Professional Education September 2023

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Republic of the Philippines




Sunday, September 24, 2023 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
questions. Mark ONLY ONE ANSWER for each item by marking the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet
provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only.

1. The following are within the applied learning experiences,

A. Learning takes place through Involvement of the learner
B. Learning is primarily controlled by the learner
C. Learning occurs inside the learner
D. Learning is imposed on the learner

2. During immersion into internship of graduating students, how do

cooperating teachers support practice teachers assigned to them?
A. As clinicians and analysts
B. As coaches and mentors
C. As critics and evaluators
D. As teachers and scaffolders

3. Which of the following best demonstrates the multicultural

perspective of modern education?
A. School partnership
B. Cultural exchange program
C. Student internship
D. Field Studies

4. In Afghanistan, girls get limited and restricted access to

education. What kind of discrimination exists in this situation?
A. Racial discrimination
B. Political discrimination
C. Class discrimination
D. Gender discrimination

5. If your goal is to hone students’ mental mathematical ability

by deriving the right number sets, what would be the best modern
learner-centered strategy to use?
A. Number Puzzles.
B. Numbered Heads Together
C. Number Flashcards
D. Number Games (The Boat is Sinking)

6. On observing human diversity during Filed Study Courses, which

factor is most crucial for schools situated in poverty stricken
A. Socio-economic
B, Language and cultural differences
C. Differences in religion
D. Gender, including LGBT

7. Teacher Benjur suffered vehemently from a lip injury caused by

an accident that would require long-term treatment. What
particular aspect of teaching can be affected by the said
A. Creativity
B. Character
C. Commitment
D. Communication

8. On lifespan perspectives, which assumption is taken when schools

have students engage in co-curricular and extra-curricular
activities, e.g. joining school clubs?
A. Learning is a lifelong process
B. Learning shaped by culture
C. Learning is multi-directional
D. Learning is both gain and loss

9. Why do you think it is important to administer pretest and

posttest to the learners in today's learning facilitation process?
A. To determine how much learning has been impacted by the
instructional delivery through obtained score differences.
B. In order to have variety of assessment modalities.
C. Because it is part or component of the grading system.
D. So that learners will be forced to pay during instructional

10. You believe in authentic experiential learning. As a student

teacher, which will you be doing more?
A. Telling everything that the students need to learn
B. Making students do the learning activity with your guidance
C. Giving more quizzes and graded recitation
D. Making students do most of the teaching by class reporting

11. What is the ultimate goal of teaching eco literacy, one of the
new literacies of the 21st century?
A. To learn how nature works
B. To beautify the natural environment
C.T o preserve people's health
D. To increase students' environmental awareness and care for
sustainable development

12. According to Kohlberg, what should the teachers and parents

focus on so that their child can become what they are meant to be?
A. Ways of thinking
B. Ego-esteem
C. Moral reasoning
D. View of life and the world

13. Given the availability of modern digital technology, what is

recognized as a kind of alternative learning effective during the
COVID-19 years which prevented the face-to-face learning model in
A. Correspondence school
B. Field study
C. Virtual learning
D. Distance education

14. Which of the physical aspects of classroom management must be

taken more into consideration in order to get to know more your
A. seating arrangement
B. entrance and exit doors
C. line formation
D. classroom bulletin boards

15. According to reports, a great number of students are being

diagnosed to have suicidal tendencies brough about by peer
pressure, stress, home struggles, environmental contexts and media
influence. As it impacts the school, how can this be resolved?
A. Strong counselling program
B. Efficient learning assessment procedures
C. Advanced learning technologies
D. Effective instruction delivery modalities

16. In her classes, Teacher Mila always wants to create a

constructivist learning atmosphere. Which does she do?
I. Encourage and accepts students autonomy and initiative
II. Uses raw data and primary sources, along with manipulative,
interactive, and physical materials
III. Engages students in dialogue with one another and with teacher
A. II and III
C. I and II
D. I, II and III

17. On student teacher internship, which forms the first phase of

the internship program which is pivotal to brining the teacher
trainee to the real world of teaching?
A. Test preparation
B. Action research
C. Observation
D. Subject teaching

