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Merchandising a challenging position in Fashion Industry.

Take a look at the business activities of the merchants in the city of Tirupur.
Comprehends the requirements of businessmen in the clothing industry.
Analyze the concept of problem faced by traders in the garment industry in Tirupur.
Explains the expectations of the merchants in Tirupur.
To provide necessary advice to traders to improve their business.


First, a literature review was conducted. Then select Data Material, Data Collection Policy
and Data Analysis Policy.
Consumer Research.
Research and data from primary and secondary sources such as online surveys, online magazi
nes, online blogs, newspapers, business magazines, newsletters, reports, textbooks and

For evaluation purposes, more face-to-face meetings in key areas were taken into account,
also members were selected face to face according to their ease of access, and the sample size
was determined as 120 participants in organizations. The average age is 18 and 50 years - be
cause establishments in this age group are going out and buying more (consumers of all ages


The evolution of the fashion industry and modern fashion trends have always been based on t
he evolution of time for design, production, distribution and consumption of Fashion is
inherently a sales and promotional tool - the firstis important, the second is the best balance o
f style and business knowledge. This business requires a combination of art, compassion, com
merce and advertising if you want to stay one step ahead of fashion. The use of Artificial Inte
lligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) is leading the fashion industry in the next 5 years
designers and brands are heavily involved in production and getting ideas. The era of
augmented reality and digital reality style virtuality has just begun.

According to research by Bernard Booms and Mary Bitner (1981), the most important of the
service jobs is the marketing mix, which consists of the "7P" structure: product, price,
advance, places, people, processes, and physical. evidence. The fashion industry included
using all 7Ps of the product mix.
The fashion industry embraces the use of digital media as a way to connect brands, labels and
customersrecognizes the need for innovation is crucial to business. In addition to taking their
business online, fashion brands come withto gain exposure and creative interest attractive
roads. Artificial intelligence (AI) developmentin the fashion industry has gone beyond norma
l work, from the predictionsto prototypes to using robots that sew and cut fabric.
Augmented2Reality (AR) has made progress in the last 5 years. Designers and brands around
the world are slowly using AR in sales and marketing. Augmented Reality The world of
(AR), whether retail or manufacturing, is constantly changing. AR is already affecting
in everything from theater to online shopping. Despite the arrival of the digital age,
and a change in fashion for us, this change starts with the customer - not the technology itself
- just like everything else inBusiness.Changes in fashion instantly nurture the idea of
customer satisfaction – and that's where everyone starts – the technology changes in the fashi
on industry.
Augmented and virtual reality are increasingly being used to create digital experiences
for shopping online and in stores. Avoid trying to replaces with marketing mistakes in the ne
w season - use best experiences that create entertainment forcustomers, such as pop-
up stores or chat sharing catalogs using AR. Online shopping andecommerce is also a growin
g market through more interactive online shopping where buyers can see products in3D realit
y. All of these developments are within the scope ofFashion industry in the fashion industry.
In addition, increasedaccuracy in stores allows customers to view products and discounts in
catalogues and digital media.

Digital Fashion

What is digital style, one might ask, "the desire of the digital generation to create and compar
e clothing and products in various forms”.
When you think of the beginning of the digital age, the digitalization of the fashion industry i
s happening. The process was slow because it's hard for the fashion world to get over the com
munication time, which means the market is in ageold art that's been passed down from one g
eneration to the next. As fashion has evolved from clothes and shoes, adoption of the new dig
ital age has been slow. When it comes to the integration of generations and fashion, it is "com
mitted to changing the way and time the fashion industry works".
Noah Gellman (Director cofounder) at the Institute College Ethics Forum(CUNY) on Februar
y 26, 2019, this technological commitment has been and will be difficult in the future.
Fashion Merchandising

Fashion Merchandising consists of various organizations such as Design, Development and S

ales. The marketing industry can also be divided into two branches, the fashion industry and t
he fashion industry. The fashion industry can be thought of as advertising and marketing that
will support the advertising process to increase the demand for the product, the main purpose
of which is to determine the conversion of the customer. This is only used to market and sell
products to non-consumers. Given the wide scope of the fashion industry in the industry.
The fashion industry encompasses all stages from product design to design and sales. The goa
l of Fashion Merchandising is to increase revenue by improving the entire product so you can
attract and connect customers by focusing on what they want, how they want and what they
want. Because the entire fashion industry relies on and revolves around the buyer, the first an
d foremost thing about vending machines is actually the marketing of the product. The evolut
ion of virtual fashion marketing began in the 1890s through fashion websites and social medi
a systems. The last two years have seen many developments to date, with new and more virtu
al vending machines – building energy use up to customers to be able to sell.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is the medium in which information is transferred to the physical world a
nd recorded in the business world; However, there are many ways in which statistics can be tr
ansmitted, altered or converted in the physical world. If we take this definition as it seems, an
ything generous can be considered an additional truth. (Craig, 2013) So what exactly is Augm
ented Facts? All knowledge in our time depends on the proximity and availability of our phys
ical world. However, our global body depends on and is created by this digital data.

