Fs2 Chapter 1

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LESSON 1 Understanding Action Research

Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity: Answer the following questions:

1. Does the school have a research agenda?
2. What are included in the school's research agenda? Is there a policy for teachers
to conduct action research?
The school's research agenda includes the problem that exist inside the
classroom and campus, financial assistance, and the qualifications of a teacher
who can conduct action research.
3. Is there a policy for teachers to conduct action research?
It is possible for educational institutions, districts, or regions to have different
policies on the use of action research by instructors. Generally speaking, the
educational philosophy, administrative policies, and priorities of the school or
school district have an impact on the choice to let or support teachers conducting
action research.
4. What is the focus of their action research?
The focus of the action research mentioned in the study is on sustaining inclusive
5. Is there available funding for this action research?
Yes, especially if the teacher is BERF grantee he/she will receive 30,000
incentives for pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation
B. Analysis of Action Research

Examine the previous action research conducted by the teachers. Supply the
information needed in the table below:

Needed Information Data

1. How many action research are conducted Supposedly 8 action research each year.
However, in the case of MNHS only 1 action
each year?
research was conducted.
2. How many teachers are doing action 3 teachers
3. What are the topics of their action The topic of their action research is more likely
a project-based research where it aims to help
improve the quality education in Maragusan
National High School. Furthermore, it also
tackles the curriculum, teaching-learning
process, and general administration.
4. How many action research were published Only one entitled, “PROJECT INTEGRATIVE
or presented in a conference?
5. How many action research were funded by 1
the school or an outside agency?

a. Conduct an Interview. Ask the following questions:

1. Are you aware of the action research process?


2. What prompted you to conduct action research?

We conducted the study because it is a requirement and Sir Emman Clarion wanted
us to conduct an action research.

3. What are your action research topics?

The topic of our research rely on sustaining inclusive education during crisis
4. Do you have enough time to conduct action research?


5. Are there incentives for teachers who conduct action research?

Yes, for us the proponents of Project I.I.S.A. are BERF grantees. So, we are given
30,000 pesos as our budget during the pre-implementation, implementation, and

6. How did action research improve your teaching practices?

Reflecting on personal experiences with action research, I found that it provided a

structured framework for self-reflection and continuous improvement. Through the
process of data collection, analysis, and reflection, I was able to identify effective
instructional strategies, tailor my teaching methods to better suit student needs, and
foster a more inclusive and engaging learning environment.

7. How did action research enhance students' learning?

The impact on students is a key measure of the success of action research. By

implementing evidence-based changes informed by the research findings, I
witnessed improvements in student engagement, comprehension, and overall
learning outcomes. This iterative process allows for adjustments that benefit both
teachers and students alike.

8. How did you disseminate the results of your action research?

We disseminate the results through presenting our action research at regional

conferences, workshops with colleagues, and extension project in MNHS. It's a way
to contribute to the collective knowledge and inspire others to engage in reflective

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. Do the school and the teachers have a research culture?
Yes, as what I have observed, MNHS really value the research culture not only for
the teachers but as well as the students in Senior High since they have Practical
Research 1 and 2.

2. Are the teachers aware of the process in conducting action research?


3. How did action research improve the teaching and learning practices in the

By promoting research culture among educators, I saw a good knock-on effect that
extended throughout the entire organization. Instructors have been able to modify
their teaching strategies to better meet the different needs of the student body
through their action research projects. A more inclusive setting for learning, better
academic performance, and higher levels of student involvement have all been
brought about by this personalized approach.

4. What are the things that could be done to encourage the teachers to conduct
action research?

Make certain that teachers have the time and resources available to them to carry
out research projects. This could entail scheduling specific time in the academic
calendar for research, giving them access to databases for their studies, offering
incentives for conducting research, and assisting in the coordination of efforts with
outside specialists. This I think, teachers will be encouraged to conduct action