18. On periods of development, what feature characterizes the child

in early childhood?
A. Independence
B. Readiness for schooling
C. Maturity
D. High level of cognition
19. Under the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
(PPST), how are newly graduated and PRC registered teachers
commonly known?
A. As highly proficient
B. As distinguished
C. As novices
D. As proficient

20. What opportunity is opened through Blended Learning which mixes

online educational materials with physical place work along
classroom methodologies?
A. Interactive learning
B. High-order thinking skills learning
C. Demonstrative learning
D. Direct learning

21. In formulating the table of specifications (TOS) on learning

competencies, at what instances is TOS required for test
A. When test items are planned
B. When teat results are under pretest
C. When a try-out test is done
D. When test subjects are determined

22. What is the cause of attention deficit disorder and attention

deficit hyperactivity?
A. Brain disease
B. Genetic dysfunction
C. Brain injury
D. Poor child rearing
23. In which stage of learning a learner manifests that a skill
has been mastered?
A. Acquisition
B. Generalization
C. Maintenance
D. Proficiency

24. The best way to ensure that all classroom ruled are followed
by the students, what must be done?
A. Explain the rules well.
B. Conduct an orientation session
C. Involve the students in crafting the rules
D. Post the rules in the classroom strategically.

25. What assessment would probably combine interest, behavioral,

personality and academic factors?
A. Vocational Assessment
B. Aptitude Assessment
C. Intellectual Assessment
D. Social Assessment

26. What is a measure of the spread of test scores?

A. Mode
B. Standard deviation
C. Mean
D. Median

27. A research study revealed that students from urban areas

perform better than those from the counterpart due to availability
of resources, exposure opportunities and technological advantage
as supported by higher GNP and industrialization system. The
analysis of this finding impacts what demographic variable?
A. Geographic setting
B. Exposure to media
C. Socio-economic status
D. Academic performance

28. Which of the following is NOT congruent by way of matched

qualities-and-behavior among teachers?
A. Fair:: inventive in methods
B. Hold high expectations:: No 1imit for student performance
C. Prepared:: ready to teach
D. Personal touch i: approachable

29. Batas Pambansa Bilang 232 otherwise known as Special Education

Act provides for the _____.
A. inclusion of children from disadvantaged and marginalized
B. inclusion of senior citizen needs
C. inclusion of children of single parent
D. inclusion of children with special needs in all programs

30. As student teachers you are expected to acquire soft skills.

What are examples of soft skills?
I. Communication skills
II. Interpersonal skills
III. Financial literacy
IV. Life skills
A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. I, II and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
31. In formulating True or False questions, which requires that
the questions apply in all cases or instances without exceptions?
A. Trivial in items
B. Universal in scope
C. Experiential in concept
D. Tricky in statement

32. Among the following activities, which DOES NOT exemplify active
learning under the student-centered approach to instruction?
A. Case problem solving
B. Textbook reading assignment
C. Project-making activity
D. Discovery learning

33. Why do you think people are victimized by financial scam that
ends up losing their properties, investments and savings, and even
ruining their lives?
A. They have not learned in school how to avoid being scammed.
B. They desire for easy and quick money.
C. It is always part of life and it is just that they are not wise
enough to cope it up.
D. It is already their destiny that may happen anytime as sketched
in the palm of their lives.

34. Studies show that bullying in school may happen with the
teacher as culprit or bully by initiating and doing it, whether
consciously or unconsciously. How can this be avoided?
A. Explain to the students that teachers as elders are exempted
from being accused of bullying.
B. Whenever cracking jokes, always remind students that it's just
a prank.
C. Be careful and sensitive with the words and gestures that may
be offensive to students.
D. Reduce being annoying to students.

