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Epigenetics: an innovative lever

for grapevine breeding in times of
climatic changes
Margot M. J. Berger1, Linda Stammitti1, Natalia Carrillo2, Erna Blancquaert3,
Bernadette Rubio1, Emeline Teyssier1 and Philippe Gallusci1*
UMR Ecophysiologie et Génomique Fonctionnelle de la Vigne, ISVV, University of Bordeaux, INRAE,
Bordeaux Science Agro, 210 Chemin de Leyssottes, 33882 Villenave d’Ornon, France
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Cátedra de Viticultura, Almirante
Brown 500, Chacras de Coria, 5507, Mendoza, Argentina
South African Grape and Wine Research Institute, Department and Viticulture and Oenology, Private
Bag X1, Matieland 7602, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

 This article is published in cooperation with the 22nd GiESCO International Meeting,
hosted by Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, July 17-21, 2023.
Guest editors: Laurent Torregrosa and Stefanos Koundouras.

*correspondence: Climate change imposes numerous threats to viticulture. Different strategies have been developed to mitigate these effects that range from innovative vineyard management methods
and precision viticulture to the breeding of new varieties and rootstocks better adapted to
Associate editor: environmental challenges. Epigenetics refer to heritable changes in genome functioning that
Laurent Jean-Marie Torregrosa are not mediated by DNA sequence variations. The recent discovery that epigenetic memories
can mediate acclimation and adaptation of plants to their environment now provides new
levers for plant improvement facing climate changes without significant impact on the genetic
information. This can be mediated either by using the epigenetic memories of stresses and/
Received: or by creating epigenetic diversity in the form of new epialleles without changing the genetic
24 February 2023 information. Indeed, grapevine is a perennial grafted clonally propagated plant, and as such,
Accepted: presents epigenetic specificities. These specificities require adapting strategies that have already
18 April 2023 been developed in model plants but also offer opportunities to explore how epigenetic memories
Published: and diversity can be a major source of rapid adaptation to the environment for plants bearing
30 May 2023 similar properties. Among these strategies, both annual and trans-annual plant priming with
different types of elicitors might provide efficient ways to better face (a)biotic stresses. The
use of epigenetic exchanges between scion and rootstocks and/or the creation of non-targeted
epigenetic variations at a genome-wide scale, or targeted using epigenetic editing, may provide
innovative and promising avenues for grapevine improvement to face challenges imposed by
This article is published under climate changes.
the Creative Commons
licence (CC BY 4.0).
Use of all or part of the content
KEYWORDS: epigenetic, climate change, DNA methylation, grapevine, histone post-translationnal
of this article must mention modifications, plant memory
the authors, the year of
publication, the title,
the name of the journal,
the volume, the pages
and the DOI in compliance with
the information given above.

OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society 2023 | volume 57–2 | 265
Margot M. J. Berger et al.

INTRODUCTION As far as the grapevine is concerned, epigenetic studies are in

their early stages (Gallusci et al., 2017). Yet the evidence is
Current crop breeding relies entirely on genetic diversity, accumulating that epigenetic mechanisms are important for
because change in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) the development and responses to environmental challenges
sequences (mutations, allelic diversity) that affects traits of in grapevine (Table 1) as in many other plants (Pikaard
agronomic importance, can be identified from population or and Mittelsten Scheid, 2014). In this review article, after
individual using appropriate sequencing-based and genetic a general description of the threats that climate changes
methods. However, only a tiny fraction of the heritability impose on grapevines, we present the current knowledge
of plant traits can be associated with genetic variations concerning epigenetic studies in grapevines. We describe the
(Brachi et al., 2011), suggesting that DNA polymorphisms plant epigenetic memories of stresses and discuss how these
among the parents are not sufficient to explain the wide range can be used as a new lever to improve grapevine tolerance
of phenotypic variation observed and limiting our ability to to stresses. We also discuss ways to generate epigenetic
improve the quantity and quality of crop production. This diversity by exploiting the specificity of grapevine, a grafted,
hidden heritability is particularly critical considering the perennial clonally propagated, woody plant. We present
current and future challenges in agriculture due to a rapid innovative approaches to develop epi-breeding strategies
increase in global population and climate change that in grapevine, which would allow one to directly use elite
threaten food security. Furthermore, genetic diversity has varieties to generate phenotypic diversity independently of
been progressively reduced in many crops through selection sequence variations, thereby providing innovative and more
schemes, as is the case for tomatoes (Lin et al., 2014) or when rapid ways for grapevine improvement.
clonal propagation is the main route for plant multiplication
as in grapevine (Verhoeven and Preite, 2014). In this context,
epigenetic variations may provide an additional source CHALLENGES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN
of phenotypic diversity independently of DNA sequence
changes. Understanding the contribution of epigenetic 1. Climate change impacts on viticulture
variation to the inheritance of traits of agronomic importance
can potentially transform our current understanding of Climate change is a major challenge in grape and wine
quantitative (epi)genetics and allows for the development of production. The main consequences of climate change
new tools for crop improvement (Bourrat et al., 2017). So far, comprise global warming, modifications in rainfall timing
the importance of plant phenotypic traits under epigenetic and quantities, longer summers, enhanced climate variability
control is underestimated in crops, and the ability to use them (e.g., floods, droughts and heatwaves), the rise of the sea
in breeding schemes still needs to be implemented. level, and increasing frequency and intensity of extreme
climatic events such as hail storms and gale force winds,
Epigenetics encompasses the complement of genetic and in some regions hurricanes and an increase in various
information carried in chromatin beyond the DNA sequence. pathogen attacks (Figure 1). An increase in global average
It includes DNA methylation which occurs on the 5th carbon temperature (global warming) near the Earth’s surface
of cytosine (5mC, Zhang et al., 2018) and on the 6th carbon has been the most notable change over the last century.
of Adenine (6mA, Boulias and Greer, 2022), histone post- Temperature trends, focusing on viticulture regions, show
translational modifications (HPTMs), histone variants and that mean temperatures of the growing season have increased
chromatin remodelling (Lauria and Rossi, 2011). It can influence by about 1.3 °C from 1950 to 1999, and 1.7 °C from 1950 to
gene expression resulting in specific gene expression patterns 2004 in Europe (Fraga et al., 2012). Additionally, a 2 °C rise
during development and in response to stresses (Pikaard and in average temperature is predicted for the next 50 years in
Mittelsten Scheid, 2014). In plants, DNA methylation occurs wine-growing regions (Jones et al., 2005).
at cytosines in the symmetrical CG and CHG and in the non-
symmetrical CHH (H being A, T or C) sequence contexts Additionally, consequences of global warming on viticulture
(Zhang et al. 2018). In addition to methylome dynamics include shorter growing seasons and early phenological
that take place during plant development, for example, stages such as earlier dates for bud break, flowering and fruit
during tomato fruit ripening (Zhong et al., 2013), changes maturity (Fraga et al., 2016). The impact of climate change
in methylation patterns can be generated in response to may differ depending on grapevine varieties and across
environmental stresses (Furci et al., 2019), in part memorised viticulture regions. In some regions, predicted temperatures
and eventually transmitted to the following generations may increase over the optimum temperature thresholds of
(Gallusci et al., 2022). Similarly, HPTM remodelling was the currently cultivated varieties, which may result in an
described both during plant development and in response to unbalanced maturity of berries and threaten the production
abiotic and biotic stresses (Zhao et al., 2019). In addition, of the current wine styles (Jones et al., 2005). In contrast,
heritable DNA methylation variations, known as epi-alleles, other less-known wine-pricing countries (England, Sweden,
affect agronomical relevant traits including sex determination Denmark) that could not produce wines so far, may become
in melon (Martin et al., 2009), rice height (Miura et al., 2009), well-known for wine production. Climate change may also
yield in oil palm (Ong-Abdullah et al., 2015) and ripening affect the distribution of grapevine varieties within and
in tomato (Manning et al., 2006), have been recurrently between wine-growing areas (Abel and O’Neill, 2011).
observed in plants. Finally, climate change-related factors likely to influence

