Functions of Criticism
Functions of Criticism
Functions of Criticism
Eliot’s opinions in this essay" Tradion and individual talent" were challenged by
Middleton Murry in his essay..........
( “Romanticism and the Tradition”. )
In order to emphasise T. S. Eliots point of view and challenge Murry’s claims, Eliot
( “The Function of Criticism”. )
In the first part of the essay" Functions of Criticism" , Eliot briefly describes his
opinion on literary tradition as expressed in the essay........
( “Tradition and the Individual Talent”. )
In the second part of the essay " Functions of Criticism" Eliots gives a brief account
( Murry’s argument)
In the third part of the essay " Functions of Criticism" Eliot expresses the reasons for
disagreement with....... and dismisses the arguments.
( Murry )
The concluding part of the essay" Functions of Criticism" examines the nature and
function of........
( criticism as envisaged by Eliot. )
Eliot had mentioned that there was a close relation between ........ and the
history of English literature.
( the present and the past )
In which literature from Homer down to the present day is a part of a single literary
tradition ?.
Eliot says that The writer must continually sacrifice himself to this literary tradition to
gain...... and .....
( meaning and significance.)
Eliot says that Artists of all periods form a community and an artist in the present
must be able to adhere to this ......
( sense of oneness. )
Eliot says that An artist must realise that artists of all times are united together by
( common cause. )
In which topic, Eliot further explains the aim of criticism to be “the promotion of
understanding and enjoyment to literature”.?.
“The Frontiers of Criticism”
Who is againnst to recognise the moral, religious, and cultural functions of art ?.
T. S. Eliot
According to whom, "criticism has only a definite aim and that is “elucidation of
works of art and the correction of taste.” ?
T. S. Eliot
T. S. Eliot says that criticism has become like a........ full of orators competing with
each other to attract a large audience.
( Sunday park )
Who makes a clear distinction between the classic and Romantic and says that one
cannot be a Classic and a Romantic at the same time. ?.
Middleton Murray
Who disagrees with Murry’s comment that the genius of the French is Classic and
that of the English, Romantic.?.
T. S. Eliot
Whose notion did Eliot oppose that the English are essentially Romantics?.
Middleton Murray
who are humorous and nonconformists?.
Who insists that those who believe in the “inner voice” are inconsistent and do not
follow any principles.?.
T. S. Eliot
According to whom , "For those who believe in the “inner voice”, criticism is of no
value at all because the function of criticism is to discover some common principles
to achieve perfection in art. "?.
T. S. Eliot
Which are strongly in favour of subjectivism and the result would be chaos”.?.
Obedience to the laws of .......and ....... represent the accumulated wisdom and
experiences of ages.
( art and tradition)
T. S. Eliot derides Matthew Arnold for making a vague distinction between the two
terms ........and.......
( "critical” and “creative”.)
Eliot says that “the larger part of the labour of an author in composing his work is
critical labour ......., ........, ........ and......
( the labour of shifting, combining constructing, expunging, correcting, testing.” )
Eliot goes to the extent of saying that some creative writers are superior to others
only because of their superior........
( critical faculty. )
Eliot comments that those who rely on the “inner voice” or inspiration do not
conform to........
( tradition )
The process of creation of a work of art is .........., which does not have any conscious
( autotelic )
In the words of Eliot: “The critical activity finds its highest, its truest fulfilment in a
kind of union with creation in the labour of the artist.”
According to T. S. Eliot, Which is a rare gift that develops slowly and gradually. “?.
The sense of fact
Eliot does not prefer ........ because it would not offer any insight into the work.
( Impressionistic criticism )
A true critic knows “the facts about a work of art – its conditions, its setting, and its
genesis” and puts the facts across to readers in a simple manner.
Which are possible only when the critic is aware of the facts about the works, which
are to be compared and analysed. ?
Comparison and analysis
What is the name of the Critics who supply opinion or fancy are the real corruptors.
Goethe and Coleridg
Eliot warns against slavish adherence to gather facts and bother about trivialities as
the laundry bills of.......
( Shakespeare. )
Eliot’s emphasis on facts is related to his views on the new critics like ........and.....
and their critical methods.
( F.R. Leavis and I.A. Richards )
T. S. Eliot comments on textual criticism, but he is against the ............. , who try to
squeeze meaning out of words.
( “lemon-squeezer” school of critics )
The Function of Criticism’ focuses on the role of the critic as opposed to the.........
( creation of new works of art )
Comparison and analysis rather than responding with how one feels are the critic's
“chief tools,” Eliot says, but one then has to know what to compare and what to
analyze. There processes of interpretation come into play, but they must be guided
facts, as he calls them, that are then put into the reader's possession.
According to Eliot, which is the external authority that a contemporary artist needs
to submit to.?.
literary tradition.
Art as critic like Matthew Arnold point out, may have some other ends i.e........, .......
( moral, religious or culture. )
In which essay, Eliot further explains the function of criticism as “the promotion of
understanding and enjoyment of literature.”?.
Frontiers of Criticism
T. S. Eliot published his essay "The Functions of Criticism" in 1923. It was written in
reaction to Murry, who in his essay "Romanticism and Tradition" disputed some of
the ideas that Eliot had put forth in her earlier piece "Tradition and Individual Talent"
Middleton Murray says that classicism is the feature of ..... and romanticism is the
feature of .......
( France, England)
Middleton Murray related catholicism for .......... for believing in tradition and
protestantism for ....... for believing in liberalism
(Classicism , romanticism )
Whom did TS Eliot criticize who consider criticism is better than creative work?.
Mathew Arnold ,
Middleton Murray
Who said " a classical writer cannot be a romantic writer and a romantic writer
cannot be the classical writer. "?.
Middleton Murray
Who does not believes in this statement of Middleton Murray that English people are
only romantic and French are classical.?.
T. S. Eliot
TS Eliot goes against the views of ......... who differentiated between critical writing
and creative writing.
( Matthew Arnold )
(of an activity or creative work) having an end or purpose in itself
The opinions of Eliot regarding critics and his creative work of art
are discussed below:
3. Murry believes that a critic should hear and follow a natural instinct that he feels,
as it is correct for him.
He suggests that rules are made to be broken (by listening to the inner voice that
makes them unable to listen to the others). Such free play can lead to doing what
one likes which means the emergence of violence. Thus Eliot criticises Murry's
attitude for rejecting the dignity of the others.
Murry believes that there exists "Outside Authority" which is spiritual and divine.
Opposed to the "inner voice" (Whiggery), the Outside Authority guides us towards the
right path. It is perfect and the inner voice must struggle to achieve perfection.
According to Eliot, the function of criticism is to quest for some common principles
for the perfection of art.
This function can only be served when the tradition of art is followed which has been
derived from the long experience of ages.
Art is beyond the ends and open so that you can interpret it any time
A critic must compose differences with the other critics rather than being a.......
( blind follower )
According to Murry, ........and....... cannot go sideby side, both differ very clearly and
no one could follow both at the same time
( Classicism and Romanticism )
Middleton Murray says that Classicism is the feature of ........ and Romanticism is the
feature of ......
( French, England)
Eliot objected by stating that concept ofinner voice is like advocating doing what
one likes.