Mazaua PDF
Mazaua PDF
Mazaua PDF
A Lee Shore Stands For 1521 Safe Haven Thanks To Errors Of Translation,Transcription, Copying,
Bad Logic, Superficial Research And An Awful Maneuver By A Philippine Government Historical
Agency That Altered The Nature Of An Honest Mistake Into A Hoax
Paper presented at the seminar on Pacific Maritime History at the Marine Science Institute, University of the Philip-
pines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines on Wednesday, 13 Oct. 2004. It’s an updated version of the paper read
before The Society for the History of Discoveries at the U.S. Library of Congress on 13 Oct. 2000.
Fig. 1. Mazaua map (detail) in the four extant manuscripts of Antonio Pigafetta and two renditions of Ambrosiana map by
James Alexander Robertson and Miguel Bernad. South-north orientation was the convention at the time of Pigafetta. Key
details (the cove facing village and the cross atop mountain west of isle) are not shown in the two maps at bottom.
goods including spices, silk, gold, ivory, etc. were disgorged then brought by camel caravans
to Alexandria. From there, the goods were transferred to waiting galleys going to parts of
the Mediterranean and Europe (Cameron Appendix B). Magellan (anglicized name of the
Portuguese explorer) was a minor member of the Portuguese sea borne force in the Indian
Ocean theater of operation whose main objective was to block trading ships from reaching
Massawa and Jidda, (Joyner 39) a futile attempt of the Iberian superpower to establish a
monopoly in the spice trade. (Scammel 272)
The Armada de Molucca, now reduced to three naos from five and down to some 186
men from its original complement of about 270 men of diverse nationalities, lay at anchors
in Mazaua from March 28 to April 4, 1521. The visit to this mystery isle was, in the eyes of
one Magellan biographer, the happiest most restful interlude (Zweig 227) to an otherwise
interminable succession of physical, mental and moral struggle to remain afloat. In Mazaua
Magellan and his men were received with warmth and cordiality, a counterpoint to the vio-
lence that marked many an encounter of cultures during the Age of Exploration, described
by one author as “relations with the natives which began in embraces, continued in abuse,
and ended in bloodshed.” (Armesto 6) Here no quarrel ensued, no blood spilled except in a
ceremonial blood compact or casi casi between the captain general and the Mazaua king,
Siaiu, to signify goodwill and eternal brotherhood, “the first recorded one in Philippine his-
tory.” (Lach 620)
The Mazaua landfall also saw the world encompassed linguistically when Magellan’s
slave and the Mazauans spoke in Malayan, the trade lingua franca in southeast Asia. (Zweig
226) This linguistic fact—that the Malayan tongue was used in the dialogue between the
Magellan’s slave, Enrique, and principally raia Siaiu of Mazaua—has been so misunderstood
by one Philippine historian (Carlos Quirino) it spawned a fairy tale that saw its apotheosis
in a very recently published book where it is boldly asserted Enrique was from Cebu and
was therefore the first man to round the world when the fleet reached the Visayan island.
(Bergreen 243)
Two events define the meaning of Mazaua for most Filipinos, the Easter Sunday mass
and the planting of a large cross atop the tallest hill. The Philippines is an isolated rock of
Christianity in a huge ocean lashed by the powerful waves of Islam, Buddhism, Hindu and
other beliefs. Of its 84 million people 83% are Catholics, 9% Protestants. Mazaua, there-
fore, is an icon to a deeply religious people, an event of overarching importance. This aspect
of a signal event in world geography and Renaissance navigation has unfortunately served to
distort the way the event is viewed.
The cross is almost exclusively seen here as a religious event. Viewed against the tra-
dition of discovery during the Renaissance, the Spanish practice of planting the cross was to
meant to signify possession of the territory, to which the French also adhered. (Seed 2) The
cross was an auspicious symbol since the legitimacy of the power to own and colonize terri-
tories was contingent on evangelizing the natives found there. The Portuguese, who put up
stone pillars, followed the Roman tradition of putting up stone markers. (Seed 2)
Landfall Controversy
Like a more famous landfall in the Atlantic a generation before Magellan’s there is a
parallel debate in the Pacific Ocean side as to where Mazaua is although there is an official
version that is almost universally believed except for a few holdouts. There is a major differ-
ence between the Columbus first landfall controversy and the Mazaua. As far as I know, no
one asks, Where was the first mass held in America? In the Philippines the only question
asked is, Where was the site of the first mass, Butúan or Limasawa?
This question—as the framework against which the identity of Mazaua is being
sought to be ascertained—has led to a historiographical and geographical disaster in which
a lee shore—where anchoring is almost certainly impossible—represents Magellan’s safe
haven. My paper will discuss the making of the Mazaua conundrum, how Magellan’s safe
haven became a lee shore, and why an agency of government has willfully proclaimed what
is fraudulent, and lastly I will locate where Mazaua is today.
Five Eyewitness Accounts
Of nine firsthand relations of the voyage around the world, five contain references to
the Mazaua episode. These accounts are represented by extant manuscripts, all mere copies
of originals now lost. Every account, except the one by Ginés de Mafra and Martinho de
Aiamonte, the last to surface, is represented by several copies. The accounts do not fully
agree with each other—at the superficial level—and copies of a particular account are not
exact duplicates; and the sequence of their publication dates have greatly influenced the
blurred reconstruction of the event. These accounts are by:
A. Antonio Pigafetta—there are some 30 editions in 7 languages of the three co-
dices out of four of what is universally accepted as the most complete account. (Brand 365)
1. Ambrosiana codex (in Italian)—the first transcription was done by the discoverer
of this manuscript, the Augustinian Encyclopedist Carlo Amoretti, 1800. His work is seen
by scholars as defective because of liberties taken with Pigafetta’s text (Stanley lv). “The
value of Amoretti’s find was severely undermined, however, by the fact that the text he pub-
lished represented a rewriting or translation of Pigafetta’s 16th-century Italian. The editor
also bowdlerized the text in an effort to ‘exposit with the necessary decency the account of
some strange customs written by him [Pigafetta] in frank terms which would offend the
delicacy and modesty of the reader of good taste’.” (Cachey lii) But it is the most critical in
the making of Magellan’s port into Limasawa, (Fig. 2) the isle believed to be Mazaua. The
work done by Andrea da Mosto for the Raccolta Colombiana (p.V, vol. III, 1894) is the supe-
rior transcription that finally established the text of the Italian manuscript. Mosto’s work
was the basis for the authoritative 1906 English translation by James Alexander Robertson
(Torodash 325, Joyner 345, Cachey lii) to which almost exclusively Philippine historiogra-
phers owe their view of the episode. The Ambrosiana is written in 16th century chirogra-
phy, certain indecipherable words have caused confusion, e.g., the king of Mazaua has been
variously read as Siago, Siain, Siani, Siaui, and Siaiu. Its convoluted syntax has resulted in
area =
698 has.
Fig. 2. The Limasawa hypothesis asserts the Leyte isle is the equal of Magellan’s port,
Mazaua. That is, they are identical: perfect, exact, total equal of one another. In terms of
size Limasawa’s 698 hectares ill fit Mazaua’s area of 2213 to 3930 hectares converted
from Ginés de Mafra’s estimate of its 3-4 leguas circumference, A list of 32 Mazaua
properties shows in no instance do the two coincide.
that king getting interchanged with the king of Butúan, which error has been rectified by
the latest editions by Pozzi and Cachey. Pigafetta’s relation has been hailed as “nearly defini-
tive—and is almost universally accepted as such—as any historical document about the ac-
tual events of the voyage” (Torodash 323). This fact has been wrongly translated as being
also definitive in terms of the correctness of his latitude reading for Mazaua.
2. Nancy-Libri-Phillipps-Beinecki-Yale codex (in French)—very likely represents
the true gift manuscript that Pigafetta presented to his intended benefactor, Lord Philippe
de Villiers l’Isle Adam, Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. A facsimile edition with an
accompanying volume of R.A. Skelton’s English translation (Magellan’sVoyage: A Narrative Ac-
count of the First Circumnavigation, 2 vols., New Haven,Yale UP, 1969) was published quite
late in the day when the above errors had become too deeply ingrained in the mind and
would require Herculean efforts to correct. The Yale ms. has been ignored by analysts
(Bernad does not go beyond citing its title, publisher, and date of publication) which is a
pity as it probably represents the settled thoughts of Pigafetta. The National Historical Insti-
tute, deliberately ignored this codex and three key testimonies not found in the Ambro-
sian—the west cross, the Mazauan village facing a cove, the presence of gold mines—
which, if admitted into the discussion, would by themselves compel a rewriting of the his-
tory of Mazaua;
3. Ms. fr. 5650 (in French)—one of two French manuscripts conserved at Biblio-
theque Nationale at Paris, considered my many scholars as the older and longer of the two.
Transcribed and collated with the three other codices by the Belgian scholar Jean Denucé
and published in 1911, and by Léonce Peillard in 1956. This like the Yale ms. has not figured
in the analyses by Philippine historiographers. A good portion of Ms. fr. 5650 was translated
into English by Lord Stanley of Alderley in 1874, “from page 35 until the end of the first
sentence on page 94 is from Ms. 5650” (Torodash 325) including the Mazaua episode;
d. Ms. fr. 24224 (in French)—the only unpublished codex. It is heavily abridged,
many details of navigation, ethnography and geography have been removed (Skelton 24); it
Fig. 3. Map of “Cap. de Gatighan” with Mazaua at top right hand corner. Orientation is south-north against today’s north-south
convention. Mazaua’s location is southeast of Bohol. Note isle sandwiched between Ceilon (Panaón) and Bohol. In today’s map
this isle is identified as Limasawa. By wrongly classifying Ceilon as Leyte historians have misappreciated the tracks drawn by
Pigafetta and Albo. R.A. Skelton, Donald F. Lach, and Theodore J. Cachey have correctly identified it as Panaón. This map is
taken from the Mario Pozzi edition of the Ambrosiana.
Fig. 4. Pigafetta’s map of Mazaua (upper right hand corner) in the French Nancy-Libri-Phillipps-Beinecke-Yale codex,
one of three French extant manuscripts of Antonio Pigafetta’s account of the first circumnavigation. The facsimile book
was published by Yale University in 1986. The cross west of Mazaua indicating location where Magellan’s fleet anchored
is repeated in all the French manuscripts. So are the “stilt” houses facing a cove. Of 23 charts in the Yale codex (and in
all other codices) this is the only one where the scrolls for placenames are empty. It does tell us Pigafetta himself did-
n’t have a hand in its execution. This map is from the companion facsimile book to the English tr. by R.A.Skelton.
Fig. 5. Mazaua (upper right hand corner) in French MS. 24224, one of two extant manuscripts in the possession of Bib-
liotheque Nationale and the only one unpublished still. Note houses on “stilts” facing cove and cross west of Mazaua
indicating location where Magellan’s fleet anchored. None of these features are seen in Robertson’s and Bernad’s maps.
The map shown here has not been published on the Net or in print.
Fig 6. Map of Cap. de Gatighan with Mazaua at top right hand corner. This black and white facsimile map in Antonio
Pigafetta’s Ms. 5650 on page 112 of Jean Denucé’s edition Relation du premier voyage autour du monde par Magellan
1519-1522 corroborates map found in the Nancy-Yale codex where a cross is shown west of Mazaua. (Pigafetta's maps
are oriented south-north) This cross substantiates Ginés de Mafra’s testimony the fleet anchored in a west port.
Denucé book is in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., call no. G161 R31 xxiv. The map also appears, enlarged
and inverted, on page 51 of The Philippines: Pigafetta’s Story of Their Discovery By Magellan by Rodrigue Lévesque, an
English translation of the composite texts of Pigafetta’s Mss 5650 and 24224, two extant French manuscripts in the
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Lévesque states the actual map is in four colors probably much like the Ambrosian. The
Nancy-Yale map is in full color much as Ms. 24224. The Denucés map's dimensions are: height, 51"; width, 4"1mm.
is almost as princely as the Yale ms. in execution; while “ is useless to the serious
scholar” (Torodash 324) the map showing Mazaua has important corroborative value in par-
ticular the fact the anchorage was west of the isle and the Mazauan village also in the west
faces a cove, a geographic element shown in all the maps of the four extant manuscripts.
