1 s2.0 S1877042813039529 Main
1 s2.0 S1877042813039529 Main
1 s2.0 S1877042813039529 Main
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 391 – 402
This paper presents the results of a literature review for understanding the selection criteria of store location in the
retail context. The review provides overall insight into prior studies that specifically emphasize on factors influencing
store performance. Store performance has been evaluated by using various measures such as store sales, market share,
retail patronage, store traffic, store profits and so forth in different studies. The intention of the review is to (1)
classify the store location-selection criteria, and (2) provide researchers with a theoretical model on which future
research on store performance may be oriented.
© 2013 Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published by Ltd. Selection
Elsevier Ltd. Openand/or peer-review
access under responsibility of the 9th
International Strategic Management
Selection and peer-review Conference
under responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference.
Keywords: store location, population, economic factors, competition, saturation level, magnet, store characteristics.
1. Introduction
A decision on store-locations is one of the most important strategic decisions the retailer has to make
for its long term success (i.e. profitability, Cottrell 1973; Ingene & Lusch 1980; Kuo et al. 2002). An
estimation of the market area in which the store is located is a crucial strategic tool in order to enable
retailers to attract . 2007; Grewal et al. 2009) since
convenience stores have the most direct contact with customers (Kuo et al.
ready access, attract large numbers of customers, and increase the potential sales of retail outlets. In the
extremely competitive retail environment, even slight differences in location can have a significant
impact on the market sh Ghosh & Mclafferty 1982; Craig et al. 1984). As different
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-216-336-5770 (417); fax: +0-000-000-0000 .
E-mail address: gturhan@marmara.edu.tr
1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference.
392 Gülden Turhan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 391 – 402
from other marketing-mix elements that may be easily changed under changing environmental conditions,
-term fixed
investment (Ghosh & Craig 1983; Craig et al. 1984).
Since the 1920s, there has been a growing interest in the application of variety models (i.e. Harold
(1966) analog methods and the like) to solve location decision problems. However, it has been noticed
that there is lack of well-rounded research into the selection criteria necessary for the evaluation of
potential store locations. Previous research on store-location selection criteria are reviewed briefly and
listed in Appendix to be examined. The model we have developed that presents sorts of factors affecting
store performance can guide retailers to evaluate their location decisions. The criteria that have been
related to store location based on store performance are depicted in Figure I.
COMPETITION Sales volume
Store profits
Market share
SATURATION LEVEL Retail patronage
Price elasticity
There are several parameters used in location analysis. Based on literature review, criteria for choosing
a store location are classified into seven categories (1) performance measures (2) population structure (3)
economic factors (4) competition (5) saturation level (6) magnet and (7) store characteristics.
Since the store with the best expected performance is chosen among alternatives, performance forms a
basis of store location selection. Indeed, criteria necessary to be considered for selecting store location are
the elements influencing store performance. Accordingly, the quality of store-location selection models is
dependent upon the ability to predict performance goals that are often set in the form of dollar sales
volume or demand (i.e. Cottrell 1973; Ingene & Lusch 1980; Reinartz & Kumar 1999; Berman & Evans
2010: 266; Li & Liu 2012), store profits (Walters & MacKenzie 1988; Kuo et al. 2002), the number of
Gülden Turhan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 391 – 402 393
subjects patronizing the store (Stanley & Sewall 1976; Gautschi 1981), market share (Ingene & Lusch,
1980; Lord & Lynds 1981; Durvasula et al. 1992) and price elasticity (Hoch et al. 1995). Using multiple
measures of store performance is deemed to be important to determine better the probability of getting the
largest utility by a new store or stores entering the area. Therefore, the most commonly used measures
appear in the location selection model of this study as sales volume, store profits, market share, retail
patronage and price elasticity, as just now mentioned-above.
