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Research Papers
Keywords: Thermal management is essential for Lithium-ion batteries used in electrical vehicles. The present study focussed
BTMS on numerical simulation of thermal performance of six configurations of hybrid cooling system at dry out
Hybrid cooling condition (HCSDC) and compared with simple air cooling system (SACS) under different discharge and flow
Air cooling
conditions. SACS could not keep the required average temperature and temperature uniformity at 2C and 3C
Lithium-ion battery
conditions for Re values of 764–6113. BP-4 configuration of HCSDC has the best thermal performance in higher
Numerical method Re values at all discharge conditions. Maximum increase in temperature uniformity of 27.54 % over SACS and 26
% over threshold and maximum reduction in average temperature is 2.86 K lower than SACS for BP-4 at 2C
condition. Simulation predictions of SACS and BP-4 configurations are validated with experimental results ob
tained and the maximum deviation in absolute temperature was observed as 0.48 % and 0.31 %, respectively.
Actual capacity of the cell is 54 % of the rated capacity by experiments. Experimental and simulation results
indicate that the penultimate cell experiences highest temperature than last one due to difference in the wake
regions. The non-uniformity of temperature within the battery is associated with the temperature difference
between the first and penultimate cells.
Abbreviations: BTMS, Battery Thermal Management System; eff , Effective; Calib, Calibration; BP, Battery Pack; EV, Electric Vehicle; TCS, Thermal Conductance
Structure; SACS, Simple Air Cooling System; HCSDC, Hybrid Cooling System under Dry out Conditions; SEI, Solid Electrolyte Interface; LCP, Liquid cooling plate;
PCMs, Phase Change Materials.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: rohinikumar@nitc.ac.in (B. Rohinikumar).
Received 30 August 2023; Received in revised form 31 January 2024; Accepted 8 February 2024
Available online 16 February 2024
2352-152X/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
change material (PCM) [13]. Yang et al. [14] conducted a comparative inlets within the BTMS. Mangrulkar et al. [21] studied the staggered BPs
study on battery pack arrangements, revealing the impact of longitudi with and without a splitter plate, finding that the introduction of a
nal distance variations on average cell temperature in both aligned and splitter plate increased the Nusselt number while reducing pressure
staggered configurations. Notably, aligned arrangements demonstrated drop. Shahid et al. [22] developed a non-active technique using an inlet
superior thermal performance. Zhao et al. [15] investigated the influ plenum in the BP, optimized the geometrical dimensions and Reynolds
ence of a liquid-cooled cylinder around cylindrical Li-ion cells, number through numerical analysis and experimental validation.
observing enhanced heat transfer rates with an increased number of Sheng et al. [23] employed the numerical techniques to assess six
channels. Saw et al. [16] evaluated thermal performance of air-cooled distinct serpentine-channel liquid cooling plate (LCP) designs for pris
battery packs through numerical simulations, establishing a correla matic lithium-ion cells. Parameters such as coolant flow rate, inlet/
tion between Reynolds number and Nusselt number for estimating outlet positioning, C-rate, and single versus double serpentine channels
thermal management effectiveness. were systematically studied. Key performance metrics, including
Jaguemont et al. [17] reviewed the performance loss and degrada maximum temperature, temperature difference and pumping power
tion of LIBs in cold climates and compared conventional cooling ap were analyzed. The results highlighted the significant impact of inlet/
proaches using gas, liquid, and PCM. Choudhari et al. [18] numerically outlet locations and flow directions on cell temperature distribution and
compared different battery pack (BP) configurations with and without LCP power consumption ratio. Increased fluid flow rates were found to
PCM and with fins inside the PCM, concluded that the design with PCM effectively reduce maximum temperature rise, while channel width
and fins significantly reducing the maximum temperature during high C- influenced power consumption. The study highlights the superior ther
rates. Saw et al. [19] compared the thermal behaviour of mist-cooled mal management capabilities of serpentine-channel design, offering a
and air-cooled battery thermal management systems (BTMS), promising approach for efficient and cost-effective LIB thermal systems.