266 | volume 57–2 | 2023 OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society
grape production are the prevalence of various pests and addition of tartaric acid to balance the high sugar level and
diseases, as well as the vectors responsible for disease enhance microbial stability, making the winemaking process
distribution (Van Niekerk et al., 2011). costlier (Keller, 2020). Additional physiological disorders
due to high temperatures and excessive solar radiation include
2. Grape berry development and quality is berry dehydration and sunburn. Dehydration often results
affected by climate changes in berry shrivelling, which is strongly correlated to climate
Climate change results in multiple (a)biotic stresses that affect changes associated with low rainfall, long dry summers,
all aspects of plant development. Among those, alteration and the occurrence of droughts and heatwaves (Zhang and
of yield (floral initiation, cluster number per bud, fruit set, Keller, 2015). It leads to an increase in berry sugar content,
berry size, (Keller, 2020), and of the berry ripening process therefore to higher alcoholic levels in wines that may alter
(soluble solids, organic acids, phenolic compounds) affect the inherent style of wines in some winegrowing regions
wine quality and production, and have a profound economic (Santos et al., 2020). This has been well described for the late
impact on growers (Gutierrez Gamboa et al., 2021). For season dehydration phenomenon (LSD), as for Shiraz, which
example, an increase in sugar accumulation in berries results in berries losing weight due to water loss (McCarthy
associated with alterations in the balance between the and Coombe, 1999), and, as a consequence, an increase in
different berry metabolites will result in shorter and earlier sugar concentration. Berry sunburn occurs when grapes
harvest periods (Bonada and Sadras, 2015). It will also are exposed to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation
shorten the time of harvest between cultivars which poses (Krasnow et al., 2010), and may inhibit colour development,
a challenge for viticulturists and agronomists to determine especially in grapevines cultivated in hot viticultural regions
harvest time and logistics (Palliotti et al., 2014). (Van Leeuwen and Darriet, 2016).
It is well described that high temperatures impact both, 3. Facing climate change requires a diversity
primary and secondary metabolism, eventually uncoupling of strategies
the accumulation of sugars from anthocyanins during berry Various strategies are being evaluated and some are already
ripening. It leads to low anthocyanin content in berries at implemented around the world to limit the consequences of
harvest, hence affecting the colour-alcohol balance of wines climate changes on viticulture. They include different culture
(Sadras and Monzon, 2006). An increase in temperature also management practises and long-term approaches, such as the
results in berries with low titratable acidity, high pH and breeding of new varieties (scion and rootstocks) better adapted
potassium accumulation. Low-acid grape juice requires the to pathogens or more tolerant to abiotic stresses (Figure 1).

FIGURE 1. Possible strategies to tackle climate threats to grapevine.

Current strategies to face environmental challenges include innovative culture management (a), the use of already existing varieties and
the breeding of new ones better adapted to pathogens or more tolerant to abiotic stresses or the use of genome editing to achieve the
same goals (b). Epigenetic regulations and memories are essential processes involved in the acclimatisation and adaptation of plants to
their environment and are likely critical in clonal populations with limited genetic diversity. Epigenetic regulations and diversity may be
used as new levers for grapevine improvement to face environmental stresses. This includes plant priming and the generation of random,
or targeted epigenetic changes to create epigenetic diversity (c).

OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society 2023 | volume 57–2 | 267
Margot M. J. Berger et al.