(Figs. 3-6)
B. Francisco Albo
1. Madrid ms—transcribed and published by Martín Fernandez de Navarette in
Colección...1837. A wrong latitude 90 40’ N (Alboa 202) resulting from an amanuensis er-
ror has fortified a fallacious argument that has propped up the Limasawa hypothesis.
Robertson translated a good part of Albo into English in a number of scattered notes;
2. London ms.—transcribed and translated into English by Lord Stanley of Alderley,
1874. This manuscript has the correct latitude 90 20’ N (Albob 225) as read also by a Bel-
gian scholar (Denucé 309, Pigafettak 110) and a Portuguese maritime historian (Lagoa 88).
Professional Philippine historiographers are not aware of this latitude. The NHI willfully
ignored it;
C. The roteiro of the Genoese Pilot
1. Lisbon copy—in Portuguese, as all the three others, was published in Lisbon in
1826, collated with the Paris ms. Amanuensis’ and transcription errors have led to faulty
analysis. Robertson has translated parts of the roteiro’ s scattered throughout 650 annota-
tions. The sharp dismissive remarks of one historiographer, “Nothing very useful can be
gained from a reading of this rather boring account,” (Torodash 319) has waylaid Philippine
historians into ignoring even dismissing the Genoese Pilot’s latitude (Schumacher 15)
which my analysis shows and corroborated by the 2001 geomorphological study is the cor-
rect fix. ;
2. Madrid ms.—while unpublished is collated in the English translation by Stanley;
3. Paris ms.—included in the annotation of the Portuguese publication;
In any case, the belief Limasawa is Mazaua—except for a few unreconstructed hold-
outs for whom the arbitrary powers of the National Historical Institute holds no terror—is
total. Two Philippine laws enshrine it, Republic Act 2733 and Republic Act 7822. Top Phil-
ippine historians, living or long gone, support it. The national historical agency, as the Phil-
ippine Historical Commission in 1953 and as the National Historical Institute in 1980 and
1998, has thrice affirmed its validity. In its latest affirmation, the National Historical Insti-
tute claims it had “conclusively established” the final truth about Mazaua being Limasawa.
(Gancayco 24) It even invokes the Bible for moral support in making its findings. Its former
chairman, when this “final truth” was promulgated even advised “unbelievers” to foreswear
investigating the issue further—a strange notion for a professional historian to embrace and
a dangerous if abhorrent principle to proclaim.
There are just a number of difficulties with NHI’s “final truth”:
1. Limasawa has no anchorage. The Coast Pilot and Sailing Directions describe the isle
as “fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef, off which the depths are too great to afford anchor-
age for large vessels.” (Hydrographic 482) Local historians are unfamiliar with technical
navigation and none thought of consulting either a Coast Pilot or Sailing Directions. One
writer clearly spoke from unfamiliarity when he said, “[Limasawa] has a good har-
bor…” (Bernad 29) A notable exception was the past head of NHI who, in a slim essay co-
written with another historiographer cited and quoted the whole entry on Limasawa in the
1968 Coast Pilot but deliberately omitted the above-quoted sentence. (Tan, Medina 35) Such
an unseemly behavior, suppressing an inconvenient fact, if in an academic setting, would
have very serious consequences; the deliberate occultation of a vital fact is anathema to the
pursuit of truth. In more civilized circles it could cause one’s permanent ostracism. The
NHI-Gancayco panel, composed of non-Magellan scholars and non-navigation historians,
was able to surmount the impossibility of anchoring in Limasawa by declaring Magellan’s
ignorance of Limasawa’s shoreline allowed him to anchor wherever he pleased.
comer when he sailed into Philippines shores of 1521, he could not have anticipated up
front which island had adequate anchorage for ships. There is logic in assuming that he an-
chored his fleet in whatever island he touched at, and that island happened to be Limasawa
(Mazaua) ‘as (because) we had seen a fire (on it) the night before’. So, it was actually the light
from a fire that Magellan saw, not the better anchorage which he could not have anticipated
anyway, that attracted Magellan to Limasawa.” (NHI 20) This statement reveals an appalling
ignorance of navigation. Soundings—knowing the nature of the ground below, its depths,
the character of the sea-floor—is to navigation as grammar is to language, arithmetic is to
mathematics, breathing is to living. It’s so fundamental it assumed. “The oldest navigating
instrument of which we have definite evidence is the familiar lead and line, which remains
the safeguard of sailors to this day.” (Taylor 35) As a great helmsman put it, “Probably the
most dangerous phase of navigation occurs when the vessel is ‘on soundings.’ Since man first
began navigating the waters, the possibility of grounding his vessel has been a major con-
cern, and frequent soundings have been the most highly valued safeguard against that ex-
perience. Undoubtedly used long before the Christian era, the lead line is perhaps the old-
est instrument of navigation.” (Bowditch 14) An older “soundings” instrument was a long
rod or pole.
2) East Limasawa where supposedly Magellan’s fleet anchored is a lee shore. The 1993 Sail-
ing Directions state: “The predominant winds are the Northeast monsoon, which prevails
from October to March or April, and the Southwest monsoon, which prevails from June to
September.” (Defense 197) Dumagsa is the local name for the Northeast monsoon. The phe-
nomenon is alluded to in De Moluccis where a storm drives the fleet “to another island called
Massana.” (Maximilian 121) This incident refers to the time the fleet left Homonhon and
was coasting along the eastern side of Leyte. The lee shore, also known as the dangerous
side, is improbable as the anchorage since a violent movement of the wind will dash the ships
to Limasawa’s rocky shore and there is no escape from shipwreck. (Fig. 7) “Every sailor has
Lee Shore
Fig. 7. In his account of Magellan’s voyage, Ginés de Mafra said the fleet anchored west of Mazaua. This is corroborated by
Pigafetta’s map in all 3 French codices. There is a technical reason why the port was west not east as asserted by the
Limasawa hypothesis. It has to do with a basic rule of navigation in the Age of Sail. Renaissance ships, powered by wind,
worked along the limits of nature. One unchanging “law” is that up to the 30th parallel south or north of the equator pre-
vailing winds blow east to west. (See above illustration) These are the easterlies, the trade winds. In March and April
this is further aggravated by the powerful northeast monsoon called Dumagsa by the Limasawans. The side exposed to
Dumagsa is called the lee shore. It is impossible to anchor on a lee shore. Had the fleet stayed on a lee shore these will
have been driven towards shore by the Dumagsa and will have no way to escape shipwreck. In Maximilian Transylvanus’ De
Moluccis, a storm is mentioned that forced Magellan to leave Leyte towards Mazaua. This is the Dumagsa. It is impossible
to anchor on a lee shore.
A non-navigation historian does not appreciate the gravity of this rule. “Shipwreck” to him is just a word. To the seafarer
it is the end of the world, of his dreams of wealth, of his life even. No reason is more compelling to ensure seafarers obey
this cardinal rule. The idea Magellan’s fleet anchored east is navigationally untenable and has no historiographical sup-
port. One writer says it is an “established” point (Bernad 28) but offers no evidence nor reasoned argument. No eyewit-
ness talks of east. The NHI simply insists on its own authority that Magellan’s port was east.
“...we laid our course toward the northwest, passing among five islands; namely, Cey-
lon, Bohol, Canighan, Baybai and Gatighan...There is a distance of twenty legues
from Mazaua to Gatighan. We set out westward from Gatighan…”
—Antonio Pigafetta tr. by
James A. Robertson
Pigafetta’s NW N
NW track to Ceilon on
the way to Cebu Albo track to Ceilon
(Panaón), on the way to
Cebu, NW of the isle
Fig. 8. Absurd, impossible. Pigafetta drew a northwest (maestrale) track from Mazaua going to Ceilon/Seilani (Panaón) on the way to
Cebu. If east Limasawa were Magellan’s port (as widely believed and recently affirmed in 1998 by the Gancayco Panel of the National
Historical Institute) it is absurd to first sail towards Panaón. What’s more it’s impossible to sail NW from east Limasawa. Albo’s track
was N to Seilani, again an absurd track going to Cebu that will not bring the fleet to Panaón in any case. The east Limasawa notion puts
the Armada in Magallanes, Limasawa either right in front of or between the detached coral reef and the beach, a most improbable loca-
tion. East Limasawa is a lee shore, besides. Magellan could not and did not anchor in east Limasawa, an improbable idea in the first place
that is impossible in the real world above all. Ceilon has been wrongly conceived as the whole of Leyte, tricking the mind to allow for the
ships sailing well within “continental” Leyte. Pigafetta did not think in terms of our geographical conception of “continental” Leyte. He had
broken today’s Leyte into the “islands” of Cenalo (today’s Silago), Abarien (Cabalian, renamed recently San Juan), Hiunangan
(Hinunangan), Ceylon (Panaón), and Baibai.
The NHI panel declared, “Given the reality that Magellan was a first-timer/new
comer when he sailed into Philippine shores of 1521, he could not have anticipated up fron
which island had adequate anchorage for ships. There is logic in assuming that he anchored
his fleet in whatever island he touched at, and that island happened to be Limasawa (Mazaua)
‘as (because) we had seen a fire (on it) the night before’. So, it was actually the light from a fire that
Magellan saw, not the better anchorage which he could not have anticipated anyway, that at-
tracted Magellan to Limasawa.” (NHI 20) This statement reveals an appalling ignorance of
navigation. Soundings—knowing the nature of the ground below, its depths, the character of
the sea—is to navigation as grammar is to language, arithmetic is to mathematics, breathing
is to living. It’s so fundamental, it’s simply assumed to be automatic to a seaman. “The oldest
navigating instrument of which we have definite evidence is the familiar lead and line, which
remains the safeguard of sailors to this day.” (Taylor 35) As a great helmsman put it,
“Probably the most dangerous phase of navigation occurs when the vessel is ’on sounding.’
Since man first began navigating the waters, the possibility of grounding his vessel has been a
major concern, and frequent soundings have been the most highly valued safeguard against
that experience. Undoubtedly used long before the Christian era, the lead line is perhaps the
oldest instrument of navigation.” (Bowditch 14) An older “soundings” instrument was a long
rod or pole.
2. East Limasawa where supposedly Magellan’s fleet anchored is a lee shore. The
1933 Sailing Directions state: “The predominant winds are the Northeast monsoon, which
prevails from October to March or April, and the Southwest monsoon, which prevails from
June to September.” (Defense 197) Dumagsa is the local name for the Northeast monsoon.
The phenomenon is alluded to in De Moluccis where a storm drives the fleet “to another is-
land called Massana.” (Maximilian 121) This incident refers to the time the fleet left Homon-
hon and was coasting along the eastern side of Leyte. The lee shore, also known as the dan-
gerous side, is improbable as the anchorage since a violent movement of the wind will dash
the ships to Limasawa’s rocky shore and there is no escape from shipwreck. (Fig. 7) Well,
Table of Correspondence
R e s e a r c h , i n t e r p r e t a t i o n , w r i t i n g , 20d e s i g n , l a y o u t b y V i c e n t e C . d e J e s ú s
3. Raia’s name Siaiu Pigafetta Yale Ms. Siaui, Sian, Siani, Siagu Ambrosian Mankao Oral Tradition b
4. No. of wife/ves Lisabeta Pigafetta/Ambrosian Ms. 5: Triana, Maangay, Udjaja, Banday, b
Ysabeau Pigafetta Nancy Ms. Kapudjing Oral Tradition
5. Butúan raia Kolambu Pigafetta Oral tradition has nothing on this b
6. Kinship with Siaiu Kolambu is brother of Siaiu Pigafetta Oral tradition has nothing on this b
8. Ties w/ Cebu king Blood kin of Siaiu & Kolambu Mafra & Herrera Oral tradition is silent on this b
7. Circumference/Area 3-4 leguas/9-12 nm Mafra (2213 to 3930 has.) 2.0313 nm2 or 698 has NAMRIA b
9. Location of islet 1. Below 1521 Butúan, 45-60 nm away Mafra 1. Above 1521 & today’s Butúan b
2. Below Bohol and Panaón Pigafetta map 2. In between Bohol and Panaón
14. Shape Circular like ray Pigafetta suggests alluvial fan Short, elongated like cut worm b
15. Language Has “masawa,” a word found only in Waray in 1521, today Cebuano & b
Butúanon out of 80 Philippine tongues Bolhanon, all have no “masawa”
23. Distance: b
Humunu-Mazzaua 25 leguas (100 n.m.) Pigafetta * 20 leguas (80 n.m.)
