Underworld Empire

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Underworld Empire

Underworld Empire
Underworld Empire
Part 1
California floats on ocean
The Disappearance of The Thresher
Deep Springs, California
Paihute Indian legends and underground cities
Subterranean race
Small alien entities
Webster county, West Virginia
US western cave system
Cascade mountain range, western US
Part 4
Mt Lassen
Central Asia
The Subteranean Kingdom
Part 5
Response to Agharti story
Commander X
Part 6
Sharula and the city of Telos
Part 7
George Wight
Underworld Empire
last line: 816
Part 1

In March of 1980, John J. Williams, a New Mexico "Patriot" who published

the anti-Communist oriented "REBEL MAGAZINE" (at the time available
from: Consumertronics Co., c/o John J. Williams. Pres., 2011 Crescent Dr.,
P.O. Drawer 537., Alamogardo, NM 88310) revealed some incredible details
on an alleged subterranean system which the Navy had been exploring below
the western United States. The report appeared in issue No. 6 of his
magazine, and was later reproduced in the Fall, 1985 (#164) issue of
SEARCH Magazine, at the time edited by Marjorie Palmer, widow of the late
Ray Palmer.

California floats on ocean

The article, titled 'CALIFORNIA FLOATS ON OCEAN?', revealed the

"Some time ago, I heard a man on a TV interview-show briefly mention

that parts of California and neighboring states are floating on the Pacific
Ocean! He was a high ranking Naval officer on a top- secret nuclear
submarine that has been (and is) exploring and mapping these enormous
caverns and passage-ways underneath the West for over 10 years now.

"A friend of mine finally tracked the man down. He is now living
quietly in retirement and asked that no details pointing to him be
revealed as he does not want publicity and government attention. After
writing this article, I destroyed my files on him. This is his story..."

Williams explains that not "all" of the areas in question are actually "resting"
or "floating" on the ocean, however there are allegedly many subterranean
cavities below the western U.S., and they are not limited to California, and
many of them consist of very large water-filled aqua-systems. These have
been explored via nuclear submarines to several hundred miles inland,
particularly in the region of southern California and the southern Oregon -
northern California area.

Williams continues:

"...When he retired several years ago, in spite of about 10 years of

intensive Naval study, the Navy had not gotten even a handle on their
exacts and dimensions. Today, the story may be different.

"He makes the following statements from his observations:

“1. The passageways are labyrinthine with widths from a few to

thousands of feet (caverns), averaging roughly about a 100 feet.

“2. Much like dry caverns do, heights and depths vary a great deal and
in some cases, two or more caverns or passageways pass over or under
each other at different depths.

“3. Most of the entrances lie just off the Continental Shelf (ie. in the
Continental Slope - Branton).

“4. Most of the entrances are too small for submarine investigation; and
many that are large enough lie in waters that are too deep.

“5. Some of the caverns (in S. California) are topped with oil while
some others are filled with gases believed to approximate our
atmosphere (in very ancient times).

“6. The San Joaquin Valley is essentially a portion of the original

cavernous area that collapsed eons ago due to it’s sheer weight.

“7. What is being passed off as the ‘San Andreas Fault’ are large,
unsupported chambers that are in the process of collapsing. When the
BIG ONE finally hits, many scientists in the know believe that most of
California will break off like a cold Hershey bar and slide into the
ocean! (it is postulated by some that an ancient land-mass which some
believe may have been connected to what is now California, broke off
and sunk into the ocean during an ancient cataclysm - Branton)

“8. (We are deleting this section due to the possibility of undue stress
and fear which may result from it’s disclosure. Also, because of recent
international events which may have resulted in a solution to this
problem. We will merely state that it involves a scenario similar to that
which was portrayed in a James Bond movie, and which concerned
underground caverns, silicon valley, nuclear weapons, and the San
Andreas fault - Branton).

“9. A WELL-KNOWN U.S. nuclear submarine (Thresher) lost its way

in these passages and disappeared forever. It was reported to have been
lost IN OPEN SEA ELSEWHERE to keep the American people in total
ignorance and to justify an enormous pay-off to an eccentric U.S.
billionaire (Howard Hughes - who died in recent years) for providing the
fictitious “recovery” effort.

"I have no reason to doubt the man. I can't tell for sure whether or not
these caverns and passageways exist or to their extents. The story does
sound a bit fantastic but I have no reason to doubt the man. I have seen
copies of documentation that at least prove that he was a high ranking
Naval officer (nuclear submarine duty) and a distinguished scientist. In
fact, his scientific background and reputation are impeccable. He
definitely cannot be labeled as a crackpot, lunatic or publicity-seeker. I
would very much like more information on this topic..."

After further inquiries to Mr. Williams on the part of 'inner earth' researchers,
Williams responded with the following when asked whether or not he had
received any replies to his request for more information about the alleged
passageways below California:

"Since publishing our article on the vast cavern network under much of
California, we have received many responses and inquiries. Some of
these responses appear to be knowledgeable sources. Note that the
material sent to us for this article was written by someone of very high
repute whose credentials I personally checked out. Due to an agreement
with him, I cannot reveal his identity.
"One response was from a retired (conventional submarine duty? -
Branton) submarine commander, who according to him, spent many
years in the waters off California. He stated that the caverns do NOT

"Another response was from an anonymous person who cited

unpublished oil company seismographical data, and stated, 'Although
most of the caverns you depict in your drawing are smaller, larger or
located somewhat differently than the actual caverns, you are essentially
correct... My information is more up-to-date than what you apparently
relied upon.' He (or she) did not supply any maps to pin down our
differences, just some written descriptions. However, some
knowledgeable person could probably deduce his (or her) overall 'map'
from the voluminous seismographical data sent. I am in the process of
looking for this input; it's been several years now and it may have all
been thrown out... Incidentally, the oil company seismic data had much
data round the Fresno area if that helps any.

"One incident which tends to confirm the fact that California is in fact
floating on the ocean was a story which made the headlines in recent
years. This incident involved an oil discovery beneath Long Beach,
California. When oil companies began pumping oil out of the ground
beneath Long Beach it was soon learned that the entire city BEGAN

"It sank up to 26 feet and dikes had to be built to keep out the water. The
problem is (temporarily) being rectified by 'water injection'--i.e.
pumping an equivalent amount of WATER into the ground to the
amount of oil and water taken out, in order to keep the city AFLOAT!"

One thing which may be of interest in connection with Mr. Williams' account
was a statement which was made by a prominent California Bigfoot
investigator by the name of Virginia Louise Swanson, who has done a good
deal of study on caves and their connections to the Bigfoot phenomena. She
refers to these caverns in the following words:

"...Somewhere I got the idea that a big portion of Death Valley is located
on a shelf of FALSE bedrock. A certain type of earthquake would
collapse all of it down to an enormous series of caverns that would open
up into another Grand Canyon."

The Disappearance of The Thresher

According to our knowledge, the only nuclear submarines ever to disappear
under mysterious circumstances were the U.S.S THRESHER and the U.S.S.
SCORPION. It is uncertain whether the retired Navy Officer who John J.
Williams spoke of was referring to the THRESHER or the SCORPION,
although the disappearance of the Thresher probably caused more publicity.
The Thresher was the LEAD SHIP or 'Flag' ship in the world's most
advanced class of nuclear attack submarines. She was designed to operate
deeper and more silently than any of her predecessors and was also endowed
with significant advances in sonar equipment, in noise reduction, and in fire-
control. All in all, she was the most advanced international submarine in the
world at the time of her disappearance and would have been an ideal choice
for a top- secret mission such as the exploration of the caverns mentioned by
John Williams' source.

On April 10, 1963 (according to official reports) the Thresher, under the
command of Lt. Commander John W. Harvey, USN, with a total of 129 men
(comprised of the crew, civilian technicians, and observers) disappeared
without explanation. NOT A SINGLE TRACE or clue as to the fate of the
craft, or it's occupants, were ever recovered: no oil slicks, radiation, floating
debris, or similar signs of wreckage were ever seen. It is interesting to note
that almost all of the reports at the time stated the ship had "disappeared," or
was "lost," not "sunk!" One woman whose husband was on the ill-fated ship
reported her belief that her husband was still alive. Theologically speaking,
the possibility of a long-distance connection or "communion" on a deep,
emotional level between a husband and a wife should not necessarily be
consigned to the realm of the occult or "psychic" phenomena. Many religions
believe that the very spiritual natures of a husband and a wife are united upon
the consummation of a marriage, and thus they become, as Christian
teachings say, "one flesh". The actual words of this woman, who was
interviewed by Will Carson and Jeannie Joy--two writers devoted to pursuing
strange events--shortly after the Thresher incident, were as follows:
"My husband was on the submarine Thresher when it disappeared. I
don't consider myself a widow. I don't believe my husband is dead. No,
it's not a matter of just not being able to believe it, to accept reality; I
just can't get over the conviction that he's still alive somewhere. I love
my husband very much. I know he loved--loves me. We were very
close. We could always tell when something was wrong with each other.
Intuition, I guess. I should have felt something the instant there was
trouble, if he was really in serious trouble and knew it--a matter of life
and death--but I didn't."

"What do you believe really happened?" Carson and Joy asked the
attractive young woman.

"Most people think I'm crazy when I say this, but I believe the Thresher
was captured."

"By whom?"

"I can't say for sure, but there WAS a Russian submarine spotted near
there that day (that is, near where it REPORTEDLY vanished 220 miles
off Boston harbor)--only I can't imagine how even the Russians could
CAPTURE a vessel like the Thresher without leaving the slightest

Deep Springs, California

The following account, concerning an area just east of BISHOP (OWENS
VALLEY), CALIFORNIA, was related by Val Valerian in his 'LEADING
EDGE' Newsletter, Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990 issue. The article, titled: 'DEEP

"Deep Springs, California is an area that is becoming known as the site

for very strange events. According to the information released both on
the air on KVEG-AM and from other sources, the area is full of strange
people wandering around in black suits. There have also been rumors
that there is an underground facility in the area. Checking with gravity
anomaly maps proved that there are large cavities under the ground in
that area. The wildest claims relative to the area have stated that alien
lifeforms are being released there... Deep Springs Lake has been probed
and it appears bottomless. Divers have traveled along an underground
river 27 miles toward the Las Vegas area before having to turn around."

(This 'river' would probably have been a 'partially' water-filled cave with a
large stream or river flowing through it, rather than an entirely underwater
passage, since 27 miles would undoubtedly be entirely out of the question if
it were all underwater travel, with present diving technology - Branton).

In the April, 1963 issue of SEARCH Magazine, Will Carson and Jeannie Joy,
in their regular column ’PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN’, related the
following incredible story:

"It has always been a mystery to us in the first place how Mr. and Mrs.
P.E. can find and afford the time to do the sort of things most of us only
dream of doing. After knowing them for more than fifteen years, it is
inconceivable to suspect their integrity or sanity - and yet they impose
the following excise upon our credulity...

"While exploring for petroglyphs in the Casa Diablo vicinity of

BISHOP, CALIFORNIA, Mr. & Mrs. P.E. came upon a circular hole in
the ground, about nine feet in diameter, which exuded a sulphurous
steam and seemed recently to have been filled with hot water. A few feet
from the surface the shaft took a tangent course which looked easily
accessible and, upon an impulse with which we cannot sympathize, the
dauntless E.’s, armed only with a flashlight, forthwith crawled down
into that hole.

"At a depth we’ve failed to record the oblique tunnel opened into a
horizontal corridor whose dripping walls, now encrusted with minerals,
could only have been carved by human hands, countless ages ago - of
this the E.’s felt certain. The end of the short passage was blocked by
what seemed to be a huge doorway of solid rock which, however,
wouldn’t yield. The light of their flash was turned to a corner where
water dripped from a protuberance - which proved to be a delicately
carved face, distorted now by the crystallized minerals, and from whose
gaping mouth water issued.
"As Mr. and Mrs. E. stood there in silent awe - wondering what lay
behind that immovable door - the strangest thing of all happened...but
our chronology will not be incorrect if we wait till they return to the
surface before revealing this, for now the water began gushing from the
carved mouth and from other unseen ducts elsewhere in that cave and
rising at an alarming rate!

"They hurried to the surface, and in less than half an hour there was only
a quite ordinary appearing pool of warm mineral water on the desert

"’Do you know,’ Mrs. E. said to her husband, ’while I stood down there
I heard music - the strangest, most weird music I’d ever heard. But it
seemed to come from everywhere at once, or inside my own head. I
guess it was just my imagination.’

"Mr. E. turned pale. ’My God,’ he said; I thought it was MY

imagination, but I heard it, too - like music from some other world!’

"Why do they call that rock formation near where the E’s had their
strange experience Casa Diablo - the Devil’s house? And why did the
Indians name that area Inyo - dwelling place of the great spirit?"

Erich A. Aggen, Jr., in his article ’TOP SECRET: ALIEN UFO BASES’
(SEARCH Magazine, Summer 1991 issue), presented the following
revelations concerning the UFO-Subterranean connection:

"...A great deal of UFO research has also led to the conclusion that
various...species of aliens have set up secret underground bases in the
United States and other countries. It is logical to assume that such bases
have also been established elsewhere in the solar system. If such bases
exist, where would we find them? Existing information allows us to
make a few educated guesses.

"EARTH BASES: UNDERGROUND - The dark, cavernous world

beneath out feet is the source of many baffling mysteries. Clandestine
UFO bases may be hidden deep within the earth in natural and/or
artificial caverns. As a former member of the National Speleological
Society (NSS), I am well aware of the vast extent of cave systems within
the United States. In my own native state of Missouri, for example, there
are over 2,500 known caves and dozens of new ones being discovered
every year. Many of these caves are intricately linked together by
numerous passageways and interconnecting chambers.

"One particular species of blind white (albino) cave fish, the

TYPHLICHTHYS, has been found in many widely separated cave
systems over several states. It has been found in caves that make a great
arc through Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and UNDER the Mississippi
River extending into Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma! A VAST

"Many caves possess rooms hundreds of feet in length, width, and

height. In most cases, these huge natural caverns can only be reached
and explored with the utmost skill and perseverance. There are only a
few thousand NSS members in the United States and only a few hundred
of this number are active spelunkers. With so few spelunkers spread
over such a large area, only a very small fraction of the tens of
thousands of known caves in this country have been carefully mapped
and explored. Thousands of other caves remain undiscovered and

"Extensive evidence indicates that caves in the United States may be

connected with caves in other parts of the world. In Mexico, the cave
known as ’Sotano de las Golondrinas’, (or) basement of the swallows, in
the Municipio de Aquismo, S.L.P., reaches a depth of 1100 feet (334
meters). The cave is actually a giant ’sinkhole’ or ’hole’ in the ground
with a nearly circular opening at the top, hundreds of feet in diameter. It
is impossible to climb down the sides of Golondrinas because the walls
of the opening are too smooth and "belled-out". To reach the bottom of
the cave, a special rope over 1100 feet long must be secured at the top of
the opening and dropped into the sinkhole. Explorers must then descend
into the yawning hole one at a time using special cave repelling gear and
climbing techniques. At the bottom of Sotano de las Golondrinas are
numerous ’leads’ or openings to a multiplicity of different crevices,
passages, crawlways, and rooms which have never been mapped or

"The entrance to Golondrinas is located in one of the most primitive and

uncivilized areas of Mexico and local inhabitants are afraid to approach
the cave because they believe it is full of ’evil spirits’ which lure people
to their deaths. They tell stories of people mysteriously disappearing
never to be heard from again while passing near the cave entrance.
These stories may be based more on fact than fiction: they are similar in
some respects to UFO abduction reports. Because of its huge size,
remote location, and unique geological structure, Golondrinas would be
an ideal UFO base. Naturally camouflaged caves in other parts of the
world may serve as excellent natural bases, way stations, and ’depots’
for UFOs.

"An underground nuclear test called the ’Schooner Experiment’

conducted in December, 1968, substantiates the theory that caves in
North and South America are intimately linked. In this test, a 35- kiloton
nuclear bomb was exploded under the desert of Nevada. Five days after
the test, the radiation level rose from 10 to 20 times in Canada, 1000
miles away from the Nevada test site! The only way the radioactive dust
could have traveled that far is through an interconnected system of caves
extending all the way from Nevada to Canada!"

Paihute Indian legends and underground cities

Bourke Lee, in his book ’DEATH VALLEY MEN’ (MacMillan Co.,N.Y.
1932), chapter: "Old Gold", describes a conversation which he had several
years ago with a small group of Death valley residents. The conversation had
eventually turned to the subject of Paihute Indian legends. At one point two
of the men, Jack and Bill, described their experience with an ’underground
city’ which they claimed to have discovered after one of them had fallen
through the bottom of an old mine shaft near Wingate Pass. They found
themselves in a natural underground cavern which they claimed to have
followed about 20 miles north into the heart of the Panamint Mountains. To
their amazement, they allegedly found themselves in an huge, ancient,
underground cavern city.
They claimed that they discovered within the city several perfectly preserved
’mummies’, which wore thick arm bands, wielded gold spears, etc. The city
had apparently been abandoned for ages, except for the mummies, and the
entire underground system looked very ancient. It was formerly lit, they
found out by accident, by an ingenious system of lights fed by subterranean
gases. They claimed to have seen a large, polished "round table" which
looked as if it may have been part of an ancient council chamber, giant
statues of solid gold, stone vaults and "drawers" full of gold bars and
gemstones of all kinds, heavy stone "wheelbarrows" which were perfectly
balanced and scientifically-constructed so that a child could use them, huge
stone doors which were almost perfectly balanced by counter-weights, and
other incredible sights.