In modeling store performance, the inclusion of population characteristics significantly improve the
many previous studies by a wide array of variables including demographic features (income, age, gender
etc.) and some other information like travel time and shopping habits. According to the researcher Hasty
and Reardon (1997:213), probably no variables are more important to retail manager than the
demographic structure of the market in any potential location. Demography also provides the knowledge
for understanding if the population residing in the location that a retailer decides to serve is congruent
with its target market (Hasty & Reardon 1997:207; Berman &
consumption patterns are not easily changed or altered due to their financial circumstance or long-
standing habits (Redinbaugh 1987:183-184). Therefore, in analyzing potential location areas, purchasing
habits of the people, who live and/or work in there, are important for retailers to describe customers
will significantly
such as the number of households, population size, population density, population growth rate, customer
size and density, age, gender, education, occupation, marital status, household size, travel time (or
distance), politic attitudes, social classes and cultures, and purchasing habit can be used to define
The economy of population in the market area in which to locate a retail store has been evaluated
under a separate title although it represents a part of population structure. The decision to locate a store is
also dependent upon some economic considerations (i.e. Ingene 1984a, b; Karande & Lombard, 2005),
including household income, income distribution, mobility (autos-per-household), willingness
to spend their money at the store, the source of income, rentals and so forth. Also, the kind of type, and
the price of homes in the area that retailer consider to locate, the proportion of home ownership (as
opposed to families that are renting) and the per capita sales for that area reveal income pattern of the
residents of a community. Another valuable source
one of the best sources for obtaining estimates of income distribution by countries. The number of
persons employed in a family, the total average income for each family, and the regularity and frequency
of their income are indicative of the ability of residents to purchase products (Redinbaugh 1987:186-87).
The people residing in the area at which retailers consider to locate have spending power (i.e. the amount
of money that will be available for buy products), but whether the residents are willing to spend their
money at the store is more important for retailers (Redinbaugh 1987:183). Economic features of a
population are closely related to the total retail sales potential of an area in which they reside (i.e., Ingene
394 Gülden Turhan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 391 – 402
& Lusch 1980; Redinbaugh 1987:186; Reinartz & Kumar 1999), profitability (Kumar & Karande, 2000),
retail patronage behavior (Karande & Ganesh 2000) and price sensitivity (Hoch et al. 1995). Accordingly,
a series of economic factors are involved in the model used for location selection decision.
2.4. Competition
In searching for good locations, the retailers need to study on competitive environment as a factor
determining store performance (Reinartz & Kumar 1999). To illustrate, Hoch et al. (1995) found that
competitive factors account for the majority of the variation in price elasticity across stores. In direct
competition, a new store will be forced to enter into rivalry with available stores offering the same
products in order to capture more shares from the market (Durvasula et al. 1992). As for indirect
competition, retailers who offer unrelated products are also viewed as the prospective competitors of new
entrants into market because they are competing for the same consumer dollars. Each retailer competes
187). Thus, they are competitors sharing the same market share, whether it is direct or indirect.
We still know little about the effects of competitive retail environment on store performance (Grewal
et al. 2009). To compete effectively, retailers should wise up concerning what happens when competitive
factors are involved into the store-performance model. In the context of retail-location selection, when
evaluating competition, a series of facts or figures should be surveyed and analyzed for the eventual
success of any one location: the spatial distance between retail stores, the size and number of competitor
stores, shopping alternatives, settlement with comparison to competitors, relative competitive strength,
Retailer analysts have traditionally used the index of retail saturation (IRS) to ascertain the
attractiveness of a particular market. The index is quite useful in making decisions as to whether they will
be able to achieve a higher profit in a market in which to locate. IRS is the ratio of demand for a product
or service divided by available supply (Dunne & Lusch 2008: 226). It can be measured as follows:
IRS=((P)(A.E.))/S (1)
where IRS is the index of retail saturation for a specific area; P is the number of people in the area who
are likely customers for the particular line(s) of merchandise; A.E. is the average retail expenditures in the
area for a particular line of trade; and S is the total amount of space devoted to selling a particular line of
trade in all stores in the area (in square feet) (Irwing 1986:259). Accordingly, IRS equals to the total retail
sales per square foot of its space in the marketplace for a particular line of retail trade (Dune & Lusch
2008). Some researchers like Dune and Lusch (2008) have offered to use a measure the number and retail
IRS is the extent to how demand for goods and services in an area is being served by current retail
facilities or establishments (Dunne & Lusch 2008: 225-
either the number of stores in the geographic market or the total square footage of those
use (demand) is viewed as total store sales in the market (Ingene & Lusch 1980). The demand for goods
Gülden Turhan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 391 – 402 395
and services in a particular market varies by the supply of retail facilities. A trading area when identified
in terms of the number of stores per thousand households, it may be understored, overstored or saturated
market. Understored market has too few stores selling a specific good or service to satisfy the needs of its
population. For retailers to locate in such an area, profitability is quite large with a high degree of
probability. When a trading area is the overstored market that has so many stores to serve the customers
satisfactorily for a specific good and service, some retailers therefore cannot earn an adequate profit.