Augmented reality is a method that interacts with our physical world, enriching the environm
ent with digitally generated information that can be visualized and audible. Digital Age - Wh
at is the fate of Enhui? We understand that the need for innovation is not necessarily a priority
for the fashion industry. Fashion companies are constantly finding new ways and partnership
s to gain momentum as well as transforming their businesses online. The rise of artificial intel
ligence (AI) in the fashion industry goes beyond traditional computerized roles by deploying
predictive analytics on fashion to use robots that sew and cut fabric and more.

Augmented Reality (AR) has been on the rise since 5 years ago. Designers and brands around
the world are slowly using AR in marketing and sales. The augmented reality (AR) world is
constantly changing retail and manufacturing. AR is already affecting everything from theater
to online shopping. Although the digital age is around us and fashion is changing, communic
ation does not start with technology, it starts with the customer like every different part of the
product. financial system.

Technological changes in style Technological changes in the fashion industry that are now ai
med at meeting consumer wants – and that's where everyone starts. Augmented reality and vi
rtual reality are used to create unique stories for online and instore experiences. A new season
of experimentation is advertising and marketing with more creative notifications that quickly
bring entertainment to consumers, such as popup shops or interactive catalog using AR. Onli
ne shopping and ecommerce become more interactive through online shopping, where custo
mers can see products in 3D reality, these advertising segments will also grow. All of these de
velopments fall under the category of declining sales in the fashion industry.

Augmented reality can also be used to shop in stores, allowing customers to access catalogs a
nd digital media to view products and merchandise.

Luxury Fashion Designers- A Case Study

Luxury fashion is constantly expanding new opportunities for innovation. Today, everything f
ashionable on the road, running or crossing is closely digitized thanks to augmented reality, a
pps and smart ideas. The last 12 months of New York Fashion Week (2018) have been a testa
ment to old times and digital, and international fashion and the digital world have never come
together so well before and are often seen as two ends of a rope.
Luxury Designers and Brands:
The Digital Fashion Revolution For over a decade, fashion designers and retailers have been t
rying to unite fashion in one generation. Technology is often part of the modern business worl
d and business productivity always depends on the development and adaptation of new chang
A decade ago, designers coined the term "virtual fashion", which became a combination of cr
eativity and virtual use, creating a revolution in which fashion was digitized. This is the begin
ning of a decade where virtualization and technology are not limited to the manufacture and u
se of only the best products. Luxury manufacturers, as well as fashion brands, began to break
the law. They began using information and communication technologies to design and manuf
acture fashion products, which had a significant impact on product sales, distribution and rev
enue. The use of digital technology helps to co-create the fashion world.
The fashion industry is a $1 trillion business, and like any other business, it must rely on the p
ower and strong appeal of the cultivation, communication and distribution of its products - be
cause money has evolved, the System has been created. In today's era of globalization, the ju
dge's view is more evident in the way they market their products, and this is the new digital m
edia penetration. Fashion sales and advertisements are now important issues for every judge.
Marketing and marketing go hand in hand. From the fashion press to the recommendations, fr
om the showcases to the website presentations, the whole process becomes virtual so that the
products shine in the minds of the customers. In the end, they all came to stop the boss.
Since 12 months of 2010, many brands have chosen to use intelligence to understand custome
rs' shopping preferences as well as caring for them, for example by shopping online, to intera
ct with them. streams, using radio frequency identification (RIPD) and social media tags. The
re are also designers and brands that use virtual reality to interact with customers, but the gro
wth of today's products is driven by the use of "retail" technology. “This new technology is b
ased on 'additional stores', which is a marriage of digital and physical, allowing customers to
move between the two spaces, 'Most people prefer to live their normal lives.
Digital marketing pioneer
Burberry was one of the first luxury brands to go digital; With over 160 years of history in th
e fashion industry, the logo has retained some of its original, traditional style background, but
has managed to stabilize its ideas. and virtual savvy. Burberry frequently announces new tec
hnology and fashion developments, including its current collection.
It is one of the leading companies at the forefront of the digital revolution in fashion. Burberr
y director Angela Ahrendts stated in 2006 that the brand would become the fashion industry's
first "digital design" agency. In 2010, Burberry became the first fashion brand to popularize i
ts website; It became one of the first brands to use virtual reality, digital imaging technology,
holograms and projections in its Beijing stores. Following the success of the virtual concept d
escribed above, Burberry took a new step into virtual reality with the launch of the 'Magic Mi
rror' at its Regent Street store in London in September 2012. Episode
"Angela Ahrendts, CEO of Burberry.
Burberry Regent Street connects our virtual world to the real world for the first time, enabling
customers to enjoy all of the brand's products online as well as through immersive multimedi
a content. Walking through the door is like walking through our website. Burberry World Liv
These virtual mirrors are large interactive displays that provide customers with a full 360° ex
perience. This type of virtual shopping has resulted in a 20% increase in traffic to the Regent
Street store over the next six months.
When this approach seemed to be giving up quickly, it aimed to recreate their stores with diff
erent virtual new ones as customers got used to the big screen after a while, which could leav
e them with a trillion-
dollar job. Burberry's transition to a digitally inclusive logo has inspired many designers and r
etailers, but overall growth in the direction of the era has been slow.
"Integration of virtual into the luxury market is rare and requires the highest vision". Amy Ga
le, director of product planning at Isobar America. “Unfortunately, Burberry is one of the few
brands that comes to mind here.