They also claimed to have followed the caverns upwards to a higher level
which ultimately opened out onto the face of the Panamints, about half-way
up the eastern slope, in the form of a few ancient tunnel-like quays. They
realized that the valley below was once under water and they eventually came
to the conclusion that the arched openings were ancient ’docks’ for sea
vessels. They could allegedly see Furnace Creek Ranch and Wash far below
them. They told Bourke Lee that they had brought some of the treasure out of
the caverns and tried to set up a deal with certain people, including scientists
associated with the Smithsonian Institute, in order to gain help to explore and
publicize the city as one of the ’wonders of the world’.

These efforts ended in disappointment however when a ’friend’ of theirs stole

the treasure (which was also the evidence) and they were scoffed at and
rejected by the scientists when they went to show them the ’mine’ entrance
and could not find it. A recent cloud-burst, they claimed, had altered and
rearranged the entire countryside and the landscape did not look like it had
been before. When Lee last heard from the two men, Bill and Jack, they were
preparing to climb the east face of the Panamints to locate the ancient tunnel
openings or quays high up the side of the steep slope. Bourke Lee never did
see or hear from his friends ever again.

During the lengthy conversation wherein they first revealed the secret of the
underground city to Lee and others, the discussion turned to the topic of a
Paihute Indian legend that they had heard which was remarkably similar to an
ancient Grecian myth. The Paihute legend concerned a tribal chief whose
wife had died, and who according to the tradition took a spiritual journey to
the underworld to find her, and upon returning with her he ’looked back’ and
as this was forbidden he was not allowed to bring his wife back with him
from the dead. This would not be the same as the more tangible story related
in an earlier file, as told by the Navaho Oga-Make, concerning a Paihute
chief who was allegedly PHYSICALLY taken into the underground cities of
the Hav-musuvs deep below the Panamints.

Subterranean race
After this legend was referred to, the conversation turned to a discussion of
an alleged subterranean race, who were believed to inhabit very deep caverns
far below the Death Valley area. Paihute legends of the "Hav-musuvs"
indicate that these ancient dwellers of the Panamints abandoned the ancient
city within the mountain itself and migrated to deeper and larger caverns
below. Could the following story tie-in with the Paihute legends of the Hav-
musuvs? We will enter the conversation with the following discourse from
Bourke Lee:

"...The professor and Jack and Bill sat in the little canvas house in
Emigrant Canyon and heard the legend all the way through. The
professor said, ’That story, in its essentials, is the story of Orpheus and

"’Yes,’ I said. ’It’s also a Paiute legend. Some Indians told that legend to
John Wesley Powell in the sixties.’

"’That’s very interesting,’ said the professor. ’It’s so close a parallel to

Orpheus and Eurydice that the story might well have been lifted bodily
from the Greeks.’

"Jack said, ’I wouldn’t be surprised. I knew a Greek. I forgot his name,

but he ran a restaurant in almost every mining town I ever was in. He
was an extensive wanderer. The Greeks are great travelers.’

"Bill said, ’They don’t mean restaurant Greeks. The Greeks they’re
talking about have been dead for thousands of years.’

"’What of it?’ asked Jack, ’maybe the early Greeks was great travelers,

"The professor said, ’It’s very interesting.’

"’Now! About that tunnel,’ said Bill, with his forehead wrapped in a
frown. ’You said this Indian went through a tunnel into a strange
country, didn’t you?’

"’Yes,’ I said. ’I think I called it a cave or a cavern, but I suppose a

miner would call it a tunnel. Why?’

"’Here’s a funny thing,’ said Bill. ’This Indian trapper living right across
the canyon has a story about a tunnel, an it’s not a thousand years old
either. Tom Wilson told me that his grandfather went through this tunnel
and disappeared. He was gone three years, an when he came back he
said he’d been in a strange country living among strange people. That
tunnel is supposed to be somewhere in the Panamints not awful far from
where we’re sitten. Now! What do you make of that?’

"Jack said, ’I think Tom’s grandfather was an awful liar.’

"I said, ’Tom’s grandfather lived when the Paiutes were keeping their
tribal lore alive. He probably knew the old legend. Powell heard it in
Nevada only sixty-five years ago.’

"’It’s very interesting,’ said the professor.

"’I got an idea about it,’ said Bill, thoughtfully. ’Tom’s grandfather
might have wandered into some tunnel all goofy from chewen jimson
weed and then come out an found some early whites an stayed with
them. Tom told me that the people spoke a queer language and ate food
that was new to his grandfather an wore leather clothes. They had horses
and they had gold. It might have been a party in Panamint Valley, or
even early explorers or early settlers in Owens Valley. How about that?’
"Jack said, ’Yeah. The Spaniards was in here, too. So it might have been
Spaniards or the early Greeks. And, where is this tunnel? And why did
Tom’s grandfather have trouble speaking the language? This is an
entirely different story than the one Buck told. We are arriving at no
place at all with these Indians and Greeks... To return for a moment to
our discussion of geology, professor; have you been in Nevada much?’"

From here the conversation took off in an entirely new direction...

Small alien entities

Some years ago a woman by the name of Joan Howard, at the time living in
eastern Canada although originally from Britain, wrote a manuscript in which
she described her own paranormal experiences with small "alien" entities.
Joan had experienced several UFO-type ’abduction-encounters’ while at a
very young age when she still lived in Britain, and claimed to have had
’psychic’ contact with beings that claimed to be of extraterrestrial origin.
These experiences were accompanied by a great deal of occultic
manifestations such as poltergeist phenomena, psychic dreams, encounters
with invisible entities, etc. Joan even admitted that she often doubted the
claims of these ’beings’, that their actions were manipulative and just didn’t
seem to coincide with their claims that they were here as some kind of group
of cosmic saviors to lead humanity into a New Age of enlightenment.

She also warned other researchers to retain a "keen, analytical mind" when
dealing with alien entities so as not to fall under possible deception or
manipulation. Perhaps, as she suggested to others, they might actually be here
to prepare for a future invasion of this planet and were merely using her for
various purposes to help prepare the way, and that all of their ’benevolence’
talk was just that... talk!

She DID describe vivid "dreams" in which she saw alien craft hovering over
major cities blasting frightened and terrified people in the streets with
powerful beam weapons, dreams which she suggested might be somewhat
prophetic in nature. She described the entities as being small or dwarfish, yet
was unsure whether they were human or not, although they DID attempt to
pass themselves off as some type of evolved human species, something
which the ’grays’ have apparently done in order to break down any natural
enmity which might prevent their ’contactees’ or ’abductees’ from receiving
the lies which they intentionally fed them as part of their program of conquest
and control.

Webster county, West Virginia

Joan Howard, incidentally, wrote a privately published book, titled "THE
SPACE - OR SOMETHING - CONNECTION". We refer to it here because
it dealt with some experiences which she, or rather her husband, had shortly
after she came to America. In fact she devoted an entire chapter to her
husbands account, which involved some incidents that took place while he
was doing some field work for a certain company, which required a great
deal of activity in the out- of-doors. During his employment with this
company, ’they’ (he and his co-workers) had to travel through some
relatively unpopulated terrain in West Virginia, particularly in the regions
between Newville in Braxton county, and Helvetia in Randolph county, or
rather the general region in and around the northern part of Webster county.

During their travels through the forests and wilderness, and the rolling hills-
mountains of West Virginia, he had encountered some very strange things,
and heard accounts of strange cave-related incidents from the locals. At one
point, he claimed, their group ran across what appeared to be a pipe sticking
up from the ground far from the nearest town. There was no other sign of
civilization or anything manmade for miles on either side, yet here was this
large pipe or tube sticking straight up from the ground. But the most
remarkable thing was that a flame was shooting out of the pipe as if it were
burning some type of gas. They never found out just what it was. Also, in this
same general area, they explored caverns which contained some very strange
things. One of the caverns had strange hieroglyphic-like writing on it’s walls,
and others claimed that they heard what sounded like faint voices and sounds
like machines moving underground coming as if from beyond the walls of the
caverns, or from their unexplored depths.

Two men, he claimed, bedded down one night in front of a certain cave
which contained a very deep, unexplored chasm some ways inside. The next
morning one of the men woke up and found that his partner had disappeared,
and no trace was ever found of him. This particular cave by the way had been
known as a place of unusual happenings, and a place to stay away from.
Some even went so far as to call it ’Satan’s Lair’.

Whatever the case may be, it may provide an answer to the man’s
disappearance. One of the most remarkable accounts that Joan’s husband
heard involved a man who claimed that, while exploring the labyrinthine
depths of a particular cavern in the area, he had suddenly come face to face
with a woman. She was attractive yet completely void of hair (such as
someone who might have been subjected to radiation poisoning?). The
woman, who spoke a language completely foreign to the man, tried for some
time to communicate. After they found that they were not getting anywhere,
they departed and went their separate ways.

According to an item which appeared in THE LEADING EDGE Magazine, a

well-known Los Angeles talk show host by the name of Ken Hudnell
announced over the air on November 3rd, 1989, his intention to take a group
to visit one of the ancient underground cities, which he says has an entrance
60 miles from Anaheim, California.

US western cave system

In 1962, a researcher by the name of Chuck Edwards released some of his
own discoveries concerning the ’Western Subsurface Drainage Network’
which seems to cover parts of Utah, Nevada, and Southern California, where
are located many drainage systems which do not ultimately flow into the
Pacific ocean (via surface rivers, that is), but instead made their way
underground into a vast subterranean drainage system. His letter appeared in
issue A-8 of ’THE HIDDEN WORLD’, one of the few specialized
publications which grew out of the Palmer-Shaver controversy of the late
1940’s. We quote Mr. Edwards’ comments here in part (Note; These
comments are addressed in a letter to Richard S. Shaver):

"This letter is in reply to your January 31 letter. Please forgive me for

not answering sooner. Enclosed is some material I hope that you can
glean something of value (from). Please be as candid as you have been
in the past and if I am far off base don’t hesitate to tell me...
"Our foundation has located a vast system of underground passages in
the Mother Lode country of California. They were first discovered in
1936, ignored by all even with our best efforts to reveal them. Recently
a road crew blasted out an opening verifying our claims. ONE (of the
chambers is) 200 feet long, 70 feet wide and 50 feet high. We have
disclosed what we believe to be a vast subterranean drainage system
(probably traversing the Great American Desert country for a distance of
more than 600 miles). We believe this system extends out like five
fingers of your hand to such landmarks as Zion Canyon in Utah, the
Grand Canyon, another runs south from the Carson Sink in Nevada and
yet another follows (below) the western slope of the same range, joining
it’s counterpart and ending somewhere in the Mojave Desert. We
believe, contrary to orthodox geologists, that the existence of this
underground system drains all surface waters running into Nevada
(none, with the exception of the Armagosa runs out) and accounts for
the fact that it is a Great American Desert. The hairy creatures that you
have written about have been seen in several of these areas. Certainly
there has been much ’saucer’ activity in these parts. For two years I have
collected material pertinent to these creatures and if you have any
opinions along these lines I would appreciate hearing them.

"So much for now. I hope that I am still your friend. Much of my time
has been devoted (to) helping a farmer near Portland who has made a
fantastic discovery of incredible stone artifacts. He has several tons of
them. They predate anything yet found (or accepted) let us say that for
now. We are making slow but steady progress in getting through the
wall of orthodoxy.

Chuck Edwards."

Still another possible area in the Mojave Desert region which may connect to
this subsurface network involved ’Iron Mountain’, one of the peaks in the El
Paso Mountains northeast of Mojave, California. There are many bizarre
accounts connected with this mountain, which apparently got it’s name in
part from the many old mines which can be found there, along with numerous
natural cavities which open out to the surface in many different areas. The
area has allegedly been the site of certain activity concerning native
American Indian occult practices, as well as the site of alleged secret
government activity, some of which reportedly involves the observation and
monitoring of strange creatures and/or automatons which are said to emerge
from the area on certain occasions. Just exactly what these ’creatures’ are is
uncertain, but some accounts indicate that they are dangerous! Could it also
be a ’magnetic’ zone due to the high iron content?

Following the Sierra Nevada range from here into the northern territories, one
arrives at the Cascade Range, consisting mostly of dormant or extinct
volcanic mountains which rise at intervals through northern California,
Oregon and Washington and into southwestern Canada.

Cascade mountain range, western US

The Cascade Range is not without it’s own peculiar accounts of subterranean
recesses occupied by unknown beings, both human and non-human, who
apparently re-discovered what apparently are parts of ancient antediluvian
subsurface networks, which were at one time inhabited by a race of highly
technological (through extremely violent and warlike) beings, perhaps both
human AND reptilian!? There are many unanswered questions as to just how
the subsurface world was used, or exactly what part it played, in relation to
these ancient subterranean races, but the following account may explain some
of these mysteries and help us to see the entire ’picture’ more clearly.

Some years ago a man by the name of Ralph B. Fields submitted the
following account to AMAZING STORIES Magazine (Dec. 1946 issue, pp.
155-157), with the assurance that it was true and actually happened.
However, we must be cautious of every tale of this type which might be
presented yet at the same time not deny the possibility of it happening as
well. We will leave the reader to draw their own conclusions concerning the
account, which we quote as follows:

"In beginning this narrative and the unexplained events that befell my
friend and myself, I offer no explanation, nor do I even profess to offer
any reason. In fact, I have yet to find a clue that will, even in part, offer
any explanation whatever. Yet as it did happen, there must be some
rhyme or reason to the whole thing. It may be that someone can offer
some helpful information to a problem that just should not exist in these
times of enlightenment.

"To begin with, if we had not been reading an article in a magazine

telling us about the great value of guano (i.e. bat droppings in old caves,
which are said to be extremely effective as a fertilizer - Branton) that
have accumulated over a great number of years, we would have
continued to wend our merry way through life without ever having a
thing to worry about.

"But having read the article as we were at the time living near a small
town called Manten in Tehama County, California, we thought that that
would be a good country to explore for a possible find to this kind. After
talking it over for some time and as we had plenty of time just then, we
decided to take a little trip up the country just back of us. As we were
almost at the foot of Mount Lassen, that seemed the best place to
conduct our little prospecting tour.

"So collecting a light camping outfit, together with a couple of tents to

sleep in, we started out on what we expected to be a three- or four-day
jaunt up the mountain.

"I guess we covered about ten or twelve miles on the third day and it
was fast approaching time to begin to look for a place to spend the night
and the thought was not very amusing as it had turned a little colder and
we were well over 7,000 feet above sea level.

"We soon found a sheltered place beneath a large outcrop of rock and set
about making a camp. As I was always the cook and Joe the chore boy, I
began getting things ready to fix us some grub and Joe began digging
around for some dead scrub brush to burn. I had things all ready and
looked around for Joe and his firewood. But I could see no signs of him.
I began calling for him and he soon came into sight from around the
very rock where we were making our camp. And I knew he was laboring
under some great excitement and his face was lit up like a Christmas

"He had found a cave. The entrance was on the other side of that very
rock. He was all for exploration right away. But I argued that we had
better wait till morning. But he argued that in a cave it was always night
and we would have to use flashlights anyway, so what would be the
difference? Well, we finally decided that we would give it at least a
once-over after we had a bite to eat.

"It wasn’t much to call a cave at first as it had a very small entrance, but
back about 20 feet it widened out to about 10 feet wide and around eight
feet high. And it did reach back a considerable distance as we would see
at least 100 yards and it appeared to bend off to the left. The floor sloped
slightly down.

"We followed to the bend and again we could see a long way ahead and

"At this point we became a little afraid as we were some way into the
mountain. The idea of being inside so far seemed to make us a little
afraid. But we reasoned that inasmuch as there were no branches or
connecting caves we could not get lost and therefore had nothing to be
afraid of. So we went on.

"We found no sign of anything that we could imagine to be our much

sought guano nor signs of any animals being inside the cave.

"I don’t know how far we went, but it must have been a mile or two, as
we kept on walking and the cave never changed it’s contour or size.
Noticing this I mentioned it to Joe. And we discovered an amazing
thing. The floor seemed to be worn smooth as though it had been used
for a long time as a path or road. The walls and ceiling of the cave
seemed to be cut like a tunnel. It was solid rock and we knew that no
one would cut a tunnel there out of rock as there had been no sign of
mining operations (tailings). And the rock in the walls and ceiling was
run together like it had been melted. Or fused from a great heat.

"While we were busy examining the cave in general, Joe swore he saw a
light way down in the cave. We started down the cave once more and
found a light. Or should I say the light found us as it was suddenly
flashed into our faces. We stood there blinded by it for a minute until I
flashed my light at it’s source and saw we were confronted by three

"These men looked to be about 50 or a little younger. They were dressed

in ordinary clothing such as is worn by most working men in the
locality. Levi type pants and flannel shirts and wool coats. They wore no
WERE SO THICK that they gave the impression of being made of
wood. (John Keel’s book ’THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES’ describes
men who were seen wearing THICK-SOLED shoes in connection to
MIB reports - Branton)

"We just stood there for a minute or two and looked at them. We had no
idea there was anybody within miles of us and there stood three men
looking at us in a cave a mile or so in the depths of old Mount Lassen.

"I was scared. We were unarmed. And we knew nothing about these
men. One of them spoke to us. He asked what we were looking for. I
told him, but I could see he didn’t believe it. We both tried to convince
him, but he just smiled. We had a little argument with him, but fearing
they might be some criminal gang in hiding, we came to the conclusion
that we had better retreat. Turning to go we were confronted by two
more of them.

