CLASS - 7t1 (1) 2
CLASS - 7t1 (1) 2
CLASS - 7t1 (1) 2
a. Water pollution
b. Soil pollution
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Q6.Which of the following is a source of food and shelter for animals, birds and insects?
a. Uppermost layer
b. Lowest layer of vegetation
c. Different layers of vegetation
d. None of these
1. Sexual reproduction has an advantage over asexual reproduction as:
a. It produces more offspring
b. It preserves parental genotype
c. It ensures survival of species
d. It increases variation among the offspring of an individual
2. Choose the correct statements
a. Trees have crowns of different sizes and different types.
b. Trees have crowns of same size.
Q.3 Name the temperature scale which does not have negative temperature readings
Q.4 Which lens would you prefer to use while reading small letters found in a dictionary
c. and different types.
d. Trees have crowns of different sizes and same type.
e. None of the above is correct
.Name the four stages of a silk moth. What are the factors that cause soil erosion?
What is ground water? What are the sources of water which are fed by ground water?
Draw ray diagrams to show the image formation by a concave mirror when it is placed.
What are the benefits of seed dispersal and how are seeds dispersed?
How forests help in the controlling floods and maintain steady supply of water?
Explain the role of forests in maintaining the balance between carbon di oxide and oxygen in
the atmosphere.
Differentiate between concave and convex lenses. Explain how a concave mirror can be
used to burn a piece of paper.
What is MCB? What is its function? Explain the function of the electrical fuse in circuit.