24. Distance: b
Mazzaua-Zzubu 35 leguas (140 n.m.) Pigafetta 32 leguas (131 n.m.)
25. Distance: b
Mazzaua-Gatighan/100N 20 leguas (80 n.m.) Pigafetta 1 legua (4 n.m.)
26. Kind of houses On stilts (tall posts) Pigafetta Squat to ward off monsoon/typhoons b
27. Location of cross Atop west hill Pigafetta map/All 3 French Mss East of only one (1) mountain b
28. Location of village West facing a cove Pigafetta map in 3 French codices East
29. WSW isles w/ gold Three Albo No isle WSW of Limasawa b
30. Slope of mountain Gentle. Magellan’s limp precluded climbing steep Very steep > 45%, no farmlands
incline; front of hill "cultivated fields” Pigafetta in front of east Limasawa b
32. Easter mass Held morning of 31 March 1521 Pigafetta In Butúan not in DimasauaColín; no mass, not b
in Limasaua nor ButúanCombés
*Pigafetta states his scale of 4 n.m. to 1 legua in his book Regole sul l’arte del navigare o trattato della sfera (Treatise of Navigation). Primary sources: Antonio
Pigafetta (3 codices out of 4); Francisco Albo (Madrid and Paris manuscripts); Genoese Pilot (Lisbon and Paris mss.); Ginés de Mafra; Martinho de Aiamonte;.
Secondary: Francisco Colín, S.J., Francisco Combés, S.J., Antonio de Brito and Antonio de Herrera. Updated Sept. 2003
east Limasawa is a lee shore. As Taylor has pointed out every sailor has “an wholesome dread
of being driven on to a lee-shore, and stands well out to sea to avoid the dangers of hidden
rock and sand-bank.” (Taylor 4) One anchors on the weather or protected shore facing the
wind so that if the ships are lashed by a sudden gust of wind the ships will merely be driven
to open sea.
3) No account speaks of anchoring east. An eyewitness explicitly locates the port
west of Mazaua. (Mafra 198) The maps of Mazaua in the three French codices (Fig. 4,5,6)
showing a cross atop a hill west of the isle corroborates Mafra’s testimony. All events during
the week happened on just one side of Mazaua, the west. The east notion goes back no far-
ther than the map of Pedro Murillo Velarde, S.J. that traces Magellan’s fleet shuttling back
and forth to east Limasawa. Murillo’s east port had no historiographical basis or reality and
is nullified by the fact east Limasawa is a lee shore. The difficulty this east notion presents
will be seen in Skelton’s willful mishandling of the word “maestral” that throughout he
translated “northwest.” Maestrale is one of the oldest terms in European and Mediterranean
navigation. European languages have almost phonetically identical terms and vary only in
orthography—mistral, maestral, mistrau, maystral, maestro—and is translated as north-
west in English. It appears on the first wind rose (compass) shown on charts and maps since
the 1300s standing for one of the eight classical wind directions. (Thoen)
In the departure from Mazaua episode, seeing Pigafetta’s words won’t fit the real
world, Skelton mistranslates “maestral” as “southwest” (Pigafettaf 73) since it is physically
impossible to sail northwest from east Limasawa. Moreover, Skelton who correctly identi-
fies Ceylon (Ceilon/Seilani) as Panaón must have given up trying to reconcile the impossi-
ble idea of reaching Panaón by taking an opposite course going away from it. (Fig. 8)
Murillo’s east notion, which has been uncritically adopted by historians, draws its inspira-
tion from Medieval cartographic tradition which automatically located an unknown spot on
earth in the east “indicating the direction to paradise...or at least to where Christ was born
(in the Levant).” (Thoen)
The NHI affirmed the east anchorage nevertheless by willfully dismissing Mafra and
by ignoring the existence of the Yale map showing the cross west of Mazaua. It willfully ig-
nored well as the real world reality described by the Coast Pilot showing the east as the dan-
gerous side. In its final report of March 1998, NHI simply ignores the French Pigafetta co-
dices whose maps show the cross erected west of the isle signifying the compass point
where the fleet was moored. The NHI “finding” exclusively addresses itself to the Ambrosi-
ana as well as the Genoese Pilot account. This puzzling behavior can by no means be viewed
as the crowning glory of Philippine historiography; it in fact seems to have fallen under the
tradition set by Jose E. Marco. But the panel members may have achieved their shortsighted
if senseless aim of affirming Limasawa at all cost for what useful purpose, it’s not clear. This
is the kind of boneheadedness Tuchman bewails as it harms the pursuit of truth without any
commensurate advantage.
A straightforward inventory of properties of Mazaua will show that outside of the
fact the two are isles—a feature shared by 7101 others—there is nothing common between
Limasawa and Mazaua. Figure 10, the Table of Correspondence, is a comprehensive
list of Mazaua features, properties, and clues extracted from eyewitnesses’ accounts and
juxtaposed against Limasawa. This inventory proceeds from an analytical definition that
seeks to establish the clear-cut identity of Mazaua. It shows that at no point does Mazaua
and Limasawa coincide be it name, latitude, shape, size, distance, direction of the isles, de-
scription of its houses, agriculture, slope of the mountains, etc. These two isles are totally
The root of this mess goes back to as early as 1523 with publication of Maximilian
Transylvanus’ De Moluccis…(Fig. 11) a secondhand account of the circumnavigation based
on interviews with the survivors of the Magellan expedition. This account was an instant
bestseller and its success occasioned several reprints. It established the place-name of Ma-
gellan’s anchorage as Messana or its equivalent Massana (Maximilian 121), corruptions of
the place-name Mazaua that persisted all the way to the 1894 edition of the Ambrosian co-
dex. (Mosto 71-84) In navigation the Italian word stands for mizzen-sail. Its various permu-
tations in European languages are misaine (French), mesana (Spanish), mezena (Portuguese).
Its other forms are meseyn, meson, mizine, myszen, messyne, myssen, mysson, and the Scottish mo-
zan. (Bruzelius Etymologi) So the word’s familiar ring to the European ear ensured ready
acceptance and long life span. “Messana” to the ecclesiastical mind however would mean
something else, a meaning that presented a dilemma to a Church historian writing in 1663
on evangelization work of the Jesuits in the Philippines. His solution to the linguistic prob-
lem—the dissonance between an accepted nautical term and the religious connotation that
word has for the ecclesiastical mind—would result to the historiographical disaster where a
lee shore today represents Magellan’s safe port.
Maximilian’s De Moluccis so saturated the European market it would appear Antonio
Pigafetta could not get his book printed by the time he had his manuscript ready sometime
in August 1524 (Cachey xlvi). He had obtained even before that permission from Venice to
print his book. On August 3, 1524 there was a firm arrangement with a printer that Pi-
gafetta will pay half of the cost of printing, fifteen ducats, and the profit will be split.
(Cachey xlvi). Nothing came of this, it seems the Vicentine diarist thought the deal was very
risky and wanted a more favorable arrangement. Pigafetta’s recourse was a Renaissance ex-
pedient open to courtiers seeking preferment. He produced a gift manuscript which Pi-
gafetta eventually dedicated to the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes, Philippe Villiers
de l’Isle-Adam. The original, now lost, is probably exemplified by the Nancy-Yale codex.
Fig. 11. Colines ed. French translation of an Fig. 12. 1536 Italian translation by Ramusio
Italian original of Pigafetta’s account of the Colines published Zoppini in Venice
Fig. 15. Samuel Purchas Hakluytus Posthumus or his Pilgrimes (London, 1625; 1905 ed. Vol. II, pp. 84-118). English
translation of a version of Ramusio’s Italian retranslation back from French of Pigafetta’s account. The corruption of
the Mazaua incident here differs from the 1536 version which Richard Eden translated. Butúan has supplanted Ma-
zaua. No Sunday Easter mass on 31 March 1521 is mentioned here. This is the Ramusio that reached the hands of Fr.
Francisco Combes.
This presentation manuscript was copied—how many times, no one is sure— which in
turn were recopied and the various texts were translated and retranslated back to its origi-
nal Italian resulting in an accumulation of copyist and translation errors.
account as we know it today or even the Colines edition, from which the Ramusio story
was extracted, shows clearly unmistakably Mazaua was the anchorage. There is no rational
way to explain how Mazaua could have been mistaken for Butúan. The mystically inclined
may see a hidden hand at work that is discernible only when the puzzle unravels at the end.
In any case, Ramusio makes things even more complicated as the fleet proceeds to its next
destination. From Butúan the fleet sails for Cebu; all of a sudden, without any clear time-
line, the Armada finds itself in an isle named Messana where Magellan and his men stayed
here eight days. The location of Messana is at latitude 90 40’ N (Ramusio 395). From this
stopover isle, Messana, the fleet leaves for Cebu drawing the track described by Pigafetta in
his authentic account.
Ramusio’s version of the March 1521 one-week episode will persist throughout the
16th century up to 1800. The Butúan anchorage will be the version that will be known
throughout this period in the Philippines, at least. This is the version that reached the hand
of Fr. Francisco Colin. Adding more complication to an already confused state of affairs,
there is another version of Ramusio represented by the English translation of Purchas
which is quite different in that it does not refer to a mass being held on Easter Sunday. Only
when an authentic Pigafetta account surfaces in 1800 will the Butúan error be known—but
not especially noticed by Western scholars—and another “big switch” will occur through
the ministration of another Italian hand. This switch will directly lead us to the present co-
Herrera’s secondhand relation, largely based on notes of the fleet chief pilot-astrologer,
Andrés de San Martín, (Joyner 351) whose name appears in the list of authorities on which
Herrera based his massive work, said the event took place in a small isle named Muzagua or
Mazagua. (Herrera 23) Ironically, as we now know, but unknown to Colín who was deluded
by the nature of his firsthand source, Ramusio, Herrera’s version was faithful to the facts.
Which version to choose? Applying the rule of immediacy in evidence—that that
which is nearest to the event has greater reliability—Colín rightly opts for what he assumed
was an authentic eyewitness account, Pigafetta’s, and made Butúan situ of the events of
March 1521 including the Easter mass. But this solution created a new dilemma. Colín
should have been bound to follow Ramusio’s story, which he adopted over Herrera’s, and
name the stopover isle Messana. But to the ecclesiastical mind the connotation of that name
contradicts his story of Butúan as site of the first mass on land. To Colín Messana meant the
place where mass was held (“missa” Spanish for mass and “na” Bisaya word for “already’)
(Combés cxxxiij) a meaning that would go against his Butúan story and would confuse his
readers. He resolves this dilemma with a clever linguistic invention—that has escaped no-
tice for 341 years—that partly draws on Herrera’s Mazagua and his own imagination by
adding the prefix Di to signify it is not Herrera’s Mazagua the place where an Easter mass
was celebrated. Dimasaua is not found in any primary or secondary account. Nor is it found
in a Philippine language. It is not as one writer asserts (Bernad 3) a misspelling of Lima-
sawa, a name that came four years later. Nor is it a misreading of a convoluted calligraphic
rendering of “Mazaua” as hypothesized by an over-imaginative historian. (Schreurs 30) That
Dimasaua is an invention, a neologism, has not been detected by historiographers. Colín
had ingeniously inserted it at the beginning of his book in a discussion of Philippine geogra-
phy where he matter-of-factly mentions Dimasaua as an isle in Leyte giving the unwary
reader the impression it was always so named. (He fails in this attempt; many local religious
writers will come up with their own inventions like Simasaua, Limasaba, Bimasaua. Given
enough time they all would have exhausted the consonants in the alphabet.) Thus, the isle
we know as the site of the first mass was in fact given the name that negated the idea it was
the place where an Easter Sunday mass was held.