"I can’t find any words to express the fear and utter helplessness I felt in
finding our retreat cut off. I do remember having remarked to Joe, ’Well,
it looks like we are behind the well-known eight-ball.’ I sure didn’t feel
as jovial as I spoke either. One of the strangers told us, ’I think maybe
you had better come with us.’

"We were in no position to argue, though we both would have liked to

do a little of that right there, but we had no way of enforcing our
arguments. Where could a hero gain any credit in a place like that? So
we permitted the five to escort us deeper into the depths of old Lassen.

"They had led us farther down and I guess we had gone a couple more
miles when we came to the first thing that really amazed us.
"We came to a place where the cavern widened out a little and we saw
some kind of machine, if it can be called that. Though I had no chance to
examine it closely at the time, I did later and it was a very strange
contrivance. It had a very flat bottom, but the front was curved upward
something like a toboggan. The bottom plate was about eight inches
thick and it was the color of pure copper. But it was very hard tempered.
Although I have had a lot of experience in metals and alloys, I had no
opportunity to examine it closely enough to determine just what it was. I
doubt very much if I could. It had a seat in the front directly behind a
heavy dashboard affair and there was a dial shaped in a semi-circle with
figures or markings on it. I had not the slightest idea what they stood for,
but they were very simple to remember. If there was a motor, it was in
the rear. All I could see was two horseshoe or magnet-shaped objects
that faced each other with the round parts to the outside. When this thing
was in operation, a brilliant green arc seemed to leap between the two
and to continue to glow as it was in operation. The only sound it gave
off was a hum or buzz that sounded like a battery charger in operation.

"The seat in the front was very wide. The only method of operation was
a black tear-shaped object which hung from the panel by a chain. One of
these men sitting in the middle took this thing and touched the sharp end
to the first figure on the left side of the dial.

"When he touched the first figure, the contraption seemed to move

almost out from under us. But it was the smoothest and quietest take-off
I ever experienced. We seemed to float. Not the slightest sound or
vibration. And after we had traveled for a minute he touched the next
figure on the dial and our speed increased at an alarming rate. But when
he had advanced the black object over past the center of the dial, our
speed increased until I could hardly breathe. I can’t begin to estimate the
distance we had traveled or our speed, but it was terrific. The two
horseshoe objects in the rear created a green light that somehow shone
far ahead of us, lighting up the cavern for a long way. I soon noticed a
black line running down the center of the cavern and our inner-mountain
taxi seemed to follow that.

"I don’t know how long we continued our mad ride, but it was long
enough for us to become used to the terrific speed and we had just about
overcome our fear of some kind of wreck when we were thrown into
another spasm of fear.

"Another machine of the same type was approaching us head on. I could
see that our captors were very nervous, but our speed continued. As the
other machine became closer our speed slowed down very fast and we
came to a smooth stop about two feet from the front of the other

"Our machine had no sooner stopped than our captors leaped from the
machine and started to dash away. A fine blue light leaped from the
other machine in a fine pencil beam and it’s sweep caught them and they
fell to the cavern and lay still.

"The figures dismounted from the other machine and came close to us.
Then I noticed they carried a strange object in their hands. It resembled a
fountain pen flashlight with a large, round, bulb-like affair on the back
end and a grip something like a German luger. They pointed them at us.

"After seeing what had happened to our erstwhile captors I thought that
our turn was next, whatever it was. But one spoke to us.

"’Are you surface people?’

"’I guess we are, as this is where we came from very recently.’

"’Where did the horlocks find you?’

"’If you mean those guys there,’ I pointed to the five motionless figures,
’back there a few hundred miles.’ I pointed toward the way we had
come in our wild ride.

"’You are very fortunate that we came this way,’ he told us. ’You would
have also become horlocks and then we would have had to kill you
also.’ That was the first time I had realized that the others were dead.

"They put their strange weapons away and seemed friendly enough, so I
ventured to ask them the who and why and everything we had run into. I
told them of our search for guano and how we had encountered the five
horlocks - as he called them. And also asked him about the machines
and their operation and could we get out again? He smiled and told us.

"’I could not tell you too much as you would not understand. There are
so many things to explain and you could not grasp enough of what I
could myself tell you. The people on the surface are not ready to have
the things that the ancients have left. Neither I nor any one in any of the
caverns know why these things work, but we do know how to operate
some of them. However, there are a great many evil people here who
create many unpleasant things for both us and the surface people. They
are safe because no one on the surface believes us or them. That is why I
am telling you this. No one would believe that we exist. We would not
care, but there are many things here that the outer world must not have
until they are ready to receive them, as they would completely destroy
themselves, so we must be sure that they do not find them. As for the
machine, I don’t know how it works. But I know some of the principles
of it. It works simply by gravity. And it is capable of reverse. The
bottom plate of it always is raised about four inches from the surface of
the floor. That is why there is no friction and has such a smooth
operation. This object suspended from this chain is pure carbon. It is the
key to the entire operation. As I told you before, I cannot explain why it
runs, but it does. We want you two to return to where you came and
forget about us. We will show you how to operate the sled and we want
you never again to enter the cave. If you do and you do not encounter
the horlocks, we will have to do something about you ourselves so it
would not be advisable to not try to return at all events. One thing I can
tell you. We never could permit you to leave another time.’

"He explained to us the operation of the machine and in some way

reversed it’s direction. So thanking them, we seated ourselves in the
sled, as he had called it, and were soon on our way back.

"Our return trip was really something we enjoyed, as I was sure not to
advance the carbon far enough on the dial to give us such terrific speed,
but we soon found ourselves where we started from. The sled slid to a
smooth stop and we jumped out and started up the cave afoot.

"We must have walked a long way coming in, for we thought we never
would come to the surface. But at last we did. And it was late afternoon
when we emerged.

"We lost no time in making our way down the mountain, and Joe tells
me that he isn’t even curious about what is in that cave.

"But I am. What is the answer to the whole thing? I would like to know.
We had been told enough for me to believe that down there somewhere
there are things that might baffle the greatest minds of this Earth.
Sometimes I’m tempted to go back into that cave if I could find it again,
which I doubt, but, then I know the warning I heard in there might be
too true, so I guess I had better be of the same mind as Joy. He says:
"’What we don’t know don’t hurt us.’"
Part 4
Regardless of "Joe's" opinion, however, there is reason to believe that
influences from these nether regions can and do affect "us" in a profound
way, and even the men whom Ralph and Joe encountered, whoever they
were, admitted this fact.

Is there anything else which we might be able to "read into" this scenario,
based on the accumulated data which we've given in previous files? The men
who were encountered do confirm than an ancient (antediluvian?) race did in
fact leave behind extremely sophisticated technology, and it is probably true
that man in his largely unregenerate state might be influenced to destroy
themselves with these sophisticated machinery if given the chance. Then
again the so- called Horlocks (perhaps the same as the 'cybernized', mind-
altered and controlled "Men In Black" described by John Keel and others!?)
have seemingly utilized such technology without utterly destroying
themselves. This could be due to the fact that their 'controllers' (the serpent
races?) realize the dangers of such technology and desire to conquer without
destroying that which they are conquering.

Also, man already has enough 'technology' in the form of nuclear weaponry,
etc., to destroy himself many times over, but no use adding fuel to the fire as
they say. As for these underground or subsurface people, they are apparently
part of a race or races who discovered these recesses either hundreds or
thousands of years ago, or perhaps different groups who discovered this
network throughout this entire period of time. The 'horlocks' seem to be a
group working under an evil influence, for instance--as we've said--possibly
that of the serpent race, since there have been documented CONNECTIONS
uncovered between the MIB and the Serpent Race as we have seen and will
continue to see.

The previous account tends to indicate that once one becomes a 'horlock' (via
some mind-altering method of control, re-programming or implantation-
cybernezation!?) they become a threat to both surface and subsurface
dwellers who are trying to live an existence free from conflict. We would
suggest that NO ONE who still possesses a human soul is completely out of
the reach of God's power to deliver them from any evil influence UNTIL they
have left this life, at which point it WILL be too late.

There have been some who have suggested that a human body could, through
advanced techromancy or technological- necromantic manipulation, be
"killed", it's "soul-matrix" removed, and revived as an operating organism
controlled by another non-physical entity or a bio-computer. As strange as it
may sound, this would be a hi-tech version of the ancient 'zombie' legends
which supposedly involve the possession of a human being by a demonic
entity after that person has 'died', or the hypnotizing of a living soul via
drugs, etc., into a perpetual catatonic state of control and servitude to a
sorcerer, etc. Could this explain why some of the so-called 'Men In Black'
appear to be more mechanical than human, spouting off monotone phrases
like a programmed computer?

We would suggest however that such horrible perversions of nature, if they in

fact exist, would not include ALL of the entities who might be classified
under the term 'MIB' or Men In Black, who have been described as being
anything from government silencers to alien humans to implanted humans to
cybernized humans to androids to reptilian-like beings attempting to pass
themselves off as humans. Perhaps this whole gamut of 'alien' entities just
mentioned are involved together in the draconian control scenario!?

We would suggest that if a "human" or even a "human-hybrid" or hu-brid still

retains some semblance of a human soul, there must be a way of breaking the
mental "control" of over such a soul that may be captive to a malevolent
power, if that soul is willing, rather than by killing them in order to subdue
their influence. The Ralph Fields account referred to SEVERAL inhabited
caverns, obviously connected with this underground sub-way system. Also,
the fact that the 'horlocks' wore surface clothing would indicate that they
probably operate jointly below and above ground, mixing with the inhabitants
of the upper world as Keel and other have alleged.
Mt Lassen
Others have described strange activities surrounding Mt. Lassen, suggesting
that this area IS in fact a "battleground" between benevolent and malevolent
powers. Some have stated that there is an "alien" atmosphere about the place,
others have described strange "voices" which seem to come from nowhere,
while still others have described "showers" or rocks ranging in size from
small pea-like pebbles to basketball-size stones in a few cases. This 'might'
result from volcanic activity, then again, it might not.

There have even been other accounts suggesting that there is a "base" near
Mt. Lassen consisting of "joint" human-sauroid activity, or humans under the
control of the serpent race and thus serving their cause. The following
account which we will describe shortly was released by Val Valerian in June
of 1992, and appeared in 'LEADING EDGE' magazine. The account
describes human-sized reptilians (who might, with some alterations, be able
to pass themselves off as humans?) or reptoids that are apparently extremely
dangerous and threatening. In fact, there are other accounts that suggest that
the human-sized, and larger, sauroids absolutely despise humanity and unlike
the saurian Grays have been seen to express anger, hatred, impudence and an
almost demonic contempt for the human race.

Although the Grays' "enmity" against the human race is on the other extreme
from that of the Reptoids', and consists of emotionless insensitivity and
indifference to human life or suffering, it can be just as destructive to
humankind as is the raging, murderous hatred of the larger 'reptoid' predators.
This is why the saurian grays can dip their arms in a tank full of dismembered
human corpses being dissolved into hydrogen peroxide for their protein and
enzyme content, and rub this substance over their bodies without the slightest
twinge of conscience.

As we've said, indifference can be just as destructive as hatred. So one should

not consider the Grays any better than the Reptoids simply because the Grays
are far more intellectually oriented and more emotionless than the larger
sauroids. Nevertheless, since the reptilian hierarchy operates on fear,
competition, selfishness, ego and absolute control (and is a perfect example
of how the demonic or "infernal" hierarchy itself operates), there will
nevertheless be accounts such as the following one which indicate that the
lower levels of the reptilian hierarchy are fearful of the higher ups. This is no
doubt due to the fact that execution is sometimes used to make examples, or
other forms of punishment is used in order to keep the lower levels "in line".

And since the soulless reptilians have gained "self realization" and are aware
that death means complete oblivion to them, such fear of the upper hierarchy
would no doubt be explainable. The hu-brids (human-hybrids possessing a
human soul as opposed to the re-brids or reptilian-hybrids possessing no soul-
matrix) would be another story. There is much evidence that these beings
who are bred for slavery from birth are themselves being kept in subjection
through fear and intimidation and possibly even the threat of death. There is
also evidence that "they" are inwardly in opposition to the indifferent Grays
and the malevolent Reptoids.

Val Valerian introduces the woman who experienced the encounters that she
had with the "aliens" near Mt. Lassen, in the following words:

"The case of this San Francisco woman is highly illustrative of the

abduction situation... This kind lady came to me recently for assistance
and is in the process of receiving it. Her case is detailed below in the
hope that it will contribute toward additional research in this area. Her
name is understandably withheld to maintain confidentiality."

We will quote only portions of this lengthy account of a possible encounter

with 'horlocks'(!?) under Reptilian control:

"...I described an experience I had remembered in reoccurring

NEAR MT. LASSEN, CALIFORNIA. I believe the year was 1969 or
1970. What happened there had a profound effect on my life, in a VERY

"...I am a 31 year old woman living in the city of San Francisco. For the
past 2 years I have been living in a nightmare of sleepless nights, hellish
dreams, strange dreams in which the information 'given' in the dream
'comes true', what I can only describe as ominous coincidences and
manifestations of a paranormal nature, unusual sensations during sleep
(when I do sleep)... and to top it off, a slow but steady flow of bizarre
memories in the form of intense flashbacks and nightmares (which
reoccur constantly) of events going all the way back to my early

"I can mark the beginning of all this 'trouble' to a Saturday evening in
July of 1988 when, while at work, I witnessed a luminous ball of light
make a dramatic entrance and exit, stopping long enough to 'visit' with
us (I had five witnesses in the room with me).

"From... October of 1990 right up through last weekend before I heard

you speak I had been living with a kaleidoscope of images and
memories of bizarre encounters and topsy-turvy like interactions with
apparently non-human beings, none of which made any sense to me.

"While you were speaking it felt as if little bells were going off in my
head. I could hardly believe that you were describing certain things that
I thought (and hoped) only existed in my mind! I have spent the last 2
years of my life trying to convince my therapist that little grey creatures
had repeatedly visited me as a child and on at least one occasion, while I
was staying at a cabin in the woods with my parents, they brought me to
their 'ship' where other (different looking) beings along with human
beings (earth people) did all kinds of crazy things including what I refer
to; for lack of a better explanation, as 'splitting my mind'. The closest
description I could give to explain the above stated term would be that I
experienced something akin to induced psychosis

(Note: This may be similar to what some 'abductees' or 'contactees' have

referred to. It is a well known phenomena that when one undergoes heavy
trauma their minds may create an 'alternate personality' as a safeguard. The
theory behind this is that the human brain is not so much divided into
separate 'compartments' as it is divided into separate individual 'brains'. One
of these 'backup' minds seems to take over in those suffering from multiple
personality syndrome. This "splitting of the mind" might conceivably by
accomplished through a type of technosis.

Some UFO and Inner Earth "abductees" claim that when they are in the
"other" realm another "consciousness" other than their waking consciousness
takes over. It has been referred to as their unconscious, subconscious, dream-
conscious, and so on. The ideas and motives of the waking and "other"
consciousness may be different, for instance the "aliens", be they sauroid or
human may have convinced one "personality" to cooperate with them
whereas the waking conscious might not, and in fact the waking
consciousness might even have no memory of events which had taken place
while in the "other" consciousness, other then faint dream-like impressions.
This is also evidenced by the fact that those suffering from multiple
personality syndrome might do certain things or not do certain things
depending on which trance-induced "consciousness" is dominant - Branton)

This event occurred when I was eight, possibly nine years old. While I have
yet to undergo hypnosis, I have many memories which are very fragmented
and blocked. Although the above mentioned experience is perhaps the most
traumatic, a lot of vivid images and details are somewhat clear.

I have a distinct memory of being made to lay on a table and having what I
thought was a three-pronged fork stuck in my lower back (right next to my
spine) and a smaller one stuck in the back of my (she skips a word here,
intentionally or unintentionally - Branton) directly vertical to the one in my
back. I have the scars (both of triangular shaped patterns) to match the
memory. I remember looking up at different colored lights that kept changing
and feeling ok one minute and screaming in agony the next. I remember
someone talking to me but I could not see them. I'm not sure how much of
this is in sequence as I have not remembered it that way.

I remember screaming because I really thought (and felt) like I was falling
through a crack in the Earth, then some people came in and told me that I
could stop screaming because it wasn't happening anymore. I remember
awkward things, like a door opening when it wasn't supposed to and seeing
human beings on the other side and someone saying 's-- t!' or something close
to that word. I remember a bunch of beings in some kind of outfits and
because I'm screaming so loudly one of them takes off this 'head- piece' (like
some kind of fire personnel wear) and I stop screaming because I see that it is
a woman, but then I hear a man's voice yelling at her and making her put it
back on her head.

I remember a lot of screaming, but it did not do much good. At one point,
after I had been on the table for awhile with the 'forks' plugged into my back
(I also remember this voice I couldn't see saying the same things over and
over and over again and I remember repeating it back to him--most of which
I cannot remember) the one I call the 'head doctor' came in to check on me (I
was very sick, maybe even drugged) and he now had on a shiny dark blue
overalls with an insignia above his chest (the insignia consisted of an outline
of a man or a being with a line down through the middle of it, and the left
half of the figure was black or dark while the right side was light -Branton).

