English Script Updated 2 Feb

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Product and plan name

Plan name
Graunteed return insurance plan -GRIP ENDOWMENT OPTION 1 - PT 10 AND PPT 5
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP ENDOWMENT OPTION 1 - PT 12 AND PPT 6
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP ENDOWMENT OPTION 1 - PT 20 AND PPT 10
iRaksha TROP
Maha Raksha Supreme
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP WHOLE LIFE OPTION3-JOINT LIFE 10 PAY - GAI ANNUAL
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP WHOLE LIFE OPTION3-JOINT LIFE 5 PAY - GAI ANNUAL
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP WHOLE LIFE OPTION3-SINGLE LIFE 10 PAY - GAI ANNUAL
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP WHOLE LIFE OPTION3-SINGLE LIFE 10 PAY - GAI MONTHLY
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP WHOLE LIFE OPTION3-SINGLE LIFE 5 PAY - GAI ANNUAL
Graunteed return insurance plan-GRIP WHOLE LIFE OPTION3-SINGLE LIFE 5 PAY - GAI MONTHLY
Smart Annuity Plan- immediate annuity
Sampoorna Raksha Plus
Sampoorna Raksha
Diamond Savings Plan (DSP)
Fortune Guarantee
Fortune Guarantee Plus
Graunteed montly income plan (GMIP)
Gold Income Plan
Maha Life Gold V3
POS Smart Income Plus (SIP)
Smart Income Plus (SIP)
Fortune Maxima
Fortune Pro
Wealth Pro
Smart Sampoorna Raksha
Value Income Plan (VIP)
Smart Annuity Plan- immediate annuity with ROP
Smart Annuity Plan- deffered life annuity with ROP
Sampoorna raksha suprem option 1 & 2
Saral pension
FG Pension Plan
Endowment script
Endowment script
Endowment script
Endowment script
Endowment script
Itrop script
Maha raksha supreme
Regular pay JL script
Regular pay JL script
Regular pay single life script
Regular pay single life script
Regular pay single life script
Regular pay single life script
Single pay script
sampoorna raksha & ROP'
sampoorna raksha & ROP'
Traditional SCRIPT
Traditional SCRIPT
Traditional SCRIPT
Traditional SCRIPT
Traditional SCRIPT
Traditional SCRIPT
Traditional SCRIPT
Traditional SCRIPT
Ulip script
Ulip script
Ulip script
Smart Sampoorna Raksha
Value income script
Sampoorna raksha suprem
Saral pension
FG Pension Plan
Value income script
main file

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

LA is different from PH


If NRPC (Non Right Party


Language Preference
Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the


Only for HDFC bank/ NET


(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose
B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK &


Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different (Only
for HDFC Bank &

Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)
Rejection and
Clarification recalling

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions - Only
for 60 & 60 Plus Age Case
(Only for Bank &

• If customer confirm “No”

then call will be stopped
and put for clarification

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

Combo Plan

D2. Premium Amount,

Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

IF customer has opted for


In case of regular premium

In case of Single Premium

In case customer says

Account Debit and
Standing instructions as
payment method, caller will
voice out the following
statement in case of salary


TAX benefit (1010D)

E1. Customer Confirmation
for Conversion and Exit

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My
Account & Customer
Service Details

Legal contact

G. Closing
Verification done liner
HDFC Bank Script

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata
AIA Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied
through HDFC Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the
Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on
behalf of " Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought
from HDFC Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life
insurance policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating
customer has not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM
close the call. Tag as clarification

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms>
<XXXX> or would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

Sir/Madam, You have applied for NFO, Your application is just one step away from
successfully subscribing the benefits. Completion of this verification call will help in faster
issuance of your application.

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred
We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us
to process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured
correctly by us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life
Insurance family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like
phone number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in
order to facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.
For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing
policy details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this
policy. Kindly confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer?

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________,
Please confirm Yes/No.

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch
After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email
ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by
you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements
like the policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was
persuaded for investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein
the need is not being established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the
purpose and ask customer please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form
with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the
key policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)
Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently
undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to
note the disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we
have to ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch
with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting
you to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old
policy number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your
combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

your premium amount is INR <premium> which you need to pay (every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of this policy is <<Term>>.
Your BASIC Sumassured is <<SA>>

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base
Premium amount (Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment
Mode>> for Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope
informed details are correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case
(only for monthy mode)

Sir/Madam, this is a unit linked plan and withdrawals are allowed post completion of 5
years, we however would advise you to continue paying the premium for the entire term
of the product in absence of same your fund value will get impacted due to charges
applicable" Returns are not guaranteed in this plan and based on market performance. The
illustration provides you an indicative return assuming a 8% per annum and 4% per
annum return.

As per regulatory guidelines, the fund value as of end of grace period, would be
withdrawn and transferred to “Discontinuance fund” in which we are required to provide
minimum returns of 4% as per regulatory guidelines. You will not be allowed to switch
between funds or withdraw when your policy is lying in discontinuance fund. In case of
death claim, Sum assured would be paid after deducting any partial withdrawals (if any)
made 2 years prior to date of death.

If Rider is opted for Smart Sampoorna Raksha Plan:: In case of Non-Payment of Premium
towards the Primary Policy, the Rider Benefits shall also cease to exist.(Only for HDCF
Bank & Netbanking Channel)
Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all
you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness
regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze,
i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer
policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata
AIA Vitality app.

IF customers premium amount more than 2.5lakh :-

Tata AIA Unit Linked Insurance Policy (ULIP) being purchased by you, is NOT eligible for
exemption under tax at the time of payout or policy proceeds under section 10(10 D) as per
the new tax norms issued under the Finance Budget 2021. As per the Finance Budget 2021,
all Unit Linked Insurance policies newly purchased on or after 1st Feb 2021 with an
aggregate premium exceeds Rs.2,50,000/- for a given financial year , shall NOT be eligible
for tax exemption under section 10 (10 D) at the time of payout (except death claim).

IF customers premium amount is equal or less than 2.5lakh :-As per the Finance Budget
2021, all Unit Linked Insurance policies newly purchased on or after 1st Feb 2021 with an
aggregate premium exceeding Rs.2,50,000/- in any financial year , shall NOT be eligible for
tax exemption under section 10 (10 D) at the time of payout (except death claim).
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone
product and is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise
was made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while
buying this insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner
not applicable for HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements
being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship
Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an
option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30
days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation
within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable
charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your
e-insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of
facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details,
etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-
860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or
emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails,
please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your
policy however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching
with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship
manager. Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will
request you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your
email id is updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed for

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM
for submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata
AIA Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied
through Central Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I
speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

Sir/Madam, You have applied for NFO, Your application is just one step away from
successfully subscribing the benefits. Completion of this verification call will help in faster
issuance of your application.

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred
We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly
by us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life
Insurance family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.
For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email
ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached
you for the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been
satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product

benefits and you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go
ahead with the application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you
have understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer
declaration form? (not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via
OTP.(not applicable for sell online)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch
with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you
to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old
policy number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your
combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

your premium amount is INR <premium> which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of this policy is <<Term>>. Your
BASIC Sumassured is <<SA>>

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
For IBL -Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy. If
renewals are not paid it will impact the sum assured and maturity value as detailed in your
policy document
Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy


Sir/Madam, this is a unit linked plan and withdrawals are allowed post completion of 5
years, we however would advise you to continue paying the premium for the entire term of
the product in absence of same your fund value will get impacted due to charges
applicable" Returns are not guaranteed in this plan and based on market performance. The
illustration provides you an indicative return assuming a 8% per annum and 4% per
annum return.

For IBL - We hope you have understood about the CHARGES being deducted as per
regulatory guidelines.

As per regulatory guidelines, the fund value as of end of grace period, would be withdrawn
and transferred to “Discontinuance fund” in which we are required to provide minimum
returns of 4% as per regulatory guidelines. You will not be allowed to switch between funds
or withdraw when your policy is lying in discontinuance fund. In case of death claim, Sum
assured would be paid after deducting any partial withdrawals (if any) made 2 years prior
to date of death.
Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all
you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness
regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e.
Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer
policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata
AIA Vitality app.

IF customers premium amount more than 2.5lakh :-

Tata AIA Unit Linked Insurance Policy (ULIP) being purchased by you, is NOT eligible for
exemption under tax at the time of payout or policy proceeds under section 10(10 D) as per
the new tax norms issued under the Finance Budget 2021. As per the Finance Budget 2021,
all Unit Linked Insurance policies newly purchased on or after 1st Feb 2021 with an
aggregate premium exceeds Rs.2,50,000/- for a given financial year , shall NOT be eligible
for tax exemption under section 10 (10 D) at the time of payout (except death claim).

IF customers premium amount is equal or less than 2.5lakh :-

As per the Finance Budget 2021, all Unit Linked Insurance policies newly purchased on or
after 1st Feb 2021 with an aggregate premium exceeding Rs.2,50,000/- in any financial year ,
shall NOT be eligible for tax exemption under section 10 (10 D) at the time of payout (except
death claim).
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product
and is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise
was made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying
this insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not
applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements
being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship
Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an
option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30
days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation
within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable
charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate
contact details or E-mail Id for future communications
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your
e-insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of
facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc.
Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-
266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or
emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails,
please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of
your application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal
contact of Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your
policy however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching
with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship
manager. Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will
request you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your
email id is updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed for
main file

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

LA is different from PH


If NRPC (Non Right Party


Language Preference
Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET


(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose
B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK &


Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different (Only for
HDFC Bank & Netbanking)

Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)
Rejection and
Clarification recalling

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &
C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions - Only for

60 & 60 Plus Age Case
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)

• If customer confirm “No”

then call will be stopped and
put for clarification

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

Combo Plan

D2. Premium Amount,

Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

IF customer has opted for


Only for Maha Life Gold plan:

In case of regular premium

In case customer says Account

Debit and Standing
instructions as payment
method, caller will voice out
the following statement in
case of salary channel




TAX benefit liner

E1. Customer Confirmation for

Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My
Account & Customer Service

Legal contact

G. Closing

Verification done liner

TATA AIA Traditional

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA
Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through
HDFC Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of "
Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has
not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language
We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by
us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to
facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.
For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy.
Kindly confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch
After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and
we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the policy
is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for investment/ we
are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being established - Tag it as
concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer please get in touch with sales
person and close the call.
HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Confirmed/signed
the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form with your investment
risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Approved the
Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key policy features
mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have understood
the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the application proceedings?
(not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently undergoing any
kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to note the
disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have to ask for
the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to
hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.
"Your application no. is <C______>
If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number is
(C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your
combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of this policy is <<Term>>. Your BAISC
SA ( life cover) in this policy is <Rs. XX>. your Policy will mature after <XX Years>.