The current strategies evaluated to mitigate the impacts of for the grapes to ripen. However, it may result in higher
global warming on grape and wine quality can be grouped fungal disease pressure during a wet season (Reynolds and
as follows: Pruning techniques; Canopy management; Vanden Heuvel, 2009).
Reduction of radiation and temperature; and Irrigation
Vineyard management will help mitigate the short-term
management (Gutierrez-Gamboa et al., 2021).
effects of climate change on the grapevine. In the long term,
In general, the purposes of these techniques are delaying the using the already existing genetic diversity by planting
ripening period to allow the grapes to mature under cooler cultivars known to be late ripening and/or drought resistant
conditions and moderate temperatures, and decrease the instead of the traditional varieties should also be considered.
incidence of some berry disorders. Changes in the traditional In addition, breeding which aims at generating new cultivars
pruning techniques are being evaluated to delay phenology and rootstocks resistant to pests and/or better adapted to
and alter sink to source ratio. Minimal pruning allows for climate change could also provide long-term solutions.
increasing yield, reducing TSS, delaying fruit maturity, and At present, new varieties resistant to downy mildew and
producing must with better organic acid composition, greater powdery mildew have already been obtained, although their
wine colour and higher phenolics content than traditionally use remains limited due to the lack of acceptance of their
pruned grapevines (Zheng et al., 2017). Although less wine quality (Töpfer and Trapp, 2022). The creation of
efficient, late pruning is another strategy used to delay varieties producing low-alcohol wines, or more tolerant to
phenology and ripening time (Morgani et al., 2022). abiotic stresses is also currently being developed to mitigate
Various canopy management techniques have been the effect of climate change on wine quality. However,
developed to alter source to sink ratio to obtain grapes with a breeding new varieties remains a long and challenging work
suitable quality for wine production, characterized by a good in grapevine (Töpfer and Trapp, 2022; Delrot et al., 2020).
metabolic balance, and lower soluble solids concentration. 4. Epigenetics may provide new levers for
Among them, the most widely used and promising techniques grapevine adaptation to climate changes
are severe shoot trimming and leaf removal, which can
In this context, strategies that could lead to plants better
be carried out mechanically and at different times of the
adapted to their environment without any changes to their
annual vine growth cycle. In most cases, the reduction of
genetic information could be advantageous as they may
sources (leaf area) and delayed harvest time resulted in the
hasten the development of new plant lines while maintaining
production of berries with decreased Total Soluble Solids and
the currently used cultivars. Recently, epigenetic regulations
higher anthocyanin content (Martínez de Toda et al., 2017;
and memories have emerged as essential processes involved
Herrera et al., 2015).
in plant development and response to environmental stresses
Other strategies, such as antitranspirant sprays and shading (Lämke and Bäurle, 2017) including in grapevine (Table 1).
nets are implemented to moderate temperatures and solar
This epigenetic information embodies an important part of the
radiation of the cluster zone. The spray of kaolin-based
memory of cells and is likely playing an important role in the
sunscreens reduces the canopy temperature by 4 °C to
acclimatisation and adaptation of plants to their environment,
6 °C maintaining a high photosynthetic activity, preventing
photoinhibition and avoiding physiological damage such as even more importantly in clonal populations with limited
chlorotic and necrotic leaves, dehydrated berries and sunburn genetic diversity such as grapevine. Using the epigenetic
damage (Frioni et al., 2019). In the case of shading nets, memory of plants may therefore provide innovative tools to
while they can efficiently reduce radiation and temperature of better adapt currently used cultivars to their environment,
leaves and fruits, they may have adverse effects on ripening in the absence of genetic variations. As will be discussed
and photosynthesis that require to be taken into account below, these approaches include priming plants with elicitors
(Gutiérrez-Gamboa et al., 2021). or moderate stresses, the creation of epigenetic diversity in
clonal populations, or the creation of targeted and specific
Water availability is also becoming a major threat in epigenomic changes (Figure 1).
viticulture, even more, challenging considering the drying
trend predicted by climatic models. Therefore, producers have
developed focused approaches to monitoring and regulating
water use, such as the use of micro-sprinkler, dripper lines A SUMMARY
and partial root-zone drying. The recent development of Epigenetic mechanisms include genomic DNA methylation
precision viticulture may also alleviate the local effects of which can occur on the 5th carbon of cytosine (5mC;
global warming and climate changes on grapevine plants. Law and Jacobsen, 2010; Zhang et al., 2018) and on the
Other practices applied from the establishment of the 6th carbon of Adenine (6mA; Boulias and Greer, 2022).
vineyard include a shift from low-density, high-yielding vines The latter has been recently identified in multicellular
pruned and trained to replacement cane or cordon. The latter eukaryotes, and little is known about the mechanisms
was replaced with plantings with different densities. Lyre, underlying 6mA regulation and roles in plant cells. De
Smart-Dyson and ballerina trellis systems were applied to novo DNA methylation at cytosine is mediated by the
accommodate high vigour which translates to higher yields. RdDM pathway which involves the Domain Rearranged
The former trellis system also creates a cooler microclimate Methyltransferases 1, 2 (DRM1/2), DRD1 and 24nt-long

268 | volume 57–2 | 2023 OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society
FIGURE 2. Epigenetic mechanisms in plants.
(A) de novo DNA methylation relies on the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway (RdDM), which involves DRM1/2, small interfering
RNAs (siRNAs) and scaffold RNAs in addition to an array of proteins. DNA methylation maintenance in both CG and CHG contexts are
performed by MET1 and CMT3, CMT2, respectively. The maintenance of CHH methylation is carried out by the RdDM pathway and
CMT2. DNA methylation can be passively lost after DNA replication in a non-targeted or actively removed by the DMTs enzymes that
are targeted to specific loci. DNA methylation can impact gene expression by modulating chromatin accessibility to the transcriptional
machinery when found in the promoter (coloured in red) and to a lesser extent within genes (coloured in blue).
(B) Histone H3 methylation and acetylation and associated chromatin states as examples of Histone H3 post-translational modifications.
Methylated histones can either be found in transcription-restrictive or permissive chromatin, depending on the modified lysine residue
position on the histone tail (Kx) and the number of methyl groups carried (me1, me2, me3). Acetylated histones are correlated with
active gene expression. Only the most studied acetylation marks in plants are listed here. Different protein families are involved in the
addition (writers, in blue) or the removal (erasers, in orange) of histone marks. Amino acids that are modified and their position are
indicated. DRM1/2 (Domain Rearranged Methyltransferase ½), CMT2/3 (chromomethylase 2/3), MET1 (DNA methyltransferase 1),
VIM1-3 (variant in methylation 1-3), KYP/SUVH4 [KYP/Su-(var)3-9 homolog 4], SUVH5/6 [Su-(var)3-9 homolog 5/6], DRD1 (Defective
in RNA-directed DNA methylation), DDM1 (Decrease in DNA methylation) and 24nt siRNA (24 nucleotide small interfering RNAs),
DML (DEMETER(DMT)-LIKE demethylase), E(Z) (Enhancer of Zeste proteins), KYP (KRYPTONITE), LSD (Lysine Specific Demethylases), JMJ
(Jumonji-type histone demethylases), CBP (p300/CREB binding protein), GCN5 (General Control Non-derepressible protein 5), MYST
(MOZ, Ybf2/Sas3, Sas2 and Tip60), TAF (TATA-binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, RPD3 (Reduced Potassium Deficiency 3).

OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society 2023 | volume 57–2 | 269
Margot M. J. Berger et al.

small RNAs, and by the chromomethylase 2 (CMT2) with widespread agronomic practice and it is unknown whether
Decrease in DNA Methylation (DDM1) for CHH localized wild grapevine plants have a similar methylome signature
in heterochromatic regions (Zemach et al., 2013). After cell and what functional consequences this unusual methylation
division, newly produced DNA is hemimethylated at CG pattern may have.
and CHG symmetrical sites. Maintenance of methylation in
In addition, there is accumulating evidence of the role of
the CG context relies on the activity of MET1 together with
epigenetic regulations in the development and ripening
VIM1, 2 and 3. The CHG methylation maintenance depends
of grape berries, in the interaction between the grapevine
mainly on the activity of CMT3. In the asymmetrical
plant and its environment and during the grafting process as
context of CHH, re-methylation of the newly synthesized
explained below (Table 1).
DNA strands depends on both the RdDM pathway and
CMT2 activity. CMTs are dependent on histone methylation 1. Epigenetic regulation of grape berry
mediated by KYP and SUVH5 and 6 (for a complete review development and ripening
of DNA methylation, Zhang et al., 2018). The 5mC can be Early epigenetic studies focused on the characterization of
actively removed by DNA glycosylase/lyase, also called genes involved in the control of histone post-translational
DNA demethylases (DMT). DNA demethylation can also modifications in fruits. Hence, more than 30 grapevine genes
occur passively in a replication-dependent manner when encoding SET domain proteins and Polycomb Repressive
the methylation machinery is not or poorly active after cell Complex 2 (PRC2) components and genes coding for HAT
division (Liu and Lang, 2020; Figure 2A). (Histone Acetyl Transferases) have expression patterns that
Epigenetics mechanisms also include histone variants and are consistent with a possible role of the corresponding
histone-post translational modifications (HPTMs) that proteins in grape berries (Aquea et al., 2010, 2011;
mainly occur on lysine, threonine and serine residues within Qian et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2015). More recently, the
the histone amino-terminal tail. HPTMs include acetylation, description of grape berry methylomes has been performed.
methylation phosphorylation, ubiquitination, sumoylation The results did not reveal major changes in DNA methylation
and ADP ribosylation. Nucleosome composition and HPTMs levels or distribution (Shangguan et al., 2020). This is
can affect chromatin structure and directly determine the different from tomato, strawberry or orange fruits, which
formation of a transcriptionally active or inactive state by display major methylome remodelling at the ripening stage
modifying the interaction between DNA and nucleosomes (for a review, Tang et al., 2020). In these three fruits, DNA
(Lauria and Rossi, 2011). While histone acetylation localised (de)methylation plays a major role in fruit ripening control.
within coding regions is associated with active transcription, This function was suggested to be ensured by the repressive
histone methylation has been correlated to different types of histone mark H3K27me3 in grapevine as in many other fruits,
effects on gene expression, depending both on the position suggesting a convergent fruit evolution (Lü et al., 2018).
of the lysine and on the number of methyls added (mono, di, In grapevine leaves, the H3K27me3 marks are enriched at
tri-) (Figure 2B). Similar to DNA methylation, the addition genes encoding transcription factors of the NAC and MADS-
and removal of histone marks are regulated by specific box family. In contrast, in grape berries, these genes were
proteins respectively called writers (for example, Histone activated and the repressive H3K27me3 mark was removed,
Methyltransferases/HMT, Histone Acetyltransferases consistent with possible involvement in berry ripening
(HATs) and erasers (Histone Demethylases/HDM, Histone control (Lü et al., 2018). However, the exact function of
Deacetylases/HDACs) (Figure 2B). The activity of enzymes this repressive mark and of the targeted genes during berry
involved in epigenome regulation relies on the availability of ripening remains to be investigated. Interestingly, H3K27me3
metabolic precursors and co-factors, that can be altered by seems also to control methoxypyrazine accumulation in grape
environmental stresses (Leung and Gaudin, 2020). berries by inhibiting the expression of the VMOT3 gene in a
cultivar-dependent way (Battilana et al., 2017).
2. Epigenetic regulations are involved in
CURRENT STATE OF THE ART grapevine response to environmental stresses
Epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of Another important function of epigenetic regulations is to
many processes in grapevines, even though their study is mediate and integrate plant responses to (a)biotic stresses
still in its infancy in this plant (Table 1). Recent advances making epigenetic mechanisms an important lever for plant
include the description of leaf and fruit methylomes that adaptation to environmental challenges (Guarino et al., 2022).
have brought light to the general distribution of methylated Consistently, genes involved in the regulation of HPTMs
cytosine in the grapevine genome (Niederhuth et al., 2016; were differentially expressed when grapevine was subjected
Williams et al., 2020). Results indicate that mCG and to combined heat and drought stress (López et al., n.d.),
mCHG levels range between 45 % and 50 % and 31 to suggesting important remodelling of HPTM landscapes
35 %, respectively. Most remarkably, the level of CHH after these stresses. So far only a few epigenomic studies
methylation is very low as compared to most plants, ranging have been performed to evaluate grapevine response to (a)
between 1.1 and 4 %, which seems to be a characteristic of biotic stresses. Indeed, recent evidence suggests that DNA
clonally propagated plants (reviewed Ibañez and Quadrana, methylation levels vary in a cultivar-dependent manner
2022). Indeed, clonal propagation of grapevine is a in response to mildew infection (Azevedo et al., 2022).