I remember a whole set of separate interactions with the 'aliens'; of 'playing'

with a strange looking one I thought was a child (a so- called 'hybrid'? -
Branton), of being shown a dead squirrel and being asked to touch it, of being
given 'information' while looking into the eyes of one of the grays (this
information, what I can remember, appears to involve future events in my
own life and also in the world including what appears to be some sort of
global disaster).

I also remember one of the greys asking something from me and I agreed to it
-- whatever it is, I cannot remember. I REMEMBER MEETING A GREY
and all the other greys were afraid of this one. Perhaps the most disturbing
thing I remember is of a group of three or so beings with long blue capes and
faces I cannot remember, coming in twice to stick a 'pea up my nose'. When I
had this particular flashback several months ago I swear to you I physically
re-experienced what that felt like!

"...I believe I may have one of those implants that you spoke about at
your workshop. I have checked on the roof of my mouth and did see
what looks like needle marks as you suggested during your talk. I have
experienced some strange things going on with my body lately and I
find myself feeling compelled to do certain things-- especially like going
to certain locations; most recently all the way to Arizona! I do not wish
to continue living like I have been for the past four years

(Note: she also explained that the controllers motivated her into studying
"Zen Buddhism" at the age of 12, and at age 20 she had come to the point of
advanced Zen meditation. Could this be an attempt on the part of the
controllers to put her into a semi-tranced state in which she could via the
implant be all-the-easier influenced mentally? Many occult lodges attempt to
get the "initiate" to surrender to certain spiritual entities by teaching them a
form of "meditation" which involves "blanking out" the mind. As they say,
nature hates a vacuum, and if a human surrenders control of their own mind
and thoughts, some "thing" else will take control - Branton)

"...I have called all over the country and found support groups, but none
in my area. I even asked Mr. Budd Hopkins if he would see me, but he
became rather unenthusiastic when I insisted there were human beings
in my memories (he does not believe there are humans
involved/working with 'aliens'). He promised to put me in touch with 'his
people' working in San Francisco, but as of yet... I have not heard from

"I don't mean to complain, but I guess I just wanted to convey my level
of frustration.

"...You mentioned in your talk a woman researcher in Hawaii (you did

not say her name) who claims to have had success in locating and
deactivating these various implants. You mentioned she had some kind
of instrument available that could detect these things. I would greatly
appreciate it if you could tell me how to get in touch with her. If you
could send me her name and address or phone number or the name and
address of anybody you think might be able to help me at any level. If
you know anyone in my area who works with people like me... I would
also appreciate their name(s). You mentioned that in England they have
extracted some implants, do you know who and where? I feel as though
I've been brainwashed and need to be 'de-programmed' but I can't seem
to convince anybody that any of this really happened.... well I did
convince one person, unfortunately he's an optometrist. I guess I find
that to be really funny, but I'm not sure why.

"I am willing to go anywhere inside or outside of the country. I do not

have alot of money, but I do have some resources available to me..."

Unfortunately, this woman is not the only one in this desperate situation.
Who out there has the compassion and the means to help these poor people?
If your out there, we ENCOURAGE you to use your talents to help these
victims and, if possible, aid them in removing the mind-manipulating
implants which have been used by the 'aliens' as thought-control mechanisms
used, no doubt, as part of their overall strategy of manipulation, subversion
and infiltration of the human race.

At this point we will return to the main theme of this File, the relatively
'benevolent' human societies living and operating within the interior realms
below the surface of the earth.

Central Asia
Below central Asia there is said to exist one of the largest and most ancient
human subterranean societies in the world. All in all, this society which has
been referred to by many as 'Agharta' or 'Agharti' consists of humans, most of
whom have no real enmity towards those on the surface, other than 'their'
desire to protect their world from intrusion from undesirables. Although, as in
most other civilizations in the world, small groups of 'renegades' may exist
among them who may be tied into the MIB-Reptilian scenario; but for the
most part the inhabitants of this realm are believed to be relatively friendly.
In fact, according to one source this civilization was founded upon conflict
with the serpent race or 'Lizard' beings, who were allegedly driven from those
particular caverns when the ancestors of the present Aghartians or SOME of
the present inhabitants of Agharti encountered them.

This ancient 'war' was believed to have taken place after their ancestors, who
at one time lived on the surface, first discovered this ancient underground
realm and the malevolent influences of the serpent races which had for ages
been manipulating the minds of people on the surface via 'witchcraft.' Also,
many of the cavern civilizations in the western hemisphere are believed to be
allied with the Aghartians, the Telosians of Mt. Shasta being included as one
of the North American sub-colonies allegedly tied in with the Agharti

Perhaps the most complete descriptions of this underground realm come from
the two travellers Ferdinand Ossendowski and Nicholas Roerich. To begin,
we will quote from Ossendowski's writings as they appear in his book
'BEASTS, MEN AND GODS' (1922. E.P. Dutton & Co., N.Y.).
The Subteranean Kingdom
Quoting from the chapter 'THE SUBTERRANEAN KINGDOM' (pp. 300-
311) we read:

"...On my journey into Central Asia I came to know for the first time
about the 'Mystery of Mysteries,' which I can call by no other name. At
the outset I did not pay much attention to it and did not attach to it such
importance as I afterwards realized belonged to it, when I had analyzed
and connected many sporadic, hazy and often controversial bits of

"The old people on the shore of the river Amyl related to me an ancient
legend to the effect that a certain Mongolian tribe in their escape from
the demands of Genghis Khan hid themselves in a subterranean country.
Afterwards a Soyot from near the Lake of Nogan Kul showed me the
smoking gate that serves as the entrance to the 'Kingdom of Agharti.'
Through this gate a hunter formerly entered into the Kingdom and, after
his return, began to relate what he had seen there. The Lamas cut out his
tongue in order to prevent him from telling about the Mystery of
Mysteries. When he arrived at old age, he came back to the entrance of
this cave and disappeared into the subterranean kingdom, the memory of
which had ornamented and lightened his nomad heart.

"...The favorite Gelong Lama of Prince Chultun Beyli and the Prince
himself gave me an account of the subterranean kingdom.

"'Everything in the world,' said the Gelong, 'is constantly in a state of

change and transition--peoples, science, religions, laws and customs.
How many great empires and brilliant cultures have perished! And that
alone which remains unchanged is Evil, the tool of Bad Spirits. More
than 60,000 years ago a holyman disappeared with a whole tribe of
people under the ground and never appeared again on the surface of the
earth. Many people, however, have since visited this kingdom, Sakkia
Mouni, Undur Gheghen, Paspa, Khan Baber and others. No one knows
where this place is. One says Afghanistan, others India. All the people
there are protected against Evil and crimes to not exist within its bourns.
Science has there developed calmly and nothing is threatened with
destruction. The subterranean people have reached the highest

(Note: The 60,000 year period is probably greatly exaggerated. According to

an American "monk" by the name of Ernest Dickhoff, as described in his
book 'AGHARTA', the human habitation of this realm was initiated no more
than a few thousand years ago, after the deluge, when an Asian Prince
entered with an army of humans and fought with the Reptilians who had
taken possession of these caverns. Much activity and growth may have
nonetheless taken place within such an uncontested civilization within the
few thousand years since, according to Dickhoff, it's human habitation.
According to one source, over 20,000,000 persons now reside in Agharti, and
many more on the surface accept it's existence. It is said that an ancient
"library" exists between the surface and Agharti, in underground vaults to
which certain Asian 'initiates' have access. Below or beyond these vaults, the
kingdom itself is said to exist. - Branton)

"Prince Chultun Beyli added: 'This kingdom is Agharti. It extends

throughout all the subterranean passages of the whole world. I heard a
learned Lama of China relating to Bogdo Khan that all the subterranean
caves of America are inhabited by the ancient people who have
disappeared underground. Traces of them are still found on the surface
of the land. These subterranean peoples and spaces are governed by
rulers owing allegiance to the King of the World...'"

(Note: If the subterranea of America was once MOSTLY inhabited by

humans who migrated there from the surface or other parts of the inner
world, then the fact of the MODERN DAY infiltration of the saurian or
serpent races into the underground of America must suggest that the major
infestation occurred sometime within the last two or three centuries. The so-
named 'King of the World' is apparently a reference to the present leader of
the council of Agharti, which would probably make whoever held such a
position the most influential man in the world, for good or evil. And in fact,
according to former Dulce Base security worker 'Thomas C.', certain of the
U.S. Presidents in the past have held conferences with these kings of Agharti.

A succession of many such 'kings' have allegedly reigned over this

underground realm, most of them probably receiving more adoration than
they deserve and have apparently been regarded as 'gods' by some of the
residents of the subterranean world. This would not necessarily be the fault of
these 'kings', many of whom according to sources HAVE acknowledged a
higher potentate than themselves and allegedly even pray to Almighty 'God'
on behalf of humanity. Just like the Popes of Rome or rulers and presidents of
the surface nations, these Agharian 'kings' possessed their own personalities,
some being perhaps more suited to reign than others, but nevertheless should
be respected as the elected(?) representatives of perhaps tens of millions of
persons who dwell within the inner world. The name of one such king,
according to one source, was 'Rigdon Jyepo'. Names of other Agharian rulers
are unknown except, perhaps, to the inhabitants of Agharti itself. - Branton)
Part 5
Prince Chultun, speaking to the author, continued:

"’...In underground caves there exists a peculiar light which affords

growth to the grains and vegetables and long life without disease to the
people. There are many different peoples and many different tribes. An
old Buddhist Brahman in Nepal was carrying out the will of the ’gods’
in making a visit to the ancient kingdom of Genghis,--Siam,-- where he
met a fisherman who ordered him to take a place in his boat and sail
with him upon the sea. On the third day they reached an island where he
met a people having two tongues which could speak separately in
different languages. They showed to him peculiar, unfamiliar animals,
tortoises with sixteen feet and one eye, huge snakes with a very tasty
flesh and birds with teeth which caught fish for their masters in the sea.
These people told him that they had come up out of the subterranean
kingdom and described to him certain parts of the underground country.’

"The Lama Turgut traveling with me from Urga to Peking gave me

further details.

"’The capital of Agharti is surrounded with towns of high priests and

scientists. It reminds one of Lhasa where the palace of the Dalai Lama,
the Potala, is the top of a mountain covered with monasteries and

"’...In cars strange and unknown to us they rush through the narrow
cleavages inside our planet. Some Indian Brahmans and Tibetan Dalai
Lamas during their laborious struggles to the peaks of mountains which
no other human feet had trod have found there inscriptions on the rocks,
footprints in the snow and tracks of wheels. The blissful Sakkia Mouni
found on one mountain top tablets of stone carrying words which he
only understood in his old age and afterwards penetrated into the
Kingdom of Agharti, from which he brought back crumbs of the sacred
learning preserved in his memory.’"
Ferdinand remembered a particular conversation with one Lama:

"’How many persons have ever been to Agharti?’ I questioned him.

"’Very many,’ answered the Lama, ’but all these people have kept secret
that which they saw there. When the Olets destroyed Lhasa, one of their
detachments in the southwestern mountains penetrated to the outskirts of
Agharti. Here they learned some of the lesser mysterious sciences and
brought them to the surface of our earth. This is why the Olets and
Kalmucks are artful sorcerers and prophets. Also from the eastern
country some tribes of black people penetrated to Agharti and lived
there many centuries. Afterwards they were thrust out from the kingdom
and returned to the earth, bringing with them the mystery of predictions
according to cards, grasses and the lines of the palm. They are the
Gypsies... Somewhere in the north of Asia a tribe exists which is now
dying and which came from the cave of Agharti, skilled in calling back
the (so-called) spirits of the dead as they float through the air.’"

As is the case of many of the peoples inhabiting the surface of central Asia,
some of the underground peoples apparently are prone to practicing certain
forms of occultism or spiritism. This might explain why some ’MIB’ have
been described as ’oriental-appearing’ humans who have demonstrated occult
powers to those they have contacted. This as we’ve said, might only consist
of a relatively small percentage of the underground inhabitants of the
Agharian network, a small percentage which might have (as is the case with
almost every other nation) "sold out" to the reptilians in exchange for power
over their fellow human beings.

In his book ’SHAMBHALA’ (1930. Frederick A. Stokes Co., N.Y.), writer
and traveller Nicholas Roerich adds some additional insights into human
habitation of underground regions of central Asia. In his chapter
’SUBTERRANEAN DWELLERS’ (pp. 210-219) we read the following

"Once on our travels we reached a half-ruined village. There was a

glimmer of light in only two houses. In a small room, an old man sat
cleaning a utensil. He became our host for the night. I asked him the
reason for his isolation. He answered, ’Every one has departed. They
have found more suitable sites for their dwellings. They were strong and
enterprising. Something new attracted them. But I knew that nothing
new exists on earth. And I did not wish to change the place of my

"Thus the strongest ones depart. The decaying ones patiently await
death. Is this not the story of all migrations, of all enterprises?

"The subject of the great migrations is the most fascinating in the history
of humanity. What spirit was it that thus moved whole nations and
innumerable tribes? What cataclysm drove the hordes from their familiar
steppes? What new happiness and privileges did they anticipate in the
blue mist of the immense desert?

"On rocks in Dardistan we saw ancient drawings. We also saw the same
kind of drawings upon the rocks near the Brahmaputra, as well as on the
rocks of Orkon in Mongolia, and in the tumuli of Minusinsk in Siberia.
And finally we discerned the same creative psychology in the
halristningars of Sweden and Norway. And later we stopped in
admiration before the mighty signs of the early Romanesque which we
found, based on the same creative aspirations of the great migrators.

"In every city, in every encampment of Asia, I tried to discover what

memories were being cherished in the folk-memory. Through these
guarded and preserved tales you can recognize the reality of the past. In
every spark of folk-lore, there is a drop of great Truth adorned or
distorted. Not long ago we were too vain to appreciate these treasures of
folk-lore. ’What could these illiterate people know!’ But afterwards we
learned that even the great Rig-Vedas were written down only in the
comparatively recent past, and perhaps for many centuries they were
passed down by word of mouth. We thought that the flying carpet of
fairy-tales belonged only to the children but we soon recognized that
although each fantasy, in its own individual way, weaves a beautiful
carpet ornamenting life, nevertheless the very carpet bears the footprints
of great reality of the past.
"Among the innumerable legends and fairy tales of various countries
may be found the tales of lost tribes and subterranean dwellers. In wide
and diverse directions, people are speaking of the identical facts. But in
correlating them you can readily see that these are but chapters from the
one story. At first it seems impossible that there should exist any
scientific connection between these distorted whispers under the light of
the desert bonfires. But afterwards you begin to grasp the peculiar
coincidence of these manifold legends related by peoples who are even
ignorant of each other’s names.

"You recognize the same relationship in the folklores of Tibet,

Mongolia, China, Turkestan, Kashmir, Persia, Altai, Siberia, the Ural,
Caucasia, the Russian steppes, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Germany,
France; from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans. You will hear
wonderfully elaborated tales in the Tourfan district. They tell you how
the people, not willing to submit to the cruelty, closed themselves in
subterranean mountains. They even ask you if you want to see the
entrance to the cave through which the saintly persecuted folk fled.

"In Kuchar you will hear of King Po-chan, ruler of the Tokhars, and
how, when the enemy approached, he disappeared with all the treasure
of his kingdom, leaving only sand, stones and ruins behind him.

"...Each entrance to a cave suggests that some one has already entered
there. Every creek--especially the subterranean creeks--draw one’s
fantasy to the underground passages. In many places in Central Asia,
they speak of the Agharti, the subterranean people. In numerous
beautiful legends they outline the same story of how the best people
abandoned the treacherous earth and sought salvation in hidden
countries where they acquired new forces and conquered powerful

"In the Altai Mountains, in the beautiful upland valley of Uimon, a

hoary Old Believer (Starover) said to me: ’I shall prove to you that the
tale about the Chud, the subterranean people, is not a fantasy! I shall
lead you to the entrance of the subterranean kingdom.’

"On the way through the valley surrounded by snowy mountains, my

host told us many tales about the Chud. It is remarkable that ’Chud’ in
Russian has the same origin as the word WONDER. So, perhaps, we
may consider the Chud a wonderful tribe. My bearded guide told how,
’once upon a time, in this fertile valley lived and flourished the powerful
tribe of Chud. They knew how to prospect for minerals and how to reap
the best harvest. Most peaceful and most industrious, was this tribe. But
then came a White Tzar with innumerable hordes of cruel warriors. The
peaceful, industrious Chud could not resist the assaults of the
conquerors, and not wishing to lose their liberty, they remained as serfs
to the White Tzar. Then, for the first time, a white birch began to grow
in this region. And, according to old prophecies, the Chud knew that it
was the time for their departure. And the Chud, unwilling to remain
subject to the White Tzar, departed under the earth. Only sometimes can
you hear the holy people singing; now their bells ring out in the
subterranean temples. But there shall come the glorious time of human
purification, and in those days, the great Chud shall again appear in full

"Thus the Old Believer concluded. We approached some low stony hill.
Proudly he showed me, ’Here we are. Here is the entrance to the great
subterranean kingdom! When the Chud entered the subterranean passage
they closed the entrance with stones. Now we stand just beside this holy

"We stood before a huge tomb encircled by great stones, so typical of

the period of the great migrations. Such tombs, with the beautiful
remains of Gothic relics, we saw in South Russian steppes, in foothills
of the Northern Caucasus. Studying this hill, I remembered how during
our crossing of the Karakorum pass, my sais, the Ladaki, asked me, ’Do
you know that in the subterranean caves here many treasures are hidden
and that in them lives a wonderful tribe which abhors the sins of earth?’