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that:
The school's teaching and learning culture is significantly impacted when
teachers participate in action research. The instructors' testimonies and
experiences demonstrate the transforming potential of thoughtful research.
Individual/Group research projects have a profound impact that goes well beyond
the classroom and cultivates a cooperative community committed to ongoing
development. Action research is a force for good that penetrates every part of
our educational environment, it is not merely a professional undertaking.
 I believe it is essential to:
Create a welcoming atmosphere where our teaching staff members feel valued
and encouraged to conduct action research. Given the natural relationship that
exists between reflective research and improving teaching and learning, I firmly
believe that offering opportunities for professional development, praising and
honoring the work of educators, and guaranteeing resource assistance are
 From now on, I am determined to:
Encourage and assist the proactive incorporation of action research into our
school's professional growth program. Teachers and students can benefit from
an exciting and collaborative learning environment that is created by integrating
action research with the school's objectives. I'm committed to promoting an
environment of inquiry and ongoing development, using action research as the
foundation of our pedagogical approach.
LESSON 2 Purposes of Action Research

Guided Practice

A. Interview some teacher-researchers using the following questions. Summarize

their responses and write them on the space provided after each question.
1. Who influenced you to conduct action research?
Sir Emmanuel B. Clarion, the former school principal of MNHS, was a major
factor in motivating us to start our action research project. Our team was
impressed and encouraged by his dedication to maintaining inclusive education
and promoting positive change in times of crisis. His leadership and conviction in
the potential of research as a tactical intervention helped us to embark on the
study named "Project Integrative and Inclusive School Activities."
2. What prompted you to conduct action research?
The main driving force for our action research was the pandemic crisis's severe
effects. We were driven to investigate strategic interventions because we were
aware of the difficulties that educators, parents, and other staff members
encountered in maintaining inclusive education in times of crisis. We launched
Project Integrative and Inclusive School Activities (Project IISA) as a focused
intervention to meet the special needs of our students out of a desire to maintain
educational continuity during the crisis.
3. What was your experience when you conducted your first action research?
Our first experience conducting action research was both satisfying and hard. It
required careful preparation, teamwork, and flexibility given the constantly
changing nature of the crisis. We learned from the experience how crucial it is to
be resilient and how flexible research methods must be. We were further
convinced of the usefulness of action research as a flexible approach to solving
real-world problems after observing the beneficial effects of our intervention on
educators, parents, and students.
4. How do you disseminate the results of your action research to other teachers?

We utilize various channels, including presenting our action research at regional

conferences, workshops with colleagues, and extension project in MNHS.

5. How does action research help you as a teacher?

Action research is a thoughtful and enabling instrument for career advancement.
By offering a formal framework for identifying obstacles, evaluating interventions,
and modifying strategies in light of evidence, it improves our teaching practices.
We improve our teaching strategies, get a better grasp of our students' needs,
and add to the body of knowledge within the teaching community through the
process. Through action research, we become active drivers of positive change
in the field of education rather than passive implementers.
6. What are the lessons you learned from your action research experiences?
Through our experiences with action research, we have learned the value of
teamwork, flexibility, and a student-centered approach. We discovered that
solving problems in the real world calls for creative problem-solving and a
readiness to change established procedures. As Project IISA has shown,
curriculum design flexibility is critical to maintaining inclusive education.

B. Interview the principal using these questions. Write his/her answers in the space
1. How did action research improve the research culture of the teachers?
Our teachers' research culture has been much improved by action research by
encouraging a culture of inquiry, teamwork, and ongoing development. Our
teachers' participation in action research projects has prompted them to take the
initiative to recognize problems, try out creative fixes, and evaluate the efficacy of
their instructional strategies.
2. What are the positive benefits of action research to your school?
First of all, it has resulted in focused, empirically supported interventions that
target particular issues that our teachers and students are facing. Consequently,
this has raised the standard of education generally and improved instructional
strategies. Second, action research has fostered a community of support where
educators take part in reflective practices by promoting a culture of professional
development and cooperation. Finally, our school is now recognized as a center
for innovation and best practices in the broader field of education thanks to the
successful action research outcomes that have been disseminated.
3. How did action research develop school performance?
Our school's performance has improved significantly as a result of action
research. Teachers have been able to modify their teaching techniques to better
suit the needs of our varied student body by addressing issues and coming up
with workable solutions through systematic research. The general school climate,
academic achievement, and student participation have all benefited from this
focused effort.
4. How did action research improve the quality of students' learning?
Action research has prompted educators to evaluate and improve their teaching
strategies, which has had a direct impact on the standard of students'
educational experiences. Teachers have been able to recognize and use
pedagogical approaches that meet the requirements and styles of each individual
student thanks to data-driven choices.
5. What curricular and instructional innovations were developed as a result of action
Innovative curriculum and methods of instruction suited to our students' needs
have been sparked by action research. For example, the knowledge gathered
from action research initiatives has helped to adapt and contextualize the
curriculum, making it both relevant and sensitive to the local environment.
Furthermore, Project IISA created for the students to participate in school
activities by allowing them to showcase their abilities in their own level.
C. Analyze sample action research in school. Read each action research carefully.
Select at least five action research. Identify the purposes of each research.