35. Which of the following is significant/related to cognitive

development in the child?
A. One involving memorizing a poem
B. One involving feelings for a mother
C. One involving increase in weight
D. One involving physical enlargement of the brain

36. What is most crucial in determining the choice of a Class

Valedictorian among Elementary graduates?
A. Popularity among peers
B. Extracurricular involvement
C. Character and conduct
D. Grades and achievement

37. What is the inadequacy when a person is provided with learning

experience and failed to achieve at a level commensurate with
his/hex age?
A. Learning disability
B. Cognitive disability
C. Sensory disability
D. Motor disability

38. It is an education strategy embraced by DepEd carrying its

principle that all children should learn together regardless of
any difficulties or differences.
A. Internationalization of education
B. Outcomes-based education
C. Global education
D. Inclusive education

39. Which of the following is non-digital educational technology?

A. Flip charts
B. Electronic tools
C. Software
D. Hardware

40. When class seems chaotic and disorderly, what does this
A. The rules were not formulated.
B. The teacher is disorganized.
C. Classroom management has not been established.
D. The students are diverse.

41. An event or stimulus that precedes any behavior observed from

a learner.
A. Antecedent
B. Consequence
C. Actuation
D. Relation

42. How can we correctly compare and contrast progressivism and

perennialism as conventional educational schools of thought?
A. Progressivism stresses technological advancement, while
perennialism less emphasizes traditional system of learning
B. Progressivism views that learning is continuously changing and
innovating, while perennialism stresses on constant knowledge and
timeless wisdom.
C. Progressivism focuses on student empowerment and engagement,
while perennialism sets rules, imposes discipline and considers
D. Progressivism is for private schools that have greater access
to vast resources, while perennialism is for public schools that
maximize limited resources

43. As innovative teachers, we can also adopt TV game shows into

our teaching that would fit in to learners’ interests and the
common are challenged in giving related concepts or ideas according
to categories and thereafter, determine the points obtained by the
group with higher score who obviously beats the opponent?
A. Minute to Win it
B. Wheel of Fortune
C. Family Feud
D. Deal or No Deal

44. How can the teacher best model social literacy for her class?
A. Show love and care for her students
B. Analyze dilemma in life
C. Use high-tech tools in class
D. Research on social literacy implications

45. Miss Cris is a member of school community. She does not

personally agree with some of its policies. What is her
professional responsibility?
A. Lead a campaign against its abolition
B. Make an honest effort to understand, support and carry the
school policy even if she does not personally agree.
C. Remain connected with the school but defy the policy.
D. Be indifferent about it.

46. Which Practice Teaching portfolio is best?

I. It is compiled in accordance with the intended learning outcomes
of Practice Teaching.
II. It is ornate to make up for substance due to requirements not
complied with.
III. It is a product of analysis and reflection.
A. I, II and III
B. I only
C. I and III
D. II and III

47. How can we rediscover and enhance the creativity of students

at its best?
A. Let them create artworks out of their emotional and behavioral
expressions using the kinds of media they prefer.
B. Tell them to attach the explanation and depiction of their
C. Ask them to imitate the sample drawing given by the teacher.
D. Let them make artworks utilizing minimal media.

48. In essence what is assessment as a process of putting value on

something in relation to student learning performance?
A. An opinion
B. A judgment
C. A comment
D. A measurement

49. On the ideals of a teacher, which of the following is LEAST in

significance for practice of the profession?
A. Status and pay
B. Excellence in the profession
C. Highest standards in career progression
D. Competence in teaching practice
50. Why do teachers need to set both live video lecture and video-
A. To consider resource capacity
B. To show variety
C. To cater to diversity
D. To denote competency

51. Which is TRUE of a good Practice Teaching Portfolio?

A. The Student Teacher compiles all photos of his/her teaching
B. The more artistic and the more expensive the portfolio is, the
better the portfolio.
C. The Student Teacher compiles evidence of relevant Practice
Teaching experiences together with his/her reflections on these
D. The thicker the portfolio, the better the portfolio.

52. What is the value of standardized test over teacher-,made tests

as a summative assessment for graduating students?
A. Its average difficulty
B. Its normative validity
C. Its continuing usability
D. Its multiple choice format

53. Among the following examples of reflective teaching, which

ought: NOT to be done?
A. Keep a self-journal or blog
B. Get feedback from students
C. Ask a colleague to observe your teaching
D. Be strictly critical of oneself as a teacher
54. When is the best time to explain and discuss classroom rules?
A. once an offense is committed
B. at the beginning of the school year
C. when asked by students what to do
D. when the administration requires

