CVAC Multidisciplinary

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Notification No. CSR /40/23

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the Syndicate

at its meeting held on 29.09.2023 (ltem No.08) approved the syllabi of
the under mentioned six CVAC Courses, to be studied in semester-2for
semester wise four-year (Honours & Honours with Research) /three-
year (Multidisciplinary) Programme of U.G. courses of studies under
CCF, 2022under this University, as laid down in the accompanying
pamphlet.Students have to opt any one from the list.

SL.No. Title of the course

1,. lndian Knowledge System and its Applications
2. Hands on Machine Learning
3. Domestic Applications of Electronics
4. Occupational Health Disorders and the lmportance of Ergonomics
5. Lifestyle Diseases and their Prevention
6. Value Oriented Life Skill Education

The above shall take effect from the academic session 2023-2024.

KOLKATA-7OOO73 ,,.,*&",!!,bn
The 15th october ,2023 Registrar
$1-. rtrd.t
lndian Knowledge System and-its applications
TotalCredits: 2

Module,f :IatroCuaiotttabtdtanlirlowledgSyi,rcar
IeqiureEilurs: 0&
f .bis rrbdirleslrall coveri
r' .nnut iS.toai* Knowledge Slptem 7
i?. toVc8as, Vedangas;'Ka$a,Ie!-r+E,.ttr"xg", ItihEsas, and their rilc.,rance
:' Sasics ofPE$iai's gramtiu ad Ait5&yEyi{word gcncration, sesesref,ornation, vubs and.
: p.rcfi5cs, sufr>ration ctc) iod its oacosivc appli&tio4oa la:rggagcs othlrhnguages..
r,. . lndiaosbbeno ofknowffige aud clgsr-dsiie*
'. Ioaiao *m"woik for cstablishing \alid howlodgq aod itq apdlicability in today'irsociety

I f,*r'fnlng gutcomet:'

Moilule-rll rn;aoduction to anctent rndianPoltrtut' utd Econromic slitem

I;cctufe'Eours:08 .

T.his moilulc sbali covec

;. , Kiqgsbip; Dutics,an{ $iqponsiUilities of a King

1' Tlucc Ticr P.olitical SysteioF DharmaDana,.najpau4 NpyDand
. raw and Aduinistatiou, supprcssion oroine, nercnsc sptem.and Foreip poliry
. ..!-
r .

ConcePt ofVealth alir{ it'so'rmcrship, Kiilrtilyasaptaug: Sevea Sorirces of Incoroc

r IndiaaEcouomy- taxation, lavings,-cxpcudituc

Learuing Outcomes:
and Economic Systern pillars of
functioned in Ancient
India' arrd about the
o Theywill also leam'how the Kings
Raj Dand&NyayDand'
Kingship - Dharrna Dand'
Defense systern, and
Foreign Policy'
g sonrces of Income,
of Kautilya's Economic System coverrnl
o Learners will get an

rc Ancient Indian Art and
I\{odule'III: Introductiott

Lecture Hours: 08

This module shall cover:

and fuchitecture
o Origin & Concept of Ancient Indian Art
o lntroduction to Temple fuchitecture
o StYlesofArchitecture
o Introduction to Cave & Monolithic Architecture
Mauryar;V ij aYnagaretc'
and Jain Art & Architecture
' Knowledge of Buddhist

Learning Outcomes:

the idea of building architecture
will learn about Asbtanga architecture,
o Learners also
different dirrensions' o '

of direct construction'
tueir transporialt" ""iiil ^ ^ -^L:.^^+

approach fu Health
Mathematics, Astronomy, and
podute.IV: Introduction to Ancient Indian
Lecture llours: 06

This module shall cover:

. Salient features of Ancieut
lndian Mathematics

a Overview of indian astronomy
and the lndian calendar
a The celestial coordinate systenL
physics & chemistry
(yantras) - Application of
a Astronomical Instruments
a Ayurvedicapproachtohealth,foodintakemethods,diseasemaDagementelements&wellness
- application of Botany and Medical

Learning Outcomes:

astronomical instruments Cr**).
o Learners will also learn about Indian astronomy,
management& wellness'

Publishers' New Delhi'
fuchitecture' Munshiram Manoharlal
Acarya, P.K (1996)' lndian


Philosophy, Rupa & co' calcutta'
(2012). An Introduction to Indian
irratterSee. satishchandra.