"And again when we approached Khotan the hoofs of our horses

sounded hollow as though we rode above caves or hollows. Our caravan
people called attention to this, saying, ’Do you hear what hollow
subterranean passages we are crossing? Through these passages, people
who are familiar with them can reach far-off countries.’ When we saw
entrances to caves, our caravaneers told us, ’Long ago people lived
there; now they have gone inside; they have found a subterranean
passage to the subterranean kingdom. Only rarely do some of them
appear again on the earth. At our bazaar such people come with strange,
very ancient money, but nobody could ever remember a time when such
money was in usage here.’

I asked them, if we could also see such people. And they answered,
’Yes, if your thoughts are similarly high and in contact with these holy
people, because only sinners are upon the earth and the pure and
courageous people pass on to something more beautiful.’

"Great is the belief in the Kingdom of the subterranean people. Through

all of Asia, through the spaces of all deserts, from the Pacific to the
Urals, you can hear the same wondrous tale of the vanished holy people.
And even far beyond the Ural Mountains, the echo of the same tale will
reach you. Often you hear about subterranean tribes. Sometimes an
invisible holy people is said to be living behind a mountain. Sometimes
either poisonous or vitalizing gases are spread over the earth, to protect
some one. Sometimes you hear how the sands of the great desert shift,
and for a moment disclose treasures of the entrances of subterranean
kingdoms. But none would dare to touch those treasures. You will hear
how, in the rocks, in the most deserted mountain ranges, you can see
openings which connect with these subterranean passes, and how
beautiful princesses once upon a time occupied these natural castles.

"From distances one might take these openings for eries, because all
which belongs to the subterranean people is concealed. Sometimes the
Holy City is submerged, as in the folk-lore of Netherlands and
Switzerland. And there is folk-lore that coincides with actual discoveries
in the lakes and along the sea coasts. In Siberia, in Russia, Lithuania and
Poland, you find many legends and fairy tales about giants who lived at
times in these countries but afterwards, disliking the new customs,
disappeared. In these legends, one may recognize the specific
foundations of the ancient clans. The giants are brothers. Very often the
sisters of the giants live on the other shores of the lakes or the other side
of the mountains. Very often they do not like to move from the site but
some special event drives them from their patrimonial dwelling. Birds
and animals are always near these giants; as witnesses they follow them
and announce their departure.

"...The endless Kurgans of the southern steppes retain around them

numerous stories about the appearance of the unknown warrior, nobody
knows from whence. The Carpathian Mountains in Hungary have many
similar stories of unknown tribes, giant-warriors and mysterious cities.
If, without prejudice, you patiently point out on you map all the legends
and stories of this nature you will be astonished at the result. When you
collect all the fairy-tales of lost and subterranean tribes, will you not
have before you a full map of the migrations?"

Response to Agharti story

During the ’Subterranean World’ controversy which filled the pages of
AMAZING STORIES Magazine in the late 1940’s as a result of the writings
of Palmer, Shaver and numerous readers who sent in their own contributions,
a couple by the name of John & Dorothy de Courcy became involved as well.
They had sent in a fictionalized novelette based loosely on the ’Agharti’
legends, which was published in the magazine. Sometimes afterwards, in the
Dec. 1946 issue of A.S. (p. 173), they submitted another letter describing a
strange ’response’ to their story:


"The most singular thing has happened and we are at a loss to offer an
explanation. It might be a prank, but unless someone is willing to spend
a good deal of money on a prank, it must be the truth!

"On July 29, a tall man wearing a long blue or black overcoat and a dark
hat drawn down to conceal his face, went to a former residence of ours
in San Francisco asking for us. He was told we had moved and the
landlord tried to find a card bearing our forwarding address. Try as he
might, he couldn’t, nor could he remember even the city, but he said he
thought it was Portland. When told, the man answered, ’I quite
understand. If you find the address, kindly write them and say, "the man
from Agharti" seeks them.’

"On August 5 he reappeared in Portland at an apartment house where we

had once lived. Again our address was missing and again he left the
same message, adding, ’I bear a message for them from the King.’

"In both cases, after we had gone, our forwarding addresses were found
and both landlords wrote to us immediately apologizing for their
oversight. They said he impressed them so much they couldn’t forget
him. Both of them misspelled Agharti in their letters.

"Who is the King? Can he be referring to the fabulous King of the

World? The only solution we can suggest is to publish this letter with
our address and hope that this time the man from Agharti, if he be such,
will find us.

" John & Dorothy de Courcy., 665 S. W. 113th Place., Seattle 66,

Commander X
As further evidence that not ALL subterran societies are of the insidious,
reptilian or reptilian-controlled variety, we add the following revelations from
’Commander X’, the mysterious anonymous U.S. Intelligence official who
has revealed much about ’inside’ government knowledge of alien civilization
both beyond and beneath the earth. He is the author of the book
’UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES’, published by Tim Beckley’s UFO
REVIEW-Abelard Press, N.Y. Mr. ’X’ was apparently very familiar with the
Subterranean-world controversies that surrounded AMAZING STORIES and
related publications in the early years, which may explain his present position
in U.S. Intelligence. He reveals the following subterranea-related accounts
from South America:

"..Of all the countries on the face of the Earth, none is more mysterious,
or less explored, than is Brazil. Miles upon miles of this country have
never been set foot upon by white man. In these areas live whole tribes
of savage Indians whose civilizations are said to be akin to those
existing at the time of the Stone Age. Many of those who have dared
venturing into these pockets of unexplored jungle have never come out.
Perhaps the case of Colonel Fawcett will be familiar to readers as an
example of what I mean. He supposedly was captured by a tribe of wild
Indians while in search of a ’hidden city’ said to be located in the
confines of the dense jungle...

"Before his death, Dr. (Raymond) Bernard had sent this writer many
personal letters regarding his findings related to... underground
civilization(s). We quote from these communications in the following:

"’I arrived in Brazil in 1956 and have been carrying on my research

since I met a Theosophical leader who told me about the subterranean
cities... that exist in Brazil. He referred to Professor Henrique de Souza,
president of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, at Sao Lourenco in the
state of Minas Gerais, who erected a temple dedicated to Agharta, which
is the Buddhist name of the subterranean World. Here in Brazil live
Theosophists from all parts of the world, all of whom believe in the
existence of the subterranean cities.

"Professor de Souza told me that the great English explorer Colonel

Fawcett is still alive, living in a subterranean city in the Roncador
Mountains of Matto Grosso, where he found the subterranean city of
Atlanteans for which he searched but is held prisoner lest he reveal the
secret of his whereabouts. He was not killed by Indians as is commonly
believed. Professor de Souza claimed he has visited subterranean cities,
including Shamballah, the world capital of the subterranean empire of
Agharta. I then went to Matto Grosso to find the subterranean city where
Fawcett is claimed to be living with his son Jack, but failed to do so. I
then returned to Joinville in the state of Santa Catarina, and there
continued my research.

(Note: Bernard refers to the inhabitants of this city as ’Atlanteans’, when in

fact other accounts suggest that--like the underground cities below the east
coast of North America--many of these cavern cities were originally
constructed by an ancient antediluvian race which might have been very
similar to the lost race spoken of in the ’Atlantis’ legendary, and were later
re-inhabited after the flood. In ’this’ sense they might be referred to as
’Atlanteans’ although the present inhabitants of such cities probably do not
have any direct ’genetic’ ties to the antediluvian ’Atlanteans’. - Branton),

"Just recently two explorers returned from entering a tunnel near Ponte
Grosse in the state of Parana. One of them had recently entered alone
and spent five days in the underworld city there. It had about 50
inhabitants plus children. The fruit orchards were recently planted, and
the inhabitants received fruit from another subterranean city. During the
last visit, the two explorers were met at the entrance of the tunnel by a
guardian and the chief of the city, who told them that they should return
in two years when the fruit trees will start to bear, but cannot enter now.

"The same two explorers entered a tunnel in Rincon, state of Parana, and
finally came to a chimney-like structure with four chains hanging down.
They descended on the chains but when they came near the bottom a gas
with a chemical odor started to come up and forced them to ascend.
Obviously the subterranean dwellers tried to keep them from reaching
the city (This seems often to be the case - Commander X).

"Our explorer J.D. (name on file - Commander X), who is a mountain

guide of the Mystery Mountain near Joinville (where there is supposed
to be an entrance) said that, several times, he saw a luminous flying
saucer ascend from the tunnel opening that leads to a subterranean city
inside the mountain, in which he heard the beautiful choral singing of
men and women, and also heard the ’canto galo’ (rooster crowing), a
universal symbol indicating the existence of subterranean cities in
Brazil. He said that the saucer was so luminous that it lit up the night
sky and converted it into daylight. On one occasion he met a group of
subterranean men outside the tunnel. They were short, stocky, with
reddish beards and long hair, and very muscular. When he tried to
approach them, they vanished. Often he saw strange illuminations in this
area at night which were probably produced by flying saucers (We use
the name ’Mystery Mountain,’ rather than reveal the true name of the
mountain, so that unwanted outsiders will not come here to locate it).
Throughout my many years of research I have accumulated a vast
amount of data which would indicate that these entrances to
subterranean cities abound throughout the region.
"An elderly man living in Joinville once told me that he had visited a
tunnel near Concepiao in the state of Sao Paulo, and saw in the distance
a marvelous subterranean city with vehicles darting back and forth,
evidently traveling through tunnels from one subterranean city to

"Although the following report requires confirmation, it was told to me

by an explorer named N.C. who said that he had visited a tunnel near
Rio Casdor and had met a beautiful young woman appearing to be about
20 years of age. She spoke to him in Portuguese and SAID that she was
2,500 years old. He also met a bearded subterranean man

(Note: Often humans encountered in aerial disks or subterranean caverns

declare that they are extremely old by humans standards. On the surface this
might sound next to impossible, unless a revolutionary scientific
breakthrough on the part of these human ’aliens’ has allowed them to retard
the ageing process to an extreme degree, or could the possibly that they are
separated from the degenerating radiations of solar rays explain their
allegedly greater longevity? Another possibility would be that through
bionics/biological transplants/prosthetics, etc. the lifespan of human beings
possessing advanced biological and technological sciences might
theoretically be increased dramatically. Incidentally, the writer and traveller
Robert Stacy-Judd in some of his books described an exploration he and
others in his party made of the peripheral areas of the Loltun caves of

Legend says that at least one group of people, fleeing persecution, entered en
masse into the massive Loltun caves and were never seen again. Stacy-Judd
tells of his own encounter with a ’cave hermit’ deep in the cavern chambers
who claimed to be well over 1000 years old, and who said he was a guardian
of the cave and of the treasures--and city?--which lay deep below in the
unknown depths, ’unknown’ that is, except to the strange ’hermit’. Aside
from photographs of this hermit which appeared in some of his works, the
author also revealed photographs of ’underground gardens’ consisting of
areas of the cave which contain small patches of ’jungle’, watered and lit
through parts of the cavern ceilings which had collapsed, exposing them to
the outer world. Whether such claims of longevity are real or whether the
"subterranean" people were just playing with the minds of such explorers
who encountered them, is uncertain - Branton).
Part 6
"Still another explorer named D.O. visited this same tunnel near Gaspar,
Santa Catarina, and behind a wonderful fruit orchard saw a subterranean
woman with a child in her arms reading to it aloud from a huge book
written in an unknown language... After she read each sentence the child
repeated the same and in this way was taught how to read. All of these
subterranean cities are illuminated by strange light...'"

In relation to the apparent connection between subterranean civilizations and

unidentified flying objects (Bernard and de Souza, incidentally, believed
'flying saucers' to be of subterranean origin), we will here quote from Paris
Flammonde, author of 'THE AGE OF FLYING SAUCERS' (Hawthorne
Books, Inc., N.Y.), who tends to confirm this hypothesis. He in turn quoted
Raymond A. Palmer as a major proponent of this belief:

"...The new decade was not without a new theory, or, at least, a variation
of an old one--that not only were Flying Saucers not originating from
beyond the farthest reaches of our planet, they were expelled from
within it... Ray Palmer wrote a lengthy article elaborating his interesting
and imaginative thesis, and prefaced it with the assertion that he was
prepared 'to prove that flying saucers are native to planet earth; that the
governments of more than one nation (if not all of them) know this to be
the fact; that a concerted effort is being made to learn all about them,
and to explore their native land; and that facts already known are
considered so important that they are the world's top secret...' The
continuation of his contention reads:

'...is there any area on Earth which can be regarded as a possible

origin for flying saucers? There are... four... the two major, in order
of importance, are Antarctica and the Arctic... the two minor areas
are South America's Motto Grosso and Asia's Tibetan Highlands.'"

Raymond Bernard (actual name 'Walter Seigmeister'), writing in the Oct.

1959 issue of SEARCH Magazine, p. 48, described yet another alleged
encounter with a subterranean race. What are we to make of all these stories?
Are we to assume that some of the individuals who told Bernard such
accounts actually made them up, as some suggest, in order to receive the
'reward' Bernard was known to offer on documentable accounts of ancient
tunnels? Or, are we to accept these accounts for just what their sources claim
them to be, actual encounters with a subterranean world? Bernard stated the

"...Last week my investigators returned and said they visited their city
(i.e. the 'city' of a race of dwarf-humans whom Bernard referred to as the
'Niebelungs', who live in a subterranean region with it's own system of
illumination - Branton) and are able to bring any of my American
friends to visit it, but I require one condition: absolute secrecy, as I don't
want governments to send armies into the tunnel to disturb these
peaceful people.

"To reach them requires a 3-day journey of about 40 miles through a

tunnel. This entire distance is through a tunnel carefully lined with cut
stone blocks below, above and on the sides. That was quite an
engineering feat. I think the tunnel was made long to keep out curiosity
seekers, and only the most determined will travel that distance.

"Here is the report of my investigations: (They are two ranchers, father

and son, who discovered the tunnel accidentally):

"'We left our house 5 A.M. for the tunnel on top of a mountain and
reached it 3 P.M. We were tired and camped near the entrance of the
tunnel. For three days we proceeded through the tunnel. We told time by
our watches, as we could not tell when it was day or night. We went to
sleep at 10 P.M. and awoke at 3 A.M. and continued walking. By the
third day the tunnel started to go downward by steps. It was built of
stone blocks on all sides. By the night of the third day the tunnel
suddenly opened into a great space covered with what appeared as a sky
with a yellow light that made everything luminous, like daylight. We
saw a city with many houses and saw many people in the distance. They
were dwarfs with long white beards and long hair and we saw women
and children, and heard them crying. The third member of our party got
frightened so we had to return.'
"These men found three such tunnels. They entered another for three
days, but after hearing voices further in, got scared and returned. Now
they are entering the third..."


In his book 'THE UNDERPEOPLE' (1969. Award Books., N.Y.), author Eric
Norman relates an interesting account of the possible fate of the Inca Indians.
In chapter 2 - 'Strange Caverns and Terrifying Tunnels', he relates:

"Conquest in South America was natives hacked to death by Spanish

swords, arrogant priests absolving Conquistadors for their murderous
atrocities, sharp Toledo steel lances running through children and,
pervading it all, a dark lust for native gold.

"In the autumn of 1582, Francisco Pizarro hid his 168 Spanish horse
soldiers behind the doorways and walls of the Incan town of Cajamarca.
Atahualpa, the absolute emperor of the sun-worshipping Inca's empire,
had agreed to meet Pizarro in the village plaza. Atahualpa's procession
entered the village with a flair of pageantry. Incan warriors and the
emperor's litter bearers were dressed in the finest cloth. The Royal
Guard were armed with spiked helmets, feathered war clubs, poison-
tipped lances and dazzling gold-inlaid swords. Thick gold bracelets
encircled their bronze wrists and rich silver discs dangled from their
pierced ear lobes.

"Pizarro and his Conquistadors remained hidden behind their guns and
cannons as Atahualpa and his entourage entered the main plaza. 'It is
like leading hogs to the killing pen,' Pizarro sneered. The bandy-legged
Spaniard knew hogs; prior to his service for Spain's king, Pizarro had
been a swineherd in the province of Estremadura. He lived by a harsh
personal code that equated kindness with weakness; deceit was the trick
of a clever man and lying, duplicity and thievery were proper.

"Atahualpa's group stirred nervously when they found no sign of the

visitors to their land. Spanish fingers twitched on gun triggers and a
hawk-faced soldier stood ready to torch the cannon. Suddenly, a solitary
figure left a building and walked into the plaza. He was dressed in the
faded robe of a Dominican friar. His bald head glistened contemptuously
toward the Incan emperor.

"Friar Vincente Valverde announced that all of South America now

belonged to the king of Spain. He stared coldly at the emperor and
snapped, 'The Papal Bull of 1493 provides this right...'

"Proud and regal, Atahualpa glared at the haughty friar before him.
'Your Pope must be crazy to give away land that does not belong to
him,' he said...

"The friar was stunned momentarily, then he turned and ran toward the
safety of a building, shouting: 'Pizarro, attack, attack! Kill all of them! I
will absolve you!'

"With hoarse cries of 'Santiago!', the Spaniards slaughtered the

unsuspecting Inca warriors. In a few minutes the battle was over; the
emperor's royal guard was dead, or dying, in the bloodstained dust of the
plaza and Atahualpa was a prisoner of Pizarro. Greedy Spanish hands
ripped the emerald necklace from his body. A wild gleam entered
Pizarro's eyes when the emperor handed over his exquisitely carved
bracelets of thick gold.

