Agile Practice Guide Review 2 - 092040
Agile Practice Guide Review 2 - 092040
Agile Practice Guide Review 2 - 092040
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William P. de Carvalho
31 min read
This post was designed for those who are preparing for the PMI-
ACP certification .
1. Introduction
The goal of the team that wrote the Agile Practice Guide was to create a
practical guide to guide leaders and team members in adopting Agile
approaches in project planning and execution. The first point brought is the
project type classifications. The traditional forms of project management are
called by the authors as the predictive type, and here they clearly refer to the
Waterfall model. Non-predictive projects are simply classified as Agile
projects, which is the focus of the Book.
The Book also describes in the Introduction that Agile approaches are
appropriate for the disruptive moment that organizations are going through
in recent years, and, with Agile approaches, these organizations are able to
deliver value to customers in a faster way. He mentions that the customer is
in the first Agile principle (Agile Manifesto and the 12 Principles of the Agile
Manifesto ) and emphasizes that transparency and a fast feedback loop with
the customer are key aspects in Agile projects.
2. An Introduction to Agile
To close the concept, the traditional approaches end up being a not very
good way for projects with a high level of uncertainty, since
the feedback cycles are long and the management of scope changes
throughout the project becomes inefficient and costly. Instead, Agile
approaches work with fast feedback loops , allowing for rapid adaptation (ie
incorporation of scope changes), with frequent and incremental deliveries.
This chapter also covers two very interesting views on Agile approaches. The
first is a model inspired by Ahmed Sidky , who explains Agility as follows:
Vision on Agility
The book also adds that practices are applied by practitioners according to
Two strategies for adopting Agile practices are also mentioned. One is to
adopt a framework and faithfully follow it, then experiment and understand
aspects of Agile approaches well. It is not recommended to make
adaptations at the beginning of adoption, as there will hardly be enough
maturity to make the right choices about keeping, abandoning or
adapting. The second strategy mentioned is instead of starting an adoption
at the organizational level, first incorporate Agile practices in projects, but
not necessarily all practices, but those that you judge to make sense given
the context of the specific project, to then experiment and then progressively
and sustainably grow Agile practices in the organization.
PMI places the Stacey complexity model as a reference to decide the correct
approach and life cycle of a project, based on the degree of risks revealed by
2 aspects:
The PMI understands that Agile approaches work well at the Complicated
( Complicated) and Complex ( Complex) levels of projects, placing
traditional models as more suitable for the Simple ( Simple) level. And , for
the Anarchy level ( Anarchy or Chaos as referenced by the PMI ), it is
recommended that one of the aspects, Requirement or Technology, be
mitigated first, to then enable the project execution, otherwise the risk level
becomes extremely high.
3. Lifecycle Choice
In the introductory part of this chapter, PMI brings a vision of the 4 possible
types of life cycle of a project, namely:
Predictive : Traditional, with early-stage planning effort and
linear sequential execution;
Iterative : an approach with feedback from work still in progress,
thus allowing improvements and changes in continuity;
Incremental : in this approach, it is possible to deliver to the
customer that allows him to use parts of what was produced;
Agile : this is an Iterative and Incremental approach, allowing for
frequent refinement and delivery of work.
The table above should not be seen as a definitive guide, but rather a
reference of how each approach best suits different types of projects.
Another way to understand how life cycles vary is through what PMI calls
the Continuum of Life Cycles .
Predictive and Agile lifecycles are polarized, and that is the concept of the
arrow called Continuum . Therefore, the Incremental and Iterative life
cycles are understood as “middle ground”. There is reinforcement in the
issue that one should not expect a life cycle to be perfect for all projects, but
rather always seek the best balance according to the characteristics.
Agile lifecycles are those that comply with the principles of the Agile
Manifesto , in particular the one that emphasizes customer satisfaction.
There are several models that help to evaluate the adherence or not of Agile
approaches in projects and organizations (Appendix X3 of the Book deals
with this in detail). PMI understands that each project and each
organization can have unique characteristics, and that hybrid models of life
cycles can be considered.
Not necessarily one approach should be adopted for a project from its
beginning to the end. Certain design objectives can lead to hybrid
lifecycle models that are basically the combination
of Predictive , Iterative , Incremental and Agile , in the same project.
A possible combination is the adoption of an Agile approach at the
beginning of the project, which would address issues of
uncertainty, complexity and risk well, then followed in
subsequent phases by a Predictive lifecycle , with defined and
repetitive activities (eg Rollout ).