Burberry has been an industry pioneer in the use of digital reality in the fashion industry. In 2
013, Burberry developed a new approach to advertising, marketing and sales that enabled virt
ual reality for its new product 'Burberry Kisses' (launch of lipstick range). Burberry has partn
ered with Google to promote its shiny products, an unprecedented experience in a digital glob
al fashion industry. Burberry hopes to find the idea of
family love and affection through a simple and clear "kiss." International).
Burberry Virtual Kiss is another step forward in the digitization of fashion.
"The result of the collaboration is a very simple business. Burberry used Google's face reputat
ion to allow users to send non-
public messages with their private digital kiss. The kiss is caught on the web and the compute
r plays it again. The user's lips write the message with the user's kiss and the message is saved
is sent.

Again, this simple but rich business has increased revenue in stores and foot traffic. In 2015,
Burberry once again joined "Google" to use virtual reality for its own marketing campaign ca
lled "Burberry Booth". reserves the opportunity to share photos with celebrities, create real-
time video mosaics, and post them on their social media profiles for general and personal awa
Burberry is in Fashion For more information on the digitization of the fashion age compared t
o other designers and fashion companies, it's no surprise that it is one of the industry's 'digital
pioneer' 'augmented reality' fashion manufacturers, making it one of the first fashion compani
es to use Burberry with this awareness. goods.
In September 2017, Burberry teamed up with Apple to introduce a new Apple mobile app tha
t was launched during the fall fashion show and uses the AR Kit platform (a software that use
s gestures). The new feature allows app users to add artist Danny Sangria paintings inspired b
y Burberry designs to the iPhone camera. This is the first time this movement has been taken,
and the use of augmented reality offers a whole new way to build a business, increase custo
mer engagement and improve quality. Selling Burberry's new brand. The new features were l
aunched at London Fashion Week, followed by Paris, Milan and New York; There is no doub
t that using AR devices (augmented reality devices) is a smart thing for businesses to adopt. S
napchat, the entire app that gained notoriety among millennials in early 2012, is a social medi
a platform that includes users interacting with stickers and real objects.
Similar to Snapchat, Burberry has leveraged the age of augmented reality to integrate 3D obje
cts and art into the runway, set, and payload in the 3D space of digital camera lenses.
Augmented reality is a new and diverse field that businesses are still struggling to explore an
d invest in. The greatest change ever made to science fiction movies is now a reality. Augmen
ted Reality (AR) is a field with great potential, especially in the fashion industry – Tommy Hi
lfiger is an example, who is taking his tech/virtual to the next level. Tommy Hilfiger has been
hailed as "a fashion brand that has become a multimedia machine".
With the launch of the first website in 1999, Tommy Hilfiger is head to head with Burberry in
the digitization of fashion. In 2015, the brand launched a new marketing campaign at its Man
hattan Fifth Avenue store; For the first time, a brand is holding a 360° digital Reality Fall fash
ion show. This activity includes the use of the Samsung Gear VR device for recording. 4,444
Tommy Hilfiger customers will now be able to see the latest launch as if sitting in the front ro
w of the Park Avenue Armory, even if they're in store. Through this campaign, customers gai
n a sense of inclusivity, importance and value, and also encourages the sale of new products t
hat are readily available in the market.
Metal Industry quotes Tommy Hilfiger in their 2015 issue: "Our unique digital showroom con
cept is a combination of craftsmanship and innovation. Platforms 'feel' the results of our make
r DNA: Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Surprise, Inclusivity and Understanding. This is Destin
y's revenue. and keep working with our suppliers in this happy place." In early 2018, Tommy
Hilfiger started a collaboration with Gigi Hadid Tommy Now, this is also the first augmented.
Used in reality runway shows. Tommy Now allows customers to shop on the go while the sh
ow is in progress.
Using the Tommy Now website on the catwalk, they can click on a model's picture and add it
to their shopping cart and turn it into the perfect one.
Later that month, Tommy Hilfiger also released the Tommy Now Snap app. The app has an a
ugmented reality feature that allows shoppers to select items from the Tommy Hilfiger collect
ion and instantly discover new items/clothes using augmented reality. (Fig. 8) Adjust clothes
according to the real 3D model with AR features.
Customers can view the model's clothing from all angles using the panning feature of their s
martphone's digital camera. For the first time, all Runway fashion products are now available
in 70 countries worldwide via the Tommy Hilfiger online store, stay tuned to buy, social medi
a and the Tommy Now Snap app.
When this approach seemed to be giving up quickly, it aimed to recreate their stores with diff
erent virtual new ones as customers got used to the big screen after a while, which could leav
e them with a trillion-
dollar job. Burberry's transition to a digitally inclusive logo has inspired many designers and r
etailers, but overall growth in the direction of the era has been slow.
"Integration of virtual into the luxury market is rare and requires the highest vision". Amy Ga
le, director of product planning at Isobar America. “Unfortunately, Burberry is one of the few
brands that comes to mind here.

Burberry has been an industry pioneer in the use of digital reality in the fashion industry. In 2
013, Burberry developed a new approach to advertising, marketing and sales that enabled virt
ual reality for its new product 'Burberry Kisses' (launch of lipstick range). Burberry has partn
ered with Google to promote its shiny products, an unprecedented experience in a digital glob
al fashion industry. Burberry hopes to find the idea of
family love and affection through a simple and clear "kiss." International).
Burberry Virtual Kiss is another step forward in the digitization of fashion.
"The result of the collaboration is a very simple business. Burberry used Google's face reputat
ion to allow users to send non-
public messages with their private digital kiss. The kiss is caught on the web and the compute
r plays it again. The user's lips write the message with the user's kiss and the message is saved
is sent.

