CVAC Multidisciplinary
CVAC Multidisciplinary
CVAC Multidisciplinary
Notification No. CSR /40/23
The above shall take effect from the academic session 2023-2024.
KOLKATA-7OOO73 ,,.,*&",!!,bn
The 15th october ,2023 Registrar
$1-. rtrd.t
lndian Knowledge System and-its applications
TotalCredits: 2
Module,f :IatroCuaiotttabtdtanlirlowledgSyi,rcar
IeqiureEilurs: 0&
f .bis rrbdirleslrall coveri
r' .nnut iS.toai* Knowledge Slptem 7
i?. toVc8as, Vedangas;'Ka$a,Ie!-r+E,.ttr"xg", ItihEsas, and their rilc.,rance
:' Sasics ofPE$iai's gramtiu ad Ait5&yEyi{word gcncration, sesesref,ornation, vubs and.
: p.rcfi5cs, sufr>ration ctc) iod its oacosivc appli&tio4oa la:rggagcs othlrhnguages..
r,. . lndiaosbbeno ofknowffige aud clgsr-dsiie*
'. Ioaiao *m"woik for cstablishing \alid howlodgq aod itq apdlicability in today'irsociety
I f,*r'fnlng gutcomet:'
rc Ancient Indian Art and
I\{odule'III: Introductiott
Lecture Hours: 08
Learning Outcomes:
the idea of building architecture
will learn about Asbtanga architecture,
o Learners also
different dirrensions' o '
of direct construction'
tueir transporialt" ""iiil ^ ^ -^L:.^^+
approach fu Health
Mathematics, Astronomy, and
podute.IV: Introduction to Ancient Indian
Lecture llours: 06
a Overview of indian astronomy
and the lndian calendar
a The celestial coordinate systenL
physics & chemistry
(yantras) - Application of
a Astronomical Instruments
a Ayurvedicapproachtohealth,foodintakemethods,diseasemaDagementelements&wellness
- application of Botany and Medical
Learning Outcomes:
astronomical instruments Cr**).
o Learners will also learn about Indian astronomy,
management& wellness'
Publishers' New Delhi'
fuchitecture' Munshiram Manoharlal
Acarya, P.K (1996)' lndian
Philosophy, Rupa & co' calcutta'
(2012). An Introduction to Indian
irratterSee. satishchandra.
Ltd,New Delhi.
PHI Leaming Private Ltd' Delhi
System: C"t""pt' unl eppti"utious"'
PrintWorld Ltd, New Delhi'
Domestic Application of Electronics
$L,N-o.] Semester-2
Tota! Credits: 2
Name of course:
sL" No. 5
Common Value added Course (CVAC) on: "Lifestyle Diseases and Their
Prevention" "t i-.,...,'.. .i'...'.,--..- '.. '.,... 1 ...'--:'t.'l--
Course Outline:
lntroduction to Lifestyle Diseases: Definitions and classifications
Causes and consequences of obesity; Diabetes mellitus: types, risk factors, and management.
Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart disease and hypertension; Role of diet and exercise in heart
Dietary !uidelines; Meal planning for health.
Physical Activity and Exercise: Benefits of physical activity; Designing an exercise program"
Stress Management and Mental Heatth: Sources of stress and its impact; Stress reduction
Techniques.Physiological benefits of yoga Pranayama and its impact on respiratory and
cardiovascu lar systems
Breathing Techniques: Meditation and Mindfulness: Different meditation techniques; Effects of
meditation as well as music in overallwell being of human
Suggested Reading on CVAC Course on "Lifestyle Diseases and their prevention,,
Course Obiective:
This course aims to increase students' self-understanding to erihance their self-awareness and to
elpand their capacity of self-actualization through the grooming of value-orientedr life skills, It
facilitates their understanding of personal characteristics and of themselves in relation to the
social systems they have been brought up in. It will also equip them with a positive mind set and
a proper perspective to remove the commonly observed biases in relationships. Instead. they are
expected to adopt compassionate attitude to human actions. It witt further help them in
controlling, organaing and coordinating the activities of the. mind in order to achieve their
defined goals. It will help the students in appreciiting different types of intelligence possessed by
human mind and identify them, apply them, It will enhance their ability of critical thinking, focus,
concentration and help them in making responsible decisions. Overall aim is to empower students
with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life, while
making positive contributions to society.
2, Promote personal growth and self-improvement: The course encourages individuals to set
personal goals, explore their passions, and work towards self-improvement. It provides
. tools and-techniques to develop a growth.mindset, set meaningfulgoals, and manage time
3. Enhance intelpersonal skills: The course focuses on improving individuals' interpersonal
skills, such as effective colnmunication, active listening, empathetic approaches and
appreciation of interdependence. It aims to enhance their ability to build positive and
meaningful relationships with others;
5. Cultivate resilience and well-being: The course aims to equip individuals with strategies
and techniques to cope with challenges, setbacks, and stress. It emphasizes the
development of resilience, emotional intelligence, and well-being to lead a balanced and
tulfilling life.
6. Foster values-based decision-making: The course emphasizes the importance of values in
decision-making processes. It aims to develop individuals' ability to make ethical and
value-based choices in their personal and professional lives.
Teachins-learninp Methodolopv:
Emphasis will be on the grooming of Emotional Intelligence & Ethics. The pedagogy of Social
Emotional Learning (SEL) will be followed where students are expected to take an active part in
the learning process. Lectures will cover the bare conceptual part of the topic and it will be
supplemented by a number of interactive and participatory tools like creation ofjoint experiential
space, making meaning and teaching complex thinking through relatable stories, role-plays,
problern-based learning, etc. In tutorials and skill workshops students will be grouped into small
teams and various exercises involving inter and intra-group interactions will be given to enable
them to understand their own life experience from different perspectives. Some guest talks can
also be arranged, whenever needed.
Any teacher with some background in Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, any discipline
under Social Science or anyone with some orientation in Personality Development and/or Value
Workshops will be able to handle the course.
Susgested Readings:
Since the course will ideally d.raw resources from multiple sources, fitting the life-experience of
the students and instructors to make it as much experiential and relatable as possible, hence, the
emphasis on reading will be relatively less. The university should compile a volume on the
background basics to be used in setting and answering MCQ questions. In spite of that a
basic few books are given below.
L Corey & Corey (2010): I Never Knew I Had a Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth;
2. Ford (1997): Game Plan: A Guide for Improving Human Relations and Personal
3. Johnson (2009): Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-actualization;
4. Brackett (2019): Permission to Feel- The Power of Emotional Intetligence to Achieve
Well-being & Success;'
5. Clear, J. (2018): Automatic Habits;
6. Gladwell, M. (2007): Blink; .
7 . Divyanandaprana, Pr. (2022): Self-Discovery;