55. Among perspective in child development, what theory is involved

in schools organizing a UN street parade in which school children
are dressed in costumes of different nations?
A .Socio-cultural experience
B. Socio-biological activity
C. Socio-cognitive learning
D. Socio-attachment bonding

56. On arts and culture literacy, which of the following is an

appropriate learning activity?
A. Summarize a novel
B. Submit concept map of a lesson
C. Submit an art work (poem, landscape drawing, etc.)
D. Report on an article reading

57. What is the numerical index of an individual student’s actual

performance in a test?
A. Percentile
B. Score
C. Decile
D. Range

58. In the context of outcomes-based Teaching Learning, which are

the bases of evaluation?
A. Learning outcomes
B. Instructional strategies
C. Learning resources
D. Learning context

59. To cater to the linguistic competence of students, which of

these activities must be utilized?
A. Writing a rap based on the lesson
B. Creating dance steps
C. Doing calisthenics
D. Constructing models

60. Which of the following is the best argument against Bernard

Shaw’s Man and Superman play line that "Those who can, do; whose
who can't, teach"?
A. Teachers follow an ethical code of conduct
B. Teachers have competence for life and teaching
C. Teachers passed their university course
D. Teachers are licensed to teach

61. What is Angelina's final grade in Biology when she obtained

the following ratings in the given components?
Periodic Test 40% 84.8
Quizzes 15% 89.4
Recitation 25% 87.2
Homework 5% 86.6
Themes/Experiments 15% 89.8

A. 89.36
B. 89.63
C. 86.93
D. 86.39
62. Upon conducting an action research, Teacher Erismus was able
to realize that using ‘build me in’ technique in teaching concepts
on self-understanding and social integration helped out in
ensuring action learning, student engagement and collaborative,
critical and implications did this realization bring about?
A. Feeling confident in decision-making
B. Building a reflection practice based on proven technique
C. Contributing to professional culture of teaching
D. Creating meaningful and lasting change for the school

63. Mrs. Gracia would desire to test the reliability of her

achievement test in her Math subject. Which of the following
activities will help her achieve her purpose?
A. Administer to equivalent test to the same group of students.
B. Administer two parallel test to different group of students.
C. Administer two different test but to the same group of students.
D. Administer a single test but two different groups of students.

64. What does developmentally appropriate pedagogical approach

A. Teaching-learning approach that’s beyond the learner’s
developmental stage to challenge the learner.
B. Teaching-learning approach that fits the learner’s
developmental stage and so fosters the learner’s development.
C. Teaching-learning approach that is simple and easy to fit to
all types of learners.
D. Teaching-learning approach that is multicultural and inclusive

65. What is the main goal of Vygotsky's Theory of Proximal

development which gives space for the learner to do what he/she
can do without assistance?
A. Life span development
B. Autonomy
C. Collaboration
D. Peer assistance

66. Which of the following list of statements below must be avoided

during online learning facilitation?
A. Reading of long passages in class
B. Live lectures and lesson presentations
C. Making class agreements
D. Orientation and briefing on rules, prospects and/or

67. What is curriculum in its broadest sense?

A. List of courses and corresponding course requirements
B. Collection of course syllabi
c. List of subjects/courses to be taught in school
D. Total learning experiences of individuals not only in schools
but in society as well

68. Which learning material can be best utilized in discussing a

lesson on “Philippine Tourist/Destinations” in a Social Studies
A. Department of Tourism documentary video footage played from
B. Colorful photos posted through Facebook and Instagram accounts
C. Photographs downloaded from the Google and flashed on screen
using LED projector
D. Pictures taken using cellphones

69. According to Vygotsky, what should the teachers and parents

focus on so that their skills can become what they are want to be?
A. Drills
B. Motivation
C. Persuasion
D. Guidance

70. What is the process by which attributes or dimension of

subjects study are determined?
A. Achievement
B. Measurement
C. Feedback
D. Evaluation

71. On integrative learning using the learner’s prior knowledge,

to what does the learner apply previously acquired knowledge and
A. To basic knowledge
B. To new knowledge
C. To past knowledge
D. To the same knowledge