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount (Including
Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Only for Maha Life Gold plan:

It is a participating plan which provides guaranteed annual income as well as annual dividends, provided
the policy is inforce and all due premiums have been paid:
Under Guaranteed benefit- an annual Coupons @5.5% of Basic Sum Assured will be payable at every
policy anniversary, starting from the 10th policy anniversary till maturity or till death, whichever is
Under Non-Guaranteed benefit- Non-guaranteed Cash dividends may be payable at every policy
anniversary, starting from 6th policy anniversary and will continue till maturity or till death, whichever is
earlier. Cash dividends are not guaranteed and will depend on the performance of the Company.
On maturity (at the end of policy term), Minimum Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity will be payable
which is Basic Sum Assured. We would like
to inform you that bonus and other payout like maturity or surrender are not guaranteed and is a
combination of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements. We request you to refer the benefit
illustration and policy document for more details on the this.
Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for Initial
Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are correct and
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case
(only for monthy mode)

Sir/Madam,We request you to continue paying premiums for the entire term to avail the benefit. "Please
note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term and premium paying term i.e
pre- mature surrenders like surrendering the policy before or after the start of the payout will lead to
significantly lower payout than the illustrated maturity value" For additional details kindly refer the
Benefit illustration". with respect to understanding lock-in period as applicable & surrender value payable
before and after the start of the payout.

Only for : Diamond saving plan - We

would like to inform you that except for guaranteed income , other payout like bonus , maturity or
surrender are not guaranteed and is is a combination of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements.
We request you to refer the benefit illustration and policy document for more details on the this.

Only for : Money back plus - We would like to inform you that bonus and other payout
like maturity or surrender are not guaranteed and is a combination of both guaranteed and non-
guaranteed elements. We request you to refer the benefit illustration and policy document for more
details on the this.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program you
will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s).
Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your
fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You
are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium
renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality
status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
“As per the recent changes to the Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, where the amount of
aggregate annual premium (first year premium or renewal premium, as applicable) payable in the
financial year in case of TRADITIONAL PLANS (all non-Unit Linked plans except Annuity, Pension
and Pure Risk plans) issued after 1 April 2023 exceeds INR 500,000, the benefits of the policy shall not
be eligible for exemption under 10(10D) except death benefit”. You are requested to seek advice of a
tax advisor with respect to your personal tax liabilities under the Indian Income-tax law.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by
the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have
the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close
the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00
a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised
representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however
we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA
Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through
Central Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name
of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language
We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by
us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.
For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner?

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you
for the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily
addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits
and you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration
form? (not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not
applicable for sell online)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting
you to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.
"Your application no. is <C______>
If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your
combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of this policy is <<Term>>. Your BAISC
SA life cover in this policy is <Rs. XX>. your Policy will mature after <XX Years>.

Only for Maha Life Gold plan:

It is a participating plan which provides guaranteed annual income as well as annual dividends,
provided the policy is inforce and all due premiums have been paid:
Under Guaranteed benefit- an annual Coupons @5.5% of Basic Sum Assured will be payable at
every policy anniversary, starting from the 10th policy anniversary till maturity or till death,
whichever is earlier.
Under Non-Guaranteed benefit- Non-guaranteed Cash dividends may be payable at every policy
anniversary, starting from 6th policy anniversary and will continue till maturity or till death,
whichever is earlier. Cash dividends are not guaranteed and will depend on the performance of
the Company.
On maturity (at the end of policy term), Minimum Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity will be
payable which is Basic Sum Assured.
We would like to inform you that bonus and other payout like maturity or surrender are not
guaranteed and is a combination of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements. We request
you to refer the benefit illustration and policy document for more details on the this.
Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
For IBL - SiSir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy. If
renewals are not paid it will impact the sum assured and maturity value as detailed in your
policy document


Sir/Madam,We request you to continue paying premiums for the entire term to avail the benefit.
Please note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term and premium
paying term will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated maturity value". For
additional details kindly refer the Benefit illustration

Only for : Diamond saving plan -

We would like to inform you that except for guaranteed income , other payout like bonus ,
maturity or surrender are not guaranteed and is is a combination of both guaranteed and non-
guaranteed elements. We request you to refer the benefit illustration and policy document for
more details on the this.
Only for : Money back plus - We
would like to inform you that bonus and other payout like maturity or surrender are not
guaranteed and is a combination of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements. We request
you to refer the benefit illustration and policy document for more details on the this.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year,
all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and
Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status
than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium
discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and
register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option
to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact
details or E-mail Id for future communications
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated
in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

TATA AIA Smart Annuity Plan - Option 1

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or owners

age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)

LA is different from PH
If NRPC (Non Right Party

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK &


Incase Proposer & Life Assured

is different (Only for HDFC
Bank & Netbanking)

Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)
Rejection and
Clarification recalling

Ask Purpose If payor or owners

age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)

C2. CCD Confirmation

• If customer confirm “No”

then call will be stopped and
put for clarification

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

D2. Premium Amount, annuity

amount annuity frequency,
premium paying term. Annuity

IF customer has opted for Rider

In case of Single Premium

In case customer says Account

Debit and Standing
instructions as payment
method, caller will voice out
the following statement in case
of salary channel


*NRI customer only


E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My

Account & Customer Service
Legal contact

G. Closing

Verification done liner

nuity Plan - Option 1

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC
Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of " Tata AIA
Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance policy.
Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has not
approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as clarification

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or would
you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process your
NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will take few
minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family and
thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone number,
E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to facilitate faster
processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner
? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy details
availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly confirm “Yes
or No
For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please confirm

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch
After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and we
hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the policy
is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for investment/ we
are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being established - Tag it as
concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer please get in touch with sales
person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Confirmed/signed
the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form with your investment
risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Approved the
Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key policy features
mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have understood
the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the application proceedings?
(not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all the
details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.
"Your application no. is <C______>
If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number is
(C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

The Purchase price of the plan is <RsXX>. This is a onetime investment for <Single/Joint ownership> and
you will get <Rs.XX> annuity amount <every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month>.

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount (Including
Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”
Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for Initial
Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are correct and
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case
(only for monthy mode)

Immediate annuity (with out ROP) :-Sir/Madam,we would like to inform you that this Plan does not
have any death benefits or return of premium. Annuity amount will be payable till the death of policy
owner or Joint Life owner.

SAP-immediate with ROP:-Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity amount will be
payable till the death of policy owner or Joint Life owner. Post death, premium will be returned as per the
option chosen. Please refer to your illustration for the death benefit option chosen.

SAP-deffered life with ROP :-Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity pay out will
begin after the specified deferment period chosen at the time of application and will be payable up to
death of Owner or Joint Life owner whichever is later. Post death, premium will be returned as per the
option chosen. Please refer to your illustration for the death benefit option chosen.

TDS is applicable and deductible on all annuity pay-outs.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program you
will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s).
Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your
fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You
are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium
renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality
status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by
the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have
the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close
the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00
a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised
representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however
we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central
Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the
Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us.
This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for
the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily
addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits
and you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form?
(not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not
applicable for sell online)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear
all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.
"Your application no. is <C______>
If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

The Purchase price of the plan is <RsXX>. This is a onetime investment for <Single/Joint ownership>
and you will get <Rs.XX> annuity amount <every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month>.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy


Immediate annuity (with out ROP) :-Sir/Madam,we would like to inform you that this Plan does
not have any death benefits or return of premium. Annuity amount will be payable till the death of
policy owner or Joint Life owner.

SAP-immediate with ROP:-Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity amount will be
payable till the death of policy owner or Joint Life owner. Post death, premium will be returned as
per the option chosen. Please refer to your illustration for the death benefit option chosen.

SAP-deffered life with ROP :-Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity pay out
will begin after the specified deferment period chosen at the time of application and will be
payable up to death of Owner or Joint Life owner whichever is later. Post death, premium will
be returned as per the option chosen. Please refer to your illustration for the death benefit option

TDS is applicable and deductible on all annuity pay-outs.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all
you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness
regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze,
i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer
policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata
AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact
details or E-mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to
All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in
our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Have a great <day/evening>."
HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or owners age is

60 and more (Only for Bank
& Netbanking)

LA is different from PH

If NRPC (Non Right Party Connect)

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET banking

(Not applicable for HDFC_SEC )

A4. Call to be Recorded for Quality &

Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."



Incase Proposer & Life Assured is

different (Only for HDFC Bank &
Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

BANK,HDFC_SEC and City Union

Rejection and Clarification

recalling confirmation

Ask Purpose If payor or owners age is

60 and more (Only for Bank
& Netbanking)
C2. CCD Confirmation

• If customer confirm “No” then call

will be stopped and put for

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

D2. Premium Amount, annuity

amount annuity frequency, premium
paying term. Annuity date

In case of Single Premium

In case customer says Account Debit

and Standing instructions as payment
method, caller will voice out the
following statement in case of salary
D2. Premium Amount, annuity
for regular/Limited pay policies

D2. Premium Amount, annuity

for Single pay policy

IF customer has opted for Rider

In case of Regular/limited pay


Disclaimer (immediate amuunity with


Important (Mandatory) Voice out for

DBS Channel

*NRI customer only


E1. Customer Confirmation for

Conversion and Exit Clause
E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My Account &

Customer Service Details

Legal contact

G. Closing
Comman Message

Verification done liner

E1. Customer Confirmation for

Conversion and Exit Clause
E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My Account &

Customer Service Details

Legal contact

G. Closing
Verification done liner
HDFC Bank Script

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA
Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through
HDFC Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of "
Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has
not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by
us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to
facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy.
Kindly confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>
Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and
we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the
policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for
investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not
being established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask
customer please get in touch with sales person and close the call.
HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification
form with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the
key policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to
hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

The purchase price of this plan is<Rs> with return of premium. This is a onetime investment for
<Single/Joint ownership> and you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a year
/4 times a year /every month>.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>>
for Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed
details are correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case
(only for monthy mode)
Your premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years.
you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, This is a onetime investment policy.

you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity amount will be payable till the death of
policy owner or Joint Life owner. Post death, premium will be returned as per the option chosen.
Please refer to your illustration for the death benefit option chosen.We request you to continue
paying the premiums for the entire term to avail the benefits. (Red Liner Applicable only for
Limited & Regular Pay)

TDS is applicable and deductible on all annuity pay-outs.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year,
all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and
Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than
bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium
discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and
register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product
and is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)
We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option
to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device : If TABSALES / RETAIL -(15 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable
charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If SELLONLINE -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges
will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period

Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
“Help India fight COVID-19. We urge you and your loved ones to get vaccinated and help make
India safer and stronger”
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
“Help India fight COVID-19. We urge you and your loved ones to get vaccinated and help
make India safer and stronger” Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated
in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
“Help India fight COVID-19. We urge you and your loved ones to get vaccinated and help
make India safer and stronger” Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

<Sir/Madam>, hum aapko jankari dena chahenge ke life insurance standalone product hai aur ye
fixed deposit ya loan nahi hai aur nahi kisi anya banking product se linked hai.
Aur hum aasha krte hai aapke RM / Adviser ne aapko kisi bhi tarah ke rebate of premium,
commission, discount or indirect benefits ka ashwasan nhi diya hoga.(not applicable for

For offline :- hum aasha krte hai ki batai hui jaankari sahi hai or kripaya confirm kare aapke sales
adhikari ne policy kharidte samay aapko koi banking product ya esi koi anya sevaaon ka
ashwasn nai diya hoga.. aapki anumati se hi aapka application aage process krde ?
For sell online:-<Sir/Madam>, hum aasha krte hai ki batai hui jaankari sahi hai or aapki anumati
se hi aapka application aage process krde.