"'I want my freedom,' Atahualpa informed Pizarro. 'I will fill this room
with gold for ransom.' The room was 17 feet wide and 22 feet long! The
emperor's subjects delivered $8,443,456 in gold to Pizarro and,
afterward, Pizarro and Friar Vincente Valverde condemned Atahualpa to
be burned alive at the stake.

"While the Spaniards were burning the emperor, a pack train of 11,000
llamas was headed toward the Spanish encampment. Each beast was
burdened by a heavy load of gold. Native messengers brought news of
the Inca king's death--and the fantastic caravan disappeared! During the
past centuries, thousands of gold-greedy adventurers have searched for
the 'loot of the 11,000 llamas.' None has discovered a single clue to the
treasure's site.
"Believers in the Under-People theory are firm in their contention that
the Incan llamas disappeared into a gigantic tunnel that led to the inner
earth kingdoms. 'Even the population figures show that these conquered
people outwitted their bestial conquerors,' according to one South
American researcher. 'Incan census figures reveal that there was
10,000,000 subjects when the Spaniards arrived. Forty years later, in
1571, the Spaniards took a census. There was approximately 1,000,000
Indians. I admit that the Spanish method of slave labor took a
tremendous toll. But could 9,000,000 Incas have died in Spanish

Eric Norman relates the words of one correspondent who described the
ancient subterranean tunnels believed by many to exist beneath the Andes:

"'...at first I scoffed at such stories about mysterious tunnels and an alien
civilization beneath the surface... I joined an inner earth group for the
simple enjoyment of discussing outlandish ideas in a humorless, serious
manner. Gradually, I became interested by the considerable volume of
circumstantial evidence. I now believe the earth is absolutely
honeycombed by a web of tunnels that run beneath the continents, under
the oceans, and these passageways link the subterranean cities of the
inner world.

"'...There are many reports concerning a vast tunnel called the 'Roadway
of the Incas' which has an entrance somewhere in Peru. It runs south
more than a thousand miles. There is another entrance to this fabulous
tunnel in the Desert of Atacama in Chile. The 'Highway of the Incas'
passes under Cuzco, the legendary city of Peru. There is another,
smaller, but very well hidden entrance to the tunnel in the mountains
near Machu Picchu, which is the capital city of the first and last Inca
emperor. It is called 'The Lost City of the Incas' and was not discovered
until 1911 by an American, Hiram Bringham. It is considered the 'Eighth
Wonder of the World.'

"'...Everything at Machu Picchu is an excellent preservation...there are

more than two hundred buildings constructed from white
granite...fountains...shrines...and gigantic stairways carved from a single
massive boulder.
"'...This was a thriving city. It is intact except for the thatched roofs of
the houses having deteriorated over the centuries...and, the doors are
missing...it is as if the inhabitants selected a single day and mysteriously
vanished. Did they enter the 'Highway of the Incas' and migrate to the
inner earth?'

"Was this correspondent brainwashed by his colleagues to believe in the

subterranean world? Or, was he a skeptical man who changed his mind
in the face of a tremendous amount of information? His mention of the
'Highway of the Incas' strikes a familiar note... A physician in Argentina
has devoted his spare time to an investigation of this legendary inter-
continental tunnel of the Under-People. He commented:

"'...I have always been intrigued by the unknown and please convey my
thanks to Dr. H--- for providing the opportunity to publish my views... I
started to investigate the 'Highway of the Incas' when I was a young,
curious youth and I have hundreds of witnessed, notarized statements.
These documents and tape recordings fill one room of my home. The
Incas knew of the tunnel and, although gold was of little value to them,
they hid their treasures in these caverns to keep it from the greedy
Spanish conquerors. No one had provided a satisfactory explanation for
their mysterious disappearance. There was an empire of several million
people that vanished from the surface of the earth. They entered the
tunnel and left the Quechua Indians behind. As few Incas have been
seen since then, they possibly took up residence in a cavern city or
followed the tunnel to the interior of the earth.

"'...The 'Highway' is the largest of the tunnels and it connects all

continents. In addition to the openings in South America, there are
entrances in Canada, in British Columbia; in America, you should
investigate Mt. Shasta in California and Mt. St. Helena in Oregon. The
tunnel is connected with Tibet and another opening in Central Asia. I
believe the African entrance is in the Atlas mountains in the north of that

"'...I also suggest that you explore the 'highways' which have been found
in the oceans. These ancient underworld civilizations may be mining our
In previous files we referred to the alleged inhabitants of a subterranean city
below Mt. Shasta in California, which is believed to be one of the largest, if
not THE largest, subterranean community in North America, and which
allegedly has ties with the Asian empire of "Agharti" and the South American
subterranean colonies. The following are some excepts from an article written
by William Ferguson Hamilton (whose other publications can be obtained via
7327 Bothwell Rd., Reseda, CA 91335), who we have mentioned in earlier
writings. Bill Hamilton has been in Data Processing for 22 years and is now a
Sr. Programmer-Analyst. He is a writer, investigator and researcher. He has
been involved in UFO research and investigations since 1953.

Bill is a past member of:

The Foundation for Research in Parapsychology

The Spacecraft Research Foundation
The World Federation of Science and Engineering
MENSA, the high IQ society

He has been a member of Understanding, Inc., and served on it's Board

He founded Nexus and Nexus News, an info center for alternative energy and
alternative life-styles

He founded The UFORUM, a monthly forum on the UFO phenomena

He is a UFO investigator with MUFON, an Associate Director of UFOCCI,

and founder of UFORCES

Bill is the author of the following books:

Center of the Cortex

Telos, The Cosmic Computer
Geometry of the Grid
Close Encounter Report
Alien Magic
Cosmic Top Secret

He has written numerous articles for publications such as 'Search,' 'Energy

Unlimited,' 'New Age Science,' 'The New Atlantean Journal,' 'California
UFO,' and 'UFO Universe'. The following article originally appeared in the
'New Atlantean Journal':

"...I run across some fascinating people in the course of my

investigations who tell me many unusual stories. While on the trail of
reports of UFO base locations, I met a young, very pretty blonde girl
with almond-shaped eyes and small perfect teeth, whose name is
Bonnie. Bonnie has told me an incredible story and has related a volume
of interesting information... Bonnie is sincere, cheerful, and rational and
says she (was born) in 1951 in a city called TELOS that was built inside
an artificial dome-shaped cavern in the Earth a mile or so beneath Mt.
Shasta, California.

"Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father Ra(Mu), her sister Judy, her
cousins Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society, returning
frequently to TELOS for rest and recuperation. Bonnie relates that her
people use boring machines to bore tunnels in the Earth. These boring
machines heat the rock to incandescence, then vitrify it, thus eliminating
the need for beams and supports. A tube transit tunnel is used to connect
the... cities that exist in various subterranean regions in our hemisphere.
The tube trains are propelled by electromagnetic impulses up to speeds
of 2500 mph. One tube connects with one of their cities in the Matto
Grosso jungle of Brazil. (They) have developed space travel and some
flying saucers come from their subterranean bases...

"They grow food hydroponically under full-spectrum lights with their

gardens attended by automatons. The food and resources of Telos are
distributed in plenty to the million-and-a-half population that thrives on
a no-money economy. Bonnie talks about history, of the Uighers, Naga-
Mayas, and Quetzals, of which she is a descendant

(Note: Many people have mistakenly identified the inhabitants of 'Telos' as

being directly descended from the 'Lemurians', however Bonnie here seems
to refute this by indicating that her ancestrage was other than this, possibly
Meso-American and/or East-Indian? As in the case of the ancient
'antediluvian' cities of the eastern seaboard which were re-established after
being abandoned by the lost 'Atlanteans', the 'Lemurians', if they existed, also
seem to have been devastated in a world-wide cataclysm and their cities re-
established by the Uighers, Naga-Mayas, and Quetzals and probably scattered
members of other societies. As we've said earlier, the name 'Telos' is a
Grecian word meaning 'uttermost', suggesting a 'possible' connection with the
grecian-like Hav-musuvs of the Panamint mountains of California - Branton).

"I met Bonnie's cousin, Matox, who, like her, is a strict vegetarian and
holds the same attitudes concerning the motives of government. They
constantly guard against discovery or intrusion. Their advanced
awareness and technology helps them remain vigilant...

"Science Fiction? Bonnie is a real person. Many have met her. Is she
perpetrating a hoax? For what motive? She does not seek publicity and I
have a devil of a time getting her to meetings to talk with others, but she
has done so. There has been little variation in her story and her answers
in the past three years. She has given me excellent technical insight on
the construction of a crystal-powered generator that extracts ambient
energy... Bonnie's father, the Ramu, is 300 years old and a member of
the ruling council of Telos.

"Many tunnels are unsafe and closed off. All tube transit tunnels are
protected and are designed to eject uninvited guests. Does Bonnie have
the answers that we are looking for? I don't know... Bonnie says she
would like to satisfy our need for proof and will work with me on a
satisfactory answer to that problem, but she is unconcerned with whether
people accept her or not. Bonnie is humorous and easy-going and well-
poised, yet sometimes she becomes brooding and mysterious. She says
her people are busy planning survival centers for refugees. One of these
is to be near Prescott, Arizona..."

(Note: or rather below the Groom Creek area just south of Prescott, to be
exact. Another 'survival center' for refugees of the world-wide cataclysms
which the Telosians believe will eventually devastate the surface of the earth,
is said to be below the general area of Jenny Lake, Wyoming, near the
Tetons. The Tetons themselves have been the alleged home of a mysterious
race, according to different sources, and extremely ancient stone 'buildings'
have reportedly been found high atop these peaks - Branton).
When Bill Hamilton asked "Bonnie" to elaborate about the power- sources
which her people utilize to propel the so-called "flying saucer" craft, she

"...A lot of it is crystals (i.e. crystal-induced electromagnetism? -

Branton), particularly the atmospheric vehicles. The planet-to-planet
vehicles are driven by an Ion-Mercury engine. Spaceships can reach
speeds way beyond light-- they can enter hyperspace--you generate into
the fourth dimension--this is controlled by an on-board computer that
takes you into and out of hyperspace. I know this is a simplification.
When your on a ship going into hyperspace, you will hear this vibration,
and a loud screaming sound when you enter, then you will hear

Bill concludes:

"I have had many correlations on this data and am researching it further
toward a comprehensive theory of space travel..."

Sharula and the city of Telos

The account given below appeared in 'INNER LIGHT' Magazine, Summer,
1991. Written by 'Antara', the article, entitled: 'INTRODUCING THE
alleged interview with this same resident of a subterranean city now living
and working on the surface, under the name of 'Bonnie' or 'Sharula', along
with her husband 'Shield'. We quote portions of the interview as follows:

"The following interview with Sharula took place on July 23, 1990, and
is reprinted from 'INSIGHTS FOR POSITIVE LIVING.' She shares
with us some wonderful information about the 'Atlantean' and
'Lemurian' cities (i.e. cities originally 'built' by antediluvian 'Atlanteans'
and 'Lemurians'? - Branton) that exist beneath the earth's surface.

"She speaks of her home, Telos, a city built a mile or so beneath Mt.
Shasta, California. During a recent trip to Mt. Shasta, I encountered
several local townspeople who have personally seen mysterious fires
and lights on the slopes of Mt. Shasta, and have heard otherworldly
chants and music late at night, emanating from the mountain. And of
course, there have been sightings of mysterious robed people walking
into the side of the mountain. Even the local visitor's guide mentions the
'Lemurian' connection to Mt. Shasta.

"This interview may really stretch your perceptions of reality. I hope it

does. It's meant to...

"INSIGHTS: Let's start off with some basic questions of who you are
and where you come from."

"SHARULA: My name is Sharula and I come from a city underneath

Mt. Shasta, called Telos. This city was constructed... at the termination
of the Lemurian continent. When the scientists and priests of Lemuria
realized the continent was about to sink, they petitioned a group called
the Agharta Network, which controlled all the subterranean cities, to
build our own city underneath Mt. Shasta. There was an original set of
caves there. We chose to enlarge these caverns to make them bigger and
more livable..."

(Note: Although most accounts seem to suggest that 'Atlantis' was destroyed
in a cataclysm equivalent to a universal flood or deluge such as is described
in the traditions of several races as well as in the writings of the Greek Plato,
'Lemuria' may be a different story. 'Lemuria' seems to be the name that
surface humans have attributed to this alleged lost continent of the Pacific,
but whether it was actually named that by the ancient inhabitants is uncertain.
The major area of confusion seems to be whether 'Lemuria' or 'Mu' was an
antediluvian OR post-deluvian society like 'Agharti'. James Churchward
seems to place 'Mu' somewhere in the Indian ocean, whereas others place it in
the Pacific. Some of the old Indian tribes of the northeast and the California
area have ancient legends of an island-continent called 'Elam-Mu' which was
said to be connected to ancient California or separate from it, out in the
Pacific Ocean. Could the Hawaiian islands be remnants of such an island-
continent? The native American legends of California seem to place 'MU'
shortly AFTER the deluge, which was believed to have occurred a few
thousand years B.C. or 5000 years previous to the close of the 20th Century.
The exact history of the 'Telosians' still needs to be investigated, even with
the present information available, as it seems to be a complex history
possibly involving several races - the Uighers, Naga-Mayas, Quetzal's,
'Lemurians' or 'Muvians', Aghartians, and possibly Greeks, East Indians, and
others!? - Branton).

"INSIGHTS: How many people live in Telos?"

"SHARULA: A million and a half."

"INSIGHTS: Tell us about your ecosystem; your water, food, air,

environment--what is it like to live in Telos?"

"SHARULA: We have perpetual light through a process of energizing

stones to create full spectrum lighting. We process them with the forces
that make them small suns. The five levels are garden levels where we
produce all the food we need with hydroponic gardens. There are plants
on all five levels that continue to circulate the air. We work off the same
system the earth does - the plants produce oxygen (i.e. a subterranean
'biosphere' - Branton). Plus, we have air shafts that come through the
surface that sends air. Since that air is polluted, we use them less and

(Note: Several years ago a man wrote into SEARCH Magazine stating that he
was an Incan descendant who was "searching for" his own people, as he was
convinced that they had escaped en masse into underground cities via ancient
tunnels which they knew of, when the conquistadors invaded their land. He
claimed that one day while by a river in a certain region near Matto Grosso,
Brazil, he thought he heard a voice shouting from the top of a mountain. He
began to climb the peak and a few hours later found himself beside a
mountain-top shaft. He later managed to descend the shaft and discovered a
tunnel which led horizontally to a point where a type of "door" existed. He
heard what sounded like an "elevator" coming up from deep below and a
well-built man who claimed to be part "Incan" appeared and introduced
himself through a transparent screen. He was told that anyone entering this
particular subterranean region had to undergo a physical "purification"
process to remove the radioactive poisons from their bodies, which were
resident in the atmosphere of the outer world. Could this explain why the
lifespan of some of the under-people has reportedly increased dramatically?
The Old Testament 'Torah' states that previous to the deluge a transparent
'canopy' of water vapor permeated the upper atmosphere, and some suggest
that before this canopy fell in the form of the deluge the life-span of the
antediluvians was dramatically increased because this "canopy" sealed-out
most of the harmful and degenerating radiations of the sun. They suggest that
this was why the antediluvians lived to an average of 500 years of age, while
some like Methuselah lived upwards of 900 years! It appears as if the
'Telosians' have taken precautions not only from the atmospheric solar
radioactive pollution resulting from a decaying atmospheric 'shield', as is
evidenced by an increase in skin-cancer world-wide, etc., but also from the
man-made radioactive and industrial pollutants - Branton)

"INSIGHTS: What form of government do you have?"

"SHARULA: We have a system where the government is run by the

council of twelve plus one. They are twelve masters, six male and six
female. If anyone has a disagreement, they go to an arbitrator, rather
than fight it out among themselves. All arbitrators report to the council
and they change constantly. They are appointed to that position based on
their natural affinity for it."

"INSIGHTS: Who appoints them to that position?"

"SHARULA: The temple of Melchizedek... All through the cosmos (i.e.

human colonizers and explorers sent out from the earth since the deluge?
- Branton) there is an order called Melchizedek..."

At this point we will, before continuing with the Sharula interview, deal with
the history of 'Melchizedek', which began on Earth in ancient times.
Melchizedek was the ancient High Priest of Salem (now Jerusalem). We
believe that this subject is important enough to deserve a fairly extensive
explanation. There are basically two divergent views concerning the
Priesthood of Melchizedek. The first is held by the various ancient and neo-
masonic religions, which basically state that there are NUMEROUS members
of the order who have been 'initiated' into the priesthood through a process of
religious devotion, etc., while the other view is held by the various groups of
Judeo-Christian believers who claim that there is only one Melchizedek
Priest, the God-Man Jesus, and since only one High Priest was allowed to
serve before Almighty God at any one time in ancient Israel--to be replaced
by another when he had passed on--these claim that since Jesus ascended
from the grave and now lives forever without the possibility of every dying,
this singular Priesthood will be His alone eternally. Both sides no doubt
sincerely believe that they have 'the truth', but, of course, both cannot be

Many believe that the ancient Melchizedek was none other than the Christ,
Jesus of Nazareth, or was in essence a 'thiophene' or an Old Testament
appearance of Jesus-Jehovah. They make the following connections and
similarities between Melchizedek and Jesus as evidence of their beliefs:



(These columns will not be reformatted at this time.)

