Application Performance Assessment Work
Application Performance Assessment Work
Application Performance Assessment Work
Penanganan Prasarana dan Sarana Umum (PPSU) adalah petugas yang dibentuk tahun 2015 oleh Basuki
Tjahaja Purnama Gubernur DKI Jakarta di Tingkat Kelurahan. Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh Kelurahan
Munjul pada saat ini masih dilakukan secara subjektif oleh Kepala Seksi Ekonomi dan Pembangunan dan
tidak ada parameter yang jelas dan terperinci dalam menentukan penilaian pekerja. Sehingga dapat
mengakibatkan tidak transparannya penilaian kinerja PPSU. Penerapan sistem pendukung keputusan dalam
penilaian prestasi kerja PPSU akan memberikan penilaian secara terstruktur. Salah satu metode yang dapat
dipakai dalam sistem pendukung keputusan adalah Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Konsep metode ini
adalah dengan mencari rating kinerja (skala prioritas) pada setiap alternatif disemua atribut.
Perhitungannya dapat menentukan PPSU terbaik dengan akurat guna pengambilan keputusan perekrutan
PPSU setiap tahunnya.
Kata kunci: Prestasi Kerja, Penanganan Prasarana dan Sarana Umum, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW),
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan
Handling Infrastructure and Public Facilities (PPSU) are officers formed in 2015 by Basuki Tjahaja
Purnama, the Governor of DKI Jakarta at the Kelurahan level. The assessment carried out by Munjul
Kelurahan is currently still subjectively subject to a section by the Head of the Economy and Development
Section and there are no clear and detailed parameters in determining workers' assessments. So that it
can result in non-transparent PPSU performance evaluation The application of decision support systems
in the assessment of PPSU work performance will provide a structured assessment. One method that can
be used in decision support systems is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). The concept of this method is to
look for a performance rating (priority scale) on each alternative in all attributes. The calculation can
determine the best PPSU accurately to make PPSU recruitment decisions every year.
Keywords: Job Performance, Public Infrastructure and Facilities Management, Simple Additive Weighting
(SAW), Decision Support System
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
DOI: Vol. 2, No. 3 June 2020
Work performance appraisal is a process assessment using the method of Simple Additive
through which organizations evaluate or assess Weighting (SAW) can choose prospective
employee work performance. Performance warehouse employees following the desired
appraisal is a process of evaluating employee work criteria and to provide appreciation with the form
performance carried out by the organization to its of assessment to warehouse employees (Agus et al.,
employees systematically and formally based on 2017).
the work assigned to it (Bintoro & Daryanto, 2017). The third researcher explained that at
Decision Support System is a specific STMIK-IM Bandung there were problems in
information system intended to assist management lecturer performance appraisal activities, in this
in making decisions (Latif et al., 2018) relating to case, lecturer performance appraisals were
issues that are semi-structured. This system has assessed from students using a questionnaire.
facilities to produce various alternatives that are Assessment of lecturers' performance uses the
interactively used by users (Nofriansyah & Defit, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, with
2017). criteria (C1). Lecturers always have material; (C2)
The adoption of a decision support system The lecturer allocates time for discussion; (C3)
in evaluating PPSU work performance will provide Teaching materials to supplement the material;
a structured assessment, which will assist the head (C4) Provide an objective test score; (C5) Lecturers
of the Economy and Development Section in always arrive on time; (C6) Provide a lecture
evaluating PPSU performance so that the decision syllabus; (C7) The lecturer masters the material.
will be stronger because it is supported by a The purpose of this study is to make an application
detailed assessment system. Likewise, workers for student assessment of the teaching and
who are judged to be more satisfied and accept the learning process of lecturers so that it becomes an
decision of the Head of the Economy and alternative solution in the process of assessing
Development Section. This study uses the SAW lecturer performance (Moch.Ali & Chandra, 2018).