Some projects may adopt an Agile approach to a specific scope element that
contains a greater degree of uncertainty, complexity, and risk, in addition to
expected scope changes. Still, such projects are managed and controlled in
a Predictive way .
There are also projects that mostly adopt an Agile portion and treat a
specific component with a Predictive model . This usually occurs in
projects that have parts of the scope that are managed by external entities,
which cannot be integrated into an iterative and incremental model.
In this section, the Book mentions that project teams can create hybrid
models according to the risk presented by the project, and not necessarily
similar to those previously exemplified. Here, the emphasis is on how the
project will quickly bring more value. The question to ask should be
something like: What combination of approaches will quickly bring the most
value to the organization? One should not adopt an Agile approach simply
for the sake of being Agile.
O PMI entende que essa é uma abordagem possível e que deveria ser
iniciada em projetos pequenos/médios, com menor risco, usando primeiro a
abordagem híbrida, e somente depois expandir para projetos maiores,
crescendo a porção Ágil e diminuindo a Preditiva.
Esse tipo de liderança não é exclusivo das abordagens Ágeis, mas se integra
muito bem à elas. Os líderes servidores ajudam os times serem mais
colaborativos e a entregar valor mais rapidamente. Há várias características
nesses líderes:
O primeiro valor do Manifesto Ágil fala que indivíduos e interações são mais
importantes que processos e ferramentas. Os Líderes Servidores agem
diretamente nesse ponto. Eles também ajudam a melhorar processos longos
que causam impedimentos e gargalos, que impedem a agilidades dos times.
Eles podem ter vários títulos nas organizações, mas o que eles fazem é mais
importante do que tais títulos:
The 6th. edition of the PMBOK Guide defines the Project Manager as 'the
person to whom the organization has assigned leadership of the team
responsible for achieving the project's objectives'.
Agile approaches optimize the value stream, prioritizing the rapid delivery
of functionality to the customer, rather than focusing on using people. This
is revealed by giving more importance to individuals and the interaction
between them.
4.3.1 Agile Teams
Teams of 3 to 9 members;
“Co-located” teams;
100% dedicated members;
Multifunctional teams;
Limits for work in progress ( Work in progress ).
The Book mentions two types of team members from a knowledge and skills
perspective, which are:
The condition of team members who are not 100% dedicated is not ideal,
but in some cases it is not possible to avoid. It is not ideal as there is a real
loss of productivity when one job is interrupted and then resumes
another. In addition, “multitasking” is a productivity decelerator and
increases the chances of creating defects.
Although not ideal, this is a frequent reality and must be managed in project
teams. It is also important to set realistic expectations for how part-time
members will perform.
The ideal Workspace for an Agile team is one where all members are “co-
located”. There are several possible layouts , with Cave and Common being
considered good practice. This type of layout has a common area (Common)
where team members work in the same physical location, allowing greater
collaboration, and also provides an isolated area ( Cave ) for the
development of activities and sessions that require greater concentration or
Every project needs a Charter, which is the official source from which the
delivery team can understand the project objectives. But for Agile teams this
may not be enough as they also need to understand how they will work
5.2.1 Retrospectives
The Product Backlog is an ordered list of all the work to be done, created in
story form, for a delivery team. It should contain enough detail to allow for
the first few deliveries, and it doesn't have to have all the stories created in
advance and in detail for the entire project.
The Product Owner is primarily responsible for this artifact and must also
provide a high-level long-term view ( Roadmap ) of the delivery
sequence. The Backlog is an artifact that is constantly updated, as the team
learns more about the product over time.
In iterative approaches, the Product Owner often works with the delivery
team to refine, prepare, and estimate stories that will be worked on in future
iterations. This is ongoing work, and involves:
In flow-based approaches, typical queries are done with the Kanban / Tasks
board, looking at it from right to left:
This excerpt from the Book also brings some examples of bad practices that
should be avoided:
Such sessions are led by the development team, which performs the
demonstration of the increment produced to the Product Owner, who must
evaluate, approve or not the deliveries. Other stakeholders may also
participate to gain familiarity with the increment and contribute feedback .
In iterative approaches, these sessions occur at the end of each iteration. As
for flow-based approaches, the team must define when they occur. A good
practice is to perform every 2 weeks.
Planning must consider a realistic view of the team in relation to its capacity
and this includes periods of oscillation such as vacations.
Agile plans are not “set in stone” commitments, but should reflect the best
judgment made by the core team and the level of knowledge available at the
time of planning. They are also not unique events in the initial phase of the
project. Instead, several planning rounds are carried out and learning over
time feeds back into future planning rounds, making it a cyclical and
evolutionary process.