concluded that mist cooling can effectively maintain battery pack tem Shang et al. [24] have introduced an innovative cellular liquid cooling
perature below the optimum levels. Shahid et al. [20] investigated the jacket design for thermal management of Li-ion 21,700 cells. Through a
impact of additional inlets on thermal management in simple air-cooled comprehensive analysis encompassing both experimental and simula
BPs, inferred that thermal uniformity was improved with additional tion methodologies, the findings elucidate that the adoption of
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
interlaced flow directions yields a notably more uniform thermal dis 2. Physical system
tribution. A meticulous comparison between numerical and experi
mental outcomes indicated a negligible deviation of <1.5 ◦ C. Electric vehicles employ a battery pack (BP) comprised of inter
Wei et al. [25] conducted a comprehensive experimental investiga connected cells arranged in series and parallel configuration, which
tion on a novel hybrid cooling method aimed at enhancing heat transfer deliver the required power. The system considered for the present work
through evaporative cooling. Hydrophilic fibers were strategically consists of a sub module of the BP with eight rows and twenty-three cells
placed around each cell in the study, which yielded to superior thermal in each row as shown in Fig. 1. To ensure optimal performance, it is
efficiency compared to configurations employing liquid cooling or no crucial to keep the temperature of the BP within a specific range of 20 ◦ C
cooling. Furthermore, in a separate set of experiments [26], Wei et al. to 40 ◦ C, with a maximum temperature difference of 5 ◦ C within the BP
explored a system that utilized a hybrid cooling approach combining [9–11]. Hence, thermal management of the BP is necessary. Hybrid
evaporative cooling and simple air cooling. The incorporation of hy cooled BTMS and simple air cooled BTMS are the two different thermal
drophilic fibers between the cells in the system resulted in a substantial management strategies considered in the present work.
improvement in thermal efficiency compared to configurations without The main goal of the hybrid cooling technique is to enhance the rate
cooling or relying solely on air cooling. of heat dissipation from cells, especially during rapid charging/dis
Lu et al. [27] numerically analyzed the impact of channel dimensions charging. A hybrid cooled BTMS consisting of forced-air cooling and
and air flow pattern on the thermal performance of staggered cell ar passive evaporative cooling, as shown in Fig. 2. The cells are arranged in
rangements within the BP. The results showed improved thermal per a rectangular channel and surrounded by fibers. These fibers are
formance when the inlet was located on top and the outlet on the bottom partially submerged in a water bath and possess hydrophilic properties.
of the BTMS. Jiang et al. [28] analyzed different cooling strategies by Capillary action allows water to move up through fibers. As air flows
adjusting the inlet and outlet positions and introducing baffles within through the system, evaporation of water in the fibers takes place,
the BP. A design equipped with baffles and inlet and outlet on different absorbing latent heat from the surrounding water and air during the
sides demonstrated the improved thermal performance. Ji et al. [29] phase transition. Consequently, the passing air becomes humidified and
developed a numerical model for optimizing the placement of cells cooled. This cooled air, at a lower temperature, passes over the higher
within the BP cooling channel based on arithmetic and geometric ratios. temperature cells, resulting in a higher rate of heat dissipation from the
The BP configuration with cells arranged based on arithmetic ratio cells and subsequently reducing their temperature.
achieved the better temperature uniformity. The hybrid system functions as a simple air cooling system (SACS) in
Lai et al. [30] conducted a computational analysis to optimize the the absence of fibers and water bath, which is one of the thermal man
dimensions of a thermal conductance structure while maintaining agement solutions studied in the present work. Hybrid cooling system
thermal performance. The study focused on parameters such as height, under dry out conditions (HCSDC) is the second thermal management
diameter, and surface angle to make the structure more compact. The strategy considered in the current work. HSCDC is the configuration of
optimized structure successfully maintained the highest temperature hybrid cooling system in the absence of water and with the presence of
and temperature difference within the optimal range. Xu et al. [31] fibers.
performed a computational analysis to optimize the design of serpentine
and U-shaped cooling channels. The results showed that the serpentine 3. Problem definition
channel exhibited better thermal performance compared to the U-sha
ped channel. Elmekawy et al. [32] conducted a computational analysis 3.1. Computational domain
on the effect of a splitter plate in a BP with staggered cells. The presence
of a splitter plate reduced the pressure drop and enhanced the Nusselt The thermal condition and fluid-cell interactions in the battery
number. Shahid et al. [33] conducted research on a hybrid cooling module, with one inlet and one exit, are considered when defining the
system using a numerical model, including vortex generators, multiple system. A single layer of eight cells, shown in Fig. 3, is chosen for nu
inlets, and a liquid cooling jacket surrounding the cells. The findings merical and experimental studies of the battery module [34]. The
demonstrated a significant improvement in temperature uniformity computational domain for SACS will resemble Fig. 3 and for HCSDC, the
within the BP. domain is slightly modified with the inclusion of fibers.