72. What is the purpose of item analysis in every examination that

can automatically be generated in the online assessment?
A. To determine what class emerges to be the best and the least in
the department tests.
B. To find out the validity of the test in terms of difficulty and
C. To identify who among students who need remediation on less
mastered lessons.
D. To report how many of the students were able to achieve learning
of the lesson.
73. With research integrated in the K-to-12 curriculum, which of
the following is the LEAST among outcomes of research-based
A. New knowledge discoveries
B. Compliance with the curriculum
C. Background support of the subject matter
D. Update of trends and issues

74. If you want to develop eco literacy among your students, which
should you teach them?
I. Empathy for all forms of life
II. Sustainability as an individual and a community practice
III. Man’s absolute power over the rest of creation
A. I only
B. I, II and III
C. I and II
D. III only

75. What is the primary focus of global literacy when taught as a

trend in world development particularly expressed in the UN 17
sustainable goals for development?
A. Cultures of races and nations
B. Human geography of continents'
C. Problems of countries in the world
D. Well-being of the world as a whole

76. Which of the following activities in the curriculum help

develop functional literacy to the optimum?
I. Industry Immersion. TechVoc students are sent to food
production company and trained in processing meat as culminating
activity in their food technology subject.
II. Service Learning. The Education students render free teaching
services to street kids on weekends as part of their Edukalye, an
extension program.
III. Research/Capstone. The Criminology students share findings of
their study to the city.
IV. Experiential/Participatory Learning. AB Political Science
students join a public forum wherein they lay down their insights
and perspectives on the given issue being discussed.
A. I, III and IV
B. I, II, III and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II and III

77. What is the principle behind RA 10533 or the Enhanced Basic

Education Act 2013 stipulating education for all students, with or
without disabilities, to learn together?
A. Exceptionalism
B. Exclusivity
C. Inclusivity
D. Multiculturalism

78. On the stages of pre-operational thought, what occurs if the

child has difficulty in taking the view of others, sees only his
point of view, assuming everyone has the same view as he has?
A. Egocentrism
B. Irreversibility
C. Centration
D. Animism

79. What is needed as an indispensable part of the teaching-

learning process that can serve to motivate learners?
A. Weekly quizzes
B. Regular tests
C. Constructive assessment
D. Periodic exams

80. On the characteristics of a teacher, which of the following

connotes communication skills?
A. Applies learning theories
B. Motivates students to learn
C. Articulates discussions well
D. Participates in action research

81. What is the main goal in school-based management (SBM) of

school and community partnership?
A. Student overall wellness
B. Student performance in district tests.
C. Student achievement
D. Resource enrichment of schools

82. According to Bronfenbrenner, what should the teacher and parent

focus on so that their child can become what they are meant to be?
A. View of life and the world
B. Ways of thinking
C. Moral reasoning
D. Child's environment

83. You are teaching a science class, which one is not appealing
to naturalist learners?
A. Going to the zoo
B. Exploring an aviary
C. Visiting an orchidarium
D. Writing poems
84. Which can help you establish order and discipline in the
classroom? Make rules and procedures that are:
I. reasonable and necessary.
II. clear and comprehensible.
III. consistent with learning outcomes.
IV. not necessarily conforming with school rules.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II, III and IV

85. Which of the following is most suitable for measuring athletic

ability of students in a sports class?
A. Essay question
B. Pen-and-pencil test
C. True or false quiz
D. Performance measurement

86. In the closing years of babyhood, what is a manifestation of

progress in affective intelligence?
A. Moving hands and fingers
B. Recognizing objects of touch
C. Uttering vocal sounds
D. Showing different emotions

87. Zeny is wondering why at age 14, she has not menstruated yet
while her friend Remy already experienced menarche at the age of
12. Which of the following principles is applied in the situation?
A. Development is predictable.
B. Development is patterned.
C. Development is continuous.
D. Development rates vary.
88. Teachers act as coaches and mentors to practice teachers when
immersed in their teaching internship, what processes do they
A. Coaching and Mentoring
B. Critiquing and Evaluating
C. Diagnosing and Cliniquing
D. Teaching and Scaffolding

89. What does differentiated teaching mean in relation to student

variation in intelligences?
A. Use of varied teaching strategies
B. Varied treatment for difference in gender
C. Segregation of low-achievers
D. Integration of technology in learning