270 | volume 57–2 | 2023 OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society
TABLE 1. List of epigenetic studies performed in grapevine.
Research papers

Themes References Epigenetic mechanisms
PcG proteins Almada et al. (2011)
SET DOMAIN GROUP proteins Aquea et al. (2011)
HAT Aquea et al. (2010) HPTMs
Analysis of epigenetic Sirtuins Aquea et al. (2010); Cucurachi et al. (2012)
regulator encoding
genes H3K4 methyltransferases Shang et al. (2021)
proteins involved in the RdDM pathway Xiang et al. (2022)
DNA methyltransferases Heriberto et al. (2016) DNA methylation
Demeter-like proteins Kiselev et al. (2013a); Xiang et al. (2022)
Kiselev et al. (2015)
Kiselev et al. (2013a); Kiselev et al. (2013b)
Secondary metabolism Xia et al. (2021) DNA methylation
Kong et al. (2022)
Azuma and Kobayashi (2022)
Jia et al. (2020)
Guo et al. (2019); Jia et al. (2023)
DNA methylation
Shangguan et al. (2020)
Rubio et al. (2022)
Lü et al. (2018) DNA methylation and HPTMs
Battilana et al. (2017)
Cheng et al. (2022) HPTMs
Jia et al. (2023)
Azevedo et al. (2022); Jia et al. (2023)
Gao et al. (2020)
DNA methylation
Biotic stress response Pagliarani et al. (2020a)
Pagliarani et al. (2020a); Pereira et al. (2022)

Analysis of Peian et al. (2021) HPTMs

epigenetic marks/ Baránek et al. (2015); Peian et al. (2021)
effect of inhibitors
Abiotic stress response Baránek et al. (2015); Marfil et al. (2019); Peian et al. (2021) DNA methylation
of epigenetic
mechanisms Bernardo et al. (2017)
Niederhuth et al. (2016)
DNA methylation
Magris et al. (2019); Niederhuth et al. (2016)
Comparison with other species Bester et al. (2017) Small RNAs
Bester et al. (2017) ; Schwope et al. (2021) Chromatin conformation
Varela et al. (2021)
Ocaña et al. (2013)
Williams et al. (2020) DNA methylation
Clonal variation
Xie et al. (2017)
Imazio et al. (2002)
Paim Pinto et al. (2016) Small RNAs
Schellenbaum et al. (2008)
Dal Santo et al. (2022); Schellenbaum et al. (2008)
Lizamore et al. (2021) DNA methylation
Effect of in vitro culture and/or
Dal Bosco et al. (2018)
Dal Bosco et al. (2018; Gambino et al. (2010)
Martínez et al. (2021)
Atanassov et al. (2022)

Methodology paper

Hermawaty et al. (2022)

Fabres et al. (2017)
Fortes and Gallusci (2017)
Kong et al. (2019)

*References are indicated in the main reference list

OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society 2023 | volume 57–2 | 271
Margot M. J. Berger et al.

In addition, DNA methylation remodelling at genes in most vineyards in the world. Interestingly, the association
involved in photosynthesis and secondary metabolism was between the scion and the rootstock can modify the scion
demonstrated in plants recovering from Flavescence Dorée phenotype, including its development, metabolism as well
infection. This suggests possible DNA-methylation mediated as its response to environmental stresses (Ollat et al., 2017).
memory effects (Pagliarani et al., 2020a). In another study, Although graft-dependent effects have been well described
the use of melatonin, a signal molecule that elicits a better in many different species, the underlying mechanisms are not
response of grapevine to both biotic and abiotic stresses, was clearly understood. Interestingly, several reports suggest that
shown to lead to modified DNA methylation levels in grape epigenetic-based mechanisms participate in the rootstock-
berries in part associated with changes in gene expression dependent modifications of the scion phenotype rootstock.
(Gao et al., 2020). Indeed, the comparison of scion methylome depending on the
More globally, environmental conditions were associated rootstock genotype demonstrates that the interaction between
with changes in DNA methylation distribution. Comparing scion/rootstock impacts the epigenome of the scion, possibly
Malbec clones grown in vineyards with contrasted with an effect on its phenotype (reviewed in Jeynes-Cupper
environmental conditions showed a correlation between and Catoni, 2023). Experiments using Arabidopsis mutants
epigenetic variations, phenotypic plasticity and clonal affected in their ability to produce small RNA were used to
diversity (Varela et al., 2021). An epigenetic memory of demonstrate that mobile small RNA are involved in de novo
abiotic stresses such as UV-B and drought was also suggested methylation in the scion and the rootstock (Jeynes-Cupper and
in the Malbec cv. after 1 year of treatment (Marfil et al., 2019). Catoni, 2023). Although none of these epigenetic studies were
conducted on grapevine, it has been already described that
3. Epigenetic dialogue during grafting. grafting grapevine induced phenotype and transcriptomic
Following the historical Phylloxera crisis at the end of the XIXth reprogramming (Cookson et al., 2013). Consistent with
century, the grapevine species Vitis vinifera has been grafted the role of epigenetics in this process, recent works have

FIGURE 3. Plant epigenetic memories.

Epigenetic information is set up during cell differentiation and will be maintained during cell division. Stresses generated by environmental
constraints impact the cell epigenetic landscapes (1) that will be maintained through mitosis (2) defining a somatic epigenetic memory.
The transmission of epigenetic marks to further generations (3) can occur through meiosis and reproduction during sexual reproduction
(a) through one or eventually several generations (T1, T2, T3). However, the maintenance of an epigenetic memory seems more efficient
for non-sexual reproduction (b). Finally, perennial plants may have trans-annual epigenetic memories (c) that allow maintaining part of the
epigenetic landscapes defined by their environment.