Retail saturation exists when a market has just enough store facilities to satisfactorily meet the needs of
the population of the market and to enable retailers to yield a fair profit (Dune & Lusch 2008:225;
Berman & Evans 2010: 271). As in previous studies on location analysis for retail stores, the study
recommends to analyze the saturation level of a market that is a decretive criterion in attracting customers
to the stores.
Retailers should take pains to check into a wide array of store characteristics to gain competitive
advantages or better performance against their rivals in the market. Indeed, the competitiveness of retail
stores is highly associated to store-specific characteristics. The important aspects of the store itself are, in
this study, separated into three basic categories (1) ease in accessibility (2) store-image attributes and (3)
costs (To reach the detailed info for each, please check the Appendix). Probably, ease of access that refers
& Lusch 2008:205), is one of the most
discussed factors in literature for store location-selection decisions. Considering that many consumers
move about by car, particular attention should be paid on the roads, streets, and parking facilities to make
easier their access to the shopping area. When the status of transportation facilities available are evaluated
in terms of ease of access to the store, they are believed to favorably or unfavorably affect the sales
potential of a community and, ultimately the store in a given trade area (Redinbaugh 1987:188). Next,
store-image attributes such as atmospherics, and assortments, quantity and quality of product are
considered to explain a sizeable variance in the store performance. Increasing merchandising assortments
or improving store atmospherics through better layout and store-allocation techniques has an impact not
only on revenue flows but also on expenses (Ingene & Lusch 1980). Thus, before any change to improve
store-image is decided, retailers should take into account its impact on store profits. Lastly, the store-
location selection model should consider the effect of various costs on store performance. These costs
include building, renting, buying, renovating of the physical store and so forth (i.e. Irwing 1986:257).
2.7. Magnet
A series of magnets recommended by Kuo et al. (2002), taking crowd point, culture and education
organization, government and business organization, vehicle maintenance and relaxation factors into
consideration, could help to improve a more complete model when evaluating optional locations for a
store performance, but
few researchers have spoken to the magnets in making a true location-decision for a retail store. Out of
them, Timmermans (1986) found that the presence of magnet stores in the marketplace which to locate
seems to be an important
recommended by the researcher Timmermans (1986), all retailers should consider the presence of magnet
stores as an advantage since the magnet stores attract more trade from greater distances. Pedestrian flows
at a location containing the largest magnet stores potentially will become more widely. Thus, the location
396 Gülden Turhan et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99 (2013) 391 – 402
in which magnet stores are available has a potential to attract most of the trade (Borgers & Timmermans
1986). Kuo et al. (2002), who thinks the same way, offers the relationship between magnet (i.e. crowd
point) and the store performance in terms of the number of visiting customers per day. As a result,
retailers in attempting to attract customers to their store should use the presence of magnet store across
optional locations as an evaluation criteria to aid the location selection for a store.
3. Conclusions
The study presents a wide range of factors that aid the retail in making the decision whether or not to
locate a store in a certain market area. The criteria to consider while evaluating locations include the
following (1) performance (2) population structure (3) economic factors (4) competition (5) saturation
level (6) store characteristics and (7) magnet. All of them should be considered to provide a useful insight
into the choosing of good location among various alternatives, but they cannot be equally important in all
location decisions. By studying these factors, retailers see how desirable an area is for its success. The
ability to imply successfully initiative of locating their store allows retail managers to better store
performance. Thus, individuals who are responsible for performance evaluation should be aware of the
factors that relate to store location selection. This will provide the information they need to perform store-
location selection effectively. In this way, they can obtain larger market share, profits, sales volume and/
or number of patronis king into consideration
selection criteria of store location will guide retailers in their searching of higher level of performance by
a new market entry or expansion within existing market. In addition, further research can benefit from the
conceptual framework proposed by the model in order to find out the factors affecting different store
performance measures (i.e. market share) and their differential effects.
4. Further Considerations
The desirability of retail locations is subject to change day-by-day. A location which is deemed
desirable and profitable initially may become undesirable and unprofitable due to future competitive
encroachment. For instance, Ghosh and Craig (1983) explained that distribution and composition of
population as a fundamental factors influencing store volume are changing over time. Therefore, store
owners or retailers should take into account the dynamic nature of retail environment such as the
changing competitive landscape. This requires the knowledge of how factors affecting store performance
like profitability (i.e., Ghosh & Craig 1983) in a particular market area will change over time. In addition,
changing demographics will induce greater uncertainty on how optimally to meet consumer needs and
wants (Ingene & Lusch 1980). As a result, timely research on the factors affecting store performance is
conducted in order for retailers to effectively position their store in a changing consumption environment.