"...Melchizedek King of Salem." "Unto us a child is born... and - Gen. 14:18

(the Hebrew word his name shall be called... The for 'Salem' is 'Shalem'
which Prince of Peace." - Isaiah 9:6 literally means: "PEACEFUL; "...When
they heard that SHALEM, an early name for Jer- Jesus was coming to
Jerusalem.. us.:Salem." - From: STRONG'S (they) cried, Hosanna: Blessed
CONCORDANCE) is the King of Israel..." (or, King of Peace, King of
Salem) - John 12:12-13

"And Melchizedek... brought "...Jesus took bread, and forth bread and wine."
(i.e. blessed, and broke it... and he the fruit of the vine, or the took the cup,
and... gave it fruit of the grape) - Genesis unto them." - Mark 14:22-23 14:18

"Melchizedek... was the Priest "...Seeing then that we have a of the most high
God." - great high priest, that is pas- Genesis 14:18 sed unto the heavens,

"Melchizedek... abideth a - Hebrews 4:14 priest continually." - Hebrews "But

into the second went 7:1,3 the high priest alone once
"And they truly were many every year... But Christ being
priests, because they were not come an high Priest... by his
suffered to continue by rea- own blood he entered in once
son of death." - Hebrews into the holy place, having
7:23 obtained eternal redemption for
us." - Hebrews 9:7,11-12
"But this man (Jesus), be-
cause he continueth ever, hath
an unchangeable priesthood."
- Hebrews 7:24

"Melchizedek... to whom also "And all the tithe of the land

Abraham gave a tenth part of ...is the Lord's: it is holy
all." (i.e. tithes) - Hebrews unto the Lord... the tenth
7:1-2 (also see: Genesis 14: shall be holy unto the Lord."
18-20) - Leviticus 27:30,32
"Jesus Christ is Lord..."
- Philippians 2:11

"Melchizedek... King of right- "In those days... I will cause

eousness..." - Hebrews 7:1,2 the Branch of Righteousness to
grow up unto David, and he
shall execute judgement in the
land." - Jeremiah 33:15

"Melchizedek... having neither "I am Alpha and Omega, the be-

beginning of days, nor end of ginning and the ending.. the
life..." - Hebrews 7:1,3 Almighty... the first and the
last... I am he that liveth,
and was dead; and, behold, I am
alive for ever more." - Reve-
lation 1:8,11,18

We continue now with the interview with 'Sharula':

"INSIGHTS: Earlier, you mentioned... you had to petition the Aghartha,

the ones in charge of the inner earth cities. Are there other cities in

"SHARULA: Oh, yes. There are many. There are over one hundred
inner earth cities. Some of them are very similar..."

"INSIGHTS: How does one travel from city to city or from surface to
inner city?"

"SHARULA: Probably the most common method is what we call the

'tubes.' It is a series of underground trains. We've bored tunnels that run
underneath all the oceans and all the continents and connect all the cities
and several of the retreats. The trains, which look very much like a
subway train, are run on a cushion of air, an electromagnetic cushion, so
they never actually touch the sides of the tunnel. This cushion creates a
force field without friction and therefore they can achieve very high
speeds. The trains are capable of running over 3,000 mph."

"INSIGHTS: Between the surface and the inner cities, how does one

"SHARULA: There are several entrances that open to the surface. We'll
use that method or we'll use a ship which is run by the silver fleet."

"INSIGHTS: The silver fleet...explain that please."

"SHARULA: ...The silver fleet is made up of beings from the

Agharthean cities. Many of the ships that people see in the air are silver
fleets' ships, except for the 'nasties.'"

"INSIGHTS: How can you identify a silver fleet ship as opposed to the
'nasties,' as you call them?"

"SHARULA: ...all the Confederation ships run off of 'divine' geometrics

(or rather, 'cosmic' geometrics - Branton). The ships will be either
cylinder (cigar?) or they will be saucer shaped or they will be round.
There are NOT a lot of protrusions and angles; they have a tendency to
be smooth. The ships that come in boomerang shapes and other weird
configurations are usually not Confederation ships."

(Note: although this may be true to some extent, in recent years according to
some reports the saurian grays have begun to use the 'disk' or 'saucer' shape
also more frequently. The 'triangular' craft seen en masse in Belgium, etc. are
apparently 'gray' craft according to abductees there, which would tend to
confirm some of what Bonnie or Sharula is saying. Also, these 'boomerang'
craft have often been seen in connection with the Archuleta sub-base network
of the southwestern U.S., which would seem to indicate from what Sharula
has said that the "Dulce" network is largely under the control of the 'nasties',
or the draconian powers, as many other sources allege that it is. - Branton)
"INSIGHTS: Let's talk about the people themselves, the Telosians. What
would a typical Telosian look like?"

"SHARULA: The typical Telosian has a slightly golden tone to their

skin and have a tendency toward high cheek bones and slightly almond
shaped eyes. Most Telosians run toward light hair and we have all eye
colors. The men are generally 7' to 7'6" in height and the women are
generally 6'6" to 7'1" in height. When we come to the surface we have a
process of altering the molecules of our bodies so that we are able to
appear the same height as people here on the surface."

"INSIGHTS: Does your civilization have any of the social problems that
ours seem to have, like: pollution, hunger, homeless people and water

"SHARULA: No. We don't have pollution because we are able to

monitor our systems at all times. We have learned to accelerate the
atom. When the first scientists started working with atoms they didn't
realize that they weren't meant to shatter the atom for energy; they were
meant to accelerate the atom for energy that won't die out and won't
produce hazardous afterform. Because we learned to accelerate the
atoms, we're also able to dematerialize all of our waste matter and return
it back to its original form..."

"INSIGHTS: Is the U.S. Government aware of the existence of Telos

and the other underground cities?"

"SHARULA: Yes. For a long time they have been trying to get in, to
access the information of Telos and the silver fleet. The promise of what
they need would be given to them, but in return there are several things
they have to do or quit doing?"

"INSIGHTS: What was it that they were given to do or stop doing?"

"SHARULA: Basically, return the country to what it was founded on

and return to an open and honest government, so that every citizen has
access to what's happening in the government."
(Note: i.e. Constitutionally-based government, Bill of Rights's,etc? If this is
Sharula's interpretation of an 'open' government, then we must assume that
the Telosians, or at least many of them, are opposed to the present plans to
establish a one-world socialist dictatorship or 'New World Order' which will
no doubt impose tremendous threats upon individual liberty of conscience.
The reader may recall the information from an earlier file to the effect that
human 'benevolents' were working with the U.S. Government in the Nevada
Military complex against the saurian grays. Their 'teachings' stated that the
U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights was very much respected by them.

Also, could these be allied with the same 'human' aliens who landed in
Florida after the two giant astroid-ships took up a geosynchronous orbit
around the earth, and warned us not to have any dealing with these 'gray'
aliens, and offered their own assistance if we dis-armed our nuclear weapons?
Were 'they' tied in with the Telosian 'Blonds' or the Pleiadean 'Nordics'?
Some accounts suggest that both human groups are at least aware of each
other, and possibly have an alliance with each other. Now that the Soviet
Union has broken up and the 'need' for intercontinental ballistic nuclear
missiles has been decreased, will the U.S. government break-off their self-
destructive alliance with the 'grays' and instead seek alliances with the human
groups who had originally warned them about the grays? - Branton)

"INSIGHTS: Are you referring to the government's interaction with

other 'extraterrestrial' (and/or 'innerterrestrials' - Branton) that are not of
the silver fleet?"

(Note: The interviewer is no doubt referring to the 'pact' which the secret
government was manipulated and deceived into making with the reptilian
'Grays', and subsequently with other branches of the 'serpent race' - Branton)

"SHARULA: Yes. That is only one."

"INSIGHTS: When was the government first introduced to Telos?"

"SHARULA: They have been aware of the subterranean cities and they
have been aware of Telos since the country's conception. It is only near
the turn of the century that they started taking action. This action did not
get really aggressive until the 1950's."
Note: There are indications that some members of certain Masonic- type
'secret government' societies, such as the Rosicrucian Order, have attempted
to establish contact with the subterranean residents of Mt. Shasta, although it
is uncertain just what might have come of this. Several encounters with the
'Blondes' (both subterran and exterran?) have revealed 'their' own concern
about what is taking place with the abductions and mutilations of human
beings by the sauroid Grays, although many of these groups claim that they
cannot 'interfere' with the problem due to some 'cosmic law' of non-
intervention. This may be true with those 'Nordic' or 'Blonde' societies who
hail from other planetary bodies, such as the Taurians, Lyrans, Eridanians,
and Cetusians (the latter of whom seem to be taking the most action to help
their brothers here on earth, in essence interfering with the saurian
'interferers' from the Draconis, Bootes, Reticuli, Canis, etc. constellations),
and the 'Solar Tribunal' groups of Mars, Luna, Saturn, etc, and so on.
However, in the case of the Telosian-Aghartian alliance, this 'non-
intervention' policy would not apply, since this is their world also, and they
are just as native to earth as anyone else living on this planet. In light of this
fact, and especially in light of their own awareness of the reptilian-saurian
threat, we would urge them (if by chance they are reading this) to reconsider
such a stance and join with their fellow human brothers and sisters on the
surface in defending our society from this ancient threat.
Part 7
According to Sharula, in another interview, the city of Telos exists on five
different levels. The bottom level is about one and one-half miles across,
while the other levels are different. The closest level to the mountain itself is
about three-quarters of a mile across. This would allow for the possibility of
"housing" a large number of inhabitants in a more concentrated area than
surface cities could permit, being that surface areas can only be inhabited on
the one (surface) level, except for high-rises. This might explain the large
(million-and-a-half) population of this particular sub-city.

As a possible confirmation of the above, we quote the following transcript of

parts of an interview between John Lear and the National Fringe Sciences
Bulletin Board:

"Question: You just mentioned that there were... other ’species’ in

contact with this world... are they aware of the EBE’s?

"Lear: Yes they are. The types I will mention are listed in a USAF
Academy Physics book called ’INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE
VOLUME 2,B.’ I refer to chapter 13... which lists the ones that are most
seen. They are the EBE’s, the ’Blondes’... They look just like us but are
invariably blond haired and blue eyed. Don’t know where they come
from but they do not interact with us except for a few abductions now
and then. We also have a species that is similar to us in appearance but
they are about seven feet tall and the main difference is that their eyes
wrap around their head a little more than ours. Another type listed is a
small species about four feet tall, very hairy and extremely strong for
their size. We don’t know where these guys come from either. All this
was in the aforementioned text which was withdrawn by the Air Force
in the early ’70’s from the book. But there are several people who have
the original book...

"Question: I’m curious also as to the government’s plans, if any, to deal

with an uprising of EBE’s should that eventually occur... or would the
technological gap make an attempt untenable?

"Lear: It is my understanding that we have already lost the battle. This is

the reason why MJ-12 is in such a panic. They had a lot of well laid
plans to inform us, and when the deception was confirmed about 1984 it
was all out the window...

"Question: Recently in the INF treaty negotiations, Gorbachev indicated

that despite prior claims, they too were working on an SDI program... Is
there any connection between our program and theirs and if the battle is
lost, why are those attempts being made?

"Lear: I wish I knew the answer to that. Several rumors have come out
of the test site recently and one of them was that every test shot this year
(1989? - Branton) has been to make a giant (underground - Branton)
room. The shots are very clean and as soon as everything subsides they
move in equipment to make walls, ceiling, floors and various levels."

The following account is based on a series of letters, documents, and

diagrams which were received from a man in Michigan who we will refer to
as David L., who claimed to have been part of a 12-man speleological team
who broke into an ancient tunnel system and, subsequently, encountered
some of the inhabitants of the subsurface world. These beings described by
David ’may’ be the 7-ft. tall humans with large ’wrap-around’ eyes described
by John Lear who have bases on the moon. However this is only a

During the mid-1980’s, subsurface researcher Charles A. Marcoux (now

deceased) informed other researchers who were at the time involved in aerial
and subsurface investigations, that he had received a manuscript, maps, etc.,
from a long-time correspondent of his. This was David L. We will not reveal
the last name of this source, nor the last names nor the cities of residence of
others involved in the incident out of respect for their privacy. However,
since much of the story was released to inner earth researchers some years
ago we feel that the information itself is of enough importance to the "master
puzzle" to mention here.

The manuscript contained an account of a series of expeditions which David

L. and 11 others were involved with during the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.
Only 4 or 5 of the members took part in the expeditions at any given time,
while the others supported their efforts. The account contained a description
of an alleged encounter with a subterran "human" race who allegedly
inhabited an underground city or cities, connected by tunnels, approximately
5-7 miles beneath the surface of northern Arkansas. This subterranean system
was apparently built by a highly technological race. Some indications suggest
that the tunnels were constructed by a race which was more ancient than the
present inhabitants, and were possibly excavated in antediluvian times, since
the present inhabitants allegedly showed the speleologists ancient sealed
’cities’ farther below their own, built by a race which pre-dated themselves.

Some of the men involved were formerly members of a UFO organization

which thrived in Michigan in the 1950’s, and which published a UFO journal
which had up to a few thousand subscribers at one point. Some of the writers
for this publication, who were also members of the ’board’ of this
investigations group, later left off investigating UFO’s due to the confusing
"paranormal" aspects of the phenomena, and instead turned their attentions to
subsurface investigations. At the time there was a great division between
those UFOlogists who considered the UFO phenomena to be an exclusively
physical and solid phenomena and those who were convinced it was more
paraphysical or supernatural in nature. Unfortunately, few considered the
possibility that both could be true, i.e. that a physical race of alien "sorcerers"
that possessed seemingly supernatural or paraphysical abilities, such as the
reptilian Grays, were behind much of the phenomena.

George Wight
One of the early members of this groups was a man by the name of George
Wight. He, like the others, felt that it might be more profitable to investigate
something more "closer to home", like the subterranean realm, instead of
attempting to investigate possible encounters with alien craft from beyond
earth which were here today and gone tomorrow and might have been
paraphysial apparitions anyway, from all they could gather. So the group
eventually drifted towards investigating the underground realm, beginning
with the exploration of caverns in Arkansas and surrounding states.
According to David L., even though they had been partially exposed to the
idea of subterranean civilizations through the Shaver Mystery, etc., none of
them ever expected to encounter anything like that, and they took such
accounts with a grain of salt. To them the idea was almost as elusive as the
UFO phenomena, they had not really seen any solid evidence to prove it.
They probably realized that any such "evidence" of an alien civilization
might be apprehended by government officials even if it did turn up, and so
they more-or-less resigned themselves to a "wait and see" attitude.

Two of the incidents which led Wight and the others to their assumption of a
"paranormal" connection to the UFO phenomena were as follows. The first
incident which led them to their conclusions involved a woman known by
some members of the group, who claimed to be an "occult channel" for
psychic messages from the so-called "space people". The researchers tried to
convince the girl that she should ask the ’occupants’ to make an appearance
to them, which she did. She took them outside and directed their attention to
the sky. From the standpoint of the researchers, nothing could be seen in the
sky, even through the girl insisted that ’they’ were there. However, several
people in the area reported seeing a luminous object flying overhead at about
the same time the researchers were standing outside with the ’contactee’, and
in the exact same area.

They noticed some strange qualities with the girl which reminded them of
some of the obsessive and irrational behavior which often accompanies those
who have become involved in the occult, witchcraft, and the dark side and
have become ’possessed’ by invisible malevolent entities as a result. Also,
with the ’religious’ background of some of the members of the group, they
began to suspect that something sinister and deceptive and at least in part
supernatural might be working behind the phenomena. They noticed that
some of the objects could be seen by people who were supposedly
’psychically attuned’ to them or people who were under the influence of the
objects and the occupants, while those standing next to them might not see
anything at all.

The other account involved one of the members of the group who was of the
conviction that many of the UFO’s were of ’demonic’ origin (this is not to
say that ALL such objects can be classified in this way). This member was
alleged to have had conversations with a well- known UFOlogist at the time
who claimed to have had frequent visits by the so-called ’Men In Black’. The
beings he encountered looked humanlike yet seemed to possess (or were
’possessed’ by?) supernatural energies; perhaps a "controlled" hidden society
of sorcerers!? This particular member of the group, according to David L.,
claimed that during his conversations with this well-known researcher, he
was told by this man confidentially that he was of the opinion that some of
the UFO phenomena was ’satanic’ or ’demonic’ in nature. The member who
was told this even went so far as to begin giving public lectures about the
occultic/demonic origin of some of the phenomena.

According to David L., some time afterwards and apparently in response to

his outspokenness, this member and friend of his was on a ranch somewhere
in the mountains of Wyoming where he was suddenly struck by a brilliantly
lit red-glowing object which appeared in the sky. As a result of this he
suffered serious paralysis below the waist and was consigned to a wheel chair
for years afterwards.

Shortly before the group officially disbanded the UFO organization, George
Wight himself wrote and published an article in their periodical which
presented strong evidence that much of the UFO phenomena was being
directed by an unknown intelligence which was secretly working towards the
establishment of an Anti-Christ system on earth.

As the "group" began to disband, some of it’s members as we’ve said began
to seek out ways to continue their friendships and still remain active in some
pursuit. Not so much out of a motive to discover a lost world but more out of
a desire to fulfill their hunger for adventure (and escape for at least a time the
busy rat-race which many of them, having been involved in some type of
’professional’ career or business, found themselves getting caught up in) they
began to explore the caverns.