272 | volume 57–2 | 2023 OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society
now shown an epigenetic dialogue during rootstock scion that will be in part memorised. This molecular memory
that involves small RNAs mobility between graft partners is maintained for some time (from a few days to
and changes in DNA methylation (Rubio et al., 2022). several weeks) during a recovery period and mobilised
Graft-dependent DNA methylation signatures were also when the plant faces subsequent stresses (Figure 3).
identified in a study combining grafting with various In that sense, the plant is prepared to better respond to
irrigation treatments (Williams et al., 2020). additional stresses (Liu et al., 2022; Mozgova et al., 2019)
These results show that epigenetic regulations and memories At the molecular level, the first exposure to stress induces a
are likely of major importance in grapevines but require transcriptional response (induction or repression of genes),
further studies to gain a better understanding of their function with some of the genes being differentially expressed and
in grapevine stress responses and adaptation. involved in the establishment of a memory of stresses. These
so-called “memory genes” have been classified into types I and
EPIGENETIC MEMORIES OF BIOTIC II which are characterised, respectively, by the maintenance
AND ABIOTIC STRESSES IN PLANTS: of a transcriptional state induced by the first stress, or by a
APPLICATION TO GRAPEVINE modified transcriptional response to subsequent stresses as
compared to the one triggered by the first stress (Bäurle, 2018).
1. Epigenetic and plant cell memory Indeed, maintenance of the stress memory comes at a cost
and may be erased in the absence of additional stresses
Epigenetic regulations are central to the response of plants
to both abiotic and biotic stresses. They include DNA (Bäurle, 2018). Epigenetic processes have been involved in
methylation remodelling that occurs in response to many maintaining the transcriptional state of memory genes during
different stresses such as exposition to heavy metals, plant priming (Figure 3). This somatic memory involves both
drought, heat or salt stress as well as pathogen attacks, DNA methylation and HPTMs, and also small RNAs and
but also involves histone post-translational modifications chromatin remodelers (Mozgova et al., 2019), even though
(HPTMs) and histone variants (for a review, Lämke and their effect and duration might differ. For example, HPTMs
Bäurle, 2017). Even more important, plants have developed a were suggested to be the main marks involved in the short-
memory of stress that relies on various types of mechanisms term memory of stresses, while DNA methylation appears
including the transient accumulation of metabolites, the post- more stable and could rather participate in long-term memory
translational modifications of regulatory proteins including and could eventually be transmitted to the next generation
transcription factors or MAP kinases and epigenetic of plants after meiosis and fertilisation, contributing to the
mechanisms (Figure 2; Crisp et al., 2016). so-called “Trans- and Intergenerational plant priming”
(Gallusci et al., 2022).
Importantly, epigenetic mechanisms are likely playing a
major role in this context as they embody important aspects As far as grapevine is concerned, acclimation to stresses
of the memory of cells (Pikaard and Mittelsten Scheid, 2014), is emerging as a new research field with the initial goal of
which is maintained through mitosis during the life of plants finding alternatives to pesticides (Delaunois et al., 2014),
and non-sexual reproduction but can also be transmitted and determining whether pre-treatments with elicitors or
to the next generation of plants after sexual reproduction bacteria may generate better answers to pathogen attacks.
(Anastasiadi et al., 2021). Indeed, DNA methylation is For example, the use of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and
maintained by different DNA methyltransferases depending Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7NSK2 allowed for eliciting an
on the C sequence contexts. In the CG and CHG symmetrical oxidative burst and phytoalexin synthesis in grape cells and
context, methylation is maintained respectively by Met1 and was sufficient to prime grape leaves after subsequent infection
CMT3, whereas in the non-symmetrical CHH context, either with Botrytis cinerea (Verhagen et al., 2010). Similarly,
CMT2 or the RdDM are at work (see the part on epigenetic the treatment of grape berries with methyl jasmonate
mechanisms, Zhang et al., 2018). Similarly, Histone marks can triggered priming and a better defence response against B.
be maintained during cell division (Jiang and Berger, 2017). cinerea (Wang et al., 2015). The ability to prime defence
These mechanisms allow for maintaining a somatic memory responses was also demonstrated after beta-aminobutyric-
of epigenetic imprints, including those generated by stresses acid (BABA) treatments, which induced stilbene synthesis
(Figure 2). Indeed, this has been extensively studied in the and pathogen-related (PR) protein gene expression. This
case of vernalization which provides an excellent example of effect seemed mediated by the activity of the WRKY
environmentally driven developmental processes controlled transcription factor VvWRKY18 (Wang et al., 2021). A
by an epigenetic memory (Luo and He, 2020). more comprehensive analysis of priming was performed to
investigate the effect of acibenzolar-S-methyl, potassium
2. Plant priming: what do we know about phosphonate and laminarin treatments on the tolerance
grapevine to mildew. In this study, transcriptional reprogramming
Plant stress somatic memory contributes, among other associated with priming was observed in a substance
mechanisms (see above) to their acclimation to the and genotype-dependent way (Pagliarani et al., 2020b).
environment, a process also called priming (Liu et al., 2022; However, memory genes were not identified.
Mozgova et al., 2019). Briefly, priming consists of the Priming was also investigated for non-biotic stresses.
response of plants to a first stress (biotic or abiotic) Recent works have shown that submitting grapevines to

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FIGURE 4. Plant priming is mediated by different mechanisms.

When exposed to stress for the first time, naive plants can show important phenotypic responses, like a global decrease in vigour (purple
dotted line). This response is associated with proteomic, metabolic, transcriptomic and epigenetic changes. These changes can be either
reset to their initial state or (partially) maintained during recovery and constitute a plant somatic memory. As an example, plants possess
‘trainable genes’ also called ‘memory genes’ responsive during the first stress that show enhanced activity during a second stress. These
genes are subdivided into two categories depending on their activity between the first and second exposition to stress. ‘Type I’ (dotted blue
line) genes triggered activity is maintained, while the one of ‘Type II’ (dark blue line) genes return to baseline during a period of recovery.
Finally, primed plants display improved tolerance to stress, characterised by a lower drop of vigour as compared to the first exposition.