90. The following are contexts and perspectives of 21st century

education as a paradigm shift from that of the 20th century, EXCEPT
one. Which one is it?
A. Outcomes-based
B. Time-based
C. Research-based
D. Active learning

91. What is the focus of assessment on journal reports of students

during Field Study activities?
A. Subjective remarks from peers
B. Textbook concepts
C. Factual observation
D. Inputs from Field Study mentors
92. On learning styles, how does a teacher consider her students
in the upper grades by teaching through verbal lectures,
discussions, talking things through and listening to what others
A. Auditory learners
B. Visual learners
C. Global learners
D. Tactile/kinesthetic learners

93. In Philippine history, at what point did teaching begin to

become a professional practice?
A. Barangay elders teaching the young life skills and crafts
B. Education Decree of 1893 for a normal school for male teachers
C. Parents teaching their children good behavior
D. Spanish missionaries teaching religion

94. A new principal was designated in a school that is almost left

behind in terms of standards, while faculty and staff have been
confined to mindset and practices that are no longer relevant. As
the newly appointed school leader, what would be your best recourse
to address the problem?
A. Accept the challenge and assume possible solutions alone.
B. Insist the needed standards, gauge everyone and remove from the
service those who cannot follow.
C. Request from the appointing authority to replace the existing
organizational structure and the staffing pattern as a good new
D. Assist everyone in transforming the school and in meeting the
standards while updating them on the latest trends and demands.
95. Which of the following cannot be considered as an implication
of globalization to educational system?
A. Creation and engagement in new educational networked
B. Continuous lifelong learning
C. Sprouting of more corporate and commercially-controlled schools
D. Demand for strengthening education access for all

96. Teachers may consider future career progression for better

opportunities while maximizing their potentials for growth and
developments. Which of the pathways can teachers pursue for career
progression and advancement?
I. Educational leader, school accreditor and consultant
II. Book author and academic specialist
III, Sales agent of school supplies
IV. Entrepreneur of educational products and services
A. I, II, III and IV
B. I, II and III
C. I, II and IV
D. I and II

97. What is the numerical index of student performance in a test?

A. Decile
B. Score
C. Percentile
D. Range

98. On development milestones, what is one of the characteristic

accomplishments of the 6 to 12 months old child?
A. Perceives mother/father as separate person
B. Develops sense of right and wrong
C. Begins to understand sharing
D. Plays with boys and girls

99. Teleconferencing classes and/or consultation sessions can be

done through what platforms?
I. Google Meet
II. Zoom Meet
III. Facebook Messenger
IV. Skype
A. I, II and III
B. I and II only
C. I, II, III and IV
D. II, III and IV

100. Your intended learning outcome is “to write a good paragraph

that observes unity, coherence, variety, correct grammar, proper
punctuation”. Applying outcome-based education, which is expected?
A. Teacher asks the students to come up with an acronym to describe
a good paragraph.
B. Each student submits a sample paragraph for critiquing at the
beginning of the lesson.
C. At the beginning of the lesson, teacher will ask students to
explain the elements of a good paragraph.
D. After a lesson on writing a paragraph, the teacher asks the
students to write a paragraph on a topic of their choice by
observing all the qualities of a good paragraph.

101. What do global learners in your class enjoy most?

A. Working on puzzles
B. Generalize ideas from specific to general
C. Likes to plan ahead
D. Formulate generalization from details
102. On the roles assumed by teachers, what role does the teacher
have among peers outside the classroom in the school?
A. Leadership in professional groups
B. Collaboration with the community
C. Relationship with parents
D. Partnership with fellow teachers

103. Which of the following is an example of a soft skill that is

especially important for a teacher who works in a school as a
A. Teamwork
B. Computer skills
C. Media production skills
D. Writing competence

104. Which in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience is at the bottom?

A. Pictures
B. Text
C. Demonstration
D. Direct Experience

105. Which of the following is most likely not caused by chromosome

deficiency in the human body?
A. Hearing impairment
B. Paralysis
C. Leukemia
D. Diabetes

