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COMPUTER SCIENCE Paper -1 (THEORY) (Three hours) Maximum Marks: 70 (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time) Answer all questions in Part I (compulsory) and six questions from Part-ll, choosing two questions ‘from Section-A, two from Section-B and two from Section-C. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets |. PARTI Answer all questions While answering questions in this Part, indicate briefly your working and reasoning. wherever required. Question 1 (a) State Associative law and prove it with the help of a truth table. i} (b) Draw the truth table to prove the proportional logic expression. Uy GON YP x
) Convent the following infix notation to postfix: 2) A*(B/C)IESE (c) Define Interface. How is it different from a Class? a) ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2016{ ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOL, DORANDA (SET - A) COMPUTER SCIENCE | UNIT TEST (FIRST TERM 2016) CLASS XI Full Marks: 30 Question 1: Ths=5] a Convert 0.3555 into binary equivalent, b. Convert 782.245 into octal. ©. Convert the hexadecimal number FACE into decimal equivalent. 4. Perform binary product 1101110 x11 Perform binary division 11111 (11 = 101 Question 2: [1xS=5} a) State the two idempotence taw and verify one of them using the truth table. b) Find compliment of (A’#B"+C’Y A'+B°+C\ A+B'¥C’) (A*B4C’) ©) Detive Boolean algebra from the given logic diagram i - | > d) Draw logic gate for A’(B'C + BC’) + ABC’ e) Derive Boolean expression from the following table using SOP: A B ic ||=|~|-lelolele Question 3: ®) Given the Boolean function F(P,Q,R,S) = x (0, 2, 5, 7,8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15) Use karnaugh-map to reduce the function F using POS. b) Given the Boolean function. F(A,B.C,D)= ABCD + ABCD’ + ABC’D’ + ABC’D + AB'CD’ + A’B'C’D' + A’B'C'D + A'BC'D. Use kamaugh-map to reduce the function F using SOP. {5+5] Question 4. “The main safe in the nationalized bank can be opened by means of unique password consisting of tree pats. Different parts of the password are helé by the Chairman, Regional Manager, Bank Manager and Head eashier of the bank, respectively. ln order to open the safe, any one ofthe following conditions must be satisfied The password of the Chairman, together with passwords of ony wo other officals, must be entered. OR The password ofall the three bank officials, excluding the chairman, mst be entered. The topes are: A Denotes the Chairman's password. 1B: Denotes the Regional Manager's password ©: Denotes the Bank Manager's password D : Denotes the Head Casher’s password Output X- Denotes that the safe can be opened. (1 lndicates Yes and 0 indicates No in all cases} 8) Draw the trith table forthe inputs and outputs given above and write the SOP expression for X( A, B,C, D ). b) Reduce X(A, B, C, D ) using Kamaugh’s map, if possible. Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced SOP expression for X(A,B,C. D.) using AND & OR gates. You may use gates with two of more inputs, Assumethat the variables and their compiecients are avaiable as inputs 0)PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION-2017 % Computer Science Class-Xil (Paper-1 Theory) MM: 70 Time: 3 hrs. + 15 mins, NOTE: Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the question paper. They must NOT start writing during this time. Answer ALL questions in Part-1 (compulsory) and SIX questions from Part-II, choosing TWO questions from Section-A, TWO from Section-B and TWO from Section-C. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the restof the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ } PART [Answer ALL questions] While answering questions in this Part, indicate briefly your working and reasoning, wherever required. Question-1 2) Give wffs are p->q and q->r, show that pris a logical consequence ~ ofthe preceding wis. (1) \b) State the Associate laws of Boolean Algebra. tt) 4) — Using DeMorgan's theorem convert the fol..wing Boolean expression to an equivalent expression that have only OR and Complement operators F = (Y+Z’).(X+Y).(Y"+Z) (1) YY Given the Boolean function F(x,y,2,w) = x (0,1,2,6,8,9,10). Reduce it using Karnaugh map. (1) \ Given F(x,y,z)=£(1,3,7). Prove F(x,yz) = x (0,2,4,5,6) 1] Questior yY What happens when an objectis created in Java. [2]CARMAN RESIDENTIAL &DAY SCHOOL COMPUTER SCIENCE (CLASS XII, THEORY ~ PREBOARD-II (2016-2017) ‘Answer all questions in Part | (compulsory) and six questions from Part-I, choosing two questions from Section-A, two from Section-B and two from Section-C. ‘Time: 3 hours S Part-I (MM: -70 i Wye int = - gia DTA APC. D+A, ores following infix expression | k x+[(y-2) +(a+b)e]ed (6 ie tw i 2X5=10) 7h Wat do youneany em Complecy an Big 0” Give (b) Each element of an array A [-15.....20, 20....45) requires one of storage. If the array is column major @ grt bain een 100 determi te ft neon of xis 1735 and non-linear data structures. in ae es bs (i) Toopena’ Gi) To close a: ag - 40 Wi cia oh hose a . public static void main(String{] args) { AobjA = new AQ; B objB = new BO; ‘System out printin(“in main(: *); ‘System.out printin(“objA.a = "+objA.getAQ); ‘System.out printin(“objB.b = "+0bjB.getBQ); ij (222); ange x inta = 100; public AQ { ‘System.out printin(“in the constructor of class A: "); ‘System.out printin("a = "+a); AY 2COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 (THEORY) (Maximum Marks: 70) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) “nner all questions in Part I (compulsory) and six questions from Part-II, choosing two questions from Section-A, two from Section-B and two from Section-C. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets { }. PART I (20 Marks) Answer all questions. While answering questions in this Part, indicate ‘and briefly your working and reasoning, Question 1 @ ‘State the Lay the a a he Sra ables acme by the following proposition and prove it with the help (1) PVP=P (©) State the Principle of Duality. 1) (©) Find the complement ofthe following Boolean expresion using De Morgan's law: [1] F(a,b,c) = (b’+c)+a 6 Draw the logic diagram and truth table for a2 input XNOR gate. ty © If(~P => Q) then write its: Ww @ Inverse (ii) Converse ase el SE ape esata a mirgea, TH ‘sper consists of 9 printed pages and | blank page. © Copyright reserved. Tarn overCOMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER I (THEORY) (Maximum Marks: 70) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) Answer all questions in Part ! (compulsory) and six questions from Part-II, choosing two questions from Section-A, two from Section-B and two from Section-C All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets | J. PART I (20 Marks) Answer all questions. While answering questions in this Part, indicate briefly your working and reasoning, wherever required. Question 1 (@) State the Commuative law and prove it with the help of a truth table. WW (6) Convert the following expression into its canonical POS form: WW FOX, Y, Z) = (X+¥") o(¥"4Z) (©) Find the dual of wy (AB) +(14B)= A4B (d) Verify the following proposition with the help of a truth table: ty (PAQ)V(PA~Q)=P (©) If F(A,B,C)= A’ (BC’+ B'C), then find F” m1] Question 2 (a) What are Wrapper classes? Give any two examples. pI} (b) A matrix A[m){m] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 4 byes of [2 storage. If the base address at AJ! [1] is 1500 and the address of A(4){5} is 1608, determine the order of the matrix when itis stored in Column Major Wise. This Paper consists of 9 printed pages and 1 blank pag 1218-868. T g ‘urn overarsee Monjee Eaucationsl Trusts © comactusgine.scin JAMNABAI NARSEE SCHOOL Narsee Monjee Bhavan, Narsee Monjee Marg, Qe +01 22.2010 7578/2018 7676 NSRoad No 7. JVPD. Scheme, Vile Parte (W), Rumba - 400 049, india A wewinsacin FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION NOVEMBER 2018 COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER - 2 (PRACTICAL) Class : XII-ISC Marks: Time : 3Hrs. Date 21/11/2018 (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time) The total time to be spent on the Planning session and Examination session is Three hours. Planning session: 90 minutes. Examination session: 90 minutes Note: Candidates are tobe permitted to proceed tothe Examination Session only after the 90 minutes of the Planning Session are aver. This paper consists of three problems from which candidates are required to attempt any one problem. ‘This paper Consists of 4 printed pages. Candidates are expected to do the following : 1. Write an algorithm for the selected problem. (Algorithm should be expressed clearly using any standard scheme such as pseudocode [1 or in steps which are simple enqugh to be obviously computable) 2. Write a program in JAVA language. The program should follow the algorithm and should be logically and syntactically correct ol 3. Document the program using mnemonic names / comments, identifying and clearly describing the choice of data types and meaning of variables 2) 4, Code / Type the program on the computer and get a print out ( Hard Copy ). Typically, [2] this should be a program that compiles and runs correctly. 5. Test run the program on the computer using the given sample data and get a print out of [5] the output in the format specified in the problem. 6. Viva-Voce on the Selected Problem BI In addition to the above, the practical file of the candidate containing the practical work related to programming assignments done during the year is to be evaluated as follows: © Programming assignments done throughout the year (by the Teacher) 15] © Programming assignments done throughout the year (by the Visiting Examiner) [5] @) ececeeNarsee Monjoe Educational Trust's a JAMNABA! NARSEE SCHOOL Narsee Monjee Bhavan, Narsee Monjee Marg Ry +91 222618 7575/2818 7678 N'S.Road No.7, 4V.PD. Scheme, ‘Vie Parte (W), Mumbai - 400 049, india. R wewins.ecin FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION NOVEMBER 2018 COMPUTER SCIENCE Paper - 1 (THEORY) Class: | XII- ISC Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hrs. Date: 30/11/2018 (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time) All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets | }. ‘This paper Consists of 8 printed pagés Answer all questions While answering questions in this Part, indicate briefly your working and