Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource: Ginu George, Mary Rani Thomas
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource: Ginu George, Mary Rani Thomas
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource: Ginu George, Mary Rani Thomas
Abstract: Technological innovations are unending and AI is incorporated in many products and serviceslike
have impacted almost all, in every aspect of life over the past few automation in robotics that enables to perform a repetitive
decades. One such technological innovation which is capable of task which humans frequently perform. Similarly, machine
revolutionising the world, the most spoken, discussed and learning helping a computer perform without any
implemented in many fields is artificial intelligence. Artificial
programming, computers that can capture and analyse visual
intelligence (AI) is software which can think intelligently, similar
to how an intelligent human thinks. Based on few studies AI is information, process human language, design and
organized into four categories such as, it’s a system that thinks manufacturing of robots and the most known on-going
like a human (Haugeland, 1985; Bellman, 1978), think rationally experiment which is self-driving cars with the help of image
(Charnaik and McDermott, 1985; Winston, 1992), act like a recognition, deep learning and computer vision (Rouse,
human (Kurzweil, 1990; Rich and Knight, 1991) and act 2017).
rationally (Schalkoff, 1990; Luger and Stubblefield, 1993). As
stated by Bersin (2018) AI is now popping in most of the II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
software’s,and it is integratedinto many of the business functions.
One such business function wasthe integration of AI is taking 2.1 Artifical Intelligence
place at a faster pace is Human Resources (HR), concerning
various HR functions such as hiring process, onboarding, The concept AI was first coined by McCarthy (1956), it
training to mention a few. Integrating AI in HR does not mean is referred to as a thinking machine which includes
that AI would completely take over the role of HR cybernetics, automation theory and information processing
managersrather this will help the HR’s to focus on more strategic (as cited in McCarthy, 1959). Now AI is defined differently
work and less focus on repetitive and low-value add tasks. Hence such as solving cognitive problems (Marr, 2018); a system
without a doubt, there is a more nuanced picture of the way in which can perform a task like an intelligent being
which AI would help to streamline and reshape the HR functions (Copeland, 2018) to mention a few. The development and
for better efficiency and agility. This paper focuses on qualitative
innovation in AI have come a long way,and many
research and aims to explain how AI has been integratedinto
different functions of HR and its impact towards the organisationshave incorporated it in their day to day
organisations, employees and HRs. business activities. Few of the business fields where it is
usedextensively are healthcare, manufacturing, retail, sports,
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Human Resource HR, accounting and finance.According to a report by
Management, Employee Engagement, Talent Acquisition, Narrative Science, it was found that around 61% of the
Learning and Development businesses have already adoptedAI in their operations which
is higher compared to 38% in 2016 (as cited in Rayome,
I. INTRODUCTION 2018), this explains that organisations are positively
Artificial Intelligence (AI) the most debated and considering AI for their business operations. Based on
predicted technological advancementhas takencontrolover previous articles and reports some of AI use case that
various functions in the field of science, engineering, hasbeen implemented in different sectors are explained
business and HR.Today’s generations are fortunate because below;
of the advancement that’s taking place in AI. A mundane 2.2 Artifical Intelligence In Healthcare
task once done manually is now performed by machines,
software and various other automated systems (North, Healthcare isone of the most important sectors is taking
2016). AI has been referred toas computational intelligence, mucheffort to implement AI in few of the areas such as
simulation of human intelligence, a machine with minds and patient care: automated prescription, pregnancy
many more. According to McCarthy (1956), AI is defined management, personalised medications and care, medical
as, “the science and engineering of making intelligent imaging and diagnostic, drug discovery and other healthcare
machines” (as cited in McCarthy, 1959). It is also referred to management (Alriza, 2018).
as efforts taken to make a computer think, with minds and 2.3 Artifical Intelligence In Finance
also make them think sense (Haugeland, 1985).
Finance which is a vital function in any business and
industries like banks and insurance companies have
implemented AI in billing, robot advisory, credit
lending/scoring, expense reporting, (10+ AI Usecases in
2.4 Artifical Intelligence In Transportation
Revised Manuscript Received on December 05, 2019.
Dr Ginu George, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce Transportation comprises of both cargo and public
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)Bengaluru, India transportation which is used bythe generalpublic as well as
Dr Mary Rani Thomas,Assistant Professor, Department of by industries. Applying AI in
Commerce CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bengaluru, India transportation is a critical task about reliability and safety.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: L33641081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3364.129219 5069 & Sciences Publication
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource
However many regions have tested automation in screening the resumes, tracking and assessment, scheduling
transportation with the help of AI such as autonomous and conducting preliminary interviews, intimating the
buses, trucks and self-drivingcars (Bharadwaj, 2018). candidates about their status and onboarding. These
monotonous works to a great extenthave reduced with the
2.5 Artifical Intelligence In Retail
help of AI. According to Wislow (2017), talent acquisition
Retail, specifically online shopping gets a considerable software has eliminated almost 75% of the work related to
amount of data relating to individual preferences, spending the recruitment process.
pattern and their preferred channels. Providing these data Recruitment which includes posting a job ad in relevant
into AI helps companies to design customised shopping for websites and searching candidates is a long process but with
mass audiences based on their preferences. AI in online AI, sites such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, Naukri are
shopping helps marketers’ by delivering relevant using machine learning algorithms which provides job
advertisements, for customers it helps in creating ads as per recommendations for the candidates based on their resumes,
their taste and finally from accounting side the billing, keywords used by candidates, their search history and list of
invoice generation and payments are taken care through connections.
automation. Screening of candidates resume and conductinga
From the reviews, it is understood that AI is across all preliminary interview which is a critical task and a long
the business fields and one such field is HR were AI is process especially when the volumeof hiring is high. With
getting implemented at a faster pace. However there are no the help of AI, software’s companies can conduct video or
much research-based studies done on AI and HR, hence to audio interviews in executing this task with more efficiency
fill this gap the current study through qualitative research and in less time (Hooda, 2018). Based on a study by Mondal
aims at bringing out the HR areas in which AI has been (n.d) it was said that those companies using AI software’s
implemented especially concerningthe Indian context. The for recruiting and its related activities could reduce the cost
articles also bring in light about how AI in HR is impacting per hire to 71% and increase the recruiter efficiency by three
the organisation, employee and HRs. times (as cited by Min, 2017).
