप्ति होती है । इसलिए, कर्मचारियों को उद्दे श्यों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए, उन्होंने निर्देश जारी किए
कि काम के घंटों के दौरान केवल आधिकारिक मामलों पर ही चर्चा की जाएगी। उन्होंने कर्मचारियों के पालन
के लिए कुछ नियम और आचार संहिता बनाई, जिसके अनस
ु ार कर्मचारियों को आधिकारिक काम के अलावा
अन्य विभागों के कर्मचारियों से मिलने और बात करने की अनम
ु ति नहीं है । उन्होंने कार्य निष्पादन पर जोर
दिया जिसके परिणामस्वरूप संगठन का कामकाज सच
ु ारू रूप से चल सका।
(i) उपरोक्त पैरा में उल्लिखित संगठन के प्रकार को पहचानें और संक्षेप में बताएं।
(ii) उपरोक्त पैरा में उल्लिखित बिंद ु (i) में पहचानी गई अवधारणा की एक विशेषता को स्पष्ट करें ।
(iii) कर्मचारियों के लिए ऐसे नियम बनाने के पीछे क्या उद्दे श्य था जो अन्य विभागों के कर्मचारियों के
साथ उनके व्यक्तिगत संचार को प्रतिबंधित करते थे?
Q.34.Hayaram' is a famous chain selling a large variety of products in the Indian market.
Their products include chips, biscuits, sweets and squashes. It charges a comparatively
higher price than its competitors as it sells quality products. Besides, it offers regular
discounts to its customers and easy credit terms to its retailers. It has five of its own
retail shops. It also sells its products through various grocery stores so that the products
are made available to customers at the right place, in the right quantity and at the right
time. It regularly uses different communication tools to increase its sales.
The above describes the combination of variables used by Hayaram to prepare its market
offering. Identify and explain the variables'
ु रादक
ु ानेंहैं।यहविभिन्नकिरानेकीदक
ु ानोंकेमाध्यमसेभीअपनेउत्पादोंकोबेचताहै ताकिउत्पादोंकोग्राह
सहीमात्रामें औरसहीसमयपरउपलब्धकरायाजासके।यहनियमितरूपसेअपनीबिक्रीबढ़ानेकेलिएविभिन्नसंचारउपकरणों
काउपयोगकरताहै ।
उपरोक्तअपनीबाजारपेशकशतैयारकरनेकेलिएहायारामद्वाराउपयोगकिएजानेवालेचरोंकेसंयोजनकावर्णनकरताहै ।चरों
कोपहचानेंऔरसमझाएं। (6)
“It is necessary that goods and services must be made available to the customers at the
right place, in right quantity and at right time.”
(i) Name and explain the concerned element of marketing mix given above.
“यहआवश्यकहै किवस्तओ
ु औ
ं रसेवाओंकोग्राहकोंकोसहीस्थानपर,
सहीमात्रामें औरसहीसमयपरउपलब्धकरायाजानाचाहिए।”
(i) ऊपरदिएगएविपणनमिश्रणकेसंबधि
ं ततत्वकोनामदें औरसमझाएं।
(ii) इसतत्वकेघटकोंकोस्पष्टकीजिए। (6)
Marking scheme
Q.1(ii) All pervasive/ universal activity
Q.9(a) Effective leadership is getting wok done. Task completed on the time and goals achieved at
minimum cost.
Q.11 A B C D
a) Iii iv i ii
Q.18b. It refers to short-term incentives designed to encourage the buyers to make immediate
purchase of a product or service
Q.19d. Labelling
iii) The other needs followed the above stated needs that are stills to be satisfied are;
Ans.29. i)The different kinds of financial decisions takenby the company are
Lines Quoted: "Two years back the company hod decided to add more screens to its existing set up
and increase facilities to enhance leisure, food chains, etc
Lines Quoted: "It had then floated an initial public offer of equity shares in order to raise the
desired capital"
Lines Quoted: "Over the years, the sales and profits of the company have increased tremendously
and it has been declaring higher dividend."
(ii) Yes, the financial management team of the company has been able to achieve its prime objective
le wealth maximisation of the shareholders by maximising the market price Q12 "Capital structure
decision is essentially of the shares of the company
(i) Gathering and analysing market information Quoted Lines: "They conducted a survey to collect
data to identify whether there is demand for readymade atta"
(iv) Storage or warehousing Quoted Lines: "It was decided to store wheat at SKM Services..."
b.development of personel
para is formal organisation. to the organisation structure which is designed by the management to
accomplish a particular task.
(ii) Feature of Formal Organisation: It specifies the relationships among various job positions and the
nature of their inter-relationship. This clarifies who has to report to whom
(iii) Avoidance of the emergence of informal organisation which may obstruct the fulfilment of
organisational goals.
Ans 34 the combinatios of variables used by Hayaram to prepare its market offering are:
Product mix
Price mix
Place mix
Promotion mix