Again, this simple but rich business has increased revenue in stores and foot traffic. In 2015,
Burberry once again joined "Google" to use virtual reality in its own marketing campaign call
ed "Burberry Booth". Burberry Cabinets are allowed in the store. Buyers share pictures of the
mselves with famous people on social media profiles designed to use real-
time video compositing for self-awareness.
Burberry is the 'digital pioneer' of business fashion, collaboration with other designers and fas
hion. With that in mind, it's not surprising that Burberry was one of the first manufacturers to
use 'augmented reality' for the fashion trade in a fashion business.
In September 2017, Burberry teamed up with Apple to introduce a new Apple mobile app tha
t was launched during the fall fashion show and uses the AR Kit platform (a software that use
s gestures). The new feature allows app users to add artist Danny Sangria paintings inspired b
y Burberry designs to the iPhone camera. This is the first time this movement has been taken,
and the use of augmented reality offers a whole new way to build a business, increase custo
mer engagement and improve quality. Selling Burberry's new brand. The new features were l
aunched at London Fashion Week, followed by Paris, Milan and New York; There is no doub
t that using AR devices (augmented reality devices) is a smart thing for businesses to adopt. S
napchat, the entire app that gained notoriety among millennials in early 2012, is a social medi
a platform that includes users interacting with stickers and real objects.
Similar to Snapchat, Burberry has leveraged the age of augmented reality to integrate 3D obje
cts and art into the runway, set, and payload in the 3D space of digital camera lenses.
Augmented reality is a new and diverse field that businesses are still struggling to explore an
d invest in. The greatest change ever made to science fiction movies is now a reality. Augmen
ted Reality (AR) is a field with great potential, especially in the fashion industry, and Tommy
Hilfiger is an example, taking its technology/virtual to the next level. Tommy Hilfiger has bee
n hailed as "a fashion brand that has become a multimedia machine".
With the launch of the first website in 1999, Tommy Hilfiger is head to head with Burberry in
the digitization of fashion. In 2015, the brand launched a new marketing campaign at its Man
hattan Fifth Avenue store; For the first time, a brand is holding a 360° digital Reality Fall fash
ion show. This activity includes the use of the Samsung Gear VR device for recording. 4,444
Tommy Hilfiger customers now enjoy exploring the latest exhibit as if sitting in the front row
of the Park Avenue Armory, even though they're still in store. Through these campaigns, cust
omers gain a sense of inclusion, importance and value, while promoting the sale of new prod
ucts that are readily available in-store.
Metal Industry quotes Tommy Hilfiger in their 2015 issue: "Our unique digital showroom con
cept is a combination of craftsmanship and innovation. Platforms 'feel' the results of our make
r DNA: Entrepreneurship, Inspiration, Surprise, Inclusivity and Understanding. This is Destin
y's revenue. and keep working with our suppliers in this happy place." In early 2018, Tommy
Hilfiger started a collaboration with Gigi Hadid Tommy Now, this is also the first augmented.
Used in reality runway shows. Tommy Now allows customers to shop on the go while the sh
ow is in progress.
Using the Tommy Now website on the runway, they can click on the model image and turn it
into the perfect one and add it to their cart.
Later that month, Tommy Hilfiger also released the Tommy Now Snap app. The app has an a
ugmented reality feature that allows shoppers to select items from the Tommy Hilfiger collect
ion and instantly discover new items/clothes using augmented reality. (Fig. 8) Adjust clothes
according to the real 3D model with AR features.
Customers can view the model's clothing from all angles using the panning feature of their s
martphone's digital camera. For the first time, all Runway fashion products are now available
in 70 countries worldwide via the Tommy Hilfiger online store, stay tuned to buy, social medi
