Ngeniusone Server Epds 026
Ngeniusone Server Epds 026
Ngeniusone Server Epds 026
nGeniusONE Server
nGeniusONE Solution Software with Server Hardware
to Accelerate and Simplify Deployment
Product Overview
HIGHLIGHTS nGeniusONE Server is an optimized server pre-installed with the nGeniusONE® Service
Assurance solution software powered by Adaptive Service Intelligence® (ASI) technology,
• Integrated and pre-configured hardware NETSCOUT’s patented and scalable next generation Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) engine.
and software solution for nGeniusONE® The nGeniusONE Server is a high-performance, highly secure server enabling the rapid and
• Simplifies and speeds deployment with secure deployment of the nGeniusONE solution. NETSCOUT integration of the nGeniusONE
out-of-the-box implementation
solution software with the server hardware provides a simplified solution that is available in
• Specialized, hardened, and secure Linux® two configuration options offering flexibility and choice in server hardware capacity, enabling
operating system optimized for scale and
enterprises to right size server capacity to scale performance requirements. This pre-installed
high performance
integrated solution enables IT to assure optimal performance and accelerate deployment for the
• Integrated remote management functions
nGeniusONE operating environment. The nGeniusONE Server includes direct technical support
such as remote power off and on or
crashed system recovery from NETSCOUT’s best-in-class support teams with 24x7 support services available under a
• Provides a single-vendor solution with
single maintenance contract that minimizes the total cost of ownership of nGeniusONE.
integrated hardware, operating system and
the nGeniusONE solution software Product Capabilities
• Supports deployment in nGenius®
• Up to dual sixteen-core CPU, with up to 256GB of memory and up to 32TB of local storage.
Enterprise Performance Management
solution • Flexible configuration options enable flexibility with varying performance capabilities.
• Customized, hardened and secure CentOS Linux Server 7.x 64-bit platform.
• Remote management capabilities support lights-out management and improves
l DATA SHEET l nGeniusONE Server
l DATA SHEET l nGeniusONE Server
nGeniusONE Solution
Network Ports 4 Port Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45)
nGeniusONE is a real-time information
iDRAC (IPMI) 1 Port Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45)
solution that provides a single pane of
Storage Standard: 8TB (4 x 2TB RAID 5) glass to view the data, voice, and video
Enhanced: 10TB (5 x 2TB RAID 5) performance to manage both the availability
Enhanced Plus: 32TB (8 x 4TB RAID 5)
and quality of the user’s experience.
Embedded OS CentOS Linux 7.X 64 bit
Available on both hardware and virtual
Operating Environment Secure, hardened, embedded Linux operating system
environments, nGeniusONE leverages
CPU Standard: Dual 10-Core 2.2GHz NETSCOUT smart data as a universal source
Enhanced: Single 16-Core 2.8GHz
for providing smarter analytics for end-to-
Enhanced Plus: Dual 14-Core 2.6GHz
end visibility throughout private, virtualized,
Memory Standard: 64GB public, and hybrid cloud environments.
Enhanced: 128GB
Enhanced Plus: 256GB
ASI Technology
Rack Unit 2 Rack Unit (2RU)
ASI technology transforms
Dimensions 3.4 in (87 mm) Height network packet traffic and
19 in (482 mm) Width
29.9 in (760 mm) Depth synthetic testing results
into smart data, providing
Weight 63 lbs (28.6 kg) real-time visibility into user
Power Rating (AC) 750W AC: 100–240VAC auto ranging, 50-60Hz experience for the most
advanced and adaptable information to
Maximum Consumption (AC) 10-5A
ensure security, manage risk, and drive
Heat Dissipation (AC) 2891 BTU/Hr performance.
Operating Temperature 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F)
NETSCOUT offers sales, support, and services in over 32 countries. Global addresses, and international numbers are
listed on the NETSCOUT website at:
© 2023 NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. All rights reserved. NETSCOUT, the NETSCOUT logo, Omnis, Guardians of the Connected World, Adaptive Service Intelligence, Arbor, ATLAS, InfiniStream,
nGenius, and nGeniusONE are registered trademarks or trademarks of NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries.
Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
EPDS_026_EN-2301 04/2023