The Aesthetic Study of Eclectic Interior Design: A Case Study of Mimiti and One Eighty Coffee Shop Bandung
The Aesthetic Study of Eclectic Interior Design: A Case Study of Mimiti and One Eighty Coffee Shop Bandung
The Aesthetic Study of Eclectic Interior Design: A Case Study of Mimiti and One Eighty Coffee Shop Bandung
5th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference on Creative Industries 2018 (5th BCM 2018)
1 Introduction
Eclectic style has become a worldwide trend in the contemporary interior design,
not only in cafes but other typology as well. In Indonesia, this eclectic style has
widely spread as ‘contemporary’ style in regards of urban culture, especially in
commercial space as cafes and restaurant. This style follows the rule of eclecticism
which combines multiple styles in terms of style in periodic characters, geographical
history, landscape characters or communal lifestyles. The principle of eclecticism in an
application of interior styling relates to complex conditions, not only became a referral to
its architectural character but also represent the intangible aspect of interior design such as
brand identity, historical location also lifestyle phenomena. The lifestyles of urban
societies socializing in cafes are made a profit making opportunity for business people by
creating cafes with unique concepts. Lifestyle like this increasingly lifted with the social
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media where urban people vying to show off their lifestyle by showing their hangout
location, what they do, what they eat, and with whom they gather through social media [1]
The growing of coffee shop in Bandung creates many opportunities for design
experimentation experienced in more smaller and personalized scale. Many of coffee
shops in Bandung built-in surrounding area of the university, tourist attraction or
central business district area. Urban lifestyle also became a factor of the growing on
coffee shops design, which this typology has potential to represent the ‘third’ space or
communal-private space which public spaces won't offer. The coffee shops have been
seen as the facilities to either hang out, gathering or even casual working. Those
activities became a needs of urban society where or mobility in high density. So, the
needs of ‘transit’ place which require comfortable places to works and enhance our
mobile productivity become one of the issues on designing coffee shops. Moreover, such
transitional facilities grow its focused not only as comfortable ‘lounge and coffee’ but
also become a social hub, necessarily represent the current popular cultures.
This paper involves three coffee shop in Bandung which has a similarity upon its
popularity in social media, architectural context, and the inherent eclectic style. The
achievement of eclectic style can be studied on several approaches as an insight of each
café specific design. By examined the compositional element of the café interior, the
eclectic style can be defined to seek a root of what particular style are also involves and
what factors influence the style creations. The coffee shop studied: Mimiti and 180’s has
the specific design which located in a colonial house complex near a university. These
cafes have successfully become a social hub because the design has good reviews and
considered trendy and because of the top ten the most ‘unique’ café in Bandung.
2 Literature Reviews
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 197
3 Method
This paper is conducted in a descriptive-analytic method by observing a case study to
gather the data. The research is focused on the examining the interior layers element to find
the origins of style. The data is collected through direct observation and image recording at
the studied object. Based on data observation, the identification of style will be analyzed on
the element interior layers based on a concept of eclectics in interior style toward the
element of interior design. The methods of style fusion from both cafes will give insight to
aesthetic strategy in eclectic approaches to achieve the logically coherent new style.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 197
and outdoor seating with live stages music. The table below shows the analysis on
examines the origins of style through a layer of interior elements
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 197
The table below shows the analysis examines the origins of style through a layer of
interior elements:
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 197
give a statement. This is following the rules of gallery and art, which gallery space is
treated as a ‘framing’ of the art displayed. In the interior, the character of space, also
become a ‘frame’ directed angle to highlight the certain components of furnishing element
in each corner. Open plan layout in both cafes is becoming an option to gave a flexibility on
composing layouts focusing on its variation of style. The idea of an open plan also firstly
introduced in modern architecture.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 197
poetic also expressed by the occurrence of shadow, and water element in the most invisible
and pure form.
Those cafes gave an example of, the statement piece which not always in form of
decorative elements. However, the statement piece can be manifest in the dominant style
and composition in the most important area. It usually becomes the area that considered ‘
the most photogenic’ or a core of dining experiences offered.
5 Conclusion
Eclectic style in interior cafes needs an understanding of aesthetic principle toward user
perceptions. It is the nature of eclectic to a combined variation of style, however, the risk of
‘messy’ interior which create disorientation of the user can be minimized by styling in more
methodological ways. The methods used to interpret the typology and visual strategy to
create the coherent ambiance logically interconnected rather than random. The eclectic
style creates a limitless possibility of news style. By all means, the creativity to mix-match
and find an underlying style that has ‘possible’ potential to compose is important. For
example in both cafes, minimalist, modern and industrial looks have the same core as a user
of fabrication materials but differ in the way materials are expressed toward the form and
motifs. The industrials tend to focus on the aesthetic of raw finish and construction detail,
while in modern and minimalist tend to ‘cover’ the details or joint to create a flawless
surface which aims to purity of forms Furthermore, minimalist tends to look furniture as a
‘form’ rather than seeing facility which inaugurates with a line seating functions.
Meanwhile, the rustic style appears as a contrasting style which only expressed in organic
texture and existed as a balanced toward the vegetations treated as interior elements.
So, to create eclectic looks, some order needs to follow: determine the basic style, in
which became the domination of background, then the bridging style which became the
element that re-appear along the sequences and last, the accentuate style, which has a
contrasting character to both previous style. The accentuate style can be manifest on the
focal point, whether in form of an area, or certain objects compositions
1. Renaldi, Chandra dan Gredi Gradana, Design Audit: Visual Identity of Huisje Cafe,
(Jurnal Kalatanda Vol 1 No 2 2016)
2. Rabl, Bruno, AN ECLECTIC APPROACH, Thesis of Maseter Architecture Rational
Eclecticism, Faculty of Architecture Building Planning (The University of Melbourne,
3. Jencks, Charles. Architcture of Jumping Universe, (Academy Press, NC,1997)
4. Harisah, Afifah, Sudaryono Sastrosasmito, Adi Utomo Hatmoko, Eklektisisme dan
Arsitektur Eklektik : Prinsip dan Konsep Desain, ( UGM Press. Yogyakarta, 2007)