a and the Tommy Now Snap app.

Selection Summary

Since the product's inception, less luxury has been available. This is especially true for many
people who have given business status—slightly more for its intended use—
as it has been fixed for at least one season. About high-
end products. Article The changing behavior of consumers is another cause of economic dow
nturn. a piece
Because people in the target age group can make more financial decisions, it's important to ge
t their attention to attract new companies. Fashionistas find and use new, cutting-
edge, disruptive advertising and marketing to increase buyer interest in an effort to acquire a
niche in an emerging market. "Supplements are also a new way to focus" section.
How are companies incorporating augmented reality into their first steps in business with Des
ign Runways, including live sales, AR-
readable print demonstrations, sales and more than space display? Digitization of design is th
e key and destiny of the fashion industry.
However, are AR apps and digital designs expected to bring more opportunities for reality an
d innovation, a new space where fashion and technology collaborate?
Fashion Retailer - Research History
In the era of clean design, with "see now, buy now" technology, Fashion Store
uses new applications for business print fashion. In the next 5 to 10 years,
AVMs will change drastically, and in the short term, this process will be adapted to create
transactions with the development and progress of the internet business and computer busines
Fast Style Digitization
The traditional system, where 4 seasons are offered every 12 months, has been replaced by ap
proximately 52 seasons per year. These unconventional designer stores have had a huge impa
ct on luxury goods as they try to create luxury fashion on the runway.
As we have seen, luxury fashion companies have invested in creating luxury products, reachi
customers creatively, such as accessing print materials and advertisements to use AR or set u
p shop. The sales area created by
complements the shopping area for more information and allows customers to view the produ
cts being sold in
3D reality. An employer called
Fixate has taken the global AR look to another level, turning
into a digital storefront for the Rebecca Minkoff clothing brand. The store allows customers t
o view shelves and traffic in 4,444 stores using computer-generated data via headsets. Section
does not work well in real business for a number of reasons” (Singh, 2018).
Pioneer and Head of Fixate).
It also needs 3D and QR analysis and AR to revisit the room for
to enjoy. One example is Hole's other app, which uses AR to assist with online shopping, givi
ng customers an idea of
how clothes will look and sit before they buy. The same is true for Uniqlo
, which started using AR glasses in 2012 (Figure 12), and
customers do not need to try on clothes.
UNIQLO's magic mirror allows 4,444 customers to search for the clothes they want to wear f
rom a variety of options.
From the automatic list of all available options, they can choose the one that suits the model t
hey currently fit.
It's all your fault Uniqlo started using AR innovation from "Holition and Dai
Japan Printing Company" and AR spotlight equals digital entertainment, so
customers who come to the store using the magic mirror will want to show it off. . directly fro
m the shop's own eyes. Line Fix is
a web membership company that provides management services to American men or women
to help fashion stores open quickly. It was created in 2011 and presented to the world in Nove
mber 2017.
Self-reinvention is a reality-driven reality; computer intelligence has the
Cognitive Coding Framework and the knowledge to understand how users think, and uses all
of this knowledge to set the tone for many advanced speakers. Section
Criminal investigation. Scope, examples and standards of criminal investigation. Diagnostics
is the client's environment that informs computer intelligence about the change caused by the
collaboration and the dissatisfaction of the organization. The employer's websitehow it works
on the computer.