Engaging and re-engaging candidates is something most
III. RESEARCH QUESTIONS companies lack because it is a time-consuming function.
Once a candidate applies for a position or after completion
The purpose of this study is to investigate the following of the interview,companies generally do not get feedback or
research questions reply regarding their status. According Biswas (2018),it was
What are the HR functions in which AI has been stated that the present youngsters expect for a response from
implemented? the company within ten minutes after applying for a job.
How is AI in HR benefitting the organisations, Hence responding to them post applying for a vacancy or
employees and HR professionals? after the interview is a decisive factor otherwise one may
What extent as AI been implemented in corporates? lose them to its competitors who are highly responsive. AI
integrated software’s such as Chabot, Applicant Tracking
IV. RESEARCH METHODLOGY System (ATS) and Customer Relationship Management
The study was primarily depended on secondary data as (CRM)helps to address all queries of candidates on areal-
there was no primary research conducted. An extensive time basis and also furnishes the updates about their current
research was conducted to identify articles from various status.
databases such as Google Scholar, ProQuest and grey Acceptance of offer letter and onboarding process is the
literature.Finally from these sources around 20 unpublished last function of hiring process yet very critical for
and 6 published articles were collected. The study also theorganisation. These days’ dropout rates of candidates are
adopted a interview method with a help of a structured high post acceptance of offer letter. There exists a grey area,
questionnaires which was focused on HR professionals which is a period after the candidates put the resignation in
working in corporate. The study conducted a primary data the current company untilhe joins the new company. Hence
collection from around 117 professionals to understand on in order to keep them engaged a follow up at regular
AI implementation. intervals need to be sent to reduce the dropout rates which is
done with the help of AI. Similarly, every company
V. RESULTANALYSIS AND FINDINGS conducts an orientation program for all new joiners to brief
them about the company culture, policies, rules and
5.1 Application of AI in HRM regulation.However, almost 90% of the employees forget or
miss specific information during these orientations (Miller,
HR has been experiencing a major revolution with the
2016). Hence according to Zhou (n.d), intelligent bots assist
help of AI which has been slowly trickled down to many of
HRs in creating new employee profiles alsoemployees can
the HR functions. These functions are reshaped with the
interact with these chatbots which can be programmed so
help of a virtual assistantwhich once was entirely carried out
that employeecan clarify regarding company policies,
by humans.HR functions such as talent acquisition,
employee benefits and insurance (as cited by Min, 2017) on
performance appraisal, learning and development are few of
real time.
the many were AI have been implemented.
5.1.1 Talent Acquisition
Talent acquisition is one of the monotonous functions in
HR. Most of the recruiters and HRs spend their productive
time in hiring process which includes attracting talents,
Published By:
Retrieval Number: L33641081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3364.129219 5070 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: L33641081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3364.129219 5071 & Sciences Publication
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource
Rayome, 2018). The report also found that by integrating AI jobs and replacing HRs, which isnot true. There isa lot of
in HR, companiesare also benefited; one such benefit there administration related work for HRs which is significant and
is a massive reduction in the cost per hire by around 71% repetitive such as job posting, sourcing, screening,
with the help AI in recruitment software which in turn scheduling meetings and interview, preparing timesheets,
increased recruiters’ efficiency. The recording and verifying accounts and other expenses. Of
organisationscanminimise bias by ensuring equal course, if this can be fully automated through AI, it will
opportunity irrespective of age, sex and race. hugely benefit the HRs by relieving them from these routine
Most of the companies find it very difficult to get the tasks and ensuring they dedicate more time in strategic
right talent at the right time due to which companies’ thinking, creativity, relationship building, emotional
productivity and profitability are affected. With AI and intelligence and better problem handling.
machine learning it is determined that tech companies and AI has a promising future in HR, however integrating it
startups can get relevant profiles. Thus according to Almog in HR has many challenges (Bersin, 2017) which a company
(2017), AI and machine learning bots canreduce the time of has to overcome to get the full advantage of it. AI works like
hire by 50% and in-turn increasing the human only if quality data is collected and provided
company’sprofitability and growth (Manager,2018). otherwise the results can be wrong, hence to get all people
One other very vital benefit of AI, the organisation can related data while integrating is a long process but it is only
determine and understand employees’ performance over a an initial challenge. Secondly, confidentially of the
period of time. According to Jauhari (2017), AI technologies documents and policies shared by companies need to be
come with face recognition technology which is capable of ensured that they are not misused and proper measures to be
identifying the gender and also the psycho-emotional traits taken to keep it confidential and secure. Lastly, we cannot
of each employee. Whether an employee is sad, happy, very claim that AI will able to perform the work with 100%
happy or euphoric, with these data,anorganisation can take efficiency but to a great extent can eliminate human errors
the effort to make the bond stronger and take right measures and bias. Despite these challenges, many companies are
to attend employees who are sad and understand the reasons making efforts to integrate AI in HR because the advantages
for it. This will result in better employee engagement and overshadow the challenges with AI integration in HR.
higher commitment.
5.3 Implementation of AI in HR functions in Corporate
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: L33641081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3364.129219 5072 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019
Published By:
Retrieval Number: L33641081219/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3364.129219 5073 & Sciences Publication