If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer Humne aap ko policy proceed karne ke liye
jaruri requirement fulfill karne ke liye call kiya hai.

If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
Sir aap iss policy ke terms se satisfied nahi hai aur aap policy me koi changes karna chahte hai to
aap ke plan me aap ko
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within
free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges
will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period

Hum aapse nivedan karte hai aapke policy features, applicable charges aur terms and conditions
ke vishay me adhik jaankari lene ke liye policy documents zarur dekhein


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of
facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc.
Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-
9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from
any third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated
in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

. Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central Bank of
India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process your
NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will take few
minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family and
thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for the
previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and you
have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the application
proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have understood
the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form? (not applicable for
sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer Declaration
Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not applicable for sell

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all the
details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number is
(C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

The purchase price of this plan is<Rs> with return of premium. This is a onetime investment for
<Single/Joint ownership> and you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a year /4 times
a year /every month>.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4 times a
year /every month) for <PPT> years.
you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month>.

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, This is a onetime investment policy.

you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month>.

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity amount will be payable till the death of policy
owner or Joint Life owner. Post death, premium will be returned as per the option chosen. Please refer to
your illustration for the death benefit option chosen.We request you to continue paying the premiums for
the entire term to avail the benefits. (Red Liner Applicable only for Limited & Regular Pay)

ONLY FOR DBS Channel: Sir / Ma'am, in case you surrender the policy due to any reason, the benefit
illustration shared with you shows the minimum Guaranteed Surrender Value and also a 'Special
Surrender Value' - please note that the higher of the two will be paid to you. Although the overall plan is a
'guaranteed plan', the Special Surrender Value is not guaranteed and is classified in the illustration as 'non

TDS is applicable and deductible on all annuity pay-outs.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program you
will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s).
Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your
fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You
are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium
renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality
status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is neither
linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by the
sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have the
permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-
We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close
the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device : If TABSALES / RETAIL -(15 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If SELLONLINE -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI - Would you like to update an alternate contact details or E-mail Id for future

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com
to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if
you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

“This conversation will be considered as part of your application for insurance, and if the proposal is
accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Co.

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
“Help India fight COVID-19. We urge you and your loved ones to get vaccinated and help make India safer
and stronger”
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however
we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
“Help India fight COVID-19. We urge you and your loved ones to get vaccinated and help make India
safer and stronger” Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to please
get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our records;
your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
“Help India fight COVID-19. We urge you and your loved ones to get vaccinated and help make India
safer and stronger” Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

<Sir/Madam>, hum aapko jankari dena chahenge ke life insurance standalone product hai aur ye fixed
deposit ya loan nahi hai aur nahi kisi anya banking product se linked hai.
Aur hum aasha krte hai aapke RM / Adviser ne aapko kisi bhi tarah ke rebate of premium, commission,
discount or indirect benefits ka ashwasan nhi diya hoga.(not applicable for sellonline)

For offline :- hum aasha krte hai ki batai hui jaankari sahi hai or kripaya confirm kare aapke sales adhikari
ne policy kharidte samay aapko koi banking product ya esi koi anya sevaaon ka ashwasn nai diya hoga..
aapki anumati se hi aapka application aage process krde ?
For sell online:-<Sir/Madam>, hum aasha krte hai ki batai hui jaankari sahi hai or aapki anumati se hi
aapka application aage process krde.

If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer Humne aap ko policy proceed karne ke liye jaruri
requirement fulfill karne ke liye call kiya hai.

If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close
the call.
Sir aap iss policy ke terms se satisfied nahi hai aur aap policy me koi changes karna chahte hai to aap ke
plan me aap ko
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period

Hum aapse nivedan karte hai aapke policy features, applicable charges aur terms and conditions ke vishay
me adhik jaankari lene ke liye policy documents zarur dekhein

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details or E-
mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00
a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised
representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your application
for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of Insurance between
you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however
we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to please
get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our records;
your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or owners

age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)

LA is different from PH
If NRPC (Non Right Party

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK &


Incase Proposer & Life Assured

is different (Only for HDFC
Bank & Netbanking)
Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)

Rejection and
Clarification recalling

Ask Purpose If payor or owners

age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)

C2. CCD Confirmation

• If customer confirm “No”
then call will be stopped and
put for clarification

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

D2. Premium Amount, annuity

amount annuity frequency,
premium paying term. Annuity

IF customer has opted for Rider

In case of Single Premium

In case customer says Account

Debit and Standing
instructions as payment
method, caller will voice out
the following statement in case
of salary channel

Disclaimer (immediate
amuunity with ROP)

*NRI customer only


E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My

Account & Customer Service
Legal contact

Verification done liner

TATA AIA Saral pension

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC
Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of "
Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has
not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us.
This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to
facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly
confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>
Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and
we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the
policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for
investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being
established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer
please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form
with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the
key policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear
all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

The purchase price of this plan is<Rs> with return of premium. This is a onetime investment for
<Single/Joint ownership> and you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month>.

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”
Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>>
for Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details
are correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case
(only for monthy mode)

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity amount will be payable till the death of
policy owner or Joint Life owner. Post death, premium will be returned as per the option chosen.
Please refer to your illustration for the death benefit option chosen.

TDS is applicable and deductible on all annuity pay-outs.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year,
all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and
Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than
bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium
discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and
register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966
between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any
third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated
in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

aral pension

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life Insurance
regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central Bank of
India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process your
NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will take few
minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family and
thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for the
previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and you
have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the application
proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have understood
the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form? (not applicable for
sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer Declaration Form
i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not applicable for sell online)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all the
details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number is
(C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

The purchase price of this plan is<Rs> with return of premium. This is a onetime investment for <Single/Joint
ownership> and you will get an annuity amount of <Rs.XX> <every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy


Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that Annuity amount will be payable till the death of policy owner
or Joint Life owner. Post death, premium will be returned as per the option chosen. Please refer to your
illustration for the death benefit option chosen.

TDS is applicable and deductible on all annuity pay-outs.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program you
will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s). Discount
applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy
the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you
assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a
higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium
discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register
for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is neither
linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by the
sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have the
permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close
the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to MODIFY
OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from receipt
of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and terms
& conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details or E-
mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com
to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if
you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.
All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your application
for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of Insurance between you
and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however we
would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
” Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to please
get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our records; your
insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and
more (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)

LA is different from PH

If NRPC (Non Right
Party Connect)
Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the

Only for HDFC bank/
NET banking

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded

for Quality & Training

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK


Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different
(Only for HDFC Bank &
Only for HDFC Sell

(Not applicable for

City Union Bank)

Rejection and
Clarification recalling

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and
more (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)

C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions -
Only for 60 & 60 Plus
Age Case (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)

• If customer confirm
“No” then call will be
stopped and put for

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

D2.In case of TERM

Plan Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

D2. In case of TERM

ROP Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.
(For TI Rider Option)

IF customer has opted

for Rider
In case of regular

In case of Single
In case customer says
Account Debit and
Standing instructions as
payment method, caller
will voice out the
following statement in
case of salary channel

In case of TERM PLAN


In case of TERM ROP


E1. Customer
Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents,

My Account & Customer
Service Details
Legal contact

G. Closing

Verification done liner

TATA AIA Term Product
HDFC Bank Script

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life Insurance
regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC Bank/HDFC
Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of " Tata AIA
Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance policy.
Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has not
approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as clarification

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or would you
like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process your
NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will take few
minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family and
thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone number, E-
mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to facilitate faster processing of
your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner ?

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy details
availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly confirm “Yes or

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>
Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please confirm

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and we hope
that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the policy is
purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for investment/ we are not
aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being established - Tag it as concern
stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer please get in touch with sales person and
close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Approved the Customer
Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key policy features mentioned in it while
filling the application form.(if not read stop and
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Approved the Customer
Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key policy features mentioned in it while
filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have understood the same,
post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the application proceedings? (not applicable for
HDFC_Sec sell online)
Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently undergoing any
kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to note the
disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have to ask for the
reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all the
details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number is
(C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs>, You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years> and your policy term is <XX Years>.

This is a term policy for a TOTAL life cover of <Rs> which includes Term Rider Sum Assured is Rs <> with
return of BASE premiums at the end of policy term. i.e. after <XX years>.
You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years>.
(For TI Rider Option) (Check Customer details 2 for Rider and sum assured Breakup)

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount (Including
Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for Initial
Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are correct and
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with no return of premium at the end of the term. We request you to
continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy. We would like to inform
you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting
team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent
will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy. Please refer to your illustration for the ‘Death
benefit option’ chosen by you.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk
assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an
intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy.
This is a Term policy with return of BASE premiums. Please note that only BASE premiums i.e. Total
Premiums Paid excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes will be returned at the end of
the policy term. Please refer to your illustration for the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you. We request you
to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy.

Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for wellness program you will be eligible
for benefits at the time of buying the policy as well as at the time of policy anniversary. In order to
earn wellness benefits under this program, you need to download and register on Tata AIA Vitality
app, as benefits would be basis Wellness Status achieved which shall be tracked through Tata AIA
Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by the
sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have the
permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close
the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to MODIFY
OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from receipt
of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and terms
& conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00
a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised
representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however we
would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to please
get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our records; your
insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for submission of
declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central
Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family
and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for
the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed
and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and
you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form?
(not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not
applicable for sell online)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all
the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs>, You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years> and your policy term is <XX Years>.