The fashion industry has changed the fashion industry at great speed. Products move quickly
from the catwalk to production, to stores, and finally to buyers. People are now aware of fashi
on trends before they even go on stage. This change has allowed designers to create new colle
ctions and seasons faster than ever before. Every business is under the pressure of continuous
development and keeping up with the times to save itself from death.
Technology has become a means of communication in every aspect of communication in the f
ashion industry, and in favor of luxury designers, fast-
moving retailers have begun to use reality, virtual reality and intelligence as their sales strateg
y. For companies like Zara and Nike, the desire to follow new times has become part of their
product. Nike claims to be the first brand to introduce augmented reality technology in the fo
otwear industry. Nike customers can now see the final version of the custom shoe they want t
o order, change the product before it is produced, and even try it out to see how it feels on the
ir feet. Shoppers at Uniqlo can try on the color of the shirt they want without having to go int
o the locker room and change it.
Taking advantage of this time provides promotion, reduces customer frustration when they en
ter the store, and is one of the reasons people choose to save money online rather than going
to instore stores. As a brand, Zara has been keeping up with technological change from the
very beginning – while using instore AR is one of the most important technologies in the indu
stry, improving popup fashions is easy for business buyers. and they can now see how object
look in an avatar with a 360° view.Is this technological change in the fashion industry making
consumers more interactive and entertaining33 or is it a gimmick used by fashion companies
to increase sales?

Visual Reality

Fashion industry, product side including research and development, design and production; a
nd the business side, which includes distribution, marketing and sales, all related to social me
dia. In this world. In this way, each digital platform interacts, leading to a change in the custo
mer experience.
In this breakdown, we will see how progress can lead to the digital transformation of the fashi
on industry. In this study, besides the use of augmented reality in the fashion industry, the effe
cts of digital technology have been translated into projections and visualizations. Augmented
Reality has seen a lot of use in the real tech related industry, but its acceptance in the fashion i
ndustry has increased at some point in the last 5 years. While the application of AR and artifi
cial intelligence to the fashion industry is still very new, it is about to bring one of the most si
gnificant changes of all time. Visualization the true accuracy of the global long-
term economic forecast.
These facts have been gathered in the AR and VR market with the help of Statista. The foreca
st shows the global Augmented Reality market size from 2016 to 2022. The market size is ex
pected to reach $20.4 billion by the end of 2019. This analysis demonstrates the power of usi
ng augmented reality.
Based on this information, using AR models in business life and investing in virtual models s
eems to be a profitable option for both finance and customers. Globalization is making the fas
hion industry a global phenomenon – some fashion industries have more influence on the ind
ustry than others. To understand this point,that many countries' large market share and incredi
ble sales have contributed to the fashion industry. Based on these data, we can see that the mo
st important market for the fashion industry is the European market, followed by the America
n market, and it can be said that these markets have the biggest impact on the fashion industry
. Both companies have started doing just that - most of the names that are starting to change i
n the business are in Europe or America.
All other nodes seen in this visualization are interconnected businesses that have little impact
on the fashion business as a whole. Visualization the interaction of various virtual systems in
finance in 2018 and the interaction and impact on each variable. Facts from various studies
(which he wrote) show how different customer algorithms interact with the use of reality, virt
ual reality and artificial intelligence, the whole chain is interconnected. Social media systems
play an important role in connecting all the different virtual systems and are a way to create a
buyer experience. Visualization the turnout of 2019, when the sales space is increasingly goin
g digital.
This view shows how customers interact with sales and marketing technology and how it affe
cts sales, productivity, and customer experience.