Oral Tradition
In explaining the discrepancy between the place-name Mazaua and Dimasaua, re-
named Limasawa just four years later, oral tradition is invoked since it cannot be found in
documentary evidence. (Bernad 30) Was Colín’s choice based on oral tradition? That is to
say, was there folk belief in 1663 that Dimasaua was where Magellan landed on March 28,
1521? If Colín’s story had been based on oral tradition, it would contradict the intention of
proving the southern Leyte isle was site of the first mass. For Colín’s story says the naviga-
tor and his crew went to Butúan and stayed for a week and did all the activities that tran-
spired in Mazaua including the mass on March 31, 1521. Colín cites only Ramusio and
Herrera as his sources. How did he pick the Leyte isle as the Messana in Ramusio’s version?
The one clue that could be his basis was Messana’s latitude 90 40’ N. It is not identical with
Dimasaua’s, but advocates of the Limasawa theory argue this latitude is “near enough” thus
proving Mazaua and Limasawa (Dimasaua) are one and the same, perfect, exact, total equal
of each other. We shall discuss the issue of latitude thoroughly later.
An inspired explanation for the discrepancy in names is that the written manuscript
on which Colín may have based his place-name was done in such an ornate calligraphic style
that the M in Messana was misread as D and later L. (Schreurs 30) “A calligraphed capital
‘L’ at the beginning of a page or paragraph forms actually three fourths of a ‘D’ in quite a
number of old manuscripts; especially if the curling end of the upper pen-stroke has be-
come faded, both letters are at times hardly distinguishable (certainly for non-cognescenti)
in some 17th century handwriting and this fact may probably explain the twin names
‘Limasawa’ and ‘Dimasawa’ among copyists.” This is a futile exercise in what is called the
fallacy of the possible proof. It in effect says that somewhere out there in the realm of the
imagination a manuscript exists that in some distant future, if the reader will persist in find-
ing for himself, will prove his point. This is to abdicate his responsibility as historian, trans-
ferring to his reader the burden of proving his assertion. But we did not have to wait that
long. He disproves himself at the end of his own monograph (more like a manifesto, really)
where there is shown Ramusio’s page 357 where while severely reduced one can read
clearly the word “Massana.” (Schreurs 88)
Another tale that gained currency and has yet to completely run its course is that
Magellan’s query about the name of the isle was misheard or misunderstood by the king of
Mazaua who replied instead that he had five wives. In the Cebuano or Waray waray lan-
guages five wives is supposedly “lima” (five) “asawa” (wives). So Magellan named the isle Li-
masawa. This fabricated story has no relevance to the real event. It thrived largely on igno-
rance of what Pigafetta really wrote, of the fact Pigafetta was a lexicographer and that Mas-
sawa was a familiar word to Magellan. Also, it may be noted, raia Siaiu, the king of Mazaua
had only one wife christened Lisabeta in Cebu.
Dimasaua Challenged
Just four years after publication of Colín’s work, his nomenclature for the isle was
“challenged” by another chronicler, a Jesuit missionary, who worked in Mindanao. Francisco
Combés, in Historia de Mindanao y Iolo…, states the stopover isle in Leyte is named Lima-
saua, by which it is known today thanks largely to the fortuitous if arbitrary choice by a car-
tographer of that name instead of Dimasaua. Unlike Colín, Combés does not cite any
source for his story. He could not have had any source outside of Ramusio and Herrera plus
Colín who had earlier published his work. And, while he does not say so, he clearly adopted
Colín’s solution to the dilemma posed by the conflicting version of Ramusio and Herrera.
But Combés deviated from Colín for a mysterious reason that came to view with a reread-
ing of Samuel Purchas. Both words Dimasaua and Limasaua are not found in any Philippine
language or dialect. These came into existence only with Colín and Combés. If one were
inclined to view the twist and turns of the episode from another plane, these prefixes form
a cryptogram that hints at the isle’s identity. By joining the two prefixes, “di” and “li” accord-
ing to the sequence in which they were introduced, the word “dili” is formed; in Bisaya it
means “not.”
Combés did not adopt Dimasaua since his primary source, a version of Ramusio ex-
emplified by Purchas, does not mention the Easter mass of 31 March 1521. His Ramusio
talks only of the planting of a cross on a hill. So he did not have to negate the idea that the
Leyte isle is the site of the mass. He instead used the prefix “li” which is not found in a Phil-
ippine language which probably seemed neutral enough as to be distant from the negative
“di” of Colín.
The Leyte isle came to be known by many other names, variously spelled, by resi-
dent writers who one would presume should speak from personal knowledge. One histo-
rian said it was named Simasaua. (Redondo 205) In 1744 another chronicler declared its
names were Dimasaua and Limasaua. (San Antonio 85) Another Filipino historian asserts it
was named “Limasaua, Masaua y Simasaua.” (Reyes 7) As late as 1914, a noted historian
from Leyte itself would declare the isle was named and variously spelled “Limasaoa, Lima-
saua, Limasana, Limasava, Limasagua, Dimasawa, Dimasava, Simasaua, Masaua.” (Artigas
32) Giving the isle all sorts of names had become a minor cottage industry that ceased op-
eration in 1930 only when the Philippine Committee on Geographic Names—in Manila, so
far from the action—intervened and declared ex cathedra the correct name was Limasawa
without giving a cogent argument. This is ironic. Between Colín and Combés, the former
was the better historian who at least cites his sources while the latter leaves his readers
completely at a loss where his facts and information are coming from, a serious defect that
gets rewarded as it were by adopting his invention. But the Committee’s choice was in fact
based on ignorance of how Limasawa gained primacy. And even then it was not until 1960
when R.A. 2733 became law that the name Limasawa was finally settled.
Fig. 15. The 1734 world famous chart of Fr. Pedro Murillo Velarde, S.J., the best ever to come out from the Philippines.
For the first time Limasaua, the southern Leyte isle, is shown in a map. Murillo’s Limasawa combines the conflicting
views of Fr. Francisco Colín, S.J., and Fr. Francisco Combés, S.J. Murillo in a later work on Philippine geography states
the isles names were Dimasaua and Limasaua. Colín coined “Dimasaua” in 1663 to signify it is not (Bisayan “di”)
Herrera’s Mazagua (gu is the guttural Spanish equivalent of w which is absent in Romance languages) where an Easter
mass was held on 31 March 1521. Combés’ “Limasaua” was invented to veer away from the negative connotation of
Dimasaua as no Easter mass is comprehended in his story of Magellan’s journey in the archipelago.
Fig. 16. Bellin’s map of 1734, copied from Murillo’s. European cartographers shamelessly plagiarized Murillo’s map
failing of course to attribute to the Jesuit mapmaker original authorship. To the credit of Bellin he cites Murillo as his
source explaining he had corrected the longitudes of the original map. Murillo used the erroneous longitude in the
Pigafetta (Ramusio) account. Like Murillo, Bellin also issued several editions of the map. It was ironically Bellin’s map
to which Carlo Amoretti pointed as the source of his hypothesis that Limasaua and Magellan’s port, Mazaua, are one
and the same. The Lopez Museum has a colored version of Bellin.
Fig. 17. The Culprit. Cover page of Carlo Amoretti’s edition of the Ambrosiana codex, the first of four extant manu-
scripts of Antonio Pigafetta’s account of the Magellan circumnavigation. This is the book that first asserted the notion
Limasaua in Jacques N. Bellin’s map is the Magellan port of 28 March-4 April 1521. Amoretti’s name has not figured in
Philippine Mazaua historiography. His authorship of the hypothesis was obliterated from the record as local historians
appropriated the notion by rewording it and altering the framework into “the site of the first mass.”
Amoretti’s “Switch”
In Milan, 63 years after Bellin’s map came out, Carlo Amoretti made a serendipitous
discovery. Lost among thousands of volumes in Ambrosiana Library, where he was chief li-
brarian, was an authentic copy of Pigafetta’s relation that Amoretti chanced upon. This
manuscript is known today as the Ambrosiana codex. Amoretti published three years later,
in 1800, his Italian transcription and annotated edition (Fig. 17) that most scholars con-
sider shabby because of liberties taken with Pigafetta’s text. “The value of Amoretti’s find
was severely undermined however, by the fact that the text he published represented a re-
writing or translation of Pigafetta’s 16th century Italian.” (Cachey lii) However diminished
its literary and historiographical worth, in the context of the Mazaua controversy, however,
it played the most decisive role. It is the single source that triggered the transformation of
Limasaua from being a way station on the fleet’s traverse to Cebu into the Mazaua anchor-
age where the Easter mass took place.
The Ambrosian revealed to Amoretti Ramusio’s error and showed Messana (Mazaua)
not Butúan was the anchorage of March 1521. At the specific point where this revelation is
found, Amoretti expresses the probability Messana may be the “Limassava” in Bellin’s map.
(Pigafettab 66) Six pages further on Amoretti states—wrongly—Limassava and Messana
are in latitude 90 40’ N. (Pigafettab 72) In fact Limasawa’s latitude is 90 56’ N. This latitu-
dinal fallacy is the basis of the notion the two are identical and remains the main argument
of the Limasawa hypothesis advocates.
It’s important to analyze Amoretti’s operation because it is here that the historical
conundrum takes on a decisive turn. Amoretti’s argument was that Limasaua, the stopover
of the Ramusio-Colín-Combés-Murillo-Bellin exegesis, was Messana, anchorage of Magel-
lan in March-April 1521. Amoretti starts by asserting Bellin’s Limasaua “may” be Mazaua
without explaining how this is so. By logical inference we can see that the basis of his sup-
position is the phonetic similarity of the two names which is a logical fallacy as similarity,
per se, invalidates the notion of identity: What is similar cannot be identical. To support his
assertion Amoretti offers as proof Pigafetta’s 90 40’ N which, he declares, is the common
latitude of the two. Therefore, so Amoretti’s argument goes, having a seeming homonymic
similarity and the same latitude the two isles are identical. He has no other argument nor
any other proof. No one has challenged Amoretti’s assertion. And none has seen the logical
sleight-of-hand he used in proving Limasaua and Mazaua are identical. It has remained un-
detected for two centuries.
Amoretti is not even known to those who argue for the Limasaua hypothesis. Philip-
pine historiographers dropped his paternity over this hypothesis, reworked his assertion so
that everyone could claim fatherhood to the notion.
Recall that Limasaua left Philippine soil in the form of Murillo’s map. Here it was a
way station as the fleet sailed for Cebu. Unstated in the map is the rest of Ramusio’s tale
that Butúan was the fleet’s port. In an instant, in Europe, Murillo’s Limasaua became Bel-
lin’s Limassava. The same Limasaua came home after circumnavigating the globe as it were
no longer as the stopover but this time as Amoretti’s Messana or the port of Mazaua, Magel-
lan’s fleet safe haven for 7 days. And what reasoned argument sustained this metamorphosis?
Itself! Amoretti’s logical trick: Pigafetta’s Messana may be Bellin’s Limasaua, since they are in the
same latitude 90 40’ N.Therefore, Messana, the port, and Limasaua, the way station, are one and the
Amoretti’s argument would be uncritically accepted by succeeding scholars and his-
torians, notably, Stanley, Mosto, Guillemard, Robertson, McKew Parr, Zweig, Morison,
Pozzi, Mariano Cuesta Comingo, Martin J. Noone, Skelton, and recently Laurence Ber-
green. Not one of them traced back the notion to Colín. Not one ever looked into the real-
ity of the Leyte isle, whether it did offer anchorage.