method, this method has been applied by other The fourth researcher explained that
researchers as follows: verifying loan applications at the Mercu Buana
The first researcher explained that at the Cooperative was still done manually. The purpose
University of Lampung there were problems in the of this research is to design a loan application
selection of outstanding lecturers in the University information system for members. With criteria
of Lampung (Unila) environment, the assessment (C1) loan amount; (2) Clean salary; (C3) Kopkar
process for outstanding lecturers was still done money loans; (C4) Kopkar goods loans; (C5) Bank
manually and the assessment was subjective. The loans; (C6) Store debt; (C7) Staffing status. The
purpose of this research is to create a decision submission of the SAW method can make it easier
support system for the assessment of outstanding for cooperatives to determine loan recipients. The
lecturers using the Simple Additive Weighting existence of information systems can help in
(SAW) method, with criteria (C1) Superior managing incoming data (Widyastuti & Kurnianda,
Prestigious Works; (C2) Teaching; (C3) Dedication; 2019).
(C4) Support. By doing an assessment using the The fifth researcher explained that PT.
Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, it can Harjamukti Jaya Mandiri in determining employee
solve the problem of determining outstanding decisions with good performance to get salary
lecturers as needed (Kurniawan et al., 2015). bonuses (Sukanto, 2018) . There are 5 criteria used
The second researcher explained that at to measure employee performance, namely (C1)
PT Alfaria Trijaya Resources Tbk Malang branch work discipline; (C2) latest education; (C3) work
there were problems in recruiting and evaluating experience; (C4) cooperation; (C6) activity. The
warehouse employees. The purpose of this results of the study with the Simple Additive
research is to apply a decision support system to Weighting model are expected to help PT.
select and assess employees so that they can be Harjamukti Jaya Mandiri in objectively determining
more selective in selecting and assessing good employee performance (Sukanto, 2018).
employees using the Simple Additive Weighting The sixth researcher explained that the
(SAW) method, with criteria for recruitment being employee performance appraisal at PTPN XII
(C1) Academic value; (C2) Test scores; (C3) Value Malangsari Plantation was still done manually and
of physical condition; (C4) The value of the subjectively. The criteria used in the assessment
interview. The criteria for employee appraisal are are the value (C1) of Integrity; (C2) Commitment
(C1) Value of service; (C2) The value of innovation; (C3) Discipline; (C4) Cooperation; (C5) Innovative;
(C3) Value of the work; (C4) The value of (C6) Leadership. This application increases
teamwork; (C5) Behavioral value. By doing an efficiency and helps speed up data processing
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Vol. 2, No. 3 June 2020 DOI:
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
DOI: Vol. 2, No. 3 June 2020
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Vol. 2, No. 3 June 2020 DOI:
Normalization results are as follows: Explanation of figure 2 that the Operator can
manage criteria data, alternative data, data on the
1 0,33 0,25 value of prevalence, user data, and print reports.
⎡0,33 0,67 0,25⎤
⎢ ⎥ Whereas the Section Chief can manage user data,
𝒓 = ⎢0,67 1 0,25⎥ manage grades, and print reports.
⎢0,33 1 1 ⎥
⎣ 1 0,67 0,5 ⎦ B. Initial Display Interface
𝑉 = 𝟎, 𝟓𝟖 ; 𝑉 = 𝟎, 𝟒𝟏 ; 𝑉 = 𝟎, 𝟔𝟒 ; 𝑉 = 𝟎, 𝟕𝟑
𝑉 = 𝟎, 𝟕𝟓
Mengelola Data
Kriteria 3. Section Head Profile Page
Mengelola Data
Operator Alternatif Kepala Seksi
Mengelola Nilai
Mengelola Data
Cetak Laporan
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
DOI: Vol. 2, No. 3 June 2020
8. Alternative Page
Figure 6 PPSU Job Performance Evaluation Page
9. Report Page
Figure 7 Operator Profile Page
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Vol. 2, No. 3 June 2020 DOI:
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
DOI: Vol. 2, No. 3 June 2020
The work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License