Chapter Summary

Analysis of the findings shows that certain segments of the fashion industry are interrelated.
Every part of the business suffers from all kinds of changes in every market. Therefore, all di
gital changes in the business, public sector have an impact on products, customers and sales.
Technology is always part of the style, and the improvement in the technical field raises the b
This change is stable as most businesses are not open to the digital exchange that distorts alre
ady established businesses. On the other hand, the fashion industry is at its best because of th
e needs of the buyers and its main purpose is to give them what they want and need and fill th
e void. This goal is best achieved when companies adapt to changing trends. The vision show
s that there is a possibility of reality in the fashion industry and the use of AR technology is e
xpected to be successful, giving fashion companies the power to invest in 3D space and virtua
l models. More augmented and virtual sales strategies must be in place if manufacturers want
to meet the needs of increased users.
As a fashion retailer, you will play an important role in ensuring the success of the fashion sto
re. Some of the responsibilities of this role include analyzing sales data, forecasting, planning
inventory, and communicating with vendors. You will be responsible for deciding which pro
ducts to prepare, how much to order and at what price.
A salesperson's job can be difficult because it's a balance between creative vision and busines
s acumen. You need to be up to date with the latest fashion trends, have a good understanding
of your target market, and have excellent technical skills.
In addition, you will need to work closely with various teams in the organization, including b
uyers, designers and marketers.

Overall, successful traders in the fashion industry will be able to bring good insight and persp
ective along with the ability to observe and feel the fabric text to make informed decisions. T
his position offers the opportunity to work in a fast-
paced and exciting business with potential for growth and success.
Selling in the fashion industry is challenging as it requires a combination of creativity, intellig
ence and business skills. Here are some key points to consider to complete this task:

1 .Market Research and Market Research: Keeping up with the latest trends, customer prefere
nces and business needs. Do extensive research to identify new trends, understand customer
markets, and determine competitive strategies.

2. Product Selection and Assortment Planning: Work with manufacturers, buyers, and sales te
ams to customize product packages that meet customer preferences and sales target. Consider
factors such as price, target market, season, and general market type when choosing and plan
ning your assortment.

3. Inventory Management: Monitor inventory levels, analyze sales costs and make data-
driven decisions to improve inventory levels. Make sure popular items are always available w
hile minimizing inventory and potential loss.

4. Sales Analysis and Analysis: Analyzing sales data, identifying patterns and forecasting fut
ure demand to inform purchasing decisions and plan goods.
Make smart forecasts and forecasts with tools like data analysis, sales reports, and business in

5. Pricing and Profitability: Work closely with the pricing team to determine the best pricing
to balance profitability and competition. Consider factors such as production costs, competiti
ve pricing, market conditions and consumer sentiment.

6.Visual Merchandising: Work with retailers to create instore and online visual commerce.
Make sure the visual presentation of the product is based on individual goals and improves th
e overall customer experience.

7. Coordination between functions: Coordinate and coordinate ideas by communicating with

various departments such as design, production, marketing and sales. Effective communicatio
n and collaboration are essential to achieving common goals and successful marketing
8. Adaptability and agility: The fashion industry is dynamic and constantly changing. Adaptin
g to and responding to changes in business, consumer preferences and business trends is esse
ntial. Embrace innovation and actively seek ways to stay ahead of the competition.

9.Strong analytical and communication skills: Analytical skills are required to interpret data,
identify trends, and make data driven decisions. Good communication skills are required
to communicate strategy, negotiate with vendors, and build relationships with internal and ext
ernal stakeholders.

10. Passion for Fashion: Finally, a passion for fashion is essential for success in business. Get
inspired, follow industry influencers, attend fashion events, and find ways to increase your
knowledge and understanding of fashion, trends and customer attitudes.
Remember that the fashion industry is very competitive, so continuous learning, adaptability
and efficiency are essential for success in sales competition.


The future of business in the fashion industry is promising but also challenging. With the rise
of e- commerce and changing customer needs, merchants must remain flexible and innovative
in their strategies. They must keep up with business trends and use data analytics to make inf
ormed decisions.

As technology continues to evolve, the role of the salesperson will change.