In the field of thermal management for lithium-ion batteries, earlier
investigations were focused on evaluating the performance of hybrid 3.2. Modelling of the system
cooling systems with the combined effect of air and evaporative cooling
under the normal operating conditions. Regrettably, the performance of Mathematical model is developed to simulate both HCSDC and SACS.
the hybrid cooling systems during dry out conditions, which result in The model development is based on the following assumptions and
suboptimal behaviour of the BTMS, has not been explored in the liter considerations:
ature. Additionally, the influence of number of fibers, position of fibers
and inter-fiber distance on the fluid flow and subsequently thermal • System is in steady state
performance of lithium ion battery is yet to be investigated. In the light • Fluid flow is three-dimensional, incompressible, and turbulent
of these research gaps, the present study is focussed to identify a supe • Effect of gravity is neglected
rior configuration of hybrid-cooled battery pack under dry out condi • Homogeneous heat generation with in the cell
tions, surpassing the capabilities of simple air cooling. This study • All thermo-physical properties of the working fluid, except density,
presents a novel approach, wherein the authors have developed a nu are assumed to remain constant
merical model of the BTMS incorporating fibers in hybrid cooling system • Effect of radiation is neglected
under dry out conditions. Subsequently, the performance of various
configurations of the hybrid-cooled BTMS at dry out conditions has been
simulated and compared against simple air cooling system. The most 3.2.1. Heat generation and conduction in the cells
promising hybrid cooling arrangement determined through simulation Heat generation in the cell stems from reversible processes,
and simple air cooling system have been fabricated and subjected to connector resistance, polarization, and internal resistance [14,35]. In
experimental analysis. Simulation predictions of both the systems are ternal resistance encompasses electrical resistance, ion conductive
validated with the corresponding experimental results. resistance, and solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film resistance on the
negative electrode. Hence, the general thermal energy equation for the
cell is expressed as follows
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
( )2 ( )
∂ϕs,i ∂ϕe,i 2
Q̇ohm =σ eff ,i + keff ,i
∂x ∂x
( ) (5)
2keff ,i RT(1 − t+ ) dlnf ∂lnCl ∂ϕe,i
+ 1+ + ai ji FΔϕSEI
F dlnCl ∂x ∂x
Where ji is the specific reaction, ai is the specific surface area, F is
Faraday’s constant. The product of these three parameters yields the
current Ii generated by the given area [26].
Ii = ai ji F (6)
The Bernardi Eq. [36] is a widely used simplified method for
calculating the rate of heat generation, and it is commonly employed for
this purpose, given by
Q̇total = Ii (V0 − V) − Ii T (7)
The right-hand side of Eq. (7) consists of two terms. The first term
integrates Eq. (3) and represents irreversible heat generation due to over
potential across the entire circuit, encompassing polarization and in
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of hybrid cooling system. ternal resistance. The second term integrates Eq. (5) and represents
reversible entropic heat generation resulting from the overall chemical
∂T reaction within the cell [36].
ρc p = ∇.ke ∇T + Q̇p + Q̇rea + Q̇c + Q̇ohm (1)
3.2.2. Fluid flow and heat transfer in the system
Where ke is the overall effective thermal conductivity of the cell in The governing equations for fluid flow and heat transfer in the
the BP. Q̇p , Q̇rea , Q̇c and Q̇ohm represent the rate of heat generation due to domain are obtained using mass, momentum, and energy balances as.
polarization, reversible chemical reactions, resistance of connectors, and Continuity:
internal cell resistance, respectively, and they are calculated using [26]. ( →)
∇ • ρV = 0 (8)
Q̇p = ai ji Fηi (2)
Momentum conservation:
Q̇rea = ai ji FT (3) → (→) →
dT V .∇ V = − ∇P + μ∇2 V (9)
( )
Menter [37] introduced the SST k-ω turbulence model, which com
Ii2 RAcccc
bines the k-ϵ and k-ω turbulence models. The k-ϵ model is used for the
Q̇c = (4)
v free stream region, while the k-ω model is effective in predicting flow
near the walls.
[ ]
∂(ρUi k) ̃ ∂k ∂k
= Pk − β * ρk ω + (μ + σk μt ) (10)
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
∂(ρUi ω) ∂
1 ∂k ∂w respectively. Table 1 illustrates the boundary conditions associated with
= αρS2 − β* ρω2 + (μ + σk μt ) + 2(1 − F1 )ρσω2 the system.