During the latter part of the 1950’s the exploration party had investigated
some very interesting caverns, mainly within the area of Arkansas and the
surrounding states. At on point they came across one particular cavern some
miles north of Batesville, Arkansas. This was in an area where several
caverns were located. Many of these caves (concentrated generally NW-West
of the town of Cushman) have in fact been the subject of some very
interesting accounts, suggesting that there might be more than one route to
the nether regions below other than the one discovered by David L. and his

There are accounts of several people who have entered some of these caves
and were never seen again; or who encountered strange phenomena deep
underground - such as electrical failure of flashlights, suggesting possible
electromagnetic interference; accounts involving extremely deep caverns; gas
pockets encountered at extreme depths; and an account concerning one of the
caves west of Cushman which seemed to have ancient carvings over it
depicting various figures; and there is even one account which came from an
Oklahoma man who was told by a friend of his of being chased from a cavern
west of Cushman by a large hairy humanoid who began throwing boulders at
him as if annoyingly scaring him out of "his" territory!

At one point David L’s group came across one particular cavern near the
town. Over a period of years, returning from time to time to this particular
cavern, the explorers had crossed underground lakes, followed dead-end
leads, explored "breakdown" areas, investigated numerous cracks and
chasms, and steep inclines. One of their most fortunate discoveries was made
in a large boulder-strewn break-down area about half-way between the
entrance and an underground "lake". They noticed a crack in the path which
they had found through the boulders and, following this crack into the thick
of the breakdown they came across another area where the crevice widened
enough to allow them entrance.

Following this they descended for a very great distance for a very long while,
down a sloping 45 degree incline, so steep in places that rope had to be used.
This steep, sloping passage led them past a couple of horizontal "side
passages" which they followed a few miles to dead ends, and continued
deeper through at least one more crevice. Eventually they emerged into a
large cavernous area hundreds of feet high and long, which they named "glass
cave" because of it’s features, and used it as a central "camp" in subsequent
explorations. The remarkable thing about this cavern, however, was their
claim that it was located almost 4 MILES beneath the surface of the earth,
which would definitely make it deeper than any other "officially" recognized
Time and again they explored the mazes and labyrinths deep in the earth
using "glass cave" as their central camp. Two passages in the far wall of this
chamber, opposite from the crevice through which they first entered glass
cave, were each explored for 3 days continuously before they decided to turn
back. According to David L., these passages still continued onward with no
end in sight. Could these have led to the gloomy ’hadean’ like caverns which
they were to see later, and which they alleged contained ’gigantic serpents’ or
snakes capable of crushing a human being to death in a few seconds?

After some experiments involving air flow within glass cave, the explorers
were able to trace slight air movements to another as-yet- undiscovered
crevice hidden within the wall, not far from the crevice which they had
entered from above. This passage, through relatively small, continued still
DEEPER into the earth. They explored the steep incline for what they
approximated to be a mile, before reaching an area of "breakdown". This
"seemed" to be the end of the line. Just as they were about to turn back in
disappointment from this passage which had taken them deeper than they had
ever been before, one of the members of the team noticed that the light of
their carbide lamps seemed to have a faint amber tint to it. All of them were
perplexed, wondering what would be causing the phenomena.

It was decided that they would all turn off their lamps in order to see if the
greenish luminescence remained. They did so, and a minute or so afterwards
their eyes adjusted to the darkness and they could faintly distinguish a
greenish luminescence which seemed to emanate from the lowest part of the
passage in an area where heavy "breakdown" SEEMED to close off any
further progress.

George Wight was the first one to make his way to the spot in the breakdown
area from which the faint light seemed to emanate and, after removing more
rocks, they discovered that still another crack or crevice, barely wide enough
for one man to enter at a time, descended vertically from beneath the

According to David L., Wight volunteered himself to be the first to explore

the crevice, and soon afterwards he was on his way down. A few minutes
passed before those above heard the sound of what they could only guess was
George slipping and falling down the crevice.
After a period of uncertainty those above, concerned for his safety, were
relieved to hear the faint voice of George Wight rising up from apparently
several dozen feet below. They were able to make out his excited words to
the effect that he had fallen into a large tunnel, and encouraged the others to
follow him.

They did so, and when they were all in the ’tunnel’ they stood in stunned
silence. The passage which stretched out from them in BOTH directions was
not like the common natural cavern passages which they had explored for the
past few days. In fact, it seemed more artificial than natural. Approximately a
dozen feet in height and about the same in width, the ’tunnel’ was similar in
shape to a subway tunnel, having a domed ceiling and a flat floor. What
really caught their attention however, was the fact that the tunnel was
illuminated by a greenish phosphorescence to the point that they did not need
their carbide lamps to see their surroundings. The strange luminescence
seemed to emanate from the walls of the tunnel itself, which were clear and
glass-like yet at the same time extremely hard.

In one direction the lighting effect faded out into blackness, while in the other
direction the light seemed to increase. One of the members suggested that the
light might be coming from the surface, and that they might be in one of the
old mines which existed in the area of the cavern entrance, but others brought
up the fact that, according to their calculations, they were at least five miles
beneath the earth and therefore the light probably did not come from the

Subsequently, the explorers decided to investigate in the direction of the

"light" since it would allow them to keep some carbide in reserve for their
return trip. At one point the tunnel (which was apparently cut through solid
rock much of the way and then glazed over with the hard, transparent
substance) opened into a gigantic cavern. Actually, this occurred several
times and at intervals, as if those who constructed the tunnel intentionally
meant for them to intersect the various cavern systems. Did the ancient
builders of this tunnel system possess a combination of gravitometers, x-rays
and sounding radars to detect these cavities?

Even as it passed through these large caverns, the tunnel still continued in the
form of a transparent domed enclosure, still the same shape as before, yet this
time the hard transparent substance was in the form of a ’wall’ a foot or so
thick that protected the group from the ’outside’ or cavern environment. And
fortunately so, for beyond the luminescent walls, were black expanses of
gloomy darkness within which they could faintly make out huge moving and
slithering figures of what seemed to be giant serpents and other grotesque
reptilian creatures as well as other non-reptilian creatures, including giant

If not for the fact that these creatures were physical, tangible things, these
dark caverns could have been likely candidates for the legendary ’Hades’ of
Greek and Hebrew tradition.

The most shocking surprise of all, however, occurred on the third day after
exploration of this tunnel began, a considerable distance from the crevice
from which they entered the tunnel. They were walking along when all-of-
the-sudden they turned around and found themselves face-to-face with a
group of human-like beings who stood around 7 to 8 feet tall. ’Their’ skin
had a faint pale-bluish, almost clay-bluish tint to it and their eyes were
relatively large and owl- like. But ’they’ were definitely human, according to
David L., who was on this particular expedition. The ’people’ took out some
type of electronic device, apparently some kind of parabolic communicator,
and after a few attempts they succeeded in establishing a communication link
using the electronic ’translator’.

At this point their story becomes even more complex, and the exact series of
events, in their chronological order, are rather undefined. First, the strange
’people’ made it known that the tunnel led to a network that went all
throughout the earth and to even greater depths. ’They’ had certain types of
instruments that could monitor from a distance the emotional field or make-
up of a person and thus determine their intentions. It was only because ’the
group’ was found to possess an emotional makeup indicating relatively non-
violent and non-selfish motivations that they were chosen to be contacted.
’They’ made it known that the cavers could have traveled through the
underground tunnels for weeks and would not have discovered their "city" if
"they" did not wish them to, as the entrance to it was so well hidden. Here
then, are some of the other incidents which allegedly occurred after the group
encountered the strange people, or rather after these people CONTACTED
the group (chronological sequence uncertain):

1) The group learned that the tunnels continued for hundreds of miles, at
least. After the initial contact, the topsiders were taken to a hidden “elevator”
and were then taken through this to the “city” where these people resided.
This community was apparently made out of a glass-like substance,
somewhat like the makeup of the tunnels themselves.

2) Their lifestyle, way of life, society, government, etc., was described as

being radically different than that which existed on the surface. These people
possessed a “Book of Laws” or a moral code by which they attempted to live.
According to David L., if any of their society became violent or became a
threat to the rest they were expelled into the tunnels, given sufficient
provisions to make it on their own, and generally forced to seek out their
destiny in other parts of the nether regions. This punishment for unrepentant
“criminals” was apparently practiced only on very rare occasions.

3) The technology used by this civilization was very complex, and is based
largely on the technology of the lost races who lived before the flood and
whose demise resulted in the abandonment of the subterranean system, along
with all of the sophisticated technology which had been left there as well. The
race encountered by David L. and his group allegedly were direct
descendants of Noah, and were of a race of explorers who came to the
Western Hemisphere some centuries following the deluge and discovered and
took up residence within the ancient subsystem where they now resided.
Some of the technology left by the “ancients” is still not understood by the
people encountered by the speleologists. The group was also shown
tremendous dark caverns miles beneath the city, where the subterraneans had
found ancient ruins of this ancient lost race. Some of these buildings were
sealed, apparently the desperate act of the vanished race who built them.

4) Some of the caverns—especially the extremely deep one’s in which the

ancient cities were found—were miles in diameter. Some were pitch black
and so still and silent that a whisper could seemingly be heard miles away.
Some of the upper caverns through which the ‘tunnel’ penetrated contained
not only serpent-like creatures but also huge, hairy ‘humanoids’, perhaps
tied-in with the Sasquatch family. These however were particularly violent in
nature, possibly due to their environment and constant proximity to the
serpents. Apparently there was an ongoing conflict between the “hairy”
humanoids and the reptilian creatures in the caverns. According to David L.,
these hairy giants had faces “only a mother could love”. On one occasion,
their subterranean friends demonstrated some type of hand-held beam
weapon by pointing it at one of the large serpents which could be seen
through the tunnel “walls”. The beam melted through the transparent barrier
and the serpent disappeared in a sizzling glow of fire.

5) The group attempted to tell their story to friends of theirs on the surface.
Apparently they made several trips after their first encounter with the blue-
skinned race. However, their story was rejected and met with mockery and
ridicule. They attempted to gather proof of their visit, and made a special trip
“down under” just for that purpose, and succeeded in capturing a “giant cave
moth” which roamed the deeper caverns. They placed it in a bag and upon
returning topside they opened the bag and exposed the creature to the brilliant
summer sun. For some reason, the sunlight had a disintegrating effect on the
insect and before they could show it to anyone as proof it had dried up,
become brittle and eventually crumbled to dust. After this, they gave up all
attempts to get anyone to believe them, and resigned themselves to keep the
secret among the twelve individuals who made up the exploration and
support teams, that is, until David L. was given permission to reveal the story
to the now late Charles A. Marcoux

(Note: Marcoux incidentally died as a result of a ‘heart attack’, while

exploring the surface areas around the Cushman caves. His wife described it
as a sudden and irrational attack of fear resulting from a swarm of bees that
Charles had encountered. One must realize that ‘fear’ is one of the most
powerful weapons utilized by the ‘infernals’ who would attempt to blind
mankind to conditions taking place in the inner world. However, by the grace
of God Almighty, many have been able to defend themselves from the “body
terror” utilized by the reptilians and which can often lead to paralysis, heart
attacks, insanity or even suicide).

Eventually George Wight decided to remain below with their subterranean

friends, and on their second-to-the-last trip they said their goodbyes. They
allegedly made one more trip afterwards during which they met with their
friend, who was doing well, for the last time. The peculiar thing about this
incident, according to David, was that shortly after Wight had joined this
underground society all evidence and records of him ever existing began to
mysteriously disappear from the surface.

Birth certificates, school records, computer records, bank records, etc. all
seemed to vanish, apparently the work of someone in a very influential
position who was able to erase all evidence that Wight had ever lived. Some
researchers still retain copies of George Wight’s articles from the old UFO
periodical, nevertheless. This would open up the possibility that this
underground race closely monitors events on the surface, and even has
"workers" in various influential positions who act as mediators in surface
society. Everything points to the fact that this subterranean race prefers it’s
privacy and does not wish to become involved in the political conflict and
chaos which has for untold centuries plagued the surface world by warring
factions constantly fighting over territorial rights, etc.

There is apparently much more to this account than we can relate here,
however for various reasons, specific information other than that which we
have just related will have to remain confidential. One can seemingly find
"connections" between this account and others which have been related by
other sources. For instance, John Lear has stated to some researchers that
certain Apollo astronauts encountered another terran or earth-based race on
the moon, a race that apparently made it there long before America did, and
this 7 ft. tall, large-eyed race of humans seems to fit the same description as
that given by David L. The people that Lear referred to allegedly have an
alliance with the ’Blondes’. Is it possible that the underground people
contacted by David know of and interact with the Telosians?

Whether this small item has any connection with the people allegedly
encountered by the speleologists is uncertain, but it was related by John Keel

"...The Cherokees have a tradition, according to Benjamin Smith

NATIONS OF AMERICA’ (1798), that when they migrated to
Tennessee they found the region inhabited by a weird race of white
people who lived in houses and were apparently quite civilized. They
had one problem: their eyes were very large and sensitive to light. They
could only see at night..."

Is it possible that these people may have later taken up a cave- dwelling
lifestyle, if they had not done so previously, to allow themselves more
comfortable living conditions?

’Leading Edge Research’ made the following statements in one of their



There is some confusion over the subject of alien bases in the United
States. There seem to be many of them, but some of them seem to stand
out functionally and operationally. IT WOULD SEEM THAT THE
MAIN BASE is in NEW MEXICO with small detachments (human
phrase) at Dreamland and Area 51 in general. Both of those locations are
used to test-fly alien craft (PROJECT GRUDGE/REDLIGHT). The
main location for the test flights appears to be Area 51. The
EXCALIBUR project being developed AT LOS ALAMOS is designed
to try and penetrate underground facilities, since they (grays) have
entrenched themselves and no longer honor any of the dubious
agreements which they have made with (certain) factions within the

In the May, 1989 issue of ’Leading Edge’ (formerly ’Nevada Aerial

Research’) it was stated that:

"...Information about underground bases at Edwards AFB (CA) are not

new. Stories have circulated for years. There was the lady whose mother
used to work at the cafeteria who overheard people talking about aliens
and disks. The constant stream of construction materials going out to the
end of the base, but nothing showed up on the surface. NASA has a
large underground base that has been there for years.

"’Tube shuttles take personnel 50 miles to the other end of the base in
the Tahachapi mountains. The underground base has been referred to as
an underground city. It is even said that there are disks stored in
glasslike enclosures under a vacuum to preserve them.’"

What may very well be a confirmation of the above appeared in the Dec.
1990 issue of a publication sent out by ’THE BORDERLAND SCIENCES
RESEARCH FOUNDATION’, which has for years been under the direction
of Riley H. Crabb. The information was in the form of a letter which we
quote here:

"I spent the weekend with a ’recent’ Edwards AFB workman and his
wife -- ’recent’ because they are both repeat contactees and have
become ’unmanageable’ as the AFB management puts it. He was fired
for blasting a Spybee with spray paint -- which I find funny and as
classic as the graffiti on New York subway cars.

"’You did it on purpose,’ they told him, and they knew of course,
because the Spybees are telepathic (i.e. capable of ’tuning in’ to
Extremely Low Frequency or ’ELF’ electro-encephalographic neuro-
brain waves? - Branton) as well as camera equipt. They also carry
microphones. We were all laughing as he told us how the little spray-
painted gold orb, blinded, went bouncing off walls and posts and was
quickly withdrawn from its spy mission. He said Spybees are about the
size of a basketball. They fly by antigravity all over any ’Above Top
Secret’ installation. They dart soundlessly everywhere and hover
between workers, sometimes programmed to harass the guys for fun,
like bumping them in the rear end.

"No person (that) he and his friends knew about there was allowed to
say one word to another while on the job. They would test by trying to
write to each other in the floor dust. Within two or three strokes a
Spybee would whiz around the corner, lock on to and stop above the
writing. His last comment was to write and draw a great big ’screw you’.

"His painting work was part of an ONGOING EXCAVATION beneath

Edwards AFB on the high desert in California. He and his crew were
always blindfolded and strip-searched before transit. They couldn’t even

"Management accused him of doing it on purpose, and they knew... ’No,

no. The Spybee kept bumpin’ the back of my neck while I was sprayin.’
After one real hard knock I whirled around with the spray gun still

"A prominent researcher with us that Saturday evening suggested, after

careful questioning of the worker, THAT THE ELEVATOR ITSELF
PLASMOLE TUNNELING MACHINES (referred to as ’Terron drives’
by Dulce Base employees - Branton) WHICH MELT A 50 FOOT

"For part of the night we went ’foo chasing’, their term for sightseeking
UFOs. Tahachapi where H. Hughes and Northrup Corporations and the
USAF have just imported Delta Forces and fleets of black helicopters
deployed by the government for top security events coverage. There is
no doubt something major is going on up there, even that night.

"The researcher and his team were hoping to see the 30-FOOT
VERSION OF THE SPYBEES, as there are growing numbers of reports
(electromagnetically cloaked in a similar manner as was discovered
during the ’Philadelphia’ experiments? - Branton), CARRYING
AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. (Note: Since thoughts and
emotions may be to some extent electromagnetic in nature, it may be
possible for them to be manipulated by EM rays - Branton).

"...I often see Terra now as in near-final throes of exactly the H.G. Wells
scenario where the unwilling and witless 90% of mankind inhabits a
play-fantasy world on Earth’s surface, while the split-off race of highly
technical degenerates (in league with and/or controlled by the serpent
race - Branton), the Trogs, prey on them from underground..."
The End

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