Title of Action Research Purposes

PROJECT INTEGRATIVE AND INCLUSIVE The purpose of this study is to describe the
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: A SCHOOL extent of Project Integrative and Inclusive
STRATEGIC INTERVENTION TO SUSTAIN School Activities or Project IISA in terms of
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION DURING CRISIS crafting and designing activities,
SITUATION implementation of the project, and
sustainability of the project. These indicators
played a significant role in sustaining inclusive
education during crisis situations. Inclusive
education gives children an equal grasp of the
opportunity to learn and develop their skills to
thrive (UNICEF, 2019). An integrative strategy
of school activities helps the learners to get a
holistic view of reality, and hone their ability to
acquire real-life skills. They will be able to
connect what they are learning in one subject
to related content in another subject
(Dimalanta, 2016).


Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

Questions Answers

1. How many action research aimed to 1

improve the curriculum content?

2. How many research aimed to 1

improve instruction?
3. How many action research aimed to 1

improve students' behavior and


4. How many research aimed to 1

improve teaching practices?

5. How many action research were done 1


6. How many action research were 1

disseminated in conferences,

seminars, or publications in journals?

7. What percentage of teachers are 2.5%

doing action research?

8. How many teachers think that I believe that all teachers think it is helpful

research are helpful? but not all of them conducted an action


Do you think action research helped develop a culture of excellence among

teachers and students? Explain your answer.

As an aspiring educator, I am certain that action research is a driving force

behind the establishment of an excellent culture among instructors and students.
Teachers are enabled to continuously improve their teaching strategies by
participating in reflective practices and systematic inquiry. This fosters a
dedication to professional development and creativity. Action research's
collaborative style encourages information exchange and a sense of group
accountability for bettering teaching methods. Teachers who value collaboration
foster a healthy professional environment where best practices are exchanged
and modified. Moreover, action research's student-centric approach guarantees
that teaching techniques are customized to meet each student's unique learning
needs, fostering a vibrant and productive learning environment.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that:
Action research is an approach that encourages creativity, continuous
improvement, and a shared dedication for excellence among educators.
Practicing the concept has revealed its transformative potential in fostering an
excellence-centered culture within the field of education. The experiences that
have been shared demonstrate the constant interaction between reflective
instructional methods, collaborative activities, and a student-centric focus.
 I believe it is essential to:
Recognize action research as a vital instrument for improving education and
advancing professional development. The administrators' and teachers'
perspectives highlight how important it is for schools to have a collaborative and
data-informed culture.
 From now on, I am determined to:
Incorporate the ideas of action research into my future instructional strategies.
I'm determined to prioritize student-centered approaches, engage in reflective
inquiry, and work with other educators because I know it can lead to positive
change. As an aspiring educator, I want to actively support and participate in
action research projects in order to help foster an excellent culture within my
educational community.

LESSON 3 Selecting Topics and Questions for Action Research

Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity. Examine all the available action research conducted within
the past two years. Write the titles and the research questions for each title in the
table below.

Title of Research Research Questions

INCLUSIVE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: A Research Question No. 1. What are the
SCHOOL STRATEGIC INTERVENTION challenges you encountered in crafting
TO SUSTAIN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION and designing the activities?
DURING CRISIS Research Question No. 2: How did you
SITUATION manage the implementation of Project
Research Question No. 3: What are
your insights in the implementation of
Project IISA to sustain inclusive education
during crisis situations?