Amoretti’s hypothesis would become James A. Robertson’s dictum. In Vol. II of the
monumental 55-volume The Philippine Islands, Robertson cites Stanley’s translation of Amor-
etti’s footnotes. He ends his note with an unargued and unproved assertion, “It [Massaua] is
doubtless the Limasaua of the present day, off the south point of Leyte.” (BR 64) The word
“doubtless” is a polemical device to preface an argument borne of uncertainty and resting
on the solid air of a non-existent proof. The greater the doubt, the more extreme the exag-
geration. It is called the fallacy of hyperbole. Thirty-one volumes later, in note 263 (BR 33),
again without offering a single proof nor reasoned argument, Robertson would declare as
self-evident fact what he earlier asserts in the context of a doubt: “It is now called the island
of Limasaua, and has an area of about ten and one-half square miles.” I should point out
there is no technical publication stating Limasaua’s area to be 10.5 n.m.2 The Coast and
Geodetic Survey Department, Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Re-
sources, recently estimated, using computer technology and a topographic map, that Lima-
sawa’s size is 2.0313 n.m.2 (Feir) which is what earlier studies had established.
While Robertson had not authored the original notion, his monumental reputation
in Philippine historiography has been critical to the wide and ready acceptance of the Lima-
sawa hypothesis. In much the same way that his patronage of the Kalantiao Code, whose
“discovery” he triumphantly announced to the world in an international conference in Cali-
fornia, U.S.A. in July 1915, ensured the immediate acceptance of what turned out to be the
greatest hoax in Philippine history.
Philippine historiographer, Jaime de Veyra, who declared, “En Limasawa y no en Butúan fué
en donde se celebró la primera Misa en estas regiones.”
One will be at a loss looking for the common source of these remarks, Amoretti’s
two footnotes. Indeed, nowhere in Mazaua historiography will one find Amoretti being
cited as the authority for the Limasaua hypothesis. Always it is Tavera or Pastells or de Veyra.
One historiographer squarely points to Pastells as the one who exploded the Butúan error
(but fails to trace it back to its source, Ramusio) and describes the two sentences of Pastells
as “apodictically” proving “the First Mass had taken place in Limasawa.” (Schumacher 14) He
further declares that Pastells’ conclusion Mazaua was Limasawa was “not an arbitrary one,
but one based on a wide-ranging knowledge of sources and evidence.” (Schumacher 15) In
fact it was solely based on Amoretti’s argument that the two isles had an identical latitude,
reinforced by Albo’s wrong latitude, 90 40’ N, in Navarette thanks to an amanuensis error
that by happenstance was the same as Pigafetta’s. I shall return to Albo’s latitude later when
I analyze the fallacy of the latitude argument.
The same word, “apodictic”, would be used by another writer to describe the one
sentence remark of de Veyra. (Bernad 34) This “apodictic” remark would be the basis of a
finding of the Philippine Historical Commission in 1953 declaring in no uncertain terms
that Limasaua is the site of the first mass. (Bernad 34) In fact de Veyra was only trying to
recollect what Tavera had said.
In all these, Amoretti is the uncited, unheard of, uncelebrated fountainhead of the
Limasaua hypothesis. Declared a religious historian: “It was not Robertson but Pastells who
shifted the tradition from Butúan to Limasawa, apparently changing his own earlier opinion.
He did this on the basis of his knowledge of Pigafetta and Albo taken together. In this, he
has been followed by all subsequent scholars here and abroad…” (Schumacher 19) True, it
was not directly Amoretti’s Italian text Pastells read but the Spanish translation by José
Toribio Medina, 1888.
This historical conundrum would have been avoided had Amoretti’s authorship been
acknowledged. Other scholars came ahead of Pastells, and recognized Amoretti’s author-
ship. Stanley’s translation of Amoretti saw print in 1874, and Andrea da Mosto’s work on
the Ambrosian ms. came out 1894, six years ahead of Pastells. Robertson directly traces his
Limasawa notion to Amoretti (although he also fails to mention his name) and his belief may
have been fortified by his reliance on Mosto whose text was the basis of his English transla-
tion. (Torodash 325) Mosto endorsed Amoretti’s footnotes.
A more sober, more critical analysis of the remarks of Pastells, de Veyra and Tavera
will show they constructed an ambiguous, ill-defined, not-so-well thought out proposition
by which to frame the issue of finding the true identity of Mazaua. Not so obvious but glar-
ing is the absence of any proof in support of their proposition, whatever it was the Philip-
pine historiographers were trying to prove.
made unnecessary because the question was easily resolved. This explains why Ginés de Ma-
fra is virtually unknown. By the time he had surfaced, the belief in Limasawa had become
orthodoxy, minds had ossified, no longer able to admit the possibility that Mazaua could be
something else. NHI itself, in 1998, could no longer imagine any other truth than Lima-
sawa. So fixated it has become to the Limasawa myth, it turned truth on its head, and effec-
tively transformed Amoretti’s supposition into a hoax more brazen because its affirmation
of Limasawa was done by willfully asserting what it knew was historiographically invalid.
One writer states the proposition in these words: “...the question of the first Mass
has de facto become an either-or dispute: Butúan/Masao or Limasawa/Mazaua: if one is
right the other is automatically wrong.” (Schreurs 72) The author of this sentence fully knew
how Ramusio botched Pigafetta. This would lead to an absolutist view that closes all possi-
bilities: “There is not a single proof of any possibility that 450 years ago the topography at
Masao/Butúan would have been so totally different that there would have been so much
and such wide seawater around Masao/Butúan as to justify calling it a real ‘island’ in the
sense in which Pigafetta used the word.” (Schreurs 54) The author of those bombastic words
is a historiographer, and here he has encroached into archaeology and geomorphology for
which his bona fides do not allow him to speak in so absolutist a fashion. (I might add this
historian has produced an exact word-for-word copy of Republic Act 2733 except that he
excised the name Limasawa Island and replaced it with Butúan. His R.A. 2733 appeared in
all three of his works on the subject. Why anyone should deliberately and openly manipulate
a public document known to all that does not prove anything either way is something be-
yond rationality.)
religious historian from venturing into terra incognita. He writes: “Finally there are naviga-
tional questions. There is, for example, the question of interpreting all the directions re-
corded in Albo, and identifying all the islands mentioned. There is also the question of how
much time it would take sailing ships of the type which Magellan had to navigate the dis-
tances involved. One might wish to know the prevailing winds are at that time of the year,
as well as the sea currents and tides. I confess complete ignorance on these mat-
ters.” (Schumacher 19) These are precisely the issues that will resolve this historical puzzle,
so why enter the debate without the necessary tools?
Yet in the end his effort was to prove Limasawa’s identity as Mazaua based on a tech-
nical point, the issue of latitude, on which he professes “complete ignorance”. His argument
Pigafetta’s 90 40’ N proved Limasawa rested on two errors, the fallacy of petitio principii
and dismissing the Genoese Pilot’s latitude armed with a non sequitur, Martin Torodash’s
criticism on the literary merits of the Genoese Pilot’s account. Even Torodash, whose ele-
gant prose has sharp edge to it, would not I’m sure dismiss the correctness or error of the
Genoese Pilot’s latitude based on literary grounds. The Magellan historiographer, a non-
navigation historian, consigned the Genoese Pilot to the dustbin with this throwaway re-
mark, “Nothing very useful can be gained from a reading of this rather boring ac-
count.” (Torodash 319) I have reservations about resolving the Mazaua landfall issue on lit-
erary grounds.
Indeed, if technical aspects were attended to earlier at the time Colín wrestled with
his dilemma, perhaps we would not now have a lee shore for Magellan’s safe haven. But that
is neither here nor there. Historiographers, those alive and who have an open mind, will do
well to attend to the technical details. If we all desist from asking the question, Where is the
site of the first mass, Butúan or Limasawa? and start asking basic questions perhaps this is-
sue can be resolved earlier. Questions like, “What is a lee shore?” Or, “What does the Coast
Pilot say about anchoring in Limasawa?” A more direct and revelatory question, I might sug-
Colín-Combés Resurrected
Amoretti’s Pigafetta interred the Butúan legend. It stayed buried for 167 years. But
Ramusio’s tale was exhumed in 1965. That year an old man wrote a brief history of Butúan
in the local Bisayan language where he claims hearing from his parents and old folks the
story of Magellan’s visit to Butúan. (Copin) This triggered a wild eruption of local pride and
a feverish search for documentary validation. The discovery of Colín and Combés and many
other 17th century chroniclers who retailed the Butúan tale transformed notion into belief,
belief into faith.
In the mid-1980s archaeological finds would strengthen faith into conviction.
Wooden boats called balanghais were accidentally dug up in Butúan. Pigafetta’s account
mention balanghais being used by the people of Mazaua in going around the isle. Thus, the
artifacts were seen as proof Butúan was Mazaua. Ignored was the fact the balanghais found
were scientifically established to have been buried at least 300 years before Magellan’s com-
ing. (This has been challenged by Dr. Ricarte S. Javelosa, the geomorphologist who would
discover in 2001 an inside mainland Butúan. He asserts the layer of soil atop the buried
balanghais is not high enough to support the contention of 300 years.) No matter, the
Butúanons were far gone in their belief they refused to see these were not remnants of Ma-
gellan’s visit.
A formal construct of the Butúan notion coupled to the balanghai “proof ” came in
the form of a mimeographed book by an amateur historian. Here the author tried to meld
Pigafetta’s account with the Colín-Combés tale. He asserts Magellan visited Butúan and an-
chored in today’s Masao village. He quotes an entry in the 1945 Official Gazetteer of the Phil-
ippines by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey that purports to describe Masao as
an island surrounded by rivers in its north, east, south sides and a sea on its west. (Busa 32-
34) This entry is non-existent; it was an invention or fabrication. Unfortunately this forgery
is cited by other writers who took up the Butúan claim. But it was a futile attempt since
clearly Magellan’s Mazaua was an isle surrounded by seawater.
This fraud marked the first serious breach in the controversy. Most other errors are
attributable to poor limited research, bad logic, or plain lazy thinking.
substantial response. The papers authored by professional historians, none of whom are Ma-
gellan scholars or navigation historians, were to be scholarly rebuttals.
These all dutifully concluded the evidence confirmed Mazaua is Limasawa. These
papers came out in NHI’s Kasaysayan, a journal that seems to have come and gone after this
initial publication. No pro-Butúan or anti-Limasawa paper was allowed. The participants
passed a formal resolution affirming the Limasawa hypothesis but called for further study
and research, a call that was forthwith forgotten; no further research was ever done.
the same as Pigafetta’s 90 40’ N. Since it is accepted fact that Albo's roteiro is the most navi-
gationally reliable, his latitude therefore is seen to validate the Limasawa notion. I shall ex-
plain the fallacy of the Pigafetta latitude argument later. At this point I shall merely point
out that Albo’s real latitude cannot be 90 40’ N but 90 20’ N which is found in the British
Museum copy of the Albo account as read by Stanley (Albob 225), Lagoa (P. 88) and De-
nucé (P. 309).
Information on distances, tracks, direction, etc. all can be and have been manipu-
lated to fit Limasawa. Even an odd description in Pigafetta, that clearly does not fit Lima-
sawa, was forced fit into the Procrustean mold. After the Cebu massacre, the fleet found
itself in Mindanao, in Chippit, today’s Quipit, Zamboanga. Pigafetta declares, “That
[Chippit] part of the island is one and the same land with Butúan and Calaghan, and lies to-
ward Bohol, and borders on Mazaua.” (Pigafettaf 95) Another translation puts it thus: “This
part of the island is of a piece with Butúan, and Calaghan, and overlooks Bohol, and shares a
boundary with Mazana.” (Pigafettah 85) Stanley’s translation is no less precise: “This part of
the island called Chippit is the same land as Butúan and Calaghan, it passes above Bohol, and
borders on Massava.” (Pigafettag 108) It must be pointed out that the translators—Skelton,
Paige, and Stanley—all identify Mazaua as Limasawa—yet it is hardly possible to view Min-
danao as having a common boundary with Limasawa.