Ltd,New Delhi.

PHI Leaming Private Ltd' Delhi
System: C"t""pt' unl eppti"utious"'

PrintWorld Ltd, New Delhi'

Domestic Application of Electronics
$L,N-o.] Semester-2
Tota! Credits: 2

Name of course:

semiconductors and sensbrs: Insulator, S-eriricondubtor,

Metal, elernentary semiconductor
devices, Sensors and its applications (Diode, i.u"rirto.,
FET. photoiesistors (LDR),
''Photodiodes (Photovoltaic and Photo conduciive cetts;,
unJ photo Transistors). tut"tut detecror
(conceptually discussed). LCD Displays: Types of Liquid
Displays, Applications, -Advaritages crystals,
-ou", principle of Liguid Crystal
inr ' ,;;d.
(6 Hrs)

Digital embedded system: Transition of analog to digital system,

memory, microprocessor and
microconholler, embedded system, Tseg LED (Elementary
Discussion). lniroduction to
communication, need for modulation, concept of AM and
FM (qualitative discussion no
(6 Hrs)
Protection of Electrical lines in House: Concept of RCB
and MCB, different types of RCB and
MCB, Transmission of electricity: Basic elements: Generator, power
transformer, transmission
line, main elements of long transmission line, concept of overhead
transmisrr; rrra
und-erground cable.. "ro
(6 Hrs) .
Electrical machines: Microwave generator, Microwave oven- piinciple
of microwave cooking,
Block diagram, Types. Washing machine: Electronic controller.
of washing machines. Air
conditioners: Air conditioning, Remote controlled air conditioner,
Compressor. toud speakers:
Features of Basic toud speakei, crystar ro;;p;.k;;;o;;;;rr. (6 Hrs)
Porver Supply h Hgt:_-uses: Regulated powe_r supply (Rectifier, Filter, Zener Diode,
Transistor, rc-7gxx ,79xxand LM3r7 ). Inverte.,, solar celi. (6 Hrs)
Reference Books:

1,. Sawhney , Electribal and Electronics Measurements and lnstrumentation. DhanpatRai.

2. Ghosh, lntroduction to measurements and lnstrumentation, PHI
3. Kamal, Embedded Systems, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Uppal and Garg, Electrical Wiring Estimating and Costing, Khanna Publishers.
5. Theraja and Theraja, Abc of Electrical Engineering, 5 Chand Publishing.
6. Sinha,Handbook Of Repair And Maintenance Of Domestic Electronics Appliances,BPB

sL" No. 5

Common Value added Course (CVAC) on: "Lifestyle Diseases and Their
Prevention" "t i-.,...,'.. .i'...'.,--..- '.. '.,... 1 ...'--:'t.'l--

Course Title: 'Lifestyle Diseases and Their Prevention'

Course Duration: One Semester

Full Marks: 50 (2credits)
Course Description: This course explores the impact of lifestyle choices on health and the
prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Students will examine the factors contributing to
diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stress-related disorders etc and simple
remedy and therapeutic measures through lectures, practical activities, and case studies.
Students will also learn about effective strategies for prevention and health promotion.
This course aims to explore the physiological effects of yoga, meditation, and music on the
human body and mind. Students will learn about the scientific principles
behind these practices and their impact on overall well-being.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to :

1. Define lifestyle diseases and distinguish them from other health conditions.
2. ldentify common lifestyle-related diseases, their risk factors, and prevalence.
3. Analyze the impact of nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress management on
4. Evaluate the role of public health initiatives in promoting healthier lifestyles.
5. Create a personalized plan for improving their own lifestyle and preventing lifestyle
6. Explain the physiological mechanisms underlying the benefits of yoga, meditation, and
7.. Demonstrate basic yoga postures and breathing techniques.
8.. Practice various meditation techniques for stress reduction and mental clarity.
9. Understand the role of music in relaxation and emotional regulation and research studies
related to the physiological effects of these practices.
10. Apply these practices to enhance personalwell-0eing.