This study was supported by grant encoded -D-150513-
Research Project Committee.
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Store sales or demand Cotrell (1973); Ingene and Lusch (1980); Lord and Lynds (1981); Ingene (1983);
Ghosh (1984); Irwing (1986):256; Ingene and Brown (1987); Ghosh and
McLafferty (1982); Walter and McKenzie (1988); Hasty and Reardon (1997):213;
Reinartz and Kumar (1999); Kumar and Karande (2000); Pope et al. (2002);
The per cent of household heads with Reinartz and Kumar (1999); Berman and Evans (2010):268.
college degree
The spatial proximity to competitors Craig et al. (1984); Ishizaki (1995); Karande and Lombard (2005); Grewal et al.
(2009); Gilbert (1999): 228; Li and Liu (2012).
The size and/or numbers of competitor Cottrell (1973); Arnold et al. (1983); Ghosh and Craig (1983); Ingene (1983);
stores in trade area Ingene (1984a,b); Irwing (1986): 256-7; Redinbaugh (1987):187-8; Miller et al.
(1999); Kuo et.al. (2002); Pope et al. (2002); Tzeng et al. (2002); Mendes and
Themido (2004); Karande and Lom
(2008); Gilbert (1999): 228; Berman and Evans (2010):265; Li and Liu (2012).
Hoch et al. (1995)
Settlement with comparison to Serdar (2008).
Relative competitive strength Redinbaugh (1987):188.
Ingene (1983); Redinbaugh (1987): 188; Karande and Lombard (2005).
Stiffness in competition
The quantity, quality and extent of Irwing (1986):257; Redinbaugh (1987):187; Mendes and Themido (2004)
aggressiveness in competition
Consumption level Kuo et al. (2002).
The number of people in the area who Irwing (1986):259; Gilbert (1999): 232; Dune and Lusch (2008).
are likely customers for the particular
line(s) of merchandise
The average per capita expenditure for Irwing (1986):259; Gilbert (1999): 232; Dune and Lusch (2008).
these goods
The total space devoted to selling those Cottrell (1973); Irwing (1986):259; Gilbert (1999): 232; Dune and Lusch (2008).
goods in all stores in the section
Ease in Accessibility Irwing (1986):245; Redinbaugh (1987):188; Levy & Weitz (1998); Kuo et al.
(2002); Tzeng et al. (2002); Mendes and Themido (2004); Serdar (2008); Yang et
al. (2008); Berman and Evans (2 .
Parking convenience Gautschi (1981); Irwing (1986):245-8; Redinbaugh (1987):188; Gilbert (1999):
Personal recruitment or operation hours Cottrell (1973); Ingene and Lusch (1980); Gautschi (1981); Irwing (1986):256;
Store visibility
Corner location or located near road Irwing (1986):256; Kuo et.al. (2002)
Store-image attributes
Atmospherics Ingene and Lusch (1980); Ghosh and Craig (1983).
Number of checkout counters Cottrell (1973); Achabal et al. (1982); Arnold et al. (1983); Ghosh and Craig
Square area (front area, square area, Irwing (1986):256; Ghosh and McLafferty (1982); Drezner (1994); Kumar and
selling area etc.)
Assortments of product Ingene and Lusch (1980); Gautschi (1981); Arnold et al.(1983); Ingene (1984a, b);
Irwing (1986):256; Karande and Lombard (2005).
Pricing of product Cottrell (1973); Gautschi (1981); Irwing (1986):256; Grewal et al. (2009).
Quantity and/or quality of product Ghosh and Craig (1983); Arnold et al. (1983); Ingene (1984a, b); Karande and
Lombard (2005).
Cost (of building, renting, buying, Irwing (1986):257; Gilbert (1999): 228; Reinartz and Kumar (1999); Tzeng et al.
renovating, transport etc.)
Crowd point (hospital, market, hotel, Irwing (1986):246; Timmermans
foot courts, temple etc.) al. (2012).
Culture and education organization Irwing (1986):246; Kuo et al. (2002).
(school, studying centre, library etc.)
Relaxation (recreation centre, Irwing (1986):246-257; Redinbaugh (1987):185; Kuo et al. (2002).
department store, KTV and club,
cinema, or theatre, park, financial
organization, beauty parlours, museum,
athletic, zoo etc.)
Government and business organization Kuo et al. (2002)
(office building, government office,
Vehicle maintenance (gas station, Kuo et.al. (
parking area, garage etc.)