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi ω ∂xi ∂xi
{{ [ ( √̅̅̅ ) ] }4 } 3.4. Computational domain, grid generation and mesh independence
k 500v 4ρσω2k
F1 = tanh min max * , 2 , study
β ωy y ω CDkω y2
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
very fine mesh consisting of 4.4 × 106 elements. Fig. 5 illustrates the
variation of the battery module’s outlet temperature with the number of Table 2
elements. A mesh with 139.56 × 104 cells was selected as the grid- Comparison of steady state mean temperature of the cells.
independent mesh for SACS simulation. A similar approach was adopted Sl. No. Average battery module temperature (K) Percentage deviation
for simulating the different configurations of HSCDC. Current model Tete et al. study [37]
To establish the reliability of model, a comparison was made be was compared with the model by P. R. Tete et al. [38], as shown in
tween numerical results and an analytical solution. The outlet temper Table 2. Temperature of the cells at steady state from both studies was
ature of the battery module was determined for various input velocities compared, revealing a difference of 0.23 %. Hence, the current model
with thermodynamic energy balance using can effectively simulate the performance of BTMS considering fluid flow
and heat transfer phenomena.
Tm,o = + Tm,i (16)
4. System simulation
Where, Q̇total is the total heat released from cells. Tm,o and Tm,i are the
temperature of coolant at outlet and inlet, respectively. Fig. 6 shows the 4.1. Different configurations for simulation
comparison of the outlet temperature obtained from numerical simula
tion and analytical results. The maximum difference between the two is Six arrangements of fibers were considered for different configura
0.001 %. Furthermore, the numerical model developed for this system tions of HSCDC, along with one SAC configuration in this study. The
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 7. Top view of different configurations: (a) BP-0, (b) BP-1, (c) BP-2, (d) BP-3a, (e) BP-3b, (f) BP-3c, and (g) BP-4.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Table 4 Table 5
Properties of the working fluid. Specifications of the cell. [39].
Property Unit Value Property Specifications/Values
From thermodynamic energy balance, rate of heat transfer is eval Parameters Values
uated by, C-rate 0.5 1 2 3 4 5
( ) Discharge
1.5 3 6 9 12 15
Q̇convection = ṁcp Tm,o − Tm,i (19) current (A)
Volumetric heat
Using heat transfer principles, the convection heat transfer rate is generation 3733 12,907 47,579 104,017 182,220 282,189
calculated with [16] rate (W/m3)
[ ( )]
Tm,o + Tm,i
Q̇convection = hAext TS − (20)
Where TS is the average temperature of the cell’s surface. Reynolds
The average convective heat transfer coefficient is given by number is estimated using
Q̇ ρUavg Dh
h= [ convection
( )] (21) Re = (22)
Aext TS −
Tm,o +Tm,i μ
The mean Nusselt number is computed with
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 9. (a) Thermocouple locations on a cell, (b) thermocouples connected to a cell, (c) heat flux sensor on a cell, and (d) thermocouple locations in battery module.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
q́ = (27)
S@T◦ C is the sensitivity of the heat flux sensor, which is estimated
S@Tsen = [0.00334 Tsen + 0.917] Scalib (28)
Tsen is the temperature of thermocouple in C associated with the flux
The uncertainties associated with different instruments are given in allowing sufficient area for heat transfer to the surrounding high-
Table 10. velocity fluid.
Volumetric heat generation rate in the cell is given by
6.1.2. Centerline temperature
q́gen = (31) Fig. 14 illustrates the simulation of the system’s centerline temper
([0.00334 Tsen + 0.917] Scalib )0.018
ature along its length at a discharge rate of 2C and fluid velocity of 1 m/
s, highlighting the hottest region within the system. Each peak in the
trend represents temperature variation along the centerline of a cell in
Table 9 the battery module, following the flow direction. The temperature shift
Thermophysical properties of HDPE fiber structure [42,43]. between successive maxima corresponds to temperature variation along
the center of the wake region between cells. The absence of cells beyond
Property Specifications/Values
the eighth cell results in a larger wake region. This expanded wake re
Density (Kg/m3) 954 gion increases the contact area between the wake and the high-velocity
Specific heat (J/kg K) 1600
fluid regions. The high-velocity fluid, having a lower temperature,
Thermal conductivity (W/m K) 1.21
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 11. (a) Battery module of HCSDC, (b) Battery module of SACS, and (c) Battery charge/discharge experimental setup.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 13. Velocity contours in the flow field of SACS at 2C discharge and 1 m/s.