This is a term policy for a TOTAL life cover of <Rs> which includes Term Rider Sum Assured is Rs
<> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy term. i.e. after <XX years>.
You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX
years>. (For TI Rider Option) (Check Customer details 2 for Rider and sum assured Breakup)

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy


Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with no return of premium at the end of the term. We request
you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy. We would
like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk assessment conducted
by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an intimation of our
revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy. Please refer to
your illustration for the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk
assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an
intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your
policy. This is a Term policy with return of BASE premiums. Please note that only BASE premiums
i.e. Total Premiums Paid excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes will be returned
at the end of the policy term. Please refer to your illustration for the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by
you. We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the

Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for wellness program you will be
eligible for benefits at the time of buying the policy as well as at the time of policy
anniversary. In order to earn wellness benefits under this program, you need to download
and register on Tata AIA Vitality app, as benefits would be basis Wellness Status achieved
which shall be tracked through Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made
by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I
have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and
close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details
or E-mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to
All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and
more (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)

LA is different from PH

If NRPC (Non Right
Party Connect)

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the


Only for HDFC bank/

NET banking

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded

for Quality & Training

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK

Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different
(Only for HDFC Bank &

Only for HDFC Sell


(Not applicable for

City Union Bank)

Rejection and

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and
more (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)
Ask Purpose If payor or
owners age is 60 and
more (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)

C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions -
Only for 60 & 60 Plus
Age Case (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)
• If customer confirm
“No” then call will be
stopped and put for

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

D2.In case of TERM

Plan Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

D2. In case of TERM

ROP Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

D2. In case of TERM

ROP Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.
(For TI Rider Option)

IF customer has opted

for Rider
In case of regular

In case of Single
In case customer says
Account Debit and
Standing instructions as
payment method, caller
will voice out the
following statement in
case of salary channel

IF Customer opted
TTILI rider

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

E1. Customer
Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit
E1. Customer
Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents,

My Account & Customer
Service Details

Legal contact

G. Closing
Verification done liner
TATA AIA Term Product

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC
Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of "
Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has not
approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to
facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly
confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and
we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”
If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the
policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for
investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being
established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer
please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Approved the
Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key policy
features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the
key policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently
undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to note the
disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have to
ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear
all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs>, You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every
year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years> and your policy term is <XX Years>.

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy
term. i.e. after <XX years>. You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a
year /every month) for <XX years>.

This is a term policy for a TOTAL life cover of <Rs> which includes Term Rider Sum Assured is Rs
<> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy term. i.e. after <XX years>.
You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for
<XX years>. (For TI Rider Option) (Check Customer details 2 for Rider and sum assured Breakup)

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for
Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are
correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

As per our records total Life cover is Rs..... ( inform basic SA + Rider SA)

Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with no return of premium at the end of the term. We request
you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy. We
would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk assessment
conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an intimation
of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy.
Please refer to your illustration for the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk
assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an
intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your
policy. This is a Term policy with return of BASE premiums including rider premium. Please note
that your BASE premium including rider premium i.e. Total Premiums Paid excluding any extra
premium and taxes will be returned at the end of the policy term. Please refer to your illustration
for the Death benefit option chosen by you. We request you to continue paying the premium for
the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy.

Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with monthly income benefit as per income start age selected,
till the end of the term and without return of premium. We request you to continue paying the
premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy. We would like to inform you that
premium may be revised depending on the overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting
team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an intimation of our revised offer and your
consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy. Please refer to your illustration for
the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you
Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all
you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness
regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e.
Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer
policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata
AIA Vitality app.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)
We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in
our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

A Term Product

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central Bank of
India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process your
NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will take few
minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family and
thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for the
previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and you
have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the application
proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have understood
the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form? (not applicable for
sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer Declaration
Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not applicable for sell
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all the
details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number is
(C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs>, You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years> and your policy term is <XX Years>.

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy term. i.e.
after <XX years>. You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every
month) for <XX years>.

This is a term policy for a TOTAL life cover of <Rs> which includes Term Rider Sum Assured is Rs <> with
return of BASE premiums at the end of policy term. i.e. after <XX years>.
You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX
years>. (For TI Rider Option) (Check Customer details 2 for Rider and sum assured Breakup)

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy


As per our records total Life cover is Rs..... ( inform basic SA + Rider SA)

Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with no return of premium at the end of the term. We request you
to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy. We would like to
inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk assessment conducted by our
underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an intimation of our revised offer and
your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy. Please refer to your illustration for
the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk
assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive an
intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy.
This is a Term policy with return of BASE premiums including rider premium. Please note that your BASE
premium including rider premium i.e. Total Premiums Paid excluding any extra premium and taxes will be
returned at the end of the policy term. Please refer to your illustration for the Death benefit option chosen
by you. We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the

Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with monthly income benefit as per income start age selected, till the
end of the term and without return of premium. We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire
term to enjoy the benefits of the policy. We would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending
on the overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will
receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of your
policy. Please refer to your illustration for the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you
Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program you
will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s).
Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your
fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You
are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium
renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality
status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is neither
linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by the
sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have the
permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-
We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close
the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to MODIFY
OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and terms
& conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details or E-
mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00
a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised
representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your application
for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of Insurance between
you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however we
would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to please
get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our records; your
insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor
or owners age is 60
and more
(Only for Bank &
LA is different from

If NRPC (Non Right
Party Connect)

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the

Only for HDFC bank/
NET banking

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be
Recorded for Quality
& Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC

Incase Proposer &

Life Assured is
different (Only for
HDFC Bank &

Only for HDFC Sell


(Not applicable for

and City Union Bank)

Rejection and

Ask Purpose If payor

or owners age is 60
and more
(Only for Bank &
Ask Purpose If payor
or owners age is 60
and more
(Only for Bank &


Medical Questions -
Only for 60 & 60 Plus
Age Case (Only
for Bank &
• If customer confirm
“No” then call will be
stopped and put for

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

D2.In case of TERM

Plan Premium
term, premium
paying term.

D2. In case of TERM

ROP Premium
term, premium
paying term.

D2. In case of TERM

ROP Premium
term, premium
paying term. (For TI
Rider Option)
In case of regular

In case of Single

In case customer says

Account Debit and
Standing instructions
as payment method,
caller will voice out
the following
statement in case of
salary channel

Option 1 - Life Secure

Option 2 - Life Secure
Plus (ROP)

If LSO Option is
selected (If plan
mentions Life Stage

E1. Customer
Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit

Alternate contact
F1. Policy Documents,
My Account &
Customer Service

Legal contact

G. Closing
Verification done
TATA AIA Maharaksha
HDFC Bank Script

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata
AIA Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied
through HDFC Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the
Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on
behalf of " Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought
from HDFC Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life
insurance policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating
customer has not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM
close the call. Tag as clarification
May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms>
<XXXX> or would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us
to process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured
correctly by us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life
Insurance family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like
phone number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in
order to facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing
policy details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this
policy. Kindly confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer?

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________,
Please confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email
ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by
you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”
If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements
like the policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was
persuaded for investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein
the need is not being established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the
purpose and ask customer please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Approved the
Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key policy
features mentioned in it while filling the application form
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the
key policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently
undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to
note the disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we
have to ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch
with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you
to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old
policy number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs>, You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every
year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years> and your policy term is <XX

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs> with return of BASE premiums at the end of
policy term. i.e. after <XX years>. You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years>.

This is a term policy for a TOTAL life cover of <Rs> which includes Term Rider Sum
Assured is Rs <> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy term. i.e. after <XX
You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every
month) for <XX years>. (For TI Rider Option) (Check Customer details 2 for Rider and
sum assured Breakup)
Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment
Mode>> for Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope
informed details are correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with no return of premium at the end of the term. We
request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the
policy. We would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the
overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in
premium, you will receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be
obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy. Please refer to your illustration for the
‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you.
Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the
overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in
premium, you will receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be
obtained to proceed with issuance of your policy. This is a Term policy with return of BASE
premiums including rider premium. Please note that your BASE premium including rider
premium i.e. Total Premiums Paid excluding any extra premium and taxes will be returned
at the end of the policy term. Please refer to your illustration for the Death benefit option
chosen by you. We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy
the benefits of the policy.

You have opted for Life Stage Option

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all
you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness
regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze,
i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer
policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata
AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone
product and is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise
was made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while
buying this insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner
not applicable for HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements
being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship
Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an
option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30
days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation
within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable
charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your
e-insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of
facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details,
etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-
860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or
emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails,
please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your
policy however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching
with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship
manager. Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
” Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will
request you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your
email id is updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed for

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and
for submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

A Maharaksha

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central
Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the
Policy Owner)?
Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us.
This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner?

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you
for the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily
addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits
and you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration
form? (not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not
applicable for sell online)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to
hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs>, You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every
year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years> and your policy term is <XX Years>.

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy
term. i.e. after <XX years>. You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times
a year /every month) for <XX years>.

This is a term policy for a TOTAL life cover of <Rs> which includes Term Rider Sum Assured is
Rs <> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy term. i.e. after <XX years>.
You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for
<XX years>. (For TI Rider Option) (Check Customer details 2 for Rider and sum assured
Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy


Sir/Madam, this is a pure term policy with no return of premium at the end of the term. We
request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy.
We would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall risk
assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will receive
an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with issuance of
your policy. Please refer to your illustration for the ‘Death benefit option’ chosen by you.
Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall
risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will
receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with
issuance of your policy. This is a Term policy with return of BASE premiums including rider
premium. Please note that your BASE premium including rider premium i.e. Total Premiums
Paid excluding any extra premium and taxes will be returned at the end of the policy term. Please
refer to your illustration for the Death benefit option chosen by you. We request you to continue
paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy.

You have opted for Life Stage Option

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program you
will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s).
Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your
fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You
are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium
renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality
status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact
details or E-mail Id for future communications
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966
between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any
third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated
in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file


HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or owners

age is 60 and more (Only
for Bank & Netbanking)

LA is different from PH
If NRPC (Non Right Party

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET

(Not applicable for HDFC_SEC )

A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."



Incase Proposer & Life Assured is

different (Only for HDFC Bank
& Netbanking)

Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)
Rejection and Clarification
recalling confirmation

Ask Purpose If payor or owners

age is 60 and more (Only
for Bank & Netbanking)

C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions - Only for 60
& 60 Plus Age Case (Only
for Bank & Netbanking)

• If customer confirm “No” then

call will be stopped and put for

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

In case of Regular pay D2.

Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term, premium
paying term.

In case of Single pay D2.

Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term, premium
paying term.

In case customer says Account

Debit and Standing instructions
as payment method, caller will
voice out the following statement
in case of salary channel
In case of Regular pay Disclaimer

In case of single pay Disclaimer


E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My

Account & Customer Service
Legal contact

G. Closing

Verification done liner

TATA AIA IRAKSHA TROP_Single_Pay & Regular pay

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata
AIA Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied
through HDFC Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the
Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf
of " Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC
Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life
insurance policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer
has not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call.
Tag as clarification

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms>
<XXXX> or would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly
by us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life
Insurance family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like
phone number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in
order to facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing
policy details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this
policy. Kindly confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________,
Please confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch
After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email
ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you
and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements
like the policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was
persuaded for investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein
the need is not being established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the
purpose and ask customer please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification
form with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with
the key policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)
Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently
undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to
note the disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we
have to ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you
to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old
policy number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs> with return of BASE premiums at the end of
policy term. i.e. after <XX years>. You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month) for <XX years>.
Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”
Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

your premium amount is INR <premium>. This is a single premium term plan and the policy
term is <Policy Term> years. Your Sumassured is <<SA>>

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment
Mode>> for Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope
informed details are correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the
overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium,
you will receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to
proceed with issuance of your policy. Please note that only BASE premiums i.e. Total
Premiums Paid excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes will be returned
at the end of the policy term. In case of death during policy term Sum Assured will be
payable to the nominee. surrendering within the policy term, will lead to huge charges . We
request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that the premium may be revised depending on the
overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium,
you will receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to
proceed with issuance of your policy. In case of death during policy term Sum Assured will
be payable to the nominee. This is a Single pay term policy with return of BASE premium
option i.e. Total Premiums Paid excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes)
will be returned on survival on the maturity date. surrendering within the policy term, will
lead to charges .

