Artificial Intelligence and The Future o
Artificial Intelligence and The Future o
Artificial Intelligence and The Future o
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), big data, data-driven technology, internet of things (IOT),
machine learning (ml)
1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining much importance in the recent years. The advance
through internet, along with impact of the technology in socio-economic and ethical aspects,
brings AI to the forefront of many current debates. Industry investments in AI are quickly
increasing, and governments are trying to comprehend what the technology could mean for
their citizens. The collection of “Big Data” and the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT),
has made a perfect environment for new AI applications and services to grow.
Organizations are increasingly shifting to analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to help
improve numerous business functions. Yet we need to know whether it is finding its way into
the human resources (HR) field. HR is one step at the rear in the digital transformation and
AI now offers the chance to catch up. AI can help eliminate repetitive tasks, speed up the
search for talent, reduce employee attrition and improve employee engagement. “People
analytics” in HR is related with collecting data about employees and measuring metrics, AI
can be described as a machine learning where applications have the capacity to learn from
and make – or recommend – decisions based on data collected. The advent of technology has
brought significant changes in the last decade in the Human resource as a function.
Advanced data-driven technology is rapidly making its way into the HR industry as
businesses are concentrating more on creating an employee-oriented corporate culture. AI
and machine learning (ML), the contemporary terms in technology, have significant
implications for human resource management practices. AI breaks down and transforms data
into a format that is easy to understand by ML, on the other hand, is an advanced form of AI
Correspondence that scans data to identify patterns and modifies programme actions likewise.
Dr. RA Rathi
Assistant Professor, V. P.
Institute of Management
2. Objectives of the study
Studies & Research, Sangli, 1. To study the concept of artificial intelligence.
Maharashtra, India 2. To study the role of artificial intelligence in HR
Affiliated to Shivaji 3. To study the challenges for implementation of AI and give recommendations as necessary.
University, Kolhapur,
Maharashtra, India
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International Journal of Applied Research
Autonomous intelligence this is the most superior form of Identifying soft skills Numerous new solutions are coming
technologies based on AI, establishing machines that act on into the marketplace with growing the power of AI. A
their own and reach out to the hidden level of information. notable example of an emerging AI solution for recruiting is
An example of this will be self-driving vehicles, when they an algorithm which evaluates candidate speech patterns and
come into extensive use. But we also see algorithms in looks for signs of soft skills like empathy.
parallel taking over decision making and selection
processes. This creates a new industry of data science and Coaching Success
data-governance and makes data ethics, privacy and data HR departments are helped by AI programs in the ways to
security C-suite issues. train their staffs, earn certifications, cross-train and learn
new skills. An AI program allows people to work at their
3.1 Role of AI in HR own speeds, but a really great program can support faster
The companies are investing into AI and cognitive development by introducing rewards and incentives based
computing for their HR workflows. No sector has more on each worker’s profile. People who are lacking with a
complex data management and analytical needs than HR. AI skill or concept can be referred to outside resources or a
technology can boost any department’s ability to gather and human mentor.
process data and make preliminary forecasts based on
changing conditions. Reducing favoritism
Nowadays, AI is being touted as tool to prevent
Reducing administrative burden discrimination and promote diversity by reducing
HR leaders are more and more expected to contribute to unconscious favoritism. This favoritism find their way into
strategic planning on an organizational level. But, the job descriptions, as well as resume selections. To help
burden of administrative tasks can often hold HR employers spot and remove the bias patterns in language
professionals back from serving in this decisive role. AI can that they use to improve their hiring process and receiving
provide a solution to this problem. HR professionals spend diverse applicants AI algorithms can be planned. AI
on administrative tasks. This indicates a large growth area applications can be used to analyze job descriptions to spot
for the use of AI. If more companies rely on AI to perform gender bias or language which might dishearten strong
administrative duties, hr departments may become more applicants.
efficient, and hr professionals will be able to focus more on
strategic planning on an organizational level. Improving retention & internal mobility To help
employers to improve internal mobility and employee
AI driven HRIS retention the tech companies are now developing programs.
As Data collection is vital in HR to use data to the fullest The employers must be aware of the business case for
prospective, AI software can computerize intricate tasks retention in a world where young talent is changing
such as gathering information from several contact points, employers at double the rate of previous generations and
seperating employees and HR problems into profiles and losing an employee can cost a company up to twofold of the
individual’s annual salary. There are several ways in which
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International Journal of Applied Research
artificial intelligence can help with internal promotions and Ensuring a rational approach in the regulatory space is
retention. The first is by identifying employees who are at important, to make certain the benefits of Internet-enabled
risk of leaving the company. The Tech Company Veriato technologies.
has developed a variety of AI platforms to particularly point
out escape risks among employees. Their software tracks Lack of expertise to adopt automation the organizations
employee computer activity—emails, keystrokes, internet lack expertise to adopt automation. Aditionally HR is
browsing, etc.—and stores it for thirty days. Based on that currently using technology for mainly administrative
knowledge it flags exception and reports them to the purposes. People really need to think about how new
employer. The changes in the overall tone of employees’ technology can play a practical role in the workplace. They
communications to predict when employees might be must consciously focus on it and take a proactive rather than
thinking of leaving can also be detected by Verito. a reactive approach.
Empower Users
potential. Decisions
4. Huang Ling et al. Adversarial machine learning.
Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Security and
artificial intelligence. ACM,
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