drought stress resulted, the year after, in better growth memory genes and the underlying epigenetic mechanisms
and contrasted physiological performance, consistent that maintain these genes in an appropriate transcriptional
with a trans-annual priming effect, although neither the state. Indeed, memory genes and epigenetic processes may
molecular consequences of the priming treatment nor the vary with the age and genotype of the plant, the organs, the
mechanisms of trans-annual priming were investigated type of stress and/or eliciting molecule.
(Zamorano et al., 2021).
So far, very few studies have thoroughly evaluated grapevine TRANS AND/OR INTERGENERATIONAL
plant stress responses and memories using appropriate PLANT MEMORIES OF BIOTIC AND
molecular tools to determine the molecular mechanisms ABIOTIC STRESSES
underlying memory effects. Such approaches require Works in Arabidopsis thaliana have shown the stable
combining stress treatments and recovery periods to evaluate transmission of epigenetic marks over generations (Figure 4).
priming effects, to a thorough evaluation of the phenotypic, Whether the memory of stresses can be transmitted to the
and molecular consequences of the stress, including the next generation(s) of plants is however still a matter of
analysis of transcriptomic and epigenomic remodelling. intense research (Quadrana and Colot, 2016). Evidence of an
This was recently performed to investigate the effect of intergenerational transmission (one generation) of epigenetic
Flavesence Doré in grapevine (Pagliarani et al., 2020a), memory of stress has however been demonstrated in model
but eventual priming effects were not investigated. plants and seems preferentially transmitted through the female
Such integrated approaches would however allow identifying gamete (Wibowo et al., 2016). In contrast, there is no clear

274 | volume 57–2 | 2023 OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society
demonstration of a transgenerational (several generations) parameters. Results indicate that epigenetic marks could be
inheritance of epigenetic information generated by stress. transferred from parents to asexually multiplied offspring
For example, inter- but not trans-generational memory of likely reflecting the adaptation to the environment of the
stress was described in the case of Arabidopsis thaliana parents (Vanden Broeck et al., 2018). Similarly, the analysis
after exposure to the mild drought stress of a first generation of DNA methylation patterns of grapevine grown in various
followed by four generations without applying any stress Argentinian vineyards indicates that they are more dependent
(Van Dooren et al., 2020). Mechanisms have already been on clonal origin than location (Varela et al., 2021). Hence, in
described that control the balance between resetting and these studies the clonal origin of plants seems to significantly
maintenance of epigenetic marks during gametophyte impact their methylation landscape, suggesting that the
formation, fertilisation and embryo development (Ono and progeny may have inherited the parental adaptation to the
Kinoshita, 2021). environment. However, different approaches between these
In clonally propagated plants such as grapevine, the progeny different studies were used which makes it difficult to
is generated by cutting. In this case, the maintenance of compare them and conclude about the relative contribution of
epigenetic marks is mediated through mitosis in the stem parental origin versus the place of growth of the progeny on
cells located in meristems. For example, in white clover epigenetic information and phenotypes. In addition, various
(González et al., 2017) there is a clear demonstration of parameters may affect the memory of parental imprints
the maintenance of stress-induced epigenetic imprints in through non-sexual reproduction such as growth conditions
clonally generated progeny when still attached to the mother of the progeny, propagation methods, or simply the age of
plant. A similar observation was performed in the progeny the progeny at the date of analysis because of an eventual
of dandelion plants, which is characterised by an apomictic epigenetic drift of the progeny, among others.
type of reproduction (Verhoeven et al., 2010). The functional In this context, more studies are necessary to better understand
consequences of such an inheritance on the adaptation to what extent and for how long parental epigenetic imprints
capacities of the progeny require additional investigations. Of can be transmitted to asexually reproduced grapevine plants.
course, we cannot rule out that when cuttings are generated, Important questions to investigate may include: 1) Are
as in grapevine, re-juvenilization may occur and reset growing conditions generating an epigenetic drift that may
some or most of the parental epigenetic imprints. However, lead to a better adaptation of plants to their environment?
recent work has shown that even when going through This question could be addressed by analysing the evolution
plant regeneration which implies a major developmental of the epigenetic landscape of individual plants deriving
reprogramming, the regenerated plant maintains part of the from the same parental plant and grown in the contrasted
epigenetic imprints of the organ of origin and this impacts its environment; 2) to what extent environmentally induced
phenotype (Wibowo et al., 2018). changes in the epigenetic landscape are heritable after clonal
As far as grapevine is concerned there is little work propagation and 3) confer better adaptation of the progeny to
performed to investigate how the growing conditions of the environment. Indeed, transgenerational priming of plants
mother plants will impact the phenotypes of the progeny generated by clonal propagation (considering both rootstocks
generated by cuttings, either for scions or rootstocks. and scions and their epigenetic interactions) would provide
Studies in poplar, a woody perennial, have however shown innovative strategies for grapevine adaptation to climate
that ramets originating from the same plants but grown in changes, using already cultivated cultivars.
contrasted environments displayed different methylation
landscapes consistent with methylation imprints reflecting EPI-BREEDING IN GRAPEVINE:
the environment in which plants are grown, rather than the WHAT STRATEGIES?
parental origin (Guarino et al., 2015). To what extent these
differences in methylation profiles result in a better adaptation A grapevine is a grafted and clonally propagated plant. This
to a specific environment has however not been investigated. makes it unlikely that the phenotypic diversity observed in
Similarly in grapevine, the study of methylation variations this plant is solely due to genetic variations because in most
of grapevine across regions in Australia (Xie et al., 2017) cases genetic variants may remain hidden as heterozygous
showed that methylation patterns varied with geographical recessives. Epigenetic variants which may affect similarly
location and vineyard management, suggesting that the both alleles in the genome could therefore be critical in
plant environment, in a broad sense, was shaping the plant shaping phenotypic variations in this plant. Consistently,
methylome. Consistently methylation profiles of Merlot and clonal diversity within V. vinifera varieties was recently
Pinot Noir (PN) were more affected by their location than associated with methylation changes illustrating the
by their clonal origin (Baránková et al., 2021). These results importance of epigenetic markers for intra-varietal diversity
would suggest that the environment of the plant is more (Varela et al., 2021).
important than its origin in defining the methylome of plants
Grapevine provides a unique system to investigate the
and eventually plant phenotypes.
consequences of epigenetic variations in clones, their potential
In contrast, cuttings collected from 60 adult Lombardy role in shaping the phenotypes of plants and opportunities to
poplars growing in different environments, were gathered in develop epi-breeding strategies. The generation of Epigenetic
a single place and compared for phenology and epigenetic Recombinant Inbred Lines (EpiRILs), which takes advantage