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every
year, all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health
and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher
status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn
premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status
kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone
product and is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise
was made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying
this insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not
applicable for HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements
being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship
Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an
option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30
days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation
within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges
will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of
facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details,
etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-
860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or
emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails,
please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your
policy however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with
our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship
manager. Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request
you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is
updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and
for submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Have a great <day/evening>."

gle_Pay & Regular pay

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA
Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through
Central Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name
of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by
us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner?

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you
for the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily
addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits
and you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with
the application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration
form? (not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not
applicable for sell online)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to
hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is a term policy for a life cover of <Rs> with return of BASE premiums at the end of policy
term. i.e. after <XX years>. You will pay premium of <Rs. XXXX>, (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <XX years>.

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

your premium amount is INR <premium>. This is a single premium term plan and the policy
term is <Policy Term> years. Your Sumassured is <<SA>>

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that premium may be revised depending on the overall
risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you will
receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with
issuance of your policy. Please note that only BASE premiums i.e. Total Premiums Paid
excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes will be returned at the end of the
policy term. In case of death during policy term Sum Assured will be payable to the nominee.
surrendering within the policy term, will lead to huge charges . We request you to continue
paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits of the policy.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that the premium may be revised depending on the
overall risk assessment conducted by our underwriting team. In case of revision in premium, you
will receive an intimation of our revised offer and your consent will be obtained to proceed with
issuance of your policy. In case of death during policy term Sum Assured will be payable to the
nominee. This is a Single pay term policy with return of BASE premium option i.e. Total
Premiums Paid excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes) will be returned on
survival on the maturity date. surrendering within the policy term, will lead to charges .

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year,
all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and
Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status
than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium
discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and
register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option
to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact
details or E-mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of
facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc.
Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-
9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from
any third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to
All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request
you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is
updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

Tata AIA
HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

LA is different from PH
If NRPC (Non Right Party
Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK &


Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different (Only for
HDFC Bank & Netbanking)

Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)
Rejection and
Clarification recalling

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions - Only for
60 & 60 Plus Age Case
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)

• If customer confirm “No”

then call will be stopped and
put for clarification

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

D2. Premium Amount,

Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

IF customer has opted for


In case customer says Account

Debit and Standing
instructions as payment
method, caller will voice out
the following statement in
case of salary channel


TAX benefit liner

E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My

Account & Customer Service
Legal contact

G. Closing

Verification done liner

Tata AIA GRIP_singlePay_Whole_life
HDFC Bank Script

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC
Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of " Tata
AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has not
approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family
and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to facilitate
faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly
confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch
After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and we
hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the
policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for
investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being
established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer
please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form
with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and Approved
the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key policy
features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)
Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently undergoing
any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to note the
disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have to ask
for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all
the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

In case of Grip - Single pay – whole life (Single Life)

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, This is a Single premium plan. Policy term for this policy
is <<Term>>. The BASIC sum assured amount of your policy is <Rs.>.

In case of GRIP - Single pay – whole life (Joint life)

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, This is a Single premium plan. Policy term for this policy
is <<Term>>. The sum assured amount of your policy is <Rs.>. The BASIC Sum assured chosen is
<XX> for you and <YY> for the joint life. . Insurance is made on the name of <AA> along with joint life
Name <XX>.

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for
Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are
correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that this is a Whole life plan. In case of death during policy
term, Sum assured shall be payable. Post policy term, Life Insured / joint life (if applicable) will
receive a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) for whole life, defined as a % of total premiums paid and
shall commence from the end of the policy term. This shall be payable until the death of either of the
life insured or the joint life, whichever is later. In case of death of both lives post policy term,
premium paid would be returned to the nominee. We request you to continue paying premiums for
the entire term to avail the benefit. Please note that surrendering the policy before the completion of
the policy term and premium paying term i.e pre- mature surrenders like surrendering the policy
before or after the start of the payout will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated
maturity value" For additional details kindly refer the Benefit illustration". with respect to
understanding lock-in period as applicable & surrender value payable before and after the start of the

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program
you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of
rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status
achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is
maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the
Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher
prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for
details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

“As per the recent changes to the Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, where the amount of
aggregate annual premium (first year premium or renewal premium, as applicable) payable in the
financial year in case of TRADITIONAL PLANS (all non-Unit Linked plans except Annuity,
Pension and Pure Risk plans) issued after 1 April 2023 exceeds INR 500,000, the benefits of the
policy shall not be eligible for exemption under 10(10D) except death benefit”.You are requested to
seek advice of a tax advisor with respect to your personal tax liabilities under the Indian Income-
tax law.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made
by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I
have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for HDFC Sec

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and
close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life Insurance
regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central Bank of
India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process your
NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will take few
minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family and
thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for the
previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and you
have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the application
proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have understood
the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form? (not applicable for
sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer Declaration Form
i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not applicable for sell online)
Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all the
details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number is
(C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

In case of Grip - Single pay – whole life (Single Life)

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, This is a Single premium plan. Policy term for this policy is
<<Term>>. The BASIC sum assured amount of your policy is <Rs.>.

In case of GRIP - Single pay – whole life (Joint life)

Your premium amount is INR <premium>, This is a Single premium plan. Policy term for this policy is
<<Term>>. The BASIC Sum assured chosen is <XX> for you and <YY> for the joint life . Insurance is made
on the name of <AA> along with joint life Name <XX>.

Sir/Madam, we would like to inform you that this is a Whole life plan. In case of death during policy term,
Sum assured shall be payable. Post policy term, Life Insured / joint life (if applicable) will receive a
Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) for whole life, defined as a % of total premiums paid and shall commence
from the end of the policy term. This shall be payable until the death of either of the life insured or the joint
life, whichever is later. In case of death of both lives post policy term, premium paid would be returned to the
nominee. We request you to continue paying premiums for the entire term to avail the benefit. Please note
that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term and premium paying term will lead to
significantly lower payout than the illustrated maturity value". For additional details kindly refer the Benefit

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program you
will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s). Discount
applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy
the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you
assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a
higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium
discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for
Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is neither
linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by the
sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have the
permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and close the
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to MODIFY
OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from receipt
of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted
for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and terms
& conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details or E-
mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com
to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if
you receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.
All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your application
for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of Insurance between you
and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy however we
would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to please
get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our records; your
insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

Tata AIA G
HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

LA is different from PH

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the


Only for HDFC bank/ NET


(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming

the details."
Only for HDFC BANK &

Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different (Only
for HDFC Bank &

Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)

Rejection and clarification

recalling confirmation

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &
Ask Purpose If payor or
owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions - Only

for 60 & 60 Plus Age Case
(Only for Bank &

• If customer confirm “No”

then call will be stopped
and put for clarification
If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

Combo Plan

D2. Premium Amount,

Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

IF customer has opted for


In case of regular premium

In case customer says

Account Debit and
Standing instructions as
payment method, caller will
voice out the following
statement in case of salary


TAX benefit liner

E1. Customer Confirmation
for Conversion and Exit

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My
Account & Customer
Service Details

Legal contact

G. Closing

Verification done liner

Tata AIA GRIP_GRIP Endowment

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata
AIA Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied
through HDFC Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the
Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf
of " Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from
HDFC Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life
insurance policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer
has not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the
call. Tag as clarification

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms>
<XXXX> or would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)
(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)
Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly
by us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life
Insurance family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like
phone number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in
order to facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing
policy details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this
policy. Kindly confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer?

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________,
Please confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email
ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you
and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”
If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like
the policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded
for investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not
being established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask
customer please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form
with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key
policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently
undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to
note the disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have
to ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with
Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you
to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old
policy number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your
combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Your policy term is <term>years. The BASIC
sum assured amount of your policy is <Rs.>.

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium
amount (Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for
Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are
correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

Sir/Madam, All guaranteed additions accrued in the policy will be payable along with
maturity benefits. We request you to continue paying premiums for the entire term to avail
the benefit. Please note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term
and premium paying term i.e pre- mature surrenders like surrendering the policy before or
after the start of the payout will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated
maturity value" For additional details kindly refer the Benefit illustration". with respect to
understanding lock-in period as applicable & surrender value payable before and after the
start of the payout.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program
you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of
rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status
achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do
is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through
the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or
higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for
details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

“As per the recent changes to the Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, where the
amount of aggregate annual premium (first year premium or renewal premium, as
applicable) payable in the financial year in case of TRADITIONAL PLANS (all non-Unit
Linked plans except Annuity, Pension and Pure Risk plans) issued after 1 April 2023 exceeds
INR 500,000, the benefits of the policy shall not be eligible for exemption under 10(10D)
except death benefit”. You are requested to seek advice of a tax advisor with respect to your
personal tax liabilities under the Indian Income-tax law. You are requested to seek advice of
a tax advisor with respect to your personal tax liabilities under the Indian Income-tax law.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made
by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do
I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for HDFC Sec

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements
being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship
Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an
option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30
days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation
within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges
will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of
facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc.
Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-
266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails
from any third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please
forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your
policy however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching
with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship
manager. Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will
request you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your
email id is updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM
and for submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

P Endowment

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA
Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through
Central Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to
(name of the Policy Owner)?

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)
(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner?

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for the
previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and
you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form?
(not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer Declaration
Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not applicable for sell

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.
Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to
hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number
is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your
combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4 times a
year /every month) for <PPT> years. Your policy term is <term>years. The BASIC sum assured amount
of your policy is <Rs.>.

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
For IBL -Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy. If renewals are
not paid it will impact the sum assured and maturity value as detailed in your policy document

Sir/Madam, All guaranteed additions accrued in the policy will be payable along with maturity
benefits. We request you to continue paying premiums for the entire term to avail the benefit. Please
note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term and premium paying term
will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated maturity value". For additional details kindly
refer the Benefit illustration

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program
you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s).
Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain
your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality
App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to
premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know
your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made by
the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I
have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship
Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an
option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which isCheck
source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look
in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges
will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact
details or E-mail Id for future communications
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966
between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any
third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request
you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is
updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

Tata AIA GRIP_regularPay

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If
payor or
owners age is
60 and more
(Only for
Bank &

LA is different
from PH


If NRPC (Non
Right Party


Reason for

If customer
says No
A3. Welcoming
the Customer

Only for HDFC

bank/ NET

(Not applicable

A4. Call to be
Recorded for
Quality &

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC

Incase Proposer
& Life Assured
is different
(Only for
HDFC Bank &

Only for HDFC

Sell online

(Not applicable
for HDFC
EC and City
Union Bank)


Ask Purpose If
payor or
owners age is
60 and more
(Only for
Bank &
Ask Purpose If
payor or
owners age is
60 and more
(Only for
Bank &


Questions -
Only for 60 &
60 Plus Age
(Only for Bank
& Netbanking)

• If customer
confirm “No”
then call will
be stopped and
put for
If customer
says Yes

D1. Proposal

Combo Plan

D2. Premium
y term,
paying term.