The difficulty of fitting this to Limasawa was not so formidable that a new transla-
tion cannot solve. So it will not be interpreted as suggesting Mazaua belongs to Mindanao,
one historiographer retranslated Pigafetta. Said the intrepid writer, “The translation of the
text should most probably read: ‘That part of the island belongs to the same land as Butúan
and Calagan, it stretches out past Bohol [=seen from Quipit, Zamboanga and including the
headland of Surigao/Calagan] and is not far from Mazaua’.” (Schreurs 74) This is the same
author who invented a non-existent Republic Act No. 2733 that proclaims Butúan as site of
the first mass. (Schreurs 44)
Indeed, if one were to list down the many inventions the Mazaua debate has pro-
duced, from both sides of the contending camps, one is justified to call for an inventors
workshop. Here is one sentence supposedly from Albo that contains two inventions:
“Rounding the southern tip of the latter, [Panaón] they anchored off the eastern shore of a
small island called Mazzaua.” (Bernad 28) What Albo really said was, “...we coasted it,
[Seilani=today’s Panaón] and went to W.S.W., to a small inhabited island called Mazaba.”
Nowhere does Albo say they rounded Panaón, and the notion of an east anchorage is an in-
vention of Murillo that runs smack against nature. As I pointed out earlier it puts the fleet
on a lee shore. Here is another product of an active imagination, the same one who pro-
duced the full text of a non-existent law: “One wonders how in March 1521 the Magellan
fleet could have been able to ‘move their ships to the other side of the island’ as Pigafetta
tells us.” (Schreurs 55) What Pigafetta said was: “In the afternoon we went in the ships [and
anchored] near the dwellings of the king.” (Pigafettae 111) The main point for a circumnavi-
gation of Mazaua was to compel the Butúanon adversaries to realize the impossibility of
Butúan being Mazaua since going around Mazaua would require the fleet going around Min-
danao. Why argue on Butúan when it was clearly a transcription error? The Pigafetta state-
ment if viewed against the map of Mazaua (Fig. 1) would suggest the fleet moved nearer to
the village of the Mazauans which faces a cove. The naos berthed in a more protected more
secure anchorage.
This brings us to the last point about the dichotomous question. The either-or ap-
proach puts the discussion right away on an adversarial plane. This causes participants to
shed off objectivity, historiography becomes partisan polemics, truth suffers. The search for
truth becomes the hunt for the adversary’s weak points. Indeed, the discussion would de-
generate to such depths that in March 1998 the National Historical Institute itself would
deliberately foist a false picture of the Mazaua episode. The NHI in its “Resolution” after al-
most two years of investigation—by willfully ignoring or dismissing evidence contrary to
Limasawa—turns truth on its head, altering Colín’s innocent mistake into a lie. Why NHI
would do such a sorry thing, is hard to fathom. But it exposes the weakness and invalidity of
the present process of peer review where NHI, despite absence of Magellan scholars and
navigation historians in its ranks, would presume to judge on an issue beyond its compe-
tence. This process is open to corruption, as shown by its handling of the Mazaua contro-
versy. The secrecy surrounding its investigation violates the nature of modern historiogra-
phy which is open, transparent, precise and detailed in explaining how a particular argu-
ment or conclusion is arrived at.
The Mazaua proceedings were done in complete secrecy, the suppression and/or distortion
of evidence and argument was unconscionably resorted to, arbitrary decisions were done
without explanation, outright stupidities such as anchoring wherever Magellan wished were
let slip unhampered by due regard to established knowledge. Up to today, NHI refuses to
make public what transpired in its discussions of December 17, 1996. If its proceedings
were attended by integrity, rigid rules of discovery of fact and truth, complete honesty I see
no reason why NHI will not make public what it did.
account. This literature included writings by Henry Harisse, J.T. Medina, Juan Gil, Samuel
Eliot Morison, Tim Joyner, Martin J. Noone, Gregorio Zaide, Donald D. Brand, Charles
McKew Parr, William H. Scott, etc. In the face of overwhelming testimony attesting to Ma-
fra’s authenticity, the panel—composed of persons without any pretensions to being Magel-
lan scholars or navigation historians—had to bow to expert opinion.
In its final March 1998 report, however, the panel dismissed Mafra. The NHI calls
Mafra an “alleged primary source(s)” (NHI 6) and thereafter completely ignores it. It gave
no reason or explanation. It simply, arbitrarily brushes it aside.
By this act NHI was able to arrive at conclusions that are falsified by Mafra’s account.
One of the ironies of Mazaua is that the man who knows it best is the least known.
Yet of all the eyewitnesses who wrote of Mazaua and even possibly of the entire Armada not
excluding Magellan himself, the existence of this man, Ginés de Mafra, is the best docu-
mented in terms of official records of the Casa de Contratación de las Indias. While the
most famous among them, Antonio Pigafetta, is virtually non-existent in so far as official
records is concerned; his name in the muster roll is Antonio Lombardo. We assume he is
Pigafetta because he comes from Vicenza which belongs to the Italian district of Lombardy;
no other member of the crew came from there.
In the case of Mafra, his voluminous records was accumulated in the course of for-
mal hearings on his petition for recovery of his material possessions which were sold by his
wife who had assumed Mafra had died during the voyage; she remarried and sold off Ma-
fra’s things. (Medina CCCCII, Joyner 347) He also joined a second expedition prior to his
third and last when he was pilot in the Villalobos fleet. There is no way then to deny his ex-
istence and the truth of his having been to Mazaua twice.
“From here [Homonhon] we departed and sailedW., and fell in with a large island
called Seilani, which is inhabited, and contains gold; we coasted it, and went toW.S.W.,
to a small inhabited island called Mazaba.”
—Francisco Albo, tr. by Lord Stanley of Alderley
WNW track upward
s to east Limasaw
90 56’ a
A lbo
ra wn
Fig. 18. Correlating latitude, track, location of anchorage. Albo’s west southwest (WSW) track from the tip of Ceilon
(Panaón) tells us Magellan’s fleet was not going up to east Limasawa. A WSW track is downward sailing. This tells us the
latitude of Mazaua is below that of Limasawa’s 90 56’ N. The lowest latitude, 90 N of the Genoese Pilot, coincides with Ma-
fra’s testimony Mazaua was 45 n.m. below 1521 Butúan (today’s Surigao). A straight WSW sailing will hit Camiguin. How-
ever, when darkness fell on the fleet on the night of March 27 and early morning of the 28th, what guided the fleet was
not the compass but a fire in the night at the isle of Mazaua.
sionary, had read Mafra and all the other eight eyewitness accounts on Magellan’s voyage.
Scott is a historiographer’s historiographer. One of his unparalleled coups was unmasking in
1968 a historical hoax, the Code of Kalantiaw, perpetrated by a mad genius who produced
what looked like a genuine ancient manuscript. For over half a century Filipinos were made
to believe they had a pre-colonial written judicial system that governed their social relation-
ship. Tragically, the President of the Philippines up to this writing gives out the Order of
Kalantiaw Award to retired justices of the Supreme Court. (Very belatedly, just last month
the NHI has pronounced the Code a hoax—36 years after Scott exposed it—and it has ad-
vised Malacañang not to give out the honorary Order anymore.)
In any case, Noone and Scott, the Sherlock Holmes of Philippine historiography,
completely misses out on Mafra’s testimony on Mazaua. This may be because both were
firmly convinced of the Limasawa theory, viewing it like all other historians from the either
-or framework. Scott, to his credit, was the first to trace the Butúan error to Ramusio.
(Scott 163-65) No historiographer who views the issue through the dichotomous question
can conceive of any other possibility. It will require a Herculean act of mental revolution for
Philippine historiographers to be rid of this pernicious aberration of the mind.
Mafra’s account was completed after his second visit to Mazaua in 1543 as pilot in
the Villalobos expedition. We know this since he mentions the king of Mazaua showing the
Villalobos crew some of the gifts given him by Magellan. (Mafra 198) He and some 90
mates stayed, it would appear from recent documents coming from contemporary Portu-
guese chroniclers, some four months on his second visit. (A complete itinerary of Mafra’s
second visit is appended here.) His testimony therefore has more weight than Pigafetta’s,
Albo’s and the Genoese Pilot’s since it carries the authority of facts verified many times.
Altered Geography
Mafra’s testimony shatters many long-held beliefs about Mazaua. He locates the an-
chorage west of Mazaua, rendering null the east notion of Murillo. This location is consis-
90 56’ N
WxS track
A lbo
ra wn
Fig. 19. Magellan’s port was west of Mazaua. If Limasawa were Mazaua the above is the track the ships will have to draw to
reach west of the isle. Albo stated they took a west southwest course; this won’t bring the ships to west of Limasawa.
Could they have followed a different course that Albo failed to jot down in his logbook. It’s unlikely. Entries in the log must
be as precise as possible to guide succeeding expeditions. In a few exceptional cases, such as at nighttime, the compass
may not be in use in which case the stars or a light or fire in some distant isle as in the case of the first landfall of Chris-
topher Columbus serve as guide.
“...Sailing on his way [Magellan] arrived at another island [Macagua], three or four
leagues in circumference.”
—Ginés de Mafra
Abbreviations: A = area
n.m. = nautical miles
ha. = hectare
tent with the wind pattern in the area. In March-April the prevailing wind is the powerful
Northeast monsoon. (Fig. 7) Thus the eastern side of islands in the region are lee shores,
the western side the protected or weather shores. A west anchorage is closely correlated to
the latitude and track the fleet took. Albo states the fleet went west southwest, a downward
sailing, from the tip of Seilani (Panaón). (Fig. 18) All three latitudes—Pigafetta’s 90 40’ N,
Albo’s 90 20’ N, and the Genoese Pilot’s 90 N—are below the tip of Panaón, consistent with
the downward track. (Fig. 4) On the other hand, going to east Limasawa requires a north-
west or upward track from the tip of Panaón. This will bring the fleet to a latitude above
Mazaua’s three estimated latitudes. Also, let me emphasize the point again, this brings the
fleet to an impossible site, a lee shore. This detail is lost on Philippine historiographers. In
the case of the National Historical Institute, it challenges the notion, declaring Magellan’s
ignorance of this fact made it possible for him to anchor wherever he pleased. A WSW
track, needless to say, will not bring the fleet west of Limasawa either. The course for going
to west Limasawa is illustrated in Fig. 19. No firsthand account describes such a course.
Another radical testimony of Mafra concerns the size of Mazaua. He states it was 3-4
leguas in circumference or 9 to 12 n.m.2 Mafra, a Spaniard from Palos, evidently used the
Spanish scale of 3 nautical miles to a legua while the Portuguese used 4:1 (Taylor 160). This
is based on the fact that the scale if applied to known distances would be almost precise
yielding the least deviation. Hitherto, the size of Mazaua was merely described in primary
accounts as “small.” (Albob 224) Mazaua’s circumference translates to an area of 2213-3930
hectares. The calculation for this is shown in Fig. 20. Limasawa is only 698 hectares. If Ma-
zaua were Limasawa it is not possible to explain how its mass had shrunk by almost 83% yet
its shoreline is “steep-to” as Coast Pilots describe it. Limasawa’s shoreline should be gently
Mafra described Magellan’s anchorage as a good west port. On all counts there is no
fit with the Limasawa belief: it is located in the east, the shoreline is “steep-to” and there-
Butúan of 1521
n au
ti ca
l mi
B a s ed o n N AM RI A C h a rt 2 5 3 5 , E d i t i o n 3 , J u l y 1 9 7 4
Fig. 22. Altered 16th c geographical conception. Pierres Plin, French pilot in the 1565 Legazpi expedition described his
ship’s passing between Panae (today’s Panaón) and the headland of Butúan. He said there was a distance of 4 leguas (12
n.m.) which is almost exactly the distance of 11 n.m between Binit Pt., Panaón and Bilaa Pt., Surigao. This altered geo-
graphical view coincides with Pigafetta’s map of Mindanao where Butúan is shown starting from Surigao stretching all
the way to Chippit in Zamboanga. This is corroborated by the text of Pigafetta when he states, “In these two settlements
of Cavite and Subanin, which are located in the island of Butúan and Caraga…” Further on, Pigafetta states, “Laying our
course toward the northeast, and going to a large city called Magindanao, which is located in the island of Butúan and
island of Butúan and Calagan) produce the best cinnamon that can be found.” (Pigafettaf 106)
Cavite and Subanin are in the west coast of Zamboanga del Norte. Cavite is at 8 degrees 41
minutes and 8 seconds N and 123 degrees 26 minutes and 9 seconds E. It’s above today’s
Dapitan. Subanin’s identity is not clear. The Subanun’s of today are a cultural minority
group that includes the ethnolinguistic groups of Sindangan and Tukuran of Zamboanga
In the first paragraph of Chapter XXXIV, Pigafetta states: “Laying course to the north-
east, and going to a great city named Maingdanao (which is in the island of Butúan and Calagan)…”
(Pigafettaf 108) There are two ways to interpret Pigafetta’s geographical conception here.