People can rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning to collect and analyze data that
can increase the accuracy and efficiency of sales decisions.
As a fashion marketer, you will play an important role in ensuring the success of the fashion s
tore. Some of the responsibilities of this role include analyzing sales data, forecasting, planni
ng inventory, and communicating with vendors. You will be responsible for deciding which
products to prepare, how much to order and at what price.
The job of salespeople can be difficult because it involves creativity and showing off.
You need to be up to date with the latest fashion trends, have a good understanding of your ta
rget market, and have excellent technical skills. In addition, you will need to work closely wit
h various teams in the organization, including buyers, designers and marketers.


In the last decade, the role of consumers in the fashion industry has changed and their approa
ch has become more important and influential than observation and failure. Simple shopping
does not satisfy them, as new digital platforms and technology emerge, they are always looki
ng for more enjoyable shopping, more user interaction and better products. The fashion indus
try's increased use of digital platforms has supported consumers who are now better informed
, if not better, about what is going on in the world of technological advancement.
Consumers now care about their social digital presence around the world, making them more
important than ever. Therefore, the most important challenge facing fashion brands today is t
o fall short of consumer expectations. As consumers now mostly use digital platforms to buy
products, brands need to step up their efforts and gain greater awareness digitally to build qua
lity relationships with customers. Fashion brands like Tommy Hilfiger and Zara have set new
standards for the fashion industry and consumers by introducing new product models and exp
eriences. If other brands, especially luxury brands, do not follow this promotion in the market
, they will be seen as outdated and unstable in a larger comparison.
It seems that only a few luxury brands and retailers of footwear, apparel and accessories are i
nvesting in AR platforms to improve the user's shopping experience, and it is not because of t
he growing awareness of fashion trends. Fashion brands need to collaborate with platforms li
ke Google, Instagram to connect with consumers and businesses – fashion's strong partnershi
p with 42Tech will help create a new sub-
sector of business and better products for many businesses. Many brands still find it difficult t
o abandon their old products, have been working in the same line of business for years and ar
e still hesitant to invest because this is the right way to digital transformation. Understandably
, many names also refer to the human element in fashion. Humans have been working with m
achines and technology for a long time, and given the digital transformation of business, it m
akes you think about the implications of putting everything in 3D space and the space betwee
n virtual and augmented reality.
Workers, real people, will worry about job loss – but if art is combined with digital, will it cre
ate new jobs or will human resources be eliminated to make room for a new role? Only the fu
ture will know. AR and AI will completely change the dynamics of the fashion industry – ma
nufacturers, designers, buyers and consumers. This is evident in the current use of AR platfor
ms and virtual platforms, making consumers more powerful than ever before. Augmented rea
lity is more accessible to fashion traders and brands today.
In addition, consumers are more comfortable with the convenience and affordability of smart
phones. There is great potential in using augmented reality to create different marketing strate
gies, creating engaging and engaging customer experiences. While fashion digitization seems
to have many advantages and disadvantages, as a result the fashion industry needs a future a
nd now it seems to have a positive impact, including government. It can be said that there is a
relationship between man and machine. 43 An industry where people and technology can wo
rk together on digital platforms to create a culture of digital relationships. Fashion and techno
logy don't always work together.
The faster the fashion industry sees the differences that exist in the market and the potential t
hat exists in the market to support reality to generate creative ideas, the easier it will be for th
e fashion industry to realize this digital transformation. The fashion industry's transition to di
gital technology has not always been successful, with some opposing it as gimmicks. Consum
ers sometimes think that brands use digital tools to demonstrate their technological advances
rather than provide a way to improve the customer experience. But that is not true because fas
hion begins and ends with the client. Fashion cannot live without someone who cooks for it.
Business starts with people; Production starts with people, sales starts with people and ends w
ith people. Augmented reality is used to make fashion more accessible to people. The future o
f the fashion industry is to empower the AR platform to digitize all purchases. AR has great p
otential not only in online fashion platforms, but also in digital showrooms where the product
being increased in the market is the new black clothing in fashion. It's worth remembering th
at when our entire fashion industry goes digital, consumers will revert to the old ways when t
hey start missing the human element in the new 3D new location.
Overall, successful entrepreneurs in the fashion industry will be able to bring a good idea and
vision along with the ability to analyze and react to fabric text to make informed decisions. T
his position offers the opportunity to work in a fast-
paced and exciting business with potential for growth and success.
In conclusion, sales in the fashion industry is a dynamic and demanding role that requires a c
ombination of creative vision, business acumen and analytical skill. As the industry continues
to evolve, the future of retail holds exciting opportunities for growth and success. Sales profe
ssionals can succeed in complex and profitable situations by following business practices, tec
hnology, and effective collaboration with other teams.

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