IF customer has
opted for Rider

In case of

In case
customer says
Account Debit
and Standing
instructions as
method, caller
will voice out
the following
statement in
case of salary

Flag is "Y"

TAX benefit
E1. Customer
for Conversion
and Exit Clause

contact Details

F1. Policy
Documents, My
Account &
Service Details
Legal contact

G. Closing

done liner
Tata AIA GRIP_regularPay_Whole_life_Sin
C Bank Script

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC
Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of "
Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has not
approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)
Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to facilitate
faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly
confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch
The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and we
hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”
If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the
policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for
investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being
established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer
please get in touch with sales person and close the call.

HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form
with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key
policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently undergoing
any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to note the
disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have to
ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.
Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear
all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your combo
plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4 times a
year /every month) for <PPT> years. Your policy term is <term>years. The BASIC sum assured
amount of your policy is <Rs.>.

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for
Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are
correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

Sir/Madam, We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits
of the policy. Post policy term, you will receive a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) for whole life,
de¬fined as a % of total premiums paid and shall commence from the end of the 6th year (For 5 pay )
and end of 11th year (For 10 Pay) and shall be payable until the death of life assured. In case of death
post policy term, premium paid would be returned to the nominee. We request you to continue
paying premiums for the entire term to avail the benefit. Please note that surrendering the policy
before the completion of the policy term and premium paying term i.e pre- mature surrenders like
surrendering the policy before or after the start of the payout will lead to significantly lower payout
than the illustrated maturity value" For additional details kindly refer the Benefit illustration". with
respect to understanding lock-in period as applicable & surrender value payable before and after the
start of the payout.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program
you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of
rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status
achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do
is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through
the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or
higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for
details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

“As per the recent changes to the Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, where the amount
of aggregate annual premium (first year premium or renewal premium, as applicable) payable in
the financial year in case of TRADITIONAL PLANS (all non-Unit Linked plans except Annuity,
Pension and Pure Risk plans) issued after 1 April 2023 exceeds INR 500,000, the benefits of the
policy shall not be eligible for exemption under 10(10D) except death benefit”.You are requested
to seek advice of a tax advisor with respect to your personal tax liabilities under the Indian
Income-tax law.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made
by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do
I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for HDFC Sec

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and
close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look
in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central
Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)
Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family
and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for
the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed
and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and
you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form?
(not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not
applicable for sell online)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.
Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all
the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your combo
plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4 times a
year /every month) for <PPT> years. Your policy term is <term>years. The BASIC sum assured
amount of your policy is <Rs.>.

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
For IBL -Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy. If renewals
are not paid it will impact the sum assured and maturity value as detailed in your policy document

Sir/Madam, We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits
of the policy. Post policy term, you will receive a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) for whole life,
de¬fined as a % of total premiums paid and shall commence from the end of the 6th year (For 5 pay )
and end of 11th year (For 10 Pay) and shall be payable until the death of life assured. In case of death
post policy term, premium paid would be returned to the nominee. We request you to continue
paying premiums for the entire term to avail the benefit. Please note that surrendering the policy
before the completion of the policy term and premium paying term will lead to significantly lower
payout than the illustrated maturity value". For additional details kindly refer the Benefit illustration

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program
you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of
rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status
achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is
maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the
Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher
prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for
details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made
by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I
have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and
close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details
or E-mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to
All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file


HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &

LA is different from PH
If NRPC (Non Right Party

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose

B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Only for HDFC BANK &


Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different (Only for
HDFC Bank & Netbanking)
Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)

Rejection and
clarification recalling

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank &
C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions - Only for

60 & 60 Plus Age Case
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)

• If customer confirm “No”

then call will be stopped and
put for clarification

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

Combo Plan
D2. Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

IF customer has opted for


In case of regular premium

In case customer says Account

Debit and Standing
instructions as payment
method, caller will voice out
the following statement in
case of salary channel


TAX benefit liner

E1. Customer Confirmation for

Conversion and Exit Clause
E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My

Account & Customer Service

Legal contact

G. Closing
Verification done liner
Tata AIA GRIP_singlePay_Whole_life

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC
Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of "
Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has
not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to
process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us.
This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to
facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly
confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>
Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and
we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the
policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for
investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being
established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer
please get in touch with sales person and close the call.
HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form
with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the
key policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently
undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to note
the disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have to
ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to
hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your combo
plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------
The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4 times
a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of this policy is <term>years. The BASIC SA
(life cover) is of <Rs> ,<along with joint life for life cover of Rs.<XXX>>. . This Insurance is made on
the name of <AA> along with joint life <XX>.

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>>
for Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details
are correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

Sir/Madam, We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the
benefits of the policy. In case of death during policy term, Life Assured 2 will pay the premium in
case of death of Life Assured 1 till the premium paying term gets completed, same is applicable
vice versa. Sum assured for death of Life Assured 1 shall be payable. Post policy term, Life insured
1/ joint life will receive a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) for whole life, de¬fined as a % of total
premiums paid and shall commence from the end of the 6th year (For 5 pay ) and end of 11th year
(For 10 Pay) and shall be payable until the death of either the life insured or the joint life (if
applicable), whichever is later. . In case of death of both lives post policy term, premium paid
would be returned to the nominee.We request you to continue paying premiums for the entire
term to avail the benefit. Please note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the
policy term and premium paying term i.e pre- mature surrenders like surrendering the policy
before or after the start of the payout will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated
maturity value" For additional details kindly refer the Benefit illustration". with respect to
understanding lock-in period as applicable & surrender value payable before and after the start of
the payout.
Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year,
all you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and
Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than
bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium
discount. Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and
register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

“As per the recent changes to the Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, where the
amount of aggregate annual premium (first year premium or renewal premium, as applicable)
payable in the financial year in case of TRADITIONAL PLANS (all non-Unit Linked plans
except Annuity, Pension and Pure Risk plans) issued after 1 April 2023 exceeds INR 500,000, the
benefits of the policy shall not be eligible for exemption under 10(10D) except death
benefit”.You are requested to seek advice of a tax advisor with respect to your personal tax
liabilities under the Indian Income-tax law.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of
premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)
We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager.
and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days
from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges
and terms & conditions of your policy.


If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966
between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any
third party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager.
Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated
in our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central
Bank of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family
and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for
the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed
and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and
you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form?
(not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer
Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not
applicable for sell online)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all
the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your combo
plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------
The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4 times a
year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of this policy is <term>years. The BASIC SA (life
cover) is of <Rs> ,<along with joint life for life cover of Rs.<XXX>>. . This Insurance is made on the
name of <AA> along with joint life <XX>.

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
For IBL -Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy. If renewals
are not paid it will impact the sum assured and maturity value as detailed in your policy document


Sir/Madam, We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire term to enjoy the benefits
of the policy. In case of death during policy term, Life Assured 2 will pay the premium in case of
death of Life Assured 1 till the premium paying term gets completed, same is applicable vice versa.
Sum assured for death of Life Assured 1 shall be payable. Post policy term, Life insured 1/ joint life
will receive a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) for whole life, de¬fined as a % of total premiums
paid and shall commence from the end of the 6th year (For 5 pay ) and end of 11th year (For 10 Pay)
and shall be payable until the death of either the life insured or the joint life (if applicable), whichever
is later. . In case of death of both lives post policy term, premium paid would be returned to the
nominee.We request you to continue paying premiums for the entire term to avail the benefit. Please
note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term and premium paying term
will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated maturity value". For additional details
kindly refer the Benefit illustration
Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program
you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of
rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status
achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is
maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the
Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher
prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for
details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made
by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I
have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-
We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and
close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device : If TABSALES / RETAIL -(15 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable
charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If SELLONLINE -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will
be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details
or E-mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file

Tata AIA Value_Income_Plan

HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or
owners age is 60 and
more (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)

LA is different from PH

If NRPC (Non Right
Party Connect)

Language Preference

Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the

Only for HDFC bank/
NET banking

(Not applicable for


A4. Call to be Recorded

for Quality & Training

B1. Verification

Only for HDFC BANK &


Incase Proposer & Life

Assured is different
(Only for HDFC Bank &
Only for HDFC Sell

(Not applicable for

City Union Bank)

Rejection and

Ask Purpose If payor or

owners age is 60 and
more (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)
C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions -
Only for 60 & 60 Plus
Age Case (Only for
Bank & Netbanking)

• If customer confirm
“No” then call will be
stopped and put for

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

Combo Plan
D2. Premium Amount,
Frequency,Policy term,
premium paying term.

IF customer has opted for


In case of regular

In case customer says

Account Debit and
Standing instructions as
payment method, caller
will voice out the
following statement in
case of salary channel


TAX benefit liner

E1. Customer
Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit
Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents,

My Account & Customer
Service Details

Legal contact

G. Closing

Verification done liner


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through HDFC
Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on behalf of "
Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy bought from HDFC Bank

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life insurance
policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating customer has not
approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with RM close the call. Tag as

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms> <XXXX> or
would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance
family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.
We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information like phone
number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA AIA Life in order to
facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training purpose.

For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-existing policy
details availed by you in the past on the application form while applying for this policy. Kindly
confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile No>
Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is ______________, Please
confirm Yes/No.

If customer sayd No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised by you and
we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says statements like the
policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his friend/ he was persuaded for
investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of investment etc. wherein the need is not being
established - Tag it as concern stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer
please get in touch with sales person and close the call.
HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page verification form
with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page Declaration with the key
policy features mentioned in it while filling the application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell online)

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are currently
undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we have to note the
disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization? (we have to
ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear
all the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy
number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your combo
plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------
Script for Option 1 – Endowment:
The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy will mature after <XX Years>. The
BASIC sum assured amount of your policy is <Rs.>.
If customer ask for exact death benefit amount (Offer a call back inform senior)
Script for Option 2 – Endowment:
The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. The BASIC sum assured amount of your policy
is <Rs.>. Policy will mature after <XX Years> and will have extended life cover till age 100.
If customer ask for exact death benefit amount (Offer a call back inform senior)

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium amount
(Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on << Payment Mode>> for
Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are
correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case

( inform for only montly mode)

We would like to inform you that other payout like bonus , maturity or surrender are not
guaranteed and is a combination of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements. We
request you to refer the benefit illustration and policy document for more details on the this
Please note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term and
premium paying term i.e pre- mature surrenders like surrendering the policy before or
after the start of the payout will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated
maturity value" For additional details kindly refer the Benefit illustration". with respect to
understanding lock-in period as applicable & surrender value payable before and after the
start of the payout.