One is that Maingdanao (which likely embraces all of Cotabato before its political division
into today’s Maguindanao, North Cotabato, South Cotabato) is part of the entire island of
Butúan and Calagan suggesting Pigafetta thought of the whole of Mindanao as the island of
“Butúan and Calaghan.” Or that Maingdanao (which is referred to in Spanish documents of
the 16th century as “Mindanao” meaning the Muslimized or “Moro” areas of present-day
Mindanao embracing the Cotabatos, Lanaos and ending in Davao) is in the same island as
“Butúan and Calaghan.”
This radically altered geography is validated by a European account, the roteiro of
French pilot Pierres Plin (or Plun) of the Legaspi expedition of 1565. Here Plin wrote: “We
passed between Panae [today’s Panaón] and the cabeza of Butúan four leguas from one is-
land to the other.” (Plin 91) The distance between Panaón and Surigao’s headland, Bilaa Pt.,
is 11 nautical miles, short by just a mile to be exactly 4 leguas. (Fig. 22) Bilaa Pt. is in 90
49’ N and 1250 26’ E. Plin’s Butúan cannot be today’s Butúan which is 58 n.m. below
Panaón. Plin gives us another clue. He states Cabalian (San Juan in today’s maps) and
Butúan are separated by 7 leguas or 28 n.m. (Plin 91) Cabalian to Surigao is a distance of 31
n.m., just 3 n.m. short. Whereas the distance between San Juan and Butúan City is 78 n.m.
Limasawa is therefore above Mafra’s Butúan, to be precise 18 n.m. northwest of 1521
not 90 40’ N but 90 20’ N? Also, is this proof Limasawa is not Mazaua?
There are several flaws to the Limasawa “corresponds” to Mazaua argument:
1) First, it assumes Pigafetta’s latitude is correct based on the misconception that
since his account is the most comprehensive and the best of all the eyewitness accounts this
translates as overall authority and credibility in all aspects including navigation. One histo-
rian concedes Pigafetta is weak on navigational matters (Schumacher 15) citing as authority
Torodash who is actually only quoting Brand. But Schumacher overcomes this by citing
Albo’s (wrong) 90 40’ N latitude. But the issue of who is the better navigational expert is
irrelevant when proving which latitude is correct. Nor is it a question of how many naviga-
tors also read the same latitude. They could all be wrong. The final arbiter of correctness is
if there is an isle in that latitude that answers to all the description of Mazaua. No isle is
found in either 90 40’ N or 90 20’ N or 90 N. So all three could be wrong. And this is why I
describe it as the lost port: It can’t be found in the three latitudes. Or so it seemed until
year 2001.
2) More to the point, the notion of “corresponds to” constitute the logical fallacy of
the circular proof. This is a trick of reasoning that has waylaid many careful thinkers. We
know 90 40’ N is wrong because no isle exists in that latitude. How much was Pigafetta’s
error? To say 90 40’ N is “near to” 90 56’ N, Limasawa’s latitude, is to assert Pigafetta erred
by only 16 nautical miles. That is to assume 90 40’ N is to be applied to Limasawa. Which is
to assume what one is supposed to prove. Another way of putting this is that one has to as-
sume Pigafetta was in Limasawa “shooting the sun” to be able to say he was off by only 16
minutes. That, again, assumes what one is being asked to prove.
3) The possibility the fleet could have gone to 90 56’ N (Limasawa’s latitude) is tied
to the premise the anchorage is east of Mazaua and that it sailed on a northwest track from
the tip of Seilani (Panaón). Mafra invalidates the east port notion, while Albo specifically
states they took a west southwest track from the tip of Panaón, a downward track that
“We departed from Mazaba and went N., making for the island of Seilani, and after-
wards we coasted the said island to the N.W. as far as 100, and there we saw three islets;
and we went to the W.”
Francisco Albo [tr. by Lord Stanley of Alderley]
100 N
1 legua/
4 n.m. CEILON/
90 56’N
Fig. 23. Here we see a dramatic illustration that Limasawa can’t be Mazaua. The distance traveled from Ma-
zaua to 100 N (from Albo) or to Gatighan (as differently expressed by Pigafetta) was 20 leguas (80 nautical
miles). If Limasawa were Mazaua, it takes only 1 legua (4 n.m.) to reach 100 N. To know where Mazaua is, we
have to work our way backwards 80 n.m. taking the opposite track of northwest coming towards Gatighan or
southeast. Allowing for some margin of error, it is unlikely that the starting point is at 90 40’ N where Pigafetta
said Mazaua was located, a distance of only 20 n.m. Or at 90 20’ N, Albo’s location for Mazaua, a distance of
40 n.m. The least error, comparatively speaking, for all three latitude readings is 90 N, the Genoese Pilot’s lati-
tude, a distance of 60 n.m.
Also, the fleet took all day to traverse the 80-mile distance. Assuming the Armada left with a fresh crew at, say,
7 a.m. (to coincide with the change of watch as practiced in the Age of Discovery) and reached 100 N at 7 p.m.
which is not very late at sea, it would have taken all of 13 hours to travel from Mazaua to Gatighan. It’s not
sensible to think it will take 13 hours to negotiate 4 n.m. from Magallanes, Limasawa at 90 56’ N to sail up to
100 N.
Apale Pt.
Poro Baybay
Bohol 100 N
X 9 56’ N
(If it were Mazaua)
Fig. 24. The 20 leg. or 80 nautical-mile sailing distance from Mazaua to Gatighan at 100 N will bring to
Apale Pt. the fleet if Mazaua were Limasawa. The Armada did not go beyond Baybay at which point the
three naos went westward. This illustration serves to further emphasize the improbability of the Lima-
sawa hypothesis if closely analyzed along navigational aspects.
tered a channel between two islands, one called Matan…” (Albob 225)
Ignorance Is Bliss?
It must be pointed out that most errors from both camps are not motivated by any
depraved desire to deceive. In many cases, these are innocent errors that stem from a
blurred understanding of the accounts or a wrong turn of logic. Without exception, partici-
pants in the Mazaua debate are not Magellan scholars or navigation historians, so flawed in-
terpretation of technical details stem from failure to completely grasp what is dimly under-
stood. Even Schreurs’ fabrication of a law that is supposed to have proclaimed Butúan as site
of the first mass was not so much out of malice as a tormented soul’s obsession to trump his
Butúanon parishioners who once turned their backs on the good priest.
There are however clear attempts at deceiving the readers. As I pointed out earlier
an advocate of the Butúan hypothesis concocted a gazetteer entry that is non-existent. An-
other instance is the deliberate suppression of a sentence in the 1945 Coast Pilot that states
there is no anchorage for large ships in Limasawa. (Tan/Medina 35) This act was clearly in-
tended to hide an awkward truth.
Brand’s assertion is pointless and unproductive and impossible to prove since San
Martín’s papers were lost in the Lisbon earthquake or in Spain where these were accessed
in the 17th century by historians like Herrera. But even granting the charge is valid, it does
not vitiate the value of Mafra. In fact this only raises its credibility and authority since Mafra
may reflect the common observations of two masterful pilots. Thus, technical details found
in Mafra are all the more valuable for their accuracy, based on the acuity of San Andrés’ un-
common ability in celestial navigation.
Furthermore, if true Brand’s charge is a high commendation of Mafra’s ability to
recall or eidetic memory and raises even further the account’s credibility and reliability.
that Pigafetta, et al. were not beyond erring in giving latitudes. At best, these delineations
should be taken as mere estimates or approximations.” (NHI 14)
David Hackett Fischer calls this zigzag argumentation the fallacy of the double-
reversing generalization. “It is a species of bet-hedging, which in an extreme form becomes
no interpretation at all but a maze of mutual qualifications or a cunning balance of casuisti-
cal contradictions, or a trackless wilderness of pettifogging detail, or a slippery ooze of sub-
stantive (as well as semantical) shilly-shally.” (Fischer 125)
This meaning is clear from the Vicentine diarist’s description of the landfall, “ we had
seen a fire on an island [Mazaua] the night before, we anchored near it.” The light amidst the
blackness of night is reminiscent of Columbus’ first landfall; the Genoese mariner claimed
he saw a light from the incredible distance of 35 miles.
Butúanon is a dying tongue; the generation after mine no longer speak it. But those
who still speak it will invariably use the word “masawa” in the course of the day. When the
moon is bright, the Butúanon will say, “Masawa ang buwan.” Or, a well-lighted street will be
described by the Butúanon as, “Masawa ang dan.”
There are two other possible linguistic “remains” of the March 31, 1521 episode. The
isle inside Butúan are named Pinamanculan and Bancasi. These are not Butúanon words.
Only recently these were found to be Higaonon. “Pinamangkuan” means “the place where a
ritual is held” and “bangkasu" means “a table on which an offering to God is placed” or to
the Christians, “an altar.” Are these authentic linguistic “remains” of the incident of March
31, 1521, the Easter Sunday mass celebrated by Magellan, 50 of his crew, Raia Siaiu of Ma-
zaua, his brother, Raia Colambu of Butúan, and their peoples? The Butúan and Mazaua peo-
ples evidently spoke Butúanon, the word “masawa” is found only in that language and also
Tausug, which in his lexicostatistical study A. Kemp Pallesen (Culture Contact and Language
Convergence, 1985. Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines) dated as derived from
It may be hypothesized, as the Mr. Greg Hontiveros, President of the Butúan His-
torical and Cultural Foundation Inc. has done, that “pinamangkuan” and “bangkasu” may be
mystical testifiers to a religious event on March 31, 1521. Hontiveros’ idea, I think, finds
support from an observation of the discoverer of the lost isle of Pinamanculan-Bancasi, Dr.
Javelosa, who has asserted that the burying of several balanghais in Butúan (3 have been dug
up, 5 others have been pinpointed but their locations kept secret) was a result of a cataclys-
mic geomorphological event after 1521. He based this notion on two geologic fault lines
discovered across Butúan. And the fact the thickness of soil above the balanghais was too
thin as to be the accumulation of over 300 years before 1521. This cataclysm may have re-
sulted in the exodus out of and the emptying of Butúan and Mazaua of its population, and
possibly subsequent entry of the Higaonons. Dr. Javelosa’s observations, as these were not
based on exhaustive study because these were not directly germane to his work, needs to be
refined to achieve scientific precision.
So we are left with intriguing questions. Why would Higaonon words, not
Butúanon, attest to the incident of March 31, 1521? How did the presumed occupiers know
of the event? Was it widely known through word of mouth? Assuming Mazaua was emptied
of its natives, how long did the Higaonons reside in it? When did the natives return? Or did
they? Are today’s supposed “native” residents of Pinamanculan in fact Higaonons rather than
If a line were drawn under every piece of evidence and extended, these will all in-
tersect at 90 N, the Genoese Pilot’s latitude. This spot is in Mindanao, to be precise in
Butúan where Ramusio, by a mystifying error, located the events of March 28-April 4,
1521. It is 45 n.m. below Mafra’s Butúan, today’s Surigao. West of this spot is an excellent
port, in a weather or protected shore. Here there are two hills, Pinamanculan and Dalindin-
gan, just as there are two shown in Pigafetta’s map. Facing the hills are rice fields and gently
rolling farms devoted to other crops, e.g., coconuts and fruit trees. The area is famous for
gold and gold mines; even today, illegal gold panning is still going on although on a much
smaller scale ever since the government tightened the ban against it. Stilt houses are a com-
mon sight as flooding is recurrent. Wild game, e.g., deer, wild pig, civet, crocodile, used to
be plentiful here.