B. Interview the teacher-researcher using these questions. Summarize and write

their answers in the space below.
a. How did you select your topics for action research?
Our action research topic selection, "Project Integrative and Inclusive School
Activities (Project IISA)," was influenced by the urgent necessity to address
issues brought on by the pandemic tragedy. Sir Emmanuel B. Clarion, our
school's head, had a significant impact on our decision to concentrate on Project
IISA as a tactical measure to maintain inclusive education in times of crisis. We
were inspired to investigate and ascertain this initiative's efficacy in negotiating
the intricacies of the educational landscape in these difficult times because we
saw its potential impact.
b. What prompted you to embark on these topics?
The drive for taking on the subject came from two acknowledgements: the first
was the important role played by Sir Emmanuel B. Clarion, the principal of the
school, who saw the potential of Project IISA as a tactical intervention during the
crisis. Second, we decided to start a study project that would offer useful
answers because of the pandemic's significant effects on inclusive education.
Our notion that knowledge of Project IISA's implementation may provide
insightful information about how to continue providing inclusive education in
times of crisis served as our driving force.
c. How did you select the questions for your action research?
In order to obtain a thorough understanding of Project IISA's implementation,
action research questions were carefully formulated. Based on the main objective
of maintaining inclusive education in times of crisis, the questions were designed
to address issues related to activity design, implementation management, and
the wider understanding that came from the project's completion. In order to
make sure the questions were designed to offer insightful information about the
success of the program, we gave careful consideration to the experiences of the
teachers, parents, and staff who were involved in Project IISA.
d. How long did you conduct your action research?
The action research on Project IISA was conducted over a substantial period,
spanning 3 to 6 months.
e. What challenges and problems did you encounter while conducting your action
There were difficulties in creating and planning activities for Project IISA,
particularly in matching them with the varied interests and skill sets of the
students. Overseeing the project's execution meant resolving logistical concerns,
interacting with multiple stakeholders, and making adjustments for unanticipated
events brought on by the crisis. Obtaining and analyzing data proved to be
difficult as well, particularly considering how unpredictable crisis situations are.

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. Do the topics reflect the educational issues and problems encountered in school?
The topics, in particular "Project Integrative and Inclusive School Activities
(Project IISA)," are closely related to the problems and difficulties in education
that the school faces. The emphasis on maintaining inclusive education in times
of disaster speaks to a relevant issue made more pressing by the pandemic's
effects. Project IISA was selected as an intervention that serves as a proactive
response to the changing educational environment, with an emphasis on
workable solutions to issues that teachers, parents, and students deal with in the
real world.
2. Are the research questions aligned with the research topics?
Yes, there is a strong correlation between the research topic of Project IISA and
the research questions. The questions cover specific project aspects such as the
difficulties in designing activities, managing their implementation, and providing
broader insights into maintaining inclusive education in times of crisis. The
questions offer a targeted and thorough framework for study by directly
addressing the main elements of the selected research topic.
3. What could be done to help teachers improve topic selection and the
development of good research questions?
Provide mentorship programs in which experienced teacher-researchers assist
and advise beginners in choosing a topic. This cooperative method makes it
possible to exchange ideas and helpful guidance.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that:
Action research is only effective and relevant when its subjects are in line with
the actual educational problems that schools face. Examining the "Project
Integrative and Inclusive School Activities (Project IISA)" instance made me
realize how important it is to select lessons that directly address the urgent
problems that arise in the classroom, including maintaining inclusive education in
times of crisis.
 I believe it is essential to:
Give top priority to study topics that are in line with the real concerns and
difficulties that exist in the educational setting. The process of choosing study
topics must to be deliberate and well-informed, motivated by a thorough
comprehension of the difficulties that instructors and students encounter. This
congruence guarantees that action research turns into a useful instrument for
tackling issues in the real world and encouraging constructive change in the
school community.
 From now on, I am determined to:
Understanding the importance of a topic that is well-aligned, I am committed to
conducting a comprehensive analysis of the educational challenges that are
common in my school setting. In order to make sure that my research questions
and themes directly address these issues, I will make an effort to understand the
needs of educators, students, and the larger community.
LESSON 4 Action Research Process

Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity. Analyze previous action research. Look at the alignment

between the following parts of the research.