For Value income Plan Below line will be confirmed to customer by caller as per bonus
option selected by customer.
Cash Bonus on Policy Anniversary – “The Cash Bonus, if declared by the company, will be
received each year starting 2nd policy anniversary onwards.”

Cash Bonus on Birthday - “The Cash Bonus, if declared, will be received each year on your
birthday, starting from the birthday that immediately follows the 2nd policy anniversary.”

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness
program you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year
premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on
wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all
you need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness
regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e.
Gold Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer
policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata
AIA Vitality app.
“As per the recent changes to the Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, where the
amount of aggregate annual premium (first year premium or renewal premium, as
applicable) payable in the financial year in case of TRADITIONAL PLANS (all non-Unit
Linked plans except Annuity, Pension and Pure Risk plans) issued after 1 April 2023
exceeds INR 500,000, the benefits of the policy shall not be eligible for exemption under
10(10D) except death benefit”. You are requested to seek advice of a tax advisor with
respect to your personal tax liabilities under the Indian Income-tax law.

"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and
is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was
made by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this
insurance. Do I have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for
HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your application.
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements
being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship
Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an
option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30
days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation
within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable
charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable
charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-
insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities
like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you
to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in
our records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your RM and for
submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of Tata AIA Life
Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you have applied through Central Bank
of India/Indusind Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred language

We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will enable us to process
your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been captured correctly by us. This will
take few minutes; May I proceed with the verification of your application.
caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life Insurance family
and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and training purpose.

For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________ (Inform)

For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life) approached you for the
previous concern raised by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has explained product benefits and
you have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go ahead with the
application proceedings? (not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product benefits and you have
understood the same.Post which you have signed application form and customer declaration form?
(not applicable for sell online)

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified the Customer Declaration
Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy features mentioned in it via OTP.(not applicable for sell

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now. requesting you to hear all
the details carefully and do not say yes under any influence.

"Your application no. is <C______>

If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your old policy number
is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life Insurance, your combo plan
name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is <<C123456789

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------
Script for Option 1 – Endowment:
The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy will mature after <XX Years>. The BASIC
sum assured amount of your policy is <Rs.>.
If customer ask for exact death benefit amount (Offer a call back inform senior)
Script for Option 2 – Endowment:
The premium amount is INR <premium>, which you need to pay (every year/twice a year /4
times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. The BASIC sum assured amount of your policy is
<Rs.>. Policy will mature after <XX Years> and will have extended life cover till age 100.
If customer ask for exact death benefit amount (Offer a call back inform senior)

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
For IBL -Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy. If renewals are
not paid it will impact the sum assured and maturity value as detailed in your policy document

We would like to inform you that other payout like bonus , maturity or surrender are not guaranteed
and is a combination of both guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements. We request you to refer the
benefit illustration and policy document for more details on the this
Please note that surrendering the policy before the completion of the policy term and premium paying
term will lead to significantly lower payout than the illustrated maturity value". For additional details
kindly refer the Benefit illustration.” We request you to continue paying the premium for the entire
term to enjoy the benefits of the policy.

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this wellness program
you will get discount on first year premium and also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s).
Discount applicable second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain
your fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the Vitality
App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to
premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy document for details.To know
your Vitality status kindly visit and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone product and is
neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate of premium,
commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no promise was made
by the sales person to you for any other banking product /service while buying this insurance. Do I
have the permission to process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending requirements being
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the Relationship Manager. and
close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have an option to
MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days / SELLONLINE -30 days from
receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features, applicable charges and
terms & conditions of your policy.
All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an alternate contact details
or E-mail Id for future communications

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in your e-insurance
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself of facilities like
updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value details, etc. Log onto
www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between
10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please forward to

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be considered as part of your
application for insurance, and if the proposal is accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of
Insurance between you and TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification is completed.

Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding your policy
however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship manager. Your
insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will request you to
please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our
records; your insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
main file


HDFC Bank Script


( Opening)- If payor or owners

age is 60 and more (Only
for Bank & Netbanking)

LA is different from PH

If NRPC (Non Right Party

Language Preference
Reason for calling

If customer says No

A3. Welcoming the Customer

Only for HDFC bank/ NET


(Not applicable for HDFC_SEC )

A4. Call to be Recorded for

Quality & Training Purpose
B1. Verification

"Thank you for confirming the details."



Incase Proposer & Life Assured

is different (Only for HDFC
Bank & Netbanking)

Only for HDFC Sell online

(Not applicable for HDFC

Union Bank)
Rejection and Clarification
recalling confirmation

Ask Purpose If payor or owners

age is 60 and more
(Only for Bank & Netbanking)
C2. CCD Confirmation

Medical Questions - Only for 60

& 60 Plus Age Case (Only
for Bank & Netbanking)

• If customer confirm “No” then

call will be stopped and put for

If customer says Yes

D1. Proposal Number

Combo Plan

D2. Premium Amount,

Frequency,Policy term, premium
paying term.

IF customer has opted for Rider

In case of regular premium

In case of Single Premium

In case customer says Account

Debit and Standing instructions
as payment method, caller will
voice out the following
statement in case of salary
TAX benefit (1010D)


E1. Customer Confirmation for
Conversion and Exit Clause

Alternate contact Details

F1. Policy Documents, My
Account & Customer Service

Legal contact

G. Closing
Verification done liner
HDFC Bank Script

Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on behalf of
Tata AIA Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product Name>> which you
have applied through HDFC Bank/HDFC Netbanking/HDFC_Securites. Am I
speaking to (name of the Policy Owner)?

Good Morning/ afternoon My name is <Agent name> and this is a verification call on
behalf of " Tata AIA Life Insurance" for your <name of the policy>, a new policy
bought from HDFC Bank recently.

Sir/ Madam we would like to confirm that you had approached HDFC Bank for a Life
insurance policy. Kindly confirm "Yes" or "No"

If the customer says "Yes", proceed with the call. If "NO" - Tag it as concern stating
customer has not approached HDFC Bank and ask customer please get in touch with
RM close the call. Tag as clarification

May I speak to <Salutation>. <PH/LA full name> please?” Is it ok to call you <Mr/Ms>
<XXXX> or would you like me to call you <Sir/Madam>?"

If customer says its ok with Sir/madam proceed with the same

If customer says its ok with Mr/Miss proceed with the same

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured Name>>

RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)

(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back time.)

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other preferred
We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information will
enable us to process your NEW application and ensure that all your details have been
captured correctly by us. This will take few minutes; May I proceed with the
verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA AIA Life
Insurance family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

We would like to inform you that HDFC Bank will share your personal information
like phone number, E- mail ID, Address, Non Cash Credit , profile etc. with TATA
AIA Life in order to facilitate faster processing of your insurance proposal. We hope
you are OK with this.

Yes - Proceed with the policy issuance subject to rest of the verification being in order
No - Divert customer to RM and raise the clarificaiton
(customer ask meaning of non cash credit divert RM and tag as clarification)

I Would like to inform you that this call is been recorded for quality and training
For HDFC Bank & Netbanking : "For security purpose, may I know the Date of
Birth of Proposer/Owner ? (ask)

we request you to confirm your communication address (ask)

we request you to confirm your email address.(ask)

Dear Sir/ Madam, we would like to confirm that you have declared all the Pre-
existing policy details availed by you in the past on the application form while
applying for this policy. Kindly confirm “Yes or No

For HDFC sceurities:"For security purpose, may I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer? (ask)

As per records your address is ________________ (inform)

As per records your Email ID is __________(inform)

"Thank you for confirming the details."

Dear Sir/Madam – As per our records your occupation is ______________

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-Occupation Mismatch

The Life Assured in your policy is <LA Name> and his contact no is <LA Mobile

Dear Sir/Madam: As per the Application form your declared income is

______________, Please confirm Yes/No.

If customer say No then Call to be stopped immediately.

Tag - Rejection -Concern-income mismatch
After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN code and
Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has HDFC bank approached you for the previous concern raised
by you and we hope that the concern has been satisfactorily addressed and

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.

“May I also please know the purpose for purchasing this Insurance policy”

If the customer specifies the purpose proceed with the call. If customer says
statements like the policy is purchased because the relationship manager was his
friend/ he was persuaded for investment/ we are not aware with the purpose of
investment etc. wherein the need is not being established - Tag it as concern
stating customer is not aware of the purpose and ask customer please get in touch
with sales person and close the call.
HDFC Bank :-"<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read and
Confirmed/signed the Life Insurance Suitability Profiler i.e. the One Page
verification form with your investment risk profile mentioned in it while
filling the proposal form?"
If customer says no(tag as clarification)
HDFC Netbanking :-<Sir/Madam>, with regard to your policy, have you read
and Approved the Customer Consent Document form i.e. the One Page
Declaration with the key policy features mentioned in it while filling the
application form
HDFC securities - We hope your RM has explained product benefits and you
have understood the same, post which you have given your consent to go
ahead with the application proceedings? (not applicable for HDFC_Sec sell

Dear Sir/ Madam, We would also like you to confirm if you have been or are
currently undergoing any kind of medication/ treatment? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm the treatment name or the medicine name? ( we
have to note the disorder or medicine name.)

Also have you been hospitalised / undergone any surgery in the last 5 years? –
If Yes, Could you please confirm what is the reason for surgery or Hospitalization?
(we have to ask for the reason for surgery/hospitalization.)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get in
touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now.
requesting you to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any
"Your application no. is <C______>
If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new policy , your
old policy number is (C0000000) and your new application number is (C00000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life
Insurance, your combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

your premium amount is INR <premium> which you need to pay (every year/twice a
year /4 times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of this policy is
<<Term>>. Your BASIC Sumassured is <<SA>>

Your premium amount is Rs. <Total premium amount> which includes Total Base Premium
amount (Including Taxes) and Rider premium amount (including taxes).”

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

‘Sir, as per policy terms your salary account will be debited for Rs. <<>> on <<
Payment Mode>> for Initial Premium and Renewal premium on << Payment
Mode>>. Sir, we hope informed details are correct and understood.
If Yes – Proceed.
If No- Raise PSC concern/ Reject the case
(only for monthy mode)
Sir/Madam, this is a unit linked plan and withdrawals are allowed post completion of
5 years, we however would advise you to continue paying the premium for the entire
term of the product in absence of same your fund value will get impacted due to
charges applicable" Returns are not guaranteed in this plan and based on market
performance The illustration also provides you an Indicative return assuming a 4%
per annum and 8% per annum return. Please note that the illustration has been sent
to your registered email id provided by you for your records.

We understand you are aware of the CHARGES being deducted as per regulatory

As per regulatory guidelines, the fund value as of end of grace period, would be
withdrawn and transferred to “Discontinuance fund” in which we are required to
provide minimum returns of 4% as per regulatory guidelines. You will not be
allowed to switch between funds or withdraw when your policy is lying in
discontinuance fund. In case of death claim, Sum assured would be paid after
deducting any partial withdrawals (if any) made 2 years prior to date of death.