Course Outline:
lntroduction to Lifestyle Diseases: Definitions and classifications
Causes and consequences of obesity; Diabetes mellitus: types, risk factors, and management.
Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart disease and hypertension; Role of diet and exercise in heart
Dietary !uidelines; Meal planning for health.
Physical Activity and Exercise: Benefits of physical activity; Designing an exercise program"
Stress Management and Mental Heatth: Sources of stress and its impact; Stress reduction
Techniques.Physiological benefits of yoga Pranayama and its impact on respiratory and
cardiovascu lar systems
Breathing Techniques: Meditation and Mindfulness: Different meditation techniques; Effects of
meditation as well as music in overallwell being of human
Suggested Reading on CVAC Course on "Lifestyle Diseases and their prevention,,

.1. The 4 Pillar Plan" by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

2."How Not to Die" by Michael Greger, M.D., and Gene Stone

3. "The Miracle of Mindfulness', by Thich Nhat Hanh

4."The Healing Power of Sound" by Mitchell L. Gaynor, M.D.

of Yoga: A Guide to Yosa Philosophy for the contemporary practitioner"

SL, NO. 6 2-Credit CVAC Course (For 2nd Semester)
Value-oriented Life-Skill Education
(Self Awareness, Relationshi p Bu i ld i ng, Effect_ive Com mu n icatio n, Cha nge M a nagement,
Stress Management & Responsihle Decision Making)

Course Obiective:

This course aims to increase students' self-understanding to erihance their self-awareness and to
elpand their capacity of self-actualization through the grooming of value-orientedr life skills, It
facilitates their understanding of personal characteristics and of themselves in relation to the
social systems they have been brought up in. It will also equip them with a positive mind set and
a proper perspective to remove the commonly observed biases in relationships. Instead. they are
expected to adopt compassionate attitude to human actions. It witt further help them in
controlling, organaing and coordinating the activities of the. mind in order to achieve their
defined goals. It will help the students in appreciiting different types of intelligence possessed by
human mind and identify them, apply them, It will enhance their ability of critical thinking, focus,
concentration and help them in making responsible decisions. Overall aim is to empower students
with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life, while
making positive contributions to society.

Intended Learning Outcomes :

After successful completion of this course students are expected to

1. Develop self-awareness: The course intends to help individuals gain an understanding of

themselves, their values, beliefs, strengths,pnd weaknesses. It encourages self-reflection
and introspection to promote personal growth and self-improvement;

2, Promote personal growth and self-improvement: The course encourages individuals to set
personal goals, explore their passions, and work towards self-improvement. It provides
. tools and-techniques to develop a growth.mindset, set meaningfulgoals, and manage time
3. Enhance intelpersonal skills: The course focuses on improving individuals' interpersonal
skills, such as effective colnmunication, active listening, empathetic approaches and
appreciation of interdependence. It aims to enhance their ability to build positive and
meaningful relationships with others;

- 4. - tJlilize Multiple-intelligence: People may learn and acquire information in different

ways. The course will help the takers to identify, appreciate and make use of these
different types of intelligence and that will definitely increase their diversity tolerance
and unconditional respect for others;

5. Cultivate resilience and well-being: The course aims to equip individuals with strategies
and techniques to cope with challenges, setbacks, and stress. It emphasizes the
development of resilience, emotional intelligence, and well-being to lead a balanced and
tulfilling life.
6. Foster values-based decision-making: The course emphasizes the importance of values in
decision-making processes. It aims to develop individuals' ability to make ethical and
value-based choices in their personal and professional lives.

Teachins-learninp Methodolopv:

Emphasis will be on the grooming of Emotional Intelligence & Ethics. The pedagogy of Social
Emotional Learning (SEL) will be followed where students are expected to take an active part in
the learning process. Lectures will cover the bare conceptual part of the topic and it will be
supplemented by a number of interactive and participatory tools like creation ofjoint experiential
space, making meaning and teaching complex thinking through relatable stories, role-plays,
problern-based learning, etc. In tutorials and skill workshops students will be grouped into small
teams and various exercises involving inter and intra-group interactions will be given to enable
them to understand their own life experience from different perspectives. Some guest talks can
also be arranged, whenever needed.

Probable Teachers/ Instructors:

Any teacher with some background in Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, any discipline
under Social Science or anyone with some orientation in Personality Development and/or Value
Workshops will be able to handle the course.