Fig. 15. Variation of (a) average temperature of the module and temperature difference in the module (b) average heat transfer coefficient of the SACS with Reynolds
number at 1C discharge.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 17. Variation of (a) average temperature of battery and (b) temperature difference in the battery with Reynolds number at different discharge conditions.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 18. Velocity contours of (a) BP-0, (b) BP-1, (c) BP-2, (d) BP-3a, (e) BP-3b, (f) BP-3c, and (g) BP-4 configurations at 1 m/s and 2C condition.
Out of the six configurations of HCSDC, better temperature unifor Fig. 25 shows the temporal variation in heat generation rate from a
mity and average module temperature were demonstrated by BP-4 single cell, which aligns with cell voltage variation. The rate of heat
configuration. Hence, thermal performance between BP-0 and BP-4 generation increases significantly at the beginning and end of the
configurations at various discharge rates is simulated and compared as experiment. Initially, the cell is in thermal equilibrium with the sur
shown in Fig. 22. At all discharge rates, the temperature difference be roundings, and heat generated internally is conducted to the cell surface
tween the two configurations decreases as Reynolds number increases. and then transferred through the heat flux sensor. Heat is further con
Even at 3C-rates, the BP-4 configuration shows significant improvement vected from the sensor to the ambient. Fig. 25 illustrates that thermal
in temperature uniformity compared to BP-0. delay and contact resistance between the cell and sensor cause a delayed
Fig. 23 illustrates the variation of pressure drop with Reynolds number heat generation rate at the start of the experiment. A larger thermal
for different configurations at a 2C discharge rate. As Reynolds number gradient between the cell and surroundings enhances the heat transfer
increases, there is a corresponding increase in pressure drop for all con rate to the surroundings. Towards the end of the experiment, the load
figurations, following the classic pressure drop relationship with flow resistance is reduced to maintain a constant current, resulting in higher
velocity. The change in pressure drop among the different configurations rate of heat generation due to the same current being extracted at a
is attributed to the presence of fibers, which alter the flow resistance. lower cell voltage. The heat generation within the cell is influenced by
Except for BP-0 and BP-4 configurations, the pressure drop ranges are changes in cell voltage. The average heat generation rate for a current of
similar across all configurations. BP-0 exhibits the lowest pressure drop, 1.55 A is 18,374 W/m3, which is approximately 3.3 times higher than
while BP-4 has the highest pressure drop due to the minimum and the value predicted by Bernardi equation.
maximum number of fibers, respectively. It is recommended to give more The capacity of a cell was determined by discharging it at two
priority to the temperature requirement on safety point of view, to avoid different current conditions of 1.55 A and 2 A and it is shown in
thermal runaway conditions than the increased pumping power. So, it is Table 12. The discharge time until reaching the cut-off voltage was
important to consider a minimal pressure drop for effective thermal recorded to calculate the actual deliverable capacity. It was observed
management while maintaining temperature uniformity and adhering to that the commercially available cell has a capacity lower than its rated
temperature limits across a wide range of Reynolds numbers. value, and the capacity decreases as the C-rate increases. This decrease is
attributed to the increased energy loss in the form of heat at higher C-
rates. The reduction in cell capacity as well as the higher deviation in
6.3. Experimental results
actual heat generation rate compared to analytically predicted values
indicate suboptimal performance of the domestically procured cell. To
6.3.1. Heat generation from cell
estimate the heat generation, it is recommended to use Bernardi equa
Experiments were conducted on a single cell and an eight-cell battery
tion for standard cells while an experimental approach using heat flux
module under a constant current of 1.55 A to measure the heat generation
sensor is apt for locally available cell in market.
rate during discharge. Fig. 24 depicts the voltage variation of both the
single cell and the system of eight cells throughout the discharge process.
6.3.2. Temperature variation within the battery module
Initially, a gradual decline in voltage is observed, continuing until around
Experiments were conducted on BP-0 and BP-4 configurations of
3100 s. After this point, there is a rapid decrease in voltage. The experi
SACS and HCSDC, respectively. Fig. 26 shows the temperature
ment continues until the cell reaches its cut-off voltage of 2.5 V.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 19. Temperature contours of (a) BP-0, (b) BP-1, (c) BP-2, (d) BP-3a, (e) BP-3b, (f) BP-3c, and (g) BP-4 at 2C discharge and 1 m/s velocity.
variations of alternate cells in SACS under different discharge conditions rate of heat generation increased, causing accelerated temperature rise
and at 1.06 m/s. During the initial stage of discharge, there is a sudden in each cell. During steady-state operation at a higher discharge rate of 2
increase in temperature due to the cell’s transient start-up condition. A, the highest temperature of a cell remained below the optimum value.