If Rider is opted for Smart Sampoorna Raksha Plan:: In case of Non-Payment of

Premium towards the Primary Policy, the Rider Benefits shall also cease to exist.
(Only for HDCF Bank & Netbanking Channel)
IF customers premium amount more than 2.5lakh :-

Tata AIA Unit Linked Insurance Policy (ULIP) being purchased by you, is NOT
eligible for exemption under tax at the time of payout or policy proceeds under
section 10(10 D) as per the new tax norms issued under the Finance Budget 2021. As
per the Finance Budget 2021, all Unit Linked Insurance policies newly purchased on
or after 1st Feb 2021 with an aggregate premium exceeds Rs.2,50,000/- for a given
financial year , shall NOT be eligible for tax exemption under section 10 (10 D) at the
time of payout (except death claim).

IF customers premium amount is equal or less than 2.5lakh :-As per the Finance
Budget 2021, all Unit Linked Insurance policies newly purchased on or after 1st Feb
2021 with an aggregate premium exceeding Rs.2,50,000/- in any financial year , shall
NOT be eligible for tax exemption under section 10 (10 D) at the time of payout
(except death claim).

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for this

wellness program you will get discount on first year premium and also on
subsequent year premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable second year
onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by Insured. To enjoy
the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you need to do is maintain your
fitness and ensure you assess your Health and Wellness regularly through the
Vitality App. You are required to earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold
Status or higher prior to premium renewal date to earn premium discount.
Refer policy document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit
and register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a standalone
product and is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any other banking
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any rebate
of premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that no
promise was made by the sales person to you for any other banking product
/service while buying this insurance. Do I have the permission to process your
application.( Red liner not applicable for HDFC Sec _Sellonline)

I hope you have understood the details and Do I have the permission to process your
( Applicable for HDFC Sec_Sellonline)

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending
requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the
Relationship Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration, you have
an option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the free look period
which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days /
SELLONLINE -30 days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your policy.Applicable
charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features,
applicable charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy document in
your e-insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail yourself
of facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment, check fund value
details, etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself. For any queries, you can
call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Please don't respond to any
spurious calls or emails from any third party/unauthorised representative. if you
receive spurious emails, please forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.


<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and verification
is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details regarding
your policy however we would like to inform DOB/Address informed by you is not
matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your relationship
manager. Your insurance application will be processed on receipt of the relevant
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our records, will
request you to please get in touch with your relationship manager for the same,once
your email id is updated in our records; your insurance application will be processed
for issuance.

For Pre exsisting for declaration: Sir/Ma'am, we request you to kindly contact your
RM and for submission of declaration of pre-existing policy details

Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."


Good Morning/ afternoon Sir/Madam, myself << Agent Name >> calling on
behalf of Tata AIA Life Insurance regarding your insurance <<Product
Name>> which you have applied through Central Bank of India/Indusind
Bank/ TATA AIA Life/City Union Bank. Am I speaking to (name of the Policy

Sir/Madam, you have made this insurance application in name of << Insured
RPC - Proceed only with (Proposer)
(Then check for the availability of the customer (Proposer) and fix a call back

Sir/Madam, which language would you prefer- English, Hindi or any other
preferred language
We would like to confirm few details regarding the same. This information
will enable us to process your NEW application and ensure that all your
details have been captured correctly by us. This will take few minutes; May I
proceed with the verification of your application.

caller : May I call you at your convenient time for the same.
(Caller to capture convenient time in flexi dialer)

Thank you for your permission. Sir/Madam, we welcome you to the TATA
AIA Life Insurance family and thank you for choosing Tata AIA life.

I Would like to inform you that this call will be recorded for quality and
training purpose.
For All Channels : "For security purpose, May I know the Date of Birth of
Proposer/Owner? (Ask)

For All Channels : Communication address as per our records is ___________


For All Channels : We request you to confirm your email address.(Ask) (Do
not ask for CBI)

Only for IBL - May i know the purpose of taking this policy?

"Thank you for confirming the details."

After the verification of Date of Birth, mailing (postal) address with PIN
code and Email ID "

Dear Sir/ Madam, has (Central bank of India/Indusind bank/ Tata AIA Life)
approached you for the previous concern raised by you and we hope that the
concern has been satisfactorily addressed and resolved".

If Yes, proceed with the further verification script

If No, Call to be stopped immediately.
IBL/Agency/DSF/City Union Bank - We hope your Advisor/RM has
explained product benefits and you have understood the same, post which
you have given your consent to go ahead with the application proceedings?
(not applicable for sell online)

NJ & Broca - We hope your relationship manager has explained product

benefits and you have understood the same.Post which you have signed
application form and customer declaration form? (not applicable for sell

Only For CBI (Tabsales) : We have to confirm that Have you read & verified
the Customer Declaration Form i.e. One page declaration with key policy
features mentioned in it via OTP.(not applicable for sell online)

Calling executive: Sir/ Madam we will ask your relationship manager to get
in touch with you.

Sir/Mam: I will gladly share the important details of the plan with you now.
requesting you to hear all the details carefully and do not say yes under any
"Your application no. is <C______>
If Fund transfer :-You fund has been transfered form old policy to new
policy , your old policy number is (C0000000) and your new application
number is (C000000)

This is to confirm that you have applied for combo plan with Tata AIA Life
Insurance, your combo plan name is <<Product Name>> and your combo id is

combo Plan name is ----- combo ID is -------

combo premium is ----- and combo sum assured is ------

your premium amount is INR <premium> which you need to pay (every
year/twice a year /4 times a year /every month) for <PPT> years. Policy term of
this policy is <<Term>>. Your BASIC Sumassured is <<SA>>

Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single premium policy.
For IBL -Sir/Madam, This is a regular premium policy and not a Single
premium policy. If renewals are not paid it will impact the sum assured and
maturity value as detailed in your policy document

Sir/Madam, This is a Single premium Policy

Sir/Madam, this is a unit linked plan and withdrawals are allowed post
completion of 5 years, we however would advise you to continue paying the
premium for the entire term of the product in absence of same your fund
value will get impacted due to charges applicable" Returns are not
guaranteed in this plan and based on market performance. The illustration
also provides you an Indicative return assuming a 4% per annum and 8% per
annum return. Please note that the illustration has been sent to your registered
email id provided by you for your records.

We understand you are aware of the CHARGES being deducted as per

regulatory guidelines

As per regulatory guidelines, the fund value as of end of grace period, would
be withdrawn and transferred to “Discontinuance fund” in which we are
required to provide minimum returns of 4% as per regulatory guidelines. You
will not be allowed to switch between funds or withdraw when your policy is
lying in discontinuance fund. In case of death claim, Sum assured would be
paid after deducting any partial withdrawals (if any) made 2 years prior to
date of death.
IF customers premium amount more than 2.5lakh :-

Tata AIA Unit Linked Insurance Policy (ULIP) being purchased by you, is
NOT eligible for exemption under tax at the time of payout or policy proceeds
under section 10(10 D) as per the new tax norms issued under the Finance
Budget 2021. As per the Finance Budget 2021, all Unit Linked Insurance
policies newly purchased on or after 1st Feb 2021 with an aggregate premium
exceeds Rs.2,50,000/- for a given financial year , shall NOT be eligible for tax
exemption under section 10 (10 D) at the time of payout (except death claim).

IF customers premium amount is equal or less than 2.5lakh :-

As per the Finance Budget 2021, all Unit Linked Insurance policies newly
purchased on or after 1st Feb 2021 with an aggregate premium exceeding
Rs.2,50,000/- in any financial year , shall NOT be eligible for tax exemption
under section 10 (10 D) at the time of payout (except death claim).

Tata AIA Vitality is a comprehensive wellness program. By opting for

this wellness program you will get discount on first year premium and
also on subsequent year premiums of rider(s). Discount applicable
second year onwards will be dependent on wellness status achieved by
Insured. To enjoy the benefit of Vitality discount every year, all you
need to do is maintain your fitness and ensure you assess your Health
and Wellness regularly through the Vitality App. You are required to
earn a higher status than bronze, i.e. Gold Status or higher prior to
premium renewal date to earn premium discount. Refer policy
document for details.To know your Vitality status kindly visit and
register for Tata AIA Vitality app.
"<Sir/Madam>, We would also like to inform you that life insurance is a
standalone product and is neither linked to a fixed deposit nor loan or any
other banking products.
We understand that your relationship manager / advisor has not assured any
rebate of premium, commission, discount or any other indirect benefits.(not
applicable for sellonline)
Sir/Madam, I hope you have understood the details and please confirm that
no promise was made by the sales person to you for any other banking
product /service while buying this insurance. Do I have the permission to
process your application.( Red liner not applicable for sellonline)
If the customer says "Yes", inform the customer that :-

We will now proceed for policy conversion which is subject to any pending
requirements being fulfilled.
If "NO" - Tag it as concern and ask customer please get in touch with the
Relationship Manager. and close the call.
If you are not satisfied with the terms of the Policy or require any alteration,
you have an option to MODIFY OR CANCEL your policy details during the
free look period which is
Check source device :( If EIA FLAG N and source TABSALE- 15 days /
SELLONLINE -30 days from receipt of your policy.Applicable charges will be
deducted for any cancellation within free look in period
Check source device : If EIA Flag Y -(30 days) from receipt of your
policy.Applicable charges will be deducted for any cancellation within free
look in period
Request you to refer the policy document for more details on product features,
applicable charges and terms & conditions of your policy.

All channels except CBI & City Union Bank - Would you like to update an
alternate contact details or E-mail Id for future communications
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "Y" -You will receive the dematerialised policy
document in your e-insurance account.
If EIA_FLAGGING IS "N" (Not to pitch above liner RED liner )

TATA AIA Life provides you with an online service which helps you avail
yourself of facilities like updating your contact details, premium payment,
check fund value details, etc. Log onto www.tataaia.com to register yourself.
For any queries, you can call us on 1-860-266-9966 between 10.00 a.m. to 7.00
p.m. Please don't respond to any spurious calls or emails from any third
party/unauthorised representative. if you receive spurious emails, please
forward to Life.Complaints@tataaia.com.

All channels except City Union Bank - “This conversation will be

considered as part of your application for insurance, and if the proposal is
accepted it shall form basis of legal contact of Insurance between you and
TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited"

<Sir/Madam>>, We take your agreements to the terms of the policy and

verification is completed.
Sir/ Madam Thanks for your valuable time we have informed key details
regarding your policy however we would like to inform DOB/Address
informed by you is not matching with our records,
We request you to please submit your DOB proof /address proof to your
relationship manager. Your insurance application will be processed on receipt
of the relevant proof.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."
Email id Mismatch: Sir/Mam, As your email id is not matching with our
records, will request you to please get in touch with your relationship
manager for the same,once your email id is updated in our records; your
insurance application will be processed for issuance.
Thank you for your valuable time. Have a great <day/evening>."

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