Exam 2-Solutions
Exam 2-Solutions
Exam 2-Solutions
version number
Uzochukwu Nwabuisi (upn64)
Spring 2015
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Version 041 – Exam 2 – sparks – (50160) 2
This print-out should have 23 questions. [SO3 ] = 0.144 M
Multiple-choice questions may continue on
the next column or page – find all choices Is your system at equilibrium? If not, which
before answering. way does it need to shift to move to equilib-
001 3.0 points
You add 10 mL of 2 M HCl to 1 L of a 1. Yes, no shift
buffer solution that is 1 M in dimethylamine,
(CH3)2 NH, and 1 M in dimethylammonium 2. No, needs to shift to the right
ion [(CH3 )2 NH2 ]+ . Which of the following
statements is true? 3. No, needs to shift to the left correct
[O2 ] = 0.172 M 2. 3 M
Version 041 – Exam 2 – sparks – (50160) 3
Explanation: 2. ClO−
2 correct
The pH given (4.25) is in between the two
pKa’s of 1.92 and 6.33 which means the form 3. H2 ClO+
taken is the form after the 1st ionization,
HOOC(CH)2 COO− . 4. ClO+
2 AB(g) ⇀
↽ A2 (g) + B2 (g) 012 4.0 points
Pure sulfuric acid is able to protonate itself
Where Kp = 25 for this reaction at this tem- during a process called autoprotolysis, result-
perature. After equilibrium is established, ing in extremely high conductivity. The equi-
what is the final partial pressure of AB? librium constant for this process is K ap =
2.7 × 10−4 at room temperature. Calculate
1. 0.091 atm the standard free energy of this process.
2. 0.667 atm 1. 20.4 kJ correct
3. 1.11 atm 2. 15.7 kJ
4. 0.333 atm 3. -17.3 kJ
5. 0.364 atm 4. -15.7 kJ
6. 0.273 atm correct 5. -20.4 kJ
7. 0.727 atm 6. 17.3 kJ
8. 0.182 atm Explanation:
ICE table gives the following to solve
013 4.0 points
(1 + x)2 Which of the following would create a buffer
K = 25 = solution when mixed?
(1 − 2x)2
Solving, you get: x = 4/11 = 0.364 1. None of these would create a buffer solu-
Answer for AB is 1 − 2x = 3/11 = 0.273 tion.
2. acidic correct
021 4.0 points
List the acids
3. neutral
HCOOH, (CH3 )3 NH+ , N2 H+ 5 , HF
in order of increasing strength, if Explanation:
Acid pKa Base pKb
HCOOH 3.75 (CH3 )3 N 4.19
HF 3.45 NH2 NH2 5.77
2. HF, HCOOH, N2 H+
5 , (CH3 )3 NH
3. (CH3 )3 NH+ , N2 H+
5 , HCOOH, HF cor-
6. N2 H+ +
5 , (CH3 )3 NH , HCOOH, HF
7. N2 H+ +
5 , (CH3 )3 NH , HF, HCOOH
Version 041 – Exam 2 – sparks – (50160) 7