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of the segregation and recombination between heritable GENERAL CONCLUSION

differentially methylated regions (DMRs) to perform (epi)
QTL mapping (Quadrana and Colot, 2016), has proven There is evidence of various types of epigenetic memories in
to be an efficient strategy to investigate the contribution plants (Gallusci et al., 2022) and this may provide innovative
of heritable epigenetic variation to agronomic traits. This ways to generate lines with new adaptive potential, yet without
strategy is based on sexual reproduction where parental lines affecting their genetic information. Figure 4 summarises
having the same genotype but with different epigenomes are the different strategies that can be developed in the case of
crossed. After inbreeding over seven generations to fix the grapevine to use epigenetic regulations and memories as
epigenetic variations, lines with stable epigenetic differences a new lever to develop cultivars and/or rootstocks better
can be compared in a common genetic background. As adapted to their environment.
examples, Arabidopsis EpiRILs have been generated Among these tools, the use of agents to modify the
by crossing a wild-type plant with plants with the same epigenome and generate epialleles associated with EWAS
genetic background, but mutated in the gene encoding the will undoubtedly provide information concerning the
DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE-1 (MET1) or DECREASE contribution of epiallelic variation to the phenotypic
IN DNA METHYLATION (DDM-1), proteins that are diversity of grapevine. Similarly, stressing parental plants
both involved in the maintenance of DNA methylation to generate populations of young plants that are better
(reviewed in Catoni and Cortijo, 2018). adapted represents a promising avenue that requires to be
thoroughly evaluated to determine the stability over time of
EPIRIL populations cannot be developed in crops such
parental epigenetic imprints as well as their consequences on
as Grapevine that require long generation times and are
the plant’s resilience to stresses. This can be implemented
essentially clonally propagated. In this case, other strategies both for rootstock and scion, and the epigenetic interactions
need to be implemented to investigate the contribution of between partners (Rubio et al., 2022) could provide an
epigenetic variation to phenotypic diversity and traits of additional source of epiallelic variations potentially of use
agronomic importance in the absence of DNA sequence in the context of plant adaptation to climate changes. Indeed,
polymorphisms. As a first strategy, we have now developed a these approaches are non-targeted and require an accurate
unique population of isogenic plants displaying epigenomic evaluation of both the epigenetic consequences on plant
diversity. This Grapevine “EpiClonal” population was responses to their environment, on plant production and wine
initially created from cuttings of a single Pinot Noir plant that quality as well as the stability of these epigenetic changes.
were in vitro cultured to generate a population of plants with
identical genomes and is currently being extended to other In addition to these non-targeted induced epiallelic changes,
cultivars. Stems were subjected to demethylating agents, which the use of the CrisperCas9 technology to address selectively
epigenetic changes at chosen loci (Shin et al., 2022) could
cause variable degrees of genome-wide hypomethylation
provide complementary tools that would however require
and lead to diverse DNA methylation, eventually to diverse
efficient transformation methods and the ability to eliminate
phenotypes. The “EpiClonal” populations are currently under
the Crisper construction once the epigenetic modification has
vegetative propagation and will be used for methylome and
been performed. In this case, epigenetic consequences of the
phenotypic analyses. Alternatively, stress conditions may be
transformation and regeneration processes should however
used to generate an epigenetic drift. Using plants produced be thoroughly evaluated, as they may generate unwanted
from a limited number of mother plants, it is expected to somaclonal variations with long-term effects as already
impact the epigenome of plants in different ways if they observed in palm oil (Ong-Abdullah et al., 2015). The direct
are grown in contrasted conditions with recurrent stresses, delivery of small RNAs to incipient cells using nanoparticles
thereby generating epigenetic and phenotypic diversity. could be another way that needs to be investigated, to generate
This epigenetic diversity could then be used in different ways: new DNA methylation imprints by the RdDM pathway at
(1) evaluate the resilience of treated versus non-treated plants selected genes to repress their expression.
when subjected to similar stresses; (2) measure the epigenetic At present, analysing the range of epigenomic variations in
drift and identify epi-allelic regions that are critical for the grapevine depending on clones and area of growth, as well
better adaptation of plants to stresses; (3) investigate the as on genotypes, is an absolute requirement to determine
stability of epigenetic imprints that have been created over environmentally driven epigenetic drifts, their interactions
seasons and (4) during plant propagation. Finally, parental with plant genotypes and genomic structure and their
priming of rootstocks and scions could provide new ways consequences on plant phenotypes.
to develop grapevine propagation strategies better adapted
to climate changes building on the epigenetic exchanges ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
existing between the graft partners (Rubio et al., 2022).
Such populations could also be used for epigenome-wide This work was supported by the EPIDEP program (Plant
association studies (EWAS), an approach that has emerged National du Dépérissement, PNDV). BR received a grant
as a powerful way to identify DNA methylation variants from EPIDEP. MB received a PhD grant from the CNIV
associated with phenotypic changes as shown following the (Comité National des Interprofessions des Vins) and a Post-
identification of an epiallele underlying the metastable mantled doctoral grant in the TEPIMEPORY program (Plant Science
somaclonal variant of oil palm (Ong‑Abdullah et al., 2015). Project, University of Bordeaux).

276 | volume 57–2 | 2023 OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society
FIGURE 5. Possible sources of epigenetic diversity for grapevine improvement.
(A) Untargeted epigenetic variation can occur naturally or be generated experimentally. Epigenetic diversity can be found in natural
populations or occur spontaneously in cultivated populations. Environmental stresses may also result in epigenetic variations that are
memorized by plants and generate epigenomic variations. Epigenetic variations can be created when two distantly related species are crossed
(genomic choc). An epigenetic dialogue occurs during grafting that impacts the epigenome of both partners, which may lead to new epiallelic
combinations. In vitro propagation of plants in the presence of methylation inhibitors generates randomly hypomethylated genomes that
result in clones with modified epigenomes and identical genomes.
(B) Targeted epigenetic changes can be created using epigenome editing for example using CRISPR-ca9. The use of specific small RNAs
(24nt) can allow addressing the novo methylation by the RdDM at specific loci

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282 | volume 57–2 | 2023 OENO One | By the International Viticulture and Enology Society

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