Research Topics Research Methodology Data Needed

PROJECT Research Question The researchers A total of 71 class
No. 1: What are the used the correlational advisers out of 86 of
challenges you descriptive design to them, 2 administrators
encountered in determine the out of 2, and 343 out
crafting and significant relationship of 3,148 parents or
SCHOOL designing the between whether the guardians in
activities? single independent Maragusan National
Research Question and the single High School were
No. 2: How did you dependent variables recruited to participate
manage the complement. in the quantitative
STRATEGIC implementation of This study data collection phase
Project IISA? explored the of the study.
Research Question experiences of the The experiences of
No. 3: What are parents or guardians, the administrators,
your insights in the class advisers, and class advisers, and
INCLUSIVE implementation of school administrators parents or guardians
Project IISA to in the implementation in implementing
sustain inclusive of project integrative Project IISA to sustain
education during and inclusive school inclusive education
crisis situations? activities (Project during a crisis
SITUATION IISA) as a strategic situation
intervention for
inclusive education
during a crisis
situation using an
sequential mixed
method design as
illustrated below.

B. Evaluate a sample action research based on the following criteria:

Parts of the Research Comments

 Are the background and rationale clear and  Yes, the background and rationale
logical? presented in the text are clear and
logical. The passage effectively
communicates the shift in the
education platform from face-to-face to
distance learning due to the COVID-19
pandemic. It highlights the challenges
faced by teachers in assessing student
performance and participation during
the crisis and identifies the lack of
 Is there enough theoretical background integrative and inclusive activities.
provided for the action research?  The text lacks a detailed theoretical
background for the action research.
While it discusses the impact of the
pandemic on education and the
challenges faced by teachers, it
doesn't delve deeply into existing
 Do the research questions reflect the theories or frameworks that could
variables based on the topic? inform the study.
 The research questions align well with
the topic of Project IISA and its
relationship to inclusive education
during the crisis. The questions focus
on challenges in crafting and designing
activities, the management of Project
 Is the study significant? IISA implementation, and insights into
sustaining inclusive education during
crisis situations.
 The study appears to be significant,
given the unique challenges posed by
the COVID-19 pandemic to the
education system. The emphasis on
Project IISA as a response to the
limitations in assessing student
performance and participation is
Review of Literature and Studies
 Is there enough study to support the  The text provides a detailed description
research? of the Project Integrative and Inclusive
School Activities (Project IISA) and its
implementation within the context of
the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
 The passage explicitly mentions
 Does the study include findings of previous specific findings from previous
research? research. However, it primarily focuses
on the description of Project IISA, its
implementation, and its impact on
student participation and parental
 Is there a logical presentation of literature  Yes
and studies?
 Is there no plagiarism?  Based on the provided text, there is no
indication of plagiarism. The content
appears to be original and does not
replicate verbatim from other sources.

 Is the methodology appropriate for the  The methodology, an explanatory
study? sequential mixed method design,
appears appropriate for the study's
objectives. The combination of
quantitative and qualitative methods
allows for a comprehensive exploration
of the extent of Project IISA and its
influence on the sustainability of
inclusive education during a crisis
situation. The use of both survey data
and phenomenological research
provides a well-rounded approach to
understanding the experiences of
 Does the study observe ethical various stakeholders.
considerations in dealing with the research  YES
 Are the research tools validated?  YES
 Are the data collection procedures clear?  The data collection procedures are
outlined in the text, indicating the use
of surveys for quantitative data and a
phenomenological research approach
 Is the data analysis procedure valid? for qualitative data.
Results of the Study
 Is the presentation of results logical and  YES
based on the research questions?
 Is the statistical analysis valid?  YES
 Are the results triangulated with the review  YES
of related literature and studies?
Conclusions and Recommendations
 Are the conclusions supportive of the  YES
 Are the recommendations made based on  YES
the results of the study?
 Are the recommendations helpful for solving  YES

educational issues?