Course-outline (30 hours/ 2-credits)

Module I: Self-Awareness (5 hours)

r Value yourself: Realize, Understand, Label, Express & Regulate your emotions (RULER
. Quite your Mind: Practice Mindfulness (living in present), Concentration (attention &
' focus) & Relaxation (breathing exercises);
o Know your personality: Body-mapping of emotions, Multiple intelligence, Personality
types & understanding persona (situation specific Thought-Feeling-Expression-Action);
o Motivate Yourself: Extrinsic Motivation (reward & punishment) and Intrinsic Motivation
(sense ofpurpose & mastery);
. Goal setting: Set realistic goals, make it SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
. Relevant & Time-bound), prepare an Action Plan;

Module II: Relationship Building & Social Awareness (5 hours)

o Ethical Foundation of Relationship: Core Values, Relationship Tree & Exploring
personal needs in relations;
o Perspective & Mindset: Common biases in understanding perspective, Fixed Vs. Growth
Mindset, Diversity tolerance, Emotional Judge & Emotional Scientist ;
o Empathy & Compassion: Noticing, Feeling & Responding; Emotion Scientist & Emotion
o Get help when needed, Not expect mind reading, Gratitude Diary;
o Teamwork & Cooperation: Understanding interdependence, solving complex problems
through teamwork;

Module III: Effective Communication (5 hours)

Modes of communication: Verbal- Speaking, Listening, Non-verbal- Postures &
Gestures, Silence;
o Types of Communication: Passive, Aggressive, Passive-aggressive & Assertive;
o Team Skill: Adaptability & Flexibility, Negotiation, Collaboration;
o Leadership: Self Leader, Leading Others, Best Follower;
o Resilience: Understanding Resilience, Resilience in face of Social Challenges,
Unconditional Positive Regards for Differencr & Diversity;

Module lV: Self-Management (5 hours)

o Be Mindfulness: Live in present, be focused & conscious, no worry ,0"r, Orri tm
about future, practice mindful listening, increase observation power; ",
o Recognize Multiple Intelligence: Spatial (visual), Verbal (linguistic), Interpersonal,
Intrapersonal, Logical (mathematical), Kinesthetic (bodily), Musical, Naturalistic;
r Build up Self-confidence: Identifo your strong points, identify the nature of your innate
intelligence, build up positive relationships, be kind to yourself, learn to be assertive, say
NO effectively, give yourself a challenge;
o Self-care: self-expression, self-care & selfishness, recognize burnout, personal
grooming, time management & multi-tasking;
o Self-management & Behavior Optimization: 5-A's of behavior optimization (Ask,
Advise, Assess, Assist & Arrange);

Module V: Change Management & Stress Management (5 hours)

o Accept Changed Situation & Assess-Plan-Review; to cope replace "React" with
"Response", be flexible & remember that change is a part of life;
o Burn out and Decision Making: Decision fatigue, irrational decision, unnecessary risk-
preference, coping with physical exercise, increased social connectivity, writing gratitude
journal, etc.
o Understanding Stress: Stressor, Manifestation of Stress )

. Managing Stress: Coping with Problem-focused Strategies, Emotion-focused Strategies,

Meaning making, Social Support, Religious coping, etc.
. Role of Attitude & Commitment

Module VI: Responsible Decision Making & Resolving Conflicts (5 hours)

o UnderstandingConflict: InternalVs. External
o Management Strategies: Avoidance, Diffusion, Confrontation
r Negotiation: Win-win, Win-lose, Lose-lose;
. Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) Analysis in terms of balancing EQ
(Emotional Quotient) & IQ flntelligence Quotient)
o Etiquettes, Ethics & Values: personal, professional & social

Susgested Readings:

Since the course will ideally d.raw resources from multiple sources, fitting the life-experience of
the students and instructors to make it as much experiential and relatable as possible, hence, the
emphasis on reading will be relatively less. The university should compile a volume on the
background basics to be used in setting and answering MCQ questions. In spite of that a
basic few books are given below.

L Corey & Corey (2010): I Never Knew I Had a Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth;
2. Ford (1997): Game Plan: A Guide for Improving Human Relations and Personal
3. Johnson (2009): Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-actualization;
4. Brackett (2019): Permission to Feel- The Power of Emotional Intetligence to Achieve
Well-being & Success;'
5. Clear, J. (2018): Automatic Habits;
6. Gladwell, M. (2007): Blink; .
7 . Divyanandaprana, Pr. (2022): Self-Discovery;

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