106. Which is TRUE of a metacognitive teaching approach?

A. Increases learner's self-awareness
B. Teacher monitors and controls learner's mental process
C. Makes learner relate to other learners
D. Is simple rote memory at work

107. On child and adult development, at what stage is it best to

inculcate knowledge and appreciation of career and professional
A. Babyhood
B. Late adulthood
C. Adolescence
D. Infancy

108. Which is the earliest form of correspondence that has been

used since the ancient days of communication?
A. Morse code
B. Radio
C. Teletyping
D. Letter

109. What does differentiated teaching mean in relation to student

variation in intelligences?
A. Use of varied teaching strategies
B. Varied treatment for difference in gender
C. Segregation of low-achievers
D. Integration of technology in learning

110. Teachers who are assigned to inclusive class must be equipped

with skills on _____.
A. Sign Language
B. Differentiated Instruction
C. Orientation and Mobility
D. Braille Reading and Writing
111. When you receive a suspicious e-mail asking you to withdraw
big amount from a prestigious bank upon winning the grand prize in
an automated raffle draw, which you know that you have not
participated therein, what would be your first and immediate move?
A. Contact the owner of the e-mail and ask him to discuss with you
the content of the message.
B. Take the e-mail and verify it to the concerned bank and relevant
C. Ignore the email; do not open and delete it right away.
D. Take the e-mail and transact immediately the given message,
there’s no harm in trying, anyway.

112. The type of curriculum which is appropriate in an inclusive

A. Augmentative
B. Alternative
C. Adaptive
D. Adoptive

113. Based on K to 12 provision, what decision would the teacher

made if the student was not able to meet needed expectations in
two subject areas?
A. Fail
B. Remediate
C. Retain
D. Pass

114. Among the wide variety of assessment procedures to evaluate

and measure learning progress, which is most useful in evaluating
a dance performance?
A. Quizzes
B. Learning logs
C. Tests
D. Observation

115. As technology connotes human invention, which of the following

is mechanical technologically?
A. Television
B. Spring-driven clock
C. Computers
D. Electric cars

116. What process of child development arouses interest in learning

through fun activities like music and dance activities?
A. Cognitive
B. Maturation
C. Socioemotional
D. Biological

117. What is the sign for emergent reading literacy of the child
at age 7?
A. Fascination with books
B. Filling blanks in sentences
C. Word-by-word matching
D. Printing many words

118. In an increasingly borderless world, what are most relevant

pedagogical methods to serve global learners?
A. Essentialist methods
B. Exploratory methods
C. Perennial methods
D. Classical methods
119. The following are characteristics of “a growth mind-set” among
students but NOT to include _____.
A. Focusing on grades
B. Learning from mistakes
C. Increased improvement
D. Continuous growth

120. Among modes of presentation of important historical events,

what kind of medium is the Tableau that uses still models or
figures representing a scene in a story or history?
A. Visual medium
B. Auditory medium
C. Kinetic medium
D. Mixed medium

*** These are the available questions in Professional Education

as some questions are not retrievable due to its blurred
1. B 21. A 41. A 61. C 81. C 101. B
2. B 22. B 42. B 62. B 82. D 102. D
3. B 23. B 43. C 63. A 83. D 103. A
4. D 24. C 44. A 64. B 84. C 104. D
5. B 25. B 45. B 65. C 85. D 105. C
6. A 26. B 46. C 66. A 86. D 106. A
7. D 27. C 47. A 67. D 87. D 107. C
8. C 28. B 48. D 68. A 88. A 108. D
9. A 29. D 49. A 69. D 89. A 109. A
10. B 30. C 50. B 70. B 90. B 110. B
11. D 31. B 51. C 71. B 91. C 111. C
12. D 32. B 52. B 72. B 92. A 112. C
13. C 33. B 53. D 73. B 93. B 113. B
14. A 34. C 54. B 74. C 94. D 114. D
15. A 35. A 55. A 75. D 95. C 115. B
16. D 36. D 56. C 76. B 96. C 116. C
17. C 37. A 57. B 77. C 97. B 117. C
18. B 38. D 58. A 78. A 98. A 118. B
19. C 39. A 59. A 79. C 99. C 119. A
20. A 40. C 60. B 80. C 100. D 120. A

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