Examine the data you have gathered. Explain your answers to the following questions:

1. Did the action research done follow the standard format?

2. Are the teachers aware of the standards to be followed in conducting action
3. What could be done to help teachers improve the way they conduct action
By offering mentorship programs, training sessions, and focused professional
development, educators can improve their knowledge and proficiency in action
research. To improve teachers' research activities, institutions must provide clear
rules and assistance.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that:
Comprehensive information about the action research process, teacher
awareness, and potential improvements is crucial to make informed decisions
and provide targeted support. It is difficult to evaluate the success of the action
research project and the degree of standard awareness among teachers in the
absence of specifics.

 I believe it is essential to:

Promote openness and record-keeping in educational research projects. The
improvement of educational practices can be greatly aided by teachers'
awareness, commitment to standards, and concise communication of the action
research process. Giving a thorough description of research projects guarantees
greater comprehension and promotes a continuous improvement culture.
 From now on, I am determined to:
Promote the systematic reporting and recording of research projects related to
education. The necessity of maintaining standards and having clear
communication will be emphasized, whether through professional development,
institutional norms, or teacher training programs.
LESSON 5 Using Action Research to Improve Teaching and Learning

Guided Practice

A. Analyze the results of the previous action research conducted in the school.
Identify the recommendations made and what actions were done in relation to
the recommendations.

Title of the Study Recommendations Action Taken

PROJECT INTEGRATIVE  Project IISA must  Activity: Modification of
AND INCLUSIVE continue and potentially events every edition
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: A expand the  Expected Output:
SCHOOL STRATEGIC implementation of Modified at least five
INTERVENTION TO Project IISA in the events in every edition
SUSTAIN INCLUSIVE school. This may  Persons Involve:
EDUCATION DURING involve incorporating School heads, Subject
CRISIS SITUATION the project into the Coordinators,
regular school Teachers, Parents
curriculum and  Monitoring: Sch.Heads,
ensuring its integration Subject Specialist
into the school's long-  Timeline: Whole school
term plans. year-round
 A recommendation  Resourced Needed:
focuses on strategies to Certificates, and prizes
further enhance for overall winners
parental involvement,
such as organizing
information sessions,
workshops, or creating
channels to keep
parents informed and
engaged in their
children's education,
especially during crisis

B. List school programs and policies that were developed as a result of the action

School Programs
 Infomercial
 Science-trick
 Leaf Art
 Slogan
 Poster
 3D Making
 Kite Flying
 TikTok Experiment
 Many more

School Policies
 All students are given a chance to participate in all activities
 Each section must choose a representative to participate in each activities
 No students shall miss even one activity
 Regardless of gender, race, and backgrounds, everyone has a space to
C. List the titles of action research that were disseminated to other teachers and

Title of Action Research Type of Dissemination

(Presented in a faculty meeting, presented in a
conference, or published)



Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. Are the results of the action research fully utilized for school improvement?
Yes, the fact that modifications to events were made and the activities were
integrated into the school's programs suggests some level of utilization.
2. Are the results of the action research disseminated to teachers and other
Yes, the results of the action research titled "PROJECT INTEGRATIVE AND
disseminated only in Maragusan National High School. However, I believe that
other schools can benchmark in this study.
3. What could be done to help teachers utilize and disseminate results of their
action research?
Encourage collaborative initiatives where teachers from different schools can
share their action research results, fostering a culture of continuous improvement
across institutions


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that:
The process of conducting action research, as illustrated in the study "PROJECT
SITUATION," involves a multifaceted approach that integrates various elements,
from modifying school activities to enhancing parental involvement. It emphasizes
the importance of continuous improvement and adaptability in the educational
landscape, especially during challenging circumstances like crises.
 I believe it is essential to:
Acknowledge and appreciate the role of strategic interventions, such as Project IISA,
in sustaining inclusive education. The study highlights the significance of ongoing
modifications, parental engagement, and the integration of research outcomes into
school programs.
 From now on, I am determined to:
Promote a culture of inclusive education and continuous improvement within the
educational community. Inspired by the insights from the study, I am determined to
advocate for the implementation of strategic interventions that enhance student
participation and engagement.

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