Continuous Integration ;
Testing at all levels, with an emphasis on automated testing;
ATDD ( Acceptance Test-Driven Development );
TDD ( Test-Driven Development ) and BDD ( Behaviour-Driven
Development );
Spikes ( experiment and research timebox events
Iterations help the team create a delivery cadence, they also help to
receive feedback on deliveries on a frequent basis, which also allows for
frequent adaptation.
The following challenges and possible ways to address them are mentioned
in the Publication.
Table of Challenges and Possible Solution Paths
The big point is that Agile teams measure what the team delivers, not what
the team predicts will be delivered. In an Agile environment, if there is little
variation in the work assigned to the team and if the team members avoid
multitasking approach, then their deliverability ends up becoming more
stable and predictable. This means that in Agile approaches, there is
recognition that projects involving learning can and should be estimated,
but their accuracy is evolutionary, and even if it is evolutionary, it can
undergo changes in the various variables and work scenarios over time. This
is characteristic of empiricism.
Often Agile teams use the story points technique to perform estimations ,
through which their velocity can be calculated and projections can also be
The Burndown chart is a tool normally used in Agile projects, taking the
story points as a basis for tracking finished work and remaining work.
Burndown chart example
The Burnup chart demonstrates completed work. In this example, the data
is the same as in the previous Burndown chart .
The velocity of an Agile team is measured through the sum of story points
completed in an interaction, and through the monitoring of the velocity,
which the planning is also refined.
Lead time : total time since the item was added to the board
until its completion;
Cycle time : effective working time to complete the item;
Response time : time of the item in queue, waiting to be
In this approach, each feature and each team is seen as unique, and
precisely because of this, teams end up not being able to compare their
performance with that of other teams or projects.
This chart helps you visualize that 'FS 2', or Feature Set 2, has increased in
the timeline.
Another way to measure the Earned Value is through the graph below,
which combines the Scope and Cost on the timeline, showing several
indicators such as Earned Value, Planned Value, Projected Cost, Actual
Cost, Cost Variation and Schedule Variation.
Exemplo de medição de Valor Agregado no contexto Ágil
PMI understands that there are 2 main factors that drive aspects of Change
Management in organizations that embark on the adoption of Agile
practices :
Structures in silos;
Purchasing strategy prioritizing price and the short term, rather
than a long-term vision of building competencies;
Culture of recognizing leaders for specific optimizations instead of
a broader view (thinking of the whole);
Highly specialized employees without the incentive to become
more generalist and flexible;
Used to multitasking and distributing employees on multiple
projects at the same time.
The first and most important aspect in any organizational change initiative
is to create an environment of security, honesty and transparency for
people, being important the easy perception of these characteristics in the
leaders of the organization in the process of change.
PMI recommends, for the Agile context, that an assessment of the culture be
carried out, through a structured technique (there are several), that make it
very clear how close or far a certain organization is from the Agile values
and principles. And then, from that understanding, structure the change
The values and principles applied by Agile teams often create challenges and
conflicts with traditional business practices used in areas such as Finance,
Human Resources and others.
In this section, the Publication advises not to expect radical and rapid
changes from organizations. Teams must work to create competencies in
organizations (in a progressive way), leading with transparency and
collaboration, so that business practices are adjusted, and thus allow better
performance of Agile teams.
Many projects deal with dependencies, and for that it is important to know
how Agile practices work with this issue.
PMI understands that Scrum and XP are frameworks that work well in non-
scaled environments, that is, one or a few teams.
6.5.2 Considerations
There are several ways to scale an Agile environment. More important than
the form or framework of scaling is how well teams are already working on
the Agile model even before scaling. If, even before scaling, teams are not
being successful, it is better to identify and improve current practices
beforehand, otherwise the result will be to grow the size of the problem.
The Agile approach changes the culture and way of looking at projects, and
the PMO's performance also changes in this scenario.
The actions and tools of an Agile PMO must be adjusted according to the
business value and the individual issues of each project. Some projects may
need tools, others coaching , or other support. It is important for the PMO
to be clear about how its actions will maximize the value brought by a
The central point of this section is: if the PMO's performance is bringing
value to the teams, it will be invited to act and provide the services of its
portfolio. Your role should not be to ensure that all teams work in the same
way, as this does not mean that your role is addressing a project need.
7. Call to action
1- The demand for Agile adoption has never been as great as it is today,
regardless of the type and size of organization, and not only applied to
technology projects. For an organization that built much of its history with
traditional methods, this is an interesting position;
Pmi Acp
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