That Mazaua was in Mindanao, as earlier discussed, was suggested by Pigafetta in his
geographical description of Chippit, a port in Zamboanga: “That part of the island [Chippit]
is one and the same land with Butúan and Calaghan, and lies toward Bohol, and borders on
Fig. 25. Pinamanculan 500-1,000 years before the present which encompasses the period of the Spanish entrada. This diagrammatic illustration of the geomorpho-
Logical discovery of the isle of Pinamanculan at 90 N, the exact latitude of Mazaua.
Mazzaua.” (Pigafettaf 95) This correlates positively with Mafra’s location of Mazaua at 45
n.m. below Surigao.
If all the hallmarks of Mazaua are found in 90 N, one big problem looms large to nul-
lify the notion Mazaua was here. No isle can be seen!
Earthenware, Age of
Contact design
Corroded iron objects Blue and White ceramic sherd, ca. Ming Dynasty
Copper ring
Pestle discoverers. At left, Augusto Radaza, owner of lot Mystery pestle: European design. Bronze. 16th c.?
an aspergillum. But they dismissed the idea because the two ends had no perforations. Later
it was determined the artifact was a copper pestle. In a Magellan biography (Guillemard
329-336) there is a list of all the official items owned by the monarch carried by the fleet.
It had one and only one brass pestle valued at 653 maravedis. Guillemard reckoned 1000
maravedis was worth US$3 in gold in 1890. A navigation historian said it was worth $7 in
1974 (Morison 355).
The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute analyzed the artifact under x-ray fluores-
cence spectrometer. PNRC analysis established the pestle is bronze thus it’s not the fleet’s.
It has not been dated up to now—Oct. 13, 2004.
The National Geographic Society expressed interest in the artifact which might be
crucial to its decision to help Butúan financially in the search for Mazaua. Also, it indicated
that once an authentic remains of the Magellan voyage is found it will send its editorial staff
to write an article for the magazine. At the J. William Reinhard Antique Mortar and Pestle
Collection, The History of Pharmacy Museum, College of Pharmacy, The University of
Arizona in the U.S. there is an almost exact copy of the Pinamanculan pestle. It is in the
brass section.You can view this at this site
Artifacts dug up by a professional archaeologist prove the place was inhabited before
the Spanish entrada. Some are of European design and provenience—copper ring, iron ob-
jects. Others are earthenware with Age of Contact design, gray ware bowl ca. 15th c., blue
and white ceramic sherd ca. Ming Dynasty. Some objects found by pothunters are a metal
mortar, metal bracelets, metal basins, iron spear, etc.—that may or may not turn out to be
ca. 16th century. There are 15th and 16th century Chinese artifacts. Some of these are shown
in Fig. 26. Disarticulated bones, pre-Hispanic, have also been dug up.
The metal objects may, if dated, be 16th century materials. But that is a thought fa-
thered by a wish. Conceivably these could have been brought by Magellan’s men or Ginés
de Mafra and his mates. What is clear is that focused diggings concentrated at the cove will
likely yield many more artifacts that may be traced to Magellan or Mafra. All that is needed
now is enough funding to support comprehensive archaeological digs at Dalingdingan
where the cove is located. It will be recalled the Mazauan village was facing a cove. If Pina-
manculan-Bancasi is the isle of Mazaua, the cove promises to be productive.
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PIGAFETTA, Antonio. 1524. Various editions and translations:
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codex. New Haven 1969.
—1524b. Primo viaggio intorno al globo terracqueo, ossia ragguaglio della navigazione...fatta dal
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Vicente C. de Jesús has specialized in Renaissance navigation history particularly on Mazaua historiography. He is the
only Asian who joined the Hakluyt Society and The Society for the History of Discoveries. He is also the only Asian member
of the Discovery Exploration elist forum whose members are largely from the above two societies. He moderates a web-
page,, devoted to an earnest search for solution to the Mazaua puzzle. The site has
the most comprehensive resource on the issue that can be found on the Net or in print. (Anyone interested to join can just
subscribe.) On October 13, 2000 he brought before the attention of the world’s leading experts on navigation, exploration,
cartographic, geographic history the problem of Mazaua at an international gathering held at the U.S. Library of Congress.
He has written several articles at Wikipedia among these on Ginés de Mafra, Carlo Amoretti, Jacques N. Bellin, Ruy Lopez
de Villalobos, Gatighan, Ceilon/Seilani which have been published on at least 90-110 sites on the web. De Jesus was na-
tional coordinator of the media-education campaign behind the Philippine government’s food production efforts in the 70s
for which he received one of the highest decorations of the Republic, the Presidential Golden Plow Award. He took up A.B.
Pol. Sc. at the University of the Philippines.
1542 Oct. 25 Fleet, under Ruy Lopez de Villalobos, of 6 ships---Santiago (the flagship), San Jorge,
San Antonio, San Cristobal, San Martin, and San Juan de Letran—with almost 400Noone
men leave Navidad near Acapulco, New Spain (Mexico) on All Saints’ Day,. J.T. Medina
Eight priests joined the fleet.Noone
Nov. 1 Leave Juan Gallego port, in today’s prov. of Guerrero, for “the Islands of the
West.”Escalante (Portuguese authors referred to the Philippines as “the Islands of the
Dec. 25 Heads towards Revilla Gigedo in the west coast of MexicoNoone and sights low islands
thought to be Saavedra’s “Los Reyes.”
Dec. 26 Anchors at low islands at 9 or 100 N that they named “Islas del Coral.”
1543 Jan. 6 Sights 10 islets in same latitude and names these “Los Jardines” (The Gardens) which
Andrew Sharp believes may be Wotje, Kwajalein and Ujelang.
Jan. 23 Galiot San Cristobal, w/ Ginés de Mafra as pilot (he was officially hired as pilot of
San Juan), gets separated from fleet during a storm before reaching Matalotes
(=Babelthuap in Carolinas?Howgego Feis?de la Costa). Ship finds itself in Mazaua.
Jan. 26 Found a larger island where they were greeted by the natives “!Buenos dias,
matalotes!” (“Ahoy, mates!”). Name island “Arrecifes” (=Yap? or Ulithi?) for the reefs.
Feb. 2 Sights Bonin Is.Howgego
Feb. 29 Enters Baganga BaySantisteban (which they rename “Malaga”) on east Mindanao.
Villalobos names Mindanao “Caesaria Karoli” because it was big and “seemed as
though the majesty of the name suited it.”Escalante Fleet stays 32 days.Rebelo Crew suffers
extreme hunger.
Mar 31 Leave Baganga in search of Mazaua for food.Escalante, Rebelo but because of northerlies
Could not make any headway.Escalante
Ap 14 After 10-day struggle, fleet drops down & reach Sarangani.Escalante
Jul 2 Date of letter of Portuguese commander Jorge de CastroSantisteban brought by Antonio
de Almeida (bastard son of comptroller-general)Rebelo About this time San Cristobal
arrives from Mazaua bringing food.Noone, de la Costa
Aug 4 Villalobos dispatches San Cristobal to “Davuio” & Maguindanao to get aid.Escalante
Aug 7 Antonio de Almeida arrives at Saranggani.Escalante Villalobos responds dated
Aug 27 San Juan leaves for Mexico w/ Bernardo de la Torre as captain.Escalante & Rebelo
Sep 2 Date of second letter of de Castro to Villalobos, handcarried by Belchior Fernandes
Correia, who responds on Sept. 12.Santisteban
Sep 23 Villalobos quits Saranggani. San Juan and San Cristobal leave for Abuyog, Leyte but
fails to make it because of headwinds.Santisteban
1544 April Fleet leaves for Ambon (Amboina) in the Moluccas.Santisteban
May 28 Alvarado is sent to Felipinas (name for Leyte, later for whole archipelago) to conduct
back certain of the boats sent there when fleet left Saranggani.Santisteban
1545 May 16 Ship leaves Tidore for Mexico but return to Tidore Oct. 3, 1545.
1546 Feb 18 Fleet leaves Ternate for Amboina, proceeded to Malacca where 117 survivors arrived.
Mar 10 Portuguese fleet under Fernao de Sosa da Tavora arrive at Amboina. Arrival witnessed
By Fr. Francis Xavier de Loyola, S.J.Lach
Ap 4 Villalobos dies.Noone, Santisteban
May 17 Survivors leave in ship for Lisbon; 30 elect to remain in Malacca.Santisteban Most likely
one of them was Ginés de Mafra, who at 53 was an ancient mariner too old for the
rigors of ocean crossing. He hands to a mate his account of the Magellan voyage
(Laurence Bergreen in Over the Edge of the World gives this incident a contrived Marco
Polo-like twist by making it appear Mafra had dictated to an anonymous mate his re-
collection of the circumnavigation which is belied by the mate who states he merely re-
ceived the papers of Mafra’s account of Magellan’s voyage which “slept” for centuries in
a Madrid archive until found and published in 1920.Joyner Nothing more is heard of Ma-
fra after this.
DE LA COSTA, Horacio. 1958. “The Villalobos Expedition 1542-1546.” In: The Bulletin of the Philippine Historical Asso-
ciation, No. 5.
ESCALANTE ALVARADO, Garcia de. 1546.Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquesta y organi-
zación de las antiguas posesiones españolas en América y Oceania (42 v., Madrid, 1864-1884), tomo v, pp. 117-209.
HOWGEGO, Raymond John. 2002. Encyclopedia of Exploration. Sydney: Hordern House.
JOYNER, Tim. 1992. Magellan. Camden, ME.
LACH, Donald. 1965. Asia in the Making of Europe. Vol. 1, Chicago, p. 643.
MEDINA, Jose Toribio. 1920. El descubrimiento de Oceano Pacifico: Vasco Nunez Balboa, Hernando de Magallanes y sus com-
paneros. Chile.
NOONE, Martin J. S.S.C. 1986. General History of the Philippines, Part I, Vol. I. The Discovery and Conquest of the Philip-
pines (1521-1581. Manila: Historical Conservation Society.
REBELO, Gabriel. 1561. Historia das ishas de Maluco. In: Documentação para a História das Missões do Padroado Português
do Oriente: Insulíndia. Lisboa: Agência Geral do Ultramar. 1955. Cited by José Manuel Garcia in As Filipinas na histo-
riogrfia portuguesa do século XVI, Centro Portugués de Estudos do Sudeste Asiático, Porto: 2003.
SANTISTEBAN, Fray Geronimo de. 1546. Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquesta y organi-
zación de las antiguas posesiones españolas en América y Oceania (42 v., Madrid, 1864-1884), tomo v, pp. 151-165.
SHARP, Andrew. 1960. The Discovery of the Pacific Islands. London: Oxford University Press.
Often Englished as galliot; part of a family of ships that includes the bergantina, Spanish and Portuguese
“counterpart” to French galion and the English pinnace, a small craft not more than 40 ft overall with 1 or 2 masts
and a bank of oars. She could be brought across “knocked-down” (in pieces) in a ship’s hold, and easily assembled
on any coast where there was suitable ship timber for planking. She may be classified with the galleys. In that fam-
ily of ships the biggest in order were the galeota, the fusta, and the bergantina. Galeotas had 14 to 20 benches
with one oar and rower to a bench. All these types originated in the Mediterranean. Keith Pickering estimates it
could take in 90+ men. Sources: Samuel E. Morison, The European Discovery of America: The Southern Voyages.
New York, p. 550. Alan Hartley, from email exchange w/ VCJ. Hartley maintains a site devoted to navigation
terms at Keith Pickering, a member of the Discovery Web list used to maintain
an award-winning website on Christopher Columbus. Responding to a query sent to the list, he calculated the size of
the crew of Ginés de Mafra’s ship based on traditional distribution of crew esp. during the Columbus voyages.
Some galleys would cram 215 men to man the oars, see