reasoning. wherever required Question 1. ty a) State the Boolean expression and draw the truth table for the propositional logic p > q. b) Verify the Boolean expression using truth table: A+A = A. Also name the law stated above. ©) Consider the statement “if'an odd number of input signals are I then output is 1 otherwise 0”. Name the gate represented by the given statement and also draw its symbol using two inputs. > 4) Using the truth table prove that pq €> p' vq ©) Reduce the expression: F = A.B’ + A.B +AB-+A’.B’ ol a ulCOMPUTER SCIENCE Paper -2 (PRACTICAL) . (Maximum Marks: 30) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) The total time to be spent on the Planning Session and the Examination Session is three hours. Planning session: 90 minutes Examination session: 90 minutes Note: Candidates are to be permitted to proceed to the Examination ‘Session only after ~ 90 minutes of the Planning session are aver. This paper consists of three problems from which candidates are required to attempt ‘any one problem. Candidates are expected to do the following: 1. Write an algorithm for the selected problem. (Algorithm should be expressed clearly using any standard scheme such as pseudo code or in steps which are simple enough to be obviously computable.) 2. Write a program in JAVA language. The program should follow the algorithm and [5] should be logically and syntactically correct. 3. Document the program using mnemonic names / comments, identifying and clearly [2] describing the choice of data types and meaning of variables. 4. Code / Type the program on the computer and get a printout ( hard copy ). Typically, [2] this shouid be a program that compiles and runs correctly. 5. Test run the program on the computer using the given sample data and get a printout of [5] the output in the format specified in the problem. 6. _Viva-Voce on the Selected Problem. BI In addition to the above, the practical file of the candidate containing the practical work related to programming assignments done during the year is to be evaluated as follows: ‘© Programming assignments done throughout the year (by the teacher) 61 «Programming assignments done throughout the year (by the'Visiting Examiner) [5] BI i This Paper consists of S printed pages and 1 blank page. © Copyright reserved. TamsreeCOMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER I (THEORY) (Maximum Marks: 70) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes, for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) “Answer all questions in Part 1 (compulsory) and six questions from Part- choosing two questions from. Section-A, two from Section-B and two from Section-C. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ }. PART I (20 Marks) Answer all questions. While answering questions in this Part, indicate briefly. wherever required. ‘your working and reasoning, Question 1 Name and draw the logie gate represented by the following truth table, where A tl (@) and B are inputs and X is the output. (@) Write the eanonieal POS expression of: F(P, Q)=11( 0.2) i] tl) (© Find the dual of: X.Y+X.Y'=X+0 (@ I F(A,B,C)=A’B.C'+A’B.C’ then find Fusing De Morgan's Law. ti. (e) If A=“Itis cloudy” and B= “jt is raining”, then write the proposition for: (i) Contrapositive (i) Converse is Paper consists of 10 printed pages. 1219-868 © Copyright reserved.COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 (Theory) (Maximum marks: 70) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the question paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) Answer all questions in Part Keompulsory)and six questions from Part It, choosing two questions from Section A, two from Section B and two from Section C. All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet 4s the rest of the answer. The intended marks for questions or parts of question are given in brackets J. Part I (20 Marks) Attempt all questions While answering questions in this Part , indicate briefly your working and reasoning, wherever required. Question 1 a) State the commutative laws and prove any one of the law using truth table, i) b) Convert the following expression into its canonical POS form: FOX Y.Z)= (X#Y" (YZ) 1} ©) Convert the Boolean expression F(X,Y,Z) = X"Y'Z + X"YZ"+XYZ into cardinal form. ur} 4) Verify the following proposition with the help of the truth table: @PQVPA-Q=P u €) _ IfF(A.B,C)= A'(BC’+B'C) then find F* wu) f) If (-P => Q) then write its: ul) i) Converse ii) Inverse Question 2 8) Convert the following infix notation to postfix notation: AS(BIC ESF 21 b) Define Interface. How is it different from class? (2) c) A matrix A{m][m] is stored in the memory with each elements requiring 4 bytes of storage. If the base address at A(1[1] is 1500 and address of A(4)(5] is 1608, determine the order of matrix when it is stored in Column Major wise. R d) What is the purpose of front and rear in the queue data structure? 2 ©) Write one difference each between constructor and method? fy 1) _ Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of recursion over iteration. i 21263 ‘THIS PAPER COMPRISES OF 6 PRINTED PAGES AND 0 BLANK PAGE ‘TURN OVER
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