However, after 747 s, the temperature variation becomes negligible, Towards the end of the discharge period at 2 A discharge and 1.06 m/s
indicating a nearly steady-state thermal condition during discharge at velocity, the system’s maximum temperature approached the threshold
1.55 A. The maximum temperature recorded by a cell during steady- value.
state operation is 303.5 K, with the seventh cell showing the highest Four experiments are carried out on HCSDC with two different inlet
temperature in the battery module. The temperature non-uniformity is velocities and discharge conditions as shown in Table 13.
1.56 K in steady-state conditions and maximum temperature non uni Fig. 27 shows the temperature variations of alternate cells in the BP-4
formity of the system is 3.8 K at 1.55 A discharge. Thus, the battery configuration during different discharge conditions. Rapid temperature
module successfully kept with its maximum temperature below the increases are observed at the beginning and end of the discharging
optimal level at 1.55 A discharge and 1.06 m/s velocity. The thermo process due to voltage decrease in these phases. In the intermediate
couples placed on the leeward side consistently measured higher tem stage, where the voltage remains steady, the cell temperature remains
peratures compared to those near symmetry face for each cell. relatively constant with time. Steady-state conditions are observed be
Additionally, when the battery module reached its cut-off voltage, the tween 750 s and 3000 s for 1.55 A discharge, and between 750 s and
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 20. Variation of (a) average temperature and (b) temperature difference of different configurations of battery with Reynolds number at 2C and 1 m/s condition.
Fig. 21. Variation of (a) centerline temperature and (b) volumetric average temperature of cells in different configurations at 2C discharge with 1 m/s velocity.
2500 s for 2 A discharge. Temperature non-uniformity is observed in the uncertainties were considered, and the simulation predictions show
system, with cell temperatures increasing in the flow direction at various excellent agreement with a maximum difference of 0.31 % for BP-4 and
discharge conditions and velocities. The seventh cell consistently ex 0.48 % for BP-0 configurations with the experimental results. Due to the
hibits the highest temperature among all the cells in the HCSDC exper higher air velocity, the maximum rise in temperature from the ambient
iments. Initially, the cells are in thermal equilibrium with the ambient condition is observed in seventh cell and it is measured as 2.23 K from
conditions, and the temperature rise from the initial temperature de the experiment and the numerically predicted value is 1.39 K in HCSDC.
creases as airflow velocity increases. For a specific cell, the temperature It is evident that the lower C rate discharge (1.55 A and 2 A) will result in
rise is higher in the 2 A constant current discharge condition compared comparatively lower rate of heat generation and there by insignificant
to 1.55 A. temperature rise, which can be handled by air cooling strategy.
Experiments were conducted on SACS and the BP-4 configuration of
HCSDC at 2 A discharge with 1.57 m/s velocity. The experimental heat 7. Conclusions
generation rate data during the steady state was used as input for steady
state simulations of the BP-0 and BP-4 configurations under the same The present study focussed on the unexplored area of performance
discharge conditions. Fig. 28 compares the steady-state temperatures evaluation of HSCDC at higher C rates. The study involves the devel
observed at two different locations of the cells in BP-0 and BP-4 con opment of a numerical model capable of simulating six different battery
figurations with the corresponding simulation results. All measurement module configurations of HSCDC. Performance of these configurations
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Table 12
Capacity of lithium-ion cell.
No. of Discharge Cut-off Duration of Capacity of
cells current voltage Discharge Cell
Id (A) (V) td (s) Ca (mAh)
Fig. 23. Variation of pressure drop with Reynolds number for different con
figurations of the battery at 2C discharge. Fig. 26. Variation of the temperature of cells in SACS with time at (a) 1.55 A
and (b) 2 A.
Fig. 24. Variation of voltage with time during the discharge process of (a) single cell and (b) battery with eight cells.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 27. Variation of temperature of cells in BP-4 configuration with time at (a) 1.55 A with 1.06 m/s, (b) 1.55 A with 1.57 m/s, (c) 2 A with 1.06 m/s, and (d) 2 A
with 1.57 m/s.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
Fig. 28. Comparison of simulation predictions with experimental results of (a) simple air cooling and (b) BP-4 configuration of HCSDC.
P.M. Sutheesh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110889
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